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COUNTY SEAT NEWS. OmCUL TRANSACTIONS AT TH skat or tvmcm. tulmp f KJ Brtf-Lirt af Mmrrtmf III mi Ulinw Waataa aaa Graat4 Mac la ta. DMma Cart. Darla taa Part STa-a. Cart af Obm Flaaa, Sidney 8. Warner v. James Sheldon The plaintiff says his course of action against the defendent it founded opon an Mcoant together with all credit thereupon which T. D. Fhelnn, the duly appointed trustee of Laundon, Windeeker A Co., sold, assigned and transferred to the plaintiff. The plaintiff state that there is due him from the defendent on the account the am of (389.96, for wbieh sum together with interest from July 1, 1895, be asks Judgement. J. T. Haskell is attorney for plaintiff. Daniel M. Adams has filed suit against the Big Four railroad company for t300. He states in his petition that on September 3, 1899, a fire was started by sparks from a passing loc omotive, which destroyed about 8 ac ne of timber, belonging to the plain tiff, together with 3 cords of furnace wood. He charges in his petition that the railroad company waa guilty of negligence and that the locomotive had no spark arrester or if there was one on the engine it was out of repair. Lee St roup is attorney for plaintiff. F. M. Stevens, as eity solicitor and a tax payer, has commenced suit against the Lake Shore to compel the removal of their abutment from West River s treat. The abutments were erected when the grade crossing was changed to an overhead crossing in 1890. The crossing was so constructed by an agreement with the eity, but this ar rangement is alleged to be an abuse of corporate power and derogative to the rights of the public. Thomas n. Folger, an Elyria Demo eratio candidate for real estate assessor at the last election has filed a notice of appeal from the decision of the board composed of the auditor. probate Judge and clerk, who declared Chas. Sudro, the Republican candi date elected. Katherine Bauer has commenced suit fnrd:vrce afrainat Charles Bauer. rncv were married in Cleveland in 1865 and have four gr.wn-up children Katherine accuses Charles of drunk enness, crualtv and neglect. Frances Bozetta Gott vs. Warren L. Gott. Alimony, injunction and equit able relief. Alimony in the sum of $25 allowed plaintiff. H. B. Martindale vs. John Wagoner, Jr. et al, as the Avon Milling Co. Honey only. Judgment for plaintiff for S249.E4. A. B. Webber, et al, vs. Loren Green etaL Money only. Default judge ment for )180.73. H. W. Ingersoll, treasurer, vs. Lew is Wellert, et al Money, foreclosure of mortgage and eqoatable relief. Dismissed. Oliver Mills vs. V. Shields, Money only. (Appeal,) Dismissed at plain tiff's eosts for want of prosecution. Adora Hoover wants a divorce from Gerorge H. Hoover. They were mar ried In Elyria in 1888. She accuses him of extreme eroalty and neglect of duty. The J. McLain Co. of Canton, 0., wants a judgment against the Lorain 8team AHot Water Heating Co. for 436 for merchandise. August Shneider, 28 years, and Mary Beiner, 21 years, Lorain. Joseph Stern, 31 years, Cleveland, and Katie Donner, 34 years, Lorain. Wm. Meyers, 26 years, and Lena Peters, 35 years, Elyria. Clarence J. Betts, 22 years, and Stel la Broder, 18 years, Kipton. Bert Squire, 21 years and Mina El- dred, 20 years, Elyria. Monroe Burkepile, 21 years, Knox Co. and Gertie Pitman, 19 years, Elyria. Probata Coarft. The will of John Stang late of Lorain has been probated. M. A. Stearns has been appointed guardian of Loyd Cheesman, of Eidge- Tills. John Dudley, of Oberlin, has been appointed guardian of Ruth C. Doone, of Oberlin. An application has been filed for a guardian for John J. Shephard, an al' leged Imbecile of Wellington. The will of Margaret Radciiffe, late of Wellington has been filed for pro bate. W. B. Thomson, trustee, to Alfred J. Maurton, lot 26, W. B Thomson's ad- dition. Lorain, $175. Elixa E. Amnion to E. R. Gaston, part of lot 3, Elyria, $1,200. E. W. Metcalf to the Board of trur- tea's of Oberlin college, part lot 95, Oberlin. $5,090. Bert L. Crosby to E. A. Braum, lot P, block 6, G. E. BrowneU's addition, Lorain. $32-1 Lyman W. Edwards to Elizabeth Ives, lot 94, Boasia twp. $1,900. The Sheffield end (o. to E. A. Braun, lot 107, ShrffleU Land Co.'s sddition, Lorain, $1,000. Chaa. MeCottor to Wm. Perkins, part of lot IS, tract 11, Camden twp 570. Orren P. Chapman and others lu 1 al so D. Phelon, part of lot 3, tract 5 Huntington twp. 10. Kate and Geo. Bishop to E. F. Kan- een, lot 8, bloc 5, Geo. E. BrowneU's addition to Lorain, S50. E. D. Kamery to Cora D. Miller, part lot 3, block 12, W. A. Braman's adkition to Lorain (200. Wm. A. Cobban to Lntberius S. Boice. part of lot 13, tract 2, Hunting ton township, $1,000. Thomas A, Shirts to Joseph Desoto, part of lot 35, Lorain, $S0O. Peter J. Denham to Joseph F. 5or- eskae, lot 1 Grafton, (725. H. W. Blakeslee to Minnie A. Ward, part of lot 10 Cornells addition, Lo rain, $450. John Pfaff to Roea'J. Broad well, lots 48,50, 51 and 52, Kelson A Fuller's sub-division, Carlisle twp., $800. Rjdolph Barbkuecht to Fred Barb- keucht, part lot 510, Elyria, ."X). Alice B. Coffinberry to Jacob L. Smith, lot 96 Oakland addition, Lo rain, $100. A To accommodate those who are par tial to the use of atomizers in apply ing liquids into the nasal passages for catarrhal troubles, the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in liquid form, which will be known as Ely's Liquid Cream Balm. Price including spraying tube is 75 eta. Druggists or by mail. The liquid form emliodies the medical properties of the solid preparation. Cream Balm is q'lickly absorbed by the membrane and does not dry up the secretions but change them to a nat ural and healthy character. Ely Broth er?, 56 Warren St.. V Y. The Weary Srarra far 11 faith. One of the most pathetic sights in life is the despondent hunt of the in- valide for relief. He turns from rem edy to remedy in the vain hope of end ing his torture. And one of the most pU-asant sights is to see that search rewarded, and to witness the tint glow of health illumining the pallid cheek. Far be it from us to encourage any sufferer in a vain qnest. We know whereof we speak. We know that Ath-lo-plio-ros will cure any ease of Kheumtiain or Neuralgia, no matter bow severe. Thuuean'is of grateful letters and rapidly increasing sales prove this statement to be true. Send for free Treatise. Lima, Ohio, March 21, 1898. Gentlemen: I was laid up with Rheumatism for about eight weeks. and in that time tried about every thing I could bear of, and there wasn't anything that gave me relief until a friend recommended Ath-Io-pho-ros to me, which I tried, and after using two bottles was permanently cured. Ma. O. F. Holmes, 1397 West North St. For sale at Druggists. The Ath-lo-pho-ros Co., New Haven, Conn. Bodge inem Did you ever try to dodge the rain-drops? Did net succeed very well, did yon? It's just as useless to try to escape from the germs of consumption. You can't do it. They are about us on every band and we are con stantfy taking them into our lungs. Then why don't we a!l have this disease? Simply because these germs cannot gain a foot hold in a strong throat and lungs. It's when these are weak that the germs master. The body must be well supplied with fat, The danger comes when the Mood is poor and the body is thin. If your cough does not yield, and your throat and lungs feel raw and sore, you should not delay another day, Take Scott's Emulsion of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo phos phites at once. It will heal the inflamed membranes and greatly strengthen them as welL The digestion becomes stronger, the appetite better and the weight increases. The whole body be comes well fortified and the germs of consumption cannot gain a foothold. It's this nourishing, sustain ing and strengthening, power of 5COTT5 EMULSION that has made it of such value in all wasting and exhausting disrates, J-u.ia iJuii.MUSiiaMmi.Mi.iii.iii.iaj IC0TTowxi, BswTsaV t SAYINGS OF OTHERS : ; at. 4 There has Just eosne in another good wei: ai I.-1!-. Ni.-. 4. rhi well being oa the Law farm. It is mod for furty barrels Also Cadiz has another gush er, ti e Brirkrr farm giving np a sixty barr-l gopher. Wooster Journal. C. 3. Sheldon, a prominent farmer of Pittfirld, has announced himself as a ear. lid i te fur theeffice of county re corder subject to the next county re publican convention. Mr. Sheldon is well knows in this purt of I he county and has many friends who would glad ly support him for the office Oberlin Tribune. The traveling picture dealers have (truck town and our citizens would do well to be ore'ul about patronizrag ihem, especially as we have home deal- en ho do good work. The peddlers were taken before the mayor by police man Rice Monday evening, when in de fense they cited the interstate act as a protection. The mayor is determined to fight them, however, under the town ordinances. Ashland Press. Stone road building is ended in Me dina county for this year. The lime tone crushers stopped work at Bluff ton Tuesday. Liverpool has all its stone on 'the groand. Medina town ship finished its work on the Wey mouth road, and'Speneer finished op Medina Village got partly left, as did Montville because stone could not be bad. Medina Gazette. The Hon. L. C. Laylin of Norwalk made a strenuous effort to secure the appointment of C. S. District Attorney, but he was defeated, Senator Sullivan. of (Tarren.Ohio, secured the plum, savs the New London Record. In its disap pointment over Laylirs failure the Re flector is stricken with a ease of blind stpggers as the following indicates: lie has simply met the inevitable fate of Huron county aspirants for any of fice of more than local importance Huron county is all right for sore re publican majorities, bat Huron eoantj republicans who modestly ask for a small share of the frnits of republican victory are given the cold shoulder every time.' Word comes from Elyria that Hon E. G. Johnson will be a candidate for eongrers, to sowed Congressman W. 3. Kerr. Mr. Johnson s appearance '.bus early on the ootedge of the bat tlefield in sores a lively time in Lo rain polities tor some time to come. Medina Gazette. A tusk of a mastodon was exhumed on the farm of B. C French in Brown helm, one day last week. Mr. French's farm is located three-fourths of a mile west of Brownhelm station. A part of his land is very swampy, and a county ditch runs through (hat section. It is in this swampy land that a camber of bones which are undoubtedly those of a mastodon have been found, and this tusk is the latest discovery. The task is described as being 10 feet in length and 7'j inches in diameter at the base. It is in a fair state of preservation though by reason of its being in the ground for such a great length of time it is of coarse somewhat discolored. It is curved and the surface ia rather rough. It was found at a depth of about three feet below the surface of the swamp. Elyria Reporter. ROCHESTER. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Ledgyard arc visiting their daughter in Cireieville, Ohio. L.JE. Stanley was in Oveland last week. John Gordon is home from Toongs- town for a few days. Mrs. Cora Bissell moved her house hold goods to Toledo Monday. Several of the young people panied by the orchestra spent Sa tar- evening with Miss Josie Marshall. Harry Campbell bad the mufbrtase while scuffling wuh Wm. Craho to get his leg broken, one day last week. The literarr entertainment of the Rochester school will be held at tie town hall next Friday evening. Dee. 21, instead of Saturday. Dinner was served to 85 rwsta at the Ladies Aid Society last T&nrsday at the Baptist pa-sooage. After the ex ercises Rev. and Mrs. Lash were pre sented with a beautiful set of stiver knives and forks. All had an enjoya ble time. The K. and L. O. T. M. will give aa entertainment at the town hall, Satur day evening, December 30. Caoa ay Brlttea SmUitn la afrteaw Capt. C. G. Dennisoo is well known all over Africa as commander of the forces that eeptored the famous rebel Galishe. Coder date of Not. 4, 157. from Vrjburg, Bechoanaland, he writes: "Before starting on the last campaign I bought a quantity of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I used myself when troubled with bowel complaint, and had given to my men, and in every ease it proved most beaefieiaL' For sale by Near A Wei.. J. Tddj has Ofcacd a jeisdry reoair sbon ia the Eswrsao kviUUnz. and is Dtnand to da all aiads of clock a watch repairing H-U The Kind To nave Always la use for rver SO years, and . oaal fJ' Allow AH Cotutcrfeits, Imitations and " Jort-n-good are bat Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of lafawta and ChOdrei &pesee against Experiment What is CASTORIA Ostoria is a harmless sabrtitote tor Castor OO, Faro gorie, Drops and Sootitins; Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other XarcoUo substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and. allays Fererishaeas. It esxres Diarrhoea and Wind Cotie. It relieves Teething Troubles, cares Comtti potion and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food regulates the Stomach and Bowels gfriBg healthy and natural sleep The Cbfldren's Panacea The Mother's Friend. CEHUiriE CASTORIA ALWAYS 7 Bears the The Kind Yon Me Always Bongni In Use For Over 30 Years. F YOU I The Leading Republican I IF YOU i READ IT Paper in Ohio. ADVERTISE I I yob need i i is it yon I io etber iTHE CLEVELAND! need no 1 paper to r--.pD other paper kee? posted L-aiAUtll-ri I ,cr thB irrtant ALL THE "J,, TIWE1 icovits affairs. r-. .n wf tieia. -THE- i -THE- i -THE- IScniay liEto! Ita&Herald I Yesk?y LeaCer I CONTAINS FROU I THE BEST wj be lent till H 32 to 36 Fs2 ard "lr? 1 JANUARY FIRST, 1901 1 lEir P!i fUSSS F0R0NED0UAB.1 Matter than acy (her z mm vita ta : Twelve pages cr more Papers Ohio. z i n imr LEADER PRINTING CO., aia;t-ri;u;y a W41 I Jsr tifcUMlafa) -J I r a-i s aj whh sjy, j rutt iva isj 76 YEARS II 8118. s j 253,c:o tim i. mCUHEB'iSSIONSh ftl rWH BiOstaint. at, IM Uamnt flat I V 9 -4 Urn "ajciir km. 1 W aR ftM tfMTm awifuwisi urn, a faatosj f Tl hiU a mam Uw titi-j. iutxA fr. C htm axfiii - 1 Bsaaiit'Wr a ui3?s-r a nrns snnasJ Las srsmf VW-SI ss ssaunlk J Altai WUMVfr-KU 1 'J . ojf I J 5w cUassi lftafiawn viJ ttutfimi hi nNQ ClIRF-Mfl PAY I m m . .mm . m mr . . . tfl Kakfeir. pHaamilHlsc E)rihH 2 kscr LMiws mmr kt vtane r-4. R wtlMMn- Via rut u ml rl Iwf MamXmm M ?aS, fl t'A a1 aiicpti; wrm, irrttsati a cx- fT Um ami ihmwm a-mn M WEClE VARICOCELE WBMV SLUT t iiii' l HLiLi.Mi-.VT I'M Iisfja ie Tut mil unr inraisil ttm-2m 2ii htmt lix Utatae IAm LIJ tjirria f I mm imM ti armanu rjaaw mpttin vetyv iiirr; . 1 mM awa anauma awaUonMSa mmmv isil ncara. tinmen mi 1 1 A a CUKES GUARAIfTLID W V am ami nt rr-H!LlJ-. i 5Li.ET. IVL-r-i'.-X-. 1YtSIK 2 Ffihi ki .ivr; MM 1L IfvtSi lUM'tl iMI kill J I fi-SX. rJE ft Hi. CHAk.L-rt t-.r a J-'TIM bLAZi. aw OiiHS. llj KlsNedy Kergaj. & 247 SUPERI3B STREET, CLEVCLAMO, O. 2 For Insurance that Insures, apply to R. X. Goodwin, the old reliable in-irnce agent SHOES POLISHED Fa- oc at H. W. 5E.Ule-S Bark- fcer Snap. Wnrfculi I far as ,- Bonght, and which has bee has borne the signature of has been made notler bis ter sapcTTirfosi since its infancy. no one to derive, rnn in this. Signature cf iiKraHimraaimraift ioc n,n, every week. Publishers, Cleveland, O. mnrmqminfrmmiinitniiiiiunini.'iinniHiiiy A Good Dinner. Oysters and Mansfield Crackers Pancakes J the thing for breakfast on ta Kirn laps. llattis KlteM's Cora Flour, GlBdoie Pancaif Floor, Glendale Backwhea For Sale by T. F. Rod house & Son. Oak Garland Heating Stove, The Born Steel Range, Oil Cloth, . Hardware, Etc AT RANSOM & WILBUR'S. DR. FRANK GREGG, ! 10 to 12 a. m. I Ut t p. m. 7 to p. m. ETE. EaX, V03S USD THROAT Horses always look sleek and fed ros4 Vbea tte OLD RELIABLE DR. WEARER CONDITION POWDER Is kept la the stable. A pare, powerful tonic and ren crai conditioner. Used by tbe best bortcmeo everywhere. " When Wcarc'M tnlU, it'm time to wap." U CENTS PER PACKAGE. . a-VM rovfer vtn mtuetmxlly rtS a km J. n. OTTERBACHER, WELUNQTOiN, OHIO. BELL TELEPHONE COMPANIES REDUCE TOLL RATES. On and After December 1 the Cen tral Union Telephone Company Will Put Into Effect a New Schedule of Rates Be tween the Hours of 6 p. m. and 6 a. m. The American Telephone & Telegraph Co., Known as thA'l Long Distance Telephone Co.,lf Lately Put Into Effect a Three- Minute Schedule to Point West of Pittsburg, Taking Place of the ronner rive-Aimute acneauie. Night Rates at Half Price From 6 p. m. to 8 a. m. "This Greatly Reduces Cost of Loner Distance Telephoning. Appointments Made During the Day for Evening Without Extra Charge. : inquire of Central Office for Rates. Residence Rates 50c. EUGENE ;G1YEN FREE EITmT T'C vrm ktMH la I 1LLXJ O ubwilljliic to Ihk BuRne Tlrtd Mamic Sovvmlr T A T If C Fund. Sabwrlbr n sawaDt rllrflN.i SubwrltHloM tow S ViiiWd? :usi 'ilirnilile Sor la A 67 AA BjBt1' liiJe Tolun. ( UU jiriwh'iS.d."? " mt s vr Icml4- of lahvrrfpcjoa lo Kl II I K Jtund. Hnrk eont&tn irtft- DUUfl liiuoof Kifid tbm ud mm . . . -rrprmt.'1re vorks ad a THE Book of lire rrir (nrdrllrrrr. enworr. Hjsd- Hill Uir 11k ixMe matrl wmelj IIlo,ir.i- boiloa of Uk world s mtm ntnl bf itilrtr- miiu lh! bk mold r twuoftbf worM", haT. maosfacMnHI far trMft vtlatM. ,kw than s hi. '- Th- fond (miff ! SWM- d oqaillr oftvera the fm 1 1 of the late Euren! r iria ana um riM tot w mmungof a monamnii ad- rn. i riiiTii.wi .it miiiir i (AIM at Book HtoR)iS naarat St., Calcar. If roa ao wlk to aead postage enclose IS cu. BORR & KOBISHAW, , f GENERAL IXSUBASCE. V Offlee over Near & Wells'. - I PAWNER'S HAM BALSAM - i ni i and tianliai Ibe beat. ' ' t Ynmmm lftxamM irowth. , , Serer Fail, to fieatoi. Orarr ,a"-J . -i" Bale U Ite Toothful Color. i OiM P d-aa hctf talW COLUMN.! PEOPLES For aala. Farm of 163 acres; good buildings and other improvements ; situated one mile south and two miles west of Spen cer; known as (he Jack Koutson farm. Inquire ot Vt. M. Smith, Centertrn, Ohio. 45-6J Money to loan on real estate, mort gage teeurity. J. T. V SIC ELL. Aactloaear. A nrsixixo auctioneer, O. W.IIr.vus, Pittslield. You can reach me by 'phone. All sales promptly attended to. 4ft-3m r.r Saia. A good, six octave, Estey organ, in first-class condition at bargain. In quire at this office. tf Far Sato. The house and lot on Middle street owned by Mrs. H. L. Bush is offered for a bargain if sold soon. Address G. C. Bush, West Side, Elyria, 0. Try Grandma's Magic Tar Cough Syrup. Docton recommend it. Sold by Near A Wells. Waatea. Girl to do general housework. In quire of Mrs. M. M. Joyce. 60 Far Sala. Pure bronze turkeys, Chester White pigs, a few pair of bolt sled runners. Terms reasonable. Inquire of J. N. Cowlea. 80-61-62 raatas For Caifetaaaa. Are always appreciated provided they are good portraits and well finish ed. Our reputation is for furnishing nothing but the best; so you take no chances if you order them of us. Come in and see the work we are ' doing and have a sitting now. Studio over Bowlliy t Hall's. - C. 8. Baham, photographer. Kine prizes tor superiority of work SOaoaaip.