Pt'BLISUKD BT EDWARD D. HOWARD, (rial slock. 3 itffrkh amilij Sournal, Dfaoffh io rrrbom, iru!tiirf, lifmiturr, (BiYuratian, loral Siifdligrnrr, anHtit Jlrais of tl;t Dai. " TERMS : ORB DOLLAR AND FITTT CEXTS I . VOL. 39, NO. 30. WARREN, TRUMBULL COUNTY, OHIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 1855. WHOLE NO. 8 008 Poetry. THE PRESS. THE PRESS. ANODE. The warrior ruled his crimson age With hrazen helm, and iar, and shield. And mad Ambition's lust and raj. Made Earth a reekmR battle-field ; And thronei were Iwilt and iroled with swords, Dli man was scoursel wih chain and rod. And kings, and pricau, and fradal lord Slata prostrate millionstrod. But new snore ahall steel-clad hand Alone to rule the world have power ; A mightier spirit walks the lard In eoort add camp, in ball and bower The Sort of Man 1 unchained at tenets. In Reason's name and freedom a might. To ore the despot's iron strength. And end Oppression's awful night ! The Soul of Van ! that as';s nor sword. Nor trump, nor plume, nor banner s train, To amite the tyrant, king, and lord. And give the nations life again But shall, in freedom's name unbind The world, and smite its woe and wrongs, With TnoroHT the jewel of the mind ! And Srxav the glory of the tougue ! t .nd, wide as earth, the Piw shall hear That thought and speech on wings of name. Till facrr and FnanaLts's names shall share A more than king or warrior's fame And Man rejoicing freed at length 8hall bless the l'niirrai's Ast, that gare Bis thought and speech immortil strength. To free Earth's serf, and Error's slare! [Written for the Chronicle and Transcript.] THE LONE OLD MAN. BY TAM GLEN. Poor auld man, I see him there, In his usua'l place an chair. By the fire. An' his eye an' troubled brow. Bear the mark o. sorrow now. Deep an' dire. 'Mong his locks that erst were Mack, May be seen Times Hirer track, Plain an' clear. An' the luster of is eye. That was bright in years gone by Is not there. An' his step so light an' firm, When his heart with youth was warm, . Long ago ; ' Is like the funeral tread. As we march behind the dead. Sad an' slow. An' the tears that freely chase. One another down his face. Plainly show. There's a fount o' hidden grief, Seeking thus, some sma' reiisf, Deep below. Yes! with unrelentinghand. Death has to the spirit land. Call'd his wife ; Who was well content' to share. Ilka sorrow, joy an care. O' his life. And his mind oft wanders back. O'er Ufes rugged thorny track. To the time ; When the started side by side, An lifes cares an ills defied, In their prime. 'Thus each happiness an grief, " Are enjoyed wiwau fari.t, O'er again ; But such reveries are short. And they seem to merely sport With his pain. But there's one sustaining hope. Seems to baoy his spirits up; Mid the gloom : Tis, the time is short at most, Ere he'U meet the lov'd an' lost, 'Vont the tomb. . Oirard, Ohio. BY TAM GLEN. Choice Miscellany. THE VACANT CHAIR. You have all heard of the Chevoit Mountains. If you have not, they are a rough, rugged, majestic chain of hills, which the oet might term the Roman wall of nature; crowned with snow, bel ted with storms, surrounded by pastures and fruitful fields, and still dividing the northern portion of Great Brittan, from the southern. With their proud sum mits piercing the clouds, and their dark rocky declivities frowning upon the glens below, they apjiear symbolical of the wild and untameable spirits of the Bor derers who once inhabited their sides. We say you have all heard of the Che voits and know ihem to be very high hills, like a huge clasp riveting Englaud and Scotland together, but we are not aware that you have heard of Marchlaw, mold grey looking farm house, substan tial as a modern fortress, recently and for aucrht we know to the contrary, is s ill inhabited by Peter Elliott, lhe pro prietor of some five hundred surrounding acres. The boundaries of Peter's farm,, indeed, were defined neither by fields, hedges, nor storre walls. A wooden stake here, and a stone there, at a con siderable distance from each other, were the general landmarks; but neither Peter nor his neighbors considered a few acres of land worth quarrelling about; and their sheep frequently visited each otters pastures in a friendly way, harmoniously sharing a family dinner, in the same spirit as their masters made themselves free at each others tables. Peter was placed in very unpleasant circumstonces, owing to the situation of Marchlaw House, which, unfortunately was built immediately across the "ideal line," dividing the two kingdoms; and his misfortune was, that being born up on it, he knew not whether he was an Englishman, or a Scotchman. He could trace his ancestral line no farther back than his great grandfaiher, wlo, it ap peared from the family Bible, had, to gether with his grandfather and father, claimed M irehlaw as his birth-place. They, however, were not involved in the aame perplexities as -their descendant. The parlor was distinctly acknowledged lo be in Scotland, and two- thirds of the kitchen were as certainly allowed to be in England; his three ancestors were born in the room over the parlor, and there fore were Scotchmen beyond question; but Peter, unluckily being brought into the world before the death of his grand- father, his psreats oi.jpied a room im - j mediately over the debateable boundary line which cross?d the kitchen. The room, though scarcely eight feet square, was evidently situated between the two countries; but no one being able to asccr tain what portion belonged to each, Pe ter, after many arguments and alterca tions of the subject, was driven to the disagreeable altei native of confessing he knew; not wht countryman he was. What rendered the confession more pain ful was, that it was Peter's highest am bition to be thought a Scotchman. All his arable land lay on the Scotch side ; his mother was collaterally related to the Stuarts, and few lamilies were more an cient, or respectable than the Elliotts. Peter's speech, indeed, betrayed him to be a walking partition between the two kingdoms, and a living representation of the Union; for in oneword he pronounced the letter r, with-the broad, masculine sound of the North Briton, and in the next, the liquid burr of the Northumbri ans, Peter or, if you prefer it Mr. Peter Elliott, Esq., of Marchlaw, in the coun ties of Northumberland and Roxburgh, was for many years, the best leaper, run ner, and wrestler between Wooler and Judburgh. Whirled from his hand, the ponderous bullet whizzed through the air like a pigeon on the wing; and the best putter on the Borders, quailed from competition. As a feather in his grasp, he seized the unwieldly hammer, swept it round and round his head, accompany- in with asile limb its evolutions, swiftly as swallows play around a circle and hurled it from his hands like shot from a rifle, till his antagonists shrank back, and the spectators shouted. "Well done, Squire ! the Squire foiever!" once ex claimed a servile observer of tit'es. Squire! who are ye squiring at?" re turned Pe'er. " Confound ye ! where was ye when I was christened Squire? My name is Peter Elliott; youi man, or anybody's man, or whatever they like." Peter.'s soul was free, bounding, and buoyant as the wind that carolled in a zephyr, or shouted in a hurricane upm his native hills; and his body was thir teen stone of healthy, substantial flesh, steeped in the spirits of life. He had long been married, but marriage had wrought no change upon him. They who suppose that wedlock transforms the lark into an owl, offer an insult to the lovely beings who brighten our dark est houis with the smiles of affection, and teach us that that only is unbecoming in the husband, which is disgraceful in thej Nearly twenty years had passed over them; but Janet was s:ill as kind, and in his his eyes, as beautiful, as when 3r on him her hand at the sltar ; bestowing and he was still as happy, as generous, and as free. Nine fair children sat around their domestic hearths, and one the youngling of the flock, smiled upon its mother's knee. Peter had never known sorrow; he was blest in his wife, in his children, and in his flocks. He had become richer than his fathers. He was beloved by his neighbors, by the til lers of the ground, and his herdsmen; yea, no man envied his prosperity. But a blight passed over the harvest of his joys, and gall was rained into the cup of his felicity. It was on Christmaa-day, and a more melancholly looking sun never rose on the 25th of December. One vast, sable cloud, like a universal pal!, overspread the heavens. For wc eks had the ground been covered with clear dazzling snow ; and as throughout the day, the rain con tinued its unwearied and monotonous drizzle, the earth assumed a character and appearanee melancholy and troubled as the heavens. LtkeamastiU Mat nan lost its master, the wind howled mourn- fully down the glens, and was re-echoed from lhe caves of the mountains, m the lamentations of a legion of invisible spir its. The frowning snow-clad precipices were instinct wi ll m-tion, as avalanche upon avalanche, the larger burying the less, crowded down in their tremendnous journey to the plain. The simple moun tain rills had assumed the majesty of riv- ers ; the broader streams were swollen into will to rents, and gushing forth as cataracts, in fury and in foam, enveloped the valleys in an angry floo 1. But at Marchlaw, the fire blazed blithely; the kitchen groaned beneath the loid of prep arations for a joyful feast ; and glad faces glided from room to room. Peter Elliot kept Christmas, not so much because it was Christmas, as in; I onor of its being the birthday of Thorn-j as, his firstborn, who on that day entered his nineteenth year. With a father's love, his heart yearned for all his chil- dren, but Thomas was the pride of his eves. Uarus Oi anoiopy nau not men rounfi tnejr way among the Border hills an,i a, au knew that, although Peter ad- mitted m spirits within bis threshold, nor L drunkard at his table, lie was, never- jtheless, no niggard in his hospitality, his 1 jnvilatio is were accepted without cere j j ! j j j j t ! j ! ! ; - mony. The guests were assembled, uud the kitchen being the only place .in the building large enough to contain them, the cloth was spread from England into Scotland. On the English end of the table were placed a ponderous plum pud ding, studded with tempt it ion, and a smok ing sirloin ; on Scotland, a savory and well seasoned haggis, with a sheep's head and Irotters; w hile the intermediate space was filled with lhe good things of this life, common to both kingdoms and to the season. The puests from the north, and from the south were arranged promiscuously. Every seat w-as filled save one. The chair by Peter's right hand, lemained un occupied, lie had raised his hands be fore his eyes, and besought a blessing on what wos Liced Ix-fore them, and was preparing to carve for his visitors, when his eyes fell upon the vr.cant chair. The knife dropped upon the table. Anxiety flashed across his countenance, like an ar row frcm an unseen hand. 'Janet, where is Thoinns?" he inquired "hae nane o' ye seen him?" an I without waiting for an answer, he continued "How i$ it possible he can be absent at a time like this ? And on such a day, too! Excuse me a minute, friends, till I just step out and see if I can find him. Since ever I kept this day, as tnony o' ye ken, he lias always bsen at my right hand, in that very chair ; and 1 canna think o' be ginning our dinner, while I see it empty." "If the filling of the chair be all," said a peit young sheep-farmer named Johnson, I will step into it till Master Thomas arrives." "You're not a father, young man," said Peter, and walked out of the room- Minute succeeded minute, but Peter re turned not. The guests became hungry, peevish, and gloainy, while an excellent dinner continued spoiling before them. Mrs. Elliot, whose good nature was the most prominent feature in her character, strove by every possible effort, lo beguile the unpleasant impressions she perceived gathering upon their countenaces. "Peter is just as bad as him," she re marked, "to hae gon; sa lang when he kenned the dinner would na keep. And I am sure Thomas kenned it would be ready at one o'clock to a minute." And endeavoring to smile upon a beautiful black-haired girl of seventeen, who sat by her elbow, she continued, in an anx ious whisper, "Did you sec nothing o' him, Elizabeth, hinny?" The maiden blushed deeply ; the nues- tion evidently gave freedom to a tear, which had, for some time, been an Jun- willing prisoner in the brighest eyes in the room; and the monosyllable "No," that trembled from her lips, was audible only to the ear of the enquirer. In vain Mrs. Elliot despatched one of her chil- dren ufier another, in quest of their fa ther Jand brother, they came and went, rbut brought no tidings more chrering than the moaning of the hollow wind. Minutes rolled into hours yet neither came. She perceived the prouder of her guests preparing to withdraw, and, ob serving that Thomas's absence was so singular and unaccountable, and sa un like either him or his father, she dinna ken what apology to make to her friends for such a treatment , butjt was need less waiting, and begged they would use no ceremony, but just begin. No second invitation was necessary. Good humor appeared to be restored, and sirloins, pies, and pastries, and moor, fowl, began to disappear like the lost son. For a moment, Mrs. Elliot apparently parloak in the restoration of cheerfulness, but a low sigh at her e laow, again drove the color from her rosy cheeks. Her eye wandered to the farther end of the table, and rested on the unoccupied seat of her husband, and the vacant chair of her firstborn. Her heart felt heavily within her ; all the mother rushed into her bo som, and rising from the table, "what in the world can be the meaning o' this?" said she, as she hurried with a troubled countenance towards the door. Her hus band met her on the threshold. " Where hae ye been, Peter?" said she eagerly, "hae ye teen naething o' him?" "Naething ! naething !" replied he : "is he na cast up yet?" and with a melan choly glance, his eyessought an answer iu the deserted chair. His lips quivered, his tongue faltered. "Gude forgive me!" said he ; "and such a day for ev en an enemy to be out in! ' I've been up and down every way thai lean think on, but not a livrng creature has seen, or heard tell o' him. Ye'll excuse me, neebors," he added, leaving the house : I must awa again, fcr I canna rest.' "i. Ken Dy mysen, mu au.ui v..., ' a deceut looking Northumbrian, "that a j father's heart is a sensitive as the apple j o his e'e ; and I think we would show j n want o natural sympathy and respect j ibr our worthy neighbor, if we didua ' every one get his foot into the stiirup without loss of time, and assist him in his search. For, in my rough country way o' thinking, it must be something particularly outo' the common that could tempt Thomas to be o' the missing. Indeed, I needna say tiinpt, for there could be no inclination in any way. And our hills," he concluded, in a low er tone, "are not ower chuncv in other respects, besides lhe breaking up o' the storm." Oh," said Mrs. Elliot, wringing her hands, "I have had the coming o this about me for days and days. My head was growing dizzy with happiness, but thoughts came stealing upon me like ghosts, and I felt a lime soughing about my heart, without being able toatel! the cause: but the cause is come at last! and my dear 'Thomas the very staff and pride o my life, is lost ! lost to me forever!" "I ken, Mrs. Elliot," replied the Nor thumbrian, "it is an easy matter to say compose yourself, for them thai dinna ken what is to feel. But, at the same time, in our plain, country way o' think ing, we are aie always ready to believe lhe worst. I have often heard my father say, and I've as often remarked it my self, that, before anything happens to a a body, there is a something comes over them, like a cloud before the face o' the sun : a sort o dumb whisper'ng ab ut the breast from the other world. And, though I trust there is naething o' the k nd in your case, yet, as you observe, when I find myself growing dizzy as it wee, with happ'ness, it makes gool the saying o mother's, pcorbo ly ! Bairns, bairiiS,' she used to say, 'there is over much sinking in your hea s to-night ; we will have a shower before bed-t:me.' And I never in my born days, saw it fail." At any other period, Mr. Be Ts dis sertation on pr sentiments would have f und a fit:ing text on which to h ing all the dreams, wraiths, warnings, and mar vellous circumstances that had been handed down to the company from the days of their grandfathers ; but in the present instance, they were too much oc cupied iu consultation regarding the dif ferent routes to be taken in the search. Twelve horsemen and some half doz en pedestrians, were seen hurrying in divers directions from Marchlaw, as the last faint lights of a melancholy day, were yielding to the heavy darkness which appeared pressing in solid masses down the sides of the mountains. The wives and daughters of the party were alone lelt with the disconsolate mother, , . , , , .... , . ' r t ,..." children to her heart, and told them to . , .. . , , , , I weep not, for their brother would soon . r .... ... ! return; while the tears stoic down her, , . . ,i - r . i ClieehS, ttllu tile llllctub ill liei amis mjji. because its mother wept. Her friends strove with each other to inspire hope, and poured upon her ear wi;h mingled and loquacious con solation. But one remained silent. The daughter of Adam Bell, who sat at Mrs. Elliot's elbow at the table, had sunk in:o an obscure corner of the ro-m. Before her face she held a hand kerchief wet with tears. Her bosom throbbed convulsively ; find, as occa sionally her broken sighs burst from their prison-house, a significant whisper passed among the younger part of the company. Mrs. Elliot approached her, and tak ing her hand tenderly between both of hers "Oh, hinny, hinny!" said she, I "yer sighs gae through my heart like a knife! An' what can I do to comfort ye? Come, Elizabeth, my bonny love, let us hope for the best. Ye see Lefore ye a sorrowin' mother ! a mother that fondly hoped to see you an' I c nna say it an' am ill qualified to give comfort when my own heart is like furn ice ! but oh! let us try and r.memLer the blessed por tion "Whom the Lord loveth, He chas teneth," an' inward y pray for strength to say, "His will be done. !" I [Concluded next Week.] SCUUYI.ER THE New York letter writer makes the follow ing comment upan the fallen fortunes of the celebrated Robert Schuyler: I passed the other day" the splendid mansion of Mr. Schuyler, w hose sjupen duous frauds are so well known. It was closed and apparently solitary, though his family still reside there. What a con trast a few montlii has apparently made in that family! Its glory is dim. Crowds no longer assemble in the spacious par lor; the coaches of the spli ndid and gay do not line the side-walk; the briliant lights acd the dashing company no longer allure the crowd to herd around the curb stone all is sollitude- Bat w hat a les son docs this event teach. Mr. Schuyler had iwo chachtcrs. In business, on change, at his rocms in the Astor, he was known as the high-minded, honorable, successful, pure-minded man, one of whom N?w York was proud, of whom bhe delighted to honor. Now como with me into one of the least prttendin j streeis iu New York. This hou?e is as un-n. tending as the street. Mr. Spicer lives here. Let us enter Mrs. Spicer and a! family of chidren from 19 years and un der, compose the household. It is said to l a a singular family. Mr. Spicer is a singular man. No one ever sees him. The butcher, the milkman, the landlord, din't know him. Mrs- Spicer does all the business. Mr. Spicer comes in late; he goes away eary in the morning. He i a business man; he has so much busi ness that he is never seen in his family. Remain there day aud night, and you will never see Mr. Spicer. The daughters become young laies. They are all edu cated. They go out into society, but no one Knows meir lamer. Jir. oaiccr s name is not in the business director.C. So have this family lived for tweuty years in lhe heart ef New-York! At length the elder Miss Spier is engaged to a most worthy man. It is needful to gain the consent of Mr. Spicer, that the marriage may take place. A time is appointed and the expectant son-in-law is place-d face to face with Nr. Spicer. He is told by the father himself that his name is not I Spicer, but is Mr. Sichuyler; that the mother of his daughter is not a w ife; but if thf daughter is taken in marriage the mother shall be weded. The double act is consumate 1; the veil is removed; New Yoik is aiiat d for a moment by the dis-cloi-uri s; un elegani house is taken on Tvventy-seconD street, and the family is launch) d on the wave of fashionable life. All the world knws the sequel With so rotten a foimd.itiou, how could the su perstructure stand? [Concluded next Week.] THE PACIFIC AND THE ATLANTIC [Concluded next Week.] THE PACIFIC AND THE ATLANTIC OR THE DOOR WAYS OF THE SEAS . ' Jorlnday morning, says the iNew lork A canal across the Isthmus is an old sto y. In January, 1835, the right of way was granted for this snd, and in 1836, Col, Biddle obta;nad a charier, with the privilege of building a r.ilway instead. But he died, and this and oth er efl -rts failed. In June 1840, the Panama Railroad Co. was organized under a charter from New Y'oik. Next year a contract was made between New Gienida, and J ihn L. Stephens, for this company. In June, 1850, the first ground was broken on the road; in March, '51 trains were run over to Gatun, seven m les in July to Barba cona, twenty three miles; in February, '54, the rail wai laid to Obispi, thirty one miles thence to Panama whole distance 48 miles. The formal op ming of the Road took place Feb. 26th. On the 15th ult., the New York Party .... ., c f reached Aspinwall, amid the faring or r ... ,T . j rann-,nnd irenerftl rei JlCinir. .MeXtdaV. day morning, says the IN ew York Times correspondent, a little before nine, our party, with invited guests, left for Panama. The car we occupied was a new one and well adapted to the climate, the bottom and back of the seats being of cane, and consequently very cool. In half an hour we passed the Chagres at UralUn, HI wuicil oiauuu a Lituuiuai mwu had been erected, made of the trees and bright flowers of the .ountry. We kept in sight of the R ver, against whose rap id current so many have toiled on their way to the land of gold. At Barbacoa we crossed the bridge, 500 feet long the river is now small and insignificant, but the adjoining land shows what it is when swollen by lhe rains of the rainy season. We soon arrived at Matachun about thirty arilvs from Aspinwall and here the train was stopped, and we all procee ded to the summit of a steep hill, where was laid the corner s:one of a monument in honor of Stephens, Aspinwall, and L'hauncey, the original grantees of the Right of Way, and to wTiom -o much is due. A more suitable spot could not be sel xte l. On every side i he most superb seen' ry; lofty hills around you, from o e of which, at a distance from the railroad, can be reen both oceans, while at your feet are two rivers, one rapidly hasten ing on the Atlantic and the other to the Pacific, each to announce, as it were, the completion of lhat tie which is to bind to gether these vast sea. An address was delivered by Judge Bowliu, the newly appointed Minister to New Grenada. Alter this ceremony, the party pro ceeded to Panama, where banquets and revelry, speeches and toasts followed, all assisting in celebrating the day. A wri ter speaking of the difficulties of making the road, says : At about a dozen miles from Aspinwall we pass d the last swamp, the filling in of which had cost an incalculable amount of labor and disheart ning exertion, but which now presents a solid and sufficient, ly secure appearance. In this swamp Col. Tottcn, when the forest growth first cleared away, preparatory to laying th track, proceeded a short distance, travel ing in a manner contrasting strongly with the mode now afforded by the railroad. Finding his mule coul 1 not get on, he abandoned the animal, and stripping off his clothes tied them around his neck. Leaping from fallen tree to falh n tree, swinging himself from branch to branch scrambl'nr in mud and water oftentimes up to his shoulders, he, after severa1 hours succeeded in making his way through. Col. Totten, the Engineer, received "all honors"' as lhe man, with Center and the engineers, who accomplished the great woik, amid difficulties almost in surmountable. A writer says : We were much amused on our arrival at the station at Panama, in witnessing the embarkation of the passengers for California. The s'eamer is oblige! to anchor about two miles from high w ater mark, and the passengers and their bag 'a"e are carried to the ship in small boats. They are generally cairied on the backs of negroes from the beach to the boats, and yu can well imagine what an amusing scene it is to a spectator, es pecially when a larger wave than usual comes rolling in and dashes on some por unfortunates. The n?ros arc hurrying hither and thither, jabbering every language under the sun all anx ious to secure a dime. But, with all their eagerness, they are unwilling to overwork themselves, as on-? poor fellow of our party found to his dismay and a i usement. He csorted to the beach, with all gallantry, a f male friend, whose weight was not far from 200 ; and on ar rivio"' n r-tir the boat, he overheard a ne- trnexo'aim, in bid Sp nish, that no one man could carry sue i a lo id as that and then to he obliged lo explain to his Ir end that she would be obli-ed to em- ral'iv th shoulders of two negroes, in or- d.r to t saVy on the bwt ! The party returned to AspLiwall n the 17.h, an I .-ailed the next day for New Y.irk, where they arrived on the 1st. From the Mahoning Free Democrat. MEMORY RENEWED. It was my privilege a few nights since to watch by the bedside of a friend one whav-hours on earth are almost num bered. Pulmonary consumption, lhat be guiling yet hopeless disease, had rapidly reduced him from an ambitious and prom ising youth to an emaciated and death waitiii" invalid. The grim monster had already marked the countenance of his victim with thai peculiar expression which belongs to the dead, and which makes the journey to the "long home" a mere grad uil transition. Tne sunken cheek and temple, the open mouth and fallen chin, the quick and labored breathing, the pal lid brow and features, occasionally flushed by excitement, all told of dissolution. The eye alone was undimmed, and un change! except by its seeming enlarge ment, as if to give the soul, through its windows, a clear view of approaching death. Calmly was this approach await ed ; it was neither desired nor dreaded. A hovering angel was by his bedsidi l)vinr mother, that natural nurse, was there to ease the pains ot a last uiness by gentle words and tender deeds. Oh . the look of affection with which she viewed her dying son, and how readily the waters of grief found vent as she remembered that she reformed the same labors ol kindness in the same room, and upon the sams couch, for a husband and father, who years ago had died of the same dis ease. As I saw this exhibition of ma ternal love and grief, a prayer did go up that such a hand and such a love might give me support upon a dying bei. me prayer was fairly uttered ere 1 remem- bered that no maternal voice could ever again say to mo "farewell," that at the eaily age of ten I followed a mother to her grave. i But to return to my sick friend It evening-Sabbath th.; pi-ms mother prepared tne retiring iamny fA roi hr evening worship. S:ie opened the Bible, an I read the 14:h chap ter of John's Gospel one of the very b -st in all th good book, coinm-ncii'g "Let not your hearts be troubled. " Rea der, weie you ever re nindel by some casual incident like this, of some tender -II--.: 1 ,nA.-t r.-n-i-rnltiiri ?" r Ci-iH iA recouecuo,. - - spot of sunshine on your path m the far ut, a:. ...... ,h lihni nw nnn HManrA had almost hidden from the view ! Thus was I reminded, ami it came npm me like a flash of light into a long darkened . I .. .., !,., TOO II. iUl DeCaUStr I H.J ivh Ulirn .can - f. , . .1 . this same portion ot &jnpture, oui mai its present reading was so similar to one , , " of lon,T ao. When I was a mere boy it was madejed, my duty to wateh, day after day, by the bedside e f a tlear brother, who has long since gone to his rest, and who was a hop- less i.ivalid for verv many weary years, He was a pious, good brother, and every day it was my privilegs to read to him from the Bible in a Io-wUiper, ( for he could not endure loud reading or conver- sat ion.) And oh! how often I have whis pered to him lhe 25 h chapter of JoJin Itwas a favorite chsp'cr, I ecause of it- nreeionq nrnmisps. and lender assurances! of Christ's love to his followers. And I often by his direction I marked with pen-1 cil the most consoling of these passages lor frequent reading ; and the old Bible to this day bears the evidences of a child's handling and marking, not only at this chapter, but throughout lhe book. And what a look of pleasure would illumine his countenance as I rend those dear words of Christ, such as, "In my Father's house are many mansions," I am about lo leave you, but "I will come again and receive yon unto myself, that where I am there ye may be also." "And what soever ye ask in my name, that I will do." "I will pray the Father that He will give you another Comforter." "1 will . not leave yon comfortless, I will come to you. 1 hese, and such as these, were dear words to that brother, and he rested upon them as confidingly as a babe rests in the arms of a mother, and prayed that Christ would soon "receive him to Himself." The reading of these Scrip tures, and the confidence thus bestowed upon them, made a deep, a very deep im pression on my young heart, and now, after years of orphanage, and wandering and sin, the reading of them by this mother to her dying sou affected me ex ceedingly. It seemed to drive away the shadow that intervened between the pres ent and thep tst, letting the sunshine once more upon my beclouded heart, and again in imagination, I sat by the side of my dear brother, reading to him from the Bible, and weeping in sympathetic joy al the pleasure which the words gave him. I w)ull nit have the mem ry of that scene obliterated for a world, for when my young friend is gone to the "city of the dead," with this memory bright in my pathway of the past, and his spirit like another star, beckoning from abovf!, how can I miss the way ? These lights will ever guide me. ' J. [For the Chronicle.] CHERISHED MEMENTOES. qiiesion now and sny never unt;i ifijf fiifu, feyer Qye , enter ;l0 q) etern.,i Here are some j M Qfu prtpers what may the9e ba ? Wnispering f 9Urely, and peeping up through the pencil marks are faintly JibIe a ,ew name8 and disconneclpd n was uamf.s j had a,mos Ah, well I love to gaze on them when all alone ; for they take me far back into the dreamy past and wake all the music of memory there. When shadows deep' en around my pathway, when affections nurtured in the heart and fondly cherished prove traitors, when I am weary of life and the world I turn to them and they bring to remembrance many things that were, but have passed away with the ar dent anticipations of earlier youth. They take me back in dreams to innocent laughing childhood, when not a cloud of sorrow or distrust had thrown a shadow on life's sunny way. They bring to my languid heart those I remember to have loved when the morning of life wasyoung, Let me see I have a pale faded flower. Iu name is Forret-me-not. Its recalls u the time when a fearless child I roved with Lillian along the wild-wood walks, seeking its beautiful blossoms and twining them in her hair. Lily has gone now where they never say " forget me not " so I'll not talk of her now not now. A(jJ j haye r Jark cufj of ha;rj very afj(J beau,iflJi which is dearer to me than all the rest. Once it shaded a fair brow, and clustered around the snowy neck of a happy gladsome child : but an gels loved her, and you will not chide me for cherishing it, if I tell you it was worn by a sister ! Far down in an humble corner of my depository is a plain w hite card on which is traced in delicate lines the words "when mept ; j might ansWer forgotten not quite Estella, Harry, yes, I remember them. " Well I love to read even a whispering paper, for it takes me back to earlier school days, aud awakens in the heart many pleasant recollections. Oh ! yes these " cherished memen toes" ever cause a sunbeam to light the remembrance f p. 1 BRACEVILLE, March 2. j u.iicug.wiiu unownnsmuui ""'" I next. By lhe 15th of the same month the ! Galena Branch will be finished and open- . and a small section of lhe Chicago Branch is all that will then remain for ! completion of gigantic undertaking. Sj j states the Chicago Press, and adds "Less j than f jur years ago the charter for build- Illinois Ce.vtbal Railroad This great work is finished, and regular daily trains will commence lunning between ! r:t l rv.: .1 .. c.u T. .......... ing this road was obtained now over six hunt red are in running order! I V uat rmire need be said ot tire energy and skill of those who have achieved the I work?" The palm irte begins very .late to bear fritit but then the fruit is dies. For the Farmer. WHAT IS THE BEST GARDEN PEA? HOW DEEP SHOULD THEY BE PLANTED? The questions here asked, are of consider able importance at this time. The writer made experiments, some two years since, towardi$the solution of the first question, but unfortunately has mislaid his notes of the result. His memory- - however, is this, that "Early Kent, " "Prince Albert," and "Hill's Early, " came to bearing at the same time, "Prince Albert" and "Early Kent" had the largest' pods, and are therefore most desirable for market purposes. The "Hill's Early" is most productive. "Early Washington" proved a few days earlier, productive, but pods small. "Cedo-Mulli," if true, is very early and very productive. I have never had them true but once. '.Fair beard's Surprise" and "Essex Champion" are now quite new; and so of many others -catalogues now enumerating some six ty different sorts. "Blue imperial" comes later than those named above, and is very productive, and a very sweet PeaJ 'The "Tall Marrowfats," for richness, contin ued to hold their good reputation, although Champion of England" proved a bold competitor, and a most productive Pea, with large, full pods, and when cooked, not excelled iu richness. ! About the depth which Peas should be planted: upon this point, . experiments have shown that one footdeep,isthebest the time of coming up varies, from those sown three inches deep, only forty-eight hours, while the producing sea?on is continued two weeks longer, owing to the facV that the roots are kept cool a necessary, con -' sequence to successful Pea growing.. Planted at one foot deep, they dd not require earthing up, as is the case .with those planted in the ordinary manner. Thus a considerable amount of labor is saved. In very heavy soils, and those cat uarlly inclined to be wet, eight inches deep may, perhaps, be most advisable, as the soil where the experiments were made, was a clay loam, but well drained. QuERCtJS- Ohio Fajemer. CORN AND COB-MEAL FOR FATTENING HOGS. Messrs. Batiham Harris; Dole, livins near the II inois Central R.. R., has fattened a large s ock of hogs, the past season, and fed them with com and cob crushed, and quite coarsely,(his mill being of an inferior kind.) His method was t grind and fill a n'ht wag on bed, and let it soak for some 10 hours; then, having his troughs in a line, and so arranged that he could drive his horses or oxen astride of them, and while the driver passed on, he went be hind and drew a slide from the bottom of the wagon bed, and thus filled his troughs, and in that manner could feed a larore stock in five minutes. His ho zs ate all the corn and cob m?al, and fattened upon a less quantity of corn than he had ever before used to the same amount of pork, and his pork was pronounced of superior quality in the market. Many farmers have told me, during the past season, that where they had a small stock, it would do to make complete arrangements for them; but where they had several hundred, they could" not af ford it. Singular philosophy, indeed! In all manufacturing operations, the more extensive the business the more complete . the arrangement, and consequently more profitable the result. Yours very tiuly, J. A, Hedges. Cincinnati, Feb., 1855. HICKORY NUT OIL. It is a fact not generally known, that oil manufactured from Hickory Jsuts, is equal if not superior to the best lard or sperm oil for burning and for machinery. Mr. Eastabrook has manufactured oil from hickory nuts in small quantities for several years past. The nuts are crushed under the tempering stones like flaxseed, and the oil pressed out in the same way. The 'cake of nut shells is used for fuel, and a cord of it is said to go further than a cord of the best hickory wood. The nut oil remains in a fluid state ut a very low temperature, and it does not gum like the ordinary qualities of oil. It is used in very delicate machinery, and when properly refined coulJ be used by watchmakers. The pignut is preferred iu the manufacture, on account of its thin shell, and greater abundance of the oily material. Mr. Eastabrook believes that oil man ufactured from the ordinary shell bark and large sweet hickory nut, would co ne into general use for the table. We have heard of some individuals who prefer the oil manufactured from the pignut to the best "dive" for their salad. Mr. E. pays fifty cents a bushel for' the th'n shelled nuts, snd we supp we would buy tiethick'shell at a bwV?r price Dayton Journal . i i i ,1 lit iif