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The Democrat. Plaibtbd is Governor of Maine. Tne Republican mnjority in the Legislature vould like to have counted him out, but could not find an excuse. Their man Davie no doubt wanted the place. It is thought doubtful if the Sprapue divorce suit ever comes to trial. Gov. Bprague, however, will insist upon trial, ' confident he will obtain a complete vin dication. No citation has yet been is Bued to notify him of ihe suit. Aa usual, the Irish members of Par liament are found at this critical mo ment in their country's fortunes divided into unfriendly, if not actively hostile, camps. Thus far, however, Mr. Parnell's immediate followers stand by him. Gas. The Court House is now again illuminated by coal gas from the Gas Works instead of the gasoline arrange ment. This pleases well the incumbents of the Court House. Wb cannot ascertain what this Repub lican Legislature will do with the Local Option bill. The Sep. will not inform us even how Senator HartBhorn and Representatives Conrad and Snyder Btand on the question. Thb Pennsylvania Legislature did not elect a Senator Tuesday, the anti-Oliver Republicans refusing to support the Cameron machine candidate. The "bosses" in the old state seem to be a little iff in their grip, but they may letch it yet. Crayon. A crayon portrait of an old friend. Reuben Holl, Esq., of Jackson townBhip, in this county, may be seen on exhibition in the window of the dry iroods store of Mr. John Schilling. It is the artiste work of a son, Frank Holl, and sneaks well for the taste of the young man. While the portrait is a likeness of Esquire Holl, it lacks in expression, For an early effort it is nevertheless commendable. BALTIMORE & CHICAGO. The stockholders of the Ohio division of the proposed Baltimore, Pittsburgh & Chicago R. R , met at Wooster last week Wednesday, and accepted the proposi tionofthe representatives of the Pitts kurgh division to transfer to the latter control with right of way, &c.,in consid eration of the latter agreeing to construct equip and have the road in runniDg or der by July 4, 1882, there being but one dissenting vote; the route to be located via Achor, New Lisbon, Gillford, Wood ter, Wayneeburgh, Bolivar, West Leba non and Ashland to Chicago Junction. It is rumored that a co operation of the N. Y. Central haB been secured. The following gentlemen were elected di rectors: J. H. Kauke, R. C. Reddick, D D. Miller, of Wooster; W. E. Schmertz, Geo. A. Kelley, Pittsburgh; Wm. Math ers, D. W. Firestone, New LiBbon; L. J. Sprengle, Ashland; 8 J. Evans, Bolivat; Lew. Scott, Waynesbum; Simon C. Boles, W. Lebanon; Wesley Chesron, Jerome ville; J. W. Kirk, Lafayette; W. 8. Kuy kendal, Plymouth; K. F. Randolph of Achor. The Board organized by elect insr .7. H. Kauke, President; Wm. Math ers, Vice Presided; Albert Imgard, Sec retary and L. P. Ohliger, Treasurer. STATE LEGISLATURE. HOUSE. Columbus, 0., Jan. 17. The following bills were introduced and read the first time : Mr. Sullivan To amend section 930 of the Code, making it the duty of the Trustees of Children's Homes to appoint the Superintendents, and, upon the re commendation of Superintendents, to appoint the subordinate officers. Mr. Ray Amending the laws relating to taxation bo as to make it the duty of the Auditor of Hamilton county, togeth er with the Comptroller of Cincinnati, to appoint the City Board of Equaliza tion, instead of the present mode of ap point men t. Mr. Greene To amend section 5,431 of the Code, providing for exempting from execution one horse, one bujigy and harness, and also books, mediuineB and surgical instruments pertaining to the surgical profession, not exceeding f 15 in value, owned by a person in the practice of surgery, in additions to the other exemptions now provided by law. Mr. Davis Amending section 7 313 of the Code, providing for the discharge of a jury on.account of the corruption of a juror. Mr. Bloom To amend eight sections of the Code, extending the jurisdiction Notaries Public over the State, instead of the counties where they belong, as now provided. Mr. Licey offered a joint resolution providing for submitting to the votera of the State, at the next October election, a proposition to so amend the Constitution as to allow women to vote, which was laid on the table and ordered to be printed. House bill 104, Mr. Leggett To pre vent and punish fraud as to the making of butter and cheese, was read the third time, aud was several times recommit ted to amend, and then informally passed over. Mr. Marsh offered a resolution rrquir ing the Committee on Temperance to give up the Local Option petitions to the Clerk of the House, so that the House may be informed as to their contents and as to the number of petitioners. Laid on the table under notice to die cues. Mr Groom offered a joint resolution providing for the admission ot Miss flattie 8. Clifford into the Columbus JLaylum for Insane which was referred to the Committee on Asylum for the In sane. Jlattie S, Clifford had been a pa tient in Danville Lunatic Asylum in Pennsylvania, and was discharged there from last summer. Her parents now re side in Columbus, and she h) still insane. HOUSE. The following bills were introdnced and read for the first time : Mr. Pond To amend section 05 of the Code, relating to fugitives from justice and the mode of their extradition. Mr Pond To amend section 108 of the Code, making an abstract of any en trv in anv record in the Governor's of fice, under the Groat Seal of the State, evidence, as well 88 a complete trans cript of he same. JOKE ON A HORSE. On of the commission houses on Woodbride street has a horae which was the terror of every pedestrian who got within three feet of his head. The ani mal has teeth like a shark, and up to a few days ago he would bite everything within reach except a pile of grindstones. WhiDDine had no effect, and he wouia get rid of muzzles as fast as they were put on. The firm had paid considerable money to settle for bis bites, and was wondering what they could sell him for, when along came a man who guaranteed a cure for $5, He was told to go to work and bis fiist move was to get an old suit of clothes and stuff it with straw. The horse was driven down the street, and the suit was tied to a nitcning post, dbcb to the Btreet. A full pound of pepper was then rubbed into and sprinkled over the garments ana ine stumng ana uiruw, and the joke was ready. 1 ha hnran rami) inoffinff ftlontf. and the driver left him standing within six feet of the man of straw. When ready lor business he made a lunge, and caught the "man" by the shoulder, mat norse meant wickedness, but he bad a surprise in .ini tnr him Aa he lifted the fisure off his feet and shook it, it fell apart, and his mouth, nose and eyes were filled with the Bmarting powder. Great tears rolled down his long nose, he sneezed, snorted and coughed, and he was just as chagrin ed et the general laugh at him as a man would cave Deen. no am not ceuoo waonino fnr half a riflv. hilt when he COt bo he could look the public square in the face, ne was a cnangea corse, auyuuuy can pull his esrs or rub his nose with impunity. In fact he courts caresses where he defied them, and on the ap proach of a stranger he will close his eves and mouth, as if fearing another dose Detroit Free Press. RELICS OF ABORIGINAL ART. The Curious Articles Disinterred by a Pennsylvania Farmer. George V. Morrow, a farmer of Mon rovia, Pa., was working In a stone quarry on his farm a few daya since. He had removed a large quantity of earth and stone and reached the surface of the rock to be quarried, when he came upon a large number of round stones, different from anv found in the neighborhood Thev were irom six to eight inches in diameter. Thev were laid so as to en close a reenlar oblona space six feet long and two wide. The space was filled with earth entirely unlike that sur roundina and covering the quarry. Mr, Morrow removed the earth, which was a foot deep. He found beneath it a ball of pure lead, weighing eight pounde; a number of curious y formed instruments and figures, made from the hardest sDecimens of rock, and hundreds of flint arrow beads, spear heads and axes. The relics filled a bushel basket. No human remains of any kind were found The singular deposit was four feet below the surface. HEROINE SAVES A CHILD AT THE SACRIFICE OF HER OWN LIFE. Gallipolis, O., Jan. 19 A broom boat known as the Golden Rule, owned by Charles Small, known all along the river as a former traveling salesman of Mc Hale Bros., and occupied by him aud hie familv both aa a dwelling and broom factory, took fire on Monday while lying beached opposite Gallipolis island, and was totally destroyed, together with the contents, consisting of 50 doz 'n brooms, a auantitv of broom corn and household furniture. Small was boiling some tar on a cooking stove when it boi'ed over and, catching fire, set fire to everything around, cutting a tne retreat oi Mrs. Small, who jumped through a window ot the ooat, aeserting an imam cniia. Mins R(rti Ynnnc visitinir there, rush ed into the very flames, and snatching the child jumped into the river with it in her arms, saving its life, bat burning herself so terribly that her flesh bung in shreds irom ine waist aown. one is alive, but her injuries are fatal. TERRIBLE TRAGEDY AT PELEE ISLAND, LAKE ERIE. Sandusky, 0 Jan. 17. Intelligence was received here to-night of an at tempted murder and suicide on Point-au Pelee Mand to-day. Henry Reinhei mer, while laboring under a fit of tem porary insanity, shot and. perhaps, fatal jv wounded Andrew Henderson, and then blew his own brains our. Kein heimer was aged 45, a single man, and formerly a resident of this city. Hen derson has a wife and four children. Reiuheimer went into Henderson's house to warm, and while Henderson's back was turned he drew a pistol and shot him through the head, and then shot himself. The parties are well known to the fishermen from Pitta burg, who spent their spring and fall va cations there. A Brahmin lady in Madras is not jesl oualy shut within doors, as is her Bister in Bengal, Northwest Provinces and the Punjab. She can take her walks abroad. and the consorts A the poorer Brahmins can busy themselves the live-long day in carrying water, buying the necessaries from the yayear and walking forth to enjoy the freshness ot the moroing and evening breeze. Bright and early the women begin their household duties and though the condition of their bouIs and thoughts of a hereafter do not appear to trouble them much tbey often pray in secret, especially if they are childless, When a woman is blessed with numer ous offspring and baa plenty to eat she thinks it would be ingratitude on her part to trouble the gods with requests and prayers, but when in trouble she pours out her supplications before the altar of her deity. A TORPEDO BLOWS THEM UP. Mt. Vernon, Jan. 19. A report reach es here, that on Monday night, three body snatchers, while attemping to rob a grave near Gann, this county, met with a fatal accident. The story goes, that while excavating the grave, the picks came in contact with a torpedo, which exolo'ea. killing one of the ghouls, named Dipper, and mangling the leg of another, whose name could not be learned. The third party was occupying as emh as a lookout, and after the acci dent succeeded in getting his disabled companion in the sleigh and driving off. $15,000 FIRE IN LYNN. Lynn, Mass.,Jan. 19. Early this morn ing, fire destroyed A. B. Martin's exten sive morocco manufactory. The build ing, over 400 feet in length, was burned to the ground. The factory gave em ployment to between 200 and 300 hands, Lancaster & Martin's factory was badly damaged, as were also the old Revere branch railway car sheds and engine house. Total losa will reach $150,000. The following cases have been dispos ed of in Court thus far this week : . Susan Bair va Emanuel 8 Young, set tied and costs paid. Mary E Burnett et al vs Henry awier, dismissed at plaintiff's costs. ' Sarah Baker va Charles Baker et al, divorce and alimony; dismissed at plain tiff's costs. Execution awarded. Dan'l S. Smith vs Mary Groffmiller, et al. Partition ordered. Hiram S Pecber vs Abraham H Clug- son. Bale connrmea ana ueeu urucrou, and order of distribution. Frederick Locker vs Frederick Regula et al; decree for plaintiff for $168,36 and coBts; 8 per cent, interest from first day of term and order to sell. James A Hackett va EmmaHolbyson; udgment by default for J450.S7 and costs. Application of Samuel Cove to vacate lots, etc , in McFadden's addition to the city of Massillon; dismissed at appli cant's costs. Leonard Bishop va A V Pontiua. Dis- miased by plaintiff at his costs. Mary A Cecil vs A J WUliard. ins- missed by plaintiff's costs. Application of Ferdinand weicnen- bach for change of name. Dismissed at plaintiff's costs. Nehemiah Neidig vsJfatriiJK Mcuuire. Dismissed at plaintiff's costs. Elizabeth Miller vs Samuel T Mc- Caudless. Settled at defendant's costs. Mary Allen vs Levite Allen. Dismiss ed at plaintiff's costs. Mary Westhaven vs Francos Pierson. Dismissed at plaintiffs costp. Charles S Beebout et ux vs Mary Wooster et al. Partition ordered by the oaths of Jacob Schmachtenberger, Cyrus Smith and George Wyant, Eliza A Wales vs Frank A Kracker et , Judsrmeut by default vs F A Krack er for $1305 and costs and order to sell mortgaged premises. Isadore Schwartz vs Orlando C Bau- serman et al. Partition ordered by the oaths of Frank Bryan, Wm. Nash and Alpheus Hamilton. Peter F Koontz va Jacob Koon'z et al. Partition and assignment of dower by oaths of AC Wales, Ira M Allen and George Shoemaker. David Nieswanger vsElyzabeth Hohn et al. Sale confirmed and deed ordered. Thb reprints of the four leading Quar- terly Reviews and Blackwood's Maga zine, which have been established in this country for nearly half a century, are regularly published by the Leonard Scott Publishing Co., 41 Barclay St., N. Y., as soon after the receipt of the sheets from abroad as the printers can do the work. The Leonard Scott Publishing Co., are the legitimate successors of the founders of this series, which from the outset up to the present time has been received with favor by the press and the public generally, on the ground of pre senting the best loreign periodicals in a convenieit form and at a reasonable price, without abridgment or alteration. Their edition of Blackwood's Maga zine is a fac-simile of the original. Tbia magazine ia still published by the de scendants of i he founder. The Reprints of the Reviews have a page slightly larger than that of the for eign copy; but the type and paper are clear and good, and the numbers can be handled without inconvenience, and make handsome volumes when bound. Indexes are given to each volume. For terms, see advertisement in this ... . iL paper. These publications are oi eBiao- lished reputation, and occupy the high est rank in English literature. In their day such men aa Lord Brougham, Lord Macaulay, Lord Lytton and other emi nentauthors were contributors. Writers of equal ability and power continue to write for these magazines. Whittakbb'b lacerated ears have cost the government already $4,000 and it is estimated tbia sum will grow to $10,600 by the time the court martial gets done. All this for a stupid, if norant negro boy, who cut his own ears to save himself from beirg expelled from West Point. Exchange. This thing of trying to establish race equality haB cost the people of the Uni ted States mar.y millions and much blood, and is not yet settled and dis posed of. "Let the priest say what be will, Nature will be nature still." Let the knaves say blusk Is wbltf; . Still they will not And It rliiht. Thk colored leading men from the Soutb, after their meeting in Cleveland the othfi day, went to Mentor to see the rising sun and salute him. Garfield gave them a nice talk; but "smooth words don't butter parsnips." They want of fice, a seat in the Cabinet, cV. . STATE AND NEIGHBORHOOD. Hancock county stands third In the State as re gards tbe number of bushels of wheat raited in 1880. The d'tohess of VInewood, of Youngstown Is dead. 8he was a 14,000 cow belonging to C H. Andrews. ' " A nine-year oM son of H. W. McDonald, of Bn- oyrus, was nearly killed a day or two ago by chewing the end of bis red scarf. Only about 17 days' work a month during tbe past two months bave made tbe Mahoning and Chenango valley miners dissatisfied. , Stevens, the delinquent Treasurer of Newark township, is missing, but telegraphed Monday from Columbus that he and the books would be on hand Tuesday. Mrs. Atbey, the fair murderess of Canal Dover, bnrned tbe lock from ber cell and escaped last week, but was subsequently found concealed in the bouse of a neighbor. ' Two real nice looking men asked Hiram Bums of Lima, for his autograph, and be granted their request. He is out about 1400. Two years ago tbe unwary Hiram was gulled out of $1,000. The sors and daughters of tbe late Oliver Roff, late of Jefferson , near Caldwell, were astounded ihe other day when their father's will was pro bati d to learn that be left the bulk of bis vasl estate to an illegitimate son of bis wife. Tbey will contest. State oil Inspector Bmithnlgbt's annual report shows the total receipts of his department during the past year to bave been $7,886, 72,8(2 barrels were Inspected in Cleveland, $28,069 at Steuben VlUe, 19,630 In Cincinnati, 18,742 in Marietta, 10, 220 In Bellalre' and less thai 5,000 at Toledo, Ak ron' Youngstown, and other cities. The antl-llqnor alliance at Columbus Fri day raised a fund of $1,000 to defray tbe expen ses of tbe local option movement, and adjourned sine die. F. W. Poltnn of Cleveland, member of tbe State Board of Equalization, resigned Friday, The Council of Cleveland have appointed his succi sor. N. Y P. & O. painter Waldman, of Gallon went too near red bot itOTe, and bU clothes saturated with otl, took fir, burning him badly. Solomon, William and Jacob Robinson, and Mra. David Workman, living at Danville, near ML Vernon, have fallen heirs to $8,500,000 now lying In the Bank oi England. The remains of a "stiff" said to have died from small-pox, were shipped to Columbus from Orr vlUe In a barrel, the other day. Tbe baggage car had to be cat off the train and disinfected Senator Flelsobuian failed to bring about a re consideration of the vote on Sullivan's pool bill, and says now that he will have a law passed per mitting pool-selling on race courses. Cleveland surveyors of GoulJ's new road, the Buffalo and Toledo, have reached Palnesvllle. The line will orosa tbe Grand river a little louth of tbe town. The people along tbe proposed line are enthusiastic Gen. E. Sullivan, a prominent young Tiffin lawyer. wa met at the train by a policeman Fri day, when he returned from Cleveland. Harri son Noble, his partner, clalmi that Gerald embei led300. . At Geneva a young man named Rollln Spring, In attempting to board a passing freight train was thrown under the wheels and Instantly killed, his neck being broken and both arms cruibed. He bad stated that he was going to Cleveland to look for work, and soma aald that he was Intoxicated. Youngstown, Ohio, Jan. 15 A disastrous Are broke out here this morning at 4 o'clock, in the Valley Mill. Thos. Davis, tbe foreman, was fa tally burned, and property to the amount of 110,- 005. The loss Is oovered by insurance. New Philadelphia, O., Jan. 16-The horrible discovery was made to day that the body of John L. Roll, who died at Gallon last week and was burled here last Monday, was stolen from the grave last night The coffin was smashed in with a rail and the grave was only partly rtnnea, Dcteotlves are on the clew ot the ghouls. The Jvry In the case of of the 8tate vs. Malcom McCook, charged with embezzling goods from the store of Taylor & Richardson, at Clyde, O , re turned a verdict of not guilty The grand jury of Cujahcga county hasfoi nd two Indictments against John P. O'Brien, editor and proprietor of the Cleveland Sunday Morning Times, for selling and publishing an Indecent and obscene newspaper. Sophia Fesst, a young woman, was found fro sen to death In a lonely woods near the County Infirmary, at Cofhooton, O. I Is the old story seduction, a life of shame, a rapid descent and a miserable death. George Bowers, the well known blacksmith of Mt. Pleasant, O., was arrested on the affidavit of Martha Hflrblnger, charging him with being the father of ber little one-year old girl, and the cause of her present interesting condition. F, Paine of Palnesvllle, who smelled powder in 1812, celebrated his 90th birthday. Licey, State representative from Medina, wants his favorite women's rights scheme submitted to a vote of tbe people tbe second Tuesday of next October. Sam'l Smart, a modern prodigal son of Circle vIUp, having squandere 1C 0C0 in riotous living, sulolded b; shooting Monday. A. Kllciow of Urbsna, fell on the Ice and broke his reck Monday, and Mrs. Zirtmanof Newark, had ber back broken In a runaway. The engineer at Ball's Are brick works at 8teu benvllle, Monday, surprised Ihe boiler with cold water with the usual result. Four men lrjured, Little Fred McGreen of Berlin, near Mt. Ver non, fell from a bay miw, smashing bis skull probably fatally J R. HowellH was crushed to death In Allen s coal mine Monday at Bridgeport. MARRIED. SPRING-POLAND-On tho 11th Inst, by Rev P Herbruck at the residence of the bride'spsrents, R Poland, Mr William I) Spring and Mlts Etta A foland, botn or canton. RTJBEN-KEIL-Oo the 12th Inst, by th same Mr John W Ruben and Miss Marr M V Kelt, botn or canton. DIED. HIPPEE At hpr residence on East Tusoarawss slreet. last Tuesday morning, of old age, Mil- Ann Hlppeo. widow ef George Hlppee, aged 84 years snrj lo days. Mrs. Htppee's mslden name was Shrlver. She was born In Adams county, Pennsylvania, Jana ary 8rd, 1797, and removed to Canton with ber married sister, Mrs. Susan Sweeny in October 1819. April 25. 1822 she was married to Mr. Geo. Blppee, who at that time worked at his trade that of a carpenter. Sometime after he engaged In the grocery business. Mr. Hlppee died Novem ber 7th, 1875. Mrs. Hlppee was one of the old resident of Canton, having lived bere over sixty- one yet rs, When she first came here Canton was but a straggling country village, and she had seen It grow to Its present proportions. During her long residence here she made many friends, who with her relatives, deeply mourn her loss. She leaves three sons. Rev. Louie Hlppee, George Hip pee and Warren Hlppee, the two latter of DeS Melnes, Iowa, and two daughters, Mrs. Pope, of Wooster, and Mrs. Rogers, of Lincoln, Nebraska. BOWMAN At Ihe residence of ber son In-law, Mr. Joseph Zimmerman on Norm cnerry street, last Hunday afternoon, aged 84 years. She was Interred from the St. Peter's Catholic cturcn Wednesday morning." OADTWELL At her residence on West Fifth street, Mrs, E. Cautwell, last Sunday morning. Her remains were taten to Beiiefontalne for burial, MYERS At the residence of his parents at the corner or walnut and jacson streetB, unarie E son of J. M, and Mary Mye s aged one year, 7 months, , BERCER- Mnndav mornlrg, an 11 months old sin ot Mr. and M.-s Jacob Berger. inneral sir vices weie hem at Ihe U. B. i lunch on Tuislay. Medical. I'M 'i f lV t, i i lH,t ft J 4V i ,h S I MOUNTAINEER Eighty eight yearn of ait, may be found dally at his otllce in Houth Howard street, Akron. Ohio, over Bpangler's Hat Htore, where he treats nil oh ronta dls efuteu with the Name success that has attended his large practice lor ths pant two years and a halt In Akron. Letters must enclose a stamp to Innure an answer, iteaa circular, jauw-am p J JvuW in i A to THE OLD Ditch Notice. ToER Royer, Ramuel Pontlns, Anna Pontius, Jetwe Hover, Abraham Henney. Houlila Benney, John FmiHe, Susan Konne; Wm Royer and Maria Hoyer, heirs ol Abraham Koyer decerned. Also Margaret Hrnusfl J H Hinltll. Havllla Knrrer. Kllut belli Hmlth, Karnh Ream. Cora Hinlth PheobeKmltn WOZ rhA. Amandft Hunt. Muarule Zerhe. Allen Zer. bft, Frank Zerb, Jacob Zerbe, Uertie Zerbe. heirs of joaenn nmuii. aeceaflt-a : You are hereby notified that a petition has been filed by mynoir and others, with the Townahtp Clerk of Lake township Mtark county, Ohio, praying for tbe locating and establishing of a ditch, drain or watercourse, commencing al a point at the east line oi ine parlor ne noruieanc quarter, in seciion township 12, range 8, running aouthwmt through UMI K VI Vlir IIUILIirM, IJIJIMItTr. nwiiuu tli HirUITBBUUWI ihroiiKh part ot the northeast part of number 7 of quaruir section 'u ineneefiouineaat ioi lowing meoia channel, and terminating at a point of part of north half ol norlheant quarter section 34, to Intersect ditch DUHioer a in nam uiwiismp. Ann mat inename is now penning nerore ma ims tem of said towimhlp, and in he beard, aod thel tiroceeilliiK thereunder completed on the 4ih day ol i enruary, ism, at o'clock a. m. at petitioner' Given at niv office this nth day of Innuary 1811 w 11.1,1 Am hh.vkiIIjKY, I'euuuiier, 11 onei O, W. SMITH, Clerk or Lake Township, Jan20d ffiunjbfrj it Co., & GUNZBERG & CO, -THE- ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS! CANTON, Those In need of Clothing for the THE HOLIDAYS Will serve their Interests best by calling at the CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT Goods and prices to suit everybody, Overcoats Ulsters, Ulsterettes for Men, Youths,. Bovs i and Children, must be Closed out within Fifteen Days. i Fine fitting units, CtiBtom-made, will be sold very low. The Largest Stock of Bovb Clotbinp in the city to select from at lew figures. Call and Convince Yourself. . Griniztoerg fc Co. On Price Clothiers, Ho. 2 c& 4 Pablio Square. ffirtt $r(tt htlUiB. OHIO. Ditch Notice. Insu ance. STATEOF OHIO. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. COLUMBUS, JANUARY 6th, 1881. Whrrmi, The PHCENlX Insurance Company, located at Hartlord, in the Slate of Connecticut, ban nletl In this otitic sworn iaienieut,uy iuv proper officers thereof, allowing Its condition and bualneBS, and has compiled In all respects with the law of this Biate relating to Fire Insurance Companies incorpo- ratea ny other mates or uie uniwu annua. Aoio, Thtrejorr,, In pursuance of law, I, Joairrt F Wbiuht, Superintendent of Insurance of the utate thorizul tu trkniw-1 111 approi'l-Un- Imsiu-as o KI'KK.ti--4URAK(.'R, in ibis siBie. in accordance with law. during ilierai- rem year. Theraimlillon ami biwmcsa oi sain ixim naiiy at the date oi sui-h tuteineiu tUeeomber aiBt 1880,) is shown aa follows : . Aggregate amount of available Assets 13,082,168 02 Aggregate amount of Liabilities, (except capital), inciuuiug ro-iuau,o.iuo.,. . ..(. S2.1S1.J74 42 Amount of acTuaT paid up Capital 1.000,00000 Surplus 1.I8S,274 Amount of Income for the year in cash I,M1,252 3D Amount of Expenditures for the year in casn I,,.-. In Wilwu Wlwrtaf, 1 have hereunto BKALI Bunscrinea my name, wiu the Seal ol my otlice to be affixed tbe day and year above written. JOSEPH F. WEIGHT, Superintendent of Insurance. JNO. I. LYNCH, Agt., Canton, O. JNO. I. LYNCH, Agt., Canton, O. STATE OF OHIO. INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. COLUMBUS, OCT 27, 1880. Thannarriinn Fire and Life Assurance Company 'lecated at London England, in the Unl lea Klngnora oi wren, n.,i. -.--.., elgn Fire Insurance Company. Is possessed ot at leant the amount of a tual capital required of Blmilar companies formed under the provisions ot the Act entitled 'An Act to regulate Insjiranc e I 'ompanles doing an iDsuranw Business In the state of Ohio, passed April 27, 1872, and the Acts amendatory there oi and supplementary thereto, and bag d epos led with the Superintendent of Insurance of the mate of Ohio. In trust for the benefit and security of Its policy homers reaming id uib r,ri" not less than one hundred thousand dollars In stocks and securities required and allowed by said acta.and baa filed In this office a certified copy of its Charter or Deed of Settlement, and a detailed Statement or Its assets and liabilities, and evidences ol Invest ments, and otherwise complied wttb all the requisi tions ( f the Bald acts which are applicable to Foreign Fire Insurance Companies partnerships ana Asso ciations. v-o,,, ThM.A In niirauance of law, L JottHPH F. Wright, Superintendent of Insurance of the State of Ohio, do hereby certify that said Company Is autnorisea 10 tranaaci i kijiuh" uuo.. . FIRB INSURANCE In tbia State, lnaccot iance with law, during the cur rent year. The condition and business of the Uni ted States or American Branch, December 81st, 1878, Is shown by statement as follows : A to anint nf airallnhlA fiMetA lU the United States .............861,973 48 AgKregate amount of Liabilities In tbe Unl- ted States. Including re-Insurance 144,011 18 Amount of Income for the preceding year In caHh in the unit a isiaies Amount of Expenditures for the preceding year in cash in tne uniiea bwhbb .v,. m ll''ii. I have hereunto ,,.., hiius(,ri!iei niv :mme. ail'l mused IN&.AI. in, Si-ui oi ...y oilU'e lo lie ullixert .the .iuv and yenr .tlxiv written. JOSEPH F. WRIGHT, Superintendent of Insurance. A, G. DART, Alt., Canton, Ho. Ordinances An Ordinance To Repeal two ordinances of the City of Canton, Ohio, heretofore passeb and entitled as follows: The one entitled "An Ordinance to regulate the speed of Locomotives and Cars of tbe Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway Co.," passed March 19, 1866, and the other entitled "An Or dlnanoe to regulate the speed of the Locomo lives and Cars of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chleago Railway Company, Ihe Valley Railway Company, anl the Oounntton Valley Railway Company, In the city of Canton Ohio,' passed August 16th, 1880, Ruction 1. Be It ordained by the City Council, ol the city of Canion; That an ordinance heretofore paaaed by the Cliy Council of the city of Can-on, en titled "An Ordinance to regulate the peed ol loco motives and cars of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne aud Chicago Railway Co. " passed March 10, 1800, and al so an ordinance entitled ' An ordinance to regulate the speed of the locomotives and curs of the Pitts burgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railway Company, the Valley Railway Company ana the Conuotioo Vnilev Hallway Comnany. In the city of Canton. Ohio," passed August isih, 181)0, be and the same are hereby repealed. Skc. 2. That this ordinance he in force and take effect from and alter II passage and legal publica tion, rasseu Jan, 17, issi. , K. H. SHitsivDH, rresiaent. Attest E. M. GRIMES, Clerk. Attest E. M. GRIMES, Clerk. Legal LEGAL NOTICE. Enos H. Broslua, Lake Erie, Alli ance Wheeling R. R. CO., et al. In the Common Fleas Court of 8tark;couuty, Ohio. David Jones and all other persons holding bonds o said Railroad Company not yet presented to the referee (the true oumefl of said persons and their places of renldence belnk unknown) will take notice that on November 30, IKaO, the defendant Clinton B. Flak, trustee, tiled a supplemental cross petlllon In said action aKalnst them and all oiher defendants In said action setting lorth that the Indebtedness ot said railroad company, on Ihe day Its property was sold, on Its bonds and counoiis. was 1338 710.85; that there was paid on right ol war claims and other prior liens I17.0M.64, leaving 118,239.46 to apply on; said bonded Indebtedness; that bonds and coupons amounting to 33,93i.tt8 have been presented aud I6, 162.61 paid on them, leaving II .076.8 In reserve for bonds that may be presented In doe time. That there are no more of said company's bonds and coupons that were a Hen on Its property or en title i to share In said fund and that the balance o said fund should be dlsti touted amongst the bond and coupons already presented. Th ttlie persons above described claim to hold some of aald bonds and coupons and to be i ntltled to share in said fund, and praying that said persons be madedefennanui and required; to answer setting up their claims: That the court will determine the validity Iherenl aud what dividends they may be en titled I o and that any halaueeof said reserve fund divided pro rata amongst bonds and coupons that have already, or shall by answer day, be pre sented, said parties must answer said supplemental cross petlilou belore March 21, lsni. CLINTON B.FIHK, Trustee. By Lynch, Day &. Lynch, bis Attorneys, Jan20-pw. Yourselves by making money when a KOlden chance Is oflered, thereby al ways keening poverty from your door Those who always take advantage ot me gooa cnances ror making money that are offered, generally become wealthy, while those who do not Improvs such ohances remain In poverty. We want many men, women, boys and girls lo work for us right In their owu localities. The witness will pay more than ten times ordinary wages. We furnish an expensive oulllt and all that you need, free. No one who engajte lulln to make money very rBplilly. You can devote your whole tliimlo the work, or only your spare moments. Full Information and all that Is iii-iIhI Heut tree. Ad dress Stinsom di Co., Portland, Maine,, New Advertisements JOHN I. LYNCH'S Real Estate and Insurance Agency S.1.200-A bouse and lot on North Plum street, House containing five rooms and buttery: corner Ioi 50X200 easy payments. SS.UOO-House and Lot on West side of South Market-, North of the Railroad-Terms X cash, bal ance In two payments-a bargain 1,350-House and Lot oc South Cherry street, bei ail road, house with Ave rooms, lot cornering on allev 60x200; three years time II .000-A fine, new, two siory frame, 6 rooms, bullry, bath room, linlshe In good slyle; situated on South Market below railroad Btreet cars will Dais Ihe door cheap, one third cash. 'i.!iOO-A tine eight room house and all neces sary out-buildings Including stable, on South Mar ket street a flhe home, long time. l:l,500-A line residence on Lawrence Avenue, oontalningnlne rooms, good out buildings, barn, fruit In abundance-1 acre ground, payments easy. lUO A nice i;tile home on North Plum street, hoiwe with Ave rooms-W cash, balance In 8 years. S700-A desirable building lot on Eatt Tusca rawas treer. 15.500 A very fine residence on East Tuscarawas street; llh ral terms, cheap. ,.. . . 0il,IOO-Houseand lot on South Liberty street, six rooms corner lot ; reasonable termB. '2,000-A lineresidenceonS uth Market; a well finished house with 9 rooms and buttery; five years "il'IoO-A six room house on East Fourth street, blln'ds; hall, buttery, out-kltclien. stable, large and small fruit, oorgerlot; 60x200 facing two streets, a b IKSOO-Houseand lot on -onth Poplar, six rooms staole aud In good repair, central to shops and city "viOO-Forty Eight acres of Improved land three miie irom city. . . . . II SO Building lots from (!00 to 3.000. W5-A New 4 drawer Weed Sewing Machine- Bel all Price IMOii, Canton, Jan. JJ, ui ly New Advertisements Legal SHEKIFF SALE. Nicholas Heldet et aCvs'.Jolin Heldet et al. By virtue of an'order to sell Issued from the court of common pleas, of Stark county, Ohio, ana to me directed, I will oiler ror sale at puouc ouicry on ui premises In Marlboro township In Bald county, on Monday, the Wh day of February, 1881, the following described real estate situate In said, county to-wlt: Being parts of the northwest quar ter or section 26, and be northeast quarter of section 26, In township W, ot range 7, beginning at the northwest corner of said section 25; thence south 870 east 15 8-100 chains to a pout In the section line, thence south 2 50' west and parallel to the west line of section 26, 39 88 100 chains tea post in the quar ter line, thence north 877' west w th the south line of aald quarter 22 03-100 chains to a po t, thence north 20 60' east and parallel to the east line or section 26, 14 78-100 chains, thence north 80O west, along thepub 1 c road 12 34 100 halns to a post, thence north 2 SO', east 17 40 100 chains to a post, thence north 870 w est 83100 chains to a post, thence north 2 50' east 8 31-100 chains to a post in the section line, thence witb the section line south 870 east 20 chains to the placeof beginning, and containing 118 28 100 acres, subject to the dower of Katherlne Heldet, to-wlt: A partof the northwest quarter of Hfiotlotl 25, in town ship '.0 , of range 7, and beginning for the name at a post In the west line or said quarter 8 US chains south from the northwest corner of said section 25, thence with tbe section line south 2 50' west 23.2 chains to a post, thence soutb 87 east and parallel with the north line of the section 16.03 chains to a post, thence north H 50' east, 23.29 chains to a post, thence north 87 west 16.03 chains, to the place of be ginning and containing 35 acres, Appraised at 17,670, Sale to commence at two o'clock p m. Terms one third cash, the balance in two equal annual pay ments with Interest from day of sale, secured by mortgage on the premises. H ALTEKRU8E, Sheriff. SHERIFF SALE. M O Huntington et al vs Lewis V Bockius et af. . By virtue of an order to sell Issued from the court of common pleas, of Stark county, Ohio, and to me directed I will oiler for sale at public outcry at the door of the court house, in the city of Canton.on, i Saturday, the 12th day of February, 1881, the following described real estate situate In said saldcouutv to-wlt: Lot number one hundred and eighty nine (1811) and the north half of lot number one hundred and eighty-eight (1k) n the city of Canton Also all that part of out lot number thirty (30) In said city of Canion, lying north ol the P Ft W AC Railway except 71 leet front by 198 teet deep heretofore sold and conveyed by John C Bockius to Charles Blecliele, and 97 leet front by 198 leet deep, heretofore sold by John C Bockius to Albert Ksnel man, off the north part of said out lot. Alao xcept a Btrip of laud about feet wide off the south part of said out lot heretolore deeded by John O Bockfus's. administrators to John Oerber. Also except a strip off the east part of said out lot heretofore conveyed by John U Bockius to the Canton (Jus Light and Coke Company, leaviug a balance of about one aud one fourth acres in said out tot Also out lot No. thirty four (31) In said cliy of Canton, as described on the new map of said city, containing about three acres of . land. Also about 12 by 20 feet oil the east part of lot number two (2) In Railensberger's addition to said city. Lot 189 and the north half of lot 188 appraised at 3,000. Part Of lot 80 appraised at $4,000. . Out lot 34 appraised at S4.8IHI. Part ol lot i appraised al 30. Sale to commence at 1 o clock p.- m. Terms, one- tnira caan. tne naiance in two equal annual pay menis, wun wieresi rrom aay oi sate, sscun by morigage on tne premises, Jull-ew ' ' H. ALTER RUSK, Sheriff. . , SHERIFF SALE. Nicholas Heldet et al vs John Heldet et al, By virtue of an order to sell Issued from the court of common pleas of Stark County, O., and to me directed, I will offer for sale at public outcry on the premises in Marlboro township In said county, on Monday the 14th day of February, 1881. the following described real estate situate in said county to-wit: Apartoftheeait ball of Ihe uorthwest quarter of section 36 in township 20 of range 7, begin ning at the northeast corner ol said quarter, thence south with the quarter line 24 86 chains to a stone: thence went and parallel with the south line of said quarter 19 66-100 chains to a stone In the west llneof said hall quarter; thence north witb said half quarter line 24 81 100 chains to a stone In the north line of the quarter; thence east 10.87 chains to ihe place of bo glnnlng. containing 49 34-100 acres, being the 1st, 2d and 4th tracts described In the petition In this action, 2d the south half of ths east halfol the south half ot the south west quarter of section 26, township 28, range 7, being the 3d tratt described in the peti tion. Appraised at 12800. Sale to commence at II o'clock a. m. Terms, One third casta, the balance In two equal annual payments with Interest from day of sole secured by mortgage on the premises. H. ALTEKRUSE. Sheriff. SHERIFF 8ALK " ' Abraham Wehr vs George Ahr et aL By virtus of a vendl exponas Issued from the court of common pleas of Stark county, Ohio, and to me directed. I will oner for sale at publlo outory, at the door of the court house In the oliy of Canton, on Saturday, the 22d day ot January, 1881, the following described real estate situate In said county to-wlt: A certain lot of land In the township of Perry, and known as one acre of land situate In the northwest corner of a six ai re tract known as lot 47 which lot Is the same as purchased or Thebold by Sonhalter aud sold by said Bonhalter to Ueorge Ahr. Appraised at (1000. Sals to connionce at one o'clock: p. m Terms cash. i , dec23-ew H, ALTEKRUSE, BlierIB