OCR Interpretation

The Mahoning dispatch. [volume] (Canfield, Mahoning County, Ohio) 1877-1968, March 14, 1919, Image 5

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84028473/1919-03-14/ed-1/seq-5/

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WBWHBffivW pySIIWHipM tSwBSSB3p35iMWMri m7T i iiiiflSfBftMiiiirin j3i PfJi2r linSriff
1 4
Gathered In Town County and
airs iLuclnda Hoopea died In Be
lolt last week aged nearly 74 Bhe
Is BUTriveil by four of hor seven child
Mrs Luclnda Hoopes aged 73
dlod In Belolt and was burled Sat-
unlay afternoon In Belolt She leaves
three boob and a daughteV
Mia Elizabeth Blackburn died Ulie
latter part of last -week at her home
in dolt aged nearly 91 years She
spent her entire life In Wostvllle and
rrhe Brie Co has built a new
t rdght etatlon dn Warren and citizens
of the town are pleased They now
Jiope fo ra nerw passenger station
needed for something like a half cen
Judge Lodge Riddle of Lisbon has
boon appointed chairman of the Co
lumbiana County War Savings or
ganisation succeeding W H Mulllna
of Salem who had charge of the coun
ty W S S campaign last year
Easter comes exceptionally early
this year Ash Wednesday falls upon
March 5 and consequently Easter falls
upon April 0 The- date of the Pas
chal ifull moon Is April 15 and Easter
omes the first Sunday following that
Mrs Era Flester who died rc
eenstly In Newton -Palls was born In
Lisbon Juno 22 1837 She was educat
ed In the Canfleld and Poland schools
and on April 12 1860 was married
to Ir J N Flester WJth her hus
band In 18C4 he went to Nowton Falls
which had since been her home
Kent state normal Bchool has al
ready brought to that town an Invest
ment of 90350 Including the valua
tion placed on the site according to
figures compiled by State Auditor A
V Donaghy In an Inventory of state
property Canfleld tried hard for this
school long before Kent thought of it
hut lost out in the contest
Will Meet Somewhere Sometime
Dont know iust where1 nor when
Bt -what I want you to remember Is
Its euro to be an Interesting meeting
1 bare told you about our recent meet
ing its interesting addresses discus
sion and features
But the next meeting will be bet
ter Just as sure as ten times ten Is
greater than five times ten You know
we have fifty members all alive
When wo meet again wo will have 77
all alive and hustling and some of
them talking
Tou reader should identify your
soil -with this organization right away
quick For Horticulture covers
practically every operation and lino
of -work from the city and suburban
kit to tho small and large farms ex
cepting tho production of the cereals
and live stock Wider In its mean
ing than Agriculture
Tho greater diversity in the oper
ation and activities ipertalndng to Hor
ticulture easily accounts for the pos
sibility of Interesting subjects for dis
cussion at our Horticultural Society
moetlnga Everything from tho lowly
little Fragaria VJrglniana to the big
red luscious Ben Davis from the
little Physalus to the big yellow uu
ourblta Peho from the lo wly but
fragrant little Viola odorata to tho
brilliant stately non odorous Holly
hock all com under the general term
Horticulture and you are liable to
hoar their culture discussed at any of
our Horticultural Society meetings
Doubtless many times when it be
came your duty and privilege to trans
plant a tree shrub or flowering plant
on your home grounds you havo wish
ed to know more about it its require
ments as to siuiBttlne or shade its
haibit of growth and general character
istics Many of these you will also
learu at our meetings
fiat whats tho use for ono to take
up valuable space in the Dispatch col
umns telling you what you can learn
at our meeting Become a member
and got It first hand and In large
enough doses to do you permanent
And If there are ever periods when
you eel a little lank under the belt
Just manage to have them come at
the time of our Horticulture meetings
then bring with you a half bushel
basket of doughnuts or any other
cotlble ou like and see if you dont
got filled up to full capacity once
But first be sure that you are a
member of the society
Doors closed again non members
No thats not it but you will like
us fetter and well like you better if
you are one-of-us And believe me
K you ever attend one meeting from
tart tq finish you will be in at the
next it you have to crawl through the
Whats the the price is generally
the first question when buying things
of Yaluo that you need Here Ive
been -telling you what you need and
almost forgot to mention the price
its oply60 cents -per year and our
secretary give you a receipt to prove
that you are a member of the only
Horticulture Society in Mahoning
Send it the 60 cents to the secre
tary But its safer and better to
jend a dollar bill and get two re
ceipts for yourself and wife That
will improve your chances for an
abundant feed or chow as our sold
lexa call It at tho next meeting
Our secretarys address Is Calla O
But -you may find it more convenient
to call at Cpunty Agent Lehmans of-
fice his secretary IMlss Overhultzer
wilt Jake -tap money and give you the
receipt Dotter drop in soon lest you
- yours for a big crowd and big tlmo
at our next meeting Watch the Dis
patch for the date
M B TEMPLIN Seoy Treas
Socoud dnterest coupons on the
Third liberty loan bonds will be due
March 15 The Ohio War Savings
committee is issuing an appeal to help
the government meet Its continued
war expense by converting these cou
tvina into War Savings Stamps
According to available records the
holdings or Thira lmeriy loan Doaus
in Ohio amounts to 1225000000 The
BOiaiannual Interest payment on these
toads will amount practically to H
700M Reinvestment of this amount
War Savings Stamps will material
ly relieve the government of war time
PatroniBa our Advertisers
The testator of this will an inmate
of tho Cook Insane Asylum at Dun
ning 111 was said to bo insane but
in reading over this posthumous doc
ument It will occur to most of us that
he was violently sane
I Charles Lounsbury being of
sound mind and disposing memory
do hereby make this my last will and
testament In order as justly as may
bo to distribute my Interest In the
world among succeeding men
That part of my interest which is
lkjuJWh in law and recognized in tho
rBheoPbound volumes as my property
being inconsiderable ana or no ac
count I make no disposal of in this
My right to live being but a life
estate 1b not at my disposal but these
things excepted all else In tho world
I now proreed to devise and bequeath
Item I give to good fathers and
mothers In trust for their children all
gooo little words of praise and en
couragement and all quaint pet
names and endearments and 1 charge
said rarents to use them generously
as the needs of their children may re
Item I leave to children Inclus
ively Ibut only for the term of their
childhood all and every the flowers
ot the fields and the blossoms of the
woods With tho right to play among
them freely according to the customs
otchlldren warning them at the same
time again thistles and thorns And
I devise to children the banks of the
brooks and the golden sands beneath
tho waters thereof and the odors ot
tho willows that dip therein and the
white clouds that float high over the
giant trees And 1 leave the children
tlfcjong long da 8 to be merry In In
Thousand ways and the night and
the moon and tho train of the milky
way to wonder nt but subject never
theless to the rights hereinafter glv
en to lovers
Item H devise to boys Jointly all
the useful Idle fields and commons
where ball may be played all pleas
ant waters where one may swim all
snow clad hills where one may coast
and all streams and ponds where one
may iflsh or where when grim winter
comes one may skate to have and to
hold the same for the period ot their
boyhood And all meadows with the
clover blossoms and butterflies there
of the woods and their appurtenanc
es the squirrels and the birds and
echoes and strange noises and all
distant iplaces which may be visited
together with the adventures there
found And I civo to said boys each
his own place at the fireside at night
with all pictures that may bo seen In
the burning wood to enjoy without
let or hindrance and without any en
cumbrance of care
Item To lovers I devise their
lnaginary world with whatever they
may need as the stars of the sky
the red roses by the wall tho bloom
of tho hawthorn j the sweet strains of
music and aught else they may de
sire to figure to each other the laBt
Ingness nnd beauty of their love
Item To young men Jointly I de
vise and beyueath all boisterous In
spiring sports ot rivalry and I glvo
to them the disdain ot weakness and
undaunted confidence in their own
strength Tho they are rude I give
to them the power to make lasting
frlendshpls and of possessing com
panions and to them exclusively I
give all merry songs and brave chor
uses to sing with lusty volcej
Item And to those who are no
longer children or youths or lovers I
leave memory and I bequeath to them
tho volume of the poems ot Burns and
Shakespeare and of other poets If
there be others to the end that they
iriay live over tho old days again
freely and fully without tithe or di
Item To our loved pnes wltn
snowy crowns I bequeath tho happi
ness of old age the love and gratitude
of their children until they fall asleep
Which Lured to Its Doom the U Boat
of the Hun
Many chapters of romance were ad
ded to tho lore of the British navy
during the grave days of the world
war and prominent among them Is
one that concerns tho adventurous ex
ploits ot the heretofore unmentloned
Q boats as strange craft as over
fought an unscrupulous foe
The Q boat was deadly ibait for the
IMioat It was so Because it bore the
lamblike outward appearance of a
tramp merchantman but within car
ried the British lion unleased Con
cealed guns -were mounted In false
deckhouses that collapsed like cards
on a deck stripped for action when
the Instant to deliver the death thrust
was signaled Think of a ship sailing
the merchant lanes for months offer
ing Itself as a target to hidden foes
In order that it might fight oven
though crippled first And then im
agine the foaming wake of a torpedo
suddenly extended across its path
shortly after dawn on a fine spring
Outwardly the tramp held to its
course ana pbservea notning un
board the man-of-war however a longt
awaited alarm rang clearly and men
crawled to battle positions Present
ly a submarine broke the surface sev
eral hundred yards away and fired
across the tramps bow That was
the signal for the curtain to be run up
on the strangest of war dramas The
engines were stopped steam poured
ifrom the exhaust and the ship rock
ed in the trough of the waves The
panic crew hecame hysteric On
the ibridge the Captain executed- the
gestures of a slap stick comedian and
rared order after order In a fit ot
apparent confusion the panic crew
raced to the small boats
The jingle blast of a whistle blown
by the Captain was the signal to cease
acting and begin fighting the decoyed
submarine which had now come suf
ficiently close to be a gopd target In
less than three minutes from the time
the commander Issued the order to
Ho to and light a hit was registered
that foundered the U boat Popular
Can Join Calf Club
There is yet time to make entry
for the Mahoning County Calf Club
Any boy interested in dairying and
pure bred livestock should make ap
plication at pnee The heifers will be
younger this year and the Club of
longer duration Wtlte for an appli
cation blank H A Lehman County
Agricultural Agent
Spring Cleaning Time Is Near
If a house needs spring cleaning
bow about the human body after a
winter of indoor life and heavy food
Dont suffer from indigestion bilious
ness bad breath bloating gas or coa
Its u murder mystery the way some stlpation when relief can be so easily
people Tuse the Kings English had Foley Cathartic Tahjets clean
stomach and bowels aid tae up the
xne naoption or many new
devices will not bother the man
whose chief worry was to dodgo tho
Many discharged soldiers might
have greater difficulty in getting home
If the government did not permit them
to wear their uniforms
Prices are reported as coming down
but the change has not yet become
sufficiently marked to be visible to the
consumers naked eye
Weary ns the world Is of war It
would resume fighting In an instant If
It Imagined that tho Ideals It has
fought for were endangered
An Invention has been perfected to
permit ten people to talk over a wire
at once That seems to be the trou
ble with domestic phones today I
Ecry time n nation takes Its pencil
and pad of pnper nnd figures up Its war
bill Germany gives another shudder
and starts another political movement
The grand duchess of Mecklenberg
Schwerln thinks Germany made a mis
take In starting the war and there are
some grounds for believing that she I
Since discharged soldiers nre to b
allowed to keep their uniforms it
would only be fair to permit the fair
workers in munition plnnts to retain
their overalls
Hotel restaurants nnd cafes aro said
to be operated at n loss What a fine
world this is when people go to so
much trouble nnd expense merely for
Canadians nre figuring out that if
they cut down the size of their hug
cent pieces they can save a lot of high
priced copper nod still buy as much
with whats left
To automoblllsts that new Uerty
fuel said to be cheaper and more ef
ficient than gasoline will be a dem
onstration thnt the war has made the
world safe for democracy
Five hundred and ninety eight Ger
man and foreign military and naval
uniforms have been found In tho ex
kaisers private wardrobe In Potsdam
And none1 of them saw active service
In the war
The announcement that flying tho
Atlantic has been postponed until
next summer will tnke a heavy strain
off credulity and curiosity at a time
when they need all their resources at
other points
We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Reward
lor any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by HolTa Catarrh Cure
We the undersigned havo known F J
Cheney for the last IE yean and believe
him perfectly honorable In all business
transactions and Onunclally able to carry
out any obligation made y his firm
Waldlnff Klnnan Marvin
Wholesale Drug ginta Toledo O
Rails Catarrh Cure Is taken internally
acting directly upon the blood and muo
ous surfaces of the system Testimonials
sent froe Price TBc per bottle Sold by
all Druggists
Tnke nails Family Pills for constipation
A Resident Known to all Ofir Readers
Relates an Experience
Readers of the- Dispatch havo been
told again and again of the merits ot
that reliable time proved kidney rem
edy Doans Kidney Pills Tho export
lencos told are no those of unknown
persons living far away Tho cases
aro Canfiold oases told by Canfleld
A fl Portor retired carpenter says
I had a dull ache across the small
of my back Aly kidneys acted Irreg
ularly and I hod to get up several
times at night to pass tho kidney se
cretions 1 bought a box of Deans
Kidney Pills end gavo them a trial
Doans helped me a great deal and 1
havo had little trouble with my kid
neys since I still havo great faith
In Doans Kidney Pills and recom
mend them highly
Price 60c at all dealers Dont
simply nek for a kidney remedy get
Doans Kidney Pills the earno that
Mr Portor had Fostex Mllburn Co
Mfgra Buffalo N Y adv
The Testing of
Is not a matter of guess work
nor is It a matter ot trying on pairs
of ready made glasses It Is a sci
ence governed by principles which
nono but a person who has studied
tho anatomy of the Eye can under
stand no mesa work In my test
ing of tho Bye
T D Carpenter
Phone 107 Canfleld Ohio
of Every Description
Telephone 48
O 8 Phone 183 Canfleld O
Tho State of Ohio Mahonlnp County es
In the Court ot Common Pleas
Gootso W Lewis Plaintiff vs Irene
Lewis Defendant
Irene Lewis residing at Birmingham
Alabama P O Box 9151 Is hereby not
ified that George W Lewla has filed hla
petition against her for divorce In case
No 40848 of the Common Pleas Court of
MoJionlm County Ohio and that sold
cause will bo for hearing on and after
April 2S 1910
Perry Itoblson Atty for Plaintiff 45 6
Patronize Dispatch odvertiBors
44tt j j t t 4j g 4 t j j f j tM44
Public iSale
Having decided to quit farming I will offer for sale at Public
Auction on the C C Bowman farm seven miles north of Salem and
ono and a half mile south of
Ellsworth Center
Wednesday March 19 1919
Commencing at 9 oclock a m the following property tOwit
4 Head of Horses
Consisting of ono Bay Horse coming 5 years old this spring
weight 13G0 lbs Black Horse coming 9 years old weight 1460 Grey
Maro coming 4 years old weight 1240 Brown Horso 14 years old
weight 1275
Consisting of 19 head ot registered Jersey Cows fresh and com
ing fresh about all milking at salo time 4 head of high grade Jersey
oows fresh and coming fresh 5 registered yearling Heifers herd
Bull 3 years old young Bull coming 2 years old balance heifers and
Farming Implements Deerlng Corn Harvester Deering Grain
Binder gearless Hay Loader Hay Tedder Clover Leaf Manure Spread
er 2 two horse Cultivators Grain Drill two 10 ft Harrows Bobsled
Disc Harrow Land Roller Spring Wagon 2 horse Wagon and dump
hoards Potato Digger Buggy 2 sets good word Harness 2 set3 single
driving Harness aH in good shape Grass Seeder 2 walking Plows
Gasoline Tank Gasoline nglne Corn Sheller Weeder Economy King
Separator now 25 gallon power Churn Butter Worker 9 Milk Cans
Hay by the ton 35 ibushels cooking Potatoes 40 bushels Seed Pota
toes 5 bushels St Corn and many other articles too numerous to
Term8 A11 sums under 10 cash All sums 10 or over a credit
of 6 months wHl be given with good bankable note 3 per cent off
for cash
Col Andrews Auctioneer J B OARDO
R E Frederick Manager Ellsworth Grange wlll furnish lunch at noon
Immediate Delivery
Touring Runabout and
Ton Truck Models
Authorized Ford Sales Service
Automatic Phone 183
Canfleld Ohio
14 1919
1 I
TCbe StroussfrtrsbbevG Co 2epenbabiUtie
Jaunty English Tweed
Dolman Coats
Coats that make their strongest appeal to those young in spirit
them you just cant help it So smart so ripping so to speak
as dear old
jMuyumu uugiii say
Two Groups at Popular Prices
2950 and 3500
One model at 2950 is of grey English Tweed in full inverted pleahback
style with side pleat in front 3 inch belt and collar and cuffs smartly taped
Ono model at 3500 is of Copenhagen and grey mixture English Tweed
with deep square collar inserted pockets gathered front on yoke and finished
with large buttons
Another model at 3500 is of brown English Tweed with belted back rag
Ian sleeves large collar trimmed in brown suede inserted pockets and fin
ished with leather arrow heads
Misses and Young Women s New Spring Walking
Oxfords of Mahogany Calfskin at 595
A neat and dapper perforated model of appealing newness and rare smart
ness conceived along English lines with comfortable walking heels Made with
sewed Neolin soles Excellent values at just 595 the pair
The Refinement of Costly Jewelry at Little Prices
May be enjoyed by women if they make their selections here
Women who love artistic adornments will be delighted with this new col
lection of inexpensive Jewelry Each piece has been carefully designed and
tastefully finished after patterns that originated with pieces of much higher
price New in pattern fresh and brilliant they havo an extraordinary charm
that is truly unusual at such small cost
Sterling Silver Bar Pins Circles Crescents Ovals etc set with white and
colored stones 75c to 375 Main Floor Old Bldg
The First Made in America Set of Dishes
Since Washingtons Time
Has recently been added to the collection of former presidents at the White
House according to a recent dispatch It is interesting to know that this par
ticular Set is heavy in burnished gold and blue enamel and in the center is em
bossed gold is tho seal of the United States
This is cited to show the tremendous strides in late years that this coun
try has made in the art of pottery making Another iino proof is our own
splendid collection of American made China that this Good Store is featuring
Other makes of course French and English designs that will harmonize with
your interior decorations likewise worthy of note Border spray and conven
tional Sets for 6 to 12 persons 750 to 200 Third Floor New Bldg
The New Dress Woolens Ask for
Your Attention
Some aro special values others are at their regular prices all are espec
ially commended by their good sturdy quality and stylishness which insure
satisfactory results when developed into new suits coats skirts and the like
600 Broadcloth Suitings and Coatings 450 Theyre 54 inches wide nnd
have the weight of Kersey In Brown Taupe Green and Black Very special
350 and 400 French Serges 30054 inches wide in the fashionable
Navy Blue Good weight they make up nicely
300 French Serges 250 In the 50 and 54 inch widths The fine Navy
Blue Specially priced
All Wool Plaids 250 and 600 Large bar plaids stylish and striking in
effect very smart for New Spring skirts
New White Eiderdown 200 Double face quality and double weight Ono
of the seasons favorites
For Their Majesties The Babies
New Spring Carriages Are Ready
Babies were never so important asthey aro this minute The State puts a
higher value on them experts are more earnestly concerned about their health
even fathers and mothers may be said to care more about them if that were
All of which suits the little plutocrats to perfection
And here are New Carriages and Strollers which we believe will pleaso
the Little Cherubs equally well The famous Thayer make fine well built
vehicles with many new features that will meet with the approval of fond
parents windows in the hood tempered steel springs reversible gears on Pull
mans hoods that swing on an axis various finishes and trimmings body and
hood of genuine reed 2350 to 6450
New Line of Sulkies That have just arrived at very moderate prices
Featuring a Kemarkable Sale of 50 Just New Suits
For Women and Misses
The popularity of 2475 as a Suit price in the Basement Stores Annual
Spring Sales makes it necessary for us to have 50 more New Models rushed
from New York
Chiefly the very fashionableVelour Checks Jerseys Serges Poplins and
Silvertones in the late new box coat ideas with the much-looked-for narrow
sleeves and tight shoulders high waisted effects ruffled bottom and youthful
slenderizing models that aro just right with Fashion
Navy blue probably one of the strongest favorites of tho new season is
largely represented together with Black Pekin Plum and Green and White
Surely a pleasant surprise is in store for you when you see these New Suits
at just 2475 f
Deliveries by Fast Motor Truck to Canfleld Every
Friday Packages Delivered Right to Your Door
t l

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