Newspaper Page Text
0ADIr0TEHE5T SO. I. pt I, Y4, "P4 ROAD IMPBOVrHIKT IO.I. Bept I, 91,Aja. overpaid , ROADIXPROVEsljCST BO 9. Bop 1. '91, Ami overpaid KO AD IXraOVIXKXTPO.iflL Fekt.1l, A mi mm kutdJ BOADIJlPROVEMCS8 Bept 1, 00, Aaat overpaid ROAD IXPROTXMENI HO. 11 Sept 1, , Amt overpaid - , BOAR IXPKOVRbKRX ITO. 14. Spt 1, ', Amt M hand.- - . ROAD IM?aOVEMKST VO. 1. Srpt 1,11, Awt wrtno - ROABixrROTEsnirrso. n. Copt I, , k error drawn . . ROAD IMPBOVEMMT HO. IS. ROAD IMPOVSKKST 0.1. B.y.1,11, Alllt O bald ' BOADIMPEOVElMtXT HO. JO. Srpt t,W. Amt overdrawn 'ROAD IMPROVE1CEHT 30.21. Trtl,9T, Amt evrirlrawa ROAD IUPBOVBVENT H).3i. apt I, !, Amt en baud -. MU 7 M tot H in 5T3 Sl 141 MT KAPOLEOM PIKE FUSD. uciirr. 1pt1, a. Amt on hud ...... I9287 Jack), 1)8, Amt out on Dm (tup .... 347(1 Amt eert into ties . 9 Act , WAmt oroo Juue dup '9i . 2808 Total.. . 116606 65 EXPESDmjRES. Trc '2,Amtocdn paid and retnd.: SehOW, . - " . Jon 1,111, " " ept1, " " Sept 1, D3, Amt on baud. ...... Total... lumi . BIDGET1LLR PIKE rTJNDj .. KKOirra. r- Bpfl, 'W, Amt on hand-..- . Mob 6, "93. Amt eolen Deo dap "94 . Aug S8,''J3, A mt col on J una dup '9i....-. 98 829 Total PBXPKSDITCRXa. Per t. fW, Amt order paid and retnd.. June 1, 111, " Sept 1, 111, Amt os hand ......... $187 137 2689 Total 29 STATE OK OHIO. . iii-kipts. , Mch ,'-98, Amfeol Dow tin Deo IK!..'.. Amt reg tux onl Dor. dup '92... Aua-28, "92,Anitcelondnpof Jnoe HJ... " Amt col Dow tax Jtll aetl '92 An 81, 93,Anrtpedl lies eert Into h-eei " Auttbow " I407 W0K 72SO inns 1T8 SO Total..:....-.... $2114f. 40 KTPESDITTJRES. Men 6, H3; Amt pd tt trae Dow Hi " Amt d.i from fit com achl tit " . Amt duefrm lot on-aac U Ida " Amt duo etatoon T)ic dnp.. Saptl, "93, Amt. dm utataon Jnna Dnp... ' Amt rord trom Statu acnool., " Amt on hand.. f iw mi mm m f4 7H 3M n W4 49 (KW8 50 20 (10 Total J1MS40 SCHOOL FUNDS. ; EKoiirrs. ' flpt t, W2, Amt on hand... 1. .... . ....k a m.i . .n. rnHl rmm Rt. Pom Boh. , KIRS 30 . 4044 78 . 2lvj 10 " Amt reod from sec-Tft mndi... Amt eoltd on no dnp US , Ao28, 18, Amt ooltil oo J lino dup 118 AmtduelroraStComachbOli 171)10 49. ivn 50 t Total ....... T047J 31 EXPENDITURES. ; Tf- il Amt orderi paid and retnrned S 7SB1 97 Mch 8. "St. tiir7 si Jna 1,'9S, Sept 1,D3, atsi7 M 16.T04 18 1898 70 Amt on hand..... Toui '.:!!: VILLAGE A3S 00RPORA.TI05 FUSD3. 8ptl,,91,Amton hand..;....iJ..l.'...$ 4891 M Jiiu 1. '93, Amt al Dec dnp- Tow tax... tm m Mch 6, '93, Amt cnlDocdnn'fl2rvp(!i: Hl:K 71 AuK'28,'1.1, Arat.ool liquor dnp 1L.1 87B3 M " Amt col Jne dnp '92 reg S peo 4710 2 Total ..'.:.! S29K ai . EXPEND1TCBES. Dm (1, IK, Amt oraora paid and rotnrned f 4871 8! . Mch 6. IW, . ' " " SMIO (HI Mat 1793, mt ppac owrchd .Ino ool "92 j 22 4rt Jn 1, '9:1. Amt oiHlera paid aud retnrned 7592 31 eptl,'9a, " " Jf " . Ami on baud.... 14M61 Total.. ? TOWSSH1P AND ROAD rpSDd. '" BECaiPTS. M i, U, Ami on UriUXiZMiXL $1190 Mch ft. '.l, Amt ool Dec dilp. tp. id. l el ISTSII ?.l MaTl7,1t8,AmtcolJonedn1l nthtfobd 2 41! AugS8J'93,Amtcol inne dnp 4-113 71) Total. ..... . . ' JSiPEXDlTtTRES. .... IIDls't 11) Due R, '92. Amt ordeni paid and rtnd ?1931 iR . -Amt on, hatMl.j....; .j.y, H ;v .. Total...... .... .. .... Sl'JlSJ IS FREEDOM PIKE ." " '' i .'nucnPTs. "''--. Spt t, '92, Amt on kind . .'X . . . ... J341 1 46 Jchiit'9:i, Ami col on Dee dup levy..., ...Hiig 34 AuUcolou Dor. dnp anbmrip 21 Wl . , .f,t - Amtimrt tntfi C.a troa i... iKK) Aug 28, 9JlrAmt ool ou June dup .'1)2 012 05 Total .......-...,.- EXPENDITURES . Dec A, '93, Amt order paid and rutnd... Mch ft, '93, 1 .t , - i ).":',: 'i Bept 1, 'IB, ' " " Anrton band..... .- , ?511i 84 Jl i on 8.V! PS SJM Oil i 4W SI JS4H 84 Tout.... SCOTT BITCH. . . r tmonrak v ' . cp t, '9J,Amton ..... ...$ IDS K MubO, D3, Anitcolon D dnp'92 li 71 Aug 38,'93, Amt col on June dup 'M ... . 811 99 Total .........'. ....."..........J Sins 95 KXPEHDITURE3. ' Mh 8, US, Amt onlere paid and rotiirned I ISO 00 Beptl.'US, " " " 2189 00 .. Anton bund........... - 1392 90 Total . ... 8962 95 ELECTION FUND. Sept 1. 112, Amt on hand........ t 1140 50 Mch 6, K8, Amt cl on Dec dim 'Hi 785 88 Aug 28, W, Amt col on Jira dup 'J.1 ...... 525 91 Total . - 4 2138 35 EKPlfiNi'l'iX'REH. Dee 8, IrJ, Amt orders paid and retnrned ? 7!6 (HI Mch li, in, " . " to do .lue 1, H8, - " " " 217 51 Srt 1. m. " " 27 Oh ' A in ton band 14; 85 . . $ 2438 85 SDRVulIINa SEO. SS.RIDGEVIi.XE TP. KEI.1SIVTS. ' Mch 8, '93, 'Amt col on Dec dnp 9S,... Aug 38, '91, Amt colon dnp Juno '92... S 3 08 1 00 Total ............. EXPENDITURES. Sept 1, tt, Amt Averdrawo.:.. Bept 1, '93, Amt on hind.... Total....'. "S'-iUs- .PLATKOCEL PIKE. . ,.' - . ' 8s2BPI. ,. ' Sept 'l, M, Arat on tand........ ... Mch 8, '93, Amt colon Deo dnp by lev... Amt col on Dee dnp by aubsa ' " ; Amt cert into treas " u Amt cert into bond sale....... Ang 28, '93, Amt col June dnp 'U2.....- Amt col Jnne dup Amt car into tress by sub...... $4 (3 4 08 Total.. ., .... ....... $28775 71 . t EXPEKD1TUKE8. Dec 8, 92, Amt order paid and retnd... 822 24 June 1, D8. ' ' '' ' ' 387 50 Bept lt '98, -.. :,-'.' r. 'iti.. -i J 6885 91 Amt on band 9329 26 : Total. ... .. .... --.. 128775 71 RECORDER'S FEE FUND. '' ;' . BXCSIlfTS. ,f "i , Aa' SS'Oa, Amt cert Into a.'. U'. , , " $320 00 Total 8320 00 t ' '' . . ,. .EXPENDITURES. (, . Jnne 1, '98, Amt Older paid lad retnd... ' $,130 00 Total . ..' ' . BEAVER CREEK FUND. ' mo 00 Mch , '93, Amt bond sale cttt Into treas (22092 85 Total....:.... -if. t229S 88 JCXPENDITURES. si ck t, '93, Amt orderi pud and retnd ... X38 80 Bept 1, '93, . . ... 0818 38 t, Anitoattind... , 18018 89 V- Total,.....'.'.t,.l.V':,... ,228112 30 $"flt 2B . J4i)9 88 000 (Kl 84 50 19928 09 108S 58 488 55 100 00 LOaTCRXRK Aa( K, H, AaJt too aala sort into tea ISWI , . - Ami cert in iim a1.... n Total. HM tl EXPSBDITCRES, Orders Issued oa the illovancs ot the Bsarf ol Commissioners. , 8cpember. . . . , Join Oanlnar. mat! ind labor an rlr bi f il H Son H avail. uoauoatampa lor coauty.- ? W i H Rrth.aal lor An H and ax r.a pd- IS H P ycai. com for land tiiara trw rood, w M B aiaa'T aa Plo aad Oka rd lu 00 A Glana, ar ntaa and aat aiir diu 74i- I 7 Board KlraUirktCo.llcntORforAnit'Vl J w H Boobar.Tiaar'a iaaa P Weatrlrk roaJ 1 10 Vrlrr Klalr. -da do do .' 1 60 I WotnrkL aTd an'ab to hr Ptnul't tP- 1 w r. Hsrr aart anrv r lai Ma and Okoloxa rd 1 11 T miiiIiv. Iim nliah tn rlVMT hrlda 1 OR W K rotaer. aaat an rr riorlda and Oko road 1 7.1 D A Huddla aettettrv Co D rio'a 701 A 708 5w C H (ildl.T. wr aad mukrP Haokla.- road 50 f! H Hall,ra ihnmaiia. . . 12 91 J C Manninp, abarp olalm-. .... ....... 17 20 rred'k rtahar.alM'epclaim............. 84 an Boaton Oilman, aharp claim . 6 40 Wm 1'hmiii. ahaanslalm 34 4.1 Jacob AnderaoB, aneop aHhtt ...,.. 29 15- R E Darker, lad (aaa lor Ana H 11 B0 L L Orwl 2. Pub ai report and prtntlnn .... 45 80 A HlraaUod, janitom eal for An 80 00 J C Wriblo, akeap claim 111 80 Cbae Evara. prte aod miO naticra for t'o. . 4180 P rlcball. infmr diree lee qr aud -Srpt I 92 70 00 C M WlttinGbaureu, do do ' 40 00 Ed Dlllmor, do do 82 30 Wauaab Kr Co, frcltht on Mtnent.-..w' 1 31 Ovo Iloldur. bid cnlvla In ecc 7,f latrock tp 2111 S3 do bal dna on brda; nunrr.aec 5 da 110 80 Bol ZarbanKb,J Ptor,uiqueai Cbae Hodiraa 8 60 Ceo RoaaHI,pr tax soUee.notc u con etc 81 10 Cbaa Enn,piili not lo con Kalida pike S5 do pub road ntc,ntc to tax payers.. 8 00 P tfc T Degnan. cemnst for hvidffo.... 91 90 R P Greer, oou J P loeMtaie va A Ward II C If gvbwab. en? free on on ditch po 738... 17 00 RPttrear, eon A JPfeea,atatea J fltoiibe 12 45 C B Schwab, en feel on eo ditch no 712. 81 00 do do 746.. 18 00 H Hohra, aaat enrrerer nn co ditch no "311.. 1 25 J J Hardy,frjmn feci June 6 to Bept 5 '92 94 00 0 E Reynolda.bnrlof inilgoold.A Wilaon... 30 00 W IjlckwillerMrv nte ft aaat anroo deb 728 1 87 J C Manr & Oo, lot on rufundhin bonde. ... 40 CO V7 H com feea qr end AnttSl.M 100 00 L F Lowmaaterulaat aflrcoditvb no 78.. . - 03 A DaviR,aatiiir oo ditcb No 78 8 78 X J Hitia, do do 2 80 I, T Lowmaetcr.aoni ntc Jt at itr deb 733 2 80 D F Utaanbent, acst Suroo ditch no 733,....- 1 33 NB Orny,work co ditcb,ae 19, co dltcb714 to m W MoCnrdy, bldg br ipp Plo Oko road 144 20 do est on uni ill v l,Flo Oko toad VM Oil do . do dlrl do 1340 48 P Diamer.naa per property on J Bishop..,.. 4 00 T Walker.frui'jbt anddnyi'jeon bonka ... .. 1 49 0 W Grnner, oomp ft dam on co dch no 725 14 00 PA DndlnR, ebeep eluim , ' 11 80 t Bniokbam, bald brtn Freedom tp .' 118 00 J P Kamn, col de'q & fori't tax on Dae ool 'OO.Juue col 111, Dee 'Ul,.Iiine,18aa. ...... 1158 a- W V Iihoadea, aaat anrv Co ditch 74i . IX MOHIiwn.workacl7(Co)nb)CodX7I3 . 9 07 J ) wia, a-at aurv Florida fc Okoloui rd- 1 15 J Lowry, gravel for do do 23 20 . do do do dn 214 93 C N Bcbwali, rtut feea Co ditch Ro 733 30 1.0 Struble & Bmith, eherp claim 87 31 C Henaoth, eompn for landt'odiloh No 723 8 25 F Overhome, tliaep claim and wit feea,... 12 81 II Mobneler, t irary o ditcb Bo 7i2i. 1 88 RDnnliran.aheepcliilm 28 40 WlBe.biilldtnji bridge Mimou twp '55(10 C G Rover & D Bhort.wlt fees inq w Wlllts 1 00 Levi Kind, pt aim ul qr eod Aua31 ".it... 178 00 .1 W Hanua, mnkinrnw lndexw 225 00 J D ftmll, work Oo job lee 21 Co ditch 71 4 35 B P Wade Co, III Iioxhi & atatry for Co.... 58 00 1 B Reals. Hcrv Dow Law for vr end Bept ' '92 & oompnting com annual report 200 OO IK Zierolf.picomaalqrend Ana; 31 Hi.. 117 90 R B Houston, exr and aanivfeen w Co d 524 30 00 W Hcea. ast eurv Co ditch No 721 3 75 Kamnel Hean, do do . 1 87 L L Or'i((, pub nlicea on Co ditcb'Noi 710, 713, 731, 738 and 74 52 5 Jacob Beard, aaat ai.rv to ditch No 742.... 2 80 Albert Eddy, aaar, irary Co ditcb 730 2 58 H 8 Meyera, , do do do...... 125 Geotiebern, - do ilo do...... 125 W Bomie, kindling and coal for Co. . . . .... 1)2 30 J B Boyart., work Co Job eee 5 Co dieh 713 10 98 M Reiser, last anrv Co ditch "40... ..... 2 50 H D Maker, axel anrv A serv ate ditch 743. . 10 00 Cbaa Ellin, at snrv Co ditch 731 ..... . .... 1 28 J w McarloH, aast sur codllch no 878 8 2.1 C N Schwab, eus fets co ditch No 742 34 i do - do 739, 27 (10 do do 718..... 42 00 I Lorn, aaat anr Oo Utoh No 07.1. . u 8 78 O N, eoe fae abnagc lie Co dch 712 12 00 W J Muas, stat ury h books for Co 80 f . . ..Ocwbepsa-l ... fc , M Philip, n-wt anr on Co ditab T"o 728 02 C N Sctrwno, eng fetw on Co ditch Mo 7I H. 37 OO (. Coppenhaior.uaat surfer net Co deb 757 .f 18 .1 P Rawan, proa ir.ty sa! A us -Sept, 1S:)S H.) 20 J C riaur ft Co, int on rafnndin; bonds. . .. i;8 00 do luc on redemption hooda.... 759 10 L L Oi wis.pol) rcpt ft ex.prtug dch bonds ;10 20 do irtuul en Klalrock pike 15 00 ( Evers, piing and etittnry for Oo . . . 67 00 O CiiKBeil, pnb rcpls is cx,cundt of ii-ean.. 17 20 do eoptage stumps for (Jo 15 22 J 0 rjanr & Co, int on Rl"'vll pk .bonds... M7 50 il. Bi l.fli:Ker. mi! iioa lur 48 4a jSleetrlo Uiih'i'ibt on court bouse lor iept 35 H 61 60 00 2 03 1.18 90 n 25 419 iii IK) 1 9t .'0 00 100 28 00 10 00 10 '0 24 no fJW 133 Of J B Resli, Aud sal for bept 'Vi and amt pd on bel HlidexcbarirnH ,.....i.,..M; A Hirsbmd, jan sat for Bent '94, B Plough, una) on and asst. anr Co dc 728 L L Oi artsr. pnb lite Co dch Nob 71(1,751,718, 732, 7:15,789,741, '52,718 and 737 The RuKitletittle Oo.bkaaad stu for Co.. A J fee A ex qr end Aug HI'oJ J H llasbberjrer, coin for land Co dch 710.. ij R H iiabbeiiier, do do C N Bchnali . eng feea Co ditch No 710. . .. k do mak proble ou Co dch No 7i2 do . - ug.feea ou ac CadctiNo 079... A H KdnrBlrh. to an oirbrwork Dm ipH i Ksmna & Bro,bnl due gnlg Wanwu-n rd.- .1) P H ndaou, enir on Co dch So O f. Holder. bldB stone nil, Dnmiwcus tp. II Donnelly, serv in erlm caaea from Jnnn 0 10 Oct 9, 111 C HiiH, sast snron tWc!l No 728 62 W H MnCnrdy, cat on div l.Klo & Oko id... 282T 30 P Boblnscin. ahet'p clulin 7 20 J Weaner, wrk Oo job.ww 2, Co dch No 803 12 94 R P Greer, serv stcs on Co dch No 77 ' 40 flit J Love etui, asat anr Co ditch No 487...... 8 25 W Xemmur, foreman ou fr'lo-Oko Road 29 50 do do do ' 8 l'8 Waliasb Ry Co, freiaht on avwer pipe, u 00 J and damgon Co deb No 7)8. 18 93 E V. Deoker, shff fees not e-tbws piovd for.. IW) 00 .1 1 'Intel, aaat sur 110 aiteit no v.iu 1 try f Pistel, fame...,....; 1 ar F Oorfes, ttt snr Co ditch No 750 1 S5 S Bicki'ord, wrk, co j.ib, eo deb 731........... I 88 .1 1' riaur B oo, int on reinnning Douda.... 40 OO N Trietsch, aaat, snrou co ditch 719 Oil li VV Kalker. aervnbsoo codltch 719...., 13.1 1) M Smith, aast ur on 00 ditch 749 63 0 TJ Schwab, en;r fcf on 00 ditch 710 58 00 T Walkor, freigbt anddravag. on booka... 2 52 W H McCnrdy, bldg hr uppb Fiatrock tp... 104 85 do dtch A grd dlv 3, Flo-Oko read... 104 20 do do divt do .. 398 01 xto bal on array div 1 do ... 710 64 do bal ou grav div 2 do ... 335 11 V Nolnit, compu,fc dam ou P Westrlck rd 51 ,19 S Royal, do , do do do 51 m TBnrkhart, do 1 dw do do 46 65 J Lowry, gravel for Florida A Osolnna rd.. 5(3 88 .1 LeaHierinan, last aurv Co ditch No 723... 8 50 j F.'ktas, asst aurv Florida A Okotona road 1 25 W H MoOnrdy, Bal dneon Flo and Oko rd.. 20 94 W H Mrfirdy, hid br apch aeo 1'lck twp. 1 1 00 J C Sanr A Co, Int on court house bonds. . ! 20 00 .1 C Sonlb, build" bridge Bmtlow twp.... 53 50 J Uornnna, pt pay on bldg br Pleasant iwp 73 00 Levi Kiug, bal coin leca qr end Aug 31 1)2.. 158 41 W Kemmer, bldff tempy br near Florida... 5 00 PKemmer. lbrmanon Floand Okord.... 12 00 W hi Decker, pub noitceon Co ditch 736.... 9 75 W 'E Decker, pub notieea for coontv 7 GO D F Coe, serv notices on Oo ditch. No 717.. 1 25 H Kolbe. ens fees on co ditch 786 18 00 A T, Uolbe, sast anrv co ditch 736........... 125 HKolbe. eng fees on eo ditch 787 20 00 A L Kolbc, neat snrv crt' dlteh 757. 1 87 H Koll-.e. ensr 1 asata fees on 00 d 735 28 80 F Blue, aast surv eo dikh 757 . ,, . . 1 25 ALKollM), do do 751 12s H Eolbe.ensr tecs on 00 ditch 751 18 00 do do do' 748 .... IOCS A L Kolbe, asst. snrv co ditch 748 ..... .... .- 63 U KolDe, ug fees on co ditch 749.... ........ 18 00 A L Kolbe, asat amV eo dlteh 719... .;-.... (13 II Kolbe, eng lees on co ditch 750 24 00 A L Kol tie, nsat snr,v co dlteh 750 I 25 II Klbe, ens and asala feea eo dlteh 758... 33 25 C H Kolbe, nsst surv eo ditch 749 , . , . . 82 J W Kenrfos", ast surv .H eo dM oh 710....:.. 8 75 J Miller, asstsiirnn co dlteh 710.... . 3 75 W J MoU'er, Work sec 12oo3ot cb dch 698' 7 70 0 E Whoe!e!7workaec7,coiob,co dell 741. . 15 41 MRU uston. work aeo i.eo 30)1, o deb 708 ' 9 72 J F Wise, br work in Marlon tp...... ....... ISO 00 W Oasey, foreman on Kflllda pike. . .. .-. .. . - 6 00' II Roddy, work eo 28,oo job, co dltob, 700... 98 80 T Burrow, as snr co ditcb. 741. -...v.. . ....... - 08 Turkey Foot Clnb, rent of rink for armory 81 25 E Poor, as sur co ditch 717..- ...t.... 125 W K Kierolf.bal com fees qr eud Aug Sl.'ltt 100 00 Mary Deeacr, coin & dacia on eo ditch 710 II 85 A Orengor.mdng 3 cnlvis Damascus lp.. 48 98 A IT Ranrielpb .gril.llll, dch cnl nr Dam tp 34 81 L I. Orwist, pub 11 to -on 00 ditch 727..., ... - 71 (15 V S Schwab, eu leas on 00 dltoh 74. .,:,.,.. do on dO : ; dO i S do 745. ....,' j 10 00 B A Wosks, work sec 18 oo dilch 467....... 18 93 F Wi.cblman. kt suronordiioh 7")li. .... ; 1 86 J Sontli, aast sur on oo" ditch 776 .,;,., - 8 68 O Schwnberk. rep br In Marion tp... .i. IS fl M Moore, asst aur so ditcb 753... ........ 128 M li lluston, tag dirt Irani undercnlvt...... 8 00 A II Ackerman, serv notices on ditch 758. 60 J FratKs.asBC aurvdltrb !r......:. 1 Cramni. bid:: liron Powell ok Nspln tji.. - 71 71 W Thonipsnrii ssatsimv Kalida pfke..r, v.... . , 5 CO 6 Yf Vanpeli, asat surv ditch !,,,.,.?! 50 . ) .... ... ...v November. ' " i J H Reth, sal for Octoller. 1898. .. ...; Ml 81 same serv nndr school law sea 408-1. . 100 110 JWBbtdler,il snrv ditch 744 8 18 do- IIO .. .702.... at KJbil-Aii.liapach ft Co, snrplni c aloHw tl' S3 50 Bil.-n,AmtndmvMudrtDd $1181 Am hand 1 II v Toui $ I 5 1 21 as (a) 91 08 30 at tl III 15 B.1 08 1 St 1 1 1 18 14 80 JOramar. do do 747. Toledo Work H . see. Ms pel frees Raaryes) 4n lsaell,poaismeamBAsr Oe..,. J P Fssaa.prua altvasl lor Oct 92 L L Own, pab Kalida pike bond sale.. ... L L 4rwlb pratUK for oooaly Oeo Bneaell, pub eottasef eirclil euart D C Brm, fees do from Ce ra 4 cilmtoal J if Tetter, oopml and dam on ditoil 715. O N Bebwsb.enc feea oil dttoh Ml do do do .. A B lrFlssd, janitors sal for Oct . F Boat, work see 27 (eo iett) ditrb 722... A Brsillsv. light oa ooart boiae for Oar.. L K Hlebbnla. work pt (co Job) ditch 98. 11 44 41 Ml 11 M M M 21 80 in n 17 M M 48 OO 81 Ml I 88 7 W H McCurdy.est oa Kalida piko 8714 ah do est ditc end grid Ksllda piko 477 85 do hrdg vmrk au Kalida ptka. t Botii6eld. biidae work m Nsnoleon two. 192 71 80 It 80 I on 19 5 Ml 40 89 60 80 J J HsrIv, farn ma at Texas ferry for BentandOot 'it - TT O Prnto, formal on Kalida plk..... .. J Hobmlre, work see 10 (eo Jon V ditt-b 711 J Duomtre, work ee 10 dllcb 7bl.. A B R.-ftjg. b rid re plsuk W H Ziemlf. pt eom feea aud el jr end Nov an li G L Bolder, lo ipply ou alone euiverte Marilon (o . . . .. J C Sanr At Ces mt on redmptu bonds..... 6 Relubart , aast anrv on ditch 743 .... H Wagner, bldghr Napoleon tp .. ...... fl Kolbe, eng fees, test on Flo It Oko road Flat rock pk, do do H F Boeallng, gravel for Daitda pike . C N bchwab, anrv and mkng apuor dub 782 HLSbumekCTr work see 1 a diU k IIH6 t Nontb, serving notlee on dilch 756;.... . It O Sslilo, asat anrv ditch tXi R Donneily.c leaning on work sen 4,duh IIS W Ssmse, oil and coal ror enuosy. J A Snyder, aast snrv oa Kalida pike K K Decker, post ebffeproc 13 tps I Murdock, sest sntv dilch 781.. L Overly, pt. psy on msnrybet Her-Dam tp W J Move, atatry for P J. surv and clerk... t08 00 40 (III 1 88 88 44 32 38 7 12 441 23 18 00 8 00 1 90 7 50 5 on 81 16 12 80 8 50 1 2.1 SOU 00 55 90 1 95 1 95 .1 25 1 25 I 25 1 21 2 50 1 58 88 111 00 24 14 8 13 20 00 S9 50 1 25 9 62 32 "0 1 25 877 95 I 15 0 90 11 43 1 n 9 72 71 00 150 OO 2 50 2 50 I 25 9 01) 101 27 1 87 13 76 850 Oi) 61 1)0 3 13 W 0 Herman, east aurv dttch 765 .... Win Domer, do do S Domer, do do A lutUe, - do '. do ' C Joy, do . " do D Haabhover, do ' do WSVoung, do 747 W E Decker, pnb rata taxaton, ahB's proo O Eve's, prtng, pnb nto and stalm? J Cardner, mul and lalior on rlvcrDr...... D Grim, serv notices ou ditch 73 J C naur J; to, int on conn house bouds... I. M rove, mtrl and br work in Monroe tp J F Bremer .serv notice on dlteh 718 0 K W heolei, work sea 2,eo Jnb.dlih 7HI... C N Schwab, eog lees on dlteb 717 J Stiekley, aaat anrv dlteh 747 L siiayer, lildg new atone cill Dams tp...... J Newell, sheep claim ..... . J E Mohler. wor sec 16 oo dch 7.17 A A Meisiiire 7SB... A 8 Lanois, , 9 ml 10 oo deli 524... 1 Irieh At Son, Vnrdw rofor repair eh... C H Uouacb, build brand uiakapnroauh. Fred tp W N Zierclf. pt ex anil feea of com for or ixl Now30.... Fred Koenig. ast sur co dch uo 715 J II Frnker, same . fr'rer Koenlg. serv nut's on oo dch no 713 V Jacklin, vie co Job (see 9) eo doll no 736 L 1. Orwlu;, pub not'son 8 eo dobs Peter Sobey, sat snr co dch no 758 W O HuaVon, sur co dch no 716 C N Schwab,- eng feea on co deh no 7'-'7 . . same " " 755.. Jos Uuvis, nsst sur co dch no Til Clarence Mlmel. same 5 0: Ni'-k Fruukbard, wk seo 11 (co job) eo deli no 715 i- (8 C9 Lewis Overly, mnsonry on brwk Harri son aiio vtitn tp Wabash R It Co, freight on cement Henry Aller ast surco dch 727 315 no 4 65 :l 75 191 DO 875 01 13 30 4eo Russell, pub rates of taxat'il 6 wl.. Jos W Hamm. m'k'g 5003 new i dexea.. i Decker, spfct onns't Ices csbo at v Beuskin ; ; '' DECEMBER. E K Decker, jail fees for 'ny 1892 - 511 80 Fritz Bergmau, est sur eo dch no 727 6 87 WN Zierolt', pt com feea for qr end Nov With 112 7.100 V H McCurdy, bldg 2 brers and appr'hes 398 70 V.'ui Cnugblln, wk sea 18 (oo job) co dch no 7511... 5 89 Tii:gles Gale Co, books and sUt'y for oo 5(1 25 W H Palmer, ast sur co deh no 741 62 t; F Patterson, eomp and dam it eo d 710 9 01 John n Roberts, wk sec 10 (co job) eodeb. no 72B 8 64 Linni i;ruraer, ast snr co dch no 713 1'Jins llognrt. siuno. ... . . . .; 68 wru Meutiili, astsur co dch no 71U 6: R Dwmig-nn eomp for land on co deli 727 48 00 i:na vamou, Wkeojobcodch 724....: .. 12(1: )i P Hiidsrin, aoptgetocodch 013 and 641 ml 25 J J Hurdy, ferry man from Nov 5 to Deo .11883 , a. 00 L L Orwig pub nit a of tuxot'n and sta'y 155 15 Win Ssmse, wood mid coal forco.. 1110 28 3 W Randull.fcrfc pliuib... 25 02 Frank P .Moliler, ast sur co deh 7bVp. 1 25 Knipn uiarkr. dig and put tn sewer pipe tjvnuer dch 7 60 fcnnr Balaley sundries for no 1 7 2H Frank Killicb,wkeojobeodcU 720...... 17 48 B K Wade Co, stationery for co 81 oo Lewis uveriv, stone auiumcnl nenr P Boailcmiin's. jgi 62 Lewis overly, grading apur'cb in Hjr tp 13 (II Oeo Ktisseli, postage stumps for co.. .. .. II 10 anme' pub notice la taxpayers 8 20 ui; mown, elk aDdabenft lees 'lieas vs . 3i!sim 37 70 SC Hnasr. JofP feesstvsF Benskin..... 5 30 A J" aygers, ooin fees qr end Nov 30 92.T 888 45 John Iciest, wk eo job jt codch 71 10 (81 Levi King pt com fees qr end Noy 40 92 180 00 Obas, pub rates taxat'n anil stot'y 285 10 fle Bunts, ualnsding tile nt Okolorui. . . l :o .1 P Kagaiu pros iitty mil lor Sov IIS..... 41 00 .lonnsoii o; vvatson, stationery for county 20 20 Geo Ij Holder, pt on br mas'ry Mariou tp 100 (in N Schwab, accepting 11 co ditches. ..... 277 95 same, eng leea on 4 culverts Dam tp . . . . 11 (10 Henry Kolbe, eng fees ou Knliila pike.. . 294 so same, eng l'tes accepting etc 4 Co delis. ' 92 87 . mine, enir fees br wk. sewers. ai r,o t . senwao. mai ns new app grade line ele eo deh no 747 8 00 hmmj I uyior, wk co job eo deli no 733. . , . IS 14 auk n ireiuna, janitors sal for Hov 93.. . 50 00 Wallace iil;iir. Hi oor ln wood ail (10 j m wanumnitef, cons'lfeos St vs Wm Dillon g 85 J ai wMiuniauer. coiw'l lees St Vs Wm Dillow .... : . 3 on Troup Mfg Co, stationery forconnty l'l 25 il .icroii, pt eoic lees qrena rtov av ;w oil iw wm 1-iiiteiier, ast sur co dch 727. 3 50 W N .ierolf, bal com fees or end Nov 3i M'K U7 J O Yertci'.oonin on co dch 715 nn M Myers, ssteurvey oo deh 7.58 ,. 1 25 Mflssiilon Jlr t.o,2 iron brgs Liberty and "'iishinjrton In 2198 00 J ri Kesii, nua sal lor Nov If.'. 1114 34 J M Baker, banling 10 eoH wood . . , 4 00 .on Sell, wk eo job co deh 7 19 7 ai J W Long, i'rieglitou cement and sewer m - 8 55 9 Royal, eomp and dam on 00 deli 71.1.... 12 10 John Faber. some 7 30 SIN Klenanis, ast sur co deli 762 188 Adnm Uerman. aat snr 00 dch 738 as Eiiiu- 'ttcl Knapp, ast aur co dch 749 t 68 A 8 Tbiesen. wk eo job (to deh 708 18 OB Levi Frysinffer. ast sur 00 leh no 728 68 H 'lne, serv notices eo deli 720 1 25 V Jacklin, wk, co job, codch no 758 10 im A Fuller. 11 " 748 33 30 C F Bolley, ast snr co dch 717 63 I'ra.nkl in Koll, bridpre plank 24 ?2 J and C South, building br bet Mar and t ins tp 00 Fred Yaekee. sat sur eo deh 750. it rn Jacob Bounougb, same 350 t; v psrrisou. same 1 25 Geo Schecle, ast sur eo deli 737' ... 6 A Grwdman, wk 00 job eo deh 710 In 11.8 E W Bvtibitker. nstsureo deh 110 71?. ' 101 John Gardner, lumtier and labor on riv er briuge ,. ... 9 21 Thos Roberts. ustsureoilcli 727 9 sn J H Bishop, eomp and dam on eo do 727 18 10 AiociT (.oinren. same -24 70 A Snyder, oat sur el co dch 613 875 same :! 541 ,.,. 5 00 Peter Sehcy. ast sur eo dch no 756 1 -iR Curl Mnrkseh, " " 7ST..... 6 88 13 Btnien. 727 u 97 Mikeliinmnoli " " Ton t on J H Bishop, '. " " tt9.... .;; 125 ca Ltownord, " 747 1 92 Rojcer Dunigan, posting Ur1i sale notices no 727 tin Geo L Bolder, b 1 due 011 lir mnsonry . Marion tp., ; mi 66 J T Itiggs, nst sur co deh 887 2 50 same, " 6H8....v.; ..O. " 8 75 Cooperutive Mercantile Co, elotliing for iiriKoiiers.... ,. ..... 4 65 Wm Aiislermille,; ssf. wir eo dch 758.... 123 M V. McLaii), eomp and Dam on co fch 724 , . , a no Thiescn & II lldreil, lumber for repuiriue river brige.. .,.,...., 15 n Wood county, nint due on Vosel and Vaimman dlteb.... .... t , Sin 8J Elind-Aughspavb. Co, cement for sewers eto...., .,. ;..( i 56 (HI Jolin Ravle. wk see 22 co deh 7!12 , ..,VF,... 10 88 W H MoCnrdy, rat 011 Knlidir pike.'i.... 871 44 P S Stevenson, eomp for land co dch 71(1 1 9 16 Henry Boll y. ast sur eoWi 715...,..,.,., ... 1.357 iiennis iiariv, ast sur eo rich 725 1 25 Wm ' nchtman . ast snr eo dch 8115 . . ; '22 00 Im Wcinlnnd. not snr on. dch 709. . 1 'jfi W J Moss, stationery elo for co.., 125 00 T B Locsn, nst sur co deb 7-12. .... 2 50 Peter Johns. n. ast sur co deh no 78..;.:'" : I 35 John R Mobler, ast sin 00 dch 701 1 05 Fred Hogrsfo, nst sur 00 doh 7110 . ... . : .8 75 F Fuhrhop. wk 00 job co dch no 751 4 30 O N Schwab, eng fees on co dch 759 ; 6.) 00 J O Merrltt, ot p st vs Wni Dillon....',..' 7 05 John Rodrtv. ast sur no deli no 757........ . !! 50 same, asst sur co dch no 758 ' 2 50 Jacob Crumen. est slircodoh 750 ........ 125 F K Boat, wkeo job codch 728.,...,,..:" 4 s Cln Ebinger, astsnr eo deh 732..,. r 2 50 W G Dibble, same. ...t.i , j aj James E Hoffman 1st stir 00 dch 744 ' 2 so . - " . " m...t 88 Fred Dnmronn. " ' ' 7B8. .. 88 Frank Hahn, wk co Job co deh 735 . 14 90 L Hildebrand, obaiiiman on P Westrlek - "-.... too IT Aadrrv.raaapa aad aaaa sa ifllck 71 7 5 Cramer, ekajnmaa esiditcb T7 8rsf Kkaiiv, eampa lor Isaat dlteb TM Umaaennl A Marar. arte Aaiaia pika 8 Bnakla,aaat anrv dnrb 717 BRDaekM.ltH feea tor Oram.... W J Man, booka and sssUoaatry toe Co.... J W Haua. makicg rrrular Indexes J T Banlo,eaMaareojnab Ja. J hW. do M ,.,. ; so 1198 M ' lot aawer creek net loss ao4 trasanrlut oc Hdih-hea ete J ft J Hoaiaona1. bd on hr op Turkey Foot Club, tent of rink tor arm ory Peter Knipfi. foreman est Kalids Pikw.. . M Donnelly, wk see 8-1 el ooeVh 445... H DRobra, wkeo Job eo dch 74M Adotph Glans. brsr wk in Liberty (vs.. . Asnlruaooaatii Co Bar Boat, iul oa Mad 248 TV 75 00 ai 73 30 on 4 85 15 15 150 00 1 mi 480 18 80 87 50 78 31 27 2 50 125 .isnp hoana , H K Liideman. aat sureo dh, no 717.... .aobb Smith, eomo on eo tleh 757 Toledo Row Co, nub nntiee of bond sale. . Fd Dittnwr. imf dlr'a leaa qr etxt Dee 1 92 (ien fmswll. printing foreowity. ...... W H MeCordv. bid hrcapprooeb peier Prindios, ser notieea 011 eo deh 710. F Hal'-erir. a anr en dob 73M W II Mot unly. bal due on Div 1 Kalida nike , 1134 96 W H McCurdy, bid bulkheails and tile newer same, debug and grading k'sjliila pike. A L Kolbe, aat alirco dob 7 89 70 105 08 7 80 1 8H s so 27 50 2 511 5 Oil 9 5(1 1 25 1 SI I 25 62 50 409 I. A loen. same U A Limlorrfer. sewer pipe and iinload ina ssrae - Si moo Daviaanrink Hnsr st 23 weeks.... A I. Koine, ast sur Kaliita piko KH Kolbe. ssnie..., - C TT Fieer. ast sur end serv Me en deb. 7-'il Ailhur Harris, ast anr eo cw4i -... .... C li Kolbe. aat sur Fla and Okn mad.... Tlenrv Rolira Jr. ast sur nVh ,.18. O II WeMinghausen. inf director' lees qr end lice sr. O " Brinkman. bal doe Pnlnnm 00 ou P West rick road ....... J TT Hashhnrger, repairing big aeroas co deh no 710 5 00 J O Saur ft Co, redmnofe h bond 1 to 15.15000 no same. 11 in .oaaai lai ma ... .2llto..llit14 88 Henrv F Boesllntr. iravel tor Kalhis pike 77 80 John W Seorfoa. const co job, eo dch 687 83 13 . 31 54 18 84 rro-ON 132 00 38 00 S Ml 84 181 1 25 1 35 625 011 I 25 919 15 A f'rowell, brg wk in Dam lp L L Orwig;. pab notice to Noll Res eo dch 738 . "" IP Rairsti. ser to Henrv eo.. ....... Henry Eolha. eatg lee-oneo dch- 7 18..., . same, " ".'71?..,-. A LKollm.astaiircodch 717 Hrnrv KoIIm?. eng feea on eo deh 751..... A I. Kollie. nst sur eo dch no 758...... John Hull, set sur Kalida pike J C Saur k Co, int on rood imp bonds.... Wm H Miller, ast sur co deh 733 C N Schwiib, eng fees teeepting II eo dch Petor Schall, Inf direct fees qr end iee 8192 110 00 JANi'A ItVlSWi. E E Deeker, Jail Ices from Dee 1893 lo Jan 9-'; Jas W Hanna. r-gii lar indexes 484 nieces 0 E Reynolds, secy sol relief com 108... . Wm Samse. one bbl oil Fortran Basset Hatch Co, books and stationery Goo Kustell, pub tax notice and sale Beaver or samo. postage si amps J C ntiur & t'O Commission On bonds Short At Foreman, books and stutioncry for co L L Urwig, pub tax nuliee null stationery lor county - D Meekison, hit ou rand imp bonds same. . same . - Haul Q uisbert, ast sur co deli no 741 same ' ' 762.....' .lueob Dienier ast sur co doh no 7'ai p .1 (' Saur t Co. iul on refunding bonds. . . J H Kesh. sal mr moof Dec lr2... J P Ragon, bal sal for 1892 nud per cent on lees and eosls. 84 28 . 43 40 2.1 ll 1 80 10 00 7 30 i 44 25 Oil 8.1 50 58 no 187 50 02 5(1 4 43 1 2!t 1 25 560 no l- A 84 67 95 .TasW Hauna. making 2IOtK) new indexes 1800 00 J J Ilaruv, Icrryinaii Ironi Deo oil! to Jim 5 93 Wondhury A Moulten, hit on road Imp bonds. . . . w James S Haly, corners inq (.'nth Dillniau (.eo A Lewis a: Co, printing bouds Aug Hirscland. janitors Bui for Iec92. . Levi King, bal com fees qr end Nov 30 93 3100 500 (al 0 7.1 80 no 511 (III 17s no sal on , 3 50 79.1 4110 no 677 23 121 ) 39 00 - i 00 18 l 40 () 50 IK) T C Saur & Co, inton oourt II and J bull J Orawake. sat sur eo doh 723 John Liet, Henry co'a sliai-e seo 5jt eo dch 7(81 : J O Saur 4c Co, int on court II omuls..... Mnssillou Br Co. 8 iron brgs fiirtro..'. J C Saur Al Co, hit on road imp bonds samo. int ono h bonds ...... ....... .. ... Troup Mfg- Co, stationery for eo Peter Debuiey, coniu ami dam 4 00 deli 710 J C haur St Co inton refunding bonds.... same, iut 011 freedom pike bonds. ..... Geo Latin, ast mir codch 7'2H.,; 'li: Juu Pliehel. int oil Freedom pike bonds 225 (Nl same, int 011 itapoieon pure nouns 'J iki J C Snnrtt:o. inton e li bonila..... 120 00 W J Moaa, stationery for eo 73, J5 E E DeeKiir, slier fees erlm ease wbei-e ' State fails to convict. .:, 1110 00 W E Decker, stationery for eo . '. . 29 (Hi I Mekisoii. int nit court 11 bonds.,....., etl 181 Frank Kiolm,.ust sur mid serv uotictsiui - ' deb 744 (1 "5 Frank Kroillt. nst surco dell 76.'.... ,.,... 1 i J P Iteiili'lbiiiiiib, iiieuls for 12 jurors 98. II 50 J( Saur 1 (Jo, iut on Iwiids t ...... .81 no Ed Donnelly, big wk 011'river iiud 40 (10 Albert Follet. absurd deh 701... 3.10 Henry YOal, cords of woodj., ... .,.t : L : 2 114 H C Lemert, md anr co deli 711. nil J M Bonltoll, ssl sur co deli 14,.':'.;; .i '. T H7 A lloiilton, ast sur io deh 7ii9 ' 62 on .1 W sabirllifr. list aiir r imp deli. 14 .'. , 112 L Kieburd ast sur r imp deli L4iauoV 789. : : '4 M Fislier. same . . . .il'L.'.:..!.j 2.1't J Hoffman, same ..:.'.....'..-.,.. ,.' 1 ,-8 Kind Autfliapuch Sc Co, sewer pil to-t Coiion , '. jon no Frank Muiu, ast anr co deb 727 2 50 W Flser, . " .1 V 7 . ... ....v.,. .1 25 1) Hartnett. anrup mul dam oil co dell 752 21 70 E E Gardner, bsiiling sewer piiw... 4 50 J W Cramer, out'tf bu'liug ami pucking ice 50 fti Ohio Pipe Co. 40 iron water pities 118 I'O Johnstou & Watson, books for clerk. .... - 10 58 Rurrgles, uale Co.booksaml slmionery,,. . 70 49 H F Bohrs, list survey co dull 703 .',.. 511 J (J Saur A- Co. inton cour ll bonds,....,, ' 120 IK) Wui French, ast survey eo deli 705 fj name. " " ' 7011 '.. , 03 C N Schwab, eng fees on 11 1 deh 14 v. . fin 110 J C. Saur At Co, int on court b Loads 13) IP W E Decker, stationery for e.oolliy 9 50 D C Brown, elks fees St vs Duvis, Snyder and Collins...,. 12 95 same, el ks fees .Ian (erm '93 oil 87 Henry Wagner, nittieriul for hu lldine; iee house i, 93 06 E E Decker, jail bill and boarding pris- loner. 73 Wm Sanise, eoa and oil . . . : , 76 3(1 Jms P Rairmi, sorvices Irom Dec 1, III to Dee 1, '!i oat im B F Wade Co, stationery fur eoinily. 03 75 Jns Donovan, defer.dine; John Mooroom pleas court 25 00 FM ituniiucll. defendim; Cbas Fredla com pleas court... 05 (in 0 E Barnes, assessing transient clothing- . dealer o on C N Schwab, eng fees 011 co deli 701 ,. . 0 (10 same, " ' " ' " 769..., .."' Hl IK) FEBRUARY, W N Zierolf, enmpen and son ast survey co deb 71! , .. a 37 .1 H Kesh, nudilors salary for .all 18113.. 134 M N Lpubentba). tile f. r road in Pleiisl. iwn hi ou Geo Frees, ast. aurvey co dell 110 738 lir, w j moss, oookannfi Hsntioncry 70 05 Spitzeroj: ('o. prnlg Beaver Cr bourla..,. 25 w T.ue Oberbnuse. S enrds 4 ft wood 16 0,1 Defiance coiinf.v, amt due oti J W T. te tl 12 78 W J Moss, lead pencils .1 0 Saur Co, hit on Scot I deh bonds . 1x11 no Laols liockelman, member sol relief com 1893 '. m 00 J J Hardy, ferrvman for Jan 1S98 ;n on Toledo Bee Co, pub bond sale 22 50 Geo Ruwell. postage alamos lorco 11 411 Toledo Work House, boarding Henrv co prisoners a a7 80 D P Hudson, accepting etc co dch 467. . ... . 32 50 .u tvooKweu. utugiiew lirulgc eeroas Glnnzdeh Liberty tp L L Orwig, pub notice on, road imp deli 14 ... , ; , 8amc,pubB aver cr bond sale..., same, stationery for county Jus P Kagnn. pros atty'ssalory Jan H3., D C Brown, in lexing for county :.. Aug Hirselond, janitor's sal for Jan 98". Cbas M Harrison, mcd services to pris oner. .', Cbas Evers, pub notice an d prnlg blanks A K H Maerker. med serv to urfwoi,ra 78 no 41! 41! 10 80 7 on 41 60 14 16 50 0J t 45 51 00 1 50 16 30 125 00 6 63 20 00 '35 00 40 Oil 71 80 19 no 81 7 50 104 on 71 40 ,, S 75 ''.' ); 100 10 81 251 00 8 50 10 15 .TasW Hsnna, 1 dexing for county 111 iionneuy, serv in enm oaset Oct 93 10 Feb 98.. Henry Kolbe, bal due supt etc Wauseoii road ,. C Hi-olll. Int ou refunding bond (J 13 Reynolds, expense burying Jas Rose mug s"i.. , . J U Saur & Co. bit on court IioiihA bnhrla Wm Sainse, 1 oar load colli K W ("nlnll, 5 cords wood.... .. ., . ..-."a.. Pet" H uber. astsnrvey eo dob 7,18.. . W E Decker' nub tax notice C! N Schwab, eua fees on eo doh 780.... w m Samse, 1 eoe londeoai... Peter II Westviek, ast sur jt co deh 703.,.. ' same, ft-tsur eo ocn iia. .... ..... samo; nst. sur P Weslrlck eo nail ' ' C H Merritt. work 00 job co dch 710 I CSsirr&Co, Inton road imp bonds...;' kooc i.iniio;io, no- Kstoro'k of oourt. 1 L L Orwig, pnb notice 00 dch 774 E E Decker, fa 1 bill f.r Feb 1898.;'.; .... 38 99 lURCH, C N SchwalH etur fees 00 dch 787 , 26 no 98 m 134 34 278 09 195 60 ' II 38 15 20 ' 2 50 ' 8 80 I 70 313 00 100 00 20 00 28 00 85 00 11 76 1 as 19 47 ' 67 10 10 50 JlIResh feesonjlo rich IM...... ........ same, Mionors a tot Feb. i). ........ . . .. s A J Saygers, com lea qrend Mob I 98., .1 DT Burr. " " Jai Hay ea, marshal and mayors, fen st vs Fredila.. ...... E E Dicker, const fees st vs Jos Davis. . D Meekison, stationery and pens for p j.' 8 C Haagr, J of p vs Jos Davis .... , I D Sloan, witness fees st vs Jos Davis . . Amelia Groll. deniitv treua feea.., . 3 C Saur k Co, 0011 p iut refunding bonds J Ho dy, t rryman lor Feb 98 J M Slater, burial f Jacob Burdue indlsol ju u ureis, Dianas eie lor .eiera.,,. ....,, H Belberg, ast sur codch 7o!l.,.. Wm Samso, laar loads eoal. . ............ .. J F Ragan. legal aerrioeiand money ox triended-... WB Decker, printing for eo... .;,,';. '.."' Lewie Coal, wkaw Job eadrb 717 , iaoob Hormrjc, ramp and daau sal deb til............ ................ ...... laeQss9ltain.M swss sat 71...., Wm Kama. J oar loads coal fare J H Krah. indexinr eon wnrnaj snaking ISO tn I 129 Oft Fil P-o.aatar oo deh no U oasne . .. . . "ami MeT'lma.ast rureoook a:c. Geo Ruaarlk poafg etmaiDirurea aatno, sub lo Shrnal 1 yr. ........ H KHtoi'knaa. in fry ill not fees Jan Mt 61 t 30 a m i 75 Mch 9.1 - 5,1 O H Wostlacbajsen, same 8 5 M intlmov, aim 117 .' AuarHirarland. janitor's sal for Feb IT. o 09 uarrea Fob Co. booka wad al suoncrv tor eonntw aft ax 1 1 nsur t Oo. bmkarace on bonds ... 14 m W J Moaa. hooks for eo 1 Ml 73 Riurrlrn-Oato Co, booka etc f reo 74 m K B Devker. snarl eonat (aea at va Collin 8 111 John 8 Hhammi, vit (rea at vs Davis.. 1 ) Henry Orermnw 'aaa on so anh IM 9 M SC Haasr.j ofp fees at rs Collins 00 J A Weiabecker. Ills for sewers 12 011 wm Harass. 1 sar load rnnl .. 71) 05 Jas P Ktron, salary tor K " 410 F K Dei I liars aat sur oo dell 7) .8 50 John Prire. mma 9 50 C K Keynnlils, burial of G W Garner ind an I 85 at W K Doekef, slalionery for sherlrT 10 00 I W Van pelt ast anr eo dch no "4- ' t 75 Wta Hatsw. enal oil tor eo - 5 C4 Johnson at Walson, slatioiiery and booka foroo 87 80 Turkey Foot Club rant o rink for armory 31 45 Wm Delmhostle. est . ur eo deb 7111 ...... 5 on J O Snnr Co hit on road imn bonds ... 117 Ml John G M -mix. br work in Flat rock I p.. 71 on f. I. ( lewis, pub eom annual rep 115 oo Cbaa Ever, pub Hnsneial statement.... 11 75 sum, pubeom annual report 125 00 Lewi Ki .g. Isil com fee qr eud Feb 28 98 1 13 81 II F Wade Co.lswi'; and alalionery for eo . 76 00 N 81 Co e, Hinyor and const fees at v Hemmerel T . . ft 75 J C Saur & Co. In', on rede i ptt n bonds 750 00 APUIL. E F. Decker, jail tees Imnrdlcsr prisoners 52 99 .1 II llesli, and (or for Miirch 131 J4 O Hiatgin, atlendiug court lions clock lyr 5100 Geo Russell, pub eom annual rep and funds 188 7.1 JJHsrdy. ferryman for March 31 00 Cbas w Bnjer, building dch- b esse at court b'use ; WinSncnifl r.snpilrlea foren r .... Slllia. ' ".. ';...,,-;,;'.'- W N Zi.lrolf com lees qr Deo 31 92.. .... Geo Russell,! nostatre atantps for eo L L Orwig. stationery sod pnb nmiee.. Aug Hirneland. ol for M ho8 aajunitor Jas P Kagan, feea case Wm Beunis vs en eom W 1? Decker, 13 reams sessors blnnks.. T Wait-er. freight and draysve on books H A Meyerbnlts, con sewet and bulk bends ou eo deb 722 Wm Shewnrd.ast sur codch 741 ,10 00 24R3 73 nil 118 70 It (K 65 75 50 Oil 88 nn 3!) Oil 51 4Ti 31 82 22 (V) 12 Oil 1 Si 1 35 20 on 7 00 301 () 6H 8(1 4 im 2 80 05 611 8 00 1 0(1 12 53 I ' 25 W o Hudson, eng fees on co dch 781 .. . Henry Kolbe, " 722.... W r rliirotuird. aatsur eo dch 781.. .be Delventhiil. " " , J C stsur fc Co. int on refunding bonds... W E Decker, blanks and envelopes fur co C N ISi'll vvsh eng fees ou e i dch 729- .1 II Renli. Indexing coin journal tl K Howell, reiiairing treas .safe J Cr.'ini.-r, ast am-eo do i 781 W .1 Moss, books mid stationery for co.. J P ReiilVhaiiKh. boarding 13 jurors..... V f Hudson, raukini; II mil uppr co dch C E Wheeler, working sec 5uo job eo dch 743 D ( Irosloy . sst sur en deb 777 LL Orwig. pub notice on eo u'cb 7211 and Tl sliorliuir. at sur co deb 73:i .las P Daaan, prosittly'; sal for Mch 98.. Rouirles-liale Co, books und stationery fur co ,'. MAY. D C Itrown, (rlk and shcrifT's fees st vs Dull same, elk fees Apr term 03 r. II D M.-yer, repairing fence nt Texas.. Co Ot) Mer Co. clothing- tor prisoners K K Decker, jail fees lo Apr 34 83 B F Wade Co. books and stationery foroo L I. Orwig, blanks eto for oo.. Ins P Kagan, pros nity'i sal for Apr IIU.1 Riebnrd Ordwuy, sst sur co dell 7.JH I IT ltesli, sal for Apr 98 and freight on books ; J II Baiim, nst surco dch 741 Ana llirselnnd. janitor s sal for Apr 98.. C N Sehw.ib. accept Ing eo dch 708 Jas W liiiuua, untaxing from Moil I lo May . same, pt.ol bal due on new index.. .... J c Saur& L' j,ioioii Fliuroelc pike bonds Frank Kio'iu, ast sur r imp dc!il4.. Geo Hiissc I pub uoliee to asatv-Koi s ami IHistoere, stumps Win Hiuii-e, I b!il oil Nifiii., sur co deh 781. IVn lIudMin. eng fees ou o3 dch 777 .1 0 iinr ,fe Co int on Flat Iwp lidiids.... W E Decker, pintjf 50(1 letter beiuls. ,.,- i Orln Firker i't pav oninfhnru. Johnson & Wat.soiK cyclosiyle pen I O Saur & I'o iut on Kalida pike bonds Leotthiirt Bros, lumber lor coal liouve r.nil banling plank M M B ilifock, whiteivitHeiiig and repair-' ing ntjriil and residence! , W () IliidtJon, ettur fees on co dch 7H7. . ,, Cliss Poilcer. tone for foiiiidutiou ol burn near Jnil ............ ...i , r C Suur ii Co, Into i Kalida pike b nils lniic Italieock, ast sur eo dch 737 V E neeker, tat i ncrv for .co.. ., NMe''nlly, pt pay on hlrig coal houiie... IV O HiuIhoii. i inr f ees ou oik deb 185 ; ' Henry Sonueubcrg. sent uoiioes oo deh 7n" ,0 N Sobwab, eng fees cat' eodeb T87-.;... iinil Reiiman. list sur co dch 187. , . . W P Turk, lumber aud labor for coal battso .: 1 25 41 lid 7 01 60 113 . 1 Oil . 1 (HI 75 60 73 (1.1 ' 18 00 41 8(1 63 185 73 02 50 nn 13 38 40 00 3IHI ( 137 50 1 25 0 10 5 04 . '.'5 !1 (HI 1112 50 8 Oil 100 Oil , 3 50 37 50 01 54 . 25 50 10 00 5 00 50 00 (S3 . 10 00 35 01) 18 00 8 12 14 00 1 20 8 B Levi King, pt coin fees qr end May 31 113 125 oil r.d Shonk. ast s reo dell 737 62 Jun tionova , defendinu; JSzra and H i Finiikl'.o 53 00 U w Vain elt ar, set sur eo dull 742 1.25 alcCoily. bit! duo for bldg coal house... 45 (10 I'reil HemtriclcR, ast sur co dch 738.... ., . 1 tl'i D in Hcsa, tillinn; iu uud Rmditic aleoal ' lioiiHO ,,: 2 ui samse, tear load coal... 71 lo i . JUljE. ' - Jns P Ruga- . pms attr sal for May 93... E E Decker, J. 11 fees Mav 1 to Juue'l 98.. .1 H Kesh, sal for May 118 and express ch lures 41 00 II 05 134 59 A J S ygcrs, com fees for qr end Muy 31 398 55 ueo .I'.i'.emvooii, i st sur eodcli 7,7 : 7'3 N Mel'olly, repairing basement court h I I 65 i' i iiiirr. com tees lor qr end May 31., .. Orin Pinker, pi pay on bldg inf barn.... T O Ssur Ai Co, iut ou refunding honda.. 1'vi King, bill com foes q r end May ..1 . . .1 J Hardy, ferryman for Apr Hint .May 93 D 0 Brown, elks fees in 1 eases same, indexing for co R. Carpenter, ast sur co dch 700. . ,. Clin Evers, prntg Loat Cr dell sale notice s me. pub repor and slalionery W V Turk., lumber for river briilg. L L Orwie, pnb exam report nndhlunkH Ann Hirscland, janitor's salary, for May Goo Buss 11. postage stumps for co and p'lbinsprep Kiiid.1! AuclispuuL & Co, sewer pipe for enrich 718 P I'. Itrown, bal elk fees trus vs Picklns E E Decker, xpenso pursuing A Cam 37(1 10 75 Oil lifl 00 241 (10 61 0(1 111 4!l 13 52 1 2, 7 no 6 20 f(l , 59 on 38 66 4.'!4 58 3 ISO eron i on .f Reimo-d haul lumber , loo R F Wades Co Eta for co joj ,aj II E Sioeknian. b f dre fees qr end June 6 55 00 (' H Wistiugliaiisen, . . 82 50 F, Dili mer . . B7 Ml C F Hcnrd. recnir lawn ni-iwor .... 1 10 M Bsillon Bridge Co. pt, nay rcptig rvr br 40CO 00 W H Corfman. assl eur ditch 705 1 25 0 F Deoko.ssst sue ditcb 785.... 1 yj J M Baker, haul old br lum 1:! 50 W O Hudson, eng fees on ditch 775 41 00 IT Ojr "rs, ass s . r ditch 719 , j jg H Jones, . . 702 , 3 jo IC Koibe, ' ' 6 H5 II Kolbe, eng fees on ditch 702 22(1 no A Kolbe, nKtsnr ditch 702 6 2H J P P.a.aiiji.iHl fxg val to del lois Oi Ids. 411 15 A onto orf, couiii on di ch 727 46 (10 IT Robrs Jr. asat urdich 702 6 25 Pollard. Golf Ai sees 10, 11, 12,13 of Heaver cr ek laei 69 Rmrgles, Gale Co, s' ntnry for eo 44 00 t; Vanityiiiug.tcam As cun-e ror pros stly W 00 W O 11 tids u, eng fee o i dlteb 77(1 30 00 ' 788...... Si to B Dunlmr, aast sur ditch 737 08 E Williams, 777... 131 J Seeclirist, . ... 1 25 V," Baur, ping nn old br plnnks . 4 ao s Kucp ey. haul kindling foroo l 50 H Muller. osst sur ditch 711 1 88 O Purker lull dil on bldng inf barn 90 00 Goo Holder, pt pay on bdr Mas Mrn tp. 5(1 00 .1 P Rattiti, fines and coals st vs Adam. 30 (10 L L Orwig, pub nte on ditch 702 16 M J H Itesh.innkeooinlt ree81. ou ditches. 615 49 J l.'i-oll,Htvst sur jt ditch 708....... , 8 12 W J Mos, two recor forcouity.... .., 28 00 L l,Or.vlg, prtng poslnls and fnrsnme.. 13 (10 H Kol' e. eng (oea on dt ill 7M).... .u... ; ... 8 OO at Donnelly, red births and deaths - ud fees in orim eases ,. . J9i 40 AuilraaoogRin Saving Ba. k. Interest on K'cednm tn bonds.. 150 08 K D Pren'is.J P, const. wit lees st vs Long 42 80 Clrlcli it Sons, aisle roofing for Inf barn. 858 46 ropo for Texas Ferry...,. 6 4fi J C Sa 1 r ft Co. Inton Kan pike bonds.. '625 00 W N Ilea. const 00 Job ditch 784 ;.. .... .. 5 82 W E Decker, pub utc on bond saJo., 18 80 F Sandman, awt sur ditch 729 950 Woodbury AMo-lloo. lot on Nap lp bds 500 00 J C Ssrir & Co, hit on Nap tp bouds. .... 62 50 do ' Int on Elav roclt tp bonds. . 137 50 J 1 oung, Banl dirltecnal bouse , . 1 50 J Wagner, matil eto for Texas cable. . .. 80 00 j:C Snur it Co. hit on e 6 bonds.;. ..,.,,. . do ' ': hit on Hen y oo bonds.. Thlewu & Hlldred.irat for coal-Ice bouse do mat for Inf barn. 8 Wolf, work seoO.coJob ditou 718.. .. J M Buker.labor 811 up, in ttl cool bouse. K E Decker, Jail fee..!. ., 0 Kvers, blanks for clerk. ... .... D C Brown, Judicial tetto July '98,.;. G Busaellt postu a stamps for co .. ... Norden A Bruns, matting forsbSs rea..., I, B Bnibaker.mai or's fees nt vs Albright 8 Travis, mar fees st vjlbrb;lit. A Hirscland, sal aa Jan lor Juue '98. ... a..' J Hayes, const fees st vs J Spangb r..., J H rtesh, ill for J una o ex on booki . . 40 00 S7500 100 IB 869 16 155 00 80 89 16 ' 6 60 :! 80 14 87 ; 8 S3 4 40 i: 6 4ft 50 00 8 45 .180 13 Le-rt King, pt ones) fete.., end Fob M .. Jao W Hanna, aaaklasr rewuler irtdexos t Laa-yV Haaiiastwaonscr'solkisa, and A 3 avren,eei toraMand Juno 38 T I II IS TBiirr, do . ,8 in f Hoaaan.wrTnt ea dlteb 7M 9 J C i., 1, Co. mt ou e k bd 2un J W Hanna, ssolt Indx May and Jaaat.. -5 3 B F Wed Co, book and ala lor oo . Pel 8.1 i: RrohL nttoo o and jail botwta at OO II Wittenberg, aory ate on audi 7n-... 12 HI dn astporoo ditcb 9 5 F RoMlrain). dw do. 1 tl W ii HH.Uoa.eair fees u dilch 7 MM II Kol he. do 717 201 do - do ' 7 75 J C Cant A Co. int nn e a bo. da 300 (al J P ttagan. sal pros ally tor Juno .... 41 SO lawnntclit tiro .k Co, tut on FievdnO tp ' piketont 125 08 (ieiuian Nat Bank, inton Plat In honda. ' 1' 5" C N Schwab. ti,t fee. (i m i'.-li 786 n) in J C floor Co. Inton court H bond . 200 tie Jsmea Connolly, eauip and dan cl deh nnTt lO , 10 V) D J Ilumnhrev. snndrlea wsraraintw 12 15 Gen I, Bolder, pt par on br maaonrv 100 00 W H McCurdy. eat oa labor grading Flat pike ,. . I Mil T Cha Evers. blanks for enunlr .... .' 10 J ' Ssur A Co int n Kslbln pike ' 12 50 n H MeCnrdy, brand rower nu&annry on Kalida nlke 392 71 J Ci Naur Co Inton Freed pike bonds.. 50 t Sol Zsrbasa-b, member sol relief enm... 10 00 l Vallev Nat Bank, tut on refd's- bond. 40 iv JCSurACo.ama ) 00 CNSebWMh.eng bsm on ra deh no 78 . . . U0 mi same, enar fees on r deb no itm .... Ira1 Gen Irakis may ham near slim re 31 10 J Blnnmlield, med ser tn nris.......: .. 3 o Gen Jen kle. raising derri.-k Texu (er... 21 ft i' Meia in. int on e h bonda " Mawillon Br Co, hsl nn floorina rvr brg 2211 Ifi Barrett PuhCo. stiU. tor and and elk.... 18 7.1 K T Rsndlll, bid bra; mA fur mat 91 01) W () H udaon, eng feel on eo deh no 703. 38 flu samo, ' 78 . 84 00 F Burr. at sur eo dch 788 1 25 M Bine. 1000 lite tor vod On V D Blue, eomp and dum on Beavercrk. 40 00 M Blue, same 77 00 Levi King, com fee mo of June 98...... 92 95 K. ltoekwel I. ast sur eo dch no 788 1 88 J (' Ssur A Co, Int ou ref bond. . . . 40 On Ii v H.irluian. v sur dch 741 1 87 John Plurhel. int or. Freed pike bond.. . 235 00 same, int on Nano Dike bonds 25 0 1 ,T C Snnr & Co. Int on eh bonds.:,.' a.. 40 IM f nminrllv. mak repi to secy st.v. ..... 44 00 Wshasll It R Co, fr on enal ' 1!9 43 II ;rhar, astsurdeb 788 I J f ' Saur si Co. iut on e k bonds HO o i ft tpangler. vwr on Gen Khorlinsnil -I 00 G I. Holder, mas 111 see 29 Msr tp 288 00 "indsy Crk Coal 611.7 tons coal 00 70 F Rnwermsn. haul 24 ton coal 6 00 W E Decker, printing blka 1 35 (a Smith, eel. sur co deli no 783 ' 62 P Punches, inq Peter Hailg, Mnr tp 8 115 If .Tabu, haul wood 8 00 Wabash R R Co, fr on coal 59 117 J W Hnnuu. bal for new Indexes 200 00 Ruggles Gate Co. bks etc for eo 50 Oft J : Ssnr St Co. iut on renin; bond 40 CO W O Hudson, inker lin nppnr Co dch 783. 6 00 J P Rngiin, oo) of Dcliu tuxes .178 W) W J Moss, bks for eo 61 00 Wm Sainse. 1 bbl oil lor e Ii 5 111 Pacific Ex Co. redln of 2 Scoll dob honds 21X0 00 Pollard GrofTCo. labor on Renvrer..... 1838 13 W O Hudson, eug fees oil dch 703 - 16 00 Frank Hnwermuii. hunting 86 tousitoal.. 9 00 C N Schwab, eng fees on den 711 41 on rime. 716 20 () E E Decker, Jail fees for July 34' 3(1 R T Randall, lum for brg Burtlow tp.... 54 70 F A Konzen, surv not on eo dell 773...... 12 5(1 Wabssii ll R Co, fr on eonl , 1 17 IW LKing. eom fees for July 1H93...; 135 95 D T Burr, aaino........ 13 80 Al'GUoT. J TT Rcsli, sal for July nnil exp pd 137 1)1 A Swigart, land inken for rd 7 13 A J Snygcrs, com fees and exp for July. 126 6(1 S Wolf, wk on lost crk tun 00 Security Co, Int on Beaver er bonds.... . 301) 01) S Redman, ast sur co dch 794 ........, , 125 J C Ssur A Co, int on c ll bonds Ill I'll W O H ndaou, eug fees on dch - 13 00 H Bnckclruati, eomp lor land on co deli.. 12 00 James P Kagan. sal for July. ' 41 0(1 Sunday Cr Coal Co, 73 tons coal 73 181 L LOrwIgsdv and stat , 17 05 Geo V nifasA Hi-o, tile ilaed in Diini'slp 27 SO Geo Russell, stamps for county 12 5) T A Chendlo, land for rd and br purp. . ,. 50 00 II A Bockelman, eomp on coded 28 0(1 Cbna Kvers, pub stile of deb and prill blk 17 50 aiinia. imn uol.i lo tnvnvu mul l,,ilnL-a 14 IS1 W .McCurdy. mat and lull on Kaodn k 416 79 Snur At Ilaislev. suud for c h s uo 74 ft 36 75 64 IH) aa) 00 1 25 flu no , 12 09 1i8 ' 1 35 3 IS no oo m oo 61 40 28 no 1 25 58M 97 13 14 103 IW 82 80 32 M4 85 )!8 17. 68 ., 7 8(1 ' 21 111 ' 118 60 ur, on 4 50 Wabash It R Co, IV on two ears coal..,.. , J W ITiinua, indexing for July 1)3 It E Mycrbolfs,eonip for laud on deb 702 PuoiMc Ex Co, inton Beaver ec bonds, i T C Clcwell, list sur deb 781 J (' Saur A Co. conn int on court 11 bud W E Deckes, print biks for co. .,.'... Ed M arch, ast sur oo deli 77'5...... . . .', ....... Geo March, aume t.. . Norden & Bruns, gd for sher res and Juil Aug Hirscland. Jaustil for July KostonGilacn eomp 1'or lands on deb 702 Sunday Cr Coal Co. 66.4 tons coal ..... ...... W 0 tliids.ui. eng l'e on deli 798 , Sain lledmau. list sur dell 708.... .... W II MoCunty, et on Kalida pike .' VV CooHir, wk see 18 co .lob deb 753 ,. . H Kolbc, eug elk and hsis Icm ou dch 511 C l Keynnlils. ins iol'burn ar.d aontents. Wuliasli K K Co. Ir on car load coal....... Ileim (iniscliuer, hardware for inf ......... siitno, tmidware use bid coal house.. ... T F Ward, cleaning out well elo I. F Collier, wk eu It co Job dch 738.... Fred Oi-twine. brg wk lu Marlon tp...,, .'.. Dr F llou-Hriuan, liauliug con) . . . . .. W E Decker, blanki for I'robule Judge. '. J C Suur A Co. books irom W 11 Ander son A Co '2 50 H Uoensting, t,-ravel fur Kalida pike.. ...." 47 82 D Meekison, iul uu c tl bonds , 30 IK) Henry Bolley, gravel for Knlida pike.... E3I) 0(1 Knrl Hobinsou.ust sur dch 7H2 w. i 8 75 W O Hudson,, eng foesoa dch 7WI , 15: 00 J II Itesh, per diem and mlg not r rd's. . .'. '. 54 70 W .1 Moss, s(al iouery for oo . . . . '. ; 66 'i6 M Kuttpp, HI )er emit taxes uu! ou lot . 7; , . Jittpoicon '.. ' 9 08 H SeiiuboltK, list sur dch 78'!.... ....... ti'.. 1 35 C II Ivoiisoli, wk soc 3. Co Job dch 781 . ... : 20 56 W O Hudson, eng iocs ou Jt eo deh 772... 174 00 Fred ; Roht and Clius Babeoek. nst sur Jt . eo dch 773 . . .,..... ., . j) 75 .olio Magiil. eomp for land ou dch 702... 37 50 T St L A K C H H. fr on sewer pipe 5 oo J W Sbidler, wk seu8 (eo Job) dch 762 i W 19 H A Talor, nslsur deb no 7110 , ... . ., 3 5t) J R Conn, tist sur dcti 775 ' i 0,5 Jos Lowry. gmv for Walldn Pike..., 178 41 Fred Hiincr, uat sur dch 782 i. 2 50 'II Huncr, usst sur und seiv nte deli 783... 18 01) li Sandman, serv nlc on ditcb 'i'-il..., a 50 (; () Moray,. d 71).!....,,,. 135 Jlcui't-en do 75. 62 s Wolf, cons work sec 4 A 5 ditch 738.... 150 (Kl W E Decker, blanks for pro indue...... 9 00 S Morns, work sic 3 Lost creek Km GO A lmber do 9 o 126 (II) G VV Townson. assl, sur on ditch 779...... , 1 35 C Meyer, ovs r 011 Ivalidu pike 12dnys.. 18 (0 P linipp. do do 49 60 J S Huiy, cor fees Inq of lull of Leonard. 12 10 do do A C McDonald 0 1 II Lang, afst sur on d t k 551.. ' 33 88 O K Schwab do 7;li 1 35 W E Decker, prtg 4000 rond receipts Ill 00 , W Walker, usst ser A serv mo dch 770. 18 35 J Hoifinuii, asst sur ou ditch 776 1 35 A H Nichols do do , 25 J W Cramer do do 1 25 S Rcdmun do do 135 Pollaid-Gofl' A Co,work sees 17, 18 and 19 Heaver creek 22S1 5R Hardwick A M ull.wfc pt seo 7-8 Lost ck., 105 00 Geo H Rohrs A Bro.oil cloth for Jail.... 105 Itodgorsik Son, prig Lost cr ek....,.,,. 35 00 V ttohrs, com and dum 011 ditch 738 .... .. 31 20 M Bickfurd, work ptscel3 ditch 738.... 65 (it) A Thiebout, asst sur on dll cli tiuii 63 To the Hon. William H. Haudy. Judge of the third suln-rlivision of the third Judic ial District of Ohio; Sm: Hving been appointed by you, at the September term, 1S9S, of said court, to examine the Commissioner's Kcport of the financial condition of Henry comity for the fiscal year ending August 31. ISUii. in com plinuce therewith we entered upon trio dis charge of our duties November J8, 18U3, and now respectfully submit this as the re sult of our examination. To aid us in the dim-barge of the duties of our appointment we fouud it necessary to call before us by subpoena some tec witnesses who were sworn and examined touching the several matters under inves tigation ; and from tho books, records and vouchers of the various offices of the coun ty and the oral testimony of said witnesses we find as follows : COUNTY FUND. From the renort of two of the-commis sioners (Mr. Baygers refusing to sign the same) that the net receipts of the county fund were $28,203.67, but from careful com putation find tbe name to be $28,073 50;aud that tbe expenditures from snid fund amounted to the sum of $111,521.86, and that the excess of expenditures ov6r re ceipts from eald fund amounted to the sum of 13,448 80. That on tbe 1st day of Sept., IsDb, the county fund wai overdrawn in tbe sum ot Hi. 477.16; that on- the 6th day of March, 1893, there was certiflod into said fund the sum of $35,024.5:4, the amount arising from the sale of $35,000, a now is sue of county bonds; and that after tbe sale of said $35,000 in bonds and the col lection of 28,073.56 taxes, we flncf the county fund still over-drawn in the sum of $8,800.88; and that tbe indebtedness of tbe county fund alone has been increased dur ing said fiscal year in the said snm of 448.30, and B per cent interest on said $36, 000 in, bonds, ($1,750) making . total, in crease in the dobtin the county funi.of $5,11)8.30 , ' ' 1 ;' ;; ; ' ' ' '' BRIDGE FUND.' ; . That there has' been evilleotarl lirMo. funds to the amount of 1,764, ind ex pended of that sum $l7,06t,35; Of which sum large amounts have been expended for stone work under private $20 per cord of 100 cubic feet equal to oo.uu per ouru- m pneo we nine ejtorDt. tintfor tbe class of stone nsed. for wo ar informed by the commissioners themselves (hat inch work will not last- to exeeed ten -or It eraatoa) wane of aourw. GIOEHAL DtTCHITSD. We find that then la ia the ronary tris-ury-crediteci to tbe general county diteo. fund Una-sum of $13,178 11; lux I a-bst o that amount of money ia that fued i what w cannot underataad, ncleaa it mo, pay aoraa orator or orderi drawn on tbe pauperized oouoty fund. HO AD IMPROVF.MKIT8. Thil tbe fnnda Im Rood Improvement .No. 6,7. 8. U. 12.13,1.-1. ia IT si ..,1 .1 have bee over-drawn in trie vast sum nf 12,803 87; that tbe collection of tbe assea ment to nmke said roads has bevn perpet oally enjoined) and the- burden of makin tho aim thrown upon the county at large? Soma of these road have hoen in existence for twenty yean and bo aaseaotnenu Lavo been made to pay for construction of tho " for tbe tb reo or four year last past. We would therefore Highest that ibid tact be recognized by the commiaaioners and that the mntter be settled up and not b twelr yean ; m eoniirtor i-arneu m tnereccras or toe county any longer. We wish to say ra this connection that we hereby exonerate the present board of commissioners from ell blame for this statu of t hings, as said board ia in no way responsible therefore. POOR FUND. ' We Ami from snid report that on the 1st day of September, liili, the amount on. hand in the Poor Fund was $2,051 13; the anioiiut collected and certified into said fund was ii.(n.-, ;i; amount expend-d of said fund rt,425 ,OH,leaving balance on hand' September I, 1808. of ja.iSSI'Ta But from, the sonii-aununl report of the- inlirmary directors made to I he eoiumis.ioners on the first Monday of March aud ISeptemher.tbey claim to have received tbe aam of $7,520.70 the amount on band September I. 1s()2,was $2,051.13, making a. total of $!1,580.S2, of which amount they expended the turn of $ll,4ii: 23, leaving a balunca in sail I fund of 3. 11S.6U instead, of $2,620. 70. Which of said reports is correct we are unable to say. . n .imiuor eittuer 01 r oein is " 8INEING FUND. We find that on September 1, 1803, there was in hand beloogiug to tbe Sinking fund the sum of $30,152.33, that there was col lected during the fiscal year l!),8OB.0(V making a total in said fund of $40,959 32. Tbe expenditures from said sum was $41, lT', leaving a balance in said fund of 8,7T!I94. The expenditures above set furtb ijclurle the redemption of thirty-five one thousand dollar court house bonds. EXPENDITURES OF COUNTY MONEY. We do dot feel justified In closing this report without a mild criticism on tbe man ner in which tbe different funds are from time to time depleted by the officers in con trol of the same. 1. We most emphatically condemn the allowance by the commissioners to the auditor. and bis acceptance and appropri ation of the sum of i250 for services under the Dow tits liiitior law, and of the sum of $10 for making out tht. commissioners re port. As to too first, from sworn testi mony before us, wu are satisfied that tbe whole time necessarily consumed by the auditor in tbo piirformnnce of bis duties, under that law 111 tny one year will not exceed three days; and as to tho second, we have been unable to find any law justi fying any cburges whatever for su.ibaerv-' ices. 2. Tbe commissioners have, from time Immemorial, been in tbo habit of allowing the various inenmbeuts of the probate office, tbe snm of $375 per year for services iu criminal onsen. This allow, ttnee, in oor judgment, is excessive and the enstom will hereafter, be "more hunorad in the breach Ihnn in the observance." From the sworn testimony of Judge Donnelly, we find that during the fiscal year coveting the period of our investigation, thfre were but nine criminnl cases iu the probate court and Hie total ninonnt nf coat assessed therein was but $43.88, of which $21.78 was alone collected, and we submit that ;!75 is largely in exoffs of the amount that the comity should pay therefor. It seems. tons that the oiUoars of Hie county should be content with the fees actually earned by them ia tht: .dis charge of their respective d'lties. ; 3rd: In the mutter of the location of ' county ditches, wo think the fees allowed by the oomiruH.louers excessive aud oppressive, ns the reoordi in ditch cases show i.iutt the fees ehnrued by the commissioners, auditor aud engineer, amount on an average to st least $100 pur mile. In snpport of this statement we call ntleuiion to the following ditches which are fair specimens of tho charges in all the other oases of like charac ter which onme nnder investigation s " Iu j iint codtity ditnh N 1. 700, the oieei's fees were $427.75; trie coruminsionetV feer, t'lSU and the auditor's feus for com plete record were $53, whereas by actual count of the number of words contained' therein, ho wai entitled to less than $14. The foregoing sums are only a fraction of the entire, eosls of location. County ditch No. 71(i was petitioned for by 1 he mayor of the VillHga of Ileshler, and the sola purpose of its projectors was, to drain the village by the use of vitrified sewer pipe. The length of the ditoh wa less than one mile, nrid tho cost of tbe pipe alone ttmounUug to (434.58, was wholly paid ant of the oonnty fund, which in oar opinion was illegal and unjust ifiable.. The commissioners claim that this ura w;is only intended as a loan and was to be covered into the treasury from the as-sesi-menls ngnlnst the lots and lands benefit ed. But at the time of our investigation not a dollar thus drawn from the treasury has been returned. The complete record iu Hits csi-o cost 8)3Q.(0, whereas by actnal count of tho wot ds composing the same, tho. oflicer malting it was entitled to but 5.B8. Of litis sum $19 wan charged for Ihe plat of the ditoh, made by trnciug, and can Id h ve readiiy been made in 5 hours time. For the making af these nluts the luvr provides fur no compensation. 4th: Tho commissioners received $24. B0 net premium on the 135,000 of bonds sold ns herein before referred to, and then paid out $14tohave the prooeedsof the same eon vert ed into small bills, the people losing thalv amonnt by lack of business tact on the part of the commissioners, (Hit. The orovioioss of the Gnrber law passed for (he purpose of reducing the fees of county officers throughout the State have by the actum of the cotuniipsionera by gt-auting large sitlaries to deputies in the offieos to whih the law applies been render ed nugatory. , 8th. In the progress of our investigation- ' we found iinoooRsary to examine tho nmn. nir in which the poor fund hud been man aged it being the duty of Ihe commission. ors to pass upon, approve, modify or reject the semi-annnnl reports of the iiiflrmtiry directors, hereinbefore referred to. In making thin examination we carefully ex amined suid reporte.and every bill present ed to the snid directors, as well as the orders drawn in payment of the same, and we were wholly unnule to find n single bill legnlly and properly allowed aud certified before payment. 9th. During the yt-nr ending Angnst SI, 1808, the report uuoer investigation shows that the commissioners were in session averaging 274 daysescb, that Ibey travelled 10,(Xi8 miles, and received ns mileage the sum o $983.40; expense charged and col lected during the year $774.b7; the per diem was $2,406, The total cost t the county for the year made by the commissioner alone being $4,224.09. In the matter of overcharges, nnd in the matter of charges mude where tbe law pro vides no compensation at al), the auditor de fends himself by saying it ia the "tiBtom of ti e auditors of the different counties to mako such chorges. He makes no pretense that ho bas legal justification for the same, butRimply from custom. Neither dons ha claim that these tilings were done by mis. nine or acciaenc, it seem. I Here fore, that wo nre to infer that because the auditors have established the custom of taking il legal fees, that the people mnst snbmit. While investigating the causes of the in creased indebtedness of the county we have been met by the auditor and commissioner with the statement that it in impossible to run tbe county on the anionnt of tavn. thai: can be levied and collected under the pres ent valuation. If this bo true wo ore cer tainly in a deplorable condition. But we do not agree with them in this statement believing that wherever there is a, wrong there is a remedy, and the remedy is priuei. pally with the commissioners themselves Let them oarefully inspect each bill present ed" for allowance, pay a reasonable compen sation for services necessarily rendered for the oonnty, allow 110 bills- for service ren dered by. any person or persons: unless, authorized ba law and make no purchnses from any firm or individual not absolutely necessary. By following striotly this line of conduct we think the indebtedn of th. eounty will be reduced instead of increased iraa;Mf ajfeiri dAMKS r. KAOAif, Prosecuting Att'y. . F. M. Rrrarjcix.1. 1 8.M.Haou, Coin Jaunarf 8tb,1894.