OCR Interpretation

Eaton Democrat. [volume] (Eaton, Ohio) 1843-1856, November 02, 1854, Image 1

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' "Oh that we.
In those bleat woodswbere first you won my soul
Had pissed our gentle days far from the toil
And din of war ! Buch is the with of lore, j -Of
lore that with delighted weakness
Knows no bliss and no ambition but itself."
The evening repast was over, when Dor
Singleton immediately retired to heraportment
but not to sleep. Her pathway had ceased to
wind among roses, and care and anxiety were
heavy at her heart. ' i ' ,: ' -'
The old familv mansion, where he still
dwelt with her step-father a man of moody
and snilen temper, whose treatment was noi
always temnared bv that kindness and consid
eration which should have Mentha lot of one
ao tender and young was one of those pictur
esque buildings of that style ao pleasing to our
ancestors some few generations ago, but which
have altogether disappeared in this utilitaria
ee. It was a uuiet and dignified looking old
mansion, somewhat quaint indeed in its ap
pearanceind style, yet sufficiently capacious
. to have sheltered under its pyramidal roof some
two or three generations of those prolific days
Antiauated cupboards, with shelves well hid
den by neatly pannelled doors that reached
even up tothe ceiling, filled cp here and there
the corner ol an apartment, while doors innu
merable opened into mysterious closets on
every aide. . ' '
Dora had retired into her bed chamber in
the second story of the building, the walls of
which were decorated with portraits of her
father and mother, that seemed to look down
fondly upon the beautiful and unfriended or
phan. A small silver lamp of exquisite work
manship shed its clear light over her beauti
ful features, pale indeed, yet wondrously fair,'
ao that !ie scarcely seemed a being of earth.'
Her glance had in it tttat strangely fascinating
power that belongs on!y to beauty of a rare
and high order of perfection. It was only such
as could belong to a proud, and generous, and
sensitive nature, that seemed without an (
fort to resort the heart of all others, while it
betrayed not even in a moment the secrets of
its own. All the magic grace ef nature lived
with her and seemed to dwell in the air she
Her hair of a very dark' shade, yet not
wholly black, was tastefu lly bound up in the
becoming Grecian knot, and where it was
aatbered from her neck it formed a lovely con
trast with ttw Amtini; -white rtiB 'beneath.
Her arm, left bare to the elbow, or but slight
ly concealed from view by nndersleeves of a
most delicate texture, were full and most
temptingly rounded, and her small hand, on
the fingers of which glittered a single ring
bearing a gem of the first water, was of aristo
cratic lovelinesa.
Dora bad not lingered long over the trifle on
which she was sewing, when she cast it aside
with a sigh, blew out her lamp, glided across
the apartment, and throwing open the case
ment, stood upon the ha Icon; on the front of
the mansion. There, leaning anon the slen
der railing which encompassed it, with her
Cheek upon her palm, she looked abroad upan
the dim landscape which spread out before
her. '
All was now peaceful and serene. The
howling storm, which had hovered above but
a few hours before with wings of appalling
blackness, had passed away with all his host
of sulphurous clouds, and the bright stars were
shining calmly in the sky, while the bright
moon, rapidly ascending the eastern honaon,
noured down a mellow flood of light upon for
est and field, making the rain drops opon each
Wade and leaf to glisten like burnished silver
The prospect before the maiden was beau
tiful indeed. The house, which was situated
unon'a gently sloping hill, commanded a fine
Yiew of the surrounding country, and on every
aide, bat one, lay extended fields With noth
ing to impede the "iew. To the left of the
avenue, which led off directly from the noble
mansion: was an uncultivated forest, which
extended to the east and the north as far
the ey could reach, where the pine and the
oak mingled their foliage together, and where
many a gentle atream purdled on over snowy
sands under the impenetrable shade. ' The
landscape that spread out before the maiden
was quiet and lovely; A flood of yellow light
rested upon the broad scene, and"waa refleot'
d back from field and forest in soft lights and
ihadowa. .-
It waa one of those calm and glorious nights
of oriental brightness when every sound
Still, and every voice bushed to repose when
the beauty of Eden seems to revisit the eartk,
and banish for a season its corroding causes aad
consuming sorrows. '
Dora had a heart to feel all the beauty
the honr. The poetry of love was with her,
and htr thoughts were away witfc the young
oldier of his country, who had been eontent
to turn away even from hrr, and undergo
toils and privations of the camp for the noble
' cauae of Independence. She loved him with
that generous and uncalculating devotion, that
in one of her temperament and blood amount
ed almost to idolatry. Though meeting
rarely, and laterly only by stealth, yet his im
' age was continually present to ber mind.
Of late there had been.many causes at work
to diminish the peace and happiness of
maiden. The country was overrun by prowl
ing bands of taries, and nowhere throughout
the whole 8tate was there a band of patriots
vuffioiently formidable to stand against the
or to appear openly In arma. The body
under Marion, which still refused to disband,
could scarcely ba called, an exception to
rule; for pent up in the fastness of the awamp,
it lay bidden from the enemy, while' its local
ity was a mystery even to the most 'undoubted
patriot! of nta own party. - 1
As the maiden leaned over the. balustrade.
the full light of the moon shining down softly
upon, her beautiful figure, that seemed
more voluptous as she stood exposed to
influence of that bewitching light that softens
even the downy cheek of beauty, and gives
perfection to its loveliness, one might almost
obaetve the tear-drops flashing across
bright eyea, while aha mused atone on
young hopes, the fruition of which seemed
so distant. Around her, tnrougnoui mo wnoie
land, the foot of the invader trod .triumphant
ly upan the aoil, and .even the moat hopeful
o the patriot! began . tonrembie at me pros
pect of eubjugalion. Well did he know,
lata that awaited ber lover anouid thjamvauei
finally triumph over a ptostntf country.
; BTW. 0 GOULD. '4:';rsi i. , "Fearless and Free." : $l,50per Annum in Advance.
.v .' . : i"- - i i.u' ' ... - . , , : . .
NewSeries. ; ; ; 1 1: EATON, PREBLE C 6 UN Y, 0, N0V.2, tS5i. f Vol. 11, No. 20. :
w eaaaaVsavaYaVBaVaVaaaaiRMaiaaaaaMajMB
nores fwonld then be but delusive dream,
and her heart, widowed ih'ite alfeotion, break
with its burden, or beat off throuih a sad ex
istence, maddened by its bereavement. '
Besides these anticipation of evila,as yet
distant and only conieetural, there were more
immediate causes of anxiety ana annoyance
which harrasaed hrt peace, and were fruitful
of much uneaainess and distraaa, Irort which
she determined to free herself, even though
it should be necessary to resort to the most en
ergetic measures. Her home had of late been
frequently visnea Dy ins ieic ui u myi
itii mostfv. if not altogether, men of aban
doned characters and dissolute habits who
could now with impunity venture aoroau, and
boldly, too in a country where there was no
longer power to keep them in wholesome awe,
and more than one of these military free-boot-nd
had" cast glances' of admiration and covet-
nna expectations upon the rich heiress of
Snm'ftr. i.
Foremost among these, ana especially ite-
taited'bv Dora, was the tory lender Harrison,
who regarded her as a priie well won by his
imfriinulous devotion to the cause of the
mother country. Patiently had he borne her
indignant contempt, her withering scorn and
hr freelv manifested d testation of his charac
ter, in the nresumntous hone that the final
hnnr nf triumph would wring from her how
t.r tpiiiriontlv. a consent to wed him. He
hit hecnmea freaueut guest at her father's
house, who courted the sociaty of the bloody
and wicked man whom hia more ceurogeous
daughter abhorred. - -
i Th gentle Dora was leaning over the bal
ustrade and musing Upon the mournful air-
eumitsncts that darkened the sunshine of her
happiness, and bitter were her meditations as
she called to mind her unfriended and desolate
situation aince she stood isolated from the
world, and with scarcely one friend to whom
she coa!d unburden herself with a hope of
sympathv. As she stood lookingoiit upon the
scene before Mr, suddenly the neighing ot a
horse reached tier eari from the road wmcn
missed lonir at right angles to the avenue.
ohmit half a mile distant. Again the sharp
shrill neigh m6e upon the air like the clear
blast of a clarion, ana uora imagineu mai
she could almost hear the tramp or ner
lover's steed along the firm and well troauen
highway; . She gazed .intently down the long
avenue, taxing her eyes w me unno.- io uis
tinguish the horse or rider through the gloom
as he passed the point where the avenue in
tersected the highway.
"It is the day he should have come," mur
mured the maiden, as with her hand she sha
ded her eyes from the strong glare of the moon,
and PA?.! l intentlv down the avenue. A mo
ment more and she beheld the moonlisht
glisten upon the aleek coat of a powerful an
imal, ashe turned oil from the highway, and
entered the avenue leading to the house.
Rod he nraised. it is indeed he." she ex
claimed, as he recoenired the well known
i.pd nf her lover. "Michael comes." and
retiring to her chamber, she re-lighted her
tmnn, .aa.nur1 iLTiirica ttryfallv at bf Wlll-
- T -V- U-J ..v..l
now, io ten ner -lover him w "n
r . 1- 1 L : I 1H. n.rlln.
lor ano oucovereu uia i;uiui"k. i k .uonin
herself upon her kneei and burying her face
in her hands, went tears of thnnklulners and
joy for the anfe return of one who was dearer
to her heart man me useii.
Some ten qr fifteen minutes had elapsed and
this beautiful woman still knelt with her face
huried in her hands: when suddenly, a rust-
linir win heard among the leaves of the oak
that grew near her window to the right of the
nor I ico. and a Slieni lamnx among iu uuu.us,
ond a grating against its trunk, such as would
be caused by one climbing it from below. She
rose to her feet, and a glance through the
open window served to reveal to her the fig
ure or a handsome man, wno nau ascenueu
the tree tothe height of her window, and was
now making hia way along a bough thawpto-
Jeeted to within a few inches of one of the
corner pi lars ot me Dawony.
In her surprise, ner nrsi impulse was
scream aloud, but the voiceof her lover, whose
quick eyes hod slresdydiscovered her, disarm
ed ber fears for herself, and she now began
feel seriously alarmed Tor the peril m w hich
his seeming rashness had involved himself..
The limb unun which he was slowly ma
king his way to the balcony was nearly thirty
feet fremthe gravelly court oeneam anu seem
ed quite too frail to support even the weight
of a slender stripling, much less of one of the
robust of Michael: but while she stood petri
fied by astonishment and terror, her lover was
eraduallv nearina the column, then casting
his arm around if, and finally releasing
hold oftho bough, leap lightly to the uallus
trade, and at length stood safe and secure upon
the balconv. With a crvofioy she flew
through -tbe open -door, and failing into
arms, relieved hat overwrought feelings by
flood of tears. .
"I have comei". were the first, words of
lover, as he presse I her to his bosom, "but
seldom as we meet, dear Dora, I find
country iq unsafe for me, tint we must meet
to part almost in one breath." ...
"Not so soon, I trust, MichaeT," answered
Dora haatilr: have so much to say to you,
and am so unhappy here, that I, would follow
vou to the enmn. and be even' your servant
there, raliier than we should parr again.
"I hope dear Dora," answered micnaei
he led her (rom the balcony into her cham
br that Isaac Wharton has not forgotten
kindness due you I.",
Not that. Michael, not that," she respond
ed o.uicklv. as she marked the flush of anger
anil snrnrisp thai flnihed over the earnest fea
tures or ner lover, "but our neignuornooo
no longer what it once was; but five miles
distant from this very spot, the toriea are
have a grand meeting an the day alter to -mor
"Ha! say yon go I" renliedMichaeleagerly,
while a gleam of joy flaahtd from hia eyes.
"Where meet they, and how beard you newa
so important and welcomeaa this Jr. ,
"welcome i mueeu, iy wo i ia
wise!" responded the fair woman, while
cheek erew a shade naltr. "1 myself hesrd
their leaders Slider una very roor wnen
bosstlngly told of the preparations they
msde for the rendezvous l tneir raggen
lowers at the field on Tarcotfl., A grand sup
nor i in hit nrnnared for iheir traitorous guests.
New weanona are to be distributed, to
fniinworn with an unsnaring hand, and provis
iona. elo'.hina and money bestowed upon
who Will ioia them. The- whole country
eetiri and the notorioua Tynea who is to
eommaml is alretdyjn the neighborhood
a. number of active and. audaoions jqiiowers.
- I'd m tyiw anil t. rnr." exclaimed Michsel
with, an animated gesture,, this will .be,
nwa fnr im mmmander. But has the rascal
ly toriea no fear that Marion would hear
elr gathering, and be an unbidden guystt"
"Indeed thev do not." replied she. "S
do the? eeiri of danger now. , Marian is
iieved to be far distant, and too feeble even,
aware or their pu;poip,,.to yeqture aorooO;
oppose them.', '
"On my soul they are fools as well as cra
vens 1" muttered Michael, disdainfully. - "No
longer aince than morning I left my brave gen
eral with two hundred aa gallant soldiers as
ever fought under the banner pf. freedom.
Conyers panting for the fight,, is in the camp
with a full troop, and w are ready at a word
to rusb down upon t ho enemy like a thunder
bolt. But I am astonished beyond measure
that our scouts ever wont to be prompt and
vigilant, failed to gather and transmit to Mari
on intelligence of this gathering."
"Perhaps they may nave been among Uiose
good and leli.ble whigs who. were cap
tured and sent off nnder guard to Camden,"
answered Dora. "Before a word was wbia-lment
pered abroad of the intended gathering every
man even suspected of being friendly to hia
country was at once sent off to prison."
"If all have indeed fallen into the power
of the tories, there is an epauletted traitor in
our camp," answered Michael sternly.
"Marion haa scouts abroad that you would
scarcely dream of and such as the tories could
never suspect, unless they are betrayed.
None but officers are permitted to know the
names of his scouts and ther are only trusted
with the secret when be good of the public
service requirea it. lmust know what fate
haa befallen his scouts, and to do ao, 1 must
trust vou with their names, which otherwise
torture could not wring from my Hps. . l trust
you but let the silence of the grave forever after
rest on their names."
"Speak on Michael," answered the maiden
'I would die sooner than betray them."
' Michael drew yel nigher to her, and sinking
his voice to a whisper, as though be feared the
walls line! ears, spoke slowly and solemnly
'Richbourg:, Jumiton, A mas can you tell
me ought ot th cm 7 they are our scouts, loyal
and trusted. God grant they may be safe!"
"No wonder that you failed to hear from
them," replied Dora ; "Jamison and Ames
have been sent in irons to Camden : but
Richbourg preferred a better late, he died at
his own door, battling like a lion with those
who were sent to arrest him.
' "May he rest in peace," responded Michael
solemnly, "he was a brave soldier and an hon
est man. But we hare oue scout yet left, t
brave and lovnl old man as true as steel to the
cause of his adopted country. What bad ti
dings have you to tell me or old. Archy Kerr."
"Old Archy Kerr!" asked Dora, with a start
of surprise; that taciturn moody and selfish old
man whom no whig will trust and whom tory
as he is, even his own party avoid and dislike?
You. jest in speaking thus of that misanthrop
ic recluse."
: "On my word I do not," responded her lov
er gravely. "Old Archie Kerr, for reasons
that do. honor to his heart has been content to
endure the ill-will and contempt of those
whose devotion to their country does not equal
his own. Too proud, indeed too much of a
christian to practice imposition or deceit, even
for the promotion of a righteous cause he
would sooner tear his tongue from hia throat
than sqfler it to belie bis conviction. Thus
hf -ti-neatr-Vept him arioof from the tones
though reputed as such himself. . And he will
not consort with our own party, lest he mny
draw the suspicion of the royalist party upon
himself, and thus diminish his opportunity of
rendering assistance to Marion. The leading
wings of the district have a hundred times de
nounced him to Marion as one well worthy
of the halter but our general has only smiled
in the quiet way peculiar to him, and talked
of moderation anil lenity to our enemies. Oh!
believe me one of the noblest hearts that ever
beat one the most atern and unyielding in its
integrity, throbs under the coarse jerkin ot
that devoted patriot. Tell me Dory, has hr
too fallen into the power of the lory pariyr-
"No. Michael, no!" answered she. "Ar
chy Kerr is so cordially detested by the whigs,
that he would be the last man the lories wouiu
suspect. Three, weeks since he was taken
down by a tevet "Pd now lies dangerously
ick. and so unpopular is his name, thai
believe nay nou ear he is left to dia al
most compa nioffls.'.s.
"God forbid !" eiaeutated Michael lervenuy,
he'is too firm a friand of his country to merit
such a fate. Were it not what you have told
renders it necessary that I should return to the
camp without the loss of an hour, I would
even hasten to his oeusiue mis input, i con-
ure vou bv all that is sacred, suffer not that
noble seivant of bis country to feel that he
neglected; visit him yourself; tell him that
like himself vou live but for yourcountry. He
is the friend, the confidant and the scout
Marion and never does our General change
his camp, without directly informing Kerr by
a trusty messenger of hia change of quarters.
tie would part with his last morseioi oreau
feed a suffering soldier, and as his means are
scanty, the old hero may even now lee I we
pincoings of actual want, xou anouiu
provided wunsucn minga ai a oiuk man uraj
actually need, and whisper this in his ear, that
n fnity-eight hours Marion nimsen win aioiiu
bv hia aide. Ah ! Dora, devotion like his
should not go unrewarded."
Indeed it tnoU not," answered sne wun
much emotion. . f'For the love he baa borne
his country, I myself will watch over him,
a daughter, and see that all his wants are aup-
pled." . ,
'And now, Dora, aaid Michael rising from
hia seat, "tfe must part once more, and soon
er than I had anticipated. I must retraee my
tpn with, all convenient eneoC. and inform
Marion of the varied news I hava beard from
vour Hps. . In two days at most we shall meet
again, that is so soon as we Hava routed -mis
band of ruffians, of whose rendexvous you
have told me. Marion will be- on hia route
before to-morrow'a aun has aet, and I trust
such a lesson may be taught to the tories
Black river that they Will nevar again appoim
another rendezvous here.' - . '
"May heaven grant it," ejaculated the
maiden. "But, Michael, I know you must in
deed be wearied with your long travel, uc
cupy this chamber until morning and,"
added with a blush--"as for myself I will
tire below: Indeed I will gee to it you
not discove ed, and have you awakened
put on the road before the family are astir.
Rest beneath our roof atleast until morning."
! must answer you ray dear Dora, aa a cer
tain noble but 'unfortunate Soldier answered
his kifig, when he returned home from an un
finished campaign, while his countrymen were
still abroad engaged in the toils of war "The
auk and Israel and Judah abide- in tenia
the-servant of my Lord are eneamped in
onen field," thus it is with me. I must even
4env myself, weary ai I am, .the luxury
sleep.'.' , i he cneea ano neca oi we young
maiden who. wan remembered tne story
which innocent allnaioa was mad Were crim
soned with blushes, which She QUbt vainly
oonreal, . ' v' 1 v
"No. Dora." continued her" lover in
sume 'grave tone-i-'nfl bed of fowif for me,
h'mutt hasten back to inform Marvin of this
riousrews. were be nor a man oi more
ordinuv activity, it would even now. be
lata to convey him the tidings in s'eaipu. '
member when I am gone, I pray you, honest,
and loyal old Kerr, Ha is an unshaken friand
of his country, and no doubt needs kindness
and eare at this time. And now time con
strains ma to leave you."
"Not in the same manner in which you
came, however, Michsel. Allow me to step
below, and if I find all quiet I will return and
conduct you out by the lower door." v
Dora hastily descended the staircase and
after ! ahoit absence returned to the door and
beckoned to Michael to follow. Michael had
already drawn off his boots and stood ready to
follow his fair guide, 'who immediately led
the way down the staircase to the lower apart.
and opened the door for his exit.
Drawing her close to his bosom and im
printing a kiss upon her cheek, he whispered
m her ear as they parted, "lear not Dora, we
shall meet again." .
The maidan gently closed the door, and
parsing for a moment to listen to her receed-
ing footsteps, the young diagnon drew on his
boo'f, and hastened to the copse where his
horse stood tied. As he passed out by the
gateway he glanced back toward the house,
and Dora vho was again on the balconv await
ing a parting glance, waved him a last adieu in
answer to his own, and retired once more to
her chamber.
Hastily then the young trooper strode along,
and soon was seated firmly in his saddle, re
tracing his steps, to bear his general the im
portant information he had received.
Although the silent moon above sent down
a flood of lightupon the scenery through which
he passed, making it yet more beautiful than
day, yet the attention of the trooper was not
aroused bv the visible obiecls around him.
Moodily pressing the rowel into the flanks of
his alieady jaded ateed.hesDstractl, continued
his journey in that meditative mood that leaves
the outer senaes to slumber and repose. He
had already retraced some ten miles of the
road, over which he had solately passed, when
suddenly awakening from hisrevery, and find
ing that his good steed had fallen into a slow
er pace than the urgency of the case and the
short time before him permitted, hp quickened
his pace into a gallop and with new life his
horse dashed gallantly onward. Before him
the road turned off abruptly to the right, and
aa at a rapid pace be turned the comer, Mich
ael found himselt, unexpectedly, lace io lace
with a body of horsemen, some twcniy-tive or
thirty in number who had halted in the road,
and before he could check his fiery and im
petuous steed he was borne uuo their very
"Hallo! who the deuce have we here ?" ex
claimed the leader of the band, suddenly
wlieelinc unon Michael, who found himself in
aa instant hemmed in by the armed horsemen
who closed around him, rendering resistance
or racane alike impossible.
"Some 4) d rebel, colonel, I'll stake my
life on it," replied one of their number,
"Who are-yon," again demanded their lead
er in. an authorative tone, "Your name
you? busia,4 answer briefly-and tothe point
we have no time to lose in idle questions.
. "Hang him up? shouted one of their number
who was scarcely able to ait on. his horse,
brandishing at the same time a sabre above bis
head. "Hang him up, and let's on to old
Wharton'a before the rebel we are after makes
his escape."
"Put up your sword Randall " interposed
another of the band. "Put up your sword,
and le'.'s hear what the fellow has to any.
In an instant Michael comprehended the
full peril of his situation. He at once under
stood from the language that met his eora.that
the party before him were at that time in pur
suit of himself, aa he correctly divined at the
instigation of the bloody Harrison. Knowing
well that iney were Deni upon ma uesirucnun,
he scorned to attempt to deceive them by false
hood. As dearly as he loved lire, beset a still
hither value upon truth.
"What have you to say r" again asked their
leader in an irritated tone. "Our time is pre
cious speak your name !"
"Were your time ten times as precious,"
nswered Michael boldlv, "you should tarry
here a long while before 1 should answer ques
tiansof such a character uron the common
Da-am me Kernel," sqneaneo a voice
the crowd, "if this ain't rank treason against
you. Ef it was left to me, I'd say awing him
up on a grapevine."
"Move," 'honied a harsh, but commanding
voice from the outer circle of the'erowd, and
the speaker, a tall and stalwart man, whose
face was bandaged up made his way into the
midst of the circle, to get abetter view of the
Michael s neari oegan io ucne iuil-h ii wai
for in that fierce voice, and atnut horseman,
he recognized that vindictive tory whom
hand had that evening stricken to his feet.and
whe he well knew chermhed feelings of
deadliest haired against him. Knowing that
to fall into his bands would lie scarce less than
instant death, with the anxious eagerneas
despair he looked from side to side, with
desperate resolution of making an effort
hrealc from the band ofhii captors.
"That's your man! seize him!" shouted
Harrison for it was he the mnment
nlanfi. rested on our hero.
With a desperate hope of escapp, Michael
tifhfened the rein of his good steed, planted
himself firm'y in his stirrups, and driving
rowel hone in the flanks of his high mettled
charger, gave him the reins and attempted
rush by rlarruon.
The attempt, despera'e as it was, hod near
ly succeeded. Two of the horsemen who stood
in his path were borne befoie him to the earth
nd ata?cred bv the shock, his horse for a mo
ment faltered. Time waa thus afforded to Har
rison, who was mounted npon an iron grey
iiimaMinir activity, to wheel bis horse suddt-
1 . . i . 1 - i . l
lv around, and raising uenvny hibucu
which he earned in his band, be dealt Midi
nel a blow that felled him tothe earth. In
instant a dozen of the companions of Harrison
were upon him, and stunned by the ahock,
fore he recovereu iroin nis momentary aiupor,
his arms were pinioned-and he lay at
merry. '
When Michael was fully restored to fcon
sclou'iiess, his captors were dismounted
standing around him. The hum of voices
sounded confusedly in his ears; but he
perceived it was the desire of the great
er number to hang him up literally to the near
est tree. The greater portion of them, led
h Harrison, were clamoroua for his instant
ecution, while he who appeared their leader
seemed desirous to postpone Vt, to some
fitting time. He also ascertained that the
into whose hands he had so bnforliinat.aly
fallen, had been collected by Harrison for
purpose of following him to Isaao Wharton's,
whiiher Harrison had learned he Was wont
go whenever be obtained leave 'of absence
from the camp of Marion. ' 1 '
Stun? with mortification jeaVmsy and
cherished hatred, Harrison and hia followers
urged the immediate execution of Allscot,
Ra who seemed their Chief ind who wutreet-
ed with marked defferenee and respect by all,
firmVy refused to sanction their cruel and hor
rid design. ...
"Colonel Tynea," exclaimed Harrison point
ing with drawn saber , to Miehael, who bore
himself unmoved and proudly in bis trying sit
uation, "that man you know to be an active
and dangerous rebel."
I could scarcely consider him such at pres
ent," returned Tyhei, with a cynical smile,
and seemingly indifferent to the ill humor and
impatience of his second in command.
Harrison ground his teeth with rage, while
he continued.
"Km I then to understand, Colonel Tynea,
that faithful, and tried, and active svrvanta of
the king, are to sit down patiently and bear
the injuries and indignities of such rebels as
"Yes !" piped in little Bill Stoker from the
outskirts of the crowd; "is we that's a Hers
font and bled and died for the king, to be
knocked down with our own cheers in our
own houses, and never be allowed the privil
ege to hollow that's the question !"
' A general laugh from the crowd followed
this earnest pathetic statement of the stale of
affairs. Harrison bit his lip with venation,
and looked daggers at his late fellow-sufferer,
while Tynes strove in vain to suppress a smile.
"No, major I" said he, laying his hand kind
ly upon the shoulder of Harrison, and speak
ing in a tone at once courteous and resolute.
"I do not intend that this rebel or any other
that may fall into my hands, shall escape the
fate due to the crime of treason. But he lump
as we do the commission of a christian king,
we must not act with disgraceful precipitation.
Brsidrs, we thus give the enemy the right to
retaliate, and God keep them from that !" he
added with a shudder. "On to-morrow we
will give, him a trial, and on the next day
he shall hang ! And now to your horses !
You, Applejohn and Stoker, put the prisoner
on hia horse between yoy, and see you be
watchful that he has no opportunity of escape
Should he attempt it shoot him on the spot!"
Thussaying, Tynes received his horse rrom
an attendant, and put his foot in the stirrup-
In a C'UpIeof minutes the whole cavalcade
was again in ino'.ion, having Michael hound
and placed on his horse between two of their
number. Thus he lound himselfunexpecte:iy
turned back, and carried a prisoner along the
road he had already twice travelled since pet
of sun. The party having secured their pris
oner, wended their way slo ly, and in cau
tious silence toward the camp upon Tarcote.
Those of the party conversed with each other
in whispers, for the name of Marion a name
associated with midni'ht surprises, and terri
ble from the suddenness with which he at
times pounced down upon the enemy who
deemed him far distant was a spell of terror
which followed the tory in all his evil deeds,
and sleeping or waking, by day and by night,
followed him like the whisperings of an evil
disquieted consciance.
tinctly on
ty, the
There is a utronh
Deep buried In our hearts, of which we reck
Hut little, till the shafts of heaven have pierced
It fragile dwelling1. Must not earth be vent,
Before her perns are fouud )
"I myself will save him !" cried Dora, sud
denly nrouiing from her deep dejection, while
her eye flashed with new born energy; "I
will appeal no more tothe mercy of savage
men, but to the sword of hia country. Thev
live by the sword, and wo unto them, by the
sword they shall perish !"
Thus spoke the noble woman, as with a
firmer step she paced the floorof her chamber
Tynes and Harrison had that ver'ymnrning vis
ited the house shortly after the dawn, and
made no concealment of the fact that Allscot
had been captured by them but a few hours
before and they were equally unreserved in
proclaiming their intentions to have him pub
licly executed on the day succeeding that
their visit. Shocked and overwhelmed by the
distressing information, Dora fnrpot hermaiden
delicacy, and throwing herself at the feet
his captors, plead in tears for her lover's life.
Tynes was cold and inexorable, and tlioug'i
Harrison preserved a decent and cautious si
lence, there was a lurking triumph in his eyes
more significant and siiiistrous than the impas
sive humanity or Tynes. As these two wor
thies left the house, Harrison found an ppiior
tunily ot W'lnspcring in her ear a lew words
seeming interest and kindness.
Come, Jhss Sinfleton," said he, "to our
camp on Tarcote, on to-morrow' and I will
join with you in an attempt to obtain for this
young man pardon trom the colonel. Aecrp!
my offer in the spirit in which it is made, and
our joint efforts will perhaps save him."
Dora's first thoughts were to spurn his pror-
(er or services, ivliich only cloaked premedi
tated wrong, with the I onest indignation
justly deserved; but knowing that such con
duct would only hasten the fate of Michael,
and feeling that it was due to him to take
course which might render his danger still
more emminent she turned toward Harrison
with a brighter eye, and nnswerd:
"I thank you, Mr. ilarrson'Harnson
who was a major in the royalist service
his lip with indignation "I thank you,
for your offer, and and do indeed accept it
the spirit in which it waa made. Perhaps
visit to your camp may be delayed until a late
hour on lo-aorrow, but as sure as the sun rises
I will visit your camp."
Harrison with bis superior officer, departed
thoroughly deceived by the honest rrank
ness of the maiden.
"She has fallen into my snare," waa
self congratulatory thought of the tory major
a he left the house.
"Fool that he is, to think that I believed
trusted, one 60 bloody and faithless !" way
soliloquy af he fair Dora, as she ascended
staircase and entered her chamber. All
heroism of her nature was arousjd, and with
the determination to save Michael there was
awakened. within her an energy and aelf de
pendence of which until that hour she
nut believe herself possessed. Her spirit rose
with the occasion that called forth her latent
energies, and she deteraained to lose not
honr in irresolute delay.
Summoning a servant MS bell that stood
upon the mantle board, she bade her seek
and send to her, without delay, Nero, a valu
able and trusty servant, who had been
childhood the playmate, and in malurer years
the body servant of her father. Like all ser
vants in his station, h was devotedly attach
ed to his young Unstress. She-was the- bean
ideal of all that waa good, and excellent,
however he might feel it necessary to differ
from her opinion, still whenevershe command
ed he wasreadv to lay down his life in
service. In short.' Nero was in hia own eati
mation One of the most important and dignified
personages; yet, when his young mistress
in question, a sooet humbltvand unobetrueive
individual. . ..r. ,., , . 1. ,-
la a very few momcala Dora's maid
vant, Jarje returned', preceeded by Nero,
in hand who halted at the door, and ttood
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respectfully awaiting the command! of hi!
young miatress. There was on his face.an ex
pression of curiosity and expectation that pro
voked a smile from Dora, despite hex distress.
The wrinkles on the old man's brow and tho
twinkle in hia eye said as plainly aa wurda -"Ki,
missy I what now J"
"Oood morning, missy," said the old man
with a smile expressive of wonder.
"Good morning, daddy Nero," returned
Dora with a sigh, "I have sent to you to know
if Fearnought is in proper plight for a long and
rapid journey.''
"xes, missy I" answered the old man open
ing his eyea wide; "Fearnought travel like
de wind."
"Hat he been well fed Una morning?"
asked she.
"Yes, ma'ambin well fed feed nm my
self," was the reply.
"la he a safe and sure horse 1" again asked
his young mistress.
"Ki, ma'am, he be as wild as de tiger,"
answered Nero.
I maan daddy Nero," asked Dora, "is ha
sure-footed, and will he go through all diffi
culties i"
"Sure footed for true !" replied Nero open
ing his eves widor and wider, "and he'll go
tothedebbil if you'll only gib himjine enough . '
Fearnought'a a mighty sperited horie for true."
"Well, then, Nero, he is just the horse I
want," replied his mistress. "I ish you to
sndille him for me at once; snd here's a va
lise I wish you to attach to the saddle forme."
"Saddle Fearnought for 7011, missy!" re
plied the old man with an inoredulus frown
and smile. "Why, there ain't.a nigger massa
Wharton got, what dare for to ride him f"
"My father was a good hor?eman was ha
not ?" asked Dora.
"Yes, m ''am! he ride like the debbil!" res
ponded Nero.
"Well, then, I think," replied she, "I'll
prove myself Ins daughter. Saddle fearnought
and I'll take a gallop upon him," she contin
ued wi'ha flashing eye, "fur mr.ny a long
mil-?, ay ven if it cosine my neck."
"Let mefo wid you den,' missy?" asked
Nero eagerly.
"I shall at all events need your service un
til I return," answered she evasively.
"Thank God for dat, anyhow," ejaculated
Nero, receiving the valise, which' she tossed
him, nnd with a reverent how the old man
withdrew to fulfil her commands.
In a few minutes thereafter Dora appeared
ill her riding dress, descended from her nnnrl.
ment nnd found Nero with all things in readi
ness for herdepar'uie, a quiet but strong and
'serviceable animal for bis own use being hal
tered at the rack while he with difficulty
held by the reins the animal she had otdereil
to be saddled for her own.
In truth Fearnought was as wild and fierce)
a steed as ever paced the sultry plains of Ara-
oin. 1 all and of magnihcient proportions, he
tood restlessly pawing up the earth and plung
ing auoni as 11 to escape trora llie l,anJs or
Ins groom, his wild anu; nervous eye flashing
wilh fire.
"You can't ride him, miss," observed old
Nero, shaking his head doubtinglv. ."Bet
ter let me put him up and ketch old Fox."
"Never mind, daddy Nero," she said; "only
brinij him up to the steps so t can mount, and
once within the saddle, 1 will answer for the
Tha horse which Dora had chosen for lief
ride was indeed a high mauled and fiery ani
mal. His glossy c at of a dark bay color, that
glittered in the sun, assort and as smooth a!
velvet; his eye that - flashed widely, hi high
arched crest, slender form and faultless pro
portions, all procla'med him one of that thor
ough-bred a nd pure blooded stock, at that day
so iiisity me pride o: uaromia.
'l)he restive and fiery animal was led tothe -platform,
and without a moment's hesitation
Drn trusted hersel.'lo the saddle, and in low
and gentle tones soothed him into quiet a
she guided him d wn the avenue. Patiently
he submitted Io her control, and rr.oved on aa
quietly as a lamb, as though proud of his gea
tle rider, and mindful of her safety.
K, woman stronger dan one debbil," mut
tered old Nero, as he cantered on after lier,on
his more staid nnd sober animal, with a capa
cious basket containing comforts for the sick
mn on the saddle bow.
I hira was soon in n fast canter moving like
a fleeing shadow along, the bridle path thnt
led lo fbe Black River swamp, on the very
margin of which was the dwelling of the long.
il'iiiUed, but faithful whig old Archibald
Keir. The house, which was in a field of
about two acres, stood on (lit brow of the hill
nt the foot of which, lay the oozy and path
less swamp. Une mij-'ht have stood in the
loor-way and tossed a filbert without an ef
fort beyond its margin.
The bridle path that wound around the field
lo the front of the hut w so blocked up by
brush wood, that it was passible only with
some difficulty. In fact it seonied as if the
owner had permitted ii to be choked up, in or
der that at any time he might the more readily
escape (rom any band or horsemen sent lo ar
rest him. '
Value of the Soul.
If the sun were a globe, and each star a dia
mondthe moon a ball of silver, and the earth)
a pearl of great value, one soul would ba
worth more than they all; and yet the sinner
values his son lie's thin a few rusty silver dol
lars, or the transitory pleasure of sin for a
ITA darkey having been to California, thus
speaks of his introduction to San Francisco:
"As soon as dev landed in de 1 il.fr, d.ir moufa -
begin to water lobe on land; and as soon aa .
dey waded to de shore, dey didn't aee any
goold, but dey found such a big supply of nuf
fiin to eat, dat dar gums cracked like baked
day in a brick-yard '
Sambo's Criticism.
The pdmpousepitaphofaclose fisledciltzen
closed with the following passage of Scripture: -"He
thatgive'.n to the poor lendeth to tha
Lord " ....... . -.,
"Dat may be so," soliloouized Sambo, "but
w'en dat man'died, ueLord didn't ow$ 'hit a
red ttnt!' -
rrA gentleman was once walking in a
street, when he met a atone cutter, and who
lie ihus addressed : '
"My good fellow if the devil waa to come
n6w which of us Would betake ?"
"After little beaitatian, the man replied,
"me air, becanse, yer honor, ha would be glad
to ketch meself sure an' he'd bate ycr ft any
, .- ' ; ?.; .. - - "
A Rival.
- -Mm Paetlnftori- ton't seem tobrelrne-Ii-,
ten no er aval talksaiter reading -i be acw
count ofa reqent decent upon several doubtful- -establishments
by the mayor who knew all. .
about the houaej ofdttUiuU."

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