Newspaper Page Text
" THE RimOOT1 CHRONICLE. I AND FARMERS, MECHANICS, AND MANUFACTURERS' ADVOCATE. NRW SliRIES. -VOL. 5. II, 15. ST. CUIRSIILLB, wl!IO, FRIDAY, J.HHII 7. 1853. I WI0I.R IT 795 TJ.IK BEI.MONT CHRONICLE published EVEtiv rntnAV Mommn, re. BY H. J. HOWARD & C.OWBM. V) OKFiCF. ON WK3T SIDE OF MARKET ST. muitPUTiLr dxlowtih: markst housc. TERMS OF (HJCM'T!ON. t nai.i Hhlw month, J'jjf 'fettVmia n.r option of th. .di.or while arrearage, rc duo. TERMS Of ADVXRTtflNO. I Radi' quart, (11 lines tor less,) tlir.i weak, J M Evrrv aSstilional inMrtjan. . . , YearlyrlvcriMiieM" cffe". v , ,, . Half cilunin, is'w Quartet column, tfflBt&3ES S& pid w InilliU.l-nh" ! THE LAW OF NEWSPAPERS. 1 Subktriwrs tvlio do lint cive eipress notice to the pnWy, .are considered aa wishing to continue their, ill. uTuVscril erB order the discontinuance of llielr pe rWdlcala,lhe publishers may continuo to send them an cats from the offices to which they are directed they a" held reiponi.ll.le till they have settled the lull, and ordered them discontinued. uhMit hi 4. u subscribers remove to other p aces with. I in Wf tomlinthe pul.Hsl.ers, and UP'"J; .S Mnt tu the former direction, they ore held responsible. 5. The courts have decided that ' fl'""''V X, , lodicals from tlic ollice, or rcmnvuiK and WnHWai uncalled for, I, p. in.. :! evince "f .""""'"" f'""'' ANNUAL EXHIBIT. ANNUAL EXHIBIT. Of the Receipts and Expenditures of Belmont ANNUAL EXHIBIT. Of the Receipts and Expenditures of Belmont County, from June 6th 1851, to June 22d 1852. RECEIPTS. Jon KttXt, Trcusurcr. Dr' To monies received, as follows, to wit Balance remaining ill his hands from la. settlement , . g1 Am't of Delinquent Tax collected On Sale of Sec. 16 from individuals T,Vm IS Of Pcdlera Lioe nso "S Horse " Jbj Ul) "orse ,, CO (10 Tavern " r l'"y " m Z M 00 Jury rees ..., 2 Principal of Surplus Revenue JJ Interest on " " SSn is School fund from Harrison County . .Jert'erson " 5..4 (9i Sho1Ull"unj' ITVS . 8g y SicPaeSb State common BonWpMPPar" , o? Interest on Sdction 10 ai County's proportion of Taxes for 1851 paid by Stato Treastrur U4j J Taxes refunded by County 4J Jjjj Road Damages L. Moncv found on dead body Insane costs for Israel Hough Cash received for Ollice rent ' Road Costs a . i .... Costsforrcappraisin8Pec.lG,Tp.G,R.4. 8 W Treasurer's mileage ' Freight on Standard Balances W TeUl am't of Receipts i."05 04 EXPENDITURES. Joiik Kelly, Esq., Treasurer, Cr, By monies paid out, as follows, to wit: I State. Account. , Am of State'tax collected nn the $ c Dnplicato of taxes for 1851 paid Stale 2951l M Am't of Tax on Lawyers Sc. Physicians W SPedlors License B1 2 Auction Duties ' Agricultural Fund, Shows ic -e ;' Principal of Section 10 M 2 " Surplus Revenue 2J" Interest on " 01(1 "' Total paid Stato 43439 4i By am't of School fund Townships as fol lowsv . f Colerain pd Bcnj. E. Dnngan, Trcas. lflOl 5! Flushing pd Isaac Holloway, " WO ! Goshen pd William Day " ' Kirkwood pd David Smith " .' Mead id John Dunlap " Pease pd David E Howell fJJ Pu'.tney pd James Kolsry " j " Richland pd A.Collins " SS n Somerset pd Joseph Brown " JJW J Smith pd Robert Kerr 4 Union pd Robert Hamilton " ' , JJ. j Wayne pd Ceo. Hanson " eSb 1 Wheeling pd Robt. Martin J J Warren pd Allen Barnes " 1.28' I1 Washington pd Michael Danford " W g York pd Ceo. Lislo " W Total avn't ofSchooVFnnd paid T'ps 15,123 1 Amount paid out of Poor funds Sam'l F. Hutchinson fur use of out door Pauper 2001 Dr. Jno. Alexander balanco of yearly salary 40 ? i Trusses tiimislird Paupers .n Reuben Miller, part of Iris salary as riup't BO " for use of Co. Infirmary o0 0 John P. Brewer for 2 Coffins for Paupers 8 0 Wm. Dunbar for use of out door " 1" 0 Ceo. Vanlnw motcrials for new building 250 0 Reuben Miller for use of Co. Infirmary 40 (I Wm. Price for use of out door Pauper 4 (I Geo. Vunlaw materials for new building 100 0 Thos. Trimble for use of out door Paupers 19 0 Reuben Miller for use of Co. Infirnmy 88 0 B W Hojrf bri'-k for County Infirmary B75 0 ' i, , u 40 I Gen. Vanlnw Lumber " " JP Jj Reuben Miller for use of " " M 11 Jas Kelsoy " " out door Pauper lb 0 R. B. Green " " " " 1'' J Joseph Clark for work at new building 8J 0 Andurson &, Vunlaw for Carpenter work at now building lu Reuben Miller in part of yearly salary as Stip't Co. Infirmary Sl) 0 Tbos. Rice Coffin for Pauper 4 Sam'l Satterthwait laying brick at Co. Inf. 132 I Geo. Vanluw Grates lor County Infirmary 25 I Frisbey Anderson Ijimc for ',' " 95 ( Win. S. Geofgo bill of sawing for " 19 J M. B. Hatcher hauling brick for " Dr. Jno. Ale.vatidcr pt of salary as Phy's 30 I Anderson & Vanlaw Carpenter work Co. Infirmary 210 ( it extra " " 47 1 Reuben Miller for use of Co. Inf. 50 I Geo. Berry building bake oven ntCo. Inf. 5 ( Sam'l Ring. Eaq. for use of out door Pauper 10 I B H ' 10 I Frosby Anderson Lime for Co. Inf. 23 John A. Ncff burning brick for Co. Inf. Geo. Berry,actling Gralos at " " John Pollock for use of out door Paupor 12 I R. rL Green " " " " M 1 Jas.ker JL " 51 Dr. J. Vanaxe affcidanoc on " " 8am'l HutcbinsoPJ for use of " 34 ' Thos. Mitchner Smbor for uso of Co. Inf. 48 John K. Newlanf " " " " 24 Reuben Miller rarruso of Co. Inf. M Perry Wilkinson ipouting for " 30 Geo. Vanlaw fnrfupcrlntending the erec tion of ncwfuilding John P. Lrewer Jcdsteds it Coffin Jesse Burson Plastering IT Wm. Wilkinson for uso of out door Pauper 12 Reuben Miller for use of Co. Infirmary 50 Reuben Miller in payment for extra labor at Co. Inf. m Thos. Trimble for use of out door Paupers U Reuben Miller for use of Co. InC N , 50 -ohn Pollork for use of out door Pauper 19 John P, Brewer Cofline 1 1 B. W. Hogc Bri. k for Co. Inf. 60 55 1 Sam'l F. Hutchison for use ol out door Pauper 20 00 Deuhon Miller for use of Co. Inf. 101 04 Wm. Dunbar for uso of out door Pauper 12 011 Sam'l Ring ' 10 00 ii ii H 10 (ill M. P. Hatcher hauling sand for Co. Inf. 14 50 Reuben Miller for use of Co. Inf. 50 00 I Dr. U B. Allen incd. attendance on out I door Pauper 35 00 ' Hannah Kon Icr for use of out door Paupor 24 00 Dr. C. Cope nied. altendanco on " II W Dr. Jno, Alexander services as Physician 1 at County Infirmary , 45 00 ! Eli Hi mi ii'rrrrtlain(rVinn rif fence 48 00 , Reuben Miller for am rfChJsa. 100 00 J. W. Henderson for painting at Co. Inf. 2 00 Geo. Vanlaw services as Director of " 33 00 Abncr Lodg 1 "31 50 John Phillips 30 00 J. W. Henderson for painting at " 32 00 Total ain't paid out or Poor fund 3,381 001 Am't of Tp. funds paid the several T'ps. Colerain pd Benj. E. Dungan, Treas. 102 41 Flushing pd Isaac Ilollowuy " 131 08 Goshen pd Win. Day " 142 48 Kirkwood pd David Smith " 130 8!1 Mead I'd John Dunlap " 107 92 Posse pd D. E. Howell " 3,'l!) 05 I'liltncy pd Jas. Kelscy " 103 01 Richland pd A. Collins " 351 30 Somerset pd J. Brown " 110 16 Smith pd Robert Kerr " 91 07 Union I'd R. Hamilton 251 3t Wayne pd lien. II.Misno. " 1H2 95 Wheeling pd R. Martin " 121 05 Warren pd Allen Barnos " 170 43 I Washington pd Michael Danford " 100 72 York pd Geo. Ida " 1 15 51 Total am'l of Tp. funjs paid T"ps 2,732 09 Amount paid out of ('ridge fund: Rob t, Smiley for repairing Bridge on rsad leading from St. Clairsville to Cadiz 25 00 Frink, Wilson & Co. Lumber for Bridge on McMahon's Creek 10 95 8 panglcr 8t Wilson repairing Bellalr Bridgo 80 00 Wm. B. Kirk repairing Jenkin's Run 42 00 Swan C. Vance " 0 milo " ' 4 50 Stewart & Higirins Lumber forF.cllu.'r " 79 87 Spangler & Wiison repairing " " 02 50 John Reoco Blacksmith work on " " 35 47 Joseph Wilson procuring materials for " 4 50 Moses fJellawiy Cumber for Pultney " 2 00 . for MoMuhan's creok " 0 00 Henry Amnions taking out of creek part of Bridgeport Bridgo 0 00 Jacob Frank " " " " 0 00 Green Sc. Owens Taking opart & piling up Captina, 70 41 Total am't paid out of Bridge Fund 444 29 Amount paid out of Special Taxes collected on the Duplicate. $ c U W. Hoisted Corporation Tax of Bridge port 315 (VI JohnL. Frint " " of St. Clairsvillo 80 5 Wm Day Goshen Dclinqt. Road Tax 2 1" Gen. Li.-le York 29 80 A. Collins Richlnnd " " " 32 30 M. Daniord Washington ' 20 00, Geo. Hanson Wayne " " " 8 0 B. E. Dungan Colerain " " " 3 V David Park Pease " " " 61 K. HainiUon Union " " 5 J. Price Cornn ell Dis. No. 5 Union Delinq't. v school Tax M 38 R.S.Clark " N- 3 " " 11 84 J P C Alexander dis. No. 8 Richland " 104 37 ! Charles Bailey " " 10 " " 13 53 I R i) Bell " "11 " " M 94 ' J. C. Davis " " 12 Wayno ' 1 27 Sam'l Ring " " 3 Washington " 40 60 J Nelson Brown " " 0 Somerset " 43 -m 701 70 ' Amount paid out of Sheep fund as follows, : to Wilt I wprk, $ c ' To Thos. C. Thompson WeI &JL M To R. B. Atkinson 5 00 To John B. Huffman 3 12 1 To John Murry J 00 I To James Moore 7G 25 ) To Geo. L. Armstrong 4 50 ' ) To Price Cornwell 10 00 1 To John ;-tarbuck 10 00 1) To Edwin Patterson B 00 9 'i'o Benj'n. Patterson 4 371 7 To Lemuel Howell 2 371 I To Geo. Waddell 7 SO 7 To Nancy Waddell 4 SO 2 To John Trott 8 7 1 To Lovin Mooro 15 93 , 8 To John Lcwellcn 5 00 To W. W. Livingston 14 75 5 To Alex. Henderson 55 621 i To John Henderson . 7 50 - To Jus. Butcher 4 50 1 To Alex. Henderson 100 0!)- To Joseph Peddicord 3 12 To Benj. Howell 2 25 I T John MoColllster 11 00 To Tillman. Patterson 1 50 , To A. E. Con row 20 00 j To Joseph Long 28 b7 ,, To Amos Orrison IS 00 n To Gillespie .Moorj 1 021 'J To A. Packer 7 50 H To .lames .Monro 31 37 ,' To II- Fletcher 7 50 To Joel Hunt 10 50 To Geo. Phillips 15 00 To Il.Phillips 2 50 , To Eli Pryor 2 50 To Joseph Stanton 10 oo ,1 To Joseph Faust .7 50 rj To John Pittman 17 12 U To Catherine 5 31 To John Pittman 19 871 J, To David Caldwell 10 00 ii To Bphrajm Williams 5 00 U To Wm. Watt 8 25 l(1 Total am't paid out of Sheep fund 049 181 Amount paid out of county funds on the ful 0 lowing accounts, to wit: To Township Assessors. $ 0 o in John Orr Of Richland Township 3 0 1 James King " " 21 0 H. B.Smith ! " " 20 2 ,0 J. P.C Alexander " " 49 5 lU Jas. Chamberlain of Colerain " 21 2 Peter Huld. rstoo " " " 11 7 H, Jas. W. Lyle ol Wayne M 21 0 '., John Lyslo " " " 12 0 "j Sam'l Me Williams of Union ' 61 5 U, Win. Palmer of Flushing " 43 5 ( Sam'l Hutchison of Mead " 25 5 m Thos. Clark of 13 5 -, Isauc Doudna of Wurren " 36 0 W. 11. Buehanan ol'Kirkwood " 40 5 . Loyd B shop of Somerset " 40 5 I David Ibnrstoq of Smith " 33 0 ln H. Mossio of York " 34 5 S J.M. Dillon of " " 0 7 Sam'l Danford ol Wash'ngton " 30 0 in Hugh Furgeson of Wheeling " 30 7 !i" Dan'l Merrill of 27 0 I, 1, Wilson Lemon of Pease " 66 7 u(, J. I). Sterling ol " " 6 0 n F. Ilollingshead of Pultney " 31 S B. B. Lotvman of " " 16 S nil Darius Hedge of Goshen " 41 I i hi Auditor paid for sending to Goshen t Bn " Total un't paid Township Assessors 773 I u() County Commissioners, their services as such, and as Board of Equalization. 263 01 mi David Allen Co. Aud. his sorvices in ;;;; 18.51-3 1,400 oi Q Associate Judges their " 337 51 nn tirand Jurors " ' 172 31 J , Petit ' " " b70 6 5q Witnesses in State cases 180 7' Costs in Insane " 259 00J Books, Stolionery ice for Auditor's Of- lico 41 12 i, Recorder's " 39 00 " Clerk's 107 21! " Probate's ' 6'i 58 Shciiff's ' 41 501 Old orders redeemed 18 00 John C. Nichols hoirding prisoners 438 (111 snmo attending on Court 91 00 same Costs on hahcii r rpvi 1 70 saino Labors on Jail Sc. Pub. Build ings 01 00 Win. Biyless attending nn Juries 72 00 same Hauling brick for Pub. Build. Ings 50 Jos. B. Anderson Tainting Court House 10 72 Frailer Sc. Collins Stationery for Court 20 45 R. B, Rvan Candles " " 3 60 1.8. ct 'T. Smith " " " 0 00 Sam'l Under brick for Buildings 1 50 D. S. Adams Sundries for " 24 43 James Thompson selling 5 Grntrs 3 75 John Husslclon setting Grntea in Jail & Of fice 8 00 B. Gill Candles & C for Court 75 J. Sc J. Put Ion sundries for Court House 7 75 Jus. Blllingflcji repairing Jail and inalcri- uls for same 5 50 Alex. MeMiHen Clothing for prisoners 19 50 Jos. B, Andrson repairing chairs 6 00 Amos Roseoe mending pavement 5 121 Issue E. Eaton deposite money of drown ed man 53 40 C. C. Carroll Esq. Pros. Atty. h salary 250 00 St. Clair Kelly Esq. Clerk " " 60 00 Peter TaltsMn dflfendtan prisoners 53 (10 John II. Il. uton for Agricultural Society 173 110 Benj. Hovleold fVder 1 M. Pennington defending prisoner 15 00 Joseph P Arrick milking deed lor Fund Commissioners 1 50 Fra7.ier iy Collins sundries for Treasurer's Offico 1 It) (Jco. W. Jtforehonio going for Commissioners 5 00 Jos. B. Anderson 1 set chairs 4 (( Silas llert .-'uperintendant Com. Schools Bmith township 3 50 Mrs. E. Wells interest on borrowed money 18 Oil D. D. T. CoWM Esq. Pros. Atty. his salary 2.10 00 Stacy Craft going (or commissioners a 00 Wm. Ewing paper for Assi ssors blanks Ace 28 00 Costs on division & sale of Sec 10 7'p 5 R 3 1 00 " " viewing St locating county Roads 98 00 Sheriff 's costs in case of Ohio ! Bullock 1 70 " annual allowance 100 00 " costs In returning vonirics 22 00 M 11 " Insane cases 91 68 Coal for Public Buildings 914 51 Justices costs in Slate eaaes 302 20 Improper 7'uxcs refunded 110 83 Cost of Inquest 110 52 Copts of Slate, County R Road Sc Justices Elections 531 10 Constables costs in State eases 32 00 Tp. Clerks " for returning enumeration of youth 52 25 Tp. Treus. costs for settling school fund 15 00 John Kelly ulloivuncc lor counterfeit paper ; taken' by him 35 Dfl John N'clly mileage in going to Columbus m settle 19 20 , Interest At penalty remitted by Co. Treas. 17 84 Am t 'I Delinquent tax not returned at )U): annual ret'tan of Delinquencies .714 24 ' .v ; 1 ' icTJrMncniJ .":;;!- : ..! Vm 1 .f 1 o; the liiii I. ile Iiisu.a.: -e ' t and Tnin. Company, charged on Du plicate but ft6l cimrfcicu -6 P9 Treasurer's per cent on all monies ree'd 1,322 05 9239 33 Printing S. Grcrsingcr Publishing Receipts & Ex. , ponditures Ac delinquent list 1850 60 00 same pub. annual report ol Fund Com. 7 00 same "General Laws 110 90 sumo Sale of School hind 10 00 same Blanks &d for Co. Treasurer 49 50 sumo Printing dono for Fund Com. 6 00 same " Rail Road notices 2) 00 same State Road notice Receipts Ac. Expenditures and delinquencies 1851, 60 00 Howard e5 Cowcn, Receipts Ac Expendi tures Ac Delinquencies 1851 64 00 runic in part fur General Laws Acc 40 00 Total am't paid for printing 427 40 7'otal Receipts $.'1,705 04 7'otal Expenditures K76,911 91 Balance in 7'icasury on settlement $1,853 73 Tho foregoing I believe to be a correct Exhibit of tho Receipts and Expenditures of Belmont Countv. from June 0th 1851 to Jnni 22rl 1852. DAVID ALLEN. Aud. Bel. Co. O. Dec. 17th. 1852. A. M. ADAMS' WHOLESALE AND UETAIL CLOTHING ESTABLISH M HI R T . On tlic Corner of Water and .'Monroe utrcets, Whreliny, Va.t "tTTHrnE lTwayCAt(tJ6 found tb tfirept, ctirapest, VV ami Hie Miorii (iiirai)lo tttock uf Ooadf in Wuepl fnp. hujuit ratnrned from New Vork Philadelphia , and DfUlIlUAre and Ilia '- preMUl an MtiUttJlJ attrac j lion in pQtnf) Ol quality and vlylc, and it is well known the best bargains can be had ot Dllh. For (sond and ' Cheap Goods, he stands unrivalled. Do not fail to call, or you may regret it. Hits slock consists of the following articles: luo Mack cloth drow coettj 100 Moo, brown and green do.; block cloth frock do.; 150 hluc, hrown aud gfoen do.; S30 block) hrown, blue aud green OCtf coats": ItO tuiriinesfi coats, math.1 of GOeoittlOfO, oloth. &c ; UiO hea ver coats, various colors; 1U0O iVlt and Muukrt toaU; M doz. White whirls of all (jrades; TiO dOO. check shirlH; o-l do., manner's urine; 4 do., silk umlci hirtt; 10 doz. cotton undorohlrtoi J 4pa, woolen underelilrtoi 2 dog, canen undershirts; 500 pr. l-lack cassiinero ponte) 100, larr vt, stripcil aud mixed i an, i; pt, COOeinett OOnta; Mio hlack nal in 'cs;s, at all prices; 1000 fancy eilk eeto, j all ptt tome I J-"v! valenria, marseilles, velvet, Alc; IS dm. fancy cravts, 12 noi. neck tuts; CO doz. pocket lidk'ls, silk ami linen; 20 doz. mi spend era. all pricet OUf styles; GO doz. half hose; siu doz. drawers. AH the al ove articles, with a greai many more, art ottered very low, iu my Ofottllltg fftore, corner of MOO " roe and Water arlieeis, Wlieeliiiy, Ve.( also a tine assort UJOtttOf Hats and Caps. A. M ADAMS, N. 11. Particular attention paid to custom vork, am all orders will he tilled with dispatch, hy A. iM. A. ) Opitiiotis of tho ti-css D Clotiiino. We would ad vino all perMni within 5 FlTe Of O good material, to call at A. M. Adama C'loili I) tng Store on (Voter tree(, Uoboeororj' One ooaort - nient of overylhlng in the clothing line. iJuiiy M Obonilfo) CLOTHtVOll at fair prices can always he hat 5 of our liiend A. M. Adams, corner ot .Miiurtj and Wa nj ter streets, who from his extensive ttuck of cloth, COO p. I Intorgo, oh., is folly prepared to rig you out in tin . height of fashion. l' This mullenittii has ahotit 815,('00 invested in KhrlOj IJ ' of the richest make, ami can lunimJt a man from tup t ) oe save with shot s. Particular atleutiou is solicited U .(his otoekf oowprietrg oa iitlooe, eootlwg, yootlngOi poo j taloons, ueckcrrlr'-fs, drawers, sjoooWMftore, (ateiii eprlni II J stocks, and a splendid lot of hats ami raps. You cai ( j not L'o amiss hy colling at his store lor any gOfUtont in II ; tended for the comfort or decorotiotl of uur j eoou. A he iloes a lare hiiKinrss lie in aite to pel) chpap, his rnotti i being "quick iah4 and suimII protita." This added t il i the fact that he has his goods made, up under his super 5 intendance. should he a eonlctent inducement for OVOr u I man disposed to huy, to give him a call. Let all, tborl r i lore, who nek their own interest oncouraue home iu J dustry" hy sheddmc their thread-hare parh for a nev U one. Daily Times $ Gazette, Oct. 80, 19. NOTICE (I 1 H liorcl.v givnn that on llm 2Hli day of Dcfcinlicr, a. i " I 1C52, Uliodcs cameil to oe rllcil In the Olsra' w OlVlccofllie CoilllllOII l'!. ,v. I null of llcllllOllt l.'nunlt 2 OhlQi a iictition, ii ay insj saiil cnuit to vacate lots No. 73, 74, 75. 70 , 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 88, 83, 84. e5 A. M, I ym 7.ane, atldition to tlie town of llriuimtt, in ,ai.l coin ' ty. At the next term ofnai. I Court, lie will ask tlie l.'oui lotrantthd prayer olaid petition, j Dec. 31, 'S.'. 41. D. I). T. COWKV, Atfy. for pefr. ) A NOTHEU supply of Gas f,ain.,. Its, received ar j XI. fur sale at (dec. 3, '.: OIBOBNRt, ' XH.A8S LANTBBHI for ,s'e at J (dec, S, IfSt.) O8B0HNE'!). M W FALL OOOM. 'I'lin larre.t and liet .elerted Mors of Fanrv and Pta 1 J. pie Dry Hood, we ever M 'iirf io the,)iistoieTi. ed at the mm or the i;io.DKN BKE IIIVE, No. 154, , Main et., Wfieeliriir, Va. foneiatinf ot every variety j if Rich end Maple Dry :rKla, kept In out line. They ha"- I cen carefully selerteq expreeely fur tin, market. And In esosffftf. osafffy, rurifty or nthntu aft- not excelled l.y any stock ol roods tver in Wheeling. Not withstanding the many yhmtug bilh asoat Cheap i;"'"! and Cash Trices Be not deceived hy them for we can and will sell every variety el Dry Goods fnr Cash, or thfrl approrrd rreiit as cheSn as any house in the titv. j Call and see for vonreelves and fie convinced, for we study i to please. (flsl M.astl) UTOWE 4c TBOjMS. j 0t ftt Sale of Land. rrtllK underslfnod exec. it.. r r the estate of Phillip Barn 1 eit.dec'd ..lfcrs at puldic saleon the nth day of Jsmia-! ry. A. D. H1. hetwcoli the homaof 8o'clock A. M. and 3 o'clock, P. M. of said .lav, ai the Court House ol Belmont Coanty, Ohio, the folkiwins real estate, to wit: Kilteeu aires od'the north east oi Ml acre,, hcint partol the north west iiiarterl fettiolUsl, Township 3 and Kanire with their spnefi.sanCeay pail ..I the aame Iractoi land that the said I'lriup KojajdV, died seised and p.--' -ed. For ruHherpsHaMarinHMal I1 I Jen nines, ft. Clairsville, or Mh.laiidJsaiifBed. 'I'lllV M. WF.EKR, Dcr.lh.'aS; 1 Ea-.-atj ?W 9miwvxUPi. 77,2 ft Boxeo7 HupcTnor rWttlififffM r dos. I 1U0U for sale l.y - II. T. FBA1ER. Nov.lV.'Sli. DELINQUENT LIST. The follotvins is a List of I.aiuls and Town Lots with in the County of Belmont, returned delinquent hy the Treasurer of said County, for the year loal, with the Tax and Penally due thereon, for aaid year together with the lax lor the tear MS. LANDS. Tax & Pen Owner's Names, P.. T. Sec. Or. Sec. Acies, alt;-. Colerain Township. d. c. m. Brown, John 3 7 Sij pt n tv 80 15 44 4 Wheal, Jesao 3 7 31 a. sido '-'1 1 3ll 5 tame 3 7 3G nine 183 C4 '.a U Flushing Township. Drakcly, Thonlas 5 II) 21 pt ne I 1024 f.'rilliin, William 0)0 U apt. ne 3; II I Bay, John A. S u 4W pi s e 3 4 48 a Goshen Township. Clark, Zachariah 5 7 19 pt n e 101 3 SS .7 I'rvor, Lli 6 7 14 pt lie 1 57 3 Simpson, Jas. W. 5 7 21 pta w 12t 3 47 2 Warlord, Elijah 5 7 34 pi ct '-i;. I 6 Ui 0 Kirkwood Township. Bailv, Knight 0 0 23 t n w 10 2 10 (t Drui' nd, Vanleerl i 14 pt u w : 3 U0 Eaton, Danitl 6 0 4 ptne 41 Hi 78 ;, .Moure, Jktliel 0 9 24 pta c 40 5 "G 0 VaufJWKll. Bent 0 0 24 O s w 35 0 83 C Mead Township. Anshutt, CP. 2 2 31 s pt 10 2 55 1 same 12 2 31 attain engine Ice 8 411 0 Beoty, William 3 5 20 o pt a w ti 1 14 9 Corbet, Nancy (heirs) 3 5 3 i. pi wise 12 82 M Corl ei, gaaiuel 3 5 3 pt n e 53 10 10 7 same 3 5 3 pi cl a tv 02 4 8U 5 same 3 5 PtptetnW 5 43 "I same 3 5 2 pt wl n e 25 3 40 9 Ilav.-thorn, James 3 5 8 pt ei nw 33 3 99 5 I'awn, John 3 5 9 pt w u c 54 7 4? 5 llainmoni!, Jas, P. 3 4 24 n ptne S7 9 70 2 Scales, James 3 5 33 a e pt u tv 47 a 9 05 7 It 1.,,.. 'I as O O In I'. II Pease Township. Branson, Isaac 2 -I Li ptt a 6 0 G:i 0, Jane 2 3 23 a pt I 8 07 9 Kdwaids, Joshua N. 9 3 i-3 Fract 1 10 70 3 F.nsell diaries; 2 3 23 pt S 1 21 Fisher. John Jc. 2 3 -t. pt 08 0 ' li, jklllM 3 0 .. .tvptnw 701 10 Cl 5 . ... , u, .1 i,n -2 3 29 i.iiJ. pt 2 1 09 4 it-lincs, Jaiiios 2 3 23 t 07 3 llr.rrison, Thompson i house 2 50 0 -DoMlcie".!. JJo'a.'o-. iJf TT'dS I 72 3 Lynn, Thomas 2 1 T9 Pratt. 1 1 72 3 l.iaton, Eneuezer 3 t 4 pt 75 20 28 4 La.1.1 Ai Margrave 2 3 23 Fract. C 14 b2 7 Lewis, Luct Anil 2 3 30 pt n w 1 3 27 0 Mitchell, Vincent 27 house 13 04 8 Nichols, Hugh 2 3 23 wharl land 3 37 4 Hainey.Thu's (heirs) i 3 35 pt c, 32 5 24 4 Sprigs c. Knox 2 3 B9 pt nt Hot 40 24 3 same 2 3 34 ptlii 110 SI 01 4 faiiio 2 3 27 tv pt 7 2 54 0 Suttun, Harrison 3 0 4 put! 2 b9 2 Pultney Township. Brown, Elijah 3 5 17 wl s a 50 8 31 2 Uunnluffbatu Hugh 3 5 5. ptse 1i. 1 83 0 Lillletou, Cliarlus 3 2 28 pt nt U 1 40 9 Mc.Mahou, Isaac 2 2 28 pt n e 5 61 8 Btcd, Thomas , B B JB pt n a 1 3 12 1 Richland Township. Askew, Isaac 4 7 4 pin e 81 . Aiiiinoiis, Henry 4 7 21 pt n tv i 93 1 Ayrs, Hiedlalt 4 7 11 ptne 0 1 4li 0 dtyrs, William 4 7 11 49 8 85 0 Clialmnt. Abel 4 7 31 pt n a S3 14 50 5 Evans, David 4 7 33 pta e 1 1 10 0 Evans, William 4 7 33 pt ll tr 3 09 4 Howell, Henry 4 7 32 ptw 80 35 84 0 Ililtuu.Johii a house 1 00 7 Keith. Lloyd 4 7 8 naide i 1 73 0 same a house 2 49 5 Lee, Isaac 4 7 27 pt u e 221 28 01 9 .Moore. James 4 7 HO pin w 12 4 40 1 Mirhuer. John 4 7 34 ptse lli 4 30 1 .Moore. Ellis P. a ham 3 ?0 8 McKelvy, Thomas " 0 01 9 Nichols SHdsOtfearSd 7 33 pt II iv i 5 83 5 Smith. N. W. 4 7 4 tv ptse 1 83 3 lurgeon, Hubert 4 7 33 pt U tv 41 10 71 7 Truman, David 4 7 33 pt ll w i 7 80 8 Tate, William 3 6 20, 32 & 25 pta 59 9 97 0 Tnomason, John 4 7 2 pt cl 8C 24 94 8 Ward. John 4 7 21 pt ll w 20 10 39 1 same 4 7 21 it n w 1 410 Somerset Township. Allison. John G 7 35 pt el n c 33 3 22 G Bo th, Isaac G 7 32 pt ll tv ll tv 30 3 29 4 ! Floyd. William 0 ". 32 at so 331 3 e'J 8 I Floyd, Mirhael 0 '. II pt a tv 53 8 53 0 1 Gibbons, Bourdon 0 9 pt s 0 23 4 53 0 I Johnson, ZephaniahO 7 21 cine 80 15 10 3 ! Kennard, Eli 0 7 II pt ll w 2 59 7 Lingo, William 0 7 22 plntv 80 19 57 j ' McCunatighv, Jas. 0 7 20 pt s w 4 82 3 1 Selhy.Tho's (heirs) 0 7 8 cl 11 tv 0 10 33 4 Wilson, Caleb 0 7 2 elsw 1-0 24 9 t I Weaker, John 0 7 35 w u w G5 3 CG 1' ( Vales, Itobeil 0 7 34swsw 7 50 t same G 7 5 pt n tv 5 1 04 7 Smith Township. Jackson, John 4 0 21 pt a w 21 07 I Jones, George 4 3U nwptse 5 3 37 ! Jackou, Thomas 4 G 21 n pt a tv 71 20 110 t Union Township. Clark, Joseph 3 24 pt s w 73 10 92 i Dobbins, Geo. t. 5 8 15 mid pt 33 12 59 Dobbins, Vt iu. O. 5 b 10 plsw 3 4 14 7 I Gordon, Mariall 5 8 5 seaw 331 III 21 I I arrit.Bamuel 5 8 33 ptntv 4b; 11 97 i i .MtFailden, James 5 8 34 ptne 951 9 32 I . .Uigurs, John 5 8 5 pt I tv 3 1 25 I . i same S 8 11 pt s tv 1 1 40 I . nil hauls, Aaron 3 8 30 pt It 1 54 I I Shepherd, James 5 8 32 pt ii e 70 Id 01 I Warren Township. Barnes, James 0 8 14 pt n tv 21 3 17 1 1 Flannagaii, John a house I H Hall, Joseph G 8 19 pise 80 15 20 : - Ksnuon. James 0 8 35 pt a w 17 4 44 I .Morgan, Hoi elt 0 8 34 ptntv 0 1 42 1 I Nelson, I'nce 6 8 a house 3 31 I Biggs, Jaine Sr. 6 8 14 pise 40 12 70 I -u 6 8 13 pt ll vlr 20 4 44 . Wayne Township. ' Bishop, Alfred 0 20 n side aw 28 3 86 ! ' Githu, Archibald 5 0 9 pi a w eoi 10 44 1 ' arris, William 5 0 27 ptse 10 4 13 I ' Hall, George i I 10 aw SC 731 12 24 ; .Mullen, Billiard 5 0 30 pt s w 30 4 29 1 Powell, Benl eu 5 0 0 pt wl n w 40 3 19 ' Patterson W. Sc . . t ' Delancv tV. 3 0 30 ptclse 291 7 8, 1 Shepherd, 'Wm M 6 3 n tv s w MM 4 31 ' 8all. i"iwait.Mary 5 0 30 1 n w 80 12 10 sav-T 5 6 30 wptstr 41 6 08 ' . samf i 6 30 pt n a 7 1 00 nemo 6 34 nt s e 8 1 21 W-leis. James '9. 0 15 piejitv 19 1 48 ' W.'liams, Daiiu .' IT 6 27 wlltv 5 13 02 Wheeling Township. TarmCyhlllBnica 8 27 ptne 10. J 10 31 it i . m u T Washington Township. Brotvnficld.Enoi 4 5 27 n n w in e .u beckott, John 4 5 12 neplne 55 0 77 '' Hall, James 4 3 16 pt 193 35 06 n Lucas, Eli 4 3 15 aw le 391 3 00 1 Mason, John 4 5 27 eptattr 1 tf York Township. Berry, William 3 4 25 else 31 1 81 - Samuel Glover, 3 4 17 4c 8 04 14 15 Graham, Juo. . (heirs) 3 4 22 pt cine 69 9 80 same 3 4 22 pt-1 no 12 1 71 Grace Francis 3 4 35 eplso 44 S 79 Jones. John 3 4 17 e n a 81 6 70 Mali"- .Ne'aon N 3 4 10 a e pi n w IT I 36 I Tax St. IVnahy. Owners' Nomas. No. of Lola Remarks. Towns t els m gfrldjr, K. K. U Flushing 3 4C S Kiiin jr, John W " so 4 Irf.yd. Knchel 8X1 Belmont I 25 4 Wright, James I). 32 " 4 711 Wright 4-. Thomas Tru.feat, liali I 1 21 C s line 31 7 B " 1)7 (J samo W 3-4 " C2 1 C'hnpmsn. And. L SI Hcndnrsbtirg 6 81 8 Haciwerth. Benj, ji l 86 o Jnmr s. William 72 " 66 6 .McCnlTery, B. M Sl 6 (i. 93 ia " 1 02 3 MdJartnry, Henry 7 4 " Hid some 75 " 41 8 Todd, William M " 44 ft Worlield.Jas. W. 41 " .V I Coulter, John 6 Pt Iiridgeport 3 .'8i i Fry. Jonies C. 13 K A 8 11 I Kill, James 7 A A " 35G 4 ! Ki eeh lianliolemew J9 ZA M 2 18 0 1 Mauley, Charlotte 14 Z A " 5 13 2 , .McCoiiougliy, JoMph6 McC A " 67 3 tame 18 " 50 4 ! tame 19 " " 2 1ft 4 some 20 " 8 37 1 snmo 21 " " 50 4 tamo 22 " " 50 4 some 21 " " 50 I snine 25 " " 4 04 7 Toner, Thos. Jr. 38 7. A " houaa 5 71 5 Shoemaker, Jacob 114 Ft " 9 40 6 While, Charles 6 Ft 3 :,(. 4 Woods, Chnrles 113 " 1 54 4 Zunc, Daniel 8ft " 94 9 Bnmo b9 " 91 9 ! Zan, Htmpden 47 Z A " 59 2 lAgpew, David 4ft Burlington 66 5 I same 47 ' 66 t Cochran, Alex. 119 - " bouse 3 37 4 iKlng.O, W. US " IB 1 1 samo 120 " 2 52 9 : McConnutihy Jat. 51 " a?.';1 same 49 " 42 I IVnii, Jeromn 52 . " 2 10 8 Forbes, W. W. et- Kirkwood 2 52 j Mnnley, James 528 " 81 2 1 Miller, Matfifai 85 " 7 59 u Arklc Chrh-topher 93 M 1st A Marlinsrille 105 9 Hrown, Thomas 94 " " 3 37 4 liiuoks, Benj. 149 Z 1st A 1-8 " Cfi 5 Cairall, UoJxrt 87 M MA " 2:.i9i eaiiiO 2J2 Miller's A. " 67 3 : miiiio 223 " " 67 3 1 some 22 i 5 " 67 3 1 same 223 " " 67 3 tamo 226 " u 67 3 j jUtwvJuJin - - 62 M 2d A- S 9 69 1 1 EdVords, John 44 " 67 3 samo 45 " 67 3 fallow, Mary 72 " 1 26 3 link, Marv 12 M Sc S A " 4 05 7 Horn, livo'. P. 176 Z A " 1 B0 9 Maine, .loniea 10 " 13 !'.' c same 219 M A " 3 B3 6 HcdaoU Gdward U " 6 3v 4 llolliday A'ewton 1 W A ' 106 4 Holllday Robert 24 " fv 67 3 Hums John 43 " I M I Jamiton II. M li " 45 1 Myers Mary (ow) 95 M 1st A SI " 79 ft Maxwell James 86 " ' 2 y 9 Martin EUnezcr 21 M & S A " 3 37 4 anmc 13 " " 1 6ft 7 aamo 14 " " 1 68 7 aame 15 ' " 1 9- 7 same 16 " " 1 6ft 7 same 17 " " 3 37 4 same 18 " " 1 6i 7 same 19 " " 3 37 4 same 20 " " 3 37 4 same ' 93. M 2d A " 90 6 Kichols Ilngh I.le4ll33 tK " 10 12 2 Stakes, Charles D 2 SWt " 2 52 9 Strane John D. 42 W " 67 3 , samp 49 " VI 3 Si .1. r I'liiflp "718- M2d -w 501 Sinrnless Hun'l 4cS M at 8 A " 2 02 2 same .3 " " 1 01 1 samo 4 " " b3 0 same iSc.6 " " 1 63 0 same 74i.ll " " 1 6 0 Toner Nathan 52 " 4 33 5 samo 53 " 1 01 1 Tavlor Mary Ann 93 Mist A 1-2 " 50 4 Taylor Sam'l A 229 M 3d A " 2 5-2 9 Taylor Benj. 21, .W A " i Hu 4 V ictoria Vincindia 660ii67 lj 13 ,1 same 9 J i, 1 same IU . H I tamo 65 " 1 g 0 Wilson Henry 18 W A " 6 3 mine 19 " ' J , G 4 Zanc Daniel 167 ZlstA " ' if jUj same 163 " I BfTS Brady Joseph J. 81 West Wheeling 3 12 9 same 84 51 6 Frenkman Charles 10 " J s 2 Hays John J 70 " J same 71 ? 07 8 Wise Joseph 76 M 0 same 78 30 7 Allen Isaac B. 18 JW,,, g J GUI James 89 Wl St. Clairsville 15 65 o ( Joings Thomas 30 hi of sl 9 2 Hubbard Wm II. 31 acres out lot " 1 1 Adams Jo,.iah 37 Somerlon 6 5j 3 same Cl out lot W Pogel William 16 5 W BrtrtteU George 10 Bolon 4 g J Gilibon.s, Junius 37 Jl 1 Hide William 4 same 34 V Monroe Uichord 14 H J ssme 1G ( ' saino l8 ,., Fame 24 ;; ArnlSrong JesM CwttWlU. l .4 j ttigljt Curtis 13 a19 6 Borofl Susanna 21 --4 I I Kryod Alios 21 1-4 00 Jackson John 7 M g ' same 51 J "mo 53 " 3o4 Gsn-"1& Johnston 10 Jacotoburgh 82 1 Sin, l:.irTh.'s(heirs;22 CUrrSmtUal 72 W 13 Morristown 6 315 I I Dysert Bovd J8 llS I : James Barbara 81 W 1-2 98 4 1 Kiddle William 2 J ; - Yates Robert A. 71 61 feet ' 8 04 8 I Danford Mil.on 24 Newcasll. 39 8 I i Einursou William 8 6 g j Spiker Henry U SS,i 59 Bl- D-esvill. 4 71, DavenioilCoulsonl69 B A J EDule Caleb 63 g 4 Fowler James 155 B A 1-4 i Hum fwup m E 1-2 g I .Hunt Chnrles D. 124 J i I LawsCronpsr V -7 .V.1'3 ? ; IVrWiLm 159 A i TH i : Patterson Geo S. MU B A e 1-8 t j I i UbarpEirsF. 37 is ji jteWl.lChas.DM " J samo H 7,Jt ) same Jl . c., Smiil. lames 168 p A J 4 6. . West Henry Jr 181 A g t William Daniel 305 B A ssjasj. 2 f 4 J MIT1CK i- Iu nl.v civ.-u, tultif the taxes an as slwv, 'char...!, a u noi ,.oij io ihc IVrisnrer ol said County, belore tlx Tc milM ndav ol January 8t, that each tract o land or low, II Kabote d iscrlls-d, on wSeh said taxes and penalty, remain un ii e nd Sr so much of each ns may be necessary lor Hat pur-nrse wil .Kfilifiiki of January next, u ueCou t Hotise, in St. Clairsville, in said County, by ihe Lounl; tl ineiouri no . , nenallv, according to law. DAVID ALLEN, Aud. Bel. Co. O, Auditor's Office, Dec. 10, 1852 Feeding Sheep with other Stock. Sheep should not run or be fed, in yards with any othe ll Stock Cattle hock them often mortally. Colts teas Si.nd fretiuently injure them, it is olten said that "colt 3 wiJ S op Jhst sheep ieave.-Well managed shec rarelv leave nythinfnd if they chance to, it is bette 8 to raho it up and throw it into the colla' yard, than to fee U them tocethcr. If sheep sre not required to eat their lee I nrettv ciean, they will soon learn to xvast quantities, Bi ulii sheep arc over-fed with eithe.' hay or grain, it is nc proper to compel Ihn. by starvation to come back an leat . titoy will not unless sorely pirtehetl. Ch- 4 the troughs or rake up the hsy, and the next time feed less. Rin. SOLILOQUY OF A BOY. "Oh! would I were a bey ;'. in" "I don't tee why in the world father 'antt to sing that folorn ditty so much fur; and there's grandpa taya with a tigh,"my donr bny you'll never be as happy again at you are now;" & grandma looks doleful, and chimes in "with the golden hours of childhood!" I wonder where the gold it! If I got a pinny some lime when I was a little youngster, I thought I was well off, arid always felt very sorry after 1 had spent it that is, after the coiVos were all gone, and then Homebody was always ready with "why my dear boy, y.,u can't eat your cent and keep it to." Wf II, I know that now, but there's something I don't know and that it, where is this great pleasure In being a boy. When I was five years old, & had just begun to enj-.y something, I must he bundled off to school, and tit on a high bench and no cricket, had to toy A till everything I looked upon, even my mother's face, seemed one big A; and to crown the whole, I was a dunce, for it took me three weeks to get on to B, and a dood deal longer learning to C through the alphabet. And w hen I was older, I had the sa'isfac. '.ion of being called a "great awkward boy," even by my motl cr, and when I would try & do my ben. I was invariably laughed t. ll in corning into the room I happened to upset a half a dozen chairt, a titter was rai.'e 1, antl "Uh he's a boy !" considered .jfk.!ent apolo gy. If I played with the baby I was sure tc make it cry, and the nurse would look all a routiJ to MB if I had pinched it; hoys slid suiri were i lways fall o' soch trickt, Wo be to the boy where there are a house hold of girls, why, I have known my aiateri tn play all sorts of trick., and J. h:. that'. I invariably got the blame. And then it was "John, you are younger than Mary, pul up this clothes line; John, you ore a' grcal boy, and must If arn to work, just go down the cellar and plit up the wood; John, run up the garret and bring down u-.'.i h or two; John run out to the vo4'Jouse and get some kindlings;" and oa a uf J Jf -t th.- girls inva riably DCld a jubilee, Bttd poo- Join: was a olave. The fact is I d. n't Ir llcve but what It woulJ do the girls good, il'tti'-y lemeU to go out in wet weuther us well as the boys. But they're always crying out "thin shoes," and "wet feet," and il I a.-k them why they djn't wear thick shoes as I do, they only laugh al me, and answer that such Clumsy things are well enough for boys. 1 often tell thtia no won !- tii.-y Set coldi with nothing but a bit of lace "over theii ; shoulders, and a piece of gauze on thmr arms It seems so funny, 'oo, to call boys hvrdiei than 'girls. Why! if I ' thought" so thii sacks, thin slippers, hare arms, and bare necks I sbould'nt live a month. Hardy they'ri the hardiest mortals alive, for they do stum such treatment some way, though they'ri . mighty delicate and s;em to be proud of it In fact, I think a g .od many of them hai rather have a fashionable consumption thai a vulgarly goad constitute jn. I w mder how long a boy is a boy there' mv sister Louaia come home from boardinj Uftiool "finished," as they call it, at sixt-.'en while I've got to study three years I j.iger t know as much as the doos that is. provide she's got her education, and I am passei eighteen. Louisa is going to be married nex. week who pretends to call her a girl! No body; "its Miss Louisa Bands, that yotnq la dy;'' of Acr, and its "my dear boy," by moth er, and "we must overlook the freaks of I boy,'' by father and that's the way they la!i to me and of me me, John Sands, that' next to the head of tho family. Sisters can do anything they please, evei to wearing false hair and every other falsi fixing, and nobody saps a word, but the lirs lime I put on a dickey it wis almost as muc! as my life was worth to meet with the family I thought I could bear it like a hero, but th "loh's," and "ah's!" the puliing tho point up over my cheeks, the mock suhitations ti Mr. Sands, the derisive laughter was mor than I was prepared for, and I actually rai from the house while all the girls ihofltfl afte. inc, "good-bye, Mr. Sands, take care j. that new dickey," I brought home a nice razor-box the day w as 13, and for I afe-keeping. hid it in tit garret between the rafter. Vain precaution When I got home, box, brushes strap; j powder, and razor, were all paraded upon th ' the table, uud a little scrap of paper pi nn o ; to the wall, on which vas wrllU n, Johnfl j dear, be careful; little boys should not pla with edge tools;" and all my sisters coul ting that day, was "A frog he would a wooin go." Never was I so angry in my life, but I bo; it like a philosopher, only it did try me, who of mornings I fondly thought myself unol served, to hear a giggling outside the doo and my little eix year old sister lisp, instiga ' cd by older and more wicked spirits, "Johnn; , here's pussy wants to be shaved." And so it is in everything; it seems stranj that men who profess to much dignity aft. ; they are twenty-one, should have to lutnrj to so much indignity up to the very border It's curious, and it puzzles me; it's a fact metaphysics that I can't account for, and don't suppose I ever shall. It's martydot and you won't catch me after I'm twenty-oi , singing "I would I were u boy again. " Olive Branch. 07"An exchange i rt describing the efTcc of a screro thunder Htonn, says: "A co r was struck by lightniilg, and instantly kille 2 belonging to the vllluje physician, who hi I a beautiful calf four days old. ? O-Getting his Monet's Wormr, r fellow laboring along the turnpike under J heavy load of inebriety, Wd-i naked wh 8 made him stngger so, and. gave this answi lt "Why hie I hic-t pays road tax, a it wants to get th-j i,vorth of mv hie mon " by taking a 'longer route: that's the. reason 'twalk. 'arJhaw'ie. MtayaM " RrtWoiiF.n ConanRACT ill HVBABar. A Vienna correspon dent of the Ixindon Tim't reports that. " from fifty to sixty of the h'ghrr class of Hungarians have been arrested, hnvingbecn accuted of having kept up an artificial excitement hy means of their inferior agents, who rendered both highways and bywaya insecure." E.XCF.tS in ExAorjERATlOK. The late I'ishop lleddngusc to tell an in xcident in his Episcopal career, strikingly illustrating the despotic power of long indulged habit. At one of the conferences where he presided a young preacher as ch- -ed woth Rdul gfng too great exaggeration. He was not said to be guilty of positive falsehood, but superlatives flowed so freely from his tongue, that the truth had all the sem blance and frequently did all the mischief of a lie. The young man was sentenced to be publicly i admonished by tha Chair. He stood up in the preseaVe of brethren, and the Bishop, with great kindners, pointed out the evil resulting from the habit. ; After hearing him through, the I accused bathed in tears, requested I permission to say a few words ' He commenced by a candid I acknowledgment of his fault, and 1 , thanked the Bishop for this ad j monition. Turningto his brethren ; in the ministry, he assured them p iiis determination to conquer his begetting propensity. "I ' ; regret it, said he, as much as any j of you. I have straggled against it. Yet, brethren, by n'.glit and by day, I have wept on account of it, and I can truly any it has j already Caused me to ih-d barrels tofteart.'' So NV EjSAr.Tt is fun to the j mind that a that , if you should build school bouses C i without play-grounds, nobody , would gel beyond short division i in a life time. (in.'.rtT of Lasd to V.- -ld Railroads. Many people, and even many editors in the States, have formed the K " it , : in granting alternate e a- of j 'and by Congress for . ... v j" ! ft.i!.", '. . iiti.: a,i i pi ,k'ng . other improvements ofeJ5gsjl M the nation is swindlerjout oTTarg? ..ums, which go into the hands of I j speculators. A word or two will j undeceive them. , j Government prkra of land is j' 1 25 per acre. For every acre , I given away an acre is sold at ,1 double the former rates viz: i j j 50 per acre , that is, every alternato , l section to those granted isdoubled in price. And instead of the .1 nation being the loser, it is ab r ' solutely the gainer by the grant. ' ; Large bodies of the lands on I which these grants are located j : have been in market from eleven j to thirty years without finding a I I purchaser. But by building Uie roads they are selling rapidly at the advanced price, and will in a short time be entirely sold, thus . bringing several millions of i i dollars into the Treasury of the j United States. Wore we to calculate simple interest only on , the sum3 thus brought into the , Treasury for the time they would l probably remain unsold, had the . grants not been made, it would be shown by the figures thaf the , nation is largely the gainer by the grants. Dubuque, Ictca.) , Herald. ; From the Ohio State Journal. I FaBMBBB BEWABl OF FoKIG J BaXK XuTZSODOUCTrl'LCirAl'.AC- f tlk. A large amountof foreign currency is being brought into I this region to pay for hogs and e other products. It comes here ! on tiie regular course of business i, and, in the absence of our home e currency, it goes into general d circulation. y Much of this currency is from y the east, and is either so well d known, or so secured by public g st icks that it is received with confidence by our Banking e institutions. ii But hajjuc this efforts aro )- being made to foist into circula r, lion along with what is good, the L- notes oT some Banks of doobtfol ,-, character, or whose condition is unknown here, and some of no a character nt ali. For instance, r notes purporting to bo Banks (a it host of them) located in VVashing- ton City, and which really have no ii existence, have been brought hero I lately. That currency is wholly n, worthless. ie The Banks of Columbus, wa are informed do not receive tho nates of tho Banks of -ether States, unless such as are of well ts established credit and generally tv current, or of such as are secured d, by public stocks. They reject, id particularly, Wisconsin, Uich- 'tn, Erie, Pa., and Bank of . ' ofMilford, Delaware. The western aro rcl used chiefly because of theil t distance from home; and other because of the ignorance of their ' ! condition, especially the last "Millford," Our advice to Farmers ,to lo!.en(Hhgtfdo-ubiJiiltrt, safer.