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1E()V ' pint ocroC A. M'CRECOR & SON, SCUMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. CASH. IS ADTAKCI. - - "-'.'-.. $2,00 A failure to notify e airsontlcuaece at the ead A m aubeoribe for will bo eonaidered tho iui4 aa a new ennageraent or eabecrlptloB. . . tar-Ne paper vtU be diecoauaued aaeept t tho Bpttoe of tho oobllehere. DIRECTORY. ARCHITECT. JC. HOXtK. ARCIIVTF.CT. PEW (MARBLE BulkOn 430 Wainut Street. Philadelphia eaa a. office hoore Stall, to . t,Oc3-7-ly H" E. MYER, Architect, Clove . land. Ohio. Otto 1C4 Wup-rior Si. over Koahler'e Clo:hint ors 33nif QKIUtlC IKUOUT.lIsT TI SCAKAW- j a. etre. Oattwe. veit. n WILLI M8 CO.. DRUGGISTS AND rtrel do. ' Weet of P.t office. Main OhTi .r-Freacrl,.UB. prepared at .. bjmrj day or nlicb.t. : MKRCHAST TAILOR-ABSALOM RrTT .AXO dealer la Clothe, Ceatiiner.. KHy od. aoLm. AC Eae.'a-caraa-aa Street C.D. OhlaW ' .. . ' ' PHINTINO. CTARK COUNTT DEMOCRAT A. VoGrwt S 8m. Publieber. and flam n.i Fdct Job Printer. . UUOKINDJNO. v, . . u TTH-ReTYl?J. BOOK-BINDER AJTD .11 Mjk Rook. Manufacturer. All or.l-ra troro ebraa oromDllT attaa.led In. Bin-leryl Block lup elairet. Caotoe. It rter"a Ohio. UNDERTAKING. I -.BINCK A. HAAS, ITS PERT AK Kits. K talic, end All eieda ol wu elwayt o hod. Two Hearaea alwaye in "- ' c' TiimrH a tree! Onion, o. PIIOTOG RAP1 I Ell. , JSo., FAR 2 and cu ElDWIN SMITH. rUOTOURArll:i H. ....... ..Mi..l.ivall LO Of uet lanrinir picturee. oval rnmr uu ?r: it2i."y 5u hd. Rum. In Matth,.- Bl-fJ.J'"" i PHYSICIANS. -rHN A MoDOXAIP. M. T.. nOMCEFATHIC J Fbyau oVl " OOloe In lUrvk Block apr !. - "dentists." 61DDALL. BAW1PKNX PKJiKlST. ii. TTVR- J, XJ (Succoasor to Ut. ion, Ohio. Aledeu) K.1 Block, Cho- SCROKOX DENTIST A. J. DOUDS. OFFICE up alalra anoTo Ueuhl J-walry Btoro.Oanion, Ubio, All oparaUona eoonouUJ wilh tho .role-.ion pror. ply ailcndad to. dM . . BANKERS. ,. ' K0RC5K D. HARTEH A UROTnER, BANK ' j KKS, f miln Markrc Slnwt, Canton. Ohio. Mo cwlva IMpoMia, Loan Mooiy, Buy Ovid, Silver. Bonda and Compound lutereat iotea. , Kxcbabe KouKht and Sold. .. . no. A ATTORNEYS. MO. MoOREGOR. Attorney at Latr. and Gen . ral Collectlnz ARcnt, Carthaice, 3W Co., octiltf II Alll- Nolary Fublia and XiliUry claiin )."'. Al i, Ohio. OCRAKFEK A LYNCH. ATTORNEVS. HAK O HrmNi aeo-iarturi,hi in ilia Practice ol Law. Oltica Canton, Soxrk county. O- GEORGK K. BALDW1M, a PVORNEY AT LAW. Canton, uhio. ouic. in builuiu. a'koaita lb- bl. Cltnui H tl TKLDa,N A McKINLKY 13 Cautou, Oulu. acood atry. ATTORNEYS AT LAW Oulcu lu Tiuuiu' liniu.iui; I June xo iei. i.i. ATTORNEY AT I. AW ite Ht. may X II ). MARTIN. XX Canton, Ohio, udm oppOMte Ht. ! jii.j Ho CAN- 1 1 AT LAW AND . Leu.rml llullouuon Weut, All:nc. u All a a.a antruaieu to ma cure receive firooipt attention. O ffloe m Couiruercial Block uwataira. uu 1 W. MoConu, ATfORNEY Cial lOSKTU ti paaua and ai'itary Putilio. Ci KOKOJE W. RAFF, ATTORNEY AT LAW T Canton, Ohio, baa j.erniaueitl) located Canton, and will daroU exciuaire attmtion to practice oi bia proiaaaion All buainaa e&Lruatd U him will b dilivntlv and prt'mptiy attaadeil Otttoi ia Hauler'. N-w Bkick iup -aira . CRKVOISIE. Ja.. JCSTCE OF THE orrtL!. ruith-luuii ernar, fuulie aiUara, t anu-o, vmo, am aitaou to drawiun daeua. morttiakca.oower. olattornry, Ac. in addition to tua Kualiab, be alto apeaka feem.aa and French lanKuaea. Ha will alao paaaporu for peraoa wiabinx to to lota- - ' SI -I jewelers IKHHLK A BROTHER. UKALIiRSlN WATCU- 1 tm. urocat. Jeweir ana oiiv.r Vat Ac. C " aide of the Publia Hiuaie Canton, iihio. aa pairina done oa ahort notice. . TOSRPII A. UBYER. DEALER IN WATCUE8, ' fj Clocka, Jawa ry and Fancy ArUclea, northweal aorn.r ol Market tfouara. Canton. . t. Hepair - In of WaA'bea, Clocka and Jewelry nai'tlactorily HOTELS. fcff-CLOCD HOTEL TCSC ARA wa8 8TREET. 'O 1 W of Cmrt Unnao, Canton, Ohio. a. Cook A Son. Proprietora.. tnylSoTl "CICHASGE HOTEL, JOHN FIELDING, 2J pneiora. at tbe Depot. Canton, Oiuo. r. A. Puaae. Clark. - SOCRBECK ALLIANCE HOUSE at the Sutioo, Alliance. O. Meala alwaya raadlnaaa oa the arrival of the cara- - TVANIEL XJ i TACKSOI HOTEL, LOTJIS OHLIflUER, fj prlelor. North Market-tit. Canton. Ohio. MISCELLANEOUS. TXAL ESTATE. W. C. THOMPSON. LEALER IV la Heal Boiate. Hoaaea and Bulldlo Ixu ala .aaai tba New Depot and Machine Hhopa. . , ffloe at Ibe American ilol.L apra 'dblf COUNTY SURVEYOR'S OFFICE In lorn ted with tba- County Recorder', In tba Wlkidal liutlcllnn, nortn ot toe Court Houae. Canton. Ohio, wbara ha ha found when to tba city : If not, any ainttaa wanted can ba left with Jacob linirer. Eaa.. County Kucordor, who n-iva aua ootlra to tlie undritfrieil. Tba law aulborlsea tbe Couniy Surveyor to-ttka tb aoknowladiimont of any atrnment of writina : a will tharefore wrlta and acknowledge AirreemenU, MortAitua, DwhIh, Ao tc , at lair prli-ea and upen the aborteat notice. J. O. WILLIARD. Surveyor of Stark: ceuntyl Canton. Jan. IS 1S6S. MEDICAL. ESTABLISHED IIOSPI- TALr On tb French aystem. "LD QUICK CURES and LOW PRICES. Twenty Thousand' Cured Annually: ' Tir Taller enntlnnea to be eoeSdenttaili and ceaalully eonanlted on all forma of private at hia old aataMlahed Hoeullal, No. A Beaver A IViaiw. New York. Twenty yeara devoted tn thla partlcnlar branch practice, enabiea blu to perforin cansa each other pbyatcian can: and h'a tacllttlea arc auch In eorroapon.lence with the mnet eminent of the Old World) for obtalnlnr the aaraat tl ih. latMt rfimadiaa Air the dlaeaaca. can offer Inducement to the a cure to he obtained at no ouifcr oince in America, in avnhillla. GonorThaB. Stricture. Elilarecnent of the Taaticlca, and apertralic Corda, Bubo, Thr,uL More N.iee. Tender Hhln Bouea. neoua Brniillona, B.lca, Ulccra, Abccaa, and all er ImpuriUee of the ayatem. r . YOUNG Mr.N ..i.ii.ii in avnii hal.lta. who hare Impaired health and dealroved the vlgjr of their winds, deprivluK Ihemaclvce of the pleaanrna of ,lfa. are not.fled that in cunauiusa ur. i. tncy find a friend to couaoie, -and a pnyrician wuo cared luiiuaanda. nu TKT I.IR'S OBKAT WORK for tha Married aad iboae contemuiatiuir SOU Ditto full of plalee price 2a .centa. all parte under aeal. by mail, ixwt paid: ' The married and tbe married happy. A lectnre on or how to chooen a partner a complete .i a aibn It uLiiiui hnudnda of aecreu before nabllahed centa eocloaed wUl copy by return mall. Til Till LADIES Dr. Teller atlli retain. In Auierica the agency the aale of Dr. Vlcbi.l'e Italian female Pilla, for atupparea, lrrealariiioa and other -iroctluaa In femalea. On receiDt bfoue dollar. Uie Drtre bar box. pllla will be aent by mail or exprraa lo auy ' the world eeeere tram curloaity or lumtct. . -Ofaca aoara frvca a a m tu p ro aad oa to A n m - N. B. J'.raona at, a dlatanca can be cared at h. ..1 ,1 r.i ,iv Dr. Teller, euciuelna- a Medicate accural? packed f-dui otMcrvrtuiu any part of the world. All caeca warranted. cbarae for advice.- - No atudeuta or boya ' fcultce UUa; addraaa -XI lettura to taotr J. TaXLER, M. D. Beavar au. Ablaur .."...TTOK SA aala at K SALE.- A first rate Sulky Warta A Kiuir'a carrmee Also for aala tba r Inoet CarrUgeal klnda. Call and nee tnam. , .. WEHTS AKISQ. . Canton. April IS. 1868,m3 ... '-MIURNS Or' ALL'.SIIAPES I aUo. -v&a aWis A ainrl WorMnliUi r".wrr? TtATSoLua daxton. VOLUME 35. .. , J oj;.V);n J i A tyrunm noqu toy hi-'-'- j.l I r 1 j luui I I I i'.Al .-.'.'.nWuiVvj :kry A3b ffiLX;' CAJSTTON, STAUK COTJNTY, OHIO JTJLY 8, 1868. YOU ALL tI IIOOFLAND'S GSEMAN BITTEILS, HQOFUND'S GERMAN TONIC, Prepare! by Dr. C M. Jackaon, PbUade'bls. TlMlr Introduction Into tbla eountry from Oaraiaaj ocurrva la 1825. TUET CURED TODtt PATHKRS A.TSH MOTBCEBS, And will enra yon and your chlMran. Thay ara antiraly dtOttrmiaaaasai BMPafrom tba many prparatlona now f f in ih aonniry eallrd Utiuta or 1 1 Tonlca. Tbay ara no tavarn prvpa aaaaai BaJUaaaratlon, or anything Ilk oor ; but good, tmniaat, rouabla jnadlotnea. Tbay ara ... Tk grtmUM liinaai piifieyar r ' - -."(.- Xavar Complaint. -1 t ".-' DYSPEPSIA , - - : Kervous'Jblllty1 " ,-. ' ' 1 jAUWuicE, r Diseases' of the Kidneys, ; .ROPTI0riS.QFTHE SKIK, mad all Blaaaea rlatus fcona m Dlaotw darod Llrer. twaaeh, or ' . jmfuxttt or rnx BLOOD. CoTiatlpation, Flatulecoe. Inward Filaa, Fullneaa of Blood to the Head, Acidity -Of tba Stomtoh, Nanaaa, Eaaxt Ham, Cruain for Food. Fulaeaa . or wht in the Stomaon, ' ' .Soar ractiona. Sink.- . inaT or Fliif-ruiK at tt - V " Pit of the Stomach, Swim -T mina of tra Head, Uirned or Difficult ' Branthfinr, FluttArinc - - at tba Heart. y Chokinar o X SaflooatlBKff - A3ixattona When in a Ly-VV --AjiS" Poatura, v Dlmntll of aaaa' Vlalon. Dota or Weba .before tno 8i(rht, Zuil Pain in tba Head, Deficiency of Perspiration. XaUownau of tba Skin and Eyea, ir.. r. Fain in ho . Side. - Back, - Cheat, - Limbe, eta,. ' - Suddon Fluahes of Heat, B amino- in tbeFleab, Conatant Imainin(ra of rll and Great Depreaaion of Spirita. .. . JiU Uua xJlimi vf Uu Ltxxr or Diguttvt Oryant, comibintd teilA imjiiira bZood. t . ou- ; Hoofland's German Bitters :. . la entirely vegetables and fonnlna no Hqnor. It la a eomponnd t l'lltl Ei trarte. 1'he Itaota, llerba, and Harki frfnrwblrk thcac auracta jira uiadt ara tlll"d k 1 " Cermany. All tbe anedlAr--' clnal vlrtuea an eitnaeedi Jj from fliem Ay a aele ntl Oc ""aaaaaw' chemtat.Xheae .Uracil are Iken loruartlrd to thla country to be uacd expreaaly for the ntauularlnre ot llieae itittera There la' aoalcoholleaiibaunc of amy Wind aaed In tompondii:g (ho Itinera, hence It ta tba only ftlttera that ran b mwd In eaaea wftere aieoUolle attuanbmnta ra aM adlal. u -,. . r v In the t. Hie ut Be- Hoofland's German Tonio . ' '. it a Qombmatxon if all tht ingrtdinU Uu BitUrt, Kith rrai Santa Cnt A'um, Orange. 4lc it if ud far Ou mmt duraau or A Biltrrt. in cal vhTt torn a Mia elcaaolic aliayvlma at nquirtd. : i'om wili aar ao.d fAa IAJ rauiliu era enUraly dlft.-rnl from any .jacra odotrtitftl fur Uu curt of Ot rfi'ttaera aaaicd, OVot 6tv citfif wryjoroiM tf muktdmal mxtraM, aaiU A oiAra on mm. -darodiana a raat ia MM rrau Tkt TON 1C ia dteiiUdlg am af Uu most pua anal and agrtrabU rtmtdia ntr offml to Ou public tu fan it txqvinu. Jlam pfcaruK a lata it, mkiU itt iif,-gtmng aaAiiarobap. tail attdicmat quaUtut Aaaa aaaail ii la at 4raeavN at UugrttUMt of ail tonics. .DEBILITY. .J Drbilitj). iIAArAaa I .-at'l . W-t- . .... I t-.v.p' Xj. '. ae from the ' . X ai . .. . . . k.A L " rf- Q tMttl U . ' e-,.i. .r.. r,l ttt Hrrruu fit''i hiirfrcn are 'f. I.jr lis n l' llio lllllcra or llr ifwi l.c t.- -iwlly Sleall '! .- . fur 1.r ';u:i?i:r.l.H'rfd with tu t. luminal mree ruoutlia iiiokI Or u liiaic, or a man w T:iood luH tlera " '' " r l-'fat't rttntting from ytujr ,tigrmtirv vrgant 'mil-t PRO- j. in r 'toll tiro r'-'MiMcae' t ... MvrAiay fCll'l PRO- lur . aia ran bu- Kep- will in- O litis ih. I. hi'. W. WiiddWAKD, hiipr.-iii. Court of lVnnilvi4iiia. I'hit.Ai.Ki.rttia, Mnrch lo, 1M7. .w A-..'.. . rs litrmum ItilUrt is not an nUm ,;,... . r. . ip. tot it a rt't looiir, urul in tiwrtcrj i'.p-.'i'r irniiit. 4nii 'f gro.t btntfi n cutat toit ttont oj ntrvuu idi, in Uu rottenu 1'MWrt hruin. i,a. ir. woooirjkitn. FROM HON. JAMES TUOiiPSOJf, Jtidltv of ih Sulfonic Court of PeiintylTanla. I'hu OEtPll-l, Arll IMA. ltKr ?Y " HuoHlud'i t.cruiau kill it :JV ieraaio m-U.- lu re ii i f of aiuck ln.lil a lli'liaa-aa tairianir Uyapepala. 1 can r. i tlly li., . iroin i.iy experience II. twura, uitli rramrl. JANHi IllOirtu.i. aac- dteeaeee, alreel, of aa no be Ine phy aiclana at that he rapid Ulcer .i.ri Cula- oth their thua Married wn( FROM RKV. JOSKPH H KKNNARD.U D., Pa.t. of th Tinlli lUniUl Clmrcb, lMillndclphia. 1 Jioi.(-lllin lii:- t Km.rrmiaariy rotlrd I cnnrt-t mo tm OHtU rMaafWWUM dif rot trod f wici.u, l rrgardtng Uu praxtie ot nut -f mf orprfrtaU rpli'ro, I A.tpe ia all Ott tttnrd ; bot a cuor prouj in raruai iiuuikw, tnrl.raiaWy m wy n laai'j. of Uu aatuiacat of Jimonaua t otiaiaa hh'ii, octal n joronvm I cearat, to crpreu mo tuU omrtcaoa lal lor aral deoiaiy et the .ywcm and eaictaJly for Urtr tjotiifilalul. It la atjiv B ' w-w prcuaraUou. Jo rcw I "'" aa ait; tut atawfla I X1 I dSt not, U O orro fl I II I I 1 ta HUM Torvw mrnjjmw rom tht ooovt cauert. 1'euct, eery rpcrany. J. U. KKXltJltCl,- Xiglttk, Ulom COattt Urott. CAUTION. UovftontCt Grrmon Ktmtdut art tounUrftittd. atnaiM havo Uu titfiialart of C. IH. Jarnion r. . . ... . r ....L lui,u .....J tAr jrnnl OJ uu tuniw wur iy aaau . 1A artuU blomn in each aoUla. otaerrare countorfott. t i arlea or the Bltlera, (II OO par a-oiua or, a naiiaoxta i.rti u. Vrice oi the Tonte, 11 IO par bottle Or,akali aouaior au. Tlia tonlu la up In quart boltlea.' .. ' HKolUct mat it it Dr. naoflanXt Orrman KtmotHct Oiot 'art to uniotrtnl'o trf and to htghlo mtudod) aWrfeaaieanraeaeaaaw. allow Uu itnoggtttt to nulMer aaa . lea ' I 1 anothinf cist iaai m jatl at 1 1 a g oo d, bocamor maktt a Itr. r profi I 1 aaf .a it Tt uU kt MM ay aayrcat M any locality o ayfltaf oaa marrinco' Hrnt tu aiagle Love work on never accuroa tor moniui thcae part ot Sunday, home rentlllance. aant to No employed. M.T . 1'AHXCirAl. OI'VICB, -. AT THE GEHMAN MEDICINE 8TOHK. fit. 6S1 AKC1I 8TK&KT, Philadelphia. ' CHA8 M.EVAH3, Proprietor, Pormtrly O. M. JACXSOM o. TUcaa Uemedlea are for aala by Drug glata, Storekespera, au Medicine Deal era tTerjrwIure.- - - w .- Itenal eree! attti lAe aaticb yea rai ' 1 ' ! . I for atiop. nil 't. THE CAMPAIGN. Magnificent Democratic Meeting at Cooper Institute. SPEECH OF GOVERNOR SEYMOUR; A FULL AND CLEAR STATEMENT OF THE ISSUES of the CANVASS. THE DUTY OF CONSERVATIVES. Radical Extravagance Compared with Democratic Economy. THE COST OF THE SWINDLE PERPETRATED BY THE RADICALS. QUESTION OF THE DEBT. QUESTION OF THE DEBT. &c., &c., &c. of of of of a- lr. unit . Fellow-Citizens : We sec in every part of out land proofs of a widc-npread change in political feeling. As the .evil of this'goy crnnient unfald themselves, the best men of the lie-publican party are driven from its ranks. At its late Convention, "its policy was shaped in a great degree by those, who are most violent in their passions and most brutal in the policy they urge upon our peo ple. While the ablest Republicans refuse to go on with a party which tramples upon the jndiciiuy, usurps power, and is unset tling all ideas of political morality, and un hinging all the business machinery of our land, we are laboring under some embarrass ments from the great volume of the change iu our favor. Th.e who are rallying around the standard of constitutional ritrhts have heretofore held conflicting views with re gard to the events of the past eight years, and the question is, how can we set this great "majority in the field so arrayed that they can drive, out of place the disciplined and desperate horde of office-holders who now -misgovern our country f This is tho only problem to be settled. The American people are disgusted with the conduct of the Congressional party. ' Can - we mark out a policy which will unite the majority of our standard ? This can only be done by a thoughtful, forbearing, unselfish course. At the same time we must lie outspoken and must confront all the questions which per plex us. Mutt look forward with hope and fear to the action of the National Conveu tion.'on the Fourth of July. I shall not apeak of candidates. Let the claims of each one be considered in a couneous and kindly spirit; . aid let us take, care that ;Bt;pt.-rfoiwl partisanship shall draw us aside from our duty to om -country We should support with hearty zeal, every upholder of constitu tional rights. It is upon discord in our ranks thai our opponents build their hopes.' A par ty born of strife naturally looks to selfish passions to keep it alive.' Let this hope be crushed out by our action. . It .will, in the present state of our country, be an unholy thiuir, to go into the July Convention with any purpose which shall not have in view the rescue of our Government from the men Who now have it in hand. The . next elec tion will be controlled by thoughtful busi ness ana laboring men. No party can "gain their support 'unless its:' bine and temper Show that it sefks to get our country out of its tubled condition.- Appeals to prejudice and passion will have no weight. These were tried at the late Republican Conven tion. I need not say with what cold indif ference they have becu received by the pub lic, The quiet watchful citizens who seek for the protection of a wise administration of government, now turn their eyes upou us We must look to it, 'that we take no position which will not bear the- closest , scrutiny. The financial condition of our country , forc es itself upon our attention. ' Among the evil results of our monicd and tax ' policy, the most hurtful is .the jealousies it has wade, between the secUons of our country. It has divided our Union into debtor and creditor Statc3. It builds up favored interests and crushes out the industry of other classes. taxes toil and lets some forms of wealh go free from the cost of tho Government. gives to labor and business a debased money and to the untaxed bondholder sterling coin- These ciirJes upon ; honest industry have grown up like ill-weeds among the sacred interests of contracts, trusts, and the fruits of labor until we are troubled how to root out the tares sc-frn by evil spirits, - without killing the crors planted ana filled by honest, industry. Lest it should be felt that what have to say 'on: this point springs from any views about the candidates or action of National Convention, I will go back to first years of the civil war, when the Demo-, cratie "party of- New York took its position upon the financial policy of government. the elections of 1862 it was discussed before Tho- on iLm Aa an. ht, Momo dut eay.ia our people. ' We then pointed out the great evUs wh!ch now trouble- us as the sure, suits of tho errors of those who were shap- big our moneyed system. To show clearly hW we then tried to' avoid these dangers, nie road some, passages from the menea es:of. a Democratic Governor lb the LegisU- tore, In Jan'uary; lC3."4lln his' position after a consultation for tha great I party which had just placed him In the ecutive chair. Posiiions taken uiaiiy "years ago could have no reference to ifie"' personal winha.or purposes pf thla day. I wul speajf," of the questions which now agitata-our coun- - ... i I tiy in the light of the warnings we then til edi. Jn the Convention of 18G2,the. nom-J inoe of the Demoeratifj party" of the State New Yprk, f o,t the office of Governor, the-words:- -. . '.-.' "The vast debt growing out. of this --war will give rise to new and angry discussions., i II will be held almost; exclusstvely in a f Atlantic Suites. Look upon the map of Union and see how small is the territory ! which it will be owned. We are to be divid cd intii-creditor and. debtor States; Vnd ; last win have a vast preponderance of- and "strength. Unfortunately there, is taxation upou this national debt, and share is thrown off upon other property. is held where many of the government have been' executed, ' "and where some instances, gross frauds have been ticed. It Is held largely -where the Constat tulion gives a dipproportipnal share of politi cal power. In his message to the Legislature, in the Democratic Governor, speaking of public credit, foreshadowed our dishonored condition at tho time in ea words:.. "Extravagance and corrupuon are Mioca pf tha faith pledged, to the ; Rublic tors. The money loaned to the National Treasury was not brought forwib-cl all a oflpeafai; but in tone of doubt and danger. . . . .... -. , i These claims are held by tne rierna The amount 'held bxorporationS repreSt-nf j jhe.iutortsts of women and children, the aged and infirm. ' The right of our soldiers to demand ; integrity- is of the most sacrad character. A fearful crime "will be done by those who suffer natioiialpankruptcy to turn into dust and.ashes tbe pensioners' bounties thus gaiiled at the cost of blood and health and exposure.- Ik u? worse luat a goyern, ment 'should be "overturned by corrUjtion than by violence. A virtuous people will regain their rights if torn from them, but there is no hope for those who suffer cor ruption to sop and it-t away the fabric of their freedom." ' "" - These ore the positions we tok j-cars ago In the darkest hour of the war, these aro-the j positious we hold now, and they cover cv- It It I the the In .. c ir. .i ... :,:.... I try question Ol puuuunuu jianj-i aguauvu. To show, the anxiety we felt to avoid all scc-i tional controversies and our sense of the val ue of intc'rcotirse with ! the Western . States, I will quote from the .message -of the satue Democratic Governor in 1804: ' . "A deep interest is felt with regard to our commerce with the Western States. Its growing value and the loss of our trade wilh the Southern States makes us dependent; for commercial prosperity uiion that section Of our country which sustains our domestic ancj foreign commerce, an J .which, adilisb large ly to the ftnports and business - prosperity of the City.of New Yorkv . ' This'. Slate will be untrue to itself if it faila to control.this great source of wealth by a - vigorous, and gencr our policy. Rather than suffer its diversion into other channels, we should strike off .'all tolls upon Western produce.' New". York should exhibit that degreo of interest in all measures designed to benefit the W est which will show our purpose to keep up the most intimate commercial relationsh'p with ' that portion of our Union." l?n.i ; are quoted ti3t be cause the words of any one man are of conseauence. but to snow me recora of the grrat party which inspired them. The Democratic party saw the evil in the- beginning; they are the party to euro it. They have al ways kept our public finances out of confusion, - when in power. Years ago wS pointed out the wrong done to the West by making theui s'cuid nearly twice as many soldiers to the war from each Congressional war district r-f were demanded from Vermont or Massachietts, while the currency given to them under the banking sys-ti-tn wits not one quarter as great, al though the Western States . needed currency the most. The act author izing the banks of New York to or tiaaize under a. general banking law . was uot signed, because the currency was uijustly divided, and because the riyo'tewi iriarte an "useless tax .upon on? people of $18,000,000 in gold each year. Thus wo-tried at an early day to save. oar country from sectional questions. In vain We warned the East and West agaiust au -.un. wtoe .' jooUcy.: : - The East and West upheld the- policy of the administration', and .'fr have now to dealvith the results. What are some of them ? - All of the States are heav ily taxed, but some of them get back: as much, some more than than they pay out, while others get but little. In the case of the heaviest item of ex;, pense the military and naval system" the "Western States get nothing i a k except the eost ot;Indar vvar-while large sums are spent at . the , South. The next heaviest item is the interest on the debt. The West gets but ai: small sum back; most of it is paid to the North Atlantic States. The in direct taxes, tariffs, are still . more hurtful to the West, as they ere prac tically premiums given, to Eastern manufacturers. -The division of the favors of government in distributing banking currency, is startling; in- its injustice.; But the most offensive dis-" tinction is that' of having two. kinds oT currency, good money for the bond-. holder, and bad money lor the labor er, the pensioner and the business mail. ". Every paper dollar ow;'put out is a government falsehood, for it claims to be worth more than its real value, and it goesi. about Jiie country defrauding the labore-, thefwnsionerr the mechanic arid, the farmer. An indignant chief of one of the tribes, from whom . we taught ' land ;at ' an early day by a pledge .of monied an-, nuity, said this government? -was cheat. It got land,froin.!.hj& Indians by promising thera-so many-doHara each year, that now. "paid tlieiri iri money which waB a lie, winch said pn ita face it was a dollar wheri .jt was but little more The red man told the simple truth. Of all the devices to cheat houer-t la bor, to paralyze industry, Jo degrade public morals and to turn business . 1 .... ,. Ml.... 1 pursuits nio recitiess gauiuiii.ji, .."uc re- has been so'hurtiul as a shifting stand- J ard of value, a debased and lying cor. j rency. Ihavfe npt tbUB set' forth tbe conditio or our -country Kr,iuo par let pose of indulging in invectives against the party in - power, but for, another he nbject; ; Many 'Republicans wboad spoke mil the wrong doing'pf thelt Jeacjers,- Ess say that we ha-ve no- plans ror we I ljof of our country , I nat . pointing ouu k wrongs is- of no use unless . we can point out remraies. ..This we propose 1 to do, and we probe tne .aicers W me ut- of used '-. few the in th an a half dollar: quick becitase' we -mean ; to meet the case , and cure jthe' Btyilady. - Among other things which have caused anx-i iety in tbe ' .disordered, state of bur Union, is the fact that our Govern- vhent bonds are mainly' held " in one section of our- country. TheTabbr the West, puts its earnings in large degree into , lands,' jyhTch are tax hurthened. The' labor of the -East puts its earnings, intp. gaving? banks, the life insurance or oiner jorms 01 mon pow er no its It con tracts hi prac 1868 the ' ' . viola- credit time led Invostment'Th'rii th'ey Are,deTplyi' Interested m UQVrDuient. Doaas. i, amount in savings banks; In this S-ta'e alone, is $U0',0(VQ,000..This shqwslitiat' there must be at least $300;000,000 money thus deposited in allthbStates. The average of. the dposlts;. In 1SG7, an the StAte of New : York was; The number of depositors ia tbe of New YoTlc is-about -live hundred thousand (487.479 y,1 and. 'Injhe: they number irjdore iiUan onet-third the Dowulatlom : This' will, make hjimbef of ,deppsitpra.,p, tAetWJP'op more than one million eigh hundred thoosandi" In 'the State' pf'CbrinectL- cut, irx 18C5, one quarl-Q. lla ,popu.- Jatjon had deposits 'In. savings banks, I t - nby- usUal for men of small prpp I , xtia-: !(-'-' rry n.lM poor. erty lo insure tueir nv-n. xnc utjiu her of. policies given :aut. by, : all Ibe life, insurance; companies, -are; about lour btudroU andi fifty .thousand and tha auquni- of.iusuraoce.. about one Ibotrsanid and two -hundred sud fity millions.i , (The money in vested": is sldttrt fi sacred, trust, as it isiaJund laid abide for their families when the 'insurer? die. All of the-, funds of sa yings banks and liietinsurance tym panies are iiot put, in Government bonds, but they . hold . an . amount which would, cripple or ruin them, jf the bonds are not-paid, or If they are paid in debased paper. ; If we add, the .trusts for widows - and orphans jud. tb,at 2,500,000 .are interested .:in Govern main t bonds, .who ar&:not;Cap- a italiats and who are cutnpulsory owa-; ers at presMit-pnces undervthe opera-' :Tlif re js jt;ftat that this state of things will make a clash ing"6f "interests between the labor of the East and 'the labor of th'e'W'estj It 'isr'clear that' bur opponents 'hope thaf it wilt hlui3r us from"go)ng into ther'onltst with corhp'aeL ranks arid with one battle cry. However alarm-) lug tnis aspect may De, x am sure there is it policy Ho be marked npt which will harmonize all jarring in terests. It can be shown , that" the ditngers spring' from an unwise con duct of public, affairs. They ; have come up like frogs of night froih foal fens; they rise from unwholesim'e.. darkened counsels, ' and will, .fade away before the light and life of a clear and honest policy. 1 ' Is it true that the laborer,, the pen sioner, the tax-payers and the bond holders .have conflicting interests which will hinder them from acting together in upholding constitutional right? Why are the tax-payers la boring under a debt whicn bears an interest ot six per cent., while other Governments can borrow moneyat thre6 jpef cent., and at this low inter est their bonds sell Tor better, prices than ours 2v Why is "the laborer, the farmer, the mechanic and the pen sioner paid in bad moneys so that they get one quarter, less than they.are en titled to on every paper collar paid them ? . Why is the bondholder wronged by the tainted credit of the qvernrpent so that he can not' sell hir bond for as much by . one third as: the . citiaett of. Great Britain gets for the bond' of; his Government, which beard a, lower ib- teicst; and-Va'hy i.s, nis claim made odi- ousia.the eyes -of-tbe .people by the tact that his interest is paid in specie, . . - - . :. , , 1 . , J .. While tneyaTrV oompeiieu to taKe ae- based waber? It Is ' eleaT t6! 'every, thoughtful man that public safety sind honor will not admit of our! hav- ing' two kinds' of cufrency for1 length of time. AVe musthavea uni-priucibal .- Ai,An,..v-Tm. oil .Idciaae 'ii-Thom' is but one ouestiob to be " settled: - w.. om. ov ""j IS""" drrmiforrxly bad?" Are we to1 idVcif the bondholder to take bad money Are we to have ah honest standard of value fot all, or Is industry, enterprise and morality to be perplexed and dis ordered by a shifting and 'dtshonest standard ? ' If ltcari bejhown that all these evilsun"der . which we . labor. spring frafifa dqmrabn sbiirce then-it js clear tbat ail classes, should jpin In acompoon effort to-poot put the policy, which sheds such.,wide-sprea4.2ure3 There. are two ways of making our paper mouey as good as coin. -One to contract ita volume by- calling in the legal fenders.. r Thjs will- make them .scarce and .will force;a specie standard, but it will carry ruin and bankruptcy inter very.-part of: our. nruiniri'. Tt. will hearTiown th ru iepa of property and of labor. Jt is a pol- icy whichTrarmot berarrled through. for the eountrv will riot consent' to it. There Is another way cf iifting up our greenbacks to par whlciv will. not Imrm'anv: biit will helb ail." which will hrinsr back confidence, will re- . - ... ' ' -- t j , - . ' ' . vive business -ana enterprise, lighten 1 taxutioriVWiir gi wv 'tb lAbdf liorieit riioiiey ' arid'fia Justicto the pubhc creditor. X'ntftJiat way to trive all the world Tdll laith'Ih the honor and 'wisdom of the Arfteri,ca& Government." our paper nioney not itsUcaxiii-uiiLhecause' the na tional credit is. dishonored. How can the notes of our Government, which .pay no interest, be : worth' : their.-. face in gold or ilver.when the bonds i XJovern men t, wh icb; pay six per. cent. interest are wort only eighty cents the doHaj.?-t Yousswvnot, make-, notes put out by .-banks worth Wore than.. the bonds which, secure .these nptes.7Itis ataad thipg to-say that.our credit is dishonored in tbe poarkets the. world, but it , Js. . truex. and it- musty be said, if-we are to-ftrrd a remedy ItiilKimnfatlrifT 'to' find' thatr'wheo preafj Britaia Vborrowa $1,000 of ne of tate city of the rwentfyears;;it.pays.,thW - a . m a . si.70t. .wnen-n :we i maKe tne, sam J:l 1 . . . : - . - . v I 1 1 i. -t . ir-:vi' . r.'i" fnr- loan wehaVe to pay 2, the lend-VWtutWt.ymww"", If we wish to heln the tax-navbr. er, if we wisi jto 'get at the , cause of bpeu currency in thfsiwndi? of the borer, we must.hrst fjnq out why;our credit ia dishonoredfor it is a, tainted credit that sinksalike.the value bonds, of greenbacks and-bank. notes.' Make the credit ,of the, United States as gpod a that pf Great, B.ritaijr, .or a merchant in good standing, profit inortgage pn a farm, and our .troubles would disappear..:. vM,. we make paper money gppd by a.harh, system of contraction," we shall, cripple energiesoxine.-couiitrjv- ana maEg, bankruptcy arid niin;:ilf,.ii the er hand, we-'debrrse'thev eut'rency unwiso: lcsues' we' shall : (squally per- plex "business -arid dostroyi 'sober dustry amd. make all jprices mon .rrifrt-. ters of ganabting,.'tik!k&. and! chances'.' This will end asi it did' in tho-Solith-ern eonfiwHeracy.-: -At the outset citizenfof Richmori'd'went to market with their mrineiriV'thMr Vest p"k'- etsand brotighftrnttr; their drnnerS -w .v.i-JtWa --i: .a...-.ii4?tjbt vcia7 uuaivct.1, triiTi- i n r- irt - i At- .-j a j- , . r ,j : A their money In ttieir btrakefy arid Home thelr-dinhers fn thelr'vest pock ets.' ,! Make 'bur-wioneygood 'by honesl and Wlsec6u'res, ahd'whiMrthl la-done, it -tVUl'-be- Worth'.tweuty! per cent." ifioru thatnc I3 now. whicti Wilt be equal To' an increase' 6f s liitt. :.tJ: IjjijI'..!. - :. quarter-in i no aiiiouni 01 currency. -Bttsiriel&tattib;s ferriUsi try will be etiTOUrtgedf prices will regular, aud men. wilj.then dare to gi pn v ith. .useful, enterprises, ..Vife'.-find right here the; cause , of our... troubles, perplexities and national disgrace. ; Our credit is tainted.: But for- that, we could, borrow , money as, .Britain .does at three percent. .and, cut flown taxation.. : .But , for. .that , our . paper money would bo good, and gold and silver : would glitter in the : hands of labor. .Hut for - that fact, there. would be no question "how., th6.;bonds are tolVs't bo paid, and. we never should:.lmvol of the greenback issue. But ! for ...the, national,, discredit business men.wouUl pea'plcxed, and the disquiet. and fers.which now disturb! the. public, mind would ,no.t- exist. Now if this.disIiQnbr. cannot be help ed.vwe,,must. bear,;it jn,, tho best -way we cauand, we must gefcou with,the sectional, and . . social : and political troubles growing out of it .until time and eveDts-TftlL-teT?ing--BOKie cure. But if it can be-showif to be the work' of those in powery-then all section--, all. classes, and-all interests should unite and trim them out.;: Fortunate ly Ave have no "officials-statements fo guide us. la our inquiries.-' " Ve takes the showing of the very patties' 'uh d'er imppach'menVfo show where guilt lies." "f o show the "wasto'of those in' power, let U3" 'c6mpardiihfe,,c6st of government during the 'Four vears"'of peace before 1861'', and the fiur1 year's following the 1st ' Of : J'aly', ISOo.1 F6r the fiscal year ending July' l.'iS'GO, I will take the estimate just made -by the corainittee of waya and Meahs Bear in mind that' this 'is" the 'best proifiise the Republicans can' make on the eve of a Presidential election. ' It will prove to be. many, millions, short of what they will spend, but we "will give them the .benefit of. their owti statements. lAfter: the-- Close of the war, and up to the 1st of July, ' 1805 t he- War Department paid $165,0Q0,00Q( which is $75, 000,000 more than was spent by the same department in. the four years of Mr. "Polk's aClniinistna-. tion, and which included the-cost: 'of the - Mexican war. It took" nearly twist as much to stop a -war tnder R0 publican policy.aa it did to carry .on aj war under the Demoeratia manage ment. BuTT wtlt not take this iflGS 000,000 into account. Let us close the war. . Since July 1", lSGo, about three months after the surrender of Lee', up to July 1.:1S8, the cost of government .wit! be "by 'o'ftleiat . reports and "esti f mates;820(,: S9pV. 2oSl Up ''to "i.u'ry J 1 I oy tne.esrrmate 01 tne uivairinau - l . ... ' . . ' l l , . ' e i- i- nr i 01 uie yuuiiuiiiee ut i uuu mvik if will be $197.9i3,aGC, maktugthe cost of government tor four years 51,018 303,574:; '. This ' doe"3 not include one anyjCent paid be paid for interest or of tbe V debt: '.The cost of l PTivprnTripnt rliirinrr the fniir'vAnria bo- fore the-war (leaving out interest ,v I . ' - . .1 . . -. -i . - that the ; Republicans have spent In al time or peace lour dollars v here tive ? Democrat? spent one. ; But the cost of government grows greater, and. we will aIloyJemSDend two dollarsj where the Democrats spent one. ; This will . make , $5J2,452,82S. : . - But; . ; t.h spent, .,o05,910,646,: beyond this,- What did .they do with tbe rooqey?. Durjng the four yearsL Of Mr Polk's term, which, included -.tbe. Mexican war, the cost of the War Department was only. $9040,788,21.- Wefindtiiat is.I the cost of the War Deparlment, tak-i Jng their own stat,eient nd est! mates,, will be in those lour tyetirs of 1 peacp, $541,C13,619. Ahd .this follows (an expenditure of more tbaa $3,000, 000,000 during the war, , The cost; of the Navy Department in the four .years 1, J869, will be, by Republk-an statenrents and estimates, $117,471,801; dnd this- follows-an ex- pendif tire of $314,18(1,742 durirVg ; the war. ' In the'foiii-'' years before' tlje war the favy cost only fC2,910;5.4, We then stood in the front; Tank p . - 1 .'.m, .uo.X.u.'t- ' MfAny - - in a aUtnd'ti'iaPa wiiiTC"m"tcii.iai iuwc..- wu. n.t. n every sea and were to he ton in in -'very-port: ". American- 'snipping- .is ia now by our tariff policy swept from the ocean, but the costrof the navy is is of on of for nearly tlonbied. ;- ' : The year ending July 1,' 1808, is -the third j-ear-of peace. - But the War Department cost $128,85S,494'. which was mo-re than- itB cost, during the four years of Mr.' Polk's ter my which covered the expenses or the ' Mexican war; " Not only does one yer of peace cost toore than four years of war then dld but the third year-of peace costs. more than the second,! for in the year ending JQrr?rT5G7rttt6Tar Depart ment spent oaly 59-3,221.415. In these statements we nave gi ven ine xvepuu- licans the full benefit b'flheif prbrhls;, es for 'the fiscal?year .'ehdfng 'HJuly ' 18G9. But we should like to ask aTew questions If $38,081,013- ts' enough I VI In ' Ii 111 I IUJW I1HI Villi MIIIU oTl.i).mia? .r-r jv,..,-;--..---. win'.' i, ,.m W r i.afynavy At& tw,-.-jt.i la of of .our th oth. by in-' he in spend pon it.?4324,Ii jnl6C6,.nd. iZl 3 i ,01 X J n 18G7-.? You :haye not cut do.wn4he..numberB of the army. 'Di4l yp: wpBte niouey this year or. your stAtements for next year untrue: ,Wp ask Republicans to read thestate- ments for the future, for.. they .shp the nroflip-acv of the Dast. H 500.000 ,n nf"ii, mi" Wlt'iVh'wfLa oai.l fdr .'.military, navai;1 and other ex- are trufe''i - perises had been used to pay the debt, to-day the credYt' of the United States' "would have been as good as- that; Great Brliafn..Thfs rapid !5a'ynVtBt,i 'and; the proof ft wpuTd'ha've giveh irbrfd faith',' "TV'buld ; h a ve' ! carried "the nationalcrral it, t'oL'th ii1, '"ighbst 'p'oipt;; The Jionda : .would abe.Worth ' much .more iaithebands.oiholdexs.Nftnd yet the tax payer ouldieeem .better pff; for the cost -of the government . wpuld be cut down asyits ..rce4it.'rQaea,.: could-rpatt-oufcuew bonds bearing iriterest.'which "would5 not- -have i edioue exe3ft-ptioii from laxatiotr.'Our wbttldhave beerr less, oBrS'ihter- vuun. l ,r . . t v ti. 7 i iW-iJl ii S l4 ' nliV-' ta Vfic ' took ,an fv one - ,!' be et lower, finer 1 otir' taes 'reduced, The hodts-bflaobr cbfild' be' fejtdrten-' ed. WTiat7hJW"lefigrhensthe timbiof- t-'tbit-?" If we were free fTOTrrtrtiy form' iob tftxatfdn.1"11 direct ! 6r indirect;, hbiirs work woYifd-: earri iaBfirucl teri do iidvr. i'Ohe hour's' moreowork ought tmeeJ; thd 'laborers -share the cost of government', arKit4ier''hdui!i should pay his share of th-natda'fi debt. He now works two hours more thsfr, bevpajht;l PS Pfithe YnJlItajy and negro policy of Congress and its corrupt schemes." It has just passed a law that i,lt, hours make a day's la bv,r, while it piles up a load of taxa tion which forces the laborer to work ten hours or starve.. But.tlie wi.e and honest'usd" of this ?5OO,O0O,(iO6 'would not have stopped here. When it car ried our bonds to tbe level of specie lire, it would havevarrictrbur cur- relief to trie value ot spfqie, ;x tie poll heard l' or'inaking our currency 'as good as gv!il ;by contracting its voluiiic C-Arries V. Ii it art-'af 'distress ahd' sufn rfiig; Hut if we Hfi ;up ifs' value' by'gelling rid of "the iainf-'dpoh ' the "national credit','' ii' harms ho ohe, it blesses afl. Now our legal' tender bank ' currency must be debased wjille' bur ' national bonds stand discredited. Tfiey ihdst rise aud fall together. " They are all based upoii the national credit.'- Bank notes cannot b wofth:thbre 'than the bonds which M-cure them. : If, ""then, the $500,000,000 :had ; "been ' duly ' and honestly usCd to pay iou'r debt, to d,:rv the tax payers would have been re- ieved, the ni'ecTiariic. laborer and pen sioner would have been paid in coin, or pioney asgood-os.coin. aud ..would not be cheated out of ..on.e quarter of their dues by. false, dollars. j:Tho. ho.- tiers, or bonus in savingfi baiik.s.or liie' Jo6uran.ce. would be.bei.ter off, eg -their; stem iliea. would .be safer . and worth u-i.wre.'Jhere would .be no questioat ho w-i-hgy,. should Ibe. pald for thiti; question grows out : of the lollies of those in . power,, and will; disayuear when IhyiisAppeai; from the places they , now. hold. The bondholder would, no. longer stand .in. an odious lightv l lie be charged witlr the taxation that has.. been used to hurt rather than help his claim... Jtal wise and honest use of the uublic money would have done this good jin the past, it Will in the .future. ; But ,the Reuuplican. party, at Chica go, pledged itseu, by, its . nominations- anct rcsoiuuoruj to Keep up . its njgroi policy. 1 1 is imp.ossible .to iv ,un ta to'red. Africans at ' the" Sc-utii, vipcoq trollga Power over ..the. government ' thcproperty and lavs of the. people of ten SJatesi by .exclufiinguwhite v.otes, without wUitary, despotism,- You catinot giye to , .three, mllioais of negroes more t-euai,or3 man are. allow ed to fifteen millions of white -menJ living in iev if.xprK, . Pennsylvapia, Ohio',rinnoIs,! Indiana, , Wisconsin IbWaV Kfeii'tUcly, Missouri, arid'ilith; . I . !r,i,rre.d dornized0orin ' : a ay mm a. a rtw- HnI K V . ' r- I T. S.-Ai-1, rtev. - a t AW -4 W-! Us. i! . ' -r""- w i, at .-. - , , : T-'ZTnrir, igan,' without keeping up.great .s.tan ,1 : Tt-- tTn I,,,,, I 1 "ii'S aiiutio. . ,, lliioub t ulul Uljl- rresly, and jtle reatbratiqa of the'. , guff lraire to an me wnites Ol .incJSOUlh. ; I great staridfng' army must be' a. per initticuii iiisiiiiuiiuii. iu urtier toi-urse South w'ith military despotisifi ta-ansportationfor -still 1, laborer and pensioner with debaseil paper, me mercnani witn a shirting stand ftrd, and'the'' public creditor' with dishonored r and' tainted iia tional faith.' "Are these classes to turn and to" see how each may shift the burth-' ens Upon wlrpther,'-o'r are ' they to iDfak'e common cause- and "do away with the ctirsr-s of bad government ? If 'he republican policy prevails', this" struggle must begin. Eithei: the ia'-' borer or the capitalist must go 'down. Both cannot live Under' It, and; then most'eho'ose between. 1 If, bn' ;tne o'tii 'er hand; the policy of selflah ambitibh arid Sectional hiite 'is; put' dowil, pur country- will start upon a new fcburse of prosperity .and all classes will reap Iri common the fruits of good g'overn 1 ment. J The next' election ' will turn upon thii 4ue.stioh,' can "the Congress lon'af party Succeed in 'arraliig the5jri dus'trlal andinon'ied iuferests agaiii-it etJicH; otherj .fcr will.' these ''un.ite , and turn:out the aurtiprs of. the wischief under 'which they are all suffering The only hope of our opponent j dis-! c'ofd'',vbeie tlieje shoiilq be'harmoiiV jind'cohciertof action. "in' our State.1- at the last elect lb'ii we appeaJeii.'tcj ajll; i.-m&tes to neip ussaye if) evr j.ork. trpm O ...... .. . , ' uiiuo the rescue.ahd we hiade'a seventy thousand;,, l-t' t. up. o change of iig again ap peal to all classes.throughbnt the TJn ion ; let us:gd be'lbre the peaple' with-these-' facts.'1 and we will'' mbke ! ft chiinge Which wilf sweep4.' ih'e,' wrong doers frpiiT fliel'c. places; ". Wp . td the bbnUioMer.'iCii'it Vlie latajrer who has put his' 'mbhe'v u;'to savings Jjik "er dp not Avlsirto" liafiij youvve o not so'ek to give .ybu'I"iiofiVt' to" get 'a. gpo'tl cii rrenc v1 for afl . "'if wi it 'notelP'us to bce'ak'dp of ybur bondsiJit hurts' us j' 'lteeps fhieret ; ,Tit we ask1 you fo, helpisaye :tis-as tairpayersfroba. tiie cost of. the . rtirdi 111... r'i " 1 i. 'aL- uuu uuiitui v uuiicv . at. tne 1 . j 1 ,B i.- us. to Kayyu 'If you let men iii power take the mon ey We give1 in taxes" to'. reduce ' vdu? I'r,f 0ut to-morrow' by. an issue of 'srtenbacks, it would' !k6t -relieythb' claim's; arid hs&Xt tb 'uphdid iiii'lTfary' uCTpuuam, llcotTllCiltlV tllltL II rjiam i swlfich; "will ' com p'e yjb'O to t5ik' a'ebas'ea-currpricy ' will";'; 'iorcS h ..;i!l- -.T.. - -',i-i '.... 'r .it-. ' ... i iT-'uiui u tifuitheu currency l.-'Xtl.'t-i1 -net L- ; Vi - 7- ' -- r . jf v. en. xi your ciarms were an wi- of of j Vfv'- je&j he ;sfx. aa f fear of patriots : fa bor '-would still be oiieated by fUTse" Hdllitrs' oar standard oTvfclue wdrild stilf bb uKiftlng,15''1 Taxa'tlpti' youid bekept'uiy the fteCoSistriVi'-tion Dollcv'.' for ilAMrwnnrt psni'(moie"rt'fi:an debt that instra taxar: tioh heavy. Vbthiner would Tie set "tfedThe'ittllcrary "wbuM' L't.Tl;be trampled under foot, the tixeciitivfi pwdubl-stilf 'htr "iarisclefl- so; that could hot pUnfetr'cri me" -rtor protect frVnocetiee. " But irlkie-dovrn the'Cpne gresslonal policyi fliid all will be set right. Sm.cfliiciUcjQsed in 1865,. the government has spent for its ex-. peuse3,'4ns 'addition ;'-trJ' payments' principal pj, interest -on.', tbe rpubhc deb't, the mim pfwoip than f OOOiOOOr. O00.Jf.,6f',tiis.funi tf)erf 'has tjeerj gpent nealQOQ,ppq orj (te jirniy, and paTyciifiuci uforuliljtaryi purposes. 'Tihls is nearly the one-f bird Pf the tia- Uonal debf. nThiguwacl sperit jn ;the tlno of peace.' 'The cost of theneavy beiore the waravjistitoouti $ja,tOO'UOO bach yeaK t Since-h8'w-iar.,J .when pur 4- shipping. ha3 "been swept from" the oceait by taxation 1 the' an nual average cost is fatLOOfiodoy altli'oagh'; we' have now' no carrying" trade to protect. While money IS thus vvastect without scrnple upon the it'rmy and. -na-iy,: If an v aifl'Is Sfrria-'ht to lessen the cost; Of "the farmer' of the West, or to cheapen the bol of b laborers-of the. East, w are utionce treated ;wiUL-Congressional -speeches UPprti the virtues of economy . If fftrt this-amouut there had been saved ami paid upon the debt the sum of $500. 0U0,0.pp,)b,o,w chtiged pur, condition ;puid .haye-.cen j,yjth) tlii .lyj, ment,- whiclt-would ,huv. cut down Uie. debt, to .ibptit; 2,O0Q.OO0,(iaO opr cieJt;w,ouhi .. at , Usftst.bavel: been, et gqod.Ai that iof Great, -BrUajn. .js because w'e, did, ..not j PPJiy this notiey o ,thjs. purpose,, but spent ti nyii tjhe, jnrrfp;pli?y1tVo .n;i despotism, and other nbsesr'oF iroy j;n n-ient,' that o'ujr credit is. ,8o'.,U'.-t Th p ' wor Id sa w. t hat weoijre .violating our faith yith the public;cr'editors arid the tax payers alike when the irioney was used for the' partizaV mrpose''of keeping the South out of the TJnioti 'tint if' shaiir' Governments ' could" be manufactured-" 'by niHtary- violence and Coiigressionat actfoir.'The world not-only saw 'the monstrous diversion of the irioney;' Wrung from' flie people by taxation,' btitit 'als6 'sa w that 1t matier' through a longnwles oi years; greater annual expenses unavoioS- .ble. i When tlia entire control of the Southern States iS .given 6ver, i un checked : by : the ; iiltelligeacai of the whito race, ti-untnlored : negroes, whoi tlie-.pfiople Of the Nortli ;have said wexo unfit "to he votfci-si whfAi the ainforturtate AfricaasjailritBli with un usual power, and goaded-onby:iiad and tlesigning .nen, fiUtiil -piaUe -life and, property unsafe and, haU,fihqck and disgust the wprld with, putragi, we shall be prced;io , raise, .,,aulj pay- still jgreater arinit-s,.:;UptOythi3 tjinie heJSouth.Lba.-flt ;est, haq,. an juiteH- epT -t3rMyi;in , militaryofcers-r-. Kxeryyrruiu,-yIio i,jnc,ti;;pliniod, .b.y; hate and bigotry- iozlwi ORWrd-wjth; horror to the condition of the South uiiuer tiero tiiiiinunpn. juaa. faith to the public creditor 'and tajc-: rayer .iri thus unsettling, the Union, of keeping' ftae South in a, condition vli,ere it cai) hot help the 'riaf(onal prosperity, but is made-a heavy load: upon toe cpqu.try, is ine reai. cause, oi our ucoascu creuH. . i pe . tax payer was told the burthens put upon hint I ' ivaa to pay tie debt lDutPthe money was not used in. good faith to him, for the debt still stands ; not in good faith to thefeditbry fpr he-'wrfs not 4aii? ;' what ne'should have'beea btit it! was 'used in-a way whrehriarm'eI both,:iiii a- way tnni lamteu tne naiion's cred-itj- kept bp taxation' by"'feeepiiig un the rate of interest while," It ' sanic' thp value 'dflfhe bonds," and :' with ihem carried down the paper Currency and thus wr6'ugc'd!thei:ial 6re'r and pen sioner; But -for 'ine policy bf bad faith, oi parnzan purposes, mad : folly: we eotikl to-day borrow nibriey as cheabr lyas'Crreat1 Britain f but 'tve ihaie culsed the tax -payers; the labbrer.tne penSlPner and the public Creditor for the purpose of cursing the South with military despotism arid- negro' ddmi'n atiorr. Every one must see,: if we'patd oh one hfth of onf debt, had kent lown the cost' ot 'governmcrrt.1 "arid given peace to Put' Union had built up industry and good order Jn-'fhe South, not one of the evils 'which now afflict 'us could -haS'e existeil. ' )iir whole conditioh' wohld have' been" changed..' ' We demand that our Cur rency shall be made as good 'as "gold, not oy contracting- -the- nmounf, but by contracting the e!rrenf4ri ' of the government: We fire' pgainst -irjeiia'-' ures-which Will' pnil 'down ' busrnefs credits When we strp to waste, wTiiV-h Torce-a usto piiy - a "Vsnry 1 bf'ten per ceil til and takf a" cbfirse1 which'wil "enable us to borrow ifibney 'iiptin the 'rnfext raifl Hv ntiiA. nrti;i..('-..'.Jvu!.ii- ,....v. ..j v.iui iiiuiuiii v c; Atinu add tdthcpow'erand- dignity ''of "biir Uht tt: Wheii we give,ivalnb to bonds by using trie moneytlniwii taxation to the'payhien't bl bttr! debt. turd hoi tb: ih6:-mllUdrV' a'n!::1heirf scheme, we shall relieVe tfie tax' pay- e, the bill holder,tTi4ffii'; .strength and value to.tbe'ciaiuis.of: the public creditor, f We flw,v; iseeri mischitf wrought, ou t by the policy -of the tjureijm' tit will be!8' hurtfui-. the Las heeaJn the past, Yet the.;BepubHcaiitpsiTty has appro ved it and is pledged o it. We hats' Sl.t:i..: n '3. ..i J .-,1 rT :!.!; i 't : . rjiiuwn iniw ine policy 01 US11J hnridn& io pay dut debt's 'kvor' .iave Wiped jKi'lbW past. witf Qo sameTor-bs in' 'tlie future.J"To""i1iat pbiicy' wb ae' 'pledged.0 'There is une inuu m our party m inis broad huid--m'eldQbia 'irpdii fhlS ''ofnt :warfniiever,-'targM dth'af? OT?e''smile it OT?b sitfcrli Democrat in these ITited'Statea ever favored- tlie-mlltorvrrct aetfr'a'poficv- j unon-w Weir the -bmTit of the eburrtry-J has- beetf wneckedi' iOur wmcViyi is lis! thai miMMmOTrev to tjftvJrnpi'rviiTi ioetrtJilt-' -i:sinM'brief.'tiiit4rW?nV, .'trtalniytriy.fer.:ornarial rtT iLlaif- K f III tT.M I- . 1,.. f-' v. Vi. .7 uii. js-ucun -acem-i tated by yefii0tf3m ;In anbthbrway the KepnWlcans do a onrjtant' wroua t'oi the - bondholders; uriswer Cornplalnts JOf heavy, tasation,' eayJSt ettnrot'ile, helped- with' heavy debt, and thusthroWthrf whple odium they tell the truth, j?.nd say one third our taxation is maue Dyvour t aept 7 Tlieri' they yIf.'bo asked f ' what "makes thet Wo thirds .TntsJ :d ubstibd of ConiVoiiteb oHv"aJ,-8. "and $379,l78;0Cfi,83,' apd this in the' .VaT!of'pfJace.,,"vvren. Kav- our- 'iio nb'iwuttd'toye aske'dt anct 't uu iiot jvuui to, auswer. , wnea uy auswci, vuc yjev yi tt glasses be-ppen.ed.. Tli.ey'wITlbe forfctju! to luin.mbi Yt;tir tiitvPBUi. uy reports Means, 4riettrting-Repdblican frieuds, we pose uie interest 01 ine aeot tooic bf it'" dh"that 'tobl tl49-;4 18,383,87. ntTquite';as'uiniichrd' Wits' spent the War and NaVV"' "Departments,7 which wits' $140,472,105 35, and besides this wV frprifit1 tS0&ZM3Ai' for thirigWhy, that is $20,00;600 than t lie Dbmbcra'ts - speri r ( for ai-niy arid 'fiav and all 'e'xpBseltijr gd'vWui- -rirent ; pur-iogetner wily Jtlo' spend $25ra,r30a4ttafvywhen SajklauiaVjSrr THE tAvOrtl'lf : democrat-office; l j lately received lJJXVlL2LJ.jFJ: . f eqnai i , Havlnc "lately trfrrW"1riowrQrr.Uhcd lu" a' style' country (ibUnWJhfo. liiilii? 1 And a full aesortroenofjUic-Jatcat yl of ?, with the Oiual facifttleif tor doing work of er AoBcriplion itr thtfneak'of atyles aul W auaanu. j as con be done In any Hrff-ttaaa city office. . Aludy4 kept-on hand. Bur;. by takt In ' ' our Uie not t formerly cost '$12,000,0(K) annually ? ; Has Amerlrn SInpWrig 'griwu much thaVjou'Kavb b Weep Vast n. vies to protect 4tv 2. ttOtl'MOv ur tariff has aweta'wiyAmer'icu'nhlp from : thepceanv We bjtye J.Qstihe carrying trfHo ; tbe iBrsli payet-frot.that . rut :i why don'tyou give the buildr. of merchant t he mo( ,v .jeni i -a the navy . hy way offlr'awbaclc u du- tiea.,Woud, thatstarv. WlSr ship yards ? Oh, yes, half the cot would do it: ' Then; wh ' is 1 1 not done ? '.Ve did not thrnK of it really, wri have been sdbusy 'Vitlr '-the1 Im peachment audnerp jiitstiona,,;Ut w"6 'firg'o't'"our sailors'' aiitr'iViei'hanicii. But we see that the War Department this year"spent ft28;86S,4C8, W-dien the year before it spent oply about J9V ' 000,000, r'lierltfnger we 1hiYeiB'ace1 '' the more the army costs. How is this? WJl;It;.ebstAf'd;',gteat deal to keep soldiers' and Freedmen's Bureau Agents, and tj ieed-and clothe niT- , groes bf'4fti36uth.' Biit wliy-fid lou ; do1 it -Irnt -the -negroes support thema 5, seiveSil Ydamake ihe laborers bf thed fiJorth voik to feed and clothe the idle AfiiCiins True, but'bysd dolng w.geti thir Votes, and they wiUseud t oar traveling- agents to Congress ;.ve Bhalfgret- t'Weiily Senator's in this.way; wlitlij a '.iHJorit'.bJTtAe'ipe';df'tn j United Stujtesi living .in .:nine States, have only, eighteen.;!: The people nw.jr i vote tiS 'they please,' but they :eanriof get the r Senate no"j repeal any-of tb'i , ,lawS;Vie g'otijhrough for ouradvau-!, fage ; avu have. managed- ktso thatono i quarter of"the people liave m ro ptiw- " "er ili tho-Seii)tfi .tha.n";thrt.i--q'i-irt','T jWe; ncr'.()Vti.,tt),e;riegrbcs f th - ; j ti. a Did wMiot buy .them by om - . iAi-.; i-i nhd--wiieyT''Vfe-re whore; v, p-u;. ' W gfS-s j'Ave now Ste Mh- "'). ''. : i iU ' ..of; cut. ctiituuy fam I-.. .', e now i nee iv-iiy the- virluo-.of our- r ' ioon j ey iSfctTikitig.- It was onlj 21 i-.-r cent. I discoririt iri lSOCj it is 'riow1 "at a dis-. .coutjMr About 2l..per. eent; wo, now see wjiy oujyltiborers and. pr-iitiidners are obewted Uy false dollar. If the j '-ciic-'cars ;t6 khVhy. h IttJ- ijia,ijiiiaiiy jtuuis, let lulu stuuy.uie j.: reports of the Secretary of the Treaa.- ury. It is clear why business is hin dered and business men perplexed. t ' . -' . ' .. .;:: yy e now tfnpw wny me puwiraOi, tor ps har rasseu by our I dishonored crodit.'arKl the: tax-payer' isf hunted down by the tai-gathereri.;!The''riegrb ..: T," t , . .... 1?,... C.l T. ...:i- i ' i r ' M V.. Yv u WK -tvcLiuLjiiciin.pai;- j 1y.V4t.tln3 btittom OJTi these (.troublarl: 5- We now uret at the real issue betwieeh I parties. '. The T-epublicaus1, " t)y- ttittr j nonunations-.' and -resdlut ions, t "are f pleflged tokeep u1 fhd riegro 'fl&i if ta- V Tyiojcy,'.v-4 ' Itk cbst ...andj'iaa-i tions,", .These wiij., he,-;greater herea.t ter..i.TUe government of the South Us il to go jntb the hands' of the'riegYpea.' '! Yxi hayp piid'tjieyajfiu'nfittp bejvo-: ters a; Uie. ?sTbrPh.,i jjlepubjlcaas'; say tliey ishall be Governors at 'the' rrQrnirra-r this policy, vt'b havesben how much' it costs the tax-payer, the bondholder j atjtf tll.e "laborer in., the j pastu:j years'.' It will be as hurtful iri the fu-!' ture. We have also hwii .how using'' the iiibney t6 Wv. our debts' would haverteiped the tax-payer, th5 bond- holder and the laborer in the past. Tt wllf do as much in-the future. Tho;' ;ivholetjuestioii is"; "brought down to this clear point: -shall1 we' use our! rnqjity typfty our, debts, relieve the I -tft-raye:iv luakc our-nionoy -giiod ini the haitU of -the labbrer or piisionf r, ' and help theibondhoJilerAbrsJjalljiLe. ue it to HeejtHip military. -despotism, : feed idle-negrof'Si.iireHk tkiM h the Jur- diciary, shaikUv,tb, .oAflcwtryee an.l destroy all .vonstitntinnul rjj;ht'. (Cries of "No f'v;i'HVJY. iU.- ...i.i t$hitis&ykit7 )rVr'''.')iiiiiHt the Vlewd'f rmybiievrto'is 'pokcifof as . a candidate for the Presl Jenny mi thr' T)emoi'faHc fSlde.-"!' h':ve 'hnfv"aMid'' what each-iono fiprees-toinnd 'is in "fa-! vorpf. .- No.TOsil has beRnnanml wto is not in favor of reducinaf.iProuTiso.; and making our paoer as 'irnod aw'; COll:.fv man hflf;ren LiisrAwf-w h(i s.not iijifityor of euttinlr down 'mint H- It ry . expenses j No man has lievn msniT et! vhois not In favor or using 'he mimey'tirawn from the' tax1-pavers to iv y the.pnMie deht.."TNVi','mm ' hai .been, njamed who isnot iri-'fnvor of a frenorai .rppcr?,' jto,,t,be.liiKlplol .-of the South". " No " man Wan hf 11 n J rv nil wtiri lf niV tail' ' it pWnlflef of tVn?tifu t.iotnc rh-ilitst o irprn has bcen nirtn ,pdjy. ,UtqV.mjiratir party.i'whoHe- eieeiion wonui rot Help tbe txrtaver theViensionpr,' the laborer, and ' the bondholder. On the other ' nnndihe' eapdjtiate,; p ) Jtiiiiciirt-pHrtv: WJwch, rrf'iirtr: tiV.1 yeara j.Xhe discotlrVt lltinrr nln a-l iiiuncy whm twenty ..per jwiA In April, 18GG ; it is uow about twentvi'ls hiUB pMoerit.' lt wivmntinue to go ure P'eogeti lO.Tjjejr.ppst policy hassUfik the'vnfue "of tnir 1 ii nroie :Mh eteht' Tierx'en 9iPKs,ir, Tyi irincpeafiifrtaxoe - It-will cinv-e alLlabor .apabusIpess. , ,lt will etiuangeristiii moretie public credit, for the greater the premium" dn gold thp harder 4tibcpuiys to pay spocie to he, bondholder,, and hid , claim br Ctme more odious.' What claims hv Tne-itpuo-iicans rrpon rttrr soldier T -They take awnyifrorri hrrri V,ne fo'srth of hreuisifin by.payiirsr hirrrjin false !to if wprtbrless tlan eev- . YMJ.'Lt WlS . A V . I . . . ..... . - lUIVBUiaue lu'WDTUl UallUIB In canlct jiWhat right have -they.vtocall unon the mei-naicv aqji, laoorer. X. -I hoy nave tp they: '"our -f riot ;of thev! hey. iney 1 wilt Say third well- iip- most by other moe yon lenWltened out the hours of his toil to fciRwarrnh of- offlci lioMem'ftt the North, pnvl.Xo wipprrt atiniea 'iand grces aVthe Soutjh.n Row ik tyhe .tax-payers, in th thry- haVeWTAyiiri frnm rtham se-marijTriiUiofis iiporr the rre- tun t, urn upui compel iea tneta to. do sorwhite they were using the mor ittti t-tni.iea to support sending artiiies arrd tra ii'i'pie ripotftlie' li bfrties of 4Ji a i A meripan 1 .people; fjarf ' t hoy wUU,dCefly Arrnen V to- ifin WnrtrH. ,.i ftnirMrj-SUsrit'-tti- theTie-Ver of the 1 U1K3, anu endangering tholriVruri- fjcom in whole- X.vvi.u, "traxaupn?. Then"-, Krt"n1 West yNcrrth'fanl sb.ith the-sol-Uorar.d sn'iror.ln- aMrvi Ar f,. fieidc twvlax-.Daver. And;t.hir iiewvi- :??rhy;.i.ruj. !!-ilitedpfl'ort. flrivi Yrnm po;ver thQ -pmmon ehem'es of liberty, honesty; horior,;nghts a,n.l Conslltri tional laws. (LoUd fipplnuseiV' -l -.-.Oovornor-.SBymouiM rertrodA nrnld .warm exoressiin of .nn...Kn .The audience continued forborne tlmei calling upon various "Sdofiker-'r ilenerth Hotit W. ig. noxcrtitfo arivard aiwii trHyKet .abrit-f . hk i.-.-....i.; JanjL witty address, in yriieli he '.wi .a."d. PtTicalism, won irructnrs and reeorriayririHrtv, i-o i.u I tVil Iauta nn4 ii.. i a . 'V