Newspaper Page Text
DEMOCRATIC NORTHWEST. NAPOLEON.' O.,' JANUARY 2 5. 1894. 9-XIIK OLDEST Business House NAPOLEON, IS HUMPHREY'S 5 "OLD RELIABLE'' In Humphrey's Block, Where jron en buy Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, WALL ANO W1SQDW PJIPEB, Blank :-: Books, 'NOTIONS, ETC., ETC. . XST These good are reliable and will be SOLD CHEAP ! Banking House i (i conn (in u. u. UUUU U UUm NAPOLEON, 0. MONEY LOANEb. foreign sad Donieatlo ExohangeBonghtand 8cld at loweatcarrent rstes, snd Colleotloneon .11 point, made promptly. D. MEEKISON, BANKER, NAPOLEON, O. tie- ADD HEUEY COUNTY NEWS. 13T0FFICIAL PAPER OFOITY AND CO. NAPOLEON,, OHIO, JANUARY 25th, 1894, All Farmers' Associations to Unite in a Non-Secret Confederation. The Nalioual Farmers' Alliance in convention at Chicago lias taken the first step towards a confederation of agricultural uhions tliroushout the United States. A definite plan of or ganization, to induce the five promi nent orders of this country, was adop ted and a committee appointed to se cure its adoptions by the other unions. The organization, will be called the "Farmers' Union," and the alliance men are confident that it will receive the hearty indorsement of every sec tion of agricultural Interests. Persons at the head of the goverment have giv en out the information that they al ready had received the tacit indorse ment of the Grange, the Farmers' Mu tual Benefit association and the Pat rons of Industry. The Farmers' Union will be incorporated uqder the laws of Illinois, and it is expressly provided that it. shall be a non-secret organization- As a corfliuiHee t to hasten the Udoplioil of this plan by the other or ders there were appointed' E. J. Rye, West Bianoh, la.; Milton George, CuU cago, and Wells Purvis, Cardington, 0. This looks very much as though the Farmers' Union would gobble up the Patrons of Industry in a maunersome tliing like the Patrons absorbed the Grange. Brighter Days Will Oawu. It should be remembered that the McKinley tariff, which was going to make everybody rich and happy, is still in operation. Although Its advo cates declare that the higher-than-war tariff was for the benefit of the work ingman, wage reductions began as soon as that law was enacted. The decline has been continuous ever since until a period of depression was reached that has only been surpassed by the war- tariff panic of 1873. However, tariff reform is near at baud, when brighter and better days will dawn. The Mc Kinley monopoly tariff was for the en richment of a favored few. The Wil son relief bill is for the benefit of the people. The present administration, and the people of the country as well, had to begin the new. year with the McKinley tariff law still upon their shoulders, but before lorur that law will have been repealed and the American industries which have been forced to shut down will be able to compete with foreign manufactures In every market in the world. 77 The Columbus DUpatcha exceeding wroth because teu porters have been appointed In the Senate at $3.50 a day each. . That isn't much for a reform Senate. It doesn't cost much each day to run that dignified body. Lets there are six clerks at $5 a day each $30, Six sergeant-at-arms and a cloak watcher, same per diem, $35. Ten port ers at $3.50, $35. Nine pages at $2.50 $22.00; total $125.50 per day. The peo ple take their choice at the election and they pay their naobey afterwad. That's aimple enough, (Tbat' Republican economy, says the Zanesville Signal, ' A Columbus correspondent of the Toledo Blade that apeak of Rep. J. F, Meyer of thl county: "Hon. Jacob Meyers ie now aervlDfr. bla second term a toe Democratic member from Henry county. Mr. M event la a farmer, and is looked upon hew a a member who does his duty to the state. He rarely speak and in troduce but few bills. Nobody ques tion bis Democracy, and there is ucb a Republican majority here tbat Demo cratic principle do not tnnve, Ik high protection has been such a boon to the labor of thia country, a the Signal insists, how doe it come that labor is so restless and is only em- nlnyed a part of Its time? Under the system of a tariff law before the late rebellion, strikes were an unheard of thing in this country. While now, in high protective times, strikes are at most of daily occurrence. This con dition of things alone should convince any reasonable mind that something is nalnsblv wrong. We believe the wrong to be the protective tariff. Now what does the Signal believe it to be. Tjiobe who oppose the Income tax seem In think It better that the poor pay all the taxes than that millionaires ht tempted to commit perjury. : When the Republicans speak of the vast increase of wealth of the United States in the last ten years, they should be honest enough to point out who has it. Nobody will deny that we have increased in wealth In the last ten years; we have increased every ten since we became a government. But the last ten has done what no other ten ever did, it has put all that increase in the pockets of the few, and taking it out of the pocke's of the many, so that In ten years the rich have grown richer, while the laborer and the farmer have grown poerer. The farmer and laborer made the wealth, but the millionaire and manu facturer have it. To our brothers of the press who have so kindly mentioned us In connection with the reoeut consolidation of the Northwest and Aeif we extend thanks with a hope that they may all experience prosperity in theirbusiness, as they have wished us. While we should like to record all of their say- ngs, our modesty forbids, but we will throw a veil over it just long enough to reproduce the following from tbat good old stanch advocate of Democrat ic principals the Tiffin A dvertiBcr In the, office of which we spent twelve years of our newspaperexperience: "The Advertiser is pleased to note the evidences of prosperity that its pupil Luther L. Orwig, editorand pro prietor of the Napoleon Northwest, exhibited when he purchased his com petitor, the Mum, ana consolidates me two naners. Orwisr Is publisrnrur an excellent paper and Democratic to the ore. High tariff on lumber has caused the wood-chopper of Michigan to revel in their hovels on wages less than a dollar a day. High duty on coal has innun dated Western Pennsylvania with Hungarians working at starvation wages. High tariff on crockery has resulted in 40 per cent, reduction of wages, and yet the cry of Mammon for recruits from the ranks of the toilers meets with ready response. ' When, oh when, will the criminal blindness of the masses becured. The puresystcm, given us by our fore-fathers, providing for incidentally fostering industries while levying'taxation, has become perverted until to-day the masses are taxed higher than the serfs of Russia. When Lincoln lifted up his prophetic voice warning the nation of the danger from concentracted wealth he sounded the alarm which should be reverberat ing to day from ocean to oceau. Hon. John W. Winn has introduced in the House a joint resolutlou which provides for submitting to the people the proposition of so changing the con stitution that laws passed thereafter by the general assembly shall be en dorsed by the people "before going into effect. This would apply not only to general, but to local laws, and whether by petition from the people there was shown a difference of opinion among the voters as to the merits or demerits of a proposed measure i t should be en dorsed at the polls before it becomes a law. Defiance News. EIPPEIHGS HEEE AID THESE OYER ' " THE COPITT. FemaaJ aal PlsUs Parairailtt Picks- Us ana Path, la by ta Peesl. libertFcentkr. United States detectives are search ing for a gang of counterfeiters who are flooding Cincinnati with aluminum dimes of the date 1800. The counter feit ia an especially fine one and but for the weight cannot be detected with the naked eye. This is the first coun terfeit to be made of aluminum so far as the local government authorities kuow. It isprobably not the coldest weather you ever knew in your life; but that is how you feel just now, because past sufferings are soon forgotten, and be cause your blood needs the enriching, invigorating influence of Ayer's Sarsa parilla the Superior Medicine. "The losses to the country from the business stagnation foot up an enor mous total," says a Republican organ. And still the McKinley tariff Is doing its own talking. f " , How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollare Reward for any esse of catarrh that cannot be on red by Hall's Catarrh Onre. - F. J. CHENEY 4 0O.,Props..Toledo.O. We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheuey f or the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in All business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. Wist A Tkuax, uholesald Prngtrists, To ledo. Ohio. . : VYamhhq, Kuwait Martin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mncous surfaces of the system. Price 75a per bot tle. Sold .by all drnggiste. Testimonials :.. f ;.; $ .; -( j'W.v.. . . v; ln . Harriet B D all. of Wsynestown,Ind.,ssjs: "I ewe my 111. to the Great South Americas Nervine. I bad beeo In need tor five months from the effect, of an exhanated stomsob, Indigestion, nervous prostration and a general shattered condition of lny whole ayatem. Had given op all hope. of getting well. Had tried tbreo doctors with no relief. The first bottle of the Nervine Tonic Unproved me so ninoh that I was able to walk abont, and s few bot tles en red me entirely I bellevu it Is the best medicine In the world. I esnnot recommend It too highly." gold by D.J. Humphrey, Napo leon, O. , . . Aug. Id ly. J. If. Smith, of Defiance, visited with hi family over Hundav. George Bucbanau has bought the H. Hohn property. Miss Emma Kline was ia Napoleon Tuesday. Mr. aud Mrs. Shoemaker, of Neapo- Its, were guests or .Mrs. w. ward Monday. George Teeter has moved with his family to town. The dancing Club nave one of their popular dances last f ndav nlgnL Mrs. Carpenter waa In Napoleon on business last Tuesday. Lelia Miller, of Latta, O., visited her uncle In this place last week. Mrs. O. Buchanan is on the sick lift this week. John Tester has learned how to build furnaces. McCLURE. . Mud! Mud!! Mud!!! . Frank Cromwell Is happy over a bran new girl baby. Little Miss Kate Heeler, of Toledo, is visiting her grand-parents, J). Fnltz and family, this week. Miss Minnie Slender, of Liberty Center, is visiting, friends in aud around McClure at present. The young roiua, or mis place, are having quite a lime attending "big" meeting at West Hope. .bdgar Kinney, or Urand Kapids, was in town Friday. Miss Emma Vngel, who has been visiting friends at Hamler, returued home last week. Rev. Lucy is holding protracted meeting at the M. E, church in this place, and good work is being done. Starr & Hilly, of Weston, were in this burp; Monday. Noah Drummond is repainting his house this week. Charles Willouchbv visited Toledo Saturday. Bert Rickwell made a trio to Grand Rapids Saturday. A couple or liberty Center "guys" were promenading our streets Satur day evening trying to cut a swell. Sorry to say, but about 3 o'clock Sun day morning they were seen hustling out of a back door with old "Frisk" at their heels. We don't kuow why! Come again. JJied. On January 11th, 181)4, Mrs. Mary Croninger. Her sufferings were terribly heart-rending until death brought sweet relief. Her age was 57 years, 9 months and 24 days. Mother has gone from this world of .miction, No more hy ou side In tula life will .he roam, But we hope In the mom of the great resurrection. 10 meet uer wnco uiinl cornea to gamer us home. Died. At her home in McClure January 19th, 1894, the wife of "Uncle" Hilly Mason. She was well and hearty up to her death, which was caused by heart disease. Funeral services took place at the M. E. church Sunday at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Wood ruff, after which her remains were laid to rest in the Hockraan cemetery, east of town. . Mr. L, Croninger returued home Monday after a ' week's visit with friends in Fiudlay and Deshler. - 1 ' . "Tui.ii-" The Advertising Of Hood's Sarsapnrllla is always wit li in the bounds of reason Ikimhmi it i true; it always appeals to Hie wr. common sense of thinking people lo calise it is true: and it is alwavs in .v 'substantiated by endorsements wliicti. in the finauwial world would bo accep ted without a moment's hesitation. Hood Pills cure liver ills, constipa tion, biliousness, jaundice, sick head ache, indigestiion. "ridgeville. Ridgeville, Jan. 22nd. The gen eral complaint now is- rough or mud dy roads all the time. Ground has not been frozen so hard this winter but that many of the farmers have much of their oats ground plowed and ready for early sowing. J. C. Miller, now teaching school in Liberty township, spent a part of Saturday agd Sandfly with friends at J the Comers. Mrs. Wm. Harmon was called to Chica'go Saturday morning to the bed side of her niece, Miss Gusta Taylor, who has an attack of Typhoid fever. Mrs. Rose Emery, nee Gleason, now of Bedford. Ind., is visiting friends about the Corners. Jana Fauver is having an addition built to his hardware store to be used for a tinshop and ware room. Mr. and Mrs. Brubtker, of Florida, were the guests of G. E. Emery aud wife several days the past week. Charles Beckham and wife, of Toledo, are visitiing at the home of H. A. Fauver and wife, X. . mm Living Questions are most esteemed by every intelligent man aud woman. Derangements of the liver, stomach and bowels speedily present to r.s the living question of obtaining relief. It is at once found in Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets which cure sick headache, bilious headache, constipation, indigestion, bilious at tacks, etc. Purely vegetable and per fectly harmless, they are unequaled as a specific for the complaints .named, One tiny, sugar-coated Pellet a dose,' In vials, 25 cents. Carry them in your vest-pocket. Ed. Northwest: I desire, by your permission, to say a few words with reference to the following, published in the Northwest under date of Jan. 18th. 1894: "Ed. Northwest: Sir I would like to reply to the article in your pa per about the death of Peter Witbam, who died in the Napoleon jail last Friday at 11 o'clock a. m. He was forcibly ' taken from his wife and daughter on the Friday previous to his death bv the sheriff under orders of Dr. T. M., Gehrett. He was taken from his sick bed aud taken to Hoignte by train and then across the country in a buggy, and his family wpre not in formed of his condition after he was taken away, so that his wife nor chil dren could be with him at his Inst uioinHiits. YouM, ' L. E. S." . To those who are acquainted with the circumstances in the above cited case, it perhaps seems a waste of time to pay any attention to this siily bab ler who signes "L. E. 8.'? But, Inas much that all the readers of the Northwest are not, 1 will explain. Peter Witham bad been demented for some time previous to his being taken to Napoleon by the sheriff. I t is only a few month since he attempt ed to kill his wife with a butcher khife, and if her testimony is to be be lieved, she was ia constant fear and danger of being Injured, If not killed. That this man was insane and wholly irresponsible I have no doubt. The nature aud cause of which, I shall not stop to discos here. Tbla nil la question together with ht wife aod a boo aoooi iweDif-egx wears or age wwfwoojecuoienamy. This support cam mainly through a son, C. 8. itham, and relief furnished by the township trustees. Some time In Dec, ii", n cam to in noma or bis son, C. 8, Witham. and remained with him until he was Uken to Napoleon by the sheriff. The son's wife being in poor besltb at this time; was in constant fer of being injured by the old gentle man. riDe alleges that snoo after bis coming to their bouse, he attempted to striae her with an iron stove poker. C. 8. Witham knowing fain father to oe irresponsible for any of his acts. and under theclrcunistanceseould not give him proper care and attention. and too notwithstanding the fact it was explained to him and the family that from the very nature of his father's condition he could not live many months at monr. he determined to lake advantage of the law which provides ror the care or such canes. This be had it moral and legal right to do. After a mutual understanding and consent or the family, John Jamison he father-in-law of C. 8 Witham, made the necessary affidavit to bring the case before the probate court. This affidavit was executed before J. M. Pat terson a (tistice ot the peace, who for warded the same to the probate Judge. A warrant was issued bv the court aud placed in the bauds of the sheriff to arrest this man and bring him into court on the charge of insanity. This warrant was duly executed by the sheriff, and Peter Witham was brought into court, duly examined, adjudged Insane and ordered to be taken to the asylum at Toledo. On account of bis aire and Incurable condition, he was refused admission and returned to Napoleon where he died as stated. Thus it is how this man happened to be in the Napoleon jail wheu he died. l dont see why any one should be re proached in this matter. I believe what was done for this unfortunate man was done in good faith and thought to be cue nest for him and all concerned. Why thia erudite(?) correspondent should represent to the public that a great injustice has been done this faru iiy and that 1 am responsible foe the same, l am unable to understand, u. E. 8. was certainly in gross ignorance of the facts in this matter, or willfully and maliciously prevaricated. yours truiv, Dr. T. M. GEHRiiTT. Deshler, O. Jan. 22, 1894. (Continued from drat uagu.) rroim tno state treasury. . jMLissor.n pavs its president $3,600; Illinois, $,000; Cali fornia, $8,000; Wisconsin, 3,003; Ne braska, $5,000. . It will be seen that these other fctatos pay be War salaries for the chief officers of their state colleges than does Ohio. As Dr. Scott is very iikely to leave, and' is in fact axsious to leave as soon as his successor can be found, some step must be taken to com pete with other institutions if, Ohio wants to stand at the head or anywhere near it. The New Comrtiittce on Taint:, provided for tmdet the amended house rules will have at its head Mr. Griffen, who has occupied a prominent place in state legislation for many years. This committee will attempt to bring iuto the state treasury some additional and much needed cash. Thef state has been run ning behind for" 'several years, because the utate has been growing and iis iusti- ;u3 have been enlarged and increased ;:nber; at the same tims no increase .;;);.- very great importance in the rere nut.s has boen provided for. The result waa inevitable.' Tlie real cost of running the state ia less , per persoii, which is the only tme method of maltin" comparisons, than it was 20 years ago! The revenues have not kept pacs with the expenses, and the shortage was bonnd to coine at last. The large sluu of money received from the general government on tho direct tax bill several yoaisarro aided materially to reduce the real ifflebted ness.of the stats. At the same time ndthing has been dona to get at the real difficulty, namely, to make a permanent addition to the revenues; - This commit tee is charged with this especial duty, and if it keeps away from esrwrimental legislation and goes ahead in tracks al ready made Sfrc, the desired increase may be brought fo;th. - The Nichols law. taxing telegraph companies and other corporations, is now in the supreme court of tho United States, and a decision is not looied for until after the present session of the legislature Is over, so that it is not known whether or no other tasf s may bo levied in n like manner. If it should turn out that the law is upheld the state will have a chance to increase ils revenue a half million of dollars without half trying. - No National Gnar, Encampment. It looks now vury'nrach as if the state encanipnif nt of the national guard for this year would be abandoned. This will be looked upon as a hardship by the sol dier boys of the state, but there seoins to be no other way to do. Tho saving will be in the neighborhood of $100,000, and i large sum will be necessary to buy new aniforms. The subject is being careful ly considered by the members of both louses, and if a wuy can be found to aave the encampments, they will come llong in due time, otherwise not. A Member of the House.' BecklesTsAralca Malvex. The best salve In the world for Cot, Braises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cares Piles, or do pay required. It Is guaranteed to give ?nrci Htisisction,or money rem nded rnre so cents per box. ror Sale by D, J. Humphrey. lyr. WHO GETS THE I0IEY. Orders Issoed Upon Treasury. the Coaaty -tyfQWv Blood?- I had a malignant breaking out on my leg below the knee, and waaenred sound and well with two and a half bottles of gSgKijll Other blood medicines had failed tpggjifrJI to do me any good. Wiu. C. Beaty, YoikTUe,S.C TRADE! -yum T was tronhlml f mm AhlldhnnA with en rravntod rase of Tetter, and three bottles ot sarai cured me permanently. SWJ .: . .. .. Wallaob MuN, MuurillcI.T. Our book on Blood and Bktn Diseases mailed tree. BwpjTSMCtawoCo.. Atlanta, tia. DR. BSCELOW, TOLEDO'S POPULAR DENTIST m PAINLESS ' TQilTH EXTeftGTBB will visit Napoleon per eouaUr Saturday, thia week, Jau.aotB. lie will send an asent alter the : alwve date every Satur day. ' The Dr. la s maateY ' wltb the fnreena. mo he f ante aud ace bun on the ' anoteftale. He will ito his work without pals s or take no pay. II" will give S3 per cent, oft oa Crown, Bridge and plats work contracted Saturday, Jib. Wis, Coanetarly. JanlS-3m 5? Th following orders have been drawn hd- ontheeoantytreasaryforth week ending j so. -ata: Henri Brant, serv'g not' ditch 799 $ O Jaeksoe. work on ditch 779 Frank Klear, asst sorrey ditch 761.. Eliza C Cooeb, ditch damages Psllsrd, Goff A Co, ditch work.... A 8 Thiesen, eoort constable. ...... Chas Evert, printing J as W Hanns. bal da on indexes. . . E E Decker, eoart work Sidney Stevens, asst sorrey DC Brown, eoart eosts.. Daniel Wolf, aset sorrey F F Donnelly, stenographer's fees. . Chss Host Uer, eoart constable.... Levi King, witness fees W O Hudson, engineer's fees B B Bitzer. mattress for jail M Swartzlander, jaror't fees. ... , Rafos Spangler, ; do. 1... 0 0 Lowmaster, dd Geo Spencer, do Geo T Shadford, do Henry Eikhoff, do MS Shoemaker, do Fred Panning, do Milton Walker. do Ohas Wahl. do Chas Hnber, do w A Hanns. do Brinkman fc Westhovan. rensirino . JCSaor&Co, interest E Brow, juror's fees Cnas Harris, ditch work '.. J H Wilson, advance Holgate school fund 1,000 00 O Heimet, serving notices 1 25 Peter Stamm. ditch damsoea 1S on 1 tt Haly, witness fees 1 05 Ritfumatihm Cubes th a T)it Mi,ii Core" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radi cally cures in 1 to 3 days. Its aotionnpon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the dis ease immediately dissDDears. The first dose ereallv benefits. 7fi iwiia RniH h r 1. Humphrey, Druggist, Napoleon. ' nor 16-93 8m J SO S 87 63 28 00 669 62 20 00 25 00 424 68 146 G6 1 28 120 87 3 60 J3 00 22 00 800 22 00 2 25 14 CO 12 30 -14 90 'lSE 14 4fi 14 60 14 20 14 80 14 90 14 7C 14 40 4 00 3 Ho 40 00 4 00 10 00 JlPf, V vltleatof ' SB. KILMEVfl S17ALIP-R00T CURED ME. IPri Ma1) lira Vnrm tn'tnvM nuit tuuuw UIB HivIO UUUIautwe De. Kilmer o Biuhamtoa. H. T. GnOemrnj-"lt agerds aw pleasure ta rir yeas s remnuDPDdattoa fur Dr. Ifllmei's swaar.aT,l whfc I have takes S smalt bottles, tt baa early re muted the f. feet oa the Rhes Uawa or about 1 year standing, slaw aseraw weakness of say stack and fcidnevaof about ! years' standing Qyft' K- and has helped a severe , mwmm. w U u KM H. W or tne aiaaaer, I asa tare nr-Boei w. K. cmusoa. wtu entirely euro me of la a short time. I purchased the medicine of a. O. Stone, the Druggist sere In Butler, Iaa." March, T, to, W. R. Chilson. rheumatisfITTheuotsm ! Swamp-Root Cures. Dr. Kilmer Co., Bins-ham ton, N. T. "For the past sweaty years I had been troubled with Sheanatlmaa and doctored great deal without realizing anr benefit. Tvm f;1 v hit aiu-iiuon was can Pa to nr. n.iiinrr s wje.JU- ROOT, which was uighly recommended to me. I thoutht I would try a bottle and I used fourteen bottle. It has done me snore good than sll the Doctors and all the other med icines I had ever taken In the past twenty years. The vast rear has been one of com fort in place of suffering. A great many are using your mVAillP ROOT In Van Wert. lours respectfully. Deb. iota, u&L AinnjAL hepokt-. -OF THE - Una. CaXtih Farlst, SWAtiP-RCOT, Jlht Great Bleed fMslns Drsmhte. fioe. mr !. Sin. 1'UW iimlir to llesitk" n- CMUilLalUi. V. Dr. KIlmerM U & O Anointment uure puss. 1 Trial Free. AiDruecistni 5(k wesniswMW Or. Kilmw a Co., BUnrluuutoa, N. y. ForsalebyD.J1 Humphrey PSVPTflPPI Wehavea larg-e stock of enrel Lit 1 EiliUr 0. opcant the NoRTHWuaT JohBooma which can he oMaiued.oriulad.atieui aa cheap as von can parchaae them nul printed of hu retai trade. tf ' v-o-sa"-'e'-i i IIP WITH J UTHB TIMES! liie days or town criers, barrel head and sidewalk signs have past for important announcements. Therefore we take this method to tell you of our perfect stock of fine Crockery, Eartlienware, Oiiiiaware, Glassware, i f Our stock of Groceries are fresh and pure and we have all staples in 4 f abundance. S All that trained skill and forethought in our narticulur line of busi ness is exercised to meet your daily needs. Buyers who study economy closely say they cau save mouev by dealing with us. WM. SPENGLER. illlllll I ; pi ' 1- i . This Should Interest You. The times are out of joint; trade has been y quiet; the times have been against it; many goods which, under ordinary circumstances ; would have sold quickly, are now lying upon m our shelves and counters; our bills are coming l due mist be met this month mofley must W be raised at once, and the only way to raise it S is to turn our goods into money. Yes, the Goods Must Go J . ' ' : k this month, but to make them go quickly we p realize that our prices must be exceptionally II low. We cannot expect your trade unless we p give you better values than you can get else ff , where. ; ' ; That our Prices are Lower, quality considered, a thorough inspection of our stock will convince you. In undertaking m this salo we know full well that the loss will be t considerable, but necessity compells .us to' S . stand this -loss. Whether you want anything in g Dry Goods, Carpets, ; Cloaks, Shawls, Blankets, Underwear, Hosiery, uloves, Mittens, or Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots Now is the Time to Buy, for never before have the goods been offered at such low prices; and we hope we will never again be'forced to stand such a sacrifice. , D, WILSON, ' Napoleon, Ohio.- C0MMISSI01TERS -or - HENRY COUNTY, t). To (he iron. W. If. Handy.' Jurfrr of the Court of Common Pleatfof jlenry . County, Ohio. Siat In enmpllaeee with aoeiloo tit of th Bevlaed Stalntea at Ohio, the nndermlud C(m mlwiunrra of Beara eoQiilv.uhio, aerehr snbmit heir detail Snaaelal leport tur the year esiuiw Assost ;ilet, A. D, im: cocrrT m itvira ma 189. Ccneraleoonty 4.1 mills tMldlm' relM fead -.a Bdse and road faud...... g. ' Buiktinv fand.. , , ,,L General alakl tm lima , teueral d tch fend. .. A ' F.leetinn fund 1 . Poor fund ta ' .1X5 . Total lev j for 12 ... sraoiiL Mxu roa. lKfl. ' t'nd jr and by rirtni- of a apeoial act of the Ohio Irtlatore, naaeed Mnh 4. usss. entit led "An -telle to autaorise iw Comniiasioners of Henry eonniy.unio, toieaprive ine roaua of said eonnly." The following leviea wera made on the taxablo prw-rty of tbe tallowing- named townahiue rc- upectlvely. to-wit: niageviua lownsnip. a, mills Krelom town.hlp.. S. Napoleon towuhip...HnH A. Iflatioek townhlp . .. .. .. 4. cotsit tax. svn roa 1888. ' lenral etmnty fnnd... nriuice ana i-oaa tuna... Bislialr.g fnnu..,., Hiokins fund Oeueral dlteh fond Soldiers' relief l'.md.... tleutloii fund ....M 4.1mtlls X I"" it " 8. " . " .'J ysM-vwawassass Total county levy for 18!B 13.3 mills. arxciAt. tixss roa 1893. Iu the matter of levy Id" taxes under anil bv vir. I uo of the aforesaid "Special act'1 of tho Ohio. U-Kiila' nre. and under the amendment paaanl April atkh, 189U tlie Board (if Comuiianionara mtlv tbe following teviea npou the taxable property of iu, iuu,iwiu (ownamps lor me jmprovemeni ot roada to-wit : - Rldxevtlle townhip... 5. milla hreedom lownehip .... i 7. Naooleon townatalo 7. Flalrock township.. J. The Interest on the bonded debt of the ennnlv Including gravel road bonda, baa been promptiy paid. . . The foDowlnr detail statement la made In thn followiDi order: Kir.i -UierMeiptaand expendi tures of the vufioox mud .ilecokd the orders hianedon theallow:iiiot,oi rhe Board of Commie-aionera. LEVI KINO, I Comr.ili.lonera ot D.T. lil'UK, f BeuryCo.,0. GENRRAT. COIISTY ycSD. aeTirts. Mch, 6, 'OT, Anit ool oh Deo dup, 1392. . .. $ir,lt SO , Amt certiKetl Into Irons . - HM Ht " Amt eeriifleU into treaa..... J5lt;i 5 And 28, Amt col June dup, Hi 107-U lit A ii Amt cert into 00 treaa . 913 HA. Sept 1, Aiminut rert Into tiea 5$ J " Amt overdrawn to balance....-.- 8tUl 77 Total., KSPEriDITUIiB-J. fTlKCJ ttt Septl, 1S!)3, Amt overdrawn $4W7T 16 Doc B, 18!li, Amt order pd and returned.. 787 04 Meh 6, ISM, . June 1, 1SII8, " . Sept l.leW, " " Total ; COUSTY POOS FITSD. ..' UCZIRS. Sept 1, 1392, Amt on hand . .. Dic 31, Amt col on Dee dup.. M Amt col Dow tax Meh II, 18'js, Amt rert. Into treaa An 28, Amt eol on June dnp ' Anil col on Dow tax...., Aiitf 31, Amt cert Into Co treus 8084.64 Ittttt 96 7'AVT SO- I7193S ttt 12 KB 83 .. 217.1 tl - 888 08 55 98 ... 22S0 i I74 84 ... tWIW 25 Total.....: EXPENDiTl'EliS. Dec 8.1892, Amt ordetapd and returned $1808 ( Mcb 8, lWii. Amt ortiera xA andrctud... Junel, " , . ,, Sept I, ' '" " ' ' ' ' " A at on hand to Imlance. . Total.. COrKTT BRIDGE TVSD, . sscatnav .... Sept 1, '92, Amt on band. Mill 6, '111, Amt col on Dec dup '92.. " Amt eert iutoCo treaa........ Ass 28, Hn.Amtoolos Jane dnp U2 ... Aug 81.'93,Amt cert into CoUeas..., 7 Total....... : EXPENDITUKS. , Dec 6; 133, Amt orders pd and returned . Mch . TW. " Jane I, VI, - Sept 1, 'U3, " -..' . , " Amt on hand.... . 1600 10 . 1251 17 1763 2S Z820 7U $B04G 25. $2M1 20 11787 70 37 25 7SD8 tt 80 9o $22295 20 Total- f 1718 7S 48t 47 , 14J 00 . 75tti 10 6243 8& tiSIK! 20. BUILBIHU JCSD., BICZrPTS, Mch , m, Amt eel on Dec dnp '..... $ St Xi - ' Amt eertd into conoty treaa... - 19 00 Aug 28, '93, Amt vol ou Jnae dap '92 .... 5784 95 Total...'.' .......$11418 28 EXPENDITURES, Sept t,'02, Amt overdrawn .....$ 890 8-1 Dec 6, '92, aim orders paid and returned Slffi Mch 6, 1, Amt orders paid and returned 1813 99 Jn 1, 1)3, Amt orders paid aud returned Xil Hu Sept 1, '93, Amt ordera paid and returned 18HS 87 Sept l,"9a, Amt on hand to balance 8564 07 Total ) 14448 28 TEACHBSS' ISSTITCTE fDND. : nEciim. Sept1,D2,Amt on hand ....$ 27 43 Mohll, '98, Amt ceild into conuty treas. 31 SO Aug 3193. Amt cerld into treasury IliS 00 ToUl $ 223 93 ' EXPENDITURES. Sept 1, '98, Amt on hand $ 223 98 Total 223 93 DOG FUND. RECEIPTS. , Sept 1. 1W, tmt on hand -.. $2270 18 Meh 0, ,9K, Amt col on Dea dup 112 1793 84 Aiijj 2S, "93,Amt col on June dup "92..... W 21 S4150 29 $385 74 iTitil 55 $4150 29 Total.- EXPENDITURES. Dec 8,.'92, Amt ordera paid and rotnd.. Sept 1,'W, Amt uu band.. Total GENEEAI, COUNTY DITCH. RECEIPTS. Sept 1, '92, Amt on hand $1 -1088 4B Mch 6, '98, Amt eyl oy lev on Dec dup'92 1W4 82 " Amt tol spec! on Dec dup D3. 27870 09 " Amtcertiuto trans 10 Bo Aug 28. '93, Amt col ny lev Juue dup '92. 1.1H 7 Ainc col apoldiip 'IB ...v BIOS 29 Ana 31, '03. Amt ttirt iuto treaa.... 190 13 Total ............'..... ' .EXPEN DITCHES. . Dec 0, '91, Amt ordera paid ami retnd. . . . Mob 6, '93, . " June 1, '9, . " ... Sept. 1, '93, Amt onlera paid and rolnd...... " Amt ou hand Total $0)104 90 $5413 35 24439 48 1777 "8 5298 20 13178 11 . $50104 90 SINKING FDJID, , BKCIIPTS. S'pt l.'OS, Amt on hand. .,....;....... ...$ 301(12 33 Mch 6, '93. Amt col on Dec dnp '3..... 11787 78 " Amt oeitliled into IreaK 181 25 Aug 38, '93, Amt col on Jane dup'I ...... 7881 98 .... To'tal ..... - .' ......$ 49969 8 .. EXPKKDITCBES. ' . Dec "92, Amt orders paid and returned S 1070 0 Mch 8, '93, Amt oi dera paid and returned 87957 38 Jnel, D3, " " ; 790 0 . bcptl.'B, " ? j 1 1 13110 0 Sept 1,1W, Amt on band., . 8779 9 .Total .,..;;;'.'..$ 49959 32 ( w BOLDIEB'S B EL1EF fUJti. 7 7 aiLSXfTS. . . ' Sent 1, '92, Amt on hsnd .. . , Mcb 8, 'VI. Amt col on Dec dup f 2 Aug 28, DJ, Amt colon June dup .'92.. Total .. ..1 ' 822 IT .. 1178 8 788 79 .$ 2089 78 . KXPEXDITCBES. . r -Dec 6, 'm, Amt orders paid and. retaa'cL.t 560 00 Juol, ''. " - . " 1187 0 Septl,'9i, " ' - " ' ' ,' 5S80O Sept 1, tt, Amt CD band ..........i ; 339 78 $ 2589 78 .Total..,.. ,1 . , BOAO FUND. '. . ' Sept 1, '90. Amount overdrawn........... . 84 41 ' B0ADIXFBOVBMENTNO8. , Sept I, '88, Amt overpaid... ..... 297 M