OCR Interpretation

Democratic Northwest. [volume] (Napoleon, Ohio) 1869-1894, August 28, 1890, Image 1

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

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Ti.8 Ltrjest Cix
culitloa c aay
layet is thj
. . Gouty., -
The Seat AdTer
tisinj Uedim ia
- taa Couaty.
NO. 28.
Write toChas.
Maumee Valley Monu
mental Association.
20, 1890.
The AesociaUoa net tn ths Ooart Hones t Hepo.
Inn at 10 a. m. pursuant to notloe, with Pn.ld.nt
BntherfordB. Hayes In tbeeb.tr, and JoftuO. Lee,
Announcement iu made that tht formal busl-
D.M wu th election of three members ot th. Board
of Director, to serve for live years aS successors to
J. Austin Scott, Hon. S. H.Cately and John O. Lee
wboM term af dlreetora then expired.
The .taction resulted la the ro-eleetlon of th. auie
penoni to serve for the term of live yean. A recess
was then takea until one o'clock whan the Associa
tion would mart on the Fair Ground. At twelve a
lunch, was served to the officer) and members of
the association and their friend, by the ladle, of Si
pnleoii, after which the anoelatlon reconvened and
lettara from the Hon. William X. Haynee and M. K.
Boothman regretting their sonattendance, were
read. The letter of repreatntatlTa Boothman waa aa
follows: v v.
Hops or Bbtobsibtawvbs, V. 8. I
WAaawaToa, August 14th, 1890. f
Ho. loaa C. Lea, Touso, O.
'- HtDkabGbubral: My work here ia in inch
condition that I tee bo probability of being able to
be with job at the meeting of par aaaoolation oa
tha 20th Inst. I hare no doubt but that too wHi
have a pleasant and proSUblt time, and I wonld
Terr much Ilka to be preaent aad report progreaa in
person. I am not able however, to give groa aneh a
report aa I had hoped to do at thta meeting. Ton
will remember that apoa the assembling of this con
gress I latrodneed into the - House, aad, by the
kindness of Senator Sherman, had Introduced In
to the Senate, the bill a copy of which I Inclose.
Thla bill la known in the Hoare aa H. B. 710 and la
the Senate aa 8. 814. Bach of the bill, waa referred
te the Committee on Military Affairs Of the respec
tive Houses. Ho action haa been had by either of
theae aommtttees upon the bijl. I have appeared
before the House committee on three different occa
sions alnce the bill waa referred to it, and on two of
those oocaaiona have submitted arguments at length
in support of the measure urg'ng a faTorable report
upon aV Ia addition to this I hare interviewed per
sonally the members of the, committee regarding it.
No objection IS made to the principle of the bill nor
, to the sums Involved, except that It la urged the
demands from all over the country of a like nature
are such as to make it a very evpensive undertaking
. to embark on the Bne of policy suggested. My
answer to this argument baa been, and is, that the
nation, -which for the few dollars involved, refuses.
to permanently mark and preserve its historical
places, is unworthy of the sacrifices which rendered
those place, memorable. That no mora valuable or
effective means of impressing the lesson of a great
battle upon the minds of a people can be found,
than by so marking His scene of the battle, that the
ftttiaSB tn passing by, must ha reminded of the fact
that onoa upon a time our countrymen warred there
for our liberties That a nations greatest pride
should bs to forever preserve aa sacred the places
where the blood of Its citizens wis shed for Its pres
ervation. The committee, while admitting the force of this
argument, and while making no objection to the
amounts Involved as stated in Col. Poe's report
which you have, still hesitates, and faila to act I
. confess. to a feeling of deep dlsanpointment at this,
but I do not by any means give up the belief that
' ultimately we will succeed. I know that men cannot
but be Impressed with the nobility of the sentimeut
Involved, and I believe that in the end, mere pruden
tial reaaona will give way to the patriotic force of
the demand and we will see our efforts i revall.
With best wishes towards each member of the as
sociation, and highest regarda to you personally, I
am . Your friend and co-worker,
M. It. Boothmam.
P. 8. I have kept the committee fully supplied
with the. documentary mattor you sent me, and
have also had the warm co-operation of Gen. W. C.
P. Breckenrldge, of Ky., Col. Haynes, of your dis
trict and other gentlemen of the House, who feel an
Interest in the work. M . M. B.
Judge Haag welcomed the association to Kapo
eon in the following well chosen words :
"Mr. President and Members ot the Monu-
mental Association:
Having been suddenly called upon to sop.
ly the plaoe of one 'older in the practice, ab
ler than myself,' I am compelled to study
the spioe of wit in brevity.
It affords me great pleasure, in behalf of
the citizens of Napoleon, to extend a heart
felt welcome to those with whom by linking
hands; we can feel the poise of the men who
fought with, Wayne and fell at the battle of the
Timbers, those who suffered with Harrison
and sleep at Meigs, and the fearless who with
Ferry immortalized the Lakes and whose
bones repose at Pnt-in-Bay.
In all ages, among all people, barbarous
and civilized, bravery and coarage have been
admired and honored. Historians have writ-
ten, poets have song, monuments have been
' ereeted to perpetuate the memoir of men who
have served their fellow men by deeds of her-
oism on the field, in the cabinet and on the
frontier in making new homes for those who
were to follow. Why not commemorate the
heroes of the Manmee who made the homes
: we now enjoy and removed f or ns the dangers
they were subjected to? It has been said:
They build, monuments to the Heroes dead,
Through which the living Hero begs his bread.
This may have been true in the past, bat
the present generation seems to bare reversed
it, and in the admiration and exultation of
the living heroes the dead are permitted to
sleep without a stone to mark their beds.
pAgain, in behalf of one of the most gener
ous communities, I extend yon hearty wel
come to one of the most lovely towns on the
... Manmee, rescued from the wilderness and
' dedicated to civilization, comfort and luxury
by those whose memories yon seek to pre
serve and whose deeds yon desire to honor."
(Applause), v ;
The annual report of the board of Directors to
the members of the association was presented then
1 in the terms following:
amrcaii BxroBT or tarn- boabd of bibbotobs to
.ii th wuramBS or thbmauhbb valux
The last annua', report was submitted on the 8th
f day of August A.D. 1889, Since that timo the op
erations of the Association have not been unusual.
The Board of Directors met at the office of the
Secretary pursuant to notice oa thelTth day of Sep
' tember, 18S9, aad organised by electing the follow
B. Reynolds
ing officers for the ensuing year: B. B. Have.,
President; Robert 8. Robertson, first Vice-President;
8. H. Cately, second Tlcs-Praeident; Reuben
C. Lemon, third Viee-Prastdont; I. C. Lee, Secre
tary; B. B. Mitchell, Treasurer ; D. W . H. Howard ,
Aabar Cook and 1. C. Lea, Executive Committee.
The Executive Committee conferred rally with
the Honorable M. M. Boothman, representing the
0th district in Congrats, in respect to th. terms and
form of the legislation desired IB accordant a with
the report of general Poa, which waa laid before
the members of the Association at its meeting Aa
goat 1th, 1869.
The Executive Committee also procured the
printing ef aa appeal la behalf of the objecta of ths
Association to be prepared aad printed aad furnish
ed to the Mends of the alma 4f the AssoelaUoB ia
Washington, and the same waa In large numbers
transmitted to Washington, to be laid before the
members of Coagissa.
' The agreed open bill waa lntrod need In the Hones
by Representative Boothman, and In the Senate by
Senator Sherman.
Those bills were respectively ref erred to the stand
ing eommltteea on the military where they yet re
main. No reports have bees submitted by either
of those aommtttees, although full and complete
hearing baa been had by the committee of the Bouse
at the instance of Representative Boothman and
There ia not unanimity in thoee committees, it
being nrged by some that an appropriation, such ss
Is recommended by Gen. Poe wonld be establishing
an unwise precedent, for other localities of histori
cal Importance would ask appropriations also for
like purposea.
To this objection it has been wisely and cogent
ly answered that the precedent instead of being a
bad one would be a good one, and it la well urged
that a nation without disposition to properly mark
and protect its points of the highest historical Im
portance is indeed lacking in the preservation of its
own history, sod in appreciation of the highest
deeda of valor wrought by tta patriotic people.
The frienda of the measure are by no means dis
posed to relax e Aorta, tar they are very much dis
posed to acquiesce fa the non-action of the eom
mltteea at this time tor the reason that in both
branches of Congress there have been, and probab
ly will continue to be engaging the attention of Con
gress, questions and measures of an overshadow
ing character precluding the proper consideration of
measures of minor importance.
The report of the Treasurer will show the condit
ion of the finances of the Association, The work of
the Association is largely of an educational charac
ter, shaping and maturing a public sentiment that
will not only sustain Congress in making the ap
propriation sought, but will in fact require at its
hands the making of a sufficient and reasonable ap
propriation to attain the ends Bought by the Ai
The annual meetings of the Association have a
far been held aa follows: Twice oa the Battle Field
of Fallen Timber, where Anthony Wayne on the 30th
of August, 179S, met and defeated the combined In
dian nations under the leadership of Turkey Foot ;
once st Ft. Meigs st the foot of the rapids near
Perrysburg; once at Ft. Wayne at the head of the
Manmee River; once at Ft. Defiance wnere on the
8th of August, 1794, Gen. Anthony Wayne began the
construction of the first military work of defense tn
me Manmee Valley, and thla meeting is held In that
Valley at the County Seat of Henry County, over
which Anthony Wayne passed wttn his army in his
movement apoa the Indiana that i .suited in his
victory at the Battle Field oi Fallen Timber.
The association hopes to continue the agitation
of this question until, if necessary to secure lis ends,
it shall have secured such a sentiment in and out of
Congress aa will lead the nation to appreciate so
highly tta historical points, especially those made
sacred by great acts ot national defense, aa that the
people and their representatives shall make reason
able and proper appropriations to preserve and
properly monument all such places within the limits
of the nation.
By the executive commttteo In behalf of the Board
of Directors. D. W. H. Howabd,
Ashbb Cook, '
J. O. Lkb,
J . C. Lex, Ex. Committee.
The Secretary John C. Lee being called upon made
the following statement of the history and objects
of the association as well as its operations
since its organization, and supplemented tha t state
ment by an address, all of whioh is as follows:
. Mb. Pbbsidist: It seems to ma that the secre
tary of the association la coming to hie feet pretty
often. I don't claim any right to such attention
by reason of either my age or persona I beauty,
(laughter); but because of my position, and a de
sire to let you know the objeots we have in view.
On the 20th of August, 1884, on the battle fie Id of
Fallen Timbers, at a meeting of the Manmee Pio
neer Association, Jadce Dunlap offered' a resolu
tion providing for the appointment of a oommittee
to report on the ways, means and advisability of 1m
proving and properly monumentlng the various
battlefields and historical points of the Mamee Val.
ley. The resolution was paased and at the next
meeting of that society in 1885, that committee re
ported in favor of a body corporate to act lndepen
dently of, but in aid of the Pioneer association. It
being the puipose to have a body corporate to own
and control the lands forall time. A corporation
waa accordingly organized with a board of direc.
tors, three of whom were to be elected at each an
nual meeting. A board waa elected and Morrison
R.Waite, late Chief Justice of the United States,
and an honored citizen of Toledo, was chosen pres
ident. Since Mr. Walte's decease we have had for
a president that honored son of Ohio and the Mam
mee Valley the great and good ButhefordB. Hayea.
(Applause). The gentlemen composing the com
mittee, to my certain knowledge, 14 of th em at
least, were reputable and responsible gentlemen.
I waa one of them,V(laughter). Our ebjeot, earnest
desire and purpose was to secure from Congress
funds to purchase and properly monument these
grounds. As waa stated in the report of the com
mittee, just read, we have, met at various times, at
Fort Wayne, Defiance, Fallen Timbers and the 8th
time here at Napoleon, in the Valley of the Manmee,
Ton know that II Is all that is asked of you to be
come a member and you secure all the benefits,
which are aa yon see them to-day. Every one is al
lswed to become a member and aa brother Tyler has
said "without regard to race color or previous con
dition of servitude." Tour secretaiy Is still an hon
est man, (Laughter).
Well we prepared resolutions for congress, and
they, by resolution, directed the chief engineer of
the U. S. Army, to make a survey of each of these
grounds. That ia Ft, Meigs, Fallen Timbers, Put.
In-Bay, Ft. Miami, Ft. Deflanoe and Ft Wayno,
Under that the chief engineer selected an Ohio man,
Gen. Poe, to make this survey. And a man can't
make a mistake you know when he selects an Ohio
man. (Applause). He made It and oloaed hla work by
a report made in 1889, He recommended an appro
priation of 105,000, Congress has never acted upon
that recommendation.
While Mr. Bonuis was in Con grass, he was an ac
tive friend and a Arm supporter of our association.
Mr. Boothman also was and is a firm friend and Is
enthusiastic in our behalf. If yon were present
you had the pleasure of hearing his letter read. He
Introduced, alter communication with the execu
tive committee, a bill providing for this work and
now at a venture I am going to read that bill,
" Before doing so however I will slate that SI Is all
about your P
that at required from one, la order' to become a
mem bar af thla aaaoclaUna. I am going to name a
committee of two to go ever thla assembly aad
take up the dollara of thoee who desire to join, aad
give them each a badge, which la aloaa worth the
dollar. Tha gentlemen I will mention are well
known, and I sesure yon your money Is asm ia their
hands, the; are ateaara. Tyler and Bagaa. (Laugh
ter end applause). I might add, get sons lady to
pla the badge oa aad then it will be allrlgat."
(Laughter). He thea read the in easure referred to,
which ieH.B. Tim
"Mow I wish to say further, snd I will be aa brief
as possible. Ton have on all sides of you you r owa
pioneer associations, don't give them up, stick to
thesa aad join thla one. We have an object in view
whioh y.ur associations do not attempt to secure,
and our workings are free and Independent from
themalL Aid us all you can in the great work we
have under takeu. But wa will make It very uncom
fortable for the offlcera who dout give us what we
want. Mr. Boothman said In his letter that some
members of the Military Committee thought that it
would be a bad precedent to give ua tha land and
the appropriations we aak for, as other like organi
sations and other states would, want the same. Let
them give it to tha other states and societies. It
would be a grand thing to preserve everyone of the
spots where our forefathere fought, bled and died to
establish and thea preservo this great and glorious
country. Bemember Trenton, Germ an town aad
Bunker Hill. 8 ome one will rise to say: "What are
yon going to do with the battle fields of 1812." I
will aay,preaerve every one of them. (Applause).
Then I aay take your children and your grand chil
dren and explain to them what has taken place there
snd why it waa. Then you might aak me what I
wonld do about the battle Held, of the rebellion? I
I would say do just' as you sre doing, preserve every
one and commemorate the deeds of the brave men
who at the call of their country took up their arms
and perhaps left their Uvea upon one of the same
fields. (Applause). And a nation so penurious, so
small and so ungrateful la unworthy of its name and
unworthy of the sacrifice which- these brave men
whom we desire to try snd honor. (Applause).
The war for independence dosed in 1784. The
surrender of Cornwalliaoocnred earlier but the last
of the English troops left In that year. From that J
tuna on we bad trouble with the Indians. When !
Washington came in he called Gen. Harmar to
take an army and go out tn Ohio and enforce peace
upon the Indians. He osme and brought his army
and built his first fort where Cincinnati now stands,
and called it Ft Washington. In that arasy waa
tha father ot Mr McOrew, of" Kankakee, 111., and
who cams here all that distance to attend this meet
ing. Gea. Harmar took that army up to where ia aow
Ft. Wayne, where he met the Indians and I am Sor
ry to sa y was badiy defeated and his army had to
return. This was in 1760. ',-..
Gen. Washington then called on Gen. St. Clair
aad told him of what bad been done of the continu
ed mauraudingsof the Indiana, and then ordered
him to organize an army and thrash them into peace
and submission. He organized his army and got as
far aa Greenville and engaged the Indians there, or
rather the Indiana engaged him and, he had to get
back to Ft. Washington as beet be could. A. mes
senger took the news of the engsgement into Waeh-
ington, and his remarks upon it are illustrative of
hla character. He said: "Didn't I tell St. Clair to
look out for surprises and ambushee?" And then
followed language which Sunday School Superin
tendents say we must not use. (Laughter). He thea
looked around for a suitable man, (this now waa in
1T9S), and he selected the great character, Anthony
Wayne. That grand man who had successfully
stormed Stony Point. He waa brought before Wash
lngton who aaid that the savages must be chsstised.
After raising his armies he started In 1798 and got
aa far aa Greenville where he built another fort and
called thla one Ft. R ecovery, because this wss
where St. Clair had met defeat. In 1794 he oame up
here and in August he struck above tha junction of
the Maumee and Auglaize rivers. Bight in the fork
of the two rivers he erected a fort and after It was
completed he snd an under officer were examining It
when they begad to talk of the excellent location
and Wayne growing enthusiastic exclaimed: "It is
one of the best I ever saw and all h can not
take it from ua." (Laughter and applause). And so
it wss called Ft Deflanoe, and Ft. Defian oe it la to
Then Wayne came down the river. The Indians
were on the north side and he crossed over, each
side was olosely watching the other, but he came
right on. At a point a little anove Napoleon he
stopped all night and another stop at Buehtabeau,
then he pressed right on after the Indians. On the
morning of the 20th ofAugust he found the Indians
gathering upon the fallen timbers about two miles
and a halt up the river from Maumee . Then he
gave them battle. Little Turtle had been at the
head of the Indians, he waa a shrewd and far-seeing
brave and favored a treaty and' peace and arbatra
Hon. Turkey Foot opposed this, and in th oppo
sition he was supported by a large number of the
Indians. Turkey Foot waa for war, bitter and re
lentlesa, snd war to the end. He prevailed and Lit
tle Turtle resigned in his favor. , : v. . ...
When the battle opened, Wayne came down on
tha Indiana like a whirlwind and drove the savsges
back, stop by step, until ey fled like a herd of
frightened sheep, before the victorious forces of
Mad Anthony, crying as they ran, "Genoa tin 1 Gen
oatlnl" which meant "whirlwind." Tradition
says that Turkey Foot took a position on Turkey
Foot rook and tried to rally hla forces but in vsin,
snd he was killed. They went down the river and
Wayne after them. Wayne'; forces could not get
into Fort Miami aa that was In charge of a Brit
ish named Campbell. They took refuge down the
river not wishing to raise a rumpus with England.
He went down to what is now Swan Creek and erect
ed another fort which he ealled Fort Industry, leav
ing a small detachment of men there under eom-
hmand of Captain Bay, he passed upright along here
and at Fort Wayne he erected another fort and left
Major Hamtramck In command, who immediately af
ter the departure of his commander named the fort
after him, and to-day upon the sight of that little
garrison stands a proud city, a monument to one of
the greatest Indian fighters aad bravest men this
country has ever had the honor of claiming as a cit
izen, and she has had many. (Applause),
The next year Little Turtle having again come in
to prominence, and taken his old place at the head
ot the Indian nation, at Greenville, he and Wayne
negotiated a treaty which was a most wonderful
document, owing to the concessions and advantag
ea secured by Wayne, and the craftiness and brill
iancy of Little Turtle waa apparent by the benefits
he secured his people, It was a grand treaty and
waa rellgoualy followed by the Indians for years and
would possibly have continued to have been, but
tor the perfidy of the British In 1812.
We come down now to the war of 1812. I per
same that none of yen wen old enough to have tak
en part la that war. In 181S Tecumseh leagued with
Proctor and began to work against the Americans.
Harrison then begs n the construction of Fort Meigs,
in honor of our then governor. Proctor and Te
cumseh raided about that country until July 1813.
Tecumseh then got over into Canada.
Of all themen who fought and died In the In
dian campaign all of them are now living in un
marked graves with the single exception of Cap
tain Walker, who . has a little slab of stone
over his grave. , . Here we. are to-day sur.
rounded by a beautiful and fertile valley, large
and thriving elttes dot the glorious valley of
ths Maumee; we. have abundance, while the brave
and fearless msn who came bora and at the risk of
elision Claim.
Ufa, of health, of everything held dear, and by per
severance and almost aaperhaman efforts cieared
thta country of the savage and made the work af
orfathsrsesayoomparedwlth theirs, ar. now lying
la unmarked graves. And we heard to-day how a
legislator st Washington objected to giving them
tha little honor we crave. Dowa with each penu
rious statesmen who thirk it a bad prod dent.
Down with a man who haa so little patriotism; ha Is
unfit to be a rapreeentsUva of such a glorious na
tion, and God forbid that there be many more of his
Ilk. . (Applause.)
OnthelOtbof September, 1818, the British lake
squadron encountered the American squadron in
the vicinity of Put-In-Bay. In command of the
American forces waa a young naval officer, Oliver
Hazard Perry, ef Rhode Island. The British had ip
to this time been considered as masters of the lakes.
After that great battle, so familiar to na all, they
resigned the position of master. Toong Perry sent
to General Harrison that famous message, nearly as
famous as ths veul, vtdi, vlsl of Cesser, ' and it waa
literally true, Just as true as If he had takea the
whole British lake navy, officers snd all, aad put
thea in hla pocket. He said 'we have met the ene
my and they are ours P They were his, all on board
hla ships prisoner?. Applsuse.l But he lost
men ; some were killed, some died of wounds and
some of disease. They el 1 He burled at Put in-Bay
and only a willow tree, marks their resting place.
Around it Is s broken and tumbled down fence over
walea the children can climb, and in a short timo
will be completely down. The men who enabled
Perry to send that ringing dispatch are there and
alnsast forgotten. God forbid that thia country per
mit them to remain in an unmarked graves any long
er. (Applause.)
Now this Is the object of our association. That I
believe waa what I waa going to tell, (laughter) and
I have been Inflicting on you a piece of broken hie
tory. Well, you should not have came. (Laughter.)
Judge Cox, of Clnolnnati, waa to have been here
bat could not come. He Is one of the most noted
historians in ths land, and a most Interesting speak
er; lam Sony he could not be present as you would
have enjoyed hearing him. I got a letter from him
yesterday stating that he could not be preaent. I
will read it."
General Hayea : "Colonel Howard wants to cor
rect a statement, and aa American crowd ia always
glad to see s tight, I'll let him correct." (Laughter.)
Colonel Howard: "Governor Lee in speaking
of the cry raised by the Indiana said that "genoa
tln" meant 'whirlwind.' It don't, it means 'hurri
cane,' and anyone who knows me knows that I
speak Pattowatome correctly."
Mr. Lee t "Did I aay 'whilwlnd,' well, I meant
cyokats or hurricane all the time. (Laughter.)
Ten see a little mistake like that gives yon an op
portunity to see Colonel Howard, who I hare been
telling is a very handsome man." (Laughter.
Mr. Lee then read a lengthy and interesting letter
from Judge Cox written from Boston. Judge Cox
was to have spoken on "How to make hlBtory at
tractive." Mr. Mitebel, the treasurer, then made hla report
showing that there was (50.12 In the treasury. Thir
ty new members having joined on that day. $93.88
was expended last year for printed matter, postage,
etc etc.
After muBlo by the band the President, Rutherford
B. Hsyee, delivered quite an extended and most in
teresting historical address, s synopsis of which is ss
ADonass or nnnoi bates.
"Ltfdles and Gentlemen : This society or associa
tion like all large societies of a kindred nature, hai
for Its object the dlssiminstion of local snd genar
si history. Every American historical society has
this for a fundamental principal : that the knowl
edge of history and the study of the earn e, like char
ity, should begin at home. We would then have
American hlsory, the history of Ohio, the history of
the Maumee Valley and of thla town familiar to ev
ery citizen. We can get along without learning the
history of Jadea for example. We need not waste
a great deal of time In studying the history of
Greece and Borne. I don't mean to discourage the
study of these, by no means, they are all perfeotly
right and proper In their places. They have no right
however, to come Into onr schools and supplant our
own and more Important histories. Our young
who are filling the. beautiful school buildings have
no business with the histories of the ancient nations
when, in studying them they force our own histor
ies out. ,
To have our young read of tha Roman and other
ancient nations which were called republics, re
publics lu which two-thirds' of the people were
slaves, where the laboring men as a class were
slaves, before they have learned the history of the
formation of their own government Is rather strange.
That slavery of the Southern states I am not here to
apollgtze for, I did my share of that work, bnt such
slavery was Christianity compared to the slavery oi
Borne. For theae slaves belonged absolutely to
their masters, who could set up their men In the
arenas and compel them to light to the death, with
each other and with wild beasts, simply to afford
their masters recreation and autertainment; who
could kill them if they chose to do so. It was abso
lute ownership the same aa you own your bcaata.
That la not a republic from which to learn lessons.
Therefore, I say, let ua In our public schools and
everywhere, give plaoe to American history, ' If
there Is to be any ignorance in history, let it be the
anoient, it is the history of home In which we are
I have not come here to tell you the history of
your own place, but there arc somethings that may
be interesting and very valuable to know.
Now I have to aay that this beautiful valley of the
Manmee, with its broei fields, pretty towns and
Imposing buildings, is one of the prettiest In the
country. Its perfect climate, where men and wom
en, In summer and winter, may work, and it is work
at last that makes men and women great. (Ap
plause). Take the great chain of lakea which finds
Its outlet to the Atlantic through the majestic St.
Lawrence, and along the shores are such cities as
Chicago, Duluth, Detnot, Cleveland and Toledo, and
this river is the finest that enters from the south,
and most of them oome from that direction. I need
not speak of these great advantages at any length, I
will aak a question.. Where, since the state of civi
lized man, has been the center or fountain of jur
isdiction for this county? Where has been the, I
may say, county seat ? To how many places would
we have had to goto record our deeds, bring suit
against a trespasser or an offending neighbor? I
shall not go back and talk to you of the discovery of
America I have no time and the fourhnndrctdh anni
versary of the discovery of America is soon to be
celebrated In Chicago, and then we will all hear of
that. Where, and to how many places would we have
had to go, during this interval of four hundred
years, to have had justice administered, all our offic
ial business transacted, which Is now done in Napo
leon T It would ba well to understand that we would
have been compelled to go to from fifteen to twenty
pieces, and from London to Kankakee, IU.,. and
from Detiint to Williamsburg, Vs.
At the beginning Franoe and Great Britian
claimed it, and . neither of them Owned it.
But by the God of war it was decreed that 8ng
land .owned it. That oountry or rather the monarchs
of it began to panel it oat to favorites, at last it
came Into possession ot Sir Walter Raleigh. He
oame ever here, started a colony and thea went back
to England. The only thing he took back of any
use was tobacco. He showed tho English conrtires
how the Indians used It. Allowing the leaves to dry,
then granulating it by rubbing between tho hands
snd then putting it in a pipe end smoking it. Ton
sll know how Raleigh one day sent his aervant out
for a mug of ale, and while he was abaent Baleigb
ooncloded to take a smoke, and as the servant came
into the room he waa astonished to see his master
reclining hi a chair and a great volume of smoke
oomlng from hla month. Thinking hla master waa
oa fire, he threw the ale Into hie lace to put him out,
and he did it, too. (Laughter.)
The king, or ao it waa a queen-Queen Elizabeth,
became Interested la smoking aad Raleigh told her
he could tell the weight of th. smoke, which hung
in clouds above them. He did It by taking a pound
of tobacco and after smoking it he weighed the ash
es and of course the differencel between the to
bacco and ashes waa the weight of the amoks.
Then it came into the hands or a company, we
would call it a syndicate, by a grant of King James.
They did not know how to describe It and so it read
conveying all the territory between latitude 34 and 45
and from ocean to ocean, to the English cornea nr.
Thus Henry Connty onoa belonged to the London
company and that was where yon had to go to see
your connty officers. If you had to pay your taxes
you had to go to London. Did you know that at
one time you were an Virginians f Well you were.
Yon were all residents of Orange County, Tour
Court House waa in Orange County, Ton were in
excellent company. James Madison waa a rest
dent of that county. Did you ever know that you
bad such a man aa that in your midst T Ths first
man whoever suggested the Idea of a constitutional
convention, a man to whom Is duo the major por j
tion or tha Constitution and tha original of which
is written more in his hand writing than that of any
other man? A man who had no peer aa a states
msn snd withal oos of the greatest and grandest
characters this oountry has ever known? Well he
waa a fellow-citiaen of yours in the county of Orange.
A little later they changed Orange county, thla
waa In 1789, to Betetourt, Van that Included your
oounty. That included alT the northwest territory.
Chicago waa la that county. It was not much of a
town then. In the latter county the Sheriff had a
suit against some Spsnlardain St Louis, for ths un
lawful ocoupancy of some lands. He had to serve
some writs. He. took them and traveled 900 mllee
west from Flnoaatle, snd served them. Think of
the mileage he computed , 900 miles and ba ck. Tou
sometimes object to the cost in your law suits and
to the mileage computed, Well they knew how to
compute then as well aa now, and that sheriff com
puted his mileage 41 times, once for. each writ.
Along about 1778 the people In one portion of the
county objected to living in so large a county, and
accordingly the county of Kentucky was carved
out. After that was dons they msde the county of
Illinois. That included all the oountry west of ths
Ohio Blver and the oounty seat was in Kankakee,
Everybody ia mad at the census. It has treat-1
ed some of us pretty badly. Now Ohio has lost Its
place, which It has held for three censuses, and Illi
nois has got it, well ws were once in Illinois. Laugh
ter). Then la 1777 Virginia madeover to the nation
all the northwest territory, and now the nation owns
us. Again we are changed and are in the oountv of
Marrletta. We people in Henry Oounty are entitled
to part ot the glory of that connty. Then we are
putln Wayne County, but the capital ia no longer
hers, It Is in Detroit, Mich., and that is not so bsd a
trip as to Williamsburg, Vs.
After that came other counties and gradually oame
the State of Ohio. But we are not in any of Ohio's
counties, but no county is here, we are an Indlsn
reservation and if wa want to have a county seat It la
In some Pattowatomie camp. (Laughter.) Then the
workings of onr system of jurisprudence were not as
complete or perfect ss they are now. Then all you
had to do was to ssy John Smith has stolen my
horse and take the law in your own hands. Then
one was oomplaintant, judge, jury and 'executioner,
of course a tomahawk played an active part. (Laugh
ter.) This continued up to 1820, when the legislature
sanctioned a treaty made by Cass and Arthur by the
terms of which this country here passed to the
Union snd now we were In Ohio, snd our capital
was at Columbus. Quite a distance, but a great deal
better than in some Indian council lodge. By an sot
of the legislature of February, 1820, this lately ced
ed land waa divided into fourteen counties, Henry
being one of the number Henry county was at
tached to Wood county, then it waa later attached
to Williams oounty, and in 1834 Henry county first
began a separate and distinct existence with the
county seat at Napoleon.
Around us are the counties of Fulton, Lucas,
Paulding, Hancock and Wood. Why is It called
Highest of all ia leavening Power.
ABsawmvi ping
Deafness on the Decrease In England.
London, Aug, 28. The recent intro
duction in England of the sound discs,
invented dy A. H. Wales, of Bridge
port, Conn., bids fair to perceptibly de
crease deafness throughout the British
Marriage a Failure.
Some months ago, it will be remem
bered, Crestiline was considerably ex
cited over a case of miscegi nation, Miss
Campbell, a handsome and intelligent
young lady, married the colored stew
ard of the continental hotel, and the
ill-matched pair went to Cleveland to
escape the criticism their disgraceful
action had caused and to settle down
to housekeeping. The strange and un
natural union has its sequel now. The
infatuation between the pair ceased a
short time ago, they separated and the
woman now ruined for life, is thrown
upon her own resources. She returned
to Crestiline but after remaining there
a few days went to her former home in
Nevada. The unfortunate result of a
still more unfortunate marriage falls
upon the woman's parents, who are
respectable people, with, redoubled
keeness. Bucyrus Forum.
Catarrh Can't be Cured
with local applications, as they oannot reach
the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or con
stitutional disease, and in order to cure it you have
to take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh ours is
taken Internally, and acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh euro ia no quack
medicine. It waa prescribed by one of the best
physicians in this country for years, and la a regu
lar prescription. It la composed of tho best tonics
known, oomblned with the beat blood pnritiurs.ace
lng directly on the muooua surfaoes. The perfect
combination of the two Ingredients is what produ
oss such wonderful results la Curing catarrh. Bund
for testimonials free.
F. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O.
EVSold by druggists, 76o.'J lm
CEJ-TS.' ur- 'iipiaii
Fulton county? Named after that great American,
genius, Robert Fulton. Could abetter name ba ta
lented f Thea there la Lucas, why Lncasf It i.
named after that pioneer and Indian fighter, Rob
Lucaa, afterward Governor of Ohio. And hero we
have Wood, aad why Wood? He waa only a young
fellow about SO years old, who had fought in tUUia
battles and won tor himself aa honored name in
American history. Thea there ia Haneock, he it was
who when it waa a question whether or not it would
oost the lives of the men who did it, signed the Dec
laration and said: There, I guess King George can
sea that without kis spectacles.' (Applause). Then
oa another aide la Putnam. If there ever wu a
grand and noble character tn this country there is
one. A nan who when he heard the British were
coming, left his plow between the furrows snd bat
tened away to ths fray. Oh, Henry county la ia
good company. (Applause). Over hero oa the
north west is Williams county. Williams it waa who
when a loons msn with PiMtn mu a k.
bribed by British gold to allow Major Andre the
cngusn spy to escspe snd consumers ths dastardly
plot with Benedict Arnold to hafa-nT Vai Pin.
Henry county is well connected. And why do we call
n or ry county 7 Whv, after that great orator and
patriotio statesman, Patrick Henrv. wkiu.
speech of 'give me liberty or give me death,' alec.
iriuea ino wona ana gave to onr independence tht
greatest impetus it ever bad, and virtually started
that great conflict. And by the way, when yoa
were residents of Oranee countv. Patrick Bnr
a lao a resident of the asms county.
A am a firm believer in the doctrine that the key to
the safety of the neonle and nation .lies mt
hearth stones. Therefore, I ssv, wherever I am.
my mam oojeot and ambition la to make people con
tented snd satisfied with their homes, aa far it L
possible for me.
This mo rnlng before breakfast I look a walk over
your town, and a nleasanter villain Is not tn h.
found under the sun. Tou aak hava I been through
tne losemne Valley and along the Hudson" Tea, I
answer I have. I have seen nlacsewlth
ged and picturesque scenery. But one can't live on
an expanse of scenery. That don't put money in
your purse nor does It make a good diet. (Laugh -ter).
Tou can't raise a half a bushel of wheat to
the acre, while thla heaiitimi .iim k.
surpassed for general productiveness,
xou Dave a good and pleasant home, and be con
tented la that home. Imnlant in them mod Amprl.
oaa principles. We oome here ss a society asking
everywoere monuments and memorials be
ereoted to the brave men who fought In thia region
during ths bloody Indian ware. There are over (0
oeauuiui national cemeteries wherein repose the
remains of the men who laid down their lives to pro
tect and keen Intact the Union. Tint atmnM tn.
tloe not be done the men who fought and died at the
battle of Fallen Timbers ? We say remember these
men as well as the men of the civli wsr.
Ladles and gentlemen, ws were welcomed to this
beau til ul town and hava been moat hospitably re
ceived and treated. We are very grateful for that.
I have attended entertainment.
which were far less enjoyable. I can say that I have
never sat aown to a more excellent luncheon than
that given us by the ladies ot Nspoleon..
Tho band haa rendered some most melodious and
sweet music which we sll en joyed, but I wonld sug
gest that thav add to thA ren rtnu-a mm, nnnA nM
American tuna like "Hail Columbia." (Applause.)
At tnia point Capt. Allen Dugald moved the adop
tion of a vote of thanks to tha ladles tar tho
ample and sumptions repast that bad been served to
mb meuuere oi uie avaomation whion motion was
aaopieaoya universal acclaim by sll present. At
ter the rendering of Hail Columbia bv the band. ad. :
Joarnment waa had. - ' '
The nlaoa of tha next meetinv will h di.r.pmini
either by the board of directors, or by the executive
committee, as shall be determined when the board
of directors shall meet for the purpose of organiza
tion and transaction of other business for the ensu
ing year.
Enrliflh Hnavin T.frrimAnt i-amnvaa oil haii
soft or oalloused lumps and blemishes from
horses. Blood spavin, onrbs, splints, iweeney,
ring-bone .stifles sprains, throats, oonshs,
t. dnn en i r i .. i .it.
sw k, uy une uc uas ouiuo war
ranted the most wonderfnl blemish cure ever
known. Sold by D. J. Humphrey, Napo
leon, Ohio, nov!9-89-Iyr
Glanders broke out in a band of hor
ses owned by Col. Waters, of Miles
City, Mont., and sixteen animals were
killed to prevent the disease spreading.
U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889,
Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles inci
dent to a bilious state of the system, such aa
Dizziness, wusea. Drowsiness, Distress after
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Headache, yet Cabtik's Littlb Livib Pills
ore equally valuable in Constip,iion. curing
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Even If they only cured
Ache they would be almost priceless to those
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but fortunately their goodness does not end
here, and those who once try them will rind
these little pills valuable ia so many ways that
they will not be willing to do without them.
But after ail sick head .
is the bane of so many Uvea that here Is where
we make our great boast. Our pills cure it
while others do not.
'"' Cabtbb's Littlb Lrvtm pills are very small
and very easy to take. One or two pills make
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please all who use them. In vials at cents:
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CA2TS3 liTJICOT CO., Hew Tort
yi bSLh SiiUPn:;

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