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.tp ltsi lit ,' l.jnsl, .1 ,. rsx , V v -1 r-- r ,seT3 ; - r ..... ., , t . ; ..vJ..-.. . TlL ; I : " ' . f. .'!'J L ' ' ' llll e rOL"IIlf'N0218NE SEEIES. COLUMBUS.' 0HI0;rM0NPAY,: EVENING. FEBRUARY 18. 1861. InTarUblj la AdwcaJ D AltY.TRI-WEUXY aUTO WEEKLY M ANVP ENNT &MILtER, l PUBUBHlBB AHDifBOPEIIIOBI. , -' lt, OCT QAM Boa. 83. W d 40, Sort! Sigh it. " TERMS INVARIABLY 15 ABVAHOB;. Dally .....: -t . IS 00 per " By the Carrier, per week, 1S)$ sent. Weekly, 1 "." - '1D0 ...,. rimi at Advertising by ' n qor 1 jen .'. . HS 00 Out " 9 Boctht 18 00 Jnt , Omoutin 15 00 )n , " i 3 month! 10 00 )uj , ; , S month! 8 00 OniqorSwki..$4pO Om . " Itmku. 100 On " i 15 On " SAkTt". 7 line ' 1 moau. a ui On " 1 liuartloa SO lplyea tdTirtlnmeBU b bow th Mt rtw Advettisementi leaded anA placed In the eolomn of All uotlcM nqntno to In pnbluhtdbjr lw, lenUrMM. 1 1 or.Urcd on th ImWe loliuiTely Htr Um Intwk per cen:. mora thui the abore ntei; bat (11 laen wil ppeur In the Trl-Weekly without chrge. fimlDMi Cards, not exceeding fire line, ptrjetf, la l ie. 2 50perUnei onUldi. Notlceiof meeting!, chKlubloiocletle, Are oomptniee, kc., hIf prlfa.1 AUtraix adttrtUmnmU mutt M pM&ftr tm . TH Bile will not be TriW f rn . - Wekly.t pric the Bally, wtnrMIOT mi the Weekly alone. Wher 1 Pally and Weekly an both need, then the eharga Iwtha Waekly ylll bt therateaof tha Dally . . No adTertleement taken exoept for a deflnlte period. BUSINESS CARDS. "EAGLE ,BRASS WORKS, Corner Spring V Water ta.r ' OolxxxnToxxa . OUlo. W, ; B 'POTTS ; &: OO MAOHINIflTS, And MannEaoturera of Bran and Composition Outloga, rinlihed Bram Work of all Detoriptlont. Electro PlatinTTnd, Gilding! 1 STENCIL CUTTINC, AC. feMWO-dly ' " ' ' ' " ,. , F. A. B. SmXDIS, Attorney At Iaw AND NOTARY rUBLIU. ' Odlce Atub'jt Mnlldlng, opposite Capitol Bqutre. OOtUMBUB. OHIO; Machine Mannfactnring Company MANorAOTtmtM or STEAM ENGDJES & BOILERS, Cajtinfr, Xill-Oeuing, KaohUery. . ' ' ALIO, ; ' - Lallxoaca. Work v- or itiiy duoAtioii. - : . . UOIiTJlHBrjRi OHIO. 0HA8. AMBOi, Bnp't P. AMBOB.iTreaj. Mil, latB-lf - - . Winter Arrangement. Little Miami Columbus & Xenia RAILROADS. For Cincinnati, Dayton ft Xndianapoliit Through to Indianaoolia without Change of Cart nd but On Changt of Can between 1 ' ' Colmnbmi and St; Lonla. THRES TRAINS DAILY FROM COLUM- .t--.r-... BUS. .. .' '.. v J , FIRS'TTRAIN. ...... ' (TJilly, Mondfira excepted.) NIQHT KXPRKB8, eta Dayton, at B: a. m.,top plnc at London, Xenia, Dayton, Middletown and Hamil ton? arriving at Cincinnati at 8:20 a. m.;Daytoa at5:4S a.m., IndlanopolUat 10:48 a.m.; tit. Lonltat lliP P SECOND TRAIN.' ' ' A00OMMODATI0N, at 8:10 a. m., flopping at all Bta tloni between Oolnmbot and Cincinnati and Dayton, ar rtrlng at Cincinnati U:0B a. m., Dayton at 9:15 a. m., tHd trains;. : , "DAY KIPBKBB, at 8:30 p. m., itopplng at Alton, JeCenon, London, Charleeton, Owlarrlll Xanja. Spring Valley, Oorwln, Morrow. Deerfleld, rotter's. Loreland, Mlllfordand Plalnyllla, arrlTing at Cincin nati at 7:80 p. m.; Bt. Louis at IS m; Dayton at J 35 p. m.i Indianopolliat 10:3a p.m.. Sleeplntr ra on all Nlib Tralne to . Cincinnati ana Inaranapolle. bVoAAGE CHECKED THBpTJOH. for further Information and Throng Tickets, apply to . M. L. D0HBRTI, Ticket Agent. Union Depot. Oolnmbns, Ohio. , . W. WOODWABD, ' ' ' gaperlntendent, Cincinnati. JNO. W. D0UBBTT JnlS - - Agent, Colnmbeja, HOLIDAYS,!:; : Bach artUleau you dWrs for your HUSBAND , Ej Bach aayonsistitof your WII i Bach u trtproptr tot yo SATTOHTBR. : Buch u you r BI8TKB will fraltt you for. '! .' Bach as your BBOTHJlB'easi u4. (acn u yon wanl for " TH1 0N YOTJ LOYI BSBT. Bach as will t food for Um " BHS3ID BABY."' Bach as all seat for,1 May be found In nrlety, Id my w itoek of WATCHES, CHAINS, JEWEIHT, . PLATED GOODS, And feneral assortment of ' u ' ' ' ' " ' Taney and Utefnl Artlolst. WM. BLYNN, . .. NtN io Bnckeyo Block Decwnbtr, 18W. ' ' " - Just Boeelvedl 100- rn OREEit ana . sAAVJa. I rw a.' a inn tn nrlma Rio Conee. i an Dockeu old Dutch Government Java Coffee. SOObbls. sundard WhlU Bngara, oonilstrngjif Pow . ' -. artd, Onrushsd, flramilawd A and B Ooffes. .. 80 quintals aaorgt nana a,. , . , sObblv. Mtis and No. 1 Mackerel. ft U PWt Salmon. ' ' ' 10O lw Layer Seisins. - -60hf. fco4- da i" TT'H' ' "V 'inOqr.boaeo ' da . lOO It Olgars, different brands and Vie- , r nov7 WM. MoDOWAlD. 1,1 lit P0W33R3, & BHO . MaLtsi in idroRTiD and DOtftano - rinABs, .r:r 1 aSTJlr ! 11 r " J-im!T: 'ii''m VAM0Y ABTIOLII Mo. 11 East State Street, between High and the rost-OIBos,UOiuBiP' msmnmm VtTBITH roEATJBBAKED , .."flNOWI'iiAKBi"": rom'BtnStl Mills , Bprrngleld, 0.-4e bastbrandof Vlenr brought to our mare. paw.. a-.----.. Holiday Presents, ; CSIIMTSrTcS, VttKSa SILKt, . and kjads of fhlonabl we ate nowmcnngn Tory wwpnow. pf,'.i.4,-.-: EftiTtBAnf, deeSl. We.0P9BtHUhilttvt. AHinJAL PROSPISOTXJS ' T-Tl ' ' 11 1 " " '' ' ' 'I '.' i :, . ' . ( ! I '.Mil 'ii (' u) I '('(' i' It I ONE D0LLAE ; I -1- ;a H PIREM1UMS tFOlt; CLUBS II r'. THE WEEKLY OHIO. STATESMAN IS PRINTED ON ' ' . A , , M A. M M OTHv J3 KE33T. '! AT THE :I0W BATE OPJ ' !" '"'4" V' , ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR! ; ' ' ; ' ; PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. ;," It is an old and reliable i Democratic Journal, and, as a political paper, has , No Superior In Ohio or any other State! n addition to it political character, it is a first closa newspaper, furnishing its readers with the GENERAL NEWS OF THE DAY, ; , An epitome of the stirring erente constantiy ooeurring at home and abroad, and choioe misoel. laneous selections. It also gives the latest and most reliable ., , From all the principal marts of Trade and Commerce. . The Business Man, the Mechanic, the Farmer and the Laborer ' 1 Will each find their tastes and interests consulted and attended to1 in the columns of TTTTn WHEKIiT . 0TATB0MJAN. i During the session of Congress and the Ohio Legislature,' the readers of the Wikli Staws. max will be furnished with a concise report of the doings of each of those bodies. , During the past year, the oiroulation of the Wkxiy Statesman has increased rery rapidly, being now more than double what it was twelve months ago. It is our desire to extend its cir culation, not only in Ohio, ' ' v; ; ? . ;. . . ; ' ' v Bnt in all the States and Territories West of tTs! In proportion as it is diffused among the people, its usefulness will be Increased; and we invito our political and personal frienda to aid us in giving to the Wsraxr Statssmah ; The Largest Possible Circulation Among the people. The price of the paper is so low that no Democrat need be without it. As an Inducement to friends to aid us in increasing the circulation of the Wmbxt Statmh ak, we A PREMIUM OF. THIRTY! DOLLARS; ! j To the person who wUl.byJthe 1st day of Jannary, 1861, send ns the largest Club of yearly subscribers, with the cash for the same; "TWENTY DOLLARS to the person who sends ns the second largest Club of subscribers as aforesaid; TEN DOLLARS to the person who sends i us the third largest Club of subscribers aa aforesaid; and to each person who sends us a Club of ten yearly subscribers, with, the cash for the some, we will send a copy of the Weekly Statesman One! Year without Charge! i ' O Those who are willing to compete for the Premiums, or solicit subscribers for the States man, can out this Prospectus out of the paper and attach to it a strip of writing paper, on which to record the namee of all persons who may become subscribers. ? ' , , , . ' ,.; MANYPENNY.& MILLER, rcsUSBIU OHIO BTARaXAM. 1,1 C't. PER AHNUH! :IA ,K 'l -. : J ,rl l'. I, ' il I II) all ' i f .. NAMES. STONE'S BAZAAR. , -":;. aaaaajajana . ' ' 1 ' . r . No. 4 ' GKvvnna Block. A. P. STONE & 0'HARR1: ABENOWRKCEIVIltttlHEin wan 18 a flOODB, and InvKa the publlo to Inspect them. Mo such stock of Goods hsa ever been brongh t to this market, the Booth, in eonaequence of the failure of the grain troy, has not bean able to purchase the na na! quantity of rich goods, and this faot has foroed the Importers to sell toem at puoiw " (Hi. Stone) being In New York at these large sales, took advantage of them, and ws can and will sell our goods hare, at leas than any one who purchased two weeks since, paid for them In New York. Our stook Is complete In very department of ELEGANT DRESS BILKS, . , ' OTTOMAN VELOURS, BROCHE VALENCIA8, PRINTED MERINOS, , PRINTED COBURG3, DYED COBUGS; BLACK ALPACAS, ' ORLEANS, FANCY WOVEN FABRICS, ALL WOOL DELAINES, ' POPLINS, PRINTS, , y;,: - DELAINES. SHAWLS AND CLOAKS! Five Thausand Dollars Worth ; Bought in One Day; At ana naif the Cast at Itnpaitatlon. LADIES' FURS, In all Varieties, at . the Celebrated nanufatare af c. u. unn i then V Ban. . , HOSIERY DEPAETMENT, Hen's. ladles and Children's TJndev Shirts and Drawers; Ladlaa. MliMS and Children's Hosiery of all kinds, In Wool and Lamb's Wool; t leacy Lined and oottonttioves of avtry make. .. , ' '' ' ' : , ALSO i A oemplete assortment of all the usual varie ties of , LADIES' CLOTHS, CASSlMfcrir-a, OVERCOATINGS, ". r.-.-'i i TWEEDS, FLANNELS. , , ,,. n .,..:. -..a,. DRESS TRiUailU, Ladiea a&dGant'i Linen Cambric Hand- i , keroMeu, o. , , ,.: , To parsons who eall en ns, we pleJge ourworai ro Lneia. sue targeai, oesi nDaouiiwi.wu . sen u una saarnt, si pay uieu hoar while looklDf. u5 ; .. .. A,n.BS daeldlywawiw. - niuna v GOIiOEII I1II L sniRTSs , , , , flOLWiN HILL BUIBTB. ' , ' . nni.niiN hill SHTRTfl. an.i.ttMiia.ltiaaahlrtaaraneW. The BodlM. Yokes, sleevas and bosoms an formed to Bt the person with ease and aomfort. The nark upon each one designating the lisi mu M ftiita on u nw i wiiwi. vu mwi bum a ISd wall made. .A fall stook of all j qualities Watches and Jewelry.' i A eloiocksrjewelry. Strtenrare, fco.,kpt constant yenhaadat 1 jamiMCH;" ' V" "- Ho'. ifOi, South High Street, Columbus, 0.( Trr watches ana eweiry ip. - deod-dSm. F iANOX PHK8S wf.. JTAHv iO-Cina Diuno, iuit naiuil TLM.r-- .'"-.,;Lp.riy:v7r:. .r to and . vklnlty solicits, aa our stock M very teleot li?la grades of goods la this line. ; J"?.'. nortt. " ' Ho. S9 South High street. PTJU BBAIfDDIIS.WnriB, 0OBDIA1S, AND BIT , , ., .... ., , . WM. MoDOKALB, iovST ' r 1QB South Hlgn street m aw.'a' e ?;'. rs t.Atfft BSITTB JSl a ein qaUUs l lais, aijo, fc'rrfL aaara is u r. NAMES.- .. " r WEEKLY OHIO 'STATESMAN' HAVING A CIHCULATIOH . , ... '1 I LARQES BY ' BXVXBaL TH0TJBAND8 Thitn any other paper In Ohio, outside of Cincinnati Offers Facilities for Advertising ' -Which 0ANN0T f AIL to bring . c . -I Speedy and Bemnneratiwa taetarns To those who take advantags of them. ' ' THE WEEKLY STATESMAN. S tltrOmted u U Is through every Post Office In Ohio, Reaches a Large Class of Readers Whose patronage Is valuable, an1 who seldom see the Daily Xdltlons of city Journals; and as only 1 1 A Limited Number of. Advertisement! Are inserted la Its columns, sppoprlately and HANOSOMEtV PISPUVED! - THBT oawwot ran TO Zttvetot Attontion '!:0I 'AUf,T i - WHOLESALE DEALERS Advertiiing In the WEEKLY STATESMAN will Bn It advantagous In ' ' 'T THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which Is almost certain to follow an extensive dissemin atlon of a knowledge of their Dullness AMOHO COUNTRY EEALER3! ADYEBTIBEMBNTS INTEND ED VOX 1 The "Weekly Statesman , Should be banded In before frlday noon. SOMETHING' NEW. HOWARD & OO' 6. AMERICAN WATCHES,- rtAIX AT KO. B3, SOUTH HIGH ST., V and examine our new mute or AMERICAN WATCHES, manufactured by 1. SOW ABB A CO .' Boston. Mass, These Watches are far superior to anything aver offered to tue pubito. nerstorore. laving ins szsiustve agency, 1 can sell tnem at pnoea so suit me uiaee. i nsvejust received a large stooa os - AMERICAN WATC&E3, manufactured by APPLE ION, TBACY, A CO i also, a . t . . 1 ... . '. t. u t , nna atseruoeutoi , . ; EHOLISn AND SWISS WATCH 1:9, . i i ' In Sold aid BUver Oases, at Puis prioss, ... JanSS . .. W. . BAVA0B. HEHBY KtEIILEBt (Late of Pbalon's XstabnahmanL R. YY Pioprletore the Kew York fashionable Sharing, Hair Catting Bhsmpoonlng, OatUuf and Dressing SaMon, Xaat State street, evsr the Post OfHoa, where aatlsfaotlon will be gives in all the varioas braachee. Ladies aad Children's Hair Dressing don In the bast style. J y 1-dly ' - G1 Eft LUMEN'S NECK VIKM,i - (iKNTI.RMKN'B NBOK TIE 8. ' . filNTLKMEN'S NE0K TIES. ' The aost dennble assostmast in the elty and at unusal ly low prices. rETKHBAlN. noviH. no. avDoawnignstran. -TOEEUANT 1EAIN BLACK. SILKS fOB, lii rHrtet rJaaqaes aod Mantles; also, suets Tnmmta end Tarsals to match, at , BAIN majiH ,. , .. A aPLKNl APPLklkjl J 100 bblt.- Choice Applet received en consignment tor sale by - ' Mama a ttaariaauA, .,.,. ,. . at N. Hlghetreot TjlAIICY LIU EN AWO SILK. FANS I! E new styleoi tMiooou atoano, suwihob ana in din Venial RAIN'S rnayxl , JOBemrh High street rrjjmiHHTLto-BAniQX9t BOTH TV WilpSn4piacsiujtnwTeua BArtfjt; IIBXI., Dally, per year.. .'" TVi.wki. oetjtar. .. ...,.fl00 a oo f Weekly, DaryeatSj1'.''ll''4'' ' 100 A Tilt in Congress Between Mesers. Cox. Hutchins and Stanton—Grow and others endeavor to Shut out Mr. Cox—Something worth Reading. [From the Congressional Globe, Feb. 12, 1861.] DEBATE IN THE HOUSE. February 9, 1861. a the House hating eonslderstton the report fromthaselaotowamittsa.ofthlrtjr-three- ( Mr. S1MMB reiumed the floor. - Mr. COX. With the permission of ay blsad from aUnUoay.IdnlretoinaUareiBark. , . , Mr.OASE. I rbe to a point of order. It l!, that Ihi floor Is assigned la the gentleman from Kentucky; and I Insist that lie shall occupy It, or yield It. ' Mr. OOX. -1 appeal to, my friend from Ipdlaoa, whethsrthatlSferygreatoourtosy.. . . Mr. OasE. Tha gentleman front Ohio has occupied much more time upon this fluor than ths geotlemsn's Njir?0OZ. I haTemade hut one speeoh; and my re marks, by hli content, will oom out of the time o! the gentleman from Kentucky. ' , Mr. UUIHUIN8. If the gentleman makes as expla natieu, 1 aballuk the privilege of replying. Mr. COX. I do not desire to .avtkS a kp lint lion, but only to put things right. ,. Mr. O ABsl . If 1 desired to put things right, It would require two hours upon what the gentleman klmssll hu said. . Mr. COX. It may take the gentleman two hours to put himself right I can put mjself right lu fire min utes. I want to lay a word only, in reply to1 my col league from the Ashtabula district. ; I XbeBPEAKXa. Xba gentleman oan only do so by unanimous content, or by to gentleman (rem Ksntuoky yielding tbs floor. Mr. nlOKLEa. If It dees not some out of the time of tha gentleman from Kentucky, I presume there will be no objection , , Mr. CASE lohject. -'' Mr. BIOBLLBB. Woiblng throws so much light upon a dlacunlon as t have a reply Immediately following the speech, i . i Mr. LOQAN. You are afraid to give him a hearing. No wonder you ars trying to district blm out of Con gren. 1 Mr. ASHLEY. ' X shall object, unless my oollesgne from the Ashtabula dlstrlst has ths asms lims for re- nlv. ' Mr. 00X. That would be vsry generous and brave, but I am notaiklngauy favor from the gentleman from Ohio, nr. Asnur My colleague Urv Hoiomsi) bad an nour; I only aik are minuu Mr. SIMMs then addressed the Hours for sn hour, His speech 'swlthhsld for rerlrloa. air. aaiUPilSLL obtained the floor. . Mr. COX. 11 the gentleman will give way, I deslrs to oocupy tbs floor until ths re:es. , : Mr. GKOW. With the permission of my colleague, I Ban tliAt the ITnnte adlourn. " 1 The BP4AKIB. - The Uouss will understand that ths ardar nnw la. to taks a reeess from fonro'elork until sev en. If the motion to adjourn prevail, the reoess will be lost; and ws snail not meet sgstu uu aionoay. . Mr. JOHN 000UAANE. The gentleman from Ohio requests a bearing of the House, and pmmlws to occupy only fire minutes. I hop hs will be beard. I TbeBPBAKBB. Does the gentleman from Pennsyl vania jield to the gentleman from Ohio! ' Mr. CAMPBELL. If there li no objection, I will do . ' 1 I No objection was made. I Mr. GROW. Then my motion to adjourn will stsnd. The bPEAKEB. Yes, sir. The gentleman from Ohio hu fire minutes, and will proceed. Mr. COX. That Is all that is necessary Tor me in this debate. I wu surprtesd that my colleague from the Ashtabula dtitrlct, at the couoluslon or nti attack upon my colleasue, Qorernor Ooawm, should have attacked me. Why he did so, I know not; naleaa It be from the fact that I asked him a question In explanation of bis at gument about incendiary publications to provoke insur rection. I asked him the questlun, whether or not hs wsa In favor of suppressing all sooh publications as the Helper book and mooaore jrarxer-s programme, puuiun sd In the Tribn, for the robbery and murder of mas terfbT their elaTee to obtain their freedom 1 The gentle man did not answer lha quoaUoo. He shlrksd It) for ha knew that hs represented a oonslltoency who are contln nelly preaching and publ'shlng that vary sedition of whioh my oollessue Mr. Coawtie oomplslned, and of which ha Lair. Hutcwki is us aetenaer, ana or wnicn John Brown wu the exemplar. The gentleman knew, when ha eorared his attack upon Governor Ooawur by his attack noon ma. that he senresontod soma of the vary men who had been engsged In raids upon their naigbbor'sjlfes and property, , Y sanaas, sir, lau re member that his sensibility about certain disclosures that hava transpired In relation to the Republican execatlre ot vaio, in reiuitng to aenrer to Virginia auca miwrv ants, la no doubt saused by the - faot that some of the renegadeaand rascals of John Brown's ooneplraey aad a proosoungvgis in tne oonapirnig treason oi aiaownuis trlat. X state these facta openly, and la my place; be cause tbey are wrongs, and with a visw to their samsdy by proper meaiuree. But, sir,-1 wanted to call, atteenllon especially to aa ungenerous attack upon mystlf. I did not expect Itf rota the gentleman, ns saiu i ! nr uuij in mi Bouse, furnishing foett yee, Awfs, sir for Southern members to attack the North here. I would like him to ama the Southern man to whom I furniibsd facts, la the manner or for the purpose stated. Name him, If you can I I will pause for you to name one. Mr. BUTUUINS. I think that, when tne gtntiemaa from Virginia, Mr. Lkaw, wss dtscusilng the oondust of Uorernos Ueotitson-1 " , . . . Mr. COX. Yes, alrt I was about to refer to that. I used the privilege or Goveroor Laau to take the flooi ; and in my place I gave the act to the House and the country, and not to Governor Leaks; I gave them with View to the proper remeay, ana ram m unrr rwn. meet there Issues openly, here and slsewhere. Island hara with a Sutr to the whole Country. I speak not alone lormy owo district, and my own State. Bat whsa I nave Information mat tne voosututiou ana laws oars been violated anywhere, and that grots wrongs have been done to our own mother State of Virginia and our own sister Stat of Kentuckt, I will neverhesitate, both hare and at home, to denounce the unfaithful men, even though they disgrace the Brats er unio. inppiaase u the wallaries.1 The gentlemen svndertakea to acknowl edge that I em a Union man. GoodQodl Whatanadmis . . . i a t slon to oome irom tnw aunmur ut .uiuui j w.uuuisBt I Renewed applause. How refreshing from a man lite my colleague, who was nominated and elected, because he waa more radical than Mr. Giddlngs hlmselfl Mr. Glddlngs could teach Insurrection. Wa know how he taught it here for twenty years. - lie could organise eon spiracles In ths gentleman's district, for the purpose of attacking ths officers of the law and defeating its execu tlon not stopping at muruor to aocompiian snco ucsigni Be could adTlss the "shooting down ss pirates" ofoS. cars engaged In executing the Isws of the United Btatee. If Mr. Glddlngs, who had no scruples as to murder In defeating the law, was left at home, how far wotiW the contleman go who superseded Mr. Glddlnga, because he T I ll.kU 1 V. . tjtm 1 1 J . I vss more ultra anu inauiv mmu, jmi. wiuuug Hare the hammer leu. I She eMUKEtl. The qaestion Is on adjournment. Mr. HHTOULN8. I am sure the gentleman from Psnnsylvsnla will allow me five minutes to reply to my mllMn,. 1 mr UOA. laojeoitoiny ooiioagaw going on, hdich T ha aa onnortuolty to reply. He would not give sae an opportunist to answer hie charges, . tie had an hour, and 1 had only flra minutes. ' Mr. BIOBXEt. Tbsre has been one round ea each mtA m.m naed. . The contest is closed. " ' ' ?. . r ' t I - . L . . , , FM. I far. UaSlrsbl.iJ. X bojjw. wiw iwihibu inw vuiv Mr. Csx does not Intend to shut the door down against ail colleague, vitv uiw u, muhum. Mr. HUfOUINi. The gentleman from Pennsylvania h (laldad me the floor. Tbe SraAnJfca. xus quasvion ia nut on mm uvuun to adjourn. t . AlUAMr f. T k.U 111 , M.lnlMMMM.1 asnt, the gsntlsmaa Mr. BoTOsuasj will be allowed Ave nrtnuws to reply so niaooiieagae. i.u. rarr. I hone the Bouse will adjourn, TheBPEaKEB. Tbe qusaUoa bn adjomunent mutt r!C AHJBBLL.1 ' Tbsa I hope the Rouse will vote Hdown. 'A The question was taieni ana uw usui rwreaaa so aa- Will order a recess when It comes to foar 'look. . . sent, that the gentlemen Messrs. Cog and H creams shall nave nra anautee ajiiv . hww Mr, JOHN CO0HBANB. I rise e a point of order. k. nu n Its nnanlmouscoassct that. In Consider- u. a, ill. .mi emin hbtids imw i.,i wv huhn -- , i- b. k takeanadjodrament, notwlthittndiag aha kettr ar four mlahtlnthe mean Ume arrive; so-that, although that time should pass, the Hones would Still, sy unanimous . w.I ) nn ths motion te adjourn. . - Mr. tICn.LB. VfC nw nu,wm the debate on equal terme-nve minutes aa seen gen The SPEAKER. Thst hsing the understanding, there will be nodimoBlty In httlog each of: thegentltmen have - Mr. BUsVn! , A want uwwnw" wi w wiw.w flvs minutes eaoh. ' " wu. iniiit. .flartslnlv.' Oo an.' (Lsushler.l The Ohslr gives aotloe be will watoo the time closely. Mr. BUTCH INSJ Toward my colleague, personally, I aatertata n other feeling than that of kindness, li... ai. nniitkial acts I hava had. aad now have, aome little erltlolam to makei beeaaaa, an eyery possible -1 .h ka aaald tat the ear ef , this Boaaa, ha haa seen flt m denounce b;iumi Untoa. and aa abettors of tliarald cf John Brown. He ...n brousht aaalnst ths Jadgea ( the State the charge of sieging the Marseillaise en the bench; tad also against the ckitenrof the Western Reserve, the -same charge of singing the same patrlons sotag-iurottgn. weir aosea it a.a. 1 tf' a - 1 Now, mr'eoettlluents are humane and Chrlstlsa . That are epoesed to. cruelty asany shape, or te any tort ef people) and if tkey bad known Ihe sensitive ni es of my oo iieague, auu v --jr .1.- 41... .lf,l nevar would hava aunt la bit pree net' that TaaauUful Marsslllaltt, to which he object, with the nasal twang, baugnter- j I fault wlthny eolleagee because be nnder- . l. l fc. l.k ,ke Mntlaman .from V i rein la. IUr, LaaxlI who la. In good faith, -1 believe, in favor of tsension aa a " 7 " ' ' " ' " 1 ' ' ' . ' ' 7'.''. 3 -n---nOTW .' .-ik.1. ,i u.j "iW.rE Tnh 4 ' Mr. LEAK!. Will the gentleman permit met I Cries of "Nal" "Bo!" and laughter. Ska gentleman's time can aa exienoea. ittepeataa snouts of "jtoi' ,"ftoi VLethlmgoon!'Aer Mr. 8ICKLES. No Interference from any outsider. Mr. CURTIS. I object to any other lnterruptioas. TbeSPIAKEB. The gentleman from Ohio must net oe interrupted, uu nre minutes are running last fLanohter.! Mr. UUT0HINS. I thouiht It hardly fair or patri otic on his part thus further to add fuel to tbe flame of southern excitement, tne real cbjest of the gentleman was te preserve this Union, Instead of sndsavorlng to destroy ltt and therefore. I aald that I thought, not from anything ha said, but from his conduct on this floor, that ha was willing to preserve the glorious Union, if ka oould dw it by demoralising and prejudicing the publlo mind agaloat the Republican party, so that ha oould'aid in restorini bis own party to power. That wu tbe rea- son I commented on his oonduct. I thought it wu an air " i ' 1 ' i . I have made no attack on my other colleague. I Mr. Ooawm; aod if I did, ha la abundantly competent to defe d himself, without the aid of the gentleman. I criticised, to be sura, as I bad a right to do, some of the positions which ns saw ni to take in nis report. , i nare donoanotd nobody who may aot agree with ma ia regard to these matters. Wa have all a perfect right to differ, and to differ u Republicans and friends of the Union. Tnerafora, the gentleman Mr. Oox oan make ne capi tal against me. either in my dletriot, or anywhere else, by charging me with an attack on Governor Goawiw. The gentleman hu made aa attack apon Mr. GWdlngs He needs ne defense from ma.- Bis acts in the Bouse for twenty years will stand the teat of criticism now and hereafter. Attacks arc frequently nude upon him by members here; aod I will only say, that hit name will a remembered with gratitude when tbe names or tnoee wno assail him are foroi ten. I deny tbat ha hu counte aanord Insurrection on this floor or slsewhsre. How. this Is si I that I desired to ssv I am willing that my constituents shall standby tbsir record, shall stand by thstr position. I will stand by mine. X am In favor of tn tnun as it is, ana as our fatnora gave it to U' but I do not think it can be preserved by sacrifloiag those very principles on which it is baaed, it the cause of liberty Is to be betrayed and crucified In the year of grace 1861, I trust that there will not bt found among us sposties a oetrsyer ana cruciner. Mr. COX. The Isst remark of the gsntlsman shows Just whsre hs Is. Hesaya ha it for the Union, but with aa "li ana and;" qualifying nis remarg witn ins purase that nets only for tne union, it .teeny rjenotciuctnea." Be knows, or ought to know, that the Union It tbe only shield of liberty. But he means, U he means anything, that, If tbsre bs powsr in tbe Government to crush cut slavery, either in the Territories or In States, then he a for the Union) but be Is net for it, if It does aot give that power. Ha is not for It, unless he can makali the Instrument of bis fanaticism. I say that tarn for tbe Union, without quellflcetlod or condition, now aad all ths time. I will do what the gentleman will not yield and compromise mush for Its salvation. The gentleman ssld in his speech, a while ago, tbat I wouid be lor tbe Union, provided the Republican parly should be crushed out. I do not know, Mr. speaker, but that It maybe neeetsaryto roll the Juggernaut car over this Republi can party to save tbe Union i but I would cvsn be will log to girt a lease of power for fifty years to that tarry, It I could sea that II would oonduct the Government an prtnolplee ilka those of my eollsagus, Mr. Ooawis, whioh would preseire the Union. I would be willing to surrender party supremacy, tf thereby wa could keep the old stars and stripes floating over lbs national Oen greti. Applause. - , Mr. Speaker, there are various classes of Republicans. The gentleman Mr. llDToaia,) belongs to tbe worat of ths Abolliion wlog; and well msy ha defand hll prede cessor, Mr. Glddlngs. That godlsss man. after spending a publlo life devoted to bete. 111 will, and tedltioa, ww retired becauie ha did enc thing that wu right voted for tbe Crittenden-Montgomery bill, lie baa since been making up for his lots of olnco by the virulence cf his spleen, and the outlawry of hla conduct. Be has, as I hava oooe shown here, Instigated servile Insurrections; sod now, at the end cf a misspent life, which It scarcely slivered by a ray of benignity, ha finds, u heeonee, quenoe cf bis teaching and conduct, a disrupted Union, a terrified people, and the prospect of unending hate tnd bloody etrl.c If there wu mercy for tbe thief upon the cross, tbsis may be mercy tor him. God grant him ra pentanc before he fills his dishonored gravsl Hut what a Ufa he has livedt . He talked the lanyuage of love to the black rsoe only to hide bis hste for tbe white race who people our South em Btatrs. He paraded humanitarian phrases and took upon bit profane Hps lha name of God only to cloak bis malice and sanctify hll hate. Ha hu had, in specific wickedness, aaao rivals; but If we measure men'e guilt by the objects upon which they are bent, who can tell the magnitude of that portentous crime which causeless ly dismembers to destroy the American Republic! - As such a Republio his no parallel, so such a criminal has no peer. Rut my colleague pralsss him and commands blm to Immortal honor ! Nero had a friend, who placed immortelltt upon hie tomb, and the worst flsnds of the French revolution had their defenders after death; bat ware this eld man now dead. and thus powerlssa in hla party at home, even my colleague would shrink from the task of embalming his bad memory. It will, after death, on ly be remembered to oe execrated. Hit late letters to my colleague Mr. Ooawm and hla compatriot, Mr. Swing, shew ill at see. which so of Un reclaims the most reprobate soul, hu not withered, nor custom, which so cftsn llies of Its baleful work, hu not ataled the Infinite variety of hla sealies and bis madaeaa. Blstery, la its record ef this antt-tlavtry sedition, and Us oonsequenl revolution. will only picture tbe whiteness of his hair, so contrast it with the blackness of tbat purpose, which for years and yean has pursued a crusade whose terrible eoneumma. lion it upon us, ta ihe crumbling away ef cur Statu aad the destruction ef thsir unity. Tha sent leman from Ohio IUr. Cokwml belongs to a different olaat of Republicans. He it of that eleaa with wbtoh I most agne In these matters of conciliation for tha union. He hat reported a proposition In respect to ths return of fugitives from Justice, which wu In response to a resolution that I offered aome time before, and which it oalled for by a resolution offered within a taw days by a leading Republican member ot tbe Obic Legislature. I am in lavor of that measure of the committee ef thirty three. But my colleague Mr. BoToaws attacks It. Why? Because the United States Judaea, and not a Re publican Governor, will be then In the position to take the John Browns and Oliver strswns and Hart lama oat cf hla dlatriol, so thai he cannot thereafter get their .volet. I aald tbat there arc several classes of Republicans. tbsre It a pious class) there la a tuning ciasa) there It a ngnting class) ana mere is a patnoiw ciaas. xne gen tleman Mr. HcTcnue belongs to tbs pteut elaul they be Here all they say. Xba doughty member from Ohio, I Mr. Ashlxt, who inierrereu so ungenerously to pre vent me from replying belongs to the carting class. They do aot believe anything, but profeujust enough to get them Into Congress, lha fighting class are vsry brave in time or peace. I will not aawe tnou wno be long to this elass. Then there Is another class, compos ed of those who have a leaven of patriotic feeling. My eolleaguee Mtssn. Ooawm aad Staxtox belong to this latter class. Put they hava aot the confidence of the bodr of their oartv Id Oh o. IA voice; 'How do yon know that?" How do I know It 1 Because your parly ta convention, last year and the year before, passed reaoltw tiont almost unanimously, tnai tne fugitive crave saw wu unconstitutional, and should no! bs executed. Mr. HUTCHINb. ou, not Mr. STANTON. The gentleman does net state the re- solution correctly. Every member cf the eotamittee that reported It agreed to that resoluUon. tar. UUA. i oouia state tne vary worat ot it, u it were necessary; and I nave stated the meaning and substance of it. It declared that the fusltlve Slave law wu "sub- vcislve ot both the rights of the Btatee and the liberties of the people, and ae contrary to the plainest duties af bn inanity and justice, and abhorrent te tha moral tenseiof the clrllUeu world." Ie tha gentleman In favor of axe cu lnf aa outran noon the oivlilted worldt Yes. air. ha whole party are committed to the demoralisation of the federal authority, not only by tucn resolutions, but by judicial coeisron. wny tne gentleman nuxjsii xtr. Bt.xtokI voted for tbt ohlef justice of his Bute: and bt knew, and they all knew, tbat when he wsa nominated and elected, the Issue wu made upon that Indies dec la- Inn, overruling tne decision of tne supreme uourt of tbe United Btatee in tavoaoi tne consutuiionaiity ci tno rn. el tire slave law. Ben Is where disunion beglat. .It be. sins at home, sir; In your own Bum and is your own arty and tn your own breast. Tour party re elected a man because be had nullified the Constitution; beosuse be had broken tha oath which bs bad taken before God, to support the Oouiittutlon or tbt Untied States. The whale party in tbat vote (including mycolleague, were guilty of mora iireason. applause in tac gausnee.J inert tuw uoair isii. j Mr STaMTON. I should like very muck to hive about Se minutes to reoly to my colleague. Ones of flo onl" and Obiecti" Tbe SrAAaalt. xne question is on ice motion to adjourn. .... Ths motion wu ouagiaau to. Mr. STANTON obtained the floor. Mr. BURNETT. I have no objection to the senile. man coins en for five minutes, if hlsoolleague Mr. Coil may hava another five mlnutea In reply. I want to tee S fair ngnv ir.tnit tntng ia ie go on, tunes ex air. JOHN COCHRANE. I propose that my friend from Kentucky I air. aoairrrrj inau bs aetigaa- ,a Annnaa blm. Mr. si an rut, a nare uearu was enarn iron tan dry gtntltmen. ar. Biuniiei. a u . w mu . ui. in;ii- man from Ohio proceeds with his remarks, whether It Is undsntood that bis colleague in motor me imr. uoxj is to hsT tbe mat to rcpiy. it is usual to allow aa la tarsal for rresn t rawing oewre a new eemnat; cut we bare entire confidence m cur friend. It mutt be under ttood tbat hs Is to have tbe right to reply . The SPEAKER. The Ohslr will execute sny nder- arendine the House nay ace Bt te make. Air. UAsarVBiiu ax w w luwreww, aj eoaniasoua fontsnt, thatlt Isaottolntsilers with my right to the ear whan the special order comet up oa next Thursday. I will make ne objection to givmg eaea or taese senile- men Sve mlnutea. uneeoi --agreeot --Agreeoi"! Ne obiection being maaa, nve minutes was aamgni .nk tn Mr. 8.-axToaand Mr. Oox. Mr. BTANTUH. A 00 not cere myseii, personally, any thing about the remarks cf my colleague; bat for the sake ot the ttath of history, aad te prevent miarepreeentalioa ef the party to which I belong, I desire ta correct what nss been so Often cam nsre, aa te myseii ana tne envr- man of the committee or tniriyinree not nemg repress ttm men af the Kenablieaa vartr. v Now, sir, I wu eaemeerof the cmaalttee that re ported the resolution to which my col league haa so fre quently referred In debate upon ibis flocr. I concurred tn thst resolution then, and I concur la It te-day. I hold a futttlvoilave law which tutborlasa the capture ef freemen without the slightest obanoe cf trial, without a hearing baft re any oourt er any oAcer known to the law, to be an outrage upon civilisation. I hold tbat doctrine to-day; and I hold it to be the solemn duty of ibis Ooat grass, either la the form prescribed in the committee ot thirty-three, or In tome ether mode, to provide tome gusrd against kidnapping man without the power cf u oertatotng whether they are claret or not. That, sir, league Mr. CoawntJ ati myself Included. There It ae Controversy about It. The Republican party of Ohio ea- It IM (lOOlnD Ol UB sWWHPIIWami (JaB'VJ VS VUlUf. au WS' tumet the responsibility of thai position and tnai retc irT" TJa.ri to stand upon It and tustala It, .: ""iM.'s i n tstlk' S ;!.!. ii !o u.J . eat ilea er te question lis constitutionality We nndcr- siaau perfectly well mat question IS, to ne tested by the Judicial tribunals; aad I bold it to be the duty cf every goon otuson to acquiesce in tne judgment of sue a uitm naL whatavtrltmay be, until It shall be ravened by a higher tribunal. That Is the position cf the Republican party of Ohio. , But, sir, I am told that I voted for a Judge who held tnitfugiuretlavemwtobeajiceaetltational; I acrtakv ly did to vote, and I certainly shall always vote for a j wage w tin strict reference to nis integrity ana nit cspae ity, without ceoeideilng the question MMwewiherleecv cur with him Upon every decision be makes upon tbe noon or not, a win not lata special oemurrara upon the atumn. I will not Inquire whether each toeclflo de cision ne nsa mane wu wrigni ar wrong, because i neves knew a Judge In all of whose opinions 1 concurred. I therefore supported the judge to whom tbefciOnllemaa re fers cacaoaa of my oounuwoe ta hla ability and in hit la-, tegrlty. It Is true, he decided that Consreee had no power 'to rasa any law for the recapture ef fugitive Slaves. In that decision I do set concur. Z hold the question to bs concluded by the practice cf the Govern ment for the met sixty years. If It were aa erlglnal question a should concur wiut him; but I aw one of those Who believe thst something ought to bt settled, and that the anlformlr sat tied Braolloe of the Gevarnmaat tor three generations ta sufficient. This being a question of that tort a question that hat been te settled I would acquiesce ia It. Judge ttrlnksrhoff derided otherwise. But that wu no reason why I should not vote for him. He wu a better tavrer than his opponent: he was. In tor lodgment, a mora honest man, and a nan la every way better auallned! and therefore I voted for blm, and mr colleague oao make the most of ft. I Here tbe kammsr fsll.J -.,." Ir.COX.. Myoolloaiuafrem Ohio IUr. StaHTOuI Steps In advance of my colleague from the Ashtabaladla Kict,iBr unrcnuts-i to shield blm.. , . mr aa an tun aotaieii. MB. OOX. . Yes. slri for be knows vsry well he Is aot u obnoxious. In the respect te wbtok ( referred, u the gentleman ironrtne aentaouia aiairtot. xne gentleman makes a sort of defence for hit tupporlof Judge Brink erkoff. Now, sir, I hava soma re ipeot for tha gent leman from tbe Ashtabula dlstilot, Mr. HoTctuwt.l becauie he believea what be sait, and will stand up, under all circumstances, for Ihe doctrines of hit party. Be defends Judge Brlnkerhoff even In respect to ne nuiuucatioa or ma fugitive atava law; out tha other gentleman - from Ohio Mr. Starto says, "Oh, aol 1 do not deleod Judge Brinkerhoff's nul Hecatlon doctrloa, but I voted for klm because I am for an Independent Judiciary." Well, air, I do not take Issue with him apon that point u to the Independence of the Judlciari; but I do take Issue with him when he claims that such Indepenoecoa should be sustained when It becomes nullification. Itmay become thorewho think ilka myself; but it does not brooms gentlemen who voted for this Judge to find fault with southern men, he causa they have nullified the federal Authority, when, by the oonfe.slon or my colleague before tne nation to-uay, he, and two hundred and twelve thousand other Ohio Republicans, voted for a rhlef Justice of tbat Btate on the qaestion being made whether er tsst the Constitu tion of the couatrv should stand. Be voted, by his own confession for a Judge who had, to tar ss he could nulll- nea umi uoastituuoa. That Judre bad decided tbat "the decision of tbe United States court on these questions should settle nothing;'' and my colleague voted lor him . Be declar sd' against the omnipotence of tbe Federal power" with respect te tbess very queetlona fined In the Constitution; sad my learned colleague Justified tbat Judge by his vote, by his action, and by ths action of his whole perty. He did this aa the direct Issue being made aod under stood, from out end of the State to tbe ether. Though he did not agree with hit decision, yet he sustained the un Just Judge. I would also vole for a Judge, though I dlf- tered from mm on a matter involving aouere, or a none, or a contract, or something el that nature. Bat I will pause when hit decision Is subvenlve of order, law, authority, and tha Constitution. When the Constitu tion of theeonntr is at stake I wnan aoutnarn ataies are convulsed by the action of northern States violative of ceniederaura rattn) wnen tnis rery qaestion is mooiea from one end of the country to the other; then, for a great party to meet ta eonvenUoa, repudiate a law of Cos-e-reea declared to be constitutional bv the supreme judi cial tribunal, and lustlfr bv nominating the man who bad nullified It, it it not monstrous Then for such men to come here and claim to support the Constitution and tkc CnlonI Why, sir, with some it may be Ignoranost with others Inconsistency; with tbe rest hypoorisy: but with all treaaonl I shall leave to my colleagues their choice of these classifications. What hava they done but broken down the Constitution by Insidious tapping and mining almo.t aa bad, II not worse, wan tue oiarcpea. re bellious breaches of thai awa or the TJnlred States, such aawe unhappily see in our extreme southern States. ." , Here tha hammer fall. i GREAT SLAUGHTER! IN DRY 000DS 1 "... KMAPRidaViCOS i NEW STORE. r . ' . . From and after this date we (ball REDUCE THE PRICE OF OUR WINTER GOODS .TWENTY FIVE PER CEtSITt - a ' - IN ORDKt TO MAKt KOOM FOR OUR , . : . SPRING STOCK; TiTlWOBuY. - Our assortment is still good, and it is known to every 'II- ' . . j ; , ." , : . one that our ' ... h , - .'CONSISTS Of.. ;'.;.'. V, "j ' , ; FIRST CLASS GOODS. WE ARB DETERMINED TO SELL, 80 .DO NOT FORGET THE CHEAP STORE OK KNAP P & ' O p; , ' ' : ' NO. 119 J; SOUTH .HIGH STREET, l i r' OOIjXJMXXTTiO, oust. 1 ans ef reatnets nnA 60 Teus at itaf e wauieu, 1 . k , Vi veflBS-Bawd-tW-e " DILL POSTINGv- W. r "'AMD' ' '''i'""' DISTRIBUTING BILLS! H t'..! ' t -'1 ts.fl v.i'O .1 t.r 1 J.'ff .' . J.-.. ' ri-t ,-.. - . Ik : J OHN H.. STEKLE Y ; ti 1 i.w ..a .-..t.wlUatton te.tbe v..'.' . t. : - P08TIHO LSD DimiBHTISO -'i !.. : . - I,), ll. ..j ,sl,-,llllrf J 01 i , 6. - ,. B1XL9-III-TIII9 CITY. '.Mi.'trr.-: Mil o,r. , ;, Tea.' c:U ,s -t.'Tt i.AUrrtueremft at eke Office af the flgfstmasi' win WW tnUHl rta.-':1' I ; bet m . . - - r - ''3 .. ' S . li.BV : .'!' g ...1 , a -i '-., - .., B .... E . " 1-1 ' - - "- - t ' .. j.: TTTI INVTTB ATTI-WTTftW tn ll, m..'. traordinary cures by my . ,.: ..pectoral BYRv?:r:".v; They are at borne, and an aa ea-rVn has 4aVm (2. a. t iuue of the peraoawhe have keen cored tf it, y M fl;a iuiiii is rniruig AT AIT TItjA Ta 1IAMINB LCNOB WITHOUT CHAROS, SO&AljLti IB08B WHO NEB JUS MM0ANB. ' SB. , ; a eaX -WI " m ATTEND TO YOTJB OOLBS -A ease of Ave yean tending cured by DR. KEXSBR'8 PEOIORAiSXhuP, L 1 " - ' -iJ '"' FiTTssvaox. Jan. II. iBA. t ' Da. Kxmra-My Wife hu been afflicted with a aa ecugh and difficulty of breathing, for fire or tlx years : which, for lererai yeareback, bad gradually In-rnensla violence, the complaint hu been hereditary, and aba. had bean treatad by tertral phyaidant witheeat any ra ' lief. In this state of her eaae. I Dmenrad am . Pectoral Cough Syrup. I bought, the first time, a fifty J cent bottle, which relieved her very moan 1 1 tfaaa sailed and got a dollar bottle, which cured her entirely, and . she hu now no trace of the former disease, except weaJt- - a neet. A would else state tbat I used the asertlnlne er' telf toaeoldandoongh. The medicine cured me by tak Ing one dose I express my entire retlsfartloa with lb 1 medioine, and yoa are at liberty to publish this If yea . - - n ivn,, ' : AleVirmant'lfthVYaH-.( oi ' - 'ft 'M f exaascAaxaw ' ' . Prrrsacaea, Nov. 18, 1S3S. ; j Da. Kxrsxa : Although not en adnmua -r . Medicines, In general. It affords ma pleasure Indaaarii. ble to recommend your Peotoral Syrup. At a medklns - " It It wtll worthy the titration of any person ho tnay rx. any manner be afflicted with oostgha, colds and boaxauMm, . cf any bind, and for the peouuar quallBoatlon. tor '.' moving all tbat dlssgrssable sentwtua stlaprling aw I have bun, more ar leu. to my life. Affected with iam severest of eoldi and hoarseness. At Usees my throat would become so closed aa to prevent my sncaklne abort a whisper, and by taking a few doaea of the ahosc Byrup ' H.w.N nun. mtm vju.irvij . . ttw . In reeontmendina this saedloine. I mast nxthreliatlnalw say that It it tbt beat remedy I aver found, purporting as cure the above, nor should any family be wllhostt this rsmsuy iur diseases so prevaieni. , , i rourt, most respectruiiy, ....-i ' EDWARD J . JONES, . - - ... . Cashier Cltiient' Deposit Baa" " " Brtrmswmu,0., Uareh It, 1BSB . Idiava used Dr. Kersar'a Ooueh lima for a rwd n.a cf Hvaral years standing, and oan cheer fully say u It I ut ottt meaioina lor the same that a save ever takes). J , . J.Tf. PIUO. 1 COL. PRATT AND DR. KEYSBB'S PEOTORAL . SYRUP. Da. ExTsra Dear Sir: Excuse the deltvof" my aeknowledgiag theexeelieaoo cf your Pectoral Cough htyriip suocier. I take great pleasure In taytng that it at all yoa say It la. Il knocked tAe noiM out oj my oc-up and the worst one 1 wu ever amteted with.- I hava aot used mora than one-half of tbe bottle, end I can and dc wisu inat au wno are amjctaa would gire It as lair a trial. u I have done, and they will be proud to say, "Ills no quaca meuwinc." a wouia not suner another tucn an ' attacx for any consideration, or at any coat. I sm eon- ' fldent I can breathe more freely than I wr did. I shall . always acknowledge a debt ef gratitude for urea ting so . exec lltnt a remedy. Yoa are at liberty to use my name In this regard, u you think proper E. P. PR AIT, -' messenger uommon OounoiL, fltteburgb, Pa. -' Pittsburgh, May 11, 16SD. . - ,. N. I am no atraater to my fcltow-ctUteA.and . Wbc antortaln double oan oousult ate personally. ... ;,. . ; :: .f- ' " ' ' PtTTsacaoB, April 84, WJ7. I BEAD THE TRUTH Da. BLmsau I have a daugh-, tot whe hee tak em serseel aeedtetpee for e bed cough, Without bencflt among them Ayer'l Cherry PeetorafT ' I parchaaed from you a bottle of year PBOTOsiAE ' (TKUP, and before she had used half a bottle at wu -relieved. The second bottle eared her entirely of her Cough. ' JOHN DaJlIN, , ' Boblnton street, Allegheny,' ! PirrssnaaH, Beocmber, 31, 8S3." ' A GREAT CUBE BY DR. KAISER'S PuiVroRAt ' flRUP I live la Peebles township, Allegheny coaoty had a coughlnc and spitting, whioh sneamenaad aaoet the tth of y ebruary lut, aod eon tinned eljfat months, I employsd tbe beat phyaioiana In the country, aad my cough ooatinued unabated aatil early ta October. At mat ume I wu eovueu te try your t BUTO AA OOUwa SIRUP, whioh I did, and alter I had token one bottle I Was entirely free from the coughing and spitting. I had despaired of ever getting well, tnd I thlna It abemld be . known mat this values la remedy will de for others what It nu sone in my case. Witness B. M. Kota. JOHN O.UT.TL&. reeniet tewnhlp. . PaTrostr., April M, 1867. A WONBBBfXJfc OUBB.oSemc Om aeo, aa old neighbor of mine wu very 111. with a bad cough whioh every one supposed to be consumption, ttu relativaa' told me that be had taken every remedy they heard cf without benefit; hit brother came to tee him die, and alt were confirmed In the belief that he oould not Urn. , I had about the third of a bottle ot year Pectoral Syrep, which I gave h Unhand it entirely cured aim, to the utoa Ishment of all. What make the case mere remarkable,' it the extresse age of the m an, b being about elf hr years old. I have no doubt the Pectoral saved hie life. . ..... ;, JOHMM'OijffllS. ) "tS. KEYSE&'S ' PECTORAL SYBDf BtAIRS-' VILLI. Please send me smother supply fyourvala able ''Pectoral Syrup."- AUncet everybody around ae- has tbaoold andarslnoutnng for "Dr. Eeysers Peetorai. Syrup.'' We nave sold sixteen bottles last week, and are now entirely cut. Mr. A. Altar end Mr. P. Maber, both of Blalravlile, Pa , tell us they would net bewttheert It In their families. Ia fact, all whe use U otot want Is again. , Yours, respectfully, - , . J. 8. WATTEBBON A SONS' ' ' , January 30, I860. ANOTHER NEW CERTIPIOATB-DR. KITBIR'a PEOTORAL flVBUr. I bad been troubled with trough and cold lor eeveral weeks st bad wu It tbat I etuld not sleep. 1 bad the sdrioe and prescriptions frem three ot the best physicians in ths city, whom 1 oould name, but do net do so. I finally procured a battle ef your Peotoral gyrup, which cured ate satlrsly. Signed, , , 430 Liberty street, PltUburgh, Pa., JaaB, 1800. 'STOP THAr00TJOHINO."-How can I do Itf "Ga to Keytar's ou Wood ilreat aodget abotueof bkOoUgh Psotoial, and tf that don't cure yew, year ease mutt be deeps rate Indeed." Shlc Is a specimen of the colloquy one bean almost tvery day In cold catching periods of the year. Aod we can, from oetaal axperlmatit, cttcer fully concur In the advlttr't admonition as abwre, far wa hara tried the "Pectoral.'' tn a moat atnhbem en. mHA n Ure sueoese. Near two weeks ago wa weal to Pltlseurxh. with one of the most distressing, contrary, mullah, un subduabls soughs we aver expenenoed sluoe ouradvent upon this mundane sphere. We. eeughed steadily and isoonoutiy for one wno is weex. m Dopes of farenp At eaiA, but It was no go. Ia faot H seamed rather ta have bar proved by praotloe, and to have acquired etrengtb.yeteo. oy and dUmtibiUtt by the operatlosu In UUs taigecf -the stags, weooujhed eui way so Keyset's, ISO Wood St procured s fifty oen I bottle cf the "Peotoral)' took it according to dlreotieoe, aod la forty eight hours are were muter of the field, the enemy having uncoeUltienalig surrendered, after a brief but unequal enatolot with an formidable an , adversary-uKeysere Ixessiis t'Scmch PectoraJ.n-Zrortsiiie CUpptr, l. 14, Ui. - - - t sw gkatmml - IV) 1J1 : BB. SBYSBR'S PB0T0BAL iTHUp'is' prepared and sold by Dr flBOROB U, KaISaJI, 140 Wood etree. Pittsburgh. Pa. . UJT Bold la Columbus by R0BXBTS St aAJtTEi. rpOOTHACHE BEHICDT, " ABtmEcxmjH; ' ' . ' -':' - -. i- .. .773 ,f- . , . 1 Prepared and KH by ---r-' t J .. rt ' ' ' Da. ioto. k. kirai,'' , ;. t-t'. ! j tSJ Brlce, U oantt.,, r. . , ISO 7sd at , Plttatsrxh, Pa. rn Sold bi Columbus by B0BBBTS Bt SAMCBt'' vU7iStawdaav, .. i- rr-ie ..:.i.. JAS. M. M'KSB. ' ' : WM. H.BEBIIEAXn M'KEE L aESTlAUC, PRODUCE DSATiT3n3, : " 34 reertn Hl'tTli I'trssi''1"' A 1" u '-i'y Mitotan. too.9 H Art. art Hand at irnoi tTB and Retail, IINEbT fTAPlR st 3, PLefJB, SALT, TEA, (JOrFifi, SUtMR, lv s . t, BritfAar!, IW.Evo.1 Our BbMk hu been puciuawl ta laaterp CUiee during the, Paula,. , . . t , ,. . i?,oriL Gjxtri .nMrmitn imMwif vtll be ta (T IndiiMmente Ia cAfiiOiiaS which are not exoeled by any iu-uee ta ue City. ; o - m t :ti t- itw J Cc, (.!.:. it I rr't --i 1 , Ci St V