Newspaper Page Text
THE CHRONICLE. Thanksgiving.—Proclamation by the Governor. "The President of the United Stales has set apart Thursday, the IRtb day of Novem ber, as a day of Thanksgiving to the God of nations, for His blessings during the past year. Ohio, behind nonein blessings, should he behind none in gratitude. With health, plenty and iieace.our population has steadi ly increased, our industry has been reward ed with abuiidaure, our puhlic schools and other means of education hare born rich fruitage, and the religion of the Bible has blessed and cheered nsaU. -Therefore, I, Rutherford 11. Hays, Gover nor of the State of Ohio, in romplianee m-ith the religious sentiment of the people, and the good custom of our fathers, do appoint Thursday, the 18th day of November next, as a day of thanksgiving, and recommend all of the citizens of the State, on that day to lay aside their ordinary pursuit, to as semble in the sanctuary lor prayer aud praise, and to remember. In their worship and their homes, the poor and the sorrowing; for' God hath said Whosoever offereth praise glorifletb me. He that oppresseth. the loor reproacheth his Maker; but lie that Imnoretb Him liaih mercy on the pour.' '"In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the zreat seal ui the State ot Ohio to lie affixed at Columbus this i"th day of October. A. D. IKiH. "RUTHERFORD B. HAYES. "By thefwnvernor: 1a ac R. Suegwooh, see. of sinte." Ylien is h tojierV nose m a mssc? j When it is a little r.:i. j A riilinr liabit (ioiu:; up ami ilnwn in the cars everv lav. ! i It is uite iro'r fur a river, l.ut not a .in"-1i, t have a frol strung damn. AVlien tlie cat is away, the eok finds it difficult to explain how the coin meat goes. j lr. Beeelier says lie '"know not) what Kve felt in leavintr Paradise." She felt ashamed. "Measure, not men," is a ;(m1 inaxini in politics, hut iu isitatoes both are equally necessary. What enormous legs firemen must have, as we often hear of their UMnir hor fifty leet iu length. A wedding guest in Xew York esti mates that,- out of eichtv-two marria ges which he atteuded last season, nly nineteen were "love matches' A ''model wedding" is shortly to weur in a Massachusetts town, "the announcement being "X. ('. No cards, no cake, no company."' Providence was enlivened the other evening by the sisht of a young wo man boxing the ears of her lover, on the street, liecause he hud escorted another lady home. Why are washerwomen great trav elers? Because they are eontinually crossing the line, and running from pole to pole. Womanliness in a man is not a hit hetter than manliness in a wo man. Either is a most excellent vir tue put into the wrong place. The darkest scene we ever saw was a darkey in a dark cellar, with an ex tinguished candle, looking for a black cat that wasn't there. If you study to makeyourselfagreea hle rather t han handsome, you will have the satisfaction of getting more into your head than upon your back. A Worcester justice fined a fellow 2)1 for beating a goat with a brick to induce the animal to stand quiet when milked. He appealed, because it was "more than the botherin' goat was worth.'" Said a disciple of Bacchus, who, with a comrade, had floundered one rainy night into a gutter: "Come, Jim, let's goto another hotel. This roof leaks." The man who got such a charity reputation for "carrying his heart in his hand," turns out to lie a confec tioner who peddles his own wares. Some days lie .carries a great many hearts. A Xew York doctor writes to a friend in Boston that he has sent to the insane asylum, since the gold "corner," six "men who -cw made crazy by their losses. Wni. B. Astor, during the last twenty years, has so managed a for tune of twenty millions as to roll it up to sixty miilious of dollars. Robert Lincoln is figuring in Chi cago politics, and finds hitter political enemies in the R'ptihlionn and Trift- "tu: ot tnat citv. other day, tiitf lied his horse to a' plat- : form car standing: on a side track. He j was surpnseu on looKing around, a i few moments afterward, to seo that I the train had started, and the horse ' as uoinp; ins level txsr lo Keep np ' U'ltll tllA lrkAin.elli otirl ac ... .. .i I t iTVWi I'll I n t lllu tiniA r-.t ill., f.i 1 1 1 .1.1 t Vi I . , . . . v. .iiiiv ill 1111. 11111JV V iv i ler. Fortunately for the horse, the ' engineer discovered the state of affair ' and stopped the train. I The priK-ess of "eanuint:" ens in j their own shells is something new. It ' wa9 explained at a late meeting of the ' New York Farmer'9Clul.. When two ; or three dozen ejrps are obtained from I the nests, then place them in dish and pour scalding water over tlieni, and immediately turn it off. This pro cess is repeated three times, by which ' means the albumen is fixed or coagu-. L'tted, the pores of the shells closed. ; and the egg, a it were, canned in its own covering. The eggs thus prepar- ' ed are then packed in salt, with the apex downward, aud they are said to keep perfectly fresh for many months ' A story is told of a soldier iu the : army whose onlv fault was that of j drunkenness. His Colonel reraon- strated with hiiu : : "Tom. yon are a bold fellow ami a cood soldier, but you get drunk." "Colonel," replied Tom, "how can you expect all the virtues of human character combined forsixteen dollars 1 a month." A LUNATIC'S LOVE SONG. The following love song was written by an Inmate of the Lunatic Asviura, Ctica, New York : Gaily lhetirercat tuned bis guitar. Serenading the magpie wiiliii-athersnnd tar; Sweetly he sneezed at her.sourely he sighed, "Lady-bird, lady-bird, wilt be my bndeV She fr the elephant sadly had pined. Ate hut an ox, and tlien'vowed she hadn't dined ; Carried up a photocraph close to her heart, Wrapped up tu lobter,bank notesand plum tart. At midnight the rivals met in the whale. And fought by I be light of the grasshopper's tail. The elephant atood on his trunk to take breath. And the tiger cat cosily hugged him to death. Then withacahbage stalk lioldly he wrote, "t onto love and tread on the tail of my coat; See tiiy own crocodile a whistling for thee. He groaned gave a gurgle a cold corpse was. he. The Concord Patriot says the rare atmospheric display called the mirage was seen in Dunbarton, X. II., a few days ago. An old house with its sur roundings, which stands many feet below the surface of a hill, aliout one and a half miles distant, and usually entirely hidden from the piace of ob servation, was distinctly t-ecn by sev eral persons, apparently oti a hill much higher than the intervening one, remaining some time, then grad ually disappearing liehind the hill airai n. The occurrence is v-ry rare in Xew Hampshire. Turner Sb-tsoii, whodicdiii Detroit recently, aged seventy-four years, was six and a half feet high, and of pro portionately massive frame, so that his physical power was immense. lie was once able to carry upon one side, with ease, an anvil weighing eight hundred and fifty pounds, and even within a few years cot. Id shoul-j tier and walk off under the axle of a brace of railway wheels. In his prime! he could carry upon his shoulders and hack a quantity of iron which consti-i tuted a good load for a dray and its! horse. ' 2D SNTP'S MUSICAL INSTITUTE; WAItnEX. OHIO. Mtsie Taaght ii all its Brairhes.: WILLI tl B. ItANA, -KDWAKU A. WKH.HT. - Priaeipa. IiKTi sts-Anatomy of the Tbrout ; An- atomy of the Lungs; Philosophy f Hound, ate For further information address Musi- cal Institute, Koz 4, Warren. Obis. rVA Hack at all trains tocare forstudents and their baggage. Musical Instruments forsale at th Rooms. KKI AY R CA TA LOU I K " Sept 8, lstiiwtf. . THE PEOPLES STORE !j J. & J. Anderson (ssreewsr l 1IEKS0X BCPT.) At the old stand. No's. 3 and Z River Block, Main Street, WAIIREN, O. IX addition to the entire stock of the old firm, I have received the largest stock ui fresh Groceries & Provisions ever brought to or kept iu this market, con Hist ins; of Hl'GAR, WFFEE, TEA, X'OLA&SES, .vrnfpm auspice. FRESH CANDIESiSewim? CANNED FRUITS, SMOKING A CHEWINU TOBACCOS ANP ( TGAIIS. Also, Prunes, Haisins, Currants, Citron, lned Peaches. Dried Apples, Dried Raspber ries, Arbucklea Prepared Coffee, 4 v round Coffee, and every tiling usually kept in the trade, and which 1 will sell at the very LOWEST CASH PRICES. I am alKO manufacturing very extensively French and American Confectionery, which 1 will sell at WHOLESALE & RETAIL.! UTTSHLRGH ASD SAXDS CUICAOO Present Use and Stock Ales.! A large assortment of f'ISHot all kinds, WHITE FISH, TROCT, MACK EH EL, dt PICK Ell Ef. direct trom i-ke superior. Also. Salt Fish and Herring. si ILK AGKST It IK Speer'n Celebrated Wine.; for invalids, hlphly recommended by the best physicians of the country. OOODH BCirOHT AXDfcOM) TrTT v Tnn P A C TT BlftlUlii 1 XUA j AO XL, U'i will onuhla mo t furnish mm- tnr. m?r c a stonier witb the sante cIslm ofgtodP AT MUCH LOWER RATES .V,aennuoVtoKnwhhw under our supervision, our endeavor will be to please all our oia customers, ana as many new ones as give us a call. J. A J. AXDKRSOX. Warren, 0 May li Is. NEW DRUGSTORE.IREVERSIBLE MainSt Warren. O. E. H. ALLISON & 00.,' HAVE oiicned a Drug Store in the building formerlv occupied as a Har ness Shop, one door south of Porter's Book store, and are now In receipt of a full assort ment of mods, inst nurchased at the lowest cash pris, and will he sold accordincly. K. H. A LLI SON X. Jan. 3. 18SS. COAL, COAL, COAL H RICHMOND, is now ready to .receive orders for the delivery, in'thia cny, of Mineral Ridge Coal, and Slark. by the Tar, Ton or Half Ton. Yard at Mahoning lHpot,or onlentcan he left at Ihtr More of fharlea Wilson. Main Kt. Ii. KICH.MOM). Hept. I, im-u 1 ' ; : i j j j ; I i ! . J I : j j Machine j J 1 j j I 1 ! i ! ; j f i FEED, i i J i : t WESTERN RESERVE j FLOURING MILL'S, Xear A. & G W. Df pot, Warrti, 0. jTTAVIXG completed one of the I LLflnest Flouring Mills in Northern Ohio, for me manufacture of flour and feed, and .supplied the same with themost modem im- E roved machinery. We feel assured that wa ave succeeded iu placing every quality of ; flour and feed in the market, at as loir a : price as any othermanutacturers in theState and we fully believe that all dealers and con sumers will hartilT sustain our efforts by liberally patronizing those who make quali ty t he criterian. not a combination to extort a price. Ail our flout and feed warranted as represented. Give us a call. OTjn MOTTO t Promptness in execution unsurpassed ia quality, and fair. Just prices. I CAMP 4 RANDALL. ! N. B. Custom work promptly attended to Dec. 25, Im.7. Millinery Goods! JUST RECEIVED FIRST DOOK EAST OF IDDINGS & MORGAN'S. LIBERAL DISCOUNT ToTHK M. 0. MESSES. Oet.6,l!-tC GO TO TYLER'S GUN STORE AND GET A to suit you. Where you can have eight Different Kinds to Select From. SIX KINWOK CLOTHES WRINGERS. X LAKSK ASSOBTHK.NT 01 gy CARRHGES HOYS WAOOSS, CARTS. WHEELBARROWS. Ac. Clothes Wrinaers Reoaired. ! SEWIG MAfniXES REPAIRED, . H Varket St., Warrea, 0 July M. ivsi. "The Best Is the Cheapest !" Florence Sewing Machine IS AN IHPIIOIEUEXT OVER ALL OTHERS. IT 1M HKONLI 9ACHINE THAT HIS THK Whlrh enahl- th operator to Htw either to th richtor lft, and to taatenlheendof each -4in lnKtantly and SHcnrt lr. it the only Machine that ha a SLF-AD JUSTIN Q TENSION, Th-rtby se w j nicover amina of difleivnt t h iek nes "without any change, and vithout kippinsE Mitrnes, break inc or lorktnfc tne thread, and does nor draw line, thin good down into tnenoie in tna ciotn plate. X CHILD CAX BUS IT, It in w Mini pie and eauy to manage. It hn very little machinery nd requires 1- trouble in doinr difltret kinda of work than any other machine. The Heminer and all the ot her attachments are better and more practical than on other machine?. Call and Examine it for Yourself, And do not believe what other rayasalnst It whnare interested in the Mile of another machine. J. E. BK0CKWAV, .let. Ott. IX .f OrinreTllle, Ohio. i . '. . t ' j ' !gra.Y's union charts. SIMPLK IJI'IJAHLK (JI'IDK lor Cutting Men's iind Hoy stlothlng and Ldwiie's lin-sses. Will last a iifclime. suil Jecl to all the changes of Fashion. Warran ted to cut all sizes perfectly aii-urnie, any person can use them, they are printed upon a paper that will neither break nor tear, lull directions are printed on each chart. ."Single Charts or lull s.tls sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of the following retail prices: Ladies liress, lloy's Rack Coat and Vest Charts, Sl.wJ each." Pants and Men's sack Coat Churls, SI.tii each, or FullSctt '.."i Charts) $o,ui. Agents Wanted. Address I'NIUN CHARTCUOinncevillc, Ohio. Aug. IS, lstiMim. Fancy Dying Establishment. MK. K. 'WHEAT LEY, has es tablished hliuselfon Pine street, oppo site ttush's j-'louriiiK Mill, where lie is pre pared todye every variety of coloralid shade on silk, wisiien or cottonKooils. on sliort no tice, Hildas cheap as any other establish ment in the country- Carpet weavlne, and (venllemen's clot lies cleanisl ill cisul style and on reasonable terms. Oi"t.l.!.lsi-.'Un. REAL ESTATE AMI FARM STOCK ThS-5-r5er wiSixaiDrY I to chau his buntnes, otfn for sale his j FAUM OP H I ACRES near wton KalN, Ohio, and a choice ; turn of Ntork. cunMKtiux in part of two fin ! ntock Horses, oii? pair heavy draught Horses, j on pair Matched Mares, three year old, j (brokejnne pair broke Mnlea, five years old; j Heven two year old Mult, and i'oits of all ages. A Iho 1 Carriage, I apon, and other propertv. Call and see them for yourselves, H. K. KoltHIst wtou I-alK. ih'l. l"7, lHi-'-nio. EIE RAiLWAY 14Nt SII.FS asdrr sim SI LPS nlthoat aeXasscesieHt. raaaar of Coaches THE BROAD ll'lK 1HU PI.E TSlCsi KOI'TE BETWKTS THE ATLANTIC CITIES AND THE WEST AND SOUTH-WEST. THIS RAILWAY EXTENDS UtOM mimints sfw tore. . - so Miles. t l.:VKI.4Dto SKW TOKK, - . K Sllei. DIVklHK lKWV0Kk, . . 4lM Jtiles. BI KKAMt U IH lllUk, . . 41 Miles. BtM HESTF.B ta SKW 10KK, -s Miles. xyo IS VROM fcar- 22 lo i Miles the Shortest Konle. rw sad IsipraTea Coarse are raa from Clarla. nati, Daytoa, 1'rbaaa, Msrioa, fisihia, Msas neld, AhlaBd,Akrea.l' Warrea.Mead. lille, Baakirk. BalTala ass Itorlirster I. YORK, WITHOUT CHANGE. Onlv ONE rkaaite ta BOSTON. r BU.I.AtiK f'HKCKED THBOt'dH. A nii Far? aUrnyt aa Lam at by any othrr Rovl On and after Mondav, Augnst. ."Wth, IsfiO trains will leave W'AKP.EX, at tho foilow ing honrs.viz : I BANKLM BEAM H. liOINU SOUTH. Iave Meadville. 6:C0 . t- P. M, -1:50 P. M., W A. M. Arrive Franklin, 8:15 A. M., SK) P. M 755 P. M., 8.-10 . M. Arrive on tlty, W)A.M.,4:15 P. M-&15 P. yL, S:o0 A. SI. IEANKLI5 BBAXCH. (iOIXC 50BTH. Inve Oiinty, 5.-00A.SI., fciA. SI, W P. SUKI0P. SI. I- eave Fninklln, iui A. M. J(WB A. SI., 5.-I1 P. SU ft) P. SI. A rrive .Meadville, fc.Vi A. SI 11.: X SI 7:: P. SU II: Id P. SI. liOIS'ti SOBTH MAHOMSfJ PITISIOV. ;:4.1 A. M EX Pit ESS: iMO P. M. Plxpress; S-M A. SI. Way Freight. f.l"fi HOtTH XAHOMMI UIT1SI0X. :10 A. X. ass C:M p. w. Exprem, and iHKJ P. SI. Way Freight. G0ISG WEST MAIN LI'E. :4i A. 31, DAT EXPBESS. Dally, Mondays excepted, for Cleveland, Cincinnati and the West and South. Connects at Leavittsbure for YouHs;!own and Sharon: at Cleveland with LakeShore Hallway.for the West, and Nort h-West ; a t Fla ven na, Sunday s excepted, for Alliance and Pittshurgb; at Akron, Sun. days excepted, for Orrville and Slillershiin;: at irrbana with Pltlsbumh. Cincinnati and St. Louis Railway for Indianapolis, and at Cincinnati with the Ohio A Slississiupi llail wa v, for (St. Louis and the south and .south West. Sleeping Coach s are attached to this train at Hornellsvllle. running thnmxh to Cieve land without change. 11:4H A. M EXPBESS SAIL, daily. Sundays exi-epted, for Cleveland and tha West and North West. Conaects at Cleveland wlcn Lake Shore Railway, lor the West and Xortu West. i-M P. X, 5IBTEXPBESs.daily.rorCleve land; Cincinnati and the West and South. i 'onnects at Cleveland with Lake Shore Railway, for the West and North-West: and at Cincinnati with the. Ohio A SliHsissippi Railway for St. Louis and thcisoutn aud South-West. A sleeping Coach is attached to this train at New York, running through toCincinnati. 4:li P. ., ACCOMMODATION", Sundays ex reptedt for Leavitisburg. HM P. X. FBEIliHT ACCOM0DATI0X, dally. Sui P.X, WAT FBEIGHT. Sundaysexcepted. 0Ifi EAST MAI5 USE. VW A.M.I IGRTMNG EXPRESS, daily. con necting at Meadville, Sundays excepteil. for Franklin and oi!City:aiCorry. sundavs ex cepted, for Slay ville, Brocton, Titusville and W arren. Pa., and daily for Erie; at Elmira with Northern Central Railroad, hir Wil liamsport, Harrishureand Philadelphia.and at New York, for Boston and all New Eng land cities. A sleeping Coach Is attached to this train at Cincinnati, running tbrougn to New Y ork S.-O0 P.M. CINCINNATI EXPBEVV. Sundays excepUsl, connecting at Binghaniton for Al bany and the celt-hinted summer resort, Sharon springs, and at New Y ork, for Bos ton and New England cities. A sleeping Coach accompanies this train from Sfeadville to New Y'ork. lftSflP. ., BAT EXPRESS, Sundays excep ted, connecting at tireat Bend with ls?la ware, Lackawanna A Western Railway, tor Scranton. and at New Y'ork with Midnight Fxpresstrain of New Jersev Railroad, for Philadelphia. A Sleeping Coach accompanies this train front Cleveland to Hornersvllle, connecting at that point with train having new and Im proved Iirawing Room Coaches, attached, running through to New York. mS 1. S, ACCOMODATION Sundays ex cepted. P. X, ACCOSIMODATION, Sundays excepted. II-JiS A. M WAT FBEIGHT, Sundays ex cepted. Boston and Nkw ENui.Axn Passksgkbx with tlieir Baggage, are transferred jrrt V chnrrir in New York. Tlie best Ventilated and mwt I.nxurlon Sleeping Coaches THE HOKLD ac compiiuy all nieht trams on this railway. .The Erie Railw-ay Company has open ed a new ls-pot at. the fool oZ sl t. New Y'ork. Passengers are Ihi-rctbre now enabled to reach the upper portion of lhi city with out the expense and annoyance of a street car or omnibus transfer. i-The wenery along the entire route of the Erie Railway Is of the mcwt picturesque and beautiful Character. Admirers of Na ture's beauties, in a daylight journey over this Line, will And in ilseverchanglng land scape subjects of continual admiration and interest. Ask for Tickets i Erie Hallway. Which can he obtained at all Principal Tick et Offices in the West and South-West. I. D. RICK ER, W.M. R. BAR Ft, Uen. Sup't. Gen'l Pass r. Ag't. Slay Vi, lw-lf. , j ' I j I : 1 j I ' . Goods and Grocerie Always on hand siul priita low hh A1TE.WI0. FAIUIERS. 40 CENTS IN TRADE PAID FOR Good Fresh Butter. COL XTRY PRODUCE OF ALL KIMS "W -A. 3T T 2D . Highest Market Prices Paid I The larest and best telected stock of Any Store in the County. Farmers will And It to their advantage to hrinjE their trade tayiLES, a wo pay better price than any store on the Reserve. -..m- and Tr.v IT5 nuoi m niir store, I THE THREE ST0RT BRICK, IVILTSS, OHIO. October 3l', lS!iO-tC. ROAD NOTICE. "VTOTICE is hereby Riven, that there vrlll be a petition presented totheCom missioners of Trumbull County, Ohio, at their meeting on the first Monday of Decem ber next, for a County Road In Vernon, In milt I'nimtv ItMinninff at new. the Vn 1 School JJouse in the center of the south crossing road, thence east to the State line along the old vacated road. WM. COCHRAN, and others. Nov.3,ISKMl'.. UNITED Rates and Foreijm Pat ent Office Agency, 16 Bask Street, CleTe. land, Obio. We prosecute bnstnean of every descriptloii relating to Inventions. Patents. Infringe ments, Ac. W. H. Bl'RBRIDUE 4 Co. Patent Attorneys. jt-Orders may be left with the editor ot the Westkun Reserve Chronicle, who is authorized to receive orders for our agency. March 20. ltx7. E STATE of Irvin B. Hickox, tlec'd The nndersicned has beendulv aopoint- ea and qualihed as Administrator on the estate ofjrvln B. Ilickox. dee'd late of Trumbull Countv. Ohio. EDWARD BARTHOLOMEW. Vienna, Nov. S, lstisKft TEACHERS' EXAMIXATI0SS. THE Fall Examinations will be held as follows: Johnston, September l .ih: .Bristol. Sept. 14th: Warrea, Sept. nil; Pavne's Corners, Oct. fth; Warren, Oct. l'tth, Oct. 7th, Nov. lot b. Nov. 2ith. and Dec. Jd. Applicants will provide themselves with Slute and Pencils and also with exact hange, tlft-three cents) for the payment of the regular fee and postage. By order of the Board. GEO. P. HUNTER Clerk. Warren, O., Sept. 8, lbtiS-tf. 4 SSIGXEE'S KALE. I will sell at auction, as property le lougiug to tue estate of JaxO. Brooks, Bank rupt, on WrdriMlay. Xotember S4tk.ps9. at the door of the Court House, In Warren, Ohio, between 10 a. m. and 4 p. m the fol- lowing described real-estate, viz: Aitnate in the City of Warren, Trumbull Connty.O on the east side of Liberty Street, bounded ; Beeinning at the north-west corner of lands of T. J. StcLain, Jr.. thence north along the east line of Liberty street one chain 57' J links; thenceeast parallel with said Mi-Lain s north line four chains: thence sonth parallel with said east line of Liberty Street, one chaln! links; thence wet on said McLain's north Hue four chains tu the place of begin ning. Also, at same 1 1 me and place, as property belonging to the estate of K. H. Barnum, the one-story frame grocery building, situate: on southsideof Slarket St., Warreu, Ohio, and occupied bv Wm. Gillmer. Terms made -known at sale. WM. T. SPEAR, Assignee of R. H. Barnum & J. G. Brook. Bankrupts. Warren, o.. Nov. S,l-3t SHERIFF'S SALE. The Stale of Ohio, Trumbull County, ss. in Trumbull Common Pleas. Sarah Burnett, by her next friend B. F. KoUmun, t. K. II. Barnum. Warren Pack ard, James B. Dunlap, Slary P. Barnum, Lucy M. Adams and William Stiles, her Ouardinn; Clement B. Gilbert, Henry Stiles, his icardhin; Angellne S. McFarlan, Henry U Burnett and James Havruland, (known as Limber Jim.) By virtue of an order of sale Issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Trumbull County. Ohio, in the above entitled cause, lo me directed aud delivered, I have levied upon and shall expose to public sale at the d.rof the court House in the city of War ren, Trumbull Conntv, Ohio, on sat ardor, tke 7lh dajr arNoTesiher. A. it. IsttU. between the hours of oneand three o'clock, p. m. ot' said day, the following real estate situate iu Warreu Township, Trumbull County, Ohio, and known as mkst: one nnri 7-lOu acres ot land on the north side of High Street. In the village of Warren, O .being tlie present home stead of said grantors, ' Barnum and wife.) and the same land deeded August 15, IwSl. b Ellen (iillMTt.tosaid K. II. Barnum. Bound ed and described as follows: Being in War ren, Trumbull County, Ohio; part of original lint No. 61. In the village plat, bounded, be ginning at s. E. corner of land of John Bri dle; thenceeast along the north line of High si reel 2 chains liuks to lands formerly of Henry L. Burnett; thence northerly along thewest lineol'said Burnett land. 4 chains lflinks:thcncewesterlyaloug I lie south line S chains ;.7 links; thence southerly lo the place of beginning.-containing I 7-iw) acres, more or less. Appraised at ?7n)n.u0. co iec part of Lot 'St in town plat of Warren, as laid out by E. Quinby. and bounded on the north by land formerly ol Howard: on the east by Pine Street: on tlio south by sonth Street, and on the west by land of , supposed to contain WOT square feet of land. excepting thereout a portion of said Ix. feet wide by Js leet long, taken from I he western part of said Lot, sold by Hcnrv Ernst to John Barrett and wlfe.lea liicn:l leet, perhaps- Appraised at Si"i.t). Thinl pierrot hind Part of original Lot I, in Warren Township, bounded, beginning at tlie N. E. corner of a tract of 4 acres set oS to Margarets -ott, in the will of her father. Jnmes ss-ott; thence west on the north liueoi said Lot No. live chains to a post; thence south s chains 1'J links, at or near to the N. W. corner of Lot No. rd in the original plat of Warren; thenceeast on the north line o: Lot 51. live chains to a post; thence north chains y links totbe place of beginning, and containing by survey 4 7-lii acres of land, being the same aparted and set oil to Ange lineS. SIcKarland, iu the partition of tha estate of Angellne McFarland. dec"d. Ap praised at SIIKI.ijiJl S.SI.l.AIUAKnenu. Terms Cash. SherllTii Offlce, Warren, O., Oct, i!, l(W-Jl .