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THE REVISED STATUTE ' OF ID" ' C ?.ATO3. OF.QTTIO Cf 0EHEB4t MtjXUKl, IN fOBOl AfO. t MoO. fnsxorss or tes xsoisioxs cf tbxsv- (Contained In twtnty-altt voluaet of th Ohio sad Ohio & IttUBipnti) AND BSfBRINOIB TO PBIOR LAWS, MX IXXtlPBB .CRITCHlFELD,ESa In To Royal 8r. Volumes, Fuce $10 00. No Ml or lpnM hat beta tptred to Seeks lb work uAol tad reliable In a.11 runMti. it dm bow the LeaielaUtw'aiDCtlon, lurrTof bee P- Breveaby nearly tht unanimous Tott of acta Mojaaaa, end wae ordered to bs m.tribotod to the fcllclng Btttt ftewernor, A tternty Central, Supreme tdryi Comptroller, Treaeurer mm Auuitor . to tii Probata Coorte, Courtt a Commtn Plate, Saper I A D.ii... n.t. auditor, ui tht Gierke of u nrtosf Oourtslatach county to tht Membjrtot, the Bratt and Houet of Jiepreaimuuree oi ran .w. n ... k. ....n I uH of In UBiOO IbH book, -tmitalnlng, ee It doee, all ofi Ibt i a i. iMotnllii i of theta ad of tho Mow Oontl toiiaev will be found to bo tti ly aaeful la too performance of thtt duties, W,aU TOWNSHIP TETJBTBBS, l . CLERKS OF T0WN8HIP8,and af ai a.. mJ tlUTX iOf flfliBJ.: d 1 ' 7 Inannucu it very ataa etanfta aavebetn made t tbt ' Statntaa ttsoo tho publication of tho lst tuitions, or rv .I .iMniUiu d odditlono. Cod BMUUT lmirtatao- auatoaj bavtbaea Rives by tut Bupmet Court on ooa- troverteri points tut - ' ' ;-1 "'14 ' ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW, . rAtlKB9. MBhOHANTS - V":A . vJ7 il' W. BBsytBSS fctBN (JINSRACtt, Will tad thla an Inmluakla Work. TV JZtal Sro.- of ovtr Stnttttn Bmdrti .t Idltror lowllodraf.1' H-0 iH.Hfc '; !f.2ZOBSST CXJkXiKXV 6c CO.. i U roMtohor. VoOktellartr BUUoMrt tod Imporur. v Wo. 5 Wnt f orth ttrwt, ' Claetoota, Oi ,fttlS., it ii f. aTAMTPMHl ItllXXB, rublUhen. COLUMBUS. OSIOJ FRIDAY EVENING. FEB. 22, 1861. Anniversary of Washington's Birth- His Fare Well Address. ....-,:t fa '. VM I - . ' fl?ifahjVT& 22, 1861.U thene, hundred and twenty ninth anniversary of the birth of OtoMt WASUMWroa. Most of our reader are wso familial with the leading events of We W that it would be cut of plaot to 1-ecount them havev .Four years alter he resigned his com mission as Commander In Chief of the Amerl ,,oa army, be was called to preside over, the ' CobvenUon.' Jthst fcrmed our pment Federal Coostkutioa. SDd was unanimously elected the .,firet President of theTTnt ted States 1 Coaniw ' '-'ti."i .'t J his Inaugural addreas,' "delivered on tho ' tWrtteth dsy of April, 1789, President Wasb ' nams subaiitted to the car' and judgment of ' Cmrm to decide how far an exercise oi the - power delegated by the fifth article of the Con- .7. attaitioa. Misting to toe moae oi ameuaiug na Tttetrcment, was tendered expedlen at that juncture, by thi nature of theobjeotions that had ben ursed aiatost the system, or by the degree rf fcoeifttMte the had given birth to thenuiThls Uneuare Is sliehtly different from that of many nrofaescd patriots of the present day, who think tbaA no aitteatlon should bo paid to tho Uquid- mi that Is threatening to pormsnentiy sever theUniou, tmleee the complaints made oorres- pona wth their actions of what is just and right " But It Is proper, on this anniversary of Wasbj wotWs blxth, to Invito attention to bis "Fare . irell Address to the American People," dated tt'sleptomber 17, 1796,just before tho close'oi his alffhtvears' service as President of tho United , fitatov .Some narts ei this addrees, relating to Aa Imntutaneo aid value pf our Union, and to ' fte aangers to which His exposed, though oft lesi alluded to, cassot be too frequently sounded - oat.In the ears of the American people at this "atomeatoBS aisls. They come to as from the Father of his Country like the prophetic warn- n-. lnesof Israel's ancient seers. TheMFsreweU Atoe la orj&csM be la tho joeseseioa of pvery American eltiseu, sad we urge careful . ' pernsal and a serious pondering npon those por ' tlons of that document to which we bsve refer V'red. Let its suggsstioos and warnings be heed ' ed by all who love their country, and Yenerate ' tho memory of him who was "first in war, first o peaco,nj4 wal,and wo trust still U, "first tnthehearteof his eeuntrymen.". -"iL t ' r, ttf U...'. -u. - ' -' ' ' t':a ! The Appointment of Mr. Wolcott. it way oi extenuating the con. I duett of Gotv pcmnssK In sppelntlng the late Attorney General, Mr. wolcott, as rsaco . s Commissioner to"TrsshJngton, , Jomi C. f WsjobT, deceased, have denied that he was a wiwympetaiier with Jons Baoww, or a defender of "'"Ttli' cbnduot.5' In order to place that matter la its proper light, and to show . precisely Where Jtfr. Woixorr does stand, ws pubiisa tne loiiow inc from the Akrea (Summit county) Bcck, or.Deeeaber 7, 1859. Aftrf Itlerossl, tho m reader wilt have no diiUeulty in coning to ia sat- u i isXactory pan'ctaslon as to the facte; IdVlhe easei DECEMBER 2D IN AKRON. day. fixed by the .dtivfof i tho execution of oar old. neighbor, John :" -Tfown. was duly observed; with fitting oerenio- Tvny.byour citlisns.'. ' V A . Tho Court of Common Flew adjourned oa " pridiy jQorolDg, on motion of Gea. L. V. JSierce, who, in a short. Impressive speech, an aoanced. to the Court the . Judicial murder that - day to bo perpetrated.! .in tiewoC this feat, ho vw read tho request of tho members of the bar, In .which the Jury and .cffleerfor the Court joined, i. . thai f!AHt auHaarn. . . - " 1 TUe nmOtm wu $utM if JLtttrnii Qtniral Wolsettiii trtefwadi tUxpuut ifttc, le spate s iJodEO-" Carpenter replied In fitting terms, and '' ' (hemponeovrtadjournod until Saturday morn- .jxam '.-. .... ... .. 1 -' i ' 3 At 13 o'clock, the store and places of bad neee were .elceed, and tbobeJis tolled for one hour. A flag draped in mourning was suspend, ed from Empire Hall, whlthet the ei Usees of Akron and vioio'.ty repaired Invest numbers. Wo never saw this Hall (the largest in Akron) so crowded, as it was on this occasion. All the . teats were filled, and all who could find a place to stand did so. Judge J. S Carpenter was i,irbose President; David Hume and Judge Thompson, from Hudson, and Andrew Hams, and L KiDft-. Seeretary Geo. L. V. Bieree read T kltun at the life and character of Johi "Bfowo in a mtnnet which showed that ho felt VI (hat the old man was worthy to receive the graWful tribute of his old neighbors and friends, and on. & til tills OBS of Ct. BierOO. v B i.f tMi flowed ey lit. O. P. Wotcett, sdas md tae dirpitck frwm Chtletton, twelg ft ttd ercratton e Brow, foulowib it witbi jW. u ELoacmT csloov wanes wiu. aor a fob OTtU T TSOSI who bsb it. lie was followed by Dr. Tbos. Earl. Dr. Colo, ,i ... ff0f. Gatcbell, W. W. Uoodbue, w. r. Banners, I f er.d Us D. Tibbalf. tsi .. i. t t - , '"', A Boem. written for tbe occasion by ono f onr eidzend. was red by 8. A. Lane,' Esq. He alooreiMl a letter front Jobs Brown, wrlUtdt Mon (t.7. Nnr. f'J.h. Ihj9. to Jmambh BrOWO. bis ,. '."'r. llwnl oi of tie vf ynrrtinpt SB Ad . o:..s.j.i (ot itfi'g air. .. ah ; it h' 'jfor if JutHTt i Oiatth txtMiM it John Awniira vkuU kmfollHbtd if pibbtUnf th fkU whick smcAI and finmUf menu Ihu mnrtUr. Objections to the Morrill Tariff Bill. Aslid from lu obiouiltlei and eomplietIon, tW krd o larlaui cbjootloni to th Morrill Tdriff Dill, which bti pued .ht Senate and m proUM ptM thi Home. " '; " 4 f la the flrit place, there Id do oerUlntj that It will Inoreaae the tereone, which ii put forth at the eitcDnible ground for a review of the tariff 1 Oa the contrary,' it U th. opinion of practloftl md that It win bare the opposite ef feot tT dimlnlihlotf imporUtioo. . -.J .J la the leoond place, the pauage of thii Din will be moot Inorportune at the preeont time, at It will icrfo to complicate the dificultlee that lie in the way of a Mttlement of our icctlonal dlspetee.,, Ia the ease of a civil war, it will place no additional meana in the hand! 01 tne Government; but will, (natead, tend ta cripple Its operations and induoe foreign nations to enter Into oommeroial treaties with the seceded States Bat, without looking at the subject lu this aspeet, U is a sufficient reason to oppose the proposed change In our revenue system, that II will throw additional obstacles la the way or a peaceable adjustment of our great national con- trorersv, and furnish secessionists wltn new ar guments in tavor of a permanent withdrawal from the existing Union. Will not Hold Office Under Lincoln. The Jackson (Tenn.) following leUer: i i f Whij publisher i the OFFICE U. S. ATTORNEY, DISTRICT WEST TENNESSEE, JACKSON, Tuesday, Febr'y 12. Hi ExetlUncy, Jmt BucUntn, VTatKnyttm CWy, V. C. Sn: Feelinc that no Southern man can, with honor or a proper respect for himself, consent to hold offloa under the inoominc Administra tion, I hereby tender my resignation of the office of District Attorney for the Western Dis trict of Tennessee, to Use effect on the 4th day of March nest. t- - Very reepectfulty, obedient servant, ALEXANDER W. CAMPBELL. Colonel Cv M. Galuiwat,; Pestmuter at Memphis, has also tent in his resignation - to take effect en the fourth ot March The Difficulties in a Tariff Adjustment. The following extract from a late speech ef Senator Dooolas places in a pretty strong light tho difficulties that lie In the way of of a prop er adjustment of a tariff on imports: A tariff Involves two conflicting principles, which are eternally at war with each other Every tariff involves tho principles oi protec tion and of oppression, the principles of benefits and of burdens. Every duty levied npon the Importation of a foreign article which comes in competition with our homo production ie a pro tection to that extent. Every duty levied upon a raw material which wo do not manafacture here is a tax npon tbe manufacturer of that article here. Thus you find that by protecting ono Interest perhaps you will oppose another. For instance, if I am engaged in the manufac ture of pig Iron, I want a duty that will protect my Interest. You give It to me, and then a man engaged in another branch of the iron business comes and says that tho pig iron I manufacture is hit raw material, and by protect ing bo and my manufacture of this article you nut a tax oa his raw material, to his injury - H - .. .. . ... . v naa neen tnjnrea to tne same xteni was i nave been benefited; and then he wants protection on another point, to make up mr tne loss cn tbe raw material, l uut.wnen yon attempt to discriminate for the purpose of benefiting one. you are striking a blow at another. I Bs great difficulty Is so to adjust these conflicting pnnoi nles of benefits and burdens as to nuke one com. Dentate tor tbe other in tho end, and give equal benefits and equal burdens to every class of tbe community. The Difficulties in a Tariff Adjustment. OHIO LEGISLATURE. ADJOURNED SESSION. IN SENATE. THURSDAY, February 21. AFTERNOON SESSION. ' A Deseage was read from tho House, when the following communication, from the Board of Public Workti was read and ordered to be printed, vix: , : OFFICE OF THE BOARD of PUBLIC WORKS, COLUMBUS, February 21, 1861 TthPrtidtntftkStntt:. In answer to the following Senate resolu tion: ...... 'Ruolvtd, That the Baard of Public Works be requested to furnish tho Senate, as soon as msy bs practicable, with the bills of the particulars, ana specified items of the expenditures the past ysar npon tho Western Reserve and Maumee road, which, In the aggregate, makeup theeum of seven thousand two hundred and eighty dol lars and sixty-oeven cents, as etlted on page fortv-six of their report for the year 1860, and also what are tho present rates of toll on said road, aad wneuter tney can sot do increased as to meet tne annual expenditures.' Ths Board submit tho following SPECIAL REPORT. The Items of account herewith eumbmitted are condensed from tho engineer's and superin tendent's abstracts, on file in the office of th Board of Public Works, and embrace a period fifteen months, to wit, the Bsoal year lbbU, and the quarter ending Feb. 15,1861, for which time ths appropriation oi uarcn xotn, icou, was made, amounting to six thousand dollars; less than the whole amount expended, tor the tame period, by the sum or iwjm. . lne cos of sue creouon oi we aeavr bddsuk stents, referred to in tho last annual report the Board, built for the protection of the road the Maumeo river terminus, cannot bo separate ly stated, being charged in tho general account for superintendence and repairs. - Tbt orcsens retee oi tou are tne same as as tablisbod In 1846, and are, for light travel, from to iuu per cent, nigher man toe rates chareed on the national road, and, It ia believ ed, higher than tho rates charged on moot the tarnoiKos oi tne otate in waicn-tuo state ownaatook, and It is doubtful whether increas ed rates would sdd to ths revenues oi ths road. Ths Board would not, therefore recommend anv advance In the rates of toll for this road. Tho average jreeeipts lor the last ysar are about the same car mile aa those of the national road, wbioh has been kept in repair from tbe revenues alone, and it Is tbe opinion ot the Board that the 'Western Reserve and Maumee road can a loo be maintained from the revenues derivable cf JOHN L. MARTIN, President. Hems of expenditure on the W. R. & M Bnad from Nov. 15. 1859. to Feb. 15. 1861.. r- ENGINEER'S VOUCHERS. tutor of smb sad toaaa, .....Sl,fT OS tiatertote .w 37 08 Snvertntaodeut tad hone hire. .... 900 On Ctto Eoopor's abotraoU .....' 'i 19 00 Cook Stovao for toll aoUM- M 04 Looatof rntd ptt. ) SO 08 ! ml i lnfino'o txfmut m uoibbmh w settle.. M 00 1,301 SUPERINTENDENT'S VOUCHERS. Labor of boo and toaos ...;.t,71 TS'"- -rfr ktatorlal.. . 174 dd lHM.l.nilMit'. aalaM a4 aa . ' T rldio toil. ..;-....-.... blieosBt oa ebek. .... w-U--Oook Btayroalov Soil haast..... 735 00 II 00 10 09 W 88 8 88 1 Footato, ifanmi aad otlaaiaDBios . JOUoa'(0.... S 00 14,009 Thtro are locladod ta tho laporlBtoodont'tabitraetfer Xov., HISO, la feUowlns lunafor which tbors art Toasaora: labor i".-...... t..'.n.... ....aye OS taporlatoadont's Solaqr aad bono hire, Ii 00 S77S Balldlag troa UUpt...... HTTT.. 633 ulldlos oainra....... , gy) f araioluat stoat ...(CT TUt Tbortaasbooa toaaa aetht W.B. as at. road troa Vovoaber U, xm, m I obroary 14, tSei, lat toUowlaa tbocktr .. -,.., . f. i. Parks, SapOTlMoBdcat., $9 !03 W. J. Jockoon, Soirtiia......... i out M ooo IT St Co., tmildiof brldfo 5S3 aVHono. brtlljlnieolwto , .- 130 J.HtlollyranUttlaa ilm IvS The rteeiptt from tolls for ths stnt forlod art at fol- friho a.trim.v.:.r.i.... ........ tt , to tba srat tuartor t Cit Jical ytar 1801.. 1,1" Mt Xxetss ef esyendltorts ever rtttlpt f 1,69 n n. No. 5u8-Ta recast teotlon 8 of the act I of 1857, to prevent kidnapping, was taken from the Uble.anu.upon motion oi mr.itrguooa w referred to the Judiciary committee, wuu u stroctions to report in writing. Mr. HOLMES, from a Joint committee m Conferenee, reported btokS.B. 35 Concern ing Long View Lunalio Asylum, with no m trout amendment Report agreed to whloh pateee the bill. It ie similar to the law govorningthe State Asylum, and describes ths cnaracter oi persons wno snail do aomittea into mo aoju". vaiu, . - -- rr n 1.I..1 ,m iTnnni In Hamilton COUniJ neceeaary to entitle lunaucs ra ne utuwy the Ipatltutlonj exoiuaos laiois, ana pnmucm (or the removal of tbe harmlessly Insane front to their Triends. - COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. The Senate went into a committee oi the whole, Mr. PARISH In the cb air, ana anex some time, reported back 8. B. 234-To incor porate 8avinga' Associations with smend nents, when it wst referred to the,. oommlttee Ik. fllllnt.M...i 'Jl I ' .... Also, H. fl.'.aia-Autnorisiug tue popi Ravenna to tax taemsetsea lor.acooot pupwn. Referred to tho oommlttee on schools. , . ; - t FIRST READING. xx n ' ta. aiSTa' reneal an act therein . '.j. k.ina. a hill In nntofrthaallowauoefor naiusu, - - - . . . teachers' Inatttutes, as proviaea oy av r AOa 'J .. . . . . .. , - . J. BILLS INTRODUCED. By Mr. FERGU30Ni"8;B. 16. 5246-Sup-i,i.ntar tn the atslenmsnt set of 1859. It is designed to make laborers preferred oredltora By Mr. KEYt S B. No. &17-To repeal the act of March 22, I860, authorising the city of Hamilton, Butler county, to oorrow money. The Senate Adjourned. ' HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. AFTERNOON SESSION. so e of oi at . of . ! 7t 1 91 so OS ffi 00 03 47 t7 88 00 OS 45 l as 09 Ths committee on Claims reported beck 8. B. 217 For tbe relief of Alexander 8. Letts, when the bill wae road a third time and passed yeae 76, nays 5.-' - " (l The Judiciary committee, to whom was re ri th ratolntlon of Mr. Davore. relating to the per diem of absent members, reported the same back and recommended its indefinite post oonement, which was agreed to yeaa 66, nays 89, The committee on 8cboolt and School Lands reported baok U. B. 304 To enable the leseees of tbe Virginia military lands to surrender leases and take deeds, and recommended it. annmianit and DansaM. when, . On motion of Mr. MoSCHOOLER, the bUl was laid on tho table. . Tha SPEAKER announced to the House, that he should, from this Urns forward, observe the etriet letter of the law, requiring the attend m nf mamberst and that, henceforth, a de ductlon would be rigidly made from the per diem of all members absenting inemseives wun outleave. ' ' t ' Tha Jndiclarv committee reported back a. B No. 153 la relation to contested elections on MniMtad ntv seat oases, with smendmente M.. THOMPSON, of Perrv. made a etatement F tha mndltlon of the cubllo mind, in relation to this subject In Perry county, to which this hill was intended to apply, and said it was not desired by the people there, sod therefore be moved that tne out on raaenuneiy poatpoovu. . The amendments to toe bin were oisagreea to yeat 41, says 43.' i Mr. VlWliCits lavorea tan puwounsoi aa a peace measure. ' ' - Mr. ROBINSON ecpportrd the bill as de manded by tha people to settle a vexed ques tion. ! Mr. V ORIS was lor me postponement, re garding It ae a duty to close tbo contest mat hii on inns mum iciit wuu.j. ' -1 -m. j- Mr. THOMPSON nrged the postponement of the bill, and assured the House tnat not one man is ten in Perry county desired tbe paesage of this bill. . Mr COX reminded tbe House tnai ink atas tor bad been sanctioned bv a House Well In formed on it, end this bill, which was only to mM a defect, mlcht bo allowed to pass. ' Tbe bill was then indefinitely postponed yeas 59, nsys 31. i ' . . . . Tha committee on Municipal Corporations re ported back H. B. 183 To a meed the city and village Incorporation act when the bill tu set ror a intra reauicg to-morrow. .... . .i Tha oommlttee oa Printing reported back S ft. 221 In relation to tbe publio reports with some amendments, which were agreed to. Mr. PARKOTT moved aa amendmenc Dy changing the number ox tbe reports tor tne Central Lunatlo Asylum, which, was agreed to. ' , t : , j . . Mr. 8T0UT moved to amend ny striking ont ths reports of tho Idiotio Asylum, which wss Disagreed to. Mr. 8LUSSER moved to amend by confining the nrintinff of documents in German to tbo re ports ol Auditor and Commissioners ot Statis tics. He eald that these two documents would supply all the information needed. . ' Mr. BROWNE, of Miami, defended the printing in the German language, and be would very oneerruuy morease tan quantity. . Mr. fLAnio concur rea wiu jur. eiotoer. He said tbo amount of documents printed in German was too small to be of any use. It was a humbug pr , but to be required to humbug a thousand German constituents with six or sev en copies of documents. c . Mr. FELLOWS was in favor of printing a liberal amount in; German. He thought it wae due to the people reading that language. Mr. DAVIS was. In favor of printing a fair and liberal amount of documents in German. It was lor the benefit of a people who had done as much as any other In developing tbe re sources of the State. He would bsve enough of them to be well distributed, or he would not print any. . ' Mr. BALDWIN made a statement of the Ger man documents under this bill, that each mem ber would have to distribute, would not bs more than one or two copies- ''"...'""' ' ' -On motion of Mr. SLCSSER. the bill Was re ferred to a select committee Messrs. Sloster,. Plants, Baldwin, Thompson, of Terry,- Van Vorie. -; : ' Ths SPEAKER appointed Messrs Munton, Rosa, of Morrow, and Sluster, a committee to examine and report upon ins Artesian wen. Tbe Judiciary committee reported back H. B TSo. 31S To prevent the harboring or secret. log fugitive slaves, or preventing the recapture of the same recommending its Indefinite poet; In m'akin'g (his report, Mf. ROBINSON aai'd be bellevca the Constitution of the United Ststes requires Congress to enact necessary laws to re turn fugitives from justice sod from servioo. .1 came to this conclusion Iram toe loiiowing con l.t Runnaa that elaiiaa of the Constitution baring reference to this subject wss Inserted at the .request ot tne siaveuoiuing Dtaies. innj were unwillinc to trust the non-tlavehcfldlnf States on that subject, and Insisted that it bo part of the Constitution of the United States, and not of ths Individual 8tates. , 3d,, Because tbe first United Ststes law for tbe return of fugitives from justice and' from servioo wss enacted in 1793, by the same men ho marln (ha Caoatitutlon. ' J ' 31. Because the highest conrie of the Butte sod of ths United States have invanaoiy so av oided whenever the qoeeuca boeDeen) tusde oa fore them. . . ., He was opposed to aStatd fugitive euro lav i- .u -i ... rr.i.. c.i. la-. i i 1st. Because the United States Court, ta tho PrLee cass decided that Congress bad exclusive tnrlaiiintlnn of this aubieet. . " ' ; . . ii. uanauaa auca law ta uui uvLwaij, w. present United States law being more tban suf fioieally ssvero, and if it is pot sufficient, Con. ami nncrht to amend It. . ....-.. 34. Because it would produce conflicts be tween tbe State and federal courts. i . ' Tha ortmtnal (urtsdlotloa of the State and Federal courts are as different as that of entirely different goveromenta. A prosecution ana con viction or acouittal In one luriidlotlon would be na bar ta a prosecution In tbe others and there by, for the same offence, a person could bo put in fMoardv more tban once, which la ia direct vlolatvoo of the Constitution of tbftStete of Ohio. Mr. HUTCHESON made a reply to wis ro- porti and defended tho bill m a . written argu ment, which wae reaa to me noma taaiDj tu Calhoun doctrine of fitato tights. Ha, offered them as his Individual ppIrdpnsV.H objected to tha Fugitive Slave act( as a National statute, contending that tho States ehoold provide such acta themselves; and this pill wae ratenaea as a step ia that direction; " .' L' " ' -n ' Mr. -f LAOG toss and said, that, Si Demo crr.t, fc trust protest tntust the speech Just t&ade, ai not democratic; and he Was ' glad to hear tho gentleman aay that it wae his Individ ual view He advocated the ) doctrine of I iwpular sovereignty as tho true democratic the ory! and supported warmly tbo oompremloea of ltfbu, . tie rererred to tne unarieetpn uocvou tloo, where tbo Calhoun men, by pressing their doctrines, had broken up the Demooratlo party, and left tbo Republicans to take tne control oi tbe country. The frlenda of popular sovereign, ty had appealed to the Republicans to desist In nresslnn- tha election of Lincoln i but tne wouia beftrta nothing; and now wo havea oriais upon ns. The KeDubl cans, like tho auaok oootor, would persist In throwing tetbo oountry Into flu. Now we art in fits; and the Republloan doctors do not propose to do anything, unless to glvo the; patient gunpowder.' He reviewed tbo general atate of nutlet, and contended that the doctrine of popular sovereignty honestly applied wouiane tne proper care. Mr. HILLS replied to Mr. F., and quoted tbo opinion of the Charleston Mercury ot the Doug las wing of the party, that their platform was so iramea at to allow tnem to lie nu uuuomj aim he thought the course they pursued In the cam paign fully (ustlfied this declaration, n -' " The commute than renorted back 11. a. ooa, and H. B. 850 Relating to fugitives, etc , and asked thai they, with H. B .319, be laid upon tne taoie. winch wss ssreea to. , . , mr. uujn V JLKBE presented a minorKy report, with tbe same request, which wss sgreed to. " - Tho House then took a recess till 10 o'clock A. M to morrow. IN SENATE. FRIDAY, Feb. 22, 1861. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. By M. PERRILL Of George Dsvenporte, and 75 others ol Pickaway county, against the sale or lease of the Publio Works. Referred to Committee on Public Works. -' By Mr. M0R8E From A J.Gilbert end 185 others, for an appropriation to relieve the euf fawalwlCa tw wllata mukL m V m a.a it V T.ailaW ''ja" ihafj table. ' -'a ' ' By Mr. BREWER From Jacob Ileaton -a luaa ws nuv, LCUI'lU UI aktBUrfst w. AJNita van suw and others, of Salem, Obio.on ths same Subject, tsame disposition. r - 1 Also: from David Augustine and others of Columbiana county, for legislation to provide tor tne disposition or incurably insane persons Benevolent Institutions. ; 1 1 QBy. Mr. GLASS, from Leonard Swigart and 44 others, of Richland county protesting sgainst toe passage of a. B. SOU, Unless provi. eion Is made lor the payment of the floating debt. R. R. committee. f 1 ' : ( SECOND READINGS. S. B. No. 233 -To amend anaot entitled "an act to exempt tbo homesteads of fsmilies from forced eale on execution to pay debts," passed March 93, 1850. Committee of the Whole. , ; S. B. 235-Relatlog to tho indexing and Iran. scriDing oi judicial records of ratrnaid county Committee of the Whole. - 1 H. B. No. 318, by Mr. REES, ol Morrow to repeal an act therein named. Whole. . H. B N0.9&3, by Mr. HE RRICK Requir ing county auditors to make returns to tbe Audi. tor of State of the amount of fees received by county auditors. . Whole. - - , ,- ; , H. B. No. 317. bv Mr. BLAKE9LEE Sun plementary to the various aota in relation to the organization of cltiee and inoorporated villages H. B. No.:343 By Mr. FELLOWSTo amend an act entitled "an act to amend the act entitled an act prohibiting anv citizen of this State from holding, by appointment, more tban one oi severs! offices therein named,at the asms time, psased March 36, 1859. . Whole , SECOND READINGS. BILLS INTRODUCED. 8. B. No. 248: By Mr.' E A30N To provide ior keeping streams of water clear of floodwood end other obstructions. - ' y- 8. B. S49i Bv Mr. SMITH To amend the road and bridge act of 1858. ' ' r kcrotTs raott stamdiro tnsimu.; . Mr. 8PRAGUE, from the Committee on En- tolbnent, reported tbo oarollmeat pf nndrj mm, dii. ... . j ,e ,,, t..'a , COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. On motion of Mr. FISHER, the Senate resOlv. ed Itself Into Committee of tbe Whole on the orders of tho dsy, Mr. Harsh in the ohair; and after some timerpent therein, rose and report ed back tha following Bills, some with, and some without amendment) vis:1 ' - - H. B. No. 317 Referred to Judiciary Com mittee. ...,.., . H. B. No. 389-Referred to the Judiolsrv. H. B. No. 343 Tbe Committee reported favor of striking ont all after tbe enacting clause and the Senate agreed. . ,. H.B. No. 318 Referred to School Commit tee. 1 " " .. - MESSAGE FROM THE GOVERNOR. The following communication was received from the Governor, vis: THE STATE OF OHIO, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. Columbus, Feb. 22, 1861. To ths Gbmual AsskMBLT of Ohio: i I h ere with transmit to yon a copy of a memorial tbo Territorial Legislature of Kansas, addressed to the Governor and legislative Assembly tho State of Ohio, relative to tbe recent unpar alleled drouth in Kansas, and the sufferings tbe people resuiuug toereirom, together with the accompanying documents. Tha facts presented sre such aa stronelv ap peal to the sympathy of the people of Ohio for and I submit them to ¬ W. DENNISON. EXECUTIVE OFFICE, KANSAS TERRITORY. Lecompton, February 7th, 1861. Yooa ExctixiHer: Pursuant to tbo veaulro menu of a Resolution; of . ths Legislative As sembly of this Territory, I bava the honor transmit herewith the accompanying paper, bo laid before tbe honorable,' tho Legislative Assembly or toe state over wnioe you preside. xa Very Respectfully, Tour Obt; Serve. : Lecompton, February 7th, 1861. G. M. BEEBE, Governor Territory of Kansas WILLIAM DENNISON, JR. Governor State of Ohio. Columbus. a TO TBI UOVISHOa ADO AaXOISUTlVf AfSiaBLT os th Statc of Ohio: ' . . We, tbe Legislative' Assembly of the Terri tory of Kansas, would respectfully and. earnest ly represent: , i j .... -1 . . That the ceoDle of Kansas have suffered, du. ring the put summer, from '.ono'of the . most severe orcutbs ever pel ore known in tut history of this or any other 'country a ' Wa do not deem It necessary to spread before you a detailed ac count of, tho hardahipe Consequent npon this stats of ! things', ws will only say that wo amazed whenever called to contemplate the se verity and extent ci toe calamity. , , - Not lets than thirty thousand persons are now and will bs dependent for subsistence npon out side resources, until Our next harvest, and, addition to the need of provisions and clothing, a large amount of seed wheat, corn and pota toes will be required at an eariy aay, or the cit izens of Kansas must, to some sxtent, remain beneficiaries upon eastern liberality for the year to come. Tbe snow, anion nas fallen in Im mense quantities all over our country, burying beyond tho reach of our stock the principal source of subsistence whloh remained for them in tbe dry grass of the prairies must inert tablv cauae the death, by starvation, of largo portion of our cattle, while at the ssmo tims tbe roads are rendered impsuable and people exposed to greatly Increased privation suffering, from tho difficulty of retching Bointa where food is to be obtained; from these causes we have great reason to apprehend that our condition In tbo spring must bs belpiee and hopeless without a liberal and prompt re sponse to this appeal . . . . . ., , i . Wo are assured from the offioe of tbo Relief Committee, at Atchison, that the indications daily becoming, more and mora alarming, conaequsnuo of tha falling off oi private dona tions, and wo ire nrged to take measures to pro vide for tbe worsttbat may yet be In tbe future. We are especially desirous to procure from beuefialariae, tbe means of furnishing our people at least one handred thousand bush els of seed wheat, and a sufficiency of com and potatuoa ior spring piauviug. .. ,. , -. Our position Is one of extreme trial; already overwhelmed with a deep sense of obligation sympathising friends in tbe feast, who nave hith erto, under the kind promptings of generous hearts, opened wide their .hands .for our relief, wa are still impelled by painful necessity, from, what we know of the condition of the country anew oar appeal., aoaressini purseivee in suie Inatavnoe to the aonoantrated eenerosltv Of our Mtorn friends, as representedjn the Iej,!!elive aasemblys now in session. . , , ' I XiTfi trtnn aaa, ouwviMrv, uim w vuuuit.uu.. v vur people nay ot considered, and as seed tuna rspldly approaching, wa earnestly desire -that whatever is to be done to save us as a peopie from a proltvoetloa of onr destitution and suf fferluglbeyond another harvest be done spoedlly. While we deplore the sad effect of eurreoent severe weather, and storms of snow,' wo recog nize behind the c;oad tho benignant designs of a kind Providence m preparing ,oui soil, bv a process preeminently adapted to the end desired for an early and suoctesiui spring culture. The Territorial Relict Committee bare an ofiloeatthe city of Arohison; and tbey have the confidence of the peoplo of the country; and we believe any funds committed to them win be wlselv. faithfullv and caultablr distributed over the Territory, according to the necessities of the people; but those who may prefer to dis burse their obartlee through other channels, will of course, consult their own judgment In tha mattflH. - i 1 1 . , With grateful acknowledgment for the kind sympathy and substantial aid. always received, your memorialists, as In duty hound, will e ever Columbus. JOHN W. SCOTT, Speaker of tbe House of Representatives Alfsio Gaar, Chief Clerk of tbe House of Representatives , T rrWW.UPDEGRAIT. . '.Hi President of the Council J.J. InoIlls, ' Secretary of the Counoll. 8. B. 22Ci For the Relief of Kansas, was la- ken op. An amendment In tbe Committee of the Whole to appoint Tbos. Ewlnz Jr., of Kansas, Commissioner under the bill, wae not agreed tel Air. GARFIELD made a warm appeal in be bait ol tbe mearure. Mr. HARRISON said the Constitution re quires that the specific object for which moneys are raised bv taxes-enau do stated, ituiu not teem to him that there is sny fund from which this money can now be taken. Mr. GARFIELD said it could be taken from the same fund that the money is taken front to bay the Peace Commissioners. " This is lust aa constitutional as that, 'r ' i The question recurring upon the passage of tbe bin, It was lost. - Those who voted In the sfflrmatlve were Messrs. Breck, Brewer, Cox, Fisher, Garfield Morse. Parish. Potts and Ready . Those who voted In the negative were: Messrs. Bonar. Collins, Cummins, Eason, - Ferguson Foster, Glass, Harrison, Harsh, Jones, Key, Las key, Newman, Perrlll, Potwln, Smith, Hprague, Stanley and White 1. - - r " Tho Governor's message snd ths memorial were ordered to be printed. Mr. SMITH introduced 3. B;No.350-To amend tbe .act of April 8th, 1856, concerning Connty Commltnioneni; and (he amendment thereto of Feb. 26th, 1857. ' " -The Senate sojourned. ti. ' r 'i' '.i r: HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. FRIDAY, Feb. 22. Praver bv Rev. Mr.. HOGE In of of of to to ' 1 are in t the and tho are in le gislative to to is " Mr. BALDWIN presented a statist! oal table of tbo salaries of County Treasurers, which wss ordered to be printed, 1 , ,' .. Yesterday, on the question of postpo&tng tho bill to repeal the act to encourage Teachers' In stltute, the report doee not exaotly state Mr. Rest', position. The following is a correoted report of his remarks:,,. 4 rr j ; 7-;- . Mr. REES, of Morrow, advocated tho pass age of the bill on the ground that the teachers were liberally paid fortbelrservices,snddidnot ask for an appropriation of ths State. Only five counties' In tbe State bad availed themselves ol tbe benefiteof the law, yet Teachers institutes were held In many of the coon ties where ao ap propriations were made. Mr.Reeedld not deeiro that the profession of which he was an humble member should go cogging; no aisq wisnea tnat all necessary appendages ebould be stricken off from onr excellent school system that bao ; a tendency to make It unpopular. ' Tbe question pending from last evening,' be leg the postponement of H. B. 350 To punish the assisting or giving aid to fagitlra slaves, , Mr. 8C0TT, of Warren, offered the follow lag, amendmnt: I .Vi; J .1 ' Amend by inserting alter the word "State," la line 5, section 1 , "or give a eup ot cold water, or a morsel of bread, to such fugitive alavos, or look toward the North Star while In the pres ence of such slave, or In any way direct any such fugitive to any underground railroad." v After the wotd "hero" la line 10, add "and if the offender be a widow, whose husband has recently died, her right to remain on the home stead, or the usual one year's support." In line S, section 3, after the words "such slave," Insert, "and if tbe fugitive slave be female chattel, and occupying a social relation to her master conflicting with the principles contained in the amalgamation statute, double tbe value of said female chattel shall be paid to the bereaved master, together wltn any other losses hs may have sustained in affection, do meetlo psace, or otherwise." Mr. SCOTT gave way for Mr. Tanneyhlli to offer a resolution, which was adopted, ordering a national salute to be fired in tbe State House yard at noon, in honor of tho birth of George Washington. Mr. SCOTT spoke to bis nmendmsnt, and Il lustrated the subject by the Democratic sup port of R- M. Johnson in 1840; and then refer, red to the opposition to slavery manifested by the same party aboutten years afterwards,and argued that if tbs opposition to slavery and the fugitive slave acts is the cause of the recent secession diffl. oulties, the Democratic party is responsible for it. He read from the journals of the Legislature and messages of Gov. Wood to show tbe and slavery position of that party; and cited the troubles under the present administration, during which soms forty minions 01 collars had been squandered, and the national treasury bankrupt edall of which, he said, had thrown the nation into fits. What tbe doctors will do he could not say. - - '- ' - Mr. PLANTS said ha regarded this subject at one of great.' Importance. It wasmot tbU bill, and Its bloody provisions, and its atrooious penalties, that he objected to, as that It was step, a beginning, at which wa may well start. Things In this world oome by growth: The oak at first msy be destroyed by a grasshopper, but escaping dangers, it at last defies the storms ages. So with this. It is a growth from germs within tbe Bien of the natloa,: He desired look at tbe prinolple-at Istue.- It Is not tbe negro. - It is tyranny, that manifests itself Boston as In Charleston. Jt is oppression- the weak. . It has unfortunately happened that slavery existed In this country, and it baa fa. vored this impulse of tyranny, and wo see manifested In this institution. The Irroretsi bio conflict shows itself on the slavery question; bnt it is a conflict between right and wronn. Wo cannot control it. God has constituted so that ws ctnnot repress it. The evil and tbe good- grow from germs within us.. He read from' iifferson's Motet on.Vlrtrinia, on slave ry and Us ellects. Have your fugitive sieve laws changed these thlngiT said be. Can yon dethrone tbo Almighty and arrest the-oDeretlou . .of -these . uws. .of titer nail Justice t XL wondered' what; Jefferson amnld have thousht. to have seen crave leo-. Islators, to-day, in the middle of the nineteenth oectury. proposing the atrocities or this bill. Wa nroDOse to appeae this aotppeisable Instl tntion by sacrificing our humanity to It. You might as well.attempt to appease the wild beast by feeding it npon your netn. no aepreoated thatendenor of measures to lead us from the idea that our rights are given by Qod to sus tain our humanity, and, substitute that other blasphemous idea that our rights are derived from human enactments nd cnnetitutlon.e There mleht be a jubilee ta Hell over the enforcement of thit tot; but he" did not believe tho people of Ohio oould be made to en loroe such an act. He biusnea for nts race, wneu no louno men willing, for a little political advantage thus appeal to the basest passions of tbe degrad ed mob. ' And thit Is done to save the Union If this is the condition of its salvation, it la not worth saving. He did not believe the Demo cratic party of Ohio is to demoralised at to take such means to aava It. And yst they ask tbe Republicans to go these lengths, to save it.. Tbe Republicans ao not ciaim trie ngni to interiere with - Slavery in too otstes, out we ao oisim and insist that II eball Dot so into tha Territo ries. Hecbmpared the condition of Virginia with free States in Illustration. To the questlon.wbat will the Republicans do, hs said, wa will show after the 4ih of Marob, whether we must use the powder deprecated eo much, or Kentucky hemp But we will take the Constitution and tbs law, and live by them like men. lie thought this bill should not pass, because it was a step in tha direction of despotism. Yon cannot re ureas this conflict in the nation any more than yon can repress the eonflct of good and ovll in tha individual man. There le no place td stop In this progress of tyranny, till, tbs pall of des potism is spread over tbe en tire seene,--; Except for some oversbadowlcf political motive, suoh bill could not pass. Honest men fromion-' est motive never could be got to vote for suoh bills as these. If passed, they will only degrade the people. He combattsd the idea that we must obey all hnman enact ments in loroe. if that were true, every mar tyr that nas sunered is a tool. ' ur tne higher law. lei isiatiou mutt oe in acooruance witn 11 or it is ouly a nuisance, but a mere obstruction In the wav or rroviuence, wmcQ will eo on ana crush all tha little Impediments we can put in tha wav bv our enactments. xou can onlv Pro duce misohief by it; but that higher law will be obeyed' Tbe lollies of our enactment oome of our Ignbrsnce of thst higher law. We may disregard that lawt but lie who ordained It will maintain bis authority. x Tbe House then took a reoct a. An Express to the Oil Region. The 'amount of business created by the dis covery and development of tha oil In the Aliegneny valley region is airmay very itrgo, and is constantly Increasing. The oil business is yet In Its infancy, and cannot fall to become one of the chief matters of trade iu western Pennsylvania . Pittsburgh is the point at which this trade will naturally concentrate, xne on trade has already proceeded with such rapid strides that tbe faoilitles required fall far short of tha business to be dona. Tbo tiaturo of the business tbe constant requirements for supplies, tools, Ao., renders a sure and speedy communi cation between Pittsburgh and Franklin a great desideratum. It is, when the Allegheny river la closed to ntvlu'atiou, s slow Process to send small packages to tbo oil region and yot the oil miners constantly need them. It seems to us that it would pay that enterprising snd use ful institution the Adams Express Company, to establish an express from Pittsburgh to Frauk lln. bv wav of Eaon Valley, New Castle and Mercer. The business would pay from the start, and In a few months it cannot fail to in oreaae largely. PiKs&urpA Pott. Fort Sumter. Latiara tram ihit fort. lastired from Cabtlia DoQblt day, ont of Um offlctrf la command, rtporttliatUit Boulh Carolinians hart ertctad aa Improvable battery on OummlDKt' Point, of railroad iron, and that a terrible fltbt eaa bt mada from that point. Tha treoRth or that poiltlon, It hat now beea made, and liDdion, at itdou, flTo-elghUn of a milt from fort gamter, will en atM tbt Souih Oarollniant to do frost' Btlichlef. . The work on fort Monltrlt hu also bteo pnihed forward lap UIt. and Iti itrtnith Is now inch at will withstand the runt on fort Sumter tucottirully., Ihlt, wt balltve, It Ihs flrat lniuuiot where iron has Been uttl in rorunea tlona u a mcani of doftntt. thoulb. both tbe French and Hnglith are trylnf Itt tmcltnoy In war ttcamtrt. But why eonld not a fort bt built of Iron, Instead of itone? Too rttlttanet of Inn to any force U known, tod blocks tl thit motel oould bt oast sufficiently thick to recelva a ball harmlMilv. at an anvil recelTes a blow from tht blacksmith's hsmmar. Bach Iron blocks oould bt bettor fitted than ttona, tad they wonld last for all time. Tbt f xptntt of such fortifications weald bt great, but their Indestructibility and efficiency would make them ha nhaaneat in tha Ion a ran. Tbt terrible cower which trt hu Imparted to tht dettrnotirt- projectile of war rcndars It necessary inai anaiuonai mesne oi miiuuDf .hn.M ha riaviaad. and iron aaema to ha looaea 10 aa ai. f fording the required protection. riMaMpMa latgtr, : T ; --r- r- "The Sick are Healed." -This, our readers will remember, was thejoyr ful crv of tha multitude when the treat Pbysi cian was upon earth; but, although the daya of mlraoles are passed, sun, a una rroriaence nas provided oures for every known dlseass. Some may not have been discovered, but others have, and among them we find Kennedy's Medloal Discovery, the ereat humor medicine, if ever a discovery was made, under, tbe direction of aa overruling Providence, t was this. By; sccident, ths herb principally used In compounalnghls remedy 'was Mr. Kennedy while cross, lne a pasture nesr his hduse; and since that time, he has labored to cure his fellow-men of every hereof with wmen tney were scitotea, ana ho deserves the support ana encouragement o: the commnlty. 1 " ' - '"'- ' ' '' j Holleway's Pills and Ointment. FCTJ roa 'thSc "lrfiliioai-'Bf Wrscent enac ment of the French covercmeat, these- fnedt eines are admltUd free of duty, into .all ports of Franco. Tbey are extensively . employed in all the publio and military hospitals throughout the Empire. The Emperor has signified his appreciation or meir virtues un an antograpu letter, to Dr. Holloway. Durine the late Cam paign in Italy, large quantities were used for tbe wounded at tfreaecia and montecaiaro. ooid by all Druggists, at25 cts., J2 cts .Md $1 per box or pot. c ..... Dr. Hall's Balsam. This popular snd truly valuable medicine Continues to effect tbe most-astonlshlng cores; and, it the statements or good cititene are en titled to is worth tbe attention or ov ary CUlNSUMrrjvrJ, ana a fair trial by an who aro troubled with any disease ol tne Throat tr Lung, " M - JOa.iii j, ji GUERNSEY'S BALM! a of In of It ns to 1 I ! CANAEIAJI tt U2STIED STATES MAIL STEAMERS TO AND IBOM . J 51 r., j LONDONDERRY,' GLASGOW, Liyerpool Montreivi; Quebec, ttnd Tht Montreal Ocean Eteamihtp Companrs Srtt-olaot fnl.poered Olyde-rrallt gteamert tail ivery Hata ureiatr from PORTLAND, carrying tht Cana-llan and Cclted states Mail and paMngra, ;-! y WOaWBOIAN, NOBTH AMKRIOAN, t' BOUBHIAN, ANGLO-SAXON, I ' " NOETH BRITON, I1I0BUNIAN, , .CANADIAN, NOVASOOTIAN. j S ft Or tea i, Cbeeipett andQnlckcetCan a i ;.'. Torance f roua a - ? , i .. AHEEICa 10, AIL FASTS .OF XtTBOFX. ' ' Ita6as of PaesaKe'to Kur6pe, ; .rcfT S530, wo, .ao.-f 1 ' Will sail fronftlV SRPOOL every Wednesday, tod from OUanSO owery Saturday ( eaJling LONDONDCRKT, to receive on board and land Malls and Paaaentert. to and from Inland and Scotland. Uibete Bteamert art bmilt of Iron, In water-tight compartment!, carry each an experienced Burgeon, and very attention ,ht paid to tbe comfort and accommoda tion of niasenaera. At they proceed direct to LONDON- DEB.Y, tht great rlik and delay of calllof at Bt. John's It avoided. in. i Olaogow paasengsrs art furnished with run paaSagt tlckatt to ana irom iionaonaorry . i . Iletorn tiokete granted at reduced fateg. I Oertiheatet leaned for canrrylnt lo aad brlnvlng out baa penmen from all the trinclpal towns of Great Britain and Ireland. t reduced iotea, by this llneLof steirmert, 'aod by tbt WAbUiriUTUfi 4. inn us bailuiq tauhsi; leaving Uverpool tvery wetk. -;-a. " n j Sig-tit Drafts for 1 1 and npwartTt phy sable fa Kngland, Ireland, Suot-i .. .land tr Wales. I For ptiaagei apply fct the Offloe.'' S$r RRO Atj TV AT, New korlt, and 19 WAT Kit ST., a I BABEL fc 8SASLH. General ieeiit. Or to- X J. R. ARMSTRONG, j a ' ' oolO-lyd Aw . Statesman OfBce, Columbus, Ohjo .i i.ifi:. : i Sheiifi's "Salo. Jamtt Ohsny.fluaidlaa, Ae.a ij,,..- I vs. - - " Beltby order of Cpurt. OldtoaTtsdemark etal.- )-- BY VIRTUE OF AN OStDEH OF SAL, to me directed from tht OouK of Cotamoa Fleas TransUn county, Ohio, I wlllofferfor aala at tht doer tht Court Houn, In tht city of Uolumbut, ta w 8aturday, March 30th, A.p. 18G!;--1 between tht hours of 10 o'clock m. end 4 'stock t m., tht following described real teta-e, tttuaU IS tht county ef franklin. Butt of Ohio and city of Columbus, and beunded and deacrlbed aa followa: In-Iot No . Seven band red and ninety-eight, (703) eltuate en tht north aide of Srland atreet. and being the eecrind lot eaet ef fifth atrett, and fronting on friend atreet, alxty-two and S half feet by ont hundred and tlghty-teven ana a half - feet north to Cherry alley, being ibe full lot of 0f feet i feWailArta fl W. BTTf f MAN. Whrlff.T: rrlnMr'tfeei It 69 by fed. tvi, Deputy 7TZ -Sherift'ttA - Tfc-ti-. iu f'f'Oonimoa Itai. I John BcKlnay, . i.-' '- j TIT VIRTUE OF AW ORDBB OF SALE Sj to me directed, from tht Court of Common Pleat, of franklin County, Ohio, l win oner ior salt, at tut door of tht Court Heutt, ta tot city oi uoiumoot, on- Saturday, the 80th day of Maroh, At D. 1861. between fUehoure of 10 o'clock, A. K.', and 4 o'clock, V. H. tbt following deacrlbed real eitatt, eltuate In tht County of franklin, and Btate of Ohio. 4o-wli! Lot M .SrdJeUaoatfioutLotNo. SB, Is tbt eltyof Calom- baa. - '-" " . I AppnlsMBI faWO.uO.1-.. ,. . I " ,M" ' )0,M W. HCfVMAR. Bhtrilf. feh29tw4 , ; ... B, p. parte, Deputy., Printtr's fats 3,04.. ' k " .a. , GOLDE1 HILL IHIKTS, I All el tat tod oualltiet: altt fc ; o f TIRT? of sans Suprtorssske,forsatoiby,'- vi'iAIN A SON, stint io. Btuwttigu tfrtes. "' of cf by HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CJKIjlUBBATIOiN" or WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY! flH0WJsK .fat'.; BT THK r'ff; STATE FENCIBLES, . Friday ' Evening," February 22d. On which ocoailoo their Armory 1U U ImoJioo eiy decorated.' r . , A number of ne and InUKiticg Military Tableau WU1 bt proseated, and torn of onr NATIONAL BONGS' suns by memberi of tht Company. Mailt bjr Profs Davis' and Osodman's Cotillon Band. TivIniBlutlirigSnpper, - . $2. fclSldtd liJV l MONTGOMERY HALL) ai-tMMENSEJ STJCC1CSS. "" FOm DAtl l ONGEH-OOmtiriEIICIHO . Monday Night, Feb. 18, 1861, WONDERFUL PANOPTICON ! "1 Or Llffrtlnrlnir Maxhanlnal VhlMllA -I .V.. WABUrXDIA AJTD TBS SSPO T REBELLION Tht moat thrtlllnar of all modern Miracle, ambnolna an astounding combination of ' Over Eighty Thousand Koying Modoli! . iiiuairating nearly every aahject connected with that remarkable country and tha Cheat Bcpoy Hebellion, all dliplayUiK the wooden of meobanlam and tha insesuliy 0',M',4o"!l'a desrte at to oomplataly bewilder u4 enchant the spectator, lle.ldeithn wonderaol tbe Pan opticon, win do aaded, for tbt firtt time, tnd autbtntlo aodeoireot vlewof tht ' CITV Of CllAKLEStON. Tht Beat of the Beoeielon Ircltement, Charlettoo liar bcr, forte enmler and HouMrit. Oattlt Piockney, Bnlll van't Island, and tht Star of tkt Weit beating Into tha Harbor, eitpreaily painted and arranged by thtt talented amat, boh. atooia vnuorq. HT Exhibition aver slaht at Ru M,v. timh open at 7 o'clock... tickets es c. CHiLoiten in cm. Breeltl Kthlbillona will ha a-lwan An anvoniv ..a WEDNESDAY .Atleruoona. at 9 ... and Schools, to which all pupils will bt admitted at 10 vwuwcMii r r f - , , Iebl8.dlw p. 0. taKPe, Prop. otcr Sheriff's Bale. .1 John W.Baker -- -f 'V Vt. ' Snnerinr 1,, Joseph B. Stewart, at al ) . Ty VIRTCE OF A WRIT OF VENDS U to mo directed, from the Superior Ooart of Franklin county, Ohio, I will offer for eale at the door of tht Court Bote, la tht ttty of Columbia, on Saturday, the 30th day of March, A. D. 1861, between tht boars of 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m., the following described real tetata. alluata In tha county of Franklin, and Btate of Ohio, to wit: Ths uuuiTmcu ooa-naii or in-m no. eas, in Ihtoity of Co- inmona, caing uie intereil or Nancy rlamty In taid lot. apprahwd at 81,125. O. W, BUFVM1N, Sharlfl, febS-dltw4w. By Sd. Davis, Deputy. . Printer'! fees 3,00. Irish Linen. Goods. WARRANTED FABRIC , Ilnen Shirt Boioma P.aln and Fancy ... Stirling and Boom Llnene. ..... ; linen Sheetings and Pillow Casing. Linen Cambrics and Long Lawct. ' '.T ".' ! : Linen Pookot-handk'fe. all tint. - Linen Towelling! aadDhrptrs- Llntn Naekloa and D'Oyllet. Linen Table Olotbatnd Batln Damaekt Linen Towels with, colored borders. Linen Stair Coverings and Oraah. for salt at low prices. . BAIN ft BON, frW3 ' ' No. 89 South nigh street. : ladies' linen Pocket-Handk'fi. HEMMED STITCHED tllVEM IIAND kerchlefs, very wide heme. - Embroidered Linen Eandk't all prices. Hemmed Btilchtdaad plain do, do. , , do do colored borders. ) Mouralcj' do black borders ; do do new style cross stitched. Pint apple do newpatternt. Mliaei' Plain and Ecmmed Stitched do all prices. Comprising tbt most select ateortment In tht city and at lowettprices. 1141! Sc BUN, febM No. Beulh High Street. Gcnt3' Linen Bhirt Collars, OF STJPEBIOB QCALITT, lit OAU BOTE. Btandlne. Bvron. Peralrsa. Smfm and other new ahipta. Hemmed Pocket Ilandkerchleft. Neck Ties. Stocki, Street and Stenlng Oloret, Ualf Hott of tvtew kind, Uodcr Ganmeote and all klnda of Otntt' For nlihlnf Goods la Rrtat variety and at moderate prlois. , r , tC BUN, fb8i ; i . No. 99 Booth High ttrott. i -laces and Embroideries, VALE It CIENES, MALTESE de POIXT Lace Oollan and Bettt. Vrenoh, Puihcr and Thread Lace Velle, (new patUrot.) Valenclenea, Thread aad Pornt Laces, Bmbroldered Collars, Bettt, Trimmings and Bkirla, Lace Barbae and Oolffaret, Plain Linen Collars, Bettt tnd Cuffi, Embroidered Collars and Cuffe In Satis. .;." " '" BAUt fcSON, feb38 " - No. 89, Boulh High Street. Alexandre's Kid Gloves. P LAI It AND EMBROIDERED, RIOCS QUETAirtE and resnlartbana Black KldOlovea. embroidered In white, magenta, purple, Ao. TJtdrctttd Kid Qlovee. Ulsaes Kid ttloTea. A complete ateortment of theetceleorated Qlovti always for salt by ... . nain at nun, fbM ,. ' ..'';' 'No. 9BoaUi High street. CINCINNATI TIMES. THE LITTLE MIAMI tc COIX1TIICVS t Xenla K. R. Newiboy wonld be pleased to Inform tht public that tht Cincinnati KreningTimeeit reoelrtd regularly every day.' at 3 30 and 0 IS. P. U.. ftrtoss can procure them by oallrng on - r , -- ' WlLlilSBl fUHU, feb. 19dlwd.h . ... '-1 Peaf Matt. Diiiolution of Co-pirtnerihlp. . The FiRin or i. ii. smiTU it Co. It this day diaolvtd by mutual content. -. i ..,..;. . : i u a. Hi BMITH. feMt:d1mo ' ! A. 0. BRUSH. SPECIAL NOTICES. ETJITSEWZU'S tiisriyisRSAL , .couGir 1 i '. .J.: M . -i ' . For all THROAT aut LCKQ COItlPLAimTM, laolndlna; WHOOPiNe COTJOUf and evtry Pomplalat the f arernn ner of, and eve it actnal jaEMmiiv.Icoiwst7iriPTiori.i. i x . f i F n l : The Great NEUHAL Gio RBraEDY and Nat nral oPIAXEe adapted ta everr species of Her. TOLU'-:- .t. Zi "7T TV.T 2- ASODYKE. veut Complaint, Ner tsii aas'iDartaie Headaebe . KJheama tisnia. Catarrh , Tooth and Ear Ache, Lata af Mlaepe and llov cleans No ml justice can bt dont tht abort attsarattont bat by.procuring and reading bt found with all deeiara, or will be tent by Proprietor on demand.'' formulas and Trial Botlltt tact t Phyal clans, who will And development) In both worthy their aocepttnot and approval.- , . Oorreipoudesce toilettes' from all Whose neetssltlat or curiosity prompts te a trial of tht abort reliable Beat diet. . ; , - ... . for 'salt by the' ttual wheleeelc and retail dealer everywhtrt. ..ju'I t t . . JOlin L,zlUrfNEWELLi Prwpriet) CUUnST AND MIAtJIAClCTfsT, ' ' ' sTo.'O Commsrelal Wharf, Boston, Vjm. . Roberta A Bamuel, N, B. Harplt, J. B. Oook, 7. H Denlg, 0. Dtnlg A Sons, A. 1. Biueller Aeon, Agents (or Oolnmbus. Qhlo, , , , myl-dly ' fflOFFAT'S LIFE FILLS. In til oaase of oottlveaatt, dyipeiUi, billions sol liver sfsctlons, piles, rSeumatlmi, fevers ssA tfuet, obatl Bate head aches, and alt general dsrangseieatt ot health theee PUii have Invariably proved S eett&ia tad speedy remedy. A single trial win plaot tht Lift Jills beyond tht raath oJcojnpetlUon 1q jhs etUmaUon'ef every pa tjanf, ftl'l'l 'Att-ys vrjr " ' Br. Moffat's Phoenli Bitters will bs' found equally ef Seadout la all easts of nerrtut debility, dytptptla, bead acht, the slckneu ineldtnl to ftmalet In Aelioa tt health, and tvtry kind of wsaknets ef the digestive ergant. For salehyBr. W. J. VlOIfAT, S3J. Broadway, N. T. aSd hyaUDraggltts. dum :r. I auySSfcwlf The fcllowicg: l aa extract from a IttttrwrllteabytheBev. J.'B. Holms,' patter ol tbt PltrrtptlbHtrtet lapUA Oharcav lrotklyn, N1. T.,to tbt"Jarrua tnd Meaaenger," Claclnnat4,0nd tpeakt twlattte tt favor of that world-rtnawnod sMdlsutt, Hat , Wrnsuiw's EooTtimtBTXcr roa CtrLStun TawraiMt "Wa aat aa -advarttamaat la roar aolumna aftraa Wm-Mrw'e Boothum Bvavr. Now wt uevtr tald a word IB favor of a patent maUleliia before lu tut lift, botwt real tomptlled te sty te your readtrt that thie ia at bun bag ws auvs nut it, m stow it to at six rr cum, It It probably ont or tht moat successful meal tintt of tht day, becautt II tt ont of tht beat. And those of VOM readers who havtbaSet da batter than I lay lp a Sttpply.'' ' V ' vW-:ldW ' "ifJi'tlVrj'tl' ' ... .