Newspaper Page Text
DEMOCRATIC NORTHWEST, NAPOLEON. P JANUARY. 25, 1894. ISA-LEIST, xapolkoji. o. Drugs & Medicines Paints, Oils, Varnished ,' DYE STUFFS AND ALL VARUS tjesof Druirisls'Sunclile s. SCHOOL BOOKS, Blank Ilwiksnnd SlRtintiery. k!h1 h full line ofnlM lie lutwt tylrn ot WALL P A PK It. I'rescri it inns carcfu I ly com pounded. , Property for Sale! FOR SALE- ONFoftUeflnftork rnrin In Xortbwciterii Ohio, consisting of AAroacif landlu rfcn heart oMHirnhnd"Town(li(p, only 7 iniUa from the tty of 4eatiiictl aud od ndoue-lialf lnilff from scoool irlvilegva, two u lien Crotn cburch and toro. TuerenreriOsorceof till) land under plow, and 50 Aores in Addition an be eaaltv cleared np. wtlh Itltl" expenae, for tlie plow. The aoll la a rich, aaudv Joam-ncue hotter. . . . It lit , Well "Watered and Easily ' li ruined. There la i Rond bum on It and two email hoiieea ft wlllpaalnre.'Min hi.-a'l or attHeo and fi'i head of cstdu. Evory itittt of It not under plow enn bo pie Aurwl. Priue . itV pr acre, on rlmo. Title par tem. AOHtractoi ituo Knnrnmocu. WrUetoorcaliou ' ' Bronson's Real Estate Exchange, Oor. Clinton A Second Strata, Defiance, Ohio l)AI!(i UN'S IN LANDS. 337.25 Aw for Sals! O O rr C w arm of land tor "lie divided as fol Ouli 4i'J Iowk : N pt ne fr 4 ee ! of uw !i Vi or nt ir nun n oi aw tr uo rr ana ne ! Ul Dff ,i WWI- 1UW1I O, UIVV1I Ul inuKe 4 earn, tlon 19 I'aillulna county, Ohio, elx miles aoulh of the city ot Dellanae. Good buildings, partly uu- eruraineu,on uve yeara time. A T Cf hf section ill. w hf of ne qr and ilLoVJ w hf o qr no qr of ne qr ae qr of e qr loan one acre fortchool. Above well tim bered. Dirt low to vn'hlp. JT (JA 8IW ln section 30 aid SO, 1 V Li O KJ town 2), rtngu 6 east, Butler Co., E. K. ALDRICH, Agent, liareh 11th, 181KI. Dellanoe, Ohio. FOR SALE. iSflSof the mnat deMrableold homealead farma V.' on the Maumee river, conaiatinv of about 200 t Arri, ran le purcliiPud at very nitomtle tertoi SUITTHE PURCHASER. - For further partlculara call at I In) olllce of, or muureaa , , . CABItiL & DONOVAN, Napoleon O OIK SALE. Two Pine Farms, . , ;,. "'J TWO of tho Ineat farma lu Liberty townkhlp are offered for ante. One contains 103 acres and the other 80 acres, ' well Improved ami underdialned. Will be Bold cheap; terme oaoy. Cor particular! enquire at Noiithwest olllco I'eb23tf W. T. B1NZLEY, All the latest ami mot improved procHea ln Dcntitrj. Olllce in Humphrey block, Sapo louu.OUio. , . . COMPOUND. IA recent dtacovery by nn oil physician. uoc.3.iAI vtei Monthli by thovtandt of fljiAttm. la tho oilv nerfeotlr aafnand reliable medicine du -covered. Bowaro of nnprinoipled tfrugglata who offer Inferior ntedlclnea ta place of true. Ask for Cook'e Cotton Root Compound. to no !! (ute, or Indole II and 6 cents in poatago ln letter and we will Bond, toalod, by return mall. Vulleealed partlculara ln plain envelope, to ladle only, 3 istampa. Address Pond Li I y Company, . Ko. 8 Fisher Block, Detroit, Uloh - .'Sold in Napoleon by nil druggists. Seeds. . ' Timothy and Clover and nil olhor kinds of seeds, at Brndley'a. : tf Barley. j Tho ondersinnod will bay barley during ihd month of January only, and not later. jnnll-4t Napoleon Bbkwino Co. Our entire stookof fine hand made Mcdiol laoes are put oat this week at cut prioec, each piece is marked plain. This is the best etocko! lnces ever shown In Napoleon, : Shoemaker Bbob, Pneumonia Prevent We. Humphreys' 'Bpeoiflofl No. 1 and No. 7, care cough and cold, and prevent pnea. monia and oonsumptiou. Frioe 25 cents .each. For sale by all druggists. Ira - To Trade. , "A sood business property centrally looated in Holgate, Ohio, for trade for wild land or farm property looated in Henry County, O. For p irtieularscall at the office of Cahill 4 Donovan. tf " Von Mnet Settle. Those who are Indebted to us are re quested to call and settle immediately, as oar books must be balanced at once. De lays may be expensive. A word to the wise ;j ufficient. ' tf ' ; ' . HEHBt Meiieb. i Remember that yon oau boy any pair of .' shoes out of our fine stock at ,10 per cent. above first cost to pay expenses of ! selling ,henii January only. ' , , ' baoEiuszn Bub, hi f ! -A SFOPllBE fpoRK HOUSE. K At reduced prices- Now k. is the time to buy- , a r r BWTEEIE83' receives our prompt and careful attention Tiiis in connection with our veru low prices and thorough practical embalming has aaincd for us noDtilaritu which is worth) of mention HARMON ft WALCOTT. AivAAAiHAAAAAi The Ice qiysticn Is becoming serious. Frank Fisk has been on the rick lint this week. r The Wabash pay car mad the boys hnppy lnt week. . , , . U .'' ' Dsn Donovan, of Deshler, was in the city last Thursday. .' Just think of it, oranges are now about as cheap as apples. Mrs. J. M. Hlioemnlier is confined to the house with grip. . ' Hello, there! Where did yon get that suit? Why, nt Geo. Hahn's of course. If The Jni nary terra of the eourt of Com uion Fleas adjourned on Thursday last. Fay State mens rubber boots for (2 25 2t Norden 4 Brans. Mre Jacob Altenberger, of Okemos,Mioh., has been in the city daring the past week. Ask your grocer' for "Fox's" XXXX square butter orackers and get the best. 2t The street railway in Defiance is a loosing investment, to the tune of about $10 00 a day. J. L. Arnold, one ot the hustling business m;n of Hnmler, was in the city Thursday last. One thousand rose trees are ordinarily required to supply two ounces of attar of roses. ' Secretary of State Taylor will please ac oept onr thanks for Ohio Election Statistics for 1S93. ' Hon. Frank Hord and Governor McKin ley will address the Ohio society in Chicago, January 80th. x Feter Reed, Jr.. living in Harrison town ship, is the happy father of a girl baby that arrived last week. Two splendid farms in Liberty township for sale on long time. Enquire at this of floe concerning them. The mud roads bnve been in bad condi tion daring the past week. The gravel roads aro somewhat better. It is reported that the Toledo Bre will soon issue a morning edition, dividing the field with the Commercial. A bill has been introduced in the legisla ture to provide for a bounty of fifty cents for the scalps of hawks and owls. Geo. K. Brown and wife, of Toledo, spent several t'aya in the city during the past week, guests at the home of L. L. Orwig. It is thought by many that winter is the righttima to manure the strawberry bed, ad that the frozen ground is no drawback to the work. - When a man is thirty he recognizes the fact that age comes on apaoe: but by the time he passes forty he realizes that it comes on a dead run. Are you a lover of good crisp crackers? Then ask your grocer for "Fox's" XXXX square batter crackers they are delicioasly tender and crisp. 2t The state sohool commissioner has Bent oat advauoe sheets of his annual report. It contains muoh useful information regard ing school matters. Geo. H. Ketchain of Toledo sold 750 shares of First National bank stock for $225,000, to S. 0. Reynolds. Tho par value of this stock was $75,000. Everybody goes to Henry Meyer for cloth. ing, where money is saved yon and a good fit and good goods guaranteed. Before buying your winter clothing, oall on him. tf Chas. Hornung of New Bavaria goes to Cincinnati this week to have a surgical operation performed for tumor. His many friends hope the operation may prove suc cessful. The trouble with a girl thinking of noth ing else but looking pretty is that when she reaches thirty, she paints and powders to be true to her ambition, and the result is she looks fast. Napoleon will have water works accord ing to the papers. The Napoleon people will find water works one of the grandest improvements ever added to that village. Deaance News. We offer this week about 50 dozen nap kins at about half price on aooount of slight damage from being soiled by handling, fciee them on our counters. SnoRMAsiim finoe. The sheet and pillow case dance given by the Mandolin Clnb last Friday evening was a very pleasant affair. About thirty ooaple were masked in ghostly costumes. The affair was not a success financially to the clnb. A farmer not a thousand miles from here was recently taken in to the tune of $300 by green goods men of New York, who promis ed to sell him counterfeit bills made from places stolen from the government offioe, but gave him brown paper instead. The Co-opetative etore oarries a large stock of groceries, sells immense quantities of them and consequently always has a fresh stock on hand. Goods delivered free to all parts of the city. Prices will be found as low as thi, lowest. Try us. tf . A masquerade ball will be given at Retu rner's hall. Florida, Ohio, on the evening of February 7th, 1894."1 Supper will be served in Soofield's hall, where a substantial meal oan be had for 25e. The proceeds of the sapper will go towards the support of the Florida band. . Dancing tickets, 75o. We have some California blankets in extra sizes and extra quality that we will sell cheap, also about 50 pairs ot the celebrated Zwesville twill blaukets. This is a good chance to buy good blankets, (not theehenp trash), nt very low figures. " . ! , t . 2t . , - - SltOEMAKEBB08...V FOR SALE i Spare Ribs, Tenderloin, Back Bone, Mince Meat, Sausage, Boiled Cider Fresh Ham3, Brx. Bacon, Sliced Meats, Chicken Feed, Hard Soap, . Cider Vinegar The oil business iu Wood county is booming- llis Rileys were at North Bahimrre lust we-.'k. "' A good sleighing snow would be much np- ciatod. " " , 'Squire Wolf ot Fiidgsvilla town.'hip gave as a call Friday. . Jacob Diegle, of Monroe township, was in the city Monday. Bro. Thompson, of the Defiance A'ayrew was in the city Friday. ' C. C. Yountr. of Liberty Center, was in the city Thursday Inst. ' ' Mamma buys "Fox's" crackers beoaose she knows they are the best. Sam. Jones Jr.f and W. M. Hallam of Florida were in the cilyMondny. Look at the bed blankets lhat Norden St Bruns are selling at 84c a blanket. 2t J, Frank Hic&erson and John Ragan of McClnre took in the eity Saturday. Peter Drnckert of Flatrock township did business in the county seat Tuesday. - Louis Pfnblert, one of the solid business men of Holgate, wrs in the city Saturday. Mr. Frank Castello of Boston has been a guest at the home of John Vocke this week. Jndge and Mrs. Meekison entertained a second company of friends Taeaday evening. "Ke-No," an honest 6o cigar. Call for it and you'll get it. Many ten centers don't approach it. tf F. F. Enipp of Bloomington, Ind., has been visiting relatives in this city for the past two weeks. We are selling the best pure gnm mens rubber boots for $2.75 at Norden & Bruns. . . 2t Louis Hildebrnnd and Henry Bolley, of Pleasant township, were pleasant callers at our office Monday. Don't take something "just as good", but insist on having "Fox's" XXXX square bat ter orackers and get the best. ' Sit All the printing offices in Toledo have served notice that the wages of the printers will be reduced twenty per cent. No woman is going to saw wood and ssy nothing. If she has to saw the wood the world will cer tainly hear from her. When a man claims that the grip is only a vagary ot a diseased brain, it is perfectly safe to bet that he has never had it. We pnt on sale this week over 200 pieces of new embroideries at oat January prices. See them. Sboemskeb Bbos. Have you tried our 50o tea? It is the best tea for the price in the market, in fact we brag on it.' tf Co-opebaiivs Siobe. The Nobtbwxst prints public sale bills as cheaply as any printing office in the county and gives a free notice of the sale in the pa per. . , . .." ' Now is a good time to ditch and lay tile and every farmer should be looking after snoh matters now and not wait until spring work begins. , . ' , ' I Rev. P. J. Green will begin protracted meetings at Calvary Evangelical cbnrch. Jan. 30, at 7 o'clock, 1894. People cordial ly invited to attend. Deputy dairy and food commissioner Palmer has placed as under obligations for a copy of the report of the Dairy and Food Commissioner for the year 1893. . ' Capt. Samse sent a loaded eannl boat Tcledoward Monday. This don't often occur this time of the year, as at this time the canal is generally frozen over. Pray girls, don't forget it is the highest mark of mnnuers and good breeding, for at least three to get abreast on a narrow cross ing and force men off into the mud. ' A large consignment of cotton batton can be found at the Co operative store, cheaper in price than can be found at any other plaoe in town. Try the co-operative, tf If yon can find work of any sort give it to the worthy poor man to do. Let him earn what he gets from yon. He will be the hap pier aud yoa will have some return for your charity. " "' ' For pains in the chest there is nothing better than a flannel cloth saturated with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on over the sent of pain. For sale by D, J. Humphrey, Napoleon, O. 1m A distinguished Western judge in an ac tion for libel against a nowspaper ruled that "whenever a newspaper finds a oase of fla grant wrong doing end evil it is its duty aud privilege to' expose it and give it the widest circulation." Mr. Frank Woodward of this township was showing a specimen of the "black knot" on Saturday. We understand this pest and destroyer ot fruit is becoming quite com mon in this county. For the eniightmentof ourselves and thousands of oar readers, will some one give an explanation of the "black knot," what it is and what will eradioate it? Underwear, gloves and mittens at cost. Norden & Brans. 2t Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. The only Pure Cream of Tartar Fowder.No Ammonia.; No Alum. .Used in. Millions ofHomeso Years the; Standard ;. "-sntaTVI jour ; i a m a m a a B II Must and will be d SOLD -AT- COST. Bi IV nnfiA flip mnifiii nnrl .. .. will sell at tost to yeit it, v 1 Theo. SriHR. Lerdy Day of Toledo was in the city Mon day. ! L'ncle Geo: Long of Lacas county was "in) city Saturday. ' Andrew Oidley of Damascus township was in Uie city Tuesday. . ' ? . , "i ( i 1 Mamma buys "Fox's" craiksM beoaose she knows they are the best. Henry Voigt, one of the hustlers at Hol gate. was in (he city Friday. . BradW 1 headquarter for all kinds of garden seed?', wholesale and retail. tf Miss Lucjr, Bechel, of Defiance, is visit ing her friend. Miss Katharine Heller. i - ' . - - r- Chas. Marshonse of Defiance cdnnty con tracted business iu Napoleon Thursday lsst. j There will bean "Old Folk Dance" giv en at McClnre this evening in Counaelman'e Hall. " - - . '. We are offering crest bargains in boots atid shoes during our clearing sale at Norden & Bans. 2t Why not smoke the best when yon can get the "Ke-No" cigar fcr 5c Call for it and you'll get it. tf Chester C. Holway of Boston, a cousiu of Chas. H. Gidley, spent several days in the city this week. Good substantial and stylish home made suits can be bad of Geo. Hahn, the popular one price clothier. tf Did yoa get one of the saltings that Shoe maker Bros have been selling at 29 cents- trie value is 50 nnd75 cent. . Th Pmsbrterisn conereeatlon elected three new elders last Sabbath in the persons of Dr. Binziey, A. B. Scrtbner and U Gei heart. , If yoa are anxious to have that which is pare and wholesome, ask yoor grocer for "Fox's" XXXX square butter crackers. They are always tender and crisp. 2t Charge your memory with this fact, that the orenleal possible value in clot hing. gents' furnishings, hats, etc., oan be had at Henry Meyer's. All the latest styles. tf PennlA AfllL it bjLckache nn d donothinff for it until the doctor is called and he pronoun ces it rheumatism. If they had used Salva tion Oil in time the doctor's bill conld have been saved. ' ' j The Star Coarse have one good act to put to their credit .any way. They wound np their career by turning the balance in the treasury, $18.90, over to the Ladies Benevo lent Society. ' ' The orice we have made on the balance of onr flue imported dress patterns is ridicu lous, only one of a kind; see them in dows and on the counter. "' ' ! 2t . . ' Shoemaker Bbos. Hnttia Hudson, writes Jo her friends in the city that she is getting along very nicely inbernew studies, and likes stenography even better than she anticipated. She will remain until after hei graduation, .' Have von ever tried Dobbins' Electric Soap? It don't cost much for yoa to get one bar of yonr grocer, and see for yourself why it is Draised by SO many, after 28 years steady sale. Be sure to get no imitation. There are lots of them. . ' Miss Lillie Brown returned last Wednes- day from a three week's visit among friends and relatives at Jerry City, O. She was sc. eo rpanied home by ber cousin. Miss Nelia Adams, of that place, who will visit hero for few days.' "'-- ' We are now showing some great bargains in ladies night gowns. We have 25 dozen of new kind, woith any place $1.50, they are extra length and nicely trimmed. January priocs will be 87e. Don't miss them. . : Sboemakeb Baoa. Before another week Corbet and Mitchell will have settled their respective scrapping powers. There are lots of rumors in the nress despatches 'about Corbet being ar rested and Mitchell's weak ankle, but the fight will take place, eithet to-night or to morrow morning just the same. that Nnrdari St. Brnus are selling their carpets and curtains cheaper than anyone else in me county. -a It seems from the publio prints of Defi ance that Dr. Driver insulted many ot the good people of that city in his lecture de livered there. . It is a way the Dr. has, but he is now certainly old enough to curb his tongue. While Dr. Driver is a talented lecturer he is also an expert in using insult ing language. The persistent cough which usually fol lows an attack of the grip can be permanent ly cured by tnking Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. W. A. MoGuire of McKay, Ohio, says: "La Grippe left me with a severe oough without relief, I tried Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, whioh effected a permanent core. ' I have also found it to be without an equal forohildren, whdn troubled with oolds of croup. 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by D. J. Humphrey, Napoleon, O. m While muslins are always sold low at our store, we advise our friends to get a supply at January prioes. Shoemakkb Bbos. ' 2t ovmer. To Draw tk Eye to onr advertisements U on of out ' -v objects. To ilraw you to onr store is naotliPr. anl to occomjilish tlia latter -we have marked prices on all our stock that vi!l eare you many a dollar in your pur- , enaaas. tuii ' ity and cseort ment make 'the price in vitation all ib winner. JOILVlLFUEASEe James Beavers of West Hope was in the Monday. . i f f i W. Hilton, clothing merchant of Defiant, has assigned!. Henry McClnre of Damascus township was in the city Monday. ' r We understand tile Binner factory 'will start op again Monday. Dr. W. H. Walctitt.of Ridgeville Corners, wasin this eity Tuesday "j y ;. Yon can save money by buying yonr dres goods at Norden Brans. '. - ; :.'; ( 2t ' Toa will have no trouble aboat fits if yoa bay your clothing of Henry Meyer. tf ,M8sriH. C. Qrosohner 4tnd'V-i Koltpr were in Massilloo, O.. the fore part of the week.-'-' - - -i ,. Misses Hattie Brehman and Leona and Lanra Brinkman of Bncyrus, O., are visit ing at the home of J, Roller. J' ; Holgate aska power from the legislature to transfer $1,000 from the cleark and mar shal fund to the street and fire fund. . Remember this is the month for doing business for glory and don't forget likewise that only cash goes. 2t Sbobjiaiuui Boos. Aberdeen, Adams eounty, has ninety-sev en Democrats and ninety-six Republican voters. No place for stay at homes is Aber deen. The wise expenditure of money requires thinking and planning. Be wise and bay yoar clothing and furnishings of Geo. Hahn, the one price clothier. tf Word was received here Tuesday evening that Col. Hisaong was nearicg death's door, that be could not survive longer than twenty four hours aid that his sufferings were ter rible at times. Cancer of the stomaoh is the cause of his sufferings. Col. Hissong was formerly a resident of this city, where be has many warm friends who are pained to learn of his fatal illness. Talking of early risers, Recorder Hanna bad a sample one morning this week whioh beats anything in that line that we have heard of yet. There was a fellow living on the other side of Hamler who had Jim re cord a deed before 8 o'clock Monday morn ing. He had walked the entire distance, and when askei if he didn't have to get op pretty early to make the trip, said "Nop, not very, cak'lated I started 'bout 2 'clock." Presque Islo, Toledo's famous summer re sort, will soon pass into the hands of the Lake Shore railroad company. Several officials of the road jave recently visited the island and are satisfied it will be of great value to the company. It ia proposed to nse the cars built for the World's Fair service for excursions to "Presquile" daring - the summer months. A committee has been selected to make the deal. For the benefit of those who wish to see bow the oharity money of tho S. S. C's is spent, we publish an account np to date: Groceries ... $12 23 Shoes....... 11 00 Clothing 7 96 Total............ $31 91 This leaves a balance of $23.91 still to be used. An attache of the JVes Press was at the county seat Tuesday. He says that a great mass meeting was in session at the office of treasurer Groll. People from all over the county were tumbling over each other to pay their taxes. Every man of them know the taxes bad to be paid before n certain day, and every fellow put oft paying until the day was about to dawn. Paying taxes is like dying everyone puts off preparing for it till the last moment, although certain in his mind that it is inevitable. McClnre Free Press. The Chicago Inter Ocean, that great Re publican newspaper, has not suffered by the recent era of financial depression but has gone right along adding to its foundation stones n large and substantial circulation with a stride that under ihe circumstances is truly wonderful. At one time additions to the subscription list were coming at the rate of 800 to 1,100 per day for the daily issue, nnd as high as l.CCO per day for the Weekly Inter Ocean. The resale of this is to place it easily at the head of the list of great Chicago news papers. It iscortaiuly a good, clean, family newspaper of the highest order. Entirely too often one bears the exclama tion: "Oh, I never read anything in the in side of a newspaper!" We think this is a mistake that a great many readers of a pa per makes, for upon the inside pages ota many newspapers, exceedingly inter esting reading matter appears, sometimes the most interesting in the entire sheet. Those who fail to look over the inside of the Northwest miss much instructive reading such as a column of editorial, the Talmage sermou, chapter of a serial story, several short tories, together with miscellaneous matter, nnd nrtioles upon the tariff. It is well to read every page of a newspaper. - The Exchange bank of Ottowa, Putnam eounty, made an assignment on the If th. It Is said that depositors will be paid in full. Time will tell whether they will or not. Later reports say the assignment oaused the greatest exoitement and that the assets are only about $70,000. The bonk will pay about 40 cents on the dollar, and the real estate may raise it to 76 cents. It is the old. est bank in Northwestern Ohio. The cash ier, Ben F. Denniston, who is in New York, is charged as the wreoker, doe to high living and iaju dioious investments. The Rioe it Co. bank, the other bank of Ottowa, is per fectly solvent and there was no rnn made npon it. , v .. s .: . V ... v...- 'mi i f. i j'.,.. .;, We are doing a fins trade in carpets dor- ing the January sale; We oan advise pur chasers of carpet that tf.e prices pat on oar stock is very much lower than ever and we have a biff assortment. : .i . y 1 ' " 4 4 i CALL AT . QU;l GALLERY And w the dotal Knavel Ciliiaeis ror oiht uiri per daunt hiatal A JtaaaM (.miioiMd i aliiuets J $2.50 "J So pe r flnn-re, ar.d we uarar.(" fhni oa f 3 . fuiiia any mattu lu unamrclilu. 9 T IT . i , ? ' Fmme Mnnldloff an4 iVarfy mad f Portraits i And baby plrtnree aspetiilty.' .y 1 0. .V. GARDNtK. Will Brown of Chicago was in the city last i i i . , Undy Tottle of Defiance wast in the city yesterday. f ian vvarner left Friday for short visit in Columbus, Ohio. j v,; '. ' j .vi.itcuuinBing or NewBavariavtrans- acted business in the county seat ymterday, Troa. Parelewiski of Waeseoa' has neti- Bbnrd the legislature to ehango bis; name toThos. Porcell. i I f -. , j t.'' Wm. H. Rhodes hmt purchased the fine dwelling and farm of F. F. Knipp." 'Consid eration $5,450. j fritdr. 'The Hlgains block en Clinton steet has been leased for this pnrpoee. . . , John T. Norris of Springfield, the well known detective, is in jail at Peru, Ind.;' with term in prison staring him in the face. Dr. Barnhill and bride arrived home Mon day last. The Dr. will go to housekeeping in the Bowers property on Washington street. . Friends will be sorry to learn that Val. Kimmioh of Holgate has been compelled to make an assign meat Frank Vannesa has been appointed assignee. We are now offering onr ladies and chil- drens wraps at halt prices and less, and we are bound not to carry a aingle garment over. Plush Sacqaee oa hand we sell at 10 dollars, worth 18 and 20 dollars.' 2t i NoBDiar 4 Barms. We have been told by several deligthed purchasers that Shoemaker Bros, are selling silk trimming velvet worth $1.50 a yard for only 96 cents. We of coarse can not vouch for this, bat it would be a good idea to call and see. ' at Rodney N. Mohler has commenced suit in common please court against H. H. Spang, ter, a merchant of Hamler, for calling him a thief, a robber and an embezzeler. He elaims $5,000 damages and has employed Prosecuting Attorney Ragan to posh his suit. Oar drees goods sale daring the past two weeks hat proved that the ladies ap preciated good things. If yon have not al ready secured one dont wait any fringe r, bnt.come bow wnile the selection is good. Shoekaxeb Bros. There is mad mad of the rich and racy variety bat not rare by any means. It's on the roads just at present, but indications point toward it transferring itself to the sidewalks in a few days. The quality we get in town here is nothing to the quantity that composes the scenery of the country roads. Go forth young man and look upon it A train on the Toledo 4 Ohio Central road struck a wagon at a street crossing in Findlay last Saturday evening, killing four persons outright. The vehicle contained country persons returning to their home, six in all, and oat of the six four were killed and two badly wounded. The names of the killed are: Mr, and Mrs. Rodeeker, Mr. Russell and Mrs. Hershey. The report of the county commissioners takes up muchspaoe in this week's issue, but as tax-payers are interested in it, it will be as acceptable as anything else the space could be filled with. We understand the committee have made statements which are in variance with the facts and whieh will be answered by the proper personsnext week. We have not had the time to examine into these matters, but will do so before our next We are sellings good many cloaks just now because the prices have been made so low to dose them out. Our selection is still pretty good and you can buy at almost your own price. Shoemakkb Bbos. Tea! Tea! Tea! The best 60s Tea in the State at the oldest grocery store in the county. Try it. tf ' A. Bbaslet. Our shoe stock is the very best in the city and during this month we will positively sell any pair in the store at manufacturers' prioes, with 10 per cent, to pay the express. Now oompare prices. 2t . Shoehakeb Bbos. "We'd rather be Overcoats Suits Trousers Everything in Men's Wcr HONECK BUSINESS EDUCATION PAYS-s-rrr fc'vnavoMhe moat thoroniraly eotilpoed Imtlfritmwief BuHne. training In the Stn.te, oeeunvimr twelve room l:.''i.'l.roil.TOnr"a'n ttiiaHH.HaITHA!lS. TYPKWRITlAUaaMt TE-K- : jalBAPMItj, tad tor .Handsome Catalogue. , H. W. PJSARS. President, LIMA. O. Liiery and Feed Stable. fV. 7 KAELE.KOLBE, (SucceseortoRob'tFoster.) . WilJrlo a general livery and feed busi ness. Rigjratosuiteverycla9softrade. Prompt attention to wants of farmers and transients In way ofhorsecare. Orders may be left at ihe millinery store of Kolbe Sisters, . rte4 Estate Transfer. The folio ing real eatato transfers have bees record -d during the past week: i 7BBEDOX TOWHSOir. ' . - J H Rash, county aoditor, to O H Gil more, 5100 acres in section 29, $5. HAPOLEOS TOWNSHIP. ! ' Frederick T Knipp t Wm H Rhodes, 54 1-5 acres in section 23, $5,450. l FliATBOCK Towxrmip. . Peter Rammer to John Pfau, 87 acres in seotion 82, $1600. ' " ' FLEASAKT TOWSsmP. ' W W Edwards et al. to Isaac N Chnbb, 9 80-100 acres in section 33 $50. ?'. ' Cora T Loose to Henry Loaders, 40 acres in seotion fi, $1450. . . MONROE TOWNSHIP. Franklin AFoaler to August Honneok, 5 acres in section 16, $2500. Iaelodes tile fac tory and saw mill. . . LIBEBTT CESTEB. i Charlotte Long to Ann. M Morrison, 39 97-100 aeres In section 34, $2000. E E Decker, sheriff, to Frank EBeilharz. 40 acres in section 13, $350. PAMA8CU8 TOWNSHIP. ' John Frees to Wesley E Brown, 20 acres in section 32, $700. . WilburS Zino to Caleb U Hitobooek. 29 acres in section 34, $8, 11 BIOHPIBLST. WHSBTP. Wo E Speneer to Simon P Whitmai, 10 acre in section 15, $700. Lizzie Beaverson to Thomas Beavers, 2t acre in seotion 9, $500. .. Edwin H Stulta to Henry Klender. S aores in section 27, $2400. DE3HLEB. Zoluna Cremian to Colesta Earp, lots 33, 34, 52, 53. 85, and 54 in 1 H Stearns 1st ad dition, $1500. Mason Baer to Benjamin F Pike, 3 aores in section 13, $800. ' Brazil M Bloavelt to Jas H Lathop, lots 14 and 15, S D J Steam's addition, $308. F H Short to M H Darby, lot 445 origi nal plat, $125. E E Eecket to Dan Donovan, lot 443, 444, original plat, 79, 89, 81. 82, 83, 24 and 25, t H Steam's addition, and lot 34 ia D I Steam's addition. $123.35." ChasR Stafford to Deborah James, lot 8, J H Steam's addition, $75. Deborah James to Thos. Lemman, lot 69. J H Steam' addition, $75. , . . i H Reah, county auditor, to Delia Cos, lot 91 in Hill's 2nd addition, $5.86. Corydon Robblns to John T Rayle, lot 14, original plat, $150. FLORIDA. Wm I Barr to Fredorich Gookel, lot 2, Harriet Cook's addition, $125. HAPOLHHt COBPOBATIOH. H Resh, eounty auditor, to L Parker and J B Hudson, lot 242 in Sheffield's 3rd addition and lot 110 in Randall's addition, E E Decker, sheriff, to Geo Jeakle. lot 11 Randall's addition, $8. E S Decker to Lee Parker, lot 22 in Ran. doll's add, $12. E E Decker, sheriff, to Catharine Market, lot 6, Randall's addition, $31. ' UXIBTA. A E Neuschwanderto Jack Highshew, lot 23 in Horn's 1st addition, $150. It is a good idea to laugh and grow fat. All persons who buy clothing of Henry Meyer always have a pleasant smile upon their countenances. Try it. ' tf For Sale by D. J. Humphrey, New poleon, O. than We don't think we can be President But our ambition is to have our clothing RIGHT right in every way quality, style, fit, Tinish, price. Then you'll be pleased, and .we'll have your trade always. Come and see wh-t we can do for you NOW. TAILOR.