OCR Interpretation

The Mahoning dispatch. [volume] (Canfield, Mahoning County, Ohio) 1877-1968, November 20, 1908, Image 7

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84028473/1908-11-20/ed-1/seq-7/

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i -
In Town County end
Lots all join the Can Geld Booster
The Ravenna republican thinks the
eloonkoepors have nobody bat thetu
selves ana the brewers to blame
James Butler 92 years old died In
Mineral Ridge Sunday morning He
had resided in Mineral Ridge since 1857
Attorney W 8 Potts of Lisbon for
SO years editor of the Ohio Patriot
made an assignment last Saturday for
the benefit of creditors
Trumbull county becomes dry next
Thursday the reBult of the Robb lam
election and there will doubtless be re
joicing in many homes
Dr J N Cowden for years a prom
inent physician of Lowellvllle died last
Saturday and was burled Tuesday after
coon He loaves two sons
Loonldas Carson a retired farmer
died Monday In Newton Falls aged 72
years His second wife one son and
three daughters survive him
State Treasurer W S McKlnnon
died Tuesday at his home in Ashtabula
aged 50 years Gov Harris appointed
Chas Green to fill the vacancy
Rav P P Relnhold of Warren de
livered an nddrcB8 before the Mens
Club in this last Friday night
and his talk was one of the best heard
Jn CanQeld In a long time
On and after Nov 23 a pouch mall
service will bo given North Lima Co
lumbiana and Lisbon over the Youngs
town Southern railroad Thoro will
bo ono mall a day each way probably
morning and evening
Attorney Charles Filllus of Warren
has filed charges against W A Spill
of Cleveland formerly of Warren to
cause him to show why ho should not
bo debarred from practicing law In
Trumbull county courts
W Harry Schmiok sontoncod last
week to Qvo years in the penitontlary
in connection with tho failure of tho
Lootonia bank of which ho wbb cashier
was taken TueBdav to tho fodoral prison
In Loayenwortb Kansas
Tho Warren Central Christian
church recently celebrated its 105th an
niversary Rev J E Lynn who was
born roared and oducatod in CanQeld
is tho popular pastor of tho church tho
membership o which has largoly In
creased under his leadership
Rov R F Kooler for many years
a prominent MothodlBt minister InOhio
was strickon Sunday with paralysis
while waiting for a car to carry him
from Warren to Lovlttsburg to preach
and diod Monday morning Ho bad
boon in tho ministry moro than 50 yours
and rotlrod only a fow months ago whon
ho moved from Middloflold to Warron
Ho loaves six children Funeral
woro hold Wednesday afternoon
Heros a cautionary oxamplo for
houBOwlvoi nnd all who appropriate tho
property of others ALaUowood houfco
wlfo bad used milk bottles for putting
-up fruit in placo of fruit cans Ono of
tho milk companies had lost bottles until
00 woro mlBslng and a search warrant
was iasuod by tho justice A constablo
-visited tho homo and found 78 of tho
bottles whloh bad to bo Immediately
emptied Not having roooptacloa to
hold tho contonts of all that of 23 bottles
had to bo thrown away by her own
First tho paint and oil producers
stood pat at the tariff hearings Now
tho distillers and wlno makers aro hold
ing up tholr bands in holy horror and
exclaiming against a doorcase in the
duties And so it will go on down tho
wholo list through tobacco sugar met
al b hemp and wool to ml collanloa tho
last on tho list of tho schedules to bo
considered Tho wholo business lof
hoarings is a silly hoxv No ono will
bo decoived by tho assertions of tho
-very pooplo about whom a tariff barrior
has been raised who havo grown fat
under Its bonofloent protection and who
cortalnly do not crave a reduction In
weight But how docs this boneflt per
formance appeal to tho majority of tho
people tho consumers who aro obliged
jo pay tho piper Pittsburg Post
McClusky Qranted a Divorce
Tho end of the matrimonial troubles
of F Roy MoClusky who until hlB wlfo
deserted him to run away with William
H Bowens a resident of Salem as the
husband avers was agent for the Erie
Railroad company at CanQeld came on
Thursday afternoon when Judge Geo
F Robinson in common pleas court
granted him a divorce from the woman
cavs tho Vindicator
The couple bad been married In
Toungstown on January 10 1002 and
afterward lived at Waahlngtonvlllo
later at Aurora O and still later at
Ben Avon near Pittsburg where they
remained for nearly threa years It
was there that McClusky first began to
suBpeot the unfaithfulness of his wife
and lo bis petition for divorce he charg
ed Intimacy with a Mr Heokert of that
Later they went to Canfield where
1o all appearances they wera happy to
gether Sba was a beautiful woman
while the husband had the respect of
all In the village Last Bummer bis
-wife deserted htm leaving on July 1
with William Bowens of Salem accord
ing to the husband He did not know
where she went but thought the two
were living together in Detroit There
summons In the case was served but
the letter oame baok to the county
clerks office unopened When his
marital troubles became publlo Mr Mo
dusky left bis position In Canfield
Regarding the MoClusky affair the
Salem News on Saturday contained the
following When the couple eloped
-they came to this city and left on a
Stark Electric car For a time their
whereabouts were unknown but Bow
cne parentB Mr and Mrs William
Bowen of East Palestine also former
Salem residents later heard from him
in Dayton He would not return how
ever and hlB broken hearted wife re
turned to her home in East Palestine
Since that time the affair has qulet
d down In this city as it was thought
that tho elopers had gone to stay But
soma time within the past two weeks
they returned to this vicinity and both
are now living at Columbiana Bowen
was seen at that place within the past
week by Salem people and when
Troached on the subject of his flying
rip from this city talked freely
Bowen admitted that he stole away
with the MoClusky woman under his
protecting wing She was pretty and
charming and Bowen was head over
heels in leva with her at first sight
It was not hard for either one to be in
uced to leave their happy homes
and so they went to Detroit where un
til recently they resided Bowen having
ftsoured employment thero
Bowm is unrelenting and says he
lo bo pure t retuja tq his wife and
the two no on speaklag Wrnw He
claims that balssvot living with thf
MoClusky woman but it Is sild that the
two mum u mm aaae Jeus
8f i
SgrseJ CZZJi CD CTi C 3 ffip cri i EuJUii
Ht i
71 - -
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Jurtu -
Prosecutor Heney Is Rapidly Recover
ing from the Wound Inflicted by
Haas and In a Few Weeks
He Will Resume Work
San Francisco Nov 18 Superior
Judge Lawlor on Tuesday brushed
aside all dilatory motions Interposed
by tho attorneys for Abraham Ruef
and tho trial of tho former political
hoes on ono of tho many charges of
bribery against him which was inter
rupted by tho attempt to assassinate
Prosecutor Francis J Honey will pro
ceed to day with tho taking of testi
mony for the state unless the defense
delays tho hearing with further tech
During two sessions of court Judge
Lawlor denied in succession tho mo
tion of Ruef for change of venue con
tlnuanco of 30 days and dismissal of
tho Jury
Precautions wero taken to safeguard
tho court room from violence Iluef
wns brought from the county jail
closely guarded and a largo number
of policemen wero scattered along tho
approaches to tho court room Tho
only unusual incident of tho day in
tho court room was tho ejection of R
A Adnms who had taken a scat di
rectly behind Ruef and was reviling
Francis J Honey Is recovering with
surprising rapidity from the bullet
wound inflicted by Morris Haas and It
Is predicted that In a few weeks ho
will bo able to resumo his prosecution
of tho graft cases There aro no in
dications of blood poisoning and tho
soreness is gradually lcnvlng his
wound Ho Is ablo to swallow with
out serious difficulty and on Tuesday
was able to take liquid nourishment
The White House Labor Dinner
Washington Nov 18 Membors of
tho cabinet and justices of tho su
premo court of tho United States sat
down Tuesday night with labor lead
ers from various sections of tho
United States at a dinner given by
President Roosovelt at tho White
House to a number of personal friends
and men closely Identified with tho
movement to better labor conditions
In this country
Rescued the Crew of a Lost Ship
Philadelphia Nov 18 The cap-
tain of the British steamer St Helena
which arrived at Delaware Ureakwater
Tuesday reports that he rescued the
captain and crew of JC men of tho
British bark Osberga The rescue of
the men occurred 800 miles southeast
of Delaware breakwater The Os
berga was lost
They Want Free Schools
Paris Nov 18 A dispatch from St
Pierre Mlquelon tho French island off
Newfoundland says there has been a
big manifestation in St Pierre in
favor of free schools The movement
was created by the clerical party The
people went to the house of the gov
ernor where they raised aloft the
American flag
An Auto Racer Is Killed
Birmingham Ala Nov 18 In a
car making a speed of more than 60
miles an hour in an effort to lower the
24 hour automobile record Emlle
Strieker was killed Tuesday on the
fair grounds track here
Town Swept by Fire
Yorkvllle O Nov 18 This town
was almost destroyed by fire Tuesday
Tho town has a population of 500
The fire was controlled after a large
number of houses were burned and
150 persons made homeless
Private Dalzell Wants to be Senator
New York NOV18 J M Dalzell
known as Private Dalzell announ
ces that at the solicitation of Ohio
comrades he is willing to accept the
United States senatorshlp from Ohio
if ottered to him
Rock and Rye
Many a man has been wrecked oa
the rock of adversity but there la
generally a little rye on the side
Philadelphia Record
Cant Understand It
Many a wife is seriously wondering
why her mother-in-law ever thought
no woman was good enough for bar
Why I Itt
Why U It that ike woaa wha is a
awua bater always trUa U stak hr
wtt leelc like a maT
It Causes Great Excitement Among
Residents of Hamilton O
Hamilton O Nov 18 A cordon of
heavily armed police Is patrolling tho
residence district of East Hanover
street to prevent any attempt to dyna
mite homes by the so called Black
Hand society For weeks this dis
trict has been in a turmoil About a
dozen femalo residents received let
ters In which their lives and homes
wero threatened If they did not leave
the neighborhood Immediately Their
characters wero defamed In tho vilest
manner and the writer threatened to
blind tholr children with caustic
After an Investigation the police ar
rested Mrs Nelllo Grabcl last Satur
day Sho was charged with being tho
author of certain letters received lu
tho case Sho was placed under bond
In the sum of 500 for a hearing in
police court Tuesday
Developments Tuesday caused the
caso to bo postponed until next Fri
day Mrs Martin Schalllp found a let
ter on her porch In which sho was
told that it sho did not drop her
charges against Mrs Grabcl sho would
bo killed and her homo would bo dy
namited Mrs Schalllp Is tho prose
cuting witness against Mrs Grabcl
To prevent tho threats from being
carried out tho police placed tho
neighborhood under guard
Tho neighborhood Is in a frenzy
None of tho residents venture out at
night unless attended Owners of real
estato have placed their property un
der guard It is feared that a serious
outbreak will tako placo
An Immense quantity of very rich
gold ore has been discovered In the
Smoky Mountains of North Carolina
An adult laborer and a boy were
killed by an explosion of illuminating
gas in tho basement pf a building at
Kansas City Mo Six other persons
were hurt but will recover
Mcdlcino and surgery failed to savo
tho llfo of William P Frazeo of New
York City after ho was bitten on tho
hand by a spider Blood poison ing
was tho Immediate cause of his death
Suspected of conspiring to assassin
ato Harford Marshall an assistant dis
trict attorney of New York county
four Greeks threo of whom wero
armed with a revolver dirk and razor
wero arrested in tho criminal court
building at New York City
According to a decision by tho com
missioner of patents any label bearing
tho Inscription Guaranteed under tho
pure food and drug acts Juno 30
1900 whero such Inscription Is in
tended to imply that tho government
Is responsible for the purity of tho
goods will bo refused registration
Race Ended Where It Started
Los Angeles Nov 18 The trans
continental balloon raco between the
two big balloons America nnd United
States Is off It ended whero It
started Tho Inst one of tho big gas
bngs to return to this city after tho
start on Sunday by tho America and
on Monday by the United States was
tho latter which wns brought in from
Corlna Tuesday night In an autotno
Claims Creamers Election by 2800
Columbus O Nov 18 Tho State
Jniirnnl snvs Hint cffffclal returns com
piled by it from 84 counties In thel
contest for state treasurer taken in
connection with estimated pluralities
from the other four counties Indicate
the election of D S Creamer Demo
crat by 2811 The four estimates
are thought to be within a hundred or
two of the correct figures
Twenty five Persons Injured
Cowan W Va Nov 18 When a
Baltimore Ohio passenger train
went over a 40 foot embankment
Tuesday five trainmen and 20 passen
gers were injured One person it is
believed will dle
Fire Sweeps Over a Mining Town
Oil City Pa Nov 18 Half of the
business section of Rimersburg tt
mining town on the Pennsylvania rail
road in Clarion county was wiped out
by fire Tuesday night The loss hves
timated at 75000 with small insur
300000 Loss by Fire
Indianola Miss Nov 18 Tho
plant of the Indianola Compress and
Warehouse Co and several adjolniug
buildings were destroyed by fire
Tuesday Loss 300000
Few of Them Fall
A girl regards her life as a failure
it she has not succeeded In making
a fool of at least one man
The Dark Ages
The dark ages are the ones during
which our sophomores are inclined
to believe thejr know it all
Petroleum Next to Gold
Nxt to sold petrlaa la tho saoit
vataftU preduct at CaUfeniU
PatroaUe Dispatob advertisers
Indications Are That Dark Shades
Will Be Largely Worn Green
to Be One of the Colors
Most Affected
Advanced styles In gloves Indicate
that long sleeves are an established
fact for most of them are in two-button
and single clasp lengths that bare
ly cover tho wrists
These up-to-date gloves are In taupe
wistaria dark green and rich deep
brown colors
Among these decided tints there Is
an extremely pretty shade of wistaria
that looks like mauve until the two
colors are placed side by side that
will be worn with gowns on dahlia and
wistaria tints Taupe goes well with
almost any color and Is expected to
become very popular
Green is a color that seems to be
coming to the fore and some very
pretty gloves in dark green are seen
In both emerald and olive shades
Suede too is struggling for a place
In the glove world and as this kid
has a tendency to reduce tho size of
the hand probably it will meet favor
On the whole however fashions fancy
Is for bright glossy surfaces hence
the full lne of glace kids
Mocha Is always In demand as fall
advances and several new shades are
seen In this popular kind of hand cov
Tho favorite tones will bo taupe
tan slate and gray and fortunately
for those women whose hands perspire
freely these gloves with silk linings
can bo bought The vnluo of tho silk
lies In tho fact that It keeps tho hands
warm and absorbs the perspiration
Auto gloves are made with deep
flaring gauntlets In tho favorite tans
and dark browns
At threo dollars a pair there 1b a
very good model with wide cuff gus
set strap at wrist and spear back
colors tan and black and a cheaper
grado at two dollars a pair Is made
with a largo gusset at tho sldo for
slipping on and oft quickly It has no
The cosiest looking angora and rab
bit wool gloves are rendy for those
who prefer theso for cold days They
como In white black natural tints and
Tho evening gloves are of flno glace
kid long of course nnd show no
outre or extraordinary features The
backs aro plain for neither embroid
ery nor appllquo marks tho newest
styles It Is posslhlo to get evening
gloves in overy Imaginable color but
whlto Is always In good taste and
It goes without stating tho most
economical for not only will It har
monize with any toilet but it can be
cleaned tlrao and again nnd looks like
now which Is not tho caso with colors
Orange julco with cracked Ice can
often bo taken by a patient who can
rotaln nothing else
o Orango Juice
rMTtfy e bclnB aintlvo s
Tm v FT
excellent in most
sickrooms Is some
times oven pro
scribed for typhoid
fever patients
Very sensible
for ubo In tho bath
is a mitten cro
cheted of white
darning cotton Tho hand slips into
It easily and many peoplo who have
used them prefer them to nny othei
kind of wash cloth
Fow practices are moro beneficial
to tbo condition of tho eyes than Is
that of bathing them regularly every
night beforo going to bed Dust read
ily accumulates on tbo lids between
tho lashes and causes them to smart
A perfectly flat lino Is fashionable
In conjunction with the slenderest ol
hips but given self nssertlvo hips the
extreme flat back achieved by many
of the smart skirt models is an ab
surdity and good sense must guide
ono rather than a slavish acceptance
of fashion extremes
The Jeweled Tie
Not least Interesting among the dls
play of novelties at this season are
the fancies in fawelry French con
celts that give style to the costume
Tho latest arrival In the collection it
the Jeweled tie a narrow black velvet
ribbon half an inch wide that passe
around the base of the collar knots
at the front with its tasseled end
hanging as low as the bust These
consist of double triangular pendants
hinged one to the other so that they
swing freely catching the light The
setting is of rhlnestones In silver and
the workmanship lovely With after
noon gowns or toilets of any clrcum
stance these accessories are charming
though too showy of course for a
shirt waist unless it be of the costliei
A Pretty Idea
A clever hostess announced the
forthcoming nuptials of a young daugh
ter In the following manner The
table was beautifully decorated wltb
a bank of white roses and asparagus
ferns In the center while suspended
from the chandelier was a bisque
cupId earring a small silver flart He
was seemingly watching the effecl
of his silver dart that pierced two tiny
white hearts Imbedded in the bank ol
roses containing the names ot the
two young people likewise the date
pt the forthcoming nuptials The
best yet exclaimed an enthusiastic
guest for It is simple pretty and
nothing overdone about it
Statues and Posterity
How many statues we shall leave to
future generational I imagine they
will no be a little embarrassed by
the number and as the glory of most
celebrities Is short lived they will not
be very grateful to us for tho legacy
Le Petit Parisian
Nothing Surprising
An exchange tries to make a point
by mentioning that the shape of the
fish hook has not changed la 2000
years Pooh neither has the shape of
According to a recent dictum of
science tho number of germs in a
single teaspoon of milk one hour after
it has been hurried away from the
cow on its career of death and destruc
tion has been reduced by modern
methods from one or two millions to
about 250
TIipsc perms are not In the milk at
the time It loaves the cow but unless
something is done about It they begin
to arrive In large quantities from this
moment Thoy come In excursion
trains or on foot The line of germs
waiting to get Into an ordinary bottle
of milk has been extending far out
Into the street Police germs have had
great trouble In preserving order and
of course had there been a riot much
damage might have been done to
All this however Is now an affair of
the effete past The regulations are so
strict that only a given number of
germs may pass and even these havo
to give the countersign
But even 250 germs to a teaspoon
seem a good deal What Is to be done
about them We are Informed that
they ore not all unfriendly Many of
them are neutral Many of them come
In quietly sit down occupy themselves
with domestic amusements and do no
harm But among theso there Is still
the llkelthoSd that a real enemy to
the system may get In
Until not a single germ can pass the
sentry therefore is our milk likely to
bo safe All babies are hereby warned
lo drink It at their peril They will be
duly notified when science has barred
out successfully every Intruder no
matter what his age nationality or
previous condition of servitude Lite
By Way of Encouragement
May i nsk how you earned your
first dollar queried the reporter
I earned it young man said the
financial magnate many years ago by
doing Just what you aro doing now as
my first assignment on a newspaper I
went out to interview a man and it
may interest you to know that I got a
good deal more Information out of
him than youre going to get out of
me Chicago Tribune
Not Fit for Publication
Isnt It scandalous about
IfATer Ftl to
What about them I understand
that Mrs Wappsley has secured a di
vorce but I havent learned any of Iho
Nobody else has Tbo caso Is such
a naBty one that tho records havo all
been hidden Chicago Record-Herald
I understand said tho chief of po
lice that you Intend to give tho Sa
lome dance here
Yes replied tho manager of tho
traveling theatrical company wo havo
arranged to do so hut I assure you
that wo have mado It entirely unob
jectionable Thero Is nothing about
tho dance that you would not want
your wife or your daughter to see It
Is artistic nothing more
Then what the dickens do youf want
to give it for Chicago Record-Her-
Hundreds of Canfield Readers
Know What It Means
The KlUnojanre overtaxed
Have too much to do
They tell ukout It In many aches and
Backache aldeache headache
Early aymptoms ot kidney Ills
Urinary troubles diabetes Brlghts dls
enie follow
A Oanfleld citizen tolls here n certain cure
Frank Tow carpenter East Main street
Cantteld Ohio sajs Bompttuie ago I
strained my back I thought the pain would
soon past awity but It grew worse and
my back became so Jams and itlfl I could
hardly move about I tried several reme
dies but none seemed to help me The kid
neys became disordered and I felt miser
able Seeing Doans Kidney Pills adver
tised I decided to try them and obtained a
boxat Morris drugstore After taking the
contents ot one box I was so greatly reliev
ed that I was able to return to my work
I am glad to recommend Doans Kidney
For sale by all dealers Price 60 cents
Foster MUburn Co Buffalo New York sole
agents for the United States
Heinembor the name Doans and take
no other
Executors Notice
Ths Stitk or Ohio Mxunintio Couktt S3 1
In tho Court of Probate J
NOTICE la hereby riven thmt the anderabjna
have been appointed and qualified Ezecu
tors of the estate of Chester Bedell late of
Mshoninc County Ohio dooeased by the Probate
Court of said ooauty All persons Interested will
November 1U1 33
AftK ft
iT luxrUl
fee hit
m ur H wf VM
Coats of Bewichiiig Style
Its a strong statement but true
that we offer tho greatest line of strictly
choice Cloaks and Suits to be found in the
city but theres a reason for it Our gar
ments have individual care in their con
struction abd finish and as a natural result
they are sightly and attractive as long as
worn Prices are all important and here
you pay no more than others ask for in
ferior makes If you want the best its
All the Furs That Fashion
Has Sanction ad Are Here
Selecting a new fur piece or set from
our unbroken first-of-season collection is
indeed a pleasure All the Furs having
any claim to Fashion are represented
Every variety of neck piece from a 72 inch
boa to the charming new French collar
effects are shown The pretty popular
priced Furs predominate
Comfortables Flannelette Gowns
Fleeced and Wool Hosiery
and Underwear
New Waists of Silks and Nets
The Converse Company
Masonic Block
700 Cash
150 Week
The Home of Good Furniture
238 42 West Federal St
0 UU
tart of u d dtH alr
C64 4666
Cahn Trusts You in
In fact Cahns pay-as-you-please -plan
is extended to Honest Peoplo living every
where It means Buy what yoji need and
Pay in Terms to Suit
On your next visit to Youngstown
stop at this largo Furniture Palace and
visit the new Premium Department Free
Premiums with every sale of 5 up Cash
or Credit at the time of your Purchase
Premiums range from Foot Stools to Solid
Oak Buffets Sideboards Sewing Machines
Brass Beds etc all valuable and useful
Sou do not need to save any Stamps or
Coupons and wait until you fill a Book
but get your Premiums at time of Pur
You Know Its So if Calm Says So
3 Rooms Furnished Complete
Ohio 1
Winter Service
Juet the same as at all times al
ways as perfect as modern Ideas
can suggest Mall orders orders
by phone or peraoaal oalla all re
ceive the closest attention Or
ders sent promptly and safely
It oosts no more to be perfectly
satisfied whloh means trade here
Be Peaks Bnggist
Phone 103
STJwt etad a Br mmI
Use I OalUe at K4 s
Teachers Examination
rpHE Board of Exunlnen will hold m ottait fw
X the Exunln Uon of luobui M folio wi 1
EumUuttion begin at 9 oolooi A M and olow
at 4 oclock P M
YotfjfdBTOTK Knt Saturday In BenUmW
Deoember March May
Jone and Acrait
CaxnuJ Fint Saturday In October Janurr
April and Jul
1upUi examination Yountftowa Third Str
diT In April and aooond SaturdajUn May
Applicant- who bava tud any experuac U
Uaonini are required tobrlnv testimonial iroat
tho Directors of the ichooli wnioh they latt
itatlns their inooaM and their ability- tosorera a
aohool All who are not personally iirpliitei
with the ex minen must h ie certlfiaatu ot bm1
Appllcantl will be required to um pea asd tak
M A KIMMik K hmC
Administratrixs Hotlo
Thb Bursar Ohio Jhoiko XJooktt a 1
In the Court ol Probate I
ivj vxxvjk Boroej
xi BM eonap
puc jot we
roes U EM BWWKtM
vBW mm J
mrttkm you wntoht al Mfca to
UM9Ml Nr
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