OCR Interpretation

Daily Ohio statesman. [volume] (Columbus, Ohio) 1855-1870, January 14, 1861, Image 2

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KinTBUIT IHUJtB, rublUbtr.
TIOX eWd 6e UiM Vltm'V-O'tJ.OOK
It list lot been nre-eli JU MiorfrtH ftiet Cra-
tral OomalttcJ th'roWh 'i ' PiHmScrl pe, nd by
tirtvateSeorreepondence. to Mil Bute Convention of the
Deaaoeracy of Ohio, to eaaemblo at-Cqlemkne, et u early
day, for tbtparpoMorciuWlll4!4'illon f iesri.
log oondltlo e tM eNsatry.atwell at I edottt sch
lin of poUcy ey aaeaidoea. at tor lb perpetiiily
of ear governmt,aeVuei praperttyr ef our people. '
1 hereby call State Convention -af'th Democracy (
Ohio, to assemble at IhOjf, . f 1 .ifkij
' CITY or.U-BfA US
Oa Wednesday Ah ,83d da Of January, IBbl,
Ijtk purpose e above Indicated, mid Convention tu
bt delegate OoaTOutian; te) be commoted -oft one dele
gte for every fire kund) Votes, aid a J lMtiooel.et'
for every fractioa at 3Ms for;k..gniBh. tea
emtio candidate to Bsprmo JaOgw, tliaast But
wello. I would alto recommend that the delegate! In
the M rural eern1tBteer.jvoItcJ orJlhs Sidey; !"
v lone to the convention.
I slnoarely trait tbt tfeVemocracy of tba Btatewlll
appreciate the Importance of the conVerillon proposed,
and that each county will stud .up, full delegations of
food and reisw,.who.ilelllirRtibns will mult la
Chr'n Dem State Cen. Com
Cumminsville, O., January 8, 1861.
Appointment by the Governor.
Hou.Chwtowm P.. W.OI.C0TT, w tbUdfr
Of Ohio, wUh the rtnk ! Cojqnej,, .,
The Report the Board of Public Works.
W have oa oar UbU' th annual report of
tho Board of PotUa Wrki.:tom It we learn
that ih tmoant of rerenaea recire4 , from Ihe
ctntU and slack water irproreineat in the yew
ending. November 15, 1 S 80, wl 308,935 00
The enoant expended lntaei -n
iae time for repairs' onthe sev-
ral dlrlalona ol . tle , Putd.c
Worka, wae
ka. wa. -r " 44i29.aC8 44
Exceaa' of expenditure, if fta.i
reoelpU : $12(1,333 44
To tUle aanourrf ehould, b . added.; jereral
thonsand dollars in tbe-way cfrceotingeoeee
making the aotual exonas ef expendituree'orer
the reeelpte tome $135,000 00. to a nothing
about oatetaudlng liabilities that, have accrned
within the year, but which do not appear In the
We hare not the ftme or epaos to ocenpy at
the present, with a fall abstract of the report of
. the Board, or to refer in detail to the old and
- stereotyped reasons which are offered, each a
"nnforteen caeaaltios,'' - "unexpected floods,"
"extraordinary dronths," rtpanics',v 4e , for the
diminution of revenue and increase of the ex
peases of maintains the canals, iu indeed, we
hardly deera it necessary, sines these aro famil
iar to alt who have read the reports of the IWrd
for the lost fire ot six years. . . , '
One branch of the report ws cannot, bowerer,
refrain from noticing at thla.'tlmc, aud that Is,
the estimates snbmlttebr Mr Msanit and ilr.
Oxxooar for the maiatairmnce bl their dWiatee
of the State works, for the current year; that is
to eay, for three-quarters of the fiscal year, end
ing Nor. 15th, 1SCI, and the first quarter of
1862, making twelve months; ': Mr. Baocus has
submitted no estimates tor the repairs of his di
vision. ' Why he has neglected to do so the re
port does not inform us, and lor the present we
are left in the dark on the subject. Of course
the legislator will be compelled to have Infor
matioo in relation to his divieioo, before they
ean intelligently eot.-ii" that body should con
clude to oonliaue te drain the treasury, by, ap
propriatTone money so be expended oa oar
oantla. Y
Mr. Mastim asks foe appropriations for his
division Cine Miami and brie una! ana lU feed
ers and reservoirs) i ..
i.mauuaUaf to. '. .. J 130 ,4(10 00
Add unexpended bak from latt
year 38.984 04
Mr. Gaeooar asks appropriations
for his division, as follows: - '! -'-o
Ohio Canal .7S,M( 90 ' l'
Hooktni Canal 16,000 OO
Moiklagom Improvement. ...... 38,000 00 -
The Board auiVa an annronriatlnn fne ' :o"
extraordinary floods and casualties
-TT--W t s i..ae
Of -......v..i.Jl.;....:ii.;T ,eii no
Mr. Mastim does not ask anything " '
for th National Road, bat jit mnst - - ,7 ; 7
b kept in repair, and we presume It '
will cost a much th current as it --.-did
dt past year, jkHi : .,' ,; . ;
Which was ' ' J 18,637 88
Total amount for the year',
aeooJTi so
Thus w have, assuming that the wants of the
National Road are no more tbo current, than
the last year, the enormoue sum, (less Mr'..
Backus' share of th $50,000 for floods, 4c.) of
FoufHundred tnd.TTiTie Thwtand Thru Hun
dred tni SntHty-Om Dollar i Ninety Cents,
as th modest : requisition rwhieh jIe. Masti
and Mr .Choosy make on the treasury of Ohio,
to keep in repair the divisions of the Stat
works in their charge. , Mr., Backus has, in his
division, est tkss Ohio Canal from Rose -to
Cleveland, 135 miles; the Walhonding Canal,
U6 miles, end. the Manme and Western Re
serve Road, 47 miles; making In all, two hun
dred and eight miles of the Poblle Works,
still to V provided, for, and for vhioh jr . hay
no estimate submitted' In the report '
The revenue of this year will not in all prob
ability exceed the amount realized the last.
T h Auditor of Stat estimates the rerenne for
the current year, as w learn, at only $376,000,
bnt suppose it to be equal to the. last year, vis:
$308,985, and fh estimates of . Messrs. Mabtim
and Gitaoar (InoUding tbe $50,000 asked by
th Board) $409,371 90, will exceed the entire
vnue,ln the sum of $100,386 00!
Th Board report of the revenue of tee year
MfoilowSr'lO Cui Ml iV.L"'.
The Tolls on the atlaaa and Xrie OanaL.
, lir.3,755 X,
Sir. Uabtiii aeks approprittloni for'
this Oaoal Urt currant year, te this 1
aaaount .!"' .,
'''' V I"1 l' r b
Be6iit,..f.....f ....' '
Tba (Alle e trio aoltre Ohio Canal, In
oJaoHa the 13S mile in Sir. lUoEoa
diviaioB, and the WaiheoelDf canal.
1IU.3B4 S4
tse.cm 19
Mr. eaaooav aikt vpprftpriationa for 1 "
ITSmlloeef OhloCasal, for... . " C73.4SO 00
Leaving of the revenue only...........
The Tol mt (b Boekina; Canal, were. .
Mi. Uaoaexx tor sapaira.
Laavtef aatooss ef tevee
The Tolls on the Knaklogvai Improve ;
M r. Oaioea t aki for re pain,.
t .. . -. - ' : - V '! G '
71,848 83
S10.7G8 36
18,000 00
. . 708 39
175 3S
$33,000 OO
: Amannt aakod above toe toll,.
,.830.414 63
W may conclude that th
division of Mr,
Baceds will not require less for its repair, for
the current year, tbe'$GQlpOQ', wbkn added to
the 100,388, asked tor oy colleagues, over
and abov the ntir reventM of th year; (s
scmlcg these to be equal to last year,) and th
GLiftl Awemb'y mnst provide the lum cf On
Humtrti ; a T7ioiismo: ,TArrt Hutidit
n4 4ISJ Yloiif from the treitniiry (f the
State, front the taxes drawn from the bard earn
ines of the people, to keep an a eyatem, whteh
is snameiulir cxiravaiani, corrupt auu uitui-
cient, in the management of onr State work;
and if the estimates of the Auditor as to the reve
nue of the current year prove true, the amount
required from the" treasury fjr"canat' repairs,
la addition to , the' vjjrjue. wiirbe swellcd W
the sum of $193,321 lwhioh fum',,by. c'refu)
sifting of the xpendllura-a eaaal qwut".
suota aalerk blre in JDe Anottor, yovrpiroiKr
and Treaaurer'aDepartrnejlts.ayo examiners,
books, stationary, advertlsiDg, ic. ip.', could
b,o legitimately swelled to $3UU.UUU! ,
A few days ago the CineinnatI (JitM was
exulting over Mr. Mastin's management of the
Miami & Erie Canal, commending his economy,
and eialtinc him as lu every way a remark tble
min jorthe place It erofuofsd (o speak by the
eardi and said tie only asked for the ueevf the
entire line of the Miami and Erie Canal, for the
year the sum of 1118,000, whereas the ofllclal
annual report, from which the flautte professed
to' derive it Information, shows that he demands
(6. that canal, for the year, the enormous sum
of 195.384 54.
It would he? a foriuuete Upg :f the Stat,
and for the well being and preservation of th
Poblle Works a valuable property, or at least
a nronertv which costs, aft immense amount of
money, and wae always vaiaime unut uepaun
can mismanagement rednoed it to its present
lot" condition if the Representatives of the
people could oomprohend their duty In reference
to it, and baa tne courage, ,ano, nerve w vnrow
off the malign Influences, through which from
one' step ta another, the canals . have been
brought to their present low ebb.
' At the beginning of each session for several
years past, Republican members have admitted
that the question.; was-one, of v vast importance,
requiring due deliberation, and tnat it must not
be hastily acted on. and thus succeeding in
smothering it, the same member at : the end of
the-scaaion. have ooDOsed aetioo, because tbere
was not timo In the few last hours ot the ses
sion, to do anything with no grave a question
Last year Gov. Chasi was brought on the floor
of the House by some mysterious Influence, to
operate at the elose cf the session, on Republf
can members, on this canal question.' He and
the State officers defeated the lease to Ndhn
Mills and Rpunsoit, and the result Is
that Instead of receiving into the treasury
the rent of the year, $20,000, proposed to be
paid. by them in advance, there has. been drawn
ont of the treasury, over and above the tolls
paid in, more than $120,000 to be expended on
the canals ! . Last year, at the end of the session
Mr. Hitchcock opposed notion, because of the
importance and gravity of the question, and the
necessity of time for dno examination and de-
liberatiou, which, from the lateness of the hour,
he ctuld not hare; and last week he opposed
preliminary steps for this session, because they
were made too early ! And thus we go, until the
canals which, in 1851, paid into the treasury,
after defraying the expenses of their repair, the
sum ot $140,000, have been for several yrj
minus over $100,000 per annum, and will won
call upon, th .'treasury for .aid over "Ed store
their revenues, to keep them in any kind of or
der, to the tune of (200,000 per year, or more
than even thafy . , , i j-i ',,-,
In such a state of things, the twisting, turn
ing, shuffling and manipulations of the Republt
eK hagB,'aaat-irtwt''15't;
one knows the canals are going to destruction! ss
testes they oen,cd that each is tbeir present
condition, that It would require five years of
hard labor to recover a small part of the business
and revenuo they have lost through negligence
Every one Is aware that they ere a heavy charge
upon the treasury, and yet Republican mana
gers seem determined that CO reform shall Le
bad. The Governor gravely reccommends that
he shall be allowed to appoint a commission of
three men, to go out and look at them , and come
back and tell him what they think about it! A
member gravely requests that a committee of
twenty-one be appointed in the House to consider
th question, and another asks that it be incress
ed te eighty one, while the member who hails
from the county represented in days of old.by that
sensible'and frugal statesman and patriot, Jsai-
suah Mosiow, says he learns that a plan will be
proposed to eede these Works to th counties
through which tbey pass (!) and thus th repre
seatatives of the people tamper with this vast
Stats pro petty, and contrive to allow it to con
tinue to be subject to the animal mismanage
ment by which it is rapidly go!nt to decay and
final destruction.
[For the Ohio Statesman.]
The Crisis.—No. 2.
, In a former article Wat considered the ne
cessity for amendment of theJConstitntion of tbe
United States. . Let ns enquire bow this amend
ment shall be obtained. Two methods only are
provided in the constitution. ' Firttt Congress
may (two-thirds of both houses concurring) pro
pose amendments for adoption by the States;
Second. Congress shall, on application of the
Legislature of two-thirds of the State. r?'l a
convention' .for oroDOslnc amendment, whieh.
in either case, become valid only when ratified
by the legislature - or convention of three-
fourths of all th States.,. , r
The first of these plans, although the simplest
and one mleht naturally suppose, the most fes
sible, is at prossnt impracticable. Three proofs
of this are fonnd, In tbe failure of the Senate
and House committee to agree upon any com-
promise, and thereiusai of to Republican ean-
cui to approve theoompromis tendered by the
representatives ot tbe border states, ins reason
of this is obvious.- Member of Congress ar
politicians, and moat, if not- all of them, were
elected directly noon th issue now dividing
th country, t Republicans are pledged to make
no compromise) who slavery;. .ana secessionists
are sworn to cavil for a hair's breadth of their
rlehta. How, then, can these men, without
violation of their pledges and their honor, make
tbe mutual oonceeslons necessary to adopt such
amendments as win auenee in present etnie
They cannot do it; and it is idle to look to Con
cross for a settlement of our political differen
cos, at least until time is afforded for an Inter
change of opinion with their constituents. It is
trne, a general expression of opinion from those
wno elected them, reducing sucn concession.
would secure it, but this requires much time, and
for palpable reasons is nnoertaia In character.
i be failure ot these committees to agree, ought,
therefore, to excite no surprise. - Indeed, it Is
unjust to onr KMreentativ to expect a rener
eral stamped on either side, to tacrine tbe prin
ciple ot tnew constituents, witnont weu eon-
ent. ''-' i-j I 'j J .'.J! si
Taking It for granted that an author! tativ
expression or tbe will ot tbe people te their Kep.
resentativ, eannot be hod in time for tbe pre
seat oriels, we must abandon the hope of amend
ment by this method. .
The only alternative then i in a .National
Convention.. . Believing this the only effectual
remedy (If any can be found) and that no settle
ment will be made until this is tried, I bare
been sapprlsed that Its sggstlont- mad line
and there, does not meet more general favor.
It It said that two-thirds of the State eannot
be induced to ask for a Convention. If our love
for th Union of these State baa grown so eold
as tbis.th attempt to preserve ft will be fruit-
If it be true, that twe-thirde of th State
cannot unite in a mere effort to -oommpromlse
their differences, what hope tbea is there that
ihree-foartbsof them will ratify a settlement
If proposed by Congress? ' Is it said, this too
takes toe much tune, most 01 tne legislatures
are now in session, and if the initiative were ta 1
ken, othere would te" flpeedlly oonveneJ. It l
saiikthat a National ConventjQO mignt at
tempt : too imuoh, , and b tbeic radioaiisnt
Inoreate, Instead oiletstn, tb danger! I answer,
laC Tbeir radicalism would be barmles n
less ratified by a majority of the people of three
faurtha.of the States, a Dower wbloh maV-b
safely trusted, if onr system of government It
noiatMiure. -r fl is''- i ..i
f fid.' There belnk butnbBorbmr question
Iti Controversy, imendmeuiat apB adyfotlior
question would scarcely be considered, much
less adopted, even lr proposed ny a eonve,moo.
Is It said that a Oonv'enlton by admiUing th im
perfection or tbe Constitution win weaaenoui
veneration and respect . for Jt, . 1 answer, we
admit no audi Imoarfeotloo. For the purposes
and ror tbe territory tor wmcn it was creaieu,
it haa proved perteot,, , Our dlffioulties have
ariaen from attemntii to eivo a construction to
tb ConstUuMon upon eubjeot ,upon wnicn ii
l certainly svleat.,, ......... i 0 . .
Avain. it lai aaiJ that, .iliree-foiirtbs of the
Statea will not ratify anv coniDromise. even if
agreed hpon by a convention. . acre, i cooiess
is 4b greatest daugeri but we cannot solve this
Question without a trial, and if. as persons now
admit, there is oa escape from disuulon, except
in oompromiae, iub .oojwji j.cerniiuir iu
theellort. we will deserve ana reoeive uic
scorn of the world and the execration or pos
terity, If we suffer disunion without an enort to
avert it. OnrjtJhiB is in tbej breakers shall
we desert the helm, the pomps and engines, as
the first shock of the reef is felt? Never! no
never! whilst we remember the dying com
m&nd of "Don't give op the Ship" or prise tbe
boon purchased In Cirt by the blood bt the no
ble Lawrence., Failing fn one remedy it Is onr
duty to try another. Y v ' '
Let Ohio then take the lead, as she hae in the
repeal of her personal linerty laws, and bold out
the pliv branch, by an offer to meet her sister
States and talk over tbeir mntuat grievances,
bv an offer to take the Question out of CoogreM,
out of the hands of the politicians; and place It
in the hands of the people, of those who are
most interested in the preservation of the Union
as it Is, and those who if it Is destroyed, must
furnish the money, the bread, and th blood for
the civil wars whiru shall follow, i ' '
SATURDAY, January 12. 1861.
7 here was a call of the Honae demanded,
when eighty , 'member . answered , to their
names. i ..... .
The rssolutiens a4optfid ' w' the' beuat'e this
morning (for which ace . morumg, report or the
Senate) were taken op, when : ...
Mr. WUlGHT. of Uimil(ou,Bi'J: I do not
rise to make a speech, for I do not. regard this
as tho occasion for npeecO making; It is the
time for notion, speedy action. I dtsiro only
to say that Is this hour or my country i peril
am willing to immolate all. my partizan u-eliegs
on tbe aitarer my country.. 1 most cneertuiiy
ignore party prejudtces tu nnile with my politi
cal opponents in any - reasonable ' measure for
naoifieation. ..i .
Believing these resolutions, to the reading of ,
which 1 have paid tne most careioi attention,
have a tendency in this direction, I shnll give
tbem my support- .-?
In order that the action' cf this House shall
carry with it the moral effect desired, In this
perilous crisis, I hope . tcse reeolutlons will
pass with entire unanimity. I do not propose
to enter upsn a discussion or their merits.
trust that we shell not be'delajed in our action
bv discussion. Action, net words, ie what is
needed In this momentous hour. '
Mr. DEVORE- offer- the foliowing as a
amendment to the Hth resolution.
It Is hereby declared that these resolutions
are not to be regarded as an expression of opin
ion in favor ot tbevcotrcion ot such seceding
States of this Union as. nave declared their alle1
giance to the same, dissolved. (Lost) .
Mt. nUTUn r.aUJI ojirea the .loiloeJog t.t a
substitute for the reaoluTOEs:- U
i Vr bhiia. Bvateresram receivtnl this dev.
(t appeareAhai.hbstiliue hnve actually, com
menced netwes Ui lorcae OL otua-tTotina at
fort Mro!ttieT-wegar.-i3on or tbe . United
States occniiyinK Fort-Sunitcr.
And WnxaiAS, tb trcbable result of this
collision, unless the national troubles are peace
ably adjusted, will be a civil war, which would
be a disgrace to the age, and a reproach ta our
free Ingtutioce. Therefore:
. Rnolved, That lor tbe purpose of avoiding
such a calamity, and giving an opportunity tor
a peaceable settlement or existing ditliouities,
it is thai opinion of the General Assembly that
Congress should immediately abolluh the part
of collection at Charleston, and the ports at
such other point at which collision Is probable,
and that the garrisons ot the United States at
all sucn points enouiu oe immediately with
drawn for the present
Retolted, That Congress be requested to call
a Convention of the States, in pursuance of tbe
5th article of tbe Constitution.
Rttolvtd, That tbe Governor be requested to
transmit these resolutions to tbe President, to
bn laid before Comrre-
In offering bis amendment, Mr. IIUTCHE-
SON said be leita grave responsunitcy in acting
as a member of tbe General Assembly in this
emergency.- We are on th verge of civil war.
It Is said a oolilsion haa already occurred. We
should be cautious lest our action inflame the
public mind and precipitate the calamity,. The
present attitude 01 w eeceuiug cwtes raises
questions which belong to the people of the States
tbemaelvcs and not to the General Government.
A Stat baa do right to withdraw from the Union
at pleasure, but sovereignty resides in the States,
and if a Stat declare her connection dissolved,
there is no power. to ooerce by tbe General Gov
eminent, nor to recognize the independence of
the seceding States. It may b a violation of
th compact with tbe other fetatcs. Government
has no right to enforce the laws, but pofoy may
require tne aoanaonmeui 01. any .couuict witn
State Hot.il tbe matter can be referred to tbe
people. This I the real meaning ot the special
message of the President. . Rather than bare
civil war he wonld have tbe garrisons sod troops
at points exposed to conflict withdrawn, and the
ports of collection' at Charleston and other
places, in tbe seceding States exposed to conflict,
tnspended for tbe preesut, U any number of
lltates claim tcir independence and are resolved,
is tbey seem to be, to maintain it, a mere en
forcement of the federal laws would not settle
th matter. We will have all the evils of ac-
tnal dlsealution. whether w recognize it-or not.
There is no parallel betweea tbe nullification ef
lS3and the present esse, ana toerejore the
rented must be different.; The SDDeal ousht to
be taken to the people of the State to deter
mine what shall be tba relation or tbe seceding
States. ., Ha invoked members to pause and not
inflame the publie mind by adoption of resold
tions looking to force. .Tbe remedy is a con
vention of tbe States. Let us commit the wbolo
question to tbem. . 1
Mr. CONVERSE moved that the whole sub
feet be laid on the table, and made tbe order df
tbe day for 10 A.- M. on Monday next, which
was lost.
. Mr. HTTCHESON'S. substitute was lost.
Yeas 1 Mr Hutcheson nays 82
Mr. ANDREWS moved that the resolutions
be mad the special order for 11 A. M , on
Monday next, on which the yeas and nays were
demanded and resultedyeas Jl.nays SJ., -, ,
Mr. DEV OK K pressed bis amendment noon
tbe attention of the House., , He raid. he did not
want to encoarace coercion, when be remember
ed that only the Ohio divided him and those of
his own blood, bis atndrea anp-ine men who
bad opened np this mighty jStale and started her
on ber career of. greatucesv..He hoped no such
extreme would be resorted to., ',', M
i Tbe vote wae then token, on Mr. Derore's.
amendment, which resulted -yeas 23, nays 56
Those who voted in tbe affirmative, were
Messrs. Brown, ef Putnam. Chase, Converse.
Cory, Dicky Devore, Gamble, House, Hughes,
Hutcheson, J aeons, Jones, j tinea, 01 Hamilton,
McConoell. Mcbehooler, Myers, Noble, Ogle,
Parr. Patterson. Pooree. Powers. Recs of Frank
lin, Rogers, Skinner, Slnaaerv 8tiers,.WccoU,
HThose who voted In the negative, were
Messrs, Andrews, Baldwin, Blakesiee, Browne,
of Miami, Cruff. Burr, Ruse, Carter, Cboate,
Claoo. Coover. Cox, Davis, t lags:. Goro, Had-
dow, Hamilton, Herriek, Hills, Hitchcock, How
ell, Jooea.of Seneca, Kerr, Krum, McClung, Mo-
Cone, MoGavrao, Mcrberson, ftlooahan, Moore,
VHW tUUUs) V U lUtl U VJ CVU luvuiAie uWI vj 1
Masson,Nlgh,Parrott,Plnts,;Seet, of Morrow,
tuea, Kokeubrod.-JBcarfl.bbaw.bauire. Dload-
man, oteeie, btubbs,. i bompsoo, ot Summit,
Trimble, Trneeedell, Vanvoorbie,. vVincent,
Vorls. Walker. Watt. Welsh. Wood. Wrleht
of Hamilton, Wright ot Warren, Speaker 66. ,
toe question toen Being on tb main resoiu-
r- i l . i j j a... . . '.' T
uuviKwi mv a vuio on sou afinaratOLV.' -
vr inn VJ
Mr. Bpeaker-1 :must object to A division
of (he resolutions. Tbey ar la theneture of a
compromise 01 aiverse Opinions, and as snob
must be considered as a unit, and ar not at all
divisible Having n reason to suppose they
are presented otherwise than in good faith, I
cannot ypt against uiemt As a whole 1 most
give them tne void, whether I would aoDrova of
vueiu in uuuuor not. nut taking r.nem in oe-
uii eacn ana every on ot them Is right......
Jrqe. they fall very short of what they should
be, but let 0 trust that th spirit which Lai giv
en us, thus much will go fnribr and offer more.
' If Ihe movers, on tbeir presentation think.
however, there is danger of a negative vote of
twenty or tnirty, 1 submit that time should be
given for deliberation with a view to comoleto
unanimity. For myself I am ready to vote
iromptiy, ana vote aye: and inasmuch as betore
long I may oall upon gentlemen ot the opposite
party 10 act as promptly, in oases 1 may deem
more urgent then even they do this, and to ask
hem to forget the partizan In the man and the
latrlot, as tbey now call On fne to' do, 'I am
lerfectly ready to vole note and vote ays. There
ore if tbe movers think best, I am willing, for
kn immediate vote But certainly the vole
should ne taken on the resolutions as s unit. ;
I Tbe vote was then taken on the first resolu
tion, which resultedyeas 78, nays 5. " 1 ,' 1
1 Those who votod in the affirmative, were
Messrs. Andrews, Blakesiee,' Browne, of Mi
ami, Brown, of Putnam, Bruff, Burr. ' Buss,
Carter, Chase, Choate, Clapp,' Coover Cory,
Coxj Davis, Dickey, Flag?, Gamble, -Gore,
Haddow, Hamilton, Herrick, Hills, Hitchobek,
House, Howell, 'Jacobs, Jonas, Jones, of
Hamilton, Jones, of - Seneca, ' Kerr, Krum,
MoClunf , ' McConoell, MoCnne McGavrhn,
McPhereon,' McScbooler, ' Monabsn, ' Moore,
MuBson, Myers, Nigh, Noble, Partott, Patter
eon, Peaxce, Plants, Power), Rees, of Franklin,
Rees, of Morrow, Reid, Rogers, Rukenbrod,
Sears, Shaw, Skinner, Sltiseer, Squire, Sted
man, Steele, Selers, Stubbs. Thompson, of Bum
mit, Trimble, Tmesdell, Vanveorhisr Vloeent,
Voris, Walker, Watt, Welsh, Westcott, Wood,
Wright, of Hamilton,' Wright of 'Warren,
Snn.lcf 77. ' ' ' .. .
r . ,. f...
' Those who voted iu the negative were Messrs.
uonverso, uerore, Hughes, untcneson, ugis,
Prr-0. ; " " ,
The voto was then taken on tbe second reso
Intion, which resulcd jcas C9, naja f':
Those who voted in the negative were Messrs.
Ch8e, Converse, Devore, Camblei , Hughes,
Hutcheson, Nobe,. Ogle, Patterson,, Pearee,
Slnsser 11. . . .'. ' ' '.'; ' " ,
Mr. MYRE3 said he would' like further time
to consider these resolutions. 'Jfe might vote
for tbem all after consideration, but tbey , in
volved several oppositions which could not be
well understood by bearing them read from the
clerk's desk. He felt a weight of responsibili
ty that would actuate him to vote for any prop
osition that gave any assurance of good results
to the country. But he desired to have time
to enable him to investigate them understand-'
iogiy. ' .
Mr.' ANDREWS said he rose with feelings
nob as he had never dared ,to hope he would
experience in this Hall , lie had been a mem
ber of this body five consecutlvo years, and pre
vious to this, he had battled all the time against
rhe'passage of thb'very enactments tho resolu
tion makes a pledge, to repeal, 'It really seemed
to him a political mllleniurn had arrived! Ho
would almost say, under each pledges, he could
wish to continue to be a member of the Ohio
Legislature, though Le had said to his corstltu-
ente many times, bis term of service was el
ready too Ior-g. . Mr Andrews said he devoutly
npped tnis resolution would receive a unani
mous vote, for by that means tbe people of
o'lier States would believe we were lo earnest.
JUr. Andrews said he had "lull faith that the
piedgee made, would be carried out. for be had
served a lose time with many gentlemen cf the
ho were willing to be responsible
tor tbeni, end knew tWw would do what tbey
I be third, fourth, tilth, sixth, nd ssrecth
resolutions were unanimous. .
Thequestion being os the oth resolution, Mr,
CONVERSE moved to emend the same by
out all after th words "President of
the I'nited States." lis said This is tbe most
important action that Has or wilt come before
this HousotbU wlnter.We hre threatened with
disunion and civil war. Tba cotton States are
for the present already gone, and the only hope
tho country has is in. conciliating the Oorder
States. The times demand not only warm and
pjttrlotic hearts but cool bends calmneM de
liberation. This pi6dgo of Ui military t'urces
of the State is threatening in its character and
will only add fuel to the flames. Weuustoour
cUiato. Our material interests all lie with the
border and iu csee Of a fiuai aftparat.oo, which
I play Almighty God to avert, tho irrevocable
laws ot commerce and material wealth will ul
timately drive us and attach us to the South.
Mr. JONES, of Hamilton, said be ehould vote
(or the 8th resolution, bnt not so cheerfully as
if Mr. Devore's amendment had been adopted
Mr. JONAS remarked, be felt as if he was not
ready without tome consideration to vote for
coercion. He would wish tbe ameudmont to pass
which would reconcile his mind; he was not al
together satisfied but that a State when she felt
oppressed and insulted might tecede from the
Union under p-mliar circumstances, and I, for
one, am not willing to use coercive measures, or
spill the blood ot our leiow citizen. M we en
rage our border States, and tbey also secede.
what will be tbe'situation of our towns and citlet
on tbe border rivers. History gives no sQoount
ot any large commercial oily prospering on the
national border; ruin an devastation will lollow
them all. . I will not detain tbe House with any
further remarks. ; ..;.,.. . ai
- Mr. HUGHES said hi regretted he oould not
vote for this resolution tniese amended.
- Mr. DICKEY seooacbd the motion to strike
ont all of the 8th resaution, after the words
"United States." I see 10 necessity for adding
this firebrand to the already distracted state of
tbe country j re indorse tbe frenident's special
message is all weareoaledupon to do, . 0,
Bv. tb defeat of the amend ment offered bv
the gentleman from Brown, this resolution has
beeu construed -to- atan coeroion but in
"strict subordination to tbe civil authority.,"
what, sir. Is tbe constriction ot tbe civil au
tboTltjJ 1 llereistheeptvceof all these troubles
-different .tbeorios lot the, Constitution
Are 1 tbe.t-partica , (a power - to construe
and anforo tbeir oosttrnocion, though tyrsni
cit It may be; at tbe ptjnt of the bayonett, even
before attempt at ooleilliatlon are exhausted,
Sir. 1 think not , 1 amtcady and would be bap
py to lay aside all party feeling and strife in
this oar hour of danger bum Sir, I do not de
sire to stand 4a the menoncmg position which
the latter clanso of tliit resolution, and the go
tlo'u of this assembly seems to place us,: t hope
tbe amendment wili carry, ,- We are liable to be
drawn upon as State without any pledge of
tnis nature neiog maue or toe oiate, 1 nere is
no person asking or re questing such a pledge
no body in authority demanding such pledges
I ean regard it at but a aenanoe on our part,
and so it will be regarded by onr brethren of the
South, and have a tendency to hasten the hor
rible condition of tbe crontry into which the
threatening state of national affairs seems
ready to engnlpb ut. Let as act at patriots not
a partisans.. Let nt dV carefully with this
momentous question. It it thrust upon os
without a moments time; to deliberate, and. at
I now view it, I beg thai this menance will not
made. J endorse the first clause or the reso
lution heartily, and I defm this all sufficient.
all that ia demanded el that Is necessary
Give ns this resolution . jlean, plain and simple
elm ut the resolution vltboutthe appearance
of a threat to fight,. t.'Icasl;, until all cthej
out w .auawwit. ,. , -, 1 .rf; il(l.f.
Mr.FARROTTsaidiid ,,7-1; m,-., Af
.The reaolnilons tioubaes contain sow ,ex
preeslons not equally pa'tabl to all of os, and
fan to redact nice shadei or dtuerences. - ul
this we must endure, for inttanoe thetaaio
ity upon this floor is of variant politics from the
federal administration, and. as an individual,
I had nsver anticipated to give a vote of appro
val to any prominent aot ot the admimstra.
tipn. I hope the resoiuti en may meet a uuanl
moot vote.. The timendeoand that we should
rise into an atmosphere too rsr And, t00 pnt
for yerfy . . v
I appeal to the gentleman, not at republicans
or asdemocrnts, bat at th representatives of
th anion loving people ol Ohio, not to let mis
erable party differences separate nt.. What
title can be more illustrious than that otfitriot.
and who is here that i.its pot aspire to deserve
For myself oa this question, I stand ready to
strip off every badge of party fealty, and strike
bands with tha man, or those men, of whatever
political antecedante.whos obieet is th Union.
nd whose rule the constitution. Nay, more,!
ions, Mr. tibse oalled for a lv!stop t( th
when th time shall have come, not only shall
my voioe and rote be lo favor of gnarauteeicg
the observance of all the constitutional rights of
the dissatisfied States, but I will go In the Hue
of .concession to that extreme point where tbe
voice of honor proclaims, "thus Jar, but no
further. " But, air, when the armed hand of a
would be parricide is jawed against the parent
government, concession is not the word to take
Upon our lips; tb rebellions arm mnst be strick
en down, f the government must) vludieate itt
authority, and the misguided States be remitted
to those constitutional modes of redress which
afford ample remedy for all their grievances.
. To this purpose let the ;vp!ee of Ohio speak
with unbroken volume. v., t fw- i, . - i 1
The vote was taken on Mr. Converse's
amendment, and resulted yeas 23, nays 61 .
Those who voted In the affirmative, were
Messrs. Brown, of -Putnam, Converse, Chase,
Dickey, Devore, Hughes, flotcheaon, Jonas,
Jones, of Hamilton, Meyers, MoConnelL Oglo,
Parr, Patterson, Pearcs.l Powers, 'Rece, of
Franklin, 8liaw, Sklqnsr,.Slner,Stiersr?3.
On the Hth resolutioh, those who vdtqa in the
negative, were:
Messrs. Converse, Dickey, Devore, Hughes,
Hutcheson, Ogle, Patterson, Shaw 8
On the 9th resolution, those who voted in the
negative, were: .'..'; jj IV '
Messrs. Converso, Devore,' liughdst Hutche
son, Meyers, Ogle, Parr, Patterson 8.
' Mr.. Rodgers moved that two thousand oaplcs
of the resolutions be printed for tbe use of the
nonse. -1
Pending which the House adjourned.
MONDAY, January 14th, 1861—10. A.M.
Prayer by Rev. Dr. TRIMBLE.
'Minutes of read and r
By Mr. PARISH From1 J. J. Cook- and C3
otbwa. of Pern, Huron county, praying fur tbe
restoration of women to tbeir legal rights, &c,
Referred to the special committee.
' ' "
The President signed enrolled' H. B. Nd.''l20
To amend section 15 of an act of April Ctb
1859, regulating the mode of administering as
signments in trust, for the benefit of creditors.
By Mr. rJAON-A bill la provide for ! lie
the purchase and distribution of Swan and
Critcbfteld'srevised statutes of Ohio. : - np.
By Mr. BON AR For tho protection nf beet.
'.'By Mr. SPRAGUE : ... - - ... -
Retolted, That the Sergeant at Arms procure
i map of the United States of the largest and
best edition, for the u of the Senate. Adopt
There being no further businost tho Senate
took a recess.
Prayer by tbe Rev. Mr. Davis ,, ,
Mr. MYERS asked leave to record hla vnt
on e eighth resolution adopted on Saturday,
afternoon, when he voted nay. 1 . ..
M r.' N OBLE obtalnod.leave to chance bis vote
on the second resolution, adopted on Saturday I
aiVcruL.u. . ., .. ..
Mr. WINNER recorded hit vote for all the
Mr, SYNDER voted for all the resolutions
Mr. COLLING S also rreordod his voto for
all the resolutions.
Mr. ROBINSON h'.io voted In the tame man
ner- .
Mr. STOUT n!ao voted yea on all the resolu
tions. Mr. HUTCHESON, remarked that by the
published procedings, hit vote appeared in fa
vor of tho 1st Resolution. He wished to sey
that from tbe rapid and Indistinct reading of tbe
Resolutions rsed on Saturday, many coints
escaped notice by all tbe members.- They eon-.
tain some truth and some false doctrine, ingent
O'isly mixed up. 80 far as conoems devotion
to tbo Union he could support heartily tha 1st
Resolution, but so far at it embodies a theory of
mo iiuiwumrai, wnica ne couia not endorse, he
was therefore changed ' . "
Memorials were presented as follows, which
were appropriately referred:
By Mr. WALKER, from the county officers
of Trnnibull county, for change in th official
term of county Auditor.
By Mr. f'TtliJ.MAN, from I,. Kent and 56
others of Portage county, for an act to place
married women upon the same footing as their
husbands, as to the control of property and
Mr. BALDWIN asked to record hit vote
upon the first six of tbo Resolutions adopted oa
Saturday afternoon, and to put upon the jour
nal, bis reasons for so voting, as follows:
In voting for the pisssgo of tho third Joint
resolution, relative to our federal relations, in
so far at it relates to the enforcement of the
laws of Congress, until repealed or adjudged to
be unconstitutional by the Proper ludioial tribn.
nal, I protest against such construction as teems
to decy tho right of private ludement .if the
Constitution by other than the judicial officers of
toe uovernmeoc. 1 believe with Jackson,
taat every man wno sircars to support the Con
ttitntion swears to support It as be understands it
Snd not as it is understood or oonstrued by
others. I believe that It the duty of every of
ficer, ot every department of our government,
State asd National, In tbe exercise of diner.
tionary power, to discbarge his duty in obedi.
euqe to tbe Constitution as be honestly inteprsts
niur uiiuitii. 10 voting ior tne sum resolu
tion I admit that it it the incumbent dutv of a
State having enactments on iu Statuta flmb
in contravention of tbe Constitution and laws of
the United States to repeal them; but I do uot
believe It to be the duty of a State to repeal its
euautrneuts neoanse tney render less ttUcicnta
law of Congress, doubtlul constitutionality of 'or
containing odious and nojust provisioa, sif such
enaoimems are not in contravention of the Con
atitntinn. '- ,.
Finally, I believe It to be the dutv rf tho
people of the States, thoir legislatures, and their
government, to resort to ail just and legal meant
to render Inefficient such enadubentsof .Cacgrett
as may be oontrary to tho laws of God. and In
opposition to the moral and religioot sentiments
01 tne people, no Burn law can or ought to been-
torcea among an enngntened religious people.
The rendition of fugitive slaves is in nlaln con.
tradiction to tbe Divine law, written on tablets
of atone by tbo finger of .God The law it In
tbese words; . . ,
"Thou shall not deliver unto' hit master the
servant wnicn nas escaped from bis matter un
to thee: :-
"He shall dwell with "tW. ertn arnonir Vrin
in that plaoe which ht sh hi f choose, in one of
toy gates wnicn liketh him best: thon tbslt not
oppress him." 11 u.-rj '-ja vi-'Tai
Until onr Heavenly Father repeall this just
iaw, a ieei myscn uoocr ooucationi to abide bv
t. . L 1, . , . . J
tu, iuu hj iurumu an legal guarantees lor its
ooservaooe, which the OousliiHttonof my ooun
try will admit. ' Jesse Baldwin.
nr. AWUKKWa said, he Was In faoT of
spreading the paper presented by tbe gentleman
from Mahoning on thp journal, whether it was
regarded in the nature or a protest, or simply
statement of the gentleman's reasons for re
cording bis vote a he did If it was a protest
It should go on the journal as a matter of tight
if it Is a mere explanation of th gentleman's
cqurs on tb resolutions adopted on Satnrda
last, he wat In favor of allowing the same to
go on the journal, because he wanted tbo true"
opinions of members to be known and that the'
resolution!, adopted at they were, almost unan
imously, should bare no more Influence in dis
tant part or this confederacy than wat really
their dne. If any member voted for these reso
lution! under mental protest,' tod- was coerced
to do it by the notion of a third branch of thlt
Assembly such as sometimes exists, be oogbt
certainly to be allowed to give bis, reof senti
ments to nit country. r-" -, i .- ,, ,
Mr. A said he believed a majority of the
wuuns wuuiu uu as tuev were maoo-ed in tha
reavioMons 10 repeat' ait enactments In any
way conflicting with the Constitution tnd laws
of tbe United States-bat be believed a large
uHiuvm v. mo luajunr war constrained to
vote at they did, through fear of results from
existing trouble In the oonntry, that many of
thii body have endorsed the expression of leel
ne, to be tent to tht troubled nennU nt i.
Southern States, that wat not real Jand he want
fed the truth to appaarj be did not want our
Southern brethren to be misled by the vote on
the resolutions, he desired it to be known that
a majority of the Ohio Lecislatnra
and truly in favor of carrying out the pledge
In th resolutions h did not want It believed
that thero wat an unanimous feeling of that
kind, at tbe vote on their adoption would thow.
H was, therefoie. In fevor of niacin tha Gen
tleman right on the record, and bene, be thonld
be allowed to atnltlfy himself, bv htvinir th
paper pnt on the journal.
Mr. WELSH would like to be courteous on
thlt matter; bnt If one gentleman were permit
ted to put hit reasons on the journalothers bad
the tame tight and might make the same de
mand, and (ill the journal to overflowing. ' 1 ,
Mr. nutituui coneurred with Air. Welsh ror
the same reasons. ;
Mr. BROWNE, of Miami, also opposed the
motion 'r-.7rrri---i''-
Mr. DEVORE alto opposed it. , ;
Mr. ROBINSON thought this Could not'be 1
called a protest, became it was against bis own
nuir, wuiuu ayucarou iuuuuwd.cui.
- Mr. VORiS moved that th motion lold-i
upo th table.on which tb yeat and nayt were
ugerrana retu ted vest 43. nays tt. 1 -
rurbutir lueuiurmia wore urcBoucu.
1.- . : . . . ..j
By Mr. COX, from Charles Fiddler and 40
othert of Knox county, against the tale of in
toxicating nquprs.
By Mr. BKQWN, of Putnam, from T, C B.I
Morrison, sad tlx othert of Henry county, for a.
change in the ofUoial term of County A editors.
j The following Bill were read ,a scoond time
and referred. u f ?" t j) u v i '. .
n. h. ut(: 10 authorize tbe levy or a speci
al Bridge tax In Paulding oounty.
H.B.268t To reduce tb several acta pre
scribing the levy of taxes, to one general act.
H. B. 2G$ .To amend the aot of Mar S. 18f2.
for the incorporation of Citlet sod Villages
House 0111 xr 10 amend the act prescribing
tho manner of using county Ulls bvtb Uni
ted State, v
Notlo of tbe intention to Introduce bill wet
'glvenf, f ' r ' ' i. B
- By MrBROWNE,of Miami, to lncortorate
tha Bank of Ohio. ' " ' -l ' -
By Mr. 8TIER3, for the exemntlon of th
lands of Agricultural Socletiot from taxation.
- By Mr. co., ror the enoourgeroent of Fir
By.Alr.JONES. 4o amend tbe 157th section
of tlielwtlee'e eodv .&.-il. Ui
By Mr. DICKEY, to amend tbe laws regu
lating chattle mortgage.
The louowing Bills were introduced and read
the first time!! VrT; ' KTTff
H. B. No.:280; by ;Mr. rJTCttlT-Td Jpujilh
malicious slander in tbe Penitentiary.
H. B, No. 281. by Mr. RUKENBROD To
amend lection 6G of tbe act to amend the act for
creation of Incorporated companies, passed
waron 4, toao.r i 1
U. B. N0.2S2, by Mr. IIERRICK-rfMulrlnir
County Auditors to report the amount of fees
and salaries of County officers. . - . . ,
II.B.283-by Mr. WINNER for the' relief
Jonathan ' West. f A J -1 ' -
Mr. BALDWIN, from the Committee on Fl
nance, reported back Senate bill 181 making
partial appropriations for 1861 whb an amend
ment striking out that part rolatiugto the en
largement of the renHentiary.whlch-was agrefd
to, when the bill was ordered to be read a third
time on Wednesday next.-
, . Mr.FLAGO offered tbe followlot- resolutions.
and moved that they be laid on the table arid
ordered to be printed, and made the , day for
to-morrow afternoon.. .. , . ,
Mr. ROBINSON asked for a division of the
question,- so at to vote on the order e print,
wbloh was agreed to. - .1 1 r j.i.,-1 ;
Tbe second part of th question, making it
th order for to-morrow afternoon jehloh wet
disagreed to. ,,, , .
By Mr. rtiAUU
i Retolted, by tht General Atunbh'oi Olii'a. That
our Senators lu Congress be instructed, and onr
Representatives requested, to tdvonate and vote
for a plan of adjustment for onr national troubles
based npon tba following propositions:
1. Recommending the repeal of all personal
liberty bills.
2. That the Fugitive Slave Law be imtnAaA
for tho prevention of kidnanina. and so as to nrn.
vide for the equalization of commisaionflrs'
fees; ' :. ;'," ,'. ,'j
3. That tbe Constitution be to amended a
to prohibit ant' Interference with slaver in
any of the'Ssatcs where it now exists.
4. That Congress shall cot abolish slavery
in the Southern doCk varffa.ratnal. . hl.
the Dirtrict of Columbia, without the content
of Maryland end the consent of the in nab
itantt of th Dittrlct, nor . without conisanaa-
f, That there aUli be a perpetual prohibition
of the African slave trado.
That the line of 3G degrees 30 minute shall
be run tbrought all the existing territory of the
United States; that In all north of that line
slavery shall be prohibited, and that south of that
lino, neither Congress nor the territorial legis
lature shall hereafter pass auylaw abolishing
or prohibiting, or in any manner Interfering
wlib African slavery; and that, when auy ter
ritory containing a sumoient population for one
member of Congress, in any area of sixty thou
sand square miles, shall spply for admission as
a State, it shall be admitted with or without
slavery, as Its Constitution may determine.
Mr. CONVERSE moved to take from the ta
ble bis motion of Saturday last, for a correction
of the Journal, which was disagreed to, yeas 37,
nays 45.
Mr. STEDM AN offered the following whloh
was laid on the table for discussion.
' Retolted. That tbe standing Commiltae on tha
Milltle be instructed to inquire and report.
1st. The amount aud description of the Publio
Arms sold by the late Quarter Matter General
S. W, Andrews, as referred to In tbe ."Compe
tr oilers Annual Report. u : r
2ud, The date of such tale, and by what au
thority made, also to whom the armt were sold.
3d. Theomsunf ot compensation, if any, that
officer It entitled to reoeive over and above bit
salary for conducting suoh tale. , . -j ; -.,
Retolted, That said committee have autborl,
ty to tend for persons and papsrt.
' Mr. ANDREWS moved that the Senate bill
to prevent tlsveholdlng and kidnapping In Ohio,
be taken from the table on which tbe yea and
nayt were demanded, and resulted yeas 54,
Mr.' ANDBEW9 sjovodlhat the bill .ana
pending amendments be indefinitely postponed
Mr. NIGH tsidbedid not dosu-a.to nmlnm
th discussion on this tubiect: but be felt it In-
enmbont npon h(m to ttate the position ooupied
117 uimseii sou ma oousutueait , tie rejoloed
la tbe very general expression" of Saturday
against this specie of legisUtio. , He .would
gladly let this matter pass by a quietly a not
slbl.. But tb time demand of ns a frill and
dolded axpreuion of our own Intentlont towaid
other States. H held that fh position be
iooain lavoroi tne postponement or this bill,
to be right, and bo would maintain It without
tear oi consequence.:. Jte regretted that Intl
matioa had been glvea Of oonieauBnnee . tt
knew the laws on kidnapping In this State were
ample; but be wat :at. el timet .ready to vote
Cor any bill neeeesary to the eroteotioa of tha
rights of the residents of this State, white or
discs, ne alluded to tbe case or the "Polly
Negroes," and showed that It wat not from
of law that they were kidnapped, but In viola
tion of law. He held that the provision of
this bill was to lead to interminable- feudi be-
twetn the people of hit county tod their neigh
bor over the river. ' 1 "
Mr. HILLS hoped tbe bill would be referred,
according to th pendinp- motion. Ha thoueh
it was not the desire of the friends cf this bill
to prest it, in its present form, to a postage;
but thaw did nnt evant It thmUt , l.l.
when we should appear to be governed by cur
i. .i . . . . . -.
i wuao lureais were neia overnt oytraltoil
to to country, ii read tbe bill, and demand
d who there wat that could reasonably object
, provision!. It was a part of the programme
of a party not only to objeot to the pascsge of
u uui, uut tu repeal similar acts now on tne
statute books., H eounssled the House to be
war now tney gave way to demands of dienn
Inn!.,. T1!. I . 1 .
ivumw. uj wuuiu uemaca more, and we
hi i W W B,fT ' ?fir
; Mr. BRUfF nrfed th MfoMMnf ehu:kin
He was willing to trust th Judicary Commltte
for a candid report upon It, Oa the 'merit of
toenui ne wat ready to stand by hi eonviotlon
and any Just measure to defend, thoueh it did
otiite strife. He was now for the reform earn
estly and deoidedly.
The Hoase took a recce. '
'! I
GUEniTBinro b almi
h - ehcriff Sale. -: ' ' ..
"' '' " ' '
, KlitaUth Wheeler ) ' '' '
ve. I Bsperlor Court.
Angnatns W, Owene.)'
to an directed from tho Superior Court of Prank
lin county, Ohio, I will offer lor eat la front of tbo
Court Houee, lath eity of Columbus, on - .m:.:.T7
Saturday the 13th day of January, X D. 1861 ,
tt 10 o'clock A. M. the forioMsg Bearrlbad Sroimir 1S
wit) One Orty Innie, atlarhe-1 Ihe property ofAngBs
tut W. Owens. , , . "7
Jan8-10ld ; ly O. W. HCIPMAH, Sheriff. .
f'er all THHOs r aatst
lacladln; WIIOOJPIIIC;
coraile aid every
Complaint the forerun-
Mil me ( and vti actual .t
) - i t ; O i
. t i
The (ireaf N KtisS AI.i
Hral OP1ATK, adnnt
to overy specie f ier.
votia Complaint, Ner
veil and (!itrnln ,, ,,
Headacha,- eaeiiu jklJ
tlsm, Catarrh, loom
and Ear Ache, (
aileep, and Bowed font i !i.
plaint. , i
Ho teal Juitlce can be dooe Ihe abov prefretioi
but by proeunn and reading- deeerlutlve pmptilt. r
be round wltb all dealers, or will be aenl bj kioprletor . .
on demand. Formulae and Trial Bottles sent (A Phyil
clans, who will find developments In both worthy their .
acceptance and approval. v. . .., 1 . , i 1:-,S
Oorreepondenoe aolioited from all whoee neeeeeltlee or
eurioiity prompteto a trial uf the above reliable Bumu 1
dies. - - r 1 . : '
For rale by the. aeual wholesale and retail dealers,
everywhere. .
JOHN I.J IlUNNEWi; Proprietor,-'
chemist no raaisiauitrriBT, ." '
So. 9 Oommerolol Wharf, Bos tot, Has. :
Hoberts BantiMl, ft. . Marple, J. ft. Ooek, J. al.
DenlK, O. Boole; Sons, A. J. Bcbnoller fctoe. Ajftute
for Colnmbue, Obk. ayl-dly
This boukon tains Jteetlptt on PtrtctUmt for ma
king all the moslvatnabl Medical preparations m oeev -. 1
ala Beclpes and fall and explicit dlrecUone for maltrrlg " !
all the noet popaUr and ueeful Ooeuetles, t erfnmea, ,
Unraentt,nalrBeetoraUvea,aiid all t ollot Artkle. If ',
yon are saiTcring with any ehronlo Slaeue tfyo wait ar
bSaaUful oomploxlon, a flue head of hair, a snoot face?
aelear skin, lumriant beard or mooetaoho-or at yon ?
wish to know sn thing and every ttthg tB tbe Heaiatl
and Toilet line, you ehould by all Deans pernio opyt. "
of this book. For full particulars and semplt ct ths 11"
work for pevuial, (free) address the publliber, 1 1 r '
-. ....... I. i. CHAPMAN,"1'
Thoueaodt of persons inner from hcadaefaes to heeer. .',
one detriment of their' comfort, bnelswss, and heaHaf'A
who mlfht ossUy be eured by simply Bilng Hoanuay'l r r
HoaioriUTic Bncirics. The Uhdocm Pat taken in "
the mprnlnc, and the Bimods Fiu Uken at aiht, rarely i .T
fall to cure the moet severe and obstinate case. Thou- 7 "
sands' having triad them hate been entirely freed of this J
bane of their Uvea? ,0 and do llkewlie,. . r ,
. Price, 35 conti per box, with dlrecUone. 8Uihoxel " ' "
Sent by mail or STpreei, free of chars,) eelptof
mepncoi Addais. :j
No. 069 Broadway, New i .
- -J anRIBTl a. a.urraiT. . .
Bold by
f ., wnoiceale and Betall Drnegieta. 14 N. Blih etreet.
... , - H. a SAMUtia 0(1..
'janl-dkwla ... BS B. High street, Columbus, Ut
' Bee adveitlament In another eolumn . M -1 1
;aiu as s.ifts, , sax. ; v. ,.
In all eases of eosllvenees, drmeDsla. blllloni and Uru
affMllona. iiIIm- vhj.nwi.iiMM e.MM ..f .v., t
a , " -v,.i. mfim, vww..
oat head aches, and all general derangements of healU, . '
thee Pills hare invarUbly proved a eertala and Speedy'
remedy. A single trial wl'.l place Oie life Pills beyoLd ''
th reset ofcompetltion in the ettlmaiion of svsry pa
tient. :
Pr. Moffat's Fhoinlx Bitiers will be found equally et
Beaelous In all eases of nervous debility, dyvpeptU, bead
aehe, the sickness Incident to females Indelicate health,
and every kind of weakness of tba digeetlv organs,
for salt by Dr. V. B. MOPf AT, 33S, Broadway, N. T
acd by all Dronriite. ayOe-dawI
Ths fallowing it an extract from &
letter written by the Eev. J. t, Holme, paster M the '
riirrepviut Btreet Baptist Church, Brocklrn,K. T.to
thuJoarnal and Measenger," Cincinnati, 0., and speak r.
volumes In' favor of that world-renowned medicine, Msa .
WiKiunv'e Boomna Biarr roe CitiMtua Tmrrmsa:
"Wetean advertlsment la your eeluant of VLws .
la KiSt' ! ftcQTaiMa Snvr. How we never eald a word ;
feel oompelled to wiyTorWloSr? JPBrJie. bl we
bug ws nava tuuu, it, um Kiow it to aa ata ri
oiAine. It le prolmhly one of the nme eainilot nitl-'
dues of the day, because it la on of tbe beau.. And those . .
of your readare who bare babies can't do b Iter than
lay In a aupply." oc87:lydw
if l Jr
Commencing; Wednesday, Jan. lata, '' ,,"
LAND otherwise called EVESISUJ IN IRELAND. ' '
An Kxhlblrlon Illustrating the scenery of j that beauti
ful ooemtry In a eerles of views palntad from nature, rep -repreeenlloc
the principal Ciliee, Caatlee, Lakas,
Oaurcaea, Natural Curloaitles, Blvers, atu.
Kach scene la acoompanlod by vooal and lnatrumentll
tnuilc, selected from tbe Immortal Irlah Melodies at 4 t i
exeeuted by a oompany of artists, lociuding t I ; 1. 1 . i 1 1
Miss KATK M 10 KVOY, The gifted Bophranq,' .
Mias MARIE, The Oeoompllahed Hernial,
Mailer JO Hit BPALCINU, th talented delineator
or irieh cnaraeter. - " .f ? i if
! Mlas TniRKLA, ths youtbfal eofned'enri , '
0UA3. MAO EVOY, the Planlit. ,' ' "','
Admission - - 25 ct. "S
Jenle-dlw-. . ,. . ;
'"and" '' ''
SaJcijf Useful FaneAtticlcs,
f ;i c
1 1
UoiverasJist Church h this City, ,
In making this announcement, tht ladies promlje that
they sill endeavor to make tola entertainment equal t
leaat lo thoae ot former years, and hope to see all of their
frlendalpresent.i i i j - j ' j . I -7 r" 7rJ
. Th proceeds will be applied fowarda renovatine; fke
ohuroh edifice and In liquidation of their church, debt.
ASlnglt Tickets, SUeents. A Ticket admitllut a Oenlie
manandtnUdl I10O., , - jaaVidtd, ,
(, for th IN8TA5T KILIIf ,
' and PBRMANENT CC8JI of lb t
dlatresalng eoaplalnt uas
, ' ERDTI9
Had by 0. B. 81TMOUB CO.', 107 Iteeeea Bt,, N. V.
i Pric 1 per box; sent Ire by poet.
OB, BALI if in DITjaailTB.
aajo-rtfcwljte , a;' r
" .1" p :
t .it in
jq view r-r making change In onr eoootm, fill
offer oar ' J
iob rinitf bATa, commex cfta wrr Ja
Mondfty, the' llth "day ; of ')aimjy,3I
C : CeV' ,i :Q !
1 tn
emLIrj y
' m ' ' .'....ir.T-.; '..iW-X-,!i
This Stock ef Ooods ar trow adatiUed lo- be to ascot- .
deilrablo lo th Centre of the Btste, and effert f tar rp r
pertunlty to Houk fteepers.apd others' for pbrebatUg
their Snppll.H r . - . .. .,',.: ) n- ,;.
Ihe whole BtocVivlU Ii:'so'm wlbalirrr,wp
lag '"' ." !'.' -i .i, ,i -i ( piM'n'.j.'nei.V'
awn iTWYiwnvn'T wit, ctTifva
Oolombs, January W, reehvj .v
ni rlic.iu i ,,),,
tba Hallanal Read. West Of Calumlm. ..,.
rom two to Svo miles fmea the city. Tbe property will
be eold la lots to ealt BureUaaere, and oo favorable terns ' i '
Appry t . , M' ; , - w.ASDRiwg, '
jeolO-dsw -V - Agentfor Johntt. Hoilowai.
Columbus, January 10. ' ,. i j,
Tb moat graceful and elexaat aklrta yet offered for f
sal. Anewlotjuatoptnedby PalTEBBalii u
' .i a If

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