C. S. FIELD , Has Secured th services of so long and favorably known in thia rom f : inanity) to superintend the CUSTOM DEPARTMENT OF BIS BUSIXESS. Has received his FALL STOCK OF. O Xj o t Hats and Caps, Gents Furnishing Goods, k Bepk 13, 1871. Marble Works. TOHN KCEHLER ft Manufacturer of Italian and American Marble MONUMENTS, HEAD-STONES, MANTELS, ' . rnrniture smos, Ac, ac I 4 Xem aim furnish Scotch and . : J American Oranit Honuments. on ahort notice. Desleni kept on hKnd or made to or- deror tbe benefit of cuxtom 1 - i.- 1 M KllllSlllCUOn. rc- - J L , -" .-S Shop on Liberty Stree.oDe a .j-aaoorsootnof Mrstatlonsl acs:, warren, Onio. June 14. l71-tl TH3t VAf-iA. I'O It COAL, WOOD. THE BEST BITUMIHOUS GOAL COOKING STOVES Id the World. , 136.874 DC TO" TT SB FIRESIDE! roa CXAU . Tae siast ERIHrat, CosmteBt ss Dsrsfcle OPEN FBOJTT V?tr m tlte Muriel, WX. RES0R CO., Sept. 27, 1671-3mo, . Cincinnati, O. BOOTS & SHOES. 3VI Is receiving a large and fine stock of Fall and Winter Boots & Shoes. I Bought of J'Xiain, A. Large part of his Boots and Shoes'are TTrtKTD 3VTAX33 AND WARRANTED. The best goods In town, sold low for Ocuh. CALL, AND SEE. Then yon will know bow it is yourself. Aug. 23. 1671. Main Street. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, 'TOR PCRirYIl-fi TBI BLOOD. The mentation this ex. eelleot medicine enjoys, is derived h-om its cured, many of which are traly marvelioos. Inveteraut caes of bcrofuious dis ease, where the srstem seemed satnrated" with corruption, hava been a punned and cured by it. bcrofuious affections sad disorders,which were ag ? irravated by the scrofu lous contamination until they were painfully afllictinjt, hsre been radically cured ia such great numbers in almost every sec tion of the country, that he public scarcely' need to be informed of us virtues or uses. Scrofulous poison is one of the most destruc tive eeroies of our race. Often, this unseen and nnfelt tenant of the orranfent undermines the con stitution, and invites the attach of enfeebling or fa tal diseases, without exciting a suspicion of its presence. Again, it seems to breed infection Ihroughont the body, and then, on some favorable occasion, rapidly develop into one ar other of its hideous forms, either on the surface or amour the vitals. In the latter, tubercles may he suddenly deposited in the lungs or heart, or tumors formed In the liver, or It shows its presence by eruptions oa the akin, or sbtH aleerations on some part of the bodv. Heaee the occasional use of a bottle of this Sarmapmriltm is advisable, even when no active symptoms of disease sppear. Persons af flicted with the following complaints genrrallr And immediate relief, and, at length, cure, br the use Of this SAlt.SAl'ARII.l.Al St. Antha sty's Fire, Bate or Erytipelat, Tetter, Salt JtAewtia, Scald Head, Jtittytrorm, Sore Eye; cVore mr, and other eruptions or visible forms of SerofnloMt disease. Also in the mere con cealed forms, aa Irnrpepmia, Itrvpty, Heart IHtease, Fit, HpQeptp, Xevralgla, and the various Vleeroa aJtectaoos of the muscular and nervous systems. SypKUia or Venereal and Mertmrial Dls eaues are cured by it. though a long time Is re quired for subduing these obstinste msiadies by any Bwedicine. But long-continued use of this medicine will cure the complaint. Xeueorrhmra or rr jsssev, i res Mtei cuer mows, sou r nmi r ' lHceames, are commonly soon relieved and ulti mately cured by its purifying and invigorating effect. Minute directions for each ease are found in ear Almsrnc, supplied gratis. .fiacMamattssN. and O.ms, when caused by accumulations or ex traneous matters in the blood, yield qtucklv to it, a. also I Aver VommjilaimtM , Torpidity. Canaem tianot IntlmtrnwuMtiam of the JArer, and Ji Miee. when arising, as tnev often do, from the rankling poisons in the blood. This BABSA f A HI I.LA is a great restorer tor the strength and vigor of the system. Those who are -guirif and iAMtlesm, Dnpmndrmt, Slmeplen, and troubled with A'srswais Apprhnum or ears, or any of the affections symptomatic of P'rwlnsess, will And unroeduUe relief and con vincing evidence of its restorative power npot triad. PSEPA BED B T riOr. X. C A 1KB 4k CO- IVsrsrcU, Mass-, PracriVaU ausd Amafyticml CkentUt. SOU) BT ALL DETCGIfTS ETEETWHERE. 'nr. i ill ! ur I I .1 of th. sad sad sn body sad J. a. Gun Bend wmuul A with u. A If F. The besu easily the fully Mo. after case, flC A and and 1. 'J?FL5nzf3TJFLTnTZ.& NOTICE. To the Taxpayers of Trumbull County. -Taxes of 1671. Pran&nf of I. THOMAS A. BRIERLY. Treasurer of Trumbull County. Ohio, hereby give notice that the rat, of Taxes for Kt5.,n'l OQSa.n?e hundred and seventy-one are correctly stated In the following table, showing tbe number of mills and . 1 levle1 " dollar, and tbe number of cents on each one hundred dollars of taxable property In the several townships. Cities. Incorporated villages, and Independent school districts of said county ... STATE TAX'S B 3 TOWSTBZZZ1 Hobbanl.. Hubbard Viluure SO 1 00 1 80 1 80 1 80 1 80 1 80 1 80 1 M 1 HO I 80 1 80 1 80 1 8 1 80 1 80 I 80 1 W 1 80 I 80 1 80 1 80 1 80 1 80 1 80 1 80 1 SO 1 80 1 80 1 80 I 80 1 80 1 8" I 80 1 80 1 80 1 801 Brookdeld Z1 Hartford Harlford Special School. Orangevllie Village Orangevllie Union Sc-liooL. Vernon Kinsman Liberty.. Glrard Union School"." Vienna Fowler Johnston- Gnstavus.... Wealherefleld Mineral Ridge Special School- iiiao mage.. Nllea Union School.. Mowmna. Bazetta, B-iwtta Special School aiewa .. Iureene- Lordstown .. warren..- Warren City Warren Union School. Champion Bristol Bloomfleld... BloomSeld Union School- Newton - Newton Union School...- Bracevllle.. South lngton f In case where parties have not worked their-road Ui" the mills and fractions of tj t li A "Inlfi 1 At at, AAiintv anil liwnchln ' The Treasurer's Offii) will be open for the cember, lo'l. and for the second Installment from the l.t day of AprU to the wta oay or June, i(.i. I be law Impose. a penalty or fir per cent, after the 20th days of December and June, on all taxen due and unpaid,- and on taxes returned delinquent to the Auditor, a penalty of twenty per cent, attaches, and will Invariably be added. Please remember, early payment! will be much to the convenience of tax payers as well as the Treasurer. It is impossible to attend to all during the last ten davs of the term. Office hours from 8 a. to 12 IU., aud from 1 to 6 p. m. . , Treasurere'g Office, Warren, O., I TP. ' i; E. 3 a J b ! ail sit ''! a. ! 10 1 in i 10 1 lo 1 10 l 10 I 10 1 10 I loll Ml 10 1 l&l 10jl 10 1 101 10 I 101 1 io!i 10' l Ml 10 1 10 1 101 1011 101 10 1 !' 00 4 t I 00 2 W;1 00 3 8:1 003 no i 00 2 !. 1 00 2 901 002 9011 00 2 9H1 00 2 Wil eo 2' iw;;i 0f.2 doll 0O2 91!!1 M. I 80:1 30 1 SO 1 30 1 30 1 SO 1 ! 1 80 8ll 801 80' 801 80 2't 25 24 2"4 S.li 2A ,A ViA 2V4 214 2r-t 2T4 2- 3rVl4 2-!4 24 r 244 25 4 35i !3ff as i4 2V 254 25.-4 2Vi4 2r4 2S(4 25-4 2v! 25' il 2l4 1V4 80 811 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 SO I SOI 80 I 30 I SO 1 80 I SH'l SO I SO 1 SO 1 30 I 80 1 S01 SOil 80:1 SOU 31 1 se i 30 1 80 1 S0 SOil Soil soil 3)!l S 1 S0;1 30 1 30 1 SO 1 Mil 00 2 ,1 Ov2 (M l 00 2 00 2 0fk2 0. 2 00,2 Oft it V2 02 .:i f I 8"! (K'll 90:1 w!i 80 80 80 80 801 80: 801 012 0!l l2 V'l 0B 90 11 00,2 :l Of' 2 02 91!1 0I2 SOU 80: 80 80! 80! 8o! 801 80i 8lj 80; 80 811 10! 10 1 10 1 10 1 10,1 io;i lOll 10 1 10 1 loll 10 1 101 0k,2 SO I 0t2 Vl W2 012 00 2 oo5 . 1 90'1 BO 1 (Mjl 'i 11 nMr tO ffpt thfl ItU DT WUlCIl lIlt'lT 11 reception of the nrst installment 01 taxes irora ! COUNTY TAXES. Oct. 11, lS71-6t. THUJAS A- BRIERLY, Co. Treasurer. AND VIU TAX FX. 2 it 5E o. H a. a. a. a. 30 1 451 1 75 30 1 45 75 4(1 1 60 1 05 301 S.5 30' I 05 Ml 05; ! 4 It 8a! 90 40 1 451 50 2 iti 1 S0l 50 14 05 I 30 2 45 1 50 ll 55 60 2 15 45 2 30 1 20 Kt 80 85- S 20,12 70 85 S 25 1-1 55 85 5 25.1-1 55 S51 80 I SO 1 45 30i 1 95 451 80 202 25 1 50 30 S &V 2b I 70; 1 5 25 4 25! 4 55 25! ,4 25 4 55 55 2 00i I 50 1 10! 1 75i 25 2 00 25 '6 0 . I 85 S 25; 1 00 65 4 55 '2 75, 251 80! I 00 25 1 20; 45 1 80: . I 251 I o.c.i a. in i" 0u 00 50 1 1 10 1 Sil l 10 aid ! Olf ! t " 6.5; on K W lti IK OH 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 0 70 71) 70 70 00 00 50 70 70 50 70 7(1 70 70 00 70 00 70 00 Ol 1 W!l (Ml 1U1 59:1 4 00 81.il 15 IK IK 811 00 1 131 1(1 55 1 511 4l Mil si1 401 1 30 00.1.5 tf3 8 9 9 9 90 OO 5lJ 50; 80 1 So 1 7(H 80 2 30 I w;i 60 Si Slt'l 60 I 1 00 1 S-rll 90 1 Sol 8X SO Its' (15' 12 '10 IX jl "I 07 1 2S 4B1 So! 22 08 110 '2 I 13 2 20 ("I w 01 Sfi'l 3.5,1 2;i 12 1 10 10 Oci f i 201 9;1 a mill in the -road' ' column most be added lSClTUreO. ine iuib uay 01 on, to the :otk day of De New Advertisements. . UdlMiu S Ok. Unmb MILLIOSS Bear Testinaay t. their W.sderf.l Carative Efleeca. They an aot a Til. Fancy Drtak, Had. of Pmt Kaas, Whlakey, frrnvt Spiriu and Reraae 1.1. ..r. doctored, npioed ml eelgwd topWiair the rwt,calld "Tonics," "Appetiien," "BMmn.'sa, that ksd tbe tinter on to dronkennen and ruin, bat sr. atrw Medicine. made from tbe satire Boots and Herbs of California. fri fram all Alcoholic gtlaao lanta. They sr. toe GREAT BLOOD PI RI- FIEKsad A LIFE GIVING PRIKCIPLK. spvfoct Benorator and Inviinwator of the Synem, esrrying off all polioaotu m ter sad restoring tlMblood toanekltfayconditiOB. No neraan can take tbett BnV ten according to directions and remain long onwoD, provided their bones sr. not destroyed by mineral poisoaor other means, and the viul orguis wasted beyond the point of repair. They ara a Gentle Farcatlve aa well as Taale, pti n'ng. sioo, tbe pamlir merit of acting a powerful ejnt in rrliemijt Oetion or Inflam mation of the Liver, and all the Visceral Organs. FOR FE.If ALE COMPLAINTS, In younger old, married or singta. st th. dawn of womsnbood or at tb. tarn of life, these Tonic Bitters hare no equal. Far Ialamssatary and Chreaie Rkenaia. tlsai and Geat, Dr.se sola ar Iadiaeatiaa. Bill.aa, ReaiitteBt mad Iaterslttet Fe ver., Disease, ef the Bleed, Liver, Kid ara and Bl adder, tbea. Biuera bar. been most noosKfiu. Sack Diseases ere cuurd by T Itlated Bload, which isgenerallj prodnord by dcranmnent tbe Digestive Orsaas. DYSPEPSIA OK I.VDIGESTIOX, Beas- achs. Paia la the Bboalden, Conshs, Ticbtneai of tbe Chest. PI iiinm. Boor Braetstion. of th. Stomsch. Bad Tast. in the Month. Biiion. attacks, Palpitation of Heart. InSammatioo of tb. Lnara, Pain in th. gions of th. Kidney a. sad s hnndred other psmfol armp- Unas, sr. th onaprinc of Prapepahk They inrlcorst. tb. Stomach and stimulate the toraid Urar sad Bowels, which render thwa of anaonalled esaescr In deanains th. blood of all imporitiea, and im parting new life and .iter to th. whole system. FOR BKlJt DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter. Salt BaauB, Blotcbea. Spots, Pimples, Post o lea. Boiia. Car- boneles. Bins-Worms. Scald Head. Sore Erea . Errnpe Ua, ltch.ecaHa, Piicolorations or the S kin. Bnmon and Diseases of tb. btio. of wbater-r name or nature, are HteraiiT dog op and carried out of the arstem In a abort Cleans the Vitiated Blood whenever roo lad ita im parities busting thronshth. skis in Pimples. Xroo- aens or Bores; cimbs. It wbenroa Bod l( obstraeted sltujriah in th. reins ; cleans, it when it Is root, roar feelinss will tell yon when. Keep the blood pare, sod th. Edith of th. srstem will follow. Pla, Tape, and ether Warms, Inrkinc in the system of so many thooaands, are effectually destroyed removed. Says s distinrsished pbystolorBrt. earth whose body is exempt from the presence of worms. It is not npon the healthy elements of the that wormseriBt W nnnn th.riiu.uri Kuu alimr deno.it. t t ( i ... . disease. No eystem of Medicine, no rermifaces, no anthelmintic, will frM th. ayatem from worms like WALKER, Proprietor. B. H. KcDONAXS St CO. Drosrists and Gen. Am its. San fraDciaen. Calltornis, asaa-a, wvauujarauss ou cu ntnr i orvL. starsou hit au DxueoiETg and cealxsa 8 O'CLOCK. tone A MONTH. Horse and Carriage fur nisbed Expenses taid; samplesrce. D. ruttw, Alircu, Ale BIFLES, SH0T-GU5S, KET0LTEBS. materials of every kind. Write for trice List, to Ureat Western Gon Works. Pittsbnrgh. Pa. Army gnnsand Revolvers oougni or traclea lor. Igrats wasted. AGKSTS. LOOK ! sg t. tit daily easilv miuli rniuiauie spa rcspectaoie ousiness. A tttie novelty wanted bv evervbodv. Amwu sure. stamp for circulars to Chnreulll it Templeton, Majiurs. bio B'way, Ji. Y. ASK T01K GROCER FOR CRUMBS OF COMFORT. S10 from 50s it (TX-s-f p-vd ) for Fifty (TrU, thM Maulr tor Tmo FREE S S0XTHS OX TRIAL. first-class large quarto Joarnal, 64 col umn.. I!liiRlra.l.d Urnns vetr fur Art ftu two bound lectures, by James McCosh, ut L, Li l., ana a, o. iiaven, u. L, L, i (premiums. Send name and address to PEOPLE'S JOUKN AL, Cincinnati, Ohio. Rare Chance for Agents. Agents, we will pay yon $40 per week In Cash yoa will enKAge with as at once. Kvery thlog furnikbed and expense paid, Addretis A ELLS A CO., Charlotte, Mich. FAMILY KNITTER. XKW HAVEN is endorsed by public opinion and First Premiums at Fairs aa tbe Knits everything. Ittimple, beautiful, learned and operated. No family can aflurd to be without one. Price $2i. Agents wanted. Address KW HATk.l F1XILT EXITTIMi C0 Oct. 11 Sew Haiea. toss. WANTED AGEJJTS, (MO per dm) to sell the celebrated HOMhtSHUTTLE 8EW T.VO MA CHiyE. Has tbe under red. makes "loci; sfuV-A" (alike on both sides.) and is licensed. The best and cheapest family (tewing Machine in the market. Address, JOHJiHON, CLARK dt CO.. Boston, Maiau, Pittsburgh, Pa,, Chicago, I1L, or aiu Louis, BUPTUEE Relieved and Cored by Dr. Sherman's Pet tent Appliance and Compound. Office, tfT Broadway, N. Y. bend loc for book with photograph likenesses of cases before and cure, with tbe Henry Ward Beecher letters and portrait. Beware of travel ing lmposters. who pretend to have been assistanta of Dr. Shebkak. He has no Agents. AGENTS w" ANTED FOR J YEAR R1TT1 CO A History of the Fran Ur DAI UlWco-German War; and TBE BEs KEBELLI0I IS P1BIS. ceo rate, reliable and complete. In English German. . Cepies alraadr Ml. Price $20. Address J. Goodspeed's Empire Book, Map Picture House, Chicago, or St. Louis. Wausb, Piwi.lw. R. H. HiDiiu, a O., UracfMU j-.ngiibn J. ed Is anu or ant as Ce f I X M to It kM taeSvUeate mm4 rpfVvai L-QA W Watrr. ui I. S'0 li1lir.Mlil. t4 Uriana. Mi sy rmtwtt . mi Palm 1 FEHfCMEBTr-. POPERY. THE FOE OF THE CHURCH AND REPUBLIC. What it has done. What it is doing and what It means to do. Its power, despotism, infallblilty. frauds, relicts, miracles. Idola try, persecntlnns,Htitrtling crimes,and NEW YORKKIOTS. Send for circular. Address PEOPLE'S PCBLISH1NG CO.. 1.1 Race St., Liui'iiiiiaii, UQ1 Wells' Carbolic Tablets. For Coaiha, Colds sad Hoarsearss. These Tablets present the Acid In Combi nation with other efficient remedies, in a popular form, for the Cure of all THROAT and LUNG diseases. Hoarseness and Ulceration of the Throat are Immediately relieved, and statements are constantly being sent to the proprietor of relief in cases of Throat difficulties of years standing. HAMTinW Don't be deceived by worth UMU I IUI1 lea- Imitations. Get only Wells' Carbolic Tablets. Price 25 Cta. per Box. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Piatt St.. S. Y. SoleAgentfortheU. S. Send for Circular. REDUCTION OF PRICES TO CONFORM TO REDUCTION OF DUTIES GREAT SAYEXG TO C0XSUXERS BT GETTI5G TP CLrBK. tt-Rend for onr New Price List aad a Club form will accompany it, containing full di rection. making a large saving to consu mers and remunerative to club organizers. THE GREAT AXERICAX TEA CO, 31 A 33 TESET pTREET. 3SEW TOBS. P. O. Box 5643. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE UjlSTORY OF THE l i WAR IN EUROPE It contain over 150 fine entrravlnr of Battle Scenes ami Incident in the war. and U the only A t rHXTICn& OFFICIAL history of that creat conflict. Ateents are meetins with unprec?dent succesa selling from 20 to 40 copies per an y, ana it is puoiisnea in t-jui. ana wrman. Peii;Fifi Inferior histories are beinx eir- uauuuil. cnlated. 8ee that the book yon bay contains 1.50 line engravings and ou pages, .sena lor circulars ana see onr terms and a full descriplon mi the work. Address, v itihv at di'dt Ttiiii vn rr re,i..A ui cincinnaii, utua. or ev, ijouia, uo, "OOOK AGENTS WANTED FOR TWO NEW AND popular wouks KNOTS UNTIED Or. Tbe Hidden Life of American Detectives sbowing bow the perpetrators of mischief ana outrace are orougut to justice, ana ais closlng tbe whole Detective system. 20,000 copies soiu in m aaya. A WORIAK'S PILGRIMAGE To the Holy Land, by Mrs. 8. M. Oris wold. This latent work of this nonnlar authoress. is an interesting narativeof her experiences aunng a tour in route u r.urope ana uie CsAa.. n company wiui ' JiarK. Twain" and the Quaker City' party. A handsome volume. fully llastn.ted. We offer extra terms and premiums to Agents. Send lor Cincnlara. B. UL KK. HYriUE & CO- Hartford, Conn. JURUBEBA. It is not a phvi It !s ot what is DODolar rlv called a BITTERS, nor is it Intend as such. It is a South American plant that has been used for many years by tbe medical faculty of those countries with won- eriul emcacy. aa a Incrrftti Alterative and 'ntntaJrd Purifier of the Blood and is a Sure and Ferfect Kerned? for ail .Diseases of the UvrraiuS Slrrn.Krdarmrntor Obstruction of intettine. Urinary, Uterine, or Ab dominal Organ, Iwerty or a mm of Jilood, Intermittent or Remit tent Fever, Infiamation of the Z-i'irr, Dropsy, Slug gish Circulation of the Blood. Abscesses. 2tmort,Jaun dieetSerofuia Dytpepria. Ague and Fever, or their Concomitants. Dr. Wells' Extract of Jurubeba offered to the public as a great lnvigorator remeavioraii lxnpnriuesoi we oiooa. for organic weakness with their attend evils, t or in c luregoing complaints. MinflilstitlTrcmminslidfSJtAaTPTT fnmllv a household remedy, and should be freely taken in all derangements of tbe system. It ves ne&itn, vigor ana tone to ait tne ital forcea. and animate and fortifies all wealc ana lympnatic temperaments. JUJJ.' W . 1VC1.UUUU, It Piatt (.. N.T.. sole Asent for tbe IT. S. Prlce One Dollar per bottle. Send for Cir cular. 13 THEA-NECTAR 13 A PURE BLACK TKA with the Green Tea Flavor. Warran'd to salt all taste For sale everywhere in our "trade-mark'' poundA haV 16. paekaaes ONLT. And for sale wholesaleonly by the GrMt Atlsatic m Pari Be Tea church Bt New York. P. O. Box 5504. Send for Thea-A ectar Circular. Salt!. Salt! Salt! 'HE subscriber!) bavinc taken the exclusive agency of the Ifew Lisbon Salt arks lor Warren and vicinity.are now able furnish the purest and best salt in the maraeu Also C; HEADQUA RTERS FOB SAG IX AW k BOCK SALT, FOR LOUISVILLE EASTERN CEJTEXT. FOR KELLEY'S ISLAND WUITJ3 3IaI3VC3Zl, Also WHITE AMBER and RED WHEAT FLOUR, of our own make, (warranted every time.) Also CORN MEAL, BOLTED ASD UXBOLTED. CHOP FEED, BRAN, OIL XEAL, Ac CAMP. RANDALL A CO. Kept 2Mm . 1 No. 11 Market St., DRESS LINENS, LISLE GREXADIXES BLACK HERX'AJilS, BLACK SILKS, SUMMER DRESS GOODS, And a large line of LADIES READY MADE UNDERWEAR WITH A FCLL STOCK OF DOMESTICS, At price to correspond with the times - . ' HAPUOOn BB0WX Janet. 1WI." T, 8. L. ABELL,- T. M. ABKLL. DEALERS IS LcDiLer, Lath & Shiajles And Proprietors of the UP TOWN PLANING MILL! XE1B JL G. T. B. R. STATI0X, Intend keeping constantly en hands all Rough and Dressed, Including TIMBER, JOIST and 8CANT- uu, are prepared to DRESS TO ORDER well and promptly, all kinds of FLOORING, CEILI56 AXD SIDIXG. - Also Manufacturers of DOORS. SASH, BLINDS, i, MOULDINGS, W DOCK FRAMES at In all their variety of Htrle and Pattern. navtng uuuu Mxvm. - WITH ISCR-ASED FACILITIES, by the Introduction of new machinery and a First Glass Dry House and strict attention to business, with Pair Dealing We hope for a continuation of the liberal patronage we nave Hitherto received. BUILDERS, C0JLE A5D SEE US. T. M. ABELL A CO. Warren. May 25. 1870. EXCHANGE BANK FREEMAN & HUNT, WABBEy, OHIO. DEALERS IN bold. Slim, Eastern Exeasage. CarBrreat Bask Xetcs, aad all kiads of - GOVERNMENT BONDS Interest Allowed on time Deposits. Collections and all business connected with Hanging promptly attended to. REVENUE STAMPS FOR BALE. March 1, lSTL Iron City College ' PITTSBCBGH, PA. The brMt COIld aCtPd memt nonular ami tnr. eeaami lnsticntion In tbe Uulted HUats. for the thorough. Dractlcal iriiAtJn nr vnnnr and middle aged men. ror targe descTlptiva. circulars, con taining full particulars, address. . i- DJUiu, A. m.. Principal. Aug. 3-Sm. Great Western Gun Works. RIFLES : Double and Single Bar rel Shot Guns: Revolvers. Ammunition. spurting Goods, Hide Barrels, Locks, Moont- 'iJK, uuu uiausriaia, ate sena lor a frice 1 .t AHrimu J W t.)i.i.n . ,i' ern Gnu Works, 179 Smithneld' Street, Pttts- Jl. B'. Army Carbines, Rides and Revol vers bought or traded for. jqdc i. t7i-em. IJI THE OLD AND RELIABLE UNION MUTUAL LIFE Insurance Company. CAPITAL 85,000,000. GEO. B. KENNEDY. Agent. Xor. 18TW.T. Warren. O. a as til tne " the of life feed THE CHRONICLE. Mr. Spill man has just married a second wife. On tbe day after the wedding Mr. S. remarked : "I intend, Mrs. gplllman, to enlarge my dairy." ''You mean ourdairy, my dear," re plied Mrs. Spilloian. "No," moth Mr. Spillman, "I in tend to enlarge my dairy." "Say our dairy, Mr. Spillman." "No, my dairy." "Say ourdairy, say our" screamed she, seizing the poker. "My dairy ! my dairy !" yelled the husband. "Ourdairy! ourdairy!" screeched tbe wife, emphasizing each word by a blow on the back of her cringine spouse. Mr. Spillman retreated under the bed. In passing under the bedclothes his hat was brushed off. He remain ed under cover several minutes, wait ing for a lull in the storm. At last his wife saw him thrusting his head out at the foot of tbe bed, much like a turtle from its shell. "What are you looking for?" ex claimed the lady. "I am looking for our hat.my dear," said he. Jim Smith and Johnny Green, after having had a good bout one night, concluded to go home. Arriving at Smith's house, which they knew by some peculiarity that even drunken man could not mistake, they com menced to shout: "Missus Sum hie mith! Ho, Missusmith!" "What do you want, you drunken brutes?" shouted Mrs. Smith from tbe window. "Em yourn Miss Mith ?" "Who are you, and what do you want?" "Ef yer Missus Sum his ith, come'ere and pick out Missur Smif, fur Johner Green wants ter go ome." Bernard Costello wrot9 to a New York paper, lately, that be had re signed his position as a member of the General committee of Tammany Hall, on account of the fraudulent operations of the ring. The vivaci ous youth who "edits" the headlines of tbe paper put a head on Mr. Costel lo's card to this effect : "Rats desert ing the ship," and next morning Mr. Costello "put a head" on the head editor for calling him a rat. So they got even, and everybody was happy, except the head. Within four hundred years the fash ionable dinner hour in England has gradually moved through twelve hours of the day from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Nature, however, will revenge herself on fashion, and have her own way in the long run; for, as tbe dinner hour becomes gradually later, it must inevitably return to the early hours of past centuries, and the Irishman's description of his friend's habits will be literally true, for people will not aine mi to-morrow. The election in Philadelphia last week was the occasion of quite a spirited riot, in which four men were killed and twenty-five wounded. The origin of the fight, in which police and citizens, white and black, were engaged, is attributed to the deter mined efforts of the rough democracy to drive the nezro voters from the polls. To Relieve Neuralgia. Take two larire tableaponrifuls of coloeoe and two teaspoonfuls of fine salt; mix tnem toireiiier in a small bottle; every time you have any acute affection of tne racial nerves, or neuralgia, simply breathe tbe fumes in your nose from the bottle, and you will be imme diately relieved. A Cancer CrRE. A citizen of Philadelphia, who used a weak solu tion of carbolic acid as a wash, to neu tralize the offensive odor arising from a cancer, discovered that the latter was entirely moved by the application. The solution consisted of one-fourth of an ounce of acid, diluted in a quart oi water. The drought in the region of Day ton is unprecedented for years. Very many wells are dry, and in many places there is no water in streams, and cattle are driven long distances to get water. There was a- small sprinkle of rain this evening, with a small promise or more. A Maine Sophomore broke some bad news gently by writing home that ne "came near losing tbirtv-teven dollars last week." The parents reply saying mat iney are giaa tne money was not lost, and inquires "how near." "ine youtn replies, (Jame within one of itr lost $3." " Yow. never saw such a happy lot of neonle as we had vesterdav." Raid landlady in Indiana to a newly arri ved guest; there were thirteen couple of them. "What, thirteen couples just married ?', "Oh no, no, sir; thir teen couples just divorced." A Vermont girl of seventeen, trans planted to Iowa, plays the cabinet or gan aud sings iu church, drives two and sometimes four horses on the reaper during the week, and recently carried olftlie first prize for equestri anism at tne La urosse county fair. A white man mnniuei for office in South Carolina, sought to propitiate colored constituent with whisky : "Well, yes sah,' said the constituent. 1 don't care er I dux. 'Sides in dese times a white candidate is jest as good a colored voter, specially when de colored voter is dry." An Eastern paper lately took occa sion to remark that several of the mostsuccessful lawyers in the country "began life as preachers." One of the legal gentlemen,: begs leave to say that he began life us an infant. Deer Killed. Robert Konson, of Frenchcreek, on Friday last, shot and secured a fine, large buck in his calf pasture, where it was licking salt. Un this, it is ten or fifteen years since we have heard of a deer being killed In the county. Mercer (Pa.) Press. To Cure Dyspepsia. Close ail the outer doors of a four story house, open inner aoors. then take a long switch and chase a cat up and down stairs till she sweats. Two shoemakers out in company were asked their profession. Says one, " I practice the heeling art." Aud I," said the other, " labor for good of men's soles." An exchange, wanting to compli ment a Live Slock Journal, says It is edited by a man whose head is chuck full of livestock. The destiny of any nation at any given time depends on the opinions its young men under five and twen ty. Goethe. The older a man grows the more wantful be becomes. As his hold on slackens, his pinch on a dollar grows grlppy. Josh Billing. 1 7,000 barrels of flour are made up every day in the adjoining cities, New York, Brooklyn and Jersey uny. A city man, who knows all about farming, says the best way to raise strawberries is with a spoon. Tbe oflicial canvass shows the new Constitution was defeated in Ne braska by 642 votes. t To makeyourhouse"burglar proof," the baby with green apples, just before going to bed. Young folks grow most wherl in love. It increases their sighs wonder fully. in regard to newspapers, young IniliM nrofoi tt,MA ...1, i ..U Mat. 4 V. I .......... j. ..... . . i.v.j-c . uivu inaap tutx most bustle. There are two places where mutila ted currency is taken at the Post Office and at Church collections.; in al a to in ur. N. lor the I lo a New Advertisements. CONDUEANGO! THE WOXDERFTT. RKXEDT FOB Cancer. Sirphilit, Scrofula, deers. Salt Rheum and all Other Chronic Blood Diseases. Dr. P. T. KEENE having Jurt returned from Kcnador and brought with him a quantity of the genuine t oadaraaas Bark, ae cured through the official recommendation and assistance of His Excellency tfce Presi dent of Ecuador, and the government of that Republic, we are prepared todll order for it to a limited extent, and at a price about one-quarter of that which the coet of the first very small supply compelled us to charge. Aapirlon article la now advertised and sold asCondurango. We have, at a consid erable expense, and with tbe co-operation of the authorities of Loja, the province where the plant grows, so directed the channel of oar supply as to ensure that none but the geaalae article shall be sold by us: aud we partlcnlarly call the attention of the public, for their protection, to this fact. BLISS, K L EN E A CO.. 60 Cedar 8t, New York. D. W. Bliss, M. D., Washington. D. C: Z. E. Bliss. M. D., New York; P. T. Keenc, M. D.,New York. The oldest and and most reliable Institution for obtaining a Mercantile Education, gfuPractical business men as Instructors. Kor Information write for a circular to P. DUFF at SON, Pittsburgh. Pa. WILL. II. CARLETON, ACTHOR or " BETSEY A'D I ABE OUT," EDITS ASD WRITES FOH THE DETROIT WEEKLY TRIBUNE, The best Family Newspaper in theConntry. t2 a year. Bend for Specimen copy and club circular. Addresa,TllETRUIUNE,Detrolt, Michigan. CPCC Try ssaiples of onr great 8-page, rntt (1,00 illustrated weekly 30 years established. Fine steel engravings free to subscribers. Agents make 15 a day. Bend for fcatardar Gaxrltr, Hallowell, Me. eil'i-il tkrbett pronntrrnfthr oroirtk nut'.bemlm ofiht hair. :C3. BWJJSil C5.. Boston. Mass, bold by all druggists. Jltieart of nutation. 1WANTED. Lady and Gentlemen Agents forJno.H. C Abbott a Franco-Prussian War and History of Italy. B. D. S. Tyler, Agent, successor to P. R, Randall. 108 tjrls wold 3U. Detroit. Mich. THE NEW .Wheeler & Wite 6EVVING MACHINE. WM. 8UMKEE & 00, Olnoiuiiatii AXD ALL (illra aaJ Towna la tke State MM Solicited by 215 a CK, Publishers Scientific A mrriran, 37 Park Row. V v. Twf ntv.nv veara experience. Pamphlets containing Patent Laws, with full directions how to obtain Patents free. A bound volume of 11H pages, containing the Krir Onaaa by counties and all large cities. HO Kngravlnits of Mechanical Move ments. Pateut Lawsand rules for obtaining Patents, mailed on receipt ot & cents. I iTiinipoB' XX FLINT GLASS LAMP CHIMNEYS s Stand Beat setter thsa aa; etker sade. Ask for Dlthrldge's and take no other. See that our name is on every box. DITHBIMiE A K05, Plttabargk, Pa. t Send for Price List. E HEAPEST ADVERTISING IN THE WORLD! For S72 per Inch per Month, we will Insert a.n Advertisement in 119 flrat- elans Okie Sewamiera.inciuding Uaillr. rroporuonete rales lor smaller auvertise- meuta. List sent tree, auuitai GEO. P. KOWELL ft CO.. 40 aad 41 PABK BOW, SEW TOBK. OTAMMERI.N'B.-Tbe cause removed. Ad- O 'Irene Dr. A. Boakximax, East Haddam.Ct. I d A MQNTH! Horse furnished, Ex va.penses paia. it. SHAW, Alfred, He. &30. W o wlllI7ayfl30. Agents H0 per week to sell our great and valuable discoveries. If you want perma nent, honorable and pleasant work, apply for particulars. Address DYKK A t., Jack son, Micnigan. 1.003 GIFTS. Grand Gift Concert aad DiatribaUaa for the Eraeflt ef tke Fosadllsg Itjlsai ef Sew Terk. aad Soldiers' aad Sailors' Orpkaas' Hosts, Waahiartoe, . C. To be held in Wash'.nelon (as aoos as alLtke Tlrkrla are sold, ef waica Tea bars' Ketiee will IsTl. Kntlre number of tickets, 52.000 to I each. 1.003 Girts, amounting to r.W.OU). to be award' Send for Circular, giving list of I Gifts aj References. Ticket can be had of I FULLY bAKulNT, Columbus, Ohio. Or. P. C. DKVLIX. General Asent. 31 Nassau Street. New ork- ; t r-.-.. VComm rs I Hon'. J. H. Nkolky, Pittsburgh, Trustee. AVOID QUACKS, A victim of early In discretion, causing nervous debility. premature decay, etc. having tried in vain every advertised remedy, has discovered a simple means of self-cure, which he will send tohis fellow-sutferers. Address J. H. KLbVivS, 7 -Vua.au St., .v. y. THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE IS TKI TREATMENT OP Chronic and Sexuel Diseases. A PIUSIOLOGICAL TIEW OF XABBIAGK. The cheapest book ever published con talniug nearly three hundred pages, and one nunurea anu tnirty nne plates anu engra vings of the anatomy of the human organs a state of health and disease, with a trea tise ou early errors, its deplorable conse- SiJiSS " hown by auences upon toe minu ana Dooy. autuor s plan or treatment tne and successful mode of cure, i report of cases treated. A truthful adviser the roamed and those contemplating I marriage, who entertain doubts of their physical condition. Bent free of postage to I any aouress, on receipt ot twenty-nve cents stamps or postal currency, by addressing I t.A t: tiui a, io. st Maiaen uine.Aioany, x. The author may be consulted upon any or tne uiseasee upon wnicn nis noos treats, either personally or by mail, and medicines sent to an y part of the world. New Flour and Feed Store. Rush & Medbury TTAV Jtl"-JJ AVE OPENED A STORE IN itha A Xct'esik's Block, ea lain SU the sale ol . FLOCK, FEED, SALT. LIME, 4c. Orders left at the store, or at the Mills, near Furnace, will receive prompt attention. HIGHEST MARKET TRICE PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF GRAIN. star-Goods delivered to all parts of the city FREE may 3-t LOUISVILLE CEMENT, The Best in the Country. rpHIS CEMENT HAS BY FAK the moat extensive sale westof the Alle gnenies, most of the Public Works of tbe West and Sooth for thirty-live years have oeen constructeu witn it. its superior quali ty has been acknowledged by Engineers and Architects, wherever used, audita Capacity Carry Sand makes it cheaper to the con sumers than any other. No permanent building should ever Deconstructed without using this Cement in tbe foundation, as It is sure preventative against dampness. Ail orders should be addressed to CA11P, KARDALL A CO., June 7. 1871-tf Warren. Ohio. CIRCULARS, Bilr Heads, State mtfnfh, Ao., err even-txxiy. printed at tle CILROSltTI.E OFFITK. jf'l';-- la I.-i-i' r a.g m vMwnm iM , C'tillllKllui,! ,il r or,i.N Ini .Ve i-Lti.-l. T. S Best Stats lor only. EW GROCERY AND FAMILY SUPPLY STORE, ON MARKET STREET. We beg leave to inform the public that we have npvnt-d. In connection with our Meat Market, a well selected stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS Consisting in part of " TEAS, SUGARS. COFFEES, SPICES, FRUITS. CONFECTIONERY, SYRUPS. MOLASSES, SALT, WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. BROOMS, BRUSHES, CANNED FRUIT OF ALL KINDS, FRESH AND SALT FISH. TOBACCO AND CIGARS SOAPS. CANDLES, CAR--BON OIL. Ac. Onr goods having been boogtrt by an expe rienced bnyer, and for cash, will be sold aa low as any other house In tbe citv. Onr Mr. Hart, who baa bad long experi ence in the grocery trade, will have control of this department, and as our goods are all fresh and new, and bonght low for cash, we can offer inducement second to none la this market. Please Give us a 0a9. W All goods delivered in the city free of charge. Highest price always paid for country pro duce. S,R. OHRYST&OO., No. 13 Central Block, Market street. May 17 71-tf, WARREN. O SBAirviLU WHrrrusxT, Formerly of Williams Whittlesey. JCLIC3 A. BALLARD, Formerly with Kingsbury, Abbot Gay A C GRAWILLE WHITTLESEY & CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS 121 Hats, Caps, Straw Goods, TJMnriEijijja.s of every variety known to the trade. Ladies' and Gentlemens' Furs of all descriptions. 390 BROADWAY, SEW TOBK. Buyers can always find In onr stock not only all the STAPLE STYLES or Hati! and Caps, bnt the extreme "nobbu" goods which an usually so difficult to Hod. We are dcslroos of making our stock attractive, thereby drawing the CLOSEST ASD JT0ST RESPONSIBLE CLASS OP BTJYEBS visiting this market. Merchants not hav ing a particular acquaintance In oar house need not, in consequence, hesitate In calling for we have a corps of ATTENTIVE AND Gentlemanly Salesmen, who will take great pleasure in showing I goods. Our assortment is especially adapted I to Out want of Otis section of country. V WX KAM XO CHARGE FOB CASKS.-fc Aug. 2. 1871. Send for Circular contalnina Terms, Full In- jormatum, specimen of 11am and Vma- mentai jeiimansixip, etc. Enclose s cents in Stamps and ADDRSS .cV. -TOST. SMITH, Meaarllle, Pa. Aug. 30, 1871-2mo. PorcLAsa. H. K. HAPOOOD. I T.D011GLASS&GO Foundry and Machine Works, 7 MAXUrACTCKIBS Or Steam Engines, A VV M I L L 3 OIL PRESSES, FLAX BRAKES, CASTINGS Of ALL KIA DS Corner Canal and Main Streets, Warren, O. April IS, 1871-Amo. " Cheap Farms! Free Homes! OXTEIWIOrTlI UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. A LAJTD GBAST Or 10,000,000 ACRBB OF TBX Farailag aad Miaeral Laads la Aaterlra. (000,004 Acres of Choice Farming and Graz ing Lands on tne line of the road, in the ef Xebraaks, la tke Great Platte Tallf j. Ifow for sale, for cash or long credit. These lands are In a healthv climate, and Krain-KrowinB! anu stocK-raisim. unsur passed by any in the United States. Prices raaae frost $- to $10 pr Arr. Home steads for actual Settlers. 2, jCO.UuO Acres of Government Land between Omaha and orth Platte, open for entry as Uouresteads Soldiers of the late war are entitled to free homestead of M0 acres, within Railroad limits, equal to a Direct Bounty of SIOO, Send for the new edition of descriptive pamphlet, with new maps, mailed free everywhere. Address O. V. DA Via. Land Commissioner U. P. B. B. Co. Sept. ISJmo. Omaha, Neb. 35 ) To Sa-vo aionoy BY SECVRJXQ GOOD BARGAINS, CALL AT 2To. 10, Mark9t Street, . FOR YOUR BOOTS & SHOES There yon will find Manufacturer and Dealer In Boots, Shoes, Leather and Rubber Goods, etc, .who will furnish goods in hla line at price and quality to suit purchasers. Kemember that No. lrt Market Street, Is the place. Sept. 6. 171. EY CANXOT BUY IT! FOR SIGHT IS PRICELESS! ! Hut the Diamond Spectacles Till Prcacrvo It. If You Value Tour Eyesight, USE THESE PERFECT LENSES. Ground from Minute Crys tal Xabtles. Melted together, and derive their name " Diamond" ou account of their Harder and Hrllllasrr. They will last many years without change.and are warranted superior to any others. Manufactured by J. E. SPEXCER & CO., N. Y. CAUTION None genuine nnless stamped with our trade mark. VAUTROT & ACKLEY, Jewelers and Opticians, are Sole Agents for Warren, Onlo, From whom they can only be obtained. No pedlers employed. July 38. l71-ly. ISEW JEWELRY STORE. 4 CCORDIXGto the expectation of jn many and gratiacauon 01 all, Mi", m. JET. HULL HAS JUST OPENED A JEWELRY STORE In Porter's Book Store, on Main Street, Warren, Ohio, where he will be happy to wait upon all who are in want of Clocks, Watches & Jewelry, or any thing in the line of Goods usually kept In JEWELRY STORE. . WATCH REPAIRING Will be made a specialty. The long experi ence of Mr. Hnll in this branch of the busi ness, and his well known XECHASICAL ABILITY, WU1 commend this establishment to the liberal patronage r' tbe citizens of Warren and vicinity. and see If yon don't like his way ol "doing business." sept. 27-3mo. PATENTS. COLICaTORS A5D ATTORNEYS FOR U. S. AND FOREIGN PATENTS. AND PATENT LAW CASES. BUR RIDGE & CO., IS Superior St., opposite Americas Hoasr.Clere. laad, Ohio. With Associated Offices in Washington and iun:ii;u cuuaints. rveier lo rion wm. Alte- xei. mioNiruurritl, warren, Ohio. Juuell. US7L IDDllGS-'& MOIICA Ar now receiving then stock of Spring & Snmnier Goods, Comprising an extensive assortment Staple and Fancy Dry Eoods, including many novelties of the season In I LADIES DRESS GOODS SCITISGS, " LACES, EMBROIDERIES, &c. And a full line of M231VS WUAR. CARPETS, WISDOrT SHADES, " CURTAI5S k . CURTAI5 MATERIALS, SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE, &c. all of which have been purchased at EXTREMELY LOW RATES and will be sold on as favorable terms, and at prices as LOW or LOWER than can be found at any honse In this city. A careful examination of the STTLES, QUALITIES and PRICES, F EIB G00m IS S0UtITED- May io. 187L ' IDDING3 4 MORGAN. 0SADAL1S iTllE IXGREDIE.VT3 THAt COMPOSE R03ADALIS are! : published on every package, there- ! lore it is not a secret preparation,. i consequently iPHISICIAXS PKESCEIBK IT j ft it a certain cure for Scrofula, jSyphUis in all its forms, Rheuma tisrn. Skin Diseases, Liver Cem 'p'aiut and all diseases of th 'Blood. C1.-3 BCT13 0? SOSASAL 'will do more good than ten bottle jot tb Hyrupe si Sarsaparilla. THE UNDERSIGNED PHYSICIANS have used Rosadalix in their practice for th past three years and freely enaors it as a reliable Alterative and Blood Purifier. DR. T. a PCGH, of Baltimas. DR. T. J. BOYKIV, " DR. R. W.CARR. . D D a n t i . v v r , v DR. LS-SPAsks, of jlichslasvilla. Da. L. HcCABTHA, Columbia, 8. C. IDS. A. & NOBLES, EdEscemb, X. C. USED ASD E3TD0SSED BT 1 J. B. FRENCH A SONS, Fail River, sisst. IF. W. SiTTfT.ftfkn. Mich. I A. F. WHKtLi.H. Lima, Ohio. B. HALL, tuna. Ohio. 'f'Ravrv m rWniii. v. jSA.M'L. G. Mci'ASD., Murfrraj- (ooru, leun. Our apace will not allow of anv ex tended remarks in rr.aiion to tha virtuesof Kojadalis. Tuttic Metiiral roiession we guarantee a rlaid K tract superior to any they haw ever usea ia uw rreslment of diseased Iilood; and to thralilirted wesa; try Rosadalia, aad yon will be restored to health. Rosadalia is sold by all Drnrsists, price tl-oU pet buttle. Atnx Manvfactwrimf t Iraui, iOLTivoar. lis, CT-lyr D n : i I ! or Call own etc.. will CITY HEAT MARKET. THE nnderclgned would res pectfully announce to the citi zvns of Warren and the vicinity. that he has opened a Meat Market on Lib erty street, opposite K. K. Wiseli s Carriage Factory, where he in tends to keep constaot ,on band, ail kinds of fresh meats, and of as good quality as the country will afford. I have employed the services of a good butch er who haa had long experience la the busi ness, and who will always be on hand to at tend to the wants of all customers. Alt or ders left for meats in tbe evening will be promptly attended to, if desired can be de livorod at their residences, or kept in re frigerator till called on. Juaea. ISTO-tt. LESflTEL DBAT . HEALTH by Good Living, by W. W. Hall. M.1. 1 vol. U mo. tl.k It Hnv If, mm neuralgia; How tocurebiiiuusnasn How to cure nervousness; How to cure exhaus tion: How to get a good appetite; How to get lean; How to get sleep; How to maintain ala.h health; How loavuiddisemae; and alt these without medicine, without money, without price. "It ia a most sensible and excellent book, and contains enoogn wise advice on the subject to do away with Invalids entirely, if not with all disease." AjLn'nglc(d Republican. "The book before us points out the 'goldea mean,' by following whioh an untold amount of sulfering might be relieved and avoided. It is full of sound advice, free from technical terms, and can be understood by anybody who can read." Toledo Blade. 'Dr. Hall is one of the most practical and sensible writers upon health ofthls age; and this book is like all his other works. clear, plain, and to tbe point." Aw York Obser ver. Just received at ADAM'S Bookstore. ' t WESTERN. BESSXVX CARRIAGE FACTORY THE proprietor desirea to say to the public, that there can bo seen at his Re pository on Uberty Htreet, a few rods sooth of Klrst National Bank, the largest assort ment of CAHKIAQE3 AND BTJGOIE3, That he has ever exhibited and offered for sale In this market. His stock constats of i'AMLLZ CABJtlAQEX and SLIDE HEATS, ot various patterns. One horse Buggie of nearly every description, and all of which are of the very latest and most approved Eastern styles, which for quality of material, substantial workmanship and elegance ot tt n is n. cannot be surpassed by any other es tablishment in the HLate. Having in sne eesstul operation a 8 IE AM E-VLn.SK with all the necessary machinery for manufactu ring his Spokes. Hubs, Feloes, and every thing that can be done advantageously by machinery. Being a practical mechanic, superintend ing and overseeing all the various branches, he is prepared to turnish a vehicle in first rate style, ror less money than any other mmnafacturwe in tha west. Harta, Prditr's Waa-oas, teaches sad Bareaehaa. If not on hand, will be made to order, oa short notice. - Repairing, Trimming and Painting don with neatness and dispatch. 1. All work done al my factory warranted In addition to the above, I am prepared to nmieh Carriage makers and others with the beet quality ot Turned Spokes, Bent Rims, Bows, shafts, Poles, Meat-arms, Hulls, 4v at as low prices as at any other establishment. Carriage-makers desiring to furnish their own timber, can get their n pokes and Hubs turned on short notice, and at fair prices. Jan. u. 1D70. E. K. WiSELL. THJB MUSIC BOOK . . FOR E YOUNG FOLKS AT HOME GOLDEN ROBIN, BY" W. 0. PERKI5S. Containing Elementary Instructions, At tractive Kxercises, and Several Hundred PopnlarSougs. Tins New Bonk will be found Superior to All Himilar Works, in many g :iots essential to a popular Instruction nok in Vocal Music and Collection of Melo dies for the Young. Heveral Editions have already been ordered, and the demand in creases. Many of tbe Songs have been writ ten expressly for the work, and none of the songs are old and time-worn sung through a dozen books, but ew and Sparkling. Adapted to all Occasions, and Alive with the Spirit of the Times. Price jO cta. Sent post paid. OLIVF.B DITSOS A CO.. Publishers, 7 Washington St.. Boston. CHAS. H. DiT SON A CO., 711 Broadway, New York. Mar. 2SI. ;71-l.iU 1818. UCTROT & ACKLEY 1870 Again call attention to their splebdld sto consisting in part of AMERICAN WATCHES. , Howard & Cos. Waters. Vantrot & Ackley Watches, WARRANTED superior time keepers. Also ROSKOPF'S rATEST fEOPLE'S w m. rmr C2 xs Which winds at the stem, and keeps time. Onlyllf GOLD ASD SILYEB CHAOS, PTJBE SILVER SPOONS Diamonds and Jewelry. Calendar Clocks Seth Thorn I Clocks, 8pectaclea the toes quality at reasonable prices. Teieacopesand opera Glasses. Looking Glass Plates. Silver Plated ware made for us and stamped with onr same, belter than any outer brand. TV ILL BEAR EXGRAV1XG. Consisting of Plated Cake Baskets, Castors Butter Dishes. Ice Pitchers. Sliver Card Case Berry Spoons, F-uit Knives, Cream Spoons ac, etc jtememoer mat we PaV.J V All goods to re as represented. Wateh work landl d Engraving always done by xpeririaecd and warranted to slve per eneci aaua- faction. Market Street, Warren, Ohio. J. Vatttrot, - T. ACkLXT. Jan. 5 ioTU-tr COLOR WCRXS 'THE Mahoning Iron Paint am and X Color Works having attained to that de gree of completion as to commence Do offer its products to the public, respectfully an ounce that we are producing what is known as Protoxide and Peroxldeof iron Paint. These painta possess, in an eminent de gree, all the qualities requisite for the Protection of Wood & Iron, Have good body, cover well, mnd are MORS DURABLE and MUCH CHSAPRR than White Lead, or any paint having While Lead or Zine fur a baals. It is nuDerlor.esoe- daily for Iron and tin, being prsjtlv free. rom acia or aijuii is pat up ia u. u. uri- wold's para Lioaeed ( ,and prepared READY for USE By the gallon or barrel, or sold dry by the pound or ton, or ground In oil, to be used in making colored painta. and has no superior for this purpose; being very fine and of very strong color, ranging from light yellow to dark brown. In connection with the manu facture of theabovenamed style of paint w ar pulling up Paints in all Colors, Ready for use, using the Iron Paint for a basis, combined with pure White Lead and Linseed Oil, and Japan dryer, under the supervisionof C C MO utt aiscaming the of any aud all chemicals, and wish It distinctly understood that this ia not a near most distant relative of any Chemical Paint, out will be known aa 'Mahoning Iron Colored Paint' at .Ya. 40 Market St., Warm, o., next door to W. B. King's Furniture Store, and sample colors, with C C. Mc.N'utt. Sign Painter, where yoa may flud, not only my but other brands, inchid lug Cleveland Chemical Paint, Cleveland Rubber Paint, at prices as low aa the lowest, to which be added a full stock of Painters' Mate rial 3. PARISH. June 21. 1871. OTer Trumbull national Bask, WARRES. O. Nov. 2S, IcTO-lyr. Sy ... :