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f H 1b b n.' WELLINGTON, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, DECE3IBEB 27, 189?. NO. 52 THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. r P EDUCED PRICES g A WEEK'S FIGHTING. umi . aibfokd DcacBiKU thilum nim ON OUR STOCK OF Storm Coats and Ulsters. February 1st, we will take our an nual inventory, and before that time, it is our intention to dispose of every Storm Coat and Ulster regardless of cost. Because of the continued mild weather during the past three months there has been but little demand for these heavy coats. Colder weather will surely come, however, when you will feel the need of a "cold-resisting" gar ment. It will pay you to tate advan tage of this special sale and supply your self for future needs. Come quick while the assortment is good and any size may be had. DAUOHERTY, HELM AN & CO. TO SHOW OUR APPRECIATION And make some return to our patrons for the Very large holiday bus iness Tven us the past week WAITERS & GRIESINGER Will make a mark down sale on all holiday articles left over, giving our customers a chance to purchase New Year's Gifts at very low prices. THANKING our trade for the cordial way they have treat ed us, we shall endeavor to give. you all the best of goods at the very lowest prices for the coming New Year, 1900. SATURDAY FLYERS. ' We will place on aale on our center tables nine well made Black' Jackets which C sold for $6 and $7. - The Price 1 7 For Saturday only. . 500 yds. Bleached Shaker Flannels for Sat- urday 4 cents.. Just the thing for night rob-a. WAITERS & GRIESINGER. ONLY EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS STORE. bMh Haw IW STUplm Was -swtae la Several l-l I I II Eacac- ! Which as. lf Baft Ma Taah Tmtt Daat af Cilnil aaas. ' gent ia tbe Kort hern inmebe. He 1 j Filipino &d slang the railroad, tarn-j ing rice mill, Icring up lite tracts! and obalrening all they knew how., Tbey finally look refuge in Ibe eJurrh ; of Maiinta where thej made a stand, j The American troops eooimg cm Ike ran however aad Malinta was taken by lit, the rebel continuing to retreat toward Puio destroying as the went. A they fell bark the insurgent wrote op into comparatively small bodies, ao Us days fighting reailj aeries of amaU battle. The Second Oregon found it work eat Ml foe it by UuxAaai FHrpinne west of Malinta. These came from Mai' iboa and maned (bur rows of trenche. they did hot ibool a well a Ibe crowd thai faced Wheatua and abondoned their trench within aa hour. The Oregon regiment hut one killed and fin wounded. The. Filipino dead have not been counted, thoujrh a Ban ber of bodiea were fouod in tbe treneiuv. The third artillery with two gnu from Utah and supported by the Kaa- taa troops, also eame against some of tbe intrenched rebels. Tbe Anserieaa low was confined to a few wounded Tbe bodiea of Etc Filipiaoa were in tbe treoebe and tea or a dozen wen eaugLt 13 aa angle and taken prisoner. vTte roefs ar gtiiDg no rast. Ceo. Mae Arthur's division is advancing aloB2 tbe torn up railroad toward Polo ahead, often we can tee tbe bJav-k soKifce rising from the burning town. Tbe ir.nirgents realizing tbat tbey eoald not bold tbe Polo and alarmed at tbe Barrow escape tbat tbey bad bad from bring caught ao a trap tbey are getting hark toward Molulus aa bat aa tbey eaa go. The country to tbe northward over which MacArthur had to go in order to cot them off it a country tbat ahso latly torbtd rapid nsuveme&U a&d this soecea of such a masoerare to tbe fact alboe, the escape ot the Polo gar riaun is attribalaMe. One of the sad eaaosJttes waa tbe death of tbe Prince Lowenstun who was formerly a vukoleer aide on Gen. Miiler staff. Be waa xirmiag tbe artier eagerness to see it ail, earn oat octOf tbe Brirg lines. He was ieMaai!; aa I I i kVHu l!alfs the fcxxi more dlkiou5 end wtioSesocne daa Cam killed. Hi German companioa wonndMi by the fame roily. Amos; tbe priaooen taken today waa a Spaniard a Jse deoiea that be waaiakg say purl in tbe guc bat : iakeld with the FJibiao Tbe following letter from Lewis H. Aabford. of tbia city, most bare had an eventful exprrieoee. Altboogh written on March 28, it did not reach bis parent here until last week. Sat- orally they are wondering where it eoald hare been all these month. Altboogh ten month old, it ttfll i in teresting aa describing thrilling errata in which bis own ai Gen. W. S. ilet- eair regiment participated. Arthur Hollenbaeh whose, death waa sanoone- ed last week, waa a member of Mr. Ash ford's regiment The Twenty-ee- ood. Manila, March M, 149- Polo is in flames aod tbe hiffi rebel who constituted it garrison, are in re treat to rejoin Agmnaldj' main col- omn of insurgenf at Maloloa. Tbe town of Maliata, beyond tbe Toliahai rirer. was taken by Gen. Wbeaton's dirision. Tbe fighting harp all day, aod today' battlefield k carpeted with the insurgent's deal Our own losses was comparatively alight though among tbem is CoL Harry C. Egbert, a hero of two warm. Tbe plan to eat off tbe 5.0QO iDsargenu in Polo from Againaldo in Maloloa, failed by roughness of tbe ground and the thick' ef the j angle, which prerented Gen. Mac Arthur from getting far enough around to tbe north of Polo to shot the enemy in. We bare to be contented with a victory consisting of oor baring drireo the enemy from his position and killing several bond red at a cost to oarseWes, daring tbe three day fighting, of twenty-two killed. The victory in tbif light was a sweep ing one. The insurgent, thoagh beset with cavalry, infantry and artillery volunteers and regular, fought des perately in tbe trenches-. In today's engagement Wbeaton's brigade figured almost exclusive!. Wi:h them were engaged the 4th, 22nd, 23rd infantry, and the Cub troop, the 3rd artillery, and the Oregon troops. These were stretched out ahmg t& railroad fro Colocan to the Toliahai river. Tbe rebels have destroyed the bridge over tbe river and on tbe farther side made ' their stand while toe engineer were trying to place tbe bridge on tbe iron girder. Tbe 2nd Oregon regiment across tbe river, wading and inc. Tbe 22nd and four com panic of the 23rd gained the west bank of the Tuliabai river about the same tine. This brought them exactly opposite Malinla from the river. Where tbe American troops struggled np tbe banks there is a steady rise of a half mile to the village which crown tbe bilL Tbe crest of the rue was torn np with entrenchment, and with their eye fixed these the American nt-ived steadily forward. The light artillery began In throw up the brow a earth. The taxgrt worh waa perfect. txtt no Filipino showed himself and ti.e trap o-wM ( W-ll huw moeh dam age was being duoe. The rele-ls ld profiled by the les- sun that we had taught tbem. They 'esrrved liir Ere until our troop i-re within three hundred yards. The 21nA was ia adTanee whew the seem ingly dVad irvnefeea eame lo lite with a j-j of Eriig. With CoL Egbert at tor head, liae 2nd da -hew at the en trcuehmetits Tte Uregtjn and k, trips, at the right and h-fl resprexitr- ij. wrre Eiii-CK :b ctial ga-iantry, lct they were in the wuud and ssadr w aeclaTBT m av a Uat furnWhrd j the sdf ance of the Had. In tfce walda! bf the ckmtfm Cui. iberf Irii urwarn ua bis saildle, rhu in the bdoassn. Clua behind him, stregz- nng thruugh the gia. regardle ibe hot lire, eame Gen. nbeeiua and basataff. rhey bore the litter with the mortally wounded Cuauwel bark swat Ike U neraLwbu bared bis head and gave a aoidsrr'a grecune: to the dying officer- I am done for. I am toe ol." gasped Egbert. Be was dead before they gut him t the rear. The eJiarge went on until three line of tbe treat-fee had been taken, aad thirty of oar men were kilied or sounded. lAcsfMie the new euaaer raooa that has kd them to hoad their fire and to shoot low, tbey did not wait for na. The trenches were empty when tbe asm got there. The 22ad piled iato them. While they were gasping there from the heat the dead and wunrwiad were beine; brought inte the shade ef the treea te be carried eeroaa the river by the Chineta stredh ap hawasw- MacAelhaw'a ail iaaa njwL shied ..IT. t-a. sarreti-aba rtge. Bfjarat joined Wheaton. The ai ranee to Malinta over the Soralkhee rowL Haiea aaaad ia theSaad aavment nf Asiaar'aaiviaiaa) arrisad the KILLS TIIE3I ALL frE.rntrcYiTC rrrHTi or trtnmx Ants pra M w. nallaa Saba aa mmm raraMa hr th Wadkii iataiataf Tha Wajr a Kara Mil Swart. Washington, ttae. 2 The Agricultu ral Department has recently discover ed that tbe application of enormous praaTire to miik enesosed in toRnpn- bb- cvul receptacle which are in turn rar-ed within powerfal stael cylinders, ed to destroy the bacteria which or dinarily causes the milk to soar, aod by that mean it eaa be retained in n pare and sweet eondiUon for almost aa indefinite time even while brr g roughly handled in transit. CB'ortn nntely the department does cot tell how tbe ordinary agri. oUaraust can produce the enormous pre nure which i necesaary in this ptotca of preser vation. There would sen to t al evt suScient pressure on the poor farmer at present. J tut now it may be of interest to fay something of the war in Africa. It t not genersJly known that the dam dam bciiSet, of whose use tbe Boers are making complaint, was the inven tion of an English reoeral named Tweedie who Erct began their mano f art ore nr Caieiuainme years ago. The buIVt ha a led core within a cop per aad nickel envebvpe esoallr slight ly open at it front end. asd, when it strikes, it forms into tbe shape of a moskroon and scatter tbe lewd into tbe makiog a hole WILL OPPOSE JOHNSON. eight urhe aero. Again. tSe fear- Malinta and in t i Ljite od by the EnUh Vi2 tnnstoi it fieri re witacut Eittieg Itkem. Lyddite is a chmicai eontsist- ! mf eMstly of Pirrie a-id. the explo- . . L . i . . ; j i: .l t I miMwun uw mum mari , thathia troops were scattered yesterday had won a great victory over the Anv to lead his Filipinos st once into Manila, The situation now is tbat we are al most into bornisg Polo. Tomorrow it would atem that we most sweep by the fallen city aad past on to the Saal advance, and a big battle somewhere within the fourteen mile that sepa rate Polo and Maioaos. the insurgent eapiCaL Tudays actioo was beeatifolly dacted, thecundaet of the A: troops was trciaendoasly icaptrii g uhen Vheaton's brigade waa wading the nver (the Twenty wnnad infantry amoag them) the iMuf. is bwiiet were charaiag aad p atleriag the wat er in their face, our boys daahitg dp the north bank dripiag aad without ive being nam. a:er a small Vrmm ia Kent. A four-inch &ell bursticc m agroupof eijdht or ten men will L l.Tl tbra aTV few of thna befcg tit by Ciicg frajreaccta wbi3e t leaaaind- er receive only the blow of soddenlv ; air. Tie recent Peace Conference at The Hague attempted Uiofficntbtss! of these wholesale asanhceriDg deriees; and I usa glad to my that lawrius roveetors, albeit theysre ia the front rack ia produc ing novel meaas of warfare Lare nev er turned oat any thiag to cos pare with these monstrous crareptioas. The rear-end cofinej two week ago at Patterson, X. baa bosgbt up again the qaestcon 'of equJpokOg rail road with same system of baock ig aais srhidB will work. The writer koyw that there are n good many ytem patented. Tte abiie knew tiat t&ere are few if any perfect y stems ia ae. 'use way to remove the diS eulty is to compel the road by law to age a system provided by the Iavr state Commeiee Coavniam iw. but even the there is no rtaa.a why an eagi- neer ihould not fail to observe aignals Tbe Anti-Saloon league baa tent out the follow ic g circular letter concern ing tbe candidacy of E. G. Jofaaam of Elyria, who is currently reported to have aspiration for Hon. W. 8. 'Kerr' seat in euegreas: Cotombus. 0-, Pee. 15. 1S99. We are reliaUy informed that Mr. E.G. Johnson of Elyria, is carefoBy laying his plana to be n candidate for eoegreas in the I4th district which is eempoand of Lorain, Huron. Ashland, Knox and Marrow counties. Wethere fore call opoa tbe cbxiatian and tam pereore people of the district to be em their guard in this matter. Mr. Johnson is a friend and advocate' of the saloon interest aad aaioonista are and always have been his most es- thuatie supporters. Until recently he was the editor of the Lorain County Beporter and in tbat capacity let no opportunity pass to oppose temperance amsurea and men, and seemed always to take delight in heaping ritoperatioa upon those engaged in teaiparance work, a to eolanw of hi paper wUl reveaL Wa call your attention to this matter at this time in harmony with oor set tled policy to inform our friends to the record of candidates and prospae tive candidate en tbe saloon question. It is our purpose to seratinixs and re port so far as practicable the record of candidate on this question from Town Council to Congress. The Anxrieaii Anti-Saloon League haa opened headquarters in Washing ton City and expect in tbe near future to press for advanced temperene leg islation on the part of amgreaa, hence the necessity of sending only men of clean record Trusting von will rive t tfcitdae attention, I am. P. A. Baczx, fcaie &Of Oaio ABti-aaJooa Laagae. swept onoveruentge and onto !Bj s.smiie cgsal arm henz rrMia-rnet:miLU la the ud of n, not caily affard-! all came vUley after votiey troa the? sice to the enaiaeer .bsooled Wt. aul a soddraij as if it had beirujj . a eabover hi head and elaa a Utt ew the 4iO. MacArthcr's j ;&rew a lever which closed the tiro-! rigit wieg appeared over the kifl:,.. H-vw eowid a ear&esa or isatten cheericKbteaud. Their sadden ap- tl te&wtt fa3 ta observe soch sig searacre was too moeh toe tae riartr sk a these? gensa. They threw down their ne Aaaoag the hue mveattiuns is a vjwmg and ran. The American foreea in a bd bruaeas psAented br ILL great tr aagb rasLed after them aad Kaon of Tezavswee. the eeet ef the slaajhter amoag the fteemg -1 wkjrk is to tern je aa inpntrnt tex tile. It was a Bjagai&eat (vetsre of ? shi or yatjiirg Sifnt ia tie Lax. war whi lumi cas jIirg aacg " ,irtref Mirxx la tie broom head, the crest ef the funhereat kiijanc-a hereby ta araBS of the operaior are Eg as thej roic. cs. cartxae and reLed frwss tie ueaai uu iadt rilkawere all beEcaiag (ortw deach, ( u t&e se of a stiff ar laafeuW and the maohe fraiaatd at a!L Ecenv bridge aaavjed Martrthisri The Mniaartrwus LeirWaUn-e has jm grmv M 1 J. ttayaton neswr-lea-ta baji a tueyeJe r Ifiasa ryifliai fmoa beano) ta FaJ truer, a 4 Meaner af i'.'.J nvies. It Las taten Mr. oy- tnt ten year so yeraurt Vum aad he aa recen-Ma aanee taa taeaxy sateaxaeait. fcaroae af this kjad are exn4 te stace Sew Terk and Bflataai wsuin an hoar ut earw axaex. i A smm djed reexsslv eaiarrkal trowbfaa. the oroeeesor m she faeitja fnorttMise aa BtenareCreaas Balm m iaaaid femrn. I tok. wssn ker ta t& setter iaad n wmichwillbe kaawn as Ely's Lid " ct . rauebcac a sriser hn lerverveaand UtamBatm, maatvawfnv rwd heawsh tf s everVsus tube is 7i eta. Drucrist ar by mm.l us torwib tree eraSFty en swek The Eaaaf farm embnd en the) aaedami dJet. Star m vwmaa year properr-n - the f fina Balsa ia aiswifT araialfilil Iv ' . . ... ' . 1 . wh uuwBi wjiamra aemg themsnibine aad does not dry an the1 gnetaUe wreue WesjecU j 1 turn lias as a xraex. siwt&a within e git mileaaf Malotas. 5 oee ef Lewis mrfford. Ta aeeiBBBagdate those wl are par tial le the ase af atoauaers in apcy- bic Equ1 bclsw the nasal aaaur. for BRIGHTON. ! stole watch from D. B. Harttnae Satorday whise the family wereaway from home. They gaiaed an entrance into the wood shed and chopped the door in wilh an ax. It is supposed to be the work of n tramn. Mia May Grundy entertained her Sandaj-srhool rises at bar home lent Satorday. MimGetcheJ of Oberlin i the roast of Mjs Jeesie Evenon. at tbe reorrsniralion of the X.E. Ssaday-sehool mat Saxiday thefollow ing wereeJected: SopL, C. A. Hardy; re., Howard Jordan; trean, Earaid Hardy; librarian. Geo. Erersoa ; caor iMer.G. W. Greene; organmt. Jsaain Event. Sefcool cJoaed m Diatrict So. 1 Fri day lor a two weeks vacauon. The teacher, Alex McCoy, pruaatiut eaen pupa wui a wire book. Tie Meases Gregj of Weflinrloa were the gneauof Misses May aad lama Grundy ever Sonday. Mr. and Mrs. lheo. Brown went to Sorwsik Saturday and ruisintrl till after Orriatnaaa. Mr. aTd Jfas. EL W. Cola went te SeJ- Irraa atnrday night, remaiming aatil MTsadaj night. Mr. end Mrs. John Itghery attend ed tie fanenl sf his uster ia Orange. Mwday. Hiram MZit and fnaily left tot Mrtiigaa. Friday. Qatrai Henry H2a of Cariiale hare aaovad to the aid iiiilnil Edaard3n3ea in reported m heiir ltoarL Berrrai nhx ri3 begin ia the M. E. e&urch Jan. 2 Mr. and Mr, a WZkrd aad son. Mm. L Dewev. Mr. and Mrs I C rLMr-ed Mrs. A. M. Aadmm and aoas Bay and raal of Wellington apasst ttzwtamm with Mr. and Mra-C. E. Fox. Mrs. Hezryric; of Fanaiisc OL srisitaig hardaagrtor. Mrs, Gas Lcvfcmad. Mr. Bartbdanmwr and taaaOy af Ftm-J-j4 aseat Mwday with Mr. end Mra A. McCoy. F- SCaeiKbaTUm i Monday. to! t. saal Jtrs. i. T-, d xer av jCaBTSa&al, Monday. Xjm Xiiie Lavruaad. who has mmi fea.J c&arwrcer. TZ.. 7!t ataym in CUamitm tar S warren st 3. I- ,4 feoaal irncu Im wsaj.!1?" Chnnrrias at haaa. 5w i tW uoar toasaaxi&cfarthe The rwn-aeasees has bMai stssnsv iaatnaan kea yts snraarid asmajaai the banana mmm af yeara. S. A. It aS pay rw to ase iarEaLAay Goads A w feJe