S 1 f w If t m rf gMgxrtinKMiEaieaai JnwjWPiwiw WBjffim iijkhi gftooeooeooooooooo HOME HAPPENINQft O O 00000000000000000 fNcxt Monday is St ratrlck0da Ell doodman of Dublin baa pur chased of J B Fitch twenty acres of land adjoining bis farm A meeting of the Mahoning County Farm Bureau -will be held In Odd Fel lows hall next Monday night Regular meeting of Canfleld Lodge No 155 I O O F nextWed nesday evening Work in the first de gree The Gypsy Girls Quartette will give the next number of the lecture coure In college chapel Saturday eve otog Work ds progressing rapidly on Homer Mcntzers new residence being erected on Lisbon street by B E Hull and men -Because of the Illness of Uo pas tor Rev J M Kendlg there will be no services in Zlon Reformed church ncstt Sunday A stated communication of Argus Masonic lodge will bo held this Fri day evening when there will be work In the F C degree agjj iLast Saturday evening Mr and Mrs Bert Powers pleasantly enter tained a company of friends at their home on East Main street Persons desiring income tax blanks can secure them at the fico Reports must be filed with the rovenue collector by Saturday March IE The Lyons Plat girls and boys basketball teams will play the Can fleld union school girls dn the locafl gymnasium tihls Thursday eve ning Grover Foanacht received by mail onTucsday a German helmet sent to 4J fram over there by his brother ilons wiho is with the Army of pation i tA large crowd attended and en joyed a maple sugar ocial held at the Preslbyterian church Tuesday nlglht un der the auspices of he Ladles Aid Society The Stltchcry Club was entertain ed Tuesday afternoon by Mesdames E A Arnold S A Arriold and A K Osborn at the homevof the former on South Broad street F P Lynn has purchased of his m parents Mr and Mrs W J Lynn of Voungstown the residence property oh North Broad street occupied by himself and family Roy Fink has purchased at Mrs Maud Bowman 60 acres of land just north of the vdllage lying between the farms of I Callahan and OR A Burky and expects to later bulfd on same Nathan Arthur Schrader aged 19 months only child of Charles and Haze Ogline Schrader of Youngstown died Tuesday morning of pneumonia The funeral was held Thursday after- noon with burial In the Canfleld cem etery The Boardman high school bask ethall team -will play Canfleld high In the local gymnasium this Friday eve ning The Boardman boys are fast having many games to their credit and their visit here will attract a crowd On Tuesday evening MrandMrs Stewart MdMinn pleasantly entertain ed at their homo on South Broad street a company of friends the affair being in honor of Eugene Liddlo on the ove of his return to the military camp at Qteen N C While Joe Murphy employed by I A Manchester was driving along the Canfleld Ellsworth road near the rosidenco of J S Harding Wjedncs day night his buggy was struck by an automobile and considerably damaged Mr Murphy was thrown out His back was sprained and he sustained other injuries According to a new rule of the post office department parcel post packages will not recelved for mailing in car tons boxes or receptacles previously used unless the original wrappers and cancelled stamps have been removed Every parcel must have a now label and a new wrapper so that there can be no confusion dn addresses Dublin Grange will meet in town ball Tuesday evening March 18 when the following program will be present ed Music Mrs Pricer story S B Porshall reading Mrs Fay Heintzel man instrumental music Eva Corll paper The Origin of St Patricks Day Edyth Hunt reading Mrs Stratford vocal solo Loie Manchester The Farmer and the Income Tax W A Chubb County Home Demonstrator Miss Blagen will be there and give an outline of her work A full attend ance Is desired Harry H Dunning died last Fri day afternoon at his home east of the village of pneumonia following Influ enza He was sick less than a week Deceased was a son ot the late Wilson and Lucy Dunning and was born In Canfleld March 24 1900 consequently 19 of He ia nearly u years w age h - Bartholomew of North Lima Mrs G T Orr of Cleveland Leo and Earl of Youngstown and Charles at homo al so two half brothers and a half sister James Houtyshell of Canfleld George Dunning of Youngstown and Mrs El la Ripple of Cleveland Funeral ser vices Sunday afternoon were conduct ed by Rev W P Holllster from the family home and interment was made in the village cemetery John Piatt died early Monday morning at his home on ast Main sireet after an dllness of several weeks with stomach and liver trouble He had been In rather poor heath tor a numlber of years Deceased was a son of the late Porter and Elizabeth Piatt early settlers of Canfleld and was OaTfllry which was largely recruited dn this township He was the last of the company in the village The on ly other survivor in this Immediate neighborhoods John Martin of Dub lin After the close of the war he was located in Leetonla lor 12 years but had since resiaea an or near uie vil lage following farming until his health began to fall He la survived fcy his wife Mrs Emellne Piatt two Jwothers and one sister Seely A Piatt t the Sandusky soldiers home Albert Piatt of Salem and Mrs Solomon Fos nacbt of Phalanx Funeral services held from the family home Wednes day af ternoon were conducted by Rev yy V Hollfcrter IBtrial in the village cemetery sflRlsppj Edward Baker local representa tive of the Standard Oil Co has pur chased of C M Neft the residence property on Lisbon street now occu pied by Warren Bare and family and will shortly tako possession Last week Thursday night Aus tintown grammar school basketball team played the Canfleld grammar school In Boardman Canfleld winning by a score of 19 to 17 This was the deciding game In the season content each team having prevdoujiy won a game and the local lads Tire much elated PERFECT IN ATTENDANCE North Jackson fS one ot the schools of the county that has maintained almost normal attendance in the face of flu There are a few that axe not in as regularly as they should be Ev eryone should bear In mind that no pupil will bo conditioned on account of schools Ibelng closed for a short time In the fall but wo should re member that no pupil should be ad vanced who has not carried the work Teachers are making a great effort to make this a full year The best way for patrons to help the teachers in this effort and to keep their children up with class Is to see that they are there every day The following pu pils of the North Jackson schools have been neither absent nor tardy during the month of February They consti tute about 45 per cent of the school list and nd Grade Enrollment GO attendance 949 Percent of class perfect 53 Bernlce DIehl August Eb crt Kathryn Frock Zeta Fullcrton Myrtle Harklorodc Anna Heraslnof Luvlrn Ohl Freda Probst Dorotha Rose iRuth Aldrlch Martha Duer An na Lltwln Audrey Pence Mildred Pusch Charlotte Schlaugh Clifford Allen iRobert Bingham Edward Car son Lester Jones Eugene Moherman Donald Noble Lester Stauffer Melvin Young Robert iE wlng Xynn Gault Harley Jones Joe Lltwln Woodrow Shrlplcy Donald Shook William Tal Ibott Howard Witherstlne 3rd and 4th Grades Enrollment 60 attendance 948 Per cent of class neither absent nor tardy 431 Per fect in attendance Rutheda Black burn Thelma Broadsword George Brooke Mildred Cessna Gladys Tren ton aMrtha Goldner Flo Ella Jones Ednes Klstler Evelyn Kistler Myrtle Marshall Harry Nicholas Virginia Nicholas William Probst August Pusch Ether Shipley Arthur Brown Delilah DIehl Anna Halczyzak Rolla Marshall Beatrice McMillin Anna Lo uise McNeil Ruby Roor Richard Shrader John Ferleckl WIrlam West ibaker 5th and 6th Grade Enrollment 561 per cent of attendance 815 Per cent of class neither absent nor tardy 30 iLeroy Bingham Margaret Brown Mary Duer Grace Jones Steward Jones iDorothy Klingensmith Ruth Lerner Clara Roof Elizabeth Sklles Erla SmRh Helen Young Paul Bing ham Margaret Dullerton Charlotte Gensler Theresa Miller Edna Pusch Randall Young jr Olive M Orr Teacher -711 nwJ Oil Bflflnn PHnllmnHl O C I Ul tWIU OLU VJTIUUUB UUIVIlUiUiiL Od per cent of attendance 89 Per cent of class neither absent nor Jtardy 89 Elva Anderson Lecta Blackburn Mar guerite Blott Alice Lerner Edna Rus sell Lauren Smith Harold Talbot Margaret ClaytonHoward Creed Mild red DIehl Marguerite Fenton Ken neth Howard Mark Ohl David Ship ley Erma Stitle Marian Sperry Teacher High School Enrollment 27 Per cent of attendance 93 Per cent of class neither absent nor tardy 445 Wilber Brown Ernest Broadsword Ruth Clayton Geraldine Harklerode Edna Klingensmith Martha Harkle rode Drwlght King Helen Miller Olga Pusch Carrie Probst Elizabeth Prcfast Edna Zwingler Canfleld Schools 1st Grade Ruble Houser Warren Baird Walter Lynn Carl Schaeffer Bruce Smith Mrs J Merle Mlnteer Teacher 2nd Grade James Albert Earl HJn er Perry Houser Charles Preston Margaret Arnold Viola Clay Virginia Doyle Alice Hescholman Bessie Rich ey Ruth Schaaf Carolyn Wetmore Eleanor Hesson Mrs Goldlo Conry Teacher 3rd and 4th Grades Harrold Baird Marlon Bancroft Martin Beatty Cecil Chubb Sloanor Chrlstman Hazel Cool Ruth Corl Gertrude Greasel Evelyn Heckman Florence Hescholman Phyl lis Melllnger Roy Rhodes Judson Rob inson Carl Smith Mary Stack Steph en Stack John Wells Lueile Andrews Clnre Baird Clarence Bllm Thelma Lanterman Mary Overhultzer Clifford Van Arsdale Mrs R H Lynn Teacher 4th Grade Wilma Corll Mary Neff Marguerite Schaaf Carl Blott Carl Barnes Carl Ciay Vernon Scott Rich ard Fitch Enrollment 12 5th Grade Virginia Bancroft Thora Chubb Eth el Clay Lola Cronk Emma Schaef fer Carrie Wells Joe Barger Byron Chrlstman Eddie Credico Harry Corll Hugh Dickson Stanley Frazler Harry Kyle Leslie CLynn Paul Myers Rob ert Melllnger Joe smith Enrollment 28 Bernlce Buck Teacher 6th Grade Ward Lynn Phil Strat ford Frank Lanterman Katherlne Clay Harry Houser Ruby Cool Elton ifc - ed by bis mother and 1jm WHUIam Arnold 7th Grade Lettio brothers and sisters Mra Henry Bllm Marian Hollister Alta Clay Ralph Sampsell Harry Doyle Frank Housel Stanley Heckman Thalia Chubb Romaine Hagerman Mrs F D Myers Teacher 7th Grade Emma Albert Maybello Baird Pearl Barnes Dorothea Frederick-Gladys Harter Anna Manchester Gertrude Miller Clarence Blott Ches ter Crawford Mahlon Kirkpatrick iEm mor Myers Jarvls Smith 8th Grade Stella Bush Trella Bush Fannie Bllm Thelma Chubb Esther Cox Ruth Huxsaw Thalia Hawkins Ethel Kim mel Marjory Neff Isalbell Neff Ruth Riley Dorothy Scott Sylvia Schaffer Robt Baird Dean Beardsley Walter Detchon Ray Lynn Comus Rupert Teacher F W Nelson Pupils of Turner Street neither ab born In Canfleld March 24 1844 conlgt nor tardy durins ihe month of eequently was aged 74 years Ipt February monitns ana 10 uaya me twao a wj War veteran having served nearly three years inCo B Second Ohio Turner Street Wilford Brobst Mar Ion Reed Grace Wilson Howard Reed Edison Brobst Claude Ewing Johq Sera Sidney Brobst Ellzalbeth Barney james Jienneay vjctor asarney Florence Callahan Teacher r Pupils of Ellworth Primary School neither absent nor tardy during Feb ruary George Wilson Vance Baring er Morris Bowman Philip Golst iLes ter Gordon Mllber Golst Sarah Cal lahan Mary Gibson Agnes Hammond Miss A L MayhewTeacher A matter of cross questioning What about that new bridge A debt that keeps running is never a walk over Buy War Saving and Thrift Stamp ji hmjh tiiiiw1 TABER SKELTON The Alliance Review of last Satur day contained the following mention of the marriage of former well known and popular young people of Canfleld Miss Mildred Tabor and Attorney B M Skelton of Akion were united In marriage Saturday morning at eight fifteen at the parsonage of the First Presbyterian church the Rev Dr F J Bryson officiating They vwerp at tended by Miss Mabel Taber sister of the bride and Wilbur Helser of Ber lin Center The bride Is a daughter of Mrs J R Taber of Gelger avenue and has been employed at the Cooey Wilker store She recently announc ed her Engagement and has been the honor guest at several social affairs since that time BBBflll 9lBBttVilGBi9BBBBBBB bbbb t 3BrJllrflKaBBBBB BBBBBBBBTi v ViallilBBBBB BBBBBBBbHW wTflVi HrayBBBBBBBl BESlBh CJbBbHBBBBbI MRS R A MANCHESTER Was given a surprise party Mon day evening at her home on Lisbon street In honor of her seventy fifth birthday anniversary about twenty five relatives dhd friends participat ing The occasion was most pleas urable Mrs Manchester was the re clplont of a number of much apprec iated gifts A dainty lunch was perv cd by the visiting ladies Another horror of peace the derby tint is coming back Nobody now worries nbout the watch on the Rhine Were keeping It There is said to be a scarcity of gold coins Why not use eggs ns a substi tute The war did some good It taught us the difference between Dutch and German And the wnr aftcrniuth Is like a pho tographic process It develops a lot of exposures Unlike precious metals it Is not the scarcity of common sense that make It valuable No war ever ended with so little opportunity for the I Told You So guild to sny It Their loss of n million dead docs not bear out any contention that the Brit ish nrc not flghtgrs Once a marine always a mnrlnc ap plies to the spirit of the heroes of Chateau Thierry The last hope of the Germnn propa gandist is to sow a few seeds of jeal ousy among the allies Germanys rigid elimination of non essentials does not Include the loppinc off of liars or looters Secretary Daniels report reveals our navy was mightily successful in com bating the cooties of the seas The more German ex royalty talks the more it proves that It Is just as rot ten a loner as It wns a winner PorhiipH when the boys get home and learn the price of civilian clothes they will decide to stay In the nrmy The censors however were not ask ed to do the Impossible by keeping se cret the return of the American troops The German spy system in America will have to go down ns the bugest unworkable lnfernnl machine In his tory The headline Somewhere In France has given way to With the Ameri can French or British armies in Ger many It mny be all right but It sounds sus picious to hear that a man named Castro has been elected president of Portugal Patronize Dispatch advertisers I STggy THE MAHONING DISPATCHFRIDAY MAECH 14 1919 O O O WHAT PEOPLE READ IN THE O O DISPATCH C6 YEARS AGO O O e O 1 wuidered through Um village 0 O Tom O O I t beneath the tree O O O ooooooooooooooooa t Howard Cook died In Greenford Coxeys army marching to Washing ton Daughter born to Mr and Mrs John Delfe Calla citizens are beginning to make garden Carey Kirk will teach the Ellsworth Center school New Springfield distillery is run ning full time Fred Christy ot Christy town was robbed of 600 K vr Xr - - - neu in uanueia Son born to Mr and Mrs Jacob Cal vin of Greenford The Infant son of E W Reed died in East Lewlstown Dr Wm Dicksons residence slight ly damaged by fire Miss Lottie Spauldlng will teach the Geeburg school Masquerade social held In town hall was largely attended Maple taffy social mill be held in the Presbyterian church S C Melllnger of Island will make poultry raising a specialty Michael Durr of Hickory was giv en a birthday surprise party Mrs Thomas Woodward died in North Jackson nt the age of 88 Alvdn Thoman has moved to the J B Miller farm near New Buffalo J F Waters Is drilling for coal on the Lehman farm south of East Lewis town A rag beo was held at the home of Mrs S M Burkholder dn East Lew lstown Huffman Bros of Greenford arc building a large planing mill in Youngstown In Greenford eggs sell at 10c a doz en butter at 16c a pound and wheat 50c a bushel E C DIehl has resigned as clerk in Klingenmans store in Ellsworth and will return to the farm Democrats nominated C C Carter for major of Canfleld and the repub licans nominated J R Talber Directors of the Oanflold Youngs town Electric Railway Co held a mcet ilng in town hall S O Ewing was elected president J H Shields vice president J Calvin Ewing secretary treasurer J W Canfleld manager CANFIELD MARKET REPORT Paying Prices Eggs 40c dozen Butter rolls 43c Butter prints 45c Balling Prices Eggs 45c dozen Butter rolls 48c Butter prints 50c Butter Elgin Creamery 64c lb Olco 38c and 42c lb Sugar lie lb Lemons 55c dozen Oranges 60c dozen Grapefruit 13c each 2 for 25c Bananas lie lb Dates 18c lb Lard 34c lb Bacon 55c lb Ham 42c sliced 50c Cheese Swiss 45c Juno 35c Cream 42c Bermuda onions 7c lb English walnuts 45c lb Popcorn 25c lb Navy beans 16c lb Chipped beef in bulk lb 70c Calbbage 5c lb Potatoes 45c peck Celery 5c bunch Turnips 5c lb Honey extracted 27c lb Cocoannts 10c each Honey 35c and 40c box Graham flour 10 lib sack 75c Cornmeal 10 lb sack 55c Hominy grit 10c lb Sweet potatoes 3 lbs 25c PRIVATE SALE Three Days Only March 19 20 and 21 I will sell at Private Sale at my home on WEST MAIN STREET CANFIELD OHIO the following DINING TABLE CURLY MAPLE KITCHEN TABLE ORGAN COLE RANGfE used 6 months GAS COOK ING STOVE HEATING STOVE WALNUT DRESSER COMBINATION DRESSER AND WASH STAND WALNUT SECRETARY AND BOOK CASE COMBINED BED DAVEN PORT almost new and other house hold goods MRS MARY M1SNER jhhihhiwiii MOTHS THE ENEMIES OF FINE CLOTHES ABE HERE BE ON YOUR GUARD Every year thousands of dollars worth of fine clothes and costly furs are ruined hy moths The moth works unseen and unknown eating away the clothes and the furs you intend to wear again Stop useless waste now by generous use of inexpensive RED CEDAR COMPOUND There is no better moth prevention known Use Eed Cedar Compound and you have no unpleasant odor of moth balls no disagreeable smell to cling for weeks in the fall Just a pleasant refreshing odor of Eed Cedar that quickly disappears upon exposure to sunlight Get a package today Use it whenyou put away win ter wraps You cannot invest 25 cents more profitably F A MORRIS Druggist Phone 103 Gnfleld Ohio SLASHING Shop by Moil at McKelveya Postage Prepaid PRICE S In all lines and kinds of goods are taking place at this time of the year but none offer you any better values than at Wiesners at present Our conservative plan of doing business does rtot allow us to come forth in any too glowing assertions or wild advertising nevertheless youll always find our values to meet all competition and our goods always of a reliable and serviceable quality and style At this clean up sale we are offering Mens Suits from 12 up to 30 that are worth on todays market L 3 more MENS OVERCOATS only about 20 left and you get a special bargain if we have your size among them BOYS SUITS Long Trousers sizes 14 to 19 for 8 to 10 are worth double Short trousers all go at 1 4 off MENS OVERALLS for 100 to 225 are cheap at 50c more CANVASS GLOVES One lot all you want at 2 for 25c 135 doz other grades at 15c and 20c pair HOSIERY Wool 75c and 100 grades to clean up 50c and 75c pair Cotton extra fleeced go at 25c worth one half more Socks heavy wool from 35c to 75c cot- ton 15c to 25c MENS SWEATERS 100 125 150 2 and 3 worth today one half more MENS WORK SHIRTS 69c 89c 100 and 115 Suspenders 25c worth double See us for bargains for Underwear Hats Caps etc A WIESNER Broad Street Qanfield Ohio r 17 PAYO TO BUY EVERYTHINO AT New Store Hours Open at 9 a m Close at 5 p m jThe Intermediate Department Presents the Newest and Most Becoming t Styles in Spring f I SUITS COATS DRESSES Especially Appropriate for Small Misses and Grown Up Girls g The success of this special department speaks loudly of the particular need that gg it was created to fill - S There is a period between girlhood and young womanhood when neither the Girls styles in Big Sizes nor Womens Styles in Small sizes are appropriate or be- coming fe It is the period when much care in style selection is necessaiy lest the awkward- S ness of rapid growth he accentuated instead of concealed j IN THE INTERMEDIATE DEPARTMENT will be found extensive assoxtments of Suits Coats and Dresses which have been g penally designedwith close study of those for whom they are intended styles as g smart as those which are created for their elders is IT IS A BOON TO SMALL WOMEN who have difficulty in finding small enough sizes among the regular womens assort ments These are the Sizes Included 12 14 16 13 15 17 19 Uy 16i2 lB1 20 New Suits Priced at 3950 Will Interest Many Women and Mises Who Do Not Care o Pay More At this price McKelvey assortments present an exceedingly interesting variety They are chiefly suits in the seasons most popular material and color NAVY SERGE i Some are in smart Tailored Models J Some are in the equally favored Semi Tailored styles v And some are in the becoming Box Back effects Womens and Misses sizes Second Floor t Deliveries by Automobile to Canfleld Every Tuesday and Thursday THE G M McKELVEY COMPANY wmmmmmmmmta YottngstowBj Ohio mmmHmmmirtimmmmmiimmmmmmMmmmm Aj