OCR Interpretation

Western Reserve chronicle. [volume] (Warren, Ohio) 1855-1921, July 02, 1873, Image 3

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84028385/1873-07-02/ed-1/seq-3/

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Traveler! Register.
- a. e.vr. B.B. - v;;
Trains leave Warren as follows:
Fiwrt Class- I-48 a m j &07 a m ;
m ; 1:17 p m ; 6:13 p m.
Second Class 8-00 p m ; 10:52 p m.
- '- EASTWARD. i
Pnwr I. lass ;57 m 5 :4S m ;
p m; 10:32 p m.
, Second Class 2:45 a m ; 11:55 a m.
Trains strive at Baoonsbnrg. as follow
Eastward Mall at 10:101 a. m.; Accommo
dation 7; p. m. Westward Mail 1.-00
Accommodation, 7:15, a. m. Train 29 at
p. Hk.
Burg Hfll Eastward arrive at 10:54, a-m.
8:00 p. m. West want Mall ttm p. m.;
J.U a, m. Train 28 at
P. nu. ,
Eastward Trains leave Warren as follows:
2:40, p. m. fcou, a. nV4 S.-80, p. 104 4. p. m.
Vestwerd Trains leave Warrea as follows-.
10, p. m e.05, a. m . L20, p. mu, :50, a. m.
AoooxvoDATioir. Leaves Warren at
a. m.; arriving at Pitt burgh at MO. a.
Relursiug North, the Aeoommodatlon
leaves Pittsburgh at 1:26, p. m. arriving
Warren at&tS, p.m.
Exre aa.-Ooinc South, leaves Warrea
v., a. nu; amvin at
Ke turning it leaves Pittsburgh at 7-uu, a.
arriving at Warren at 11:25, a. m.
Kbsibht. leaves Warren at X, p. ar
livtng at Youngstown at 6, p. m. Going
North It leaves Warrea at a. .ar
rives a werta unsMt a iicia p. as-- -
Leave Klles at l'i;U ajn.; arrive at Letonla
at 11:30 a, nu at New Lisbon at lit 10 p,m.
Mo. 8 leaves Klles at:50 p. m.; arrives
Letonla at 8.-05 p. m.: at New Lisbon at 8:50
p. m. Trains leave r ew us Don tat ao
m., and 4:45 a. m . train arriving at Klles
4:46, p. fa.; and 7:47 a. m:; eonneetlcg there
wivn trains on the Mahoning Division.
Malls Close at the Wanta Post Office
- -'. : as Follows:
r,TT EAST. e - '
NSW, J ot C! ty and points East, di
rect, stieciai poacn
8:77 a.m.
Way ma A. G. W. R'y
18 "
Ki.uv,nwK PhlllAlrMa. nil lnte-
. nor" Penn'a,riaN.A N.L.B'y "
Way-taa C- A M. R'y to 8ha-oiu:l "
Wasea to auaion, (Shb) . , inn
Cleveland, and polnU west sootn
also east riaTTs. Ky7:SU m. 40 p.m.
Wayvu- C X B'T. P-
WkT-tna A. -e. W. E'T 1:17 P- m.
Way, KUs U. L. K'7-
Stage to lefferson.O
, ,We have received the Spring style
of Sil k Hata. Also, new styles in Men's,
Youth's and Boys' suits. Come and see
them, and tell us what yon think of our
116.00 suits. Be sure you are right, then
make your perenases lor easn.
Adams & Co.
. ' - WieKESDAT. JCLT t, 1871.
Chas. Wilson keeps fioe Cove
Oysters, Sardines, and canned fruits.
Attention is called to the advertlse-
mftnr pf the'great sale of gas fixtures,"
in this city, July 8.
Miss Roxa.'Wllcox, of St. Louis,
Mow, is in .the city enjoying a short visit
with her many friends. ,'."
The communication of X. will sp-
pear'next week, having been received
iter our paper waa nearly ready for the
press this week.
wThe XaH Jercr bf Hartford Amdern-
jc Institute will commence Aug. J9th.
Prof. P. D. Dodge, recently teacher at
Austinburg, Principal.
The ladies of tbe First Presbyterian
church of this city will dispense the
genuine ice cream, lemonade, etoun
coming Fourth of July.
-3e ssTvlOBs of Fro L G. w: Bsatty,
late of the Western Beserve Seminary,
have been seen red as Superintendent of
the tTnloa schools of North BloomSLeld.
Tbe A'ursery for July is one of the
moat charming nnmbers we have had.
Its contents are very instructive and en
tertaining. It is also beautifully 01 us-
Considerable complaint la made of
gnnntag-ln the woods east of town, on
Snndaya. Some of the people there in
tend to take steps to stop the sacrilegious
Anoyance. ro j ; . . , , f 1
Tbe cheese market tbe past week
on oeen quiet, tne uemana oeuig iignt.
s price of beat factory cheese has fall-
fene ind" a .darter cents," standing
Quarter cents standing I
OWt9tO,.., ,.r. . ;. , .
The personal property belonging to I
the estate of H. B. Thompson is being I
cold at public auction at tbe store room I
!atoly"6otnipled by Baldwin dt.Earnum, I
on; Market streets v w
A 'flagman is 'much seeded si (he I
MahecingB-'B. crossing on Main street.
TT"r T v "7 . - T-rrr-
tua yuint.,TOr t"
persons with ieama , 1
Oa. rriaaVrtieht JUst'ja wommer
kttchen -ou Uh -premlsesof John ern-t
hsm. who resides in 'ISoot'snd." on the
westaide of tne river, was destroyed by
firjar Ijow about foO, covered by iasQ-lii
awnoa, .'. ;... . v,. : ':
i-Eon. Flteh :Klrflitad and wife, of I
Poland, and Ms Charles P. Kinsman, I
of! Warren, jaxpect to take an ocean I
steamer at New York, rm Saturday next,
for Europe, ..They left beret forth east
on last Monday " f -- - ' '
Mr., $T. A. Camp zeturned to nia
borne in this city on "Friday last from
Kenosha. Wis., where be has been etoo-1
ping tbe past four months for bis health. I
We are glad to learn that lis stay in the
WAalliaB had IMlntai afTaMi
J-oceB, who baa gained DtucL
credit as an instructor in penmanship,
is engaged'-on aeyeral pen ' and ink
sketches, which possess merit. One,
"Going to Work," copied from a steel
engraving s 'wormy of attention. - - -
We learn front the Hnmboldi Ka's,
rkioa.Uuit Mr.S. K. Hapgood, in eom
papy with a Mr. Stewart; ia about to n
gage In tbe nwinfactqre of Cheese, Tbey
expect to use the nrtlk of one hundred
and fifty eowa. We wish them sooooas.
ari, of fixe oa Wedaieaday
evtming-, was apaed hy tbe roof taking
fire baclLof the stack of one of the pnd
dUnltarnaees of Klcharda rolling mill.
Ii was extinguished by the force pdmps
atttached"to tbe.'esUbUshmenl, . e
damage was sliKht.
A Douce of a marriage purporting
to have taken place in Mecca, but time
not given, and not vouched for aa ' au
thentic V j w ooe, ws received here a
SnwdiKra as A4 mi r al mahM. -
responsible name to accompany the no
tice was not complied with the notice ia
not 'oMished. . ." " .
Call at the College office, or send to
Felton Ac Bigeiow, Cleveland, Ohio, for
College-papers, giving fall, particulars
of one of the largest, most prosperous
and 1 thoroughly t practical , .business
schools in tbeaoaatry. , This - titnUon
has the very beat lndorsamBtafrompU
rosnvaod farmer students, aod the course
of study las the approval of onr leading
bustoese men. ' J"-
James H. Heatoa, of this plaoe, died
suddenly at Ashland. Ohio, at about tbe
tbe hoar of on o'clock, on Thursday
morning last. He had been confined to
beet four or five days from' aa attack of
pneumonia, but bad ao far recovered
that the physician la attendance thought
be would be able to take the morning
train and return home. While convers
ing tm the sutiject of returning, be sank"'
back on the bed juxLjxpJred instantly.
Be was aged 38 years.
eommodatlon ,:,
A shooting match of unusual lnter
00m es off to-morrow, Thursday, at the
grounds. A nnmberof crack shots from
Plttsbargh, Cleveland and Detroit are ex-
pected.. The prizes to be swarded are
valued at .125. IX P. FJaley, will pro-
Tide a luncb on the grounds for the
oommodation of those present.
We had the pleasure of a can, last
Monday, from Ur, Henry 1 Woodruff,
editor and Dropietor of the Saint Panl
(Minn.) Evening Journal.' Mr. Wood;
ruff was formerly a resident of Tram
bull County, and for s considerable
length of time was s compositor on tbs
Chronicle We wish him success.
The annual meeting of the Trum
bull County Bible Society was held at
the Presbyterian church by the different
Christian denominations of the city on
Sabbath evening last. The address was
delivered by Per. Dr. Day, of the'M. E.
Church, at the close of which a meeting
was held for the purpose of transacting
the regular business of the Society. The
old officers were re-elected to serve the
SDsning year.
; An unsuccessful attempt at burglar-
Ism was made, Tuesday morning, on
the residence of Jadee Fuller. Market
St. About three o'clock a noise in the
cellar awakened his wife, who gave the
alarm, thereby causing the parties to
wake a sudden departure out of the
only available exit, the cellar window.
The party was thought to number three
but whether they were after a meal of
Tiotuala, or something more valuable, is
unknown. '
Attempt to Rob the First National
Bank of Warren.
At noon on. Monday last, while M. B,
Tarler, Esq., cashier of the First Nation
at Bank or Warren, was alone in the
bank, a stranger stepped up to the re
ceiving desk and stated that he owed
several notes - payable there, which
would be due soon, and gave the cash
ier memoranda of the several amounts.
requesting him to figure the Interest on
them, that he might know the amount
of money required to be deposited' to
liquidate the notes. While engaged at
computing the Interest, Mr. Tsyler step
ped back a short distance to get an in
tereet oaleolator, when much to his sur
prise he discovered a strange man, with
an oil cloth satchel under his arm, stand'
ing close to the vault door. He asked
the Intruder what business he had there,
at the same time going toward him,
The man made no response, but started
to leave, and being closely followed left
the bank on double quick. Mr. Taylor
thinking that the man who was having
the interest computed was doubtless a
confederate, did not follow the retreat
ing party. ' The other enquired in
felgnedly surprised manner, "What's
the matter? Whafs the matter?" and
in a few moments gathered np his pa
pers and left. The bank had Just been
under examination by the goverment
examiner, and there- was about .75,000
In greenbacks and one-fourth million or
more dollars worth bonds lying on the
vault floor, which the robber in few
momenta eonld have soooped Into his
satchel had the opportunity been little
more favorable. How the fellow got In
unobserved, when the peculiar arrange
mant of be entrance is considered, is a
Ple. "The parties are no donbt pro-
fessional theivea.
Court Proceedings.
The cases against Mrs. Brisbine, and
other Important criminal cases, having
been, on motion of the defendants re
spectively, continued, but little criminal
business remained to be disposed of by
trial. -
On Monday, Thomas Flnan was tried
on two charges of assault and battery.
one committed upon the person' of Dr.
T. R. McGaugbey, and the other upon
the person of Mayor Randall, both of
Hubbard, Tt appeared that Marshal
Terry was In the act of arresting a d rank
en man, when Flnan and one O'Connor
Interfered andendeavored to prevent the
arrest. A general melee ensued, daring
which Fined threw brick at Dr. Mc
Gaughey, hitting him on the back of the
neck. The Mayor then undertook to ar
rest Flnan, when he threw a piece of a
brick at tbe Mayor, inflicting severe
blow oft The ear. verdict of guilty in
leach, case. Prosecutor for the State;!
Ensign for defendant. Sentence, in one
case ten days in Jail and fine of 2S an.
costs, and in tbe other same imprison
ment with fine of $10 and costs , and to
stand committed anin fins and costs are
i Albert Durst was tried for obtaining
property- from Clement Veeey under
. T . T i . T .
Vesey bought a wagon of Durst, psying
him rn money and Dnrst's note for
19; tr uu ,v..i,
r v. v. v a .a
- w T)nIt v.h .t , -.,. .i
th.i,. t,. .,., . ,1 .v.
Veeey took the wairon home annnoalmr
n.ht. In a rw riava rv.Moi
DuraL fitther of Alhert niviH tho
wagon at hie property, and upon final
trial In Common Pleas obftained jndg-1
ment against Tesey for it. . 'JThe defense
In this case was that the wagon was after
all tbe property of the son, .id that in
any event be thought it was his. The
Jury thought the defense sustained and
acquitted the defendant Aa remarked
b? counsel at Ue trial, the result is.
wherever tbe wrong may be, Du.st the
on Kts tbe money, Durst tbe fath.sr gets
ine wagon, ana. Vesey has tbe costs to
pay, Proseutor, with Tsylor, for Stata ;
Tntue and tstuu for defendant. : v
Thomas Thomas, or Niles -was tried
for selling liquor, and -acquitted, tbe
memory of the witnesses for State hav
ing apparently become impaired. Pros.
Attorney for State; Taylor for deft
Henr.r Irwin plead guilty to keeping
room wiHere intoxicating Jlquor ia sold
in violaUo- of the law, and waa fined
60 dollars! and costs, and place ordered
10 be abet d until bond given. . ,
Daniel I (organ plead guilty to same
offence, at id was fined ISO and costs,
and plane ordered to be abated until
bond givenw
Jno. J. Jli lklns pl-ead guilty to a simi
lar offence a nd received same sentence.
' George I tham plead guilty to a sim
ilar charge islti jceiyed same sentence.
Also, to a single sale, and was fined S25
and oosts. -.-. 1 . -. - -S
James MeFarl and plead guilty to' a
single sale, and . as fined f25 am costs.
Orson Trnmbn U plead guilty to sell
ing liquor to a m lnoi-, and was fined 810
and oosts. "
Richard Jinkl s pl'.d guilty to a sin
gle aala and was redf 10 and costs. -
John VoCam; plead guilty to keeping
room where in toilcatlng liquors are
sold in violatloj , ol law, and was fined
00 and eesta, a nd place ordered to be
abated nntO boa d given. -!
Ow Friday, Ji dge Corah, rendered
decision in the
of JnUaH. Woods.
et aL, vs. Owe
si Evans, for the defend
Jonea for plaintiffs;
dent. .
en tried to tbe Court,
R. Lamb ya. J as. M.
iltlng in a judgment for
L Asor Abell and En
r; Taylor, ot Jones for
lonrned nntfl the 14th bf
expected that tbe case
s vs. Potter, Receiver,
Jo other business is ev
ant. Tsyler
Beaver for dele
There wa fl
the ease of Jbna
Dlckermsnj reel -pUIntitr.atr'fia
sign forptaiqr-
Court thsTPaef
July, when iitai
F. Ml Backt '
will betriodk J
pected then to done.
Alleged Manslaughter.
On Tuesday night, 24th icst, Officer
James GiveU, of Cleveland, brought
this city, Joseph Shipler, charged with
the murder of Walter S. McQuire. The
circumstances attending the case are
substantially as follows, and we- give
them principally to set at rest the wild
rumors even now current :
It appears that Shipler, who is a resi
dent of Fort Collins, Col., had come
east for the purpose of raising funds
enable him to start In the furniture bust
ness, visiting his father and friends
Mercer, Penn. Having accomplished
his object, he left Mercer on Tuesday
last week, and reaching Greenville he
drank freely ; and meeting McGuire,
who had served in the same regiment
during the rebellion, proposed that the
latter should spend the day with him,
At present there is no evidence that Mc
Guire drank of any liquors during the
day, he haying been a member of a tem
perance oiganization for nearly a year,
However, they were in company a por
tion of the day, and went to the Atlantic
depot together McGuire stating that he
going as far ss Warren to apply for
situation as book-keeper. While on the
train, and about four miles from this
city. Shipler missed his money, and
forthwith charged McGk. jrith stealing if,
at the same time clutching him . by the
throat; (hereupon McG. put his hand
under Shipler's vest, and took the won
ey from bis fob pocket, and handed it
him, remarking, "There . is your mon
ey." At vnsjancture a passenger nam.
ed Joel Bartlett interposed, and caused
Shipler to loosen his hold. McGuire im
mediately started for another car, and
Shipler started to follow, him but McG,
held tbe door and thus prevented him for
a few moments. Shipler finally succeed,
ed in opening the door, and then Mr.
Barrett, iwho feared another collision.
stepped outside to prevent it, but on.
reaching the platform "saw McG. on the
second or third stops," to use bis own
words, "when Shipler violently pushed
Tm oft" "The alarm' was given', but
there being a down grade, andT the train
but a mile distant from Wgrren, no stop-
page was made until the arrival at tne
depot. Several men with a hand-car
were sent back, and the unfortunate
man was picked up, brought to the de
pot, and then conveyed to the " Graeter
house." Dra. Harmon and Metcalf were
called to attend him, but he retained
consciousness only long enough to give
his name and residence. He died about
OSO, A. ic, Wednesday.
On hearing Mr. Bartlett's statement.
Marshal Brooks telegraphed, to Officer
Given, who made the arrest fust before
reaching Cleveland, and brought Ship
ler to this city the same evening, When
be was conveyed to the county. aiL'V w
Wednesday morning Coroner
Ewalt fmpanneled a jury comprising the
following gentlemen : Chas. C Adams,
Foreman . E. J. Adams, Albert Wheel
er, JohnTV. Masters, John McKee, and
William liUdwick, who, on listening to
the evidence, brought' in verdict that
deceased came to hia death of injuries
caused by being pushed off the train by
Shipler. ;i 1- , 1
Tbe prisoner was arraigned before
Mayor Dawson on Saturday morning;
bnProaecuUng Aorney Speafbeing 9
the opinion that only a case of man
slaughter could be established, the pris
oner waived - aa examination, and, was
held id bail for his at
next term of Court. E. B. Taylor, Esq.,
has been retained for Shipler. 1 1 . ; -
i McGuire was about thirty-five years
of age,' was a resident of Clarksrtlle,
Penn., and leaves a wife and threechild-
ren. . Hia remains were taken home on
Wednesday evening of last week. Prior
to the holding of the inquest, Drs. Har
mon and Metcalf made a post mortem
examination, which disclosed ltho -feet
that hia brain was fractured an (Tbeside
a scalp wound no other, cut or bruise
was visible. His brain weighed fifty
three ounces. . ,. :
Shipler is also a yonng man abotat
thirty and has lived at Port Collins,
Col., for tbe pest three years) where he
has a wife and two children. When ar
rested he had a draft for 5S0Q and abou
470 in sh 4n his possession. Hede
nies pushing McGuire off the car; stating
mac ne naa tares lenea toeavaMcu. ar
rested on reaching Warren, and believes
that he Jumped off fo ayoid arresL ..
Fatal Railroad Accident.
On , Wednesday, .foresooo of, last
week, a sad and fatal accident occur
red on the Niles and New Lisbon
railroad, at tbe junction between
Mineral Bidge and Weaver's Cometr.
A young man Banned Tubs. CyarrJ,
a freight train conductor, was at
templng to swing himself uji between
two cars, while the train was in mo
tlon when portion of the wood he
nd Uken hcU trf prve wy, cauainei
him to fall nooo -tbev traok. between
the crB- 7118 ot the last car
of the train struck his left shoulder
and passed diagonally across his body
n dwa bis right leg.
His body
waa terribly maqgled . nd his death!
was well'aigb. ihsCanUueou,s.,- "The
j?oll-Hi(Vh iVi-fSinUiKinihi Tho I
deceased waa a single man, twenty
one years of age, and a brottier to
Daniel Ward of this place. He has
also two sisters, Anna E. and Ella
Ward, and other relatives resiogatj
Niles, at whlch'place fie Vas'huried-l
on Thursday. ; .
The Cary Memorial.
It is proposed by the friends and ad
mirers of those sweet sister poets, Al
ice andFonuc CA-tr, to bnild some
fitting tneuqrinl. j tb.eiK.nsme who
have been the grace of womanhood and
an honor to onr literature. It is pro
posed that this be the joint work of the
mjllion, and especially jhejpenijpine
million. For this purpose it is deiired
thst ubcrt)tions Jeufi3plid in small
suml from; the Widesi. possible range,
and that every yeong woman; ia parti o
ular, may have the opportunity and hon
or of bestowing er little 'e.tfering as a
testimony to those women of meekness,
heroism and purity. Many of tbe lead
ing women of the Union are engaged in
this movement snd their labors will no
doubt be crowned with success. Mrs.
Henry Morrison has been authorized to
receive subscriptions to this, fund and is
now in the city and will giye our cili
aeaa L
an opportunity', of .cvntrjb ntiqg To
this worthy object.
m mi I
The American Lapboard.
This is an invention which was pat.
ent3d about a year ago. For convenient-
e in cutting garments It has no eqnal
as a lapboard. It is shaped like the or
dinary cutting-board, handsomely' fin
ished, and provided with a measure for
yards snd inches on its outer edge.
Folded beneath it are two supports,
which drop forward when the board is
put lnlo position, and make a conven
ient table of tbe whole affair, i The most
ingenjojis part of the board is the ar
rangement. ejf.hMks. ppoB Tii the
folding snpports move without assist
ance either ta opining er. closing; , This
improvised table can be made of 'use to
an invalid or employee aa a drawing
board. . As before mentioned, It is man-utaoturei-aa,
aold-byjihe 'American
Lap-board Com riser, whose asrents have
already begun their canvassfng tour. -Manufactured
solely by the Amerlran
Lap-board Company, No. 47. Public
Square, Cleveland, O.
Mrs, E, K. Billings, Agent, Warren,
The Alden Fruit Preserving Company,
45 Michigan Avenue. Chicago.
ED. CHRONICLE, Warren, Ohio.
We are prepared to build a first class
fruit and vegetable preserving fac-
torv in Trnmhnll Pnnnlv nrnvirlnrl
tory in xrumDUii county, proviueu,
necessary co-ope ration (see Alden ptm
pheltjcan be obtained before nego
tiations pending elswhere are closed.
'An Alden factory gives employment
to from 30 to 60 operatives, provides
certain market for the fruits and vegeta
bles raised in its vicinity, increases the
value of all neighboring farms, orchards
and gardens, circulates large amounts of
ready money, and directly or indirectly
benefits every producer or consumer.
Ton of our factories have been in opera
tion In Illinois and Michigan, during
the past season, -asd, ' although none
of them had the recently perfected
apparatus, havo produced a stock of im
perishable 'fruits. fcc never tinfara
onn,iJ l- A',' , . .
equaled. Tlhe products of our factories
are endorsed by the 'medical profession
j uviuuiuiuiu Bwieuea, oy
hotels, colleees and hosDiUls. snrt fc.
the United States Goverment, which
has sent them to every TJ. S. Military
station J n the world. : jYours truly,-;
We publish tbe above that the atten
tion of the citizens of Warren, and
Trumbull county, may 'be directed to
it considerafion.r1: Xrontoi. !
A Curious Cause of Complaint.
Ed. Chkokiclb : Will Von- al nan a In.
forrn a nertoUs citizen if it is true that the
City Council have equipDed the police
with Kent bugles, trombones, riddles
and ophioloidee .for signalling each oth
er, in lieu of the patent silver-toned or-.
thodox whistle f.'Esch night between
tne nours-oi nine and ten the air is Oiled
with '.unearthly blasts, and vision's of
ooullagrations or invasions by tbe Hor-
pormufrors flit before me; and I rush
frantically np and down the streets vain
ly endeavoring to ascertain the cause of
tne aisiuroauce. hey resound in' front,
behind and on each side of me : but it is
a will-o'-the-wisp chase, and I return
home, tired and worn out, to seek relief
m -sin m oer : irar scarcely do 1 pet into a
doze when, . .
Ha f ha ! ha 1 van and mn.
Wle brownj ag how love thee,"
accompanied with a croaninir fiddle and
a triahgle arouses me once more to des
peration, and then, iudeine from the
various locations snd the frequency of I
mj -HoiiDgi, me trumpetea ponce
appear to oe in pursuit. Aoris tnissil;
when I go down town in the morning 1 1
can hear them, safely-ensconced from
sight, practising their dismal danger and
distress signals from , butchers' shops,
and lawyers' offices, and drug stores,
and pholoyraphio galleries the horrid
oin resounds, ana wKb admirable per
severance they keep it up ail day. Otv
the trials, snd troubles, and throbbing,
and trlbulatfotw of spirit that I have en-,
durod within the past few weeks is pass
ing conception; and. ow I must apply-
w juji ius iuiviia.iuij uu aavice.
" 1 !:..- S; JOHHSOlf.
- Te have to Inform our correspondent
that the city police have not been armed
With the formidable weapons he menl
tions ; that they are supplied with tba
"orthodox whistle," as he is jjleased tc
term it and if he should sit in the park
soth a summer evening when the pofiae
are around (watching him), he wouia
have a fine chance of imagialngiiiolself
In an o ranee trove down in the "snnnv
South' surrounded with troops of
mocking birds ; tha Ute bras band 1
nia beige pvaialit nos toin laj-jnin.
degree, the " tootings " emanste from
the different members, returning home
from practice, and, consequently, there
is no cause far alajm..: (Tba only advice
we can offer is, let "Johnson' invest in
a hand-organ, and either go in partner
ship with the others, or set np an oppox
silion shop on his own, account.,;'
Warren Cornet Band.
This Band, composed' of sevbial of the
youth of this city, was organized about
two months ago, and. under the instruo-
1 rW of M.vCX, P. Bradley, teacher Brass
Band Department of Dana's Musical In
stitute,' has made satisfactory progress.
Following is the list of the members :
A. Wi'Hunt, Jst IJb, cornet,' leader !
j- yanWormer, Jd Eb, cornet . E. Reid,
iat.Bb. oornet; ., W.-.Dsjna, 2J do.j H.
Adams, 1st Alto ; Frank Truesdell. 2d
do.: F. Smith. 1st Tenor : O. Hawkins.
Base .
lunt, Eb. tuba ; II. Patch, tec
tenor drum ;
G. Eapgood, base drum ; C. Stratton,
Cymbals.' ,: -'!;
merly .in the dry goods business, is
about to take, up residence in Warren,
Air. Gates will represent tbe Watertown
Fire Insurance Company of Watertown,
Kew York. This compsny insures noth
ings butyvdwUiiqp!K private bams
wi'Jt tlit-r'jcVer.ta, icbrding live stock
trtlsna'cifth' farm against both
fire and lightning, making a specialty of
this. JUr. Gatoa is well known to many
our citizens, snd we have no hesita
tion in recommending him as worthy of
.iJsj ..-
iujiuduui usu 1 . rvj uj ''X -
Editor Chkosiclb: The Kline
Coal Comnanv are minlnp ahnnl 1 nn
jtons of coal per week. A cow belong
Ing to. Mjr. Joseph Miller pf JYesthers- I
teld.Sras killed by lightning a few days
since. Wheat gradually
assumes the
golden hue. , .
We learn that Iwn Tfaliana wm
cenUy severely injured by . premature
erplosion injhemine of tbe -Mahoning
CoaF- Oompo, -nea. Coal burgh. We
see that another cellar is completed for a
new store trail ding jast west or Mt. IS.
Calender's store, at Girards
Tbe Brier Hill furnaces are again in
blast. Mr. William Fleming wiil. -soon
commence the erection of a new resi-
dance on his premises near Loy's Cor-1
TH8 "cHck work of the new bank
building at Girard is nearly completed.
Mr. Louis Houserh as nearly completed
fine and commodious dwelling- furase
Girard.- Mr. fcsmusi.S'JlwHpoo has
removed his dwelling house near Hake's
Corners, a short distance north to the
cross roads, and is remodeling it.
On Monday tbe 16th inst, Alex. Bu
sick, ef Church Hill, met wi-r a severe
aooideGt at Yoongstown. Baring the
prevalence 01 me severe wina ana rain
storm and while going into the city, Mr.
Busick's horse became frightened and
ran away, inrowing mm out or tne- car-
nareand fracturing bis ekvll. ui
The A. Y. fc P. R. K. is being thor-
ongniy Daiiastea ana omerwise put in
splendid condition between Girard and
Niles. There aresixcosfi mlnesia'Lib-
erty. Air. wiuiam t: Allison, Ishuild
ittg a new residence in Girard.
June 28, 1S73.
' ' "
The Great English Exhibition.
The immcusaeqneetriai Vnd zoologi
cal institution recently brought out to
the United States and known as "Howes'
London Circus and. Sanger's trained
animals" and caravan, and making their
first tour through this section of coun
try are drawing innumerable crowds
from every direction. It is claimed to
be the "biggest show ever eiven nn,W
canvass," costing the brrgfcst amount of
money iu oumi ana containing more
novelty and rare equestrian talent than
ever heretofore witoasaod Thiaiowl
nation is announced to perform ia War
ren, on Wednesday-. JnTv ml I
.1 I - . 1
The caravan includes an entire herd of
elephants 1 recently imported from the
island of -Cevlon. ninuimK j...
lions, ticera, leopards, hyenas, and other
,.1T.T I.rst trained to perform
sides other wild beasts in ereat varietv
which wUl appear in the street process
ion, said to be the most magnioantijl
exUBiye pageant ef-the kind ever got
up. lne circus corps comprises a di-
verairy of foreign artists French anH
English, including ,o.'-JiSl iL.!?-
ble "talent id ihfttZZ"'."?-
otoera or aistlnuisbed renutaiion in
..1 .. ... - .... ., ucaiun, 1
f iiiritn- tu.s,WAi. 1
this. Their names and performances
wilt DO found ia the comnnnv'. .n
nounoement upon another page.
- 1
There is no.
Plaoe in onr city from which one can
look onon the doinKsof lhe4thof July bet-
Utt thun from tbe windows of oar parlor, so
that If a few moments delay sbonld occur
in waiting forplctnres no time will be lost
tosiKht-eeers. as everything going on on
Main and Ma-set streets, and rublle
wlll come r,Kht UIlder the ey&. 0r
U our nnoteroas customers come Ui upon
uatoRusKnxuwe wUl-Jlvlde oar Xorises and
run onr gallery on the east slue of Malnst.
lur tneir aceommouawoa.
Bo come on ye lads and lassies,
Ye matrons and ye maids,
Te sires so grave and hoary.
Ye toqdi and Dratllins babes.
Snd getattheHtarUalleryaremembrancer
01 the glorious 4th of J uiy. 16. 3. io. 1 1UV
er jJiocK.
A Ant rVwtV i mmV In 17 a. .
I rant. Steady- employment and good wa
sea, luo, a gooa ooy to wait in uining
ADnlv ator address
Ualn Street, Warren, Ohio. July a, .3 aw
.50 Reward.
Lost on the lath or 17th of Jone. 1871 three
Bonds of the Northern Pacific liallroid, one
1 of S1000, and one of t3U0,ami one of :W
coupons all on but Nes. 1. 2. 8 and 4 of each
Bond.- Lost within live miles of Vernon
I .enUT. ThA fthftvA rrtWArd will hA nnlil (in
1 meir return to Kalsa Clara, vernon.
I July 2. lSTJsiU KAL8A CLASS.
One, Two, Three ! ! !
King on Main Street has been making
seme important changes la his Watch Le-
e&rtmenl. He now keeps three watch ma
era at wotk and has experienced work
men, and is prepared to do all kinds of
watch repairing on tne sberteat notloe.
feu them trouble can have them properly
July a TJ. 4w
Gold King Found.
-rXaat March, on Malm Bt., Warren." Th
'wnarean have it by giving satlsfaolory
description, and 'paying advertising charg
es, uy caning uu VT in. Jviiejr, uo ijane Dk
.July a-lt ...... ,
For Sale.
A stock of Brr Goods. Groceries. Boots A
naoen; au new. lxnug a gooa onsiness. en
quire ol H. W. TURNER,
. , . Mesopotamia. Trumbull Co Ohio.
July 2, lS7&3t
Tlt-ri : . m 1
Sozodcat,' 1 .
This word, which has been staring every
body In the face for the past few years, and
Is now getting into nearly everybody's
mouin, is a preparation ior cleansing,
beautifying and preserving the teetbweet
ening the breath, and arresting the pro
gress of decay.
Spauldlng's Glue, np to the sticking point
25 Cakes
Palm Soap
Store. . .
for $1,01, at Allison's Drug
One Dollar
Yonng Hyson Tea can bo had for CO cents,
at Allison's Drug btoie. -
4cts., 4cts.,
For Laundry
4cts., 4cts.,
Soap, at.AUlson's Drugf
Try that 4et Soap -
At Allison's Drug Store.
William HapgtJod: f. : . i v i J
Keeps at the Allison store, the largest and
best assorted stock of Truua, ttupporiert
and Ladles and Gents Hlwulucr iSrucct ever
in the city of Warren.
Both Sky. Lights
Will be oteu in snecessfnl operation on
the Fourth of July, hence all can be waited
upon. lon't foreat come earlv and take
it cool and aobget- Into a fret, the best pic
tures are tuaue wneu me mina is iree irom
business cares, and surely It thottld on tbe
Glorious Fourth. Then come and taaea
seat before the camera and goaway happier
Will. , , s-0U.KiAXlWb.
M - urps .x-roeervers,
Truesdell ' lownsend' have Tavlor's
Corpse Preservers, by means of which
bodies can be kept any length of time In
tne warmest weatner. 1 j une a St.
White Shirts.
A I. Frank, of the BofTak;, Square DeaV
ing was moe store. -. auutes au styiea of
n nite snorts to oruer.
Machine Poetry. -. - .
Oh, come into the garden, Mand,
And sit beneath tbe roses.
And see me put on heavy style,
Dressed In my bran new clot nes. i
. t - . . i 1 ; r . : . -
Oh, come! bring your brother, Mand,
lour uncies ana your aunta, .
. And tell them where I got my eoat,
m jf jc,ev man mj panu. ...
A. I. Frank, he fits me out
in stvllsb gear all over;
And now don't you think, my sugar
You've a handsome, well dressed lover?
And everybody else will be well-dressed
who purchase their Clothing at the Buffalo,
un? rnce tjnqre or a. 1. run, iaaui b
Honge for Beat ...
InWarrrn. on NIlcs road, east of Red
Run, inside of corporation, Vonr rooms
and pantry. Enquire on tbe premises of
riAi.r.A BUltiN ETT.
Decliae ia Wheat .'.d ... -
Owing to the decline in wheat we have re
duced tbe price of flour one dollar per, bar
rel on an grade . Bee price usu
June.18, .. , CAAll- A RAJiDALL. ,
1 Honaennd Lot on Hshonlng Avenue
cheap. Jtqulseei M- -t, warren.
f . I, 1 1 1 i hi 1 -
Falrbank's Standard Scale. ,
New patterns. Over 300 modifications.
Sizes adapted to all uses. Courts of Justice
have decided tbrra to be the Standard
Scales. , JOHN JOHNSTON, Ag t,
Main fat- Baconsbnrg, O.
Jane IS, lS73-6mo
to all Interested in Horses.
" Messrs. Park Patch, of Market street,
have in stock, for sale wholesale and retail
s large quantity of fixtures for the cure and
help of diseased and Injured horses. They
have every kind of a Pad or fixture known
to the trade, consisting of nrtloles seldom
seen except In tne largest cities.
June i8.-lin PARK A PATCH.
A'Keal Bargain i:U..l.k
For all who are In want of ClothincHats.
Caps and Furnishing Goods, don't forget
the place, on Main bu. where yon will fin
. ; '. . f -.M.LaZABCS.
TIops tba Bmrinnss
White Helebore and Whale Oil Soao. for
Currant worms and sloes, on Rose boshes.
It will be to yonr Interest to call at the
store or 8. It. Ohrrst A Co., in Warrea. before
you dispose of your wool.- Don't fatt to
give thein a oaIIk JuueAi
A Miracle r':
Bull A Mease are selling Boots and Shoes
as cneap as utey aaveru&e.
1. i
If too. Want :;-'.
A nice fitting Boot orShoe call at
;. y ' f ri iHUaUSE,
Xhe,Vorl4 Wasn't
;Ma-lTnrstii.v.meltDrisa satr of fine
FVani, caif koote fer fit, but te days
wik dol ios.Tour onlerat ' "
Baralock Sole for -eents. andeorneUan
caif for beat, at. . HULL A MEAbt'S.
Go to Irs.' aresser's . "; ' .
For Hata, Bonnets, and all kinds of ladles
fancy goods.
Money Can be Sared
By purchasing your Clothing, for Men and
Boys, at the New York Clothing Hotrce.
. j - , e '-
Fashionable, ,,. , ;
Good and substantial made Clothing yot
can best buy of
1. M. LAZAK.a.
1 Card. . "- ' : ''
We scarcely deein It necessary to contra
dict the many false and libelous statements
made by certain lying Agents, in reference
to the "failure of the Cll pper Co." for the
reputation of these Agents are so wall
known In this community that their false
hoods are not believed by any body, and
they are obliged to resort to anv means to
sell their old style, heavy drajl, and horte
killing machine; made fifteen years ago.
ji ue laces snow ior tnemseivea, w e are
receiving and selling the Clipper aa usual
and hope to be able to supply all who ma
wntAnl!014 Reliable Machine.' We guar-
antee to furnish all and everybody with a
machine who will leave their orders now.
and can furnish REPAIRS at a moment a
notice. , ' . , PARK PATCH.
Jane 18, 1873. , .
"Quick Sa les and Small Proflts
Ja tbe motte or the Xew . York clothing
, P. M. LAZARU3.
Emigration Tarnlng, Cheap 'Farms
" ln South-west MllsOnrU
The Atlantic A Paeifis Railroad Company
offers luu.ou) acres of land in Central and
othwesi Missouri, at from C3 o tit per
acre, an sevea years time, wltnfree trans-
R?."?? . P-iehasera.
v.uuMwa. J.i. iuuuw. uiiupnu WHHtUI
i 1 ...... ... , 1 1 . 1 . 1 ..
schools. churcaes and law aWdlnv socletv
invsteemlgranufromall points to this land
' 'ruitaaua nowers.- ror particulars ad-
Louis, Mo.
ww -a.. A.uc. uuiu. irm nnwr hl
The old Headquarters.
For Painfsand. Peer's
s t o a
Stratton's Drug Store,
In addition to the Immense stock of Paints
m stare and on the way. I hare Just opened
tne lineal sloes; 01
Paint and Varnish Brushes
; .IT
ever opened in Warren, an White Stock,
and aa large aa 8-10.
Paris' Whito & WMte Glue,
UARSALE3 GREEK, for the Blinds; the
only green that will not fade.
rsj lai t o Xa oad
In large kcgs.Just in. All kinds of
....... . .1
VARNISHES,' .. ( i
, ' BRUSHES, !'r-'-r "..
OILS, &c, in great variety. ,
Mixed Faint, beautiful shades, Just what
yon want for the bed-room.
Go In and see Btrattra'setockbeforeelosin.
for vour bill of 1 'a tuts, and take a look at
his spiendld stock of
CMUEX. ail oifered very low, at-
: W. O. ' STEATTON. 'r
' Proprietor.
V. B. Bny Borer's Cholera Receipt for
Poultry and Stock. It will save many a
lne hog or chicken sure core. . . -
Attention Fanners,
S. R. Chrvst A Co. are alwavs slad to meet
yon at their stores In Warren and Niles, to
agree upon a SBtla Is."-iry cash price lot yonr
surplus Pork, eei,:tides. Pelts, Tallow,
:i'i :i !i, ( n't. 1
kb' Ta ' n ', .r-r,, -. . n,,n .nfti -1"
N. B. lKn'trOTASBI!BWW9W7.
line of snperlor Groceries be lore yon leave,
and If yon are In need of any we would be
nappy to wait upon you at any uu au
times, at as low erlcesss any otaer estab
jisamezis iu tun r; m
eoari cv M'seexls
coBSiaeAKf. Wttfl adi
to. Live and Let Live
fuse 10 ocr olAaci
dee. 4.
To Kansas and Colorado !
During the summer, season of 1S7S, the
Missouri Pacific Railroad wlll sell Excur
sion Tickets from Bt, Louis to Denver and
return, at very low rates of fare, and a rare
opportunity Is thereby offered, for lovers of
nature to view tbe beauties of Colorado
and enjov thedellebtful scenery and health
Inspiring climate of the Parks ef he .Rqki
Meunlaihs. - ' f x i. . t.
Kansas, with 1U broad and fertile plains,
is directlv on the ronte. and together with I
all the other Western Htates and Territo
ries, is reached by the Missoart Paelfic and
Its connections.
The Texas connection of this road ss now
competed, and pasxengers are onWfd art
flmt-elass alt rail route from 8t Le Is tw
Texas, either over the Missouri, Kansas A
Texas R. H., via. Sedaita. or over tbe Atlan
tic A Paoino K. R., via- Vinita.- l or maps,
time tables. Information as to rates, routes,
Ac. we refer onr readers to 9. H. Thompson,
Eastern Passencer Aent. Colambus. Ohio.
or K. A.fotiC.tJeueral Passengar An,St.
Louis, Mo. QuettionM vriil be chccrjuliy and
--3 A Q
Threslilug Machine Tor Sale.
No. 2K SeDarater, Masslllan. 8 horse
power ; In good running order.
June G. A. McCLEEKT,
Fowler. O,
FoorCent Soap
1 i
Five Cent Soap,
Blx Cent Soap.
1.- Beren Cent boap, ., . 1. ...
Llifht Cent8oap, . , .
So Cent Soap, at' '
SrftAtTON'B Drug Store.
Will bring monev next fall.
Rave them
from theCoionwioes by asln Pasts Green.
At STBA-XIOX'S Market si., LrauSlure.
Tomato Plants .1.
Sweet Potato Plants, ,.,
rUabbag.PIanu ' ijl,bsi3
Leave orders with w
HOYT, SPEAR A Co. No 5, Main St.
Attention, Farmers t .:..
We have on band about twenty-five tons
of middlings, which we wlll sell daring this
month In lots of l.l'XI lbs. or over at l- per
ton. ow is yoor time to bny. .' - ,li
Just Received
Two car leads Lonlsvllle and Akron Ce
ment, fresh Irom tbe works, at
CAALr UA. llaUi'B,
Accidents I
Insure against accidents In the. Accident
Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn.
Cash Assets one million' tloUart, Apply to
WUIXILUEY ABAAl.-f, Aecli Warren,
Ohio. (oct. 27-U.
ne offer ' '
Lady's Kid Gloves at 91 a pair, cheap at
(liu. (lUKLUUikjuaiinu,
Millinery Goodi 3, h 01 Zt Z
Of all descriptions, and In all the lntest
ijf Mrs, my - vr i,in i,r,r i.iuj.a w w 0
Howe and 8 lager, o t y .n t
Old and reliable Sewing "MaeBin'er'on the
best of terms at N. B. Tyler's, No, S Main St.,
wareavJiuo. ,i I ,i , . i. i,.wa jt
12DwellIn Hoiises' r4i
For aale. Mostlv, new. In the vlllaae of
Klles. , For terms, Ac. ennnlre of r
. . ISAAC liOLi otty, im
White Ld,
SprIo Stjles
Of Millinery, latest snd best, at
. n f. .. -- In
Our stockoresafiooas Is cBrnpletl. afld
prices very low. OUNLr'lliR A R'J.
Good Lire Agents WajrteXT
To sell the two best Sewing Machines
made. Adp:v to or address N. ii. Tyler. No.
. main . . . - . T n jj-
Wanted 1 '
The most liberal lndncements offered to
good reliable Agentj, to aell.Bewyrg Ma
chines. AddIv To N. B. Tyler. No. a Main
SL, Warren, Ohio.
Thtf Best SeTrtng Machines ;) Q p
" Made.' can be bought In large or' icatl
quantities of N. B.
ijier, ncisain at..
warren, unio.
Agents Wanted
In every town In Portaaa. TmrabnlL Ma-
boalng aSd Coiuwblaua eounUes,te sell
tbe Original Howe Hewing Machine Im-
roveu. Aouress A.ciyier,ro.Aiainsi.
V'arren, o.
The Original
HoweSewinit Machine Imoroved.ean rml v
be obtained of N. B. Tyler, or his Agents.
A larx stock alwavs on band at No. 3 Main
SL, Warren. Ohio.
Hoop Skirts. ' v '.
- Kew styles jnstree'd at ' ' 1
'- . . tiUNLEFlSGER A RHrWr,'
n a 1 .'a . I
It Ton Want
ArrOwsiAfarettes: Banneta. ftaraT Anal
den. Bustles, Braids, Combs, Coirfnres,
Chignons, Caps, Curls, Crape, Daisies, Edgr
Ings, Fichus, Flowers, Feathers, Frames,
Fringes, Frlzsea, Ulmp, Hats, Hair, Infanta
Caps, Illusion, Jets. Laces, Mai lne. Neck
ties. Normandy Caps, Nets. Oxydlzed Orna
ments, Ostrich Feathers, Orange Blossoms,
Pompons, Pendants, Rlbbons.Koses, Ruches,
Switches, Satins. Silk. Taffeta. Tarletnn.
Turquoise Slik, nnout Velvet, VelU, Valour
w reams, n mga, ana every thing else. '
vu sirs. . nji i tit w.'B, '
Our Best Tea ... ...'.
Is still the best sold In n7i-rn '. rt nni
be beat. If yon don't be . tve It try one
pound and be convinced. '
XU . T. 0 s-tvwn Tnl 1
T-A-V s-ttoo to I5 per bttshet.
jK&ouR ujs to .aij
RlAYr.l'18 .
JORN(old)-EarJ5e; Shelled 5c '
Butter Fresh Roil 15
ffAXXOW to 7
tiLEESE Factory 10 alt '
KAAia Coontry cored lute 12e . .
KiMMlf, .
LARD Country rendered, 8 to 9c
PORK l.v.6 pero
, Xnrkeys live 10c
M dressed 13U
. Chickens live tolOc '
' " dressed 10
piDES Green, oti".(rri5c; calf skins W t5
. PelU x3.uu
rsx basexu inscxujuriors.
Flour white WUt.llw,,;fnre per dos IS
defter' Wa't ft'rirtVinc X
Buckwheat flour pennrhnnnn -ui
Sfcck la Lard Oil 80 to la)
White Um
Salt , ,
i BollMl Oil a nl. I.
RnttorixiTik amaai
Corn MeaLboiteil
Rr Dried 21
V cwt 1,.
HimiKmi.ca ' ) Hi Corn Meal, unbolt -
do Country da 13Jj ed . ewtJ.ee
Sides do do W! iChop Feed $1,60 1.75
Sugar, Brown lulo-!pll Meal a cwt L80
Sugar, CotIelz4.f White
Sn iiar. Crushed .Hi Potatoes SUtolOO
ngar, iTusueu
.B.Cod Fish-
f i i Peaches, peai'd fi S 2D
White Flsh,
v do nnpeaiea io
Mackerel IKlai- rPrunee, Turkish-
Cheese :4WMoU-wes V teal .
Lard 1V
do N.O. ai.
. 100
Candies, Tallowasi
Maple 3yrup,
do Mlaa'inft ,,lr
dc Btar 51 1
Cleveland Wholesale Market.
MONDAY, June 30.
tne 9mae uguiea Dv single packs
. , . I.lft- . lnfori,
Flodb The demand continues fairly
active and prices are firm,
City made , XXX White 110.00; XX
amber $9.00: XX red No 1 $3.60 : Xred
Wheat Market ouiet but nn-
chansed. No 1 red winter held
at il.oi. No -red winter at LI J.' with
out bnyers. ' '
Cobs Market steady. Saleof2 cars
low mixed held at 4oc ; High mixed at
46c Cars on track 41(S-4c
Oats Firm. No IState held at 40c 5
No2doat3Scv - '
Ktb Prices are standinar nmnlnaLT?'
at 73c for No 2 State, and SoQSjC for No
1 do. .. r.- . v ;. 1
Barlbt The market is steady and
demand fair : held at ttOcaSLOO for West
ern, and prime canaaa.
smokxd MBATS irnces are low en a cecr
tain qnarters. We quote : City sngar-
cured Hams, nncanyasscd, over 10 Ins,
14c; ttitisr ICIbs, llal-lcl tio Shoal-der-:
-9c "do- Brealcfkst Bacon .' lOallle
Dried Beef. . sucar cured. 20a, - Beef
Tongues, d.0O per ' dozen. Canvassed
meats Jc higher. Country cured hams
nominal at 2HC? do Shoulders 0a7c;
Bacon 9al0c
tAKO We auote at S3 3 10c. for city
rendered in kegs i(.9ic do in tierces.
Conn try rendered 8c in tierces, and 8ic
in kegs. ''
Butter Marketstiil active and pri
ces firm at the-late advance. 'We quote:
strictly choice tub at la20c in lots with
tres : eood to prime at laalbc : interior
qualities at 10al2c with good inquiry
for these graces. 1 V , .yi-v
' Chkese The - market Is ' moderate
iy active but weak. New factory full
cream selling at luallo, as to quantity,
Skimmed dull and nominal. ' '
Eoo In-tair request, and unchanged
We iqoote freshes lualTc. ia crates and
in barrels, at loaiSc
PoTAtoES Movement active, stock
very light and prices advancing rapidly;
Peabh Blows, prime Northern Ohio sel
ling from store at titial.7a. Western
at Sl.aL25. -Car lots of Northern Ohio
trac-, i,j si.-o ; r mwro ana inm
lots nominal at dpca;uw as to quality.
mi tructr KaOa - i " ' '
on track fcSalWa.
1 Dried PklscSes Dull and market
weak. Prime an peeled at 8a8ic ; peeled
at Maisc.
f Dried Apples Fair inquiry and sel
ling at aialc in large lots, ana be in
small way.
I Lime White is in good request at 1,50
per barrel. Water is firm and steady.
TV e quote: Akron and Oswego tX,v)
LonisvHle Cement. $1.90. ,.
i Plaster Land Plaster in good de
mand and selling al a range' of .9,00a
10,00 per ton; Caloined Plaster ranges at
J,o05,00 per barrel.
Salt Tbe inquiry is steadily active
and prices are firm. We quote: Pine
per bbl 11,85 ; Coarse, diamond C 284 lbs
C40: Ground solar 336 lbs lisa Dairy
salt per bbl (2,60 ; do . bbl f 1,45 do 23
J 10 lb bags 3,6o; do 60-5 lb bags 33,90;
Asnton persack fva. Leader.
Pittsburgh Live Stock Market.
Cattus The receipts of cattle eincM
our last reports hsvd been heavy of
through stock and iignt of, cattle intend
ed for sale at this point. ' Trade toward
tbe close of the market was draggy and
slow at about tba following rates : -.
Extra T, 400 to l,500tbs, fine and smooth
50 : extra L300 lbs. una and smooth,
$6;i0to $d 25: -extra-1,200 B, fine and
smooth. 5 50 to $5 75 ; fair 1,000 lb, fioe
and smooth, .5 25 to $3 So; stockera, 3 50,
to 4 70.
Pbices. Extra Philadelphia $540 to
S5 50 : prime Philadelphia: 5 25 to 85 85
prime Yorkers, $5 00 ; lair Yorker, $4 So
to .4 ao. .
Sheep The market dull and bad
The quality of tbe ;tock fair. Many of
tba dealeis sav sheeD sold lower-than
fojLiome luontts. .JToliowing areytha.
rates st which the market Closed.
Extra 100 lbs, 15,25: extra, 95 lbs.
15 10 i 20: "prime, 90 lbs, $5 00; prime
ns, fl jo
. BtVESf SaralT One car load arrtyaJT
making 4,660 bead for four days, against
zio head srme nme last wees:. Mars;
Qaiet. and aaion M as , iifi LMs fDrna-
tive steers,- and 10lle'fopre-as and
Cherpkee cattle.
no improvement in prices. Btaeep sold
at5.tte, caieny otftjojc, and lambs T
12c. Sales include 1 car Ohio sheep.
lbs, 6Jc ; 1 car, 87 lb, 6 ; 1 car, e-Bs,
54e -lean. .. bca TT4. T -i T.' ', ",
AHoo3 otfr 'rjflerfedalrvei Tleaiers'
nominally quote live hos, at 5i5c
New York Live Stock Market.
NEW YORK June 23.
The wrrpy ibf yesterday aniT to-day
was mnch larger than tba demand
called for: The quality was not suited
the requirements of our butchers and
tne market waei extremely dufl and
weak at a further ducline about lo oa
good: cattle and s strong icon inferior
ank common, xaxans. ranged at bic
(SlOic to dress 55(356 lb to the sross
cwt, and poor to choice natiye steers at
9(il2ic, to dress 555S iba to the cross
cwt. a- cars, iUinorn steers, 7 est ever-
age, at lUllo ; 2 cars $ cwt at 9c i .
Hiueap add Lambs Receipts "to-day
cars or 8,400 head, making the total
ior tne ween si,tHU head, against. 13,230
nesa last wees, ine maraet was de
pressed nd - closes weak anr) nnattlet
a redaction of full v iaeo sbeeo and
icon lambs. The sales include 2 cars of
Ohio -ataeep, 75 average, at 44c : S ears
ids, st oic 1 1 csr bo al 51c : 2 cars state
lambs, 67 lbs, at 10c : and 4 cars Cadada
ao. .
S wise live hoes are nominally auo-
teu u preasc
to McConnellV
For ICS Cream. Soda Water and -Lemon-
ads. ' k
For Sale.
I have twe houses and lota which I will
on vary reasonable terms. Possession
given Immediately, if desired. ,
Of Sash Blbbons. best analttv.'ll.oo ner
yard, at --, ; Jlt. iiLSoEU's.
Ratal as. Prune. Peaches and Cherries
rvoelved at ii. yt, Sptai A Ce.'a, .
Trj onr . .., -r .Wri
Orange and lemons. Heyt,fipeare Co.
Ills' Stack ofSorars
i i
iJ '
Eeopened.-- -., . ;
H. Waldeck has rMiiwn hia Tm rrptm
Parlor. Call and try this favorite lnxnrr.
Fine fiavrm v VT W,l,!nrk'l
ae.:- "7' "
Take Xotlce.
ri hj . ., , ..-.ii
of October. H Wulilk: wlll sell hia 1
ice Cream, varloua navors, at tlie low '
pnee of two dollars per gallon, at the City j
Retail Frice Current Corrected Weekly
Wabbks Ohio, - July 1 1X1
Btmse. .;..''. I
. Wheat, Tg- - u
do mh" 'if L ; 1 1
' do ' So, i Bed,.; m ' 'HJ
dO Xr. 7 Ar. 1 r j":
Rye, Wo. i , ...,.--" i 1
Corn, shelled. Ko.1
no . ... . . 1 'I
do do a
D. W. Camp's Snow Flake, fcy.
vr Dite .per panel.
Miurnnia j - I . 1 "I
Star Mills XX White Michigan do t
Western Reserve Mills, pore Amb'r do 9.00
SuDerlor Mills XXX Red do.
Atlantic . do XX do
Florence do XX Spring
Empire do Common do
B. W. Floor do.,,,., 1 ..per
Rye Flour do.
Corn Meal, per hundred
do do boiled do.
Chop Feed, O. C. pure do
ao 00 vommuu uu.
KMllnss (une) do
ao (coarsei ao-
fenorts ao .
Oil Meal do
Cam, per bushel old shaUed-
feait, Saginaw per bblM
410 I oc. uia, uu..
io . P. D. do
J do Kew Lisbon..
do ho 1 Kew Lisbon .
White LLme per bbl.
Water Oeraent do , 2
Tbe above pnoea wui oesaojechbonachaa
Uons with ether markets, always aiming to
nay the highest priee for grain, and sell as
cheap as tne cheapest. Remember the place,
next door to MoLaln's 3noe Store, In room
formerly oeoapled by Trumboll Nat. Bank.
All onr goods warranted as represented.
Come and see us. A liberal deduction al
lowed te names that buy large ao-aUUes.
' : : " ' ' -k
Sacceesera to Hoy t & Spear.. 3
- - '- .'v.aJ.
No. b Main Street,
;:': -. ' ;' ,2-:!3 zzlih
TIMOTHY SEED,-?" , ! '' .
.:.' .i ... I
Also RED-TOP and
The best assortment of Garden Seeds ha
Good Goods! Low Prices!!
Item ember the Place. . -;H0YT,
fi .No. 5 Mala, Street;
A8heldon O. Morford. Plt'fr.vs. Joser
Ciarey, Dert. Before Charles Fiteh, J. P..
Kinsman township, Trnmbnll county, O.
On the eleventh dav of Jane. lS7i, said
Jcstlce Uisned an order of attaehmeot In
his action for the sura of tb irty-elght and
dollars; and said cause Is set for hear
ing on the second day of Angnst, 1678. at
ten o'clock In tbe forenoon of that day.
Kinsman, O . June 2E . lS7V3t
Self-Fastening and Adjustable
Make the most perfect spring-bed in use.
to 5 dozen In a sec They are complete in
jthemselves, and can be applied In a few
moraents'to any slat bed-stead. J. IXfNS,
Patentee and Manufacturer, Cor. S. Water
and Champlaine sta., Cleveland, Ohio.
Kastern Branch 'Hi S. d St., Ph i lad el phia.
Pa. - . . . jane 25-lt.
Theee Spectacles are mannfacttrral from
llil . CrrMal PftblM" melted, togeth
er, and are, -ailed ZHnrnond oa aocennt of
their uardness and brilliancy, - - -
laeyaragroanawitn great scienlincac
curacy.Hrw tree from chromatic aberrations.'
and produce a brightness and dlstlncinese
viaion not Decora attameu in spectacles,
jtfanudcrured bv the bpencer Optical Manu-
atiwrmg Ce., Hew York. For sale by respoa-'
sioie agents in every city in tne i nion.
Jewelers and Opticians, are Sole Agents
warren, unio. irom whom tney can
only be obtained. No peddlers employed.
Lo not bojr a nalr unless vou see tbe traue
mara. L-atay t. la j-iyr.
Mclicrlj & McCormact
. propneiors the downtown-
Announce to the public that their new
earn ibJenemt is bow in operation and.
r apppli.wi!h the best-maebjaery, Ji
f, . mi Art ireaArsa toeiJjrt pfjA
11 t 1
8A5H. tXX)l :.utt;
also Honse Fnrninhlng Materials, such
o pains wlll be spared to give onr ens- I
lers entisaticVwn .vrf 8
iayU tXTt'ti ' - -A- E
ariainrir 1 n w rr. ha i t . r
- 1 -i - J.!i -
Are now receiving tailr stock of
OomprlaiLts an extezuiye aHortAiis&t of
Staple and Fancy Dry : Goods,
Including many novelties of the season In
And a fan line of : , . ,
V3?ffi'3 "W 33 . Et.
CAEPETS. ' - .1 1
all of wolcA have been aarobased at v
- -' . 1 . !
will be add oa aa fiivorabls terma. and
Xli.-i- at Prices as .' ' - ; j
can be found at any boose in this city.
A earefhl examination of the
." ." ';, .,' ' peices. .'.
... 1 , .... .. .
..o!xo;u:j :-ii:T
1- 1
: 1 .
1 v:... ,.;
'.V !...
" 1o Yl..i-'i
i"l",;,Vr. l-J
v.! .r:j
-"1 .'!.
rjj b'-'.
V.-o:il 1 '
f:i on ;
..' !i V
' ' i .-.;ir.:v
. .1 .-T..-j't v
vrr: ' 1
4th of July.
' Oa and after the above
date we will offer oiir entire
stock of Spring and Summer
Clothing, Cloths, Hats, &c., at
This is XO HTJiXBITG Hut
an - ettort to close out 4-the
above stock to make room for
nerf stock for antnmn trade
' t
i'.K. :
i Cnrtis Iron Bean, $12.00.' i
-i:a 'I.;
U .1
Near YorkTrealiiisi, $10,0ajJ
j, !' . ;.:;n Iter s. -j t; ,.t . i'j-.'
! sill n nn'i .1.' u s-'j i..
I J:il- ,'. c ..-I i, . : H ..JJ
LongT $9,00.4-
Long -Points 7Sc :
' - .i-: . . . .-I
Y.;4J p. PolNTsrTSc?. "
t .I-'- ' , - I ...... '1
j ''.: - .' ! r - .-.-to: -V :. ,.. . J
I ff
c ' J .... '.J
.v East Side 'of 'kain SU i
,V .xv-axiE!3jar. o. )
AptU .s7S-tf .- ---
WiORollser Sew-Wall Papers jnstre
c.e,lvelvan,,4 "rai thousandciere coming.
Also, Shades. Paper Curtains. Fis tures.TaS
sels. Koilands, Pictnse Cords. Koxcharse
.forXrnaming Paper. , . .
W. N. A V 1n-i7i
1TK I in ........ y.v
ef Trnuibail cOw Oh'.o.
retard. Jaae 13, lj; j-.e .. s
tavraam ,,-... - t
ie B
- - - - ' . :. 1U riT, CUTaUDt V.
"H.UMIH, M.D.. Surgeon,
Tb whom Irltrfi rMiriif iBrnmatiM
Jlw-tka-Ma-lt sH f HJT'-.'T)if Jf ft
:c .s" .qv.i
a ft n si Ci
xtl n
1 r:
i OjJ i ji-.
Main "and Karket ' Streets,".'
: ; .
.:. t
1. I
vi, xaxtceii"
Marble Works.
ACannfaetnrer or Italian
and American Marble 1
. - HAD-STO?rrS,
-MAlfTfiLa. '
1 i T , rural torn Rlsbc, ftc., Ac I
iff ea also fnrnhui Scotch, and.
(3. American
Qranit Monuments,
on abort notice. Desiirne
Sept en hand or made to or
Jerbr the oeneiilof custom
ers. Wore warranted logive
ahon oa Libertv Strt una
door south olFirst Xatioual
Bank. .
c. B. DASxrsa. ' ' i p. stloxb
' ' . t tst rwa nr .
t 1 :'.-... .,
and Slaek. .Delivered to any part ft
theeily at the lowest enrrent rates.
Office on west side ef Main SL: M door
nortn ot Malonki. liepot. Also A?enu fos
rltfAZ'G Afflr JJ tWS Ct".
" ' i r
ESTATE of Laura C. F. JToKiifgh,
dee'd. Tbe undersigned has b tea 4aiy
appointed and quaiifled as Eiecuior ons ths
estate of Laur.-k v. viv'nijht .t-.i
1' .-' .'' - -
. Terms Cash on Delivery.

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