Newspaper Page Text
C''''' ;V;'' " t3S I full . .i.u'iJS I'i 1 i'lii -1 ,?i .' -V ,. .'-Ifitifoa X"' "' r " . .1 tl J. l. C:'.- ii bit" jf'trr ' i a.. j l-ti''r-a rilff Jr. ((! in) r,1 Ivjt-j iT -'.'lii ? 1 "Or.! a,jH.iii AX 5 J1DT 3 ' 1 "It 14,1 10 uaftiliriirn f.vr (..IIT'J'I -V ''t !l : J'w.rJ r7 A AAA . A, 7 ' ' hat m IV I I Urn "..J. U IV ll lit I v II Kit J i .-i ... I ? . r , - "T. . , .. ..;,. ''t j,,K.,l.l , .1'1'iqtJ .l'WejSeW 70LrVlM: 227: NEW.'. SERIES; -ir 'li ..i.'J i'i i '. ,1. .'I . . l'm,..,.Jr:i !. il. HI ... ,)f, .,).,' 1. T '' -'I ,t!)Ui,r"1 ; FEBRUARY; 28.' 1861:: ; .1 Ji'Ji.i. rr:it...i:in; UM lAU,::Jyil lo ,DA Intriblj 1 AlmoeTl laiaKeigasBaWfWwaai --Tyf n 1 ' I . . . ' (J . T- ' ' ' ' ' ' 0 AJLY, IKI-WEED.Y AHD WEEKLY i-, u : ' ' J-'"" : MANYPENNY fit MILLER, ' . . - f 'i tar, OSm Km. 38, S$ nd 40, Varth Bigk Iti . TIKMB INTAMABIT IN ADTAMCB. ' By die CMrieir; pr wek, Utf wnti. crttt m( Advertliln th 8r. o KUAie 1 ycki . . . tO 00 One- Omotilb) W OS Jn- nun U11 15 W ne " -Jooatha 10 00 Jne i t! ubfittu H 00 One" " -1 month: (S OU One iqai I wwXf M w On " WHki.. I 00 on !. in One . " S4y... 1 DO One '' " yi". M On, lluertlo M Dlir1yi MvertlnmMti.Wl npre Ihrt h ebon . Ml ,H.tcMrequlroctol)pnblihedbyU,iellei. If nrftsrfU m th(nW exoltttlmly after theftratWMk t rent, nnre ihta the ebwr ntw bat U (net wil tpiMar in tee i n- w ""' Keilneai CnU, not eicwxllng lite Unei, peryeu, In rl'le, ti 50 tier lint; onttlde I fl tier line; onuiae , ,. Notices of meeting!, chulUbitf eeieBM.nn impi fcc, half prlre. ' "' ""' il ro()rf advrtiunmt tMut M poidtr W 4 it(n lb rule wlU.not be Trle4 ' - - (.kly,nme prioeei the Dally, where the lArerujet re twtb ated, then the charge Imt the Weekly will e e .if the ntci of the Dally j . i Ho ailvertlwment taken except for definite period. , BUSINESS CARDS. BAGLK BRASS , WORKS, Corner Spring Water State ; OolxxxrxlDTXo . OHIO.. W. "B. P0TT3 Sct' 00, And Menuhetnrere of Bran and Oompoeltloo OatUnge, liDlihtd Bran Work of all DesorlpOoM. i , Electro Plating ; and (GildiBg!! .: STENCIL CUTTINC, tC. i '' TeblTlMly ' '"" " ' F. A. fl.. SL&I1LLN3, Attomo3r :ut Xieitr AJJD JNOTARY PUBUG. OSlce Amo i KnildlDf, oppoelU Oapltol Square. , . , - . OOIiUMBPIiOHIO.; c;OIjiXJ13aCTJ'Crc .-J " Llathine c!afluiactarin?Corapaay MAKCfaOTUKnt 0 STEAM-ENGINES "& BOILERS, f r1 iMtl&ik, Kill Coarlng, Hashliierw. ' 'or kTur utscumo'M.". . . coixainus uuiu. 0HA8. AMBOa, gup'l - ... P. AMBOB.jTreaj. eell. 1858-tf ' " ' ' ' a i)0 oo oo jo u.o.i B oSjlg5ty ,-: o , Winter Arrangement. Little Miami Columbus & Xenia RAILROADS. Fot Cincinnati, Dayton & Indi&napolU! Through to IndionaooliB withoat Cliango of Ctrl - od bat Om Changs of Can between . ... i :. CotanbM and Si. Loola. .., . i THREE TRAINS DAILY. FROM COLUM- , I . BUS. , - , FiksT jrXin, "" 1 u . ' ' (Dully, MondaTiexccpteaM '. '' NKJHT EXPRESS, ta Dayton, at 9:t5 a. B.,etop DbM at London, Xeaia, Dayton, Ulddletowa and Bamli tonV arrlTlni at Olnclnnatl at ft a. I Bayto. atj: a.m.,lDflianopoUa 10 8 a- m.; Bt. LouUet 11:50 p v 4 SECOND TRAIN. ACCOMMODATION, at 6:10 a. m., Hopping at all BU tloat between Oolumbnt and Cincinnati and Dayton, ar rtrtnf at Cincinnati 11:03 a. m., Dayton at 8: 15 a. a., lniUnopoU,,,S;TfilRb TRAIN. DAT EIPBE8B,at S:30p. m., stopping at Alton, Jefferson, London, Charleston, Oedarvllle,Xento, Spring Valley, Corwta. Morrow, Deerfield, fjeter's. LomlMid, Millfordana Plalnrtlle, arrlTlng at Olnela. nati at 7:20 p. Bt. tooti at H m; Dayton at 5 35 p. m.: Indlanopolli at 10:38 p.m. ' Slseplns: Oars en all NtsrhS Trains t itailinal etna Inianpe)lle. BAOOAOE CHECKED'1- TnBOtdH. for ftirtherltforoaUon and TJJ0hi;Y'',,l' to Ttet'ft A tent, Union Dfpot, Oolumbue, ' K. W. WOODWABD, fis. !.-'. . , i i Bniierlntendent, OlnelnnafeV JNO.W.DOHBBII JnlS- ' ' ' Agent, Oolnmtins, HOLIDAYS: :: ; 'J.: . iahcies. -v 8hrUleiMyoUforyour IlPflBAND ,. Sack as yen ! for your Will ' .'.. BnchasarepfoperforyourDAUflHTKIl. " '' lues as tour BtBTtV will jrnse J for. ' . ". ! Enok m yoar BK0TBE3 ene t " ash as yoa SMMit far "COB OBI YOTJ WTI BIST.' gachaswlllbe owxffortlWBLIBSID BABT." -RBh aa all teat for. '1 , t-; ' ' May be found 111 Variety, fa ay 6ew stock of . TTATOUE3. CHAINS, ' lEWELRTi ,-., . , Fl-ATED GOODS, , And general aawrtnuntef : .' Faney and XTisful Articles, . . ! WM.: BLYNN,i A , ,i j. f,:-'T...; v no, io Backer Bleck Derember, I860 Just Reeeivedl ..x n. tin ettEEN and BLACK lUU XEAS.100 bag, prime Elo Oonee. . , t. 180 poekeu (rllDntoh Oovemment Java ; j Onbbte. sandard WWte .onrs. eonsletlnf of Pow. - a red. Obrnihed. Granulated A and B Coffee. J qslniale Oeorge Bmk Oodflih. SObble. lien and tie. 1 Mackerel. . ; S tea. Pick Balmon. . 10O bx. Layer Aalilns.... sow. -bo as do U i . flA.a tuo Am. : elA 1 .iifr.wMt lMffirla TtiAe4 JS'T " " 7 WM? McDOWAtP. IX ,11, POWEIUj eft BUO DtattM lit iMrqsTCD and DoMseng -T- - ejrnff . . . .-1 r AMD VAKOT ' AMIOTJtl No. 1 1 East Stats StrMs,lieATfieB,iri!hBa the roflt-OtUce.UOtumuu. v' . - ocw:auai s?AMH.Tir.FiVOCtt.: ..I 1 ..ui.'v TTT1TSTK ."WHEAT, BBAIIDEH vv 1ST in WFT TjAKK ft ..1 II ... . . . a -...i, BsttUhAtlnn VIlAILMeia. ttvr Ml oIf at -, ' 108 South High street. UVISi , Hnliflkvi Presents; J CHIM gf ES, AASS SIUtt. sad ell kinds I ot BUMoaable - " ' if wintar XJrs GrooOav . -m. mmm aWftfTtHna'at efekwet Ia BtVaVsr. eSl. ' ' A - H.BoattHignttmt. I. jarnXFAl PROSPECTUS ' '' ' 11 """" "-'I ' .-.-.! liisMu'.)!,: '.:i"'' o: 'i-itiv , . i).. .o a. :,:,:..,j.r ,rff.'. '5 . , e..:( .' 'i-'f'-ii..Viji..'j t"" , I 1 i. 1 i I .: : u - '. -..'.) I-.- j . .i. i. ... , . , , , . , . I 1 . a J i-.ti; -I. , ! . ..' I UB ;' " ' i ' S',-. I ' i- 1 " ONE DOLLAR :. 111. iBtEMlUMSi::lFOK, ,..CIiUl?S;! ,111 I f THE WEEKLY. OHIO STATESMAN IS PRINTED ON -' A. AMMQTH; S II 33 EST, ;v. j 'i.' ; .''i -AT' THE LOW RATE Ofr ; ' ; ONE DOLLAR PER YEAE! ! .... ... .2i PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. ji. '.i.i. n ie n pid and reliable Demoomtie Journal, ond, a politiool paper, Ium: t'i. i ' Kb Superior in Ohio or any otlicr State! j a addition io ite political eibaraoter, it li a first olats newirApeKAirafshiDg iu'readen with the j, GENERAL NEWS OF THE DAY, ' - An epitome of the ttirriog erente oonitantl oeouniDg at home and abroad, and ehoioe miecol i,( ,, laneoua aeleollona. It also gives he latest and most reliabla. . . . , . , .' , , ; j . From all the prinoipal marts of Trade and Commerce. -.,' 'The Business Man, the Mechanic; the Farmer and the Laborer. ! ' , ' Will each ind their tastes and interests oonlolted an4 attended to in the oolumnt of "v ', '( T EC 311 . "VC 3D 33 3X IiTTi ' 0 W J. T 33 O ZkC jSLOKT. Daring the session of Congress and the Ohio legislature, the readers of the WmT ,&Mt i will be furnished with a ooneiae report of the dobgs of eaoh of those bodies. , . - 7; MAM Durins the Dut vear. the ciroulatlon of the being now more than double what it was twelve months ago. ; It is our desire to extend its cir-. oulaUon, not oniy in Ohio, ' ' .,:i- ..(, .", .,. t t.:r.-. ... -in';'.-. r.u ' But in all the States and Territories Test of Us! ; i . .i . . ,. ......... 1 . i .. . , , . ":- In proportion as it ia diffused among the people, its usefulness will be Inereeeedf nd we invite , our politieal and personal friends to aid us in giving to the Wxcxit Statssmii 1 - The Largest Possible: Circulation Among the people. The prioe of the paper is so low that no Democrat need be without It" As an induoement to friends to aid us in increasing the circulation of the Wixnr Statmma, ;we( ' jlf!? . : a PREMIUM OF THIRTY. DOLLARS !To the person who will, by. the lst.'dayof; January, 1861, send ne the largest Club of yearly subaoribere, with the cash lor the same; TWENTY DOLLARS to the person who sende us the second largest Club of eubsoribere aa aforesaid; TEN DOLLARS to the person Who sende as ; the third largest Club of subscribers as aforesaid; and to-each person who sends ne a' Club of i . ten yearly subscribers, with the cash for the same, we will send a eopy of the) ' IWeeMy Statesniaii One lYeai without I . JET Those who are willing to compete for the Premiums, or solicit subscribers for the States-: 1 man, ean eat this Prospeetus out of the paper and attach to it a strip of writing paper, on. which j to record the names of all persons who may become subscribers. ,V;, . a ,t ,. ..y" , :.,;, r..if.o-: -,-T-t - MAKTPENNY-t MILLER,! ' i ciiiy PER AN1IUII! Wkksxy StarsvA! has inereased rery rapidly,! f.i A.. rtreusatxtk omo btitmmas. NAMES. , STONE'StBAZAAR. No. 4 Qwvnne Block. A. P. STONE & O'HARIU'! ABE NOW RECEIVINOTHElsa Win 1KB GOODS, and Invito the pnbllo to Inipeet them. ' No such stock of Goods has ever been brought to this market. The South, In oonseqnence of the failure of the grain erop, has not been able to purehaee the ne nalquantlty of rich goods, and this tWt has forced the Importers to sen man at pudiio ewi.iuu. vu. m (Mr. Stone) being In New fork at Ihees large sales, took advantage of them, and we ean and will eell our goods here, at lees than any one who purchased two weeks since, paid for them In New fork. Our stock Is complete in every department of -,, . ELEGANT DRESS SILKS, , . ... : c OTTOMAN VELCURSr t , , t , ,,,,, BROCHE VALENCIA8. . , . . PRINTED MEE1N0S, PRINTED COBUR03, , , DYED COBUGS; BUCK ALPACAS, , .. ,,. . ORLEANS, FANCY WOVEN FABRICS, .. ' ! ALL WOOL DELAINES, 'i POPLINS, PRINTS, r,; ;; ,vi . delaines, SHAWLS AflD CLOAKS! JFive' Thsand Dollars Worth" Bought in, One-Day, ; At one half the Cast ef Impaitatlom. LADIES'; FURS, n la all Tarletlos, at ttas ceieoraiea mannfatare) mt C o. onn .. Ihers & Son. HOSIERY xiPARTSlENT. ;- Hen's. tadles and Children's TInaerlhlrUand prawewi Ladles. Mleees and Children's Hosiery of all kinds, in Wwland Lamb's Weell f leeoy Used an CottonQloves of ewer stake. , . , i,; .. , " ALSO A complete aasortment of ail tho usual varie ties of ' .:,;; . . LADIES' CLOTHS, .i .-. :" .n :. OVERCOATINGS, , .. , .. . ri .1. l mTWEEDS, FLANNELS, ,. ,. ; '" V :' kihkiins. i.i.,ii . if i ; u, m. i DRE33. TRIMMINGS, Ladies ue&Va lineaCamlt'o Band- kerchiefs, An., oco. ; :. rha mml am' HI. 9 nlSse' OUT Words tl Ikraeit. brst and chotpest stock of Ooedi erer eeA, In iMe auuket, er nay teem en dtllu per hour while look ng. , ,j ..; ,f k - deeualietawitw.' I , iniinwin EN 1 A HIHTJrj . H, . fKILDKM HILL SHIRTS. " en..HrB nf these ahlrte are new. The Bodies, Yokes, sleeves end boeeme ere fefaaed to at the pereea with sue mA anairnrt. The man npoB eeoa.Be oenanufiM ui. sine may be relied en as bains oorreet. and eachehUt !.74rZ7 wall made. A full Stock of all qualities iooetantl, for sale at - lt man " , Watches a4i Jewelry,; A HUB ASSOBXITIEflT Of UfATCH es. Clocks, Jewslrysllvemre, tekpV eonttapt y on band at . KIRKFAtMOK'S, tli. TO, Sowtn Blgh Street, Oolambes, 0. ebesea4JewUMpA-' TnrWiitehee drce-daia. i 1?AiiC !-" la.KSf. ' t" J lAHOt DBltl SILKS, s , ... , 'i FABOX Bbo iuttw, -:- tr -wr. x AA immMii etook ot ri(TT .press Bilk at prices lea than ever before orTered ta toh elty. Jhe attention of the Udlee of this city an vlcmlty solicited, enrttoek is very ssleet and I eopplete Jn grade, of good In this line. . t,,Jiti noe. -1 Wo. W Sonth High street tile, u.ii'.l Pnrneill.'l . PCM BEASD1UE9. WCTSS, OOBPIAlB, AHl Tama, from "Bonded Warthouee " 'r 'I.,, 10a Sentb-HigB itteetJ M a S.TIuiilt; tc riir tlii.aCB rUIT'l et elegant quauuee rot iiaiUet; else, muaee- r great variety swell .v; i aoi a MgW I Is U all S iim 'NAMES. OHIO STATESMAN i; ; nousa, ? J! ........ ... . '. Nos. 36, 3$ & 40, North h St. INCREASED FACILITIES I HAVING MOVED INTO, MY i.. NEW BUILDING, ; ; . j;. have, . : MY ' - - ' BOOK 5 JOB DEPARTMENT! -- WHILE BOTH HAVE BEEN REPLENISHED THROUGHOUT with ...-:..'ir.v,'i New Types, Borders, ' Ornamcnta; ; ,&c from ran celmratid ioundby 01 c. T. WHITE k C0 NEW , YORK, . m . THUS MAKIKO Iff CHI Kost Complete Establishment ;.' ;.' I1T THE CITY,, :J I., I am now prepared to Execute all Orders for BOOK AND JOB PEINTIKa,; WITH DISPATCH! Ani La the XosUpprovad Styleof the Art. " PABTIODLAR ATTINTION PAH) T0: . MERCANTILE; AND, RAILROAI Bill liadlnsr, Circulars, " " Bill Ilende, BlanKS, IMSelS, Certificates. , Heeetpta, pray Xtettete, i; Hogtetera HOW- CARDS BILLS IN COLORS, CHZCXS, .1 casus, .. . HEADDiaS, VAVa ... EKVILOPES, COXTBACXI, IUnstrated 8 how D ills, .I FOB? .COtTNTRY MERCHANTS,': u;: . Show Bills,1 Hani Bins,', labels, Conoert Pro grammes, school ana couege sesames, Ho tel Bills of rareInvltetlong, ac. j:;, BOOH rTOX?lJL -OF EVERY DESCmmON t.: Bchoel and College Catalogues, : rt . i I, ' i mseallaneoua ramnueta.' ' --i. -.: Conatitntlons, Xepcrta, Sriom,et Printing: la Golc- aud Colors I O JE1 Tt ; , l ; ! rtutea u Ayery Coin es a w nammothflop Cylinder, ' ' the only rresi of the Hud In Central Chl.' ! Mr fadlltlei fv dotal any and an of the aboe dteer'n. Uonsof work, are new ensnrnaesed. and saUitacUonf beirnteeilnsUoaees. - x Ail work funrisbed tremptly hr the time gmwhot, t.. ,..i : suvaajw Jtt. ' i.i;'l ii. ?r' n -i ) : ' '.J: : i. - 7 - i-v, ivm r i . .VI Deil. . tri Weekly, per nar. ' WeaU.' dot roa:' .'.. Aw...... -1 ee .:. L l ;..:.; .... RAILROADS. Behind the Mask. ' ItwMSnoWdUtorted'faeei ''' An naonth'efelem rengh end Wild: t 1 In Yet from behlndl.wl laughing graoe,'. tr. . : s .... Jesptd lbs frfls beauty, ?f sftil.,., ., , -:ii i ' 'Amlseoontrstrfn reh-rfftd bright1, ln.;' ', '. "Itrntdemeormrfaaoysak,.' ..('4 If half earth's Wtlnkleesrlmnessalght. ! ' ,io , j ."W..baliw lathe msekj,, . , , ; ,, 4 ''Behind grkynalivtna'frlrrowed brow, ' i ; I' And vltherea look that HI wilts on. ML"j cli,akewer Keoaw too f,:, v. Uowehlhldeai aetiione. ,"- for, while Aetoexerey-sti ;l 1 - L . lb "i To sadden maMresStbttrmoaM, : " " -. i, .. Beneath the work of time and teara-' i. i ,, .Walt, something that will not grow old! ,j ' "" ' Andrlalh snlpetnlanoestid oire1, 1 .' 11 And wauled hupwaed slnrol stalo, . . Bhaps the strange rnlse the sonl doth wear, i. Tilt her young llU look forth again. Ike beaaty of his boyhood's smtls Wbai baaan Ailih eeald find It now, , ' la yonder man dfrrtef end guile, A very Cajo, wlil branded brew Yet. OTsrlaM intfnid'den, still It lln,erai-of hie lire a part; As tteecsthed pine upon the bill vti,', j Holds i be youbg fiber, at Its heart.. r .... 1 1(J 1 7 . ... ... i . i . -M uv. And, haply, round the Iternal Throne, .Heeeea's pitying augels ihell not ak for that l.s look the world hath known, . But fer taofaoe behind the meek! : ur . . , ' ' Artemus Ward Among the Shakers—His "Yaying" Experience with Two Pretty Shakeresses. ,)V. :,l a- i.. Ii i..!.,-.' ,J Artemus Ward, In this,'week's ytUy fir, gives some H his experiences among the Sha kers: .":.!, . j. i, !. '...i , I sot down to the table, sod the female ia the meal-bag poured out some tea. She sed nothing, and lor Are minite the only Rve thing in that room was a old wooden clock, whtoh tlot in asnbdood and basbfat manner ia the tor oer. This dethl; stillness made me dueasv, wnd I determined to talk to the female or butt. $9 sex I, "marriage Is agin your rules, 1 bleevs, saarat" ':! ; - "The'sexee llv strlckli apart, I gpect7, ' '" ' I-Ymj." 'I' ' '" ' i L '" ' '- -" ! "It's kinder slbglar" set I, puttlln on my most sweetest look snf epeakln in a wlnnln voice, "that so fair a made as thow never got bitohed to- some likely feller." N. B She eras npward of forty, and homely aa a stdmp fence, bat I thetrllMtlckUherl ' r' - : "I don't like men,'' she sed, very short. , ' f "rVall.Idnnno," ss I, "they're a rayth'er important part of the - ropulaehuA. ' I don't scaoely see howLwe ooold git alontf ttitbout 'em." ' ." ' ' - ; .-. "Us poor- wlmnla folks would bit alone a grate deal better if there wag so men!" - . "You'll ' excuse me. marm. bntlI dnri't think that alr wonld work. It wouldn't h regier."-" : "I'mrraidof men!" she sed: r" 7 -"That's onneceesarr. marm. Ytu alnH In no danger, Don't fret yourself Dn thatclaC "Here we're shut out from the ilnfui world, Heer all la peas. Here we air brotnerg and sis ters. We don't marry, and consekentlv we havenb domestle dimculdes. Husbana don't aboose their -wives wives don worrit their nosDans. ' There's no children here to worrit us. Nothin to worrit us here. No wloked matrl mooy here. Would thow ilka to be a Sha- ger7"--' "No." ees I, "It klnt my stile-" " '--' " I had now bisted In as big a load of Dervish tins as 1', could cirrv comfortable, and. leanln back in my cheer, commenst plckln my teeth with a fotk. The female went out, leavln me ill alone with the clock. 1 badnt sot that lone. before the Elder poked his bed In at the door "You're a man of sin!" he sed. and ' sroancd and went away. " Direckly tbar cum In two young ShakereBs es, as putty and slick looklo gals as I ever met. Ie Is troo they was drest In meat bags, (Ike the old one I'd met prevlsly, and their shiny, silky bar was bid from sight by long white capg, eicb as I sposs female gosts wears but their eyes sparkled like dlminds, ' their cheeks wal like roses, and they was charmln enoff to make a man throw stuns at his grsnmother, If they at. ed him to.' They commenst elearin away the dishes, oastln shy glances at me all' the time, I gotsxolted.-1 forgor Betsy Jane la my rapter, snu em x, "my prey nears, now are you r I "Ws air mil." th aolnml erl! ' "ffhar'sthe old man?" se4 t. In a solt roloe"- -' ' i" - - ' ""Of uwbom"'dost' thiil .'e'beai-Bmtlier j "I mean the gay and festl case who calls mt man of sin., Shouldn't Wonder If Ms namb was Uriah.;' ri--- -,- 1 i . "He has- retired." "Wall, my nrettv dears.? set ii' "let'd ' have gome fun.' Let's play fuss la the corner. , What "Air you; a BLaker, sltT" they axed. "Wall, my pretty dears, I haven't arrayed my proud form in a lone weskit tit. but If they was all like yoa,' perhaps TdJIog .'em. Am it 1m fin. m Cha&aM ir.,anr.r.fl. V . .D, m mm m i, vivuiui.i 1 , , , They was full of I un. I seed that at fast, only tbey was a little skeery. I tew 'em Pass Id the oorner and glch like plase, and we "had a nice time, keepin (inlet of coarse so the old man shouldn't bear, when we Droit up, as I, ' my pretty aears, ear i go yoa nnre no obieations, have you,' to a Innersent ktsf at partial ' ' "Yey," they sed, and I tf,Ui:JX''Z''- The Last of the Sons of Malts. Ul The oi of Malta," wbleh is represented es being 'an olent Deeanse we memory or man Knowetn Bot its origin, and honorable became the greek and wise or every age nave seen numoere wttn ite firm Irlenas and steaafaat supporters," eame te a complete, if not inglorious ead, ia New Yok on Saturday forenoon.' The furniture of Pre Purrfe Mage; tbe largest, moes taoroatbly eoalrjoed and most lasaous ia the Uuited Htatee, was eoia as auouon,uDuer mongage, at eleven o'olock, together with all the regalia and warlike lmalements Which eeem 4o; bare . ..... . entered largely' Into- the Initiatory eervloes af this myetie Oretnerbooa. . -' -j'oi. ; The eale occurred in the lodge wont, a spec ious ballet B14 Hroadway, us nrst Uiwv iron the root and tba sob. front the earth., The ball waa flttsd no in a, ueculiar style' ofi aleianoe. The floor was richly carpsted, and tha rooat wsssurro untied by kmc aofas, while . the walls were decorateoVwUb twenty -4 our Knignta ux ar mor, with tapestry, and with the red jerese of 8t. John, wbioh appeare to have been the sym bol of tha order. ) -u Ai a.l A--UVS. .-si The articles sou wars ciassinta as loilowsi let, theusalalf Sid, the lnetru mental 3d, tber namenul and mystlonln Under the first bead were sold the sofas, chalra, carpets, OMone of the carpets oootalnlng three aundrei yards, and selllcr fos.jeventyuve cenxa tbe sard, half what it cost, Under tbe eecoad diesd was sold an Alexandra urgan, wnica was started at fe&O and sold at XW l.Aleo auinese Konjr, .hloh. tha "brathem". assert, waa lormetlv owa- ed by tbe Emperor ChowCbow, and whloh brtaght ; U Aa Immense tin trumpet and nnnniitv ot borae were aien soia ur a trine, i s LUnaerine tmr sne nnNiiisn "uivuuuj. - .l.- JI J Ml 4.1 Jl. swords" Whe the aaetioneeti reached these euloiee.oaeof tne tniuatea aauea out at tne top of hie voice i "Now, let tbe stranger feel tbe we ghf tb swordl Now, etraaer, strong and brave, and leap with all your might, foe this will pat jour .eeurage: to the teeal' ohareanati. those who apoearvd 10 understand la UnirhedhearUlyaa4otttaldtooncMsdma this must hays been a fan sf ihUiitlatioa.e emonies. a; - ,?;:i,sTT.jei l, i Aoootdlog to tns) handbills these swords were "mads of Damaaons steel, and need In terrible warn of. the Knights of Malta, with roast beef and plum pudding, eighteen hundred years be fore theaelugei"f end "were presented to the Pro "atria Lodge by Alexander the Great." Among Ahem was said te be the celebrated sword which was suspended by a tingle thread. The purcbaser, however, did not seem to be impress. ed with tbeir great value, for the five sword only brought nve Collars v :. , i m i Then there were five 1 terrible tia spears which were sold in a lot for four, shillings Then seven helmets, said to have descended from the Crusaders under Peter the Hermit, with visors somplete, were also sold in a lot for the same amount. : Then same the mall i and armor, which went on like easy terms, five and six snillings paying for the whole, v n i 'Next were sold eight rusty muskets, with fix ed bayonets, four shillings each. 8everal bund red dominoes, with cowls, blaok and white, were sold at twelve and fifteen cents anfeco Tbe Rueeed Path" was not sold, but iadsing from its appearance, tbe "strangers" who pass- ed over it must have had a rough Journey over tbe rollers. After tbe furniture and other articles bad been sold, the auctioneer withdrew to the baok room, and proceeded to sell regalia, which be said mast not be exposed to tbe jcose ot the uninitiated,-, Toe mystlo volume, said to baa large illustrated octavo work, was sold unseen.; The"saored bath," however, was displayed to tbe crowd. It sold for 11,50, and appeared to be aothing more nor lees tban a large punch bowl. v;i; ., J , .; Ia conclusion, the "brothers" , joined : in a song, to tbe tuae of "Auld Lang Syne begin ning,.! ! .. . ." -. , .,v ' , :., ;;., ".I, I : i . "When omialletlaftrst was bom." i The crowd dispersed: and thus ends the mve New York Post. Where Yankee Doodle Came From. B. F. .Taylor, of the Chicago Jodrnal, . writes si fellows In regard to Yankee Doodle; ' i , l . We have heard a traveler tell, when fas was floating down some lasy liver la "the drow sy EiSt," bow Yankee Doodle, lo accurately whistled by a boatman who bad been all over tbe world, took blm back home in a moment, neither' "Hail Colombia" nor the "3tar Spangled Banner" could j took bin baok home, and eet him down on tbe orchard fence, uoder tbe lee of tbe old older-mill, witb a knlle in one barJd and a pine atick la tbe other, morning light on his brow and hope In bis heart. ' And we believed tbe story; for, without sentiment or sweetness, or anything we most esteem In mu sic there Is something In the merry waible of Yankee Doodle that will charm out of Ite biding the least lurking atom of Yankee spirit. ' Ana yet, alter an, tnie idle little tuoe.that baa whistled around New England homes aa com mon as tbe winds, is a veritable Don, and ome from Spain, where tbey dance each ' a aolema thing ae a minuet, made, aa we are credibly Informed, of a coupee, a high step, end a bat ance; Spain, where everything Is so lofty and sonorous. - We erasure-Yenkse Doodle must have moved a little merrier since It came to America, i Open the Atlas to the map of Spain, and glance along tbe northern border, until yea come to St. Sebastian, one of tbe keys of the kingdom, on the Bay of Biscay Back of the indented coast bristle, like lines of bayonets, tbe serried ranks of the Pyrenees. - Now In all those valleys and among those mountains, from Toloea the capital of Oulpugcoa, many a leegae, to Oviedo, tbe capital of Astorte, the people eing our Yankee Doodle 1 "Tbey have nothing to say, to be sure, of the "dandy," nor the diffi culty there waa la seeing tbs town,' "there were so many houses," for the words the? sine are Baque, bat tbe music is as Yankee ae "I guees."" ' - - ' Go tn'.e tbe Plan of St. Sebastian, on market days, as the American Vibe-Consul at that port declares, wnen it is inroorea with girls end women rrotn an- toe regions ronna shout, end voa shall hear ennr. and bammed, end whistled. our own veritable Yankee Doodle. Aoeoet one after another, no matter whence tbey hall, from Iran or Tolosa, or Urduna,or vergara, and tbey all smile at your question, and all know Yankee Doodle- It is evidently a mountain air ef tha Pyrenees , and a household tune ' " : We have no knowledge that the royal bands of the Castlilan Court ever play It, or that It Is tbe fashion lo Cadis or Toledo , bat it Ie cer tainly qatte at home along the Bsy of Biscay. Some British tar, maybe, oaught the air as be went ashore on a market day, carried It aboard, trolled it over In tha dog-watch, It proved con tagious, and so ne ana bis abipmates carried it to Ensland: from tbe forecastle It went la ad- ward to the garrisons thecoe on its upward way, from the Spanish peasants of the Pyrenees, to tha scarlet and gold-laced gentry of tba of ficers' quarters.' ' ' n i The rest oftbeionrney I easily traced j it crossed the Atlantic In a soldier's bead, and ba munched it at tbe absurd fellows that worked at hedging and ditching, not a great way from Boston, on a hot night ' In June, a lumber of years ago... It wss a ridiculous tons' to set a ridiculous people to; It was a Rood Joke, and ba perpetrated It, and the Yankees knew how to take it.' It proved to be worth as mueh to tbem as a shipment Of trusty biaaeo irom Toledo. ' a i be An Ausminq Tfltokr. The sudden' appear- anoe of oil in each immense quantities in those regions In which It could not bars existed but a short time, has given rise to numerous the oriea respecting Its origin- Among the last and most feasible or these is tne one advanoed by the Pittsbrugh Guttle, In Its issue of the 90th. It says: " - t i Tbe Internal fires of the earth, known to ex ist, are making- their way to the surface where, la seoordance with the prophecy "the elements are to melt witb fervent heat." The oaiorlo from these subterranean fires has just reached the coal etrata, and oil, which forms the Igneous pwtlia of that earbonatio com pound, Ie driven from It, attd forced by anperln oumbect pressure tooocupy flssaree end the softer formations of tbe earth below, until re lieved by apertures from tba turfaoe.; . Those living in tbe eoal regions are nearest Hades, and of coarse ftod tha oil first,.'. . -,-. . - ; . . QTtn CoMsoiiNTiOos Hosbano A gentleman waa once dining with a Inend, when a most vio lent storm arose. Ia hopes of abatement, tba . entertainment was prolonged to the latest pos sible hour) bat at length it was over, and tha storm showed no signs ef eeaelpg, bet on the contrary grew wore and worse. The host In sisted opoa his guest'e socepunoe ot a lodging for the night, to view of tba Impossibility of bis reaching home. " " , i The caeet ecmplled, bat ta a few ' minutes waa miseed from tba parlor. In half en hour ke reappeared, drenched with rain.' -"Where, in Heaven's nana, eave yoa eeeoi" seaea tne host, viewing tba atogular object, which looked Ilka a dog aroand the paff, and a weeping wil low -eronol tba bead. "ir said ba, quickly ahaktna- off tha water, "I have been at home to tell my wife that it Ie each a nigbt I should not return."" " "-', - i-iie i BLOwiNd Ur a Caooobai Ok 'ScikNTiyiD Paincirus. Tha river ludus, in tha East In dies, was Infested by a large old crooodlle who carried off two or three o tne natives, one Of them a woman. Its tkln was to thick that no ball penetrated It; so some young military of fixers formed tbe following plan of destrojlog It: They killed a sheep, and in Ite body pU sed a bag filled with gunpowder and aoms O'.ber eombustiDie matter, to wotcn a long wire was attached, with detonating powder at tha end. Preeentlv the crocodile saw tbe prey and gelxed It, and cariled It to a bols which be was kooan to frequent. Time waa allowed him to swallow thai ah.M. whan tha wire was nulled the WStet then became violently asitatea a ioua report tras hitard, and npoams the orocodlle dead and I. ,wu,vu uiuwy vi.u. .... . , .. ..t Sf,..Itiitaa7,;i. K inv am if .VjrTaH, noehM, ,',8 (); JjL do do. .. Twines, 4f 11 J na nonnend o&nait t kmt. u i,.!i;t u pu vi I -for eale by MtLSBaMfTTIACXi HIUMisbStpieu ,1 T GREAT; SLAUGHTER! it'ii. i:. ' "i.) ,,,11,1 iil'l ,l,.l .'in1 ,:, 'lll,l;. fjlif f,l ,i. nil ; t'"'-'-'4 .r. oil.' DRY: GOODS li::M i: li,,.. : W 'V.:. i .;.'' ii . o,!..1 -ti-.5i.'.l fl :.,;. 7 : ,-flL.T.i.iia .1 ii) IiU'j.'!': In .iloo-.q ..i!r vi I'lCf l'i'X"' I '!' : i,i ' I, il .,'t Ihtt t.3U-! bS.1 it-Ml.0' icrJA-RP-cOarQ j i, ii..v;,ej''i n nil jasf-i -"Jc5 ji .'li.-f a (!,.. .i'.1n : "f. joliijfuajt-i' iil . ; - 'ri, NEW':STOitiL' "-i .i ... u: ,ia tv.nrikijf,'Ji t.iOftt vii THi' ?.."! i :':, ul i.Ji ,j:ipI 'i )i,M ' I ' ' From ind after 'thi data WeaheAj'"!'' ,'1', " - ,!.; U . .': fi.iH-.f) rir-.i- ,if;f I i tiU '' , . , i. ': I' -,:ii,;.) , t i REDUCE , THE PRICE .1 1 :...,.; m ui I niifW" ) j ,, r ,:i r li ; sicjiifl"'! fi 'j nM'-S 1 OP OCR WINTER Q00D3 kji if nil , '. i.i ii j v.U---'o fi'.-r. '0".ji J!iw TWEKTV;'riVE';':pEa'CElste ' i -1 v.'iv,-, ,i4 (:,, j..i'i : i . .:. i . i I . -I.'.: ! j.iioi- ,i;'; t-J (li :JT .1 'y.yi a At 'I ' ! I.V.Vt " It 'i I " I ) II ,;JIf ', I -. w OSMf TO.Maetsj aaosj ro, apm.;i. I ! .'; -si j ; (.'. 1 i i ,.,ii:-( ::i r. .1 1' SPRIKGSTOCKi TIM I -''. I"4. ! ir f. ' Our assortment is still good, : V- .' -' ' , f I c j - ana it is known to very ." I tJ. :i 1..;. Nil. ::'.!. . J.i'- ' w.J,;r:,'one; that bur.:; ;.-fii... 11 .. iJ"ri 'If, 5. r .0 ii , I 1, : CONSISTS' OF , .:n, :".t-is J-.tiu. ' tr,i .1 r.i 'li.l.ili FIRST GLASS-' GOODS. : 'E ARE DETERMINED1 TO SELL, ','. ",80 DO NOTJPORai3'5 jTHE.,., -' : CHEAP STORE '6"-n '''' ' I i .!wrl 1 .' r f 1 : :' KNAP P & O O ; . ,.) 0; r NO. 119'., . .1 ..if ' .'? 't r. 1 i i'.j:,i'rT ":.' i ''" . 1 SOUTH -.HIGH: STREET,',. ,., - ' - t - ...r.t :.'i. .1 as .5 : 1-1- QUI 6 Tons at Featbe're and. 60' Tone of Rage Wamer- ! 11.. ; iOillW, 1 ' ' ;octS5-ead-iw-6m 1 i,,i I,,,-, of.i.i.-T'? ;.' t'li'.. ; WEEKLY OHIO 'STATESMAN! t.ii . 1 1 VmCi C3 .J11 ?L lJutm Oil 1. HATHA A OIBOtOiATIQ!! . ' . LAEQEB ' BY " OTZRAl THOVSABDS " Than any other paper in Ohio, dutalde'of Cincinnati Offers Facilities for 'Advertising ( I - j r : ' 1 ' i.i n 1 ,j . Which OANSOT JAII. to. bring 1 : ... Npeedy- asiel BenaaaaratlTf ltetnrna To those who take advantage 'of '" THE WHlKUrtXiY- STATESMAN, DUtiibutd m It la throvf h wttry tot Oflot lm Ohio, Reaches a Large Class of Readers K ilh'fl!.. I !H'. Whoee patronage Is valuable, and . wh6 seldom see the ' i Dally Xdltlons of city Journal,; and as only : o . :... t f . 1 ij-' : 1 'i1-;j .j A Limited 1 Bomber of AdYsrtiiemeiits I f- Are Inserted te tMlumaa, apponriately and ' t ! fca- SniOit! emsT'baaM rattW ' sw ''' i ' ii I'i toui'l i .i. , ' ''0 tixy fi'il el.tt2eTAOt XttOXXtlOXl I "! : ' 0f-!Atfcl1fc:"'s",c, " U i a.i j',iil:,i i. 1 1 in. 11 1. i si.tay:,,f 1. WHOLESALE DEALERS Advertlilng'le the WlSKtl BtATBSUAN rUl n , j 1' j .i : . i '.it:sivaAbiimes b X THE INCREASE OF Which it almost oartala to follow aa eijSenslve 4beDla atlee of a knowledge eS tbelv hmrtnees ; ti d , iVLom ", cotflrasx.; pwjttf Fin ' 1 iini ' "j'Wll i' ! 1... ii tj.1s. i nwatimtaiiuatiaia TuamvaTi mASj j eVOITSOeVAsMtdeVMAal U A JeSH V j..-. Tfco Weekly. Statesipiari . ShoaM be banded la beams f rUer noon,n:.;,, S0MOT1NG ; NEVfe - i: :h:i I.; .1 ii." HOW ARD. Cc CO AMERICAN BATCHES. )i I CALL AT WO S3, 8OYJTH tllOII ST., and eaamlne er nee-anlce ef - ... :.. ' AMERICAN WATCHES, tnanafaetnrei by X. BOWSED 1 CO Boeesai Mass. Theee watstieeare arsBpertortoanyialiigevcrnaared te toe pumic, neretotor. Having tne eioiuatve agency, I can sell them at prtees t, suit tbe times.' I bate ust reostvee a large etoea 01 1 " .....,uoh ..-.i.jvi . I -" a m res tr. A w W ATntTFisi.1 n 1 I I lil'.t-j. .'TT T. ", '.7vS' j tl, menufaotared by. ArPLSrOIt,TlAT)Y, CO t alas.a nmeesorbMntef. -w li :t iiioj e.n tj L?oi4 ' : .. . 1 . . . t.... t ... 1 . . . Lir .v ,lt floW and Silver Cases, t bast) prams, .. . JanSS p:- . i.. in.. SAYA0Iv T E.r.l'COLLISTER . Wnateaala and SietsUlt JUealec lsv, tobacco, smjff4;cigahs J I .J-ptev'X FlftW Strejwt, P l T " O li U KUIiii i- tdi i n i -fn . ii, ..... Ker. f ataiitly jam hand) all tho.Wevi n.ii ft li A V ii a ,.. ..i a vo a:i1 l -Oct., vinyl -' 71- J" ;-.r " :w'ii v,n,n.i . iieivhy lAx:ill.l;iir e-,tfl ei (late ef Tnalen's ttablUhment, . Y) Poprt.ltira . Mae i new Torn raeuonanm eirnvtas, alair iMtnae, I UnmMMl.1. flnrllrt. mnA UrmmminmAminam. Znmt Stele I atreeu erer the whre wtunirtiori Willi i Ve rifts ln all' the 'nrion- brnncbw. LeiiieS ead ; ((DhlMrea'k Hair Dreeeteg denei 14 tea beet etyhka 1 u I jySI-dlv-i;.-t j 1 .; -. .- . : TJtANOT lXStn 'AWas water,-are Jb aeW etyleat. -1 -walbko. Boaae, Aeim-anA Aa- v aayS.T4 " w B0u' B .V'lllitt j ,'.u u.: ..i '...l ..ii . I- irfi ..ii... 1 1 :..,': .i.i,1 li. i ,i:i.'.! .is Ii'i.-'i. .. 4 ttti1 ". 1 i .. .1 U mm V'"1 3 a .1 in W u it U..I .Jitun. 3 Vr1.(rf :i . CO .... B &- - ... Iljj 1" Q :-ia pj ,1 v. g ).... s 3 3xiZIj foe , td iotimuj -vial e 1 mui; .- I 'A.II 1 J.e 10: ...ll'll' -'U Ml )lo:i TT.ft,; tKti,K:i 1, ee'.-.j t:m nnw 311 !(,,,, H iei.nlr:-,.! ll 'A ,:,.,.. M , m.t 1 im . . atu wg .0, rj r, w, .,.!'? A tn k t,na 1TM TWTTa iMimnna . , --.'AAV.. Hi t.raordlnary cares br mv f the most I 01 In - . , 1 & I, : PEGTOlUlVf i .ir:,tir-i'ji, v : i 1 Tbey are at borne, d any eejewhebas eVmbweaala,-. 4ulre ef thepenea who eeri beesedioyT ' f HOU V7H0 MIKD HIS MJU)I01fc7i '.T"' ATTWft, TO YOtJB MtBS i-A eaee'ttf 'flre yean' tending eared by OA. tiMWrfZvt, z tsmepaeaJaeUMes. ' 'Ba. Knwm (11, wife haa hm aiiuj -,,v . eeh and diffloolty of brrathlns. for five er ,i yeara. wbih , for Mreral year, back, bad gradully Inereaeed lj"'4 vlolenoe, 'beeonpalnt has bee beredTfar, and eke bad been freeied by several phy,idaas Wliboat an re llefti '-""--- 'r J jnu : n . I Oah k O , . .. . ... " cent bettle, wiilch reliered her very maeh 1 1 iheaeetfled . wwu. a a.r.0. m NHDk tnm IM " Iff -".iu iir Hiin. wnten euted her eatlrelv. end ae treeaaf ik.f...iiaui . . A .1 - ' elf lo a U and e ojh. Tbeawdlolnenred me twuks tag one ooee r 1 op me my eaUra ead-ta aon wMkes V medletwa, and ron mm at Lbem lo mkii u,u -T.- i aaalretedoso. Wat WILaoaTf- A . . . -I SOth Ward. Da. Knaan-Allluuiitli ui m A. ZI d..... Hedlrtue., la general. It eiford ma pleaeue tndfciLjua " ble to reeommead your Peeae rel Sjrmy. Sea mertwlee It Is well worthy the etteotUe ef u eeraM .k. mm, i any manner be eflteted with eoewha, eoide and btamnoaa of an hind, and for the trawlier cjuallSoatioee tat r ' moving all that dlmgreeahle senestltm f-'rt a ae- I here beefi, more er lees, ta ejy fife, aQV)ed wit, ttl r sevenet of eolda and hoaraeneai. 1 St tines my throe, ' would neoome 00 el. eed aa to nrerent ai kuataiu. ' a whi-per. and by taking a few dome el the above- ferae-- ttwonldraUevemeeaUrely. -, v , rr.,Z.T In leoommendln, thia medWne, I wMst ermtifturli eaythatu la the beat remedy I ever band, puraerlint 2 ears the abore, nor ebowM any iamlly be WMoeat tble" nmog j wr ajaeaaee ae prevalent. . loure, moec reneenuHy ' .Ha 1DWAKDJ. JOKES, -t.ii ...a .1 i. ii fJaahiee OliWuf rTlMKStflillT ma i -u 5; , 1 1 '. . u i-.g ,...,i,'.a m out l.-i , .11 ItlB M .IK ,u.l 3 f. I-..U g U 1 ' DI1I,,.0.. r'!- -. I save and Dr. yoor'e Oeegh Syrup fot ahadeesesao of several years staadiagr and oaa cheerfully amy It il.. tbe best medicine for the eame that I here erer Ukn? c'ol.VbaTT and dr.1 tSTstrt i nhrri&i BYBP?. Da. Karawa Pear Sir Baeoee tba d.bu t A , my acknowiedglBg the eaeollaaca of yeur Pcoloral Oougb. , .,rwm. m mua. gravi pmevre in eaying inas It tr yen ear Ills. A Hwirwrl f mimm on al mmmmmni: ... and the went one I waa ever afflicted a 1th; I have not ' need more than one-half ef t ne bottle, end -t Sea eod e wa w au im are auuetea e-ouil (ira u ea feir a uiml , aelhaTe done, and they will be proud to say, "It at !' enaek medicine." -1 wouloVnee aaObr anathef enaa attack for any eoaatdcrniion, or at any coet. i M &a- axteotloaa breathe more treebr than I eVi-e M I Jujil always ackaowtedge a debt f (rati lade for toventiinr ma v aacellent a remedy. Ton are at liberty to ui mj na a this regard, as yee thina praper aaetf 00a Me afimM Itlltffte. ttV !WleWUffMt SMmm . . . asv wjuiwieauai uuhvui wsaes WASltAJb salt DMTWOfillJ :Y.-t-.-o o) !i ! " ne a,3 line) . r i f.iir. u. Pr"0. April M. 1W7. HI At THS TEtJTH. Da. Krriia: I barea deaib. f tar was has taten areeral medieines for a bed eauh.... without beneflt-among Um Ayer'e Cherry VectortT I parebaaed from yen bottle ef year P10TOaAlte SYEDP.and before (he bad need haU a hsttu mkm -. reliend. The eecoad bottle cured ber enttmlv ot hmt eongb. -jc. . c'it m .., , JOHUBARIK.ij, i. 10 Hi ;.t - bLoon street, Alleghsny. . :4 4l T1 j Pmii.a- Timm w. l eon,..L employed the beet phyaloiana la tha ooantry, nn4 aeyj it wm wuhbwj uwmn maui mmrij in uetober. . Aw m " aillin I ISOIOSAl, . 8IBUP.--I lire in reeblea townahl, ailrlMrtiH.- ' I bad aooajhlng and eplttlng, whieb eaenawnned erpnl ' the tlh o( r-brUAn but. end continued .Uh A.ik7r 'S uu ume 1 wee eaTiwa to try your rcOTOKAL OOTJBS SYaUP.Jhiehldid.hnSattetlklakeaeeMBeUle.X a waa entirely tree from the eonghing and spitting. I hed darpeired of erer getting well, end I think It ebould be'O' known that thai valuable, remedy will do for other, what v. ItbudooelnmycaaeA , . JOHN 0. LITTLE wuaeess. U. Kaaa. ... j reeblMrabip..'K i; 1 I Ul t;,W-l 4 a'.-tl I: , w V"1 J!T PaTTOS t. , April It, 1857. A WOKDIBFtTL CtTKa: Some tlm. '.l ' neighbor of mhasiwas very ilLwitbaaaA ma.ri .hlok. - ere 17 one supposed, tobeoeneumptloa. Hn niaUns, told me that he bad taken wrery Temedy tbey heard e(- c witbxMit btneutl ba brolher eemeU m hla dim ..a .u were ooaSnsed in the belief that he eouldnot lire. I badebont Um third of a bottle ef yea Feeterel Srewn: whichl gave htm, and It eaUrely eured him, to tbe mUm- mament or ail. WK makes Ue eeae mare vemarkeliia. Is tba extteme age ef the being aboMettbtyyeara old. ..I bare no doubt the Pectoral aared ble iDeT -... ... :.. .1 iAJi-i Ma.tlM'emeUrilJVOf- b'RVl -n i : fcSYgKE'S ft OTOaAL SYiDr tlefll(f.TnlZ.,M,' TILLS. Pleeae atnd me another eopply eg yoeu'Vejia-B?'' able '-Pecterat Syrup," almost OTerybody aronnd has theeold ani are Inquiring for "r. Keyeer's Pecteral eyrap.- we aareokiatxtMeoiUee reet VMk.aadere i J aow entirely out. Mr. A. Alter and Mr. P. Menee, bath ef BUIrrrt Ie, Pa ; fell us tbey would not be wltnaa K r In eaels families, la, fact, lt wbe am U oee mtb gain. , ionrs, rmneotrully. . ... . a. WATTSaaoir IONS''.'' Jaaaar?, ia6fl,oa .wt t;,;w til taa.A ANOTHSB WWW OaTlTTridiTB-.rjSL mtsdia;,! PKOTOKALSTEDP--Ihad been troubled with a coo a, j , and 00 Ul lor aeveral weeka eo bad Wa, It that I ton Id not aleepv lbad tbe ednce and preioripiioire trtaa ihiee eS L. tne nestpnyaicianitn ice city, whom loould name, bui dn j notdoso. I finally proanred a bottle of you, rertorai 1 1 - SS6 Liberty street, PUtabwrgh, a , aa a, iaoeVft k . h I tl :; i (Jltmisi) immwmr -.H'.m Mn, 1 BTOPTHATOOrjOHrsa.'vi'Howmaldorir "So,, to KejrMi'eoa Wood street and get a bottle of hlaCaugb PestaaaLand at that don't earn en. year ants mam keiiiO dMperele indeed. this is aspeolsen of the eaUoooy ... aa hears almoet 'Verjr day in eid eaicbltig ' perkxlAWi' the ream .And we ean. r rrr mnaini nbn 1 - fall7 oonoor In the adrtMr'aedmooitkm ae eixe. foe wa nave tried the Peeteral.'i ta a meetstabbora eaaa) wlittv eatirs eweees. Hear twe weeke ege wa we, to Piuebanihi, mu ... w hi. am.. .mraisiuK, eooinury, muium. ia nabdaabmeeaedm. w ire. emeiMtMa - upon tbl, mundane sphere. . We eoatthed steadily and . 4 laborlonjly for one whole week ta nope, af rwi if oW; 1 1 1 bol M raeno c.i la reee U teHaed satber Ie -have tar proved by prattle, and te neve aaqulred eirenith.petea-' ' cy and eHtree,tCry by the epeeeifcw J Ie itiii arofu') the atage, we e awd ear way w KayaWa, let , pmcureda Sfty oeat bottle of the -Poeteel;', leak ft IgU Swan We erert .1 a- ndltionalir eurnndered, after S btaf bar aneejael eotiaml altar (oiWMdable an adeereary aeav-ye.r s ramoaa "yoaaa-i iVctorai." xwuue vipfr, 4te, m, hum. .., . i:,f4. v t.mmmm'i iu'a a. HAM A CJ it. KSTranf PSOTOaaV STUCT tl MeiiAlmt) q ui. n. nimuni D. KKVaEB. Ian -. - - 1 iltrgb. raT K ' C'TTO TSPlM UX oJeavveeaaeaaurAlAllIs aaAJlOfejc. .1. e,-!.-.i-.T isr , .1 n..ijAi. eat , Prepared and told by '".r.'ja i.:fijs.l-' -! ;.irt;' -y eT ., r... 1. .to.acoTa.sxrsxB. a a - .-. a v v .'tf.j V3 i. . . . , , i j .4.-1 Frlct, B5 etnia. 140 Wood itv, TltimilhLJ wr'aTA ix l 4.i-t 1a mnt.9m A Cs ocmT.SliilrJtlni. 4J SUM IO VVWBflW. IT W"l - . V- ' ui iij-ii v i J k' J'l .1) 11 I'li'Sla) i 70 l.V0 1 1 u coe i -i 1 'in ?.ii.ii u oos TTj rli i e-T-i ... i.'d J iv; .-.seal i!ad s-otA gi ,M Uiil lo I el a!-jJ mti f '.'.-' oi!i ,m ( JaiiJ . lvnr DISTEIBUTmOXitLO: fc.'neot uiot,i em I m.i) nui-riia s: sii"JT" .it etii Icarevi e ,Viuiiit ens r.wUlSttaod la tbe.ct.-i'; ui -..j, T0STH?0 ASSISTS iests:?.." a li.m ii J .ie .... - - i-KlJ .t Xi S - i'i Ui.l ' IS I .M - "1 AJAXlIU ,.t" A..0 . I..,, a .....i.t s j .at 0 J , i...,i,u .4, rf i-, -rr-1--, a nv rc-Vffa ! ,t UiJOiBca f ate, Am ilfk ;r','-,"?"s"M'va f 0 f ?.ii.T ietWs X'