Newspaper Page Text
Kesbrme EST1 I ! Volume' 57-3ST0.50. Warren, Ohio. July 9, 1873. 'WhiylaTSTo. 2962 IRN UB1R0N Trav Trains' Pf BUSINESS DIRECTORY, i df r fTTE STER5 BE SE RTE Cpt05ICMS V i m.k Market 8W- Warren WK. iteski.. Editor and Proprietor t (it phvalo.Iftn an J Surgeon I luttneand residence a few rod Booth ;V,;r Atlantic Great -Western Depot, " here he can be consulted professional!. Warren, O. April 1 1871-tf a -t-T,ww.w Dentist Office oyer ii. . S. C Chryst Oo.'s new met .S.poBite the Court Kooaa. Market BUWar- Ahtn rEOEGE P. HTJ3TER, Attorney at I ' " i v.nrinnier Block, Market . 1 AW . flllVJ " . M liM.v.ff Warren. Ohio, ireo.-.- nE. . 6IBB05S, Dentists, teeth . - ..,., rwiln nuner or low- lio- -AV e " 'V ,V 'PTfflee over T. J. W lAin bw "- son. O. T. MTCiljr, Pfl "WTTCITF. PhvSiciallB, I anv ab- AfHrvK An Hisrh BtraeS at . . , t t h i tr Maniutu ,ue atana ronneriy Jan. 6 lieu KCTCHIWS. -w.T.trKa. XI UTCHI5S SFEAK, Attorney at H t rmi in First National Bank I feuding," atory. front room V l Jmk. a. D570-IT. ! ...nrn w.n. i. a. acssDJ- " -TML-L BRACEEK. EUSSELL IJ Eclectic Physicians od8unj,oince oilpfwite Thompson Hods, Market 6t, A" Sweilce attended to at aU hour, .day SrVlghtT Br. a. will give attention to tte freStment of " i?n,aB VStl .. - oMMMmer Libera? ana w Ban- ton Avenue. Warren, O. fan U". . nlandBtO' Biock, B igh SLsee. I K. J. .i"''Jr, Hat. Bank. 1 Santeon, om . m., d Office hours irom ' r - 25 xmi Jto8P-ia. - ' AR. GATES, Jobber or Tobacco .an-dClW Market BWaea, SLATE R00FIX6. done t horti no tice. Reference W8. Mathews. War ,nt Sit. B-Drake. Akron, O. lapr. 16. sun; Hoot. B. Drake, - -- ? vrrr itomnshurr. Ohio, V .M'annfacturer and whoiejal. and Mail ueaier in rumpa. iv . - TRAD. ACK1XT. mTAiuiacto JeelVaSdDUn rea, Ohio. t) ATLEFF JfclOSES, Aniej.." jKAunsellersatLaw. Office over the E- cLun Bank of Fresman a ""H"""'T" tat. Warren Ohio. Onto. H. COTfBEBT, Attorney at Law. nm. nrnarol Mill and Main 8t.. lleU V . foct.18 1S71-U. a Ttrrf R. TVTanufttctnrer ttna riKhinv Tackle, van -T.-'' - a n Tr smlni Machine. C w kut 8t Warren, Ohio. . l o. 8. Mar- ;jsa.a mini y", t rpiio itlirnnitlitw, and IS k.,. Public: office in Chrqnicla tStiding, over lmbs Boot and Shoe blore. Market Street, Warreu, Ohio. May 7.1S7-lyr A. c PARKER, Attorney at Law, .Office over Kirk A Christy's store. Market St Warren, Ohio, , JaneSS.IKmo , .H.HUtUHlJB, a. jc. Tumjc. j. t. btci.1 EUTCHKS, TUTTLE lt? Attorney at Law, office over Smith x mnert 8torV, corner of Main and Market f Blre-U. W arren. Ohio. J an. 1U. lS-tf. "T7ISCHER & BIER, House. Sign P and Ornamental Painters. Graining fihoa In Martin A Chruteanert bnUdlng. MarketSt. -Ohio, i.i."i . w. if. rojrraa. If. W. T. PORTER, Dealers w. k. roKrau Lin School and MiaceUaneons Books, T -ii- , 1 Panm. WHrwllrais. Pain- fctaaJoaary, WaU Papers, renoaiia ituu MiMrunn 1 Magaainea; at the ew York Book txrwra. Main bueew w arren. wum ; r. r. HACKir. fAUi JCACKET, Manufactarers tsf feumeH and ceaiers in oauuwj v.Hem. Travelins Baes. Kacuuary. Ja . Ji amii.D-''H Jan. 4. h(7t Vienna mEXPERAKCE HOUSE, 1 Ohio, T. D. Maekey, Proprietor. 1 nave also a well furnished Uvery Stable in con nection with my betel. - -' UnarJm, "WTaSHESGTOS BTEE, Attomey at 1 V Law and Notary Public. Office In the old Chroniole Office, Chronicle Buildi ng. Market 8i over Gate' Store. Jani,lS"S . -" J. H. ODPZUUri). D. F. HATTHIA 0PELASD k HATFIELD, Photo graphers, 225 Superior Street, Corner of . StnK.a, Cleveland. Ohio. AlrU3.lS7S. . --- , mUtUTTLESET ADAttS, Fir and t V LUe Insurance Agent, Warren, Ohio. Merchandise and other property insured in mil bunt Companies, 01, lavorable term ? .arm .property, Isolated Dwelitng. and their culture Insured for one, three and live j -ear .tiffioe in MoComb and Smith's clock. f f 1 in iMinn HtmnirhoTjtcltvandoountv. Also agent -tor Cleveland Cement Sewer and draw ruM m matm. (tan c. 1871. DOLTHITS GBJETEB, Dealer in 'Am aaioaik. cretuu-ilic of all deaortpUona, vis: Pianoa, tlrgna, Meioaeons, v u f .... ji.rrr' tialtars coord. OramsTpiaao- ied, Piano-stool, Sheet mMMuiitboe aaTvWlu Stxlngs, Guitar ", er Weob'fSiock,over Porter' Book Stoi JJai KCO. MlTk'EB, Contractor of i . T .- it - ID wntinlntdUlV xTOu! 1 A.lJLm". maul JLTIk uiJivu to Burg Hill yla K'nnishes to slve notice to the public ?eh"Pr2- Tided himself with a tfltaaa u"l L"? and is now prepared U ea rry 4 -enger and baggage to all points on lh Jx111' Aug. te-iw. i:T - ' R. EECKWL Den- . tist. ha tirocun on 01 the Improved Surgeot. " V" with the Llonid Kiun t Oxide tisa. and It te, -without doubt, the satet, surest and most rapid in Its effect ai a c'1- TITB. A. P. wi nation of any anaesthetic knowi v ... i will remain in Kinaman, at hi office, farther notios. joct.-- EXCHANGE BAN- FUEEMAN & HNT, S- y . W A KEEN, OHIQ . . . DKALEBSIK ', V I sM, Bllrsr, Easter Exchange, TJaeamat Baak letea, an sH kiass sf Q 0 yE ENMEIf T B Q N PS Interest Allowed on time Deposits.' Collections and all bnslnes connected with Ranking promptly attended to. . EEVESTJK STAMPS FOB BALE March L ItH. ATTACHMENT. State of Ohio, Trumbull County, as. Chart V. Tyler,) In Court of Cemjaon v. J-Fieaa. Leicester King, ) The defendant wools supposed to reside in Western Virginia, will tax notlee that ay 01 j u on the fourth day t June, 1873, the plain tiff filed hi petition against said defendant In said Court In Attachment, praying Judg ment -Ri nut said defendant.lor the sum of $; 9-iotf, an latere from the 2it day of August, it?, upon oooa acouun, auu uuim. the defendant appear and answer by the Bin day of August. 1873, aaid petition will be taken a true and judgment rendered accor dingly. 8CTLIFF 4k 8TEWAKT, June 1, lgTt-U. Atty for PlalnU B. ATTACHMENT. ' ' iu HI bier tl Robert Plater. r-7 ., T' 1 r . i - i a xieiure iir uar.i imus, ....u " Peace. In and for Hubbard Township.Trum bull eonnty, and State of Ohio. Ontheabth day of May, A. D. 1873, said Justice issued an AnW a AtlAAhment Jar g286u Said . action Is set for hearing on the i&lh day of 4 my. a u. 18,3. at w o ciocx, a. m. t ' . . AASON KrBTT.R. June ', 87S-St 4 TTACHMENT. l Phiio Mvtcham and Henry L. Bar. 11am, laic parbuers, pin, vs, josepn liarex, deft. Before Charles Fitch, J. P, Kinsman Township, Trumbull County. On the 13m day of June, 1K73, said Justice issued an order of attachment in the above entitlea case lor the sum 01 sixty-two and 40-100 dollar. Said cause I set for hearing -on the th day of August, 1S73, at 1 o'clock, p. m of that day. PHILO M EACH AM. Kinsman, Jane 25, 1S7S-31 , 1 :lrfnb.McNUTTHA8 REMOVED II . . , , -- . T , V. y nis r-icnre,iTames,Buuf ,"r erty Su. 3d door south of the 1st Is at. Bank bufidlng, next to K. K. Wlsell s Carriage Maootactory, where he has still the best ! Rustlo Window Shades, Oval and Baoare Frame. Curomoa. Flcture Kails, Cord. 40 PICTURE FRAXI5G, SIG5 PimiSG, HOUSE PAI5TISG, And all kinds of Painting and Whitening o Ceilings PAPERING & BEFITTING ! my line, -will be promptly attended to ana at uis wwoh jmmhmuicj Mar. IB, US7S. C a HcMCTT. wall 10,13 ox. A large lot of New Patterns Just Received . AT THk " VIENNA BOOK STORE, ' Which will -be trimmed for purchaser. Albums, Miscellaneous nd School Book. Paper, Pens, Ink and Pencils; Pictures, Frames and Glass, also Mouldings f ept on hand and frame made to order. V ases, Tovs, Musical Instrument and Fancy Arti cles usually found in a book store; all of whlcn will be sold as cheap a the same class of goods can be purchased elsewhere. Those wishing to bey are requested to call. MBS. P. M. FOOTE. May 7, 187S-Smo. REMOVAL. TXAimrATIOXS OF TEACHERS.1 AZiCntil larter aotlee, there will be an ftluminatlon nf tMrbcnsl the Hieh School building in Warren, on the Am Saturday of every moutn auruig toe year, eafwfn.ui that during the mouth of April and Sep tember, tuere will be an examination on each succeeding Saturday, a follows: First Saturday. Payne' Corners; second. Johnston; third, Bristol ; fourth. Warren. Notice 1 hereby given of the adoption of the following rule, wnicnwui oeswicuy aunerea to A li nertlBoatea hereafter sranted by this Board, shall be dated on the day of examination, except mat in special oases for good reason, cercincabea may ue uaura back, but in no case beyond the date of the previous examinauuu..- By order of the Board, , GEO. P. HTTNTEK, Clerk. Warren. O. Feb. 7 187a-lyr. PACIFIC RAIUYAY. The Kansas and Colorado all rail route to Lawrence. Ellsworth. Topeka, Wilson, Wamego, Bunker Hill. Manhattan. Russell. Junction City, Walker. Minora, victoria. Wakefield,. Hays, Clay Center, Abilene, Solomon, . Salina, BrookvUla, Ellis Wallace Canon, Denver,; ueorgetown. And all Points In Golden City, . Erie. Lougmont, Central City, Clrae Spriar Idaho Springs, Greeley, Evan. Plaits vllle Cheyenne, Salt Lake City Tism, Colorado, the Terrllorlei AND THE PACIFIC COASTS 1 DO Miles the Shortest Line from Kansas lOO City to Denver. Ol f Mile the Shortest Line to Poeblo AiVJ Trinidad. Santa Fe, and all point in new Atexiooana iinsona, . 10 TEKBIESI SO CK5IBU8 TKaRbTXAI The Great RiTers are all Bridged. The only Direct Line to the fertile valleys of the Kansas, Republican, Solomon,&aline and Smokey Hill River. Only Line running cars through without ehange from the Missouri River to Denver. Only line running Pullman Palace Cars to Denver. Only Through Lice upon which yon can theBnOalo. Don't fail to take a trio through Kansas. and view the great advantages ottered for a home. Everybody In search or health or pleasure should make an excursion over the Ksmas Pacific Railway. Close connections made In Union Depots at Kansas City and Leavenworth, with all trains to and from the East, North and Bontn. tuM U a. buwjui, uen. eupu EEVXBXEY A. KK1JH, May 7, 1ST. Kansas City The Union Express. THIS Company, now occupying the new line of the Ashtabula, Yoangstown A Pittsburgh R. B, have opened an office in Warren, on IAberty Stnet, next door to ito Otnce. and are prepared to do a general ex press business. Goods and valuable for warded in charge of special messenger on all passenger trains. Reach all the princi pal cities and town. In connection with the Adams and American Express companies. Notes, Drafts, Bill Ac., received for collec tion aud return promptly made. Special allcnUtm oircn to thipmmU ofproduetto etiU rs cities. Kate low. U-A. BALDWIN, May IS, lB7-3mo Agent. T EQAL NOTICE. ijTo the heirs of Michael Thomas, deo'd. wuuse name and residence are unknown. Yon are hereby notified that on June 13th 1K7, John B. Allen, Administrator of Michael Thomas, dee'd- filed his petltiou in the Probate Court of Trumbull county. Ohio, alleglugthat the personal estate of ee'd is Insufficient to pay his debts: that he died owning an equitable Interest in the following land, situate in Kinsman town ship, Trumbull county, Ohio, bounded east bv (and of L. P. Andrew: south by land of Charlotte Allen; west by land ol Fobe and Gunderman, north by the highway ; being 1 acre or land. Said petition pray for the aale of said lands, and will be for hearing July I, US7S. - ' AdmT of Michael Thomas, dee d. By Wasbl nrton Hyde,Att'y for Petition'r. Jan 1H, lK7-4t Leae and Odal In boiia?Asnion ACURICSITV. The newly Invented "Weatker Haute" it indicating, wirely, the state of the weath er. When 11 Is to be fair weather a little lady, about two inches high, come out of the door, when it is to be stormy she re tire and ttie little man comes out. It 1 realty worth seeing and is sold at a ow prioe, at ADAMS' Book Store. Landi EW BOOKS RECEIVED AT Porter's Book Store 1 New Life in New da by Grace Greenwood. The Mistery of Metropollsville, by Eggleston; Window Gardening: Practical Floraeuitnre; Every Woman her own Flower Gardner; Paris Irish and Eastern Sketches ; True a Steel Alice and Phoebe Gary; Back-log 8 todies Bart Rlagelejr, off to the Geysers; The Rell gion of Humanity, by Frothlngham; Har per' new edition of Dlckln. LEGAL NOTICE. The State of Ohio, Trumbull County, ss. iu the Court of Common Plea. Madlaon Power, Pll'ff, v. The MoCurdy Coal Co. et, al In proceeding on petition and croas petition for partition of Coal Lease and deal Interest In Land. - Thomas A hi on, David Oweua,. Richard Owen, James Devraax. and John Dennt son. supposed to be noa residents of Ohio, kiojc 01 uiem reauungin s-ennsyivauia, an Madisan Powers, of Trumbull county, and Oliver D. Paine, oi Mahoning county, are hereby notified that In the above eaus the MoCurdy Coal Co.. have filed a eroa- penman, stating that, as Assignee and sub I leasee. unr.r the Coal Contract and Lease froia John Dennison to David Owens, re corded la Trumbull county Lease Records, 'oL 1, p&gee 64a, and 628. they, the said A, VCurdy Coal Co have, hold and own an on iiviuea uiree-eiguuis snare, ana inter est in the Coal, coal mining rights and Sri yilsges, granted by said Dennison Lease, 1 1 be lollowlng land, to-wlt : Situate in Lib-9rt townsuip, iruiiiuuu oouniy, unio. bou Idet on tte norku uy lanus 01 juuainan Shottk an said Shoo o rwl a Af a. Mrs. J, M. Haywai eD' ana west oy iana formerly owned by Wm. Balrd, John Hood and Abraham Storm, and Mr. Hay warden containing l(J6)i acraV That said defen dant, and persons nam. claim some in terest in said coal and .right, under said coal lease. Said orosa-pe ""on, a well as toe original petition of "n Powers pray partition, or sale and division of said m,H,ht tiHAftnri intttt-eAt and proceed theronf. amonv the owner thereot Said persons are notified to appeal ' and r said petition and cross-petition,, by th aith day of July, A. D. 173. y TMAN AMyibrMcCurdy Coal Co. June II. Ig73-t HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF SA LT. Factory Filled Dairy, Saginaw, Syra cuse, Ohio River, and the celebrated Lisbon, a-ull soppl;- at wholesale or Re tail. Having now arrangement with Salt manufacturers, we are able to sell aal t at or nearly so) Cleveland price. Mereha-nta and Factory men, will do well to see us be fore buying elsewhere. June li. 1873. CAMP A RANDALL. ATTACHMENT. O. T. HoberV T. C. Hobert, and D. D. xiuoert, PltrTa, v. Joseph Clary. Deft. Before E. A. Reed, J. P. of Vernon town ship, Trumbull county, Ohio. On the loth day of June, A. D. 1873, said Justice Issued an order of attachment in the above action for the sum. of one hun dred and twenty-one 23-1UU dollar. Bald Attachment and summons was returnable June 17th at ten O'clock, a. m. Cause con tinued till 28th July, 1873, at 1(1 o'clock, a.m. O. T. HOBERT, and others. N. G. Hyde, Att'y for PU'us. Jane 2 1873-31 THE CHRONICLE. A POEM. Read by A. McGregor, of the "Stark County Democrat," on the occasion of the Editorial Banquet, giyen by the citizens of Canton, at the St. Cloud Hotel, in said City, on the evening of Thursday, June 2G, 1873. We read, in old Mythology, great Jupiter would call A aiceting of the greater gods, In high Olympus hall; There, In assembled Senate, would he distinctly state. His mighty will, and there decree it bo fulfilled by fate; The greater Power were ready to obey each high command, And carry out the mandates, by air, and scs, and land; Old Neptune, with hi trident, was paramount sea, And oldEolus ruled the winds with high suthorii ty;- The earth was more divided, with matters slight ly mixed; And even yet, 'tie eTidcnt that things are hardly fixed, And in that distant period, confusion would sue. Whene'er the charming Godcsses would some thing have in view, There's Juno and Diana, and others I might name, Who troubled father Jupiter with more than love's own tamo, But all these michtv potentates havo passed to their account I And 'tis of little moment now to what they did amount : Another class, the lesser gods, more numerous " they say ; More circumscribed in power and range, tho use ful in their way : , Among these were the Household Gods, devoted , to "Sweet Homer The faithful guardiaas of th hearth, aar e'er al lowed to roam I Their high and holy mission, great Jupiter de signed, To cherish all the Virtues and to benefit man kind! . These Household Gods hare perished too, hare long since passed away : The Virtues tho' survive them, around our hearth to-day! Survive too in their vigor, with undimmed splen dor. shine As brightly, as in days of old, and Jupiter's de sign: With fresh impersonations come angel graces in To sweeten every virtue and blacken every sin They're found in caskets TOrious, let's ax inside the shelL ' - " We find her "Old Mortality," and meet with Little NU!" Here, too, ar "Angel' Whispers," ''The Chil dren in the Wood;" "The Children" of oar Dickens, and "Little Bid hig Hood"! We travel with old "Crusoe" and find sweet "An nabel Lee" The maid that's not forgotten in that "Kingdom by the Sea;" Adown the river floating y "The Lady of Sua lott!" Who passes bye the "Violet," aud sweet "Forget- me-not!" - - "My heart is in the Highlands" with the "Lady of the Lake!" While on the "Bonny bank o Clyde," a rest with friends we take. ' "The wounded Hare!" limps by ns, "The Moun tain Daisy" blooms. "The Skylark," and "The Wee Birds," rehearse their sweetest tunes. But here, at "Home Again," we meet how long w e've been away, "John Anderson my Joe, John," and good "auld Robin Gray!" . The sweet "Last Rose 'of Summer" bedecks "The Old Arm Chair;" "The Cricket on the Hearth" comes in, the even ing joys to share! The Pilgrim" in hi "Progress" tho "Pilgrims of the Bhino," Are welcome guestsin unison with Boms, and "Auld Lang Syne!" : , And host of other worthies, historic in their fame, . . , . With all the brain creations too numerous to name! ' Do Life's great burdens press you, with care, or worldly strife? Just ope the priceless volume, and search the Book of Life! All Hope's without foundation all aspiration vain! , Unless the heart is purity, and, life without stain! ; 1. : We Joy with "Little Barefoot" we weep with "Jessie Deans," - So delicate to nature, are those Interesting sceae These sre not fleeting shadows, but embodiments that tell, Immortal a the qualities they represent so well. -The World" is thus before us "The Sun" with vigor shines, To "Herald" and to "Chronicle" man's wishes and designs, "The "Tribune" makes tho "Record" up, "Ga settes" the ravished earth With light and lightnings, photoing tho "News" as they hare birth, "The Times" 'tis seen, makes "Progress" The Spirit" moves with steam Illuminating mother earth beyond conception's dream! God bless the f'Art Preservative," it crystallize thought Immortal life creations from human fancy wrought! : , Creations of right reason, well fitted to display The lovely forms of Virtu In their Innocent, ar ray! "Companions of the Fireside" no fall of sweetest chimes! -' - More lifo-like and attractive than the gods of an cient times! - a a DEBTS OF THE WORLD. The following statement of the debts of the world is taken from, the Pail Mall Gazette. In view 'of our own heavy debt, it may be some con eolation to know that some nations are bearing debt burdeneven heavi er than the . American Republic. (States owing less than $50,000,000 are not inciuaea.; -, United States, Great Biitain, France, Italy. . . Russia, Austria, Spain, . Turkey, German Empire, - - Holland, Portugal, - Belgium, Greece, Ron mania. Denmark, . ' Brazil,. , Canada, Argentine Republic, Venezuela, . . , Peru, Mexico, " British India, " Japan, Australia, Egypt, ' ' Morocco, 1 - $2,218,000,000 8,860,000,000. 3,740,000,000 1,800,000,000 1,775,000,000 1,530,000,000 1,305,000,000 620,000,000 1,040, 000,000 400,000,000 320,000.000 135,000,000 - 60,000,000 65,000,000 ; 60,000,000 S35.OO0.000 105 000.000 80,000,000 " 70,000,000 - . 60.000,000 50,000,000 540,000,000 435,000,000 190,000,000 " 14,000,000 50,000,000 Include the debts of several Ger man States. and tin per in was The San Francisco Alta is respon sible for the story that a Nevada law yer had as a client a man accused of murder, and the prinoipal witness in his favor being; his wife, who was in capacitated from giving testimony by reason or ner relation to mm, ne got the murder trial postponed, brought suit for divorce in her behalf and se cured it, and then triumphantly placed her on the stand to secure the acquittal of her husband. : .- , The fallowing beautiful " ode" was composed by the local editor of the Jack son Citizen: . " How doth the little festive bag Improve each shining bonrf He perches on the tater plant And saps its vital power." Our poet has given the crank a tarn and ground it the poetry we mean, and net the bug out as follows : How doth the little busy bug Improve each shining minute ; There ain't a single tater plant But you will find him in it. In and has yet still ing tain be DEBTS OF THE WORLD. ORIGIN OF COAL. BY ANDREW ROY. The rocks of the earth which are known as the "Coal Measures" of the geologists consist of a series of sand stones, shales, limestones, fireclays iron ores and beds of coal in mauiiold alternations. The coal Is now uni versally held by Scientific men' to have been derived from the decomposition of vegetable matter, the leaves and stems of ancient plants and trees which grew and became decomposed an-! mineralized on the spot where the coal is now found ; while the su perincumbent strata have been formed from the sediments of the water which flowed over the carboniclus accumu lation during the subsidence of the land. . At this period In the history of the earth immense marshes and swamps occupied vast areas of surface, from which there arose a profuse and luxu riant VegitaUon, consisting of numer ous, beautiful and various plants, varying in size from small mosses to stately trees, which year after year dopped their leaves and fruit, and in time died themselves. New forests arose and died in succesion ; and thus growth and decay went on through the slowly moving centuries, until there was accumulated an enormous mass of vegitable tissue, like the pul py mass of a peat bog of tho .present day. Then, through the airency of subterranean movements, there fol lowed a period of subsidence, a grad ual sinking of the land; the waters flowed over the surface and deposited mud and sand, which now form the shale and sandstone roofs of the mi. ner, beneath which he hews out the coal. . . The subsidence period was not one of continual duration. Long pauses occurred, when new elevations of the land took place and new jungles and swamps were formed, favorable to the growth of the coal floor, the decayed forests were again covered with shale and sandstone, by.the gradual sinking of the land. These periods of eleva tion and subsidence appeared and dis appeared alternately as century after century rolled away, until the various beds of eoal, and the vast masses of associated rocks which compose the coal bearing strata of the carbonifer ous system of the earth were deposited,- , Many geological writers maintain that during the carboniferous era the atmosphere was intensely hot and saturated with vapor and was charged with undue proportions of carbonic acid gas which had been liberated from the interior of the earth, through the' agency of . volcanic erruptions, these conditions it was claimed being essential to the production of the coa veeitation: but as coal is found In newer formation than the carbonifer ous, the coals - of China belong to Trassiac and those of tha Pacific coast the Tertary formations, and as coal is undoubtedly forming now, in some place in the earth, it may be fairly assumed that the climate of the carboniferous age, though perhaps more mild and equable, was not ma. 1:1 . 1 r , . . teriauy uuuae tuo climate ui tug present age, only the plants and ani mals were different. "As we find it in the earth coal forms are of a series of carbonaeius minerals which represent but differ ent stages in a progressive change from vegitable tissue as found in the living plant. In peat and Lignite (brown coal) we witness the first steps in the formation of coal. Peal is bi tumenlzed vegitatlon, generally mosses and other herbaceous plants, which under favorable circumstances accumalatea in marshes, hence called peat bogs. Lignite is the product of similar change effected in woody tissue ; and because it retains in a greater or less degree the form and structure of wood it has received the name it beats. ' Peat is the product of the present age. and lignites are found la deposits of recent geological age In the older formations these carbon aceous accumaiations, still iurtner changes are bituminou eoal. Where special and local causes have operated carry the change still further as where the keds of coal have been in volved in the upheave! of mountains and heat has acted upon it. It is eon verted Into anthracite," , Dr. Newbury in Geological report of Ohio. MIRRORS. To the inherent vanity of the hu man race mast doubtless be attributed the invention of artificial mirrors. In the nrimitive ages of tha world. tranquil lakes and springs furnished natural reflecting surfaces for the gratification of this passion, but ad vancing civilization suggested a more convenient agent lor its indulgence. The introduction or mirrors is as cribed to the Egyptians, with whom riginated so many appliances or con veniences and luxury. b or many centuries mirrors were manufactured exclusively from the various metals, skilfully elaborated highly polished, copper being first need for this purpose, xney were fashioned into spherical shapes and united to handles highly finished, either with attractive representa tions or with frightfully repulsive figures, which would, by contrast, heighten the attractiveness of an ob server's features. In process of time and lead were combined with cop in their construction, and subse quently silver was substituted, and the fourth century (B. C), mirrors manufactured from the latter metal were in very general use among the Greeks and Bomans, constituting an extensive branch of industry. Glass substituted during the second century, but, for some reason unascer tained, the use 01 in is Buusutuce ap pears to have been abandoned, as wri ters make no further allusion to glass mirrors until the thirteenth century. the sixteenth century the Vene tians Introduced the art of manufac turing mirrors by coating glass with composition of tin 1011 ana mercury, so successful was their enter prise that, at the present day, no marked or substantial improvement been made upon the process they originated. Though many inven tions of new methods nave Deen in troduced, and numerous Improve ments suggested.such as precipitating silver, gold and platinum upon glass, the process of the artists of Ven ice holds its place on account of the cheapness and durability of the coat and the brilliancy or me reflec tion. , ne it of for he To but the a it A political orator speaking of a cer general whom he admired, said was always on the field of battle where the bullets were the thickest. Where was that?" asked one of his auditors. "In the ammunition wag ons," responded another. A CURIOUS EXHIBITION. A needlework exhibition, got np by the Princess Christian, is now In progress at the South Kensington Museum in London. It has a high historical interest. No article of later date than 1800 has been admitted, and there is no lace or woven tapes try to be seen. Visitors may here muse over an embroidered shirt that belonged to Charles I. of .England, and the 'mantle he wore on the scaffold at his execution.- Then there is a star from a sampler worked in colored silk by the wife of Charles II., on which her loving fingers inscribed: "The 21st of Maye was pur marrlatrs daye." Poor Queen 1 Bvt saddest are the memories awakened of Mary Queen of Scotts. Three relics dis played at the exhibition attest the deftness of her fingers. There is a baby-linen basket, which she worked for her ungrateful son, James I.; also a work box, representing Jacob's Dream, done while she was at Holy rood; and lastly, a beautiful chair covering and cushion, executed dur ing her confinement at Fotheringay. All these memorials belong to Queen Victoria. It seems strange to realize, as demonstrated to us here, that the virago Elizabeth once made baby-lin en for sister Mary ; eighteen pieces of her nandyworK in this line are shown. There are also various little toilet articles that belonged to Eliza beth,' such as her night cap, her shoes, and her pillow case, a pin cushion, aud a toilet cover. Silk hangings, beautiful and fresh, as if just from the loom, are marked as having deck ed the bndai bed or Marie Antoinette, There is a beautiful quilted coverlet, the property or Anne or Denmars and close by are some curtain worked in worsted by Amy Bobsart. Needle work isnot likely to be so popular with their granamoiners in oiaen times. As an occupation it is essentially seda tive; and we live in a fast and stirring age. The American maxim "go ahead" prevails everywhere as a fash ion. Needlework is a gentle feminine use of time. It had its advantages. But it leads itself to gossip quite as mucn as to meditation. JEFFERSON'S TEN RULES. Jefferson's ten rules are good yet. especially for those - who have the training of the pupils of our public schools; They are so short and con cise, and embody so much of value. that it would be well if they were printed in very bold type and put where we couiasee mem ouen. xney -read as follows : 1. .Never put off till to-morrow what vou can do to-day. - 2. Never trouble another for what vou can do yourself. 8. Never spend your money before you have it. 4, Never buy what you don't want because it is cheap. 5. Pride costs us more than hanger, thirst and ooltL. 6. We . seldom repent of having eaten too little. 7. Nothing is troublesome that we do willingly. - 8. How much pains the evils have cost ns that have never happened T 8. Take things always by the smooth handle. 10. When angry, count ten: very angry, count a hundred INDIANA VIGILANTS. New Albany. Ikd. June 29. South ern Indiana has witnessed another midnight execution,' and another murderer has received short shrift and iustice at the end of a hempen rope. On the 29th of June, Delos Heffren, a noted bully, desperado and the terror of Washington County, deliberately shot a Frenchman by the name of Halstead, in broad daylight, in the streets of Salem, and after shooting him to death, held him up in his. arms until nis Drains were neat en out with the but of a nistoL In tense excitement followed tha com mission of the brutal muropt . which did not confine itself to Washington county, but spread to the adjoining counties, and threats 01 Banging net fren had been freelv made. Quietly plans were matured, and yesterday the town was filled with people, ostensibly to view the. per formance of a circus, but really deter mined that justice in a mass: ana cowl should consign Heffren to that doom which he so richly merited. After the night performance silence brooded over the town tin 1 o'cioca, when apparently by preconcerted signal, the streets leading to the jail were filled by a crowd of quiet, reso lute men, who proceeded to the resi dence of the Deputy Sheriff, which adjoined the jail and demanded the kevs. which being refused, be was overpowered and confined, but would not disclose vnere we Keys were placed. A sledge hammer was then procured and the doors of the jail were demolished. When Heffren's cell was reached, they found him standing at the door with a piece of the bedstead in his hand, like a lion at bay. This, for a moment, caused the vigilants to halt, but, throwing lighted turpentine balls in his cell, so that he could be easily seen, firing from revolvers was opened upon film. At lengtn ne rell, wounded in three places, when the crowd rushed in, seized and bound him, and hurried him away in the darkness to the railroad bridge, where producing the rope procured lor tne purpose, Heffren was ordered to pre pare to meet his victim in another world, and was pushed or thrown from the bridge. Having completed their work, the vigilants released the Deputy bheria and town patrolmen, whom they had seized, and quietly left the town. The body was left hanging until 4 o'clock this morning. when Heffren's. friends took charge 1. . lb. 1 It la supposed that the same vigil ance committee that bung the Benos several years since assisted In the hangineof Heffren. DttJos Heffren was Assistant Secre tary of State under the Willard Ad ministration, ana at mat time no vou rig man stood higher in the con fidence of the people, but of late years nas oeen me uruuneiut ui itw doggery in SalefDi and almost con stantly engaged ii disgraceful brawls and fights. Four year ago he killed William Johnson, bnt was acquitted, is said, by a packed and venal jury. was a brother of Horace Heffren, the Sons of Liberty notoriety, and once a prominent politician of South ern Indiana. The Prince of Batsuma, who Is a leiriUlC .1IULC1 UI lUlClUCIO. . V.J visited Yeddo, where he had not been maDy years, creating a great sensa tion, which gave rise to reports - that intended to inaugurate revolution. show his antipathy to progress he made his officers remove all chairs. tables, sofas, etc., from the steamer that brought him, and lay mats in stead. On arriving at Yokohama he refused to ride to Yeddo on the cars, had himself carried in the old way, by the coolies, in a bamboo chair. His men were all dressed in old stvle. with their heavy tin swords, old banners, lances, etc., and thus they swarm ea into ma wty, frowning defiance at everything for eign. .. A woman sent her husband to buy jug of molasses. He got drunk and filled the Jug with whisky. She took up, smelt it, sent it back, and then squaring herself, arms akimbo and eyes flashing, she exclaimed, ''What, them, molasses?" The old man smiled and winked pleasantly, and waving bis left band propitiatingly said' "Them's they !" He is now con valescent, but the jug is hopelessly deranged. GOOD ADVICE TO YOUNG DOCTORS. ivai Professor L. P. Yandell's Valedic tory Address to the graduates of the Louisville Medical School, gives, among other items, the following ad vice about the treatment of the sick : "In all things study the quiet, the eatte, the enjoyment of your patients. Give them abundant fresh air and ice and cold water and fruit, when they desire such things. As to food, obey their appetites. Hunger and thirst have been well styled our "physical conscience," which in the sick room is never to be dlsregardad. They are safer guides in respect to diet and drink than can be found in all our medical philosophy. They make known to us what the living organ ism needs. .Whatever sick people have a true desire for they ought, therefore, to be indulged low Wben your little patients have been sick a longtime, and have become ancemio and emaciated, it may be for want of proper food, have them carried to the table, and allow them to indicate by signs, if they have no words, what their systems require to build them up again. Infants suffer great distress whenill, on account of thirst, which they have no way of making known to you except by their moans and cries. You will often be delighted to see how instantly their plaints cease on your giving the little sufferers a drink of cold water. Dismiss from your minds, then, and everywhere discountenance the absurd notion that cold drinks can ever be injurious to the sick. Avoid noise in the sick room. 'Whispering, too, should be discountenanced. The attention of patients is attracted by it, and they are annoyed and fatigued by the effort to bear, borne of my colleagues whisper that this is especially the case witu iaay patients, as a gener al rule, you may safely trust the feel ings of convalescents in regard to sitting upland taking exercise as well as in reference to diet. In a word, you can scarcely consult the inclinations of the sick too far, except as to physic, of which, or coarse, tney snow nothing." WORK AS THE FASHION. If to labor be to rray, as the old monkish apothegm declares, this is surel v a mostlprayerful age. That la bor is meritorious and laudable, has long been a sentiment ; but it is little more than within this generation that the sentiment bas been generally and practically adopted. Singularly strange it is that what almost every hmiv claims to believe should be, in fact, so slowly accepted. Medical his tory teaches us that those nations were most prosperous that held work to be honorable, and proved by deed the sincerity of their holding. The Be publics of Genoa and Tenice gain ed their supremacy ana nignesi giory bv their widespread commerce, in which the first men of the State were engaged, and were justly proud of such engagement All the world over the men who work are the men who win. it nas alwavs been so. and always will be. They who despise labor despise them selves. The drones in tne nive 01 nu manity are stung to spiritaul death bv- consciousness of their own folly. Still, in the face of self-enforced mor als, of indisputable facts, there have been, and there are, men and women claiming dlstiction because they do nothing imagining luieu ata 10 ue an honor. Because they are aeros they fancy they make a figure in the world, forgetful that zeros add naught to the sum of progress or prosperity. For tunately, and fitly in this era of un common sense, rarer than genius always, the conceited do-nothings are disappearing fast ; by a moral law, too. since Nature does not keep what she does not need. The days of Show and Sham, of Title and Theory, are rapidly passing. ijivuizauon nas come to mean reason, truth, practi cality. This generation says to every man; "I care not who yon are; but what can you do If idle and lnefa cient, stand aside for your betters; for they are your betters who can and will work. I judge each and all by their labor and its fruits?" Work, in a word, has become the fashion a fashion set ages ago, but never largely followed " until now. Antecedents and ancestors and au thority no longer count, even in oli garchies, unlets sustained cy acts. The governing heads of the globe nave active Drains ana ousy nanus. Only to the striving and strenuous are the badges of distinction given Onlv to those who are up and doing come the early and the full rewards. THE ALTITUDE AT WHICH MEN CAN LIVE. There has been a great deal of dis mission as to the altitude at whtcn human beings can exist, and Air, Glaisher himself can tell us as much about it as anybody. In July, 187: he and Mr. Coxwell ascenaea in balloon to the enormous elevation of S7.000 feet. Previous to the start, Mr. Ulaisber's DUise stooa at seventy- six beats a minute ; Coxwell's at sev enty-four. At 17,000 feet, the puise enty-iour. a 01 tuo luruici ,00 'b j 1 that of the latter at 100. At 19.0CK) fot Olaifther's hands and lips were quite blue, but not his faco. At 21,- 000 feet be heard his heart beating, and his breathing became oppressed; at 29 000 he became senseless : notwith standing which the eeronant, in the interests of science, went up another 8,000 feet, till he could no longer use his hands, and had to pull the strings of the valve with his teeth. iEron- auts who have to make no. exertions have, of course, a great advantage over members of the Alpuie ciuh, and those who trust their legs : even at 13,000 feet these climbers feel very uncomfortable, more so in the Alps, it seems, than elsewhere. At tne monastery of St, Bernard, 8,117 feet hich. the monks become asthmatic, and are compelled frequently to de scend into the Valley or tne itnone for anything but "a breath of fresh air ;" aud at the end oi ten years' ser vice are obliged to give up tueir uigo; living, and come down to the usual level. At the same time, in South America, there are towns (such as Potosi) placed as high as the top of Mont Blano, the inhabitants 01 wnicn feel no inconvenience. The highest inhahitpd snot in the world is, how ever the Buddhist cloister of Hanle, in Tibet, where twenty-one priests live at an altitude of 16,500 feet. The Brothers Scglagintweit, when they ex- n nrcd tha irlaciers OI ine 101-tjamin in the same country, encamped at 21, 000 feet, the highest altitude at which a European ever passed the night. Even at the top of Mont Blanc, Prof. Syndall's guides found it very un pleasant to do mis, uiuugu uio riu feasor himself did not confess to feel ing so bad as they. The nignest mountain in the world is Mount Ev erest (Himalaya,) 29,003 feet, and the condor has been seen "winging the blue air" 500 feet higher. ' The air, by the by, is not "blue," or else, as De Saussure pointed out, "the distant mountains, which are covered -with snow, would appear Diue bibo;- iu apparent color being due to the re flection of light. What lizht can do, and does, is marvellous ; and not the least is its power or attraction to uu manity. Chamber' Journal- Pfleider. a German inspector of pas senger cars, statates that a single stem of VemPi with the leaves and blos soms, mixed witn tne stutnng 01 a oar seat, will protect it from moths for years, and that hemp for this purpose should be gathered just when in blos som, dried rapidly in tbe shade, and kept in covered wooden vessels in a dry place. , ' to in ' his he are I Is to of to no last OUR HOMES. There exists a very beautiful ideal of what home should be, but some how men and women have fallen in to the habit of showing the world their best side ( of exerting themselves to be amiable and agreeable to people who care the least for them ; while to those to whome their interests, honor and happiness are of vital concern, they display all their moat unholy aha disagreeable) traits. borne men use their homes as es cape-valves for all the ill-humor gen erated by friction with the world. It will not do to storm and fume at that but at home ah, there one has a right to do as he has a mind to ! It is bis home, and he is bound to have bis own way there, which he un doubtedly could only there hap pens to be one or more others there intent upon the same thing. And by the way, this "having one's own way" is a very difficult thing in a world like this, where every life is so linked with every other life. There are woman, too, set down in the calender of the world as patterns of amiability, whose home temper is a sad commentary upon the wisdom of the world's judgment! There are softly modulated and lady-like voices, the charm of the social circle, which In the privacy of their houses break out In irritating taunts and angry re torts. There are "very nice women" who destroy all the sweetness and blessedness of their household by loud and continual scolding, fret tings and fault-findings. There are broth ers who are chivalrous and devoted to other people's sisters, but who- at borne tease and trouble their own. There are charming young ladies fan cied by some infatuated young men 10 De angeis, wno are stubborn, self- willed and Indolent at home, where they should be most agreeable. The true meaning of home is not a place to go only when you feel hungry and cross; wnere yon can wear your worst coat ana your worst temper. The home is undervalued, and its sweetness and sanctity highly dese crated ; it should correspond with the beautiful Ideal one, which we all ven erate, where all baser passions are subdued and controlled by sweet af fection, tenderness and patience. It is. where the wife prefers to stay above all other places; a place that is never lonely to her, for the innumer able blessings that hover around - it ; where the shadow of solitude is light ened by the halo of qniet love ; where the hearth is always bright, and the rooms tidy and cheerful, and where the -wife spends her "afternoons," and the husband his "evenings." These are the shrines to which the absent and weary will turn with long ing for rest and peace. Exchange. ; MIGNONETTE AS A TREE. Buy a pot of ordinary mignonette, or plant teed. This plant will proba bly contain a tun composed or many plants. Pull up all but one : and as the mignonette is treated without any delicacy the single plant tha is left in the middle of the pot may be vigorously trimmed, leaving only one shoot. This shoot must be attached to a slender stick. The extremity of this shoot will put forth a bunch of flower buds that must be cut off n tirelv, leaving not a single bud. Tha stock in consequence of this treat ment, will put out a multitude of young shoots that must be allowed to develop freely until tbey are about 3J inches long. Then select out of these four, six, or eight, according to the strength of tbe plant, with equal spaces between them. Now, with a piece of whalebone, make a hoop and attach your shoots to it, supported at a proper hight When they have grown two or three Inches longer, and are going to bloom, support them by a second hoop like the first. Let them bloom, but take off the seed pods before they have time to form, or tbe plant may perish. It will not be long before new shoots will appear just be low tbe places where the flowers were. From among these new shoots choose the one on each branob which is in the best situation to replace what you have nipped off. Little by little the principal stalks, and also the branch es, will become woody, and your mignonette will no longer be an her baceous plant, except at its upper ex tremities, which will bloom all the year without interruption. It will be truly a rree mignonette, living ior au indefinite period f for with proper treatment, a tree mignonette will live twelve to nrteea years. . MIGNONETTE AS A TREE. How a Patient was Lost--A case of Amaurosis. A foreign scientific periodical relates this suggestive story : ' Some time since a lady called upon celebrated oculist in order to consult him on account of her eyes, com plaining that their power of vision had of late considerably diminished. At a glance the doctor saw that she was a lady of rank and wealth. He looked at her eyes, shook his bead, and thought the treatment would re quire much more time, as there was reason to fear amaurosis in her case. He must advise her, first of all, that as she had informed him she was re siding a considerable distance in the country, she must move into the-city at once, and thus enable him to see her frequently : if possible daily. The lady then rented an elegant mansion, moved into the city, and the physician was punctual in his at tendance. He prescribed this and that, and thus days ran into- weeks and weeks into months. Tbe cure, however, was still coming; the phy sician tried to console her. Ons dav the patient hit upon a cu rious scheme, and she waited not long ctrry it into effect. She prooured for herself a veiy old and pour ature. putanooa 01 tremeuuuua hi so upuu her head, took an old umbrella and a market-basket rn her hand, and these habiliments she visited her physician, selecting for the purpose a very rainy day. She had so well suc ceeded in distorting and disguising herself that the eye even of a jover could scarcely have recognized her. She was compelled to wait' a long time in tbe ante-room of ber physi cian, with many others -who, like herself, were seeking relied At last her turn came.- ; Well, my good woman, what have you to complain of ?" very Dad eyes, doctor," sne ans wered. He took her to the light and looked nlo her eyes, but failed to recognize patient. Shrugging his shoulders, said: "Your eyes are well enough." Weill' she said. "Yes; I know what I am saying." "But I have been told that I was getting the a a I forget how it is called." ' "Amaurosis?" i - . 'Don't vou let them make you be lieve any suoh nonseDse. Your eyes a little weak, but that Is all. Your physician ia. aa ass !" "An 1" . "Yes: an ass 1 ' Tell him boldly that say so." The lady now arose, and in her cus tomary voice said : "Sir, you are my physician; do cot you know me ?" The face the sage councellor made easier to imagine than describe. "Gracious, madam! "he commenced stammer an apology ; but the lady would not listen to him, and indig nantly left him. She never saw tbe- gentleman any more. eon tbe er. and the ly for and and ror. the the to lost have they A number of ladies ia Nashville have signed an agreement to abstain from all outward adornment on Sun days, wearing only the plainest sort apparel. Buin ia thus threatened the milinary business, there being place left in which to display the sweet thing in bonnets. did Tbe for IF I SHOULD DIE TO-NIGHT. Tflshoulddte to-nluht.--- :' -A My friends would look upon my quiet face. Before thev laid it in its restlnz Dlace. And deem that death had left it almost Sail; And. laying snow white flowers against my hair. Would smooth it down with tearful ten derness, And fold wT hand with llniminz caress. Poor hands, so empty and so cold to-night! If I should die to-nleht. ' s Hy friends would call to mind, with loving thought. Some kindly deed the Icy hand had wrought; ! - Some gentle word the frozen Hds had said : Errands on which the willing feet had sped. The memory of my seinshnea and pride. My nasty words, would ail be put aside. And so I should be loved and mourned to night.. . - .. ' If I BhonM iIIa tA.mli, ' -'' i: Even heart enitranged would turn euro 111,11 Ml U1B, Recalling other davs nmnrurhllT- ' " Tbe eyes that chill me with a verted glanea y ouia look upon me asof yore, perchance. And soften in the old, familiar way, -For whs could war. with dumb, uncon scious cl&v r . - 80 1 might rest, forgiven of all, to-nlghti. Oh. frianda. T nray tn-nifl-hi- Keep not your klase for iny dead, cold U1UW, - The way Is lonely, let me feel them now. Think gently of met I am travel worn : jiy laitering ieet are pierced witn many a mom. Forgive. oh.netfrtR-estraneed. I dead t When dreamless rest 1 mine i ahaii not need t Tbe tenderness for which I long to-night. (B.S., In Christian Union. Tt From the Cincinnati Gazette. A WEIRD AND TERRIBLE CATASTROPHE. - TBOPHIV ' COLUMBUS, O., June 28. One of tbe most , frightful and as tounding all airs that ever occurred in Columbus or any other city took place in this vicinity last night. The story has in it elements of the ludi crous, the tragical, the terrible, and the pitiable, all combined. About 7 o'clock Friday evening Timothy Heiiar, a tack man, inform ed William Walcutt, another hack men, that be was wanted, with his carriage, at , Meneely's saloon, on State street. Both hackmen lumped on ' tbe box and rode down to the place named. There they found D. B.-Webb, Samuel Fleming, and Ja cob Huston, and learned from, Webb that he and tbe party wanted to ride over to Franklin ton to fixe ha' some pyrotechnics, tho pohee -having or dered them to cease giving any -. far ther display on the street where tbey were. Webb baa been passenger agent for the Baltimore & Ohio Kail road at (Joiumbus about live years Fleming : was a locomotive engineer on the road from (Jjaiiiicothe to Via cinrati, and Huston is known as snorting man-: . The party went across the river to Franklinton, and there let off their fire works, which tbey had obtained at the store of Charles Wagner, the principal Columbus dealer in that ar ticle. This process was repeated, ana a larger quantity of fire woraa dis- cnargea than on tne nrat trip. It is pretty evident, too, , from all the facts that have transpired, that --JZ.,wvmnT- the men had drank a good deal, and that on this second trip they had become recklessarand ripe for mischief and disaster. 1 give tne remainder of the wUJ and horrible story from the columns of tnis evening's Dis PatCh: - After this batch of paper and pow der was destroyed, another visit was made to V a goer's, where tney ar rived near 11 o'clock. The driver re mained outside, supposing they -were getting something to eat, but nnaily went in and nrund vv ebo witnanotn er large lot of rockets, Boman can dles, and fizzing fixtures of every de scription on his arms. Webb- told Wagner that tney were going to Lon don, eeeing the carriage outside, vvagner told tnem 11 tne nrewonts were to explode In it that it would be dangerous ; that there was enough powder in tbe package purchased to blow the hack uu, Webb said they were going to discharge the bacsman, from which W agner supposed tney were going to London by rail. Ha discovered after they were gone that some one had taken a whole box of matches without his knowledge. Af ter driving to Meneely's again, Webb paid the hack man five uoiiars and discharged hint, - Not long after, he wanted to re-engage him to go to Al ton. Thediscipie of Jehu had not much confidence in the financial con dition of the patriotic, party by . that time, so he put the figure high ($15), hoping the amount would deter them from going. Webb says : "I'll give you 4 10. take eare of your horses, and we'll come home in the morning." Give me the monev now and I li go." "No ; I've only got $2, but I'll give it to you. ia the morning." Hav ing received $3, the hackman said be couldn't lose much,, so . Uiey 'all jumped into the carriage. . Webb called for matches,, ana tney were brought out of the saloon, but the driver got tbem and threw the whole tot away, and whirled tne norses heads, toward Alton. The tempta tion to have another grand illumina tion on tbe bridge was too great for them to withstand, so they lined the dark roadway with a stream of sparks aud smoke, and caused its old passa ges to reverberate witn sounds which the wild horses on their hind legs again, and disturbed tbe nocturnal reveries of the driver. With the ex ception of random shots nothing of importance occurred uatuioey rescu ed Suiiivant Hill ; when, tho. driver discovered that they had a torch lighted in the carriage, and . remon strated with them against throwing fire crackers under the horses' feet. Tbey ceased, as requested, but re-, taiued the torch. Tim Kellarhadhls hair singed while trying; to get it away front them, .he being on the box with the driver. The carriage Jogged along; the two men. outside versing witn eacn omer.meau; while, except when they were chaf fing with the pleasure seekers behind them. , The torch cast a flickering light upon the . muddy roadway, which every now aud then received debris of an exploded fire - crack All at once a learrul cracRung commenced in the carriage. -. ' The horses pneked up tneir carai started. The noise increased, and speed of the horses also. Present tne wnoie naca seemea 10 ds in a flame. The driver called out: "My horses are running away ; jump out God s sake and save yourselves ; l can't hold 'em !" It was but a mo ment or two until tbe animals were madly dashing forward through the gloom, splasbing mud and water in every direction ; while tne nzzing, whistling, and crackling, and terrible explosions of the fireworks- jumping to the right and left, and under and over tbe iranuc animais. over and around the driver was almost enough to split tbe stoutest horse's heart with fear, and sink the beasts Into the mud with absolute ter Tim Kellar was about to jump off box, wben the driver seized bim, holding the horses to the road with other naoa, ana Deggea mm not jump. "Stay with me, Tim," cried Walcutt: "we're all gone up, but I you to stick to the team like a man." Tim remained, and, if be had his life, the other driver would said, as we say of. the engineer when he jumps into the yawning chasm witn but engine ; or the cap tains of ill fated steamers at sea, when stand back and save every other person on board, and then go down the craft they love so well ; "He right ; he was a brave man." horses remained on -a dead run one mile, when, frouiisheer ex haustion and the strong arms and faithful reint behiud, they were checked and quickly taktn from the carriage. .The fireworks were still going. walcutt, looked at the ridiculous ene and laughed. It was burning bis carriage, but he couldnt help laughing, and shewed himself to be a . . Philosopher by saving he mightas well laugh as ery The sup PosiUon is that a UrtUe was broken nfn?"1?Vrhen tbe hoes were running, which wonM t-ii cTtC "l1 for Are oommuni- that he and TiL ofthe flare up than tbeir passengers Sam Fleming came running little spots of half smothered nd smoldering fire orr his clothes and carriage.,, He had lumnw! -k 1" waf the1?nd fift unuJM i.k i. itiaiue. he tf""'1 " 'P forth from a Rwiftlir UU Lhind fl?' Which m- Deen carried back bv ihT" 1 7u HustortTn0 V flDd Webb'a'nd laughinir at thg 1Dg. side, atfoi , h, f h 8 ibaar7 of the situ- k1 tady. Huston did not appefr to righ?wen m2 "P onder it down to Blgelow's, a mile or so tow ttfE" elow w?uldt tie get a quart at lain fl i la P - a. vwu uunarea and fifty Iff..' J started- back ; as vast va WiU w 21 V- f 1 mat n toward the cUy wUh thfortT- Tr,!.' a Came back with it rI ftrm, ?v,Wereken to Meneely's, anel from, thence Huston went to hia home on outa street, in W. H. He Pretty well exhaust- TrVebb waa Uken to Ameri E t 4 o'clock a. m., and .eS V4',00m:I05' wnere Flow . Kfnsell were called,, and did alt that eould be done to save life, but theimfbrtunate- sufferer -died- before noon, HJs wife and ohild-aged six !STeBrSn? hl feUl,,r d friends were notified In the morning, and were present whenjife. ceased to ex ist.' fhe deceased was not conscious much after daylight The physicians weresatisfled that the case was hope less from tbe beginning. The sad end of this unfortunate exuberance of pat riotism, has taken away a good heart ed man-j pne whose faults, if he had 'hyere. against himself. CAPITAL AND LABOR—HOW TO RECONCILE THEM. RECONCILE THEM. BY PROF. J. D. BUTLER. .When Falstaffsent his page to Mas ter Dumbleton for a satin cloak, and offered his bond and Bardolph's for payment, the answer was that the "tailor liked not the security." The Knight called Dumbleton a rascally knave to , stand QDOn Becnrit.v anil cried, "I would as lief they would put ratsbane inmy mouth aa stop it with security." He who goes a borrowing, goes a sorrowing. Not only Shylocks, but most capitalists are deal' tn hr. rowers, because they, as well as Fal starTa tailor, "like not the security." Capitalists will not lend a poor man money. They demand security. Aa he eannot endorse, others -win not. An. dorse for him. He ha no- lands, no chattels, on which he can give a mortgage. Where he ia sanguine that he can double- the monev he wishes to borrow, they, say . to him, "you may be robbed or cheated, or your investment mav be bnmi nr and your insurance worthless, or you may abscond, or your death msv blight the brightest nrosneRta1' "w like not your security." It is a "cas tle in the air." . . Again, capitalists shnn ' nnrfintr their investments Into the hands of any poor stranger. They are distrust fuFbf his honesty where them is a chance for fraud ; of his competence. where skill is demanded : of hia where he has no interest at afato- and of his vigilance, where there are temptations to negligence He might carve out his fortune, but no one will truss nim witn the tools. , ' But must capital and lahnr be hostile ? Ts there no way in which capitalists can be lust to themplvi. and yet generous to borrowers? Yes, they can. ,How? By land sales on ten years' credit, and six tier eent. interest. - The borrower cannot be cheated; ont of land which is not deeded to him till he has finished paying ior it. Me cannot run away with it. No fire can burn it up. He can not -lessen iu value. The labor and money he lays out en it will in crease that value. He cannot strip it of lumbermore' than he can pull hair from a bald head. " Nor in such a loan la his honerty, .competence, zeal or vigilance-distrusted.. He Is stimula ted to the exercise of them all by his fear of losing the sum he paid in ad vance, together With whatever he lays out to improve his farm, and by his hope. of making it pay for itself, and support him and his. Other bor rowing dults the edge of thrift this sharpens ffc-! The Burlington A Missouri "Eiver Bailroad Co .within thirty-three months onward from April, 1870, sold in Iowa and Nebraska, 478,983 acres, to- 4,535 purchasers, mostly on ten years" credit, at six per cent, interest Tha purchases average ons finniirpri and eight aeree apiece. . Thus the B. & M. road ha fumioh. ed 4,525 loans, amounting, in the ag gregate, to $4,656,453, to men, most 01 wuom, wouia nave oeen unable to rorrow from banks.' or any ' other source. Its long- credit sales- have given them tools to work with. So it makes borrowers and lenders friend ly ; affording lenders security, and borrowers-ail the loans they eaa use, and these such as will, in most cases, pay for themselves. He who gives us a chance to help ourselves is the best helper. . The Hob. John Bigelow, recently returned from Europe, secured while there the original manuscript autobi- ograpby of Franklin, written by the philosopher's own hand, together with a pastel portrait of the distin guished man. Tbe manuscript and picture were in the hands of descen dants of the Duplessis' family, and cost J5.0O0, There are tweaty-flve pages of matter which have been sup pressed In the life of Franklin' writ ten! twenty years after his death i.v his grandson, Franklin Bacha. Amelia Phillips, -of Chicago, is a WCDlan WhO was - unconnnrinnulv married.! . She says she and .Jacob sauntered into Justice Kaufnjann's office, one day last April, and when tuey went out Jacob claimed her as his wife. She" didn't understand Ger man, and Was utterly ignorant ;f the nature- of the conversation that hmt taken place in, the justice's office, but soon kainsd that it . was a bonaflde marriagev ftbe made the best of it, however : aud would have continued so doing", had she not discovered that Jacob had two wives. That was too much, and she wants a divorce.