Newspaper Page Text
"7 y . i: i aa .tut ires n-'-o- - ' 1 H MM II I BB B ' . , " . . , , . I ., I ........ VOL. VII: NO. 222. NEW SERIES. COLUMBUS. OHIO. FRIDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 22. 1861. SIX COLLIES PE3 TZAB InTtrUblj la AtcV-. I 1ILY. TKI-WEE-IY AM) WEEKLY .1ANYPENNY & MILLER PDBL18H2E AHD PROPRI-TOBI. (UT Office Mm. 86, 88 and 40, North Big- It. ' f TERMfl INYABIABLY IS ADTA BOB. ? " r"llw - . $8 00 per year, I" By the Carrier, por week, 1B seats--M-Weikly- . ... . - 00 r year. erui a'cU Advertising bf .ure. ti rinare 1 yeai .(30 00 One . " .. U mottbe 18 00 Jnt 8 mnnth IS 00 One " 3 moBtlii 10 00 OiBqaarSlweka4 00 One,,-" .8 weeks.. 100 Cm ' :'lwk....l TO On -" I days... 100 jne . 1 t oatns o uu fin . t 8 tn i 73 une i wuuiik 5 00 One llnertlo" SO Displayed aavertlMineots hair more man us aoove !&iedTiUciut lcadol uA iUc4 the' eolw el ' All iiuttoe wqutret to be pnblltbrlby Uw, lefUTMei. If rrdoreaon tneinioeexciaTMj"i" uiut..wo I1 iter cent, more thn the tbore ot! tat 11 weft wil i-ppsar In the Trl-Weekly without charge. ' ' i oilnc 0rd, not exceeding tire line, per few, I h de, S SO per line ; onttlde a . " 'tmm Notloee of mee tinge, chirltble ocletlei.flre oompenwe - ,Al traalnt adnrtlninU mutt t paid for 4n teaooe IieralewlUnotberle4frem. . Weekly, name prlee u the D41y, wfere the fjy' the Wtly klone. Whew, 'he Pll wd Wkl i re both need, then the ohwgo 1 the Weekly Will he ft.K thenteeor tne paiiy . k '. J Ke idTertltement Uken except for c fleflolU period. BUSINESS OARDS. EAGLE JJRA8S WOBK8, Corner Spring: dc Water Ste., - Oolumbua, Olalo- W. B. POTTS & c CO., - MACHINISTS, ; - Anil Masanustnreri of Drue end Oompotitlan OMtlngt, t InUhed Bnee Work of ell Deeorlptloni. Electro Plating and " STENCIL CUTTING, &C. -: ' tl A. B. BIMEIHS, . ;;; , : AND NOTARY PUBLIC. OSIee Auiiiii BtilMlog, oppoilte Oopltof Sqnere. V ,' L U : "I !C0ttTMBTJ8.OHld, 1 Machine Mas ufictn ring Company f?333 i etAKVIAOTVIUCM Off STEAM ENGINES & BOILERS, CaitlngVi MlU-flearliif , Maehlaerr. xi.ctiixocia. WorU --j- o inn BiaoMmoit. OBAa.AlISOB. Sap't deell. U5S-tf - .1 P. AHBOBuIretA. frna n"('.Ji. Rjrfr r..:.ji Winter Arrangement. Little Miami Columbus & Xenia RAILROADS. For Cincinutti, Dayton & Indianapolii! Through to lniliananolis wlthont Change of Can -' ' and bat One Change of Can between ' ;A;0DlhmbusndBt.LouIa. j THREE TRAINS DAILY FROM COLUM- .. . . . . BUS, t FIRST TRAIN. K.-r-.r: -i (?y Mondtjn exoepted.) 1 S. via Dkvton. at 8:45 a. m..Stet- pisf at toedoa, Xenla, Daytcn, illddletown and Hamll toa.arrirlBcatOlaclasatlatftiOa. m.lDajton ati;A5 .'a. nu, tadUaopolls at ,U);8 a. m.;et. tools at lktQ , d., stoppbg at all SU' tlont between Columbus and Cinolnnau ana uari rttlng at Cincinnati 11:0S a. m., Dijtonat8:l5 ;. i rrr.. third train. DAT'MPBSiS,a :IOp. m stopplnr at Alton, Jeflenon, London Cnarleeton;' -Oedarrllle, Xesla, Bprlnf Valley, Corwln, Morrow, Deerfleld, footer", Lore land, Mlllfordand Plalnrille, arrif lof at Cincin nati t 7.-80 p. m.( fit. Louie at IS m; Dayton at 3:35 p. ,l Indlanopolliat 10:3tip. m. ' ' ." . """" "" " '"" i flleeplns; Cars on all Kltrbt Tralni . CinotnQ-ti and Indianapolis Trains to I BAOOACE CUECttED THBOCCH. ,-r. , f . " - ' i ' v .- for farther Information and Through Ticket apply to ' ' ' . M. L. DOUBHTY, 'It i TioVet Agent, TJn'.oa Depot, Oolambns, Ohio. ) Siinerinte&deiit. ClfieinnatL """ '"ki"!.' -. JNO. W. DOH1BTI . Jol3 Agent, Oolumbss. ri j. a uni m a yq i , ; , u wiv n a w . '.'i-.dd-FAHCIEIi'- "' Juc Srttoles a ttMttx your nVSBAMD I iaaiepwj)roryMirDAUainR. ' ; " j lnn ss you? tntll will pralee yo for. i 1 V ' iseh as your BRQXH-R n . I .taakwyeasSMMt IdbTBB ONI T0U L0VB BXIX Sacb as will be good for the ELtSlID lABf -iituhsa all seat for, cc , i -t-i : . , ' :""1turU fbmnd In Variety, la siy newstaeli of :! I . : lAcnEV.: . CHAITISt ; JEWEIRI, .; n.; v i ,;,, AT EP GOODfl And ftnl assortment at v. l-r : Taney and Uioful Artlolse. nrrar TT V1iTSkT far ;. w A-' uu a.ui, Wo. 10 Buckeye) JUstcst sceMf. 1880. -I Just JteoelTsdl j nr. wobeeh etna 8-ach; i 1 llll T scan ion bun erkaa Rio Ooaee, r .. j aa pockets oM Datob OoTern est jars Ooffee. - - BOftto". standard White Bngan, eosthtbig of Pow- dred,Ohrahe4,ianulateiASouonee. v, : 3-60 qolntali George BukCod-th. .;. . , BObblei Urn and Ho. 1 Haokerel. , " ' ,..T ,t -o t-rBt, PWl sainon. . .-:.!; t'l.'il 0OJ. later Kaliloi. , , , . . h-,f 0 hi. o do do , .. ' " l Au: . ' , - Wll. MCUUNAliU. 11 IvL POWERS & DIIO I" i ' . I TJlitlM IN WrOlTED AKD DOUBmO W - Vaa thA St t.-le. fll.i Uoluabote um-e o.:tilim .tt?'i1 i,"j'rrABiil.Y-roon.,,--. . WS A.t . . '''"(gNO'Vr'FLAKaifft 'trom'"inirneU Mllli,ndprla(11eia. 0tlietlsttlle-i. r -'"yiowrVreaelitte urnerlnu 8HfcK!tloa loaranteeiVt i-IerealeesOf at .t,Wlf MorjONAtD'f . i . norm , , . , , 10 Son High stmt. OAtiro 'iie-AfHE" meBiiroi; CHIMTZeVy UUtlS Sl-SUSf an U kinds of tMhlonabl.,UwFrlil , deeSl. rTo,W(oMBigkirtreet. Airaru PROSPECTUS ' u i ' 1 I. t i , 1 ... ; . .. - " . , . Of TBI ''''' "'hi - ONE DOLLAR PREMIUMS '-'FOR- THE WEEKLY OHIO STATESMAN IS FEINTED ON MAMMOTH J3 ';. ' . ' AT THE LOW RATE OF! ONE DOLLAR . PAYABLE IN. ' It U an old and reliable Demoontio Journal, and, m a political paper, has : No Snpcrlor in Ohio or any otlier State! tl idditlon to iU polItloiU ohamotOT, it ii h first oImi newi puper, furoUhlDg 1U reader with the, , GENERAL NEWS OF THE DAY- , : An epitome of the etirriDg erente oonibintly oeenrring at home and abroad, and oholee miaoel laneotu eeleetiona. It alto give the lateet and moat reliable ' I , a j Front all the prinoipal mart of Trade and Commeroe. . - The finsiness Man, the Mechanic, the Farmer and the Laborer i ! Will each find their taatee and intereete eoniulted and attended to in the columns of ( t xj. lii ytr la u 11, t nsr g'jcji.'jcjh &"M,'J. jst- During the eeaeion of Congreti and the Ohio Legislature, the reader of the Wimr Statm kan will be furnished with a eonoise report of the doings of each of those bodice, i -1 1 During the put year, the circulation of the Wcgxiy Btarsk ah has increased rery rapidly, belnej now more than double what it was twelve months ago. - It is our desire to extend its cir eulation, not only in Ohio, , .' . y r " But in all the States and Territories West of TJs! 1 In proportion a it is difibied among the people, its usefulness will be increased ; and we invite1 our political and personal friends to aid us in giving to the Wbkxt Btaiwm am , . ! ' The Largest P6s3IBle Circulation Among the people. The price of the paper is so low that ao Democrat need be witbout It. As an indooeinent to friends to aid us in increasing the eiroulation of the Wmoar BTATWMAif, we Willgiv . l. .- i " t . 'n I , . , A PREMIUM OF THIRTY;, DOLLARS To the person who will, by!, the1 iit dayof January, 1 661 ,eend us the largest Club of yearly subscribers, with the cash for the same; TWENTY DOLLARS to the person who sends us the second largeet Olsb of subscribers as aforesaid; TEN DOLLARS to the person who sends us the third largest Club of subscribers" as aforesaid; and to each person who sends us a Club of j.-,-. -ten, yearly subseribers, with the cash for the same, we. will send a copy of the , Weekly Statesman One" Year withoTit' Cliatgel ST Those who an willing to compete for the Premiums, or solicit subscribers tat the States man, eaa cut this) Pros pectus out of the paper and attach to it a strip of writing paper, on whioh to record the names of all persons who may become subsoriben. ... -. ' r PER ANNUM ! S!! 'rd 13 T, PER YEAR! ADVANCE. , ; , . MANTPENNY fc MILLER, .' - ' : - - rtrBUBBsas Ohio syatbsuaii. NAMES. I STONE'SJAZAAR. QNb. 4 Grwvnne 'Block. A. P. ST0NT& O'HARRi ABENOWRECEITINOTHEIRWIIf IBE GOOD 8, and tnTtte the pnbllo to lnepeot them. Mo such stock of Goods has erer been brought to this market. The Booth, In ooneequence of the failure of the grain crop, has not been able to parehaae the us oalcuaaUty of rich goods, and this fact has forced the Itnportere t cell them at pnbllo auction. - Our buyer (Ur. Stone being la Mew Tork at theee large sales, took sdrantaire of them,' and we oan and will aeil cur goods here, at lets than asr one who purohated two weeke ilnoe, paid for them la Maw York. Our stock Is complete In erery department of j , ... .. eldoant dress bilks, ; i OTTOMAN VEL0UR8, . ' . BROCHB VALENCIA9, PRINTED MERINOS, PRINTED C0B0R09, v ...- DYED C0BUG9; BLACK-ALPACA9, ,. . , . ORLEANS, -. .. ..;.) - Fancy woven FABRtcs, ALL WOOL DELAINES, POPLINS, PRINTS, ' Vv"," . DELAINES. SI1AVLS AND CLOAKS! '. Rve Itha-sand dollars ; "Worth At ane balf Cost of Impoitation. LADIES' - FURS, i 1 In all Tarletlee, at i turn Celebratea . :, mannfatnre of C. O. own- t there 4c Son. ..." ' . i". JttOSIERli DEPARTMENT, : Ite-'s.iadf- sad CUWrenH tTnder BMrts ssd Srswen; tadles, UlsMe and Children's Moelery of all klnou, la Wool and Lamb's Wool; Ileeoy Lined and Cotton Otoyea ef every make, . n . i : j , iaao- Sc , t A.. ' A oemplete awortment' pf all tho usual wis LADIES' CLOTHS, . J ' ' i ; CA-SIM-K-ES, - .:,-,.:"!'. .. . OVERCOATINGS, ),jv,.;," .:; t -TWEED3, FLANNELS, : . RTRHIlDia. . .DRES3 TRIMMINGS, Ladles: and Gent Linen Cambrio Hand- keroMeu. Ac, &o. . .re I fa enuBe-w alt en. ,u we sledn' ottrwoi I to Shs iheni th iargwt, beet and cbaapeet slock of -eods U ie market, or par awn one dollar perj aonrwuiifooaing.r. . ... . .. Seol-eiystawww. " ' 'irrowa et u AUiVEM llll L SHlltT), . ' ' : OOLDlM ILL SHIHTS.- ' ".' ' V thspafisrn of these eWns are newj " The Beee, Tekee, sleetee and boeome are foTtned M St 1he nenon wMt eaae and comfort.' The ntarkepon eadi one Saetgiiating the alio mill be relied on as twin g ecrreot. and each sblrt Is luarnnteed well made. A full, stwi ef ll-allee cooitantly tor sale at J,, ' ' ' , nrt4,",.n , ..yf . Wo. 9t loath Blgh street. Watches and Jewelry. a wmt anMRXTTlR!T Of WATCH Aes. Clocks, jewelry, pllrerware, Ac., tept eonstani yea nana a. ( b.kirWATAICK'8, I' Ho'. 161, South High Street, Oolumbus, 0. TfTWatohssand Jewelry repaired t,&.. ,. deota. IrANC- IrUKieS S1I.HM, - ' irtvtAIOT DKB3B CKB, " '' " i-fiftffy Vanuv nastta saM. ' i Wo arieriQ ear UbomiM cteok ef faM Drsss Sitka .i i than Mai before offered In this c4ty. - . ' . ".h attrntin f li l.l.a of (his Mtv aad lololty is MMd, as our stock Is vr esleet and eonrplete to .all gradceof godaln this line.' PSTBB BAIN, novve. BO. XV gum 'f er nediaal FwrveHS.V i PUHX BB ANDI S. WTRXS, OORDIALI, AND lit TuMroa 'Bonded Warfhon i noW? -.. ., .iii awrriBiyw street. e-s,fSk'li, -. & Li S11TTS iM of iM ttaUUet tvt irtwaH ti.-' -e' M'ltS p Rl Kim . ; - UMmW M", , NAMES. WEEKLY : OHIO STATESIANi " -AVISO A OI-CtLATIOll IARQEB ; BY KTERAL THOUSANDS , than any ether paper In Ohio, outside of Cincinnati Offers Facilities for Advertising - - Which CANNOT I Alt to bring Speedy and. Homuncratlve Hetarne . fo thoee wbe take advantage ef them, .. .; THE WJUKXiY BTATESMANi Slitrlbuted as It Is through srery Pest Offloe la Ohio,'. Reaches a Large Class of Readers WhoN patronage is valuaUs, and 'who seldom see the . Dally Sdllloqs of city journals; and as only ; c l Limited Kamber of Adrart-iementi 1 Arc inserted in its columns, appopriatery and HAKDSOMEtV WSPUVEO! trxv caiiiiot ran. to ttX",Ot Ltrt6llteL Of ALL I DEALERS AdrertWug In the WBEKtt BTAtHSMAN will la r.- i " adjvantagous In. . , (' ; THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which Is almost oertata to follow aa extensive dlssemln ' atloa of a knowledge of their bus in ess " ' AMOEQ C0UTfiY. ;EAXEE3 I ' 1 AD YB BTIB-M1NTS ntTBNDID I0A i ,t0 The "Weekly SteiesiEiaii ; Should be handed hi before ffrldsy noon.- : .-) a SOMETHING ' NEW W"t eT l Ti HO W ARD & 00 1 Be AMERICAN BATCHES. : I lA-iiiAi nvw laffuvAuuiun Af s t s a pe r srrir -- -. - sou vjuuu-uv vur on mmkm , . . a AMERICAN WATCHES. nanufkcturedby'l. BOWABD A CO ." Boiton: lfaL theee Wa tehee are far superior t anything erer offered so inepnoim, nenwoia... nan cm ue ezoiiulT agency, I eaa sell them at prioes to suit lbs times. I have toe t I 1 , . u -. J remtTcm a largo Biuve vi i -; i e - AMERICAN WATCHES,' 'J J manufactured by APPLBTON, TRACT,' A 00 ; also, a nneaiiortowntof , , , , , . ' ,ENO-im AND iWISS WATCllES, t , BERK. KCEU-EU, (Lite of Pheloo's IstablUbmens, N. T..1 Pyonrietoro ,.-tba Kew York yaehlonabla Sbavfau. Hair Oatttne , Bhimpoonlng, Curling and Dressing saloon, laat Bute 1 street, over the Post Offloe, . wben satleftvstloD,. will be 1to in all tte - various branches. ; Ladles and OhIU n'a II. Ir Draln dona In U hoi atttla. ' r ' Jyl-dl - . ' . - ' - 1 (Tl(;i ; in liN'M NEDK t ItS, ,: i vt, OKNTtiMKN'S BC TIS8, !-1 ; ' l ttKNTI.EHEN'S MBOK TTSS., ' The aost desirable assortment In the el ty and atanuaal- i' lyiownnoss. .: .,.,, a ; HUIU11I, ., noTgj. . , .;. . No, 90 Bouth Blgh street.' PLKOAN't fCAIN B-AOK Hl-t-H 10 B J street sawtues and slantles: also, Hloh Trimmla and Tamels to cmtch, at . BAIN ' ArrLGM AMUiw,,.;';:, ' J 100 bills. Choice Apples reoefvel on eratliremehl APPH .Mc tor isle by, Sca at RBSTisairx. r. m-' J u i,,., M K. Hied atru. NO- LINEN AND S1EK FAN IN new styles l vtlbbon Bound, Si ten, ton ant la lUaransai ' ' ..L,.,-' -,,-n . matn-n .; ii."l Ke.SSSwith Hlb ret V I H B'K ane oiaes, w at ;SA1TI( TIBXI. :. 1 Dally, per year . .1 .. ,, trl-Weekly, per tar t-fT ' , Weekly, per yeai fOOO S 00 1 00 at New York, for the Possession of Mr. Lincoln-Rich Revelations. Gov. Denuison was mors suooeiaful laeap- tur-s the President at Colambns than Got. Mor gan was at Albsnj,' If ws may Jadge from the following extract from a debate in me flew York Assembly, in which torn amusing inci dents are disclosed. Mr. Ball. Chairman of the House Committee, to entertain the President elect, rose to a ques tion of privilege on the statement made by Mr. Provott la bis place yesterday, and went on to explain in regard to the programme that had been published hi. the journals. He stated that the programme had beea agreed upon by a ma Jorlty of the committee, and the statement of (be gentleman iron -.logs was wnouy untrue, end was simply a. micrspreseotation. . There was a bitter contest in the commltteo, and un der the probability of a legislative dinner, portion of the oommlttee contemplated resign ing, bat the member from Suffolk magnani mously yielded i his . point, and afterwards lbs published programme, was agreed up on. He continued to Oenoonce tbe other membere of tbe oommlttee, denying; thst ha had made anyarrangement to dice at tte Gortrnir'r, Mr. JUergen then eaia tnatit was now necessa ry to state to tble Houee the true position of tbe cess. In ths first place, tbe meetings of the committee were held In tbe executive chamber. He could not get the committee to meet him elsewhere. From ths first start there wae a disposition sod determination on the part of the executive to ruin tbe committee. They were Informed by bis Excellency thai Mr. Lincoln bad been Invited by him and acoepted a private dinner.' He Informed the Governor that Mr. Lincoln wae the guest of the Legislature, and not his. ' But the Governor Insisted kthat he should dine with him, and deolded to go to the depot covered by his feathers. The Sneaker called him to oroer. and said that It was not in order to speak of the sctlon of tne -xecutive. .' Mr Bergen Is It not in order to tell truth 7 He was only proceeding to give to the House some of the tranaaotione of the committee, that tbey might see what controlled them. ' Speaker II is in order to epeak of the notion of any member of tbe committee towards ths other, but not of the Executive; he was cot made a member of this oommlttee by the action of the House; It Is not In order nnder the rules to refer to Mm. - Mr. Bergen I do not know what your rales sre, but tbe uovernor, by too setion of your oommlttee, wss made a member of It, and there fore connected -with and controlled its proceed ings, ss I Intend to show. Wsll sir, at another meeting ox tbe oommlttee the uovernor read a long letter to the President elect, inviting htm to dine with him. Mr. Bill asked the Govern or what was his reply 1 They were Informed by His Exoellency that the only reply received was tnat iransmittea to ue legislature. .This be (Bergen) then stated to tbe committee and the Uovernor, was tbe same as a refusal of the Pre sldeot elcel-toeooep hlaiaTtlaUoa.aod asmricb ss to show that be desired to be entertained by tne egisisture, lor ne naa accepted tneir Invi tation without delav. - At that meeting of the committee he showed the Governor that he had five votes in favor of the legislative dinner those members that were In favor of that mode were the Senators from Datobess, ths Senators from New xork. tbe members from Cban tauqua, the member, .from . Kings, and himself, all of whom stated In tbe presence Of tne uovernor tnat tney were 10 lavor or tbat ode of entertaining Mr. Lincoln. This an nouncement made tbe Uovernor turn pale, and as toon as tbe committee adjourned the Gover nor commenced buttonholing, endeavoring to change tbelr action. Mr. r ten rose to a point oi order. Speaker The gentleman from Montgomery will state his point of order. . Mr. Fish My point of order Is tbat the gen. tleman is out of order in referring to the action of the Governor.- ( Speaker-The point of order Is well taken. ' 1 Mri Berge., somewhat embarrassed at first at being thus cut off, but recovering from tbe em barrassment, Milled forth again and' created general merriment in the chamber.. He said, since the rules of this House will not permit him to tell tho truth connected with tble, he would try sod proceed in order. After tbe leg islative dinner had been agreed upon they met to oount np the oast, and when It was stated tbat it would oost firs thousand dollars, the gentle man from Rensselear, who bad an invitation to dioe at the Governor's, began to grow pale. The gentleman on nis ngni (Mr. rerrj; turned wbtte slid commenced to tremble. The Sena tor from Oneida, ws so frightened over the matter tbat be thought he bad an attack of the ftver sad ague Laughter.) Now, elr.he looked upon the action: of tbe chairman of this com mittee in connection witn that man, whose name be dared nol mention under ; the rule here (laughter) wast an insult to ths Legislature and the distinguished guest that , they had in vited."' r.- . ; . All tho speeches he bad made since he bad left ble bis borne were to the effect that he wanted to be with tbe people-MoJdlnewith them, and not to g6 off to private booses. Hshadre fused to accept the invitation of tbe gentleman that lives In the Dries, bouse on the corner. whose nsma it is but of Order to mention here laughterl-i-and had accepted without anv hesi tation thai of the Legislature; bat the minority of the oommlttee, with the other unmentionable Individual laughter had mad preparations to take oare of the.Kepublloan President, and bad turned : over the dogs that follow in his train to dine with tbe Legislature. Laughter For one he would not accept any each arrange ment let them dine with the dogs in tho train of the President elect that wished to. He had been brought up In a different way himself had been accustomed to dino in the parlor. Laughter. Sir, the programme that had been published by the minority of tbe oommlt tee wae directly opposed to tn wtshee of Mr. Lincoln. Tbe Republicans nao elected a Pres ident, and the Democratic members were in f a- or of entertaining him properly, but portion oi the other side were eiraia or, me expense, and tbe Chairmen oi the two eommltteea had now made an arrangement to sneak' him off to tbe brick bouse anddlue with him themselves, leaving the balauoe of tbe Legislature to dine with tbe baggage agents or - mr. .Lincoln. Lebghter.l ; 0 He blmseif had yielded to the earnest solicits' tlon Of Senator Ferry and others not to press the matter funnet in tbe committee, arcer tbey bad acknowledged that they hid been beaten, and be (Bergen) bad carried off their President in the I aoe oi tne executive; out id uotng to ns did hot suDoose tbat a programme was to be made tin without consulting tbe oommlttee. He was satisfied that Mr. Lincoln did hot desire to be taken off to private borne i and be entertain' ed b select parties, and have another John Minor Botts crawl nnder tbe same blanket with kirn. fLanghter 1 That wae not tho kind of entertainment tbat tbe rreeioent desired, and he trusted tbat this Legislature would vindicate their honor and dignity, and see tbat tbe dletln sulshed guest wae properly entertained. : ,1UB limu VI ..... W.VBWU Rival deal of merriment in all parts of the House -Several of tbe Republican members were seen making slgnlflosnt nods, as moth ss to sayt iri - ...k Me al. . IT. n.ti ..i i l m .ma. "That's rigbt; we want no more Priace of Wales entertainments.'" ' Ii le really the richest scene that baa transpired In the Legislature this winter, and we douoi it tne uxe was ever seen here before. ' " '4 Uu ."- ' ' Mr. Provost 'said that It was' an unpleasant Am fin him to raise s. Question of orivllege yesterday. ' He looked Upon thcoaeetloa of nrivlleee he tbe last resort, tnd only to bo re 1 sorted to when rights could not be obtaioed in anv other wav. When' bt wad' OPDointed a member of that Committed he opposed' that ha 1 : : . . . . - 1 wMtotlUsa to some nghis.nsi when ne found . that the chairmen of tbe two oommltteea had agreed upon a report, and cent it to tbe papers to be published, he felt that be had been de prived of his rights, and felt that he could not obtain his rights in sny other wsy tban by ap pealing to ths House. He would reply to tne charges made by the gentleman from Rens selear in the same language tbat be has .need himself tbat they were eimply false. Mr. Prendergast, one of tbe members of ths Com mittee from ths Republloan aide, had informed him this morning that bo was not consulted in regard to the published programme. : Mr. Ball said tbat be had only one reply to make, and that was In regard to tbe place of meeting of the Committee. He was not tbe ohairman of tbe Joint Committee, and could not control tbat matter. Tbey did meet In the Ex ecutive Chamber first, bat afterwards in an other room. Hsre the matter dropped In the House - Sparring of Ohio Members. We publish from tbe Congruiional Olabt a rery pretty little pieoe of sparring in Congress among our Ohio members. We publish it, not only tbat our readere may have the benefit of it, but to call attention to tbs fact drawn out, or whioh la really the substance oi tbs whole, vis: Tbey charge on Mr. Ux that be wag exposing, for tbe one of the South, certain acts of the Republicans of Ohio. ' We had eecn sluillsr ohargee In the Republi can newspapers of ths 8tate against the Demo orate, bat we could not noderatand the moral bearing of euoh charges. What havs tbe Re publioans dons that tbe Democrats should help them keep it hidden from tbe South, If tbey have done wrong they should be exposed for the benefit, not of tbe Soutb, but of tbe people everywhere. - Recoiled this ie a Government of tbe people and truth should not be kept under cover. The truth ie what wo want, North, South, East and West. It is also askiog too muoh of the Democrats of Ohio, that tbey should be called to the wit ness stand to testify to what is not true, or re fuse to testify at all, because It would implicate the Republican party. Silence in such a eise would be a crime, and in all courts is punish able for contempt. If the Republicans sre misrepresented, are ihey Dot able to fly to the reoord and prove their innocence? Have they not an army of well drilled orators, writers, newspapers, snd near ly all the telegraph news venders, under their control, to defend themselvesT Do tboy still call on their Democratic opponents, whom they do not treat very civilly or courteously, as abolition aids to hslp them and ws might truly say, help them out of a bad eorape by refusing to tell the truth, or still worse, endorse what Is not true. . Wo hope to hear no more of Ibis from the Republloan side. It Is asking too much; more than tbey bave aoy right to expeot. We have offered them our services in aa endeavor to heal up our national troubles and give- tbem a peaceable four years' lease of the Govern ment and tbe offices. What more could be ex pected of net la the history of nations, this is more than a defeated party ever offered be- f lore. Acquiescence is one thing, but' to throw all our weight, activity and labors into the scale ie qultaenother thing. And how have we been meit By an open handed friendship by a willingness to sit down and talk to, or with us by thai spirit of oonoiliatlon and compro-' mise tbat is dictated by every -erase bf propri ety and patr'.otismT no, not a decent regard for the common otvilitice of life or a doe res pect for our feelings. . .., When we talk about friendship, you reply by a reference to the gallowel when we point out the road by which you oan pass In safety. you cry "traitor!" and when we warn you of the wrath to come ' by your obstinacy, you talk about England and Canada, as though yon pre ferred a monarchy to tbo friendship of your uemocrauo neignoors and when one of your oompeers on the poor or ongress Democrat states the faote, in a disputed case, Just as tbey exist, yorj turn npon him sad oharga him with giving information to your discredit and to ths discredit of your State, Just ss though the honor and safety of the State depended upon hi ding from publio view your past history. Against sueh conduct we protest, and hope we shall hear no more of it. The "reign of terror" may oome, and the voice of men may be silenced, but that time has not yet arrived, and it is not very probable tbat it will arrive In oar day, however strenuous may bs the efforts to onog it aooui. . ., ' This spicy debate will well pay a perusal it contains tho essence tbat lies at the foundation of our ruin, and shows, with unerring truth, who first pushed our ship of State into the boil log sea of faotion. Now, who will bo the first to save M None eeem very anxious but that old war-worn Demooratla party which haa oar tied" ns safely through ao many dangerous etralte. TAs Critii, Ftb. SUf. , [From the New York Clipper.] Heenan and Morrissey. Ws dropped In at one of our Broadway Con cert Saloons, on Thursda y evening, the 31st alt., sad among tbe throng tbera present, noticed two men who bad been the subject of much conver sation and discussion during the past year or two. uoe or these was John tteensn, the other, John Morrlasey. Tbey 'were seated at seme ittle distance from each other, and when their eyes met for the first time, It wae easily to be seen tbat a bitter and mutual dislike existed be tween tbem. Tbe glance tbat passed wae but mcmeutary, yet there wae no mistaking Its im port) a sort' off "tread on my coat tail," or "knock a chip of my hat,'! if yon wish a fight. In tbe presence of each other,boih men ssemed to be somewhat nneasy. Soon, Heenen, with afew friends, lert bis place, and proceeded to the bar room, where, with a number of others he met there, bo called for drlukg.' He bad not been there long, when Morrlssey Bko entered, and approaching tbo bar, called to the bar-keeper to give him a drink. . A oouple of friends, - whom he met there, were Invited to Imbibe with htm, which they did. : -; - ' - " - ' ; Thus they stood tbe Ohamplon and tho ex champion, tbe victor at Varoborough-and the vlotor at Long Point within a few feet of each other, and it only needed a word on either side to bring about tbe rupture which basso Jotg threatened to oreac out oetween tbe two men and tbelr partisans. Tbey drank at tbe same bar, caet wicked and omioout stance at each ether, but neither commenced the overt aea. and tbe friends or tbs two cbampions maintained a resDectful bearing toward each other: One lit tle word on either tide, one Single word of i ho tile Import, end tbe two men might bsve been oreolpltated into' a deadly struggle. ' Neither showed the least sign of fcari on the contrary. the eonntenanoe oi each man wore ap espres Ion or contempt ana scorn. Ac tney came toger so they separated, and on ' the lo!lowtg day Ueenan ioob nis eepanuro lor new Urieanc. It ie tbe opinion ot those "in the rice" that Heenen wlil not retire from the pusillstio arena until he has had a chance of meeting: hia old opponent once more. ' Many have ' been of tbe opinion that tbe two would bare oome together are this, out oiorrissey ooes not consider it" 'bis lay" ; to issue a challenge; be offered to give leenan a meeting; when tbe latter1 bad conclud ed bis match with Styers. ' If Reenan desires another meeting, ths friends of Morrlssey eon- tend tbat the challenge most oime from Uee nan, and we agree with them ' fu this .view of ths case. ; No doubt a proper sort of Challenge would meet with a ready respsnse from Morrls sey, and until tuob. a challengo emanates from the Boy, there is little probability of a fresh matt-. . -... -, . . ; '.' , ; Notice. V CITY tUSK OP COLUtBUS.rr mHR rOLLOWIItQ OIIAHOEI WEHB L made In the the qflleere of thle Bank, January tuth. 1841, to wit: WM. A. rcarr, rreeiaaas, ana Tawa-S Moooin.Ca.hler, Mtlgoeu trmoee. Davit T-u a. Bto., waa ib otteiooted t reaWeol and Wa. A. fi-TI tt ... Li ' ItbS, tasi-dtf. . W A. FLAtTYOeehlor. U-ACSA HIUW OINm A"BI 1 Si - IV.K-. .. . . . fc. . iB I I Ml. t - ra.,Kw i.,iMi.THt. -" , .ots - ' - -. -4htteutcs ' GREAT SLAUGHTER! IN DRY GOODS AT KNAPP 4 OO.'S NEW STORE. From and after this date we shall REDUCE , THE PRICE OF OUR WINTER 000D9 TWENTV FIVE PER 'CENT, IN OSDCk TO NASI 100M VOS ODS SPRING STOCK in Oar assortment is still good,' and it is known to every . one'tiatour ' TOO CON3I3T8 Of FIRST CLASS GOODS. we ARE DETERMINED TO SELL, ! 130 DO NOT FORGET a ... i : THE ' CHEAP STORE 0' n ' - ." - -m "At.i V ' t-. m''iT . k n a p p;;& o o NO. 119 : SOUJH HIGH STREET, I V. ' .f 1...' 11! 1' ') 'il'l - ) r ', . OOX-X7XVX3T70, o n I O e S Ton of Featbera and - i ..... ,ll. .L.J K, , ;Rage Waated oetSS-Sawd-sAw-Sm .: SO Tons at OHIO 'STATESMAN HOUSE, : Nos. h 38 & 40, Nrth High St. INCREASED TACIIIXCESt! HAVING MOVED INTG iir -l. NEW BUIIDING; 1 .0ATE ' ' ' ' n ii MY"1 " iaot , BOOKiJOB.DEPARTfflU f .nt WHILB BOTH; HATJr.;yCEN . , REPLENISHED ; .THROUGHOUT I ' .WITH if ui.-j : e!i New . Types,; Borders,' Ornaments, ''&c raOM TH OILIB&ATKD- T0TJ1TDBT OF C T. WHITS A CO- ITEW .' TOBX 1 thtjb iui5 n vp. T; I . Most Completo ," Establishment '.'.'; .IN, JOITT, ; " ' I am' now prepared to Ixecute all Ordsrs tor BOOK AITD JOB WITH "DISPAXP.H! And la tie ost Approved Ityle of the Art . , . . 1 " . ' t .v fc"jiTioiniA Jt ATTtimoR paid to - . MERCANTILE vAND HAIIROAD i a 1 to 5? x asr a- Bllle of Lading, . Clrcalare, If lit stwaaae aiaaai, uovaei ... f!artlfi ataa. -.. -' -.-. At Laea Iota. . : Da-ay XicHeU, 4toKlalfra, H0W."CAlI) lit1 piLIS -"COLORS, WOTIS. ,-,,.T I ' WWT.flWS. 0 :0 .-HIADISOS, - C0TACn,-i IUnstxalea rShow Bills, Shaw Bills', Hand Uts; Isbeis, Ooneert Pro traJimoa, School ana. vousn Boaemes, o-. tet Bills ef rare,i -tviUtiojia Ae. . ' " . - - - - j '''. . B ooK;wori, ,1,' ,",OFi EVERT. DESCMfTtON 7. ll.i if Bolisot and-CoUan Catalofuse, ' ''.'.. J v. . Mlsaauaasaoi, -amph-Ha, ) . . " Constitutions, Reports, BrUfc, As "' ' '' " -nT i Printing :: Jtti: QoiaiiSKl. Cort 11 A . WltW '.'.'. iri-ta' la 'VrjMeB;ai. ! -n I1...11.I ... ; f v - V 1 naiiimotiHeo (Jylinderf ' The only rrees of the Had ta Central 0) Hy adltlee fcs doing any anlaO Of ta'a'daiarlp''v- on of work, ma bow B-unassed, and s-'.ac-ja J fry" All work ( ihedpro-pttytyth f!mer--' BICBA 0 Bi-. ; i'ww.!11irt?w i ' J " , t 1 ., .,. a t 2 sf aH"jf a-tS-4 ii rr Trrvrrn irrvw rnw . traordlnary sores by ssy , 3 - , PEOTOKAL StlttlP I... . "jiT .;.v.v.- Mi, . -AH.i4.-j They an at . i .... emlre ef tUpanwbehave toene-Mbg It, 1 KtTSX- IB VSIWisnn le in na m IH08I WHO HIKD BIS lUDIOAKB . ' ATTlIfD TO TOtTR AfltTit a J a landing eared by PB. KZIiuHV PoIOBl SY-iiP. mm. jnnl nr. . Ss. Ksna tUr wl bi in a-s ih . ai "J!? T bewthlnir, tor St or ete fan, wbleh , for sereral years back, bad gradually Inereaoedla violence. J be oomplalo t has been hereditary, and aha bed beea treated by Seenm pbyeics wtiM-.aBy n- in."uawnn nor see, I prooared eo ef yow Peetoral Ooush S.ran. I boachL tha t u- . an. eent bottle, , which isliend ber very much ; I then sailed v V1 u" wDwa earen ner ranrerr. and U has now ao trans of the former dlaraaa,e mt waak neas. I won Id also eiat (hat I need the medMan my eelf tan cold and songh. the nWietne enred me by uk lagenndoM I esprees my eaUre eatWVUoa with tte medkUM, and yon are at liberty to pablMh Iha tf yon deelre todoeo. WM. WILBOSi. .-. Annan Jib Ward. .7 " ' " 'rrTsmow, Wow. J9. tflga. 9a. Kirtn tAlthongh net an a4 wata W Pat-it H edlr-eet In general, It affords me pleaeare Indeerilbs ble to reconim end year Feeee. Syrny. At s adjoin e It Is well worthy the attention of any person ihatl In any. manomt bs sflleted with ooavlu, noldeaad hnweeiiaa of anv Bind, and for tbs pmii r qoalimUooe for re moving all that disagreeable sensation attend a te vereoold. ' ' . j-1 . .1; I bare been, more er leea. In my Ure, Tee'ed with the ssverest of colds and bbarseneei. At Umes ssy throat would beoome to el. sed aa to nravent mveneaklnc aboea wuur. s wj niu g a lew wiwm ei I aeev ntnp UwealdreUetnmteaUrely. In oommendlne this medlda e, t must unl it sltaUi ir say that It la Has beet remedr 1 ever tend. uiui. " urpartlBgse wlliiDnft ih oan w aoove. nor enonia aoy mm y be i remedy fordls eaeei sa preral ent. ' . . lonre. most reepeeslly, .-, IDWABDJ. JONi, ' ' ' .1 Ceaai w Clt eai' -q-tltBa&a- ." 4 instant tM,0.', illr9 I have ai ed Dr. Keyeer1 Oongh Snip rare bad eeagh of several yearn standg. and can afaeerfally say u Is the beat medio s for the same that I have ever t.sen -: ,i.W,fBiOM). COL. tRATT AND SB. SET81 00 Ii STBCP. Dn. Ksvua bear Sir Sia e lb 4elas of my a iwle dglag tbeezealleoo of yow Ptotoral Coagfa ojnip eooner. I u gra pnan Mr aayug Bat It a aU on nay It Is. M tnodbed tta oae eM of sty amp aod the worst one I wae ever afflloted li I bare net ueelmai aa an M of the battle. and I eaa and do wish that all who are afllioted woald give It as fair a trial is I hare clone, and y will be praod to aay.'-Xltoao e.oaok nmdloin." 1 would see soger aaother eneh aa attack for aoy eoaeid erailon, or at any eoet. I am eon adeotlaan breathe more freoly than Ia did ; Au always aefcaewledg e debt of gratltnda for Invent gee Hnuivi . way u miw m iiDvny w nee my nam In th Ie regnrd, ae yon thh. pruyer jLy.raatT. - Sleeeenger Common OoaaetL ftlUbunh. Fa ;Plttsonrjh,May 11, UW. - -- T ' - a asa na stranan t my lelleweil Inn-am I who atartalo doubu oan con: nlt aa personally. -i , - .t.f. P"we. Aprtl S4.18ST. ' felAD TBI THTJT-. Ba. man Ihaenndnagh etr who baa taken several medic e for a bad sough, wlthont broeflt among them Aysr's Cherry Pectoral.- two -based frees yon a betU af your BOtOkAL 8YBUP, and before sh bad used balf a bottle aba wa relieved. I be seoond bottle eared bee enttrsly of Aer sough.-- -. JOHH.A-Uf, Eobinson street, Allegheny. '7 PiTnacaen, Demosr, 3L 18SJ, A OBI AT CURB BIT II u. KtliMK'i riCTO-AL ft SUP. I lire In Peebles lowaohlp, AlUfheny eonnty. I had a tough g and spitting, which eomme wd aaoat the 4th of gebraary last, and eontln nad eight anoths. I employed the .beat pbyete ta la th aouatry, a my oough oontin ued nnabated until early in October. At tbat time I was advised to try you PSOTOBA L COCOH 8IBUP,whlohIdid,asdaftarI bad taken oo beule I was entirely free from the aoathii and spittlo m . I had despaired ef erer gettlog well, and I ink, it ekonH be known that this v valuabl a needy will do for others what Ithasdonalnmy case . JOnJI 0. LItlLB, i Wltneee . M. Bran. 1-eeoi lowablp. ;-;i PiTTOS Tp.. Attrll t 1A5. A WONDERFUL CtTBa Soma Usm Sfo, aa eld neighbor of mint was very 111 with a bad eoogh which every one supposed to be eons option. filtewSMIves tM ssa that as and lakem every aamedy they heard ef wil Mt beoeStt his broihir seme to eee him die. and mil were oob rm ed In thehal 4f that Un. I bad ebon I the third of a boula f yoar Pectoral grap. wdiob t ga i oima i enoreiy onrea n t, 10 lot ea b- wnmeni 1 niu- svaet 1 Is Iht utrama age of tha man, bebclog about elly years on. a oaT no ann ue reoconu btoo am Ufa. J -- i ;w :a Jtatwspjifn. tlft. -ETSIR'S TBCTOBAL STRUP W rifR4- TILLB .-.pieaaa send m aaolher rapely ( ywoevai a- sble "Pectoral Syrap." Almost everybody area d as has the cold and art Inquiring for "Dr. Keyaer's Pec toe Syrap. ' . Wa bave sold sixteen bottles met weak , sad are now entirely out. Mr. A. Alter aad r. P. Ma ber, both of Blalrsvl le. Pa , tell SS they would net be with ant It la their fern lilt. la met, all who aaa llanos want it go-ta, fsspectfully. - 3. a. wirmene a, fenwa I January 30. J06O..' ,m-0 .3,1.1 'OTH-B TtW 0RTIPrCAT-: tfitt-S'S PIOTOBA.SY-UPW had hseauwabledwr-aaoa-i and told tor ae iral weeks te bad waa It that I toald aet sleep. 1 had theadvtot and pfeeorlptlaaa feet ebreeef thabeetpaytfelansla thaty. whom leoaldaam,bide not da so. I noally pr ured a bottle of yoar Pattaral Byrap, Which sored saa en-rely. '' Blrned, - '; r 9J8 Uberly street, Pittiborgh. f., 0,l8W. . (..! J J !: i mmmmm e:of - "STOP rBArpOTJOHINa." 'Dow aaa I d Itr "Oo to Kr wr'i on Wood street aad get a bottle of nis Ooogfe PeatetaLaad I? V" -- T 1 TTW ttm , mm deepeiate .la deed. . Ibis U sspeoim ea of the oolleqny one bears s oet evwry day In told eatc hlrg- parted ef th nrnxj- Aad wa can. feeti aaiaal aaro a r- fotly aonoar In tha ad riser1, adaoaltaoa a abvva, lor we mv trKd ta -Teesoiai," ta a meet oinbsira. awn, with eattraeaoeeee. Bear twa Weeke aaa wwwat ttPluebargh, with an f lb mot dietrea sing, aontrary, mulleb. aa saoanaow aoagna we OTer expenenoea e oe oar aaveal a tble mnndane epber. W ewubed tbndllj wubed tendll 1 -borlonely fcr aaa wnolaw- -Menaaof itrtmc! bnlMeamaagtv la-tbat It seemed nuhar s tavaSar ppeeed by ta hart aoaulrtd eueoetb.petan ey aad mUlrniMUty by tha operation. ' It i eta gof the ales, wtwaibed ear way m -evwrKa. Ada We St. proeaieda flfly aeat bottle, ag a)PemH' took St aoaaMlo sa alreatMM, aaa - loriy gu Boar we were aenr if afteld, tbnaiy,1hi'rliig Ocditliinally eureadend, after a brief bot baequal'totiSlei With it tormldabte an adnary ae -weoH mo oo .Oeaah Pcc-ral." .tuiMarts fHajiwevtt, U,.tt-. ,r.M l.iu?ie ., a r-tittva-jr UK -XTSBRt PBCtTOBat. STRIJ? -tiiSQsd Mid eold k r eBOBSA A. U1K Ida V- aan Jj. r sua PI yoi-avae oy ausfif p ,. Tni(IIi- ItEllIIDT.ii w t -9J ? '-ni . ' A .-ml j . ; - -i c: 4b. 8UJEHC CXJTXK-" j ni!.'-'; '' -il ' i v ... .,...v Prepared and sold by , , f r ;Sj::ti. . . s.OB0. .'ITB, -i . ; 1) 1 m 4 HO V t-Pit-bargh, Pa. . Prtea,aeU. Oi 1 - j .-BOfi 1 U Boll la Oelamcae kg -0BXM9 It AJfOL. otkTlViaia im 1 -. - 'A J it.JAAICJi'IM.- WM.'BSfIAO- NIKEE-AESTIHAUX, '" ."tSvitn w'ma;ia;.-- a tti ' ,.fO,'a4 rteirifli'wlreett .v,--m--;".w 1 cotcsck, Ohio. a .i' HATBSi HAND Ar WHOIMITB wt Betell, 1MK'T KTAPLB .ai)0IBIK, rwC salt, tba cofrsa, n har, tosaoco, :'au., sto. arc. -vur stoca t i o-'.e j n inmil la ..t rjltWedaHn tn e Ial i. ir.it4. e -; - f j-..i. wbirAartnoeanw.cj, jicaeela Miotiity' wr.- tn,-i -tw.n eMR jj t.vea vi''.i Vit v, .rvm ', h.; !r,-.i . .... a .e?.-.,a . C3 ' O o o S"': o f J ni m - ,h J ra .T-.tfr'if "r .Tisf f: :';t e-;r:;