- 4 48 3 t fc - fii V n TO START THE YEAR RIGHT Master William Fisher has whoop ing cough Joshua Allen of Salem was hero with relatives Monday Frank Stouffer has filled C H Wei karts lco houso with 8 lnch ice Married folks bachelors and maids nro invited to tho danco Saturday night A daughter came to the homo of Samuel Vaughn and wife Sunday morning Peter Nnllor and of West Point visited Sunday at tho homo of Tony Paslch Abel Tourdot returned from Canton Monday to take a room in tho Peer less coal mine Jesse Scattcrgood has returned fromAndover Springs somewhat im proved In health The boys and girls about townhavo discovered that the skating Is good north of town if not sawed out for Jco houses Rev Earl Lea is meeting with en couraging results at Franklin Square and will preach hero next Sunday morning and evening Tho ladles of tho Lutheran church will hold a social in Allens hall Sat urday evening March 1 Tho bill of faro will bo announced later During the month of Decombor more than 300 old soldiers in Ohio answered tho last roll call and sur rendered to the last cnomy death Prosecuting Attorney L P Aletz ger of Salem has sued tho adminis trator of tho late Gen Jas Reilloy for 53000 duo Columbiana county from his personal property Clifford Paisley Allen Dnlrymplo and lady friend Warren Welkart and Miss Elslo Fisher wero homo from Youngstown Saturday to attend tho initial danco in town hall John Post and wife residing in an adjoining county havo recently be come tho parents of a son which tho father thinks of naming Parcel if ho can get consent of Mrs Welcome Lodge K of P and tho Pythian SlBtcrs will hold a union meet ing nextAIonday night to Jointly cel ebrate their anniversaries with re freshments dancing and a general good time Mrs Ed Crook returned to North Lima Sunday after heme ouarantln cd for a week with her son Robert who is being treated for scarlet fev er at the homo of his grandparents Harry Crook and wife Wm Dalrymplo and Emmet Carlisle wero cutting Ice Monday for the for mers ico house Tho groundhog weather tho past week will be a great saving on artificial ice during tho tropical days next summer Tbo Dynamo club gave a well at tended dance in town hall Saturday night Everything went off wlthout a Jar and the young people were well entertained The old folks are ar ranging for an old timo dance in the came hall next Saturday night Feb 16 Some day during tho last week of this month all tho rooms of our pub lic school will meet In the assembly room and hold appropriate exercises commemorative of Washington Lin coin Lowell and Longfellow Peace haih her victories no less renowned than war The heaters in the school building have not given satisfaction the past week or more Teachers and pupils have been warm enough part of tho day then the temperature would fall below comfortable and soot filled some of the rooms It will require some mpre experimenting before sat isfaction is reached The Religion of Abraham Lincoln was the subject treated upon by Rev L W Gross Jn the Lutheran church Sunday night Ho read tho 33th chap ter of First Corinthians und empha sized the last verse The speaker named many of the historic spots since visited by himself made famous by Lincoln both before and at the time of holding the presidential of fice that were very serjously and en tertalningly discussed We would bo pleased to give the entire sermon here had we the manuscript prepar ed Mr Gross will deliver a similar discourse upon the Life and Charac ter of Dr Dayld Livingstone on the last Sunday evening of this month und wo bespeak for him a good sized audience for these biographical dis courses Illustrate to a degree that the divine can be incarnated in re ceptive humanity which appears to be the divine plan of reaching Gods people in ail ages of the world There appears tq be an epldemlo of scboolltls throughout Columbiana county that needs to be quarantined before it results in anarchy Lisbon and Columbiana schools have passed the danger period of tho disease Guilford and Hanover have had their troubles and now East PaleBtlpq la to the frpnt with a case of assault and battery upon the superintendent at night similar tq the case reported from Olrard Several years ago we called the teacher a schoolmaster and he was chosen more with reier ence to his ability to govern than to teach and in pome way the pupils came out self supporting citizens and with a knowledge of the three Rs Reading rltlng and rlthmetlc and on their backs a hickory stick The young men of today are not suppos ed tq work when attending school and eomo work off their superfluous en ergy upon the teacher or else devel op Into a geaus Lobsteria American At Present my boy must not obey jinybody and this must lead to a military regime in the schools My liar to that in European schools My country tla of thee sweet land f lib erty but both parent and pupil must he subject to law clrci Br assisting In Extending the circulation lation anu usefulness of The Mahon ing Dispatch A word fromou will probably induce your nelghborPto enroll as a subscriber One dollar pays for 62 papers frrau 100 a Yaar y vol xxxvi i WASHINGTONUILLL WAVELETS Bright Breezy Paragraphs Telling The Happenings In the Village on Mahonings Southern Border By Peter M Herold On Lincolns tomb we lay Another wreath today In hohorot his birth Hla wisdom and his worth To Lincolns fame we pay Our tributes fresh today A fame that grows with time In all respects Bubllme w mvmTFpsFv Mrs Jennie Reel Joses has whoop ing cough y n b Cairier Is packing Ice today for Wm Fither A daughter arrived at the home of Wm Needham and wife Sunday night- Fancy and comic Valentines are dls played by merchants and tho sale of one cent stamps Is on Donald Spear one of the twins was in Salem Saturday having his teeth examined by a dentist Some folks say that tho backbone of winter lsTiroken yet they stick to their woolon underclothes Roy Davis has completed his course In bookkeeping and Is now taking sh6rt hand in the S D C Mrs J E Neff of Canfleld was a guest at tho home of Mrs S C Wil son last week Thursday night Tho old folks will glvo another of their old time dances In town hall Saturday night Men 60 cents ladles free W E Roller is selling his entlro stock of winter boots and shoes away below cost See his adv in this DIb patch Hiram Coates and Carl Turner of Now Castle Pa wero hero this week visiting Misses Rona Eyster and Mario King Tho Ladles Aid Society of tho Luth eran chCh will bo entertained at tho homo of Mrs David Welkart this Thursday evening A number of coal operators wero nero irom Pittsburgh a few days this week jooklng over this Held with a view to purchasing A lady was hero Wednesday selling salve in order to raise tho wherewith to buy an artificial leg and she was liberally patronized August Matthey and Wm Summer- vlllo were homo from tho Nowhouso mines Tuesday on account of a break oi mo mining macmnery Morg DeJano was hero from Alle gheny Monday night and talks of mov ing back to this vlllago to resume his old Job at tho coke ovens John Hughes and wife of EaBt Liv erpool havo adopted a baby boy re cently born in infirmary Tho mother was Emma Howell of Leoton la The Tuscarawas Advocate of last week reports that R S Harding caught a butterfly In his quarry of tho kind usually seen during July and August Mrs Alice Eyster S Johnson Wm Dalrymplo Michael HIgglns and oth ers had their ico houses filled this week hoping for a good trado next summer When delivering furniture to the homo of O P Mooro Monday night W 133 Roller fell over a wire guard and sprained his kneo so badly that ho limps James M Atkinson and wife arc vlBltlng at tho home of his brother George In Steubenvlllo and It every thing proves satisfactory they will movo there Wm Stephens of East Liverpool has sued Dr W A Clark of that city for 20000 damages alleging malpractice by Improperly adjusting a broken arm on Feb 10 1912 Ralph Brain is sorely afflicted with boils so much so that ho stands and eats his meals off tho mantel He can now remember that there was a man in tho land of Uz FerdDenner and wife nee Minnie Stouffer of YoungBtown nro visiting her parents hero Mr Denner is amusing himself by cutting ice upon Frank Stouffers dam riorth of town Fred Kapplor and Jos Padara will ride tho Odd Fellows goat next Mon day night These German Americans make good citizens and will doubtless make good members of the I O O F Mrs Henry Getz and Mrs R E Schaffernockcr are improving In health J H Longbottom Job Babb and Matt Simpson are taking care of their health by staying In the house Word reached hore from Delphos Ohio that twins boy and girl were born at tho homo of Ira Cole and wife last aunaay nignt xno ratuer is a nephew of Mrs W E Roller and for merly resided here D O Heoter tho state Inspector of public accounts is in Columbiana county and will spend a month In looking over the books of village of- nciais ana Justices of the peace to see whether public money is being lawfully exponded Three physicians from Leotonla drove tnrougn nere last Sunday and our people wero greatly relieved to know that they did not stop In town and that quarantine notices are not In creasing in this village If we break out attribute the eruption to pork sausage buckwheat cakes and other high living Mrs Mary E Greenamyer widow of the late Tobias Greenamyer died at her home In Leetonla Monday morn ing of cancer aged 66 years She is survived by two Bons and two broth ers George and Jesse Hartzell The funeral service was conducted at the home Tuesday afternoon by Rev Nix on of the M B Church with Inter ment at North Benton The Smart Set was royally enter tained Tuesday night at the home of MIsseB Clara and Bessie Welkart Lunch was served and written con tests were bad as to vegetables and sections of post card Valentines Mrs C A Waggle and MIbb Myrtle Baker1 were awarded the prizes of cut glass and Havelland china dishes The scheme colors were purple and white to resemble turnip tops The miners strike In West Virginia Is attracting the attention of all min ing communities on account of the sweeping decision of Judge Dayton of the United States court recently held in Wheeling who decided the U M W of A to be an unlawful organiza tion and issued a permanent Injunc Uon against the union in West Virgin ia because First They require their members to surrender their individual freedom seen to re quire all mine workers to Join the un ion whether they wish to do ap or not Third They aepk to destroy right of operators to contract with employes Independently of the unlpn Fourth They seek to destroy hla right to em ploy non union labor Fifth They would limit bis right to discharge whom he chooses Sixth They as sume to control mine owners busi ness by shutting down his mine by strike The same can be said of law yers doctors engineers and all pro fessions required tq baye experience This town has not lost all Its vig or Conrad Berg was hero this week with a wagon load of pretzels and David Morrtlngstar followed with a wagon load of pop and carbonated waters Louis Deluch who attends business college In Salem Is threatened with diphtheria but our citizens need not be alarmed until further develop ments Members of the family are Kept irom scnooi A bakers dozen 13 of Salem Lodge No 142 K of p camo In on tho 720 Y O car Wednesday eve ning and finding Welcome lodge In session hero they enjoyed and assist ed in tho exercises Tho local lodgo then went from labor to refreshment for which Wm Dalrymplos restaur ant furnished tho ham sandwiches O P Mooro tho coffeo and other broth ers supplied tho condiments The meeting adjourned with a smoker in time for tho laBt car to Salem These friendly visitations nmong fraternal orders Is condualvo of much Peace on earth good will towards men OORNERSBURG Feb 12 Mrs Nathan Corlln chick- on houso was vlBted Sunday night and 60 fine chlckenB were stolen The thief camo In a wagon which ho left In Smiths orchard and tracks In the snow Monday morning showed that ho had made numerous trips between the poultry houso and wagon A good cluo has been Becured and It is believ ed tho thief will bo under arrest bo foro many days Mrs Corll is a wid ow and stealing from her is most con temptible When It comes to hustling for bus iness none of the city fellows havo anytuing on u C Corll Tho following Youngstown people participated In a party last Wednes day evening in tho homo of G W Strock near Idora nark Mr and Mrs F H Smith Mr and Mrs Murray EI wire jur ana Mrs E Adams Mrs J A Dickson MrsF E Eckels Mrs Frank Fcnnor Misses Blanche uagan wannan Baker Kathryn Hodg kins Alta Baker Ruth Smith Messrs Daniel McCarron John Smith Attor ney J A Dickson Alox Rudolnh Jas McLaughlin Donald Dickson J Park Aiiams music nvo hundred and flinch wero among tho entertainments A delicious supper which tho visitors brought with them was enjoyed at 1030 Thomas Wanamaker who Is staying with his brother Frank In North Jack son spent Saturday night and Sunday at his homo near Idora park Miss Cora Crum and Albert Nelson of Youngstown spent Sunday after noon and evening in tho homo of Earl Corll Peter Corll has purchased a milk route in Youngstown John Smith has moved to Glrard not Joo as tho compositor maoV an item in last weeks correspondence read G W Ryder attended a meeting of mo Doara oi county ralr managers In Canfleld last week Jay Brothers of Fostervlllo was a Saturday evening caller Mrs M K Boyle and daughter of Youngstown spent Friday In the homo of her parents Mr and Mrs G W Ryder HICKORY Feb 12 Mrs Mary Durr and Mrs S A Durr of Calla visited Monday with Haryey McDonald and wife Job Evans of Beaver Falls called on friends here Sunday Isaiah Dusman and family and Free man Hiyely and family attended the funeral of their brother Jacob Hively near ucuumuiana Tuesaay George Brown on Thursday bought a team of horses in Greenford Lewis Campbell spent Monday with his undo Frank of Applo Avenue An entertainment will bo given by uistrict o i scnooi in uoshen Tues day evening Feb 18 consisting of di alogues recitations and music Ad niisslon 6 and 10 cents Mr and Mrs Thomas Weaver spent Tuesuay in Baiem An oyster supper will be held In Goshen grange hall Friday evening eo 14 Report of District No d School of Goshen township for Ihe fifth month of school ending Feb 7 Pupils pres ent every aay were Forest Bowman Aiuvia weingun nuroia uuey uacn el Dustman Edith Hively SIna Hoi laway Helen and Nora Welngart Bertha WIneland Wllld Hollaway Warren Welngart Those absent three days or less were Roy and Walter Hively Emory Holloway Fred Bow man Walter Welngart Hazel Dust man Ethel and Bessie Layman Ruby and Mary Shaffer Hannah Brown Mabel Dustman Number enrolled 29 Clara W Boyer Teacher ELLSWORTH Feb 12 Preaching services were held Sunday in the M B Church George Feather of Cleveland was here this week The pie social held at Arthur Bar ringers Thursday night was well at tended arid much enjoyed Myrtle Rose waB In Youngstown Saturday Arthur Barclnger got his thumb cut off Thursday while working at a saw mill It is getting along nicely Porter Proper was In Youngstown last week The Character Club will meet Frl day night at the home of W L Rip loy Destiny Wilson visited Sunday at the homo of Blanche Anderson Beatrice Dyers has returned home from a visit with her sister in Penn sylvania James Lenhart who had a sore foot is now able to be around Charles Fenstermaker was in Jack son Friday nfgbt Jefferson Delhi who got his ankle hurt sometime ago is now improving The grange met Tuesday night and a large crowd attended Mllo WilBon was in Jackson one night last week Paw Knows Everything WHUq Pwt what is a close rela tion stingy brother my son mmJjlirTjJjTji v IW WWBHSRPgWWHiWCTWWIiW IE w im S ve V 3 Shhomiw AFTER A LITTLE INSIDE INFORMATION Copyright BERLIN CENTER Feb 12 B T Stanley has purchas ed his sons halt Interest In tho gen eral store of Stanley Hawkins and will be tho samefactlvo spirit that he was before retiring n year or two ago Ho needs no introduction to tho peo ple in this part of tho county having been identified with tho business in terests of tho community for lo these many years Jt Clarenco King wa in Alliance ono day last week Word comes from Miss Martha Hoover who recently accepted a re sponsible nlaco in tho Ravenna tele phone exchange that she likes hor new work very well Walter Kline tias moved to Corners burg where ho jvill work on a dairy zarm j Gunder Hack purchased James Klines refrigerator and have arrang cd to open a meat market Mrs F L Shlvely left Saturday for New Wllmlrigton Pa to visit an nunt Dr W T Gudgel was unable to respond to calls for several days on account of a severe cold Mrs Nettle Painters condition Is slowly Improving Sho has been a great sufferer Gunder Hack and Ray Beckraan havo been busy several days filling their Ico houses For a time It look ed as though the crop of natural Ice would bo -a usual camo to the lescuo and ice from seven to nine Inches thick has been harvested Tho daughters of Veterans will give an entertainment In the M E Church Saturday evening for tho benefit of tho Epworth League Let all attend and help along a most worthy cause There promises to be qulto a good deal of building In this locality the coming summer Tuesday was spring like but today brought real thing winter ngaln PATMOS Feb 12 Mrs Henry Bedell who has been veiy sick the past week with pneumonia Is Improving xred and Addle Welngart and Flor ence Middleton visited Sunday at John Welngarts near Limaville The music and decorating commit tees wero appointed by tho Sunday school superintendent Sunday to pre paro for tho Easter entertainment to bo held at Bunker Hill church Fremont Middleton and wife and TtlrB E M Stallsmlth spent Sunday nfternoon with Mr and Mrs H 1 Stallsmlth at Prospect Hill Harry Dowan and Arthur Leyman with their families Mr and Mrs Gold le Whlttaker spent Sunday at Lilly Dowans Mrs Jesse Stallsmlth and brother neroert uarao visitea tnelr grand mother Mrs Sarah Bardo Sunday Mrs Bardo is now able to sit up and it 1b the wish of friends that sho will speedily recover Clyde Owen and family wero Sun day Visitors at Homer Greenamyres Lloyd Kline of Youngstown was looking after his oil Interests here a iow aays ago C F Middleton will fill an appoint ment at the Disciple church in Sa lem next Sunday forenoon and even ing Mrs L D Watters Is qulto 111 The teacher and scholars of the school here will glvo an entertain ment Friday evening Feb 21 in honor of Washingtons birthday Ev erybody attend School Report Pupils present and on time every day during the fourth school month were Wilbur Balrd Paul Middleton Thomas Ware Benjamin Ware Frank Ware Merle Bardo and Edith Balrd Stanley G Howard Teacher SWAMP COLLEGE Feb 12 Mrs Isaiah Hoffman and Harry Hoffman spent Sunday with rel atives in Morgantown Mr and Mrs A K Leyman spent several days last week with relatives in Salem Ambrose Balrd Earl Ressler Leon ard Hoffman and George Slsco snent Sunday evening with O L Toot and family of New Albany Andrew ueua called on Homer Day Is Sunday Earl Ressler Bpent Monday evening with Earl Balrd Quite a number ojt farmers in this lo cality are harvesting ice this week Ethel and Bessie Leyman spent Fri day night at George Browns N M Cramer A H Ressler and J D Bowman hauled lumber to Can field last week Comfort Siscit and Homer Davis as sisted Andy Mead In threshing beans Monday This was tho nrst tnreshlng done in this vicinity in 1913 People who are light hearted arent necessarily featherbrained BLANCO Feb 12 Mrs W J Force and Mrs Elton Force visited tho formers sis ter Mrs Minerva Westover In Ber lin Center Saturday Air and Mrs C E Smtth were in North Jackson Saturday George Shilling of Youngstown was hero recently Bay JRenkenberger was In New Castle Monday E Kale was In TJorth Jackson Tues day Vern Thorpe and Reiln Swank were homo from Leavlttsburg over Sunday Frank Force V J Forco and Fred Clark were in Youngstown Wednes day- Mrs Sarah Roherick of Pennsylvan la visited her slBtcr Mrs G W Swank and brother Jcsso Stanford who is seriously 111 with lung trouble Joe Black of Youngstown was here Wednesday Friends and neighbors to tho num ber of 40 met at tho homo of Mr and Mrs W J Forco and gave them a complete surprise A fine lunch was served and a general good timo was had by all Kir and Airs J Helsel called at Chas Smiths Monday night Mrs B Williamson and Mrs E P Kllngeman were In Warren Monday Perry Welsncr called on C C Is Monday Bales Force was In Palmyra TueS day Mr ana airsjames uessna ana eon Delmas spent Saturday night and Sunday at tho homo of her parents Mr ana Mrs warren Force Laura Onstott is recovering slowly from her illness Mrs Carrie Renkcnbergcr and Mrs Vern Thorp and son Richard called Tuesday on Mrs Emery Kale Mrs Chas Eckls and daughter Grace visited her parents Mr and Mrs Jas WelBner Sunday NEW EGYPT Feb 12 Andrew Lynn a well known and highly respected citizen passed away last ThurBday evening Ho had been ailing for some time with dropsy but his death camo as a Bhock to many friends and relatives Ho was aged 84 years Ho leaves to mourn his loss one son Freeman seven grandchildren and an aged brother Jesse Funeral services were held Sunday from Paradise Reformed church Tho pallbearers wero Wm Gels Henry Yoder Jacob Barger John Sinning Geo Rothgeb and Chas Bush Mr and Airs Nathan Belber ate their Sunday dinner with Lydla Belb er Clinton Beard was a business call er in Columbiana Monday Airs Nathan Belber of Woodworth was a Tuesday visitor at Ensign Belb ers Lester Rothgeb Ensign Belber and I W Rothgeb were In Canfleld Tues day Airs John Belber has been on the sick list for some time but Is slight ly improved at this writing Lester and Clarenco Rothgeb at tended a horse sale in Youngstown Saturday Air and Airs Maurice Goodman and son Paul of Toots Corners and Laur en Whlsler and family visited rela tives here Sunday Earl Rothgeb purchased a fine driv ing horse from Air Yeager of Smiths Corners PROSPECT HILL Feb 12 J AI Spencer and family were Salem visitors Sunday Air and Airs Fremont Allddleton and Airs Elizabeth Stallsmlth of Pat moB called on Air and Airs H P Stallsmlth Sunday Wm Barnett and E J Spence had business iu Salem Saturday Mrs Chas Stallsmlth Is 111 with grip Harry Barnes and family spent Sun day evening at Wm barnotts Air and Mrs O B Foulk were In Salem Wednesday C H Taylor and family spent Sun day at toward Riley a B J Spencer recently resigned as secretary ot the Inter County P of H Incorporated Society on account of re moving to Salem Geo Read and family epont Sunday evening at O H Taylors Mr and Mrs J Barnes ot Ber lin Center were in this neighborhood Monday R J Bowman and family visited at O B Fqulke Sunday ATthur Barrluger fireman at the Mackey Mill temporarily Bltuated In L B Binghams woods had the thumb of his left hand taken off by a saw one day last week The mill will soon be removed to O B Bowmans woods Misses Edith apd Mabel Foulk were In Berlin Center Tuesday There haa been fine skating on the Ellsworth lake miimkh An Independent Familv Journal Devoted to thejnferests of All Glasses and Nationalities OANFIELD MAHONING COUNTY 0 FRIDAY FEBRUARY U 1913 CALLA Feb 13 W P Alellott received a car of coal this week Air and Airs John Paulln and chil dren Geraldine and Walter visited relatives In Youngstown a few days and returned home Alonday Airs Fred Gee was in Canfleld last Friday Rev C AI Hartman preached here last Sunday morning and evening Airs C W Hendricks went to Can field Tuesday Aliss Aliunie Lodwlck of Mineral Ridge visited her cousin Miss Ida Scuaal over Sunday Carl Cochcl and family attended at tended tho funeral of Airs Cochcls uncle Jacob Hively held Tuesday t tho Midway Aleunonlto church Harry Balrd of Toots Corners was In Calla Tuesday Ed Warner of Lisbon was hero Tuesday An 11 pound Daughter came to glad den the homo of Air and Airs H D AllhT Thursday Feb C Sho has been named Catherine Bernlcc Airs Herbert Delfs and daughter Genevlevo of Canfleld vlstlcd her par ents Air and Airs AI B Templin a few days last week Airs Richard bilas returned homo Alonday from a three weeks visit with her Bon and family in Buffalo N Y Aliss Alary Althouso of Salem is as sisting her cousin Airs Lester Cook a few weeks Roy Knauf was In Youngstown Fri day A son was born Thursday Feb 6 to Air and Airs Lester Cook 11 D Miller and Howard Ramsey wero in Youngstown Saturday Fred Gee of Canfleld has been ap pointed station agent here to succeed C W Hendricks Airs Perry Hlner of Canfleld is as sisting Airs H D Miller for a short time Leo Miller and family of Marquis visited relatives here Sunday Rev C AI Hartman was entertain ed last Sunday in the home of Frank Rogers Charles and Carl Cochcl aro har vesting ico thla week Frank Schaal of Greenford visited Sunday at his homo northeast of town Ed Holben has a sick horse AI B Templin was In Youngstown one day last week Walter Floyd and Hubert Knauf visited their aunt Airs Alex Hend ricks last Sunday Roy Alctzler was in Canfleld Satur day Tho Templin Seed Co Is receiving orders from all parts ot the country and the season promises to be a most successful one for tho company WltLOW GROVE Fob 12 Owen Burgett had OUR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Column Harp of Various Thlncs has been used to advantage by a host ot people If you have anything to sell exchange or want to buy you will accomplish the desired end at small cost by using this column i J Invariably in Adrance bus- ness In Canfleld Saturday si theM E Church met Thursday at theThome of Airs Floyd Fink John Burgett and Howard Schlsler aro cutting wood for Jacob AIllls Luther Sanzenbacher is employed by Chas Miller of Canfleld Air and Airs Oscar Burgett spent Thursday at John Ripples In West Austlntown i John Snyder who was on tho sick list Is able to bo out Airs Oscar Burgett and daughter Alaud spent Wednesday at tho homo of Airs Gcorgo Fink Born a daughter to Air and Airs Ell Alcasmer Air Reed and Goldio Messerly aro sick Walter Carlisle has purchased a motorcycle Grandma Wonsettlor Is spending some time with Airs Alary Lynn Glenn and Harry Follweller spent Saturday night with Alaster Floyd Burgett Air and Airs John Snyder and son Randall spent Sunday at Levi Wehrs Guests at Oscar Burgetts Sunday were Alfsses Sadie Fink Pearl Stew ard and Edith Fink Messrs Lauren Fc W B Newman and Howard Schlsler Airs Albert Ateasmer and daughter Alberta have returned home from Youngstown where they spent the last two weeks Air and Airs T B Carlisle spent Sunday evening at John Hulsebos John Hulsebos and family entertain ed company from Alliance Sunday William Bush had two valuable cows die last week EAST LEWISTOWN Feb i2 Arthur Burns was in Co lumbiana Saturday Air and Airs Frank Barger and Aliss Alice Buzzard of Pleasant Val ley were Sunday guests of Air and Mrs H S Burns Clifton Blosser ot Columbiana call ed on his parents Saturday Henry Blosser and Allen Reed were In Youngstown Saturday John Renkenberger was In ColumbI ana Saturday Airs John Cook and daughter Vera and Bjrs Walter Johnston visited J R Sauerweln and family Sunday Air and Airs Frank Crumbacher of Salem visited tho Matters aunt Airs Joe Lesher Sunday Allen Reed and Chauncey Painter are workingifor Henry Blosser at the saw mm Arthur Burns and Orvllle Blosser attended literary in North Lima Sat urday evening The performance was good SHADY HOLLOW Feb 12 Lincolns birthday Edward Haney and family of East Lewlstown spent Sunday at Chas Aleekers Wm Holt is suffering with quinsy Mrs Henry Hejntzelman and son Fay spent Saturday and Sunday in Andover where Mrs Helntzelnxans mother is very poorly New Buffalo grange will meet Wed nesday evening Feb 19 AH mem bers pleaBe attend 3 G Motf A Thoman and H O Holntzelman had grange business in Salem Saturday Mr- and Mrs Clark Paulln and Airs Gotlejtb Werbs spent Sunday with rel atives in Woodworth Try Dispatch Job Prfntia I NO 47 WEEK DOINGS IN COUNTY SEAT Our Youngstown Correspondent Pol ishes Up Interesting News Items and Hands Out Bonmots Feb 13 There Is still some sore ness in tho Joints of tho city on ac count of the charter commisBlon elec tion not on account of tho personality or character of thq gentlemen chosen but because bo unevenly divided po litically It 1b contended no party set of men so much In tho majority can get away from party Ideas or bias or prejudice far enough to glvo tho city tho benefit of full non partisan re flection and wisdom However tho citizens aro to blame If thero Is any blamo to place for far fewer voted than remained away from the polls And then no matter what the form of government It is generally con trolled by politicians or political com binations or ambition Why some even accused Washington of wanting to set up a kingdom and there never yet was a president elected who was not abused much its If he had been a sheep thief or pirato bent on the destruction of his country Tho chances are tho city will continue to flourish and tho people get along as well as usual no matter what the convention of 15 docs or docs not do Hon A D Fassett who writes that ho located hero in 18G8 is now out In Arlington Neb and is in ill health probably having gone out west for its benefit In a letter ho had printed Sunday he gavo somo civil service history paying John H Clarke then ono of tho owners and editors of tho Weekly Vindicator high tribute In connection with civil ser vice saying ho waB tho father of it and that tho appointment ot tho late Judgo L D Thoman ono of tho first commissioners was due to misappre hension on tho part of Pendleton who induced President Arthur to namo tho Judge when In fact and fair ness Clarke should havo been select ed In recognition of his great service If tho place had been offered Clarko It Is doubtful If he would havo ac cepted It In the local Good Homes section which is territory In part bounded by North Walnut street and Andrews avenue aro said to bo fully 100 homes at a cost of 100000 tho houses of concrete and two stories and with all modern conveniences They likely rent for about 15 a month and tho houses surely look to bo worth It They are convenient to tho Btreet cars on tho Youngstown Sharon line and aro sufficiently on high ground to bo out ot danger from tho floodB ot Crab creek Tho other day tho company received as a donation a check for 1000 from a citizen of Denver There is a movement afoot for a statue of Lincoln to be erected in tho park bearing his name a park Jy known as the East End park In tuo -next inaeung Mi -mo jast tsiuo club a resolution will bo Introduced for such a monument and It Is likely It will be then arranged that tho clubs banquets shall bo hereafter on Lincolns birthday Interesting history of Joseph Bar clay who was born in Poland In 1816 Is recalled by tho recent death of James Alackey whoso tutor in civil engineering Air Barclay was Both of them wero noted mathematicians Air Barclay Is perhaps best remem bered as a representative In 1875 wuen no ran on tuo court houso re moval ticket and defeated his repub lican rival Dr Timothy Woodbrldge who was alBO a widely known pion eer The doctor coptested tho elec tion but in vain Air Barclay Intro duced tho resolution for the county seat removal When he was 18 ho was made assistant engineer of tho old Pennsylvania Ohio canal and planned and superintended tho dam at Lowellvllle Ho was elected sur veyor of Trumbull county when It and Alahonlng wero one nnd In 1870 was elected treasurer ot Alahonlng His residence u modest one stood for years on tho corner of South Alarket and Boardman where tho Homer S Williams store Ib now One of his grandsons Is J O Freed of this city Joseph was a son of Capt John Barclay who was one of the body guards of Washington during the Revolution One of his bortherB Frank owned nil tho land from tho corner of Federal and Hazel up to Wood street and had a store on the site of the Alahonlng Bank building Ho also owned the slto now occu pied by the Crandall block corner of Boardman and Phelps It has been urged that a portrait of Hon Joseph Barclay should bo among the paint ings in the court house There la no doubt on that score The service he rendered surely entitles his memory to that distinction A big addition is to be built to the Bell telephone exchange on West Rayen avenue the plans to bo drawn by architects Stanley and Schelbel There was a high old hot time in a meeting of the Progresa club Sat urday evening the near riot being precipitated when Attorney Thomas I Thomas moved that he ways and means committee along with PresU dent Anderson appoint a captain in each ward That so fired Joseph W Wess who it will be remembered once rode down street with Roose velt that he Jumped and yelled some one was trying to run in a steam roller declaring If one or two men are going to run tho club ho would Teslgn And then someone so far unidentified yelled Resign then However Joseph didnt A Progress ivo smoker and fcanquet were held In Odd Fellows temple on Lincolns birthday last evening Walt Lewis was toastmaster and the chief speak er Judge W P Barnum Theres to be a great minstrel show in the Grand Opera House next Frl day evening tho entertainment by the Darktown Drummers who aro members of the organization of the Youngstown Commercial Travelers Among the republican candidates for county treasurer may bo Myron Wood who is general agent of tho V L B He is being urged to ran and is considering the nmnnalMnn Ho Is widely acquainted nnd Is pop nlar There Is noth zeis used to so start as wrttiua UpK JW CffSi ae owjfii m f ii 4 m