Newspaper Page Text
TdjS1 REVISED BIATDTJBS; ' ' quits v-'J mTn sorri or. rim bsusioxs or rra at-rTli-. - rums oourt, (Contain l. twenty-ato. vol. 0UUl 4 0Uo U State Beportt J ASB RKIKBKN0K8 TO PUOB LAWB, la fyro Boyl WeW 00. w Li, tnTnMltu teen epn-l to make th work Derfect eo reliable l nil rupee"- and wa ordered to M ttlHliuu - "ii!T"Uarl. BuiV.rn.JndweS.B-r.- """ - nitT or tmti. ana iv u " , " , o..4.i ihi Uatoa. " in jdtio" or tit ';u"i r..rrT V CllCKKS Of tOWNBHlr, inn cm omoKHS. Utatn Mm lb puUoi " , ""TV IT" oZLSton u4 !MiUoi. iportBt to pal, iwrmKm v. m.nniM OoBtt n: o- -.mir t-duwfca Kaim. ?a"4!SSi,J IJinril v . ,ir wittV a root, Limit Uw ralilnWm ooauemtoneiaad Xarortar k uttJ ' I(o..o8 Won lonra w"- mMnnsiV A. 1 W smart mXTTEXTt aOIXIB, Mtlialtari. Abraham's Escapade—Kore Light Demanded. ThoKe YotVapoTr are full of specula tion upon the flight ef XiaimAM. Tko Flm oatWea IT.oiraof.tho.EspuWloaa prophet seems M 'Jbt ahroudd " f" Tatar?.- Os the moei repulslro aspeola of lb ease U that Aaaaaiiirdoaerted his wife and eUUran, and wpoaed tne to the wtj danger, if fcer. wa any. fiom which he wal neaklDgly yiBC tm hi Tbo'Seir York Tr" ' "0M who look the reapooeibnity of urging Mr . Ln- - a. V. thai eom-se ho did, auuiing hi tn , tf . murdered If e trnresed Maftlattfetilyi tift glo the publlo tko faett and nam., U 4hey would "aeapo UiiieTol .manTA- Thi 7Vtt to ftM H thli. Aaaa-, HaK owes it to kbstaU, to the autioa no U about to ooaspy and the poblU sentiment, to let the world kaow who hli adriaert were, and they la Uweuout4.BWtheoorce wnenw the7 obuiaet Art teformatloa upoo wbiok they aet odViaod the name of the'.csnfplrators, If any weft mads know to them. - Until thia iadone, tko peat poblio wiU look npon the whole thing either as originating In the groundleoa feara of AaaaM.'OtMohoai.pUyed off by those about him fo th purpose of fearing him and proaaotlDg their own' aelflab and mercetiary awd. '.,," .rvir.'--4-ir -'u-4 from, tkt tsorreepondent o the New-Yotk Tu- waoV aooompantad the Limcolm Jamily tbropgJtoTiitBa ootir routa from SprtofiHeld to Woahlngton City, we learn that befero atarting npon the trip,' tko oelebrated, Western Ceteo tire, rwfiatow, wu detailed irom Chicago to kom sharp lopX Mt for any danger that might Awata the Presidential party.'. JKot only did AaaHAi's friends aeenre the personal aertieea of the lynx-eyed Fiirawrow, bat bad hja awtkoriaed to orgaaiae a ooVpf of detectives la Cleveland Baffalo, '.Albany, New; York, Pkn.j.irtM. and Biltlmore.' to ferret utant plott that night b. forming against the Froai- destt elect, and to be as a body guard constantly mu his n arson oc quartera during .his lUy.ln mefr pTiooi.DBtlngkli tojourn in "New York City. ko wu ,aoompaale4 veryBar y a nard of th kecrot oolala , all armed." Add to thia, the faot now no longer dlgulaed, that DMkrlr.eTerr. awn la AaaAHUi's anlu wu rnod to the teeth with instrnmenta nek as are aid ao be nwok b um by sporting genUeman in tk Sooth, and Wert, and we cm hare eome Uef 4helorribl apprabaaalou iliai moat kaf haufiUl AalaaTaai and his friends.' TkM nartT atrttad at Harrtabwg, and wera m tUjext day U Washington City via. Baltl- aaorw. So far aotnug eaa ooevrwa w tko formlilahfe preptratlons that bad been made, Officer PnxBMw and his foUow deteotiTM ware Hkalt" ta bo all tha way to the federal. Clly a fool'f errand. It wu, at thU Jonotaro, oa tko Ttttiag' of Wuwton's birth day, accotdwg aa tha Tae'" corfeepondent,' that tho great WoeWa DstecUvolaidbefoM Aaaaaaat a&dkis frlcii ' luok, fciififtnalory tridenco'- of a tut peeted plot eln8 kla life, u rendered tho eon. tiouMoa of tho IraraUog programme "reokleii trffitn.' : i. f ' Now,aieM tho distingiiUnod Western De- tediva"siec4ny makas known to the public the aoBflimstoty ovldenco", which be reported to Aaaanaai and his frUnda.tha American poo lOwUlgonerailf Kgd him ubetoguahrewd at taking okee u he It reported to b at catck Int scguaar and m expect ta acw a sow ofBct crtatcd hi ABaAauMt,TEC73et,,fod PuinaTtn made PewcUve General. The Franklin Amendment. r ' V .i f.-- r"-y-' The following is the "Franklin amendment," understood to have been adopted by tho Peace Cofiforencti 1 , ' ' i.r.v. In all the present territory of tho United fitntMfcnt -embraced bv ' tbo Cherokeo treatv, Bortk of the parallel of thirty-sis dsgrees and tiiitr-inut of north- latttoder invoiantarv tarvltodo, r-: ' t !n punishment Xt Prime, prohibited." la all the present territory aonth of that line, the status of persona bold to ser or 1 V'-'V it now rxiets shalluot aU..T .J, any law bo Piuaod to kindV ar prevent tne taking or aucb persona lo said totvorv, nor to impair tne ngnui arising irom aid r;' tat the same aball be eubjeet imiicial c0..;anca in the fel?ral courts accord lag; to the common law.- When any territory, no& cr kv; b c! said lino, wlvhla each bounda ry a Cougreas may preMribo, shall contain nnnrtoHnn nuU to " that required fer -c: ... r cf Ccr- 1, !ts'., If It? f oral rovwuuiaut bo iupuiiHoan, be admitted Into ti LTa!oa oa aa eqn&l Uoi'.nv with the original ,! ' i,wstk or without luvoluntary aorvitudo, as t ie Constitution of rook Bute may provide. "A Talking Body." HPWttywell Informed already upon thia point, wdtbose who may still boln e dk iould The ( ofnttetl C sutu of kiie 2C in or . ehn- ai bu t non'i Jrouc loai! r oa the Gblol.titlU sure, which U deoojninaUs" "A Talking Boo? " and ay. that the tlioe bM arrived when it ought te vit hf been In oIom oa two monlhe, In whioh jUp U he done M Immento emonot of talRkiK. 4 to ih line of legitimate prkotlcal buslutm, little 'hae been acoopapHBhed!'! . Aiou (tepnblioaa frlandiwre Mooitom tqj reghrd ! highly what', ltf aild br hav4 AlHi.tkt la tht ruh of the party, we cannot retrain from glv lag our readere an extract from the ar tide referred to, ahowing ho GuHU'$ opinion of the asltatlon of the elarerT qaeatloo. what it thinki of the legiilatlra labori, iu kind con elderetkm of tbiCobjmbda joornali, &c- Jfe hope oar "tolona" will ooneider what la aaid by the Cincinnati OtuMe, ai followii Inattad of eooaiderine aadotii)ff upon meaaurea of Importance to the people of the State, the memberi nave aerotea tneir time to tne diione- iloa of the qaeitlon of Slarert ' Almost erery tbiag elite kaa ran Into thia. A debate started ok a bill to protect aheep from dogawould turn oa the alUabaot bine qoealion of Slarery. Now, wo ao notander eatimate the maenltnde or tma ttbjecti nor do wo think it ahoald bo wholly Ig nored by Hie Ohio LeeiiUtare: bat, at the lame time, It is Impoeaible to admit the propriety of constantly talking about it.lq a body which has no more control orer ue tnstitnuoo oatsioe or tne Bute of Ohio, than the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Char oh. This State baa not the power to abolish ft In Oiauaro fool Of land where it exUta, nor has It the power to prevent it from beinaj established in new States and Ter ritories. . Neither oin legislators offer the wanta tf the people as as eieoaeJot the time spent in dlsootsinff Slavery. The people cenerally are look In rain to the Leslslature for litrbt-i JEiie epeeohes delirered in that body are chiefly lost to the world. There la no Congressional Globe 0 prut, and no franking prlTilege to facilitate, tne eircuiauoa or (no apeecnes oi our regiaia- ton. inis macblnery la fortunately oonBned MclllllnivtA Waahlnvtan. Th Hnliiinhlia nt. port ve paid by tba State for, the publication of ajaopas or.ioe.proeeeauigs oi tne Mgisia tore, Includinat speeches, but those Journals, haTini buta limited circulation, a small portion of the people only hare aa opportunity to read tba addresses which art prepared with ao much oare, and which are txaeetod by their authors to produce extraordinary effects. ' The faot is, the capital lurtated In tbo preparation and de livery ol set speeches on' outside questions, in the Legislature, cannot be made, even by the advertisement of them in the official journals, to yield anything lu. thf ahape of dividends. The light whioh flashes from the brains of the legislators iaappeara like -the . blare from squib of powder. - The words spoken are rarely heard outside of the State Houje. . and their lives are u brief u their travels are shorts Thia la tba way irwhicb the people regard the conduct of members of Iho. Legislature, who foolishly imagine that their much speaking will speedily secure for them a position among tne statesmen or me country. . ; , ' . j i i ,1 i ' ' 1 Action of the Peace Convention. From the reports In oar will be seen that the Peaoo Convention, through their Chairman, Mr. Trtaa, made a commcni- eation on yesterday to both branches of Con-: great; but tko report is so indefinite that it does not fully inform u of tho nature of the paper lent to Congress. The Senate ordered the communication to be printed, and it was referred to a Seleot Commit too. In (tbo House the, action as reputed by tbo telegraph Is Indefinite.' From "the meagre report of the action of the Honae to-day on Mr. Ceawia'i report, Itls to be presumed," that du ring thesession some important action waa had; bat wo are compelled to go to press before, tho day'a proceedings are received. A Golden Opportunity Lost. Tho New York Tribunt of Febraary 25th, speaking ot tho flight by night of tho President elect from Barrlsburgto Waakingtoa Clt7,aays that "if the alleged eonsplraoy" to take his llle wu real, Mr. Luioout stay llvo a hundred years without hading another ao good a chance to die," Oa thia the New York Ttmee sneeringly nark I: Mr. Lkeola a aaiaisinaUoa would Soubtlau bo of Immense service to those who are hoping to plunge tne country into war ana bioodsbed, Inateed of bringing about soma peaceful adjust ment oi existing aifflouiuea. [For the Ohio Statesman.] [For the Ohio Statesman.] Compromise. to la be to a a of There are certaiu persona who vehemently oppose all compromise u a means ot settling or present national diMcuttleal Do suck per ions aver realise the fact that compromise i some fena muat ta tho Ineritable end of the matter oven nnaer tnoir own pian oi reiuaing aomaromlM: and that rt la merely a question Wkotber WO anau arraogw our oimouiuaa natf . ... .1 nr. ... while we are etui at peaoo ana aim one people, or after we have become two hostile people and at the end of a long and bloody wart Suck U tA eiatnb msc. . The peace of Europe rests a ad has bx eontariee reaieajin a srsiem oi trea tiee 1 eesijirsaiims oeawaoa nor ainoreni na tiooa.' W ben one nation seeks to adopt aaoasurca inimical to tbo real, or to aggtanaizo nereeu at aim zoanae of bar neighbore, she la held in check by Iboee Interested, and If war result thoogh it may oa ioog ana ouwut-y can not last forever, and it la oloaed by treatlea MnnrnniaM .whioh have foe their obleol to restore, and' to maintain opoo such 6onditlons u may be agreed upon thai balance of power wbiok ia the gwennty of international peace. Bo will It bo with ue, if we allow ourselves to broken up into separate nations.' - We have only escaped it so far beaawse we have had a govern ment which reconciled the various opinions and inter eats which differences of climate, coil and population gar rise to, while recognizing and raMeotlnr. to a Just extent, the local views of h State and aeetion. We have each a benefl- . ..Mit wt. ' We mav veiindntra aha hope of preserving it. The alternative presented U whether we shall praacrvo It by lost and rea- aooabls' concceaiona to the local : feelings oreiudicee. if yod win ot no sootn, or h.thw.bvlruorlnr all their views and feel iocs raf aslnr oven tncit most mooerate aemanda and t ii growing tnat wa are wuuiit ngut wuue uijui wholly wrong, w shall drive all. the States ot the South Into separation, and then hataro coorM to the European mode of war and treaty for the settlement of oar difficulties. The end win he the same id either cms ' usmji unise, We may get np a long ana oipoay war wita tne South, if wc desire to do sej niucD tlood may ha ahed. much Inlory may be done, tne country, now so peaceful and prosperous, be devastated iui laid WUte, otaeo saoaea ana aooimeroe ae- iroyed, and tho end oi it au win as uosuuto The North, being the stronger party, maid undoubtedly get the best of it; but any idea, that the South can be Subjugated and con quered into abandonment of all Her claims eb.lmericai.The American people arc the tame en both aides of Mason and IHxoa's line. When they become enlisted in any cause, ana icei mat lharv are Brnoac lor aa wee "or tuoir ria-uia-. they wUl fight on both cldec to the bitter end- to u point wnero ipey are awppeo vj aa w exhaustion. Tbo resources and strength of the South should not be entirely overlooked b, thuM who are ao anxloua to drive on a war. ' I la month is aa that there are some nine mil lions of Americsrs, and if the whole power Orcat Britain could not cooqar as when we were only a third that camber, the prospect of our entirely fmmrnerlng the South la not vary flattering. We should have to close the war row Kom from exheaettea ea both sidee, and ecu tie these very qaenttone, now egitettng us, by trti, by compromise. Ic it not the part of wisdom, of humanity, and of patriotUm.acmake every honorable eiTurt to cattle our troubles with in the Union, while wearc yet one people, whtlt the horrors cf war may yet be avoided, while brotherly feeling . la not yet destroyed, end while we bave the common reoolleotiona of a clorloas cut and the common hopes of a glo noci iJiur9 w laayi " vm k4,,wu m . A . a., '. , r , - A SaTWaeaeaWal aeavorai 1 Asrsaioaa- OHIO LEGISLATURE. ADJOURNED SESSION. ADJOURNED SESSION. IN SENATE. WEDNESDAY, February 27. swr?rr Ma TflNPS' manitmant tn lh Nfi Pant- eidary bilfwu pending when the Senate took a Uosas,l Alt. I flolmca being entitladi to the floor. The veas and navs were called on tne amendment,Tlnt -- ,.: - Thnaa what vnUd In the affirm at Ire were- Measre. Bonar. Feranaoa. Flaher, Olaaa. Uar rison Hulmes, Jones,, Key, MoCalV Moore, Newman aad White 13. - .-i;-.' cav Those who voted in the newtive were ' Messrs. Break. Brewer. Collins. Cot Cnpty, Cummias. aaoa. Foater. Garilald. llarab. Las key, Morse, Pariah, Petrill,' rolls, rotwin ana Spraguo 17. t fir-.u')'h,vvtS i.' Bo tne ametidment waa loci.' i u Mr. BREWER moved to strike from the bill $25,001, and insert $15,000.5 ei-w f"' l Mr. HOLMr.9 oalied lor aivisioo question, and the Senate agreed to atrike out. Yea. 18, nay. 10. - - ' Tho Senate tnen reiuaea m mee e.- Mn COX moved to fill the blank with $2U, Mr. CUfPY moved - to ameoa oy wseniu $30,000. " Lost, yeas 1 , naye 31. I be amenaraeiii w ir. w -b-- --: Yeas 18 nave H. ' l Mr.' FERGUSON moved' to amend aeetion ... . ,h.tth PMiitnntlarv ahall be located "within the couoty of Brie, and near the city of Sandusky," tho area for the alto to bo not lees than thirty aores. ,J ' ' 1 , Mr. STANLEY moved to amend, by insert- l tka .fimtf f HaanillAU. " "' ' Mr. FISHER opposed the bill generally as unnecessary but at all evente he desired to know .h.M th Wnitentiarv ie to be located before be could vote for an approprlatioo.1 Mr. MOORE would only vote ! for an appro .k.n h ia .aliened that it is neoeteary. tie woaM not be moved by conideratlone for 'partiaMy for any locality. . ' Mm: ii a rsh as ao sat fitd of the BeoeositV for ailew Peullentiaty, that he would woto for an appropriation, wherever the Penitentiary may be located." - Tho town of Msatilon is an appli cant for the 1 Penitentiary, bat that could not certalnlv afftiot his oouvicone of the necessity for the Penitentiary. i m r.nx thoucht localiti ouuht.not to bo question until It ia deoldei whether, a penitcn tiary shall be built.- .' Mr. FISIIER InsUted upon having tho ioca tlon fixed before making an appropriation. He moved to lay the bill and .amendments on the table yea. 13,qaja 20-, . fn, , : e.n ".' Yaas-Measra- Bouu, , Ferguson, Fisher, Glass, Uaarison, Holmes, Jonen, Key, McCaU, M. Nmn. Stanlev and White 13. Navt Mesacs. Beok, Brewer, Collins, Cox, Conor. Cummins. Xtsoo, Foster,. Garfield, Harsh, Uskay, Monroe, Moree. Orri Parwh p hi pniu. ffntwlu. Smith aud Soraffue 20 Mr. STANLEY thought the looatiou ebould k Sni ta. m.uA was in favor of Hamilton Co as the institution cnghl to be. lu or poar a large city. ;( - ii .or ' " r i ;.!. ' 4c . Mr. PERRILl waa not prepared to decide npon a locality now. , tie uau uu . There is already one penitentiary toe mauy -to his .District (Columbus.) He waa aatiefied, however, that, another pouitentiarv should be built. The best nrujooere now lp the rcnlten- tiarv sou d be Uken out ana luea prvuuuuj building; the new Institution. . ma-t u. E-cRnnsnN'S mind waa not fully made .... lt. iha aeaiaitvof a new penitentiary. R,,t hmhud the noliov of building np anolb rr great manufacturing .eaUhUahment to come Into competition with tho manufacturing and mechanical laborers of the Siate. Neither was he Mtisfied by the eUtletlce ebowu in this mat. ter that a new penitentiary is necessary. He thongbt the crlmUial lawa might be so amended as to anorten torma of imprtscoment, and so prevent the rapid increase or conviots. Mr. STANLEY'S amendment .(Hamtltoo oounty) waa lost veaa 10, nays 81 , -, Mr. FERGUSON'S amendment wu then re: : tne qneetion wenrecumng wu u..-..- Ing of the bill," ' . ' . ., ed hia views spoa tbo . blU-. ie dad not aee the himmIm fnr a. new neoitantiarv at thia time.- air. Mrii.Ai.i.u'a jur. a erauv mw vav. - Mr. HOLME9 regretted that the Senate seemed determined to make an appropriation before locating the PenUentaary, He did not think it the way men act In reference to their own business. . He would not vote for an appro priation until be did know where the building WU 10 gO. ' ' ' Mr SMITH waa aatiafied that there la neces- atty for a new Penitentiary, and could not per. calve that location hu anything to do. with the merits of the pending bllL . . ,;" J ai. unNBfiP. moved to amend the bill SO that no appropriation ahall be made before the 15tb of. November, ieoi ai wi we " " fiscal year. I . T - ' ' A:( Mr. M. did not see how money for this pur Dose could be provided, nntU a levy la madej The levy for this year did not contemplate this . Mnna naldoutof the traaaurv for tibia I purpose would have to be Uken out of fundi which legitimately peiong o mer ua- Mr.' FISHblt ooneorrea in mo innuuuwui. and its fate, he aald, would, innaeuce nie nuai vote, no wu not intrinsioaiiy .oppuaew u the bill, bat he wu Innaencea oy economy, r . M,. MONROE'S amendment wu agreed to yeu81,nays7. , ; .. i 'i hn.. ana Toua in ui auicuiavi.v wc.v . Messrs. Breck, Brewer, Bosat, Cox, Fergu son. Fisher. Glass, Harrison. Harsh, Holmes. Jones, Key, Leakey, McCall, Monroe, Newman, Orr, Perrill, omitu, Dpmguo, pwumj . . tu. kA wntA In tha nerativa were Messrs. Collioe, Cuppy, Foster, Oarfield, Orr, Parish, Penill-7. ' Mr.JONESmovedto to. the com ml rf An Rtata bnildlnea.' ' A ereed to. '. ""; " " Mr r.nx from the committee to whom wu referred S. B. 139 -Concerning the sale of the Catherine Street Cemetery, Cincinnati, reported back an amended bill, recommending its pan nage. After some discussion the bill was defeat ed yea.l6,nayal7. ' "V. Adjourned. . , ; ... , jt ', HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. amtsjiooN saatiON. i . WEDNESDAY, Feb. 27. oq Tha Hoose conoorred In the Senate amend ment to H. B. 806 For bridge tax in Pauld in iuraht veaa 63. nava 7. r. The SPEAKER laid before the Houte the following proposition to leue the Publio Works, which wu laid oa tne taoie to oe prmtea: ( j 7 th Bpraker of IM Jmim of RefratHiativt Om$: - '"' 1 -' The undersigned cltixens of the State of Ohio make to the Legislature tbe following proposi tion for a. ; lease ot the-PcbUo Works f,Ltee Statet . 1st. We will lease of the State of Ohio, for Uie Urm of tea yearn, tbe publlo works of tbe Butte, consisting ot tne Miami aud fcrte canei, Ohio Canal. Walhondiot Canal. Hocking Canal, Sandv and Beaver Canal. Muskingum Improve ment, and Western Reserve and Meumee Road, ana ail the Bide- uuts, reeaers, Keaervoirw, Lock houses, Collectors 1 OVices, Weigh Lock, and leases of aurplua water, connected with tbe aame or appertaining thereto, together with all lands and fixtures owned by the Slate in con nection with the publio works, with the right bave and leue all additional surplus water, and tbe right to oolleot and receive for our own proper use and benefit, all tolls, fius'water rents and revenuea arising from said publlo works and the nse of aaid publio works, for the aforesaid term of ten years,oommeaclng on tbe loth day of March, 1&G1, binding ourselves collect no-higher rates of toll on said cinah and Muskingum Improvement, than those pre'. scrlbeJ by the Board of Public Work, tn the toll sheets adopted by them in March, 1858,eud tbe rates now charged on aatd road.'' x'. 1 fid. The State shall clothe us by legislation r otberwlte with all necessary power to protect na in the full control of the Public Work, and against any Interference therewith by L any other parly or parties, and for the collection all reennej,ctc , as above enumerated, and for taking possession of and condemning all mater ials neceissry for the protection and repair of said publio works, dec.' Tbe Btate shall fulfill all existing contract, for new structure, or re pairs, and complete and deliver to ns, free from Incumbrance, thLewistown Reenrolr, and af- ler tbeif completion we shall, 'ritia to time, make such repairs; and rebuild such structures, whether they be lock., aqueducts, dame, ot oth er atrnoturee. boUrnelne: to tha aald Public I Works, whea the aame shall be necessary, . and under V"! direction eiae lSoard of ' Pobllo Works. : Prr lded however, that-in tae re building of all auok .truoture i, the plans and materials tor the new structures oiyworaaaiuui oot ba more expansivel than taose need in tho original destruction of the same. And we will at all ttmea. whan tha season will permit, nuu when tho water Hi not out of laid canals and Im provement for repairs, or new constructions, or Lha.i.ll nlra ..4 kat. AnttmBtad BT lcS.'Of bv reason of aoma braacti irA tome itruotureof said works, or other casualty, or oa aoooant of ecarclty of water, keep tho same in good and proper condition and repair, u when reoclved by us. i And at the termination of thia lease, deliver up .aid Publlo Works'.to' the Statf f Ohio In like good condition u when taken la possession by ns. - " 3d. We will Uke f the State all materials provided, and boats, soows, tools, implements, etc; now owned and used by tne otaie in i.m repair of the aald Publio Works, and pa fof the aamc, within ten days alter appraismea, sw.-u prioe as three judioious, disinterested men, (to be appointed by the Board of Publlo Works, and the undersigned, jointly,) lhall . aay they are wnrth. nnnn antnal vlaw and aDoralMment Ot the same; provided, that at the termination of tha leaaa. th Rtata ahaU.ln 11K0 manner, re ceive from ns the materials, tooU4ic, on hand it that time, the value of which snaU be deter mined u hereinbefore Specified. ' - rU 4th. For tho faithful performance, on our part, of all tba stipulations contained in mis proposition, la cue the State shall accept it on their Dart, we will, at the time of tbe execution of the lease, 'execute a bond, with five or more good and eufilolent sureties, to the acceptance of the Board of Publlo Works, in the penal am nf ona hundred thousand dollara, and pay to the State tha sum or ona hundred thousand dollars, u follows: Ten thousand dollars at tha time tha lease la exeouted and delivered, and tea thousand dollara In advance annually thereafter until the whole paid. -vt A. EVERETT, (; tf to j -! .1 !'U. i KENT JARV1S, ARNOLD MEDBERY, W. J. JACKSON, , , THOS. BROWN, 7 THOS. MOORE.. . . ti 1 on 1 009 . a t ! UOLtraaos, uhio, reoruary xu, ioyi, 1 Mr. NIGH moved that the vote. wWebv the Houte report: of the committee of Conference on S. B., 35 Relative to Longview Asylum, be reconsidered. ' ' ... t , t . -, . ' Mr. 8COTT, of Warren, supported thia mo tion, objecting to the bill becaiuait allows the . IT II. 1 .U. money raioeu iu namuuiu cuuui, iuc tu py: port of lunatics, etc, to be expended at this Autlurn without coming into the State treasury, and therefore putting it on a more favorable footing than the other Aiylums. ... , ,. , : Mr1. WRIGHT, of Hamilton, explained that this waa bat a repetition of the law now in ex istenoe establishing that Asylum. ' Mr. BALDWIN advocated the. reconsidera tion., , 1 r f. ""T Tlt'-IHK : i . Mc. ROBINSON wu In favor of tbe motion. i , Mr. Jones, of Hamilton, moved to lay. this motion on tbe table, which was agreed to. M j( ' Mr. CON y ERSE mpved that proceed to take up tbe apeclal order of the day the bill to amend tbe aqt regulating the use of Jails by the United States, which was agreed to yeu a!, nays 43. ".,? . The bill wu then read a third time, when v Mr. BUSS demanded the previous questioau . ' Mr. WOODS demanded a call ot the House, when 90 members aotwered ta their names. " .- . u a ivl 1 1 Mr. WOODS moved that the absentees ,be sent for. which wu disagreed to, when, I Mr. WELSH moved that all further proceed' lags under the call be dispensed with, whioh was agreed to. ." .' - t , ts I I The vote wu called on the previous question, which resulted yeu 47,naje4B. fi The vote waa then called on the passage 01 tbe bill, and resulted yeu 44, nays 53. - v ; This bill wu to amend the law regulating thesis of jails, for tba confinement of persons under United States authority, so as to compel the admission of fugitives from labor, Ate the general law leaving it to tbe, option, cf the tailor. 1 ... ... ' . n" me vote was a swictarty vwe(xnp fwpurr.; iicans au voting no. . , , .. ., r,- 1: 8. B. 230 Supplementary tethe echopl law wa read the first time. . , ' iTbeSenate amendment taE..B."27l To re gulate the sale of ministerial lands with the bill, were referred to tha jaommlttee on Schools and School lands.- . .. Tbe committee 'on Municipal, .Corporation. reported back a. B. 194 when it was ordered to be read a third time to-morrow. The committee 00 Corporations reported book H. B, 359 To organize horse-thief -catching vxmpanies wnien vu reierrea to iur. v oris as a select oommiee. . . .. . ,1 f u- The oommittae on Agriculture reported back H. B. 321 Relatioa to obatruotiona in water ooursoa with sundry amendments, wblbbwerc agreed to, when tbe bill waa referred to the Judiclarv committee. .. , . s. -1' Tbe committee on tne renitentiarr, to wnom wera referred sundry memorials in relation coopering ia the Penitentiary, made a report thereon ana introauoea 11. d 000 ie reguutie tha lettine of labor In the Penitentiary which was read tba first time, and the Report ordered to be printed. . , , .. . , The Axrioultoral Committee reported adverse' ly to the petitions for repeal of the law for protection 01 nan. , .-.,,,:., , . . ' . 1 nev auo reoortea oaca mcmoriaia reiaim to a tax for Agricultural purposes lo, Hamilton county, Which wera referred to the. Hamilton The aame ' committee reported back IX 340 Relating to fenoea and tbe running large or certain animals, with certain amend ments, wnicn were agreed to.. . .. . Mr. NIGH moved to amend bv adding it sec tlon providing that the act of 185! To prevent awine from running at large be repealed. . 1 Mr. N 1UH advocated this amendment, aiiog inc that the law of 1859 wu generally disregard ed, and farther, that It la very oppressive to large olass ot the people in man parts of,Uie Mr. SEARS Qald ne had no objection to amendment. It would not aQeot the bill. ., , Mr. HUGHES said be knew the law to be ob served and respected ia bis part of the conn Mr. 8TUBBS concurred with Mr. Hughes; aaid that tbo law was observed la his county, and hogs were known to do much hotter when vlntfad. as that lav firaamIhM.' - air. ivnLiO, 01 aaiuiuuu, dujbuwu iu amendment, aa th. hog law worked wall in recton of oountrv. - " '" " ' .' The yeaa and naye were demanded on amendment, and resulted yeu 15, navs 68. The Question beinr the.eneroesment of bill, Mr. MpSCHOOLER boped tbe vote oa engrossment would oe a seat vote, xur ne wu poaed to tbe bill, u it did not provide for- right kind oi a trace. 4 ,:..- - i ,ai STEDMAN wu ready- to make such test u he thought tbe provisions of tbe bill were just what they should be. , i . rL ... Mr. NIGH objected to tbe blU; it made -all trespassing stock liable for damages, it would contravene the exemption laws, and sell tbe oow of a poor widow, without any redress what-. ever.-"f - - 1 .ia t ; . . : Mi. CARLISLE wu willing to admit that the principiea ot the bill were right; but thought it wu not well guarded in lany of gartloalara and he tbevjure, moved that ; ill be referred to a seleot oommlgec of , Mr SEARS said there bad been more psd tions presented 0a this snbjeot tkaa any other He won Id like to have it referred to the Judi ciary Committee to ' determine i whether might not havea law to prevent all stock from running at largs; Ue would more that re for-ejtoa,-i j-;t . ' 1 t '- .:. iOow .nrlvl Mr. KRUM .aid be held In bl. hand a kostf petitions from all parts of the State, demanding a law agaiast stock running at -large. He minded tha House that thie bill provided that fence ahall be lawful Which will not turn cattle aa a general rule; and tbe bill mast oi course: prevent Mock from running at large, which the House had better keen ia view.. j : . . s e : Mr. FELLOVV8 objected to the reference, and the bill, u it would be oppression upon poor, aod those least able to keep their stock, enclosed. ,.,,. -v. o v.- .J Mr. SEARS withdrew hit motion td refai. He referred so tbe fact that the average site tho farms wu such u to warrant the keeping of otocki: Ia many cases Jt would strip many farms of their last timber to fence against eaH tle.'i -, i -ii if. :.i v ,.i t- The bill waa then referred; to MaUn-Car-. lisle, Cowen, Sears, Hugbea and Brnff. .., - -Tie Judiciary committee reported back. B. No. S76 Te amend the temparaaee lawn, and rwoomm ended its lndeflnlu postponement, 1 Mb BURat moved that it be referred to. Temperance committee, which was agreed too? rerreted back H. 1 la wa oS to peven man, ororon. d Mrv VOKIS eontendeci that tne omwaaau . ,"!T.uua which lQDUYaWUII ULrVU IUIIM BOkmUilOUUi I preceueiiM. w.uTO - j. 11. ..1. . k r , tunif lie could not see wcat a nusoana wanu ,h. nf 'ih hmnart nf - hia deceased wife. He could take care of himself. aavi uvoDvewivH w f - r- w- " ' - I Mr. CONVERSS opposed the bill, as wa. an innovation not needed, u tne usages oi so itlit-nnt Inatifr . T 1 4 1 .- . . i iif. defahded the bill in other 2Mr l ,! " 7" V committee of one. ,!t Ki J ,. ,. .lainnLMifa kaiwvi r it at r insi itua biiiiiu i nM k. kAf.n.rf HA'vantm to flee 11 QISUOIVU I f Nn n.rtlcnlar honor has come OI tne cour Of. o particular nonor ubs OUU.OU. tesvof tncdeoeued wife. Bealdes,.lt.waJ " IBIVIIW " ... step In that legislation that leads to the unsexing of women. --.-t-sr r-r .,- Mr. BALDWIN hoped tho bill would oa re- ItltW w W Ml iuvinvtiv - " LI U I ine late, and be moved an adjournment, which fmmA Tr mmaa man tnv Alllt hilt IE WAR ErUW I was carried B. No. 358 Amending law reguiaung wo descent of property, and reoommending IU in. definite ritMnemMit r - ' -j f "'S.SJ:"11- i.tA. '.w. 'mil a. it to IN SENATE. THURSDAY, February 28, 1861—10 A. M. Prayer by Rev. Mr. Hoge. ' SXO0ND alADlROS. R. n. Na. 248 To nrovide ' for . keeping atreams of water clear of floodwood and other obstructions. ' - " : 1 S. B. No. 549 To amend an act relating 10 roads and bridges, passed April 12, 1858, , .- S. B. No. 250 To amend an act enuticu u not further to prescribe the duties of county commissioners, - pused ' April "eV 858r nd amended February 26, 1857. - "- e n Q.vjSnnnimAntarv to ran makingcertain instruments of writing negotl a- ble." passed February 25, 1820. ; Judiciary.'- The above bills, exoepting No. 252, were re- ferredtd the committee Of :tho whole f, TH1RD nEADirio. , ' ' M m S. B. No. ta-uy , mr. jauwauar- o re- lleve tho bill-ho dera of the Seneca county Bank. Laid aside at the request of too. . aarwnio v. i . -- - .. v to . a B ,at a and iub bis the this tbe op. the -Mr. a .. . best ,. be its the we ?: a J a, i of np c.oi : H. the Mr. BREWER, from the Committee on Fees and Salaries? reported, sundry amendments to H. B. No. 8B3, requiring uounty omcers w maaie returns of fees collected to .County Auditors, anrl .nmn.nHwl tha naflaars of tbe bill, nuu . vvw w ; r o- . - ... . i..ul if. na hill nrrlnrad ta bs' read a tmrd time to-morrow.-.. -. . - Mr. BREWER, from tbe Standing commit- n imm' waa referred the claim of Kent Jarvis, Nelson Franklin and Thomas 8pooner,vCommi8sionsrs' appointed by Gov. Chase, In 1859, in pnreuanco of a Joint resolu- tXn Af tha fvitnural Aaflernhlv Oassed 1 Aoril 4. lgr.Q tklnnnlu IntA anit mrvirt tn tha GoTernorl . . .. .lib ih. aeruin mwri uvuuwicu ,nu bui.i..iw of the Penitentiary, &o,and also u to the looa ticn,, &c., of a new Penitentiary ing bad tbe same under conudcrauon, now begs leave to report, Governor on the 3d of Maroh. I860, which will be found in the appendix to the Senate journal of 1860, page 59. r-' ' ' " -. ,;7 1 A carat ul examination 01 inai report win, in the opinion of the Committee, besuffloient to utisfy every unprejuaioaa mma inat tne vjni tnlaalonera disonarsea ue unnorwes auiira eu trusted, to -them with great ability, and that their report eonstltutei an interesting ana ,vai i l 1st ar a 1 1 Ir tin awn lhar Klin at nfivn irnnLIBiTien Kk7l the'v idall'the fab u'- -ell. ni4 thannla nilAatlnn nn fnr tbe consideration oi tne uenerai Assrmuiy is, hal aomnensation shall thcv feceive for their "Zi.T - i -: : 1 c-" The Committee, in the examination of their elaim for services rendered, have before them a copy of a letter written by Governor Chase . . . n . , , . c II. to one or the ucmmissioners, neison rranaun, t.ri him th. anointment, and reouestlnff . . r.r. . ' .." his aecentance. Ia this letter wai tbe assu ranoe given, that the Commissioners "would Undoubtedly be allowed by the General Aisem bly for their servloes four dollar, a day, and the payment of their aotual traveling expenses;" aod it i. to be presumed, that whea the Com missioners accepted tne apppoinimeni, tucy aia it under a full expectation that this assurance would be made good. The Commlttee,therefore, are ot tbe opinion, that taut constitutes tne lair understanding betwoeu the Governor aad the Commissioners, and that tney ought to be piia according to this understanding. . . , . Alter tbo uommisssionera naa maae tneir report, they made out their claim or demand for their service, amounting to $9,309, which, with out any examination, known to the committee, wai, at in. cioae oi toe usi session oi toe wen ralAasembly, carried into the appropriation bill while in the Senate and by the Senate passed; but when lbs. appropriation bill came to tbe House, the amount was stricken ont, and the sum of $1,900 Inserted; and In that shape the bill passed; Tha $1,200 was paid to the Com missioners by tbe Treasurer of Stale on the 18th day of AptlW 1860 ft ij :. , i Not beinjt satinfled with the allowance then made, the Commissioners have applied to the present session of ths General Assembly for allowance of the balnaoe of thoir claim, $1,109, and present their claim in tbe following shape: 1606 March 0, lor amount of aarricS randeitd ,309 doL April Wi t amoust mtitod of But , Treaarr. .. ....... 1.S00 alanedn...i..f .,....v.... 91,109 : Recapitulation of the general items of the ac count aa follows: - u : i - - for aaeuat paid In eaah for txaann.. ....... 906S 33Sdaynrle(lliaa7afe;.tSf 1.31100 I , 7:3f ! ;; ,, ;"r . ; too ' . Iu the examination of this claim, tbe atten tion of the Committee wu first directed to per diem allowance claimed by tbe Commission' ere. And u to this, the only queitlonia minds of the Committee was as to tbe number bf davs which the Commissioners ought to allowed pay for they were perfectly satisfied that the Commissioners ought : to be allowed four dollars a day, but some doubts were enter tained whether they should be allowed for the bomber of days specified in tbalr bill. . The Committee fonnd that there Wa. a general im creation prevailing among the members of General Assembly, that the Commissioners spent more: time thai was necessary, and that they Ought not to be allowed lor tbe run time claim ed by them; bat whea the Committee ooneider ed the labor which theCommiwi on ers must bave performed In ths collection and preparation tbe statistical and other, matters cantata td their report and the high standing . of Commissioner, themselves, A did. not -feel disposed -Co be particular - in this matter, and benoe, nave allowed tne numoerot day. claim ed by the Commissioners. ; The next item in the claim of tbe Commis sioner, namely, for their expenses $965 be came matter of much more difficulty to solve br tbe Committee than tbe former. 1 be olaim wa. general, without specifying theltemfof expenses. .-Ths CommiMloners seemed te be borinr under aa impression that all their ex penses were . to be allowed by the General As semoif. Jiow tney couid nave come to that con elusion Is unknown to the committee It did not certainly spring up from the letter of their ap pointment, because .that expressly pointed out what expenses , would probably be allowed, namely,'"Mir adual travtlinf txftniet." These were all thathey.ho.d apyrcsonto expect, ana wnicn, ia tne opinion .ot. tne coraautee, should be allowed them. -... And here again the committee encountered another difficulty, In ascertaining what their actual traveling expenses were and having no other guldo than that collected from the statement made by the Commlaloners,and what tbe committee could gather from other sources, u ' to" the time that the Commissioners Were traveling, that have taken it and. come to the following conclusion! j-y -,. , . - ! The Commissioners say that they" traveled over three thousand miles, and that, they bad ptssei butjon'one road Taking, then, the num ber of miles to bs three thousand, and estima ting the usual charge three cent, a mile, and their railrocl expenses In traveling. would be 270, which the Committee think ought to be allowed "them.1 ; h" v v' - " -" t A 'The next Inquiry Is as to the number, of days actually spent in traveling, .and the expenses allowM each upon tbe tarns. This, too, is left j..... . c... T i. lb. ma for Und ""' e "Vrw T .. (mnilealoners oommenoedth, tzasmatloa of the different plans pointed out to tliem to; vfclt ascertain a wooer elue for the location of acn.,1 . .. I 1 t 1 the darkt and tha only way whioh the Com- new penluntiiry, Vnd lh.Ul.ue when they u. -- - :r , 0 time soent by tbe Commluiooera 10 tholr ex- , Tha Committee ?nno that tbsv commenced MmK., 1H.19. and that thev closed thair ex, r examm""" ",-n T rmmiti then, think thai ther 181)0, Tbe Committee, ,tnen, tnina. inas tney ought W bo allowed for thirty-four days, and that they ought to be allowed one dollar and . i . fifty cents a day, Independent or tneir rauroau fare. Had the Commissioners been on expense I all the time, they would have 1ieen allowed! fromTeUabl. source, that at many of the places Ij.v rnmminainnera. in aosi them more, but the Uommitiee nas neeu miurmrn iidihw ic. wv www . . T r uimufg.'. ' TtiinR iuii, iun, u mo u u, uw ,vi ... Imitiraad Ibat tba OonimlMloner ought to hays for Ka a .134400 .. ... .. .. .l. v .. . .U ..!,. ..n.. telr nii ,xpnui S70 00 for thalr actual Mptniei Indopeudant of tn,irmirtuiair..,.yf.vj.. ...... yyvy ... ski TtVJ M 10 Hits fl" " dll . nmountpiW .oo 0 avmgrbalaiicaoomliigtotheiii....'. ...... 807 00 The Committee therefore, reoommeod the pay mrr.t to the Commiasiooera tne'Sumot tii, and the adoption Of the Joint Reeblution aocom panylng this report: Reiolved, By tbe General Aseemby of the Rut a nf Ohio, that the Finance Committee bo hrb Instrootad to provide In tbe appropria- ton bill for the payment to Kent James, Nel- Ison Fihklui,aud Thomaa opoorsrjthe sup 01 567 In the aggregate being $ib eacn, lor tue balance ;qomiog to them lor their services as commiealoners appoiniea unur mu miu n.u ation passed by tbe..General .Aasembly April 4tD, 1859, and that, tbe same be paid outof any monej In tho'TfeairorJ not otherwise- nTiprrTprl- Mr." SCHLEICII objected to tho pawagoof (he resolution, because be supposed the matter 0&d been, definitely deoided last winter. Ana he ws J opposed .to-the -piyraent-of f the olaim on ino reasouiug' m )vuuiiw. nfnwar. hA nnnoaed this method of navment. -nr-uUon-hiii oncht mat to ""r,d b,a doubtful olai, ffiuSthlt. The ..mnUtiiin madfl lant winter wu at han-hazi lard. .luCamouuii was iu c i c . pmicu u u- Uerted at a rough estimaw. But he consented to the suggesllon'of Mr. Sohlekjh; that m. claim 0f tnn gma snoaia oe peia oj prw umr r.The resolatioft reported by tbe committee, nra, airrrAd to. " Qf . 7,.. . ' ' . , . 1 Thnaa who Voted 111 tne aiurmauve wereri , Messrs. Breck, Brewer, Bonar, Collins. Cox, Cuppy, Forgason, usher .uarneia, narsn, jones, ir. T.-ialrn. Monroe. Moore. Morse. Newman, Parish, Perrill, Potta, Potwln, Smith, Btaulcy, Ma White 24.' " ''-". Those who voted'ih the negative vere' . Mnovra : Cnmmlns. Eaion. Foflteri'pG!asB, ftnlmu Drr 3r-filBlch 7. . i.'LJ; X.?17a. woman a aioHTB r WOMAN S aiuHTS .,aii.inillinanv way caiuuiaieu HJiBpurmio inoiuter- "Cobeernlng the Rights and Liabilities of i Mar ried women, wiu aa amenameut 10 me una Mr. KEY entoTad at large upoti ths merits tbe bill, which he earnestly advocated ' aa measure of right and. Justice, . He maintained that the bill does not propose to introduce any na aiatem Into the avstem of crocedure in rela tlon to married women, since tney can now sue their next friend, bntrit simplifies the. law and elves woman more security. .' Nor1- i P.... .. . . j. -- a. t. of the parties, but will constitute a bond UnlOD 10 tnair dUtreasv The filth section, which objection, had been urged merely secures s PPrty tue who agemet xne ousoanu Jlwho - may wisntotaae-it against nor oonteae. And here, aald the speaker, the man who would take the property of bis wile without ber eon sent is the verv worst and the meanest of rob bers. Tbe whole bill, he said, U calculated manana w ie more neipiu weaon otner, anil will oatnhllah their mutual Harmon. establishing their mutual rights The senate toot: a recess .-; I able "- - " ' Z -a m -'iu HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. THURSDAY, Feb. 28, 1861. . ao 00 OC 0U 00 the be the of iu the I Prayer by Rev. Mr. Grammar. ' Tbe following memorials wore presented referred: Bv Mr. WOODS From R.'Mitcheion 17 others; Charles Beach and 38 others j Peter Boll wine and 89 others; U.ii. Ticbout and others: Henry. Taylor and 140 others t A. lull and M others; a. v. t.amson ana others, and, William Devillija and 42, others all eitiaenS of. Licking, county, pray ing for a bill to lease the Publlo Work, of State." " ' ' ' 1 ' ,; '..V'.;" By Mr. WOOD3rFrom Wm. E. Dirk 16 others, asking that the notes of the Seneca County Bank be received la payment of taxes. Bv Mr. CHOATE From Austin Terry .Geo Barney and .49 others, of Erie oounty, for same. ' ; . w 1 ByMr. CORY, from Daniel Klser and. others, of Shelby oounty, for the same Alto from Armstrong Knox and 73 others of Shelby county, for the stme. ' " By Mr. HITCHCOCK, from J. S. Tilden 34 others, of Geauea county, for the same. By Mr. KERR, from James Pussell and others, of rayette county, tor tnessme oDject. By Mr. V0RI3, from Ruseell Abby: and others, of Summit coudty, lov tbe same object. By Mr. GAMBLE, from, Wm. A. Jilcmahan and 41 others, of Coshocton; Sgalnii tbo lmml rrnatlnn nf MlnMf1 naMinfa. . t T By Mr. CHASE, from1 DanieL Dewalt akKam. foe ih liTRiifihiflrL , By Mr. NIGH, from Geo. W. Wlllard and others ot .wiwrencacouniyj xotarsame Br Mr. MYERS, from W, B. Anderson, 42 others, of Clalrmont county, fur tte.aawe eot. j, - if By Mr. CHOATE, from A. II. Barber 219 others, of Erie oounty. for relief for the ferers bv famine in Kaaissj t , i J ; C. ' By Mr. MoCUNE, from E. H. Curs and others.' of Huron county, for the cam. object. By Mr. WRIGHT, of Warren, Irom Joaiah Wlglerani 16 otbera, of War.-en county , tbe same object. n By Mr. GAMBLE, from Wm. A. MaMahon and 41 others, of Coshocton county, for the nntzlnv nf nnlnrrl nennln. By Mr. BLAKESLEE, from HUT. Gaylord' and 150 others, of Cleveland, against tbe or lease of tbe Public Works. , Also, from J. B. Wilbur and CO others, the aame object. f .TJ' '' i By Mr. GAMBLE, from Samuel 8teven. and 66 others, and Wm. Stanton and 35 others, of Coshocton county, for the same obiect. By Mr. WE3TCOTT, from S. A.Cromdnrer and 53 others; of,Huoock couoty, for a s tringent Temperance law. , By Air. DAVIS, from C.' H.' Pen ana u.uara, vt i usuaiawn uvuilty, (UU9k .IUO or lease or tne fuono works. .? i,w i --j-. 'By Mr. MoCUNE, from J. Luis and' other oooperaof Columbus, against coopering in renitcntiary. , ..'"'..' v. : By Mr. OGLE, from J. B. Downing . and others, of Ross oounty, that.tiie Seneca County Bank notes may be taken for taxes, -ji-'uo By Mri HAMILTON, frora 216 c1tlj!efis Logan county, for a reduction of Jbe foos county officers. h- ' ' By Mr. HADDOW,from"Oeor(rrparpBrnd tmrty ouerr, or noote county, ta relation' boards of education.; t(r; . ,i,n Tbe following bills were read a third time and referred , , m a. JJ. 359-To enable tho people of townships of Miami and Bath, lit Gaeene coun ty, to make tbe Yellow Springs snd Fairfield Turnpike Road a, free turnpike. road. Judi ciary. ' -i e I y ; K A A H.. B. 3150-0 reVwoVpsri of the tax sohool . lands ia Noble .county.,. Schools and School Lands. rn h n r;i ,', : a j H. B. 361 To amend section S9 of an hot provide for the re orewiiiatlon. .unefvlstrin and malutenanee of common schools, paaaed -AlaruhJ 14,1853. School, and School Lands; H. B. 863 To preserve the prlty;,orclee-fl Muua. uuioiary. i , - , H. B. 863 To - amanit aanttnna fi 39 anil of the act entitled. "a tot for thrawwsmeuw ana taxation of property In thia SUte, aad levying taxes thereon." Huance. t '' and oiar . 1 -IL B. 3C4 To authorise tbe Btardof Edu cation of the incorporated village of Clariog ton to borrow mony for lobooi-house purposes. Behoola and Sohool Lands. JJ. B, 3C5 To provide for tha oreanlaatlon regulation of city and village insurance companies, municipal corporations. H. B. 36C Preeoriblng thofoes of oounty treasurers'.-Finance. - U. B. 367 To amend section 4G7, and repeal, sections. '4G3 and 4C4 of tha code of oivll pro oeduvoiA Committee of one, Mr. Ilitnhoook. H. B- 3C8 To Incorporate Richmond College, tn Richmond, Jefferson county. Schools etc - 11. H. 3b Exempting volunteer nreaien irem working op tbe j highways, from military duty In time of peace, and serving on juries. Judl I 1. B- 37ft To- amend aeetion 94 of ao act en- titled au act for the. assessment and taxailou of property iu tbla State, and for levying taxes thereon. Select 1KB. 871 Making appropriations ofthe Sink- -log Fund for the year 1861. Finance. i H. B. 37a-To protect tbe slaveholder or his agent from violence, when holding or taking out ot this StatCropy person that has been lawfully adjudged to-be bis property, and to' prevent tbe ' kldnaonina ot free Demon, nf M. n.nn ill. B. 376 To protect tbe interest of me- .' obanlos and laborers, by prohibiting tha immi gration aua settlement oi negro or mulatto per. sons into the state of Ohio. Judiciary. I H, a. df lo lurtner; provide for tbe eloo tlon Of supervisors of roads and highways. n . j . . . i ' n-aaaa ana nigairaji. , . i H. 0,378 To amend the 14th seotton of an aokxcntitled. an act for tbo incorporation of townships, passed March 14, 1853. , , H B. 379 To amend an not passed March 34, 1Q5J, entitled "an act to ameud an act for tbe . punishment of certain oOeoaos therein named." Daaaad March 8. 1851 i alan tn amand eotion 64 of an act entitled "an aot for the ' puQiahmeut of certain offenses therein named," passed March 8, 1831. II. B. 380 For the preservation of human -i liftf. ''A" - - i II. B.381 Td prevent the use of camoheije' : as a burning fluid.,'. H. B. 282 To prevent inconsiderate .urcty . ship. ,.. ... . , . ' . " l,B530-SupplcmenUrv toan act eutitled "an act to provide for-the organisation, super vision nd? maintenance of common schools," passed March 14, 1853. - . ... I 5 JKelatlng to tbe Indexing and: transcribing of judicial records of Fairfield Obunty.. -f :,.' J ' I S..JB. 238-Extcnding the lime for making . reports bv school boards, In certain cues . ; a. B. 244 Regulating tbe duties of snrviv-. lug partner. - . , ,' -j ' ! 8. B. 246 Supplementary to the "act regu lating the mode of administering assignments in trust for the benefit of creditors," patted April 8, 1859. .... j H. B. 384 To amend tho act regulating the prtotloo of attorneys and cauuxeloM at law j Committee of tbe Whole. I II. B, '85 Making, appropriations for tbo payment of outstanding canal checks Finance. I The House then took a recess. - - - -. ! .14 11 - . , GUERNSEY'S BALM! DIED. of a At hi, rettdanee, la 1 Watlilntlon, OaaroMy oounty Ohio, on the 15th Instant, Mr. HENRY H. IV ITT, sod.' la-law of th late' James T. Cherry, of 8prlngtllil tpvaihtp, atolkiogum sottoty, fd SSytart. , i . I Tba dooautd waa tn energetlo, IndaitrloM yoanf mtu. Woo had Joit otabllahcd himself In bniloau, and was onWeniliy aitaemad at a frltnd and acqnaintaoo. He wu taken away In the flowtr or pll youth, whn bright protpeoia of earthly happlntu wera about opcoln( to his Vlaw. Ht died profaning hi faith la ChrUt. A b reared wit aod three little ehlldrau moarn hi lo. of lo to b and 39 J tbe and the 50 , and 26 31 and 80 oo end ob and sul 115 . fof c61 sale for .' 57 the ka 1? r of of to . the on jj ; to J 34 ler SPECIAL NOTICES HTTHHBWXn.'B For all XIIKOAX mnc LVTiO . COOIPI,AINTa including WHOOPING COUG1I and every Complaint tbe foreraa ner of, and even sactnai joNSTJiriPTiojr. UNIVERSAL couon IlKlVEffiDy. BUASJiWXIX'S The Clreat IVECHAL. OIO Kr.mEUY and Nat ural OPIA'IE, adapted to ererr apeciee of ner. vena Complaint, Ner rone and Chrenlc Headache, lihtnmii. tiarn, Catarrh TooUi and Ear Achat . of Sleep and tJowcl tiarn plaints. . T0LTJ AU0DYHE. Mo ral I a, tie can ha dona tha atari unnniioii. but by procunn aoS -raading decrlptlr pmphlt,t, b found with all da!n, or will b sent by Proprietor , oa dtaand. ' Vonaula and Trial Bottle Mat to Fbyl ' elan, who will find denlopaxnU In both worthy thair accept?, and approval. i Oorreapondeuo soliolud from all who naotMltles or enrloiily pronpU M a trial of th above nliabl Mam Qltl. for ml by the aiuM wholetal and retail daalar ararywlMr. JOnm u HtJNNEWCLL, Froprlete ouimibt iNn rnaaHACitrriST, Ko. 0 Commertial Wharf, Boston, Mass. 1 BobarU A Bamual, K. B. barpl, 3, R, Oook, J. It Dolr, O. DodIjc A Soul, A.J. Bchuellor a Boa, irenti for Oolumbm, Ohio.' . - niyllr t ' - norFAi'vi liirts PH.L.B. - , In all oum ofeotlreuM,dyfpepita,bm!ou au) Uver aireetlona, pile, rhtumatlian, bvers sad agues, oball ' cat haad aches, and all (eral deruimnts of health than Pill hava Invariably proved a otrtaln and speedy remedy. - A slnfle trial will plao Ox Lift Pill beyond Uxnarh ofoompetlilon in th attlmaUon of Teryr-; Heat. . .. " j Dr. Moffat' Phoalz Bitters will be found equal t losotoas la All eaaa of awvoos debility, dyqpla, bd itekaatt taetdeut to female Indalieata healthy and every kind of weakness of th d:gwtlr eitans. . lor sal by Dr. W. B. UOFVAt, 33S, Broadway, N. f .X od by all DnKRKt. aay2-dAwU : i .Tic fallowing is aa extraot from a letter written by the Rev. J S. Holm, puter ol th" PMrrapalol-Stnet BaptUt Ohuroh, Brooklyn, X. T,to the "Journal snd HeneDrer." CluclnnaO., and speaks volumvs In favor of that world-renowned medicine, Mm . Wiaavow' Boormm Sraer roa Oaumn Tnrrmm: "We are an advertUraent In yonr eolsmn of Ma Wiifttow'i BooTHin Bvaor. Now w nvr ld a word In favor of a patent medicln before In our 111, bntw feci oompelled lo ay to your reader that tbt Ii no ham bug ws ntvs tri it, ass aiow it to si au. rr ctaia. It I probably onaofUi ant rareeufnl medl eioe of the day, beoau II I on of th beet. And tbo of your reader who bav bable cau't do better than ,--laylnaupply."7f, , .v,r . . , oc37:lydfcw i NEW vADVERTISEMENTS . A CHANGE. "i ' : .-i-sr HVr,5,SV5,I,,Bh W'T.. SlTRa uChf!3 0,,Sr.?' y AVBB bl, entire itock of Dry Oood.,atNo. 10SHlhBt with tha Tlw of ebantln. my location, I will U ontli tba flrat day of iprIL with -out reserve, ..- .j . , , . , AT.C0STJ0R0AST1! Panoy Dreai i Bilk, Prlase, Button, Trlmmlnfi, ke. Alio turned Merino, Be Uioe, Bbawlaind Oloaka, Segwdlcw Cost ! : leoX'Sdlat: f , f .. , , ... , , p. j. V700n- J No. 1 rickled Herrlue in itora, for l by,-' MOT . ... ... , . 34, North High trwt; -rr ACVBKT1EEMXNT., ' lor the IN8TAKT miLIXf and PIEMANJST 0CR of a diitrenlng complaint u . - , Mad. by 0. B. 8BTM0UK ft 00.," 107 Nauaa Bt-t If. T. iium i par oozj sent rre by poet. . ., foVbali ai all rnnaaiitB. -, BuyO-dAwljrl GUERNSEY'S CALM RERfOVErl ABB rHfiVFNTI , flammation and Mia and heal th wont burn. scald, brain, tut, ar nek woand f any kind, mvrDt welling and pain from be tlnr, motqulto bite, aad polaonou plant, neunltrt. rhenmatlem, aro) In tha braaat, salt rkeuin, ui. V lien token Internally, It will noeltlvelv enra orono rn ohlldnm, and ilre Immtdlita - relief In th wont raw o(.thltrrlbleomplalnti alto. Nmove boinetien aod ton throat. Price, itt cent, bottle. pbouldblnTeHrhoii, ,for alehyrm,. SlUnd8iirel'l,- '! IBVINBTONl, t la AMJaa Wat llnMna aA . V. V-a BUfV VIUtM wa a "v sroef mssbj AOaTeT, UdAwlyl-- t. . . 'Diiiwlutlonof Co-pMrtaerililn,... Thiir FiHm or n. sniTn a- co A Uthl day dlotvdliy mutual nnt. . . " ' f K all i I bhiitii. fedlman pt, ,' ,W A. C. BaUBBU;