Newspaper Page Text
DEMOCRATIC NORTHWEST.fNATOLEON, O. JANUARY 25, 1R94. las. Boss Filled Watch Cases art all gold ufiru you can tee. They look like (olid cues, wear like eolid cases, nd are solid cua for all practical purposes yet only cost about halt at much at an out-and-out solid gold case. Warranted to wear for to years ; many in constant use for thirty Tears. Better than ever since they are now fitted, at no extra cost, with the great bow (ring) which ttnnot tt pulUd tr twulti cjf ute case ue Can only ba bad on the casa atamoad with this trad mark. ait lihx hove ha old-itvla cull-out which it only held to the case by friction, and can be twisted off with the 6ngers. Sold only through watch dealers. Ask to tee pamphlet, or send for one to the makers. KeystoneWatch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. ABDEEUET OOUHTT HEWS. Gov. Mitchell is still in the ring, but there ii very little probability that Corbett and Mitchell will be on the date advertised. The Cherokee Indians think Con cress should wait until they ask for change before legislating them into a state, and the weight of the argument is with the Indians. Abouments against free coal ai very largely increasing the revenues of certain newspapers which loudly proclaim their independence. Greed of employers to grow rich has had much more to do with reduc inir wages in this country than fear to tariff legislation. Ik an extra supply of gas can make a good chairman Jo Manley, of Maine, will be a great improvement on Carter. Representative Holman's idea of holding democratic caucuses with open doors is a good one; he should push it to adoption. Queer about ex-minister Stevens. He is well enough to deliver lectures, but entirely too ill to appear before the Senators who are investigating Hawaiian matters. Gen. Russell Alger is out as a candidate to succeed Senator McMillan of Mich., whose term expires March 4th, 1895. Strikes us that he has been a candidate for several other places, but we have no recollection of lis having h'Hed any of them. A remarkable feature of tho tariff debate in Congress has been entirely over looked by the republican press. The most prominent democrats who had been advertised as opponents of the Wilson bill made strong speeches in its favor. No better evidence could be given of the soundness of Uncle Sam's cred it than the blind offers that have been made to Secretary Carlisle by a num ber of bankers, to take all the bonds of any sort that might be issued. The potter who kissed Congress man Boutelle doubtless sympathized with him for the drubbings he bad been given by Speaker Crisp. Besides, the potter was the proud possessor of a kissing jag that was all embracing in its desires. It is now stated that the Hawaiian revolution was devised by a syndicate of American real estate speculators. There is no doubt of its having been from the first a speculative scheme, whoever instigated it. Oke thing may be set down among the absolute certainties. Mr. Andrew Carnegie will not give a cent towards paying the left-over campaign debts of the Republican National Commit tee, Republicans now admit that the TV ilson bill cannot be defeated in the House. In the near future they will arrive at the same conclusion about the Senate. Tariff reform is in sight, and it cannot be stopped by id arm faclured opposition, paid for with money wrung from the consumers of the country by the millionaires bene ficiaries of McKinleyism. There is in the U. S. Treasurv a surplus of silver bullion over and above that required to redeem all of the certificates now outstanding amounting to something in excess of $55,000,000 in value. Why should not this sui plus be used to meet necessary payments? Why all this manufactured excite ment? The provisional government is in control of Hawaii, and will con tinue in control, unless Congress, to which the whole matter has now been referred, shall decide otherwise, or : the government shall be overthrown byHawaiians. W by not let Congress deal with the matter without excite neot or public clamor? bow. NEW YORK FASHION'S. Decorated Chlaa; Gr awd Cryetal Glass;; Jewelry; Hair Dress. Fashion now regulates colors in table linen, glass or china to a great extent, and while green, or white and gold are much in vogue, hellotlope is asserting it claims for at least a share of popu lar favor.. Hand painted pansy deco rations in natural shades are noticeably handsome on new china; aa garlands ...irvlnir gracefully around the edges, or extending quite across, and other small flowers, such aa sweet peas, or rosebuds are prominent as well. Irregu lar edges afford Increased raciiiues ior fanciful dlsnlav.and various scroll pat terns, scolloped or fluted edges In gilt or green, adorn the most lashionaoie china. Although green bas been a leading color In china for two seasons naiL it la still very popular, and imi tations of ferns, grass, tropical plants or rural scenery, open and almost ini mitable field for tasteful ana variea decoration. rrfwwwr.ATis. Or "Five O'clock Tea" stands, have been recently Introduced at fashionable entertainments, consis ting of a revolving china tray, of from six to twelve cups and saucers, and chocolate tot at the centre, tne tea tray has the addition of a tea pot, sugar dish, and milk pot, the different pieces beinir all alike, and a decided prerer ence is shown for old styles in both ahana and decoration. Green glass vases remain a special feature for table or parlour adornment, varying greauy as to size; cunning little vaces only a few Inches high and filled with flowers, are set here and there on tables, or very large ones are placed on the floor and filled with srrasses. White crystal riaaa vases, fancv Dlates.tumblers, fing er bowls, or confectionery dishes, orna mented with delicate gold tracery, flowers, trailing vines, storks, peacocks and many other designs are really beautiful; and on "globe" vases or "loving cuds" three handles are quite a novelty; cut glass is however more trenerallv used than ever, and while open to the objeotion of being difficult to keeD clean, by using a small brusti and Ivory soap which Is perfectly pure, containing no rosin to stick in tne ere vlces.the d irt comes away In ri nsi ng, leaving the surface clear and Bparkling. But'Few Marked changes are noticeable in new Jewlery, very small watches and short chatelaines remaining in favor. An enamelled or jewelled fleur-de-list is a fashionable design for chatelairis, and a miniature tiara of diamonds, a green enamelled flh. a I R welled zard. or a rooster's comb, enamelled in red and Btudded with small diamonds, are all elegant novelties, from which depend tiny watches, oftentimes harmonizing In color, then again in direct contrast. The dagger brooch has proved a great avnrile. and from the hilt, a cnain ending in a Bheath fitting over the eud of the pin, forms a pretty loop below the dagger. This design admits of much varletv. and a row of small pearls or diamonds extending to the sheath, is a popular style; or a single stone set in a cluster may ornament the uilt, prices varying from ?4..w to $400.00. A Tuxa Parted In The Middle is extremely trying; requiring perfect ffintures to be becoming, and suitable onlv to middle-aged or elderly people. The "blind part" which means a par tial opening at the left side, is a new Idea and more generally adopted man the middle Dart. High caiftures are stylish for evening, withaplalu tortois a Vi r 1 1 comb, nln or fillet f white or colored satin ribbon with a bow or aigrette at the front, but for street or ordinary wear, the hair is usually dressed low. "All over" waves are to nrettv to nass out of style and side waves are almost universal with young people. VERONA CLARKE. IN BRUIN'S EMBRACE. a guide's close call. 'I have read within the past few weeks, many interesting and thrilling accounts of hunting the grizzly bear,' said J. Cheeveg Inman of Manitoba, 'and they have recalled to me exciting incidents I have myself seen and par ticipated in during five years' experi ence as a trapper and hunter in the Manitoba wilderness. Once, in com pany with a half-breed guide named Jacques Sabin, I came suddenly into an open space in a piece of poplar tim ber, which is among the most abund ant of timber about the base of the Manitoba Rockies. The opening would have had nothing to particula ly engage my attention if it had not been for the fact that before I came out into it, it had been taken posses sion of by about as big a grizzly bear as I had ever run across. This made the opening among the poplars some what interesting. 'Our appearance in the poplar open ing had been a surprise to the bear, which was engaged in tearing with its huge claws a decayed log to pieces in search of grubs a curious paradox in nature, an enormous, fierce, for midable beast, with power to tear into fragments the largest buffalo bull with a ' few strokes of its claws, dig ging in rotten timber for the smallest insect life and feeding upon it. Af ter recovering from its first surprise the bear rose up on its hind feet, and gave us a sight of its immense teeth, and showed its anger bv savage roars or bellows that were by no means reas suring for our comort. The big bear threw its fore paws stright above its head, and for a, moment stood as if contemplating a furious chageupon us. i nave no douoc such was the grizzly's intention, but as it stood there erect, a vulnerable and vital partof which there are very few on IVORY 111 I IVORY 50AP PURE 1 NO IRRITATION. THZ MOOTS OAMOUt OX OnTO. a grizzly bear exposed. Jacques took cool and steady aim and sent a ball into the vitals of the huge brute. The bear gave two or three hard blows with ita fore paws ou the wound part, accompanying them with the peciilar voar or howl an infuria ted grizzly utters, and fell dead with out moving out of its tracks. 'The bear had scarcely fallen to the ground. Jacques' rifle being still in poise ready to pour a second charge into the grizzly if the first shot had not proved sufficient, when there came a loud crash off to our right, in the timber, and before either of us was prepared for what followed it, I saw my half-breed guide lifted clear of the ground," hurled through the air a distance of five yards, and fall in a heap on the ground near the bear he had just killed. A second grizzly, fully as big as the first, had heard the cries of the latter, and, notwithstand ing the allegations made . by most writer on the habitB of the grizzly bear that it will not voluntarily at tack a man, came rushing to the spot, and had not waited to look into the cause of the trouble, but had taken a band in at once by an attack on Jacques that was most effective. 'This bear paid no attention what ever to me, but followed up his attack on my companion, who did not need any further intimation to know what be had on hand, and was on his feet again with amazing quickness. The blow from the bear's paw had torn the flesh from his left cheek and side of his head, and it hung in strips down on his neck. Jacques' gun had been knecked from his band. The blood poured from his head and face in streams. He quickly drew his short- bandied hunting axe; which was in his belt, and awaited the charge of the bear. The charge was so ii.-rce that it would have carried down l.hli a dozen stalwart men, ami conse quently Jacques was no more than reed in a gale before it. lis v,cr' down, and the grizzly stood over !.' " and glared and growled as if enjoy u-u the hunter a peril and gloating over the fate that awaited bim. 'These incidents had all occurred with such rapidity that I hadn't had time to think, let alone act, but when I saw Jacques lying at the mercy of the great, brute that would crush the life out of him with the next blow of its terrible paw, I knew that my com rade's life depended on my course. Mechanically 1 sprang forward, and placing the muzzle of my gun almost in the bear's right ear, as he stood glaring and gloating over his victim, pulled both triggers. No more' effec tive shot was ever fired. Two heavy bullets ploughed through the grizzly bear's brain and forced the top of his head off Jike lifting the lid off a ket tle. Tho bear, although he must have died almost instantly, actually re mained standing for nearly a minute, just as he was standing when 1 fired, one immense paw raised to give what would have been the fatal blow to his I prostrate victim. When at last he fell he tumbled at Jacques' side, with one fore leg across the hunter's breast. The big, stalwart half-breed was unconscious, and he remained so for several minutes. His' left side had been crushed by the bear's sec ond assault, and the poor fellow was bruised and torn shockingly in other places on his body. I got him safely to our quarters, and it was a month before he got around again. He was badly disfigured, one side of his face being a ghastly scab, and half of his scalp gone. But he recovered his former strength, and the last time I heard of him he was still hunting grizzlies, and many had fallen under his deadly aim since that close call of his in poplar woods. New York Sunt I.enthrr I.Ike VeWrt. The manufacture ot leather is reach ing what must be almost the highest perfection of the art. A new process has recently been patented in France for the production of a leather which both to the touch and eye has a striking re semblance to velvet. Leathers of this description hitherto manufactured have been obtained by treatment of the flesh side of the hide or skin. The flesh side of the skin being always coarse, the patentees claim now to secure better results by treating the hair side. They cratch or rub the hair side with a rub fcer of strong erosive qualities, or with emery or glass, when working small surfaces, and use a grindstone for heav ier work. In this manner a downy nap is brought out which they throw and lay in different directions, thereby bringing out varied designs of changing hue and appearance. The velvety sur face produced is said to be similar to the down of a peach skin. The fiber is very fine, soft to the touch and has all the appearance of silk velvet shorn very close. -Shoe and Leather Gazette. Who killed Ben Harrison's prema turely launched boom? A Vraaek Skip Cua Tbs proposal to roake a ship eaaa be tween Bordeaux and Nar boons Ibat is to say, from thr Atlantio to tha Mediterra neanhas been ao frequently diaenwed that a definite statement aa to ita dimensions and estimated coat is of considerable mtrr est. . These etatementa hare been pub lished by M. Reus KerrUler. an eminent French engineer, who says that the canal would tie 820 miles In length frum sea to aea and would be from 144 to 215 feet broad, with a depth of from 2S feet to 33 feet, so as to admit the passage of the largest iron clads. There are to be sidings of three-quarters ot a mile long at Intervals of every sight miles, so aa to facilitate navigation and void delay of traffic, whila there are to be 23 locks, each of which Is to be about GjO feet long by GO feet broad and with a fall of from 30 feet to CO feet. The ships using the canal are to be towed or to be drawn along by fixed engines, and M. Rene Kervlller es timates that a canal of this kind would cost 27,400,C00, and that the interest on the capital lying dormant whila the canal was being made would amount to 3,000, 000 or more, or 30,400,000 in all, while the receipts, at 3 J tiling a ton, would be, leu the cost of working and repairs, 2,400,000, representing au luterest of 5 percent upon the capital in rested. London Times. "William, my son," said an economical luwuer hi ner ooy, "ior mercy's sake, don't a,ccp romping up ana aown tht floor in that manner. Ynn will m m - --- vu - jumi iicn boots." (He sits down.) "There you go, stt- uuguuwn: now you'll wear out your new trousers. I declare, I never saw such a boy 1" "When I was a Boy," Writes Postmaster J. C. Woodson, Forest Hill, W. Va., "I had a bron chial trouble of such a persistent and stubborn character, that the doctor pronounced it incurable with ordinary medicines, and advised me to try Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. I did so, and one bottle cured me. For the last fifteen years, I have used this preparation with good effect whenever I take A Bad Cold, and I know of numbers of people who keep it in the house all the time, not considering it safe to be with out it." "I have been using Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in my family .for 30 years, with the most satisfactory results, and can cheerfully recommend it as being espe cially adapted to all pulmonary com plaints. I have, for many years, made pulmonary and other medicines a special study, and I have come to the conclusion that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral occupies a I isition pre-eminent over other medi ants of the class." Chas. Davenport, lover, N., J. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Sr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Maes. Prompt toact, sure to cure Complexion Presorted . DR. HEBRA'S VIOLA CREAM Remorea Freoklet , Pimptttk Livr Moltt. Blackhead; ounDurn wiu ian, sou ro mtnram V a atlrtn in Its. Arlirl. kva u-a sau v sw vaisja.- nal freshness, producing Inn. an1 nealthv tfnm IMOJviUlIt hu:.iv wwiwmi S reparations and perfectly harmless. At an rugglsts, or mailed lor SOcta. Send for aflrcular. VIOLA SKIN 80AP Unplr taeonparsbls as a bin purifying Soap, aaeqiiaM tat tha toihrt, and without a rival ft tha Bantry. AtuKjluf !r pure aad deliulal medi cated. Atdnwstw, Pries 25 Cents. G. C. BITTNER & CO., Toledo, O. COPYRIGHTS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT Tor a Rrompt answer and an honest opinion, write to I II N N A- f !.. who have bad nearly flftv Tears' experlenoe In the patent business. Communica tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In formation concerning Patents and how to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogue Of median leal and sotentlfio books sent free. Patents taken tbrooRb, Mann ft Co. receive special notice In the Scientific American, and thus are brought widely before the public with, oat cost to the Inventor. This splendid paper. Issued weekly, elegantly Illustrated, bas by far the largest circulation of any scientific work In the world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Bdltlon.monthly. 12.50 a year. Single copies, 25 cents. Bvery number contains beau tiful plates. In colors, and photographs of new houses, with plans, enabling builders to show tha latest designs and secure contracts. Address kUWN & CO, Haw YOHK, 301 fiKOADWAT TOWN TOPICS, Th Journal of Society, 83 PAGES.) (THURSDAY.) HEW YOKE. It universally recognized M the mott complete weekly Journal In the world. Ita ''Saunterlnsa" column! are Inimitable, tti octet? newB, enpecllly of the doings of the 400 of New York, Boaion, Philadelphia, Chicago, and all 5wr the world, 1b not equalled by any newspaper. Its Financial Department la authority with all Lwnkerg and brokers. Its "Literary Show" notes 01 current literature la by the cleverest of re viewers. Its "Afield and Afloat makes tt the most Interesting paper for all lovers of sport yachting, football, rowing, shooting, fishing, etc. Its " Ou the Turf " excels all other racing notes. Its burlesques, poems and jokes are the cleverest. Its toiies are by the best writers among them Amelia Klves, F. Marlon Crawford. Julian Hawthorne, Edgar Fawcett, Gilbert Parker, Wary J. Hawker ("Lauoe Falconer"). Barry Pain, Vaul Boorget Rudyard Kipling, Ambrose Blerce, etc.. etc., and are, even If trifle risque, yet always clever, bright and pretty, without coarseness or any tbing to offend the mo refined and moral woman. In addition to all this there in each week a supplement, portrait, in colors, it some man eminent in his walk of Jifo Tales From Town Topics Quarterly, first day of March, June. September, Pi-wmlMir; 1M pngu; liimo. Contains lit each iiumlier, lu addition to short stories, poems, bur. k'fqupn, etc., from the old issues of Town Tories, a complete, original pi no story of 120 to ISO pages. No one who enjoys the nlghest clnss of fiction, and would beau emit-ant with all thut pertains to good sociwty, can afford to be without Town Tones every ivtek. Therein so fnui'h Interesting reading In ft !uu1 in the Tales," tuat a club subscription To both will supply any family with abundant trading of the most cutertalulug oharacter all the year. RATESi Town Topics per annum, S4.00. A trial oubscrip lion for three mouths, H t .(Ml, and a ipmlnMS copy of "Tales" Free. . Tales From Town Topics, per number, SO cents, Per annum, $i.00. Doth f .'luhhea, per annum, pS.OO, and any two previous Numbers of ' Tales" you may specify fbek. HfSend ia cents for sample copy Town Tones. N.B.-Heve you read AM&L1E RIVES' latest und best aoTsl, . Tanis, The Sang -Digger? limo, cloth, tilt, uncut front and foot. (1.90 post paid. Kemlt by check, P. O. money order, postal sots at rcglswred Istter to TOWW TOPICS, tt Wast f 34 Strati, Naw Yark Dobbins' Elfcniri Ri cheaper for you to uae, if yoo follow direction, than any vuirr ouap wouia De, U given to you; for by its use clothes atcenvea. uioines cost more than soap. This noap cost in 1869 twentV PPnta a ko Now it cost nine. It contains precisely the same ingredient, and no others, now as then, and costs less than half. Buv it ot your grocer, use it and preserve your clothes. If he hasn't it, he knows that he can buy it of his wholpsnlo The genuine always has our uttuic ou me wrapper. Look ouiior imitations. There are many of tripm. PBESEItVA- of dothe. by th TiniW 5? ot Dobblna' csUbllabed factofmgenermtlon. Ilia ... va.pcriuieDi or a wim Msertlorj, but absolutely true. Think carefully Whether vnn niubn ..... . . ' f i wm m wutor v. " pl l d?11 00 cloth. Yotl pan't An knit. r i-v-i . , . Wectric and look on every wrapper for tha nam r,t DOBBINS SOAP M'F'O CO. -vcn,a to j. aj. uraglD JO., PHILADELPHf A . PA NOTICE TO TEAGjfE RS ! . J0TI08 Is hereby girea that la acooidancs ski with the provisions or the Bene Law the Henry(couutj Bcsid of Ejsmlaets will hold x animations for teachers In toe casement of the Court House in NapoleoD, Obio, on the following dates, to-wit: 2d and 4th Satnrdajr of September. do do October. do do do do do November, do December, do do do February do do do March. do do do do do do April. May. do do do Jane Examinations will continence st 8 o'clock a. m ,. Evidence of good moral chsrscters will be re quired of all candidates; that evidence to be a personal knowledge of the Examiners conc-srnirg the spplicsnt, or certificates of good moral chara ter from some reliable source. ' ME8. BTJK WE lSTEAD, 1 EHILUP C. SCH WaB, Examiners W.M.WARD. J -AND- f ciltpte fnstitiite ! Opens itsjfal! term on 28th of AukusI, wiiuttuurps oi teacner mat stu dents will appreciate. " Everyone Educated in college.. Everyone trained by ac tual worjt in the Pub lic Schools. This is the service offered to those who attend the Normal this Jyear. J Teachers classes organized every term. Kegular work of all grades. Departments: Preparatory, Literary, Commercial Music, Fine Arts. All directed by specialists. For catalogue and informa tion address W, W. WEAVEK, Pres., Wauseon, Ohio. C. A. HARLEY & CO., Summit, Cor. Madison St., TOLEDO, OKIO, ' For Complete, Elemnt and BEAUTIFUL .'..STYLES ! Ton should see OURJACKETS, made Upon Honor. Made for Wear. Made ior Reputation. SEALSKINS AND FURS. To see them Is to trny, and to bny Is to save money lnoomparlsou to what yon would pay elsewhere for ssme value. ' novl6-5t PATENTS. : flMaueii u tnmm iw for tmmv P"tf 230TS rVCTBOTP ; : WA.,MiNOiOH. v, TbewtranireT witb longhair had eatra a great breakfast ia a Clark street restaurant and SEaa making for the door without aet Uing when the cashier called U him: "Here, alrl Tbemouevl" "Money It's the encroaHlng topic of the nonr, ana I'm sot aarprtaed that you evince keen Intercut in it. I trust, air, that you will agree with me when I say that the re peal of the all rer purchasing law will not greatly relieve the business world. The remedy must be more ' "On, atow your tongue and out with the wealth!" I agree with you. Tha point ia well taken. Wraith Is great blessing st all tide, hat MtrislnMon cannot increase or diminish the volume of currency. The Unit thins neceeaary la to strengthen the public confidence by assurances" "Now, aea here" - "Pardon me, but I hare the atattstica to prove all that I say. I maiutaia that the repeal of the Sherman law, aa receutly ac complished by congress, can only miti gate" Just then something hit him in the Lack, and he atruck the curb on the other aide of the street As he gathered himself up and bunted for bis hat he remarked: "It strikes me as a mighty singular thing that some men cannot discuss the financial question without flying luto a passion." Chicago Tribune. ODDS AND ENDS. Smoke will atnrvfv luwa harmletta. Good manner and uaoil mnrilisrainnrn friends aud fast allien. Uartol It COSS4 onlv a nenriv a iwiunrl fnr Fnrrlan! to import mutton from ei Zealand. SEE GREAT OPPORTUNITY WITHOUT $3,000 Grand New Year For Subscribers to THE NORTHWEST. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY RECORDER ia the best home paper In the world. Wt have made arrangements with the publlshora to send Thb Weeki.t Recokdeb for a whole year to every on.-; "bribing to Ing the subscription prlce.fl.oU in advance.' THE WEEKLY Recordrh is a larire. twnntv-four nacn nimr. nnntntnlao tho Intnaf Parla fashions before tbey appear in uny news or tne world, sensations, sermons and dome ot nil creation almost ou the Instant of happening, and the publishers fire constantly introducing novi'l And startling sensations. Everybody obtaining' The Wf.ekli Recokdeb. through this oM is entitled to com. pete in The .First Grand , Prize Distribution of 300 Valuable Presents, which will be mado March 7. 1804, nnd every one signing his or lior name to the subscrip tion blank below and eoi.d re t to our oflU- will) $1.50 will receive TeiKoithwiii for one year, roculor prir $1-00 The Week cy Reikwder for on year, prlcftt.OO. and any one of the several pieutinrns U iis'.i'atud iit-lnw, worih 75 oents eaoli; totaf (2.75 besides l.ln ...... !... I ... It..... I .L.a .in... : t ,T..J. I 13 ... :i I..1T . ,i "Tiu( TilliiliCi W 1IKU1U UUb lUtT M1UK l1llin;U Hie too of The Reuordor Buildinir. 15 tSrriiw Jistanco from t he tnp of the building to I If stret being exactly 10.1 feet and 9 inches. A silver dollar will be dropcd from the top of The Bccordor Building February 23, 1891, at 8 p. m., and the time required in fall I will be accurately timed and the time published in Thb Weeklt Kecokdkii, March 7, ism. tjcerciso your wus nnn scnu in your o,nfver to tins problem. Tbo tollowiwr rai tinl list of prizes will be riven to the subscribers who between now and February iH. 1MU4. first send the correct fulline titnu of thn coin. In cose no one ?ends the correct time the prizes will be awarded to tlioe Ural, sending nearest the correct timo, and the prizes will lie awarded In the order nuiniieied. No. 1 going to the one first enamg the correct or nearest tne correct t une. no. 3 going to the second sending tne cor rect or next nearest the correct time, ami so on throughout, the whole list. Try tt, nnu you mny receive one ot these mew near tuns. The correct time will be published in The Weekly Recorder March 7, 1804. Don't think that ot hers may be ahead of you. The last Demon seudlnir the answer msv win the first prize. It is well worth trying. a net oi mo prize winners win tie published in j he weekly kecokdeb. Alarch 7, lrwt. LOOK OUT FOR A HAPPY NEW YEAR! Fill out thiR blank, cut It oulaud tend to tia with fl.60. THE NORTHWEST, 2SA.3POXJSOOT, oxcio. Inclosed find fl.CO for one year's eubscrintion to Tm NnwTwwwar and Tn fCW YOKK WXEKIiX liUailiDER. ' My nuiwcr to l!io fulliuu timo of tho dollar For premium to which every I . KubiH-iibui' is entitled send send Sign your name. County. fclivet and Number LIST OF WEBER UPRIGHT CHAW PIANO. I Stylo E. Aniciieitii o:ik, 7!j nclavrjr. uniiid iiriir!it; extra iniiiilhi.ii)'; ease, ov'is!riui(r eenle, tin "'n striiK't", patent ui'liuii.conlimioii' liimres, soli I enrvfd lejf", ewiny ijesli, IhiikI- SEE WHAT WE GIVE EVEKY SUBSCRIBER, Evry KuJonbrr soinlins l-EO tor a yoar'fl Suhpcrlption to Tm N bthwb t inrt Thk jS'iiw YoitK Weekly XilluHdeii is entitled to unyONK of Um prHirmiin iow, .'IIOVIDED tliat whon sdiri; tho sulis-.-ription Ihfl roi..iutn lrsired is lucutioued. :uur cents aiuax be sent to help ,wy postugo on th(? premium. NiOriel-plUt 'at'mil f.CIf" hot, liuti nuHtii.v. 4iaio irnii. kvjfvbrnly nted n ICOmt pRir itt ttirnMir-a niltl tbax'i aro just Ui iHi) u naoL AIcoVol littl 'tn jor heHtintr curli rons. Cienn. t)o nnt 'ir.nke ihp iron and al ra.v ready for uif. lAdies iisUDOt cet alouif without U , , tfif ra finis qnaU ffandaoina Oil- fty Men' lion. Hcantifnl Oabl- ItzeU Match Sare, with dnvbti net Piottira at in dfiigi. und bntii aod toen, l'riii4B, rod, bin Killvreartoi-yuHrn. porfect Ihtiujr, or utopi:. Vorjr Makes a vory nat iinrtnin toeti ihowy and aitra- lift for a kdiIo- ratnle.i,iitroiff, tive nr the pur ior van. till and duraule. or living room. "Vm Drift Curd Cam. white metal, tiWer plated, tamped witb baullfnl de sign. Keep card from ourl iDaT and heeomiDZ soiled. A hand Home table ornament, ouraDiete witb Deck of cold dited card, worth L.ima Two burl ed knife. pearl or '.hell handle ex tra quality Ma STILI, MORE. Everybody taking advantage ot this irreat offer Is entitled to have an exchange notice published three times during the year in "The Yankee Swapper" column of Thb Wbkklt Eboordkr Free of Charge. . - . This privilege alone la worth many times the cost of our subscription price, and yon Will be able to make many valuable exchanges with The Recorder's thousands of readers. People who know the Greatest Offer Ever Made by a Newspaper when tbey see It Will take advantage of this opportunity, which Is only offered with Tn Nobthwmt. Sample copies of Thb Weeklx Beookdeb sent free to all who ai ly. .. rlGRTHWEST, - Napoleon. Ohio. Ska Was Dyspeptic. One of Portland ' dyspeptie womerr maw their tribe decrease was taking dinner with friends, and when after picking over the good things the taut course had been reached, and the hott est rather doubtfully offered her guest a piece of wince pie, the visitor aaid: "I don't think I'd better take any. I can't eat mince pie nnleaa it ia Tory poor." The bosteae aaid, " Perhaps thia would suit you," and she finally de cided to try half a piece. Thia abe ate with evident relioh, and passing her plate aaid, "I think yon may give me the rest of that pie; it just auita lue." The good housekeeper ia trying hard to . convince herself that she got a compli ment. Portland (Me.) Express. The amount ot gold coin in actual circu lation in the world is estimated by the Bank of England officials to be about 865 tons. The remains ot a race of lilliputlans, be lieved to be the ancestors of the Mexican Aztecs, were unearthed in east Tennessee. The only instance of perfectly successful collaboration in Kugllsh literature is found in the dramatic works ot Beaumont and Fletcher. While in Germany the people are Just learning how many good things can be made from our cornmeal; in England tbey are discovering Low good our cranberry ia when properly couked. Green goods men are working a new scheme. Tbey offer country postmasters large quantities of postage stamps for small sums. One hundred thousand twos (face value t3,000) are offered to "any one who can keep his mouth shut" for tSKU THIS norjEY. Presents ! 300 Gifts ! Demochtio Noitbwxst for one rear, rjav- other American publication; girea the latest 1U1 l IJ III I HU nAWB BlIVtlT UUUtk. lAI ITOU! street. New York, to the street below, tha ' . '. is . Poslofflce. State. PRIZES: somc; width, 5 feet; depth. 3 feet i inches; fret panels, height, i feet 8 inejies. Made by the celebrated Weber 11a no Company. Fittn nve. and lutb St., New York. t Kvery piuno- lorte is warranted for live I nnn fin years. Trice...; UUU.UU 2-Parlor Orran 200.00 JS Edison Phonograph, com plete 175.00 4 Columbia Bicycle, uickel plnled - 160.00 S-K'eivoplicon. 100.00 O-Hiode 75.00 7 New Koine Sewmjr Machine.. . 70.00 8 Purlor Stove 5S.00 0 'I'eleMMipa. iiMMinted 50,00 10 C'ooklnff lUn'e 42.0 11 ClMllilllff Kuiikk 0.00 1'2-Coniet H5.00 lS.-Koii.ik , 3.J.00- H-Ovenoiit BO.OO 15 LmhPM' Cloak 30.00 10 Typewriter ;50.00 17 TIoi l ninr Chair 2S.50 1H Guitar 25.00 And over 200 other rulunble prizes. Full lint of iiTered, with a -full description of raoli prize, sent tree to ail who 9imd for It. A'oohil Store. Alwar rpndjr fnrtite, na ftmoko or fRiell, boilit w iv ter quirk),, ml for Crnvptinfr or for tbo ttick-r om it i invnlimblo and a hancfy tiling to have in o rr bom Tliis atof Mould Ulur$..(XX . Fo'rttnff Clme'ier rinft linckfraiuiuoQ Honrd. I'oinlettr, with cbttotcoie and dice cupa , Flu to-Accordion. An is-t.. entirely new inntrn- a . L clc ItlEUts SI1T in K s luo mm clear a ft lltite and as loud as an accordion, w hlla it ia mnch emailor ftnd sweeter tli an an anooruion. cruder t play. anH mora eonvoniunt ia handle and carry. Any piece can he played mi ni it. and with a juauo or orvau or for entertainments it is siupl vplendid. (sold b dealers tor J m. . . Oomplete set at Domlnoos. - No one aslne a runt can afford to he witnont this patent bait strop. Jt pats a fine keon erigoon a razor, wbioh makea it a real comfort to shave, and after one using you will not be without it. Hair Waver, a new derioa for warinft the tialr and makes barnins; impow Bible. Saves the time and patienot of the oier. fiy all odds tha best bair waver made.