Newspaper Page Text
WEDNESDAY,::::::::::::::: JUNE 24. Magnolia Watkk A delightful toilet ar ticlo superkir V O'Wicir ami at half the price. 4o-2t Pkbhons in need of tho services of an ex perienced Dent'st should not fail to consult , Dr. PocDa, who ha an experience of twelve 1 years practice .In Canton. . The substantial character of lua work. Isfullr attested to br hundreds of persons who have availed them selves of bis services. The- varied experi ences of so many years practice. Insure to ( persons entrusting the. case of their teeth to Udij -W ?heapet because the most dura ble operation. OtUce near Oberley's Gro cery and opposite Stark County Banl:. 43-tf ForsoA-nos Stonie. Beldon & N'uwbcrr;. have a lot of Limestone for sale at their qua O'. TliJsulUeastfrorft tle,Pcpot. They witt deliver stone at any part of the cit . . Several valuable coal leases for sub-leaae by meaboTO parties. . t ' ' ' 47 tf. SXatob Satlxb lias his office on the . second floor up, stairs, in the Democrat Build- lag. Mayor Sayler is also an acting Justice oi tbe r'raoe. 50, 4t. STARK COUNTY DEMOCRAT FOR THE CAMPAIGN. ONLY SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS. Ye will scaa the Stakk Co. Democrat till after the November election for 73 cents. Lei our friends forward the names and cash at once. This is an important period in the history of our country. No time should be lost in spreading1 the political troth. Our govern ment muHt be rescued from its enemies or liberty is gone. Let every good man and true American citizen ilo his duty . in the great contest approaching. Falter not. Central Committeemen. The following gentlemen were found to be elected Cutitral Cununittee for the ensu ing year. ... 1'aris Town-ship, J. P. Rouch; Wash ington, Peter Veserat; Lexington, J. B. WUsou; 3Iar'borouj;U, John Bryan; Ninii ahil!en, ' Joseph Ciihutte; Osnaburg, J. D. Miller, Sandy, W. II. Knotts; Tike, Dr. C. T. Walker, Canton, Win. A. Lynch: Plain, Levi McKlnuey ;" Lake, Edward Ik rry ; Jackon, John Hammer; Perry,' J." 1. Ks tep; Bethlehem, John Leow; Sugtuvnt-k, H. J. McKarren; Tuscarawas J. W. t)!T- liu: Lawrence, Joseph b Kirk. Congressional Delegates. The followii.g are the lutoics of Delegates to the Congressional Convention : Paris, John Carson; Washington, D. IL Smith; Lexington, 111 WaLwr; Marlboro', Jacob Bair; NimishiHjn, E. Landou; Osna-bm-g, 8. Snyder; handy, W. II. Knotty Pike, Dr.: C. T. Walker, Canton, Luw reuce Alexander, Wm. Dannomiller; Plain, John Steel; Lake, L. Kabcr; Jackson, Sam uel Boatty; Perry, Levi Stump, Lee; Bethlehem, Alex. llcndeftMiu; Sugarcrec-k, 8. S,"McFarren; Tuscarawa.1, S. Krider; Lawrence, Job Hancy. Brevities. The concert at St, Peter's (German Catho lic) church, on last Saturday evening, was well attended and the music was most admir able. The new organ is a powerful instru ment.': " , . The past fec ' days has been quite -cool, much lightning 1 and thunder accompanied with heavy rainaliave been the order all ov er the country. Crops of all kinds promise a glorious yield. In view of this brcadMuffs are on the decline. lion. Robert Lowry k the nominee of the Democracy of the Fort Wayne district, Indi ana, for Congress. 1 Will our woolly neighbors inform us how much the Bingham Eckley wool tariff bene fits our farmers t Some would like to know. A little girl, between seven and eight years of ase, was rim over rod fatally injur ed by a freight train at ML Vernon on Fri day night. The messenger of the Marine Bank, New York, w as knocked down and robbed of 600 yesterday morning. ' Two boys from Zanesvillc, aged eight and twelve, 'were arrested la -Pittsburg yesterday for attempting to rob a money drawer. Prof. Fowler, of HUlin'ale College, yester day, recovered a judgment for $2,500 against the Chicago Journal, which had charged him with seducing one of his pupils. , ... ,'!- Archibald O. 'Seeks, who escaped from the Ohio Penitentiary a year ago, was, on Fr. lay, returned to Columbus on a requisi tatie. from Gov. Hayvs, from Kentucky. The Eureka, of Chicago, on Friday gave the Athletics the bent turtle they have expe rienced; they succeeded in scoring eighteen against thirty -seven, and whitewashing the Athletics on the second innings. Yesterday afternoon the Athletics, of Brooklyn, played against the Muffin, Excelsiors of .Chicago. A little daughter of Mre. Jus. McRoberts, of Allegheny, committed suicide, Sunday, by hanging herself in her mother's cellar. At six o'clock she was mibscd, and her falh er, an hour afterward, on going to the col lax, found her hanging by tho neck with jumping rope, which was fastened to a.joitt. She had procured, an old. , crib, and after wrapping the rope around her neck, jumticd from it, and thus ended berlife She was twelve years of age, and a. child so pleasiog in' her. manner, that none wookl ever have thought such means of taking her life would have entered Iter head. TUe jury 'In the "case of ' Mrs.' Victor, trial in. Cleveland, for poisoning her brother, Wm. Parquet, by arsenic,- in Februaryj 67, yesterday rendered a verdict oi guilty. Rev. Dr. Raphael, the most eminent Jew ish Divine in, died in Sew. York yesterday of apoplexy. He was oyer . sixty years of age." ' . The, California delegation to the Democra tic National Convention have arrived, also number of politicians from the Southern Slates, ; , ...j; -.- 1 : JTho family of Mi. Metzgerin Plam towr. ship,. twb miles north of Canton, have severely afflicted, r Last week Seintiel a aged 22, died of measles, and yesterday daughters,' young women, died of the , disease." " - '' . . . : ' H l 'BarrottV Vegetable ' Hair : Restorative." tooVUie First Premium over all competitors at' the New Hampshire State Fair. - It confessed without "a rival throughout country, aud yt driving all "other prepara. tlons from' the rnrkL PniLAPKUTnA ijo LciMKX. "' ' : . ...::;.!:; .' 1 1 STATinc&.-We refer our readers to valuable tabic oi statUtics on our first It is worthy xrf .preservation for future re ence. ' It"W"ut be een "that -fttark, trohe the fortfiiost co'uutics 'of the sL4a in all constitutei wealthy- 'Jf hya "and "valuable resourcet( 01U soil and mineral are. scaice ly ajipreiated tUJ are led lo train reflcttve tnsderarioa by such staUstlc, . , ni":,: 1 .' Tm.Flowxuiicc'Scwuig Machine the Misses McCirmUfciot oh' Wry are in considered one of the best S.-e advertise UMfAand call at the rooms', ot Misses 1 and sec'tbe mVbIe rpxate.jMiss- 8 SIcGanuicjc.are the most extensive inakeH in Canton. Their place' is fn Mathew.'s Slock. Council Proceedings. MONDAY EVENING, June 22, 1868. j .Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present Lindeman, Myers, Schafer, Miller and Schilling. The President, Mr. Wyant, being absent, Mr. Miller was chosen President rno Tin. Minutes read and approved. RESOLUTIONS. By Mr. Schtcler, as follows : -i Wukszas, Some four citizens are appre hensive that the benefits of the contemplated Water-works aro only to be enjoyed by the inhabitants of our main streets, Therefore be it Kesolviu, For the purpose of setting the Views and actions of the Council right on the subject, we hereby declare that all of our streets who may nianifest and desire to enjoy thtnw privileges, that they nil shall and will have t,tj benefit, the advantages furn ished by said works.- Adopted. !By'tW ariic, That tlie CVitijaiiirr'on, the purchase of horses be authorized to exchange one of our present hoiscs for the horses now owned by John S. Shorb in such manner that no more than ' $100 shall be "sacrificed in the exchange. ' Adopted. By the same. That the Mayor be request ed to report to the Council the state of the finances in his" possession collected from all sources, so that we can act Intelligently in regard to the compensation of the city Marshal, an ordinance being now pending in regard to the salary of that officer.- Adopted. By the same. That Mr. ' Ha worth has in contemplation the publication of a city di rectory, and as it is necessary, as a prelimi nary step, that residences and business hous es be numbered, that the subject be referred to the Committee on City Property. Agreed to. : By the same, That the city Solicitor be authorized to draft an ordinance to regulate the licensing of city carriages, carts, &c Agreed to. , By the same, That f 157,04 be paid the street Coniuiitionei due in report of May 2, 1S6S. By the uje. That- the. city, CWk and, two Trustees, to be appointed by the President, act as a Water" Works election board, on Saturday next at the Probate office. Agreed to. By the same, That the Council, as a body accept the invitation of the County -Ccm-misMor.ers to join with them and. the citizens of Si ark county in the festivities of laying the corner More of th new Court House, Julv 4, 1SG8. Agreed to. CLAIMS. The following bills w:r" allowed . T. W. Saxton, $42,50 f or printing. ' Joseph Sohwalm, $38,00,. repairs to Eu.1t Tus. street culverts. G. W. Clark, $23,00, slcain lire canine services. Mr. Russell was allowed 60 cts per hour for labor 011 uteam tire engine instead of 75 cts as charged..-' ' " - - AdjounTci1for one ,Wi.vk.. -' .- ..'ilJiJAWAV.'- Thtum6f Win. Stliajio's with wagon attached beuame frighteuad last Friday afternoon at sonte paper blown near them; by; the wind,; ei; started- furious ly ram opposite Feafrler'a ' grocery towards the, .hay, scales. Mr. Schario -when thcr started was a few feet from them on- the off side iyJL wai ' just Itt time 1ft. sptahe off horse by the f&rncaa and ' (he' bridle. On they dashed, hosscrtnd driver across the square, .the srjectators'aliried fur tiie life of Mr. Schario; the-passage , way west of the hay scales is vesy narrow, owing to huge .building ttrtnns and other material piled up there. - Scbaito bounded ' over two large . stones six feel from the ground and. the wagon just missed them; 1 but a few tf eet further on the wagon on the near side " ran against the post of the hay scales and up set, stopping the furious animals and bringing the whole matter to a satisfactory conclu sion. Neither Mr. Schario nor his horses were hurl aud the wagon was not damaged materially. Horses ought to have more tense than to run away in the present con dition of our Public Square, hampered up it is all around with building' material- Few men would have risked themselves as Mr. Schario did on this occasion. J. II. S. Tuaisbk, Esq. There seems to be a general desire on the part of the Dem ocracy of this county that Mr. Trainer sho'd consent to be tlwir randidatc for Congress. We hope he will accommodate them, because men ' like J. H. S. Trainer are needed at thin time, not only in the councils tif 'the nation, but on the slump, to Bhow Che Over burdened tax-payers hovr their money is be ing stolen and surreptiously used by the par ty in power. If Mr. T. will only consent to the use of his name, . we believe that . the other counties of the district will willingly concede that Jefferson county is entitled the Democratic candidate at this time, and that they would make Mr. TVs nomination, as the. Democratic candidate, unanimous. We hope that for the good of bis country, well as hUi party, . of which he has always been an unflinching defender. Mr. T. will consent to be a candidate foi Congress thu time. Stecbbmvillk Gazkttb. . a on t8-' . a ; been son, two same Fatal Accibest. On Monday morning fif t..f u-oi'lc ffiavK tliA TToiwcn O.rk. Farukr &haffer of townshlp met with a sliocking death. He went to a pas tu.e field, caught and put the halter upon hotsa- aud- wrappod tlu-strap around-his -hand; in enwsing a set of bars the horse came frightened, pulled Mr.- Shaffer down upon the bars, ran about forty rods, draggl ing him about all the way and stopped. daughter, noticed the. trouble from the bopse, a distance of about two hundred and forty rods, and ran to her father's assistance; when she got , to him he was dead. check bone and nose were broken in, breast bone broken and a terrible hole in his head. Mr. Shaffer was 78 years ;e, was born in Union county, Pennsylva nia; emigrated to his late residence in 1819; wis a soldier in the war of 1812. lie a very .estimable citizen; muoh beloved all who knew him; a sound Democrat, a long consistent member of the German Reform Church. This terrible accident oue so highly esteemed has cast a gloom er the entire community. . stands the' Pra- .the page. for- 'f that ' of Mr. EmTon permit me to announce thro' the columns - of your paperthat a select school will commence in the ' Union ,' school House, at Osnaburg, Stark Co., Ohio," Monday,-August 3d, 1868, and continue twelve weeks. Those wishing to qualify themselves for teaching '. this coining winter will find this a rare chance. ' Tuition only $6 for the Term. Boarding can be obtained at from $3,00 to 3,50 per week. Any branch In the scientific and commercial course will be taught As Teacher wa have employed D. F. llenning M. A., a young gentleman f large experience and ability Further , inirmation can be obtained by , addressing Or calling upon the undersigned at Osnaburg " SarkCo.', Otrfo.- " ' " " '" JAMES G. SLUBBER, Pres't. Marriage License. iic Cormiek' dress "Doc tot Issued from the office of the Probate Judge during the past week. ...... i Thos. R. W. Linch and Sarah A-Kocher. Fcstus B.-BpeHman and Flla Heed. Jacob Poizer and Mary Harn. ! " " Michael Els worth aud Mary Myer. TvASiruts ppRitAt-EiTATK. The follow ing aro flie transfers of Real Estate for the past week: Wm Shearer to Geo 11 Snyder jr, lot 23 inMapleton, $500. Jacob Kutcher to John Starner, 60 acres In Bethlehemnp, 2300. - ' - Btacy Grant to Henry W Martin, lot 23 in Mt Union, 120. Wm skarkowskl to Mary D Stallcap, 65 acres in Lexington tp, 4035. Magdaleita Shwe to Henry Kloss, part of lot 16 in New Berlin, 85. Peter Dahlhein to John Ritter, part of lot 20 in Massillon, 200. . 1. T P Preyor to Won. Clark, lot 4 in Pay or's add to Canton, 400. Conrad Beyer to Conrad F Beyer, 310 acres in Sandy tp, 2000. . F J Piero to Samuel Hamman, 35 J acres in Perry tp, 810'J. Anton Welzbacher to John G Schelten helm, lot 7 in Uousul's add to Canton, 780." Stern Heeler to Marsh Uecklin, 18 acres in Marlboro tp, 1550. Joseph Eichinger to Geo Betzcnhouser, lot 60 in Hester's aild lo Alliance, 450. Jacob M-'tuster to" John Kohler, lot 7"2 in Osnalmrg, 750. ., Augustus ixountzc ft al to joun. iiouier, lot 77 in Osnaburff, 190. Kent Jarvis to Geo Jenier, 10 acres in Perrv to. 800. John McClvmonds to Peter SeiL part of lot 12 in MasHillou, 800. . Anthony Sivitier to John Aley, 40 acres in Jackson tp, 27O0. John Aley to Anthony Etzkorn, 40 acres In Jackson tp, 8400. Sheriff Dunbar to Margaret Smith, lot 40 in C'ethlehem. 850. :-- Margaret Smith to Amadeus Rappe, ' ot 40 in Bethlehem, 4o0.. Jacob Brumbaugh to the Board of Edu cation, of an acre in Lake tp, 45. Mandius Focle to- John Fratev, 21 acres In Canton tp, 600. " Frederick. Bolly to Herman Shriver, 61 acres In Perry tp. 3985. . JCent Jarvis et al to Hermau Sliriver, 17i acres in Perry tp, 16,000. W C Thompson to W S Clark, lots 128 and 129 in Thompson's add to Canton, 950. Isaac Rank to Margaret J Rank, lot 24 hi Massillon, 3500. Naomia J Welch to Joseph W. VaugUam, 79 acres 111 Marlboro tp, 400. . HaniuiU'Harmony to Josepk W Vaughan, S? acres in Marlljoro tp, uw. I N Doxee to Mar- Harsh, part of lot D in Massillon, 500. - Geo Klikk to John Christman 2i .Aores in Tns tp, 900: 1 John Chnslman to John Barell, -i- acres in Tus tp, 912. Josiah Rosenberr- to Christiaii Koch, lot Jo 27 m Teeter s aildto Alliance, 4u0. Hoeea E Hoover to-Josiah ltJseubrn,',lot No 57 iu Teeter's add to Alliance, 300. John E McLain to John Weibel, part of lot No 23 in Massillon, S00. Lewis Witinian to Catherine Miller, 1 i acres in Perry tp, 400r " " i Geo W Lawrence io T J Baurice, lot 5 in Lawrence" add to CantOD, 600. Phillip Smith to John P Smith, lot 21 in OF'.ia'or.rz. too. Geo V Ijiwrence to Frcl Vogelgea;ig lot 5 in Lawn-nce's wLi Canton, 600. Lu Lake tp, 650. S'bai.tiaii Amen t Mtwsui Li- ieiwul- ler, 10 aci'-s ia Canton tp Isaiah Jobiiaou to Ueur. '. it, 2O A in Lexicon tp, SO00. . Louis raine to E C He::i'e:.son ;j a in Lexingt -n tp. 1,700. Elizabeth Gimlelspi rcei- ;o J.-oli j;3Isi 2 arns ir, I 'lain tp," 500V 1 Jrep! Johrsou t; Joseph N Johnson, l-s acres iu Lexington .0, 13i0. Michael Rohrer io David Deckcrt, acres in Car 'on tp, 2",00. Blackwood's Magazine for May contains so many articles of inter ..-M, tnat . we feel bound to call the atu-ution ot our reauers 10 it with more than usual earnestness. For some time past we have read each number as it appeared with U8t a "bade of disap pointment, and quietly laid it aside; but the May number has made such an impression Uon us that we aliall not bo disposed to part company with it readily, even inouga we are impatient for its successor. If we may draw an augury of the future, we sho'd say that the Magaziue is about to recover all the freshness of its early days. We hope that our anticipations will be realized, and. that the promise of the present number will be fulfilled by those that arc to follow. A glance even at a part of the contents will be sufficient to show mat tuere is aiiracuon ior every reader. The first article is an historical sketch "Lord Chesterfield. Ihe Man of the World." Many have heard of Chesterfield's Letters, but few know anything ot tne man. ine present biographical sketch is very readable, and will give a. more correct opinion of him than is likely to be formed from reading his book. rr - t v:... lorse-uesu vouiams . " uiuw w , ,.: ,1. . , ;n uiuk nuu iiii.ii "o ' troduce a new article of dwl. "Ulcky Tim Griffin, hi Iac and his Lucv ' "U the commencement of a new and lively story, which will cause this number to be much called for, and we advise any one hesitating about subscribing to hesitate no longer. An article on the Odes of Horace appear ed in the April number, and in the present issue the subject is continued, and illustrat ed with numerous translations and running notes on the best Odes. Theso translations are upon the principal of producing us -exact an imitation as possible of the original form of the metres employed by Horace, with such modification as are necessary to harmonize the rhvthm to the English ear. Kverv ektsmeal scholar will be delimited with this article.. -A o-uUiiuaion is promised. We will notiro only one move -article. Cornelius O Powd has a couple 01 papeis in his usual style. It fs'difllcult lo characterize this Bc.ics, opinions are so diverse upon merits, un tntellitrent friend of ours blvles 'unim.iyiti d trash," another equally nuem- renl inn it "immortal." .Perhaps it is little of both. Published bv the Leonard Scott Publish- inj Coiiipnn.r, 140 F:;lion Street, ri. 1 a be. His but His his cut of A 'i cxe Tiie Pictorial Phrenolo gical ouru.d for July contains portraits many distinguished Men, and Beautiful Women. European' and Asiatic Beauties English, French, German, Russian, Grecian Swedish, Austrian, Polish, Swiss, Dutch, Turkish aud Japanese; also, Lord Brougham Abbott Lowrence, Zadok Pratt; Peter Yon Cornelius; VerdijMiss Pittsinger; and twelve Roman Catholic Prelates and Priests; Ma- "The develop- homer, and his Rel'gion, ment Theory," by Prof. Gill; Lady - Daffor- ty, or the Woman Question; Thirteen Na tional Tj pes of Female Bcarity; Profession al Instruction in. Practical Phrenology; dians and Mountains of Oregon; a French Educator on American 8chools, and much other very interesting matter. A, new vol ume begins wiih'. this number, only $3 year, or $1,50 for six months. Address R. Wells, 889 Broadway, N. Y. was by and to (Ov Mvnheer Paul ' Dietrich, of Milwaukee, feeling bis earthly tabernacle, stored troubles," to be expelled, decided, after enquiry and investigation, to employ Ayer's Pills. -In' his haste to pUr!V his Dutch stomach, he misteok the directions, 2 to and swallowed ST for a dose." This -created of course, an ap-paul-ing internal rebellion. But Paul went through the fight like a and came off victor at hist, with a renovated system which he. proudly exhibits as of the witdom of his" choice. He adyises every bodv to take Doctor Ayer's pills, . Jtindly advises his f riends who are ambitious of following his example, to "pe sure take der " 'right botion. " Min nesota ' Tele graph. Ditrmiso' SuioiDK. Atxiut 5 o'clock last evening the-city was' startled vtith- announcement; that Robert Clemens,;, teach er in the German school of this city, , coniniitUid suicide at his residence, "Kb. South High street, by fevering the arteries in his virlijf d cutting, a. horribU guaU bla throat. ; Mr, Clemens was a man' of great 'talents, anil was highly respected by. pur citizens. He was a widower, -and leaves four or children,, , The. cause of hia lash acjt. Is. to be tho rejection of bis addresses by f ,hm uraa 'riasslonatelv fonrL-STATES, MAN. -- . is the: sown, taruiifn eieouon xne carrtcjl fiffieh Jlstricts and the Democrats sixteen. OFFICIAL ABSTRACT OF VOTES THE DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY MEETINGS, HELD SATURDAY JUNE 13TH, 1868. Congress. "PLACES' VOTING Paris, , RobertsviUe, New Franklin, Minerva,....'. Strasburs,. . Bryan's S. U., 70 59 :3-7 40 43 16 0 47 ;i2 7 jilt. I men, Alliance, ........ Lima, . .-. . . Mew Baltimore, . :: Marlloro, Nees's S. H.. ' Louisville, Harisburg, Osnaburg, ...... .. Waynesburg,..,. " Magnolia, Henry Martin's. . 29 34 62 22 16 2 10 57 121 815 11 1 o Canton; . .'. . . , New Berliny Henry Smith's,. . Center S. H., . . . Middle Branch, . .. ; Cook's Tavern, . . Uuiontown, .... Greeutown. .... . Cairo, Hartville, . . McDonaldsville, Bridgeport, . ; . . " Schario's S. II.,. . Masc-illon, Richville, Bethlehem,.' M'Farren's S. H. Cullor's S. H Brookfield, .'. . . . Bretz's eVH.,. .. East Greenville,. Stands's S. II., . . " Canal Fulton, . . . LawTence,.. . Youngstown,.. . . 14 10! ; 42 24' 31 CI 89 1 12 3 88 : 8 83 93 2 .; 7 2 2 40 15 4 40, 60 155 87 10 239 13 30 3 10 27 13 21 19 26 75 i37 15 Total, . 975 J521 I Auditor. Clerk. Commissioner. i 27 4 4 16 72: ,44 46 Ilk 8O1 ;12 ..-. li 7 .'13! 14 13 24; iS2 1 36 18 21 ,11 -19H - S3H ' 131 :7lt .:-.!( - Al . 25 'I 22 3 19 41 32 1 1 13 6 ' -'68 6 65 ;25 32 It S7! . 86 ..8 4 33 - 1 :26 - 8 2- 2 . 29 33,1 40 6i 1 1. 4 l! 39 6 59 '16 23 -no g! 14 10 103 7 16 : 5 12 "2 34 4 21 11 11 9 l 5 r. U' -61 - 6' B401 146 ...5, 269 22 - 2 118 ,36 64 45! ,10t v 35 25,1,. 15 .24. 32 31 45 ' 29 25 A 9 "it . 17) 1 jjtj 16 13 i5' 24! '22 -'' 7 is 401 ".'37 ;r27 13 37 1 . 84j ; 62; -38: -31 :. 4i 51 29' 3! 9i 42! r 67! . 0 - 27! 37I 6! ' 3 ' J9 13 '-13 ; 77 ' 9 51 6 4fi it 11 8 69 55 5 228 6 89 15' 34 8s 61 -5i-7!- 63 31 .68 75 32 61 3! 1 63 152 SO 11 : 13 "19 SO .14!" -10!" 19';' i 23 20; 2 17 18 87! 85i' 875il426l 137' 1 ,ll2541296il - 555! 8251 Inf. Dir. .1' S" :&.i :'- ' r C3 t 3 -1 ,,. .29 8 1 39 .71 .51 . 2 14 12 38! 1 37 40 ol9. -It- .a I'tl-. 66 13 06 36 T 281 '31 70 16 51 23 '15 -4'' 1 T 1 3 4 -d t I 2o' ." C' 17 11' 6 "1 bo .Mr A 101 . !' . ,6 1281 157 lU 8 208' S-'-Bl 131 85 ' -48" 20 i 40" ' 1' 17 2 11 1 3, 9 19 :-! T2) "-Til JBf 13;'i0'Hllii 8 3H-UHf 10 2; 7fH 23 I 971 2 a -n 12 1 -file -7 42 11 3 lO; 8 112 6 1 aicc'-I 22 4 24?i - ,-4l 124 38 - 8 ' .3 12 -1 1 1 11 10 18 18 1 14. 16 10 11 1 a22 Hil -i if. 1. t U, 265! 910J1772 232! 4.S3 -, I: . Commissioners' Proceedings. Commissioners' Proceedings. COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, June 15, 1868. 1 1 W. C. Richards, D. Kerstetter and 3. Stovor were appointed viewers of the road in Perry tp,. applied for by Gribble, and are to meet at the bouse . of .' Sam'l Stover on June 30th. . , $100 was appropriated to the trustees of Bethlehem tp. for bridge ut Nicholas Case master V; also $250 for bridge near Isaac Hofier's farm. ' Auditor w"as ordered to advertise for pro posals, as will be seen elsewhere in this pa per. ' ' -; I Awaidft for buik'ing Iron super structures (ware r 't e made as f'.ilcws: ' Bell's 'Mills. 2 mkstj, to J. Laird & "Co. at 13,00 per t juL- At Wolf's iiill, U J. Lab.l Cu. a: ?12.?0 p- foot. .'.'.( Al Alliance, t- J. Laird & C, a! V'0 :T foot. At S-.?5fa's r-t'ui, u-ir . - ' k t. . La:r.l & Co, cl M per l.rM. At Br Isrept .I.:k."n tp. to j. i;vra- iwtL tit k.l8.'(C per for.' ' At Keyset a, .narlnoro tp, to Ha-uiuond i: Keevts, at ill,00. At J. P, Smith s, Jlarlboro tp, to tlam- mor.d& ltetves, at fill,45. I 1 1 I Lodisville. The closing exhibition of the annual commence ment of St. Louis col lege came off on the afternoon of the 23d. The occasion brought many strangers from a distance. Bishop Rappe and several other dignitaries of the church were present as well as gentlemen from Cleveland and other places, whose sons are students in the insti tution. Ouite a number of canton people were present and the citizens of Louisville. and vicinity were also largely in attendance. The programme consisted of addresses, declamations, vocal and instrumental music, and the , presentation of a beautiful ' Drama' entitled- "The Hidden Gem," by the late Cardinal Wiseman. At the close a large number of valuable books were awarded to the students as prizes. We have not time and space this week .to enter into details and where all did so well and creditably it is .ur..i m .tt-riminate. We can savthe stud- " - . ... . , . . . . ents ulu crecilt to luemseives auu xvneeieu great credit upon their capable and indus trious teachers. The excercises took place in a capacious arbor erected in the yard for the purpose. One of the students, "Mr. Murphy.on Mon- dav, accidentally fell from the top of the ar bor and broke his arm. The young man nevertheless played bis part in the Drama, though suffering considerable pain all the time. it a of N. A. Bocb.- Our young friend' Mr. S. A. Bour is now with, the large wholesale house of Dodd, Wilkin & Tobin, 56 Lis- penard street near Broadway, New Yoik. 'This firm are importers - and Ddcxs of Clothiers and Fancy Piece Trimmings. They could not have a more competent and suitable irentleman' than Mr. Bour. He is au expert at the busiues8"and an accomplish ed salesman. At the early age of 7 ue commenced going twice a year east to buy his fathers goods being probably the young est man that ever, went from Stark county to buy goodi .His selections- we all know were first rate," showing a cultivated and correct taste. Dbowxed. On the 17th inst. a bright lad of 10 years, named Horace Yiek, son of Henry Vick, of Marlboro township, was drowned in Congress lake. ' It seems he was one of a large number of sundy. schocl scholars who went to enjoy a Picnic. Tl DOay "wa9 recovered after several hours hard work. He with others had gone in bathe. la a S. with full 7, proof but and the" had 441 in five said lady iaug CoxGKEssiosAL. Ex-Sheriff Chance, who was an aspirant for Congress, declines last we', k's Repository. . .This leaves ..Mr- Schneider sours In Stark county.. The Kb ri'BUCAK blew auolher loud and . long blast for Schneider's nomination last week. We hear that Mr. Eckley will probably Imj a can didate also. Mr. E. is an expert at pulling such wires and we would not be surprised to see him cet his fourth nomination Congress. ' -' Hexbt Wise, of Franklin, Summit coun ty, recently had hams and shoulders stolen and to prevent a repetition he so placed gun, charged with beans,th'at when. the door was opened the contents would hit the burg lar. Shortly after he was trying to catch roose that eot into the yard, and accident ly hit the door of the smoke house, spring ing it open, when the gun discharged s con tents in Mr. Wise's forehead. He is at pres ent totally blind,and recovery Is very doubt ful.-.- .-. ; - HkkuT Philips, a stock dcaler,near Lima, Ohio, got off the cars there last Friday night and on his way home was knocked dawn robbed of $1700. He wasr -left- iuseniibre but was not seriously hurt. ' AcotnitST. Mr. Alonzo Thornton, with: a severe, accident on Friday, last, at and his father' eaw roUl.near BeHynir?,Tieaf ; ly mashing'irito aelly one of hla. feet. .' was supposed thatiampuatjon wonl be cesssry; but we sinca learn uuu ueimyn cian ininKS ms , done by the Sogft 01 UW log carriage wuicn eatt"tlt niB IOOb TT OL ll m- uiuuuu. Jijuia- FiBLS &hiu & Baxkba; UT t"J-i C.' .XiiUiF TAMJfAKY &AtX Iew Yoik, , accommodate 6,000 persons. (Communicated.) POSTPOSKMEST -l'rHEPllKEK Pic-Nic. The Coriiiiiittee of ariamrenu'iils of the Pionee Picnic adyevtised trt?Come-fi at tUe Fair Gi-ound, on the Fourth of July, hare thought it best under the circumstances to postpone thehFestival to a future day. "vTlie time that would neccessarily be occupied in the exercises of laying the Corner Stone of the new Court House, and the anxiety of citizens 0$ the county to witness this cere mony, would not leave sufficient time on that dayy t make the- Pine.erBieotipg as interestuiS and satisfactory as it otherwise wouli' be-The Committee have therefore concluded toliave 'the 'Pibneei"'Picnic on Saturday, August 15th. Djie notico of the onlcr of exercises ' will be' 'previously pub lirficd.' " ' ' ' ." '". ,' ' 1 ''Oc.isl ';U6ii hot minister to a mind diseased, And, wiili m:, obiivivus antidote,,. 01- v.:.i :h f;.u; iosuni of the perilous stuff Tn-ii W'.-igbs upon the hoartt"' - ' ' :" C,e k4j.; : Pkuvtuiuu Bitters ...will do il 1m- :.'. Melancholy, D 'jrvhfct a, Insauity,all spibJ , from a n:-eased stomach, an i y-m Bitit-rs is a ure cure lor. ti.tstake abttic il; Dy.pepsia,' lrotf;on."li luor'.- or 1. p.- this,'P1P'.':i Thor .s . finatteiiw tflt!tr9s,-Attf'pan(l L-VSplrits must yieiu to the r; liinltli-giYiiig aiid genial influence of the Plantation Bitters. If you, are in doubt, make one trial and be convinc- ed. Thus say those who know; 3, 2t. "To be 1 Ia'ppt Voir mitst be Viktuocs. " So said the late humorist, Artemas Ward, thehowman. To cure any kind of Humor take Dr.' J. W. " Poland's JJumbr Doctor, composed of several of the . best roots and herbs ever used for purifying the bloocl, 'and which have been used by our grandmothers in past generations. Sold bv Dr. C. J. Gei ger. - '. , , t Joiixstox's Store is the place to buy your Dry Goods ten per "ent less than at any oth er store in Canton. Call and examine our Stock and prices, and be convinced that wc sell cheap at No. 4 Opera . House Block, Canton, O, : A Caiid op TilA2nr.s. The Ladies of- Ui Presbyterian Congregation Canton, take this method of 'acknowledging their obligations to Me. 3Iri.Ciay5bi tlStVCldtkr, fiVtlie use of their Dining Hall and Parlors for the Fair and, Festival, and tlieir tlforts tomajre the occasion agreeable and pleasant. Thanks also, to the members of the Brass. Band for attentive music, to the Repository office for gratuitous printing, the express company for transportation; aud especially, to the generous public for their liberal : patronage. The gross receipts wer over three hundred dollars. . ....... e Foubth of July. The Corner Stone of tbe new Court House will be laid in Canton, July 4th, 1808. All tbe geople. of tb count- ty are invited to assemble in Canton on tbe Public Square, at" 10 J o'clock A. M. '' ''- PUE8IBEST OF TnK DAX : -. "' JOHN SAXTON.' ' ' MANSHAI.KpF; y.i DAT Jl G. LESTER. ADD11E38E8 BY t JOHN McSWEENEY. SERAPHIM MEYER. "WILLIA3I LYNCH. Cantos Brass Basd ' frriC .tlK l. COMMITTEE OF ABBANOEMENTS : - J. W, UNDERHILLu :- ' JOHN P. REX. LAWRENCE ALEXANDER. M. RUHSIAN. :. Q. W. LAWRENCE. ' Wm. DANNAMILLER- in a a a' and J met h?A It nec- Will John Laikd & Co. advertise their Iron Foundry and Machine shop in this pape'-. This Is one of this best establishments in the country Their castings and machinery are equal to tbe .best, l .'$..; V ; V. Tbe mechanics of Ball & Co's mauuiactc ry In our city presented, orthtj dayof tneir picnic at Meyers's lake, a beautiful case of di afting instruments to Mr. Charles Ev Rop;l er, superintendent of the iron departineut. Mr. F. Ballar4 made tbe preeentaiiou with a neat speech.' Mr. Roper's reply ;vad'not lengthy but full of meaning. : ri Called Our,, old .friend 6. P.AItkrs, called Upon us on'1 Monday las'f. Myers one of the ent'prprjuiing kiptj, bs seen &u4 is seeing tlie world."' He is connected' -prth uie large estaonsiinieut or liiayer jjKoye4, (Menagerie & Circus) and is the travelling man for that large, concern. He bus br-i'li for some time past in C'at.adu and Marts back to the Dominion to da-. Mr. Myers has heen on a flying visit to his family who re side in our town. Slay his shadow . never grow less.1 ': " v' v" " " " A'man'narhed Preekert, front Patterson; N. J., who had a wrestling match with John Wallace, at Hamilton, Ohio; on Saturday was ahot through 'trre-'bfairi '' and 'killed about 12 o'clock that night, in , saloon. Four persouifhY.qaien arresteu suspicion of. "being connected with the inuril- that vn,vho,,M i flJtitehlrrfi llLlo-V.AlA1 g.when Th '.'nVhite: rinerAujf "Ir.Iung77iTit':andu-Kl4ey CornplauitVv i true article, as as all who hay'e'visea will testify. TnE Faijmeu'b Chbonicle has not a very biki"rini?'n ot the,, pnsfuaifc wool tariff law if we may judge from'its. prediction: -"'''tl a, l4kw-wllbe .fetrnd ft great a-'ewlBtlfc and as!:uid uyou vrasncan wool growers as any law ever-passed. - Pitts Bfi:o Commei:ciai-. ... ... , . I ' IIoif.Jobh"Ai Bingham,"" ot this tato, takes great pride in being the uuthor of what the Fakmeks' Cnp.t5sYei.E calls a "swindle." Wc lw :inf hri U19 j)!iscre f.jC9.'mg that great advance in the price of wool that was predicted when Bingham's wool bill passed. Tjios. II. pAiKD,v.of -Sew Cumberland, Tuscarawas County, O., offers some desira ble real and persopol. property or. sale, coni sistin'g of a frame dwelling and drug store. Hai,f Fake. Half fare tickets will be is. sued at Pittsburgh," good from the 1st to (lie loth of July 'for $i:J,0(), by way of Philadelphia r Allentown." ?;'.- -:' "TrTTTT"2t:T" . ; .Tiiri.g.!iji. of K!wtkFiltb-ai!l Ma"Jiii:-'-: i- uirsctpd ioxMIr.- S. -N BlH's atlvi-i-.?-. i:;. -.: of superior BlacksmiUi's cial. T .. ! jff... .I. .i .1 Vt. .V 1 ' Forty soldiers hava had a battle with party of Sovajoe Indians at Apaelia Springs Six of tlie-Indiaiis were- Killed.1 ' - ;-J The Queen of Madagascar is dead.'n .Jpbn. IT. .SurrtUt has hen lischarged-.-for complicity with-te assassination of Presi dent. Lincoln. - He was admitted to $20,000 bail on other;tudiplmeptjs.' . '!-" Abijah Gilbert, radical, was on Saturday elected United States Senator from Florida, for the term commencing March, 1809. Joseph Medill, the old founder and pro jtfictur of thCArcago,ribuney lias practi cally severed his editorial conncdtion with that paier, , Ho skill kohls forty-five shares of the Tribune Company's stockj but will write ho more wlnle Horace "Whito re'iuuis ,'-.: ' - tit. 1 tiral. m;llliu..iint ...,. . -..1.' cribe to Horace's views on-impea"olini(-'iit"'oV free trade, or aaything else, and the broach between. Hiem Is consideredTeyond all hcal-"S- ... ... : ... .. o.. : ;i !:.-! ....... ... .-. - The National Debt, during "the nionth :of May was only increased X1XE BULLIONS SEVEN HUNDRED AND SEVENTEEN THOUSAND PIFFTY-NINE riftrjJVRS .eighteen .cents. - Clieerini; news ' for the TAX -PATERS, but thfc Boiiil'lioldcr unconcerned'.' Htj is exempt. tntb .io MARRIAGES. KRING MILLERj-On the 21st inst.,by Rev. P. Ilerbruck, Mr. Frederick II. Kring atrcr-Miss Margaret S". Miller. JACOB FAIR On 'flie'rtb ult.. iij "Mansfield, at the house of the bride's father, by the iiav.- Ji 'Mude, Mt. -Kobert ' Jacob. lof Canton to Miss Emma, daughter of Isaac C Fair, of,M!isrieUl,L .. DEATHS. j I ROTH In Canton tpwnhii.oa theJ8ili mst., K F: 'Rorirr a.ned" about oB years. Mr. Roth was a resident of Iowa and was on a visit tolas mother "af whose house be died. He leaves a wife and family. MEZGER At the residence of bis fath er, iu P. tywntfrjpr, of, im feles,. Samuel jUETZuEit, agcu 22 j-ears. BRYAN In New Baltimore. Stark Co.- Ohio, on the 13Ui List. -after .a lingeruig fllnes, Mrs. Catheeise, wife of Peter Bry an, aged 71 years, 5 montUaaud 2 days. 1 Mrs. Bryan's maiden nauie was Matbias, and she was a hatlVe. of Carroll county, Ma rybind'marUyfug with Mr.. Brj an in 1818. They remove. 1 to Ohio in ' 183T, settling- M'trlboro township, this countyl 'SheJea'ves ber busband, two sons, and oiie daagbter, and seva'al iirI childrento moucn bur Iqsi cue aaugtiter Having preceded her to that better world. She was a life long and de Toted member of be Lutheran achurcb. was a christian woman, lived respected beldvl, aiirl s'lnroenteiT,' ' Reverends Miller andS. S. Chapman, attended the fun- eral on Sabbath and tlie service was impres- 8ive.'1::Tbe-textSvas-14tb v'ere bf4th cbaji i tcr of 1st Thcstalonian. " The attendance at the funeral was.ycry largo. .Long wlflthe memory of mother Bryan be remembered. May he"rest in eace'... '-. Vrv I iWestmbjsler . Maryland-, papers jilease-' r ij in stantly, a. , -l-5ii-,-ir,' '1 -auij. . ! Cai.licitt, the particular friend 'GT??yi h a public reoeptiHi at A Ibnny PenitPn ftary ,"on ifoncly Jastj itinta for.-two-'-'yAtrf.1 ' He'. i!wl' Warden to gi've liTm' wViiiethiriy a,iut easy taxqlins'heliiid hewer: Tjot Used to hard labor." .Holdlne office hits 'been his' K0,uraJ rB-'iit,' ."It intettrit' the jiublio to know that Calli cpt t still rrol ds- ft o ' office 'of ,Rfe vep Coile(,'tpr"M He, hiU not.- rcigoil,'ii(l. tie President-ean -rbt rerjjpve' hifr wiinoui tne consent. 01 ttiu senate, eofdSogji toWe; Ctvii-Teimre'brti.-1-' V I ; ' on 18 lttirhin .Wffcr. J M-f MiH It t I ' J -n-ia-'- a rpjTjus e. cftf respotfdeiit;i) credl-!- ted with the statement that Hiram i-t jji.'-.r,i-.t'2i;i...'-r'. h W 1J -.. V' vraut"sini preseryus tne sweetness ei - m i,...i.?M uuv.xuush, 01 uiniiecucui, not a candidate for Vice President. ANOTHER STEAMBOAT HORROR. Collision and Sinking of the "Morning Star." TWENTY-SEVEN PERSONS LOST! n n m : :r ... . . j 'EiXnr'tliifd'Jirne 21. The Bte&tner Morning .jSZar.-tienee-fof De troit, collided With the bark Oorllatid thirty mile frorrjfhwe, last night iat 11 ojclook, Both, were.vKu vTi w was forf'j?ryXy-',,ri'ie crew of thViire, r'jiWniiortda thirteep. Of these ubout- twenty are missing Thoranritiuderweye pickiu! by the ste.iiuaer g. JOc. Theiiajnes jire not yet known of the offlcewUest; exceptr 'aiorton, wJirfftS seen to go (Sown witli. Mrs. 'liiteK'ett, -wiib pf V4it. .iaackeUy wao was a passcii. j The new S-.-iiiilnr.-i from re wniMrnctcxl (-nijr jefized) ArkafisaS look their scat at Washington yestorday.' Their names arc Rice and McDiinaK The latter's terjn expires in 1871. TiiCHiooiKerB 'of tl.e Ilonfie fro'm tli same slsll.. w .r;.. t-i toL'. 1jw.ii. (day: ... ' ... v, ( ; Thai BTBVi3 'olrei to'day-na the House1 ! ''I'lr. articles Unpe Te4 . i'fijcct is to got them before the Senate uii(. try 1O10 fresident' gain1 ftwljeri the : 'radical carpet bag states are ad senatoi-s' from the niggei 'may oust i. 111.. !-.' ized Mr.; states are admitted. Th i-y Jvhneuo: thksC- ji ivciuy, v,e i.aotruojjisii our ffivuds tetidy- after tho 41 ft to about for the nomiuees'tof; Xb,e ,"!S,t;' YoVkCpnyentupiu jitVUiijie be lib hetitancy, for be assun-d the conven tion vvitl make Jj roper elecibjiid;vor Hi'iPf Democratic supportV' And s it is only ty' umoti' aftd fcifinony Jtt:at wri ciu Ji6je ,tq ' Vascue auiur fouirtry firom th3ra 39f tiifeuferaiils. ' .- f.',iXi f .- '' .- I . jL. r.n ! y'PTys'ye soldiers in. WaBhiugton heityivotwl the Democratic Mbker, the tvuinp congress aesire to pass a bilto disfranchise them. That is it, if the soldiers will not vote with and for the negroes, they are "disloyal" and must lawt.lxjHftowed to vbte kt !all.:-"- " ; Thk Crawford, county .. Deniocracy have nominated the following excel lent ticket Au;ditM.WiM. Scroggsj Commissioner, Lewis Littler; Infirm ary Direclura,4, John, Ad-ins lvliiik, Jervise Jump, John Alloback. We are glad toeee our old friend Esquire 8crogs on the tapis for Au ditor: He will fill Pie hill. " J ; " PITTSBURA, FORT WAYNE AND CHICAGO RAILWAY. ': 'j f. 1 ' r --d'li )!.'' ittr iluriej lt llies, Trains wwl :: : J-N C'.i! )'. M i. ail v. (SutidavM nx -!.') (am le:'iii? t.:iiieHu .io rlniiT- Train i.-.-vi 1 fir M . leaves 'bii'v. i lr.'.rrs ciotNO' wkst. Kxpr. 1 6M 6 -5a.ji !C -s d.i n i i.m 1 4S d' Urc-Ierl...:.. raifin Alln n je. ClillUtn. Ma-illou OrrvUir. WutIv..-.. Miiul. ld ....... lit ii dri 8 (IS do 4 m do 3 0 I dl VI 'Me. 4 47 da 11 215 dn 1 16 d S 4ft d.i Mrto C 45 do 6 4'l do 0 2 do . 1 6S do VI 4 do 2 IS do 8 47 do 1 Si do 4 (H do a . dol 7 18 do 7 17 do 7 4-i do .1 2tl d fi 00 do 7 4 do do .jj A 4 4S do 5 yodo1 ro no do Bucj.niH a Zl ua 6 40 f?n: lo 1 1- rin HI .S Ha Up. Sandusky Fuis t .. '. Lima Van' Wert.- ii..:- IjUdo f it do 11 14 .1,. 10 Si .o 4-1 do bl doll 47 do ill 17 do 9 03 do 9 03 ai 1 IiA.ujti 27p.ji 1 lS.'dAJlO 'M'-fio 01-do; 1 S do Fort M'ayue Columbia .. W" n . ... ..jl!i 10F.M ... 1 00 do II 60 do! 3 20 do 3 60 do 3 HO do 3 37 do. 4 22 doj 12 37 do Pl.vinoth.'.V.V'KSiiOViiyf Sw! Valdarauo I 4 4T do i 4 15 do ChicgOi,s....'H T 0t va MHu 1 SS do 1 32 dol 4 lido 5 ?do X 24 do o iu U0 0 3 do 8- lO-dnl 8 20 do TltAINST3t."? KANT. i p.xi.r o . i.xpr's vI p- v uiuon. IIO ill l 7 H'.dAi 3 OA do L do ' o' ln .lu mouth pi H Cip w: ... 1 It J7j)o 4 3Jdo 65d'o 6 63d o. 7 ISUo 6 ( 5 sunn 9 lodo 9 31 do 9 10 do to tl do '.lllfiiK f-'ori Wayuo Van Wen .. !elphob -r Lima I'oxf-t -..v.; Up'rASpduk3 tSucy-u-f .1 'Va 2 i)$i 3 Of do 4 fo" d o' 5 0do 1 s.' do 6, US do 6 3!,fto" 65 dc 7 ii do lu 30-iuUa 11 75 do 1-2 2Ur M 12 IbA.M i'ii So 2 IS do, 2 42 do, 3 111 do 2 OS do 3 1!) do 4 j do 6 t do P -3ld0 6 3IM.M 6 10 do I 40 do ,3 5lw 4u do Mansfiold 4 Vi Woostfr.....!, 9 do lit No I nnHni.iiA .!. j'a'Aio1 9 l Vjo '4ri S'Jp-dVi 41 do "!e do 9 10 do Orrllle..... -j.' IK do 11 STOn MiHon-A...;- 6 do- ll t 7'o-l l'..nt..l .!( ! d1l2 13M T u. do Aliiani.-c .... 'HI 1Ji ' OO.ID VI an lei : I do . ltM., 6 aSJojtl is do hi's'.cr 1 O.a.m. J Ui,iiu.w qo;i ..- ,- Youn wtov, n; New last le and Frie-Kx:-Ivre-TS leaves YonnMtp'yn, :3rlri, ;nijKeik" Critle, 4 OOp, ii; iirriveH'Viliaburgh. 6.J)0a, tn. K-l urnmtis leaves tfitt burfrli 7,17a. in; arrives New Castle, f,40a. in ; Youngs Hri, 4U.4ot ,.uj : ,;-:,! t'l .. '. J '.! l.iun(,'slown, rvew Last"- Hn" 'i' buis;li Acc miuoilalioii.. iijivs. Yoiiiiks imrn, K.OOn. nv; XtW" ;CH'stip', T. ltfa". m; ar riveti Hilehiiy, l.QQ't. ui.Hetiir,uing.-ileav-Vs "Pit.tsii-.iVgh; i.rCr. arrivjV-New'Cus ite, 7,0.j;, ih; Yonn5Mt'rWi;'.t,a)j,.iu. K. K, MY IS KS, Tioket Agent,-' CLEVELAND & PITTSBURGH RAILWAY. ffOiU !in i M. - of the fllpj niftf n yvill ac- IJ. . is (In and nIK-f MiiV lull. IS.g.Tttins will le(iT Ittations daily, Snndaya xi-oplod ) as follows : tint? I Kxriitsrl rle.velnnil.t S.KS a Euclid bt .1 8.4 i ' t2,ltP.l. :2.St7.M. Tioe.ii. 3.S1P.N. li.wio.. i'0,2a 2.9:: ' RinH' . Jll M" 1 tVollavin e r.''-r, a. I4:l "7,, -: . ; r-r. ESSi lAoCOMAitl Hnrd ..uo.aa .; 1 til 6,10. .. 11.20 . o f Ii aavonbH.. 5.47 Eidill st J IS M0 ' n u iir." 1,60-V it .-' 10, rr Cit.- ei.iod UOISU. K,Util-hUIiEiIilVJtfOX 7- VrT-TZ - - "TTrr"--1 .-. 1 Tlf -..4 ,f it ai. I tifyi'Ma 7f Wiidsofiorii 11 i. .SlOlK'IlVlll 1--A-ei;ville.. -iiiJlLFrrj- a:l , it. boM'-r . ;.i5 St "l:St J.i3 ' 2:4l ii UT 4 I 6 nr.. ,ii , as..- ;. . I y-ii.".- PutsF.i:rg-. A' Tio 55 Miifc-j Exnuis ACCOM. ritt"burj. 6 0 n 1 SO r. M.I 4 SS r. M.I 7.10 "- I a.6 j 6.MI-" 1-4 X7.i i A" t'-A . ! IVi 4A' I T16 - 1 6 K.icheMUir SniLO-. fcerr WallHvilfeV 8ieulenvi 9,45 ' 10.:'5 " H'.tS ' 4.45 Hrid;"port 3.55 . " J 6,' 6 I I4,llir.. . a. r : - ".. i . -T .('-' ... tUl' ' - irfiavea ---. r Jli Ariyea ' I n Iu leiph'a. fi-M-on.--,. .Bazar d. lf-.v-rr-t- ftj.t n. N ' pfifla.Tuli'bi. : "C?' ' ' f. MYhjK'.'ieu. 'Tick iluui 9 JJ a. m. .i0 jj ra.. ket- Anf-nL. . , Ohter-TiicoTiKV- ft .A- ttug Vctn ctuiined :Yt il we knew it, (here u-oud be an heritor i aibioei ia-u. fl:hetl. mots and bark i would, elite lhe ill,hunutilt:sh, i.k.:ir.J; .Dr. Miah. Ier,'vj-itV a few- of liis. prof..a.-o.nui ,fr.ud, have kept rtii idea constantly ih !ew and laf ored ear l.ftftlV'iiBiliterseAirfiisiiy fr yearn toand'tliiif most deira-ble-trea4ire 1'ueuGT brtve not 'fOAOd 'aji 4uri.ukcur.j..r aiu.r.inriiauit-wtlvyhavtt nerr-i. ihelea ili.uuuri-'U-.A XMXueUy, wliii-h,.tt4 yet, bna .erer Killed in enrin ChiUrt nl jand aH difeases ariiiu". from auv impuiUy of the Wd or-uiarrnnH7nnl nf tna" dije6tiv? organs. Ucludius I.iver C'ouii.laftit,on)ji.t", Colds, hie' lleauacfctt, KtMuaJiclM tirvtcnmxtm, General ityaLd all affcciiona of the Kidneys ajtd Udcluary1 eraua. . , u u...-,- :'innrgrcat dieurery, Iir honor of the lnafati2!t ble latire of Dr. It. MHliler, la called MWiWt lie ah Uitma. nd nhmrrrr IntrWlflcear- takSSThe place of Oulitioe )Dd,.U bOBUor.ciher rnvil,en uii3,1iei-Oier.f tnf ehmvliftn at4 -s-'l ji3rrNisTiiATi()x,icoTK?it: 4 he untfj-.iKir!i.h . hti-ntAv.iln. ixiiuted Aflmiuibtrator of the extata .A. Itiiniul. Ijf.ltlanwull'a.'). i -r COUUtV. Ohio. - . michart. Rfmim-B June 17. 186Sws 4( .IB 7.13 " 9.1T " SO - 1 Markets. CANTON, OHIO, June 24, 1868. k?te' .. jij.l:: ; Beana, j Molasses, ,v . Floia-Extra - - - j ll 00(12 00 Wb-eatWhite, 225 -Red Corn, 3 m'Av 00 1 50m5 Vr 160(70 Kye, Oats, . j f-.i Barley, Flax Seed, Potatoes K 00(g 12,00 U m. a: liOO .-f-'J Onions p bushel i f,. Dried Apnles, -r Butter ' - - - 'a: '18 18 18 Xftilosvj.ij 1. -..-st -t ."Ji ' r ) gi ': 10 16 Lard, Lard, 22 j.!-ii:-....Tr.; 30 3 Sait-s barrel, ,,- ::0.3p0 COMMERCIAL. NEW YORK MONEY MARKET. U01.1) iirm at tayiojicius. ...iwi NEW YORK MARKET—JUNE 22. "COTTfiJV'WitliQnt ' rtccadeV--narij: sales of 950 bales, including 200 bales Jin transit, at 29c for middling, uplands, . 5 'Fr.)UR-CJoscd dull afid 10c lower. J ; 1 WHEATNominally l2c lpwfr J'. sh pers dro rcsusinSr to buy at' pfreseti . iu 'con- secrueticeJ of untavorable ''private;, reports 0 ItTE-Drill'at St 92(St2 00. ' ' ' J OATS-Yery 'dull anl lTesr-y at S.4384ic for westvrn W store-. r' -' "rl ' -' 1 COH3ST IuH'and heavy at$l "olj'r ii for rieiv mixed 'west em afloat:' ''" "w 1 H PORE-Nntninar -at.f 28 f20&2Wb'-tor :hewTni'SS'Citsh:and regular."' : . - ' j "BEEF Quiet and unchanged.' ; 1 V CUT ' MEATS SniaS' salc3 at previoiis) ,flwianH!." - : j Nominal. " r -; ' ' - :--LAD 'Quiet t 1717Jc for ' fair! i 'EGQSiitear at 27t28f. .- i !-- : SPECIAL NOTICES. JN. -ORDINANCE To 'Assess and toe,vy. a.THX on uo KohI, anil. 1'erao- .. ,uk1 1, loperty -ot itna.tJitj. . ,. I. Be it ordained v. the -city coun cilor! fin city ot' Glt6n,.Tbur thera dw and hereliyjs levied fiix. all lue. real and peiuouul properly .wiihio. tbe. corporate. liuniHi'ot sai-! city sattject- to taxation, tbe fol'ow'ms per centmn oi tbe appraised value thereof, - - . " . .IsUjKor tbe jeity-of Canton, 3 mills ou the Jpllac" valuation. . '"2d. For suniixry and Street cleaning purposes, one mill on the dollar valuation. . 'id. For tire engin purpose, one-half inili on'lhtf dollar valuation. ' . tylth. For-j5s. tlirt-o.-t'ourtba of one mill ou tiio dollar valuation. . , ... . 5th; For court t.ua6 purposes, threp mills on the dollar valuation. (Sin, For graveyard purposeis. one-lialf of one milt ou each dollui of the yalua tfon.-'j. ' ' .., See; 2. Thut this ordinance take eflect and bo in force from e.qd after itn pHKKHge and publioHlion.;-'PHxt'd Jrme l.1), 1868. .-.t : WYAN.T, Fris't.: i OSKPII TuoUT, Clerk. . A N ORl j , . a . nf i .V l viH for Wat -r Works in the c:tv of fan?. .11, Vl'lio. . , 1 i'U "rdnincd by' tho' ritV tiif oi'.w-oi' Canton, tlhl i. That, riw .: -,r tr.jitin wipr Miirtit v.. ' "! i-HvwilL. ;r ,lr,' Ih.ikIh o-ti.rt iiK nioiiey liot ex- Rrct eonue i ir te ;-: ''r -n v t- 4iiiijr- f.tina.(w..-U' i.i.'-y th. usand dollars. f f .r tli" po viu -iil i' wlii..h the i-redit ot said oity is filnfid. (s-i;nKU rtythe FrMident and Clerk of the Council) payable as fol lows: Five thousand dollars in,two years, and every two years thereafter five thnu hhuJ dol iare. until tbe snm of lifty thou sand dollars is paid, or. to b made paya hie at such other times and in such other iiitiliiuit8 best adrfptvd to effect their 'nm jeotialioa, at - rate of interest not exeeed- hk seven per cent., payable annually til tlrtf all the money -so borrowed shall . ..J. ' ...... ....J. 1..1 . 131 , LU UO erection qf water orks as aforesaid, and 'to' no other use or purpose whatsoever.'' .See.-2.' That the proposition of bnrrowi. ing. said sum of fifty thousand dollars for tbo purpose,' and on the time and terms stated above, be submitted to a vote of the electors residing within- tht limits of SHid city, between the liourn. of wo o'clock P. M. and isix o'eloek P. lr on SHturday...tliB. 27th 'day 'of June, 1868. which election is to be Jtield at ihe otnee or the froiotie Ju.lne in Biiitj oity. ,, Ker. S. .Thnt.said tiinn nml r):ie -when tie votes of hS'xd elector hall be given, fur the uporoviil or l election of said nrnn. oMtion; shall have written or printed, or partly wriiien ana pur4iy printed noon'.ots. "Water Works Yes ;'' and ( hose-ctppRed to iairt proposition in like uiHinier tho words, V Walr Work's No." See, 4. That so soon .as a majority of : .a l . ; . t . . . Mttin eiouMiis, noiresaiii, snail jiavajiy their votes approved ofsnid proposition. measures are to tin ndopted by this' count cil tor the erection or eonstruotlon of said work;- ' - ' '',-: - .Sec. 5. That this ordioanet be in force and take eil'ect from mid after ita passage m. It. WYANT, Prea't. , .I08KPH Tkbut. Clerk. u ii Jnne IVIS08. ' . ,l ryo . CONSUMPTIVES. TUB ' ADVEKTISKK j A amring bees remortid to health In a few weels by a very eiixple remedy, Krter .U-iuK aaflered for cverl year with a sevure long affection, and that dread aiecitte Consumpdon is anxioua to make known to hia fellow-autl'crers tbe meana of care. To all who desire it, he will end a copy of the prescription used (free of charge,) with the direo. tiona for preparing and nxing the'suivs which tUoy wilt and acta odu for Cdbbcjutiox, Abtuma, Bhomouitb, Cncona, CoLoe, and all Throat and Lnu& Aflertions; : The only olijoet of the advertirer la aenoing me rreacriptlon la to Oenefl! :iie afflicted, and pad iulonrtation which he conrelveitto rwio. valuable, nud ho Hu-iea ever aufierer will trr hu remedy, a it will coat tbem uothiug.and may prove a.ibles.-lugl ' . j. 1 . PartieB wifhiui; the (.reiscriptiou, nu, by return Kuv. KDWARD A. WILSON, - Winianishnm. Klui;a Co., JJ'w York raiiys uiyihiup THE OBEAT KNGLISH KEMEDY. n Sir Jnipes Clarke's Eernala Pills, Prepnrl (lorn a )recrrptioa of Sir James .Clark, .m.. u. i-iiavsici.-.u &kraoru.uary, 10 iae qnees, TUis invatnnbiemodicine l nlifafllnKin the cure of all move duncroiw and patufulUibeapes-Ui which Ihe f. uialc conslilulion is siilycm. r II nrjrruu-. idl xceet.ea and rumovms all obetrutiiius t:mn what ever f :iiir-. 'JVl Qiikrrid ladioa it . purlicnUrly ftlltWl'-'ll.wTrtin a short time brinij ori the mouih- ly period wun rryaluriljf.jind alihouKB a powerful reiue dv, dona nut ci;utfn auvthrne hurtful t the cqoatiintiiiu. - lu all caa4f narveoua nr uplnal j...... -u .it. ..(...a. aim uiuua, -laviut) 111! iiilit exriiou, palpitation of the heart, hysterica 'ana whites, it will effect a cure worn all other mentis have failed. Full direction in the pamphlet iuiiuu.i nv:o IWVI.!(C. ; . . i ' - SPKCIAL NOTICE. . ' -Beware ofeonnteraia i ' Observe ehe nam of Job Musee ou tie Rije piircluve oon without lt alt AtHfrtf are base aud worthlesa Unltationa. i N. B One dollar, with fifteen cent for iotae. bm-lu&ed to Lhe eole proprietor. Job Moeca, 2T Oort land at. N V. will -nur A bottle of the Kcnntno couiaiiiriig iiitv pina oy return ataii; securely aeal ed iroin sSlMiurvation. ' -'- : ' : i-: : Cnre Tottr Coughs and Colds,"'"' t o medicine over discovered will cure hard ColdJ l!!nH, iiiUnema, boro Throat, and in fact al tlir -ai, eheistaud Ian? eoraplafnts aa atiiek aa Coe' t'ouh Uutnam. It 1b raild and pleaaanl to take, bot il'ee.i.v aim encctaaj to cure. Kom Dy arpggista ey. I IVi:', DrAPKVftiA rntl wilt Inmpilinl.i. ..Ubm iud p-rmaneiitl cure tho moat ajrravated caaea vy' i -'a, P iutuieucy, Hour fetumacn, cuualipatioti, nrl .nil disease of tho atOmach and howela. J'hy. uuigjuicii nau au wao aaa.itjotu- 111 UH qounded pruie of its groat virtuea, , old by fing p ANCER, SCROFULA,' tc., CU- i lit. ' - Persona afflicted with Cancer. f76fula, Tuiuora. Kruptlons, Sc., ore cured bv th ute of lr. Grreene'a v leeto-Medicated Baths, and. Indian ; Vegetable Kenedies wnicli cleanse the hloud xf all Humors. Meroury, Lead. &o.- and restore health ihralitU afflicted ith . esery... variety iliseuse. j. noou nescrioing uaucer.Srirot tila, Uniora and, with their proper menus of ura, may be obtained tree at-tna'Meuical Institute, or by mail, :trtcrf-sw. n. ' UKiiKiM k. io lemd LlFFf HEALTH STRENGTH, ; ' TUB QKKAT FRENCH REMEDY, . S i DelamarreV ' Specific '"Pills'," - -'Prepared by Garanciere & Dnpont, No 14 line Ijiroliaid; Panr and highly rr-commeuded by xlujiMijhM.iteMMNiM . - - . .Are a most energetic and efneien remedy hi caaee ui spermiiturtiiue er oemmai weaaueai; nightly, or daily premature EiniaaioiM: Hewial weakuena laip.iU'ucyt.weaku"e arlniitc fraot aeret kalora aexaal evcius.e. relaxation' ofthe. n,sital ..i.i. ervres.XUne or Bri( VdrvH!''- U- ufine; miiKy aicirarveBtc., ana. all tiie ghautly Ai'aiapbretcouwuiiuv.full oartlcoiarM wtib iTK. rectiuiUMUtd ailvlc&i rMiiud In--Brenca. unn Samils a.o..i tag'ih.. acc"i'Kilu .each box -e ue .-etit.oy. 4,rM iii" eturr aisled tu reciui,o He pries njr aoradvertiv5eBt,r b tia sreet. sVw' York.'.-rAge , T ... 1. ' .' au:w. Kin.9xi out fur Caniou ad gwtlemaa la th- Linitxd Stari... v,, w tiling .dsiUp.hl t' their atantae, b return Tiioae Jtaving foara of being hurnbOMBaiwiH oBligeby not noticing this card. All eiK.ra.M pleaas addiess their obedient sa'rrant. TtlOMAS F. CHAPHiXf ectiealk . . al aroadvar, tSm Tarlu T' "j. C t - T 'Z&i&l x:.'::' ! j of to of the UJ tlia Ike vir. G '. -l"tL"i : Hi.'-.- c , ' i r..i . f;-.i! ). 1 t t 7-! ,i.ii:s 1!:: 5:!! f ATI SCABD.OV . EOOFLAHIJ'S GEEMAH EITTEE.3, - - .urn f : ; " VzipunA by Dr. O. M. Jackioiy FfaUadalpUa. Thalr Introduction Into thia counUy from Oiaiawj ooo-orrod la.- Ti;i ' ' .' . - ' ,'.-.' ' : :- ' ': :--''' ' 1S25. , . - : - - '""tBEY ctfax tocb - :;' And vul cure you nil yoor ehilyea. TThey ar wtlrely - d i Ifcrvn t txjmm from in- mmMf mp&rattoM no tTm prepa nuoi MuaintioD, or LDthiui like on ; bat good, Uouual, roiiabla motiiclnea. Iiiver Complaint. : :T 1 DSBPEPSIA, : i. i. .-ij i i." - ' : TTervoua 33ebiiity, r . t Diseases of lhe Kidneys. -ERUPTIOHS OF THE SKIH, , auad all Slaeaaes arlatn from a. XHaori deredXlver, Stomachy or ;.'.-:.,' IXPUR1TT Or IBM BLOOD. J - " Conatipation, Flatulenoe, Tnwatl-d Pile. jraiineBS oi mooa co tne fcload. Acidity of tbe Stomach., Naujja, Hert -buinDiszust for Food. Poises or Weight in the Stomach., Sour Eructations, Sink. . , - ing- or Fluttering; at the -Fit of the Stomach, Swim- mina- of the Head, Hurried or Difficult Breathing, Fluttering ' at the Heart, .s. Chokina; or BuffaoatillfffT . Wa An a a tl An - when in a Ly-VA Uitik Foitura JDlmnesa of ae' vialon. Tota -or 'Webs before tho Sight, Xull Fain In the Head, Deficiency ef Perspiration, xellowneas of the Skin aud ErH, .-. v , Pain in the- Side, Back, Chest, Limrja, etc, . Sudden Flushes of Beat, Burn . lnfi. in tne Flush. Cnnmtm.-nt ImAvlnirM - of KvH and Great Depression of Spirits. All thfte xruiicat- disease u the Liver or Jh'geUiw Organs, combitud wit impure blood. . . Hoofland's German Bitters - Is entirely veepetable, and contains liquor, it li a comuounil of riuM Ex trarta. Tbe Moel. Herbs, and lurki from which these extracts are ua are leathered I n ; (iernaay. All the mertl7 Vicinal virtues aro extraned vL ' from them br scientific sssimsi' chemist. The extract are theu toruarded. to this co mi I ry to bo nud exnreaaly for t inauntacinre ol iheKe Hitters. There la no alcoholic KUbfiHare of anyklnd tammmX in ronipouiiHliiic tl,.. Hitters, henee It la the only Ulttei'K that can be nt4 1st fawn w here alcoholic stimulants are mot advisable, ... ' Hoofland's German Tonic -ri . ; .. . . .... -1... - . if a combination of aU the inaredxentt of the BiUsrM, vilh puna Santa Orua Amis, Oranae. etc It it afes for the tame dieeaset at the Bitters, in comes where eomm mina mat mete remtaies are enureiy enrerent from any others aduortistdfar the care of the diseases nama tltrte being Bcienti&e preparations of medicinal extracts, while the others are mere decoctions of rum in soma form. The TON 10 is decidedly one of the moot ptetv wont ana agreeable remedies ever offered to the public tu tatLt is exquisuo. i a pleasure to taiot u, ioaiu ui life-aiving, exhilarating, and medicinal qualities Morns caused it to be knoum as the greatest of all tonic. DEBILITY. " -J tl- . , ft l"-'! aHii. .t .1 "cat- i fill a. r .1 M .it. nx-y -.ri: i ; ..I I I . MUr-.f !. t-r d t Hit i ;t i iiM ttncc fiaiutUft i!it o-leul, or ! mm - . - it, hi ruit ur tit noif. hrti -er ' ir., bf ' A'-- i,"u t-.s i bl.i ir ; Utp jrr . I, i : Lr.i. , vnur tiufttffri orytn$ "r, ti ' ; iJ ii,iuH. tit urn"' i--sa- , lai TiMsi r U thftttar tt '$ u f tit Jof tsMttrtt VtlfMM(ft4 vr-.jL. -- t'f'it-fintt ffn -fur anffhtrnf - vr.i - i siif-irtr ii'iMi :iM'rt'oir of Vntiylvttii!. I.hii.r-Ki.rni a, Wiirfh 10, IMJ. : rttmij!i'MfJ'e t,Vrwu-T Jltiifr yi$ t an tnU :, (f.'i., it ti yfni tonic useful in dtvrdert .. -fij-t'trr w.;iih. ttftt ttf' gru( brn-jU fti caM Ot,d ft-tiut uj tit-rwtti fic4wt in Utc symirm. . i . ... l'4trt ttunf. .--.. :...?" ,Oh(l. II'. WOQVWAK- Kit ij SI liu . JA K3. TU M VtsiS 'tHr if mjtriyne Oniirinf ieiinrjriraiiiaw I'H'i -iki Fill, Anril ltt0.- 1 f u 1l I t r . ; Hoonaud's '! 11I.UC1 fill - in 4-ie i-.;ji -. j.-. . . t ,;" ;.-'wj 1 1" f attavks of 'ff I U M r TlT-1' ."Wa ii l iii rii r lypcpli mScb Win WQf i. I roni tll' V J I i-km r rtliv ttaiM I ritiu mv xirleMC4 of wu it rfawMi, J.liUKS THOMPSON.' r n! i)i-TaUU B.itibt (Jhnrcli, PbiUdc.phia. itit.i-.l (?tr:v lKAk Hik: have been frequently r". siU l cuu.'ci vi y miinr milh. rvommtndutimnt )f irr- r-,.' i-iti if Kicdi'rm'j, 'bui' regarding (A pracUct ?! - f'J ty;Jie Vers, utoe m alt cojes 4 iiiinU'; tti iv 'J a t teir v roof in vttriou instant, and i foi'V7i. 1u tn'g tft JantHly, of ihe utfuinM of ir. titst L..!nti l utiiuan jtttitrt, i ctvpari jot jrommf vsut M M to rxpr h y fuU convirclion Oml tOT pea-' 'mi-A'"i!i:i i)( Mm iv,n and eepeciflily for Liver : Coi.irltlWt, n it n i 'I jtwfe and tUubi prriiurHtxm. i , k tl mmm catct it imv 'Cum Uu ubfvt cause. l'oui, very rftectfmUjft - " iijtehy ittiow CoaU XreL . r i v i T'OAUTIOH, .Tfonflpnd't German Remedies are eovnterfetui. The O'uoiitr have the signature of O. PI. Jlaebisoa the fnoit of the outside wrapper of each botiU, and t '. ndit n'Un article blown in each boule. AU othtn aro ' counterfeit. i ' "' '" " ' ".' lrlee of the Bitters, $1 OO per feotttef ; Or, a hall' dozeu for $5 O0. Price f the Tonto, 1 SO per bollJ ' Vr.ahall douulor $1 40. 1 . Ilia toalc la pMt op in quart bottloa. ... ; . ; Recollect Viat it is Br. BooflancVs Oermn SemoieM Vial art so universally used and so highly reeom- . mended ; and do noimscxmmmmm atlow tho Bruegiett to induce ym to-take f anything elm that ha may say is ptst as - f I goad9 because ha makes a larg rprvJtiasUsBBSa' on tC Thes Semm dies will be ml by enurets to any locality upon apfHtow Hon to On - , ,-- - . ": PRINCIPAL OFFICK, . , .. - v - 1- ...... AT THE QEKMAJSr J1ZDI0XKS BTOBX. 1 rJfo.eACUSTSMT,Fhilaltlphia. ; . 1 j CHAS, IX. EVANS, ' ' ' " Proprietor, Pormerly a X. JA03LS0N St CO. , ..... L . i ., .... ; . . t ' . j These potaediea are for sals by Drs Slsts Storekeepers, aad Me&Ietne Pea Is ers everywhere, v .. . ..'.' ; i Do not forget to exams ni vxU Xi urticU ya tttf, in ' rtitr to gel Ou genuine.' ... i h.u-.i i-jii : il v .' .' t '- X A. w Jl Jl. I - P - '" : rw : '.'apii : st-ve " a i pw - "gi i t whe it-ear kedc t, w: o, ai uit:h: e tht testier ite tl lling i bju.) " witl ?' RI. ed i id h l, nex jilt"!- . tee it he ex i ? r.tet, s.r o t - til ? - K. Or, in hi. kr-'it i ... I . Oiui -than it cttti Ut 13 :iarry prm. patio j not n all my 1 j ivor- such arse, j and e be- . give they eate i pe of ? the, ' neht." for . p;iy the sen lie Jfiftl ' rrlett ir in 4 c St : ao j ft f,le ': ,H "! . "- i-r, i 1 ' J ' f u- ;to n -' ' i19 . "fie -. . t