Newspaper Page Text
DAY & 1 AT LACK . CIXCOAATI, II iv removed to their New Store Rooms, Wo. 89 Pearl St., lt Vine ft Baca, r peniiif a lrgi stscktf nii aua Winter Dry Goods, o which they invite the attention of the trade! August 16, 1855. if. w. J. ctmofti. j. A. oiLuom. W. J. & J. A. GILITIOIiE, Attorneys and Councallors at Law tsr7"OUioo on Ltaron Street, 8 doors south f Register Priutingodice, Eaton, O.jgJ ang ?. Bt ot and SSsoo Store. THE UNDERSICNED.has for months been engaged in man ufacturing BootsandShocs,with view io opening a Boot and SLce Store, la Eaton, and having completed a largo amount of (lie same, has uo,v tiie pleasuro of announcing that lie lias opened, on Miiu Street. opposite the National Hotel; a complete aasnrtmcm of all tho various kiuds, mostly of his on u mimifacturc. Ilia ns aortment now on hand and in progrossof compte. tion, are GENTS KI1) TOP. CALF. MOROCCO, And Patent JLclUcr tin iters; Oxford Oitf; Morocco aud Patent Leather Tien: Cilf, Patent Leather Monroes and all other kiuds too tedious to mention. AH kinds of Gent' and Ladies' faucv Gaiters niado to order, of the best mitjrial and workmanship. From tho expert ence he has had in the business, he feclseonfl dent his work will compare favfablv with any East or West. K. p. LOCiWOOD. Eaton. April g. 135IS 42-lf. - D00I0B yotjbseli-: THE POCKET yESCULAPIUS OR, EVKRY OXK Ills OWN PIlVSlCiAN. HUE 50' h. Edition, with Onellun- i J. dred EngravinKs, showing Disea ses and Malformations of the Human System in every shape and form. To which is a.l led a Treatise on the Diseases of Females, l)isiiv of the highest importance to married p JJple, or those e'ntem,ilaiing marrnge. By WILLI V:il YOIJXO ,ItI .D. Let no father be ashamed to present a copv of tho JGSCULAPIU8 to his child. It may save h'n from an early grave. Let no youiij man or woman enter imo tlie secret oblifra- lioni of inirriad life without reading the POCKET .EiCULAP US. Let no one mf ferin;' from a hacknied Couah, Pain in the side, resiles nights, norvmis feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensations, nrd given up by their physicians be another moment without consulting lie iEidi lnpius Have the married, or those objut to be married any impediment, read this truly useful book, as it has been the miana of saving thousnndsof unfortunate crea tures from the vi-ry jaws of death. XT Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE CENTS enclose 1 in a letter, will receive one copy of tnis work by mall, or five copies will be sent for One Dollar. Address, (post paid.) DR. WM. YOUNG. No. 152 Spruce St., Philadelphia. Or. j. i3. i??e:ii:d5tij. DENTAL STJB3E0:T AUD Oj-SitATOE IN I?IccI?iic:il ic;sJistry. WOULD respectfully inform both fi iendsand pitrons t'.mt he may now be found on Main mii jiiu nireei, one srmare west ui tue uoun House, Katon, Ohio. Thankful for the liberal natronnn-e uj.injwo.1 toe ia,iycar, aoa uviueocesol satisuc tioa rend -ired, he fejls like renewing his eifort not only to please, but to surpass, if possible, bis former oper ations i,i Avtillci:tl Work. Incorruptible Artificial ToothiiHirtpdinentirc r pirts of setU. wj til (jam of a b ai'.tii'ul granu lation, sidelicuely tinted and blendedastodei'y deteotio i from the natural, except by the iupec:ioo. Atmospheric Pressure, Teeth al.vay inserted on this princip'q when he entire arch is rc.j liredAn ', partial setts when ho condition of the month will admit of it. FiHiuTccli:. Dr. XI. would call al."itioiito this vcrv impor tant oparatimi, by saying that if projiorly done Teeth cm bo rendered useful for life. Extracting. Cleansing, and Itegnlating Chil dren's Teeth, and if mural diseases of tho mouth treated in a ju licious m'liner. Odice and residenceon Main square west of tho Court Uouse, Eaton, Ohio. April 12, H33. ly. HO w AnBssoci ATSOwi Important Announcement!! TPO nil persons afflicted with Sexual diseases, Jsuch as Setmiirl Weukness, Impotence, Goiinarhcea, Gleet, Sc., $-e. The Howard Association of Philadelphia, in view of the awful destruction nf human life and health, cauied hy Sexual diseases, nn.l the deception:; which are practiced upon the unfortunate vic tims of such diseases hy quacks, have directed their Consulting Surgeon, as n charitable oc worthy of their name, to give medical advice gratis, to nil persons thus afflicted, (Male or Female,) who apply by letter, with a descrip tion of their condition, (nge, occupation, hab its of life, &c.,) and in cases of extreme pov erty aud suffering to furnish medicine free of charge. The Howard Association is a benevolent institution, established hyspecial endowment, lor the relief of the sick nnd distressed, af flicted with "Viiulent am! Epidemic Diseas es," and its runps can be u'ed for no other purpose. It has now a surplus of means, which the Directors have voted to advertise the above notice. Ilia needless to add that the Association commands the highest Medi cal skill of the ae, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment. Valuable advice also given to sick and nervous females, af flicted with Abdomnnl Weakness, Womb Complaint, Costiveness, Leucorrhcen, ic. Address (post paid,) Dr. Gkokge U. Cauioi'n, Consulting Surgeon, Howard Association, No. .. .1. . .. i .... , ... - c- asouin ruintii street, Philadelphia, Pa. EZRA D. IJE.iimVELL, Pres't. George Faikciiild, Secretary. July 12, 1835. Iyml2. MANTILLAS, 3Ei-. Bid. SUMMER. MY stock of AZintillas is now complete, com prising the newest and most fashionable designs of Moire Antique, Silks, Chaatilla Lace and Applica Work. Tho styles fur Spring and Smumei are chaste and elegant, far surpassing in beauty the de year, and admirably adapted to our climate. PATTERNS For Mantillas, Ladies'' Waists and Sleeve, do U.iskj Morning Gowns. Also, Pattorns for boys' and Missel saitscan bo found at either of my es tablishments, of trery desirable stvlcs. GEO. LE WIS, Manufacturer and Exclusive Dealer in Mantillas and Pattern' 7i Fourth street. 3 doors from Vine aul 8d Fifth street, cirner of Lodge. May 10 13.55. tf. Will) ted, kOfi fifin Bushels Flaxseeds which fJJ KJ,JJJ the hiihstmirkil pri'-p will be siven by J. P. BUOOKINodt SON. Eaton July 23, 1855. NEW article in this market, CT OIL for Mu-hine-y. As., for sale at the Drug-store of Apt. I. P. BrookiniiSoo. i -i-onie he ted C A li PETS ! CA K PETS ! 1 rpiIE subscriber is uowreeeivingaud openings X large assortment of English Tapestry Vel vet, Tapestrio Brussels, Brussels, Throo-ply, In. grains, and Vcnitlan Carpeting. lEIT HiSm, CQTh (lUi33LI3d From twenty-seven inches to twenty-four feet wide. Also, Rug, Druggets. Tnblc and Piano Covers, Curtain Good, Siair Kods, 4c , Ac, at wholesale aud retail, to which lie would most re spectfnllyiuvitc jour attcntiou before purchasing elsewhere. U. FALLS. .Vo. 71 Ea st Fourth st., bet. Wain A Sycamore, Cincinnati, Ohio. June 14,1835 tf J011K J TBOXELL. JOHN A, ASI1UUEI JOHN J. VKOXELLA CO. WHOLESALE ASS RETAIL DEALERS IK Riubons,l'luvcrs. Kmbroiticrics, Silks, A-D A COMPLETS ASSOUTMENT Or MILLINERY GOODS. M3 FIFTH 3IRS2T, CINCINNATI, OEI0. G22AT COAXC2 TOTi BARGAINS!! TIIE andetsigncd being desirousof closingont hisbusiness. now o.l'crs for sale a largo lot of BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, which will bo sold cheaper than any establish ment in tho couuty. He will trade for hurtcs or ldbuggicsA carriages. A credit of uiueuionths will be nivcn for good paper. All those wauting something nice and servieoahlcwilltind it money in their pookets to give us a call. W. II. A 0. KLINE. Eaton, June 17, 1S51 liitf. t'SAttS ORANGE F K N C 1 W ! TIIE undersiglied is cnenjed in the ptnnling and rearing of the Osage Orange, "nd is now prepred to make engajenieuls for furnishing priuts and tcttine, or netting and maturing encea at fair prices, aril will wnrraut a in four years! All orders nddiessed to West Elkton, PreVie couuly Oh::, wM! ' nrr.nmtly jtienilesl to. N. HUllNAUAi. Dec. 7 I So I. tf. L' ALL. TH0SIA3 KoDONOOH, C1SCIXXATI, O. WilOLEIiALE GUOCEi:, AND l'KAl,l:a IN Soeds Goaatrj Produoo, fcc. OlA Slrett, Nurth Side, 3 tloort West uf Elm. 1'iIE subscriber takes this method of informing ! his old friends aud the public in ireiieral.lliai ho has enlarged his store room above and below, and isno'v receivingalargeaud fresh assortment ol GitUC.Kii..5,:ipiisingiupart, of 59 Barrels No. 1 Mackerel. 1G0 No. 2 " 60 ' No. 3 ' 150 r-2 N..3. 1,2 and 3. 75 " New Whitcfish. 80 1-3 ' 150 " Prime Plantation Molasses. 100 Kegs assorted Nuils. 30 Boxes Glass. Snjar, Coffeo, Tea, EIco, Indijro, Alum, Madder, Operas, C'ntton Yarns, Salt. Tobacco, Lead, &c., toyatberwith all articles of Crocerie, suitable fiir tho co.iiitrv trade, "..'erelnnts f re rcspecifuliy invited ty call ft'iu e::.imine goods WW ascertain prices before pnrc'iasin? else. where. Octobers, 1831, HELMBOLD'S GSIIUINE PEEFEBATIOnB. uelmoold'h uioiiLir couunthatkd mmnn fluid eitiuct uicno, For diseases of the b adder and kidnov- Kn. cret diseases, strictures, weakness aid it'll dis easesof the sexual organs, whether in male or female, from whatever cause they may hare orig iiiuted.aml no niatieruf li.nv longstanding. If yoa Jnvo contracted the lenible disease which, when once seated in tl.o system, will surely go do vn from one generation tu r.i.ollier, anderuiiniug tho constitution and sapping ti lery vital liuids of life, ilo not trust yourself in the hands of ipuck. who start up every liny iu a city like thi:-,, aid till tho pipcrsvitii glariug falsehoods, two well ealculat.-d todecoive the young, and thofenot acpiaiiileil with theirtricks. You c.inuot bu tm caretul in the selection of a reiredy in t'oese cases. Tho I'i-.iid Extract liiichu has been pronounced by eminent physicians tho greatest remedy ever known. It is medicine perfectly plcas.uit in its taste, and very innocent in its action, mid yet so thoroii'rh that it annihilates every particle ol the rank and poisono.iavirusnf this'droauiul dis. ease ; and unlike other remedicsdoes not dry up tho disease in the blood. Constitutional !;bi'ity, brought on by self, abase a mot terrible disease, which ha bronchi thousands uf the human race to untimely graves, thus blasting the brilliant hopes of parent, ami blighting in .ho bad tho giorious ambition ol many a noble youth, can bo cured by this int'alli. bio remedy. And ns a medicinn which must benelit every body, from tho simply delicate to the confined and despairing invalid, no equal is to bo found acting as a cure and preventive. ElcmboSd's Uis'ily Concentrated Fluid Extract Saraaparilla, For purifying the b'o d, removing all diseases arising troni excessof .Mercury, exposure and im prudence in life, ci.ronio constitutional disease, arising from an impure Ktuteof the blood, nnd the only reliable end knoirn remedy known for tiie cure of scrui'ut.1, salt rheum, scald head, ulcera tions of the thro it and legs, pains and swellings of tho bones, tetter, pimple ou the face, and all scaly ei optious of the skin. This article iinoiy prescribed by some of the most distinguished physicians iu the country, and has approved more ellieicnt in practice th .in any preparation of Sar.saparilla yet ottered to the public, c ises of secondary svphilln. mercurial and scrofulous diseases have 'entirely recovered iu the incurable wards of public institutions which hail for nnnv vears resisted every mode of treatment that could he devised These cases furnish striking example of the sal utarv cu'ects of shis medicii.e in ai resiimr iui r.n of tho mosr inveterate diseases after tho "glands acre uusiniyou, aim me ooncs Mreauv ntli'de.l Noncn. Letters from rnsnonsihln nb-Kt.u. and professors of several Medical College, and certilicatos of cures from patients will be found acompanying notn protierations. Prices, Eltiid Extract of liucliu, $1 per bottle niA w'ii nun mi Fluid Extracts irsaparilla, 81 per bottle orsix uomesior Prepared and sold by II. T. nELMHOLP hemist, '2i3 tdiesnut street, near the Girard Uouse, Philadelphia. To he had of J. P. l'rool;ins& Son, Eaton, 0. anu oi iiruggisrs aim dealers everywhere. All letters directed to tho Proprietor or Acn will receive immediate attention. " July 24th 1835 SPLLOID TOWN PKOPEHTY fi JBc H BO THE subscriber wishes to se I tlie Ilouvu and Lotiqioii w-hieh he now reside sit uated in the most desirable part of town, (on Soincr? street, cast of liaron.) and fitted lin with nrerr riinir.i- ntoncc. Tlie House is commoitious and in good repair, with a good Well. Cistern nnd Wood. House convenient. There is a good stable upon the lot, together with a choice variety of Grafted Fruit Trees, Currant Bushes, Ac. Tif" For further particulars, enquiro of the lubscriber at his Grocery Store, on Baron Street . ... John o. Williams. Eaton, April IS, 1335 tf, POTTElSIf ESTABLISHMENT. THE subscriber would respectfully inform VJ t"6 Public tiiat he is now manufacturing at ijli his aliopa superior article of STONE AND EARTHENWARE. "oneisting in part of Crocks. Pan. Stove Crocks, ju,", i iicner ami uowls; nil or which will sell on reasonable term. rJftflmn Inp 1 at the old Potter stand JACOB KLINGLE Eatw, June 14, 1856. ly. MSB. I oa n 1 11 X J-of "I ') the r Lutest IrnporSatious, TIIAXKFUL for the liberal share of patronage received from a gencrou-- public, J.CHAMUEaS, respectfully informs hisold friends and custom ers, and the people gonorclly, thut he has just re eeivedfromtheoityauewau'd Urge assortment of gro' CLOCKS, WATCHES, fcftn AND. msS JEWULRT. among which may bo fmind almost every style, pattern and pricenf Right-day, 'iVenty-lourl'our and Alarm C'OCKS. AI.mi, Gold aud Silver '.over, Magic, Lcpiuo, English, Swiw.Uutch and French W tB7 CX3 BE3 (H Emerald, Pearl, Tnr.juois, Cornelian Mourning. Garnet, Plain aud set cluster breastpins. I'araud Finper-rins. superior Gold Pens, Guard, Vest and Fob chains, Gold and Silver Pencils. Guards Slides, Thimbles, Tooth-picks. Shirt-studs, Ac. Money Hel.s, c'.aronets, tort rise shell combs, thcruiomcters.toy3, tay-watcboa, fancy baskets, silrerforks, butt'er-kuives, Gold spectacles and lockets, steel boads, rings, tassels, Accordeons, music boxes, flutes, i'cic, CUTLERY, Snperiorpockctaiid pon-kuitcs Luxurionssha vingrajors. Fine tabic cutlery, salt-spoons, su gar toiys, table and tea spoons, liuo silver, plated and Itntliatma ware. SPECTACLES silver, steel, and Plated tJoggles, .i -- a Scissors, Tweezers, -sieei pens. .Morocco aim sictl spectacle cas", tooth, hair, and cloth brushes, pins and needles, si!!:, cotton and buck-skin pocket-books wallets, ahavir.g boxes, soap.aud strops, compas. es, r.mber beads, percussion caps, cui iain-bauds waferti, hariiionieous, steel and plated Watch chains. Gold Silver Gilt and Stcci Watch chai-isand Keys, plated and silk guards A lot of toys, Ac., will! many articles ''(.eiarge amount of clocks, watches und Je'.vcOrv sold bv the subscriber, is the best evidence of ciCil leiicy of tho articIcK he keeps on hand. rr"CalI aud examine for yourselves, opposite the Court House, Eaton, Ohio. Fcb.l,lS35. tf. COLLECTION NOTICE. IIE midersigued having somo s'ix months .. since i ctired from tho mercantile busircss. und having still a lur-e amount outstanding in tho form of netcs i.n j hook aceou"ts, and be lieving that sutileient lenity has now been sliou ii, would re ipectt'ully notify timse indebted to them that immeiliatc paymci:t is now required. Our books ami uotes aro in tlie hands of Wil. L. AlncuKLL, who is our r.utiiorized agent for th transaction of b:1 basinci- pci tuiuin'r to the lir:n of Harsh & LochwJo.l, aud may h j found r.t tho o.'lico of li. G. D. ileKeuiy.'Lsii., Public Square, Eaton Ohio. i'ica3 come finvar;! friends, and by comply inw with tho ubovo ivqecstsaveui a disiigresal'lo task.aud yoarsclvus adJidonal c".t and I rouble. JOilX MAI1.SU, n.k. luc::wood. In mv nbsenco Esq. McKcmy n ill aiteu J to the above business. Will L. MITCHELL, May 21, 1.153. tf. SLW PA TEXT . nillE undersigned takes this method to inform L th" Water using pi.'ulie. thai in a TvW davshe receive from Soiic-t 1 ui I n, 'A. Y. a lot of Barker" Patent Double Action Force and Lift iftnps, which for the ben-!il of his tVieiu's l.n I would likp to sell. This P.nmi is it i fi'v iia. ! pie iu construction i. i cheap and v.-ill lusiVloi'i ' lime being made of iron, and shouhi. bv all means, be in possession of every tinnily rs n sife giardin case of lire, from the fact that it will Ihrmv a coiwtiint stream ot'w iter to any jwrt of a building. Porsonsdetirou-of seeing these pumps operate, can do so bycalling at the Tin and Sluvc St"re of - V. P. Mct'AUE. liiton. Mnv. f!l , nr,."i, tf. V!WIc Pish. r um now receivinjr a larre nnd chnice assort liient of White Fish, wliich I will ot the lowest rates. Call nnd exnmT.e llitv ore Fresh nnd good. R. S.CUNNINGHAM. ooai! fjo;p! 1UST received nt tho Grocery of Ogden A Dick, a large lot of iiosiu Soap best quality Persons 1 j si ring a superior article will please test its quality. SUGARS. Wo have now on h ind for" disposal as line a variety of Sugars as can be had any. where, and will sell as many pounds to the dol lar. Ogdcn & Dick. OGEE. & Dim, Wholesale and lictnil Grocers, MAD V STttELT, EATOM, O. RE now in receipt of, and will continue to reeci. -charge supoli' scf choirc FamilyOro caries, which thev Oder io their liberal rations terms fully adequate to meet the wants of tuvse trying times. Dec 21,1;;54. J. WILLI AiTs, V"hnlesaleaad Retail Denier in E S II GROCERIES. F R Baron st.", Eaton, 0. Fresh Bread, and Cakes constantly on hand. T7BEAT, Rve. Corn, Oats, Flaxseed, l'ota V toes.anJall kiudsof Producehoughtattho hoiesalc aud retail grocery of tm.'lu. 'it. S.Cunningham IjHtOU.M.Saiid Biushesof all kinds jusfrccciv ) ed aud for sale by tho whole ::!e or retail at Grocery of R. S. Cunningham. Just Hcccivcri VLAi.CEar.d fresh supply orGROCERIESo allkinds.whichwill be sold wholesale orre- 1 at the lowest rates, bv March 3. R. S. CUNNINGHAM. Pure Liquors INSPECTED and Warranted and sold only for Medicinal purposes by R. S. CUNNINGHAM. flHE finest Maclteral ever offered the people Eaton, just ope no! nnd for palest the Grocery of R. S. CUNNINGHAM. 1) ASKETS, Buckets. Tubs, Churns and other ) articles of Cedarand Willow-Warenow for sale at the Groceryof 10 R. S. CUNNINGHAM Fine lot of Coffee of tho most choice kinds. just received aud for sale at the new firm of OgJen & Dick. T GLASSES, nil kinds and the most superior L quality, now in stdke and oTcred totho pub lin at the Grocery of Ogden A Dick. Office of the Md., consolidated Lotteries Baltimore, Maryland, June 20th, 1855. CALTION'-LOTTEItY FRAUDS. The Commissioner of the Maryland State Lot teries has deemed it his duty to "caution tiie pub lie against the numerous swindlers who circu late by mail and otherwise, fradiilent Lottery schemes, nnd pretend to bo agents for tho sale of tickets iu lotteries wliich are wholly lictilious. The only legal lotteries in Maryland are those drawn daily uuder the supcrinte'ndanco of the Commissioner elected by the people of the State, under tho new Constitution to examine and ap prove the schemes and attend to tho drawings. All the tickets in these lottorio and all certif icates of packages of tickets havethe lithograph ed signature F. X. Bronan, general agent for contractor. Office of tho l.1rrl-1nrl roiilt. dated Lotteries, Baltimore Md. All orders are fraudulent. For full informal ion on tllA fttititurl nt ffinui i . .1 1 , - uuuua, auurcu r. A. Ulib3A!N Baltimore, Maryland. Aug. , IMi. F of lor J-to 1 V ure Tl il ( " ders W.M'Lran. P. L. Weave "VrnsIiiustonM'Lean& Co., I") OILER MAKERS, and denltrr in Sun 13 Hand Boilers and Engines , Congress street onedooraasl o'uuaiow, Uincunati, Ohio. Constantly onhand anassormenl of new andsecondhand Doileri, which they willsel joworexehangeforild ones. June3, 1852 L. W. WINSTON, I A. V. WINSTON T. SIIOTWF.I.l, I I. N. WINSTON. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BUY GOODS, o. 29 Pearl Street, between Main & Walnut, CINCINNATI, 0. RE now receiving their slock of Spring i Goods, which will be found to comprise every style, quality anil price o:j Foreign Si Domestic Dry Goods. selected vith a knowledge of the wants ol Western Merchants and purchased at the low est prices. Ncrchtmti visiting the city for the purpose of purchasing an entire slock or re plenishing, will li ml our slock complete, vo ried and superior in quality, and our terms low. Give us a call at No. 2!) Pearl street February 16, 1864. Litmors. A GIJNEr.ALttKsnrtinei'.tofLiqnorsofall kind l pureaiticic, lor sale at tiie wholesale uu rciailGroccryof ma 80. R. S. CUNNINGHAM. I . WKIIS, Kakcs, Spades and Shovels of various jo kiuUsouiiandattne Grnccryof ma SO. R. 8. CUNNINGHAM. Eaton Dressing Room. Ma in it red ,a ijcin in (.the Nutio a I Hotel uourjrir goig, Tf'W holds hiinrelf in readincFS for Barber li ing, Hair Dressing, Shampooing and every hing Hint belongs to his line of business. No Huts will be spared to please all, nnd lie in tes all to call and try for themselves. SPECIAL NOTICE To nil Persons interested. ALL those knowingtheinsc'lves indebted to E. iMinshnll nnd E. Miushall & Son, are eaini'stly requested to make payment on or be fore the loth of. January next, to li. Minshall, who is full) authorized to close the Books and make rettleinents, N. B. It is coiuider.tly hoped thntnoaddi lioual notice will be required; but that nil con cerned will promptly come forward and liquid ate their indebtedness. E. M1NSI1ALL will at all 'irne.a be foiind at tho VC' Uooli ;tore, iu J. Ciitiiphell's building, west of the Court House. ' E MINSHALL & SON. Eaton, Jan 6, 1851-tf. J. P. BALL, Nos. 23 Fourth & 10 Filth sts. CIXCIiMVATI. My facilities for takinepieiuresof children are li'it equalled in the city, having lately added a new room with o. superior light e snresidy for that purpose. 0j"Picturc3 taken in oil kinds of weothei March 9, lS jS .rw, --.r-, V.7 J U H. niSKEEJf B Proprietor 1 F'iTiLTiTli! 3 S-fAS'Id, TllOil'S V.SfltAtiULi Co. SEW i'OUK CLOTHIERS & TAlLCiiS, No. 1 13 Main Street between 3d & 4th streets Cincinnati, Ohio. CLOTHING AT WHOLESALE & RETAIL Furnithing Articles of every dctcridion, Terms Cash ! I 3. II. WEKEKITH, 'XR E S I D E N T 1) E N VIST, !hfrft Eaton, Ohio, Ojliccnnd rosideiice on Baron street west of the Court ilonvc, in the Louse lately occupied Ml. A. lyU'.iuingiiaui. April (J, l j31. ly, PUKE NATIVKW1XE. prepared CuiiME.and for sale at the Drug-store of Ap 1. J. P. Brookius A Son. LYON'S CATHABIO.V, a most splendidarticle preserving and Ueanti'.ving tlie liair. It lire ventsiisfallingod' aud turninggrev, for sale at the Drug-storeot J . P. Uiooiiis A Sun t UACCO.SnnT and Cigars ol nil kind for sale at the wholesale and retail Grocery of ma 30. R. 3. Cunningham Hall! Salt ! Ogden & Dick are now receiving a large supply of Salt, difiutent qualities, which they will sell at the lowest rates. rnOBACCO-of all kindsou hand, and isodcrcd tho lovers of tho Vi'ced at our usual low Ogden & Dick. il LL kinds of SEGARS kept on baud and for xxsale by the thousand, box, or retail, tit Ogden & Dick's 1 ILS such as Lard, 'fauners' nud Linteed Oil which will bo sold at the lowest rate by Ogden A Dick. FISH a good article of Mackerel, White and Cod, by tlie Band or otherwise, all of which warranted by Ogden A Dick. V. Iiiie Pisa nnd Pickerel". " 0 GDEN & DiCK bnve iust line assortment of While Lnke Fish nn,l Pickerel which Iheyare selling to customers YE STUFF'S Madder, Indigo, Logwood, jLac, kept constantly on hand and for sale by Ogden A-Dick rocerics, a choiceslock now hand Jt nnd for sale wholesale or retail. Send your orders to the Grocery of Oookn & Dick you desire fresh, chenpand good articles opposiiettie Court House, Main St., Eaton, O, Just Ilcceivcd. BIRD Cnges.Cuuary and Hemp Secd.nttheDrug awrevi j. 1-. iirooKins & aon. ROUND Alum and Lake Salt bv thcBarrclor Jf Mack, just received aud lor sale by nil 10. R.S. CUNNINGHAM HAMS, Shoulders and Sides tor sale at the wholesale and retail Groceryof 30. R. S. CUNNINGHAM. BAKERY. We have in operation a Bakery, aild have in Our pnmlnv nna nF !wa k. in the W est. we wil nt all times kcepagood supply of Fresh Bread. Cracker and Cakes. I'auulicssupplied ou reasonable terms. Ogdon A Dick. ORANGES, Lemon, Xuts, Fruits, Ac, for sale cheap at tho wholesale and rctailGroceryof ma 80' R-S. Cunningham. QGDES A DICK have on band a lot of th best Cranberries lately seen In this market. For saioat Cincinnati prices. DRIED PEACHES, of a superior quality, for 'by GodnnATM.- ed A to, G and -'VtKJUlJ ol DR. UOOFLaND'SCELEUUATLD GERMAN BITTERS, PitKFAKKD ir Dr. C. M. Jackson, Ke. 120, Arch Sirttl, PliladelihigJa. TVlLI. EFFECTUALLY COBS LIVEK COMPLAINT, .1" n. iSLT Jrssk.- 3i ja ok z. BJ 9 CHRONIC Oil NERVOUS Debility.DiseascofthcKidnevs.audalldiseasca arising from a disordered Liver or stomach; Sucuas Constipatiou;inward l'iU.'s;Fullucss 0! blood to the head ; acidity ol the stomach; nausea, heart-bui u; Disgust fur luod;fulluess of weight iu the stomach: Soureructatioiis; sinking or Uutter ingnt the Pit of the Stoniacb; Sivimioingof the Head; Hurried and Dillicult Breathing: Flutter iiiffntthe Heart; C'boking or SutfocatiiiirSensa- lions when in a lying posture; Dimness oi Vision; Dots or Wcbsbeforo the sight; Fever and Dull Puin in the Head; Deficiency of Prospiration; Vellov. ucss of the t'-kiu and Eves, Pnin iu the Side, Hack, Chest. Limbs,A-c: Sudden Flushes ol Heat: liurning intlie rlesh; Constant lmnginiugs of evil, and (iient Depression of Spirits; Inattribut:ngsueu valuable Medical properties to this remedv, uo rash nr unwarrantable asser tion is made, but is simply stated a fact: proven uudeiiiably and conclusively brthc extraordinary cures and 'benefits derived from ils use, under the direction of its illustrious originator. Dr. Hooflaud. among all classes of Eui'0)h;uu society and from tlie inimeUEO mass of testimony, fitun an pans 01 use American continent, accumulated during the Inst teu years, in tiie hands of the present pi oprietor. 'The prevalence of diseases towliic h the tierman Bitters are adapted, it is with sorrow wo say it, is almost universal, in. deed, there is scarcely a fami'y thronirhout the whole extent of our country in wlMcb there cau- not bo louiid among its members that peculiar sallow nun languid ni'iicnrnuco denoting liseased Liver, or an emaciated and suiisiinir Dy-peptie. Then of what immense -.miiorlnrcc to this class of invalids, that a certain ni.d reliable remedv. should be placed withiulheirrcacb; ouciuwhich 10 biioou. or injurious drug enters into its cc m jKi.iitiou. A remedy un which the patient ran rr- ..n')l Lltn III llliu.1 pni'liili tlrn r.lul ri nlli rmm bo assured from actual and tangible proofs, that ihc ni tiole he is u-iing, reallvpi r, reallvposscscs the virtues ittriuutcd to it. rjuen a remedy, is "ilof.liauu's Gcnn-iii Bitters." 'i'hoiiiids of dollars hare been expended in its manufacture and did'usion throurrboiit all parts of this eoutincut, and the proprietor feels tho greatest satisfaction in sta ting, that there is no stale, county or cvenvillr-ge where tho Medicine has b?cn introduced, that (hero cannot bo fouud numbers, willing to testify to its virtues. It is used constantly iu the practice of a larre number of the most prominent physicians in the country, who have also added their wriitentesti inoiiv, iu evidence ef its ireat virtues. In con- elusion then, we would resiH'dfiillv '..k of oil those alllicted with buy of the above' diseases to :ive 1110 imiers 11 trial, and rest assured ltwil uurvr b'jrFk'retted. In proof of (be" statements buve made, all aro invited to rend nttcntivelv he "Memorabilia," or "Practical Receipt Book.'"' lor Farmers and nnmber of useful Receipts, in addition to the tes A ituiii.v.s, vim 1 1 in i! v , Kirai timonyof prominent and well-known iudividunls in 1 nil paitsoftho Union. All Ag;uts, for the Hitlers arc authorized to distribute the "'Receipt Uook"frntuitoiis!v. Priiiciml ollieo and manufactory. 12il ArohSI . roiiatietiiinn, i t. For tnlo wholcsalo by DrnggiKts in nil the principal cities, nnd at retail bvapothecariesand storekeepers iu every town in the L'uiUd Stales ind tunaua. jzl. rr- jra rmr 3 9 Sold by Fred'k Eckstein, Cincinnati, .Minshiiil, liiiv:'iinrt A Co., Eaton. J. 11. Hohn, Camden. Lough A Co.. l aii havcn. J. Br wn, Moruinrr Sun D. B. Edwards, Winchester J. Cohlentz, l.cwishurg. J. II. Gale, West Alexandria. April 12, lSuo- I6E3IOVAL. B00K8 STATIONERY aso FANCY AISTiCLES. QUinn & BAUPILL, f) ESPECTFULLVifonn the citizens of Eaton 1 and ticinitv.that thev have removed to tha POST OFFICE BUILBlNU.and have iusioncn- in addition to their former slock, a choice se lection ot Standard Pufclicaiions, Historical, Miscclianccusaud School Books, mong which may bo enumerated Ancient and Modern Histories. Dictionaries. Readers, Spull ers, Ac., Ac , together with the most recent and popular ruhliealwna cf the ctr.y, uh ns the N'ews-Boy. The Lainp-Lighter, The Lnt Heiress. Ida May, Kuth Hall, Li fe of Itanium. Ac. ic.. to pother with BlatiK Cooks, f every kind; Day Books. Journals, I.euL'ci Pocket Memorandunis, Ac. Ac. Vri'jtiss Paper, Ruled, unruled, Flat Cap. Commercial Tost .Note, Mourning, lis.iue, wr.ipptngaudperroraie fj;uc Pencils, Quills.Pteol Pens. Cards of evervkinn. card-cases. Envelopes, (fold Pens, Porte Monies, Pocket liooks, Faints. I.rutlies, .Mono-clironmtic Hoard, Bonnet Board, Crayons and Bleudcrs Also a large lot of Juvenile Book. choice lot ol Perfumed Soaps, Shaving Cream, llnir-Oil, Cologne. Extracts for theToilet.lland. kerchiefs, and other Perfsnnerr. Gilt Moulding, Window nnd Wall Paper. Comic Sentimental and Funcy Yulintinei. All orders in our line will be nromntlv nttended nnd we hope, by strict attention to'businos to eceivc a liberal share ot the Public Patronairc. Feb. 1.1 V, 1. ARTIFICIAL TEETH! BBS. DUNCAN & CASIEB'ON, No. 15G West Sixth street, between Race and Ulm streets, Cincinnati, O. T E E T II Inserted from one to a full sett, with Artificial nms Full and half sets invariablyinpcrtid bv suction. Ah operations in Dentistry nci formcd i 11 a mni inorousu manner. T E IS M S j Considering the superior character of the work the guarantee given, they are themost reas onable 111 the West. Two teeth or more on Gold Plate, $3 per toolh. Two teeth or more on Silvnr nl.itn . The money rcfun cd if the teeth do not provesat isfnctory. Ksf Forth information of II10.0 l!; .1 distance, we would state that our facilities nr such, that we can make in the finest i ln. r.,l c.i ... item in mun :t 10 43 Hour, and small Ar,....ii. :.. e n. ...... . peices in proportion, so that no detention may be apprehended. W. C. DUNCAN. j Dentists, J.O.CAMERON. No. 15(1 West Sixth Kt botween Race and Elm, Cincinnati. Dec. Si. 1864. if. WILLOW & CEDAR Ware for sale at tha Grocer r a fine assortmcn Oirden A Dick. UNITED STATES IIOTEL, soninwesj uor. or gixin & Walnut Sts. r tj tst a -- EWIINO fc AKIVOLD Pro.'. . . MORTON, ) , . , jfssk joiinsoi. Assistants. at. 30, 1806. ' 1m. Wanted. 50000 ?" 'uef 0(. Wheot' for wnich te iliehest nr ien will h. the Grocery of OGDEN & DICK. ' ! ! a i ,' , of vt 1 At :t of ior he E. He All I We J 1 will (or CARTER'S SPANISH K1X1CEE THE CBEAT FTJBITIBB OF THE BLOOD NOT A PARTICE OF MEKCRY. IN IT. Let the Afflicted Read and Ponder ! , An Infallibleremedy for Scroluln, King's Evil Rheumatism, Obstiualc-Cutaucoutd'.iuptious,l iir: pies or Pottulea on the Face, Llotthe, licila, Chronic Sore Eve. Kins' W01 m or Tmii-rpald. Head, Enlargement aud pain of th ltoucs aLd Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic I holders, Lumbago, Spinal complaiuis. Llid all diseases, arising from an injudicious use ol ileremy, lu. prudence in Life, or imj ui itj ol ti e bleed. i nm great alternative medicine ai-d I rilier of bloed is now used by tl.oesai ds ol grt.t ful patients from nil fart ol the I nitid Sti.ti, who testify daily to the rrmarknlle tLrt s J.ei formed by the greatest of nil niedicims, "( Alt. TIvlt'S SPAMSH MiXTUl'.E." Keuralcia. liheumntisin, Scrofula, Krutionnon the tkilt, Liver l.isease. Fever l lccis, Old Sores, Aflc-c turns 01 tlie Kidney, Diseases ol the throat. 1 c imale conn Iniuts. paiuaaud Achiinrof the Honrs and Joints, are speedily .ut toltight by using wk ercat and inestimable remedy. . '"" n" diseases of the blood, nothing has Tit jbeen loui.d to eimpore lvnbit. It cler.r.jes tl systunol nil inimiritic s.nctsecnUv and iflicierit. ly on the Liver nnd Kidneys, stnugiher.s tl Digestion, gives tone to the Stoim.clic. n.nkia i,l:e ,liu cienranU heal, by. and restores the C01 ;SI"ll:on, inica by discaM' or bioken itov by the excesses ol youth, to ilspi istinc TigoraLd bueegui- , Fur tho Lndic, il is corrparativcly belter hat! all the resinctic cvctlsuI. A few dogi ol CaiiTL-ii's Simmmi JIixti i e will renitre ail sallt.wiiess . c'u plexicn, In the wes nutnt. ling to the check, give- elasticity to the stcr, and inq rove the general health iu a reir.aikiib: degree, beyond all the n.cdicines ever beard of. The large number of ecrtilicates nluch we hat received from persons from all ) r.HsoflU I' lil ted St;ites, is the best evidence that then is r Iluiobunr iiboi'.t if. ll.r t.rms 1 1. .,.... istratcs, p' d! p'nhlicttxn, well k'rryia "l0 community, a'l ndd ihcir trstimnr.v to th """eriU1 cuecis 01 mis MKLA'i LI.OGIl I I'. RIFILR. Call ontbc Aoent and get B Circular snd il. .manae.aud read the wonderful cures thi tn.l. greatest of nil Medicines had performed aoiie genuine unless signed DENNETT Jk BI.KHS proprietors. No. (J Pearl Street, Rieh man.l, n.; to whom all orders for supplies and agencies must be addressed. .A",'1 r-'i" lc bv Fred'k. Eckstein Cinsirjinti. Muislmll A Co , Eaton, Der.m ASmfnce, l',.,i r j.ymiui., Lcwisburg. jonn Gac West Alex anuria, Michael A Co.. Winchester, J. H. liobn. Camden, I. S, Showaltcr New Paris. April 12, 13o5 2,000 IJusJ:c!s Wliitc Brown m,,,- 1F':xs','J to l oan. THE undersigned Las Two Thousand Bushels Good Clean Flaxseed to Loan on reasonable terms 1 crsons wishing to Borrow, will piers call nt my Grocery, whero will ha fnnnH . n aasnrtuier.t of CoOecs, Ku?nr3, Teas, Fnlt.Fisbi PAItLY t-EiOCEIiiES, ' PURE WINES AVI) HTtAvrirrs? r. if.J: A V Ufi. cinal purposes, sold chef. p. r.a tend -itursli A Lock wood's new Bui'.Jini?. Main Street, Eaton, Ohio. . , . B- S. CUNNINGHAM. March 22, 1655. THOMPSON A IlABIlis Alto neys and Counsellors at Law, ILL practice in Preblo andadjoiaingtout V iios. All bitsi ne."S entrusted n tk.i. ..... will meet with prompt attention, on liar- rontitreet.tlirecdoorsnorlhof Vanausdal'sstoit. Luton, Ohio. 1'cb. 8,1855; MEDICAL NOTICE Br. 15. P. Alexander pESPECTFUI.LY informstbe citizensof Wast It Alexandria and vicinity genernlly, that li lenc.ers Ins Prolessional Services to the alllicted. Lot ing IroK, ! exnerii nee rii,,-l 11 o strict nttciitiou to businen In . .1.. ... oublic patronage. jnnirginano arrangements thnt will cnabl im to devote his attcnlinn to the Practice of Itlelieine, He Is d 4ermined In reiuli.r nitr.. -ti who may favor him with a call. Ho also intend! kcciin?ou hand sorliuentof ECatauic Medicines, Of the purest and best oualitr. hik h. -111 on the most moderate terms. The friends of Medical Reform will find it I their advantage tp give him acall. est Alexandria. Ohm. March 22. lrtRS METALIC COFFINS! MS HE subscriber has now on hand, and intend constantly keeninir. n full aim,. Ir ar.r.'. Coffins, which will be sold Inn- K lifilirvr iip FINS, of every oualitv and io. ufKin the shortest notice. J.;. WEISS the machine shop, South East ol R. R. Depot. WILLIAM WISWELL. Jr LOOKING GLASS, PORTRAIT ty PIC ture Manufactory, No. 129 Main street, tiween 1 hard 0 ml l ourth slreels, Cincinnati. -ing Glasses, I'orlrnitaiid Pictnr Prnm every pattern, Mahogany and Gilt Prnmei 1 ic.ures cut losim any size otsliort notice. Looking Glass Plates nut into old frmn Frames repaired end refill. All kinds of or- njimeniai pin ironies, made to order and to fit pictures. Fine F ench pictures on hand of first quality. Call and examine my stock. May 6, 1852. ly. Christmas & Sew Vcar'i PrcsciiU, AT Itlin snail's New Book Store. IUSTreceived at t he new Book Store a splen did lot of new, valuable and handsome Books of varions kinds for Ihe Hobdays, to which the attention of the public ia called. has also a great variety of other Booki suited to the general wants of the public of which will be afforded on terms as rea sonable as any other establishment in the country. . , . E. MINSHALL. Eaton, Jan. 5, 1 854. tf. , rPEAS. We call th gpcCia Mention of hoi whoarefon.1 of good Tea to our anpply, ", do not hesitate to recommend it. Ogden A Dick. Salt! Salt I Saltt TUST receiving a large lot ol Ealt which I will sell to my old friends at the lowest rates. Call and purchase. R.B. CUNNINGHAM. n nnn bushels oats wanted, for lU,Uu which the hifthes price in cash be paid, by R. S. CUNNINGHAM. PURE and No. 1 White Lead of the beat mU sal bf I". P. DrecWot A sl