Newspaper Page Text
w i , ., , ' " """"" " f ""I ) VOJL 60. NO 6. CANTON, OHIO, THURSDAY, J UNA 2. t93. $1.00 PER YEAR. Its. i SPECTATORS GO WILD. Great Joy Over the Acquittal of Lizzie Borden. HO ATTEMPT TO STOP THE 1T0ISE. TU Sheriff's Eyes l'lllcd Witt Tears, "Whllo Iho ftntrly Judges Staled nt t!(0 lUro Wnlls Tlio Defendant llrcftlti ' Down Over tlio Strain. New Bedmhid, Mass., Juno 31. Tho 'closing scones in tlio trial of Lizzio 33or den, whon tho verdict of 'Not guilty" was announced by Uio foronmn of tho jury, wns in dircot contrast with thoso which had preceded it. llorotoforo nil hud been decorous and in koopittg with tho dignity of tho most dignlllod court in tho country, hut when tlio vtrdiet of 'Not guilty" waa returned a cheer wont MISS LIZZIK BORDEN. tup which might hnvo boen heard half a " mile away through tlve opon windows, tond thoro was uo attempt mado ta check it. Tho stately judges looked straight ahead at tho baro walls. Sboriff Wright was powerless to wield tho gnvol which 'liesTeady for his use, and not Oiico dur ing tho tromendous excitement, which lastod fully n minute, 'did ho mako the slightest sign of having hoard it. He never saw tho people rising in their scats and waving their liandkorchiofs in uni son with their voices, bcoauso his oyes wore full of toars and wore completely blinded for the timo. Miss Bordon's head wont down upon tho rajl in front of her, and tenrs camo where thoy had refused to como for many a long day as sho linn..! Mm awnnf. ' Jf-- . Xy aufr. ttrrtrla nvnr poured into hor willing oars tlio words "not guilty." Mr. Jennings was al most crying and his voico broke i VZWr t?,vrJxf?i3 a3 '10 Puc ma hand to Mr. Adams, who sat nnfr tn him nnil a.j. MEDmr. g(lid. ..Tnn)UC God," whilo Mr. Adams roturned tho pressure of tho hand and seemed incapa ble of speech. Governor Robinson turned to tho rapilly dissolving jury as thoy filed out of tlioir seats and gloamed on thorn with a fatherly interest in his kindly oyes, and stood upas Mr. Knowl ton and Mr. Moody camo over to shako hands with tho counsol for tlio dofenco. As 60on as possible tho room was cleared. When tho spectators had finanlly gono Mis Borden was taken to tho room of tho justices and allowod to recover hor composure with only the oyes of . friends upon, her, and tho caresses of do-' voted admirers. At tho oxpira tion of an hour ,sho was placed 1 in a carnogotA anddrivontotho Sgz, station wnorojj sho took a ttaiii' lor run xviver, vi, her homo n'o ,longer probably, Mns- bordew. . but still tho only objoctivo point for tho immodiato iiresont. Aftor tho verdict had been received tho District Attornoy moved that tho other cases against Miss Borden be nolle prossod, and tho ordor of tho court was to that effect. A Kutlonal GunrlnmnJn Trnulilo. HAnmsBuna, Juno 21. Captain John D. Badger, lato commander of company F, Third regimont, national guard, and his bondsmon, John A. Boylo and Qeorgo Egolf, will -have to answorinn civil procoodings brought by tho at torney general. It is claimed that Captain Badger, who is now a f osidont of Pittsburgh, collected tho $500 stato ap propriation for his company in 1890, and dlvorted it to porsonal U60, refusing to account for it to tho company or to th state. Tho spit is to rocovor the monoy, A lrurmor' Iim.iuo Act. Younobtown, O,, Juno 10. Samuel It, Itobin6on, a well-known farmer, aged tfC. residing pi North Lima, attempted fluicido by using a penknifo ou liis throat, but was saved by surgoons. Ho Was adjudgod insano and takon to an jsylum, A rrolilliltlonilt Ticket. JIt, Gilead, O., Jnho If), Tlio Mor rovf county Prohibitionists nominated tlio following ticket; Probato indgo, Robort Boattyi clerk, James P, Vail; re corder, Georgo Osborno; commissioner, Solomon Soil; infirmary director, J. M. Denman. Struok by Lightning, Steubenvillk, O., Juno 10. Richard Waugh, a 10-year-old boy, died in Yvolla township, this county, of injuries re solved whon ho was Btruck btf lightning whilo working in tho com field. Joining Xot KatliUed. Scranton, Pa., Juno 10. In tho colo bratod case of John T. Jennings against tho Lohigh Valloy company tho jury ound In favor of Jennings in tho sum of $3.CP0, Jennings is not satisfied and Mya that ho willinovo for a now trial, TJie Orulier New, )fork AcefepUd. WAkamoTO, Juno VHW'adlag Srtary of tlio navyjhaa accepted tho sow ember Now York, As a result of her fHece&ful trial By this action, the tmilder of tho nam will wesiv lxt 700.000, ... AjS1v,K dpy&l. mvMFW , wr' wmMsM&Z8 mmmm? 'WSff' HELD THEM AT BAY. A Robber's Dcupernte Keslstnnro Agalnrt Cnptura Near Natrona, Natiiona, Pa. Juno 20. Shotguns, Winchester riflci and lovolvers, held and atmod by about 100 men, compollod wounded and bloeding W. P. Dysort, a burglar of Philadelphia, to surrender at Cheswick, 14 mlloi from hero. For 10 hours Dysort dofled tho crowd to tako lilin, and only when CO determined men burst opon tho door, of the room ho was in, and of urpoworod him, did ho show aigns of woakcuiug. Dysort, who claims to bo a clork in tho Pennsylvania railroad general oflico in Philndolphla, gained an intranco to tho homo of Christian Mardorf , of Ches wick, unil whon discovered refused to surrendor. Tlio robber barrjendod him solf in a room in tho houso, and whon Constablo Schoop, of Springdalo, tried to offect an ontranuo to arrost tho des perado ho war fired upon. DXsert kept a sharp lookout and promptly firod nt all men who dama noar the Iiouro. A bullet from a repeating rillo nearly toro out the righl; oyo of tho thief. A load of shot from n gun disabled his left arm whilo ho was attempting to escape by means of a ropo mado of bodcloth ing. In this way tlio siego was kept up until tho dtBpornto robber was captured and jailed,. Killed by a rrrlcht Agent. MAtiTiNSDURG, W. Va., Juno 20. A little 0-year-old son of Mr. Henry Bo gort, of this city, was struck and" in stantly killed by a freight engine nt Kearnoysville, eight miles cast of this Elaco. Tho mother with hor two sons adjust allghtod from tho eastbonnd passenger train. Tho child ran ovor the tracks, and sooing tho engino coming between him and his mother nttomntod to rocross, when tho awful tragedy took placo boforo tho mother's oyes. Tho lad being oat of her reach, she was un ablo to rescue him, Troops Guardeil tlio Men. Toxawanda, N. Y., Juno 20. Nino barges havo boon unloaded at tho docks. Troops guarded tho men and no troublo has occurred. Ono hundred and thirty laborers wore brought from Buf falo. Tho citizens gonorally side with tho men in tho demand that their union bo recognized. Tho troublo is demoral izing tho -industries hero. Proctor Knott Won't Accept. Louisville, Juno 20. Ex-Governor J. Proctor Knott has declinod tho Ha waiian mlflsion, which was tendered him a few days ago by President Clovolnnd. Ho would havo to sacrifice a largo and lucrativolaw practice to accept tlio post, and this is given as a reason for tho do clinaticn. A You lie l4iwyer Sulvldcs. Moktiieai,, Juno 20. Louis Provost, a well-known young lawyer of thjs city, and a son of tho Hon. Wilfred Provost, committed suicide by shooting himsolf through tho head in his rooms in a fashionablo boardiiighousa hero. No causo can be nSsigilou for tho act. A. Bridge Jumper Arrested. New York, Juno 20. John Hagorty, 21 Chrystio street, aged 03, jumped from tho Brooklyn bridge. IIo was rescued from tho water and place? under arrest. uoinie Iiuuy rtT.o. Niaqaha Falls, N. Y., Juno Sflu--Tho body of ilenry E. Holmes, tho missing treasurer of the Pittsburg Fuel com pany, has boon found in tho river abovo tho falls. It had probably floated over to tho Canadian sido. On Juno 0 Holmes wroto from this placo to his relatives that ho was going to commit suicide. Frionds camo hero at ouco, and sqemed to bo in doubt ua to whether ho had carried out his intention. Holmos was about C3 years of agoand leaves a widow and two chilLUcu. An 31. V. In Trouble. London, Juno 20. A young girl em ployed as a servant in a boarding houso In Pimlico, a section of London, ap plied to a police magistrate for a sum mons against Mr. John Doasy, a mem ber of tho house of commons, who is a lodger in tho houso in which tho girl is employed. Tho girl told of tho circum stances that led hor to apply for a sum mons, and after listening to fior story, tho magistrate granted a summons against Mr. Dcasy for common assault. aiiohlcitn Convicts Kuctipe. Jacjcson, Mich., Juno 20. Jnmos Jiforrison and William Hcnsou, short ojrin convicts, 'escaped from tho prison by scaling tho walls. They woro em ployed about tho engino room of the olootrlo light Tkmt. At tho time of tlioir escape no guards woro on tho wall. They woro not missod, until three hours after their escape. PITH OF THE NEWS. Ex-Governor Rodman M. Prico, of New Jersey, says hUi arrest for contempt of court was a trumped up allair. At Minneapolis, Kan., the cannon used in makln- rnlu-maklug oxiiprIucnts ex ploded, kllli. one man and lujuiing two others. Victor Gareso, o Now Brunswick, N. J., fatally shot I'etor HUI ami In a drunken struggle with his victim's brother shot himself. Tho Topo County bank, of Palnesvillo, O,, which was forced to suspend last week, was solvent. Its assets art) $150,000; lia bilities, $350,000. Secretary Carllslo, It is said, has a largo batch of appointments, complete after consultation with tho president, which Will bo announced this week. Tho investigators of tho 'affairs of tho First National Unuk of Arkansas City, it was announced, furnished asguraueo that the depositors will be paid in full. Newark, N. J., has a mad dog scara very much llko that of six years ago and slnco Cho warm weather has sot luUl vicious dogs havo boon shot by the police. Ex-Govornojr George Pcabody Wctmora broko his arm and had his shoulder dislo cated by jumping from a carriage on Bell evuo avouue, Newport, whilo tho horsos were running away. A woman giving tho name of Bora B. nampton ami claiming to bo a nloco of ox-Governor Wailu Hampton, of South Carolina, Is in tho hands of Trenton (N. J.) police on a charge of graud larceny, Tho board of health of tho vlllngo of Flushing, h. I., have railed objections to tbocondUlou of'Pr." Philip 3. Rolnbo's establishments, vheroB2 jfatlonts aro being treated-, for consumption with "milk aud rcsh, air." Llt'tlo Dertlo Wagner, a soii of Louis Wagner1, a farmer living near Freehold, N. J., was Killed by George Wood, so the people believe, in rovongefor having been discharged by Mr, Wagner. Wood was a chore boy, ... CHARGED WITH GUILT. A Verdict Over the Ford's Thrcater Inquest. 00L. AINSWORTH TO BE AltREBTED. Commitment Are Alw Out Tor tlio Ar rest of Cuntrnctor Knnt, Superintendent Covert nnd Knglnrer G;nc Tho Charge Mndo Is Criminal Negligence. Washington, Juno 20. Tlio coroner today issued warrants for tho commit ment of Colonel F. O. Ainsworth, Con tractor Goorgo W. Dant, Suporintendont Covert and Enginoor Gnuso, held by tho coroner's jury rosponsiblo for tho deaths of tlio victims of tlio Ford's thoater dis aster. Tho chargo is criminal negli gence Tlio jury woro out nearly two hours. Tho verdict recites tho death of Freder ick B. Lof tus upon whoso body tho in audt was held from wounds by him ro ceivod on his body and head by reason of tho falling of a portion of tho floors of tho first, second and third story of tho building known as Ford's thoater building then used by tho United States Sovornmcnt for tho record and pension ivision of tho War department, and while said building was so occupied tho collar thorcof was being excavatod and enlarged by ono Georgo W. Dant for tho purposo of accommodating an electric limit plant for uso in said build ing. Tho finding further refers to tho absonce of shoring or other means to protect tho building during the process tho piers fell causing the fall of tho floors and tho consequent crashing and killing. Tho jury further find that Frederick O. Ainsworth was tlio officer in chargo of said building and tho said clerks, and that William G. Covert was superin tendent of said building, and that Francis Sasso was tho mechanicarengi ncer and fireman of said building nnd tlio latter, although not an architect or civil engineer, prepared tho plans and specifications for the onlargement of said collar, and that said Ainsworth, Sasso and Covert, and each of them, know, or ought to havo known, that tho said Dant waa engaged in excavating said cellar and underpinning said piers, and that ho had not secured the columns and beams of said building or taken any othor precaution to prevent tho fall thereof or of said floors, nor did thoy tho said Ainsworth. Gasse. Covert or either of them, tako any precaution to prevent the fail of said floors while tlio said Dant was engaged in underpinning said pliers or columns so as to protect tho said clerks from loss of life or limb by reason thereof, but tho said Frederick O. Ainsworth, William G. Covert. Francis Gasse, Qeorge W. Dant woro, nnd each of them was, guilty of crimi nal negligence in respect to the said ex cavation and enlargement of said cellar and tho underpinning of said piers and aro responsible for tho killing of said Frederick B. Loftus. Tho jurors further say that tho failnro of tho government to provide for skilled superintendence of tlio work of repair ing its buildings in charge of tho war dopartniont is unbusinesslike andrcpro hensible. They bellovo such superin tendence might havo averted tlio thoa ter catastrophe. An oppressive silonco followed tho reading of tlio verdict nf tor which tho assflhihl ago filed out quietly. ThePope Hacks tolll. 0 London, Juno 20. A dispatch from Romo states that tho pope, in conversa tion with a nuinber of church dignita ries, freoly expressed his approval of tho attitude Of Mgr. Satolll, the papal ablegate to tho United States, on tho scholastic question in America. Tho popo declared that tho lottors ho sont to Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop Ireland and tho othor American nrchbishops, only explain tho flcholastio noHcy nnd gtato that his holiness desires its contin uance. May Call Out tlio MJlltla. Denver, Juno 20. Govornor "Wnito has appojnted Jackson Orr and A. J. Rogors members of tho firo and polico board of thiB city, vico C. D. Stono and A. O. Phelps, removed. The now offi cers will likely havo difficulty in taking their seats, as the old officers positively refuso to vacate and havo at tliiur back tho chief of polioo and many of his men. If resistence should bo carried to any oxtont tho govornor will call ouf tho national guard. "" "Wa I'ouudeO to Dentil. Dayton,, 0 Juno 20. Tlio mystery Burrounding the death nt tho insano asylum hero, of Georgo Smith, an lin dane patient from Easton, yot romains unsolved. Dr. Collins, noting superin tendent of tho asylum, is assisting Cor onor Hahno in tho matter nnd no stouo will bo loft unturned in getting at tho facts. Tho attendants in chargo of tho ward in which Smith was confined con tinuo to insist that Smith was tho vic tim of tlio maniacal fury of a compan ion lunatic. Tho autopsy hold on tho remains at Easton show that Smith was literally pounded to death. Sho Wanted Her Hurry. Coiatmiius. O., Juno 20. A woman's voico screaming,"Hnrryl OMyHarryl" attracted Patrolman Riloy to a room nt 173 North High stroot. Ho found that tho vgico waa that of Maggio All wine, a woman of ill-famo. Sho had taken laudanum with suicidal intent. Tlio "Harry" sho wns calling was Harry Humphries, a ell-known railroad clor.V. Sho had quarreled with him and aa a ro suit resolved to end hor life. Pojlco Sur geon Taylor had great difficulty in sav ing her. Barrett Was a Forger. Spmnofield, 0 Juno 20. Harry Barrett, the young married man of La gonda who mysteriously disappeared last weok, is wanted for forgory, Tho last thing ho did before loaving was to pass a foigcd check ou tlio Mad RiVor National bank for $28.00. Tho chock was forged on Aunt Adolino Barrott of Dolly Vardcn and was drawn on tho bank of South Charleston. His wife is left without funds and Ib soon to bocomo a mbtlior. Barrott is thought to bo in Chicoao taklnir in tho World's, fair, IloUbrys Foild a Third Time. 0AHDIN&tn, 0, Juno 20.TAtHir(l at tempt was iriado to enter tho .hardware store of Ruhlman,'& Millon The rob bers' woro senrod away by twp stable boys who wore sleeping iaa-barpjin tin ronr ut. uw eiyrn, dio i k -i HKtS. tato Keportl R ' the llarly Informa tion Wi Jtn(:;tirntrd. Dur.rni, Minn., J . SO. Tlio first accurate news of the i1 In tho Mesabn rnugo is available. 1 up flrt stories re garding Mountain JIi :i aud Biwnkik woro untruo. At Biawlk only a fow detached b'tildingd Wf ro burned and at Mountain Iron only Mx buildings. At Virginia tho situation i ns borious as re ported. Tho ontiro business poition of tho town is destroyed About iJO houses aro standing and it 10 wcro burned. Morritt is nearly viped out, only 10 buildings now mumming in tho town. Tlio situation of tin nfferers at Vir ginia Is particularly unfortunate. Most of them aro without shf-lty' nnd cloth inir is senrco and food, drstnto tho sun- plies that havo been Mnt from Dulutii, is still scanty. On tho wholo rnngo about 11,500 peoplo ar for tlio timo bo ing entirely dependent un charity. Be tween $J5.00o and ?0,0no has been sub scribed for tho work of relief and cloth ing and provisions is ramlntr in on overyhand. Tho total loss is estimated at $1,1500,000. The iniuranco as nearly aa it can bo estimated is about $300,000. A special from AFplnnd, Wis., says: Lato reports from Inm Iliver report tho losses much lighter than at first re ported. Tho town is burrounded by n wall of flames, but n large force of men, including help from thn Ashland firo de partment, aro bravely fighting tho Homes. John Meagher was suffocated and died whilo fighting firo at his homo stead near Moquah. Tlio bridgo on tho Wisconsin Central at Minersvillo near Highbridgo is burned. Ewon, Mich., was also swopt by firo and another bridgo burned ro that trains havo to bo transferred. At White River over 1,000 acres of standing pino are nblazo mak ing a regular boa of flames. The loss nt Iron River is alout flO.OOO. Tho firo near Washburn is approaching rnpidly and help has been owed for. Tho great mass of green Norwav timber seems to burn llko straw and ilio total losses will run Well up in tho millions. The Viking' 8 Criw Arretted. New York, Juno 0. Captain Mag nus Anderson of the Norse vessel, tho Viking, and fivo of 'lis crow woro sub jected to what looks hko a high-handod outrage by tho Brot klyn polico forco. All were locked up in filthy cells on charges of drunkenness. They woro hold in $200 bail each for a week. Two of tho Norsomen wore ovcrcomo in their cells by tho hour and foul air, nnd woro carriod out app irentlj lifeless. On their way homo frnn a dinner, thoy woro attacked by a lot of drunkon Scandinavians. Tho Kiiltcr Will !'n III mil. Berlin, Juno 20.- Heir Liebknccht, tho well-known Socii 1 Democrat leader, in an interview, expi i"-sed tho opinion that tho governmont would get a ma jority of tho memboi . of tho reichstng to vote for tho army bill by effecting a comnromiso with mtlnbors of tho politi cal factions. Tho c Improuiise, ho de claiod, would oonFhWof increasing tho . tmiorical strength of tho army by C0, 000 mon, and reducing the period of ser vice to two years. Will Attend tho Wedding. London, Juno 20. The cznrowitz has nccepted an invitation to bo piesent at tho wedding of tho Duko of York and Princebs Mar of Teck, which will tako plaoe on July 0. During his ttay in England, the czarowitz will bo tho guest of the Plinco of Wnles. Cholora Death at Mecca. London, Juno 20. Advices from Mecca show that :!17 deaths from cholera occurred in that city from Juno 13 to Juno 10. Had 1'oor I'lro l'rotrctlon. Speinokield. 0.,.Tune 20. A dispatch from Yellow Springs, a town of 1,500 inhabitant, nine mllos south of hero. Bays tho place narrowly escaped destruc tion owing to poor firo protection. Help wns sent from hero. ')io destruction of the town was prevented by tho citizens turning out en maso and forming a firo bucket brigado. Booth's saloon build ing and a Panhandle depot storage houso were burnod. Corn Dcatrnjt'd by un Imrrt, SritiNOTiELD, O., Juno 20. A now enemy of tho farmer has appealed and its onslaught on tlm growing corn lias excited gravo ahum in central Ohio. The enemy is a worm about au inch long, with its body covored with black nnd brown stripes, It destroys tho blades of corn hko tho cabbage worm on cabbage, tearing tho blado into shreds. Many fields havo boon entirely destroyed by tho pest. felia Wanted to Die. Coldmrcs, O., Jnno 20. Rose Mum, n young woman ol ill-fame, attempted suicide in a room .at Town street and Pearl alloy. She was despondent bo causo hor lover, Dick Ritter, a well known sport, had left tlio city becauso of tho now ordor of municipal uff aha and had also left her behind. Rough on rats was tho route she selected, but the doso was not fatal. l'rlioncrs Kseape at lluoltlmnnon. Buckhanxov, W. Vn., Juno 20. A bold nnd successful Attempt at jail breaking occurred hero in which Pat Stanton, John Stanton, Frnnz Hoodes and Harry Triplott, coloied, confined for selling whisky without liconse, made tlioir escape by filing through the iron bars in the outside door. They wero aided in thoir work by outside par ties. tiunday IJIcUorlnu nt HprJogflchl. Spiiinofieli), O., June 20. Tho puri tans unil liberals Mioro nre clashing again, this timo because of Sunday con certs at tho fair grounds. An attompt is boing mndo to stop them. Tho man agement proposos. if tho war is enrriod on, to mako it affect tho cigar stores, ice cream saloons, strcot cars, etc, Ilellalro'a III); Los. Bellairii, O., Juno 20. Tiie genoral freight oflico, opened hero sinco 1853 by tho Baltimoionnd Ohio railroad com pany, has closed and tho business trans ferred to Benwood, W. Va., togothor with tho shops. Bollairo loses in popu lation about 800 peoplo and a monthly payroll of $5,000. Heading AfienU Stopped. Philadelphia, Juno 20. Announce mont was mado at tho oflico of tin Philadelphia and Reading Railroad company' that tho following hnd;beon Sent to tho Now 'York and London de positories! "Receive no amenta to plan 'after -81t inst., and telegraph on 22d totala8smt8jcecBU'fid' t&mtjmm ww i r i hm aa DANT ALMOST INSANE. The Contractor Excited Over the Washington Disaster. CORONER'S IHQUE3T CONTINUED. Contractor, Who Mil on tho Work, Testify on to Crlniliril XeKlcct Tho Fnther of n rennylvnnlii Victim Ileatored to llli I'oiltlon. Washington, Juno 17. Contractor Dant, who wns doing tho work which resulted in tho collnpbe of Ford's Opora House, is in a herious condition, nnd it Is feared that his mind will uo nircctcd by tho diaster. Ever sinco ;tho acci dent ho has been a sick man, his malady attacking tho brain rather than tlio body. Onco or twlco ho left' his resi dence with plans of work ho had under way, but was compelled to return to his homo. Whenover spoken to about tho calamity, ho would break down completely and cry llko a child. His condition tho past threo or four days has been so serious that tho doctor hns prohibited his leaving tho houso aud denied tho presonco of all 6avo tho members of his family. Tho subject of tho aeddent is positively prohibited. Mrs. Dant said that her husband was very despondent nnd thnt tho accident proyed upon his mind to such an extent that sho feared permanent injury would result. Tho roport upon tho street was that Mr. Dant had gono crazy. Augustus Davis, a builder, and an un successful biddor nt the inquest for tlio electric lighting plant work, said ho thought tho plans for 'the work wore such that no man could form from them an intelligent idea as to what was wanted. Ho had told Cnptaim Thorpo, chief of tho supply division of tho war department, that tho work was danger ous. Nothing was contained in tlio specifications that provided for support ing tho upper floors during tho oxcavat ing work. In his opinion no reasonably intelligent mnn would havo attempted to do tho work without shoring. A stir was caused among tlio specta tors when tho iinmo of William Q. Coveit, superintendent of tho old theater building, was called. Tebti mony given at tho inquest had pointed him out as having something to do with tho work of putting in tho electric light plant. Attorney Thomas told Mr. Co vert that ho had been called to see if ho wished to mnko a btatement, and Mr. Covert declined the offor. Ho had nothiwr to do with tlio work, ho said. and, in fact, knew nothing about such matters. After James H. McQill, an architect, had testified that any man in his right senses would not have dono such work as that beneath tho theater building with out shorinK, that a competent draughts man should havo drawn the plans, nnd thnt an oxpert should havo superin tended tho work according to custom, the jury adjourned. Among tho victims of tho Ford's theater disaster was tho son of John A. Daly, an ex-soldier from Pennsylvania. Mr. Daly was discharged some days ago, but when Secretary Smith learned thnt young Daly had been killed in tho theater wreck, and that tlio family might suffer by reason of tlio father a dismissal, ho immediately ordeied his reinstatement. To Camp In I!oKhnentK. IlAUiusBuno, Jnno 17. The proposed participation of tlio Pennsylvania na tional guards in tho World's fair having been abandoned, it will encamp In regi ments this summer, ns it would havo done last year if tho Homestead riots had not interfered. All commands marching to camp will bo allowed 2 conts por man per mile. Tho regimonts of tho First brigado will probably en camp from Jnlv 15 to July 22; Third, from July 22 to July 29, and the Second from Aug. 0 to in. Tho Irving llank Sate. New York, Juno 17. The run at tho Irving Savings institution is believed to bo entirely ovor and tho bank lias a largo amount of cash on hand in redo posits. During tho two days' run on tho bank $170,000 wero withdrawn. Tho institution socuied this monoy by enro fully distributed drafts on banks with which they had accounts. Now that tho run is over, the wholo forco of clerks will go to work to find tho exact condition of tho bank's affairs. Frightful .Itrocltli'ii Practiced. New Youk, Jnno 17. A correspond ent In Rio Grande, Brazil, telegraphs that frightful atrocities aro being prac ticed by tho Costilhihtas. Governor Castilhootdered a man'stliroat cut bo causo ho was suspected of aiding tho revolutionists. This mm dor was com mitted in tlio prcbonco of iho wife of tho victim. A stato of terror prevails and barbarous puiiibhments aro inflicted in more suspicion. nit in a Collision. BALTUionE, Juno 17. Tho schooner John Holland, from Norfolk for Piovi donco, was sunk near Capo Henry, Vn., through a collision with thi steamer Michigan, from Baltimore for Loudon. Tho schooner vns loaded with coal. Sho Wont down in 20 minutes. The crow wert rescued and taken to Norfolk. Killed by l'lirglam. JIiKNEAroLis, Juno 17. J. It. Harris of tho Lubricating company was killed by two burglars vho had been discov ered by him iu-hin-parlor on Fifteenth avenuo. ' Ho attempted to soizo them, but was shot twi.6, dying soon after ward. TJjo murderers escaped. Hjrics WunU ,x Murderer. New York, Juno 17 Superintendent Byrnes hns sent out instructions for the arrest of Albort Young, a negro 22 years of ago, & foet 0 inches high, coffee colored, who is wanted for the murder of the vnlot of Jockoy SJmms, in West chester counts. A Had Djfrvimlto Explosion, New York, Juno 17. Fivo persons were injured, one fatally, three houses woro wrecked and severul stores aid dwellings damaged in West Holwkoji, N. J., by an explosion of dynamite. Jin rle Walnu right to Wed. DcLCTH, Juno'17. It ie reported horo that Marie Wainwright, tho actress, is to bo married soon to,' Paul Schultz of Tacomarwho is ja director of tho Ta-. coma' Land company, and president of tho'TttcoBia club. CHlNeot n-uldrRATION. Tho Xiunhi r of Complying With Was-iilvotdv, Juno 10. Complete official leturns of Chinese registration under tho Ocary act havo been received by Internal Revenuo Commissioner Mil ler. Thoy show tllat out of 110,000 Chinese in tho United States 1JI.170 r'og Utored. Tlio registration by districts is as follows: Alabama, 13; Arkansas, 13; First California. 2.323; Fourth California, 2,523; Colorado, 1.100; Connecticut. 140; Florida, 44; Georgia, 05; First Illinois, 051; Eighth Illinois. 53; Thirteenth Illi nois, 15; Sixth Indiana, 41; .Seventh In diana, 15; Third Iowa, lfl; Fourth Iowa, 10; Kansas. 20; Second Kentucky, 7; Fifth Kentucky, 8; Sixtli Kentucky, 5; Sovonth Kentucky. 0; Eighth Kentucky, 2; Louisiana, .'15; Maryland, 187; Third MasaehuKPtK 20; First Michigan, 88; Fourth Michigan, 14: Minnesota, 59; Montana, 100; First Missouri. 320; Sixtli Missouri. 10: Nebraska. 01; New Hamp shire, 47; First New Jersey, 18; Fifth Now Jersey. 23; Now Mexico, 410; First Now York. 141; Second Now York, 70: Thiid Now York. 137; Four toonth Now York, 31; Twenty-first Now York, 51; Twenty-eighth Now York, 111; Fourth North Carolina, 1; Fifth North Carolina, 4; First Ohio. 27; Tenth Ohio, 37; Eleventh Ohio, 17; Eighteenth Ohio, 25; Oregon, 1,002; First Pennsyl vania, 315; Ninth Pennsylvania, 50; Twolfth Pennsylvania, 75; Twenty-third Pennsylvania. 242; South Carolina, 33; Second Tennessee, 3; Fifth Tenncsseo, 0; Third Texas, 722; Fourth Texas, 5; Second Virginin, 5; Sixth Virginia, 22; West Virginin, 20; First Wisconsin, 41; Second Wisconsin. 03. Tho Cowboy ltnce. Valentine, Neb., June 17. Georgo Jones of tlio cowboy racors arrived here, leading all tlio other contestants by two hours. Two hours afterward Douglas and Elmores rodo into tho city. About tho same timo tho majority of tho others passed a fow miles feouth of this city. Tho hoisc-s of thoso who took suppor hero did not appear to bo at all winded. During tho heat of tho day tho riders havo mado four miles an hour, but at night they nearly double that pace. Jones' scheme is to rido as hard as possible, night and dav-, on ono horse, nnd uso his other animal on tho spurt aftor entering Illinois. Clenrhic Homo Lonn Imicd. Philadelphia, Juno 17. Pursuant to authority gi anted by tho clearing house committeo tho association began tho is sunnco of loan certificates bearing 0 por cent interest to such banks as require them. It could not bo learned nt tho clearing houso whether any banks took ndvantngo of tho authority, but us tho action was mainly in tho nature of n precaution agaliibt future stringency, it is not believed that any loans wero asked. All of tho Philadelphia na tional banks belong to tho association. Shcriniin Marts I'or Home. Washington, June 17. Senator Slior man left for his home in Mansfield, O., where ho will remain until congress as sembles. Mr. Shermnn has been invited to nddress tho Bankers' association of his state, which moots next week, but ablo to attend. Should hejiowevor, b 4 present ho will not innko a set speech. .Sugar Company's Strike. New Youk, Juno 17. At the oflico of tlio Amorican Sugar Refining company it was announced thnt a majority of tho men on strike had gone back to work, nnd thnt tho places of those who per sisted in staying out had been filled. I'or tho HIlUlioio Ilanlc. Washi.voton, June 17. Comptroller Eckels has appointed Itoboit M. Dittv receiver of the Citizens' National banlc of Hillsboro,a A TJIg AVcjit Virginia I'nrin. Moikiantown, W. Vn., Juno 20. Onu of tho largest farms on this sido of tlu Rocky mountains, nccoiding to a bulle tin of tho West Virginia experimental station, is to bo found on tho foot hills of tho Bluo Ridgo, in Jefferson county. In 1887 tho owner hot out 33,000 peach treos, sinco which timo eight adjoining tracts havo been added, until tho fruit farm comprises 2,000 acres in one body. A lUg I.ninlier Cut. Elizabeth, W. Va., Juno 20. Tho now mill horo broko nil previous records by cutting 02.009 feet of lumber in 10 hours, or ono day. This is said to bo the champion cut of tho known world on a 10-inch mill. For theso !orvicea Burns Bios, entertained their men with an ico cteaui suppor. A Horse llih 1' Caught. CLAiiKMiimo, W. Va., Juno 20. A horso tliiof named Wendall was cap tured hero whilo pai taking of a lunch nt Wyatt's restaurant, near tho depot. IIo camo from Davis, Tuckor county, nnd was pointed out to tho oilicor.s by a merchant of thut town. Ho wns turned over to tho authorities of Tucker county. A. Itucelvur Appointed. New York, Juno 20. Justice Law rence, of tho supromo couit, has ap pointed Henry J. Bakor, leceivor of tho Cassell Publishing company. Tlio Union Trust company is nnmod by the judgo ns a depository for tho funds of tho concern. 6MpiliiK field Went. New Youk, Juno 20. It is learnod from outside sources that no applications hnvo bom mado ns vet for clearing houso oortiflcated. Tho shipments wt currency to tho interior bid fair to bo heavy, tho engagements having footed up $1,000,000. Secretary ut the Vatican Itctlgmi. Rome, Juno 20. Cardinal Zarafino Vnnnoutolli, archbishop of Bologna has resigned tvio secretarial post held by him at tho Vatican. Tho resignation is duo to difleroncos that havo arisen bo tween tho popo and Cardinal Vannou telli. Divorced From tho Haroneta lllnnc. New Yohk, Juno 20. Justico Bench hns givon Frederic R. Blanc, a decreo of absolute divorco from tho Baroness Elizabeth Lawrence Blnnn. Will lien IliVOoucnlng btud. Paris, Juno 20. Mr. James Gordon Bonnett, proprietor of tho Now York Horald, has givon orders that his coaohi ing stud bo sold at auction. Mr. Bon. nett continues to improve," nnd ho will shortly bo able, it is hoped, to movn about again. Thure is no question as to his cojnpleto recovery. HIESABA FLAN1ESWEPL A Terrible Fire on the Iron Range. Big THREE TOWNS ARE WIPED OUT. Thousand I'eoplo Aro Left Home 1cm Tho I'ritlts of u Ycnr of Unterprlso Swept Auny Tho Loss l.'nt hunted at l'ully 91,000,000. Duluth, Minn., Juno 10. Tho result of a year of enterprise on tlio Mesabo, range has been wiped out in a singlo day. Advices received indicate that the towns of Virginia and Mountain Iron hnd been destroyed and that Blwa bik was partially, if not ontiroly, wipod out. It is impoHsiblo to estimate tho loss, but it will approximate $1,000,000 and several thousand peoplo are homo less. For thiee weeks tho rango has bcen,in danger. Forest fires havo been burning on all sides of tho now mining towns nnd only by tho greatest effort has tho disaster lon so long averted. Saturday tho first news was received which indicated any serious danger. Up to this timo tho rango towns Tiad fought tho firo for themselves and had bo far as possible kept tho news of their danger from reaching tho outside world for fear that their prospects might bo injured. On Saturday evening General Manager Philbin of tho Mesnba and Northern road received advices which convinced him that tho danger was im minent and ho went to Virginia to look aftor tho interest of his road, which touches most of tho mining town. Tho firo at this timo was all abCit tho vil lage, but there was overy reason to bo liovo it could bo kept under control. But a strong wind has blown up and tho greater part of tho rango is doomed. Tho first nows enmo from General Manager Philbin, who telegraphed to President Morritt, of the road: "Men, women and children loaded on ore cars ready to leave For God's sako send us aid At nearly tho samo timo messages wero received from tho other rango towns. Tho opeiator at Mountain Iron telegraphed thnt tho town was burning and the Duluth and Iron rnngo operator nt Biwabik wired to President Great singer of his road: "Goods removed from depot. Good byo." Sinco that timo tho wires to Biwabik havo been down. The Mesnba officials 6tato that their advices aro thnt Biwabik lias been saved, but tlio indications aro that tlio village has shared tho fato of Virginia. Mr. Philbin again telegraphed: "Tho wholo town of Virginia including freight house, is burned. We ore bring ing women and children hero nnd havo two engines trying to got cars out." In Duluth tho nows was followed by immediato preparations to caro for tho hundreds or homeloss people. A special trjiin was ordered by President Great singer 6f tho Duluth and Iron Rnngo road and carloads of provisions were or dered. Tho last advices from tho vi cinity of Virginia nro that 1.100 people; mostly women and children, havo been loaded in ore cars and will bo brought to uuiutli. iho train is expected somo ?'? ,thi" n,f "100I! J"11 ??!!r"?0,,.!! aIa President Spencer of tho council, tho acting mayoi , lias authorized a gift of 51,000 from tho city nnd all tho provis ions that may bo needed for immediato relief. A special mooting of tho coun cil nnd a citizens meeting hnvo been called. Ampin nid will bo olfered tho Buttering people. Communication with tho rango is almost cut off. Wisconsin Tow in Ilnrnlnc AbHLANO, Wis.. June 18. Iron Rivor a thriving lumber town of ovor 2,000 fiopulntion. 20 miles from Ashland, ia n Humes. Tho firo caught in tho ont skirts from forest flies destroying tho now school houso. Congregational and Roman Catholic churches and Hcssoy & Hatton's big warohouso. Forest fires havo boon raging all through Northern Wisconsin and n heavy sweep has been mado in and about White River. Tho latest advices from Iron rivor stato that; tho town is gono. A bad firo is also raging nt Noi th York. A Town Wiped Out. Seattle, Wash., Juno 10. Nows was received here that tho town of Myers Fulls wns completely wiped out by tiro. Tho loss is estimated at if 10.000, no in surance. Myors Falls contained about 50 inhabitants. llli; l'lro In Loudon. London. Juno 10. An extensive firo occuired in tho High street of Stratford-Lo-Bow, in tlio oast ond of Lond n. An aero and a half of buildings were Dwopt away. Tho rcun)',iinli Discharging Men- New York, Juno 10. Tho Pennsyl vnnia Railroad company is dropping men from its payioll overy weok and noarly every day. Tho monthly payroll between Jersey City and Philadelphia has been dec i eased this month about $40,000. Daring tho month ovor 1,100 men hnvo been diopped botween Jorsoy City nnd Philadelphia. A largo num bor in Jorsoy City aro out and othora expect to follow. An irarthqimko In OicecOv Athens, Juno 10. A serious enrth quako disaster is ropoited from varibus parts ot Greece Serious damogo was., dono nt Thobes. whoro houses nro in ruins and the inhabitants camping oat in touts. felUor Purchased. , Wasihnoton, Juno 10. Tho trendy dopartmotit purchased 502,000 qc&TCs of Eilvor at 0.8380. Tho offers were 653,. 000 ounces. Tho purchases thus far this wook amount to 3,448,000 ounces. TellOiruTrcntle. Bellaire, O., Juno 17. Elinor Irwin was killod by falling off a trestle 50 feet high at Kain's coal mines, six miles west of horo, on tho Baltimore and Ohio railroad. A I'oatmattor Iteilgns. Circlkville, 0 Juno 17. Lemuel' Konts, Republican postmaster in tills city for tlio past tiiroo years, whoso term would not havo expired until, August. 1604, has resigned. I'cll l'roiu a Church Wall. .JUssjuwr O.. Juno 29. William tigurm ieu u leot rrom tho wall of mo now juctnomss badly injured; church and wwu -. ' 1 ltlw)jiH , 4, 1 A M V