Newspaper Page Text
Variety. HASSAN AND THE ANGEL. A PERSIAN LEGEND—BY J. G. SAXE. ' The Calif Hassan so the" tale ia told la honors opulent and rich in gold, - One New Year's day, sat in a palm-tree's shade 1 . And, on a stone that lay beside him, made An inventory naming one by one Uis benefactions; all that he had done Throughout the year; and thus the items ran:- - "Five bags of gold for mosques in Ispahan; For caravans to Mecca, seven more; i For amulets to pious people, four; Three for the Ramazan; and two to pay The Holy Dervishes who thrice a day . . In prayer besought the safety, of my soul; . Itxm, one loaf of bread, a weekly dole To a poor widow with a sickly child." '.' The Calif read the reckoning o'er, and smil ed With conscious pleasure at the vast amount, ' "When o I a hand sweeps over the account. With sudden anger, Hassan looked around And saw an Angel slauding on the ground, With wing of gold, and robes of purest white "I am God's messenger employed to write Within this book the pious deeds of men; I have revised thy reckoning look again !" So to the man the Angel spake aloud, Then slowly vanished in a rosy cloud, Tho Calif looking saw upon the stone The final item standing then- alone S Only. ELSIE HACLING. The follow in r is a rather extraordinary production for a girl of fourteen, having a condensation, and force which is usually met only in the productions of old and prac ticed poets: -. . . - Only a little grave, -. By weeds half hidden; " Only a mother's tear. That comes unhidden; Only two little hands Folded together; O0y t .vo violet eyes, Now closed forever; Only a pale, palo face, And years not seven; Only a lifeless form All else in heaven. A Gloomy Prospect—Radical Foreboding for the Future of the Party. "Agate," the Washington corres pondent of the Cincinnati Gazette. writes that paper as fellows: . Wear soon to have the Southern . Slates readmitted under the present reconstruction Virginia, Texas ( and probaly Alabama) alone excepted. Tho Republican party has hitherto calculated upon great political gai from this admission. The leaders are now far less confident. It must be confessed that neither the fruits of re construction, nor the promises from the other States, are especially encour glng. We have one reble State back again Tennessee. .Before she had been fully restored her delegates to a Nat ional Convention gave us Andrew Johnson. Since, her Legislature has ) given us Senators Fowler and Patter son. Yet these are men of high character compared with those now coming up from the South. There are whole del - cgntions to tho IIouso from large . Southern States that do not contain one man as reputable in private life, or as respectable in ability and exper lance as Senator Fowler. There are plenty of them for whom Senatoi Fowler. . There are plenty of them for whom Senator Patterson may stand as the type. "God only knows what we are to do with these creatures exclaimed one of the leading members of the Republican party, and one of - Its most prominent Congressmen. - "They seem to be without character at home: they have not very much hepe of retaining their hold on their districts after the first election; and god many of them are sure to go in for making the most they can out of their positions while they have them. Perhaps the Congressman was severe in his judgment; but there is nodoubt that the feeling among many of the ' leaders grows to be that in seek in for Republican strength at the South we have got a very large elephant yery uncertain disposition on our . hand. Snubbing. Among the Committee to notify Grant his nomination, was a colored gemmainam e Harris, a delegate from some district .South Africa. Harris, from all accounts, was snubbed. He fixed himself in a corner . of the front parlor, to watch speechification while going on, and it appears he remained there. When the rest of the committee were invited into the during room to "refresh," "brother" Harris was left standing solitary and alone in his corner, and they did not say eat or" drink to him nary time. He got noth- . ing on the occasion unless some of the ser vants took him down into the kitchen pick the bones Washburn, Haw ley & Co. had eaten tne meat oil 01 above. 1 his was . bad treatment of this man and brothe-, more particularly as Grant s chance of suc cess depends entirely on the negro vote. should have been invited to tho first table and given the meat instead of the bones. little good Bourbon would have tickled palate pleasantly, and he would not have re fused a cigar frem the General's case. Har ris and his sable brethren have cause to com- . plain of his treatment. He would not have , been, treated worse by "Copperheads." - " " from lbs Dayton ( O.) L lar- . "Colfax is a zealous partisan, but not 'counselor of yiolence." Republican Ex change. ..Colfax not a "counselor ot violence." Let iissee: On the 3d of February, 1865, Schulyer Colfax signed the following protest "against any commutation of, or any interference any manner or form" with the hanging ' Miujoas and Bowlks: ' - i WAsnLxr.ToN", Fcbnary 3, 18(55. "His Excclency, the President of . United States: "Sin The undersigned, members of Con gress from the state of Indian:!, In behalf tho 16yal people of the State, respectfully but earneMtly protest ajrainst any commuta tion of the seuteuceof the Military Commiss ion against the Indiana conspirators recently tried by it. and ajrninst any interf e . ence any manner or form with lhat sentence, G. 8. LANE "fSignedl CIIUYLEU COLFAX, . Speaker II. It. U. . GOOD LOVE S. OKTH, . GEORGE W. JULIAN Soon afterward, t lie Supreme Court, Chief Justice Chase delivering the opinion, unanl mously decided that thete some men, Alili no and Bowles, had been illegally onvicted; nd a majority of the Court held that conviction and sentence were unconstitution at also. And yet, counselor" Colfax protes- ' ted against evea ..llowing them a hearing fore ihe Supreme Court, and "counseled v tK.- should be murdered. Still "Col- j fir Is not a counselor of violence! ; i. - j. -. -J- " x "French, wit says that' the gibbet u a. soocies of flattery to tne numan race. Three or feur persons are hung tt ma, ri.Vime. for the purpose making the rest believe that they tfttKas. . . -t4 -. . . f. , . ... , i Joss Billinosisms. It strains a man's philosopher the wust kind tew 1JT when he gits beat, ' .' - t- Awl ov us komplain ov the short ness ov life yet we awl waste more time than we nze. . . Don't mistake arroganse for, wls- dum; menny people hev thought , tha wuz when tha wu onla windy. The principle difference between a luxry and a necessary is the price. W henever thesoul is in grief, It is taking root, and when It is in smiles it is taking wing. "Give the devil his due." But be careful there ain't much due him. After a man has rode fast onst he never wanst to go slow again. v Evra sorrow has its twin joy; the fun of scratching almost pays for hav ing the Itch.. . . It won't do to stir up a man when he is thinking, enny more than it will a pau ov ruilk when the kream is ris ing. It is easy enough to the devil, but he's a hard crop to reap. . We ar teld that a contented man Iz nPPy and we might have been told at the same time that a mud turtle could fly it he had wings. "Don't Let it Hawkx Again." An exchange says: A professor in a New England college was accustom. ed to demand of students an excuse when they were dilatory at recitation The excuse given, he invariably ad ded: "Verry well, but don't let it happen again," One morning, a mar ried student, happening to be behind time, was promptly Interrogated as to the cause. Slightly embarrassed, he replied: "The truth Is, & '-, I had an addition to my family this morning, and it was not convenient for me to attend soon er." "Verry well," replied the profes sor in his quick nervous manner, don) let it happen again." ' Woxdkbs or ADVumsEfc. That advei Using, intelligently carried on, works wond ers, is an established fact. We present a few circumstances: .. . A Minnesota editor says that a man came into his office to advertise for his lost dog, and that such was the wonderful power of advertising, the dog walked into his office while he was writing the advertisement. A man in Cincinnati once advertised for a wife, and the next day he received letters from twenty-seven husbands, saying he might have theirs. A London paper has advertised, more than once, 'Two sisters want washing." "W hope they may get it," was the disrespectful remark of all who read Uie notices. .A broker, who advertised all kinds of stocks for sale, received a letter soon after ordering half a gross of satin elastic, A Wisconsin editoi says that he adver tised in his paper for a boy, and the next morning he found oue weighing ten pounds, on his door-step. ,Tue question at issue is shall legal tender greenbacks be, as the green back law says "a legal tender in pay merit of all dMs, public and private f" This is the whole question. The De mocracy propose holding the Radical leaders to their own doctrine feeding them on their own porridge. These bondholding leaders now only want greenbacks to be a legal tender for private debts. They want gold now for their bonds. Greenbacks were all right when they were paying govern ment for those bonds. '.-" a if Some men in Philadelphia wanted to drink cream of tartar in their water, and drank tartar emetic instead. Sickness, physicians and stomach pumps. A man in Philadelphia cut his throat with piece or window-class, but failed misera bly if he meant to kill himself. Mr. Johnson has received a dispatch from Jackson, which says that Mississippi has gone Democratic by a large majority. Senator Grimes is reported to be very low and is not expected to recover. Wants. of of What is it that is wanting in the Democratic party, and . which they seek outside brains, or honesty, or loyalty? fbrneg. If tho Democratic 1 party needed brains, would they take Grant; if hon esty, Butler; if loyalty. Jack ITamil- Philadelphia Age. to It Is estimated that already over 20, 000 persons have applied for tickets of admission to the Democratic Nat ional Convention. The tickets are to be given to the chairman of the State delegations by whom they will be distributed pro ralo to the delegates who will give theta to their friends. Pittsburgh Font. He A his in of the of in S: their be' of are A Rkbcft. A white Jacobin while dis cussing with a negro yesterday morning the necessity of voting for white men in prefer ence to their dusky brethren, was somewhat "set back" by the negro asking him what interest Jie had in Virginia. The Jacobin replied, "Oh t I am married here." Negro "You are ? Well, I was here fust and Ize gwine to vote for Bayne, certain, if you folks at the Norf don't like the 'uig- ger what the debbledoes you come here for? -.Norfolk Vibolnias. Hon. How. Heuky V. Foster has received tbe unanimous vote of the Democracy of Westmoreland, Indiana and Fayette, for the nomination Congress in that district. As John Covode is to be his opponent and the candidate of the bond holders, we have no foar of the result. Pilli. Post. It is said Grant & Colfax will start about July 1st on a Colorado trip hunt the- wild buffalo. Their negro hunt will not win so they may as well keep on after the buffalo. A Grant and Colfax Club recently named themselves the "Tanners." Brooks of Express, suirjrestively asks: Why not Black-and-taners ? The Radical party in nominating General Grant turnt-d from all its. as a desperate patient quits regular doctor for a quaek. . Thk Old Guard, published by C. Burr, dwlares lis preference for ueo, II. Pendleton and John QuI.icy Ad ams as the Democratic candidates President and Vice-President. VKROKS OP TOUT. uantianian woo auOa iu tl fur yoara from Nervous iMUIny. Pxvtna. nr. JiMcay. and all the etlecta of yoaihful indlftcre lUtn.aiiU. 4b r the aaae of enflerina humanity, n-M l l' who need II. tho reeeipe ead diree nooa ir making the aimple remedy ey whirti waa eiirM. itUerrs anahing to profit hy (he riiHTienne, caa do ao hy a4ldrei.tDaT JOHN B. OQDEN, No. 4 Cedar street N. T. BwrSS'Ciylenut ) ATER COOLERS nice and T T - cheap at. TtATNOLDS aAITOtTB. G AS iIPE AND JfMXTURES nice aaaortment, at bAiNoUW A BAXTOH bahKErs. GEORGE Dw HARTER A BROS., BANS., : ".-.. i LStoae Basking Eout, lut Tuctrtwu SO '. I.. CANTON: OHIO. -' We have removed oar Bank to oar new Banking House, where we have every fa cility for conducting a general Banking business, and solicit the continued and In creased patron age. We buy and sell ' Gold, Silver, Government Bonds and Exchange t atONKY LOANED, Coupons cashed, and Collections made. Promissory Note- and Business Paper ought. Draw Sight Drafts on Eag land, Scotland, Ireland, France and Germany, in sums to suit. . . DEPOSITS REBEIVED I and Interest allowed at reesonblo rates. BfirRevenue Stamps for sale. Small coin furnished. GEORGE D. HARTKR. MICHAEL D. HARTEK, OAVINOS DEPOSIT BANK I UAAU BABTB. OBO. D, HAR... M, . B1BTI iBank Block, west side of Square, CANTON, OUIO. - '" THIS BANK IS DOING A General Exchanvt. Deposit and Dis count liii.wineKs ! MONEY LOANED. f PROMISSORY NOTES BOUGHT. Gold, Silver and Bank Notes Bought. ALL KINDS OP Government Bonds and Revenue Siampa on band and for sale. . DEPOSITS RECFIVED and Intercut allowed on time depoMte. iu puuno wm nna us prompt ami ac commodating. ISAAC HARTER A SON. Cantos, O., Oct. 1, 1666. Having sold our interest in the Savinea Deposit Bank, we cordially lecornmend the Savings Deposit Bank of Isaao Harter K bona, (our successor) to the continued and Increased patronage of our friends. . PISTEK r. TRUMP, -MARTIN WIKIDAL. may 29. 1867. I v. . P. TRUMP, B. WISS, ALKX. HURFORD, H. H Timnr. "EXCHANGE BANK 1 A . cfJ TRUMP, HURFORD, WISE A CO. In the old Bank Room In TRUMP'S BLOCK. Oppose the St. Cloud Hotel, Contort, O. V TESEST ALLOWED ON TIMB DEPOSITS COLLECTIONS MADB On all parts f the United States 1 MONEY LOANED , Gold, Silver, Promissory Notes, Gov ernment Bonds, and other SECURITIES BOUOUT Jt SOLD. H. R. WTISE. Pres't. II. H. TRUMP, Cash'r. October 23. 1867. tf INSURANCE. QHBMAN INSURANCE COMPANY I OF CLXVKLAKO OHIO. Office JVd. 10 Alienter Muildinf. CAPITAL, $300,000 Inrara Bjlldiain. UetxaAsOUe aas staer Proaer- ty Agaiaat Los. ur Dam&r by Fire, at a lew raia a any siaer reponaite muapaay. KVLcMwos konormhly adjnatea aaa aruaaptly pai. ia f-"h . art sraaoToas ass roououui i Dr. W. Meyer, J. Warner, Joaa Gerlaca, ' C. W. SehmiaU Bearr Petal er Dr. Koeder, P. Tttlebau(h, xiennr araemer. 11. Kauer. P. Scaaiidt, C liaermaua, B. Be. kaaaa C. Bura, sad other a. A. Rettiurs, Pres't., J. Mater Vice " Vi-e Pres l. M. BUCBatAN AND FRKD. SBBXBACIt. Travc- Ung Areata. JOHN RABKR. Aceat. Cant, Okie. P. LUZIUS, HaaaUlea. " Jnly 8. isss-tf SEWINQ MACHINES. & to the the ci vilians a C. for send ha ad yellaer'i" J,HE GREAT AMERICAN COMBIAT10! BUTTON HOLE OVERSEAMING And Sewing; Machine. Its Wonderful Popularity Conclusive Proof tj lis Ureal Merit. The incjease in the demsnd for this val uable machine has been TEN FOLD du tbe lai-t seven months of its first year be fore me purine. lnia irrrami ami nurDriamar anocvaa la unprecedented in the history of sewing uimuiueii, anu mm iwi juujr wnrriiuieu ill IT HAS NO EQUAL, aaiae ABeounaLT van Birr FAMILY MACHINE In the world, and intrinsically tke cheap at; lor it 1h two machine corubined in one by a aimple and beautiful mechanic al arrnugetnent, making both tbe iSkuttle and Liock-stitcn, aud the Over-seaming and Button-bole atitcb, with equal facility and perfection. It execute in tbo very beat manner every variety or bewioe, sucn as Hemming, Felling, Cording, Tucking. Si itching. Braiding and Quilting, Gather ing and sewing ou, (done at tbe same time), and in addition, Oversearus, Em broiders on 'be edge, and makea beautiful Button and Eyelet-holea in ail fabrics. Every Machine ia warranted by the Company, or its agents, to give entire sat isfaction. Circulars with full particulars and sam ples of work done on this machine, can be sad on application at the Salesrooms of the American Button-hole, Oversea fin ing and Sewing Machine Company, S. W. cor. Eleyeath and Chestnut sta., Philadelphia, Pa. Instructions givea on the Machine at the rooms of the Company gratuitously to all purchasers. a-Agents Wanted. FRED'K PAXSON, Pres'L V. B. Mknskkhall, Trea. jan21tf. "ALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. - I will sail my faun in Nimishillen Township, four niilea northwest of Louis ville end eigm miles from Canton, near the ilarrisnurg road, and formerly owned by Levi Wertenberg . the farm eon tains ' One Hundred A Twenty-four Acres, One hundred acres cleared and in a rood atateof cultivation, tbe whol well-feaced; 24 acres choice timber, much of it lbs finest kind of ak first class; two story frame house nearly new, -well furnished, containing eight rooms with pantry and provision room, good cellar, good bank barn, frame, 44 by 76 feet, good orchard, good weilu at neuae and .barn in aiioit very desirable property. For terms enquire of the subscriber tne premises. ' JOHN S. COCK. roay27tf T OOKING-GLASSES, WINDOW- A-e- SHADES. OIL-CLOTHS. Ac, do. for sale cheap, at CORK-ELLS'. 47tX TTOES, SPADES SHOVELS, AX .:: . V FORKS, Ac, fcc, for sale cheap, at . , .,7 - CCBRfiLLa- N !' ' -T; new boot and sHOESTORE i SAYjR & SHAAFELT, are at it again," in their NeWltdom, Empire Block, East Tuscarawas st'., Lately occupied by Jobs Mcuregor as a Bookstore. - Wo shall be happy to meet all our- old customers, and as many now enes as will be pleased to favor us with their patron age.- n e nave constantly on hauu and are daily receiving from the East, u large supply mi BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, BALMORALS, In fact everything in the' Ladies' and Children Line, from the Slipper to the Higliest Polish Top, and all kinds of Rubber Boots fc Shoes. We also make Boots and Shoes to Order of the material and as cheap as the cheapest. best This is the place where you get what yon bargain for trench, boeus .Trench. or common Calf Boots. We employ none but the b ist workmen, and still have old Philip as our foreman, who is well known as one of the best and most experienced workmen of the day. He is always ready wnn buck anu strap to take tlie dimen sions of your understanding. SGrA.ll work warranted to give sat- lsiacuon. uive us a can. SAYLEE A SHAKAFILT. Gen ton. Maach 23. 1868-tf HATS CAPS FURS. tC. il'.T'l -N T I O o PERA HOUSE HAT STORE. PRICES REDUCED! GREAT CLOSING-OUT SALE Of Winter Goods AT LESS THAN COST 1 Fur Goods, Robes, Scarfs, Ac, at Half Price! Latest Stylo Silk Hat Just Received, ana xsew sprint atyie uats Uom ing in Every Day ! DUNKER AND OMMISH HAT By the case or single one. : HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR TCR-S. janl5-tf MARBLE WORKS. QITY MARBLE WORKS. PHILIP HATJBERT, Dealer and Manufacturer of Plain and Or namental MONUMENTS & TOMBSTONES, has recently opened a new marble shop on East -TuMcerawas Street, near Market Square, in Canton, where Monnmeuta, Tombstones, and all work pertaining nis line or business, eiiner in Italian or American Marble are inaBufacturcnnd kept constant on hand. 11a viB jh engaged in -the" auan ufacture of MarClo wrk ef all descripjiina lor a number f years, ne ia well expeeam ced ia guttinp; up good and skilfull work. Uealo plelgee himself that all orders shall be made satiafaetory before delivery. as be ia able to give the best and moat ma terial, for less money, tban any establish ment either in or out of Stark county. Money can be made by calling at his shop Deiore oraering eiscwnere. PHILIP HATJBERT. March 6th. 1867-tT PIANOS. j JJ S. LKLAND, Regularly appointed Agent for WM. KNABE & CO'S and STINEW AY A SONS' Unrivalled Piano Fortes. Also for CARHART A NEEDHAU'W and PHELPS AND GOODMAN'S ' ORGANS ASD MELODEOX8. All the above Instruments fully War ranted. Address H. S. LELAND. Mt. Union, SXark Co. Ohio. The agent may be seen personally Monday of each week, at the St. Cloud Hotel Canton. Ohio. may 167 6m. R EAL ESTATE FOR SALE. AN OFPOBTDNirY OFFEKKD FOR Adyaptngeous Investments My terms are so very liberal that almost any person in want ef a GOOD HOUSE AND LOT! Can obtain ene. My houses are of vari ous sizea and prices all new and built excellent materials; location healthy convenient to tne New Depot and all of the Agricultu ral Works 1 , -,-,, Tbe felly of renting bouses at present mgu rates auouio oe evident to ail. rnere- fore use the rent iu making annual pay ments en purchased properly. Energy and economy will insure success. I have yet for. sale a large number o( ' Valuable Building Lots ! On Cherry and Liberty streets, iucluding several Corner Lets. Prices, Terms Location to suit everybody. . ersoos airing to Purchase, Sell or Exchange Real Estate will find it to their advantage calland see uie at tne American Hotel, tnuioa, umn. n. u inu.nrsuA. April ss lsosme A FEW FINK BUILDING LOTS XL ' . " FOR SALE In David Lind's Addition to Canton, Opposite Kaith A Schott's Addition. Terms easy. Call at Myers A Walser's, or on tne nndersignea. . - v. Xiijsu. Canton, April i. lboam3 A. HURFOKD'S is the place to get your hap SPOUT-. - ...... - . V ! 1 t?ABMERS DF Bl'ARK-iilOK JC ... -HERE I ... . f THE WORLD'S Mower E Reaper! After-havine studied the interests of Farmers for twenty years, we have pro duced and now offer you . . THE BEST HARVESTER EVER MADE ! - and compared with which none others de serve to be mentioned. In all the quali ties oi a FIRST CLASS MACHINE ! Compactness, Simplicity, Certainty of Operation, Ease of Management, Lightness of Draft (Strength " and Durability,' It has . No Equal! . ' Its frume is a sinirle piece of wire. and will neltuer rust. rot. warp nor break. Its trearini; is all cut out of solid iren and runs with tbe eaae and precision of oiock wont. -'i When thua made perfect, it is tiehtly in toned in au iron shell case, which keeps out dirt, water, grass, 3cc Every part is made- by standard Kuaee. and tne wnolu is as won ouilL as a bawnii; macniue or locomotive. No rattling noise, nochewiuK of wlteel no loo8ning of nuts or bolts. In short. it is msriv to do its work perfectly ant last a life-time. We also manufacture the OHIO MOWER AND RH-APERI and, having invented, know how to build tueu better than any body else. Also TORNADO THRESHER AND SEPARATOR! which has never been equalled for rapid ana gooa worK. You will find it to be to your interest to buy one ot our machines. For further particulars call on or address E. BALL A COMPANY. Canton, Ohio. LOTS FOR SALE. gEAUTTFUL RESIDENCE LOTS FOR SALE. I have just laid out FORTY BEAUTIFUL LOTS in the west part of Canton, which I will sell on reasonaoie terms. Several of these lots are beaut situated on Tuscarawas ttreet. So twenty-four front on Fifth street, wh is here opened out sixty feet wide. . - Five front on the old Fulton Road, and thereat front on a new road laid out par allel with Fifth street. These lots will make very desirable buldiutr soots, and iDey are situated quite convenient to the business part of town. Those wishing to pu'chse such 'lots would do well to call soon. JOSEPH MEYER. Cauton, Miy 20, 1868-tf CARRIAGES. te t CARRIAGES ANT) ' BUGGIES AT . REDUCED PRICES 1 ; - Henry Walser has removed his . CARRIAGE. - .MANUFACTORY ! to his new buildings, one Block south of tne is lxon House, Corner of Market and Liberty Sta., ALLIANCE. OHIO. He invites all persons wishing to purchase up-top new Carriages, .Buggies, - Wagons, tc to call and see his splendid work. REPAIRING DONE . On short notice.eheap as the cheapest! auGive me call, before purchasing HENRY WALSER. elsewhere. Mny 15. 1867. MILLINERY. STRAW GOODS, AC. on of and I and de- to ( N EW AND BEAUTIFUL i t - . SPRING GOODS AT ' JOSEPH W. GRAFF'S, MATHEWS' BLOCK. Millinery and Straw Goods, Ribbons, Laces, Artificial Flowers, Embroideries, White Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Hoop Skirts, Genuine Alexander Kid Gloves, ' Silk Fringes, Bugle Trimmings, Cotton Trimmings, Ladies and Gents' Paper Collars, Cuffs, Neck Ties, Ac, etc. iST-Good Goods and Low Prices !-a JOS. TV. GRAFF, Mathews' Block, Canton. O. aprl-tf. rJ HE .MEYER HOljSE TO, LET. Having purchased the Brown, property in Canton, I wish to lent the large and commodieus Brick Residence on my farm near Meyer's Lake. This fine mansion contains twelve rooms.haa a cellar. under the whole house. a good stable, a garden of an acre, and til necessary eonyenienoes. It would make a suitable house for some useful purpos fashionable resort for pleasure parties visitiug me Lane water oure or tscnooi. 1 mention this to invite attention to this most desirable aud healthful site for pub lic use. It is only two miles from tbe city of C'aiiten, and, in the -hands of a good man, would become a great attraction. For further iuformation. inquire at this office, or of the subscriber in person, or address JOSEPH MEYER. Canton, Ohio. Jan. 22, 18(58. ' ' R u 11 MAN C Q NEW GOODS!' ?-"-"' ' - H A B T E R 8 B A N K BLOCK The largest and best selected stock of. Cloths, . ' .... i Cassimeres. ' - Vestlnga, ana an Kinas or BUM.MEK uoujjm are sold cheap at RUHMAN& Co'a. sOHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, afad J Little Boys' Wagons A Wheelbarrows a large stock and lor sale cheap at the fill d n orroery store oi . - ADAM LIPPKRT. JEWELRY QOLD FOR GREENBACKS. , D E U B L E & B IK O T H E R, . CANTON, OHIO, HAVE REMOVED ' "Their old- tad weil Liiown-. J F W E L R Y S.T O R E ! To Itieir splendid Wen tuuuin eft d:iic ' l;. uui.iio acuare. odo door -uth ct Krnitaii Crr - and next door to 0. Bchweitier'B Hardware Mori TheiiDew buildine ia fitted up in th- :At'?at style an-- siipelien. with a lull aBortm.ent of New Gooda u t-heir line, antrh aa Gold and Silver .Watclie Of American j I'ngliiin and wln maki,' iop- every variety; line -Jewelry; (.old JVn tf tli best mak- and qushty; Hdrr anu rlatcxi : Ware; Mimical Instrnnienia, aoch a , Melodeone, Gmtara. Viplma, Flutee ITifea, Sci?orleon, tc. Spectacles to autt old and youn: Kin . cutlery, Portmonnais, noechiaa ware, TOSS OF EVERY VARIETY Beeides very many articles not herein enumerated.' We are enabled to aeucneaper than meat otoeraaa we Buy for uur. awciooka and Jewelry repaired. All oar work warranted. Give na a call. Canton. Ansnat IS. 18bs i--. WALL PAPER WINDOW LS, &C W ALL-PA PE Rl SECOND SUP P L Y Just received at GEIGER'S DRUG STORE, One of the Largest and best Assortment of Selected Splendid Wall Papers, Window Blinds, Borders, &e. In Price they range from 8 cts. to $1,50 per piece; ' jgy Come and see I -a C. J. GEIGER. Canton. May 30, 1868-ml HARDWARE. LLIANCE HARDWARE AND IRON STORE WRIGHT - A PENNOCK, New Goods 1 . . . . New Prices ! ' Enlarged Stock t . Terms Cash ! We beg leave to say to the oitizens of Stark and adjoining -Counties, that we still continue to keep on hand, and for sale, at the lowest prices for tbe timet a fine assortment of POCKET A TABLE CUTLERY ! Furnishing Hardware, House Trimmings, Coach Trimmings, Harness Trimmings, i Furniture Trimmings, Coffin Trimmings, Mechanics' Tools, Farming Implements, Shoe-Makers' Kit and Findings. IRON AND STEEL, : Garden Seeds, Ropes and Twines, Brushes, all kinds, Nails and Spikes, Locks and Latches, . Springs and Axles, PAINTS AND OILS, Bent Wood Work, Moss, and Curled Hair, Hubbs and Spokes, Sasn and Putty, WINDOW GLASS, Picture Glass, Glass cut all shapes and Bizet, Turpentine and Bedzine Varnish, Floor, Table, Stair and Carriage OIL CLOTHS, Window Shade.i, Damasks, Dental Stock, Whip aud Caues, Bird Capes, Beltinir and Baskets. And a great variety of all other arti cles usually kept in a. Hardware Stere. J-Give Us a Call. . WRIGHT A PENNOCJC. SLATE ROOFING. LATE ROOFING! I have made arran ;emenls and am fully prepared to pnt on ' SLATE ROOFS In a complete and satisfactory manner. . Is is -undoubtedly known to all that good Slate Roofing is the most durable of all roofs ' for buildings. It "ift also fire proof, and he)ng a non-conductor, ia safer against lightning. . ...... I shall keep on hand ' The Vermont Slate, The Peach Bottom, .. i . The Northampton, and Slate from several other reliable quar ries tho cost being not much more than a piue roof, and less tban a tin roof. It is hoped those. intending to build will consider the matter. , AH orders addressed to the undersigned will receive prompt attention. . . J. O LANTZ. Canton. Ohio. March 4 18K8. JH. 81DDAL L DENTIST- OFFICE IN e Ilarter's Bank Block. -Canton. Ohio. AU op erations in Mechanical Ix-utiilry pcrionnrd in the litest aud ntot improved manser. lie would call especial atWotj..B to his Gold F.lliag. in wh en, tie words of A. Ward," he is equailtd by few and excelled by aooe. - NO CHARGE for Cutting w 'h' Goods arr-boneht-by the yard at -M. RUHMAN A Co. FURNISHING GOODST The Cheapest Place to get Gent's Furuish inu and Clothing .made to order. . Also Hats, Caps. Ac, la at -. -..'.a -T. -. M. RUHMAN A CoV, PR ASS SCYTHES-the best In tbe T . . . . . . i ... ; -a eauuiIT, sua mmmm - .-.v.!" -;aUTplJs.XTOr STOVES, &C. iS T C E B , STOVES! fL. BIECHELE '& BRQTHER, ' r canton,; OHIO. MArorAcrueEBB or akb dkalms ia . TIN, COPPER, "AND . SHKET IRON WARE, -" . Also harft alwaya on hand a large aaaortment Cook,, ParlT, and Heating- Stoves 1 Are ajranta for : eelebrated - ' STEWART COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, Which are in foot the best Cookine and Heatinp Htovea il the world. . "We WARRANT all our ooek atorea to h. good bakers and to draw well, and we aell pheai a the ci eapeat. l) WriffK A ;.r IO OR HER. i n tiort not it- n.; Mrrnfd t'( intir tii Our ulnce ih Hrn:n'i oi I tknd, ud Rmmi Tii cartvwoa etrept. Gi its &call. Oct, 4. l5rraJ l.. BIErHET,K ft- BROTH T V. WOOLEN FACTORY. 1 ANTON CITY WOOLEN FAC- TORY ! j 1 LAWRENCE ALEXANDER, Thankful for past patronage, would 'most respect- -"j i" innMB u. rornier patrons, ana the public in general that he has refitted his facto ry, (oa tha comer Cherry and Third streets,) with NEW AND IMPROVED MACHINERY And that he is now prepared ' to manufacture all goods ia hia line on the shortest notice, and in a manner to defy competition with any es tablishment in the West. He manufac tures CLOTHS, SATINETTS, Vestings, Tweeds, Cassimeres, Blankets, FLANNELS Of every description. Stocking Yarn, Ac, He it likewise prepared to CARD TtOLLS, SPIN YARN. COLOR. FULL, AND DRESS CLOTH,; Or to manufacture Goods for Customers on the Shares or by the Yard. He has on hand a large, h will exrhatiKe for wn-.j stock ef er aah. 4sf'ustouiprs should remember tha is manufacturing this season at REDUCED PRICES. WOOL WANTED I ny amount of Wool Wanted, foi which the highest market price will paid. L. ALEXANDER. MbtSS. lBSfi-tf CLDTH1NS EMPORIUM. la PR ING GOODS. s I invite attention to my Large' and Attractive STOCK of MERCHANT TAILORING GOODS Juat Received. Weisic, French, Shouller, and F. 4 II- Cloths, ' French and Miglith Coatings, MILTONS & CASSIMERES of the newest Patterns. Harris, Woodward, Legrauee and Duffle Silk Mix, and other Stand ard Makes of American . Cassimeres. I deal only in regalar Standard Makes of Goods! Believing that in these days of sham and shoddy. It is safer and cheapest to buy . Good Goods at Fair Prices ! . than shoddy at any price. -1 have superior facilities fcr making work that, in STYLE, FIT AND' FINISH s equal to the best city trade, and Prices as low as any of my vompetitois; and am willing at all times to duplicate the bills of any house in the West who will do as goad work as I will. Call early and satisfy yourselves that tbe One. Priced Fashion Emporium at .; No. 2 Opera House Block, Is the best place to buy. ' Canton. May 6. 1868f t. A. KITT. T OST STAYED OR STOLEN. From tbe Subscriber, on or about 11th inst.. a chestnut orrel horse, medium heiirht'trood limbs. -eyea, and about wars eld. . When tnitsed ee had no sho on.- Any person rtturning the horse givlnginfarmatinn where hecan be found will be noeraiiy rewaruea. . . T. C. NIGHMAN. . : May 27, w4.' ' WHEEJi . BARROWS , so . Cheap TT that no on' '. n""!". ' . RAT30U8 m SAZTOSVt GROCERIES N 1 EW DEPOT, GROCERY AND PROVISION STOBi . . HENRY BECKER. Has jus opened in - his new building on SOUTH CHERRY STREET!' ' - - " . - .( Near the new depot, a large stock of fresh FAMILY GKOGERIESf which lie win sell -CHKAP-AS THE CHEAPEST.ii I will pay tne highest market price for ! COUJN TRY PRODUCE. : I also keep all kinds of refreshments for tne Inner man. ' i GIVE ME A CALL j , Aud let me try to do as well by you as any L '; ot Uie folks up town. , HENRY BECKER. Dee. IS U--67. .... N EV YORK CLOTHING HOUSE. SPRING MANUFACTURE, -18 6 8; : THE LARGEST STOCK OF " . MEN'S -CL O T II I N,Q IN NEW TlORK CITY! rwT ., ...... vveare prepared to exbiDittO tbe mer chants or this section the best selection. ot -tjiotning-ever ottered in the ; New York Market, ' combining CHEAP, MEDIUM and FINK GOODS, IN THE MOST SUPERIOR XANNKR And of the Very Latest Stylea. We shall sell upon libet-al terms and at ANTE-WAR PRICES I ' "We invite the attention of buyers, and promise to make it to their interest to ex amine our immense stock before making lUVlf pUfUUttQCtli KIRTLANP, BABCOCK A BRONSON, 45 efe 47 Chambkrs Stkekt NEW YORK. mar4m2 FIRST PREMIUM . ylV . a, or as Diner aaaeuu wswr Wit awabbbb to - DIMCTDI una areTABiTtur B CT AT B. State Acri . M talr, tieldca in Kaak aakna, Stpt. , liai. BAKKKXT'S Tegetable Hair Bestoratire juatena Qrajr Hair te Hi Natmal Celert Bre- i tht Bit WTO eulro wm mf tb tiair i sbaofe B. . orieiul orrani 1 Sua ie aenaa i armdi- Uair ftjliag out t ia a anfMrier DrMtas. . hi. hum, winur MMa wmm . akla artlola OirracBeat Sie 4JT Beat, Wort. Nona, on w J. R. BARRETT A CO., PreerMers, - KASCaUtSTIS. N.H. ; Bold by allDraeeist... ' : . 8eD2S-flT-l-ly BUILD1NQ LOTS FGR SALE. icr be at the 12 or B UILDING LOTS FOR SALE. I otfer for sale a number of FINE BUILDING LOTS, Situated Near tbe Fair Grounds, which I will sell CHEAP 1 and on . . reasons bit. 'erms. Alao a FRAME BUILDING 20 by 60 feet, will be sold Cheap, aud can be con verted into a dwelling at litrle expense. L. D. RIDER. . Canton. March 2. 1868-tf ; N EW FURNITURE ROOMS I . East Tuscarawas st., Canton, Ohio. , PFENDLER A BERNIIARD Have opened in the rooms lately occu pied by Hare and Lind, corner of Tusca rawas and Walnut streets), a complete as sortment. of .- . FURNITURE And C-A BINE T - W ARK! oasisting of Dining Tables, ' ' , Writing Tables, Stands, Chairs Bureaus, Secretaries, JupDoaras, iieasteaas, Clothes Presses, Ac. We are practical Cabinet Makers, anu warrant our work as represented, none of our Furniture being the product of Eastern Manufactories, but entirely do mestic, dur. ble and cheap, It is all madr of the best well seasoned material. Repairing of damaged Furniture, an orders lor nev, will receive prompt at let tion and charges moderate. ZACH. BERNHARD. Mrach 25, BS-tf R E M O V A L F. J. LIND H MAN Has removed his Saddle and Harness Establishment Near totbe corner of Tuscariwaa A Cherry at rcetn. Canton, Ohio. He will continue to make good work and cheap. ; Let all my pld friends and customers and as ' man v new ones as choose, call and try me. K. J. LINDEMAN. Canton, May 27, 1868tr ' ' ;; poii sale two Quarters of. Good Land . In Ellison Township, Hardin ceunty, O. This land ia situated about eight miles from a town named Washington. Tbis land will be sold-for cash or satisfactory trade. Also, I wish to sell . .' An Oat-lot of Three Acres, Seuth of the Old Graveysrd, in Canton, Also, my wife's life lease jn EIGHTY ACRES OP LAND West of Meyers's Lake. " .. Terms an further particulars will be made known by calling on the subscriber at his residence, corner of Plum aud Fifth strict-. Canton. Ohm. CASSJIj Juna 17; 1668w3 - TVJOTICE.. M.' O Huntluet;.n having purchased the interest of Tl.:I: ivi Kul n in the firm Huntington A Kuhu, t-'anton sny aim, the business will hereafter te cenducted nnrlor.the firm of Huntington Brothers. And all business pertaining to former firm will be settled bv tin present one. HUNTINGTON BROS.. may27 3t - - ; vj HURFORD . Keeps the cheapest STJVES A TIK WAKK in tne city. Kaaav. -J; REMOVAL r..i REMOVAL 1 REMOVAL ! - - HANE & LIND, i Hare removed their establishment te tht jew building " few doors east of tne . ,., a xruoiio square, w tiers tney nave, ": ; . on hand . ; SADDLES, HARNESS, COLLARS v. j m? i.-'-or,. i i'l i- .-!'! t ; i'l - - :" J ii-''- ; .WHIPS, -A: a ''V i AH of which are warranted to give satis- laction ana at prices wnicn a -DEFY ' UOMPETITION. ItsavJorj Work and Repairing dene on short notice neat and substantial. . . . a.CAll and Examine pur Stock. DAint LIND'S- Castas. Nov. 7th. isiui v I t "7 V. CLOTHING. G OODS AT A BARGAIN I The 'andersigned 'having purchased i saiah P. Miller, his S'TOCK OF GOODS consisting of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, READY-MADE CLOTHING HATS. CAPS, C. now ofler te the citizens vicinity a ef C tutoa and RARE CHANCE te urchase suoh GOODS ATi A BARGAIN I Also, having puic-hased the book ao- count.of-said I. P. Miller, notice ia; hereby given to Uidse indebted to said aeoount- that tbey are in tbe bands of V m. McKin ley, attorney at law,-for settlement; those Knowiug-tnemselv-s indebted, are rrques ted to call at his office, in tbe Public Build ings and rtake ettlement at once. :" ,. - ri. nALb,! ,; i U. AULTMAN, , JACOB MILLKR, W. K. MILLER, JuneG. '67. tf. ; "' r. a t HARDWARE. r of JJARDWARE, tor EVERYBODY We are t aily receiving additions te our always large stock of GENERAL HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, IRON, NAILS, GLASS, SASH, teM.fcc. Which we are . SELLING. AT LOW PRICES! warranting all goods seld to ks a repre sented and AS CHEAP AS THE' CHEAPEST ! Thanking ear customers fbr former pat ronage, we solicit a oentinuahce and In crease ft trade. RAYNOLDS 1887. tf. at SAXTON. Jane 26. F ARM FOR BALE. I wish to sell ray farm sitaated ia Wash ington township, Stark county one fourth mile northwest of Freeburg, and - three miles north ef Paris. The farm ooalains 160 ACRES, One hundred acres beiag cleared; anirna der a good state of cultivatioa; aid sixty acres good timber land. r There Is on the farm a geod twe-atery Brick Dwelling House, .... of eight rooms; a large 'splaadid BANK BARN eighty by forty feet. Also a splea did Orchard or 270 trees ef good grafted frniu Tbe farm is well-watered by a ran ning stream and springs. . . ' - Terms Onehalf cash and tbe balanoe in one year with interest secured by mort gage on the premiaea. . -For furtner particnlars call ea ' ' - DE W ALT H. SMITH, Canton, Ohio, or . . JOHN SMITH. . aorlmS Wreeburo:. Stark co.. O. - TOLEDO A PITTSBUKU - ROAD COMPANY. RAIL- ' Notice "is hereby given, that books will be 'opened for "securing subscriptions to tbe capital stock of tbe Toledo and Pitta, burg Railway Company, on Monday, tbe sixth day or April, tsu. at tbe omoe of M. R. A R- TKaite, Toledo. Ohio: at the store of Charles Foster, Fostoria, Obio; at the office of Hon. W, P. Noble, Tiffin: Ohio; at tbe Banking House of Geo. D. Harter & Hro., uauton, - o; at tbe store of Gen. H. A. Stirfgwr, Carrollton, Obie; at the office of Col, Geo.. W. MoCook, hteux benville, O; and attbe office of Lloyd and iiiack, iriixsourga, ra. -j , . .... .-t. D. Spaulding, James Wallac, - S. Mr.. Kerr.: - - - John S. Darviaoa. T. W. Hartnian; W. H. Kincaid. M. R. Waite, Trninan H. Hoar. Charles Foster, .W. P; Noble, . R. G, Peanington, R. W" Shawhan, J.M. Naylor, Goo. W. McCcokj Jos. Mean, ' J ' " " L. Borland, S. H. Hartman, -W. E. Sehuert, J. B. Hubley,: . . . Thomas Paweett, James C. Hall, Solomon Llmd. II. S- Walbridee, C. Aultman, Isaac Harter. ' .Mi Wikidal, - 'James At SaxtoB,- i hi..BHi ; ... ; : .dno.'f. liaynolds. J. Durbin, ., .. D. Tyler. 1 . .-. G. W. Lawrence, L. Schssfer, ' , ' ' H. -S.'Martin, - M. LiFast. !: TOR'S NOTICE. . .Notice is hereby given that the under signed has been duly appointed and quaU. ified as Executor of tbe lasfwlll and tea-' tamontof Henry Albright, deoeaseri.'- ... : -S. H G EJB.-j-.; , ay27, 1808w3 " ' -