Newspaper Page Text
3Dem orthwest ocrati VOL. XXXVIII. NAPOLEON, HENRY CO.. OHIO, FEBRUARY 5, 1891, NO. 51. At c fj THE NORTHWEST Mt4ridatNapoltnr.0.afBiaH&-ClutMattT Fablls&aoavar y nu; Office Northwest Building, Wash. St T U OBWIO. WritetoOhas. B. Reynolds ef SM"bcilptlojQ.: .110 P.rTwr,lB advance .. Six Monthi, In advance w-Ko paper will be discontinued ontilallar-rearagesaraoald.anleasatthaopllonofthepoD- "job!ptloiiB.tljBd heaply executed. ADVERTISING BATES. Am't of Spec. 1 nk 1 nto. S mo. mo. 1 year Oneoolomn M 00 1100 8 00 $9000 W 00 u .? " j 25 SO U 00 18 50 48 00 2 1 60 S 60 T 60 14 00 27 00 ffnainch...." .7. 5 100 I PO a 00 6 00 Tbe New Apportionment. The senate gave evidence yesterday that no disposition exists to obstruct or delay legitimate business. The appor tionment bill was brought to a vote ana passed by a strict party vote. Demo cratic opposition to tbe bill was based on Its alleged unfairness to some Demo cratic States, and in particular to the metropolitan districts m JNew tora, through basing tbe apportionment on a grossly defective census, . Notwith- tanding this dissatisfaction there was no attempt to prevent action upon it. Tbe ratio of representation to popu lation under the new law is one to 173,- 901. Tbe total number for the present States is 856, apportioned among the States as follows: . AHbo.lBM.locU, If Inserted among pure read ln matter lOoents pet 11b. for first insertion and 6 cents perllne foreaco addltlonaUniertton. BMlnesslooals, when Inserted under the heed of Business Locals," cent, per line for each in sertion. ' ' THE LADDER. Every person must climb life's ladder; No matter who or -what they are or "where they come from, the ladder is placed before them to climb. Some run up its rounds actively and with apparent ease; others are slow but sure; others fall when half wav un: others reach all - j. but the last round than fall. Some of our people deserve the success they have attained; they are entitled to a resting place on the top round of life's ladder; their pluck, tact and business energy has placed them there, a position they are justly entitled to hold. There are probably few busi ness men, in this part of the state in the same line of trade, who by dint of honesty and years of steady earnest toil, have reached as lofty a position on the ladder of fame as Messrs Saur & Balsley, proprietors of ihe far famed Drug, Book and Wall Paper House under their control. Their business career in Napoleon dates back over a quarter of century, during which period they nave con- stantly studied the wants of the people in this locality and their efforts have oeen auiy appre ciated. The farm has had an unpre cedented holiday trade, but ' many articles, both useful and ornamental is still on exhibition which they are offering at ex tremelylow figures, in order to make room for their usual spring stock. It will repay any one to take advantage the goods and prices now rang rag at this house. In the way of wall and ceil ing papers, paints, oils, var nisheb, brushes, etc., a large . and varied stock is always shown and the record of this house on these goods is not allowed to lag. The stock is complete throughout, and the brands and c quality of the goods tested, and all sold as cheap if not cheaper than can be had in the great Northwest. With a small outlay you can decorate your homes, making them both attractive and com ' fortable, two of the requisites of a perfect and happy fireside To still make the expense less one can place these papers up on the walls themselves; it re- quires no expert. Then why not do. this for your families, bv t buying some of the fine patterns of wall paper on sale at Saur . &Balsley's? All the celebrated! patent medicines always on hand, for the cure of any ache and pain known to the human and am mal family. Pure and ' fresh drugs, for which this house is noted.. , Vjf , store of Saur & Balsley , wheth er mey wisu w puiuuu.Be ui not, and everybody is invited to call and take a look over the Alabama ........ Arkansas ...... California .... Colorado Connecticut Del.wtre Florida Georgia.. Idaho Illinois...,-.... Indiana.. Iowa Kansas Kentucky ...... Louisiana .... aioe Maryland 8 Mauachusetta 18 ichlaan 121 Minnesota 7 Mississippi .... 7 Mlasunrl 15 .. .. HMontana. 1 6 Nebraska .... C 7 Nevada.... 1 .... ! New Hampshire -.- 1 ..... 4 New Jersey 6 .... 1 New York 84 .... 2 North Carolina 8 .. .11 North. Dakota 1 1 Onto....- ....-21 M Oreson I ....18 Pennsylvania 80 ...11 Bhode Ieland -. I ..... South Carolina 7 II Sooth Dakota.... a....... 8 , (Tennessee ........... , 4 Texas 18 Vermont 2 Virginia...... .10 Washington- .1 Wert Virginia. 4 Wiaooneln , 10 Wyoming 1 This is an increase of twenty-four members over the present number. One additional is given to eacn oi tne tnir- teen States of Alabama, Arkansas, Cal ifornia, Colorado, Georgia, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, Uregon, Washington and Wis consin. Two additional members are allowed to the four States of Illinois, Minnesota, Pennsylvania and Texas. Three additional members are given to tne state or iNeorasRa. No change is made in existing law as to the manner of districting and elect ing. It is provided that the districts must be ''composed of contiguous ter ritory ana containing as nearly as prac ticable an equal number of inhabi tants." It is further provided that 'in case of an increase, in the number of representatives which may be given to any tstate under tuns apportionment, sucn additional representative or repre sentatives shall be elected by the State at large and the other representatives by tne districts now prescribed by law until tne legislature of such stato, tn tne manner Herein prescribed, snail re district such State, and If there be no increase in the number of representa tives from a estate the representatives thereof shall be elected iromthedis tricts now Drestrlbed bv law until such State be redistricted as herein prescrib ed by the legislature or said Mtate." As no change is made in the representa tion of Ohio tbe present districts need not be changed If tbe next legislature is satisfied with tbe arrangement. nam iMaier. ; ; m Bat we will care yi Oar message is to th about , your P ension Claim. THE AMERICAN FARMER. What haa Protection Done tor Htm, and Why Does He not Call a Halt? Fifty years ago the writer was engag ed in farming on tbe rough a-d rugged mils or JNew England, f or tne last ivsi j jvaiouo una wrcu m wcoiciu inaii. and while he baa not been engaged all the time in agricultural pursuits, yet be has watched with an anxious eye the object of his first love the American farmer, i nnd ne has been working hard here' in this great west till he has grown round-shouldered and gray .with as good a country to make money out of as can be found on the face of the ean h. And yet has be got rich? If he has not, why is it? Let us see if we can find any reason. Did he get any more for that wheat, or pork, or corn, or oats crop than he would have got had there been no protective tariff? Common sense tells us that thelaw of supply and aemana regulates prices, ine farmer has been payiug from 35 to 40 per cent more on everything he actually needed on account of protection, and received no more for his products on account or it. He has simply helped to enrich a small minority at the expense of the masses i mean such or the larmers as favored protection. Now let us see how the farmers stand to-day as compared with other investments: Per Ceot. Farming and farm land..... X Railroad. and eteamboata 4 Railroad mortgagee 6 City and tenement hoaaei i Farm mortgagee 7 Active mining, lnolndlng ccal t Telegraph and telephone (actual coat) 10 Jtiectric and gae lighting 8 Banking . ...... 12 Merchandising ; 10 Manufacturing not having protection 11 Manufacturing having tariff and trust proteotton40 I desire to call the farmers attention to the condition of two of our best west ern States-Illinois and Michigan. I find the farming interests of Illinois pledged and incumbered for $124,000.- 000, and Michigan, not so wealthy, yet imcumoerea ror i30,uuu,uou. jnow, again I ask why is this so? Have we got a system of laws that deals out equal and exact justice to all and spe cial privileges to none, or are our laws protecting a small minority in making millions at tbe expense of tbe manv? stop and tnink, farmers, before you ad vocate protection any more. Darmer in Chicago 2ime. ' A Lady's Perfect Companion. Painless Childbirth, oar new book, tells how any woman may become a mother without suffering any pain whatever.- Alao how to treat and overcome morning sickness, swelled umDs ana oiner evils attending pregnancy, ai is reiinDie, ana oigmy endorsed by physi cians as the wife's troe nrivste comDanion Send two-cent stamp for descriptive circa- isrs ana connaential letter, sent In sealed en velope. Address, Fbank Thomas & Co., Pnb. Ushers, Baltimore, Md. Oot-2-ly Glee Concert. Saturday evening, February 7th, at Olive Chapel Chorea miles west of Liberty Center, O. Commence at 7:30; admission 10 oenti. 2t Lost Caff button in cuff at L p. O. F. reception on Monday evening. Finder please return to this office. Ton are -a a Bad Fix. on if yon will dav us. ,e Weak, Nervous and De bilitated, who, by early Evil Habit, or Later Indiscretions, have trifled away their vigor of Body, Mind and Manhood, nnd who softer all those effects which lead to Premature De cay, Consumption or Insanity. If this means yon, send for and read our Book of Lite, written by the greatest Specialist of the day, and sent, (sealed), by addressing Dr. Parker's Medioal and Surgical Institute, 153 North Spruce St., Nashville, Tenn. SUFFERING KANSAS. For Sale Cheap. Two houses and lots -in South Napoleon. Enquire of Chas. Boyer. 3t Fer Sale. - House and lot in a very desirable location. Cheap for cash if bought within 90 days. Im C. E. Rbynolds. For Sale. 40 acres of land 1 mile southeast of Na poleon. Good house, barn and orchard. All under cultivation. tf - CubtibBixbt. - Cash Paid. For Saw Furs, Hides, Pelts and Tallow. , tf 8. L. CrjBTis. Wm.T.BInrley.Dentlst.- Boomsover Humphrey's Drugstore. Letter List. Letters remaining uncalled for at Napo leon, Ohio, Post-Offloe, for the week end ing Feb. 6th, 1891: John Ayoorn, C. P. Btandering, Bertha Arpse, N. B. Lntz, France Oilman, Carry Bodie. Persons calling for letters will please say they are advertised, and give the date. D. M. Jones, P. M. Goto McClnre To buy drags at Turney & Shelter's. They keep one of the most complete stocks of drags, drug sundries and wall paper in Hen ry county. , ; " 2t ' Entitled to thereat. All are entitled to the best that their money will buy, so every family should have, at once, a bottle of the best family remedy, Syrup of Figs, to cleanse the system when costive or billions. For sale by all leading druggists, feb 6-ltn Families BnrningTheir Furniture for Fuel Freezing ana starving, Kansas City, Jan. 31. W. S. Shrimp of Tirad township, Rawlinga county, K.s., was in the city yesterday solicit ing aid for the destitute farmers of his county. He says the people of the township are in a deplorably poor con dition, their crops having failed for three seasons and many of them have neither clothing, rood nor ruel. He says that they will be unable to withstand the rigors of the winter and will freeze and starve to,death without assistance. They were unable to raise any corn last summer and their cattle, pigs and chickens are dying irom star vation, t Many families have been obliged to burn their furniture for fuel, Mr. Shrimp collected enough money here to buv a carload of flour, and will be shipped immediately to the suffering people, me kock island rauroaa is giving free transportation. v A Salt Lake dispatch notices the death of. Lucy Decker Young, one of the polygamous widows or urignam Young. Shewas the first wife taken by him after joe smitn got nis "iteve- lation on Celestial Marriage." This came about in this way. Smith had persuaded a number ef women to co habit with him, calling them his spirit ual wives. His legal wife, to whom he was married in lazl, became jealous, and to pacify her be received, 1843, a revelation authorizing polygamy ,which at first denounced by the beads of the church, was a few years later openly defended. Brigbam xoung, who join ed the Mormons at Kirtland, O., in 1832 was one of the Twelve Apostles at the death of Smith, and was unanimously chosen to the Presidency. On August 29, 1852, he proclaimed the 'revelation' of Josenh Smith, and his influence was so great that he had little difficulty in securing its admission as one of the doctrines of the church. He sat his af fectionsupon Lucy Decker Seely, the lawful wife of Dr. Seely, of Nauvoo, III., and after the High Council of tbe church, at his direction, had set the Seely marriage aside, Young married the released woman. This is the. wo man whose death is just announced. Prescription of all Physicians Accurately compounded at D. 3. Humphrey where you can find the largest stock of toilet articles, perfumeries, cosmetics, sponges, hair. bath, shaving and tooth brushes. All the leading patent medioines oan be found on my -shelves. My stock of drags and chemi cals cannot be exoelled in town. Also sole ao-nnt for Van Wert's Balsam for the throat and lungs, which I oan recommend to all as a superior remedy for coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis and consumption. We guarantee to cure or money refunded. Call for a trial size free. Large dollar bottle, holding one-half pint, for fiu cents, uememner tne place. ap24-ly D. 3, Humphbei, THE OFFICIAL FIGURES.5" Showing the Population of the State as the Basis for the Reapportion ment. Columbus, Jan. 29. Secretary of State Ryan has received from the su perintendent of the census at Washing ton the corrected and official figures giving the enumeration of the State by counties, taken in June last. On these figures will be based the apportionment for senators and representatives for the ensuing decennial period. In 1880 the total population of the State was 3.198,- 062, as compared with 4,672,316 at pres ent, an Increase of 14.83 per cent. Mr. Ryan states that these are the only of ficial and correct figures published, and in support of this cites the fact that in a Cincinnati paperthis morninga state ment was made placing the population 100,000 less than given by the superin tendent of the census. The population by counties is as follows: 'Waived an Examination. Monday afternoon Arthur Cameron, the ac cused hone thief, was, arraigned before Squire Tressler's court but waived an ex amination and was bound over to common pleas court. The bail Was fixed at $500 whioh he failed to prooure and was remanded to jail. It is hoped, for the good, of all, that the common pleas investigation will divulge who were his companions in crime and, also the ones who have committed many other felonous acts during the last year. His speedy capture ean be accredited to the extraordinary ability of ex-Sheriff Barnes, wKo as soott ss. commissioned, tested not until Cameron was safely housed in the jail. Wonk ot toy Tnaw Ew. The headline of this advertisement Is not printed in a foreign language but simply has been transposed and is read from right to left and is done to attract your attention to the Buckeye Route as the best line to reach points in the South and South West. If you are contemplating a trip to Tennesee, Alabama, Florida, Texas, Mexico, California, in fact to any point on the Globe, it will be to your interest to call on or write to any agent of the Columbus, Hocking Valley t To ledo By. for rates, time of trains, etc or ad dress W. H. Fishbb, G. P. & T. A.. tf Columbus, O. Whioh Will You Pay. If you pay attention to this advertisement you will not pay the extra profit others are making on clothing, mens furnishings and hats. We don't bulldoze but we do sell cloth ing cheaper than any house in Napoleon. We save by buying for cash of manufacturers and by os saving we save our customers at least 20 per cent. Ton won't cay 20 per cent. on the dollar uselessly. W no would ? You'll oome to ns and save money, wont you ? Re inomber the Place, Eagle Clothing House, Henry Meyer, proprietor. tf For Sale, A few choice lots in Sheffield's addition Price low. Terms easy. Apply to tf L. L. Obwio. For the Mardl Gras Festivities, at New Orleans, Feb; loth, 1891. The Buokeye Route will sell round trip tiokets at very low rates. Tickets will be sold an February 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th, 1891 good to return until February 24th, 1891. For full particulars as to rates, routes and other information call on or write any agent 0. H, V. T. R'y., or address W. H, Fisher. G. P. & 0. A., Buckeye Route, Columbus, O. td FreetoAU. EverybodyislnvitedtooallonO M JTisk, theJewelerin Leist's drug store, and have their jewelry cleauea and repolished the same as when new, free of oharge. Fine watch work and hard solderinga speoialty. All work warranted and perfeot satisf ac tionguaranteedormoney refunded. tf CM. Fibs Notice to Teachers. The board of school examiners of Henry county will hold two meetings for the ex aminationof teachers in the month of Febru ary instead of one as heretofore first and third Saturday. No meeting in the month of July. A. H. Txleb, if. U.HOHWAB, . Mbs. Sue Wklstkd. Napoleon, Jan. 8, '91-td Examiners. For Sale. Thirteen acres, one mile from Napoleon! frame hoqse, bearing orchard, all cleared, no stumps, good blaok soil. Enquire at this of fice. : 'tf The prevalent Idea in regard to thick food being the most nourishing, is er roneous. Mother's milk is quite thin, yet very nutritious. Melliu's Food, when prepared for use, is thin like breast milk and corresponds physiolo gically to mother's milk. A Fox Chase on the Tapis near Grellton. Grellton, Feb. 2. (Special.) There will be a fox hunt Feb. 14th, circling sections 7 and 8 Richfield tp.t and 12 and 23 Monroe tp. The center will be two miles south of Grellton on the Farrison farm. Lines will be form ed at 9 a. m. sharp. Everybody is in vited to attend. Bent Walker and family spent sever-. al days in Wood county last week. The factory will start Monday. Such news Is hailed with delight by many who have been out of employment for some time. Chas. Clark Sundayed in McClure. The M. E. Church is about complet ed. The dedication will be solemnized the 15th inst. Adam 26.093 Allen ........ .... 40,644 Ashland.;.. I3.S23 Ashtabult.... ...... 43,656 Athena 84,194 Anglalze , 28,100 Belmont Brown Butler Carroll Champaign .1 Clarke Clermont... 67,418! Z,H9U 48.697; 17,6661 26,9801 52,277 88,553 Clinton 24,240 UoluuiMna.... .... Coshocton 26.703 Crawlbrd,... 81,927 uuyanoga aiiy,avoi war Be Defiance - 25,769 Delaware 27,189 Erie . S5.462 rairneia 83,83! Fayette 22,301 Franklin 124.081 Fulton 22,028 Gallna......... . 87,005 Geauga 13.4S9 Greene 29,820 Guernsey ,... 28,66 Hamilton .374,573 Hancock...... 43,563 Hardin 28,939 Harrison 20,831) Honry 26,030 Highland.... ...19,048 Hooking 22,65ft Holmes 21.139 Huron 81,949 Jackson 28,408 Jefferson. 89,416 Knox 27,60(1 Lake. 18.235 Lawrence !9,556 Licking.. 43,279 Liogan xt,!H6 Lorain 40,295 Lacas 102,296 Madison 20.157 Mahoning 55,979 Marion 24.727 Medina.... 21,742 Meigs 29,818 Mercer 27,220 Miami 89,754 Monroe 25,175 Montgomery ...... 100 852 Morgan 19,148 Morrow...... 18,120 Muskingum 51,210 Noble 20,753 Ottawa - 21,974 Psuldmg 25,932 Perry 81,151 Pickaway 26,959 Pike 17,482 Portage.... 27,868 Preble 23.421 Putnam 30,188 Richland 88,072 Koes 39,454 Sandusky 30,617 Scioto ; 35,877 Seneca 40.1 Shelby 24.707 atari! 4,I7U Summit... 64,089 Trumbull 42,378 Tuscarawas 46.618 Union 22.866 Van Wert........... 29.671 Vinton 16,045 Warren..... 25,468 Washington , 42,380 Wayne 49,005 Williams 24,897 Wood.... 44.! Wyandot 21,722 Total .8,672,316 A. C. Brandt drilled his Fairport, La., farm tor water ana struck a six teen inch vein of silver. We have given H. Oathman the agency in Napoleon for our Barley Malt Whisky. Dis tilled from malted barley, it is rich and nutri tious and free from all impurity. For the sick and feeble it iB a true tonic E. H. Chase fc Co., Distillers, i lmo - Louisville, Ky. Turney and Shelter, of MoOlure, have opened a drag store, and cordially invite all to oome and see them when in need of any thing in their line. Respectfully, . 2t , TUBNKI & SflBTXEB. Inquire of W. 3. tf Oood Farm for rent. Fierrepont, Dentist. - ' Baddies, bridles and latest style harnesses at F. Shoner's. tf Mrs. A. E. Mann has moved her dress mak ing shopi in the Gary Block, over Bradley's store. tf See Buydam's reduoed prioelist before pur chasingy our boots and shoes. ; 2t K " Circuit Conrt Docket. ' ' Francis B. Curtis and John E. Dillon vs. Chas. N. Schwab, (appeal); continued by agreement. Edward HugheB vs. A. M. Willard admr. Tolitha Hughes deo'd et al. (appeal); claim of Chas. Van Hyning dismissed; Willard as admr. allowed a credit of $76.82 for taxes and attorney fees; balance of fund to be paid Albert Hughes, Martha Fast and Sarah Breo- tel. -- Chas. M. Gridley, admr. of Wm. Jeakel dee'dvs. Isaac Jeakle (appeal); ordered ap peal dismissed at cost of appellant and execu tion awarded. . Henry Jeakle admr. Margaret Jeakle vs, Isaac Jeakle (appeal); ordered appeal dis missed at cost of appellant and execution awarded. ..' - John G. Muntz vs. Bertha A. Fisher (in error); catse continued at cost of defendant (Fisher) in error; mime pro timet order. Jas. O. Waltimire, treasurer, vs. Jas. Dix on et al; settled and costs paid. Arminda J. Walcutt vs Lucinda Jaqua et al petition dismissed, oause remanded for ex ecution; allowance guardian ad litem 10. A Palatable Fair. Un February lGth the band fair begins. The charaoter of this event will be ' a new de parture from the average fair. It is under stood that no wheels of fortune, chance books, guesses, etc, will be tolerated, neith er will any other means be inaugurated whereby money will be made otherwise than in a strictly legitimate way. Artioles will be kept for sale which desire only will create a purohase. Excellent mnsioal concerts and light comedies will be given eaoh evening with an aim to satisfy the visitors for admis sion fees. Taking it all in all the affair will be a pleasing one and all should attend The committee on arrangements met and appoint ed the following committles: . FANCY BOOTH. Mrs. Dr. Shoemaker, chairman; Mrs. Amelia Cary, Mrs, D. W. Frease, Mrs. W. F. Balsley, Mis W. G. Coover, and Mrs.C. E, Beynolds. DOMESTIO BOOTH. Mrs. C. W. Jackson, chairman ; Mrs. Ed. Yeagor, MIbb Carrie Bloomfield and Miss May Wilson. ON SUPPER. Mrs. L.L. Orwlg, Chairman; Mrs. David Wilson and Mrs. Reed Sl'ord. 1 , CANDY BOOTH. Miss Ona Faurot, chairman ; Miss May Cary, Miss Sadie Hartman, Miss Effle Scribner and Miss Puss Beynolds. ICE CREAM. Mrs. Alex. Teeple, Mrs. Dr. Bloomfield. - soLionrqa. Washington St Mrs. Dr. Shoemaker and Mrs. C. S. Beynolds. Clinton St., Mrs. Amelia Gary and Mrs, W.F. Balsley. , Main St., Mrs. J. Bloomfield and Mrs. O. W.Jackson. North of R. B., Miss Anna Brown and Miss Mary Heller. - Lower town, Miss Mary Augenstlno. South Napoleon, Miss Delia Palmer and Miss May Bandall. Among the attractions are the following: Mon day evening a splendid supper will be served, Friday evening a dance Ex-Senator Vest. Each evening will have its special attractions, which alone will be worth the price of admission. The. "Domestic'' sewing maohineis the very beet in the market and is sold as cheap as inferior ones. Call at Tbeo. Suhr's and bsoonrinoed. 2t "What is Buckeyes good for? "Hey? Oood to look at. "Well they air: and there "Haintnocaaeo'rheumatiz "Kin subsist where Buckeyes is." If you are troubled with rheumatism and kindred ailments try the Buokeye cure. beautiful illustrated original poem on buck eyes by the Hossier poet, James Whitcombe Riley, with a Big Ripe Buckeye attaohed, will be mailed to any address on receipt of ten cents, by addressing W. H. Fisher, Qen'I. Fass. Agt, Buckeye Route, Columbus, O. 5t Turney 's Neuralgia Liniment, Spavin Cure Liniment and Horse powders are the best. Call at MoOlure and try them. Respt., 2t Tubney & Sheixeb. A Grist of Personals from Ridgeville. RidgevilLE, Feb. 3. Charles Chapman returned home yesterday from Peters, 111., where he has been for some time studying teleg raphy with Wm. Hudson. He reports the place rather a tough one, so much so that Will said he would not stay there longer than the middle of this month, when he expects to come home. Mrs. Outland, nee Abbs, returned to her home in Payne, Paulding county, the forepart of the past week. Mr Ground Hog saw his shadow yesterday and went back into his quar ters, hence the change of weather, Rev. Wilson, M. . pastor on the Florida circuit, closed a three Weeks series of meetings at the Corners last Tuesday evening. There was a consid erable interest manifested. - A. B. Fauver died at his home at the Corners on Friday, Jan. 23d, of heart trouble. Tbe funeral services were held In the M. E. church on Sunday, the 25th.- - . Michael Harmes and wife buried their 15 months old baby on the 23d of Jan. The child never recovered from the ef fects of whooping cough nearly a year ago, but which developed into lung trouble, from the effects, of which it died.'V ' .- ? Henry Walcott and wife are expect ed home this week, after a visit of sev eral weeks with relatives, and friends in Ashland county, Mr. W's former hpme. At present tbe condition of the roads is not good for hauling and travel, as they have been most of the winter. Consumption 8urely Cured. To Thi Editor: Please Inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above-named disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cues have been permanently cored. I shall be glad to sand two bottles of my remedy FBES to any of your readers who have consumption It they will end me their Express and P. O. address. Bespeot fully, T.A.8LO0UM,M.C.,lolPearl8t,N.y. ' Highest of all in Leavening Power. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. MM ABSOLUTELY PURE "Listed," as the brokers say. at "100 Doses One Dollar," Hood's Sarsaparilla is always a fair equivalent for the price. THE ELECTION BILL DKAP. Democrats Assured by Republicans that the Measure is Defunct. . Washington, Jan. 20. It is a mat ter of talk about the capitol that sever al republican senators sufficient in number to meet the needs of the dem ocratshad assured the democratic managers in the senate that under no circumstances would they vote again to take up the elections bill this ses sion, inquiry shows that there Is a basis of truth in the report. It cannot be learned that anything like formal E ledges, on tbe subject have passed, ut it is certainly a matter of assurance among the democratic senators that the bill is not to arise again to trouble them, and they have notified their party friends in the house that there is no longer any necessity to let the pos sibility of a return of the elections bill to the hoube enter into their calcula tions when considering' the order of business in that body. So, too, it is learned on the republican side of the senate chamber that any effort to re sume the consideration of tbe bill will be resisted by certain republican wes tern senators, though these sanators do not care to be quoted lu the matter. carter's! PILLS. .--cJ Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles inci dent to a bilx'Ug state of the system, such as Dizziness, Fausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating, I'ain In the Side, &c. While their most remarkable success haa been shown In curing. . . Miles1 Nerve & Liver Pills Act on a new orinoiple regulating the liver, stomach ana bowels tnrough tbe nerves, A new discovery . Dr. Mills' Fills speedily dure niiuousness, baa taste, torpm liver, cues, oonstmation. Uneaualed for men. women, children, (smallest, mildest, surest! 60 doses, 25 cts. samples U ree, at laa Lieist's. ten WBSi-iy, Headache, yet Cartir's Little Lrvta Fills are equally valuable in Congtirwion, curing and preventing this annoying complaint, while they also correct all disorders of the stomach, , stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. , uven u wey oniy curea Ache they would be almost priceless to those who suffer from this distressing complaint: but fortunately their goodness does not end here, and those who once try them will And these little pills valuable in so many ways that they will not be willing to do without them. out alter au sick neau is the bane of so many Uvea that here is where we make our great boast. Our pills cure is while others do not. Carter's Littli Liver Pills are very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a does. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle acUon S lease all who use them. " In vials at 2t cents; ve f or $1 . Sold everywhere, or sent by mail. CAETXS USD1CQIS CO., Hew 7ctt ' . V . tf.