OCR Interpretation

The Mahoning dispatch. [volume] (Canfield, Mahoning County, Ohio) 1877-1968, March 19, 1920, Image 1

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84028473/1920-03-19/ed-1/seq-1/

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Brtegs results sad that U the object
Tfrft JMafcOBlB IMntcli carries rat
Hes in advertteins form to a large
ninfcer of people in all parts of tho
Ton will bo more than pleas
ct with results if you advertise In The
Mr and Mrs l A Callahan who
Bpont tho -winter in Florida returned
to their home at Salem last Saturday
Jacob Xareh an old citizen living
MJoCbi of Ihere wtis found dead near his
aosne last Friday afternoon The re
taetas were taken to CroweHs under
taking rooms and iburlod from there
on Monday
A leap year dance da planned for
Thursday evening In town hall
little friends ot Mary Needham sur
prised her at her homo last Friday
evening in nonor of hor birthday unni
TcrEory Games and music made the
evening enjoyable concluded by a
dainty luncheon The little hostesSi
Tccedved many pretty gifts
RHbs iMogglo JMcAjidrowB is con
fined to her home by sickness
Special Lenten services arc being
ihoVl every Wednesday night nt the
Xwthoran church You are invited to
Mrs Daniel Stevens and daughters
of Columbiana spent Thursday with
3jwr another Mrs Mary Johnson
Wns M Passage visited on Sunday
mt the home of Mr and Mtb Tony
Parties- from Salem moved into the
Wire Annelioi Thompson property on
MatVIo street and a family moved In
to tho G W Allen property on Union
street recently vacated by Mr and
Wb Thomas Marshall
Aides Carrie Woods was absent from
school duties Monday on account Ot
The quarantine was lifted from tho
honne of Mr and Mrs William Simp
son last Friday Donald Simpson was
nUo to resume work Monday
Mrs Chas Smith and children of
EeA iLdvcnpool came last week and
are making their homo here with her
mother -Mrs E Burton
Harriet Blind and friend of Akron
erpont Sunday here with her grand
mother Mrs Mary Fry
Mr Wm Simpson bought tho barn
at the day bank and had it moved to
his promises in town
J T Gray of Salem visited the
school here Monday
Announcements were received by
friends here of tho marriage of Mls
Jennie Wfoitmer to Harry D Rudy at
Warren Thursday March 4 Tho bride
formerly lived here and has many
friends who extend best wishes
illiss Charlotte Bosseri of Alliance
was bore at tho home of her parents
over Sunday
Mrs O P Moore was hostess at a
s gathering of tho Ladies
Homo Circle in her home last Wednes
day evening Mms Harry Voglo of Sal
cm being on Invited guest The even
ing was devoted to needlework Mr
Moore entertained with somo very
TEPctty piano nnd violin selections Be
fore edjournment thojadlos wore ser
ved a delicious luncheon by tho host
assisted iby hor slater Tho next
mooting will be at the homo of Mm
William Simpson next Wednesday
Mrs John- Felcht of Locust Grove
Bpcnt several days last week with
friends in town
fLoran Taylor has been confined to
his Jhomo with pleural pneumonla
Mrs Harry Weikart and daughter
Betty of Damascus spent last Thurs
day hero at the homo of Mrs William
Mr and Mrs Fred Davis1 and daugh
ter Mr and Mrs J C Wolkart and
daughter were Sunday guests in the
home of Mr and Mrs George Chap-
pell in Salem
Tho team and several members of
tho Pythian Sisters lodgo went to
Groonfiord Tuesday evening to Initiate
b4x candidates Into that order
G W Allen was a Leetonia caller
Cden Davis purchased tho Cowden
Starith property on Sommest street
Leetonia and will take possession on
Aipril 1
Announcements were received by
friends here of the arrival of a little
m born to Mr and Mrs Balph Wly
Tn of Youngstown Mrs Wylan was
MIi Alice Piatt before her marriage
Tho new son will be called IUalph Jr
Great grandpa Holt fools so big that
be has not noticed us common people
nince ho received the nows
iMr and Mrs Bnlph Warner and J
N Paisley ware1 Sunday visitors In the
home of -Mr nnd Mrs Chris Orr at
Juts Mary Leo and daughter Mrs
Curtis of Toledo Thomas Fitzpatrick
Mrt and Mrs O B Warner Miss Mar
garet Warner and Mr Jim Thompson
ot Salem were visitors in the homo of
Mrs Emimi Fitzpatrick this week-
Mrs Wm Dalyrmple of Lisbon was
A caller in the village Saturday
Mfes tMabeWo Ballantine of Lee
tonia ppent Wednesday with Mrs F
O avis
Miss Margaret Archibald of Bast
Palestine was a week end guest of
her sister Mrs Emmet Carlisle
Wllbort DeJane was a Salem culler
IMr and Mrs Hugh Dalryimple were
in Salem Monday
Mrs Fred Weikart spent Monday
with hor sister Mrs Wm Lindsay In
Loertonla who Is very sick
Mrs Etame tt Carlisle and Miss Mar
garet Archibald were in Youngstown
Mrs John Cobedlafo of Salem spent
a day this week with -her aunt Mrs
Fred Weuart
March 17 MIses Tholma Blosser
and Gtedya Weaver are doing house
work for parties in Youngstown
Homer Montser and family of Qaai
flfild visited Mire Theo Bare last Sun
Ws Elisabeth Burkholder was a
wek end visitor with irelatlya In
lire Hazel Barger and children of
Bow dmbn is visiting her slater Mrs
Fak Orumbachor
Joob Wilderson has sold his prop
erty to Youngstown man
Another wire iga of spring was a
Jar g Sock of wild geese noticed flying
1 3W aa Jars jonn unaaiey were an
Younestown Ibt Monday
ji MiiMHser uHi u a uwsaer
QowauMaaa laM Monday
vr4 8ttar camps here have been
iitt ood ruas are reported
Mary Mommmi wets in
B4 Monday
March 17 5 B Taylor of Youngs
town was a caller hero Saturday
Missi Elvaretta Fenstemakcr enter
tained members of the Larkln Club
one day last week
A play Way Down East will bo
presented by North Jackson talent
along with Mr and Mrs Nogrotto in
grango hall Saturday evening Mbiroh
20 iDont fall to be there
Alfred Schafcr was In Youngstown
one day recently
Laura Marie Jones 13-months-old
daughter of Mr and Mrs Henry Jones
died Wednesday in tho family home
on tho Salem Warren road Death
was due to acute nephritis Surviving
Vith the parents Is one little sister
Thclma May Funeral services were
held at 130 Friday at tho residence
with Itev Hoover offlciuitlng Burial
was made In tho Ellsworth cemetery
All extend sympathy to the bereaved
parents and relatives
Mr nnd Mrs Lawrence Hull of
Youngstown spent Sunday hero with
their parents Mr and Mrs Frank
Mrs Iiti Fenstemakcr is sick
Esther Gosser was home over Sun
Harry Schafcr Glen Mathews and
Clyde Keslnr who work in Youngs
town were home over Sunday
iLeabcl Kirkwood entertained sever
al friends at her home Saturday even
Helen Hctrick of Youngstown spent
Sunday here at the home of Mr nnd
Mrs Fred Gosscr
There will be preaching in the M
E Church next Sunday morning
March 17 Tho Ladies Aid Society
served a covered dish meal at tho
Lutheran parsonage today
Tho homo department of thc farm
bureau will meet with Miss Lottie
Zimmerman Thursday afternoon
March 18 Subject iShort Cuts to
House Cleaning
Mr and Mrs Lewis Kopp and sons
Philip and Richard are spending somo
time with relatives in Tuscarawas
their old home town
George Hamilton and son loaded a
car of baled hay last week
Wayne Weikart who spent part of
the winter with his son Bajrl at
Appollo Pa returned home last Fri
Miss Louise Burchfiold of Salem
spent last week visiting her friend
Miss Bertha Kcnreich
Delmer Boiler lost a valuable horse
from paralysis last Friday
Mr and -Mrs J B Bhodes and John
Goodman spent last Sunday with Mr
and Mrs Earl Rhodes at Prospect
IMr and Mrs Buy Calvin and daugh
ters spent Sunday with Mr and Mr
John Lehman near Columbiana
The fifth and last number of the
lecture course given by the Hawaiian
Quiirtettc was played to a full houso
last Thursday night
The Loyal Sons and Daughters of
the Christian church were entertained
at the home of Daniel BcardBley and
wife of Conileld Wednesday night
An offering was taken at the Chris
tian church Sunday morning for for
eign missions which amounted to 30
uurs Earl Honuricks and children
Mrs Wm Burgoyne and Mr and arnynt Sunday -with hfr firfhmv Wm
Mrs Frank Burgoyne spent Sunday Crumbacher of Maple Grove
with friends at Atwtiter
Samuel Gosser was home from Alli
ance over Sunday
The condition of Charles Cutting re
mains unchanged
Several from here went to North
Jackson Saturday evening to see Mrs
Tubbs of Shantytown given by the
ryhHMi sisters
I N Weikart spent tho first of the
week at home suffering with neuralgia
Elmer Hendricks has been indispos
ed the past two weeks being threat
ened with pneumonia
Mrs Wilbur Weikart of Youngstown
spent last week here vrith Mr and
Mrs 1ml Weikart
Mr and Mrs Chauncey Clay and
Mrs Elmer Crum was in Mr and Mrs rri ruiv rMt
town one day last week J were Sunday guests of Mr nnd Mrs
Ralph Fcisley was in Canfleld Sat- l F Dlvcly
urday evening lMr and Mr l puuin and
Alfred Schafcr was in Salem one ter Hazel of Shady Hollow were
day last week Grcenford callers Sunday
Several farmers in the neighborhood The sum 0f 24 was collected for
have opened their sugar camps Runs forelBn mipsion8 nt tho Lutheran
have not been very favorable as yet churoli Sunday morning
The three children of Mr and Mrs The Lutheran Boosters met at the
Forest Hammond have whooping noom of jtev tind Mrs Naffzlger
I 180 fashion last Friday evening
Mr and Mrs Amos Smith will rtflcrc wcro 30 prORCIit Light refresh
cupy the residence owned by Mr and mem wcro BCTVed ftm nl
Mrs Wm Kinzle at Roscmont Mr tjjo occasion
nnd Mrs Harry Wolfer and family Trlcjula of Mrs Earl Ammon ten
who now occupy same have rented the dorc1 her a ktchen shower last Wed
farm belonging to JI W Spaulding of nesday evening Mr and Mrs Am
canned mon moveii to the farm of Harvey
A play entitled Bast Lynnc will Good laat Saturday where they an
be presented by Jocnl talent and Mr cmpiojxHl for tho summer
and Mrs Negrotto Friday and Delmer Roller and family Mr and
day evening March 26 and 27 in the jr willis Rottol and son and Miss
BIS80 Si ii Marceleno Wolfe were Sunday guests
u --
Mrs Philip Lenhart of Youngstown of Mr on1 uMrf Thomas Bush
recently spent a few days here with Thc mo of Dr Ledrabachs house
nw parents caught fire from the chimney last
The play given In gitinge hall last Sunday morning but fortunatelv was
Wednesday and Thursday evenings discovered by an occupant of the
was well attended and everyone was jouso rtnd
AVYla smn extinguished Tho
much pleased 1 damage was flight
Clubbing a Husband will be given Bmmor Callahan ot Pittsburgh went
by members of the Ladles Aid Society Sunday with his mother Mrs
ji ivuni invjii in lujLiuujii tutu Yti Tin iTVi Tin hnii
nosdiay evxning March 31 Let every
one attend and have a good laugh
Mr and Mrs Harry Brown were in
Canfleld Saturday evening
Mr and Mrs Milton Florence and
daughter Murporle spent Sunday in
Warren with ithelr parents Mr and
Mrs Lynn Florence
Mr and Mrs C S McNellly and son
Joseph of Youngstown havo returned
home after spending a few days here
wit hJ F Senator and family
Leon Wilson purcliheod a driving
horse of Douglas Brown
Miss Pauline Schafer was in Can
field Monday
Forest Hammond was dn Youngs
town one day last week
Frank Retsler was a Cunfleld visit
or Monday
J C Gordon had business in Can
fleld Tuesday afternoon
Grange program for Tuesday even
ing March 23 Roll call A Joke on
tho Irish song Mrs Hugh BowimkMn
Asurprise arranged by ithe lecturer
Everybody be present
March 17 Chariea Van Pelt fell on
the ice last Saturday evening break
ing his hip He was taken to the
Salem hospital Sunday morning where
he will have to remain some time
Alvin Detrow and daughter Erma
and IMiss Esther ReichUrd spent Sun
day afternoon with Jonathan Redohord
and family
W H Oalvin was in Youngstown
Enos Ezra Owen Merle and Miss
Ida Witmer were Sunday- guests of
Bev Harvey Horst and family
Earl Amnion of Greenford wtoo has
been employed by Harvey Good for
the summer Ibegan work Monday
iMrs Saloma Summer and daughter
Mrs Henry Leliman attended the fun
eral of Wm Color held nt Betbel
church at Pleasant Valley Sunday af
Miss Mary Zicgler spent Sunday af
ternoon with Miss Alta Lehnian
Mr and Mrs Noah Blxler Mrs
Sarah Kurtz and son Elmer and B
il Lehman were In Youngstown Fri
Amos Joseph David Hannah Edith
and Anna Wenger called on Ezra
Knopp and family Sunday
Friends here received word of the
deatb of Jacob Karsh of Leetonia who
was found dead In a field near his
home last Sbiturday Funeral services
were held Monday afternoon at the
Mennonite church near Leetonia
Mr and Mrs D R Lehman spent
Sunday afternoon at Adam Wenger6
Jonas Knopp is visiting relatives at
S R Martin and family Mr and
Mrs Amos Martin visited at Arvin Dot
raws Sunday
Mrs Ben Ziegler is on the sick list
Mise Alta Lehman has been sick the
past week
Mr Bind Mrs D O Witmer and
daughter Mary were Sunday guests at
J J Witmer and family
See The Red Lamp and Uterary
program by Canfleld H S pwpUa in
College Chapel evening of March 23
O S Walter was in Youngstown
Mr and Mrs Wm Felcht and son
and lMir and Mrs George Grovcr spent
Sunday in Youngstown and Niles
Mr and Mrs Lloyd Weikart nnd
son Joeph were in Alliance Tuesday
Oak Leaf Temple Pythian Sisters
will initiate Ave now members this
Wednesday night three from Al
bany and two from Grecnford
March 7 George Wills John Mock
and James Helsel are in Youngstown
this week serving on the jury
Dallas Smith and Joseph Kaley were
in Alliance Saturday
Mrs Weldon of Riivenna came on
Saturday to spend a few days with her
fon Earl and wife
Mrs Susie Hoover and son Martin
of Ravenna came Saturday evening
for 1 visit with Berlin friends Mfb
Hoover expects to ftay several weeks
Born a son to Mr and Mrs Wm
Nettie Burkey has purchased Mrs
WestoverB property on South street
and will soon take possession
Burt Schlsler of Rosemont bpent
several days with his brother Arthur
Schlsler andvfalmly
Heman Yeiager and Edward ICime
who spent the winter in Florida have
returned home
Mrs Mary Bradshaw of Garfield
spent Tuesday at her homo here
The high school was at Youngstown
Saturday attending the Mahoning
county high school basketball tourna
Miss Hazel Qlddall of Akron visited
her sister Mrs Emory Dlehl
Mrs Monroe Goodman remains quite
poorly Mrs Melissa Clino is taking
core or her
Cyrus Smith home from Niles
over Sunday
iperry Smith Is sick with jaundice
Miss lone Renkenberger spent Fri
day night with Dorothy Follnogle
Miss Alberta Russell is improving
after a severe attack of flu and meas
March 17 Mr and tMrs Tom Ablb
lett spent Sunday afternoon with Lew
is Wellendorf and family near North
Lena Greasel and Dowesse Paulin
of Canfleld were married last week
Wednesday Congratulations
Lawrence Painter of Cleveland is
here visiting his brother ElmerPalnt
er and family
Oliver iMoff was home from Canfleld
Abo Hetrick is spending a few days
at Clark Bares
Mrs E G Moff on last Wednesday
attended the funeral of her cousin W
A- Hope in Pittsburgh
Mrs John Elser called on Mrs Lew
is Greasel Monday afternoon
Adolph Meeker wtas in Canfield last
Some maple syrup has been made
by farmers in this neighborhood
Patronize Diepatefc aiTrUMw
mer i rrT -
5 c
March 17 The Searchlight Club
enjoyed tho last meeting ot tho season
Tuesday In the homo of Mrs Vernon
B Crouse at Geiger Stop Officers
for tho year 1920 21 were elected as
follows President Mrs Anthony
Colcr vice president Mrs J V Gham
ibers secretary and treasurer Mrs
Jay Glenn executive committee Mrs
F H McVay Mrs R E Elior and
Mrs V E Crouse Tho club contem
plliitcs soon paying on informal visit
to tho Butler art gallery in Youngs
An all day meeting of the Womens
Missionary Society of Mt Olivet
Reformed church was held Wednes
day Officers for tho year were chos
en as follows President Mrs C II
Welsh secretary Mrs Frank Kelner
treasurer Mrs J V Chambers lAfter
thc morning meeting tho todies retir
ed to the basement where they par
took of a bountiful luncheon The af
ternoon was devoted to missionary
thought and study
iNorth Lima grange will enjoy nn
oyster supper in their rooms after the
regular meeting this evening The
ladies will entcrtnin with a program
and thc men will serve tho supper
Oharlea Ramsey entertained a num
ber of oung friends in his home Fri
day evening
Some of thc farmers opened their
sugar camps last week but cold weath
er of the lhst week stopped the flow
of sap
A daughter was born last week to
Mr and Mrs Ura Troyer
Bert Hincr ot Canfleld has purchas
ed thc property of Solomon Crouse
and will soon move here
A lecture by Herbert Leon Cope
the well known humorist is thc next
number of the seasons Lyceum course
and will bo given on Wednesday even
ing March 24 Mr Cope was here on
a previous occasion and all who heard
him at that time arc anxious to hear
him again
Several more ekiscs of scarlet fever
have developed in the school district
three families being quarantined
None are seriously ill
Mrs Lydla Hetter continues in a
very serious condition with no hope
for her recovery
Mr Porter of Youngstown will move
Into his property here purchased of
Henry Zeigler Mr Zelgler purchased
land on the Cox highway near Colum
biana and will build upon it
Special Easter exercises are beirig
arranged by the churches of the vil
March 17 Thursday afternoon from
1 to 5 Mrs N II Knopp was
hostess to the Home Circle Club Thc
meeting was called to order by the
president Mas Mary Kendlg The fol
lowing members were present Mrs
A B Coy Mrs Jerry Mfif Mrs
James Zimmerman Mrs Mary Kendlg
Mrs Edwin Buoh Mrs Freeman Half
ley Mrs R C Lamb Mrs M G Huff
man Mrs N H Knopp nnd Misses
Currlo and Mary Huffman Ora ILaif
ley and Clara Zimmerman The min
utes of the iprcvious meeting were
read and approved by the secretary
Miss Ora Half ley Tho pleasant after
noon hours were spent in needlework
nnd social chat Delicious refresh
ments were served The next meet
ing will be held with Mrs R C Lamb
April 8
iMr and Mrs Fred Reese were en
tertained Sunday by Mr and Mrs
Wm Ashman of Beloit
Lester Crutchley spent the week end
In Youngstown the guest of his cous
in Kenneth Carlisle
Mrs Fred Oesch pent Thursday
with her sister Mrs Hannah Moore
of Salem
Mrs Ell Rricker of Pleasant Vullc
called Monday on Mrs Walter Leon
Our teacher Miss Mary Archer nt
tended the meeting of tho Mahoning
county teachers held at Rayen high
school Youngstown Suturday
Miss Helen Taylor ot Leetonia spent
several days the past week with Miss
Sadie McMillan
GlennBates has resumed his studies
at O S 1J after several weeks spent
with his parents during the illness of
his brother Lester
Miss Hazel Bingham of Unionville
spent heveral days with friends here
Frank Oesch or Damascus was a
guest of friends over the week end
March 17 Mrs 0 Detchon and
Mrs I M Kerr are improving slowly
but are not able to bo out of their
3r II S Thome wiis in Youngstown
Andrew Barger was in Youngstown
Mrs Homer Holl is improving but
not able to be out
The Boardman A C girls went to
Columbiana Friday evening and play
ed Columbiana high school basketball
Score 30 to 8 in facor of Boardman
The A C boys played tho San Par-
rails here Saturday evening Score
36 to 27 In favor of Bourdman The
Boardman high school boys played
East Youngstown on Rayen floor nt
the tournament Saturday Score 3fi
to 17 in favor of Boardman
II O Jlelntzelman was in Leetonia
Sunday afternoon and while there
called on Mr and Mrs Thomas Frorn
Clarence Hailett was home from
work last week being tick
Walter Kerr and D G MoConnell
were in Youngstown Monday
The township trustees hold their
monthly meeting Tuesday evening
Mrs A Carlson and Mrs E R
Joshua were in Youngstown Monday
March 17 Perry Toot and wife of
Salem spent Sunday here with his par
ents Mr and Mrs Oscar Toot
Miss Pearl Dougherty of Salem
spent Sunday here with her narents
Wr and Mrs J Dougherty
iMisses Arlene and Pearl Dougherty
with several others composing a class
were initiated into the Sadies lodge
nt Greenford Tuesday evening
A pie social will be held at the
school house Friday evening March
26 Speaking and music will be the
order of tthe evening Everybody
I come and bring ides A good time is
anticipated by all
j VT rr rreiffr
gi ipuhlf
March 17 A terrible djitostrophe
has happened to this column The pen
of Mlsa Esther Miller who usually
writes this froze up during this last
cold spelL She is busy thawing it out
and hopes to have It in working order
by next week
A number of young folks from this
neighborhood attended the lecture at
North Jackson last Tuesday evening
To see Supt Hull our school wijs
glad but only wished so hard he had
come much cooner and stayed much
longer and when he left they all felt
sad 1
Several of the oung people of this
community attended the play Lena
Rivers given at North Juclason last
Saturday night
Geeburg farmers were well repre
sented at William Gaults sale near 1
North Jackson I
Miss Blanche McKenzle returned to
her home here last SntunJiy night
Many friends are glad to hear that she
will remain at home indefinitely
Uriah Yeager and H H McKenzie
Misses Flora and Avn McKenzle
made a brief visit with their parents
Mr and Mrs II H McKenzie Sun
day evening
Josephine Yeager nine jear old
dliughter of Mr nnd Mrs 1 M Yeager
was very sick Inst week but has suffi
ciently recovered to be able to attend
Many from here attended the funer
al of thc infant daughter of Mr nnd
Mrs Henry Jones near Rosemont
noy Williams ttillcd on S S Gault
Mrs Cornelius Miller Is recovering
from a severe caM of flu
Mr Socrest and Mr Yeager spent
Sunday In Newton Falls
Dean Beardley visited Louis Wil
liams Sunday
Miss Dorothy Bcrkey has been un
able to attend school the last week
Roy Williams was in Youngstown
S S Gault attended a sale near
Rosemont last week
Mrs Roy Williams was in Canfield
John Kavesky and slater Pearl were
in Canfleld Saturday
J M and Howard Yeager purchased
a fine lot of registered Holsteln cnttlo
of Homer Kirk this week
March 17 Mr and Mrs W S May
of Youngstown were at the home of
her father D Anderson Sunday
Mrs Louie Anderson purchased a
new Ford sedan of G Schnurrenborger
Mrs George Ripple who has been
sick for the past 18 months is worse
and friends are much concerned oot
her condition
A numborfrom this pjace attended
the revival meeting Sunday evening
at Smiths Corners which is being
conducted by Rev Reld of Washing
tonville The meetings will continue
throughout the week Attend nnd
hear U good sermon and see many
souls saved
Mrs John McDonald who has been
on the sick list was able to be out a
time Sunday
Mr 0 S Flick returned home last
Wednesday from Wevt Virginia where
she was called by the illness of her
ujughtcr Mrs Albert Steele and the
sickness and death of her year and a
half old grand daughter Irene Lucille
Steele which occurred March 1 of
pneumonia Mrs Flick reports much
sickness and many deaths in th it eec
Uon with various diseases but mostly
flu and pneuinonia
David Walters purchased a fine
team of work horcs nnd many farm
ing implements Next he will pur
ehip cows and chickens and then -expect
to see the wife
March 17 IMr and Mrs Elmer Ken
rejgh and daughter Mary spent last
Wednesday in Youngstown
Mr and Mrs Green nnd daughter
Lola spent Sunday with John McCon
ner aud wife
Mr and Mrs Noah Cramer were In
Salem Saturday
Mrs Harry Gardner and on Wll
Uiin of Salem are visiting at Norman
Miss Ira Badger spent Saturday in
Mrs Fred Bowman daughter Gladgs
and Mrs Inez Stahlsmith were in
Salem Saturday
Deaths in Country for 1918 Arc
The death rate In the United States
for 1018 was thu highest on record
according to the census bureaus an
nual mortality statistics which shows
1471307 deaths for the year repre
senting a rate of 18 per cent for eafli
1000 population
Of tho total deaths 477407 or ovei
32 per cent were due to Influenza and
pneumonia 380000 having occurred
In tho last four months of tbe year
when an epidemic of these diseases
prsvalled The rate for influenza and
pneumonia was B832 per cent per 100
000 Influenza caused 214081 death
and pneumonia 232780 showing rates
of 280and 284 3 per 100000 respec
tively the highest rates which ever ap
pear d for these causes The rate In
1017 for Influenza wns 172 and for
pneumonia 1408
The other principal causes of death
were organic diseases of the heart
tuberculosis acute nephritis Bright
disease and cancer which together
were responsible for 301301 deaths
or nearly 27 per cent of the total dur
ing the year
Pittsburgh District Yields Whisky
Internal revenue and government
prohibition agents have confiscated 7
500 gallons of wliUky valued at 100
000 In the Pittsburgh districts Raldi
were made In Pittsburgh and Oonnells
vllle Pa
From the pessimists point of view
its an 411 wind that 6how wihicb way
tbe straws blow i
Peculiar Happening Hailed as Some
thing Particularly New In Hl
tory of Railroading
The Erie rnllrond has demonstrated
tbe practicability of n theory that o
freight train may lose a car from Its
midst nnd keep to Its schedule with
Its crew In Ignorance of their loss nnd
Ed Mott of Gnslien the local hlsto
rlnn Is happy
For n generntlon Mott has been tell
ing folks of nn Krlc train that left Sus
quehanna In the winter of 1855 with 15
curs of cnttle At Port Jcrvis one car
wn missing It hnd disappeared from
the middle of the train without leav
ing broken couplings or other traces
of the manner if Its ejectment Two
dnys Inter the nilslng car wns found
In a field near the track nt Sholmln
It was empty The cattle It hnd held
were recovered In Sullivan county
New York Tliey hnd freed themselves
fruin the ear nnd crossed the Delawnre
river on the Ire
I ntlneer Altiort 0 Roberts wns
driving n train to New York Inst Sun
dnv mnrnlnp At West Tuxedo air
bnike trouble led fo the discovery that
the fourteenth cur wns missing The
thirteenth and fifteenth enrs had re
coupled thcinelve Search led to the
dNrovery of the misting car alongside
the track n mile to the north
The accident of Sunday was exactly
the nme ns the one which Mott de
mtIIips as of sixty odd years ngo ex
cept that the modern form of brake
mused thc loss of n car to be discov
ered more nulekly than wns the case
In the old dnye when thc coupling
were of simple design nnd the brakes
were operated by hand New Haven
Physician Seems to Have Made Out a
Good Case for His Side cf
Pr Henry Wllllnms In nn nrtlcle
In Motors combats the theory thnt
motoring Is reducing our opportunities
for exercise lie says Its benefits are
threefold pliyslrnl mental nnd vo
litional The buffeting of winds and
the Inhnlntlon of Inrgc quantities of
nrvpn fdlmnlntp dlrextlnn
tlon nnd excretion This Is true of
thc person who merely sits ns well
as of him who drive The latter how
ever benefits directly Doctor Wll
llnms snys When you drive n car
40 or 00 miles over average American
roads ot n ruction f tnlt dlstnncc
In any elty you give yonr arms find
torso a eonpp of purposeful cnllbthcn
irs thnt redounds directly to the bene
fit of your muscles nnd nrttries nnd
heart and Indirectly but no less slg
nlflenntly to the benefit of your diges
tive orgntis of elimination as well ns
the nervous system
Another Statue
With tile unveiling of the figure of
Gen William Shepherd in he commu
nity of West Meld Mass n worthy fig
ure Is added to this American popula
tion of revolutionary heroes whose
memory Is perpetuated by a public
stntue Genera Shepherd before the
Revolution had taken pnrt In thc Old
Freneh war which justified
lay In sujlng that because Frederick
the Great hail decided to rob n neigh
bor red men srnlped each other by
the grent lakes of North America He
begnn as a private soldier nnd rose
to the rank of lleutennnt colonel under
Washington nnd Inter commanded a
brlgndo tinder Lafayette Individuals
have sometimes ueMloned the Utility
of public statues yet In this case as
In many another the stntue defeats
tho common forgetfulness of past
deeds thnt has found expression In the
old saying Out of sight out of mind
No More Pups
A little friend of mine who lives
next door has been tensing his mother
for a puppy Knowing the destructive
hnblts ot such animals she has firmly
refused to let him have one At last
he persuaded her to let him borrow
one for half a day to show her that
a puppy knew enough to properly be
have himself Being warned that he
must watch thc puppy every minute
It was In the house the little chap
for a time wns careful to keep his eye
on It hut Anally tiring of t nch vigi
lance he relaxed his attention only to
give the puppy the chance It hnd been
Waiting for It Improved it to the full
by chewing to pieces one of his most
cherished Christinas toys This was
too much for the young host Good
night he exclaimed ao more pups
for me Ill get me a 10 year old dog
Kx baiige
The Artistic Temperament
The landlady announced that a well
known humorist and t nrtooulst was to
Join us at our boarding house and we
all had expectations of meeting a Jolly
good fellow who would drive dull care
away When he arrived he Insisted
on having a small table by himself
and Instead of drawing his chair up
to the table always drew the table to
him eating fating the wulli with his
back to the guests and declined to
meet anyone All in nil he was a sad
character to gaze upon and a great
disappointment to the guests Ex
Mark Him Duty
Wealthy Patient Oh doctor I have
such a bad cold I cant go to the office
this morning Cant you do something
for Itl
Ex Army Medico Just out Get out
of here Dont you see Im busyf There
leat anything the matter with you
you gold brick The Home Sector
At The Mahoning Dispatch office not
whllo you wait hnt promptly and ta
a manner that will please you Price
are consistent with service rendered
A trial order is solicited Flees
place It now
But Probably Musical Comedy Star
Did Not Mean Just What 8h
A popular musical comedy star wan
taking her summer vacation In a Now
England village this yenr nnd good
naturedly agreed to participate In nn
entertainment to be given at the
town hall for the benefit of locnl char
ities She procured from New York
one of the costumes from her last win
ters show nnd n fetching poster show
ing herself In thnt same costume Soon
nfter the poster was on dlsplny a dele
gation of vlllnge ladles waited upon
the committee of gentlemen who were
engineering the entertainment and pro
tested agnlnst tho chic costume of tho
poster which was in fact that of the
conventional prince of musical com
edy with n frank If pleasing display
of sllk enensod limbs
Lets send for Miss de Lancy and
sec If we cant fix It up a commit
teeman suggested nnd this wns done
Now besides being good nntured
Miss de Lnncy Is high spirited and
rather thought thnt the costume which
had been good enough for her to ap
pear In forsome hundreds of times In
New York would do for one appear
ance In Hlcksvllle
There is no use talking she an
nounced with decision Ill appear In
that costume or nothing
There wns a moment of horrified si
lence then quick whispering among
the Indy delegation and a moment lat
er their protest ngalnst thc proposed
costume wns withdrawn Philadelphia
Pets of Londoners Are Really Expen
sive Propositions In the Feed
Ing Line
How much does It cost now to feed
nn elephant for u year Two thousand
dollars say thc nflldnls of the London
s oo And a gtrsilTc costs half ns much
So that with the Increased prices of
food have come new problems for the
keepers of menageries The meat footfi
Include beef horse flesh guincn pigs
rnts cuts rnlce rabbits frogs snnkc
Nil pigeons ducks spnrrows gentled
snails nuts and cod liver oil The ga
zelles ImfTiilocs and nntelopes must bo
provided with rook salt They nre fed
on oats bran Imy green clover to
gether with carrots and potatoes Thc
birds are the most difficult to feed sat
isfactorily Flamingoes for Instance
require soaked wheat boiled shrimps
nnd fish cut small Some birds nre
fed largely on bullocks liver This Is
cut Into sllce boiled then put through
a minting machine The mince Is
dried in n slow oven and preserved
The dry mince is usunlly mixed with
bran or pollard Quantities of insects
hnve to be kept In stock for thc Insect
eating birds These are principally
men worms nnd gentles which Is the
polite name for mont maggots But
for some birds flies nnd grasshoppers
nre required The monkeys require
fruit such ns limmnns nnd apples
uhllc the snakes must be fed on small
nnlmals such ns rabbits mtco and
New Idea In Storing Coal
The Ingenious plan of storing coal
In carbonic ncld ku as undertaken nt
Unrtinnnd Germany gives the safety
from spontaneous Ignition of under
water storage while the container of
fer the convenience of the overhead
liitnKer Knelt of the three cylindrical
bunkers constructed with a capacity
of 2r00 tons litis scml spherlcul top
nnd bottom nnd three filling openings
at the ttp with three discharging out
lets nt the bottom The lower outlets
nre gns tight when closed but as the
carbonic acid Is much heavier than
ulr tho upper openings do not require
being ubsolutely leak proof A grab
on n structural steel tower unloads the
coal from a barge The coal Is dropped
Into n small hopper nnd then fed to n
push plate conveyor which Is so placed
that It may serve In filling or empty
ing the three bunkers The small
amount of carbonic acid gas that leaks
out in retroxfng coal can be readily
Fun for the Girl
One evening coming home from the
theater on the street car with my lady
friend I stepped from the car and
noticed an automobile coming up be
hind the cnr I kept my eye on the
automobile and took the elbow of the
next perfcon alighting nfter me ex
pecting It to be my friend Still watch
ing the motor I led the elbow safely
to he walk and then turned my at
tention to her Hut to my embarrass
ment who should I find myself escort
ing but a great full man who said In
i lie sweetest voice Thank you I
as never escorted by n young man
neross the street before you nre the
kindest fellow 1 ever met My lady
friend was following us and blie gig
gled over the Joke all the rest of the
way home Exchange
Artificial Tree for Birds
Dr H B Wurren is having a con
crete tree built on his lawn at West
Chester Pa to provide homes far
birds The tree Is upon a wire frame
15 feet high Holes of different slses
will luro the birds to meet and rest
At the base of the tree will be a large
concrete bath to provide tbe gseats
with runatejwater ftCall times 3wl
UUonrlliKW tb tree wlU tv
perching aiJMHeeitlos Btrt tk
question lsrywlU tbe birds be leeM
by this etofewately cwwUrftit tne
We have seta soae jbest lUWte
ajul expensive blrgjiMMWi empty ytr
fcfUr yer
r2 ta
I- -
vn i

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