Newspaper Page Text
Poetry. DARE TO STAND ALONE. Do firm, be bold, be strong, be true, And dare to stand alone; Strive for tho right whate'er you, d. . Though helpers there are none. : Nay, bend not to tho swelling surge Of popular sneer and wrong; Twill bear the on to ruin's verge "With current wild and strong. Hiui for tho rihl t Iluinanit y Implores with groans and tears Thine aid to break the festering links That bind her toiling years. Stand for tho right! Though falsehood reigns And proud lips coldly sneer, A jmisoned arrow cannot wound A conscience pure and clear. Stand for. the right and with clean hands Exalt the true on high; ' Thou'lt find warm. and sympathizing heart Among the passers by. Men who havo seen, and thought and felt, Tet cenld not hardly dare The battle's brunt, but by thy side Will ever dangers share. Stand for the right proclaim it round, Thou'lt find an answering tone In honest hearts, and thou no more Bo doomed to stand alone ! LOCHABER NO MORE. Our fellow-clti-ens of Gaelic birth or des cent will appreciate the following lines quoted at a Highland society dinner tn London, and ascribed to Dr. Charles Maekay. We copy them from the London Scotsman, where they appear for tho firs lime in print: Farewell to Locbaber ! Farewell to the glens To the streams and the corrics, tho straths and the ttcua; KarewcU, oh farewell to thy beautiful shore, Well maybe return to Socbaber no more. No longer mounts upward the smoke of fires, . No longer for us arc the homes of our sires, No bread for the winning comes hi at door, Locliaber I Locbaber I farewell evermore ! In the days that a"e gone, In the old happy time; Brave men were the glory and wealth of - crime, BiiCtho jrrouso aud the deer need the kail yards of yore. And we'll maybe return to Lochaber more. Right gladly we'd cling to the land of birth! And fight for thee ! die for Hire, pride of Earth! But men without hoc are as drift on ' shore, Lochaber! Lorhalwr ! fa re weU evermore ! Farewell to Lochalicr, its cloud-covered Bens, Its clear, wimplin' buruics, its bonnie green glens, Tho holy, the desolate, beautiful shore We return, we return, to Lochaber no more. Farewell, oh farewell ! and wherever roam Thy name shall be symbol and watch w of houie, The echo of joys that no lime shall restore, Lost ! lost ! with Ixx-habcr ! lost ! lost ! evermore. CHARLES MACKAY. Gleanings. Adam was the only man that never tantal Jzed his wife about "the way mother used cook." How did Eve ever get along without pork-pie hat, or til; era, or fai.-e calves, handsome young policemen to help her the cross-walks, or tho dirorce court, or sewing soclctv? N wonder she "raised Cain," Gen. Butler says he should despise the COUimanumeni u uivj tauguk unit, iu iin Andrew Joha&ou. Of course he hates the ten commandments anyhow, because one of them says: "Thou shalt not steal." When a Radical fails to do what his party expects of him, straightway he is chaaged . with being bought. They know their . weakneMt " One of the best caricatures we have lately sceD, is the "Dying Impeachment Gladiator. Ben Butler lies prostrate in the arena, his brokeu sword, and a most "demoralized' . countenance whilst President Johnson een retiring, with a heavy spoon over shoulder, with which hu has brained "ber. of Big BetheL" The ringing of the grout bell of Notre f)me, near South Bend, Indiana, can distinctly heard at Elkhart, eighteen distant. A Chicago court has decided thai a t company is responsible for error in transmission of a dispatch, even if tho is not repeated. To make little boys' trousers last: When you make a suit of clothes for them, the coat first, and by so doingyou will their trousers last. It to the only way thing can be done. In a recent number of Once a Week appeared a riddle which was said to be uablc: "When from the ark's capacious round The world came forth m pairs. Who was it that first heard the sound , - Of boots upon the stair? It was said that Archbishop Whately offered $5 to any one who should solvo that a German profess wrote a mimt i ate answer to It, and that, finally, it sup posed to bo unanswerable. The to thu: ' .; "To hira who eons the matu r o'er, . A little thought reveals. He heard it first who went before Two pair of soles aud eels." American Scenery. A writer from the Rocky Mountain descrilics the natural soencry an follows: shall not atU-mpt to descriU' tliv scene which was presfntod to us we the fiassoge of these womVrfull Black can only say that It was oTerpoweriog Ms" mighty grandenr. The eternally rang! of the Rocky Mountains south u, hh) all around us great columnar of bald, black rocks, or buttca as they tcrmexl, confused in from and frightful sppcarance, simply inspired the mind awe aud be ildered it with the Inmensily and novelty of the prospect. 'If any tourist is desiron of a new sensation, let at once take the Union Pacific Railroad look upon this scene from Sherman, on top of the Black nills. Those of our who have climlwd the Alps wire quick say that the peaks aud pinnacle and shapes of the Kocky Mountains, flre mile distant, surpassed in variety mprcssiTe uiijriulncss the far-famed of Switzerland. The air on the Black we found to he dry and lijjht, its. rarity being shwwn brAke exhaustion followed any ordinary exertion, ft jpeat drafts of it te- fill thelunn. - " J ' ' . - How Soox Fobootts. So lately . soon f0rSolten. . Tia the way of the Men take ns bvtne nauu aim a)K,ut the Ueal'th of our bodies, and at our joke and we really think, like v U the wliocl, that wo have something with the turning of the earllu Some we die and are buried. Tle sun does not r funerals; everything goes on a. W e are not missed on the streets; men - lw arta feel the at joaitti "i n . rn dtr two forms. AJUl "Vv""" T- .v. i;t Mrr: In mnvPI 111 LUC l"J , day. the griave. sw!er steps and washes but the last Tesufiov uvea, A Highlander's Honor. re cently our the Two centuries ago it was thought an in sult In the Highlands of Scotland to ask a note from a debtor. It was considered the some as saying "I doubt your honor." If parties had all business matters to transact together, they stepped out into the open air, fixed their eyes on the heavons, and each repeated his obligation with no mortal wit ness. A mark was then carved in some rock or tree close by to be a rente mbranccr of the compact. . Such a thing an a breach of contract, wo are told, was then rarely met with, so highly did the people regard their honor, and so truly did they fear him beneath whose eye they performed such acta. When the march of improvement brought in tho new mode of doing business, they were often pained by these novations. An anecdote is handed down of a farmer who had been to the Lowlands and learned world ly wisdom. On returning to his native par ish he had need of a sum of money, and went to ak a loan of a gentleman of means, named Stewart. Mr. S. counted out the gold on his library table. This done, the farmer took a pen aud wrote a receipt, and offered it to tho gentleman. "What is this, mau?" cried Mr. Stewart, sternly eying the slip of paper. "It is a receipt, sir, biding me to giyo ye back yer gold at the right time, replied San day. "Biuding ye! Well, tny man, if ye can na trust yourscL' I'm sure I'll na trust ye ! Te canna ha my gold !" and gathering it he put it back in his desk and turned his key on iL 'But, sir, I nuVht die," replied the cnuita Scotchman, bringing up an argument in f' or of his new wisiom, "and my -.r.s might refuse it to ye. But this bit o" paper wad compel them." "Compel them to sustain a dead father's honor 1" cried the high-minded Scot. "They'll need compelling to do right, if this is the road yer leading them; I'll neither trust yc nor them. Ye can gang elsewhere for money. But yell find none is this par ish that'll put more faith in the bit o' paper than in a neighbor's word o' honor and his fear o' God!" Was Mrs. Surratt Murdered? no our the tho we aril to a or over the ten or- own with is his the lie miles ele graph the dis patch finish make the Several months ago, Gen. Butler gave it as his opinion that Bingham had been guilty of "murdering an innocent woman." Since that opinion was expressed, many things have transpired which have a tendency to prove that Butler was correct. The evidence which was produced before that Military Court, presided over by Gen. Hunter, did not prove Mrs. Surratt a criminal. But the Court was not organized for impartial work, and Mrs. Surratt, who never heaad of a plot which had for its object tho assassination of President Lincoln, was condemned on sus picion. ' In a recent letter, a correspondent of a New York daily tells how ho was re pulsed by that cruel and blood-thirsty scoun drel, tho Secretary of War, who stood guard over tho White House and its occupant. How many interceded for the life of this woman, we shall never know, but the nation does know that this same Stanton indecent ly refused the requests of Mrs. Douglas and Miss Surratt for admission to the President. The disgrace of the execution which follow ed, is generally admit u-d to have been the cause of the death of one distinguished Re publican but Stanton seems to have rejoic ed over it. The trial of urralt, th-i son, by a jury of his peers, for tho same crime for which his mother '.tiu executed, is familiar to the pub lic. After a trial which lasted many weeks, the jury stood two to one for acquittal, but could not agree. The government had used every means to justify that horrible execu tion which shocked the nation, and the re sult was a complete failure. And after a long delay, the choree is abandoned by the government, and another crime is now al leged. That John II. Surratt was not g-iilty of. aviug conspired to take the life of Abra ham Lincoln, is now admitted by the coun sel for the government. That he knows more of the plot than his mother did, i an admitted fact. If Mrs. Surratt V tin gtiiily of the crime for which she was hmvp, 'iUn IL Surratt is undoubtedly guilty. Tli" admis! aion of the innocence of the sou, L- proof Butler's assertion that Bingham had suo-.'ed-e.l iu "murdering an innocent woman." . The main charge now made against John H. Surratt is, that he corpired to abduct Mr. Lincoln, then President of the United States.- Should he be -convicted, the' pun ishment will be imprisonment for not more than five years, or by a fine not more (ion ten thousand dollars, or by such fine and im prisonment both. The crime to a mild one, compared with that of which he was first accused. In view of these facts, was not Mrs. Surratt murdered T Let an Intelligent public answer. Wet the Ropes. insol it, labor was answer region I The property of cords contracting their length becuuie known as a great mechanical power at the raising of the obelisk in the square facing St. Peter's at Rome. This was in 1580. It was a day of great solemn ity. The Pope celebrated high mass aud blessed the workmen. The blast of a trum pet gave the signal, and the engines were in motion by an Incredible number of horses. Fifty -two unsuccessful trials were made be fore the huge block of stcne was lifted from the earth. . . As it rose in the air the ropes which held it became so stretched that base of the column could not be lifted on pedestal, when a man in the crowd railed out, 'Wet the ropes." This was done immediately the immense shaft, as of own accord, and without further aid from the engines, rose to the required height rested on the spot where it now stands. made Ilills. in snow vlaul of masses are In j;ith blase him and the party to fantas tic seventy and heights "Wantkr A young man to take charge of a pair of horses of a religi ious turn of mind." A school - com mittee ' iiittri writett : "W have school lrje enough to accom modate four hundred pupils four sto ries high." A newspaper says : child was run over by a w agon threo years old and crosseyed with pant which uever spoke afterwards." "Parasol A protec tion against sun ladles made of cotton whalebone." "Straps Articles worn under the boots of gentlemen made caltskin." An exchange describing celebration says: 'The procession was very fine, and nearly two miles In length as was also, the prayer Dr. Perry, theChajilain." Bills txtyfvie which requirca -: . dead, so world. 7,7 laufih the to day stop usual; laugh wouads , thTCS The Lancaster, Poutu, I r.tclti.'ii cer published at the home ,r Thud. Stevens, thus alludes taa-ui.e in character. It says " ' '" ' " ."During; all his. life Thaddeut haa openly Bcoffed at the Chris tian religion. A few days since.whUe trying a caae at a town in another part of the State, he and some lawyers were conversing one evening when one of the party adduced Bible aa authority for nome statement he made. ,4Oh," said Mr. tstevens, "the liible is no authority, it is but the obsolete history of a people. ' This the leader of the God and the rality party 1 It Is really the party Infidelity. Immorality and Robbery. We might also say of I Love, BAHKERS. GEORGE D. HARTER A BROS., BANK, ltona Banking Boom, Bast Taacarawaa St.) " CANTON. OHIO. We have removed our Bank to ear new Banking Housa, where we have every fa cility for conducting a general Banking business, and solicit the continued and in creased patronage. We buy and aell GoM, Silver, Government Bonds and Exchange-1 MONET LOANED, Coupons cashed, and Collections made. Promissory Note and Business Paper bought. Draw Slirht Drafts on Eng laud, Sootland, Ireland, France and Germany, in sums to suit. DEPOSITS REBEIVED! and Interest allowed at reasonble rates. fey-Revenue Stamps for sale Small coin furni.ihed. UEOROK D. IT . RTK R. MICHAEL U. HARTER. gAVINGS DEPOSIT BANK I UUOllITU. OKO. n, MASTS. K. D, lrl IBank Block, wmt side of So," . p." CANTON, OHIO. TU1S BANK IS DOING A General Exchange, Deposit and Dis count Business ! MONEY LOANED. .-PROMISSORY NOTES BOUGHT. Gold, Silver and Bank Notes Bought. ALL KIND OF Government Bonds and Revenue Stamps on hand and for sale. DEPOSITSRECFIVED and interest allowed on time deposits. The publio will find us prompt aud ms oouiuiodatinft. .-. ISAAC UAKTK A SOS. Canton, O., Oct. 1, 18SB. Havinir sold our into rent in the Savinira Deposit Bunk, we cordially leeommend the Savings Deposit Bank of Isaao Harier it Sons, (our successors) to the continued and increased patronage ef our friend. MARTIN WIKIDAL. tnav 29. 1807. lir. r. r. trump, R. WISK, H. THUMP. ALEX, UDRFORO, "TX CHANGE BANK TRUMP, HURFORD, WISE A CO. In the old Bank Room in TRUMP'S BLOCK.- Oppose the St. Cloud Hotel, Canton, O. HTKRKST ALLOWHD OX TIMR DEPOSITS -COLLKCTIONS MADE On all parts of the United States MONEY LOANED Gold, WUver, Promissory Ntte, Gov triiinent Bonds, and other SL-'.-CKlTlK IJ' ! K. 'in. fr--i. INSURANCE. KBM4.N ijSsURANCE COMPANY OT CUVHr.ANU OHIO. Office 2io. 10 Ahwter BuiltHwj. CAPITAL, $200,00 luare Bjildlnirs, Uerchsndite u4 other Proper ty Ai-illit Lou or Dasuco bj Fire, st ft lew rale ar ii ? bihei reontble Coupau. MTL ul honorably adjiMted and prompUy paik In Cuahi umu a noououiiH: Dr. W. Meyer, C. W. Schmlat, Henry Ortiaer J. Wwrner, Dr. Riecr, P. Tettlsbaujjh, Juhn Oerlach, Ht nry Kraemer, II. Eallsr, t. Brhmidt, C. Munrwaua, H. Bock man a C. Bum. aad other. A. RtmcRa, Pres'L J. Muklikk, J.Matkr Vlrt ' Vif-ePres't. JL BUCllHAN AND JTLRD. SKELBACH. Trav. ling Ageau. JOHN HABKR. A-eat. Canton, Ohla. P. LUZ1US. " M.aiiUuB. JiiIt SS. lflos-tr Jil 1 t SEWING MACHINES. set the its and its and a "A the and of a hia rjte vens other the bar barous Mo of Free rHE GREAT AMERICAN COMBINATION BUTTON HOLE O VERSE AM I NO And Sewing Machine. Its Wonderful Popularity Conclusive Proof e its Great Merit. The incjease in the demand for this val uable machine has been TENT FOLD du the last seven months of its first year the puhlie. This errand and surprising success unprecedented in the history of sewing machines, and are feel fully warranted IT HAS NO EQUAL, same Aaaomrai-T thi aaar FAMILY MACHINE In the world, and Intrinsically the cheap est: for it is two machines combined one by a simple and beautiful mechanic al arrangement, making both tu Shuttle and Lock-stitch, and th Gversearaing and Button-hole stitch, with equal facility and perfection. It execute In the very manner everv variety or sewing, sucu Hemming, telling. Coming, MucKtng, Stitching, Braiding and Qu:liing, Gather ing tod sewing on. (uone at ine same lime), and in addition. Overseama,. Em broiders on I be edge, and makes Deaulltui Button and Eyelet-boles in all fabrics. Every Machine ia warranted by Compauy, or its agents, to give entire Circulars with full particulars and Ha me of work done on tnls macnine; be had on application at the Salesrooms ill tue AineritTan ouuuu-umr, wbiwpui- ing and Sewing Machine Company, S. W. cor. Eleventh and Chestnut Philadelphia, Pa. Instructions givea on tuo Machine the rooma of the Company gratnli-tial to all purchasers. Agents Wanted. FRED'K PAXSOX. V W. B. Mkmsenball, Treu. jau2ltf. "yALUABLE FARM FORTtALTE I will sell my faim m NimUhillen Township, four miles northwest of Lnuis ille and eight miles from Canton, the Harristura; road, and formerly owned nflbT l-vi Wertenberg . The fnrnn , talni. One Hundred A Twenty-four Acres, One hundred acres cleared and in a state of cultivation, the whole well-fenoea; 24 acres choice timber, much of It finest kind of oak first ulasa ; two frame housa nearly new, well furnished, containing eight rooma with pantry proviaiou room, good cellar, good barn, frame, 44 by 71? 'eel, good orchard, good wella at house ana barn lnahott very desirable property. For terina enquire of the subscriber the premises. JOHN S. COCK. may27tf OR SALE, I wish to sell my OUT-LOT In Young's Addition. It contains one acre and a and la s'toated near the Kant Railway Bridge. It ia a good lot, and may be on reuon tble terms.' il'or further parti ultra naa r f the undersigned at I re-idrnce, East Tuscarawas a treat, Canton, 1 FRED HBINQAEBNtlU J JlA 15, 30wt BOOTS & SHOES. TTENTION1 NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE! SAYLER A SHANAFELT, are at it again, In their jsew Koom, . ii.mpire ASIOCJC, .tjist j. uscarawas bu, Lately occupied by John McGregor as a isooaatore. We shall be bappy to mwt all our old customers, and as many new enes aa will be pleased to favor us with their patron age. - ' We have constantly on hand ana ere d-tily receiving from the East, a largo supply of BOOTS, SHOES, GAITER3. BALMORALS, In fact everything in the Ladies' and Children Line, from the Slipper to the Highest Polish Top, and all kinds of Rubber Boots fc Shoes. We also make Boots and Shoes to Order of the material and as cheap as the cheapest. best This is the place where you get what von baicraiu for r reuub, bogus r rencn. or common Calf Boots. We employ none butthebst workmen, and still have old Philip as our foreman, who is well known as one of the best and most experienced workmen of the day. He is always ready wit!) Mick and alrap to tako the dimen sions of your understanding. SS?A1I work warranted to give sat isfaction, uivo us a call. SAY LEX A SHANAFELT. Canton. Maacb 25. lSGS-tf BOOTS & SHOES. HATS CAPS FURS. &C. ! o PERA HOUSE HAT STORE. PRICES REDUCED! GREAT CLOSING-OUT SALE Of Winter Goods AT LESS THAN COST ! Fur Goods, Robes, Scarfs, Ac., at Half Price ! Latest Style Silk Hat Juat Received, ana rew bpring btyle Hats Com ing in Every Day 1 DUNKER AND OMMISH HAT By the case or single one. HIGHEST PRICE 1A1DTC1; I CI'.' :.nl5 tt BOOTS & SHOES. HATS CAPS FURS. &C. MARBLE WORKS. ! 11 1T MARBLE WORK PHILIP EIAUBERT, Dealer and Manufacturer of Plain and Or namental MONUMENTS fc TOMBSTONES, has recently opened a new marblo shop on East Tuscarawas Street, near Market Square, in Canton, where Monuments, Tombstones, and all work pertaining his line of business, eitner in Italian or American Marble, are manufactured and kept constantly on hand. Having; been engaged in the man ufacture of Marble work t all descriptions lor a number of years, ne is well experien ced is eetting up e.vd sua skuiuu worK. He alo pledges himself that all oruers shall be made satisfactory before delivery, as he is able to cive the best ana most ni terial, for less money, than any establish ment either In or out of Stark county. Money can he made by calling at his snop uerore oraering eisewuere. PHILIP HAUBERT. M.-.rch6th.l6Gtf PIANOS. be fore is in In best aa JLJ S. LELAND, Regularly appointed Agent for WM. KNABE & CO'S and stinewAy A SONS' Unrivalled Piano Fortes. Also for CARHART ifc NEEDHAM't and PHELPS AND GOODMAN'S ORGAN AND MELODEOS3. All tho above instruments fullv war ranted. Address H. S. LELAND, Mt. Union, Stark Co. Ohio. The agent may be seen personally Mondav ofeach week, at the Bt. Cloud Hotel Canton. Ohio. mavl67 6m. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. ta can '. y nr on- Rood the story and bank a on half had e hia piTTSBURG GROCERY STORE, A Six Doors East of American Hotel, la going right along in the eld place MORE CHEAP GOODS, And taneh cheaper before. and bettor tuan Such as GROCERIES. PROTI8ION. AC.. Ia endless variety. Also a large supply Notions, Tobaccos, and Cigars. Our stock oC CONFECTIO NERIE8 Are also Large and Cheap. B3t Good Fresh Butter and constantly on hand. B-lIighest Cash Price always for Ceuntry Produce. Our terms are iayariably cash.bat I aell accordingly as "the nimblesixpeaee" ia what counts in trade. LIP PERT . CLASS. Canton, April 1, 1863-yl EKROK3 OF TOU'V. namiaumn woo ad ftr yeara from Narvoua XiabilltT. Hrvmat ure ilecar, aad all the ellecta of youthful indiacre tian, frill, tor tha aakaof suHerins bumanitT, Irae to all who naed it, the recaipa aad tor making tha simple remedy oy which waa caraa. SuHerra wiahing to profit by the xierieacat caa do so by addreaainir JOHN B. OGDKN, No. 48 Cedar street N. aartS'CTjrlamV i ATER COOLERS nice 1 T cheap at RATKOLDB 8AXTON'8. GAS PIPE AND JJUXTURES nice assortment, at KAY MOLDS BaVZTOS! WORLD'S REAPER AND MOWER. F I i ARMERS OP STARK LOQKL1 HERE! - -y THE WORLD'S LLVTowei I JReapei?! Alter having studied the interests of Firmori for twentv vears. we have rro- aucea and now oner you THE BEST HARVESTER EVER MADE ! and compared with which none others de serve to be mentioned. In all the quali ties of a FIRST CLASS MACHINE ! Compactness, Simplicity, Certainly of Operation, Ease of Management, Lightness of Diaft strength and Durability, it has No Equal 1 Its frarno U a Minute P'C- of wire, and will neituer ruet rut, warp nor break. Its freiiring i-t :dl cut out of xolid irn. and ruim witii the ease and prt-c-iainn of clock work. When thus made perfect, it Is tightly in- losod in an iron shell 2ase, which keeps out dirt, water, grass, Jtc. Every part is made by standard gunge. and the whole Is as well built as a sewing machine or locomotive. No rattling noise, nocuewiun of wheels. no looswninir of nuts or bolts. In snort. it is made to do its work perfectly and last a life-time. We elo manufacture the OHIO MOWER -AND RhAPER ! and, having invented, know how to build them better man any kody else. Also TORNADO THRESHER AND SEPARATOR ! which has never been equalled for rapid aud gooa worn. You will find it to be to your interest to buy one ot our machines. For further particulars call on or address E. BAL.Ii & COMPANY, Canton, Ohio. RESIDENCE LOTS FOR SALE. JEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE LOT9 FOR SALE. I have just laid out FORTY BEAUTIFUL LOTS in the west part of Canton, which I will sell on reasonable terms. Several of these lots are beaul i situated on Tuscarawas itreet. So twentv-four front on .Fifth street, wh is here opened out sixty feet wide. Five front on the old Fulton Road, and the rest front on a new road laid out par allel with Fifth street. Thtae lots will make very desirable buldinir not!. and tnev are situated quite convenient to the business part of town. Those wishiusr to pu'chse such .lots would do well to call soon. JOSEPH MEYER. IS-iK-l!" too, My 20 ta .VRltiAG RE; A' - A Y Henrv WalserbB- . . , CARRIAGE M.O L r'-CTORY i - I to his nea I'UHdinus. one Hi-k R Muth of the Nixon ll.ue. Corner of Market and Liberty Sts., .ALLIANCE. OHIO. He invites all persons wishing- to purchase tip-top new Carriages, uuggies, Wagons, &c., to call and see his splendid work. REPAIRING DONE On short as the cheapest! t,GiT me a call, before purchasing HENRY WALSERa? elsewhere. May 15. I. . MILLINERY, STRAW GOODS, &C. on with ever of Paid will auue aead direo noaa ha ad vatiaar'a Y. - and . N EW AND BEAUTIFUL SPRINGGOODS AT JOSEPH W. GRAFF'S, MATHEWS' BLOCK. Millinery and Straw Goods, Ribbons, Laces, Artificial Flowers, Embroideries, White Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Hoop .Skirts, Genuine Alexander Kid Gloves, Silk Fringes, Bugle Trimmings, Cotton Trimmings, Ladies and Gents' Paper Collars, Cuffs, Neck Ties, Ac, Ac. Jgy-Good Goods and Low Prices !-g JOS. W. GRAFF, Mathews' Block, Canton, O. aprl-tf. Ru H M A N & CO, NEW GOODS! Habtkr's Bank Block The largest and best selected stock of Cloths, Cassimeres. Vestings, ana an Kinas ot summkk uuoiJH are sold cheap at KL'hMANl Co s. A DMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF Ii. REAL 13TATE. In pursuance of an order of the Probate Court of Stark county, Ohio, I will offer for sale, on the premises, on Saturdav. the 18lh day or July, 1868, at one o'clock P;'M. the following described real estate of John Essick, deceased, to wit: Lot number thiity-three in the town of New .Franklin, in said county, with appurte nances. Terms of sale: One-third of the pur- uunaa muuoj iu nana, ana lue residue two equal annual payments, with fnter est front the day of said the payments be secured by mortgage on the premises. ua.,m oijcrd'Azi, Aiim r, Jane 17, 1668w4 CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, and Little Boys Wagons k Wheelbarrows a large stock and for sale cheap at itt b h Grocery store of ADAM LIPPERT. . apr22'64tf .- . QALIi AT A. HURFORD'S: Ajld get a LITTLE'S COOS STOYfi JEWELRY TVJT OLD FOR GREENBACKS. DEUBLE A BROTHER, CANTON, OHIO. HAVK REMOVED Their o.4 tid il kacirD . J F-W K L K Y STORE! To their lmii' fev- ui.u-uk. uut nniff or im duliio tQUbfc .! torr uin el Kimlmll Kr and nit ileor ( . hwMtzer' UHrdwnr 44 to re TheirDfi buildmc i u;l uti .n the latent stylft ami supplied will: lull ttrAortmem or New Good m their line, such mil Gold and Sil vor Watches Of American, Kngliah and Swl.i make; docks of every variety; Fine Jewelry; Gold Pens of the beat make and cuslity; Silver and Plated Ware; Musical Instruments, such as Melodeopf, Guitars. Violins, Flutes . Rife, A- cord eon a, te. Spectacles t old and young; Fin eutlery, Portmonnaia, finchina warea . TOVS OF EVERY VAKlETY Besides very many articles not herein enumerated. We are enabled to sell cheaper than most others as we Buy for Cash. swclockB and Jewelry repaired. AH our work warranted. Give us a call. Canton. AuUtl9. laes WALL PAPER WINDOW BLINDS, &C. W ALL PAPER! SECOND SUP PLY Just received at GEIGER'S DRUG STOKE, One of the Largest and best Selected Assortment of Splendid "Wall Papers, Window Blinds, Borders, fce. In Price they range from 8 cts. to $1,50 per piece. SCovae and seel "a C. J. ISCS-ral GEIGER. Canton. May 30, HARDWARE. LLIANCE HARDWARE AND IRON STORE. WRIGHT & PENNOCK, New Goods ! New Enhu We beg leave hv to th citizens of Stark and adjoif-ing Counties, that we still continue to keep on hand, and for sale, at the lowest prices for the times a fine assortment ot POCKET fc TABLE CUTLERY ! " Furnishing Hardware, Houst- Trimmings, Coach Trimmings, Harness Trimmings, Furniture Trimmings, Coffin Trimmings, Mechanics' Tools, Farming Implements, . Shoe-Makers' Kit and Findings. IRON AND STEEL, Gnrden Seeds, . Ropes and Twines, Brushes, all kinds, Nails and Spikes, Locks and Latches, Springs and Axles, PATNTS AND OILS, Bent Wood Work, Moss, and Curled Hair, Hubbs and Spokes, Sash and Putty, WINDOW - GLASS, Picture Glass, Glass cut all shapes and size&. Turpentine and Benzine Varnish, Floor, Table, Stair and Carriage OIL CLOTHS, Window Shades, Damasks, Dental Stock, Whij and Canea, Bird Cuges, ' ' Belting jtud Baskets, . And a great variety of all other arti cles usually kept in a Hardware store. t&Gle Us a Call. WRIGHT A PENNOCK. SLATE ROOFING. :n to the S LATE ROOFING! I have made arran jements and am fully prepared to put on SLATE ROOFS In a complete and satisfactory manner. It is undoubtedly known to all that good Slate Roofing if the most durable of all roots lor ounaings. ic is aiso nre proof, and being a non-conduc'or, is safer against ligntniug. I shall keep on hand The Vermont Slatei The Peach Bottom, The Northampton, and Slate from several other reliable quar ries the cost being not mucb more tuan a pine roof, and less than a tin roof. It is hoped those intending to build will consider .the matter. . , All orders addressed to the undersigned will receive prompt attention. J. C. LANTZ. Canton, Ohio. March 4 1868. , el. H. 6 I D D A L L DENTIST. OFFICE E Ilarter'a Bank Block. Canton. Ohio. All otv eraiioi a in Mectianical Deutiatry periormrd In the liteat and meat improved manner. He would "all eapeeial attention to hia Gold Filling, ia xrh'ch, in the words of 4-A. Ward," he is equaJlaa by few aud excelled by aone.' . TVTO CHARGE for Cutting w Xl Goods are bought by the yard at M. RUHMAN & Co. FURNISHING GOODS! The Cheapest Place to get Gent'u Furnish ing and Clothing made to order. Also Hats, Caps, dto., is at . r M. RTJHMAN A Co's, A. HURFOKD'S Is the nlaoe to get your cheap SPOUT' STOVES, &C. s TO v" E S , STOVES fL. BIECHELE & BROTHER, CANTON, OHIO. , it AaurioTcaus or abb dealmr m TIN, COPPER, AND SHEET IKON WARE, Also DAT always on band a lar assortment Cook, Parkr, and Heating Stoves 1 Ar agcrnt for flobrAtd STEWART COOK AND PARLOR ST0VE8. W h'h r in ftnt the tet dr.. Umg and Hfttiua Stov-f it the world. WTWe WARRANT nil our eoek stores to h ennd hakers and to draw well, and wo sell an chftnr as the cheapest. ' All kindb of WORK MADE TO ORDER, On short notice and warranted totelve'entir satis taction. Our place is Harmon's oil stand, on Eael Tus carawas street. Give us a call. Oct. 4. 186mS. i.. BIECHELE b BROTHER. WOOLEN FACTORY. PANTON CITY WOOLEN FAC- TORY ! LAWRENCE ALEXANDER, Thank ftil for past pctronapw, would most reanect- ni!4y inform his- mends aii4 former pfttrana, and the public in general that he has refitted his facto ry (on the corner Cherry and Third ifreets.) with NEW AND IMPROVED MACHINERY Lnd that he it now orepared to manufacture all goeds in his line on the shortest notice, and in a manner to defy competition with any ea tablishnaentin the West. He manufac tures CLOTHS, SATINETTS, Vestings, Tweeds, Cassimeres, Blankets FLANNELS Of every deaoriptlon. Stocking Yarn, fec. H I. likawts praparad tc CAR!' BOLLS,' SPIN YAKV COLOR. FULL; AND DRKSS CLOTH. Or to manufacture Goods for Customer on the Sbarex or by the Yard. B bun on hand a Urg stock of so he will xchane for wooi or citoh. uCustotners should remmter tha the is uiunafaicturing Lb in season at REDUCED PRICES. WOOL '.WANTED! 333,Anv amount of Wool Wanted, foi which the highest market price will be paid. L. ALEA Aa UKli. May 22. 1665-1 CLOTHING EMPORIUM. s PRING GOODS, I invite attention Large and At t ractive stock or- MERCHANT TAILORING GOODS Just Received. Weisic, French, Shouller, and F. A H- Cloths, French and. JZnglish Coatings, MILTONS A CASSIMERES - of the newest Patterns. . Harris, 'Woodward, Legraues and Duffle bilk Mix, and other Stand ard Makes of American Cassimeres. I deal only in regalnr Standard Makes of Good! Believing that iu these days of sham shoddy. It is safer and cheapest to buy Good Good3 at Fair Prices ! thaD shoddy at any price, ind I have superior facilities fcr making work that, in STYLE, FIT AND FINISH, Is equal to the beat city trade, und at Prices us low as any of my competitors; and am willing at all times to duplicate the bills of any house in the West who will do as goed work as I will. Call early and satisfy yourselves that the One Priced Fashion Emporium at ' No. 2 Opera House Block, Is the best place to bny. Canton. May 6 18(3811. A. KITT. w HEEL JJARROWS so cheap that no one need borrow, at HAYKOLD8 8AXTO&3. HURFORD : Keeps the cheapest WARE in the city. ... STOVES' & TIN -1X7- ANT E D SALESMAN To -l T sell Goods on sample. Good wages and steady employment. Address witn stamp, A. ECKER & CO.. Canal Dover, Ohio. 49U GROCERIES N EW DEPOT, QRO C ERY AND PRO VIS ION S T O R Jb HENRY BECKER Has just opened in bis new building on SOUTH CHERRY STREET ! Near the new depot, a large stock of fresh FAMILY. GROCERIES, which he will sell CHEAP AS Till CHEAPEST, I will pay tne highest market price for COUNTRY PRODUCE. I also ket'h all kinds of refreshments for the inner man. GIVE ME A CALL And let me try to do as well by you as any ot luo loiks up town. HEN RT BECKER. Dec. 18 tl--67. 1YEW YORK CLOTHING HOUSE. SPRING MANUFACTURE, 1868. THE LARGEST STOCK OF MEN'S CLOTH I.N G IN NEW TOKK CITY! I We are prepared to exhibit to the mer- chauts of this section the best selection of Clothing ever offered in the New York Market, combining ., . CHEAP, MEDIUM ADD FINE GOODS, MADE IN TIIJJ MOST SVPKttlOR MANNER And of the Very Latest Styles. We shall sell upon libetul terms and at! ANTE-WAR PRICES! We invito the attention of buyers, and promise to make it to ttiPir interest to ex amine our immense .stock before making their purchases. KIRTLAND, BABCOCK & BRONSON, 45 ii 47 Chambers Street, NEW YORK. inar4in2 VTna Vr FIRST PREMIUM Vor m Silver aladal WAM AVAMID TO BARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE Q , .11. 4.. i.. dim AGin.uui. . ' " T luhtut, Spt. X, 1SH. SARRETT' s Vegetable Hair Rest oratlre Ksctore Ormy Hair to Ita HMural Colon jf- aiotcs th rrowth of the roou lt their original orKtc action i ntli- e liuir t enautee uia otwi Damlrnff &nl Iluororvi preyjn sYnta nil, W AiBsr lauiflc out t u a iipnor jjreai inu is inc moti sopv tar sua ms- a . able article throughout tit i. n. BARRETT A CO., Proprietera, -. aCAXCBCSTSB, H. B. sold by all Druiticiata Sei)2S-T-16-ly BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE. B UILDING LOTS FOR SALE. I off, r for sale a number of FINE JL$ UILDING LOTS, Situated Near the Pair Grounds, which I will sell- CHEAP I and on reasonable terms. Also a FRAME BUILDING; 20 by 50 feet, will be Mid Cheap, and can be con verted into a dwelling at little expenvo. L. D. RIDER. Canton, March 2, 188-tf N EW FURNITURE ROOMS! East Tuscarawas st., Canton, Ohio. PFENDLER A BERNHARD Have opened in the rooms lately occu pied by I lane and Lin a, corner of Tuscs- rawas and walnut streets), a complete as sortment of FURNITURE And CABINET-W ARE! onsisting of Dining Tables, Writing Tables, Stands, Chairs Bureaus, Secretaries, - . - Cupboards, Bedsteads, Clothes Presses, ic. We are practical Cabinet Makers, anu warrant our work as represented, uotie of our Purnltnre hoin-r the product of Eastern Manufactories, but entirely, do mestic, dun ble and cheap. It is nil lnadr of the best weli seasoned material. Repairing of damaged Furnitu an orders for nev, will receive prompt attei.. tion aud charges moderate. JOHN PFENDLER ZACIL BERNHARD. Mrach 25. 68-tf r E M O V A L ! F. J. LINDBMA.Ni: ; Has removed hii . Saddle and Harness Establishment Near tolhe corner of Tuscnrws fc Cherry streets, Canton, Ohio. ' ' . ,lle will coniiiitie to make good work and cheap. Let all my old friends and customers and as mail new ones as choose, call and try me. . F. J. LINDEMAN. Canton, May 27, 18GStf P O R SALE Two Quarters of Good Land In Ellison Towushlp, Hardin ceunty, O. This land is situated about eight miles from a town named Washington. This land will be sold for cash or satisfactory trade. Also, I wish to sell ' . An Out-lot of Three Acres, Seath of the Old Graveyard, in Canton. Also, my wife's lire lease in EIGHTY ACRES OF LAND West of Moyers's Lake. 'Terms and further particulars will be made known by culling on the subscriber at his residence, corner of Plum and Fifth streets. Canton, Ohio. J. H. CASSILLY. June 17, 1S68w3 . B LACK S M I T II S' O O A L . In quality and cleanness, second to none in' the county, at ' NEI DIG'S NEW COAL MINES, Thre'iourtba of a mile west of North Industry, Ohio, within 8 miles of Massillon. . For terms at mines, delivered ou cars or hauled, call on the undersigned at the mines, or address N.-NEIDIG, : North Industry. O., or Box 842 Canton, O. June 84, imtt REMOVAL. JEMOVAL. ! REMOVAL ! HANE A LIND, Have removed their establishment to" -tht new buildinf? a fewdrors east of tbe Foblio square, -where they bare ,'. ... ion hand " .-trKu: y- ' SADDLES. HARNESS. COLLARS r WHTPS. . All of which are warranted to jc'.ve satis faction and at prices which 'DEFY COMPETITION. tea. Job Work and Repairing done on short notice neat and substantial. ?f3Call and Examine Our Stock. HANTS mr9'3- Canton, Not. 7th. 18- i CLOTHING. The OODS AT A BARGAIN ! . undersigned having purchased isaiah P. Miller, his ' ot S T O C K OF GOO consisting of I K CLOTHS, . CASSIMERES, READY-MADE CLOTHING HATS, CAPS, AC, now oder to the citizens vicinity a f C intoa aad R A R E C H A N C E to aarchase such . . GOODS AT A BARGAIN 1 Also, huvinK put chased the bock ao- couut ot'suid I. P. Miller, notice (s iiereby given to those indebted to sunt account- mat tuey are in tne minus oi w m. ley, attorney at luw, for settlement;, those knowiug tbemuelves tudelited, are reques ted to chII at his office in the Public fcuild iugs and ake seuleinent at onoe. ; , . It.. HAIjL,, ' C. AULTMAN. . JACOB MILLER, . W. K. MILLER. June 5 '7. ti. - .-i'i Hi f r " J . t i t t . HARDWARE. H Altli W i oh KV li iD V , We are caily receiving additions to our always large stocl; of GENERAL HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, IRON, NAILS, GLASS, SASH, & Ac. Which we ai- SELLING AT LOW . PRICES! warranting all goods senten sold to be as repre and AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST I Thankiiiic oar customers for former pat roaage, wa solicit a. continuance and lm orease of trade' ,. . never .XTOK, JPARM FOR SALE. 1 wish to aell tnr farm sltaated ia Wash inton township, stark eonnty-r-one fourth mile northwest of Freeburg, and three miles north of Paris. . The -farns contains 16.0. AC RES, One hi nil red acres fcelag eleared, and unT der a good state of enitivatioa ; aad sixty acres good timber lane. . There la en the larna a gcoi two-stery Brick Dwelling Houe,,i ; of eight reomaj a large spleadid BANK Bj4BN elebty by forty feet. Ala a splen did Orchard of 270 trees ef. good Kraft ed frnit. The farm is wall-watered by a raa ninjr stream and sprinjra.- - -' Tkhmi Onehalt cash and the balance in one year with Interest secured by aviort gnge on the Dremint-s. For furtner particulars call en . . . DEWALTH. SMITH, . Canton, Ohio, er . JOHN SMITH. anrlm3 ' Treeburir, Stsrk eo.. 5. .t, . r. ? or L he i ; ny h eat ! jcb i t jeps i pis iret t ipo; , . hat 4 1 J.iy en It r fait . kfyl trxi s alA tiU. rX)LEDO A PITTS BU KG RAIL- X ROAD COMPANY. Notice is hereby r Ivan, t but booksiWlll be opened for seouring subscriptions to tlie capital stock ef the Toledo and Pitta-, burn Railway Company, on Jiimivlav, the sixth day of April, 1868, at the offiee of M. R. & R. IFaite. Toledo, Ohio; at, the store of Charlea Foster, FoKtoria, Ohio; at the office of Hon. W. P. Noble. Tidin; Ohio; at the Banking ' House of Geo. D. Uarter & Bro., Canton, O; at tb. store ot Gen. II. A. Stiajrer, Carrollton, Ohie; at the office of Col. Geo. W. MoOook, Steux beuville, O; and at the office of Lloyd and Black, Pittsburgh, Pa. D. Spauldinsr, ." James Wallace, S. M. Kerr, John S. Davi&on. 'I' W IUrl,n XSJ TT iri",... : J ' ... ...Ltli (.limn, 1 . X-lllCClltl, M: R. Waite, - Truman H. Hoar, CJiarlee Foster, W. P. Noble, R. G. Pennington. R. W fcjhawhan, J. M. Nay lor, Goo. W. MeCoofc, Jos. Means, L. Borland, S. H. Hartman, W. E, Schuertz, J. B. Hubley, -' Thomas Fawcett, James C. Hall, ' 8olomon Llnd - II. S- Walbridse. .1 , J. AUiiman, , . M. Wikidal, E. Ball, . J. Durbin, G. W. Lawrence, U. a. -Martin. Isaac Harter,. James A. Sax ton, Jno. F. Raynolds, D. Tyler, -- : ' L. Sehafer, -M. L .East. . . itrp fne -te i lis ,pr cks or T1' lid hat i V THE STAR LEAD-Thathaanow Such a great repuUUon in this market C0RRELLSV 47tf ine srs .:. and 'oilc