Newspaper Page Text
emocratic Northwest D Sircu(aion, 5,300. lCnb IWenvg tSounfg ISlet?' ubsctipiton Si.QO ESTABLISHED A. D. 1852. 97. NAPOLEON, O., THURSDAY JUNE 24, l VOL.XLV-NO.20 Democratic-NorthwesL AND HENRY COUNTY NEWS. filtered at Jbtoileon Pottoffice at Second Watt Matter. Vihi titt ThJniiif Moinind- Office Narthweit Building, Washington St, L.L.Ucwiu. GAUB.Oawie BT L. L. OKWIG & SON. Fhone. Office 50. Residence so. Xiro. of 3iitecrlptio. : PerTurln dvaure 1100 SiimoulliHluidnnce... 50 If not paid in dvanoo,ljion 51. SO will bcbarged. tST'So piper will be rliscoutlnued until all arrcar ageaareaitd aale" at lha option of thepablieher. Job PrlntlnS of every neacrlptlon neatlj and cheaply executed . ADVERTISING EATES. Am'tof Space, l we'k lmo. smo. 6 mo. lye'r One column - ti on!$u oo 26 on !o 09 im oo H " .... 2 2."i 6 SO 14 On 26 SO 48 00 i " . 1 60 8 SO 7 60 14 00 27 OO One Inch s;! l ool 2 ool 3 oo 6 oo ADbnstncsMocaU, Inserted among pnrercad 11 matter, 10 ceuta per line for first inaeitiou nftteents per Hoe for each additional insertion. Bitsinesdocala, when Inserted nnderlhe bead of Bualaesi Locale, 5 oenta perlluu for each in ertion. IT HAS COME TO IT. The age of progress which started nearly a century ago, instead of being dimmed at the close of the 19 th century as was predicted, is still in evi dence, and its wonderful and awe-inspiring results are year. Jy advancing onward and up ward. New things that a few years ago were of the unknown are to day accepted with scarce a thought of their long rest in the grave of time, More things will come which are at present "unheard of and unsung." We offer as illustrations, that in a few years we will establish a communication with the in habitants -of Mars; we will be conducted afely and conveni ently through space at such a speed that the Atlantic ocean will be but a few hours distant; hcrses will only be seen , in circus menageries and zoological gardens as relics of olden times. With these marches of pro gress the old drug store of Saur & Balsley, the store of the Golden Mortar, will keep pace in the future as it has in the past. Compare us now with what we were 15 years ago. Where we could a few years ago mention our stock in a few words, to day we han dle practically everything in our line of business. We are at that point where we can forsee no chance of improve ment but in another year chances will present themselves and we will be."larger than ev er before." Coming to solid facts our latest advancement has been in the way of low prices. No longer does a man have to ' be well fixed in order to be able to purchase our line of goods. We can sell to everybody now where a few years ago our cus tomers were limited. ; In two of our departments especially, we have made such rapid advancement that if you stop to think it will surprise you as much as if the much talked of air ship would fall in your front yard. We refer to our paint and wall paper de- pariments. Where we were practically nothing, now we are everything. We can pa per you on the inside and paint you on the outside house, barn, shed, chicken coop, pig pen and all for money that you consider change. Other departments have also 'been changed with the times. "The facilities for filling pre scriptions ate not surpassed by any drug house in northwest ern Ohio. If in doubt as to what to give as a present to a friend, Saur & Balsley can quickly dispose of the doubt and can fit you out with as fine and desirable a present as could be seen,--and ;with a low, hard time price, too. Remember' the ' place and look out for the,Gtiderr Mpr tar. i Napoleon ICaces. The results of the races at the Fair Ground track Tuesday and yesterday were as follows: TUESDAY. 8:00 trot : mirfta i :ta All KiBht. Senator, 1 b Gold standard, bf. .... Biiiyuoter, bjr ........ La fuller, b 1 1 1 4 2 2 2 4 4 3 3 3 i 6dB m 'lime. 2:ai;, 2:27 '. 2:27 '4. 2:1 rwtce: mirfi inn. Tar Tartar, b Milton K. br It David linylps, he Russell Wilkes, bh Irftdy AniWaoa ".. . LIi-kB, b it Time. i:UU. 3:16'. i.lH'l .. 1 1 ... 3 S ..4 3 2 2 .. ti 4 ds 2:18, 2:1' 4 4 1 '113 6 2 2 2 3dr 3 dr .', 2:20 U'. 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 3 3 3 4 4 6 6 6 2:25 trot; purse, $.t00. KiiieDeil. be . . Money Jlaker.b h liucle, b b - Henry V, biles Gim. blk m - Time. 2:23j,S:!2,i.2:2T. WKDXKSDAY. 2:o race. Turse, $250. W. B .lane. br. m - Konator Briee, b. K - Tom TaicKHrt, b. Time 2:24 '4. 2:10 Tacc. Purse $300. Sir Arnold, eh. s Deck Wriitht, eh. a Hollen P., b. in Efllie Powers, b. m Ntitt Hall. b. Time 2:16,'., 2:lC.'i. 2:17,';. 1 1 1 3 2 2 4 3 3 2 4 dr 1 1 1 2 2 4 6 3 2 3 4 H 4 dr Miss Grace Y eager of Fulton coun ty is a guest at the home of Jas. Donovan. Mrs. T. G. Barnhill and Mrs. Cra mer of Findlay are guests at the heme of Dr. Barnhill. Friends assisted Prof. Weisbacgh to celebrate his birthday anniversa ry on Monday night last. Bruce Myers of the Tiffin Advertiser is in the city taking In the races. Mr. Myers is Secretary of the Tiffin Driv ing Park Association. The Royal Arcanum gave a delight ful reception at K. P. Hall last night. A fine musical program was rendered by Prof. Walther and wife, of Tole do, which showed the Prof, to be a fine performer on the piano and his wife a singer of large scope. They entertained the large audience hand somely. The refreshments were serv ed by the ladies of the Episcopal con gregation in their usual happy man ner. Taken all in all the reception was a decided success. There Is Nothing so Good. There is nothing just as good as Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, so de mand it and do not permit the dealer to sell you some substitute. He will not claim there is anything better, but in order to make more profit he may claim something else to be just as good. You want Dr. King's New Discovery because you know it to be safe and reliable,-and guaranteed to do good or money refunded. For Coughs, Colds, Consumption and for all affections of Throat, Chest and Lungs, there is nothing so good as is Dr. King's New Discovery. Trial bot tle free at D. J. Huini hrey's, Drug Store. Regular size OOo and $1.00. Fourth of July Excursion Kates, Via Detroit & Lima Northern Railway. Ticket agents of the Detroit & Li ma Northern Railway will sell low rate excursion tickets July 3d, 4th, and 5th, good returning until July 6th to any point within a radius of 200 miles from selling station. See D. & L. N. ticket agents for further par ticulars. Teachers Hired. The following is a list of teachers hired by the board of education of Harrison township : Dist. No. 1 Golda Snyder 2 Myrtle Hollopeter " 2 Rush Croninger " 3 Katharine Stemin " 4 Ote Barnes " 5 Daniel Huddle " A Samuel Nestleroad " 7 George Kryder " 8 C. J. Hartman This "Will Interest You, Especially the progressive farmer nun iiiuse wuo nave uie care 01 Har ness. tO ktlOW that, nftor nixinflnul tests of the different kinds of oils tnat are used for greasing harness that Neatsfnnt. nil has ha an atifiurri Yivr actual tests to be the favorite oil for tbat purpose. It softens the leather and makes it more pliable than any other known hurnuaa nil Vnn. haw. ness, too, will last nearly twice as long Dy uBing ine nest quality of Npatfifonr. nil. Knnr Ar TtnlelnTr liutta just received a iarrel of the finest Tvr.x . ,, . SB. . , , , , neaisiuui on ootainaoie wnicn tney will sell to you at a very low price. Saur & Balsley, druggists. New Colonel for the 16th Kegi . incut. At the election holil nn Prtrlnir loot Capt. McMaken of Toledo was al most unanimously selected as Colo nel of the 10th Regiment. The vote stood as follows: McMaken. Lemmon. Co. A, Toledo 40 Co. O. Toledo art Co. H, Toledo 40 Co. D, Fostoria... 41 Co. B, Sandusky. 39 1 Co. B, Bryan 41 Co. F, Napoleon. 42 Co. G, Wauseon. 37 Co. I, Clyde , 49 382 1 Sunday Excusion Train. Beginning at once and continuing until further notice the Wabash R. R., will run a Sunday exoursion train. Leaves Napoleon at 8:03 a. m. Re turning train leaves Toledo at 7:30 p. ni. arriving at Napoleon 8:84 p. in. Seventy-flve cents for the round trip on this- train returning on the same day. . tf Shake Into Your Shoes Allen' Font. Tenia noo.,. 41 It ooren painful, swollen, smarting feet and juo.auuj msoB urn nmg oo or eorns and bnnions. It's the greatest comfort dis- nnvAnnf th..n. 1 11 .... ' 1?. 1 tight fitting or new shoes feel easy. It is our nam cureior sweating, eatiooB and hot, tired anhino fof H c.i j 1 druggiste and hoes Mores. By mail for 25c in stamps. Trial package FREE. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, LeKoy, N. Y. ' laHMm A portrait free, come and seel tf Gardner's. A lUOTHElt KNOWS. Some Things People Don't Think of. "Just why it is that children at the breakfast table will beg for a little coffee day after day, I am unable to say, except that they have a deeply rooted desire to have what their par ents do in the way of food and drink, then I believe they naturally like something hot to sip with a spoon: at any ratf, the demand is there and and I'm blest if it is'nt hard to get over, when one has three or four in the family, but we can't give ou r young folks coffee to drink. Everyone knows its effect ou children and it seem almost criminal to set before the innocents something we know will harm them." So speaks a thoughtful mother and to such the graiu coffee, Postum. comes as a bleesing to solve the vexed question. Dr. H. W. Pierson, "Medical Ad vance," 0351 Stewart Ave., Chicago, says, We know of your Postum and are very much pleased with it. De cidedly opposed to the use of both tea and coffee." Postum will pass for coffee to nine out of ten people if they are not warned in advance. It has the deep seal brown of old Java and chances to the rich golden brown of thick Mocha when cream is added. It is made wholly and entirely of pure grains of the field, wheat, etc., such as are intended by the Creator for man's use in this latitude. Postum, the health coffee can be drank as freely as water with out any of the ill effects of coffee, and in a week or ten days' time, the old coffee user will note a marked change in his feel ings and flesh. It makes red blood in the natural way and agrees with babies or grown people. Made by the Postum Cereal Co., Lim., of Battle Creek, Mich. Beware of fraudulent imitations of the original Postum Cereal grain cof lee. insist on Postum. HUNTING AN HE IK. Au Inheritance Waiting for a Missing Heiress in Texas. The following letter from James B. Goff & Son' proprietors of the Texan State Journal, of Austin, Tex., fully explains itself. We give it publica tion, hoping that it may meet the eyes of some one acquainted the lady mentioned. Austin, Tex., June 5th, 1897. Ed. Northwest. -This item may be of interest. George M. Kanson died in 1895, leaving an estate valued at over $100,000 which awaits claim of his unknown heirs. Mr. Kasson was married in St. Louis in 1845, to Mary Hayden, by whom he had a daughter, born March 15, 1852, who is still living, and whose name is sup posed to be Mary Mann, a widow. She is small and of dark complexion; has black eyes and black hair. She has a child now 7 years old named Alma Green. She must assert her rights soon or it will be too late. Robert Morleand Green and John Lafayette, who both died in Texas over forty years ago, were relatives of Alma Green's father, and their heirs are wanted also. Will give further information on request. h,,',' jJAMES JJ, OOFF Q5 SOIT, Austin, iexas. The Gas Fields Giving Out. The report of the state geologist of Indiana lor the past year has just been published, and it forbodes the failure of the natural gas fields at no distant day. The territory now pro dueeing natural gas includes a region of about 2,500 squares miles, and no new discoveries have been made or are now likely to be made. A de crease in the pressure was first no ticeable in 1895, and it is still dimin ishing. It would not be surprising therefore that if within a year or two the supply would be so much dimin ished that the general use of the gas would have to be abandoned. Such was the case with the gas fields of Ohio and western Pennsylvania, and 8l;ch will probably be the fate of the Indian ueia. It will uC remembered that iU Pennsylvania --liC'ds. though long known, or at least suspected, were not extensively opened until 1878, and it was not until 1881 the gas was piped to Pittsburg. Then it was that the smoky city became smoke less, but this did not last long. A few years and the wells became ex hausted and smoke once more reigned supreme in the city of iron, steel and coal. Tie gas fields of Indiana were dis covered in 1889, and now after ten years they too will become a thing of the past. Nature seems to have no continuing gas manufacturing. Af ter having made a supply and de posited it in pockets she broke the retorti and gave up the business. Arm Broken. While picking cherries for John Utz Tuesday morning, Arthur Christy, a 12 year old boy. met with a serious accident. The limb on which he was standing broke under ui weigui mm ne was tnrown to the ground striking on a picket fence in the fall. His richt. nrm una kinl.n - -n . ' ufa , . uncii ftt the wrist and elbow, the bone in ootn places sticking through the flesh, and his shoulder thrown out nf joint. Deafness Cannot be Cured bv local annlications ns rViotr onni - i ( . ,- J vuuj l.llUUU Teach the disenspii rmrr.iin nfth.ik.. There is only one way to cure deaf ness, iuiu mar, is Dy constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition nt tha . w iii uwua lining of the EustaohianTube. When V.tM . 1- 1 1 j, . , wiiB tuue is iuuaiiteu you nave rumb ling sounds or imperfect hearing, and when it is entire! v nlnsort ituufno.. is the result,and unless the inflani niauoncan De taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearincr will b deatrnv-.i nine oases out of ten are caused bv voiaiiu, wuiuu is uotning dui an in flamed condition of rha UUWIA0 DUI" faces. We will giye One Hundred Dollars catarrh; that cannot be cared by Hall's Catarrh r.h fn. i- - - v. u.uu vy - culars; free. . ... B CHENEY & CO.", Toledo, O. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Ilatuler Burglars Caught. The thieves who have been going through the hardware 6tore of J. L. Arnold at Hauler have finally been ...... V. . 1 1 -i . 1 . ( .. "ufiui auu nr Hu?eu m jail, rney were cAntnrwt in Finriljiv In. a Aat.. tive and .brought back to Hamler wuere iney nai ineir nearing before Mayor A. A. Krv. Rav Ttirnin wi fnnnrl n-niltt breaking into the aforesaid store on . 1 . . a.l J . . r , ...... m out utiy oi ill are ri, .jay,, and was bound over to Common Pleas Court under a bail of 11500. whii-h wn n furnished. Turpin is the man who whs uuuuecieu witu ine- i mon House last winter. Chas. Watson was brought up to- io uie cnarge ci Dreaktng- imu iub siore on JMOveuiDer lutn, 1890, but his hearing was continued until to-morrow. "Texas Aid Society" a Social Event. A year or two ago a number of the leading families of the town formed the above named society. Its object is to assist in maintain-? a Sunday School the entire year through. It assists in buying supplies for the Sunday school, and also aids in keep ing up the incidental expenses of the church. The society is not denomi national and has in the past contri buted equally to the support of the M. E. and M. P. ministers. Now that there is but one regularly ap pointed minister, the Aid endeavors to give him social and material assist ance. The leading thought of the society is, that Texas and communi ty must have church and Sunday school services, and that these must also have financial support. This is not a society of women only. The fathers, sons and brothers of the fair sex are in the host. In some instances, whole families belong, which re minds us of what we read of the old patriarchs and their families. The fathers and mothers could see no good coming to their children playing about the streets on the Lord's day, so their efforts in this commendable work. During the past year the Sunday school was conduct ep through the whole year, a thing which had not been done for several years before. The society raises its money by quarterly d ues, collections and socials. Saturday night, June 12th, an ice oream and strawberry festival was decided upon for the following Thursday night. This event proved a rousing success. The committees had not the least trouble in getting all the material for the tables free of cost; they had more than they could use. Everywhere the committee went the people seemed hearty in their response. About 125 to 150 were present. A number of the young ladies and gentlemen sung some stir ring gospel hymns, and old and young enjoyed a "feast of love and now of soul". The refreshments were superb, and all around, everybody had reasons to eay "go thou and do likewise" again. We would like to mention several who labored like Trojans to make the social a success, but because nearly the whole society had a hand in it, we will have to re frain. Suffice it to say the Aid knows its hustlers. The neat sum of $11.25 was cleared and immediately handed over to the pastor. Rev. J. D. Trumbo. The next number on the Aid's program will likely be an entertainment. Let the good work ro on, Timothy, Parasols and sun umbrellas, in black and the newest colorings, at the most satisfactory prices can be found at Wilson's. Children's para sols from 25c to 1.75. Farmers, Attention. The Henry County Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company is now carrying its member's insurance in full force. Any owner of farm prop erty wishing same insured will be called on by solicitors in your locality on notice to any director of the com pany or to the secretary, who will be found at the companv's office in north . east room of basement of court b.ous; ou ouituruays. A. C. Skntkr, Napoleon. 4t rw portraits at Gardner's of your: aii ur tiuy ui your iainny. u Fourth of July Excursion Races, V ia the Baltimore & Ohio R, It. On J uly 3, 4 and 5 the Baltimore !" Ohio Railroad will aplloriiil1omn ets to and from all stations within a raaius oi auo miles from starting point, at rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets will be good for return until July 6, 1897. For further Information call on or address anv B. & O. tinker. B. N. Austin, rtfln'l ! Chicago, 111. 2t ' Surprise Party. Grelton, O., June 14th, '97. The friends nf Mr onri r 143 iSannia Clark to the number of ti ft V t'fll'O til nro a surnrise narr.v nn tha vnin Saturday, the 13th. A verv enjoyable ft,,, a ..... ... 1 J . . 1 " faowu uuring me evening, discussing the contents of the well-filled baskets and ham pers that had been taken along. tunny ui iue gentlemen naa a good time playing ye olden game called two old cat, while the ladies were filling the table with goods things to satisfy that fearful appetite that the game of ball had aroused, while some of the young ladies were enjoying the grateful rest of the hammock. All look back nn tha ocaninc no nn a that had solid enjoyment in it. MAC. Tired, Nervous, Sleepless Men and women how gratefully they write about HnnrTo ranno i i 1 1 a Once heloless and! H Ing lost all faith in medicines, now in good health and "able to do my own work," because Hood's Sarsaparilla has power to enrichen and purify the blood and make the weak strong this is experience of a host of people. Hood's nills ara tha had rn'mlln nm thartio and liver medicine. Gentle, reliable, sure. ... , , At various clubs In ' France lists of eligible girls backed by glittering batik rolls are to befonndi ' ! -" , ' . ... i '. . . ifi V- Of late years srjort has, baconi'a Utid of i&ttimfr- Stfsays the London Meta- ouisc limes. AT Questions for Teachers. The following is a narrinl list ni questions given last week at the ex amination ior teachers for the Napo- ieuu union ocnoois: PSYCHOLOGY. 1. Whnf Is Pci7fthlrtr.'J 1t'Ki. j r . , ? viiunig j i mini are me methods of studying it? 2. Wlmt are the natures onercies of self? Outline them briefly. a. vvnat is perception? Conception? In-:uitlve-powers? d. Whnt is thrt Hi(TApanA . and a concept.' 6. ymt is observation? Name and define the different kinds. 6. What is memory? Association? Kinds of association? . 7. What are the thought powers? How are judgments formed? What are emotions? Name and define the different kinds, Q Whnt- ara fl. wtllrtm-l Trv . . the steps m the process of willing? iu. yiiini is uiipercepiionr consciousness? Subconsciousness? Ego? Non-ego? GENERAL METHOD. 1. What is methnrl? A rW.l..-,9 A of education? "couo 2. Name and define the rIt rrnnami meth ods of instruction? 3. Uive some ot the ohmerj nf Infr,ininn nature studies into schools. 4. What are some ot the advantages of the phonic method of teaching reading 5. Arrange the following in the order In which tliey shall be mesented to tho i primary reading; printed symbol; wri'ten symbol; idea; sound symbol, uivo the reas- 6. blate two atlvunrno-ns In nrim.n, n,tn. jui uuwei. ber work, of teaching the reverse of a funuu mentai operation iu connection with that op eration. ' 7. Take the snhiA(?t nnmoi.a" n,i n,,itA an ideal language lesson from it. o. tiouiuyou teaen the mu t n Mention bv means of memory or reason? Wiiyt . iWtuotho advantages and disadvantages Of concert recitation. 10. Unon what is everv so rntlfl ,mf!i,i based? iixpluiu, HISTORY OF EDUCATION. 1. Whfl MU xmn u..t . jvii ntfcj ui IJ1U SCUOOIS UIlll education ot the Hindoos and what system has forever put a cheek rein upon them? T,r u;.luw ciiiei leatures. oi tno spartan Education. :t. U hilt (III! TH-H.nn-.,,1 ,i ... .i Utve his works. 4. lime thn.o Ramnn ...t t !.... I -P..-. ors and give their works. 6.. Give tnoetrcet of Christianity upon edu cation. Givesomo of thu effects ana events. iescnbe t!io munastic schools of the middlo ages as to organization, aims, ourse . .' Diiellyoomparetheschools of tho Jesu its and Port iioyalists as to character of wyrk, extent and influence, ....... nv. 8. Uive the-...'rV ..r. i -i lllll , -rtiuauiug oi iteuasbaiucu. uive cause ii u ro3uitof sanm. . picetcn tne uie of Uomenius. 10. Mention some characteristics of the edu- mitlcitin 1 wnrta f A u.. i..t v.... v. n.o .-xouimiii, uucuii, jiouiaigue, !?Auri?.'I''.ltosseau' Mulcasterand Mann. 11. What is the "new education"? Who is the father of It? Why? 14. What is tho meaning of History of Edu cation? Trivium? THEORY AND PRACTICE. 1. Give throe purposes of recitations. 'J. W'll V (ill HllltlA llimild hauittil in pu ,t !n rr"i How overcome? 3. vvnat is tne meaning of labratory and academic methods"? 4. Give meaning of abstract and concrete arithmetic, l'roportion of each in class work. K Whnt faiilfieo nf .1,. l.ii.l .. .I-..- .1. vffi PCl1'' How stimulated? What are proper incentives to study? Tii.irfoi. er incentives? 7 Whw 18 attention? Kinds? k Whnt are 8Om0 o( t,le oiilef causes of disorder M lJe 8Chool room? 9 Whv n5t K udy nothing but arithmetic on Monday. aviSO11 P 'l'"osduy, and geog- TuPhvTatHelUc'lrrs do you take and read? What pittt ivu"-uvlB uu lur l"B" profession? ARITIfMlTIf iC.' 1. Find tho initial i n it. . i . duces 5300 a year, allowing intereat at 6 nor cent. 1 WhHtlii,,r.,K.f r..- sects., slbs.ateucts., M eta., ami :l. X Imnt'tn rprln n -.. . , ft go? current 300 yds. ; how fardid 4. v hat is tho cost of a bill of exchange on R'fa-i Kxchaugo Sat o. now many melios in a metor? How many quarts in a liter? rt. If ill! Jirtit'lw onita in r.n. i it.. per cent, gain would have been' 15 uiore; 7. Write a note for Jion due in five years, with jntorost at 8 per cent, payable annually. i,? ii tn "thiuK wus paid on abovo note un til the expiration of tho 5 years, tlnd the amount due at that time. 9. A man and a boys can do a piece of work in 4 days ; how long will it take the man alone, if he works equal to 3 boys? 10. Extract the cube root of 13824. CIVIL GOVERNMENT. 1. Name and denn.-the three distinct sys tems of local government found in the sever al states. 2. Name and define briefly the powers or branches of the gov't. 3. Is it In the power of Congress to enact any law it chooses? Why? t,4- What powers may be exercised br the U. o. Gov t. ? 8. What powers may be exercised by the state gov 1. 1 . What Is the writ of Habeas Corpus and Its purpose! 7. How is the president chosen? 8. Where does the treaty making power . How can you compel a city or county ton 10. What Is the veto power of the President : of the Governor of Ohio, and how overcome? "Gentlmen of the jury," said the lawyer "there were 36 hogs Please remember the fact just three times as many as in the jury box, gentle men." It is needless to say the other side got the jury's verdict. mis k Mrs. I Gen. Grosvernor, the mouth piece of the administration, said at Toledo on Tuesday that the farmers had no need of complaint, as they are te 4j.'ving 25 per cent, more for their xrCv!.' now tnan they were a year ?Uriitlf. tb credlt tot advance to the Republic .idm,tm,str?V h (, fosvernor aeiiw " IIZ L tuts that nonstruotion upon the 'tion nf th e times and prices at . the ii..,r ne vear a" 1,1,8 presen. . . was quoted in date far.1"' produce . for- wheat. Napoleon market at J8o . ' iq0 for 20c for rye, i ,c fr corn, ant. on Oats. To-riftv ine rmntMttrm these article.1" are, wheat 72c, rye corn33e, and oats 14o. Wheat fa) I'liuc .i.v, ti csnii time because of the I'oreiirn fli little stifT in rrl..a At t in and failure of crop in localities last year, wntcli the repubi.'can adminis tration has tls control over Rut the Renuhlican Hilminiuf ratinn or.rl policy is responjiible for the gen- erat Htasrnation or nr nci now. ft r Which Cilllditinn tllfV olTur nn roliaf outside of hiirh tarilT ! The neonln taxing themselves to better their condition ! Whoever liearit nf a thing? Cranky. Thrt fnllntrini? rnnrerantinn vrbinli occurred iu olio of tho citv Mrlcnt nffiwa a few days ago, is a sample of thet picasani occurrences wmcn a ticket seiicr experiences in tne course oi bis career: "Give me a time table." snirl a. short man with a straight, hanging beard to ine cicrK. " Where do you wish to go?" "None of vour business. " xrna thn curt renlv. A conv of the time tnhle tvna passed to tho man, and he took his leave. "That's one of theso fellows who Wnnld PCimttliiin nf n rnnHnntni. if l,r. failed to. say 'Please' when asking for a ticket," remarked the clerk. True Flac. Try Grain-O ! Try Grain-O ! Ask vmir Qmnav ti.l ,i t 1, you a package of GRAIN-O, the new fnnH 1 1 rin 1 that tulra. . 1, 1 .. .. coffee. The children may drink it ... ; . i i t . . i . ,, iu:um tujiiiy u n'eii us tne aauit. All wlin ti-ir it Ub it Ml 41HO . - - j . . , ...... . u. .... -una that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, out ic in uiaaeirom pure grains, n nrl tho tnMif A aliou ctn... n V. ceives it without distress. $ the prioe oi couee. ioc. ana srocts. per package. Sold by all grocers. . uiyG-ly LATEST and BEST ! The PEERLESS FLOUR BIN and SIFTER. kit. , ' ii. ,Ai.lJ.lJiJLU,lfel ailu-jt,i,.nH r..,.a.iffg,LyiVi,i!!lP'li iim HH- JjSr CALL AND SEE THEM. W. H. KERMHN & CO.. SOUTH NAPOLEON, O. f We are now 1 Making a Great Hurrah 2 About Our Clay at m rti -in In Sacks nd Frocks Heavy Weight; Fast Color and AH oo1' Boys Suits of SaiT16 GEORGE HAHN & SO nMI? 'DDTril? nr nmrTTTnn . luwa uuuxmiJijKo AND TATLORS. V Pure. "UBUiuwi) .f Celebrated for its grt Assnre. i '"g"i aiia aeaicniuineSA. -www "ficiuot aiuui ana sii jw of adulteration oommon to the 6&sw brands. ROYAL BAKING FOW D25R CO., HEW YORK. An organization to be known as the Northwestern Ohio Band Asso ciation has been organized at Fos toria. The first meeting of the dele gates Will hw holH in r?t :.. iL . frst wek in September. Rev. Father P,nnn.n i of this city, but for the past two years assistant paetor in 8t. Cotum ba schuTch, Youngatown, O., received a letter from Bishop Horstmann, ot Cleveland last week, placing him' in charge of St. Edwanl's church ia Cleveland. He left Monday for his new charge and carries with him the best wishes of future success front a host of Napoleon friends. Mr. ft. A. Stillson, a merchant of ?v ? ,I"-!?tM' AuU8t 10tv 1891. "Foley's Kidney Cure is meet ing with wonderful ssiccess. It haa cured some cases here tbat physicians pronounced incurable. I myself ant able to testify to its merits. My face to-day is a living picture of health, and Foley's Kidney Cure has made t SUCh. I hail snfTerait years with the disease, and to-day I feel ten years younger than I did one year ago. I can obtain some wonder ful certificates of its medical qualities." C. F. Clai, Napoleon Ohio. i ,ii ' Cleanliness, Convenience, Utility. No Dirt, No Insects, No Bother. It will pay you to investigate this money-saving device. Always ready for use, nothing about it to get out of order, and will last for many years. Every kitchen should contain one of these flour bins. ' Fifty Pounds of Flour can be placed In it at one time. There is no chance to spill the Hour while using a small amount, and it is per fectly secure from the ravages of mice or rats and will save its cost in a single year. PRICE, - $150 Ml Ml n IV 7