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One square, (or less) 3 insertigne,v'' 1,00 . .M . Each additional insertion, """ 29 - Three month,, . . ; t.w . Sit months, .00 .-Twelve months,' ' 8,0 Ont fourth of column pet year, ' ' ' - 15,00 " half " " ' " " ' ' ' 18' column V j .',.!',;" ' t 30'00 All vert square charged as two squares. ITAdvarlistraen't inserted till fordid tt the expense of Hie tdrettiser, ': ' ' ; ' JOB WORE' ' Executed at this Office with nealness and despatch, at the lowest possible rates. Poetical. THE PARTING OF SUMMER. BY MRS. HEMANS. TIkxi art bearing hence tby roeet. Glad Summer, farejbaa well ! ThoM'rt eingiog thy last melodies In every wood and dell. But In tha golden sunset i' Of thy Utest lingering day. Oh, tall roe; O'er Ihia chequered earth How Ca tliovpaued awayl Brightly, tweet rummer brightly Thine bourn re floated by. To thajeyoni bird of tba woodland boughs. The rangers of tbe sky.. And brigh'tlv in the foreets, To the wild deer wandering ftte: And brightly 'midst the garden flowers, ,- U tba hkppy murmuring bee. But h'ow to human bosom. : With all their hope and fears; : And thoughts that make them eagle-wings, To pierce the unborn yeare t ' Sweet lummerl, (o the captive twm, hmmk flnn In hiimlnv dream Of the woods, with all their whispering leaves. ' And toe blue rejoicing streams; . . ......... .u .. , , Te tha waited and the weary . ' On tba bed af aiekneva bound, . In ewlft delieieaa fkntesiee, - 1 That changed with, every aound;-, 1 To the tailor on .the billon's, It longings wild, and tain, For the guAning founts and breezy hills, And the homes of earth again 1 1. .. i .. 'I....; And anto me, glad Summer) Hew bant thju flown to mel ' JtfV sbslulen footitep nought hath kept From thy luuints M song and gl.a. Thott hatb fluwn in wayward visions, . Ia memories of the dead : In shadows, from a troubled heart, , , , O'tttby pathway ahedj . In brief and sudden striving, ' ' Tt Sing a weight aside- 1 " 'Midst these thy melodies have ceased, And all thy rosea died. But oh, thou gentle Summer! '!'.-' i 1 f I greet thy flowers once more, Bringing m aenin thy buoyaney :r i Wherewith my soul should soar! Give me to hail thy sunshine. With eoag and spirit free; Or In a purer air than this ' May that next meeting be t' Miscellaneous. A STORY OF CUBA. Barton, ifi hit "Hiitbntf CuWr devo'eT DtlTon, ifi hit "ftitlbm tf CS considerable space to tbe administration ol Ta con, who has left rathert doubttnl reputation in Havannii, hit energy in effecting improve inentt havtflf been combined with such t de gree of violence that'lotbe people nt large he was an object of terror, rather than of grati tude. In accomplishing hit purposes, life was counted of little value, and many of the first people were sacrificed to bis unscrupulous mm'., The following story, which was related to the aii'bir in (Iavna, illustrates hit roman ii nv nf iusiiee. and will bear renrntine: Durinu the first year of Tacon't governor shin, tlire was a yniinir Creile clrl named Mirslda Eitalez, who kept a cigar tlore in the Called" Mercsoers, and whose shop was a re tort fore the young menorilie town wn loved a choicely made and superior cigar. Mi raldi rtsonly seventeen, wiihout mother or father .living, and earned an humuie luougn HBj -ient sunnortby her induatry in the man- ufactory we bavt immeil, and by the tales of litt liple store. She wa. a picture ot npeiieo trop'ttl beauty, with i finely rounded form, t Invel face, of Jolt olive tint, and teeth that t Tuactrnra mwht envy her, ' At times, there wax.1 dash oflangor in her. dreSmy eye that would have warmed an ancnoriier ana men her cheerful iests were so delicate yet free, that th had pnwittintly turned the heads, not to -any tbe hearts, nf half Ihe young merchants m the CnU le Me'rcaders. But the dispensed 'her favors without partiality; none of the rich and gay exquisites of Havana could say they lied -ever received any particular acknowl edgement from tho young and fair girl to their warm and constant ittentlon. For this one she had a pleasant nmile, for another t word -of hleasine tottin, for third snatch if t Spsnish song! but to none, did she give her, confidence except to voung Pedro Mantauex a fine lookinfbottman, who plied between the Punta and Mora Castle, on the opposite aiue of ihe herSor. Pert ro; wet nanly Ind, courageous young fellows. rather above bitclau in intelligence, ajipearatict end awociations, and pulled his otrt wun a auonp nun anu nput man, ou loved the beautiful Uiralda with an ardor ro tnentic in- its fidelity nnd truth.1 He was a sort of letder amonj tbe boatmen in- the harbor, far the reasons of hit superior cultivation and jntelllfencer, and hit jnick-witted aagacity vs Often turned for the benefit of hit com rades.' 'Many were the noble deedt which lie had done in and about tbe harbortince boy. for he had followed hit caning oi a water-man from bovhond, as his father had done before liim. . Miralda in torn ardently loved Pedro and when he came at night mil sat in the tack nart of her Utile shop, she had always neat and fragrant cigar for his lips. Now and then, when she could steal away from her hon on eome holiday. Pedro wonld hoist tiny tail in the prow-of hit .boat, and securing the little stern: awning over jviiraida's head steer -on t into tho gulf od coast along tbe ro- Tntntio shore-' ? n ... -. .. There -wsa i famous roue, well k nown at this time In Havana, named Count Almonte, who had frequently visited Miralda'sabop, and conceived quilt t paaaien for tht girl, and in deed he had grown to bt one of ber most lib era! customers. ; With a cunning shrewdness and knowledge. of. human nature, the Count hefieced the heart ot hit intended victim with cnt'appearing to do so, and eorried on bis plan of operations lermany weem uejorrine Inn, cent eirl even suspeoted hi a possessing a par' tialitv lot her, untilone day the wassutDrUed ht a rtresent from him of so costly nature is to lead ber lo suspect the donor' intention at Aiue. and to nromDliv ocuut '.he offered nfL Undrimayei by this, still tha Count oontinued ,hii profuse patronage in a way to which Mi ftslda could find no pltutiblt pretex of om At last, teixins pon what bt considered favorable moment, Count Almonte declared iita psaton to Mirulda besought htr to come ind be the mistiest of bis broad and rich es gite? tt Cttitsy Qfty tbe city, ind offtred'sll BY W. 0. GOULD. "Fearless and Free." $l,50p or Annum In Advance. New Scries. ; ; EATON, PREBLE COUNTY, 0. OCT. 12 1854. Tol. II, No. 17. the promise of wealth, fator and fortunei liut in vain, i lie pure mmuea gin acernea nwvi fer, and bade him never more to iasolt her by visiting her shop. Abashed but not eon founded, the Count retired, but only to weave a snare whereby be could entangle her for be was not one to be to easily tnwarteo One afterneon. not long trier tnia, tne lu-iiioht wi setitinr over the town, i file of soldiers halted juat opposite the door of the little cigar shop; wnen young man, wnnS . i;ninni's iiia. entered and asked the attendant if her hame was Minlda Eatalez, to which she timidly responoea. "Then you will please locome wun me." "By what authorityt" asked the trembling "The oruer oi iu uu"i uunni( "Thert I must obey yon," she answered, n nrenared to follow him it onee. Stepping to the door withher.the yoiinu officer directed his men 10 maron on; anu, ,'iing in to voltante, told Miralda they would drive to the guardhouse. But to tbe surprise of tbe girl, she soon after discovered that they wete rap- iritt, nn in the citv rates, and immeoiaieiy fir wre daahine off on the road lo Cerlto. Then it was sue began to tear some iricn nau been played npon her; and these lears were snnn confirmed bf the volante'a turning down the lone valley of palms that led to the es tate of Count Almonte. It was in vain to ex- nostulale now: she felt , that sne waain me power of 'he reckless noblemsnj and the pre- i oiwimi nflicr ann soiaiers were ms uw uvu- nle. who had adopted the disguise of the Kronish armvuniform. i ------ . - . Coun Aimonie mei ncr muivooui, ium uci to fear no violence, that ber wishetanouia oe rpsner.ted in all thines, save her personal lib erty: that he trusted in time to .persuade her .' . . , . : l v. . ;n to look more invorauie upon nun, iiu umi all ti.inwhe was her slave. She replied con temptuously to his words, and charged him with ih rnwnrdlv trick by which he had pain ed control of her liberty. But the was left by herself, though watched by hit oruerSi til timet to prevent her escape. . . . Kh knew verv well mat Hie power buu Wi I orUOUnt Aimonie were wu suung iui 0117 hiimbt- friend of hers to attempt to thwart; and vet she somehow felt t conscious strength in Pedro, and secretly cnensnea me iu m he would discover her place of confinement, tnd adopt some means to deliver her. The stiletto is the constant companion of the lower classes, ond Mirolda had been used to wear one. even in ber store, against contingency; but now she regarded the tinv weapon with peculiartatisraction, and siepi who urn uer bosom I i .. i .- ' Small was the clue by which Peuro Mama. h discovered thp trick ofCount Almonte. ffirst i his was lound out. then that ciicum- stancc. and these heinc nut together, they led to other results, until the indefatigable lover was at last fully satisfied that he had discov ered her ploce of confinement. Disguised as a friar of the order of San Felipe, he tought Count Almonle'i galet at a favorable moment, tVJ l.l CgasrSJBSssTWWaBfijfMBiasji hit.jfiUi irffflh and retired to arrange tome plan for her ery. There was time to think now; heretofore he nad not permuieu iiiiii eicn ciMn, but she was safe that is, not in imme dmte danger and he eoold breathe more free ly.. He knew not with wnom 10 aavise; lie feared to speak to those above bim in society, it thnvm ffhibetrav his purpose to the Count and his own liberty, by eome means, be thus ieopnrdi red. lie could on y consider wun mm- seir-mual be ins own counseuoi in cal case. . . ....... At last, ns if tndepnir,.he started to ins icei one day, and exclaimed to himseii, "wny noi do to benii quarlers a; once r wny noi see me ftwrnnr Genera I and tell him the whole truth; Ah. see him ! how is I Ins to e aiieciea i And then this Count Almonte is a noofcmon. I hey say Tcon lovea justice. We shall aee. r .' un m ihe Governor General; it cannot do any harm, if it does not do any good. I can ' . . ... . . I I. . try." Ann rearo nia sees me wireiw Troc, he did not at once get audiense tf him hot the first or third time, nui ne.prrsevereu and was admitted t last. Here lie to a ins story in s free, manlyjvoice; undiseuisedly and open In all things, so thatTco was pleased. , "And the gin t" nsseu iuouutchiui eral, over .whose countenance dark scrowl had fathered, "is she thy sister t" " . No, Excelencia, t e is dearer sun; sne i mv betrothed.?', - . The Governor, bidding him come nearer woa s golden cross from the table, and handing tt the boatman,ca lit regarded him searching, said: '. i "Swear that what you hov related to mew (mo as vnn tinne for hesven !" 1 "I swear t" snid Pedro, kneelinesnd kissing the emblem.witb simple reverence. : The Governor turned to his table, wrote few brief lines, and touching a bell, summon ed a page from an adjoining, room, whom ordered to tend the paplain of the guard to him. I Prompt, at were allwhohnd anycenneetion with the Governor's household, the officer np- tvnrd at once. - and received the written or der, with direction! to hrng Connt Almonte end a young girl named Miraiua immeuiaieiy ),rr him p,im u-ns sent to an ante-room, and the business of Ihe day passed on as usual in the reception ball of the bovernor. r c the, iwn hours had transpired, when the Count and Miralda atood before Tacon. Neither knew the nature of the business which had aummoned them there. Almonte nnnsus tha imth. unit th noor eirl argued h-r.lfihst fate eould not be but improved h intrrfentne. lt iia nature be what night - "Coont Almonte, you doubtless know why I have ordered you to appear here." 'Excelencia, I fear that J have been ind rtrriy' was lh renlv. ; ! ' i ,,"Vou odopted the uniform of Ihe guards your own private purposes, npon una young girl, did you not!" "Excelcrjci', I cannot deny it." "Declare unon vour honor. CountAlmonte, whether she ia nnharmed wbora you have thus kept a prisoner." " ' ' ' Excelencia. she is as wire as when the en tercd beneath my toof," Wat the truthful re- , i.. t, , . - ? . . Tht! Governor turned and whispered his nape, then continued hit' queitiont the Counl.'whlle he made tome tninutet upon paper.' Pedro was now aummoned to explain soma nutter, and as he entered the Govern n.nproi tnrnerl hia hack for one moment at to seek some pspert upon hit tible, while Mr rnl.Ii wis nressed in tht boitmsn't armt. wat but for a moment, and the next, Pedro was bowlnehumbly before Tscon.' ' A few momenta mora and the Governofa paee returned.oeeom nanied b monk of the church of Santa Clara', with tht emblenit of bit office. ' "Holy father," at id Tteom "will you bind the bands of this Count Almonte tnd Mirslda Eatalet together in the bonds of wedlock I " . "Excellence !" exclaimed, the Count, tmaxenierjtr " " -! . . "Not a word, Senor; It your ptt to obey I" "My nihility, Excellencii !" "Ia forfeited r said Tacon. Count Almonte had tco many evidences be fore his mind's eye'of Tacon's mode of admin istering Justice and enforcing his own will, to dare to rfbel, and he doggedly yielded in al ienee, roor i-euro, not daring to apeak, was half crszed to tee the prize he had so lone cov eted thus about to be torn from him; ' In a few moments the ceremony wa performed, the trembling nnd bewildered girl not daring to thwart the Governor's order, tnd the priest declared them man and wife. The captain of the guard was summoned ind dispatched with some written order, tnd in I few subsequent moments Count Almonte, completely tnbdued end broken-spirited, waa ordered to return to hit plantation; Pedro and Miralda were di rected to remain in in adjoining apartment to that which had been tbe scene of this lingular proceeduro. Count Almonte mounted his horse, and with a single attendant, toon past ed out of the city gates. But hardiy had he passed the corner ol the Paset, when dozen muskets fired a volley it him, tnd he fell a corpse upon the road. His body was quietly removed, tnd the cap tain or the guard, who had witnessed the act, made a minute upon hia order as to the tine and place, and mounting his horse rode to the Governor's palace, entering the presence- chamber just as Pedro and Miralda were one more summoned before the Governor "Excelcncia," taid tbe officer reluming the order, "It is executed I" "Is tbe Count dead I" "Excelencia. yes." "Proclaim, In the usual manner, the mar riage of Count Almonte and Miralda Estalez, and also that she it the legal widow possets ed of his titles and estates. See that proper officer attends her to the Count's estate, and enforces thia decision." ' Then, turning to Pedro mantanez, ha said, "No man or woman on this Island is so humble but they may not claim justice it Tacon." The story furnishes its own moral. Too Honest. hoMslbrjit,t leastJi one genuine Jioneat man "Mr. Slocura, I believe, sir !" "Yes, sir, Jamea Slocum." "Some tlx months ago, Mr. Slocum, you rave me credit for t pair of boots price five dollars. I have now called to liquidate the demand," ' 'Owe me five dollars f Well, realyl have no remembrance ot the fact." "Be that as it may, the debt ia honest and must be paid." -' i.Here the middle-need gent, in papper-and salt casimeres, took out i well filled pocket- book, and handed Mr. Slocum twenty-dollar bill. Slocum balanced the account, ana minu ed to the middle-ored eentleman, in the sea aonable wearing apparel, fifteen dollart, being the "balance on the boots." The middle-aged gentleman left, while Slo cum went off in a reverie "Well, tbe world is not to bad after all never speaTi ill of the human family team Sckdc Second. Slocum. An Exchange office. EnUr "Bullion , my boy, just discount that lot of money and give me current." 1 "Certainly, sir." ' Bullion runs over "pictured blotting paper," and throws ont a twenty dollar bill. "What do you throw that out for?" "Not worth a cent-one of the new coun terfeits come out yesterday." Slocum once more goes off in a reverie. - "Curse that scoundrel Ithat'a the very bill that, that honest man paid me yesterday for those boots. ' What a vile world. I don't be lieve that there'! one upright man on earth." The Inst we law or Slocum, he was putting off for the "perlice," to enter a complaint. Moiau Don't allow yourself lo be "done" by loo much virtue. Death of a Lady by Violence. it a A correspondent of the ¬ publican, writing from the Mineral Springs, nnder date of September 6, gives tbe follow ing horrid recital: ' ,J "The dead body of a lady wat found float iug in the river, tt or near Sawnee shoals, i few days ago, indicating a death occasioned by violence, and supposed to have been lying in the water eight or ten days. A rest mor tern examination was held, and opinions of plisicians were given to this effect: blie bore on her head and right ear a deep gash, sup posed to be the result of a stroke from a large knife: both armt unjointed at the elbow, teeth broken out, bowejt cut out also, and a stout leathern girdle encircling her waist. Hut one garment protected her from the heat of an almost vertical sun. and her back was literally baked. To all human api'earnnce this subject of tome, binbolical machination was a young and handsome lady: features good, ahhoiigb the flesh bad almost under gone the process of decomposion- and I have also heardshe possessed a besutiful band,up poie to be unaccustomed to labor.. ' No discovery had been made .tending tt reveal the name of the murderer or his vic tim. ! ' ' 1 to by it for v to to o if It in ItyA modern writer says i "1 know nothing more touching than the efforts of self govern ment of whichlittlechi drenare capable, when the best parts of their nature are growing vig orously under the warmth and light of paren tal love. How beautiful is the self control of tha little creature who stifles hia tobs of pain because his mother's pitying eye is upon him in tender aoirow! or that of the babe who ab stains from play and sits quietly an the floor, because somebody is ill! I have known a very yoing child slip over to the told aide of the bed on a winter's night, that a grown up sis ter mightfind a warm one. 'I have known a little girl submitsponlaneously to hours of irk some restraint and disagreeable employment, so strong and yet so humble, to pati-nt and so dignified were never imparted by fear, but flourished thus under the influence of love, with itt sweet excitements tnd holy supports." STOn the occasion of tbe marriage of a Mr. Eddy and Miss editor in theaaighbor htod got off the following: "In drifting down tbe stream of life, Mi's Jones has got within tbe Influence of an 'Eddy' that will cause ber to revolve in 1 cire'e tf beatitude for the remainder of her existence." Wary poetic. ,.. ..... , , . ... . rxrAjtery celebrated divine, was in tjie habit of Breaching so as to bebevend the com ore heneion of hit hearers, A lady of tbe parish met him, one diy.tnd asked him what the duty of a sueppart was. -. !,, , .... . "To feed bit flock, pf course," was the re ply- - "Ought he then to. place tht nay so high mat out lew 01 tnt sheep can reach it r; , CIRCASSIAN AND ARMENIEN WOMEN. THEIR EDUCATION AND HABITS. Baron Havthausen, in writing of the man ner! and customs of the natives and races be tween the Black Sea and tbe Caspian, says that while he was atBambon, there lay in the harbor, email Turkishvessel, which had been seized by the armed boats of a Russian man-of war steamer, manned, by Cossacks. On board this tessel, beside the Turkish proprietor and some tailors, was a' Circassian prince, as a guest from the neighborhood of the fortress, accompanied by two of his noble vassals, and some servants, a ybune woman and six Circas sian girls, from twelve lo fifteen years of age. The master of the vessel was nrobablv a amutr- gler, conveying food and ammunition to the Circassians, and taking as return a freight of Circassian gi(U lor the slave market at Con stantinople. Thia Circassian prince might have wished to make a voyage to Constantino ple from 'political motives,. The. charee of smuggling ammunition, which the Turk de nied, could noi be proved; but the forbidden traffic in girls was palpable, and hy the Rus sian lawa Ihe vessel was confiscated. On in quiry being made or the General how he in tended tt dispose of the Circassians, he re plied toat tney belonged to race with whom Russia was at peace, and he abould therefore set them free, after interprwing aotne ttifling difficulties and exhortations. The writer fur ther adda : ".Veanwhile. the son of the Prince had sr. rived, to beg tbe liberation of his father. 1 accompanied the Circassian within the rayon of the fortress, where an interesting scene fol lowed. In announcing to the girls their liber ation, the General oidered them to be inform ed that the choice was opened to them to be sent back to their homes with the prince of tneirown race, or to marry Kussiansand Cos sacks of their free choice, to return with me to uermany, where til the women were tree, or lastly, to accompany the Turkish captain, who would sen them in the slave market at Con stanlinople. The reader will hardly credit that, unanimously and without a moment's conaideration, they exclaimed: "To Constan tinople to be sold!" There is scarcely any people more proud and jealous of their liberty and yet this was the voluntary answer of these women,, , "If however, we investigate a little deeper me view-, inougnis anu iisdiis 01 1111s eastern people, Ihe answer will not appear unnatural. but, in fact, accordant with their notions. The purchase and sale of women is deenlr rooted ia the customs of the people every man buya Ms wife irom the father or from the family.. On the partof the women no feeling 01 snnmt it aitacneu to the transaction, but rather a sense of honor ; and, indeed, before we can pronounce on the subject, we must be intimately acquainted with the circumstances and mutt be able to place ourselves exactly in the position of the Circassians. In our own country a uircassian girl lives in a slate of sit vish deiendance on her father and brothers. net potrttoa it tiioierore u wed when 1 man de mands her in marriage, and stakes his fortune to obtain her, at the same time that he liber atet her frost the servile constraint of her fam ly. Amone Europeans, a rich man who marries a poor girl, generally appears actuated bv com passion she is congratulated on her good for tune, whioh is sometimes offensive to a wo. man's pride. If, on the contrary, a rich eirl marries a poor man, sue purchases her husband and this 11 humiliating to him. When two marry who are equally well off.the match has more or less, the nir of a mercantile transac tion ; so that it might also appear aa if genuine and disinterested affection could only be found in a marriage between two poor persons. But here again the motive is otien either one mere passion, a need of mntual assistance and attendance, or a wish to establish soperate household. The eastern girl sees in her pur chase-price the test of her own value higher the offer the greater her worth. The purchase of women b ing the common practice among tbe Circassian, tribes; slave-dealers whom they are sold are to be regarded simply as agents, who dispose ot them in marriage Turkey. Their parents know that a better lot awaits them there than at home, and girls willingly go to Turkey.where, nsthe traf fic has existed for centuries, they constantly meet their kindred. In their own homes.more over, the Circassian'men are rongh and impe rious, and .the women ore slaves to all kinds drudrcrvand menial labor; whereas the Turk is a patient and kind husband, and a tender father. "The young unmarried Armenian people, both sexes, enjoy perfect liberty, within jecpgnizeo limits of manners and propriety.' Custom-is here precisely the reverse or wnat prevails intthesurroumling countries. 'Whilst in the latter, tjie purchase of q usual form of contracting a ma rrigeantil which time the girl remains in peifectseaTusioniamong the Armenians, on the contrary, the young people of hoih sexes enjoy fire social inter course. The girls go where thry like unveilad and bareheaded. The young men carry their love suits freely and openly, and marria ges of affection are of common occurrence. But with marriage the scene changes; the word which the young woman pronounces at altar, in accepting her husband, is the last 18 for long time heard from her lips, from that moment she never appears even in own house.unreiled. rhe is never seen abroad (n the public streets, except when she goes church, which is only twice in the year, then closely veiled.' If n stranger enters bouse or garden, she instantly conceals herself. With no person, not even her rather or brother is she allowed to exchange t singlo Word; she speaks to her husband only when they alone. With the rest 01 the household can communicate onlyby gestures, and by talk ing on her fingers. This silent reserve, which custom imperatively pretcribes.the young wife miintains until she has borne her first child, from which period she becomes gradually emancipated from her constraint; shespesks her new born in ant; then nermotber-m-law it the first person the may address, after while she is allowed, to converse wift her mother, then with her sister-in-law. and after wards with her own sisters. Now she begins to talk with the young girls in the house, always in a gentle whisper, that none of male part of the family may hear what is said. Tbe wife, however, ia not fully emancipated, ber education is not e mpieted, until after lapse of six years, tnd even then she never speak with sttangera of the other sex, appear before them unveiled." - ITT"Mother, it strikes me you are Very now." "How dare Vnn say to; why, don't yon I'm making bread V indignantly demanded ibt lady.. -.. ' '. 1 . .. . -;"True, tut that's ntilhermort not less THEIR EDUCATION AND HABITS. Short of a Watch. Mr. Jacob Short, on hit way liottir- from lecture, in which he had been much interest ed, fall In with a well dressed gentleman who addressed a casual inquiry to himi From this inquiry proceeded an animated conversation, in which Mr. Short became so much interested that he parted front his new acquaintance with regret. A moment afterwards, being desltous of learning the time, he felt for hia watch. To hia consternation he found it was gone. He at once bethought himself of tht common prac tice of adroit pickpockets to put on the guise of gentlemen, in Older to facilitate their oper- tions. Ufcouse his suspicions rested tn ms late acquaintance. Luckily be. was in sight lie ran after him with a hasty step, and suc ceeded in overtaking him. 'Surrender that watch I' taid lie, in 1 de termined tone, 'or the consequence be upon our own bead.' The gentlemen, or pickpocket, turned pale, and looked for 0 moment as if he were inclin ed to resistance, but the resolute tone and bearing of Mr. Short Intimidated him, and he yielded to the requisition. Mr. Short went home congratulating himself on the courage be had displayed. He related the adventure to Ins wile, who instead of praising bim, as he anticipated she wonld, exclaimed: .Why, Jacob, what hare you done ! Yonr own watch is lying on tbe table where you left it before going to the lecture. That I should live see my dear husband a pickpocket-' Jacob sat down in trepidation. It was 11 true. He had actually committed a high way robbery, when, as he imagined, he had only recovered his atolen property. He slept but lit le that night.. Visions 0! handcuffs and prison bars floated before his tronhled mind.and ht rose from a sleepless bed the next nomine to rend the following an nouncement m the morning paptrs j OuTtAct. we learn lhtilie Kev. Mr. C, when returning from, a lecture last evening, was violently, assaulted by a straneer nnd threatened with instant death unless he deliv ered up his watch. He was accordingly ohli ged to do so. 'I he person who committed this outrage ia short tnd stout, witli t ferocioqs ex pression 01 cou men a nee. Tins was not calculated 10 cairn ine excited nerves of Mr. Short. He hardly knew how to extricate himself from this embarrassing posi tion. He at length bethouijht himself to send his wife with the watch tt the Rev. Mr. C, with a plain statement of the mistake which had occurred, and with a request,! hat he would cause the matter lo be dropped immediately. The negotiation proved successful, and Short was relieved from his terror. It need not be raid that Mr. Short has not attempted highway robbery since tins memorianie occasion, hav ing come to the deliberate conclusion that 'the way of the transgressor is hard.' What will my Mother Say? 01 the to in the ray say a vounr man t few dart since, when -apprehended for appropriating his neighbor's property. Oh what a sermon :s there ! The pious instruc tion the consistent example the earliest rec ollections of youth burst upon him with fear ful vividness I For himself he cared nothing, he offended the law, and was willing to sub mit to the penalty; yet the frail foim of that dear one who taught him to lisp his evening prayer, appeared ueioreium, tottering towards hef last resting place, there to lie down in pleasant dreams." The silver hairs had stray ed beneath her cap the eye has lost some of itR brilliancy, but none of its benevolence the skin is not as fair as when she was led to the altar the hand, as she leans upon the staff. has not the delicate proportions of other days; the step has lost its elasticity, but a turn reli ance in the faith of her father's sustaining her chi'dren have grown up in honor, so far asshe knows, and she is willing to go whenever her summons comes. Then, do you wonder that the poor culprit sighs out in the agony of his heart : " Don't let my mother know its for she's almost worn out now, and this world kill her I" Young man, when tempted to sin, ask yourself; "What would my mother sayf" When the evil one has assumed his most al luring form, before you yield, stop long enough to asi your better nature i "What would my motner say vvuteianii Uerau. of of on the her to the tnd are sue to a but the the cm nor lazy see than ETA gentleman away off in Arkansas, who bad been stopping at a cross country tavern about two weeks,, writes to a frirnd about the manner in which "hotel affairs" are conduct ed. He says: The regulations of the house ore written in ahold round hand, and tacked Qftifie nDOf-l ui c.vii ww-.wim. a ,14,-iuie arc rigiuiy en forced, and th? ii'rilest deviation ianit u'iih tta penalty. Here they are t i uemieinen wiu oues; pieir ooots Before leaving their rooms, cr they will not be admit ted to table, without an extra charge of a bit meal. . ... 2 Gentlemen going to lied with their hoot on will be finej a nuarter for the first offence, four bits (or tht second, tnd turned out tnd sued for their board for the third the laadlord holding on to the plunder. 3 No person allowed tt call twice for tbe same dish, without paying in extrt bit. 4 (Jentlemen not on hand at meal-times cannot come to the table, without paying an extra bit. fl Any gentleman found going to the ladies room will be fined fiveddllvs, and perhaps turned out, as the case is aggravating. 6 All travelers ireefcnected lo ireat hernr leaving the house-the landlord holding on the plunder until he comes out. . 1 Loud snoring not allowed, and tine t nit for every offence, 8 Country soap for washing given free, bit t week tor town soap. . , 3 A half dime will be charged for the priv. ilege of th: back porch, on ahady afternoons 10 Liquors with white sugar, i bit i drink. with common, five cents. - . .. 1 1 Tielandlord trusts that his boarders will observe the above rules, and say nothing! me proper means win tie ttkeu to see that they do. - Two persons met the other day, and dving so, the one Inquired: 1 "Can you account for this extreme d weatherf" "No," responded the other, "can yotif' "Yes, it is in consequence of the want Mini" - . ("An editor out west, ib speaking Of domestic increase, gives the tallowing: Sound tbe stage horn, blast the trumpet . That tht Waiting world may know I Publiett it through ill our borders, ' Even unlo Mexico 1 - ;,-, Seise your pee, oh, dreaming post .' . . ' And in numbers smooth as may be. Spread afar the joyful tiding, Bttti'i got u'littU baby t' " v V i' '.. ,.. l. ; ., . ; i.v i, ... i ( j ... (Eljf. pmorrat- It published every Thursday uoraiaf. ia th ' room immedittely'ovcr (he Post Officii Miia Street, Eaton, Ohio, kt the following ratta: II 50 per aanum, In advance. 2 00, if not paid within the year, and $3 60 after the yenr has expired. t"Thee rates will be rigidly enford.1j'' No Paiier discontinue,) unlit all irtniaul' are paid.unlessat the option of U publisher UTAH commu mentions addressed to the Ed tor must be sent free of prstkgk lb insure tt- enlion. . . ... " . '.. ST fro rhmmuhieelion inserted, fc nitre in companied by a reapotlsille name. ' 1 - ,. Additional News by the Steamer America. NEW' YORK, Friday, September 29. The Crimet expedition it decidedly the larv : gest lit the annals of modern, warfare- The fleet musters 25,000 aaitor and al.OOO etnnonj" amone the land forces are 20.00 F.nrlith is. . 000 Turks, tnd 10,000 Egyptian!. TheEng-' nsn squadron, itit virna on tht Sd, and . the French General, Arnaudi and ILe Turk sailed on the 6th, and were to Join tbt British ' off the mouth of tht Danube. Tht debarka tion ia to take rllact kt Point Babu vhra there Is fifteen fathoms of water. When onto landed, entrenchments will be made, and then the Russians will bt attacked in tbe field. From sea, Fort Constintine, maintaining 110 guns, will be attacked by the fleet. A posi tion has been discovered from whence tho Russian fleet can bt burnt or forced to cone out to set and fight. Pnnct Menchikoff conducti tht defense of Sevastopool. There are 60,000 Russian forces , camp at Odessa, besides a full garrison art the city. Many of the Russian ships in that part have been converted intt tiro ahipa. A new levy of ten men in ecb thousand is or dered in the western portion of tbt Rtttsian Empire. .... Rumors that the Trench Admiral, Hamilton, wat opposed to the Sevastopol expedition.tnd . that Arnaud had taken the sole responsibility . iso that sealed orders were on the way from France, were in circulation, but not generally credited. . ; The orders calling home the Baltic fleet , eaused some apprehension in Eng'and, fearing -that the Russian fleet will escape from the Baltic and commit devrista'ibha otl commereBi It was rumored Napier wishes to resign. The Austrian forces were formally received bv Omar Pasha, at Bucharest, hut it is report ed that Omar and the Austrian commander tf tefwards disagreed. ' ' A complete rupture has taken plaee between ersia and the I orte . - The Independence ftetpe gives thfesubstsnce of the Czar's last reply to the note tent by ustria. lie exp esses his surprise that Aus tria should have transmitted such proposali to him, unaccompanied by any copeestioni on the part of the "powers '' : tie unconditionally rejects Ihe proposais.ina ys Russia has made every concession com patible with her honor, and it only remains lor the Cnar to abide eventualities, and in order te arrive at a solid basis for negotiations, the Emperor would avoid increasing the complies tioue of the war, but will repel with energy all attacks from whatever quarterr The advices from India report trade favors- ble at Calcutta. But in China trade waa Terr dull and great confusion exists. The insur- . gents had taken several places near Canton, and threatened to take that cry. I ht tor eignets were protected by the factory ships. The dates from Canton are to the 10th July and from Shanghai ti the 12th. The yutch America is advertised for sale. To military exercises continue it Bologne. On the 13th t sham battle Was enacted; in in vading army of 40,000 marched from St. Omer and atUickedUologne"; arid was met by a aim' ilar force, and alter immense lire ana moke Bologne Vas supposed to be taken. The French Minuter is recalled from Berlin and F. Barrot is appointed to the office. The cholera was rapid ;y abating at Paris. Another outbreak In Spam waa looked for. Tha Republican party showed great uneasi ness, and was thoroughly organized through- tutthe country, and it was believed the pro gramme of the intended movement was beings . secretly circulated. The Marquis of Albarda is recogimzed as being at tht held of the- movements, nnd he keeps concealed. Public . tumor also connects Mr. Soult with the movi ment. ' ' ; Ouecn Christina has arrived at Lilbon, tnd from thence proceeds to Paris. . Cool Yet Accommodating. a A man by the name of Balir, in Sebaslln county) was lately in very peculiar circum- Unces. Whilst absent from borne, vaga bond bv the name of Rose made the tcouaint- enct of his family, and actually so tor trans cended the bounds of propriety as to induce Mrs. Bahr to consent to fun away from her husband and cohabit with h:m. Accordingly he yoked up Bahf's oxen loaded the cart with the effects about ihe house, placed Mrs. Bahr and her two children on the top of tbern, and wna just nhout to cry out "get up, Borry," when Bahr tnctle his appearance. lie had al ready heard of his wires unfaithfulness, and came Up Weeping. . "Uh, folly jane, folly jane, are you going to leave me, and take away Bod and Sarin- MM. bhr nnsweiea ryi...wora, uui me i tentiottdf Rose Was drawn toHh,B.. lament - . . - , ...1 .V -1 tlOlts; ' ' . 1 " Whirt'a the matter) Mr. Bahr t" taid Rose, "folly tnd the children is going to be sep arated from me," responded Bahr. "No need 01 that. Mr. Bahr. no need uflhat. Come and gd along With us; in fact, we need , you to pack Water and cary wood. Cheer up and Come atone. Don't look at the dark aide) of life, you'll have a first? rate time'. Git up, ' Betty'." Ex. : --if : v to of a in of his trJi little eirl had been nlavine'.ln the street Until she had become pretty Well coter-.'' ed with dust.' In trying to wash it off, thai ' didn't use enough water to prevent the dust rolling np in little bans npon her arms, in her trouble, she applied to her brother, a lit tle older than herself, fort solution' of the mystery. It was explained at once to. hia satisfaction at leasti t.- ' "Why, sis, you ate made of dust, and if you don't stop, you'll wash yourself all away." ' This opinion, coming from an elder brother, wss decisive, and the washing was discon tinued. . . ,.., ," , ,. ., ! rrrWt heard a good retort in the ear, the other day, from a tipsy laborer, who had ear- " ned in hia hand a bottle of "Ere-wa'.er," mild , which to keep himself warm ind moist. A fellow traveller, wishing to poke t little fun tt him, asked him what he had got in ha hot' : tie. -. : ,.v,f.-,.U 'ji "Small Beer," was the reply. , . "Well," said the other "if it'i srnall beer. I'llahare it with yott." , "No," answered Sawney, "it's too small for two " BTlt Is t glorious sight to see two old peo ple, Who have Weathered the storms and basked in sunshine of life together, go hud in bind, lovingly and thougbtfuily, together down tht gentle declivity of time, with no anger, nor jealousy, nor hatred, garnered up against each other, and looking with hops joy to tht everlasting youth of Heaven, where, they two thill be out forever. That is a true mimtge, for it ia a marriage of spirit with spirit. Their love i woven into a woof of gold, that neither tiiW nor death, nor tterni ty can eyer. , . I " t. ;.f .,'.! ! Mi . ( 1. 4-,. ...