Newspaper Page Text
' - ' : . . no 1QK1 LOCAL MATTERS. The Adams Expr ' Company places M dally J . uuder obligations to It for the very latest papers IVom the eastern cities- . '' The Amcrioart- Exprew Company ha onr .'tmiokefor its daily fevore In the shape of the , ' ory latest eastern papers. ' , . aointintb it thi Boabd or Public Wokm. The Board of Public Worki hare ap ; ' pointed the following Resident Engineers for the several umsions 01 toe raouo worm, iur one tear lrom the 16th Inst, la aeoordanoe , with the pro visions of an act passed March 94th 1860. . Taatah I.lnlnn. Northern DIvIbIoo. OhloCa John M. Lowla, Southern do., do. Alex L, Haoklns, Hockin Canal and Mus kluitum Improvement. ... , Samoa! For. Northern Division, Miami ' and Erie Canal. John S. Earheart, Southern Division, Miami ,"'an4 Erie Canal. . " r'TirNTT-3fooiiD at AaMoar Hall. Next to the Fourth of July, tho Twenty Second of February is regarded by Ameriean freemen ' as eonseorated day. It will be celebrated by the State Fenoiblcs and their friends, to-night at their Armory, In an appropriate and magnifi cent stylo. The Decorations and beautiful and patrlotio Mementoes of great events in our past history, together with the music, leaeting and' merriment, to be seen, beard and enjoyed at the Halt to-night, render it a fitting place of resort for a few hours, to all who would en joy t pleasant social re-union, and at the same ' time do honor to the great and good Wash Washington's Bistb Dat. The State Fen- 1 elblea Captain Rilit made a fine appearance on parade on High street, this morning, and In ; their drill and evolutions in the State House ward. : At noon, a national salute in honor of the day was fired at the Southeast corner of the Tublid Square. Other military displays were made In the afternoon, and the weather being Tery pleaiant; nigh street was thronged with people and wore the appearance of a holiday. This evening, tho Fcncibles give their grand levee and anniversary celebration of Washiho- toh's birth at Armory Hall. j ijj.iajiiM i 1 ' Ntw Fia Enoini. The second Fire Engine contracted for by our City Connoll with the man- faoturers, Messrs. Bilbt, Mtndibs &Co.,of Seneca Falls, N. Y., has been delivered, aocor- ding. to contract.' Yesterday, a trial was made of its ctpiolty and power in throwing water from the cistern on the corner of High and 3ta Streeta, ts3,ea we: learn," it gave very '; general satisfactions ' So far ae Engines are concerned, our city seems Bow to be pretty well prepared to act on the defensive in case of fire. O The Miami Quarterly Conference of Con "gregalional Churches will meet in this city, on P. M. The Sermon will be preached at seven o'clock In the evening, by the Rev. Parse, of New London. On Wednesday evening follow log. Rev. E. P. Uoonwm will be Insulted as 'pastor -of the Congregational Church In this otty.i Sermon by the Rev. N. A. Htdi, of Indianapolis. La Rot's Pahopticon At Montgomery Hall tickets lj cent. Mr. La Rob, will exhibit his ' 1.1... ...., f Tr, rl a ln In t,tlf.1it and to-saorrow night, at the reduced admission price of 15 cents for adults, and 10 cents for l children.. He wili also give an afternoon exhi bition to-morrow at 3 o'clock, at which time pupils of the Schools will be admitted for 6 cts. .each. ' " . . Tm Wat to Wealth. Buy only what you want. Be sure and choose the best; and above thlncra. eat no unwholesome food. ' Avoldall adulterated compounds of Saleratus in the mar ket, which are a slow poison. James Pjle'e DI , eteVo Saloratus is pure and wholesome and per. r C - T . fi AC TIT U! . O itntij sue. aepot, rvMuiugMiu Btrest, New York, ! 'Sold by grocers everywhere. .. t - m . ; i CooaT op Comiion Plias. The Court met thin mnmlnr. nallail nrar tha caaea aat for the jday, and assigned Several oases for hearing on Monday. The Grand Jury came into Court for Instructions, which were Riven. The Court J a aj. ..e inHHiirl it n I n n'tlnnV raft MAnnaw ...morning. L .' ". 1 O It appears by the Congressional proceed ings, that the Senate has agreed to pay Mr. Saxoint, of this city, ten thousand dollars for the use of his steam engine governor, upon gov e'rnment vessels. . A provision had previously passed the House, under the care of Mr. Cox, or twenty-five thousand dollars. j -ICTThe Governor's Guards, Captain Ma aow, owing to a disappointment la not receiv ing their knapsacks In time, have postponed their tour to .Newftrk , Zanesvltle and Lanoas 'ter, tintll the eeond Tuesday In May next. iii ' .i ICT-Mr. Basil-RiDDxiXr-an oldand well known cltiten of this county, was struok with paralysis, on ' the morning of Wednesday last, the SOih Inst- It is feared that he will not re- cover..,.., ... .... J....". I r. . Wobd to HoasANos-When you go home to lea, and find that Mrs. Smith has succeeded . by a simple turn of the wrist in producing some . it those scrofulous looking biscuits, which are ..'..I .....Inn ..!.. ... l,k . Cmtll.. 'mjm MiMrnlta tha atnntlra eAenteaaiuiat nf mi oU enemies, don't go off into one ef those par- .', oxysms of rage ana august, wnjen always make you so particularly disagreeable j but, on the onntrarr. mlldlr. vet with becomlDr dlenitv. Jilace your hand In your pocket, and extraot rom Its long confinement the dime which shall plao Mrs . 8. in posseesion of a package of Dt . Lino's Chimical Salxsatub. with which she cannot fall to have perfect suooesa la making blaenia. . naatrv. fts , Manufactured, and for . mmlm . . kt...l. h n II II. I..ni1 m. I -ft - - airport. Monroe uo.. XM . x . ue i-ana uo. s Saleratus Is now for sale at retail by- most of V try- m. ...u K ti P.uMonl ).' eleot nasalnit tbroush cities and villatres. on his route to the White House, is fnllv Illustrated every day at J- B. Claik'b Mew York Clothing ' Store, where rerv nereon wlahlno- nlothlnv ruahes the public havlug become eonVinoed j that they oan buy cheaper, end get better made garueuin tucrv tuau vievwuerw. : ' Who will Suffer from Foul Humors. Sores, ot Disease of the 8kln, when suoh certain remidiea as MoLkah's STHiHOTArno COaniAX and coo Puiiriia, and MoLian'i Voloamio Oil Liii mint ean be so easily obtained.- The Cordial -will nurlfv the blood thoroughly, and the LIuL , ment will oure any Bore. See the drertise- ' ' 'GrrTr 01 our druggist, yonr storekeeper. or anywhere else you ean, but be sure and get -ana,n.a,. Ti.l .-J ntt ii . - ItT See advertisement bfProf. Mixxia'l TRala Inrlirflfntnf In anntfia mlnmm,!- Arrivals and Departures of Mails. DEPARTURES. ' Halls for New Tort Olty, Bolton, Albany, Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Bteubenvilla way, Oisveland, Zeneovllle, Imrk. flranvtlle. Weahlnaton Olty. Baltimore. Fnlln- delphU and New Orleans, eloss dailj (Sundays eaceps td)at7j o'olook p. m. A through Mil for Maw York and Clevelaad eloaei dillv (Bnodyi ucepted) at 1 o'oloek p.m. 0. 0. Jt 0. R. K. WAV tUlUlowt dilly (SundtJI - eaptra; t l o'clock p. m. Oentrml Ohio Way Mali eloaei dally (Baadayi azcepted Cincinnati way Hall oloioi dally (gundayi xoqUd) at i o oiock p. n. Ohioun. Tinhnnn. Dalawar. Marlon and Worthing ton Mall eloua dallf (Bondayt uoeptcd) at 1 o'oloek n. m. m.m. f.Tr.i. Snrlncfleld. Dayton, Toledo, OlncUv Dili. LOUilTill. 8t. Loull, Bud Sttrolt, eloMi dally (Bondayajxopted)atV p. m. A throagh mall to Zenla, Bprlng&ald and Olnolnnatl loiac aally (aunaayi vxoepwu; 1110 oiwi y. u,. Urban, Plqoa, Tiffin and Union City malloloaat daily (Bnndayi aaeapuaj ai in o cicoa p m. ' Lannular. Loian. Nalaonvllle. OlrcleTille, Ohlllleothe, Portunonth, Waihington, 0. H., Athani, Marietta and UllUborouf h, mailt dot dally (gundayi excepted) at7X o'clock D. m. But way Mall by National Boad to Zaneirllle, eloiei dally (Sunday! txcepted; at 11 o'clock a. m. Harrlaburgh Malli eloae dally (dundayi excepted) at o'oloek d. m. - . Ut. Vernon Hail, by way of Weeterville and Bunbury, eloeee dally (Sundays excepted) at 1 o'olook p. m. DubUn Mail eloeee dally (Bnndayi exeepted)at 1 o'clock ARRIVALS. mum iron new x ore. notion, roiiaueipoi, Atwuiy, Plttebnrgh, Olereland, Dayton, Toledo, Xonla, Detroit, Bprlnirfleld, Olnolnnatl, Ohlllleothe, 8t. Lonla, and all Botttbern eltlee, arrire between the bonrs of 9 o'clock p . ana o slook a. m. - llalle from Indlananolla. Ohicam and Dnbuane. arrire at e:tu a. m. ataila from Waihlniton Oltv. Baltimore. Tfheellns, ZaneiTllle, Newark, BteubenTllle, Mt. Ternon, and the 0. O. . . way Mall, arrire at 8 o'clock p.m. Way Mali from Olnolnnatl, arrlrei at M o'oloek p. m. Iran outer Mall arriree at in o'oloek D. m. laat Way Mall orer the National Koad. arriree at 11 o ciook a. m. Mt. Ternon way Mall arriree at 11 :00 a. m. Mall from Dublin arriree at 8 o'clock p.m. Urban Way Mall arriree at 8 o'clock p.m. HtrrUbonh Mail anlree at 11 o'clock a. m. Offlea dellTerv onan ererv dav fexceot Bundar.) from 7H o'olook a. m. to 8 o'olook p. m. Open on Bnndayi from and from 3 to 0 In JOSEPH DOWDALL, P. M. Rail Road Time Table. imu Hum a Oolchioi a Xtma R. B. Ijearee. Arriree. Atjommodation 8.10 A. M. Mo. 81a 9.30P.M. Night Ixprem 8.45 A.M. 0.15 P.M. i 30 P. Mi 8.4S A. M 1.40 P.M. 1J0A. M Ourrataas, OoLOMacf a OiRCimiaTi B. B. Ixprete and Hall 3.00 P. M. Night Bxpreee. 3:&SA.M. 9.30 A.M. 9 V0 P, Mi OnTaaiOaio B. B. Ixprete Train 3 00 a. M , Mall Train...- 8.40 P.M. 8.30 P. M PrrmnBaa, Oolomiui a Oimmnian B. B Bxpreee Train 3:00A.M. Mail Train 9.40 P.M. 8:80 P. M. OoMmaoa a IrautuMLia B. B. Oolnmbua, Plqua a Indiana B. R.J Kxpraee Train , 8:10 A.J'. 11:10 A.M. Kxpreee Train 8:45P.k 8:10P.M DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT WHISKERS! DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? ' ! . ,-.DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? BELLIHGnAM'S . C1LIBRATED ... . . u Stii:iulating Ougucnt, x '. For the WMsken and Hair. The enbecrlbere take Dleainra In annonneln talha Oltlaene ol the United Stateo, that tbey hare obulned the Aiency for, and are now enabled to offer to tha American public the aboro Juitlr celebrated and world-renowned article. Tho STIMULATING ONGUENT prepared by Da. 0. P. BELIINOHAM. an eminent phytlclan of London, and la warranted to bring oat a uuca eat oi Whiskers or a Mnstache in from three to six weeke. This article la tha onlr one the kind need by the trench, and la London and Parle is in unirersai ass. It Is a beautiful, aoonomloal. soothlnc, vet stinolatlnr compound, aoUnx as If by magic upon the roots, causing abeantlfal growihof luxuriant hair. If applied to the scalp, It will cure aiunrtn, and csurs to sprint; up la place of the bald epols a fine growth of new hair. Ap plied aocordlng to directions, it will torn sn or towt hair aax, and restors gray balr to Us original color, leering It soft, smooth, and flexible. The 'ONotrnrr" It an Indispensable article in erery gentltman'a toilet, and alter one week's ate they woald not for any consideration be without It. The eabocrlbers are the only Agents for tha article In the United States, to whom all ordere mutt be addressed. Price One Dollar a box for sale by all Druggists and Dealers; or a box of the "Ongaent" (warranted to hare the desired effect) will be sent to any who dealre It, by mall (direct), securely peeked, on receipt of price and postage, a 1.18. Apply to or address HOBAOE L. niQlHAN t 00 ,' ' J raoeaisTs, etc, ' i febSOdtwOm ' 94 William Street, Hew-York. PBI0X8 BBDVCID V trom the NewiorkObterrer-l , " As all cartles manufacturing flawing- Machines are ob liged to pay Mr. Howea lioensa on tech machine eold. and are a to compelled to make returns to him, ander oath, at to the number sold, his books giro a correct ttate ment. From thla reliable aonros we hare obtained the following statistics. Of the maehiaes made In the year WW, there ware sold, By Wheeler fc Wilton. ........ .81,303 . .... , " I. M. Singer St Co 10,993 Qrorer Baker.... ........ .10,SW) . Ihowtne tha sales of Wheeler Wilton to be diruUt tnoas or any other uompeny." . Awarded the highest premiums at the - I United States Pairs of 1838, 1839 and 18G0; also at the Ohio State lelre of 1859 and 18M; . and at nearly all the County Pairs In tha Bute. Oar t rices, at the late reduction, are at low at any leva SfWA asaonine aow eoio, ana out a trine nigneroan tha interior two Virtaa oMm scioA wiacAltuI, now forced nnon the market. Tha WHI1LIB 4k WILSON MACHINE makes the Look Snow the only one whloheennot be rarelcd. It Is Auks ok Bon Bines of tha aoods. learlat no rdm or tiainoniu under tidt. . JM shhmmi v or anted 3 Mft, and easfrvcMon gTTon ui ineir nws, ma snarte. u. un&ni.ei tiign si., uoiamous, v WM. BUMNEB As CO., decJ Sswd3mfcit6ei pike's Opera House, Olneinnatl BILL ( POSTING DISTRIBUTING DILLS! JOHN H. STEKLEY P08TDIO rMTBIBTJTISO BILLS , IN THIS CITY. All orders left at the Office e( tha SlaUtmait will be promptly attended to. ., Janll-tf Employment. rrtTB flTJBSCRIBEHI. DEALING lit X m, ataxple Article will famish employment to a row ectvre men to sot ea agents lor tneir oonea, i praferanoa will be ftlren to those who are well acquaint ed in tne aistnct lor wnica insr spniy. t - for wbtce. serrkes they are willing to pay a salary eflroai 1. 1 ...m .t . - if m .- $000 to $800 pir year, and Kzpnses. "tor.fnrther particulars address ' '-' 1 W. B. UOBIHOUSl t 00. , u J and 5, Ixchange Plaoe, JsnSO-dSm,1 " ' Jersey City, N. J. rr AVJM mm? ADTIBTCBIMIKTY f .... for the nrSTAKf BJLIIf and MaitANJNT CUM ef til entreating eomplalnt.uae ".7-rV.el;.a-. ... . f BEOKCniAL CIQARITTES. ktadabyO-JBBITUOCll erf., lOTNaasasi St., at. T. r- i uiiree ny poet. , Rail Road Time Table. TELEGRAPHIC ! REPORTED FOR THE STATESMAN. CONGRESSIONAL. SENATE. WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. Mr. Doollttle nreeented a netitlon from tha altiiana of Milwaukee, numerontly signed, asking Congress to stand by the ContUtuUon and laws, and make no compromise with traitors- Mr. Powell nretented anetltlAn from tha eltieana of WlMonaln, In faror of the Crittenden resolutions. Messrs. Dixon and Blglcr presented numerous petitions for the border States and lha Crittenden resolutions. Mr. Bragg presented thooredentialeof Mr. Ollngman. re-elected eenator from North Carolina. The Senate resumed the consideration of the bill for the dlacontlnuanoa of tha noa-al aarrlca In eeoedlnr awe, wnicn Wat iaia orer yesteraay. - Mr. Hunter said If the States were In lha Union we had no right to eat off their postal benefits; the postal lawt had aot been milted, and wa could not undertake, under lha ContUtuUon, to punlia States In this way. Be taid tne expreetion ol Insurrection and rebellion In the bill aeemaii to h hot atena which mint end In natne force against the States. air. Doollttle said that It was a measure of Dssce. not war. tie said it was tha dutT or tha a-overnment to ma- knowledge and face tha ohangee of the day. What are uie new meat wnicn wa hare to meet I xno nret is tns Idea that alarerr la a blaulna-. and a nroner state of so ciety In our republic Idle idea was not admitted by the men who formed the Constitution, bat It was the Idea oi uainoun. Ail said It was an aril, socially ana polit ically. Mr. Ollngman asked when Mr. Calhoun said alarerr Wat a blessing. Mr. Doollttls taid, hstild soon tha floor of the Sen ate. Be eald It was the best and moit staple basis of rree institutions. This Idea now relgne deepolls In the Southern States, and threatene to destroy ererytblng, unless it Is admitted and recognised. . the first demand was of the Democratic party, and became that party would not fully admit It. it was distrusted and destraved. To-day, with arms In their hands tba Southdtmand that we shall make a new ConetituUon and carry elarery Into the Territories where It nerer existed. lie hoped this would be pasted, as It waa one of the meana which would giro peace to the Union, Mr. llanter said he was glad to hear that It was not a measure of coercion; but he thought It wae not necessary to pais It, as the Postmaster General had all tba power necessary. Mr. Powell SDokeoralnstths bl l. and said that If It passed It would sirs the nowar of a desnot to tha head olerk of a Department, and destroy tha liberty of the people. at. reerenlon said he thought Senators wars drawlne on their Imaginations. The bill simply gara power to u reeunaater ueneral to eutpead tha operation ef the laws, and roliera him of an attemnt Lo enfnrM tha lave. It Is most eminently a measure of peace. The secret la that gentlemen want to force ae to ecknowledge that leeenlon le lawful. It seems to be the simple truth, that gentlemen won't let ae hare a measure of peace, without acknowledging tha right of secetilon. nr. iiamer opposed tha bill at ooercirw. Mr. Doollttle said It was a measure of neaee. not war. ,. . Mr. Douglas oonsldered the bill a peace measure, and wat gratified to sea It come from the other tide of the House. After eome few remarks In response to those of Mr. Doollttle. Mf. Dongleo said ha bettered there was a deliberate plot to break up the Cnlou. on the pretext of aeTouon to it, ana tnat mere were are at many dlsunlon itte North ae South. . rurtber debate ensued, and Mr. Green nroDoaed ae an amendment, that the Postmaster General also suspend the malls where an organisation exists for running eft slares. No action was taken on the bill. The Mlsoellaneoue AnnronrimllAn hilt w. talf.nnn. After an Bxecutlre session, the Benate adjourned. BtWiTS. EcmlnO famnn.. 1m flrltt.Mtan r..Atn. lotions were taken un. Mr. Wilton enoka at lentth against the receii. Adjourned. HOUSE. Mr. Dawes, from the select committee of Are. to whom Wat referred the President's 8peclal Message, of tha 6th of January, made a report as to tha stationing of Teasels of tha Nary in inch a manner It to neglect tha defense of the whole Atlantlo ooast, daring the preraleno of awicn Tioience. xna nemtier ot ships lying In port dismantled and unfit for asrrlca is 28, amounting In tha BMKvcKaiv oit cans, none or mem noma no rennmd and put under tail abort of aereral weeke time, and many of them would require, for that purpose, at least six monuis. Mo order baa, as yet, been Issued to put any of tbem In readloese. - Tha Committee dlMnaaad other nMieti AAnnteil with the Nary, and proposed the followiog reeolation: tttoivtd. That tha Beeratarr of tha N.ra. In am-ant. Ing, without delay or Inquiry, reslgnatlona of o (Boers of the Nary who were In arms against the gorernmen I when tendering the eame, and of those who sought to re sign, that they might be reliered from the reatrslnt Imposed by their commissions upon their engaging In hos tility against the constituted anthoriUee of the nation, baa committed a grate error, highly prejudicial to the ditelplins of the terries, snd Injurious to tha honor and e&icienoy of the Nary, which demands tha oensuro of this Iloase. . - i Mr. Branch submitted a minority report. i Mr. Jno. Cochrane also dissented from tha.rlawaof the majority. . . , nr. vaweigare notice that be will ask a rota en the resolution on Monday or Tuesday. The House resumed tha consideration of Mr. Stanton's Volunteer bill. Mr. Booock nnlshedhlstneerhie-Micltiainr hw ting and denouncing the bill. Mr. Howard replied, eharacterlzlne Bannck'a nmak clap-trap, and hla appeals here were made to Influence tne Virginia I'onrenUon In assisting to ibreak ap the Qorernment. , The consideration of tha hill v.. noahwn,. ml day. . .- ' V Mr. Barrett oondemned the Hennhllcan nartw. anrf nm. teeted against ssoesaion : and thou. hi tha mmyAirA flt.,.. should hare remained and obtained their righte In the Vnion. lie said uoerclon would drlre Missouri and the border States to resist iU Tht Senate bill. aonroBitatuir 13.400.000 for Oreeon and Washington Indian war expenses, was oonsldered. The amount wae reduced to leu than 3,0)10,000, after uceaie, nai wun no nnai action. Adjourned till Batuiday. M SI . --- Washington News and Gossip. WaiHiKOTOH. feb. 81 In tha Peaoe Conference to day Mr. Dudley field, of New Tork, made a strong speech agalnet compromise. Aa attempt will be maile to-morrow to force a vote. The result la doubtful. The Virginia delegatloa to-day gave notice that the next movement will be a convention of tha Southern Blatee, and the adoption of tha Constl- tation or ut unitea tt tales wltn guaranuas, ana an In Vltation to all the Btatee to Join the confederacy. : ' Advices from Richmond state that (Stanton's force bill had created great excitement In the Virginia Conven tion. Tha Bell members of Congress hare changed their rtol- Icy and will allow Stanton's bill to pass, and throw the respontiDimy on its irtenae. There is trouble in the rrench legation, owing to eon- trsdlctory advices ssnt to Parts; the Minister, Mercler, who ii Imbued with secetilon sentiments, baring tent home reports oonSiotlng with official advices from eonsuls and other tourers, explsnatlons hart been required. Baron sioegei, inonussian minister, also sympathttss With secetilon. ' , Despatches from lurops announce the determination of tha European powers to abide the fixed policy of no ognlslng no ntw government before tla recognition by the government from which It has separated. i-o lice regulations ror tns inauguration are completed. A largo number of polteemen now attend the war trains between Washington and Baltimore, and the Baltimore police are on duty on tha Philadelphia road. i Tha Armstrong oourt of Inquiry la diitolred. Arm strong will only be censored, particularly for not baring lurneu over nis iruope 10 iiieut. niemmer at son rickena The secretary ol me T restore to-day tent to tha Honaa an elaborate document, In which ha says ha beilevee du ties on imports win continue to be emueoted at porta of entry established In Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Loulsl. ana and florida, and vessels entered and cleared la the usual manner. ; -.' I WiimnoToa. ;Ieb. Jl. MeUonsto take no the nom Inatlon of Black to Us Supreme Oourt, and Pettll as Dis trlet Judge of Blaneas, ware rejtoted by three majority. There will probably be no mora executive sessions da ring the present Administration's term. xnt proposition to tie voted on by the Peaoe Conference to-morrow la eubttantSelly the Border State plan.' ' xna irwnaa tnereor say mere are anmlttable indica tions that it will have tha support of the Ooramtesioners from Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Hhode Island, and all tha border elare States, except one or two from Virginia. - .11 ..,.,. ,. Tha Nary Department hu accepted the resignation of Oapt. Tatnall, of Oeorgia. I , .1 Thepubllo departments will le closed to-morrow. There will be a parade of federal and local military. A special agsnt was sent to-day to take charge of tht Galveston (Texss) poetolfice. - r I - Tha Administrates la advised of tha fast that agents art at tha North purchasing ttsamert for tht Boa them con federacy. Adnceairom Montgomery indicate that iht Southern Confederacy will regard the atlempta of the United States to maintain authority in tne seoedlm states at aa aot of war, which win no roiiowea tjy insiantsneone reprisals. A tarn number of privateers are la readiness to torn tnence ape rations on tha Ocean at a mementa warning It la reported tnat arracgaaienti are alraedvrmede In Call fornla for prirateert on tha Paclflo ocean, when eooeslon Hit for tnem. . 1 The tariff bill under oonsMeretton at Montgomery does not differ materially from that of tha United Btatee. It will apply to all goods Meith of Wilmington, Delaware, and rjonos win oe txacteu from snippers from noa-asosd-lnc slave-holding States to guard against deoeotlora Senator Latham, of California voted against Black's onnfirmmUon. and Owln for tt. - I A le tier from an army officer at Savannah tai Iltts for rolunteers to the army of the new Confederacy hare been opened one week, daring whlen 33 men enlisted as pri vates, and B.0Q0applted for oommlsslons. - ' She uorernmeni bad ordered the purchase 01 e itiam- er for 101 oeorgia nary, tor guu.uw. - , , . , A gentleman wh oarrirad from Charleston to-da sara there are 4,000 troops there under ordois. bat no nros. peel or any immediate attack an rtrt Sumter. Tht poo p e continue to demand Itr bnt flor. Pickens It awaiting tha movements of President Davis. Tha harbor ta elear, ana rssssissre pitiiDg m sou. out. . , WAtnuioTew. reb. . Phillip Clayton, f x-tts'ltant aecreiar of tha treasury of tha Untied Btatee will leave for Montgomery hsving bean appointed to a similar position under tht aoutfaera uonieaeracy. 1 it is a general holiday here, an the l-nvanimamt and municipal oinoaa art eiosea, uiemiutary aispisy is large and Imposing, national fltgs are flying In all dlraetlone. Milt ringing, and a salatt of lguus being Bred, one for eaca Diatein me union The British Government on Disunion NxW Tola, feb. 81. Ths Timtt hat taenia letter from a member vi the British Government to a dlttln- gulibedAmencea, elating authoritatively that the whole matter ot secealtoa bad beea kreuht bv Lard Jahn Baa tell before tha Minlttry, aa alto aubordinate matters, of eefeetlrt eleareaoes. Am., and tha declaration made that not only will there bant recognition by Great Britain of the Southern Confederacy, bat that every thing will be aone w aisoontenai-o uisawoa. i.tu . , ,s. . j ,( . - -aaa------".-ii--. I j Boitom, Peb. 88. Ibe Ooumoa Council ef this elty tut evening patted a resolution by a large majority, era. taring Hon, Charles Sumner for nit neaarka la tht Sen. ate of tht united Btatet, relative to signers ef the cetl- u . .. . . .i. . . . - kvb iwg ytm ptpaajv vl wr VlVTgtvajqaBj,iWwt The British Government on Disunion Lincoln at Philadelphia-His Speech. raiuetuvu, fob. SI, 1:10 f. M The train with Lincoln and suite arrived at Kensington at 4 o'olook. They were escorted In carriages; Mr. Lincoln's barouche being oonspiouous by tha gay plumage of four white hor sea. The proomlon consisted of mounted police, a cavalcade of cltlsene of all descriptions of politics, tht renniylranla Dragoons, Ubairmen or uommitteea, Preel- uents or uounci s. uommitteea oi newuersei ana renn srlranla Leelilalana.etfi. - Ther were hailed ererr where with patrlotio emblema and manifettallODS from about 100,000 people along the line of march. Lincoln on hie arrival at the Continental Hotel, waa conducted to the balcony, and was Introduced to tha Mayor. lha noisy multitude below greeted hie appearance with cheering- Both tha Mayor! welcome and his reply were unheard, excepting by those In the immediate vicinity. Mr. Lincoln eald I Mr. Mayor and fellow Oltiiens of rniiadalpbla i appear before you to make no lengthy speech, bat to thank yon for this reception. This reception yon hare glren me to-night it not to me. tha man. the Individual, but to the man who temna- rarlly represents, or should represent, ths majority of tha nation.. (Cheers.) It is true, at your worthy Mayor has said, that than Is anxiety amongst the oltlsens ol the United Btatee at this time, i deem it a nappy circumstance tnat this dissatis fied portion of our fellow-citlxeae do not point us to any thing In which they are being lnured, or are about to be Injured, for which reason I here felt all the while J uni fied in concluding that tha crltls, the psnio, tha anxiety vi tne country at una time, is art mciai. If there be those who differ with me upon Ihie anhlant. they have not pointed at tba substantial difficulty that awe. i. ae not mean to say uei mis artificial panic may not do eonsidsrable harm; that It has done such, I doootdsoy. Tba hope that has been expressed by yonr Mayor, that a may oe aoie to restore pesos ana narmony and proipsg. Ity to the country, la most worthy of him: and moat ban. py Indeed will I be If I shall be able to rerlfy and ful fill the hope, Tremendous cheerlog, I promlte you, In all sincerity, that I bring to tha work a tlneere heart.-. w newer i win Drug a neao;equai to tnat neart. It will la for future tlmea to determine. It were otelete to speak of details of plans now. I shall spesk offioislly on nsxt Monday week. Iflehonld not speak then, It were use less for ma to do so now. Wbea I do stwsk. I h.u i.v. uou grounos ss i aesm nest caiouiatea to restore harmo ny and protperily to the country, a' d tend ta than... petnlty of the nation and liberty of the States and the people. Tear worthy Maror has axnreaied thawlih. In htK r Join with him, that It were convenient for me to remain in your city long enoagn to consult wun your merahsnts and manufacturer!, or, as It ware, to listen to those breathinge riling within the consecrated walls wherein um vonstuunon oi tns unitea oiates and tha Declara tion of Independence were originally framed and adopt- en. iBninuiitstloapplause. 1 astute son and Mayor I had honed on thle occasion, and uiwi. .n n.... slons daring my life. I shall do nothing Incontinent with the teaeblnga of these holy and most saored walla. I bare nerer asked anything that does not breathe from Iheee walls. All mr political warfare hu h... i. r.... v. mi uracmuge inai come iortn from these sa ored walla Mey my right hand forget Ite cnnnlna.and my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth, If I Drove In ,ViAU ...V.I 1 - Fellow.cftlsena. I hmWm mAArtmmA In. . ,L had expected to do. and now allow ma t hiH ' Suffering Among the Potawattomies-Aid Rendered. aered. ATOHISOR. feb. 81. A dmntattnn fnm tomlea. contlttlng of three chiefa. un. In .a.... ..1 .u. ,r mm, arter lilting a lew mo menta In Ota. Pomeroy's offlce lauomboru), a ren ereble chief arose and addreised the Oeneral aa fnii.w W. L. k . . . i .. . ... ula are tne great rather of the whites, will yon become father to my etarlrlng people? Two of my tribe hare already died, and many mora are In danger of starvation if not lmm.ii.i.i. "r wirea and children were crying about as whsn we ... mr nm ii yoa eome dick empty we will starve The annuities hare been cut sir. Th. -m ... esnd us food for we hare no money. Oar horses and cattle are dying, and we hare no feed. We left our homes on Lake Mlohlgan. My wigwam stood where now is the great elty of Chicago. Wa wars removed from Council Bluffs river. In my life, I hare nerer seen such .uiienng among my people, iryouhelp us we will live. If not we shall die. Lsssombone Is a One looking Indian, and snoke flnent. ly and with great emotion. He represented 850 of hit trios In the most dsttitnta condition, whkh an. ...k. flU!1 5'utlnent from tnat part of the country. ... "".raj iu.uto ten wagons Wltn prorisions, arhli.h arlll l.. k.n Mil a i . ' ' - "... wvua .ill Bltug. Celebration in Philadelphia. rmtangtrau, feb. 82.-The celebration of Washing ton'e birth day began at daylight, by a salute be leg fired shortly after 7 o'oloek. A flag, containing 34 itars. was hoUtsdbyMr.Llncoln. from a platform In front of Independence Hi 11. 1 After appropriate Braver mnA oihar MMmu. rn pendenea Square waa filled with a meat of people, whose enthusiastic cheers were worthy of tho occasion. A national salute was fired ss the flag floated out In tht --""a "u. a no uay promisee to be brilliantly cele brated. Tha working man are mastering In great force for a Mr. Lincoln learet here at 9 o'clock. Calebration in Cincinnati. Washington's blithday la being te ebrated on a grand scale. Tha etreels art throngtd With people. At aunrlto, national salutes were fired. -- uu vuuivu uo,ia m ma city were rung. The printing offices and all public and prirata buildings, are decorated with flura. The miiltar. rfi,i.. i. m,..L Plfieent; all the oompanlet are parading In full ranks. Ths entire police department are parading with tha mil itary, making a fine show all along tha Una of procea- . i rw uensery inrongea. To-night, a grand Union banquet oomss off at the Burnet House. I m "ii Arrival of the Pony Express. oT Xuartv, feb. 81. The Pony Ixprete, with California dates to lha 6th Inst., pa-ted here to-day at M'etera. Tasffle, MoOahlll A Co., U. Bonh A Co., and Thos. Brady, extensive dry-goods dealers, had failed with large liabilities. Tha Legislature was doing nothing. It was reported that between eight and nine hundred men were enrolled aa Knights or the Oolden Circle, whose objeet la to tttabllsh a Pacifio Bepablki. Tobacco Factory Destroyed by Fire. ' Eubkokd, Ta.i fob, Slfltxhugh May's tobacco fac tory waa destroyed thle morning with Its contents, Inclu ding large amount or maaulaotared tobacco which wu ready for shipment. Loss very heavy, with a partial In surance. The building originally out 130,000, snd wu owned by Mr, Warwick. It wu the scene of tha famous Clay dlnnsr of 1838. The smaller factory adjoining, and occupied by Mason A Tlmbsrlakt, wu alto destroyed. foax KtasHir, feb. 81. The Western stage' pissed at 4 P. M. for Omaha, bringing tha following Denver dispatches of tht lilt hi Inert is a good deal of exelte ment about newly discovered quarts mlnee near Platte Canon, 88 miles from Denver. A number of rich leads are reported to hart been found, and prospects of ore hart been obtained worth a dollar le tha pound of quarts. The weather eontlnaeo pleasant and many per sons are having for tht Blut Alrer country . .- Sheriff's Sale. . , D. T. Woodbury A Co.,) '' " . Superior Ootr). - George W. Allen. T)T VIRTUE OF A WRIT ttv tl. FA. XJ tO me directed, from tha Suneriav flnnrtnf Snnlilln eoaoty, Ohio. I will offer for sale In tha town of New Al nsny, at tna store room of a. W.Allen, a lot of Dry Goods and Notions, levied on ae tba property of 0. W. Allen; ule commencing on MONDAY the 85th day of ebroary A. D. 1881, at 10 o'clock A. M. . W. HCIfMAN, Sheriff, fff?!l.0!4, 's .. m ' Davis, Dep't. - Printer's fees 15.50. . .7 . - GUERNSEY'S BALM. METtOVES ln pntvrvTa 1 a,. XV flammatlon and pain, and heals ths worst barn, scald, bruise, oat, or fresh wound of any kind, prevents aw.lll-k-r anil .ln fmn kj-. .( - ii . , , - - .".m wu-tjiw. vile, KDU noisonoaa planta, neuralgia rheumatlam. ague in the hraaat. aalt rh.nm. U'l.-.-. ..w I . i . .. 1 T .. .mks u utwruaiij, 1, will poaitlrely cure eroup in children, and givea Immediate MlUrin tha ..-.I n-. -r .V. l ill . .-- w, mu. w.riuj. cwajiiiiat, alio, removes boarseneu and sort throat,- Price, 88 cents a ooiue. Dnoniu oe in every House, ror eslenv Drar. UU snd Storekeepers. - IRTIlf BTON1, '"'P'WMr, no, i pprace St., new Tork . oet4dAwlyls ...... v. ; . tSfOKING TOBACCOS . Superior Oriental, - 1 " - .i h fine Kan atter, . . - -. .t. i !)'!. Pour Aost, (extraV 7, . r. or. . - v.i . ..i Ameriean Shag, r -. , : it . - i - Blrd'e Eye, (Ualoe) In ptckutt; alio, Kentucky tne cut In barrels 4nd half barrels, In store and for ule by - H ' . ' U. ; : . MCKIB at RE8TI1AUX, febll . ' . i " 34,Btshsmaa Building. M. C. LILLEY And Blank-Book Kanufitntnrer, MOUTH HIOH RBKR, COLTJMUI, 0X10 sarlMlf - -t . . .---I : - . Oo-PartnershiD.T. IIAVb TIsIS D AT ADDIItTED IHT ton J AMIS ADOKB BAIN aa partner In my Soti- esss, amen will weerter oe oordaoted nndertUe Ann ef Bala as Bon1" P. BAIN. SB Sonln Hlah Bt. Oolambai, f SB IS, 1881. , fiblS - HOTICE! ' i rrviiE sfjBsoninEU ia DEHineriii or JL elotlng ap his old eusinese at onet, and hones that all parsons hartng anssltlsd aoeoaatt on his books will givs tnem unmeaiate attention..- . t oio r. AIH. 0 it -aMxraioj ,..IJ H-AL Fl P RI C E jaaWdtf v J. 0. W00D8. ,Oi Carpir Kiaer's Kitate. i NOTICE IS HEBEBT CITEW TIIAT tht subscriber waa anoolnted mnA anaitaA tha 17th day of January. A. B. 1861. aaailminlatniuivnn the latata of Oasper KInar, late of franklin County . Dated this lothdsf ef fehmrv. A: D. 1881,1 ' 1-J J V i W .' .lit)- ..Jl-mi leh.WwSl'V MlVaiaUiNisAX,AdaslBlstratoni THE MARKETS. Columbus Retail Market. Columbus Retail Market. FRIDAY, Feb. 22, 1861. -The following are the retaU quotations oorrectad by - uu, wuuiaaaii auu retail grocers, no. 34 Wheat. gl 00 X 0. Suear a...BW,r Oats bu...... , Corn bu Maple do 18a ... tit ..1091 ... lXc Molasses V'ggj sOGHSUo Batter en, Lard ... Hyrup gal. tjk7Sa Tea a,...iUo.,75o.100 Tallow uc iddo Tea.... SI 00 Dried Apples bu..71Kloo Dried Peacbet....8 7.1S3 00 White Beans e ba..7510U aio Coffee T..IS,(loc lava do...., sue Bice fc uo Brooms dna. at (Ml Potatoee ou Salt In sack...., Salt f bbl ...likgiW! nay m ion m7 no ei,75, Soap (box) V 1.... V8e Beef ewt ... eu is , 13,14 10 .77Xc flour 9 bbl. ....S3 vm&x White Wheat do $5f 00 Hams 0 Hhonldera e B Bait Pork fewt. nyw iour w ddi... as uu Candlea,Tallow,bx. KHo Candles, Opal, bos. r- llio Oheeae s a, , lfldBioa Wood S eord... t Si .?H Mackerel No.lhfbbl Mackerel No I or bbl S3 apples e bu 4075e Mackerel No 1 kits.. tiH' White ruh per h'f bbl 85 00 Cod flab t 7r Herring bbl (3 75 Buckwheat floor per f 8 He Cora Meal bo.... 3.V Hominy perbuih tl 10 (Vhltky per. gall 7.25c BaIiIus, M R. Box.... 8 80 Layers " ....3 00 Sultan 9 ft 18Ks 'Igs . .13H15 Igge dot 10c Prunes ft. ... 8 10c Dried Beef l3Ht WHOLESALE MARKET. WEEKLY REVIEW. fLOUB tales at B4.DOX3 for rad. anJ ml ojva in rn. UIWI - - . ... - I . WHEAT sales light at 05(3)81. ' ' CORN Meters. J.kL, Zettltr hare nnrrhaaed anr. Ing the put week 8,600 bushels at 85c, and shipped 1,300 u i t.t.-. .,, . W.IWH auaiiau, to vivreianu. ' BU sales or small lots al 50o. OAT8 sales at SOo market light. CLOVKit BEED sales of small lots at S3 75. PO r AT0E8 salee at .085 according to quality. HAY-ssles at 67 per ton. New York Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] NEW YORK, Feb. 22. f LOUR Receipts none: ulet SOOOhhla.t Stata .A wettern quiet and Arm, at 8r' 80(913 85 forsuperflnt States 85 309 3 40 for extra State: S SaaLi 911 rn. .... perane woiterni 93 MBt 3U for Common to medium extra wettern, and V33IXB3 70 for Inferior to good hipping brands extra Round Hoop Ohio; Canada quiet wu uouanvca. eaivw liiv mi,, niW9 eugsiao 79, KY PLOUR eteodv at S3 3imt 10. WHS AT very Arts and moderate demand fnt mnw. .uu uim, wDiuupugDi miee or su wu outhei, at 8 1 91 for Chicago snrlna. 81 SS for Mllwankaa niiihH.n.. 81 35 for Winter Bed Western; and 81 43 for fair white ireesriiis RYE quilt 85Ctc. " , B A KLkY steady at 7031. OOHN eteady.wlthamoderataavnnrt dnn.nrl. .!.. vi n.wv Dun a lk-c tor nin misan M n in i.m r. l. a , . i rr . . it r. . . . . i """''" for new do. at R. R. depot. ' 8tateT8,n"t t3537o,("w,tn, Canadian and POK-stesdy at 17,es for meti; 18,7J for prime. BEEF-quletandstesdy. OUT MKATB-ateady. LARD heavy and lower; sales of 500 bbli at 9K10o. BUTTKR fair reanaal .1 livaila. rn. nhu. in icl. forSUti ' - C H IBSR stsady at ftSlOKc. WHISKY Arm and demand madarafa- .!.. Inn u.1. atl7t8o BTOUKB-rathsr better, bnt without tctlrity; no Sec ond Board; money plenty at 897 per cent, on call, but other ratee rery Irregular. Chlo. A R. I. 57; Cel. A Chie. 71KI 111. O. eerln70: fl. ST. 2li no in 70X; M. 8. quoted 3IJ: 0 .0. AO. 94H; N. Y. O. 77; Erie 3IJ(; Hud. 43; M. 0. 83H; Pee. M. B3 Brooklyn Water 100: Cb. A N. W. 80: Va. 6's 7JK: 0.78W; Mo. 65V: Tenn. 7J: Treainra la .. notatlOSaj. : . . ' Cleveland Market. February, 21. f LOUR remains quiet with onlr tbentoal Debt talea to the trade. Soma email panels ohilot doublt extra red rated at 85 25; and a lot of 18 bolt rye st 83 50. WHBAT sslrsof 1 car red on tnck at SlOV and 9 cart do from store at tl 07. CORN no salesr offering at SOo. OATS quiet at 94c.'. B A RLE Y a prime article Is worth COo HlOHWINEd eelei46bblsst lio. LARD tales Of 8 kege eountrr rendered at Ov and M bbls at 9Xo. n a mb uiea elty sugar cured at 10c. KU3B In soma demand and a littla .tiff... in 91lo. . 8KKDB Clover remained quiet at i,C0; Timothy It iiiKi.8j.-quiatatS9Xo. ' BUriER-telling at UiSlOc for Central: and llfifilCa for good. i I u. AEts-qaltl at 70o. ' : Cincinnati Market. PLOUR the flour market It oulte Intctira. and haa got down to the old level of prlcee (4 .10 for superfine, 84 65 to 473 for extra, and thence to 85 85 for White Wheat Extra femllr. WHBAT mill commands tl for Red. at tht haadi of millers, but.holdars generally demand f 103. White Is in moderate request at f lua to fl UU. 'inert is BO chains In com. OATS-drsg at 87 Ko. thbaih sales were made at that price. BA EH r prime fall sells more resdlly at 70 j. Tht interior grades are dull. EXE oommandt a rather better nrice. and a aala waa msdeateOc. tt. Com. Feb. 83. E. M. WILLIAMS & CO.. Front Street, Between State and Town. THE OLD CARRIAGE SHOP IstUll ronnlns. and althouh C tht pretturt of lata years hu set heavily V upon her running gears, she It still tnrn-- t.g out those splendid PIUTONS, BOOEAWATB, and PUINCB ALBERT'S BHIFTINO TOPS and NO TOP BUOOIBB, 0ARRIA0B8, EXPRESS, SKELETON, DEMOCRAT and GROCERT WAGON B, SMALL OMNI BUSES and HA0K8. Twenty yean stsady manafao tarlng hu given oar work wide-ipe red repateUoe through the Booth and Weet. w t i&ererore detm it unneoessary to say any thing mora a regard to the quality of our work. WawAtxairr svtt Vsiitcu. Wt can tell eooo Tor Boeeut from l-ato250. ... Dealers can be fumlthed with anr amount of work al short notion, and at prions lowsr than can be bought any where In tha Weet. Second band Uunriea taken In ax change for new work. ILrRe pairing done neatly and at short notice, f aa lory on front, between Slate and Town streets. Colnm- bus,Ohlo. K7AII communications will receive prompt attention, Aug. 31-wly I. M. WILLIAMS A CO Law Notice. T EVITABLERWILLTAKENOTIRR that he bu been sued with others In the Bunerior Court of Franklin oounty, Ohio, by George A, BUoh. Tba petition uke that tht following described real estate, tit uare la franklin oounty, Ohio, to wit: In the seoond Mo tion, second township and seventeenth range. United States military lands, beginning In the oenter of the State road front Westervills to Oalena, on William Slaughter's south line; thence aat 805 rode and 80 links to a atone an H. Dixon's line; thence sooth along laid Una. 58 rods snd 8 links to a atont (witness tree, sugar.) 8 inches la dia meter, n. on aeg. B. atstance tt links, and thorn butb 3 lnehes In diameter, south 88 Ssg. wsst 1 links); thtnee welt 888 rods to a stone In ths centre of said Stats road: thence north 18 deg west 88 rods; thence north 33 rode and 3 links to ths plaoe of beginning oontalnlng one hundred snditwo seres and 81 83-I0U rods of ground, aur be eold ror tna pay meet or yoarteen Hundred Dollars whlchls a lien there -on. In eaes of failure to answer or demarrtr on or before the Moth day (3d Saturday) of April, A. ID. looi, piainnu-a peuiion win oe uten u true, son Judg' meat radendaooordlngly, ' GEO. 8. CONVKRSB. . , Alt' for plaintiff. Ctlumbus, Ohio, feb 19. 1881 . feblS wCw. ,v.Landr for, Sale. V I I HATE ABOUT SPO ACHES OF A . nasr farm a I mated In tha oounty of Marion ar.d State of Ohio, on tha big Scioto River, six miles west of tha town of Marlon) it is all fenced la, about XOOacns deadotd trom roar to algal years, a goad new frame tlouse on it,anoat au aoresoiaarea; a good log Btsble; about 150 young fralt trees; a first rate wall of water; tha deeding la well set In to tame grass, snd tha Ma Scioto for stockwatar. And I will make 100 aorts more ready for tht plow, take off all tba timber, under Alteon Inohea. SOU to male ISOeerea of nlowland Tba land Is of tht rery beet quality, and I will tat a 888 ear acre for It. I oonsldsr It worth at least thirty three per aara with 100 acres more oleared, bat I mast tail It, there fore I wl!l put It down too dollars below what-I think It worth If I were aot obliged to sell. I hart also another half section for tale, lying In tba same section, ens half deadened, which 1 offer tor 813 per acre. Reference oaa be bad by tailing on joeepn nettles who knows all about tha land, or on the proprietor Is Marion. febin-waw - ,-.-. : bavid bpler. " - Notice to Creditors. Kdwtn Faneoast and others) asalnst Jaoob M- Oonrade and others.) la tha Snnerlor flnnrt of rranklln County. Iff PCHSCAWCE Or AS ORDEBUADK by the Oourt, la this esse, notlos Is hsrsbr siren to thaendltortef Ooarada at Brother, that they present uieir omme vw mm, verinea oy amaavit, af reeaoiy to ceo tlon 13 of the aot refulatlng tht mode of admtnlstering asstgnnitnls In trait for tht benefit of eredltere, passed April, o, ib3, witnin six moous arrar tnt pnbllcaUoo e UiltnoUos. .. . - , 1 ' Clark of tba BnpsHor Court. Oolnmbua, Tab. 18, 1801. : 3tw NOTICE. TtfSOnn IPILLANB ANDOTBER8. All pertooe era hereby eautlooad against carahaa Ing aa order dated Oct 1800 drawn by A. W. Bhearar, Olerk of Prairie Township, franklin touatyv Ohio en tha Treasurer of said Township, payable to John Pplll aoa or order, for aiW. for ten sets of UitoheH'1 aat- line map. The tatd order harlng beea irenduienlly ob- saiaaa wiiiBoisa paia. . . . A. W. BtrtAMR, Clerk ta behalf of the board of daeatioa of Fialria Township. jaa. as.wst- XPCrOTJXl. Tw"OI3. A EPITFOnnOiriE,OKTINEPfTAL, Xa. maaiuTTaa, bbcitkitt, ana lanwerwi las. VoJ New Toai liamoaawn and Cm Fma or H-aSTroaa saw I oaa i,ira an uoira. .io-itu, Lrr, . , . , oifica, st lUKav atM.sawt-rja Bl u. lLm- 1 e-ieU tii' c:. ji 1 Dr. J.ILlIcLEArj'S - Strengthening Cordial and . Blood TTTT' rill rs-e-a . J mJH. 1 film. . ) The (ireatemg BeaaeAy lm Tb writ AND TBI HOST DZLICIOTTS " AND' DEHOHirUL ' CORDIAL ever Taken. ITIBBTBICT ly a tcientlfie and Vegetabla Oom pound, procured by the distil. UUon of Roots, Herbs tad Barks,. Yellow Dock, Blood Root, Bansparilla, Wild Cherry Bark and Dan delion enter into Its More Takin&tirs active, remedial After Jaklng. principle of each Ingredient la thoroughly extracted by my new method of dlitllllne. nrodaeimr a dallainna. . uneraiing spirit, ana tne moet remedy for ren orating the dlteseed system, and restoring ths sick, suffering snd debilitated INVALID to HEALTH and BTBENUTH. ' " i TBEIf GTHENI1VG (JOB DIAIt Will effeotaally eue LITER COMPLAINT, DT8PBFSIA. JAUNDIOB Chronic or Nervous Debtllt. Slaeaaea of th. VinM. and all d I tee tee arialne from a dwuirriam.! l.i ttm aoh, Dyspepeia, Heartburn, Inward Piles. Acidity or aiak. nets of the Stomach, fullneu of Blood to tha Heed. Dull pam or swimming in tna neaa. j-aiL jailon of tha Heart rniinenor weight in the Btommrti. Sam. Sn4.u.a unosing or auoooaung leellDg when lying down, Dnuosi or Velluwness of the Skin and Byea. Night Bweatafln wara revere, rain In the small of tha back, cheat or tide Sodden t lashes of Heat, Depression of Bpirita, f rightful Dreams. Learaof. DeeDOodeneT aranw aUrvnn. Bone or Blotobee on tha Skin, and Veeee and An. r. Oklll. 1 . V.ui-Ull BWWmK.M I Orer a ITIUIien of afettlee 'I Hare been told during ths lut six months, and In A In. stance bu it failed In airing tntirt satlifecUon. Who, then, will suffer from Weakcees or Debility whea Mo- nan eiaanuiiianinu uuuuiAl. will cute you 7 No languaga ean cue rev an adenuala Idea nf tha km. Slate and almost miraculous change produced by taking una uvruiai in uie oiseaseo, acDiutated and shattered nerrons system, whtlber broken down by exoees, wsak by nature, or impaired by sickness, the relaxed and una trans A .., In. 1. -- ' I .l I ... I . w,H.m.wu . ...MProv w ,w prmuaw awaiulBaNl TlgOr. 1TIABBIED PEHBONB, Or others conscious of Inability, from whatever nose, will find McLean a Strengthening Cordial a thorourh regenerator of the system; and all whs may hare injured themselres by Improper Ind a lgenree, will find In the Cor dial a certain andspeedy remedy. -; - Te tbe Ladlea. 1 McLean's Strenglhcning Cordial u a sovereign and speedy curt for INCIPIENT CONSCnPTION, WHITES Obstructed or Difficult Menstruation, Incontinence of Urine or Inroluntary Dlsobarge thereof, falling af the Womb, Giddiness, fainting and all Diseases incident to females. , There Is ae Mistake About It. ! goffer no longer. Tskt tt according to Directions.'' It will stlmuhitt, strengthen and invigorate you and cants ine oioomoi neaun to mount your cheek again. vtry nottie is warranted to give satisfaction. FOR CHILDREN. ' If your children are slckl. nun v. or afflicted. Ui-Imti', Cordial will make them healthy, fat and robnst. Delay not a moment, try it,aodyoa will be conriaoad.. T IS DELICIOUS TO TAKE. OaoTtoa. Beware of Drantsts ar Dealer wha a.a to palm upon you tome Bitter ogBaraaparil la trash which they em buy cheap, by saying it la Just u good. awoia suca men. At lor mcbesn s Btrengthenins Cor dial, and take nothing else- It le the only rameuy thai will purify the blood thoronahlr and at tha una thaa strengthen the system. One tableipoonful taken every momln fasting, It a certain preventive of Cholera, Chills and fever, Yellow fever, or any preralent diseases. It Is nut nn In lanm nu.i-oa. i v .... 1 Price only tl per bottle, or bottles for 85. j - , . . - J. H. McLB AN, ' . . Bole Proprietor of this Cordial, Also McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment, Principal Deoot em the eerner of Third and Pise atmata. St. Loiikt. Mo. - , McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment.1 : Tna best Liniment In tht World. Tht only 'safe and certain cure for Cancers, Plies, Swellings and Bron ohitis. or Goitre, Paralysis. Neuralgia, Weakness tf tht muscieo, unronio or innammatory KbaumaUam, Stiff ness of the Joints, contracted Muscles or LIgamenta Earache or Toothache, Bruises, Sprains, Wounds, fresh Outs, Ulcers, fever Sores, Caked Breasts Bore Nipples, Barns, Scalds, BoreThoat, or any Inflammation or Pain, no difference how severe, or how long tha disease may hart existed, McLean's Celebrated Linlmeat It a oar tain remedy. Thousands of human beings hare been tared a life ot decrepitude and misery by tha an of this Invaluable med- ant. . . McLEAN'S VOLCANIC OIL LINIMENT Will rellere pain almost Instantaneously, end It wil clean at, purify and heal tht foulest tone In an Ineredl If ihort time. . . For Hortee and Other Aolmale. ' McLean t celebrated Liniment Is the only safe and re liable remedy for the care of Bnavtn. Bine- Bona. Wimt. galls, Bpllnta, Unnatural Bumps, Nodes or Swellings. It win nerer tan to cure nig ueaa, rou am, yittuia. Old running Boret or Sweeny, tt properly applied, for Sprains, Braises, Scratches, Boras or Wuands, C recked Heels, Chafes, Saddle or Collar Galls It ta an Infallible remedy. . Apply It aa directed, and a eon la certain In every instance. xnea trine no longer with tht many worth leu Lini ments offered to yoa. Obtain a suonlr of Dr. McLean's eeicnraiea ijiniment. it win cure yoa. J II. lilcLEANv Bole Proprietor, Corner of Third and Pine Btreeta, St. Lonla, Mo. for sals by all druggists, for ule by B0BTRT8 A SAMUEL,' aogSo-dAwlp - Oohunbaa, Ohio. NEWARK MACHINE WORKS, . HKWABK 0HI0, Blansifactnrars ef all kluda mt ' For tssble atAet Statianarr Mteam Ea (lnea, Maw Mtlla, urlat Ml 11a, !".' . .' eVO., tcCm i .- 'r.Ti, LAKjEdt B0DLSY Beaten! ff.ttr. MLAKD TBeaiml J. 4 J- B. sm 'All Beaten ttt C0LUXBO3 , MAOBISI CO. Beatenllll BBAD0BP. or - at CO. Beatenlllll I Onr PortaWs Soflne and Saw Km Was awarded the first premium of 850 at the lodlanii State fair to lc89 aver Laae A Bodley's on aoeonnt of Price, lightness, simplicity, economy ofTiuel . ami superior character of lumber sawed. i: Our Btatlonarrtns-lne' was awarded at the same Fair the first premium of WO.f c . 1..,.. Oar Portable Bnglne wat awarded tba first premium of iw uiv aair n aiowpuia, ibdo. over staoqy e w vaU's,OolombrsMsehlDeCo's., and Bradford m 0o'a ny a easnmittea 01 praatieai Kauroad JLciuxars. , sorDrtoe ana terms aaaress 1 W1LLAKD WARNXR, Treasurer, " aeea-ecwiyaoia , rrT, ajewark.omo WM, KNABE CO. AT THEIR Hurt StLBB-iaii XV ROOM, HQ. 13 MAMTIMOEM BT. top?' ' ana 1 . NOB-1, S, and 7 It. IUTAW BTK Offer for tale tbaireslebratad GOLDEN MEDAL, r .-. - f yti UK AND i-'-!- a arr an s ds .a ; .0.! VlANO-FORTE3. f Belne hlihlr recomaieoded by tha trst Prafossors and 1 '"-"I lhaananlnt-anA i , KVSBT , jJiW-7.-T- ! - IHBTBUMKWT , 4 WAUANTII) FOB f ' -r .- -I .-.o'FItBTsUIIS. The meet fastidious otiluwir may star anon beint pieeeea ia vevyreepaoi. I.- -'i -- ( Terms liberal. . :j .- wHaniBI StsjO. BKLTtSReaWIBBTIB, Arenta, t ectSSilydw. . i , .. Oolnibus,;ohlo -1- E.lf.rpOLLISTER, TOBACCO,, SNUFF .CIGARS, 1 fnt'.ln t .., --'1 . No. IBS Ttfh Scjfeivta Kk4 uwNetaBtlr han sill tBe 1 n BlAAHAIJtl.,B, , .J. 2 - ' I' ,! I IS-,;, f . a AyefsSafsaparilla A compound remedy, designed to be the moat effectual AUirotit thH can be made.! It i a concentrated extract of Para BaraapariUa, so combined with other substancee of eUU" greater alterative power at to afford an effep. tire antidote fog the disease! ranapvUl ii reputed to cure. It la helipvpil friar: atitri a remedy is wanted by those vbo autfnr from strumous complaints, and that ene -which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large olast of our afflicted fellow citizens. ' How completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints: , .-'. ScttoruLA ABii ScBortiLot'S Complaints, Eruptions and Euuptivb Disbasks, TJlceiu, Pimples, Blotches, Tumors, Salt JUauii, SCALD HbaD, Siphilis awb fivwunrxm At. motions, MEBcrtnuL Diseasb. Daorsr, Key. baloia on Tic Douloubbux, Druiutt, Dra pepsia AND Indioestion. Eavsie.ILAa. Rnaa on St. Anthonts Fibb, and Indeed the whole class of complaints arising from Iut-ubitt or thi Blood. : . ' . . - , ' . ,' 7 . w This compound will be found a meal nra. moter of health, when taken in the snrina-. ta expel the foul humors which, fester in the blood tt that tea son of the year -By Um time ly expulsion of them many ranklino; disordere are nipped in the bud. . MulUtudee ean, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves frpm the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system, will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural ehanncli of the body by an alterative 'medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its Impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when yon find it te ob structed and sluesrish in the veins x cleonaa it whenever it le foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even Where no particular disorder is felt, people enioy better health, end liv longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well : bnt with thla Eabulum of life disordered, there can be no isting health. Sooner or later sorriethinr must HO wron?. and tha arraal mahinarw eJ lifo is disordered or overthrown. Barsapaiilla has; and deserves much, tha reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been, egregiooaly deceived by pireparationff of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many Dren orations. pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarssparilla, or any thing else. . . During late years the puLUo IaVe been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of SanepsrilUt for one dollar. iAlot of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any. SarsoDa- rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er.. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name Itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with Imposition and cheat. ' Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall, rsscue the namo from tlia load of obloquy which feats ii c . . - upon u. - Aim we iniiiK we nave ground lor beliovhiR it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is Intend ed to cure.' In order to secure their eornplcto eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle, - - ' ' rflErAIlED nr' :;. .1 ' DR. J. C. 'ATKR 4c CO. ' LOWELL, MASS.' ' Price, tperOottl BlxBattlaa for 93. - Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a rcnorrn for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary fur us to recount tho evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been cm ployed.. As it has long bocn in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the pcoplo its quality is kept rtp to Uie best it ever has been, ana that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. . Ayer's Cathartic Tills, TOll TBX CTBX of - Cosiiveimt, Jaundire, Dyspepsia, Juiijesliqn, Dytmtiry, Foul Stommeh, Eryuptlat, lltadacht. Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin IXiteaset, Liver Complaint, Vropsy, Tetter, Tttmart and Sail RJteum, Worms, God, IXeuralgia,. as a Ditmtr Pill, and for Pm-i fyintj tie Blood. They are sugar-coated, io that the most sensi tive can take them pleasautly, and they aro the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of n family physic. . , Price SS cents per Box; Five boxes for $1.00. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States men, and eminent personages,' hare lent thoir names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agent below named fur nish gratis our America; Almanac ia uhich they are given ; with also full descriptions of tbe above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers wiui other preparations they make more pro&t on. Demand Ateii's, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there ia for them, and ther should . have it. - - ; . - All our remedies are for sale by ..., TtOBIHTB lAUtTlU AalaalHU And br Drurrtslsaail Dialers trei7Wber..4 . noTfl:lyd,twaiw ' ,.v.2 f" MIIS, WIN8LOW, An ezparleaead Norse and Female Physician, pretests 1 so uie attention auiaera, aarr : SO O T HI NG .S YRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, which rraatly faoilltataa the praeeat af teething, by soft ening the rums, reducing all inflammation will allay ALkrau aadspaaBMdioaotlOB,aada --'I 8DHE TOKEQCLATB TBE BOtTEUI. Depend upon It tsoUMfs, 1 1 wfll girt rest te roartalvas and -j. EIUEf ASOTBSMJirTO TOra.IirAIll. Wt hart pat up and eold this article for ever tea yean. and CAN BAT, IS CuNFIDKMCB AMB TatUTH, af It, what we nave never eeaa ablw to ear ol ear other aaadl- olDe HIVga HA8 IT VA1LKP. IS A BIN OLA IMBT ANC. 10 SrllOT A OCBK, whea timely aeed. nev er 01a we snow an mataaot aaastisrsoilea ay aay oaa Who aaad is. Oe the eoatrarv. ail aradeliaaled with Its operatlona, and speak la tame of eeaimeadatloa af las mas leal eseots and medical rlrtnea. we apeak la thla mailer "WHAT Wi DO KlfOW:" after lea years' expa rtenaa. AMD PLKDOB OUB EIPDTATION fOETllBI F0LILLUBNT OF WBAT WM HKRB DICLAhVB. la almost very nstaaoe wherr Ibe iataat te eaaerlog freea paia and ashaasttoa. relief wUl be feaad 1a Aissaa ae twenty aUantat sites taeeysap, it daslaiaMrod, ; This valuable preparation la the preeorlptloB af oaa ef the moet BXPS RIBNCKDaod SKILLFUL MOB4BB la New Brlrmnd. and haa keen assd, with JtaFBft FAIL- Itaataoly relierea the ohlld troaa peirv wat larlgwr. ttri tht stomaeh and eowele, eorreees aetdity, end glrea tea and eaeray te tha whole system... ft will alaasat ta ataolly siliera . . ji.-.uJi'Ci eBiFiio nr xex iowils, itd wind cone and eesiueaae eonrnltlona, which, tf aot sneadlly reme died, and la death. WebeHevaltttitBEalaad 8Ua 1ST KSktBDT IR TUB WORLD, In all asset ef 1S NTXBT and DIABRB3A IS CBILBUM, whaihee kt srlaet f rasa teething, ar- frost any. othee. ssasa. We would eay to mi7aaeamrwtiahieaehlidsDeertegfreaa any of the foregoing oomplslntsDO MOT LCT TOOK FBIJUDIOBB NOB THI PBfJODIUBB OP OTHBBS Stand between yoa and soar teermrehild,aad the ra- liertaatwiiibeBUHB yea. AsttoLurai,! suaa a follaw tha ass of this mad mat. If tangly asad. Fall ar reollont tor atlng will aommpany each tattle. Nona gmaiaaaalesstbaaVi-simlle af C0KI18 FBtKINB, New ta Ins outside wrapper. Bold by all Druralats thronghost tht world., iPFI icl pal Of floe, 1 1 Ceaar Street W.T. PRICE ONLT 25 CENTS' PER BOTTLE, ootrrlAwly ...... !H'J,,2 1 FOR. SALE J?R IffiCHAKQE I'Wiii Bfeiis oitExcMjiNOK'roB a good FARM, lbs undlrlded half of BTOBB BUILD 1N No. 84, North 11 lib Btraet,OomrHli(h Street and Lynn Alley. If aot disposed of by the 1st of April, the BtorewUl beror not. ' ' - -1 . v . ALSO, ... , 'r r ,Vl, on the stmt tenet, or for dnirable CITY POFXBTT. a well selected stock of FAMILX (IttOOLKUB. TwsntV vary desirable Burt,TtVl g situated ea ya.Mnloa Avenue, North ofUread Btroet. ' llj 1 8rn to suit parohaserm, Kba-eew - - - IB0MAS WAUUCBv ..