Newspaper Page Text
Jill orr ar3rxiP3",a? , Of THE OOflDITION 01 IM ' , City Fire V Iasuraacf tcnipaajr. V TUB lilt jBA. ItECEUBEBi MO. made lo Ui Auditor of Ohio, pureuenl to the ' Statute of Uo.1 Btata, entitled tot to reetoto iwe o . on Corepealaa. nt lnoorpanUd kf ths state or unto, w4AiUatM. i...-.w v.v. -,-. , ,f ;u 1 t.vHAM ANB.JUOOAUtJMl. , vy ... ;., la. Th4BMeef theOeapewyalBS "UHF inw ranoe Company'" ami la looatedat New Haves Con- OecIICOl. . . . t , 34. The aajent oi lie uapiuu p " 4Uu' Si It AB9ETfl.J- in ' -1 r." da of'1 Company en band wlO-BoS OT 2 I M.A t,aadaaf ul iH i ' 1 ' - A r . ATM AHU. II 8,000 ? ..a. tai Btto unincumbered 731 OS 1M 4.TbeBondaaodit:liaownedby , the Company at p vou.ii- ,-'AeeeeeoowipMytng--haw tamt thMOOn. to WtC pu y.iai, $.0,500, HUTMi liwn ...v ' , '5 3; bitMth. Company. tar . . -,J .U twtd Ml Kaiaav aa far ..r .rt tO('i M,Xi8 SO 1 ' bV All otber atonritiea eoiiitettof ..ii... ( Ier, Ifouu oa call V--v' in,iBoiinttnMllUaiil " " inrit4afclBaaaandoUi- ' .v - .-1 ..-tn. .., ..: t , BUa. liaw to aa " , YJ. 3,304 00 f - Ioi mua J -.4 - ' . . J ' , -Total BaWHttea.... ...... u,oot - IT alIBCHH.0CI. .-5, l- -l ' L. .nnr Inanmd In Uff 1 tothi ta irraataat amaon alia Nr tha 1 Wta. a" iT.toMuW In aar ooattt, k ... . - . towa or TtUaa.B0tHoiiu4.. ; 1,. ' n. M.tMt unount auamd ao M , 141 1a aniaaa Y r W0OO iu Mulul ar aarnlon dapotltaa .-.-.! olhtr g no, u Moarlty tor laraw thara t c il inio. tbm, wlta tha aawaat t aaca, aa4 .r-71 nbaUM aaeli aaapaay Iraaaaota any iNUtaau i, i ---af lnaataiioal)amalaor Atataa, aana. ' 1 Jih. ? S chailM, or act of tocorpoi atlon of 14 Ooai- fwrt ar Oomncnow, J , J WtlM oarai. waUa, and tart B.Bradlty, f!r?.,.LS.ii,..Taillraom.depoataoday, ' tht tea foratoluf U a full. Una ana eornot Hatemant ' aaoaOwpaay to thala (voimar of at laut i?iouaaollaofaotalealioipltal Inraa - orth douhla tna amount vow iuu ,-c iiiiaraotaraaaforthataDaflt of aay todltldual - - ou. th,tb; n'aboT.ttl tar. , . ; all SjnT; M w i lsbOTwORTH. Pr-ldWt, . ; .w.: 1 . ... UTIB. MAMISY, Baeratary. ' (iV '; f : " Jnatlcaoltba Poaoa. Ooloabaa, O., January Sd, 1801. , ) . ' D.i .tt -r.L. Auditor of Bt;t, bartby or- . tkt th Umm r rn..4Htnn of tna Ultr um- arsneetlcut. auda tola cca lor to aaar 1841, aad acw oa herein. , ; ; ... ... mI nfieillr. r. la. a. V J- 1 AodUcf t' State. ' CertHicatc af Aetaii-Itjr. (IotxplraoUie31rt7 Of Jaauary, 16(S.) AcBiTOaorBrata'a Orric AcBiTOaorBrata'a Orric . ImsiAiaoa DiTin.T, " ' ' ' : ' Columbui, Ohio, January 8, It I. ' T.. CITT f IBB INBCBASCB COMPA. n. loaitod at Saw Hawn, to tba Biata of Conoajicttt, " hu Blad to tkla ofllca a awora iUmBt ol Itawadition, ' M-aoulradby tha Brat aaotWm af tha aa tairu lata taaSOompanlea act tooorporated by thaBUUal . ZZ7r a ifg: mil WauaaBAa. aald tonpany aafurilba tht thi(ry.-WIot tutli u LLiititrt of at least aaa hundred thousand do I lure . artualoapltal Inretted ta aloctt, or In booda. or In aaori rzrJil.. worth doublt tha amoaat for which !7 .. ai: ami. Waauua. aald aoapaay I Blad ia tbif efliet a written Inurement under In eorpo- rat.r.M.L ..ned by P.t and r- of, aattiorialnf any e(.u, ur - -r--- thai Btata, to Mknovledee eerviee of prooeet, wand beteif of aaWaoBpany. coo era Un. that aueh terrioe iSiL rtSl TaViaaen and held lo be aa raUd aa If etrred ' SooBlbeeon.POT, aooordlnr to tha lawa af thlt or any ' XX BtoS iud waii"f all olalm or rjrht of error, by naaaa of tueh af aarrtoe. Sow. tbarefora, In pnrtaara of tha BirtaatUon the ejwleldect.1, BobartW Taylar, Auditor af Btata ' ' fwTTwofOuIo, do hereby certify that aald d,, IUe Tn.urK.ce Company of New Baren, Conaectleut. " . uuthortced to trantaot tha botlneet of lire iDtoranoa tattia Biata UI Iho thlrty-fltat day of January, to Ota year oaa thonaud ifU haadred aad alxty . . ... - . 1 .''..."-'rt" : La tntaet. W hereof , I hire he mote aaaatrlbtd aty 1 iaiand ea-aed the aeal of aT .fcte U) "( unUtadthodayaadyearaboTawrltteB. i J. H. WHEELER, Agent, .i -. ... - v C0LCiIBU3.0i.IO. no. Bit ota Hit-ii street. JajflWlw 3 J .11.1 t" k-lr. Wholesale and KetaU0Jcpot for Ho. 103 Eoutli Eieh Street. ;t ,:..!3?ill34A. Sa ' : & STAPLE GROCERIES, IN ALL THEltt VARIETIES. l a A ajtoyjaa, J ' u' (f tit." r.; T?a f rtav Ffill evrifl 1 Wintei" Trade ai V A tr. 5 7AttiaETCKiinta ircEBEiiaJiKa ,A .ak lIiX.laJaifai .iiAA. ' fcaAI-aoA raBt deUTCTT ":irt lek,Bla,awUa1 UapabaeU Uuaet that a.-mf a 1A at en elea aKaX o aanli aodbatot la daily itoatot af ooua troth toe dlffer U t'mmt CelBht, i.9 M . ii v. u ua nt tf artlelae appaMautac m inaujwva. ttada, xrwUQOAMSO by any haee la tha 1 ; ' Tha prld UA qMUty t J t rr1' ;,J avr- avaviaa e.aaiaw.awM - , -s i Oopflj .JJeUvfred Itee of Charg. W. M0DO-AI.D BaltinoTc " Clatluag Honse. ::v v.r gr . m lu.xsa ay' 'laj.Me f. t M. n--- -a-. A. ..Hi' v ,.V 'V. . 1 'MjjtTiraaTVMM aaa eraouaua MaiiM ni REAQY-HADE CL0THIHG, t :' Ko. 303 'W. Mmore-etreet . f .a f .if. v. t.j-' .' .tt aaa amaaa) 1 ! . la attar BAXT.nOKS.rn4. ..'J.'TT1'-' Cactt CmiatailRT'0 "fl.i 0o9Miy ! t - -v. lOOKIN OIAJ53 STORE JtarmnanPefaT, fa. 53 f Fottrtfc St., " . . b.wn kLaAet and Caeatnui, raiettipnaw I mri'i'iie ,r ttrrraf Ir liOV Una. aa aa-r tulra Tsrlety of lour( aaueee, GUI, aiai"yny Bed Walnut trainee. Wur rreneo riata Xirrora, Plain and picbly ursuaianMa. uuiihiiki Wood Portrait and Picture fruea. ; j.r:m ctJLrs 1 jputti vt tss box. pvH lav. tba fjefetV aiaBnar wJl Inaurod ........ ilM i. .. a-.. -T, ..! fMar.V.nrra. ,a-l .v..lje..dv-y "' ajj, 3 BouUt y-orth treat. Pluladelphaa. 186061. 1860-61. Winter Arrangement---Time Changed Great Northern and Eastern Route. Cleveland, Columbus & Cincinnati RAILROAD 00 00 1 OoaaeeUBgatCrettlloe with the Pittsburgh, FortWayae & Chicago v; BAILBOAD For Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Baltimore) ; Also lot rort W ayae and uwcago. . . . OanBettlngatCI-evelaad with the '- ' Lake Shore Railroad : For Dunkirk, Buffalo, Albany, New York. Boiton and TWO TBAIRS vAIIiH (axaapt Bonday) from OoluaUnt,! la oonnection with XraUuoa tba LiUle Miami & Columbui k Xenla RaJlroaila. , VIR8T TRAIN. . KTnnt HYPBSBB Latna Columbui at ItSa. n WUllaara paawoiora at all ataUona, aooth of Oalllon too itDtirrt. AahUy, Oardlwrtoa. Ollead and at all atfMiona noruoi num. imnn . n.kirk 4'Bi . .. Buffalo 65 p. B. . H York 8:I p. ., BoatoB p. rinaouiuu vtov Uoe3:a0 a. n., rhlladelpbla 7KKi a. m.,Chtcf via Oraftou 11:00 p. a. Alao oonneatlsl at Shelby for all solnUOD tha Bandoaky, Haaauald t Howard Ballroad. . j.,..,,,,. wwBKiaaia. uia .ND IPftiaa LaarM Oolnmbna at 3 00 p, 4ii.toutil ulutiiaa aoath of Boalbv. and at Sal- aai. Now Loadoa. WalUmrton. Oraftou and Bana. arrlT- lt at Uaavolftna kwd. m.. vnwun -w ai w, u.u.i a.a.( Van lark 10:U0 p. Boaton 190 a. m., iitahtih via crettllna x:9ua. m., rauaoaipoia a uu p. ..OhMotoerafton at 10:30 a.m. AlaooonnaoUat . . a j I U...1I.I. A MaaMl. Bueniy ror au poinui an auwmr. ."" BaUraad. . . . PatATit SleeBinar Cam are ran oa all light Traini to Chicago, Sew York . and Boiton. - T TBmomo4 Cktdui TkrmtgK to iVata York anal B m CMml, ab lo f AiladfpMo, JVne Tarirta Oatwaa. . , ,J "" ' MtOMTDia. ; - ; ; triant Izpraat'arrltaa at Oolnmbai at t30 a. m. OlaoinoaU Xxpnat aniTa at Columbui at 1:40 p. m FartMLowaabyBnyotbrRonte. . Aak for ttrtrata via CraatUna or Olarelaad.1 . '. ,..... ' 1. B. FLINT, Bapar't, Oleraland, Ohio. JAMIB PAmBSOS, Agent. 1 JuneU ' - ' Oohuabua, Ohio. RAILROAD CENTRAL OHIO R. R. BETWEEN COLUMBUS AND WHEELING. of - to of to ' . ' ulThlB la the OdIt Route offering a Tbraatart. Tlekf DacB;g Check ie A. WASHINQTON : CITY;7 Ataxi (A nZy Atfwia foiaj lo Ma roumgtr Vu frteiUgt f iWUmg Out (Mi f BaMlmere,PlUelelphlilakIe'wTrli, it thaaoatof aTloket toAVeie Tori only by other Llnei. tWO TBAINB LBATB O0LTJMBTJTS DATXT ;; Bsxdah Excrmo. T..a8.'lT 1:00 u. ma., elooolna atall P'eHont apoa atnAl eeiny firm, errirlof at BeTlAira at 9:50 a ata aoBaMaong uumauuKeiy wiu, umuia va ' " The Baltlnar ! KtUtrosd tar Baltimore. Wathlnatoa Oltrand tba Boath, and Phi adelphla. New York, we ton, and tha laai. Alao with traintoa ua PENNSYLVANIA CCSTHAL, rtaWheeUnf k PltUbunrh R K., for fHUbunh, Bar riiburgh, PUIladelpLla, Ke fork, Boticn and toe East. Ihla train alao eonnectaat Heark with B. U . At N. B. R., aad at ZanetrUle with 0. W at I- B. R. forLancaa (ar, Aa. - HAIL AT it) p. aa., flopping at all Station! upon Us ui beinf (inn, arrlvis at bkllair at 9:4(1 p. ., eon MoUniumadiately wlli traint on Tha BaUtlameira Ac Obi Bailrand For Baltimora, Vaahington City and the Boath, and Phil adelphla, Mew fork, boiton, and tha Bait. Alao with train oa tha PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL, rla Wheellae; aad PltUbunrh B. B., fcrPUtabanh, Vu- riabanh, Philadelphia, new yon. no. too, aad me ami Ihla train alao aoauaaota at Baneeville with 0. W. e. Z. B. ., for LovnoaiUr, Jto TRAVELERS TO THE EAST FROM ALL WESTERN F0INT3, cam pcriNo rjroa Qaick Time and Sere Connections: AJtna tna Baaa Auowxa roa lfaaia. ' BLEEPING CARS oa ALL NIGHT TRAINS Ask for Tickets rU CoIomboB and Wheeling. lor farther Information and JVoc TUitU, apply to M. L. POHIRTV.TIcket Afent, Cnloa Pepot, B. 1. JBWBTT, rraeloant, saneaniia. Joan W. BBOflTT, BtrrM ' ' 1 " Oeneral Ticket A rent, Columbu. BALTIMORE AND OHIO BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. GREAT NATIONAL ROUTE. lK It Ifl IN ATKl AT TAniNOTON 1 and BAluaaaraoB tha Beat, sad Whaallnt , Beawood and Park n bare oa the Weet, at which plaoaa It unite. with Ballroada, Btaaaaara, etc.,ior bh inn au poiau In tha , treat, vtl.-vreet ataA Nortb-iteat THEE3 TEAIE3 DALIT . FOR ALL THE "EASTERN CITIES.' This to tha only route to WaahlB(toa City. C , PaManMrabr thla mats eaa Tialt BalUaiora, Phlla lelphia, Saw fork and Boetoa, at tha ooa t of a tloketto Uu. ainna he othar Usee. o through tiokete to tha Baetera eftles eaa as prosared rta Waaoinftea City at aa addltleaal aharfs of two do .......a n..a ItTum wo aii, BTanrr TAiaa; 7mea4 fwaal- and art Mint ssia any ofaar rii-i.l. 1 ... Isaulre for tkmta rta Balttmora aad Ohio Railroad at any af tha principal aauraaa omcoe m we rr eaa, ! H aUi,UVAJI,0'l Wettera Agaat, . Bcu.twa.Ohla. .LM 0011. Ctonaiai Thkat Aaaatv '. ' .7 . Wa fa BUiXiU atattar TnutportaUon, ostSB-tf. aui,: .Ttaoaa, atd ' ao y i to .1 ' ' TUB BUBBOIUBIR WIIX DSUTISTBI ja:.i iv.. ---..i : ..V.O.VJ. i W00D,'SAED AND SPLIT, . it Ta any part e thseltyfor, , v a.-j : , -3,50 PEE CORD, S Aad feat Wood for ., ..v , 42,50, iPER CORDS: AW hsWrare kljAOoBj as low as say other dealer, aad, tympaUileaji with the public," la now "''.a, a ' .. i.'..i.n : 2A5E8VILLE 0E ircsniiatna IJTJT COAL on DIRT, ' ' fOft i.Cti'nt BUSHEL. : Tsrd and offlos, IIS, loath Third Street, stay tha See osJ Preefcyterlaa Charci. ,7,,'... ' ' mi, A..JBAEI0W, Agent, Ooaaaja,Jaal-.'i--fi.)T.r. j :1 : -K1 I dim IL1P0ETED GOODS. TITBT BIBOBTTB D . t fJ to Italian Oil, Barton at 00., lor Mhie nee ir-aah Mnataaa-aawnritabTaaida; Boned Bardtoee. too BSI Sardines totp'U oruapoia aaavinaa. -.-.-Table Baacee "Lea a. Perrin't TTorrWir ehlrs.M "Boyer't Baliana.'' "John BaU," . .. "Hamy." "liaaainf.'- .. ., a . A M - ' a. " ! "M SadMtVCroae at BlaekwalJ'S ee&nted Xfilth Plaklra, aonaUtlna of "Cauliflower," "Pi- .11 r ! I'.; eAUM.f Cb--01ow,"Wlnut.'' "On low," abbaft," "Beana," ' OherkV -' ' tO ,4 toodoa Pentr Xi 1 f ' i 1 (. . 10O M Campbell'! celebrated Bcotok Ale . at aaaat Olneer fraaarree. g(i koxet Italian Maoaroul and TermaolUa. r f aneaOox'aelaMno, , r '- CeUaaaa't eeLebnUd liallah maatard. la keam, boiH, etna and bottles. .... a BoSrV' T'trt''-'Waf-IISBOHAtP. j ii i '' 1 iii i MIKK MUPySi TICTORii'ie ana curve we are bow telling at very law prices, al-o all other klads fashionable fun. Pia bab a. He. M South High et. deeSl. .' 1- ? ) 1 i;i HABDlif ABE STORE I -J. r- kOlf . tf . o JUST RECEIVED BY WE l GrILL, - No. 30 North High Street, One of the Largeatana Bett BeUeted Ant . i ... OF . c ' ' 1 ' 't ' ' . BVXR 0FFBRB9 THIB OWTI , i eaajaeBBauBuaaaB, Honse !; BnOderV Fnrnisliings' OF BTERT BTT1I AND QUAXITT. . , -r f ' , ',' rrencbcV American ( x7rn.&oxxr ' Glass ' PAINTS O ROUND IN OtVi and put up In half pound cant for fcrnllr nta, and Dry i FalntilBbalk. Brnskca ol every variety & quality. A Spletwtid Aaaortraent of ' MACHINISTS TOOLS, CARRIAGE MATERtAPS 1 , ', AXES GRINDSTONES, See- . , , GUNS, PISTOLS, SHOT, Ao. , FISHING TACKLE ! 'ROPE A CORDAGE, LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER WEDGES, MAUli,TP0MP8, . AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS scythes. &o... , .' SCALESi BELLS,1 CHAINS Table and Pocket Cutlery - 1 aapaolarty lnrtte tha attention of all tataratted to my ttock of Pocket and TebU Cutlery, .aM,i( .; ' BILVEtt PLATED FOHfcs, : Table, Desert, and , Tea Spoons, Butter. iKnives, &c, of H0QBRR8 at BBO'B. ttanufaetara, warranted to be axtrahaaTy, Eltotro-Flated, on (enalna Albatte. ! ' Country BteNbantoUaebaaioe, and o there, are IsTttcd lo call and examlM my Btoek, u I era pRpared lo fell ?Tholatale and BeUll. . WW. A. OILL. Colnmbna. Ohio. May 8, 1M0 - - - ': r BEST AND CHEAPEST PARKERS SEWING j MACHINES. VrPRICE $40, AND WARRANTED j E qnal t o Any O ther Fr , all Famllf Pnrpasos, j Betldet bote more tfanpla, darablo, and sully operated. Call and aeel Offlee, Annery Ball, over BsU's Store.: O.T. FLOWBKB, Afect HUNNEWELL'S '.' J- - i - COUGH REMEDY. . Vnw all Throat and Lnna Oomnlalnta. Ineladnf . with atoat perfect retalta, Waoomio Conn, Obxoxu aaa Oommob uouaaa, JtaoacaiAi. abb abboat uobiuibtb, alwan fnremnnar. af OoniumDMen. aa A Booraua Btbop tt baa no aaparior. Freed from all Opiate Kmetlc propertlea, may be need by molt delicate oonttl tntlona, and with perfect eoufidenee. . - : CEI.EBIlATEPia.V " .v:,;,v.:rToiu ANODYNE. vfc. , .t4t;... . . . -j.... ..i.. , .ux. . ( ...... "'Tat;'flstay HaTCai OrtATf erer. offtiriito world, aontalnlog not a particle or opium, aor any too atAnoa but ita ttrictlr e.tttbla and medical properties. A tore Remedy for HsdsaXbu, .RaiuMATmaj, Ooot, Toots abb EaS A cbs, Catarsh, Boai ot 1UT rarra and all minor NerrouaCooiDiaintS. ' . foa Lota or hxcar, and Headache la an Its yarletles, it tun no equal, and to fetch moat Bnaocbtetttearmoni Fob DcLiairjat Tutm It Is S most perfect remedy, ' ,Ioa Bowm. Coaruum. after remotlcg the pala It at a phyaio, a stoat important oontratt wiin me ecDtiayar lery effeota ol Opium. -. -., T 1 To Phntdana. Foraratu sad Trial Bottles srlll be sent and to Dealer or IwralM a deaiiilpUTO pamphlet without poatagaetaop.'.v r t Prepared eeder thoapSdal aaporrttloa of I, f . . ?JOIIPI lit BUNNEWELL v.: x' w.r rOTIr Art msBAeatrnet, .'7d"afi al&a01Ba,aial WAw( BoitOB. HaSa. o wham plaaas direst til sommualcatloejt,' ' PrlcaaLargt Ooogh Rtotd, 50 eentt per bottle. Small ' S3 " ' ' taa S"'.' ala' tv.S 4,t.'l!- Toin AaAJrae. rr'M lot a&ta by the, uauaj tholqaals ant rttatl dealers, BBBTgAB.lfeii,' , JOHN R. LWB-, . O. DEMO BOSS, ...... ffi. ' A. J. SOHClLtBB SOU mty'7-wly. Agents lor Oolombna, Ohio: rr. TT 1 ' ttrri :',triBa?To ViiU.;:TBi.'''Ai,awia Tf tloaaf ' -. t i ' to ora ASSoarirawt "' WutttKrTcolsw4W Imported directly from tba Manufaetertos of HngUnd aad Bwlttarkand, and which wa will sell at low, If knrer, thao anyoiner Importing nouee in ui. yi L. teBQTJBRBCX A SONS. r " 71 8. High Bl., Oolumbua, 0. aealB 41 jc JjlSi Maidan Lans, Hew Yorli.- summiEai,.;,i ' "TAPIOCO, I i j , ' f I Arrow Hoot, ' . - ! it;. Bolls peae " (-1 A -J .5. FAHINA : ' 'Bice Fleer , Peart Barley ' ' Cracked Wheat Coee-'- ' " Cream Tartar,' Fin ' ''Chooolate . Bronte, etc. Sode ' ' r'i PrunS''W.aH f . -wreew tiiwsww i BeedleM Kalslns mom " i . . - Freab Camr'd VreiH tt every deseriplien; ' Jellleaef aH ktnds; . " - . - - - . iMMflMB.. I laboring Sxtrartaorati Ktra j -f j iflMs Prottt mixed uneaieei- , j. i.ii-44raoi ituia, n.Iilu,rta,PeouiIaia, t i -r niUu. WAistua.towu iBi..'w .. a" . - K X.X ' UnVOt AM); OOHKIUlKtl NJKWe ii to Xedde lea (Jspaa.) THE .. I m'PM' " J-r-.1. j i m-1 ,,.-vnao.Yv-fNiiji rw, Vaie ar ,'rtH,aT ''ti-. ' , For r.i. uj -.7fl MoKXlkMgllBAVX. jaall. or tht aetl not New "OH PuWislinHouse ! i" j.'h.riley& t. o: BOWLES, COLUMBUS, ..OHIO, . . HOW IUBM8H ; ' ' " ;-!, ' IXdUTDWO ' ICH00L VSBm tax ohio The Pawit, Bloheit, Beit v.d OhMpMl. ' " : SPELLING f AND 3flflLYSIS. . . U '. , .-"-l .. -;. " 1 i Br SAtcit Town, L: L. D. , ( Town'i Speller and Deflner; Town'a Hew Analyaia. - READING. ; , Br 8. O,, Goocmcs, L- L :ireKej,iwej.; Bkmdrleti' Haw 1rt Raaaar. Ooadrtofa'a How td Baader. " ?f ' aa.dria- Hw Sd aeadar. Ooodrioh'a Naw Sth leader, ' Tey are a iMdd impnvmtcm a'1 7 urn,." Bern. J. V. Scott, fi-P; UUof Miami Vni- trtlty, Ohio. . . : i , : MATHEMATICS. - flreeoleert Hawbnal ArlOuaatw, ' a-OreenlraraTreatlaaOD Aljebraj .) iVj OMnleafa Blemonni of 6metry. ' BbudArd ind ImoartohabU works of their Wnd: tta rithad and moot oomprehenatTe, aa B Berlee, that raTa appeared to tba current nlnetoetb century.' rror.rrr- . GEOGRAPHY. -..'.:..l"Bt8 p. Coimku-, i!2 ' Ooraell't FlratBtopa toOaoaraphy, Pnttlty IltaitiBtea. Oomell't Primary ueotTapny. ""'",,r Oornell i Intormediata Oaoaraphy. with Mew Map.. Ooroell t enunmai-aonaoi.wgrapui, . u.. Oamall'a Hieh Bohool Oatfraphy and Atlas. - Much tupermt to any other Geographies wifh which I am aconabted." Bon. Anion Smyth, Ouporinton- imt PubUo Jntntction, VMo, , - ' ENGLISH GRAMMAR.; BrD.B Towia, A. M., and B. F. Twbid, A . M Tower and Tweed'e Blemento i of Orammar. ' Tower and Twaed't Oommon Bcbaol 6 ram mar. ' Tower and Tweed's Orammar of Oompotltlon. " Tower'a Common School Orammar will fill a pcaltion abaolntoly demanded by the Bduratlonal wanto of the oonntry.'' B. V. CrmrnoaVQ, faywn ik oonm, CUTTER'S PHYSIOLOGICAL WORKS , Br Bumamih GuBNUtar, A. M. ;j;:Jbr DUtridScKooU. , " '., ' i , SraenlaaTt Sew Primer Arllhaietle.. i reenleaf'a IaUllectual Arithmotlo. . . Oreenleafa Oommoa Bohool ArlthuMtla :: . ,! for Biok SciooU mud Jeadmit. - 'Plret Leisorif lo Phyilology, Illuahsted, ssa.J ' Anatemy ana c uyii v.j , COPY BOOKS AND BOOK-KEEPING. TlnntnM and BaTThaar'a Oaannlete Be rite. ' Banaford and Payeon'o Book-Keeplnf, Double aad Bin. fleBntrj..,, .... t.i -i A' : n-Be.M.a rJ Tnlpndni.tllM LhA KOflt 'ffeTOfUblO. Teachert and School officer! are reneated to communl catewithaa. ' ' -' Single apectaea cop let forolthed at one-half the tuual fata,. -j w - i t.. . , J. H. RILEY As TJ C BOWIES, ept.U. wfim - Pabitabers, Oolnmbna Ohio. . BBOOWmrDBD BT TOT 1ATB ' . SIR ASTLEY;COOPER, ' i . or lownow- aire - a DR. VALENTINE MOTT ., in. .!:. i:-v wrw-Toax. The acKnerladaed Eaadaof tha PTOftaatoa in elfhtl Wa V4 TM.Tn ITAnU f.fftifAWnl . ' flceet Extract of the ITAilAN JUNIPELB BKRKY. ,Jh rarest end Most Costly Gin AU. BW. l.IUOUU, .VIUUl MUU l Tli.ll IUIW - lant. i INDISPENSABLE TO FEMALES, ! , . it uai iiidi e- Ti 'rue cirtir T.1 f ; : INCOMPARABLE FOR THE AGED, v. r THE' SAFEST AND MOST t . DELICIOUS BEVERAGE IM THE WORLD. For Balo, Pints And Qnaxta, by vrf urngiBt, orocer, or country ueroiutnt. LOOK OBI TOR BOOVt I i O N D O K' Or I N" S TEB OITLY OEWIKB ABTIOU! SI ' CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL BIN B. BALDWIN & CO.,rr j " ?; Importers. 91, Liberty St, ..i ... " i NEW YOHKt ... - i ,.--.( ,,,'1 ,.a ... . i .i Bold to Oolumbut tfinw--" 1"' ' Wholeaale sad Bsurt I Orooere, Stateeman Bulldlog. , . - , 0. A. WAGNER. and etbert. In Cincinnati, by BCIBB, XOKBIBIB A 00,, ooae-deodAlyw - " and others. 'i NEW TREATMENT. .- ' ... .-d .,' .1 ..... .i ai U..H: -' J , .tM., y. .. PrlTBteaad CoBflderitlBl h ' - MEDIO A I. A D VI O nrFPALO PR1VATR nOSPtTAL, Bitabllthed for the en re of BypMU, Seminal WtaJmstt, Una US otereo njtrmme oj- town ana Matwrwr pyoptptia, General DeUXitv, freer and Agv, llL.rWl tVA Ana 1 SO MXSOVST VSXDt .: .... Dr. Amotf Cb Don, Corner of llaln and Quay Bta.,uiiaM n. x. ABB THE NLY ' PHYSICIANS the Stato who are membsre of the Koyal Oollegs Burasona. London. May bo oonsulted from 8 o'clock the morning unil at night, In every atage and aymptoa of ait tttt Tha treatment they adopt to tie result upward, of thirty yean extensive praotlce In Karope America. ' i ! i " ' ' A M08T SOriSTITIO IHTBHTIOH. I itastrnmant for theeare of Nocturnal BmUHonl mora properly known at Seminal Weakneta, eto. Can Krmanently eured from fifteen daya to two month, i ase of fai Ipstrosasnt, when used oonjolady rTODHawnr tub pTB?rcinA hwicb . Sr. AMOS at S0M take pieaeure la aaBoanelse; (bay have Invented S mott fanoortant tmtnunent for cur, of tbe above dlteaae.. It hae been tulgeoted toatett ay the moetemtoent phytlelana la London, Paris, Phlla delphla and Hew Torkl it haa been declared the only instrument ever Invented for the sure of Seminal Weakaeaa. or any diaraee eaaeed in the secret habits youth. PrtoeSlObyaiallerexpreea.-fc . M. -r. AM08 as BOH, ta order foJaUtfy the aksptlcal aa to the aerito of thla iBttrameatw pledge Ihewietvea that to an loatanea when It may prove fair trial, the asoaey will be refunded byreturnlngthelnttJTiiaeBtlBgoodorder, j i i COOMTEY IB V ALIOS. ua la' aay port of the world may be saeeessfullr treated by forwarding a correct detail of their ease, B remittance tor aediclneo, eto- ' i -j : Addraea Dr. AMOS A BON, homer of Mala and Sit. Buafale .!. i'.'jt - " atarl-dwly,.. Msnnfacturer and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS! AN1XSIIOES; tr Sooth estt Corner of nigh snd Oaf Steyi ' ... ;...'... onio. .VaWJM ft &is"M4 Btopis (lds'o laad. rij3l-dU. ,teia prwi 1" e.u I 'a t,flllllBRB KID GLOVE . f x AU Msssaad eelots jast opened at BAlHB, dee.ll. Me. 8 South High street. ' Tka s- Au . . E J IN of to of ana ' x be by with " thai the net fat of .. mott aa tatlttaetory,aftara - with - Quay , e ooLTjnBcs,... ,' -1 lliift mm OF THE AGE. MB. KENNEDY, Of' BOXBUBYt hat dlaaorered la one of our oommoa petture weede a remedy that sans t't -sino i -";.' 1 Every Kind of Hnrnor, The worst Borofala down to k oommon PLmple. W. haa Med-ttln'over sloven hnndred eaaea.Vid nev er failed ezoept In two Caere, (both thunder humor.) lie haa now In hit poteeaalon orer one hundred eertlflcatetof 111 valaa, all wlthla twenty mllea of Botton. Two bottlet are warranted to care a nnrring sore month. ' '. - ' 1 i ' One to tares bottles wui cure me wont una oi rimpisi Wthe face. Two or three oottiea win near ina ayaiem or one. Two hnttlea an warranted to cure the wont canker la tt, month or atomach. Three to Are bottles are warranted to ears the worst Und of Bryatpelu. . One to two bottles ar warranted to ears all humor la the Byee. ' " Two bottlet are warranted td ears running o the ears and blotchea among the hair.- ' ' roar to tiz botiet are warrantea to ran corrupt uu tanning ulcere. ' ' ..... I ' nn bottia win enre eeaiv aruonon n uie aaio. Two or three boUlet are warranted to cure tha went kind of ringworm. Two or three bottles Are warranted to ears tha mott dotperata cue of rbeumatltm. 1 J " Three to four oottietare yarranwa roour. wirmwuw. Firs to eliht bottlet win ours the wont onto of tcro- a iwnatit I. alarm, anenenora irom tna nm S perfect care II wamntea wnen me aooTequaaiuj taken. ... ituAuuni, maos. T... M.Biw: The renatstloa of the Medical Dls eorery. In curing all klnda of humors, la so well seta- it, that I need not aay anything on the tubject, aa the moat tkillfal phyticlant and the molt careful DmggUtt in uhM n. manninimaniTaioBoi .n wuu u... .... maa thevoontry are unantaouiin 11a pram' In pmentrng the Medical DliooTery to your notice, I a. it -in. a knnwindra of lit eurativo power, In re . Uerlng all, and earing meet of thoee diteatee to which you are unfortunately to liable. Thai moat excruciating dltears to an affeetlonate mother, . i ' NCBSINO IOBE MOCTIT, ! It cured as If by a miracle; roar own tern par It rettored to lu natural aweetneat, and your babe from ahort and fretful napa to calm and tweet tlumben; and the Medical Ditoorery beoomas S fountain of blening to your hatband tod bouteaoio. - ' . $ In the more sdrsneedstageioi . .,. . OANKHR : - It aitandt to the atomach .canting . , v .x., DYSPEPSIA, . : which to nothing but canker on the stomach; then to the Intettinct and . ., r oreallng a linking, gone feeling, and an Indifference evsi to tne caret oi your lamiiy. Tour ttomach is ' ' " 1 ' HAW AND INFLAMED, an. rnnd ji.tiHui .on. and .on can onlr take certain klndt, anderenof that your tyttem does hot get half the nourtihment It oontalns, u the aorlmonous Bold of tha canker eau It up; then your complexion loaet Ita bloom and becomaa tallow and greenlth, and your bett day la gone. For want of nourbhment your ayitem M' mmm inn. and flnhhv. and the fibre, or sour body be oomo relaxed . Ibea fellow a train of dtieaaei wbioh the Medieal Ditcoreiy is peculiarly adapted to , .vr:. t- OVBEI . ptnifatlnii rf the heart: rain In the aide.' weakneta the tpine and tmall of the back; pain of the bin Joint when .on retire, trrerularlty of the bowelt, and alto, that mott excruciating of dUeatet, the . .. - , ., PILES. Bow aiany thoutand of poor women are tufhrlng from thla dlteaae and otninaaway amlaaruble life, and tuelr MrtAiM naivbhordoaaiiac .Bow ina oauev. ' A w.iu vm Impreet on year mind that good old proverb, "An oanot ... .... 1. L..t th.. a nMlnil J jM.a " In thm MEDICAL DISCOVEBY you have both the preventative and the euro, with thlt great ana gooa quality, mat wiu B.T.r, uihki aaj rircumitancet, do ycu any injury. . j THE OIEDIOAL DISOOVEUY i it atpedaty Intended for dlMuet of the blood,' but tlnce tie Introduction In the Wettern Btatea, tt It found to be the bett . ' . AOtE REMEDY r ; lhatwas ever before the public. - J" No change of diet ever necettaiy eat the bett yon can and get enough of It. ;' -i- Diarcnom roa en Adultt on table spoonnl pr 4arChildren over ten years, deeaert tpoonfnl Children from five to eight yean, tea tpoonful. At no direction! can be applicable to all oontltutloni, take tuffident to operate on ineooweie wio. a uaj. , ' I'. ....... I .1.'. .UUI. .1 U IT , . i i -. DOHNAtD KINNEBT. Price B1.00 perbottle. For ' y every drnggtit In the Cnlted Statet. eepSl-daiwly. PROF. L. MILLER'S HAIR INVIGORATOn, Ao Effective. 1 Safe and Economical ', . .Compound,,).,.. FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR To Itt original color without dyeing, and preventing the uainrom turning gray. FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS, And earing It, when there Is the leaet partlole ot vitality or reeopomive energy iBuunina FOR REMOVING SCURF AND DANDRUFF ' ",' And all cutaneout affections of tht Bcalp. . FOR BEAUTIFYING T,HE HAIR. Imparting to It an uncqaled glow and brilliancy, maklni It soft and f ilky in ita texture, and causing ll to cur readllv. , . lhe treat celebrity and Increasing demand for thlt nn equaled preparation, convince, the proprietor that trial to only necessary to tati-fy a discerning pnblie of superior qualities over any other preparation In nta. eieantea tbt head and scalp from dandruff and other cutaneous diseases, causing tht hair to grow Inxariantljr, L ine It a rioh. aofU xlottr and flexible appearanoe, alto, where tbe hair is loosening and thinning, It will give strength and vigor to tlie roots and ret to re the growth hoee parts which have become bald, causing It to yield reih covering of hair. . .,. , There are bund red t of ladles and gentlemen la New Tork Who have had their hair restored by the nee of Inrlrontor. when all other n reparations hare tailed. M. haa in hit posteetion lattera Innumerable testifying to tha above ractt, irom persons ox tne oigneii reateciar Mlitv. It will effcctaallv nrerent the htlr from turning antll the latest period of lite; and In ease, where' the hat already changed Ha color, the use of the Invlgorator will with oertalaty restore It lo It to Its orlg'nal has, giv log it a dark, glossy appearanoe, - As 4 perfume for toilet and a Hair Bestoratire It is particularly recom mended, having an agreeable fragrance; and the great it affords In dreaalng tha oair, Which, when moist with the Invlgorator, can be dreaaad In icy required form ao aa tonreetrvo Ita place,whether plalniorin cnrH: hence the great demand for it by the ladle, as a ttandard toilet article which none ought to be wlthont,as the price plaeee it wlthta the reaco oi an, being ; - 3 ir'r"t: Only Twenty-Five Centi perbottle, to be bad at all1 letpeclabls Druggtots -v .... ", . .: perfumsrs., .f. , ' , . L. MILLEB would eall tha atteatloaof Parentt daardiant to theuaeot hit InrlgaraUir, In cases where tbeohlldrea's hair toe line lo be weak. . The aae of lay, tbe foandation for affood Aaod hairr as It any tanparillea that may have become connected with the acaln. the removal of which to neoeaatrr both for tba health of the child, and the future .appearance ItaHair. .;- -3 Oa9Ttov.-Kone genalne without the fae-tlmlle IiOTTlS MILLBB being on the outer wrapper; alto, L, MIL LBR'fl aAIR 1NV1G0EAT0R, M. T., blown In . Whotasale 'DepoMS Day atreet, and Sold by all principal jsorcaaats sua vruggtets taroagnout tat world Ubenl dlssount to, purchateni hr theqaanUty. .1 alio desire to present to the American Public my UWi. AHD: aMTBOVED . EJBIAHIaAJTEOUS (Hi. LIQUID HAIR DYE, 1 1. ... a .... . a a, J. S which, after yean of eclentlAo experimenting, I tT broaghtto perfeotioB. It e e, Blaek or mown instantly wlihoattnjury to the. Bait or wain; warranted the anteieof uieaina weimanoe. i ,,t-. ' " y " PRICE, ONLY 60 CENTS. DetM)ti " 66 Dev. ' St., New" York. ool8:d4twly. . . ;':" ."whoishothiujse;;. ... , DR.- J.6B0VEEID0DS ct"t - a IMPERIAL - WINE BUTE RS? ah wno areamictea wiin mcipieoi ,i;onsna)yiion neaa i.angi tnouia ue uem. -r A'l who suffer from Weak Stomachs, Indigestion, Pyt- pep-a or rueiinouid ust mem. . , . . . ' All who suffer fiom ' General or',Htrvont9'lt Bettlestnea st night, Want of Sleep, fco., ihould them. " , .,, All ptnoas who are convalescent if ter fever or other ttcknea should ate them. J, .' I Mlalsten of the Oospel, Ltwyen, lecturers, and al public tpeakere thould uts them..' ' - t Book Keepera, and all penoos leading ledentary H thould ate them. ' ' Ibeagedand roflrW ThoaU nss (hem. t - All who teaalre a atlaalaat ortoala ihould ats them. ' All tbe ere addicted to the eve of ardent spirits aad wlak totoform, ihould use tbem. 1 ' ,. , They are made of apareBberry Wine, and M tht na- nvepiaauaBa aeree or us eeantry; ana inoaie be re eoaaeBded by temaeranee tocMlet elerrymau, phyat ttaao, and all fr1en4tof haaMnlty I . -. Tkrv are erenared bv en exiMne-icadaaS tktllful ahr. aietaa, sad, aetdairea tueir aedieinM propertlea, are BMetdelfghifBieeveragSi asS y.1. a atetiiclae, are innocent and BaraieeiaatM aeweoi aeavea. Bold by drugs'. ts (tnerally. ! . CHAKLES WIDDiriEIJ) A p., PropTteton, ',ri' WllilSam U New,Trlt.-. r Vi Ar;j.ttsw pm scflMAwly- one Ita It and to a thlt L hair the fa oilltlei and sad II re motes of the the bett or a m . MISCELLANEOUS. Tbb SaawwLM.ftoa or LaaeOaaa,. There la a grow. tfiff tendwioy to thla ass to approprlata the mo,t axpret lro worde ol olbot Lofuafea, and after a wulto to In oorpoiato than Into our own; Ihua the word Cephalle, which la from the Greek, ,lnlthi "for the head," to now baeomlng popularaed to connection with Mr. Bpald lDt't treat headaaha teaedjr, but it will toon be Died In a mora general way, and tba word Cephalic will btooma aa common at Bleotrotype and many .other, whoee dis tinction aa foreign worde haa been worn away by common usage, nntll they teem "natlre and to tha manor born." m '.4 Vorrlble jeadachs this hafternoon.'-hand I topped into the hapolheoary's, hind tayt hllo the man, ' (Xn yoa Theeje me of an -eadachel" "Does It baoho ardJ" lays 'a. "Hexoeedlngly," rays hi, hard upon that 'a gave ma s Cephalic Pill, band 'pou tne 'onor It cured me to quick that I 'srdly.reallaed l ta aaan ear ache. ... ... ." v ., - i jrj Hbapaobs Is the favorite sign by which nature maEei known any deviation whatever from the natural etate of the brain, and, viewed in this light, II may be looked on at aaafeguard Intended to give notice of dlt eaae which might otherwiee eaoape attention, till too late to bo remedledi and ita Indication! thould never bo neglected. Ileadachea may be claaillled under two namee, Vis. pymptomatw inu Auiupaiu.u .(iwa... Eeadache It exceedingly common, and la the preoanor of s great variety of dlaearti, among which are Apo plexy, Gout, Bheumatlim, and all febrile diaeatef. In Ita aervoua form it It tympathetlo of dtoeaae of the itomach, comtltuting Sfcvt AMMdcie, or nepatto aiteaae oonttitaUng Wms AeadacAa, of worme, conitipatlon, and other dltorden of the boweli.u wen aa renal and uterine efTeotloni. Dlnettoa of the heir! Sro very fre quently attended With headaohee; anaemia and plethora are alto affection! which frequently ecoaittm headacha. Idiopathic headache It alto very common,- being usually dialinguiihed by the name of nerval headache some time, coming on tuoaraij iu aw,. . health, and proitratlng at onoe the mental end pbyttcal euerelM, and In other inttancea Itcomeion nowly, her .ui h denivaalnn of tnlritt or acerbity of temper. In matt initancea the naln It In the Iront of the head, over one or both eyct, ana eomeume. prni. ,yu......,, Haj.a ih i. al... iM, alao ha naned iTenTtUQia .' For tha treatment of eitQerciaatoi neanacn. ui. mw ihallo Plllt have been found a tore and tafa remedy, re tha mnat anta naina In a few -mlnutee, BLd, by Itt iuMIo power, eradicating the diaeatet of which head ache It tbo unerring index. :..:... Bridget . Missus wanta you to Vend bet a box of Ce- phallo Oluei to, a bottle of prepared run hot ro Uilnklngthsi'inot Just it Blither; but porhapt ye'll bo afther knowing what it It. - Ta aee the'a nigh dead and got e with the Bica Jietoara-, man, wauia vau. u... v. that aame at relaived her betora. t . ... j , . -.. j I '' itwJ.jfi.-0ch 1 aure now and jouNre ted It. Here1! jwl.1.1 v nt, nnn.t nn MnaiainD a uennaiio riiw. the qnirther, and give the Plllt, and don't be all day about it, aimer. ' ' - ' ; .toasUpBttea w jtoBilvWen , T He eh of U isBy fits -ttatHMh It hslrto" is so Srevalent, ao littit unoentooa, ana to muca uegies ctireneta, often originating In cartleionesl, or aedto tmryhablu. It la regarded aa a slight -dltofdery of to little consequence to excite anxiety, while in reality tt It the precurtor ana companion oi manj oi m. i at and diseases and anlesi early eradicated, It will bring the tafferer to an untimely grave. Among the lighter .vita of which OottWrntis it the utuai atten r nasdafhe. Colic. Hheamatlim. Foal Breath, Pilea. andoihera ol like nature, while a long tiam of frightful diteaaea, inch aa Malignant seven, aocoimo, n.unin. Dtarahma. Dsaoertia. Apoplexy. Epllepty, Paralysis, ByitarU, Eypoihaadriasu. Melancholy, and Insanity, first Indicate their presence In tbe eytttm by thlt alarming symptom. ' Mot unfreqnenlly the diieatee named originate in Conitipatlon, but ta.e on an loaa i.umM nnleaa theeante iieradtoated In an early state. From all these ootisiCratlon,, it followe that the dtaoiderrtbouia receive unmeaiata anenuoB whenever It oocurs, and no person abould neglect to got a hox of Ceobalic Pill, on the first appearance of the oom plaint, Bt their timely use will expel the Insidious ap proaches of disease, and destroy this dangeroui foe to Daman me. A Real BlesBlng. rAiariM. Well. Mri. JoneS.'how II thai beadaobel Afra. JuiW. Oonal Dootor. all tonal the pill roa tent cared me In Jast twenty mlnctet, and I wis!) yoa won Id tend me mora, to that I can hare them handy. -Phvtleian You ean get them at any Drugg'.stt. Call for Cephalic Plllt- I find they never fail, and I itoom m.nri man in all flaaee nr ieanan.. " lire. Jonet.l than send. lor a box directly, ana man toll all my atCtring irttnat, tor uey are a rem mail TtvEXTY ViLLtoMtor VouAkS Satxd. Sr. Fptlding hat aold two mliliosa of bottlet of his celebrated prepar ed Olne,' and It Is estimated that each bottle iava at least ton dollars' worth of broken furniture, that making an aggregate of twenty mliliona of dollars reclaiming from total ion ny un vaiuante WTcnuon. uaTiogmaue his Glue a household word, he now propoiea to do the world ailll creater terries by curing all the aching b with hit uepnauo run. ana n inty bio at gooa a, nu Olne, lleecachetwill toon vanish away like mow Ih July. ... . i r . - i . ; . ... sc.. -4 r t ITPOvxn ixcrrouwr. and the aiental care and tnxie ty incident to oloee attention to kutlneat or' atudy, are amonc the nameraaa cause, of Kervoue Headache. . The disordered state of mind and body Incident tothildla- traasln. coinolalnt. to a fatal blow to all energy and am union. HDnrniiDTiDii uisom-sr cu ...v. vvwh speedy relief from them dlitrettlng attaeka by utlag one of tha Cephalic Pill, whenever the symptoms appeals quiet, theovertaaked brain, and toothea the etralnld and Jarring nervea, and relaxes the tension of the stomach wmon aiwaye accompanies ana eggiuTtKcs w. u:w., uorei condition ol the sratn. . - x i . - . -r .': Facts wostb ihowtko. 3pal.llng'e Cephalic Plllt are A certain cure for nick ueadaoM, uitiout naanaose, Nemai Headsche, Cottlrenest, and General Dehtltly I Obiat Discovtst. Among the mott Important of the great medical discoveries of this age may be consid ered the nrttem of vaccination for protection from Small Pox, the Cephalic Pill for relief of Headacho, and ase of Quinine lor tne prevention or jrevera, euner which It a tare specific, whore benefit! will be experienc ed by suffering humanity long after their dlsoortren forgotten. .1- 71 I , i .If. . VrP Did roa ever have the' Sick Ileadacbcl Do' von remaaber the throbbing templet, the fevered brow, oaintng ana aufaat at tne t.gai oi local how totan; unfit too were for nleeture. conrcraatlon. or ietadt One of th Cephalic Pill, would have relieved you from ail the lufftrtof which you then experienced. For and other purpose! you thould siwtn bars a box teem oa nana so ust as occasion rcquirea .iu.v-7 : ' :f i T By the too of these Pills the period le attack! ef Ker eotis or Blct Headache maybe prsrsntedfand If taken st the oommeneement ef an attack lamedlats relief from pain and licknea will beobtslned.- y yt j ' They teldom fall la renoYtog tht JFawwo'itl 'Bead ache to which femaletare to subject. ? ' ' They act gtatly apsa the botrel removlkg Ootiivi . .oibfts- 'ev'IBn Tor' ZtUHtry UehT'W.iiU-U, TclIcatrTrmsIes, and allpsreomaf sIeetorw habile, they are valuable ss a Laxative, Julprorlflg tht appetite, giving tone and et0r to lbs d'feitlri organs, and. rej tf ring tfit Mtural alntlcHyaad strength ef tbe whole ayiesm. , a ' TBI OEPQAUO PlttS lie ths result of long Inves tigation and ntrefully ecnducttd sxpajlmenltj leaving been la uie many yean, during which 'that they have prevented and relieved a vaet eaaeant of petoADd tafftr tog from Headache, )rbtt!tet 9rlgtatip( in'he NereaNe lytteaotfrea a deranged tuts of ths eUrmaoK, They are tatlrely vegetable la their eompotlUon. aad amy be taken at til tlmte with psrfeot aaftty wtthoat aaklag any ehaageef diet, and theabeenoe M an dieneatarendereiteaeytoeninitithemee -.V -,-V. 'Bn-lBHOlCOtMtiarKTSI I The, genuine hsve flr signatures of llearjr D, Ipaldlsg on each Box ..-. jl u -- old by Dfuggltw and ail other Sealers la Medicines. : ABownikesetbiaJ,pTtptid,pa lerelet of ths i il'rioo, C3 Oosata- AU orders hoold be eddraasad to1 . ,- ;i 1 J HEM BAY V. SAtII!lO," ' evil 4tOAr Street, lfeW YerK. ...... :. 'a a. -I. ,!:., VI.. .. a, PVOusHeadache It of 1 . . " "7 Sheriff's Balo. WlnJtoif AUheaoa t'l i ' ! ' ' Boptrlor Court. Thomas Brockaway. BY VIBTFJE OP AN ORDER Of SALE to me direated from the Buperior Court of Frank lin county. Ohio, I will offer for aala at tha door of the Court Douso, In tht cllf of Oolumbut, oa Saturday the 9lh day of March, A. D. 1861 between the houra of 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m. the fullowlog deeorlbed real ettate, eltuate in the county of Franklin, Truro townthlp and Btata of Ohio, to wit: Beginning at s point in the centra of tbe Oolumbut and Oranville plaiik road, whets It eronei tha weet line of haltteollon No. 9. thtnoe with said half section eutU 1 deg. wett, 03 77 100 polet to a poit, tbtnea loath 88 deg. and 30 mln. eatt 1V4 73 100 lo a pott; thenco north ideg. eaatai sa-iuu paiea to a po iniuetouw line of land formerly owned by George Wilton, theooe wlihtald line north 68 deg, SO mln. wett, 118 34-100 polet to a poet, aoulh wett corner to laid Wilson'! land, thence wiin another of laid Wllton'i lloa'i north 1 deg. 8Smln..eest703S.100polei toaatonelo th, centre of eald Oolumbua and Oranville Plank Koad. (hence with the centre of aald road tooth 7I deg. wett .0(8-100 lea to the place ol beginning, containing 91 scret and polet, he the eme more or leaa. Appralard at SHOO per acre. u. iv iiurruAN, unertn. feHS-lM4tw ' By Xd. Darn, Wty Printer', feci, $3,00. Sheriffs Sale, Elua Dnke . , vt. ' i Superior Court. Kit K. Wllllama.' 1 1 - TV VIHVUKOr A WRIT OF FI.FA. JLJ to me directed from the Superior Court of Franklin County, 0m I will offor for sale, at tht door of theOourt House, in tne city ol tioiumooi, on Saturday, the Oibdayof March, A. D. 18G1, between the boura of 10 o'slosk A. If., and 4 o'clock P. U.,the following described real ettatetltuatato tbe Coun ty of Franklin, and Bute of Ohio, to wit: Being part of a certain tr.ct of lend containing nlnety-tls and one quar ter aorea, (VOX) iltuate on Big Walnut Oretk, Mifflin Townthlp, to range 17, Townthlp , quarter Townthlp 4, beginning at a atone In the Oolumbua and Johnatown Aurnpite road, tha toutb weal corner of David Halts three acre tract, and north weet oorner to laid MM aore tract, thenoe eouth thirty-two and ons half roda to an elm tree, thence eatt fifty and 88-100 rods, tbe nee north eixtyand one half rods, (BOX) thenoe weet twenty four and 30-100 rode, thenoe tooth tlx and 84-1UO rode, thence with tald Turnpike road to the beginning, containing fla tten acres, more or lent. ' Appraised at 45,00 per aoro. Printer's Fees $4 50. O. W HUFFMAN, Sheriff, lbv:itdktw ni' By J(d. Pavla, laaul. Master Commissioner's Sale. Miller ADonaldioni "f ' r , n :-j ... Superior Court. icoh Botwell. r ' , ' -.ak BY VIIITDEOF AN OBDEH OF SALE to me direated from the Baoerlor Court of Frank lin county, Ohio, I will offer for tale at the door of the Court Ilouao, la tbt City of Oolumbua, on Saturday, the SJ dayol March, Aa D.I66I, between thi hours of 10 o'olocH a. a. .an 4 4 o'clock r u. the welt hair or tie following deaerlbed real eitateiltuata to ihe county of Franklin tod Btateof Ohio, lo will Sixty One feet ten and a half inchet In width by one bundled and twenty fire feet In length or depth. Id the northeatloorner Of out lot number fllty one,ln the city of Oolumbot, front ing on ue do rta tidt or sransiln avenue, and bouadta oa the eut, by the eut line of eald out lotWo. SI, aad oa tbe north by tbe north line of aald oat lot, aad oa the westby a direct line parallel with the eatt Hue. and tlx feet ten and a half Inchet dtotant therefrom, the said wett nair being tniny feet tna eleven end a quarter intnts wide by one hundred and thirty firs feet deep. Appraieoaatcuu,vu, - . . , 0. W. HUFFMAN, Sheriff, Jan!9:lMA4tw. ' and Muter Comminioner. Printers' lol 50 - . Master-Commissioner's Sale. George McDonald J! f -t. .' nln.1 I - Superior Court , Franklin County. Charles Bobbins and others. PlTJKSTJ ANT TO AN ORDER OF SALE I-lamed from tht Superior Court tf Franklin eonn- ty, Ohio, to me directed io the above entitled aetlon, I ehall offer for tale at pnblie auction, to tht highest bid der, oa ,, - j r. - . , , ,. !s:II Satnrday, March 10, 18G1,, - , between Iht hours of 10 o'clock A. M. aad 19 o'clock II. at the door of the Court House of laid oounty. In the city of OolODboe, the following deeeribed remitrat vie: Let Sa. T 1 In l.h. Um.Iu.1. .Jllil.. .... .1 1. lumbut, Ohio, at per recorded plat of aald addition, alto IS feet off. the eaat aidt of lot No. U of said Morrison's addition. lot No. 33 apprised tt $300. IS feet off eatt slue lot 3i, nt B100. " ... . , .,. FBANCI3 COLLINS, feM-dllAwti ' Muter Ocmmiuloner. : V Master.iJommissioneVs. Sale. . Battles A Comstock , , r - - ? . " acaio.t Common Fleas Franklin Jothoa 0; Kenyon ail olhert.V County.. PC HSU ANT TOANOItpER OF SALE issued from tbe Court of Common Plea, of Franklin county Ohio, to me directed la tbe above entitled action, i win oner lortaie at public auction to tht bigbttt bid der , On Saturday, March 16, 18C1 , between theChoure of 10 o'clock A. M. and 19 o'clock, M. at the door or the court Mouse or said county) In the city ot uotuBbui. tne following describe premises, vis: Lot No. 4 of tht inb-dlvltion of the wett htlf of In- lot Ho. 73. and the Boath half of Inlot Mo. 72. In lhe city of Oolumbut, Franklin county Ohio, u tkown by ue recorded piai ot tarn suouivmon. Appraieea at KM), ... . , . F3ANCIB COLLTHB, feMdltAwtt Muter Commlatloner. Sheriffs Sale. AbaerX packtta ) ... ' Wm. Burdeil ' V Superior Couit Tilt VIKTCKOF A WRIT OF VENDA XJ to toe directed from the BuneriorCcmrt of Franklin county Ohio, t will offer for aale at,the door of the Conrt uoese in uie city ci uoiumout on Saturday, ' e 9th day of March, A. D i," 18G1, between the hour! of 10 o'clock A. M. end 4 o'clock P. M.f the following real ettate tltuale la tbe oounty of Fr.nklln and.Btate of Ohio to wiu Beginning at the B.W. corner of lot No IS of Wm. Pheiana addition to the city of Oolnmbwe) theoerwllb the 8. line of mid lot, North 70X B,t to a state In said Use, 33 64-100 feet distant from the 8. S. corner of laid lot No. IS; thence at right angle, to weet line of Bute evenue. Booth X west to margin of Boloto river at low water markt thence up the margin of aald Scioto river at low water mark to the be- fnnin..i t' . . , y. ,. Appraitea atfiia vv. r 1bl-ltdA4tw. Prlnter'i fees, (4 SO. : O. Vf. nTJTFMAH, Sheriff. By In. Pavu, Dep'ty , i Master Commissioner's Sale. s Uleklty A Brother ". r. t..... vt. ')"' 3. "l fJ." i Superior Ccart. ; Petet al. BY VIRTUE OP AH ORDER CP SAL, to mo directed, from , the Superior Conrt ot Franklin county, Ohio, I will offer for nie at the doer ot tbe Court Home, In the city of Oolombaa, oa Saturday, the 9lh day of March, A.D. 18C1, between the hour! of 10 O'clock A. II., and 4 o'clock P. M tbe following deaerlbed real ettate, to wit: In lota Not, 8, 30, and 31, In the town of Altos, county of Franklin, and State of Ohio - . .... . . . ... ... Ml alM appnusoa.c, ror io, no. xw, ,iu, 1 l-.'-A ;.: .tt , .,. ,' I .. , feb4.1ld&4tw Prlntera'a leeall. .!' 30, B20 ' 81. S1600.-;."l t iff; 0. W. HUFFMAN, Sheriff, and Muter Conrmttilontr. George Wejgaadts . , !. .. ; vs. Madlaon Commod Pleaa.'1 ' Btty Clark ....... BY VIRTUE OP A WRIT OF VENDI, to me directed, from the Court of Common Pleaa of Madtsoa wounty; Ohio, I will offer for eale at (be dcor of the .Court House, In the city of Oolumbua, oa Friday the 8th day of MsrohK A. D. 1861, be tween ' the hours of 10 o'cleck A. If . And 4 olook P. M.i the fcllewlng desorlbed Beat Estate, si taste lathe oounty of Franklin, and Slate of Ohio, to WlU .Lot He. il.) to Orove Oltyw . .. . , Appraised at 1171. ; . ' ' ' " 0. W. IIUTfMAH, fcb4-ltdA4tw --a. .-. - ' .. . BherilT. JJ" PrlaUr fits 83 OS.:!. i.-.-s 1ki ' ui.i faster Commissioner a r-8ale. if kley .Srtthr,'V 1 ';1 ' ''."S . 1 vs ' ' J ' l Bupcriot olr.''-J Charles Stroedtsr, ettl,) vi i.... . ii i.'S bt IHTVC OF JtJfOR0Ett OF SALE JO town directed from the Superior Court ef Frank lia ooonty, Ohio, I will offer fee aale at the deer of the Court Mouse, Ip. the olty of Oolumbua, on j :. Saturday, tbe Sad day or March, A D. 1851, between the hoi re of 10 oVIoek AM., and 4 o'clock V. kthe following dewribed real etUta slauatete the Boun ty ct Franklin, and State of Ohio, to wit i tot Ho. 3 of Q eortt) W, Willlsrd'ttubdlvliioh ofltbe west part of Inloti Not. 088 Sod 567 la tbe city of Oeluml but. u j i JSiiS9:ltd&.4tw ; . . . Dd liMtef Commlttloaer W'llllnxtt: . QUI . - colc jup s oil i o ) ' " AGRICmmtALWAREHOUSB EtfERALr HAHWARE, HAIth, atABS, SABU, PUTTT, OOMAOI, - Cttyte, Plaiele, Woi wuov Waye, ttsOeraiid Bubbes Belting, leoe teathar; Uote aad Faektng. . eM-dly Ali.AAA AUUU. 17 l SuO lbs. Madison. Watt A flo'a nniw. mdnl. eaUd Poarl Starch, a superior ertlele, Hoeivtd in gwre ' lortetopy ) t. ' ,-. minmam nasvtBAWX, O01HI ill BUI.IBAB BOilfltaf