Newspaper Page Text
-r ixscks jysxs- 1703T. ikovid be htuuua vu (A dvf qfpuUioatim (MONDAY EVENING, - FEB. loYJgBL. VTADYERTISEiasrS, T0 To Correspondents. FnneotlT we rscelve fetters ou buelneesi in which the writer embody their sentiments to Kptaf on divers eolltto! Questions, end occasion ally make the request ol ai to correct end eub. li.h what the hare written. Sooh persons al- gaostaniveraallr write their matter, buaihess ead otherwise, beginning; on the first page, Off apjlng theseooed, third, end not unfregoently .b.iwii.r.sire-ofthe letter or foolsosp sheet, on wbiA they rite,tnd, m ofit, what they VV PI .rS'Tr Calls to ee tbe light, T , -t-V landed for tbe pre should, be writ- tin only on ertry etherpage, , Thus, If A. be gin compoeUioft-fcr.ihe M.MW write down the first page of .the sheet, but omit to put anything on the second page then he enordd wrlU down tbe third page oltb iheet, aod emit the fourth page, and thus proceed onr til ha finlabes blf subject, It is surprising thst after the frequent admo nitfnm Mrm to catties who desire to trite for tho press, of the necessity of the observance pf this rule that It Is so rrequenuy olaliy when Ite rlolatioa U eertaln te wolnde the prodaotlon which the author nas laoorea ra onng Wt have to say to our firiends, and we beg thMt to remember It. that where matter is. pre pared fot the Satemii, it must bo foswarded to ns In such shape that we can use It, which we ornnot do If every page is occupied with wrl ting, unless we cause it to be re-written, which WO WMl uu uut No Compromise—The Rugged, "Irrepressible" Issues Must be Sustained. The New York Tribunt, of tbe 15th IssUnt, is exceedlnely bitter and vindictive in its as saults on the conservative men in tbe Republi can party, who; desire to compromise our diffi culties and preserve the Union, lne Uucsgo TrihuM bavins: inoken lo condemnation of Judge Kellogg's course, and criticised -the re cent views of Mr. Scwaju2 with some severity, a call baa been issued for a publio meeting of the Republicans of Chioago, who coincide with Mr. Siwakd and Judge Kellogg, which, aa their best explanation of Itself, we publish entire ism follows : :- . "We, the antlersigned, Republican of the city of Chlcsgo, who have heretofore left all poUUcal natters to politicians and editors (who, we tbinK, nave, more or tcss, always misrepre seated ue). deem It blab time and highly lm portent that a meeting be called to have a fair expression on tbe political differences that now distract aod divide tbe oountry, and believing that the series of articles emlaating from the Chicago Tribunt, In regard to tbe Hon. w mum H.Seward and Judge Kellogg, is not Indorsed or sanctioned by ooe tentn oi tne jtepooucans of this city, but, on tne contrary, was nineteen twanttatha of them are willinR to abide by any lair adinatment of our differences, and - have full confidence in the ability and patriotism of tho Hon. Wm. Hr beward, aca so rar oo in dorse all the -efforts of Mr. Seward, and all others who trulv have .the love of tbe country at heart, end ere willing, if need be, to feri ne mil fmrty inttrattft ear cswabw's fx On this call reaching New York, the ire of tho TVienn was excited, and in fu rage it broke but as follows: A ; ;1 . These Republicans who have heretofore left all political masters to politicians aod editors, are just tbe sort to com forward at tbe present moment - with a cheerful readiness to ., turn Democrats, or Belleveretta, or any thins; else that, may'be convenient. Having neglected thair'dutice like eloKKarde hitherto, they natural ly propose to abandon them like cowards now. Their support can't be worth much to any body. Bat what is the sacrifice of party Interests which these Chicaco patriots commend as land- ble? Is it merely the appointment of one set of men to offioe instead oi anotnerT nor as ail It it thi ibundommnt efprindpU. It Is eesentl' ally tbe same thing as siding with tbe British Government la the struggle of the Revolution it is Toryism revived end applied to the more momentous Questions now at issue. ' it is not merely tbe destruction of the Republican party . aa a Political organisation: it is the renuncia tion of the great truths, and the abjuration of . the sacred obligations on which that party is based. Whoever now proposes to make new compromises with slavery that is to say, real, and not sham compromkoo" proposes, more or less completely, to surrender the ' Terr I tor las to that cursed aod pernlaious Institution, and virtually if sot explicitly to admit that slaves are property which no State can rightfully ex- eiude. - This it is that Is meant by sacrificing part Interests: and hswever these centlemen of Chi fOago, who have heretofore left polities to others, snay think about it, we can tell them that the Intelligent masses of the country, in cere Dem ocrats as well as sincere Republicans, regard the proposal of such a sacrifice with mingled alarm and scorn Republicans because they wjll not disgrace their country and themselves by for swearing their principles j Democrats, because Jtbey, too, desire to have it proved that there is a North, and that Freedom can be as firm as Slavery can bs insolent and sggressive. - We publish the above simply to show1 those taen in the Republican party who are In favor of tbe preservation of the Union, and willing to make honorable concessions and a fair and just compromise to effect that object, what tb.ey have to meet, and how they may expect te be treated ty th chief organ of the party "In 'the United States, If they psrslst la aeing their efforts for moderation and 'conservation. Gsblit will eut them off at the knees he will expel them from tbe smiles of power, banish them from the favor and patronage of the Republican organl Mtloneod drive them ouCfrom the fellowship rof such political saint a himself. ' ' 1 'u - ; .:3?y,-.t .. Ominous Signs. It is manifest from . Mr. Lincoln's speech at ritteburgb, that he baa little confidence in his own judgment or Information, and that he will be tbe topi of any faction or clique by which he may be surrounded. " Be said at Pittsburgh that tbe tariff plank la tb Chicago platform should be a law to the in coming administration. Bnt he admitted that there t are differences of opinion la construing this piank, and that be baa Pj ne means a thoroughly matured judgment upon the subject, especially as to details. Details ere all-lm portent In a tariff measure, for It Is principally, nay almost solely, In the adjustment of these Hist dtfsreaces arise. f . , '. . is Q , j. Mr. Linooui laid down one general rule, and one only oo the subject of a tariff, which was iruti?ntilly this That when an article pf .-: 7 as gooa a quality cat be produoed at cl-,'y t borne l abroad, It should be protect ed. This demontrates clearly that be bu no well-detucd view cn the tariff question j for tie c; la siiposed, it is plain that the home jtrouuet would need no protection. r " ' ' Mr.Linrom also confessed LlmaoJCin the ..... . ...... V- star uia. ills political education, be said, bad prejuJlced aim agalust a very tree use of red means to control the legislation of the country, lmpijtoff that he thdught t limited two of such means might, in some casss, be neces sary. Ot the time and oooesloa R tbsir, use, he of course must be the sole Judge. " We are not disposed to judge harshly of the new-administration. In advance of its inaugu ration into the seat St power, bat with iheiwuu lfestatlonS pf such consumniste Ignoranos and abominable laxity of pnuoiple, en the part of the incoming Executive, we fear the worst re aultsm its imbeolllty and eorrdplion ' bski t-Hur nvctt epseco, to be lacking in Uiorai Elections and Convention in February. Arkanaas sod Missouri on this day, Monday Feb. 18th, bold elections for delegates to Slat Contentions.:;. I t ",?J Texas, on next Saturday, Feb. 93d, votes a tbe MUifipation or rejection of the Secession Or. lne Tennessee State Convention meets' oa this daj week, Mpnday, Fsb. 25th..1; ; '. , , ' North Carolina electa delegates, te k State Convention on Thursday, Feb, 23th, and on the same day, the Missouri State Convention meets Mail Arrangements. We received this morning four consecutive numbers of the Chioago daily Tim. It U not an uncommon thing' to receive three, four, aod even five consecutive numbers of tbe Timt$, or the St. .Joseph (Mo) Gautle, or the Dubuque Herald. We mention these papers, beciuse they are now before us, furnishing tne fact npoa which we write bnt it Is so with nil our et; changes and oar letters. Soareely one comes to us ea time. No person connected with the mail service, on the leading routes,' and where there are special agents and means to facilitate tbe mails, appear to have the least care fcbont the speedy transmission of mail matter, h .- . i i A Passage at Arms in Congress—Cox, Hutchins, Stanton, &c. - f i-. i . . . .... , Notwithstanding theeonsknt press en our columns, ws cannot refrain from Inserting s Congressional tilt s passsge at arms wbicb took place on the 9th Instant in tbe HaD of the House, between Messrs. Cox,' Hotcbins, Stah- tom, and others. Tbe friends of Mr. Cox will be gratified to Me haw well he bore himself, snd how triumphantly, he became out of tbe contest. Gaow and others serf of wrung In to bother Cox and aid HcTCHim.bnt it was do use. The gallant member from the Central District, was, aa usual triumphant.. ' For ths debate,' see thei first page pf this jsper ' j-- The Proposed Book Tax. Udder the present tariff the revenue derived front the duty on books Is paid at tbe rate of eight per cent, so reforest on all prints. There have been no' complaints of frauds under this law. "But," says that staunch Republican jour nal, the New York jEoeniso Port: "Mr. Morrill steps In and proposes, and the House of Representatives sustain bis proposal bv its tote, that English books, bound or unbound, except tooee printed tnirty years before their Im portation, shall pay a duty of fifteen oents on ev ery pound weight, lbeap or costly, books for the non or oooxs lor tne million, all are to oar the same rates oy tne pound, oo isr as recards books of a popular character, of which large editions are sold, ths principal effect of this increased duty will be to encourage our pub lishers to give as inferior editions. Under the present tariff of low duties they have been sub jected to strong inducements to exoel, and these nave bad their ettect. Where there la no riv- ralry there will be no endeavor to secure a market by out doing "one's competitors. We must not put an end to this wholesome rivalry by exorbitant duties. But with retard to solid works, works of sci ence, works designed for the use of professional men, of students, of persons engaged In tbe arts and mechanical occupations, or in ether pursuits In regard to which the community at large are not concerned to .Inform themselves, the duty of fifteen cents a pound will prove a bur densome and most inconvenient tax. Those works as a general rule are not reprinted in this country, since they are certain to meet with but a slow sale, many ox them can only be obtain ed in binding, which adds greatly to their weight, snd in consequence will increase tbe duty proportionately. . They are works which must be imported or wholly dispensed with. Those on whom the burden of the tax will fall are not tbe rich, but generally persons of small means, uur readers will inquire what addition the Morrill scheme will make to tbe present duty on this class of books. We have tbe au thority pf booksellers for saying that It will be equivalent to aa aiditionai tax of from fifty to a hundred and fifty per cent, on the present rate that Is to say, the duty will often be consid erably more than doubled. If (congress desire to discourage the spread of science and learning, tne morrui oiu lurnianes aa empnatio express Ion of that desire. Let Congress pass it. ' . The bill proceeds to impose a duty of ten per cent. teteress on "fflsgasinee, printed pam phlets, periodicals and Illustrated newioaoers. bound or unbound." If It be important that the ounce soouid oe speciso, why are these publi cations subjected only to aa erf eetorem duty 7 Why are they not. made to pay so many cents on the pound, ss "books?" No good reason can possibly be given. But when we come to ask what are the "printed pamphlets" which are to pay tnis duty or ten per cent, at valorem, and how they ars to be distinguished from books, we are (Involved In an embarrassment from which Mr. Morrill sad those who helped htm to patch up his foolish bill have givea no due to extricate us. But tbe bill now before tbe Senate bas yet another provision; it subjects all periodicals snd other works in the coarse of printing and publication In this country to a dntv of tnt per oenf. computed oa their value. Here is an other departure from Mr. Morrill's rata of una. eific duties, about whloh'he and his assoeiataa declaim so mucn. While the books imported are sot republished In this country, they pay fifteen cents on tbe pound; the moment tbe same books are put to press here they are made w pay twenty per cent, ea e(erwi. A letter from Rome, in the Cturier dt Lt ens, says: ' - "Having recently paid a visit to the Neapoll. talflroBtier of the Abrntzl. and havinr ri. ed letters from different part of Calabria, I b" Willi ui iiiuauon oi tns neign boring kingdom, sad that tbey are very grave In tbe Abrorrl and Calabria there Is aoch ex. dtement that It can only be compared to tbe state of Spain from 1808 to 1814. In tbe town and province of Terame there bu been a vast reactionary movement, and it was so complete that the authority of Francis II. is re-established, and the flag of the Two Slellles floats from public buildings snd private booses. A yeunr officer, at the bead of 300 discharged soldiers oi toe royai army, cs attack! and driven away the riedmonteee in the nam of Francis II. In one of his decrees, he recommends respeotof per. sons and property, nd denoaoeee- tbe acte ol vengeance In which the excitable populace are too ready te Indulge. - A similar movement has ii .lnpi,f ,n to P"1" of Acqulla, so that all tbe Abrupt are now in arms, end tbe Pied montese have been obliged to withdraw their Issolated garrisons- It Is even alleged o the frontier that the greater part of the.r garrison at Acqulla has been diM.rm.ri. hm tM. I not guarantee. Ia Calabria a reactionary move ment Is also being orgwUed; the discharged novelist soldiers are rauiunhiin. ..j if.. , Ml W V Uf talions.oX them have already beei. formed; Guerilla bands ol Calabrlan volunteers are also being gotten op." - 1 ' " r'JI'T BT To-day, the flrstPresident of the Southern "Confederate - State of America," JirriMoa Davis, te to be inaugurated at Montgomery f Al abama. ' OHIO LEGISLATURE. ADJOURNED SESSION. ADJOURNED SESSION. IN SENATE. MONDAY, Feb. 18, 1861. eafl the" Senate' waV demanded, and !a eighteea 8eqiors answered to their names. ' ' A auorum belujr present, on motion, all fur ther proceedings under the oall were dispensed With. " : - -! ' -'-.v . Mr. FOSTER presented the net Lion of E. V Kauke and 36 other eltlaensoi Williams conn- ty , praying ,for a law to provide for tbe better maintenance of tbe Incurably insane of the State. ' Referred to the committee on publio benevolent institutions. - ., Ms. McCALL presented the memorial of K Lyons Rezin Welch A Co., and Wm. J. Fry, la relation te tbe holdere of the notes of tbe Sen. see County Bank: ! Referred to the select com al,lA.(n that Bnhi.ft 1 '' ' ' 1 ' Mr. ORR presented the petition of Peter 8heets and 81 tlher citizens of Wyandot coun ty; also, of W. M.Keed and 79 other citlsens of the earns county, for a law for ths protectlos of the fisheries In the Sandusky river, which were referred to a select committee of three, Mmn. Orr. Brewer, and Fisher. ' A - Mr. POTWIN presented, the memorial of Gee. A Jones and 14 other oitiiene of Ztnes vllle, relative to tbe holders of tbe notes of the Senses County Bank, which was referred to tbe select committee on tbat subject, SECOND READINGS. : The following bill was read a seoond time.. ' H. B, No. 334 fix sUndard of a ton. THIRD READING. Punish menta, was read a third time and passed: yeas 19: nave, none. '. - -.-s.-i r Mr. EASON gave notice of his Intention te Introduce a Dill to remove drill, flood wood, and other obstructions from the channels of streams, not declared navigable by law. !: On motion of Mr. ' STANLEY, the House resolved itself into Committee of the whole on the orders of tbe day, and, after some time spent therein, rose and reported back , H. B. No. 334: To fix the standard of a ton without amendment, and said bill was ordered to be read a third time to-morrow-i . Mr. POTWIN introduced a new bill, 8. B. No. 934: To Incorporate savings, benevolent and charitable associations. i j On anottoo of Mr: 8TANLEY, the 8enate took a recess. . -; , ;;, ' of the Commercial Revulsion—Failures in the Month of January, 1861. ' The effects whloh our political troubles are nroduolne noon trade and commerce are becom ing every day more manifest; and there is per haps no bettor indication of tbe growth ol this great calamity than the Increasing failures of commercial houses everywhere. We have been furnished by the commercial agency of McKil lop A Co., Park row, with a table of the fail ures which occurred during tbe month of Janu ary In the different States, which we subjoin; NDMSM OS filLDKS.IN TBI UNITIP STATES IN l..;v,m,TI801' " . . Alabanw....n B Mluonrl 83 Conmctlcut . . . . S North Oarollit. , A , n.ltaH. . . 1 N. A I DIMrletoluolnmMa...... 7 New Jersey Qor(U.... 8 Nebruk Territory. Illinois S3 Now York Indiana ...M Ohio 4 8 ...US ... 40 at . S Iowa ...10 PenMylTsnla. .. 1 Soma Caroline.... ...H.TonneMM.. Kansas Ken tacky.... Lonleiana ... 4 ... 17 . 10 Texas .... ..18 Tiritlnia.. 6 S 10 U Maryland...;..... Mattackutttti..... Michigan , Minnesota Mlatiailppi .. ..... . ..60 Vermont., ..11 WiBaln. 9 1 . Total..., 40o Tbe aggregate number of failorM throughout the Union lor the entire year 1860 was only 3,676, and it will thus be seen that tbe failure of tbe first month of the present year are very considerably above tbe average per month in leou. Ana it must oe taken into consideration tbat the .commercial disarrangements under whloh tbe conntrv is now sufferine are bat pre liminary to what it is destined to undergo ii the present political difficulties are not speedily set tled Dy some peaceiui arrangement. . The fail ures ocourrlng now may be looked upon more In the light of temporary suspensions, or exten sions of time, contingent upon I nture political results, man as sDsoiuie failures; but If tbe ex isting troubles are not amicablv settled, or that coercion la to be the policy of the new adminis tration, the present ooodition of our mercantile affairs is but a very dim foreshadowing of the N. Y. Herald. Patterson vs. Bonaparte. 1 The great case of Patterson vs. Bonaparte was opened at Paris, before tbe First Chambers er tbe Uvii Tribunal of tbe Seine, on r riday, tne ia ot last montn, rom the very natu ral curiosity which the case excites, tbe oourt room was as full as It oould possibly be. The nroceedlntrs were opened bv M. Leprand. ainaiu for Jllrs., Elisabeth Patterson, presenting the rouowing oonciusionsi i nat it may please tbe Tribunal to declare the marriage contracted oo the 24th of December, 1803, between the late Prince Jerome and Eliaabeth. Patterson valid. And also to .take Judicial cognisance (donner acte) tnat m. Bonaparte, while demsndintr that the marriage of tbe 24th of December, 1803, may be declared valid, Ms never had any inten tion to contest, and does not now contest, tbe civil and political effects of tbe Uuion contract ed. In 1807, by bis father with tbe Princess Catharine of Wnrtemberg." M. Berryer fol lowed on tbe same side . in an uninterrupted speech of four hours snd a half, when the court rose for a recess. - Un reeamlnc. M. Allon ooen ed the ease for Prince Napoleon, and waa bold enough to say that the eloquent advocate op posed to him "had very little hopes of winning his case." He rests his case entirely upon the law oi France at the time, of the provisions of whicn, ne says, nm ratterson war well aware. when she said, "If I can be his wife but for an hour, 1 will run the risk;" and that, knowing the legal objections to the marriage, she had not contraotea ii in gooa uttn. - un tbe oonciu slon tbe Court adjourned for a week. Tbe Pa ris papers are absolutely silent on the subject even tbe fact of tbe trial is not mentioned in their news columns. ' . '. Who shall Save the Country? ' It the Union Ss to be preserved as it is. and restored to the necessary barmonv, sewseeWe must do It. . Tbls must be . the work either of the Republican party or its adversaries. If the Republican party and tbe Republican Adminis tration assume ana peri or m tbe duty, tbey will save themselves while tbey are saving the country, it they reiuse to do it. their adver series will be tbe party oi tbe country, and will claim the advantages of that position -'Albany Evnting Journal. ev a v.. ..ry.i i ; ".This is very true. The Republicans can com mil suicide by refusing to settle tbe troubles of tbe nation, snd, under ordinary circumstances. we would be willing to see them torn self-ex s- enuoners. uut patriotism ounut now to rise sa peri or to party, snd we are willing; to follow weir ieaa in the enort to save tbe Union. Will tbey lead, or must others take the lead? w- nal of Vemrneret. - " . . .t A Gssat Fau-acv. One of tbe armllancee used to Induce conservative men to acquiesce In tbe secession movement, is the inculcation of tbe idea tbat by secession the Southern States can eeewe- better jroarantees for their future safety, than tbey can by remaining and contend ing lor ineir rights in tbe Union,. And, whan wiry nave secured tnese guarantees, it is ar gued they 'can resume their position ia the Union., This is'a fallacy. Let all' the Slav a States withdraw from the Union, and It ia dis solved lorever; . 1 here can be no reconatrnetion. Tbe Interests to be conciliated are too various snd diversified to admit Of reconstruction. Let no one be deceived by this specious theory. .Rather let those who favor secession, anon an v and all themes or pretexts, prepare for a perpet ual separation oi tne slave ana non-slaveholdlna- Statesi and then they will deceive neither themselves nor others.' it is better, and taiuly. .more manly, : to look ut all tbe eonse. Louisville Journal. Strong Testimony. Drl Hall' BALSAM Is the (Iron rest e'erK led,' medicine In the world for, the.cdre of wwyna, iifuunH, UrrmclHlJ and the primary stagM of CONSUMPTION, rivlDft im. ueJlate relief, and imparting a cheerful sensa tion of returning health and strength. AN APPEAL FOR THE COUNTRY. BY MRS. ELLEN KEY BLUNT. -I (Th followlnf patrloUs and Ipprtulro Unes wen wrlttuihi;ri,Bi.uirr,lntondon.jinUn4thof Jana aiy, after ah ha compiled wlth;th rreddeat's noon meaaatioa tf Spatrv It u a day af kumlllaUenand pray r. , Th tine, 11 elroamitanees apdsr whloh they ware written, and the eharaoter and aNooUtlonS of tb writer, allemMaetoslrsasoleBBioNrest to ths appeal. jtauomu JntiUigtHctr. ,r dLoar to not w tmi loiurrt'OM Witb mot, ooo wiu. Towaan Man. " from lake to fulf, from sea to asa m W hare knelt la on solemn Vast,'- r That Oo atajr heal our counlii'i lUlfe, forflvlnf us aU th past. Bear w no vols as w Ustenlna standT i.. Oomes thor no touch on tb angry handf Thtllla not on heart-throb throufhth land? " -.. aoa, Mounts, teaati .u . m' t .rtii,..i ,tfi .., n.e Oh. by ear boms se brtg ht and fair, . v What th Ohrlstmas garlands watel Oh, by onr loved ona autlins thrl By aaoh eradi. h Msh mnl !i : By th ohuroa tells tinfiaf In the air. . Bv th piaylnf of our oonuaoa rayr; By UMBIbltaa which our popltwar1 -tfj Fnc, braloars, pstotl i jf i a .... . . Woald mnnd our Mantry's breast iu tirsln It 1U bar t th aaorUl blow, But th sword that oould drink bsr holy vein ' ; Should b that ofaforelrn fo, '; J Not of hr children, eradledfre Not of her honw-bornintvvrb i(l ! Such written p of Bislorrl t-J'tl . ( reao,brothn, psses I ' 'j' '"' Would jr part lh Blvr. which North sad South- awiu srandlylUvareerT ' n . Bounds not a ton from Its mighty mouth- 1 - Taaehlnt; ut. far and neir. That th Noith and th South, ilk 11, mutt be One power, one home, one unity; - . On tlm and one urnltyt ' " Peace, brothers, peace ! -1'- i 'J ! Brothers, beware; th storm Is high ' -' ' Our tUlpaf But strains hearilr ' And her &t, whose spangles bar lit to skyv-' It fluttering tattered and torn to be. - - (led of our father Washington! Our trust it In Thy arm alone, Count Thou her stars, keep every enel " rtac, bro inert, peao I .'IiomoM, January t, 180U ').,.. . 1 . Rheumatism. The racking palm, the swollen limbs, the in ability to use a musole without torture most In tense, these and many other sufferings are all familiar to those who have been afilicted with the disease that heads this artiole; and it Is for tbe cure of the same that we have this day penned an artiole in favor of Kennedy's Medi cal Discovery.' Mr. Joseph E well, one of the first cltixens of Quinoy, says : MI was bed rid den tbe whole of one winter through Rheuma tism six bottles of the Discovery made me well as ever." We could fill our paper with similar testimonials, but we trnBt that tbls will be suffioient to induce Rbeumatios and all trou bled with humors to use this remedy. GUERNSEY'S BALM! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MONTGOMERY HALL! i . , IMMENSE SUCCESS. FOUR DAYS LONGER OoniHENCIlVG iifondaj Night, Feb." IS,' 1861. . 33. O. Xscv Rue's WONDERFU L PANOPTICON 1 Or Llfe-MoTln Mechanical SxhlWtlon of th ' WAR IK JSDIA AMD TBS SSPOY BEBXLLIOKl Th most thrilling of all modm Miracles, mbraoiog an aatoundlni combination sf . .. . Over Eighty Thouiand Boving Models! Illnttratlni netrlr every tahjtet connected with that iemarkablonatrr and th Great Sepoy Rebellion, all dlrplajing the wondera of mecbactira and th tntaanrty of man to such a degree at to completely bewilder and nchantth spectator. Beside the wonder of the Pan oplioon, will; be added, for the ant Urn, and anthenU andooirtet vlewof th ' ' ' v CITT OF CHARLESTON,, ', Th Beat of the Seceealon Ixeitemtnt, Oharlewtoa Har bor, lortaSuaiter and Monliri. CMtl Plackney, Bolli van' Ialand, and tb Star of ta Wet beating into tbe Harbor, expressly painted and arranged by thai. talented Artist, Mont. IiOOit Daflorq. ; a U7Xxhibltlon ertry ntcht at 8l o'clock. Door open at 7 o'clock. , ' ." TICKETS 2t Cta., CHlXDREIf (S Cts. SMelallxblMrlM will rtren on T01SDAT and WKDNS8PAY .Afternoon, at 3 oViloek, for Children and BehMtt, to which all pupil wtU b admltUd al 10 Cant each. ' . -. , . READINGS FROM THE POETS. aas ras aoitea TO.TjHJornci that shi wtjx sivi a i)RAMATl0 READING V r'rt,.i. . ;n ' ' -u-.'.i.'t .."t j v.Obili : ;:.) AT V I i 'r . -.. r :,.. -. ;..... , ,,to..., 1 . a . ( ! ' ' ... AltMORY HALL! :i -ik. . ti., : ... . . ... ; , - .-. .T ON . ; - .- .'--. -". ." ' . .. .-, ,. , : , -' '. . '.'.r . o i , . . Monday Evening, February 18th. JtBSISa will eoameaee st 8 o'clock. ", : - TickeU SS cents. Tor til at J. tt, Bilej't Bookrtore J'.. 0. Woods' Unilo Btor, or at 'hi Door. ",''( "-'t' tebl04 ' 1 ' -:- ', ' r-;" ' J Notice to Creditors. t Idirin Paneoast and othtrat asatnst . la tha f neerlor Canrt jacs at, vonraa ana o inert. ol franklin oant. II PUHSBAKfCE or Af OBDGB XADB by tn Ooart, in tills cue, not let to hrby fires t th creditors of Oonrtd St Brother, that they present UMireiaiais m n, yen nee 07 affldarit, a(reablf ta Be tion 13 of to net rem latin th mad f admtnlatarinf astlfrnmentt In trait for th benefit of creditor, paasad April, o, iaw, wiuiia six monUt aftr tb pablioaUoa -1 r . a ,1. .- 'i - JaMlg It. BUrTH, -Clerk of tn Superior Conrt. Oolambus, Feb, 18, 1801. , , , , v ,' Stir . . tspsr liner's Estate.-' - NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEIff Tit AT th subscriber nt appointed and qoallBed on the 17th day of January, A. . lS61,admlnltratoron th I.Ut of Casper Klner, laie of Iranklin County Sated this loth day of Febrnary. 'A ', pieel.' I ? : Fb. 18 w3t IM1CHASL kUMOJ y, Administrator. removal; J..,t .ij'i.:-: Ta n. TAfT TTA BEITIOTED 1TI!t Ut Mock of SKY GOODS from Mo. 121 South High trtto hit old stand. Ho. 46 North High street, in xnonpaon s Duuauift rain n win nepieaaea to tee all hi old eattOBMra, and all new ones that may oome, where am will eu uiesa euvap aoooa. . .. ( . . A larg lot of CAEfkte on hand, which win be sold at cost, tor earn, M io in (took. . .. , . . p. jr. tun,': . ianl&dlai Corner High and flay sts., Oolntnbua, O. E. M. WILLIAMS & C0.V : Front Street, Between State ani Town. THR OLD OABBIAOB'n SUOP llll ranalnf, aad althoork X V the preewrtof mt year ha set heavily WVlJ pon her running gears, the It (till tarn- ,r " ' 1 nr out the aplerHlId PHTONS, ROCKA WATS, and PKINOB ALBERT'S SHITlNO TOfi and NO-TOP BUGOIKB, OABRIASS8, BXPRM8B, BKELBTOH, SBMOOHAT and OROOBBT WAOONB, (HALL OMNI- BUSH M H auks. Twenty ymrtateady Banarao tarinc ba lm rar work a wlda-aperad jrepataUob thrtmsh tk Boath aod Wart. ,.-,.. W therefor deem K mmsrssttry ta say any thing nor In regard to ta quality af our work. WswaaaawT mat thicu.. Ws aa Uoo Xor Bumib (rota 1'2S to '. Sealer en bs fhrnlshsd with ear aaaaant of work at short notte. and at price tower thaa eaa ba bought any wh.r in th Weat. Seaond hind Bunia takm in az ehaneoforeewwork. - t JLTRe pel ring don neatly and at short as ties. Fe tnry on Front, batwaon Slat end Ion atraeta. Coliua. baa, Ohio. iv -., i ....,, II JAil enntsanleaUoBt trill raoe'r promrt ittentloa, lug. 31-wly ... .B.M. WIU.UAU3 CO.( taOAiifiAtii vrottii de laiher; oiif . ly 25 ent a yard. Rich fancy Silks at 80 eeaits yareV ' 1 .. . .h'.iijvw, decCO no.SBSonta Allgh Street. THE REVISED STATUTES i '... ;. Of f HB V 01 AGKNEBAL NATDBK. IN F0B08 ACQ. 1,1860, lion, ajosepn ic. wan, wjtm Korsibr'rwe zsomom or tbwbp- t j PfiSXBpXVHT,s rvc i 1 (Ooatalncd la twenty-nine Volumes of th Ohio and Ohl i BUteJEeportt,) . AND BEJIBKN0I8 TO PBIOS LAWB, BT LEAN DEB J.OaaTOniFEL,P,ESq. AMD A ctX AND BONVBNIkW' 1B0CX. j la Two iRoyar8ro.tVolume frlce$ll) 00. it" - p l f'si-W- 'i ' I H u Mo oars or expnshasYei spared to nuk ths work perfect and reliable In all retptcta. It hat now the Leglilatlre sanction, haling been ap proved by nearly the unanlmout vote of both Uouaet, ana w&s oraerea to ot aittrwawa to uie louowing pan &nA Oonntvofflctrtl Governor, Attorney General, Snpreme JuJirea, Beer tary, Oomptrollee, Iraatorer and AuSiter of 8 tat, .and to th Probata Oourta, Courts of Common Plata, Super ior and Police Oourtt, Auditor, and the Olerkt of the Nraridut Oourta In each Bounty, to the Hembertof the Senate and Bout of Reprtentatl?M of this Stats, aod the Sorernart of the several States of the Union. This book, ontalnlng. aa It does, all of th Statute now Is force, and the authorttattT construction of them and of the New Confutation, will be found to be upocuiv If useful In th performance of their duties, to all ' COUNTY 0F7I0KRB, .., 1 JUBTI0I8 Of THI PBAOI, I TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES, ' , OLBBK8 OS TOWNSHIPS, and . ' I city omoisa. . Inasmaca u vtrf many ehanns have been mad in the Itatutet tlneatht publication of tb latt dltions, by re peal, alterations and additions, and many Important de eltloni have been given by th Bepmn Court on oca trover ted points, ell t . ATTORNBYB'AT LAW, BAN HBB8, MB BC HANTS 1 f V . AMD BUdlNSSB MEN OKNIBAUY, : Will find thU an lnvaluabl Work. 7eo Royal 8vo. Volume of otr Jfin4te Emdrti , fagtt, In Strong Law Binding. Price S10. 00. , .r Pub3thtd by -. - . f ! BOBEBT (XABSSi & OO.. . ; . Law Publisher, Booksellers; Btatloners and Importers. t.-l No. 65 Weil fourth street, 'febl8.d2o:ll Cincinnati, 0 OHIO STATESMAN HOUSE, No's. 36, 3$ & 40, North High St. j INCREASED FACIUTIES ! mmi mmiz. iwmi ! HAVING MOVED INTO MY NEW BUILDING; , CVY I. have , ;; GrJCGtxtl'y Knlorsed BOOK & JOB DEPARTMENT! : WHILB BOTH HAVE. BEEN j REPLENISHED THROUGHOUT a- with - -v v New Types, Borders,. Ornaments, &c f , IR0H TBI OILIBKATET) IO0NDBT OI C. T. WHITE A CO., NEW YORK, , THUS KAKUta IT TOT Most Complete Establishmen ' ' "IN THE 'CITY.. ' I aa sow prepared to Xxeeuta all Orders for BOOK .AND JOB PEINTINQ-, WITH DISPATCH And In ths Host ApproTsd Btyls of the Art. atMwaawatMaMaaamM- PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAIS TO MERCANTILE AND RAILROAD PB.IN T I1V C-. Bills ol Ladlnt;, - - Cli-eiilars Bill Heads, . Blanks, Deede. Certificates, Kecolntsu - Pray Tleketo, .. . UctTistwrs, HOW CARDS & BILIaS IN COLORS, esters, i . VOTES, Kienfl : J ENVELOPES, ' - C0NTEACTS. r - . HKADDiei, Illustrated Show Bills, , FOB COtJNTRT MERCHANTS,' ' Show Bills, Hand Bills, labels, Concert Fro framiaes, Benooi ana College schemes, Ho tel Bills of Tare, InTiUtlons, fte. BoolsWorls OF EVERY DESCRIPTION School and College Catalogues, , -.. Xiseellaneons Paunhlstsl "U-' ' ' ConstltBtlons, Beports, Briefs, m Printing in Gold, and Colors 3P O O T 33 5 s " 'Frlnted in iTery' Color on a " " Hammoth Hoo Cylinder, The only Press ef the kind la Central Ohio. Mt acuities tot doing any snd all of the abore descrip tions of work, ar now ansuraassed, and tattitaetlon will p jgnaranteea in au easea. . . . . ILTAll work furnished promptly by the tine pronlsed, . K1UHAKD NBTIN8. Co-Partnerohip. III ATE THI" DAT ADMITTED BIT ton JAUB8 ADGER BAItf a. partner In toy tratl ness, which will hereafter be conducted nnderthe flrni m D.t. A. B n n . TW tin .. ... . . n. v. vbvh.0vu. . C.Bllfl,wnDUtSUII BI. Ooluabna, feb 15, 1861. , . i i febld NOW NOTICE! fTHB SUBSCRIBE!! IS DCSlRAra AV X closing np hi old business at one, and hope that all nereona baring unsettled account! on his book! will giro mem unmcfliate attention." - ' feblG .;',.j'!' P. BAIN. "--r Notice, CITY BABE OF COLUMBUS, nPHEFOLLOWINOCIIAIVAKM TVVVtV X. mad In the the officers of this Bank, January 39th. Moodib, Oaehlar, resigned their offices." IUvid TaTLoa, in w k ' wm.'A. ruTT. rrauomi. inn l anu . wh iiivb vtaview rwwnamn aou rr A. rLaTT aD' pointed Cashier. 7 r - , UT order of the Board of Directors. ' ' feb S, 1881-dtf. f jiji.ij W. At PLAIT, Cashier. HENEYJOW, . it" l ! Wholeaal and Retail Dealer in- . - - Foreign" '& Domestic '; Cigars, and am stAKD - , , . , Smoking' Sc Chewing Tobacco. Also, the Best quality of SHOT'S eonsUntly wa nana. ;. ILrCoantry Alircbants are Inrited to call before par chasing elMwher. , -. - - NO. 4 EAST THIRD STREET- A ' Bat. Main and Sycamore, - t nsrSl woia .... CIKCINJATI, O. Mi C. LILLEY, : DOOH. - Ts I ilXJaIJ.t Ani Elink'-Book Usinufiiiitaref. ! jtobth mas must, colttkbts, omo Marl 1-41- B LACI K KTAAAW BOH N 4. 'I ' A ft E Lai want Klbbon. In treat varletv at ' BAIN'S. oeO -No. M.nighttreeg ' r-jMsti Uost Cough Meaicinein;tho Wprld! TflE Great TRemedrr of r-the Age.! 'j'Jfqnr, PUIMONIC CHERRY CARDIAL I - rOS THI SPIIDT ANO CIRTAIN CURB OF Couuhs, Colds, Throat Diseases, Hoarseness, j Drbupr,'Br6nchlUs, 'Ast8ma,Xrly tageM- Conioniptlon, Spitting Blood, Night illi i Bweict), Feverish Condltlpqi 4 o.r j (?? ? Price X. .,-.-,,,. . Of th great remedies which Dr. Area (of the Throat Snd Lang Instttute, 30 West Fourth Street, Otnolnnatl,) hat offend to the publie, thr Ii Bans wbleh hat glren inch universal sati.faoUon In hli practice as the "Pot. Moaic Ouaar Coanui." It posieiset th most extraordinary powert, and among th point ot marked superiority of this favorite remedy are thete ,jf I y 'if JCTII con tains no Blorptilne, sranf thins; tehlch will derantje the Bow el er impair the Appetite. ICpIt contains no' deleterlone sob etance whatever, j- fy Tljy .. HjThe eflctt Is prompt and perma nent. " ' ' '- , K7Ae a $ure or prevcntatlyeoI jy "32" I? T JSC 23 JX :X,& , It bae no, equol. None who have - ever nscd It have been attacked. CMX'FOB THIS AK0 'TAKE NO , OTHER. . Ii. .. ... l ' Do not Confound It with asy ether prepara tion put np by any parson of similar nams. ,-, 3:a3:.;f3 Thtl Coufti Cordial hat been therongbly tested thous ands of timet, and tn no cite bat It ever failed! thsprepam. tlon of a regularly 'educated Practicing Physician,' i point not to be lightly estimated bjr those who require a iterijDmedleln,-y. -(7Tr --B. r( Geo. W. Bice. Kio... of Olnctnnatl, certlfles'to A re- mirkabl eur of Asthma, th patient being hit wile. John It. Uetart. 'tta .'. of Olncfnnatf. Iettlnei to a re markable cure of ehrcnie throat disease by mean of thi great remedy. ,'. : ."i "' n . n , Ber. Dr. J. F. Ohalfaot, Presiding Elders (U. E. Church. Dayton District.) tats: "I eordially recom. mend Dr. Ayer's wonderful preparation to those who may be tattering fromehrouleeaurrh or diseases of ths Throat ana liungs." . r ; . ' . Solomon Adams (of ths well known Importing Dry Goods Hons, BUKhet, Aaamt at Co., Ulootnaati, aaya: "I heartily commend Dr. Ayer'a Cordial as Justly de terring the tcelebrity It hat attained-1 , Obas. Monroe, sq.,CUclnnitl. says: ''I cheerfully express my fullest confidence in Dr. Ayers medicine. ' 8. H. Bates, Esq., writes form fifth Arena Hotel, ftew York: "I shall always recommend my friends to the use ef your Cordial, feeling, , tbat it has effected what sone ot th most eminent phr.lcl.nt In New York and Cincinnati failed to accomplish, tit: tu owraor atra. Bates' Throat." -.inir ; i it.-, j ).. yv. T. J. 'Emerson. Esq., Professor of Vocal Music, Oln elnatl, says. "All ether remedies harlot; failed to cure or relieve my throat, I need Dr I, W. Aver s Cordial, and am happy to say, It effected an ntlr and perfect cure.. " -- r juvj ii L. B. Eager, Constable, Cleveland, says: "With the use of Dr. Ayer't Cordial I experienced the moat decided relief, and nar no donbt of It! eONtlng radtoat ana permaunt cunt." . n, , ,., ,.,,, ., .., , Bey. B. O. Tucker, Brookrllle, Indiana, wat cured of Contunption and testifies in the strongest terms to the wonderful efficacy of the cordial. Bey. J. B. Allen. Pastor of tbe Presbyterian Church, Brookllne O., cured of chronic bronchitis, yc-I now able to use my voice a well as at any time during my ministry and with more effect and comfort. ,1 now rejoice wan appiica to vt. Ajer." - Eqntlly strong -letters and reslimonials from 8. i Burliton, Bupt. of Bridge, Cleveland: B. Banner Merchant; M. Banford, Merchant! O. A fan Slyhc, Steamboat builder. Buffalo:. Col. Orumn. -Hannibal. Mo.j O. P. Johnson, Esq., City Attorney, t. Louis. Her. A. J. Kane, Bpringfleld, Ills; Moses Chess, Esq. .Olrll Hnnlneer, Pittsburgh; and hundred of other Por tale In Cincinnati by 1 - B. BO ANlAH k 00. . . Wholesale Agents, corner fourth and Mrtin B tree la. . , ' : " 8UIRK, E0K8TBIM A CO., Comer of fourth and Vln Brrwts. rf Dr. A TtRy3 Offlc, 30 Wert towrth Sired, vtneumatt, ana by vrnrgteta gnrany. ' For sale by DR. O. DBNIQ c SON, North-But ner of HIghand B!ch streets. ' - . -Jan. 84;-deTnfcThkwly :: 'mES5PaIisKj, tf ram the RewYorh Obterrar.'l' h W t ' As all parties manufscturieg Sewing Machine ar ob liged lo paw Air. Howe a license on each machine sold. and are a so compelled lo mak returns to him, under oath, as to the number sold, his books giveacomotstate- meni. rrom inu reliant source we nave obtained th ronowtng tatlstu. Of th machine mad In th year lasn ih.M ...... .... , . , ,n, Itf,,; .jj, , isy wneeier c Wilson " I. M. Blngir A " Orover Maker. o-.........l(l,2c0 Showing th isles of Whrsler A Wilson to be doubt those of any other Company.'" -- i. Awarded the highest premiums at th r" United flute fair of 1858, 18211 and 1800; also at th . Ohio Stats fair of 1859 and 1AM; and at nearly ail th County fair In th Bute. Ournrlcea. ai (he lata reduction, art a tots a anv wm k macBini now voia, ana rrai a time atgner wan ue interior noo vtrtaa omh ihca macniiut, now loreed anon tne mnrk.t. - ( . . . k . t . Th WHSELKft A WILSON MACTITNE makes the Loci Btioh the only one which cannot be raveled.' It is A Lias ow Both Bint of th nods, leavio no ridat or tKainonOit wider. tid. Aa macMtut varunted 1 y tart, and inttruetio given in utetr ns. rree or enane. i .. h u idv oi in.i. n., - A l' WM.8rjUNKRCO. I jM 0.aJ4.1.aW!-i VIlu a-k- u 4l-- it urviresnuiNiinwuni AT ItVSj vpora AtAfsaj, VlUVIUUKblr 1 ' Land for Sale. THATE AUOTJT BSO. ACHE"' O ' A X new farm, situated In th eoontv of Marion ar.,1 Stat of Ohio, on th big Bcloto River, lx mile west of tne town or Marion: it is an fenced In. about 30 asm deadned from four to tight years. A good new Frame House on it, about ou acre, cleared; a good log BUble; ououi iav young irui. erveai a nr., nu wen oi Water; the deadlnc it well set In to tame iraasi and tha hi Bcloto for stockwater. - And I will mak 100 acre more ready for tne plow, tare on tu the tlatbea, voder fliteaa incnes, so at to mat iou acres or plow land. Th land is of the very best quality, and I will take S2A Mr for It. I consider It worth at least thirty three per acre with 100 acre mora cleared, bnt I matt wall It, there for I will put It down ten dollars below what I ihiuk It worth If I were notobllrod to sell. I hava also anothar half lection for tale, lying In the same section, one hair deadened, which I offer for 1 15 per aer. Befenno can be had by calling on Joseph Beniok who kwowt all about ue ltnu.oron tne proprietor In Marlon. - ., feb!3-w4w ' ' da DAVID IPLKB. PBICKS SKDTJCED . a 7 ' NOTICE. rye John rpillaris andotberii. A. All parsons are hereby cautioned amlnal nnmhu. ing an order dated Oct. 1BC0 drawn by A. W. Shearer. me, oi jrmric uwn"uip, sranann oeunty, )mo on the Treasurer of laid Township, pavabl to John tnlii. an or order, for 120, for ten set of Mitchell's oat- Hue maps. The tald order haoring been fraudulently ob tained will not bs paid. ' t . . 1-''J A. W. irrBARBB. ri.rW In behalf ol the botrd of B due tlon of Pialri Townshio. Jan.83,w3t ,-n - - ."y", , rianr(ri-T.An?a Ool' -i NTOTICKIS HEHEIIV C!ri7S!!lW.rnA'a. ll tbe subscriber bt been appointed and qualified as Administrator it boni non en the estate of 0 coral Lon UQoeli, late of franklin Ooutty, deceased. r " iepiarJW-1 - n ilUBAOB WILSON. W1NTEK IteliAINE!, jr,a .- .. -" A.,tWlrKILAINK8. ninifiH DeltAIBIfl."' " 1 1 1 7 cheap at BAIN'S i New stylos sod very cheap i No. W South High ttret. UaCaPTION HOOP BKIHS'. X, Sho most graceful and elegant Skirts -t offnreS fbr sale., Anew lot just opened by: :. put bain.?a dec.ll. Mo.SOSouihtUshitreeit C'Vao SPECIAL NOTICES For au THHOAT tuiel ivna conpiiAiNTB, Incladlna; WIIOOPINU COTJOII, aBd tvsry Cemplalait the Cwrwrwa- aer of, aact erea aotaal VoxscnPTioif. i i y UNIVERSAL couGir HTnnntwm'a The Great HEUMAL. . . 3IO HKniEDY and Nat. - nral OPIATE, adnt4" te every speeien of Nr vb Complaints, Ner one and Chronic Headache), Hheaas. , turn, Uatarrht Voath and Ear Ache, ol Hleep, andllowel Com Plaint, rr, . . . .. . , ... ftr tttz, mi"- i 1 r I' asodyis; Nornl lusUo eaa ba don th above preparaUons .? , i'!S?kU'Sd.m,Ul, eacrlptlvpamphlets.!i be"i1M,S11 "!. or will be seat bytroprletor . .urmuias ana Trial Bottles sent to Pbysl ' !"T9"?T.MlUfi4nm " neeeatltlei sr . curiosity prompu to a trUl af th (bore rellabl Hems . . die... ,,,,... rn for tan by the Usual wholesale d i.n ..i everywher. u t , . JOin t. IITJNNEWEI.L, proprleto j ' . .'CHEMIST AND rnABMAOtDTIST, Ho. 0 Conmsrolal Wharf, Bo ten, Afsss. ' ' Kobertt A Samuel, N. B. Mamie, J. a, flook. J. M ptnlg, O. Denlg at Sons, A. t. Schneller A Bon, Agents for Columbus, Ohio. i myl-dly !t fnorPATSLlFE PULLS. . to all cases of eostlreneas, dytpepita, billions and Uvsi affcctlona, pllat, rheumatism, fevan snd ague, obstl nt head aches, and all general derangement of health lh Pills have Invariably proved a eertaln andsptedf remedy. A tingle trial will plao th Lit Pill beyond the reach efoompUtloa In tb atlaatlon of every pa tient. . ' Sr. Moffat's Phoenix Bitter will bt found squally sf neaetous In all eases of nervous debility, dyspepsia, head ache, th sickness Incident to females In delicate health, and every kind of weakness of th dlgettlr organs, for salt by Dr. VT. B. MOFFAT, KB, Broadway, M. I. and by all Drnrglste. anySS-dAwU j The' following is an extract from a letter written by the Ber; J. S. Bolme, pastor ol tb Plerrepoint-Btreet Baptist Ohnrch, Brooklyn, R. T.,to the Jornal and Messenger," Cincinnati, 0. , and speak volumes In favor of that world-renowned medicine, Mas ; Wimslow's Boom dm Irarr roa CaiLsaiw TawraiM: ''Wssran adrartUrment In yoar column of Ma Wmitow't Sootbik Branr. Now w never aald a word -in favor of a patent medicine before in nr life, butw feel sompelled to tay to yoar readers that thi I no hum ' bog ws iuvs Titian it, aim snow rr to n tu rr claim. It i probably on of tha most sncotasful medl dnes of th day bacaua It ia on of th best. And tho of your readers who hare babies can't do better than . laylnatupply." . y. . oc87:lydw , To Cenaumpilrea. I The Adrerttoet, bavins been restored to health In a few I weekt by a very simple remedy, after havings nffertdi eral years with s lever lung affection, and that dread dltta, Consumption la anxious to mak known tohl fellowsnfftrers the meant of ears. - To all who detlr It, b will tend s copy of the pmcrii tion wed, (free of charge), with the direction forptspa Ing and using th tame, which they will Snd a teat Oo for OostOMrnoR, Astbsu, Bronchitis, Ae. Th only ohjeot of the advertiser in tending the Prescription Is to benefit tbe afflicted, and spread Information which b con ceives to be lnvaluabl, snd ba hop rrery suCTer.r win try his remedy, will cost then nothing, and maw : prove a blowing.' . . . , vT. Partlet wishing the prescription will please ddret MV. UrABU A. WILSON, . Williamaburgh, Klnn Oonntv. Nw Vnpk. ' 0Cl3:wly j HAIlt DYE HAIR DYE. Wm. A. Batohelors Hair Dye! ! ne ' Original and Best . in tne Worldl i AU others sr mer Imitation, snd should b avoided If you wish to escape ridicule. ; OBAT, BBD OB BTJBTI BAIB Dyed IntUnUy to a beautiful aad Natural Brown or Black, without Injury to BalrorBkin. . IlfTBEN MBCALS AND DIPLOMAS hav. ba awarded to Wm. A. Batchelor sine 1839, snd onr 80,00 applications have been mad to thi Hair of hi patrons) of hit famous dyet ' ' WM. A. BATCBB LOB'S HAIR DYB producci a Ml or not to b distinguished from nature, and I warranted hot to Injur in th tout, however long It any bt con tin- ned, and the 111 effect of Bad Dyet remedied; tb Bait Invigorated for Uf by thi splaadid Dy. ? 1 Sold In all eltie snd towns of th United State. Pmggiiti and fancy Goods Dealen. lITTbanulnhMth name and addrest upon aiUr' plate engraving on four aides of each box, of WILLIAM A. BATCHBLOR, Address , . - , , - - - 0UABLB8 BATOHILOB, PJoprietor, 1 Jy-wly , , 81 Barclay sl Mew fork. I ty- .W' A. Batohslor's Hair Dye This splendid Hslr Dye haa no aal lnstantaneoua in effect-Beautiful Blaek or Natural Brown ne staining the skin er injuring th Eair icmeaieitnanonir aa effort of Bad Dy, snd Invigorates the hair for life. Hons ar genuln nnlea slgnd W. A. Batchelor." Bold everywhere. ) y i ; OHAS. BATOHILOB, Proprietor ' ; JylSrwly 81 Barclay Street, New Tors. ADTBKT18BMBNT. . . ' for Hi INSTANT BBLIBP and PIBHANSNT CUBS of tb ' distressing complaint as . . , "' Eie. T BBOBCHIAL CIQAEETTEff, Mixtob70. B.SBTMOUBCO.,107NtAa St.,H. TV Prlo Si per box; sent fre by poet. - . fOB SALS - AT ALL DBTJ 00 IITS. myS-dkwlxls v . ' . Sheriff's Sale.' - 1 D.T Woodbury A Co . . , . -i Superior Court. vs. f 0org W. Allen. BY VIBTDB OF A WRIT OP PI. FA. to me directed, from tha Bnnaria. n.nrt r wu. eoanlgr, Ohio. I will off for eeie in th town of Hw Al ',' .V . u. w.Aiien, lot of Dry floods aod Notions, levied on as the property of 0. W. Allen; sal commencing on MONDAY th SJthdavof Fsbmary A. D. 1801, at 10 o'clock A. M. "ua," f,p;3iutofK.s5l5o. GUERNSEY'S BALM T E BIO VEH AND' PREVENTS I N- h.-0? ,nd. pin thwortt bum, scald, bruise, cut. or freak trnnnd til kina - welling and pain from bee slings, mosquito bites, and. poisonous i plants, neuralgia, rheumatism, agu In the breast, suit rheum, eto. When token Internally, it will Tir! el'enroronP aehlldren.and give uaidi.t, ...... .'. si uiu wrruM aoaapiatnt) also. removes hoarteness and aora thrmi. P.i. oa ... . bottle. Bhould bt In even bona. To, uUhm gltta and Btorekeepert. IBTIN 8XONB, . oWdAwtaii Propftolor sPnKs.,liw Voik S WOKING TOBACCOS, " Saptrior Oriental,: J I.ia i .; ? f in Kanastor, - . . ... t-' Pear Aoss. (extra) V ' ..'.. 3 i i j ' , Ameiioau Bbag, . BIM'a Ku rTTnl In pickiretr tlso, Kentneky flrweut u barrel! aa4 half barrels, In store and for sale by it . " n ) MCBEB A KEBTISATTX, .-. i , 34, Statatman Building, t febll' , , Diiiolutioa wf Co-partnership.-' THE FIRM OF jr. si, sraiTu &CO. IsthUdaydutiolved by mutual consent. . . , . . .1 . i J. H. SMITH. feb6:dlmo A. 0. JMUflH. OIIII33UT AXTTeOXOl "J. I' . ) . u. ; AT ,v.s '1 .- r c HA'L' F 'P R I Ct'ri JsaSSW". ' '-i's.. . , J.. C. WOODS. 1 . . II IliOTER SEED! ' . ... - vuitilf m-j;aaij n.J'iJ 111 , ,, ......roll! . ,m In itore for sal by ..-.. .,,. u ,t . , :. i . . It .1 Jri If ORIS fcBI8TfKATJX, fck7 'I f. t. V ' . S4 Btotsttnaa Balldlng . A CENT FORnOlTIEsCONTINENTAI, ManaaTTAi, Sacuarrr, and Iavtm Inu In. Co.' NawYoaa; MaavnuiT' snd OiTTfiaior HaSTro Naw ToaaLinandOoxH. Atoinaa Liraja . orrlce, si nttavft. arete) Bl . tfW''-''"f ''' ii ) PARIS CLOAKS AN II PALETOTS. ' Mad In th most stylish and (legant manner. A newtovnlcajustcmenenby ' ' PMTKR SAIN, vv .M!.Vsit p'lii"? South High street. ASTflLlA