Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY .' EVENING,' FEB. 8, 1861. LOCAL MATTERS. Wk A rln m TCrtweM CamrjaBV Blaeea US daily under obligation to it for the very latest papers - tl. a iL ttwiH ComotDf has our : thanks for it daily favors "Pe of th i ,very latest eastern papers - RtPOKT OF THt GSAND JoT OH THE CONDITION it of the County Jail and 'Cookt Inriwuwr. fc The followlnuU the report of the Grand Jury made at the present (February) term or the Court of Common Pleas: - - Gband Joar Room. Feb. 25th, 1861. r- To the Hon. Janes L.Bates, Judge of the Court or Common Pleal of Franklin county, ...j We, llio Grand Jurors, ' In obedience tt the reaulrementa of law and the dlreotton of the 1 Court, hate, during our preient session, riaited '. the County Jail, read the rulee prescribed by he Court for ite government, and examined, Its condition generally. Tbe Jail, to all appear, aace.lsln at good condition a Heme possible to keep sqoh a dilapidated and unremitted ' wnoern tho outer walls el the JaU we consider an Imposition opon any oflloer whom the laws hold responsible for the safe-keeplog; of the -ptUoners. The 'rule,,, . eo far as wo' were able to learn, hare been complied with. . , . - Permit u here to Baske honorable mention of the official conductor Sheriff HcrrMAi. It fives us pleasure to be able to award, in these ' degenerate dsys, the meeaoi praise to vorito. Hons efflcer.' ," " ' "- ' "! .,n We would farther state that, although not enumerated as one of the speolal duties of the Grind Ill the have tbOUKbl . sne matter of sufficient Importance to warrant thesa to vis- Iting the County Infirmary, ana reporting it examination. And it lives us real pleasure to be able to state tnai we louna the Institution kept in a very cleanly and . Th.V.n. .d .lnino- rooms are well warm- ed and ventilated; the beds and bedding In good 'condition: the Inmates are comfortably clothed, .end the sick and infirm seem to be kindly oared I . lor.and well attended and provided for la every rcipeot. i : a--.r. . - ' Respectfully submitted, SAMUEL KINNEAR. Foreman. Indictmknts Found bv thi Gband Jokt.- The following is a list of the persons Indicted 4by the Grand Jury at the present (February) -term of the Court of Common Pleas, with the offences charged: "' ..V 1. John White, Thomae Smith, Henry Nor ; rlstftnd James White Riot. , ., .. . Eltt'ard Daline and James Sands Keep -iOR a room for the sale of intoxleatTng liquors. . ..3k. Owen ClOfion and CathariUO OlenXIOn I n,.nil I irronv , ' ' ; I j . . ' 4. i Thomas Davis and We.lev Davis Assault .. , , ,, .With intent to muraer, J", r - 6. Martha Fiuerau-Robberj. . . , - 6. PetW' Peterson Having in possession counterfeit coin for the purpose of selling and Al sooslng-ot tbe same. . - - - - . r. . . ,. . . fc 4 I 7, John McFarUnd Asuault witb intent j.. I .,.- Biit- O. Ululvt I' iCUliUg acmu iuuAivuug i ",' 9..Juhn Bsrgcr Keeplbg room for tht ..' Hl of Intoxicating liquors. 10. Joseph Bennett Samo offttnM. . ' 1 'll.J.dward Howard Rape. Bsitisii PkwowoAL LinaAToii. Black- ' wood's Edinburgh Magazine and the four British Quarterly Reviews the London, the West minster, the Eiinburgb, and the North British are republlahed by Messrs. L. Scott It Co., S4 Gold street. New York New . volumes of "all the? e periodicals commenced with tho Jan uary nembers. -The preeont is, therefore, an appropriate time to begin subscriptions with the beginning of these new volumes, me follow ing are the rates at whtoh they are offered:;. , For ano. For any on of the four Kovlewi 3 CO For any two of tho four Kerlowi. Kor any three of th four Revltwi. For all four of th Bovlowi .5 00 .7 00 '8 00 'For Blaokwood'i Mh,1m .3 00 .S 00 ' Par Bliekwood and on JlvlW For Blackwood and two Bcvhwi.. i" ' 1 For Blackwood and thr Ravtowi ..7 HO ..0 00 .10 00 - For Blackwood and the four mvuwi. : . . . B I. .ltn.t I A oiacouut oi iseoij uv uw wum 1 -to club, ordering four or more oopiesof any on. or more Of tne lOregOing puuitunuuun a uu, four copies of Blaokwood or' ot one Review are ent to one address for nine dollars; four copies I of the four Reviews and Blackwood for thirty I dollars, ana so on. about two h.rdolUr.wlU be riaed from tbe Democratic banquet at the Burnet House I .t , nr. .. .'.4.. .A on tne eveuiDK vi mn. -. ihat the amouut will be distributed among the I Orphan AflylUma Of Clnomnatl. Thlf, tbe Wtf-1 i a , r 1 1.. . a Ar ru.a a w if "r"" -- b I whenoe, by the way, the greatest good to man-1 . , . .i i, .v. tl,. kind originally came, though the self-righteous and sceptics of the time did not b.l.ev. It po- alble (' : ' s dooar or" Comiiom : PUas. This morning, m or n A t MMtaa faAM K as tisisi. , ttlAST ciomorta tUw.uC . t.v. AnAM Simmons, on tho ground or gross .Jiegloot of marital, duties The Court was occupied this forenoon with the trial of the ease of . Rankin v. Coliman, which was commenced yesterday.-- '' The urana jury, alter a session oi nine ujs, ii . h.ln. fnnnil atavan anart hllll of uu uvvi HBTina .w-- - Indiotmcnt, adjourned yeBterday afternoon . tT Tkiota Tabxiaox, so splendid bIoI ww much admired, which the State Fenclbles pro- daoed at their Armory oo' the wniwaary oi VVashinoton's birth, will bo reproduced, with ... - . .. 1. decided improvements as to iignn auuoeoura-1 tn. .nri with nddiitonal and enchantlne ret- resenUtloni of martial . scenes,, at the sam place, on the eviofegs of Friday and Saturday ,neit, March 1st and d ... Oil in ths Moseinooii VAi.utr.Mr, :TH0M' as W, Simmon, late treasurer o( Morgan ooun it. was io this oity to-day, and had with him a -1 .At-. " . ' s, .xttmnleof oil cbUmed nwr Mcuonn-Ustme, 111 " . ...... en the first effort mae in mas vioijii. a u aru : obtained on' tho farm of a colored man named BaowN.and at a dlsUnce of only some twenty-four feet from the surfaco, 1 ' ttTAl Urbana.last week, the Court of Com mn Pleas sentenced Jabis Monbob, oonyloted h. M,t..nMhns.' iMralarv. to three " -. . -In the Penltentlarr. - 'r-i.,i ,t .i . v a.. - !'-: ' - ' ComtancgmitT. this evening. Of BtarliDB ftieo. 1oal College, at the Westminster Churclu Ad dresses bj Eet. Dr. Hoog and Professor Wobm- . Rail Road Time Table. t,rmi Miili Ouito da Xuua B. B., .. .'. . 1 ... m. lTes. ArKvea, . Accommodation 8.10 A. M. r 8.15 P. Nn.8Bx...w b.up.i. ) aniF.M Bight xpia......v.... ArrM.. , B.4SA.M. GurvoLajro, Ooboxaos St Ontoonuit B. B. , ... wmwj and Mall..".. ...S.TO F. . - 1.40P.M Mlsht Cxpresa ....8:S4 A. M. 1: JO A.M. '''flrjrraatOaioB.' B.- ' " ' ' -' " " -Bxprea Train J OO i. M ? A. v .hUU Trin,.........'.4a P.M. . T. 1 SOP. . PrrrsarjaoH. Ooixwict at CrwctKOATt B,B. k- - BTorea Train e... 300 A.M. vB.MP.M. Ul Train S.40P.M. 8:0P. .OotPWint AtlanuXAroltsB. B. ' 1N " Oolumbui. Fiaua It Indiana B. B.l - wmrM.Ttn.. 8:10A.M. '11:10 A. Bsirenlralfl 9:45 P. M, 8: 10 P.M. Twelve Reasons Why You Should Go to No. 121, South High Street. Became you can buy tbe best Clothing thereBeoause yon oan purchase without bantering. Beoause you oan buy cheaper than at any other 8 tore. Because you oan buy better made garments. Beoause you oan certainly eipeet fair and honorable dealing. Beoause you can trade pleasantly and without vexation." ' ' """ ",' Because you can find a better assortment of Cloths, CasslmvreS and Vestlngs. - ' Because you can get your Clothing cut by an experienced and fashionable cutter. Because you oan buy more and better goods for the same amuont of money. Because you can buy at Class's New York Clothing Store, No. 121 South High Street. Because everybody goes there. ' I I I I IimBiaTma.If housekeepers really under stood . tbe treat differenoe that exists between different brands ot Saleratus,as to quality, purity, ana consequent reliability and beaithim ness, they would not long be without the best that Is manufactured. Da Land tt Co.' Sale- ratua eoets you no more than any of the Inferior articles wbioh are in 'market. He Is using a new prooess of reflnloe Saleratus. bv which all impurities are removed. This process is in use at no older establishment in this country. The quality of the Saleratus produoed by this pro cess la very superior, and it is last becoming very popular wltb Intelligent housewives. Da Land & Co.'i Saleratus is for sale by most grocers and storekeepers. Manufactured and lor sale at wholesale, at Fairport, Monroe county, New xork. Tbe principal grocers also wholesale it Who will suffer from Foul Humors, Sores, or Disease of the Skin, when such oertatn remidiee as iucuiab e DTainoTAina uosdiai. and dlood Puairua, and McLean's Voloawo Oil Limi- uu u.v wwur wwinu. " vuu win puriry tne Diood inorouKniy, ana tne i.iai- mous win cure any, lore., see tne aaveruse- mens. . Goeemet's Balm-WUI. as certainly as you apply it, cure Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Ague in the Breast. Burns. Scalds. Fresh Wounds of an j in m ' ... t..n --j , O See advertisement of Prof. Miu.ib.1b Hair Invlgorator in another column. Supreme Court of Ohio. THURSDAY, Feb. 26, 1861. Bon. Wm. V. reck. Bon. Wm. Y. Oholion and Hon. Jaoob Brlnktihtff,. Judiei. ; L. J. CRITCHFIELD, Reporter. GENERAL DOCKET. lH:"tS7mm wT""DJDJ7'op'uioaor. . That oath trial of iuoh aotlon, whoralh bin la tonponthongllg.ncchrgl, ItinrrorforthoOoart to ratal to ohorn thejury. that thouch th Mmnt of M wh,,eT,rlUg, of tt pMtJ ,h Vffen Wm bind, I eelf aaa wltneas, bmy. on eroat-txamlnatlon, btn- I 1 Tearslevtofilpttitlon In error reftuod. r - Ot. M. M. No 64. Th Bell.foDttlot and Indiana BallroadlCom- pur v. Palar Sailer. nor to tho Siilrlot Court of bark County. .'. aaiRoaaaorr J. Hold . i 1. Ia an aotlon to rteovor damairei iMlnit s rallmul company forth kllllniof plaintUTs horsoi, by meani ol too negllnnee of tho xrruti ol IhooomnuiT. In th. a minageintnt of a loeonotlr and iraln, ttia vaiiinwr in ouarga nu, laoomoim ai mo tuna 01 such killing who uw tho borw when .thy oomt upon th trook, who li ihown to b flia(nted with lh builnon ,r runnlni railroad looomollvea and tralni, nd had been ooiagad In iu.h bulntH for flv yn, Is oompotont to UUly,.an .xport, opon qoMUon la ntpMt to th muagoment o( locomoUnt and trauu, and to glv an ZwXZTl vaiw) pi .ai. iii biiuo Buu iwi, u inoj Df llT9f iron in Tl omntd th Inlnrr juagmtnt 01 vutriot court and of Court of . Common Fla nvrd, aad tUM rtaundod to Common Piu. rr furthtr proeMdtng. No. 03. BUfontalM and Ioilana B. S. Co. vs. J eb Flfr. , . Jadgmtnt rtvcrsil andr th prinelDlts itUd la th pnccdlng eat. , v. . Mo. 01. Joseph Harrison v. Bowel)! 0t ir. It rort District Court of Harrison. ,, - GaoLsoH i. Bld i 1. Upon a qnnUon whithsr apStol asnemsnt hsd bn mod btwn at. and H. for aa ixcluuits of traoU of land, th dd from sf. to K. for oa f b tracts wu ffrd a an ltm of proof to show th sgrtemcnt of B. to oonvey th sthr traot. This dd nailed that th oonaid ration wa K,000 In hand paid, K, thn of frd toprov that In foot to oonaidsmUsa wu natural lor and altcUon. Uld, that, In view of th parpen for whloh th deed bad keen offtnd. It ihonld h rmri- sd as on admission of B., not conoluilr, but opon to n- piMMlHIUIIf wuatnujwuuu. 8. Ia aa application for the bentfU of th act for th rllf of oocupjlng elaimant. th msr foot of notlc f th olalra, whlob Is sucosssrully asssrted. Is not eoncla slra vldiw of fraud and collusion on th pari of th purahoMr, but h may show, notwithstanding inch no U, that h purchased In actual aood faith, and mida kls Unpravemcnta is th honast bllf that th land waa hliowa. judgment In th action afflrmtd. ' " ' i Jadracnt in th prooewilnss under th ornnlnr elalmant's sot rvrsd. 101. andnw Byrd v. Msrcui Bleulng. Bsrve41n th District Court of Green county. . ""'mfi sgsinsi asisnaonts i In an action for damage against defendants for nn- lawiau aigiins nrsacnes in a lve. oonitmourl on ih. .f agw iron ui nmug nooa ana injur to landsof th lf ihtl tft ,nioet hod btn (ivn to th jury th plaintiff, tending to maintain th Imu on his non-suit and discharge th jury from a flailing in th .. . t. . : each a osa to b upon th merits, and sontemDlates a fln.ljndgmsiU upon a verdict. a no ing such judgment of non-sait.the plaintiff is cntmd to arvrslof such Judgment. judamenl reversed. and causa remamll hr.... nmon r- ,.. lrror to the Btitriol Court of Huron County stwi w via. er uivr Communications mode bv a client to till itliimn. uh a vnw to pronseionai advic or oiaiitaoc, ar privi- s,i win not require nor permit tnm to divulged by th attorney, without th content of hi glvt vldene. generally, In th eat, ha therein, lou. inia pnTiiege, ana, unaor th eod of civil procedure (. 315), contents t th examination of his attorney, MnacuiuB ,ikh auuiiNioo. r porunent to th losu. torrogatad u to auchadmlttiont or ommunhntiona maur t ma oounaai, tad uy may b provd by tb at- y,'h.i'h'tr' srideaweio thif, or for th purpose of J augment of district Mart reveid andnans mud. Ho. 78 Adams Bxpres Oomnanr v. H. P. stock 4c Co. Judgmtntamrmtd. Tbt question In this cue " ,p ' . . w ir" voan Mi'w ,mDi eonectly on a qiw.uuii w mi, sow uourt nor tnink It no luriner report win D mart of this eaat. MO. V5. I'M BncaCountvBankT. Hnfu. W. tut at j . nB ,unner report win M I nut, in IU IB UM, eI-JSUtX1!!JS:.l p- n-a: ' tl"f- -iwamwu iu( wsiui V RnnVVQUM, , o. 105. ainuei Uoks t, John a. .GmhuntUl. , SS '."0foi!Z' 1 1-, ik 1. . . -.. -,... ' atcnoic pocirr TOfdl.' John H. Miller et. br.' y Samuel Stokely t ol. aiuMuu w niiui oi it or review. Orontod wo. 113. owirlal. v Koehootl, Motion for re-bearlng ovtrralled. Mo. 118. Wm. 0. Jobmv. Th Stat of Qule, . Writ eirrtniuea. No. 1.3. John Andereon and wife t. Tb Onnnln elonert of Hamilton conntr. Motion to uu. mm Ua. 283 on (antral dookot out of Its order for hearing. urmnioa. . . v . AVtWW Mo. 130. Coopers Clark v. Central Ohio B. B. Co tt moMoo to tk oi out of tu rdr oa geari I doAkskft for beastrlnav. trskfti 1.1 m. siuhai oarbtrry v. Th fltat of Ohio:- Motion to tak oa No. 3t)3 on (antral docket out of Its Motion to tak order for hearing Qranteit, No. 13. ioa Yaa Volkanberger V. Th gtalt of Ohio. Motion to tak eat N. abo oat of its rdr for bearing, granted. Mo. nuiiamjioitv. Tht Btate of Ohio. -Mo) uon to tax cast io. . tn tnt (antral dookot, oat of lti order forbearing. Granted... . i no. iyi. u. &satogr v. Tb Morltt Bank I Mo.l. Anthony Kulf v. bimeon Jannisgt Itofll peUtlon lnrror rtfussd. Lear I . Bo. 139. Wetley SmeadT. ThTraiurer of Greene I eonntw es oi. Aiwrnnuvewntoi maadamas awarded. Mo. 138, Augustus M. Thompson v. Tht Treasurer of Wood county. iar tool petition In error refused Ho. 13i. uewmrt. Brother at Co. t. Lewla Bneacosn Motion to take ca No. 863 on general deckel oat of its order lor nssnng. vtnutea. . . Mo. 140, Xh Btatxrt Bate v tbe Trtatursr Hamilton oounty. Motion to aettl tbenractloe. and for aa order to opoolata master to tak taatlmonw. Order- d that th parti htve (ear to take testimony In this case, to me mooe pretcrtbea ey tae ooae in etneretM,. no. itx. nenryo. wiiutmeon eeai t. nwaoiaa lion( worth. Motion for r-hearlng. Ovtrrnled. , Sin. til. P. l,ilr.likiiO.' T1.I..M. tear granted to (lie petition In error. .- --.a Mo. 144. Mlchola Olar v.. the Btot at Ohio. Writ of error allowed, and oat ordered, to be taken eat of eruer ior Bearing - j i, ..(....- . raw aattt Thursday morning next, at w o'clock. M M - X.ITJOIOJ ' T l; J a;.i' at; HALF JonWdtf PR ICE J. o. won". TELEGRAPHIC! REPORTED FOR THE STATESMAN. CONGRESSIONAL. SENATE. WASHINGTON, Feb. 27. Th armv bill waa taken up. M r. Hal moved to amand, that n officer of th army, eiceDt Oen. Soott. raoslv orer S5 000 nor rear. Ur. Powell moTed to Include flea. Scott, tott t sgainit 31. Air. Bale's amendment was lost. Altar further consideration the Mil noised. ! ' ' Th Vic Pretldent announced th reception of a com municatlon from Jtx-Pretldent Tyler, President of a Con vention recently held in Washlniton, that th Conven tion approved what was enclosed, asking that Congress submit the sam to the Legislatures of th States. The Clerk read tbe proposition agreed upon, which is modi- neo irom uumrie a Dian. On motion of Mr. Crittenden, It waa ordered to be printed, and referred to a select oommlttee, with Inetruc Uons to report at 1 o'alook to-morow. Atss Hesirs. Anthonr. Baker. Bavard. Blller, Bragg, Bright, Oltngman, Orlttenden, Dixon, Souglu, m iicii, soeier. uwin, tsunter, rfonnsou, ot innmi. Kennedy, Lane, Latham, afason, Nicholson, PeaVce Polk, Powell, Bios. Sebastian and Thompson-DO. Bats Messrs. Binaham. Chandler. Clark, Oolloaer, Doollttle, Darke, feasmden. Foot, Orten, Orlmes, Ilal. Uarlan, Elng, Morrill, Seward, Simmons, Bum- ner, Ten Byck. Trumbull, Wad, Wilton VI. . Th Benatc then went Into Bxeeutlv Bstslon. HOUSE. Kilgor moved to lay pending proposition with th pending amendment, vis) tht Orlttenden and Bailors prooposmons, on tb taoi. . air. n.uiiore-s motion wu neeauvea only i amrma- tiro votes, vlsi Messrs Allen. Heale, Bufflogton, Carey, auiot, rarnsworth, Brow, auigor, rotter, Bed g wick. Soman, Waldron, Waahburn of Wisoonsln, Wlodham Mr Kellogs'a aubatllute waa rejected, 33 agalnat 15b Th Crittenden proposition, ae submitted by Mr. Clam' sne, waa rejected. 80 anlnit 113. - o The qaeetlon recurred on lb ant resolution of tb ttrlei reported from the Committee. nr. Bherman moved to table il. Dlsagrd to by so against 124. Mr. MoUlernand asked that tnt communication on th Bpeakar'i desk, from th Prsldut of th Peace Confsr- nce, b taken us. Obiection waa made. . air. uranon ineffectually sougnt w strut out or tb resolution, "that it is th duty of th fcdanl government to enfutce th federal laws, protest tb fcdentl property. ana preierre in union oi tasse oiaies. Th resolutions war adopted by iov against 33, Thfl IfttntTftsnlntlnf, than esm tin. ' . Mr. Oorwln moved to amend so at to rtad. "No ttmehaV ment shell be mad to th Conciliation, authorising or giving uoogress power to intsner wiinio any BUI with the domestic Institutions, Including that of person held to laoor or servitude dj in itwa or aatd Bute." xn resolution to amend was relet led 1W agtlntt 71. not two-tmrat. - v Mr. BUgort moved a reoonildsraUon.- Mr. Binaham moved 10 tabl that resolution. Mr. Hickman moved to adlourn till Frldav. Lost. ureat oonluilon. ' ' Mr. Sherman appealed to the Hons to- contlder the appropriation bills, but unsnaoesafully, -. - At nv oeiocx in jioui aujourneu. - i. ' VfauuMTOM. Ftb. H. Mr. Qilmtr presented a petition tlxned br ladlea of new sort, reonsyirania, ataryiana, Virginia, Ohio. New Jeny, Delaware. Illinois, Vermont, Indiana, New Hempehir, North Carolina and District of Oolumbia.and waa procetdiog to stat It contents, saying they pray Oongrest to tak mauri to restore peace and rtooncil inxiitingaimcuniei. ... nr. Craig, or Aorth Carolina, Inttrrupted aeddemsn dtd the regular order. '... Mr. uarr tuppotea tne ngbt or petition Waa in order at any time. Hi, Ullmtr withdrew the Million at nreaant. The motion 10 reconsider tbe vol bv which Mr. Oorwlns proposed amenament to tne conetllutlon jecterdty railed to reoelved the required two-third vot waa announced it tht first builuett in order. After tpttchti from Kil gor e end B Union, th former In favor of tb proposition and th la tter tgalnet lti reconikleration waa carried atalnat 05. - Great confusion prevailed. ' r.'.i Th qneatlon was then taken aa yeaterdar. noon aim Ing to tb amndmnt, and It wot adopted 138 against 00. Tr.idtndout applanie from both Bepubllcan and Dem ocrauc aiuea, ana we galleries. r v Washington Items. its WiiuinaTOH, Feb. 27. Lait night tx Senator Bell, of lean.. Judge uougias, nr. uutbrl. Air. aires, oov Blcks aod others, urgently appealed to Mr. Lincoln to interpose for a astilemeat. Xh intorvitw continued several hours. Tb Commlsilonsn from th Bouthem Confederacy an expected to arrlv here before th doe of tb weak. Ihey ar accndlted to th Incoming Administration, and pending their effort to negotiate, nothing wilt b don calculated to disturb th public pease. - - Tbe following It on abstract of th rtsolnttoni of th Commute of 33: JttKlv&, In the opinion of the CommfWes, the exist Ins discontent anions: ths Southern people, aad hostility among them to tb federal Oovrnmnt, or grtally to ot rag re ue a, ana wnetner eucn era witaoat j at caat or not, any reasonable Oonstitulional remedies and nddl tlonol apcllo and effectual guarantiee ot their peculiar rlghti and interwt, nteestary to preserve the ptaee of tne country ana tn prptaity oi uw union, ooeaia 0 vromptly and chrfully granted, . itooJvsd, by tin SnaU and Eovu of Teprittnla Uttl, That all atieupt ot legislatarw to obetraat th rcovry of fugitives from aervlo ar In derogation of the OoostltuUoo, Ineonsistent with th tomlty and good neignnorncoa tnst snouia pnvui smong in Btatet, ana dangeroat to thtpeaot of tht Onion Ji440ivvi, That tht several States bt rsqueattl toeaete thalr eututes to o rerlsed, wun a view at crllnlog Il any conflict or tend to mbarrsts tb axwulien of th laws for tb delivery of persons held to labor by tb law of4my Btat and taoaplng therefrom, and earnestly re quest that such acta b forthwith repealed, aa required by ajust sent of constitutional obligations, and by due regard for tbe peac of th Republic, and that tb rival. dent bo requested to eommunicat that resolutions to th Governors of th svral Slat, requesting that they be laid before th legislatures thereof. , Betolvtd, That we recognise slavery as now existing li hitean States, by th usages Old laws of tho State,, and recognise no authority, legal or othrwle, outstd such etaws, to Interfer with slavery In dlsragard ot th rights o( their owners, or of th peso of society, . i liuolvtd, That we reoognla ths Jostle and propria ty of faithful execution of tht Conetltutten and laws made in pursuant tharaof , on Ih subject of fugltlv tiaras, and dltoauntenanc all mob or blndaranc to the ex. tutlon of inch law th eltlsent of ch Stat snail be en titled to all th privilege and Immunities of oltlssn la the several states. ", j BuototA, That wereoogniteno inch oonflictlng ele ments in its composition, or tufliolent eaut from any source, for a dissolution of this Government; thai w ar not ten there to dettsoy, but to tastsln and harmonist tb Initltutlons of th ooun try, and see equal justice don to all part, and perpetuate It axitunot on,, terms of Muslltvand luatlca to all. . HHotndi That th faithful obeervanoe, on tbe part of tu th Stat, of all oonitltutlonal obligations to .Mca other, and to tb (aral (ovtmmtnt, Is (tssntlal to tht peace of lh country. - ... jSstoIeta!, That It II th duty or tb Federal Govern ment to enforo th Federal laws, protect the federal nmnertv. and Dreserve tbe Colon f tkn States. .Eaokud. That each Utat It requested to Tovls IU itatuteo, and, If necessary, to amend as to- tern re, with out leglilatlon by Otngnss, to eititen of olbtr Sutea tcavellng therein, tb lam prottction a th cltlzeoe of other States traveling oraojoamlng therein. Ju$ema. Thai eaon state u rttseetiuiiy recurs ted to (pact inch lawi at will prevent and punlth any atttmpt whatever, tn tuch State, to let on foot the law Its Inva sion tf and other State or Territory. I EttovHa, That th President be requested ro transmit th foregoing to Governors with th request to communi cate them to their reapeottro Legiilatuies. Ihe proposition neror us psac conierenot wai votea on br .actions, Tbt first, with reference to dividing tht territory, was barely adopted. 1 ndlana did not vote at all. Bantu and New York wer dirtied. Hotth Oar' Una. Virtlnlaand Miatourl voted nenllvtlv. Thar ult waa 8 atralntt 7: and but (or tb temporary absence f ne of th New York oommlsiloncri,!! would hart bttn ti rot. r ..!. Kx Presldent Tiler communicated to Congress a P repo sition, but th IIous hat not yet been officially tntormsd a, If M,ntnt.. Bom eommisilonen far If th conference nu been pro- ductir of no other good rult, it has produoeaa most friendly tsellng among tnem A soldier killed a eergeint on Capital Hill this P. M. , hr .hootlni him tbt latter having hod him vanished. Tn uflaaa or MDarunenr. uira anu a uaac or me Court of olaimj, paid their farewell vialtltoMr. Bu- eh.n.n. tolar. ' ' The Senate, after hours lo txtcotlv session oa tht army appointments, dliecled Ibtm to bt returned to the Fretintnt.. - . . Late private telegraph advices rrom lex, say in usenalat San Antonio hot bttn taken possession of by Texa. trooD. as well as torn military poet in Northern Texaa, and cannon ana otner munitions ai pruxo, eon- H.rn ud BrawnsTiue. wen also seiiea. Ih report is pnralent ker to-day that Oan. Twiggs his been shot by a aoiaitr, cut ints aavioct aon i men tion it. - Fartlal returns rrom liarrli, uaivettos, ana jiatioen, gave an overwhelming vol for secession. i Oen. Soott ha ordered a salutt of 100 turn to-day. In hAnnr of of the Peace Gonareas. A Gso. Cats lert yesterday ior noma. Leading members of tht Peso Convention-, from bor- dar gistes. aioreta tatlilactlon with Franklin's plan of adjuatmant, and express aettrmination to mat it a ieaa lot Inns ia tht approocblDt tltctlon. thty maintain' that their State can b btldln tht Union by It. Crlt-I tendtn Is eonftdtnt that tha Virginia convention Will a-1 aaiesDB. . At a metllnr ef railroad officers, held vttrday,' toarrangs a schedul for th treat Southsrn mall, o at to avota tneseceaing etates, witt prooaDiy iodw iqd i Umort and Ohio Railroad to Oolumbui and Qinelnnatl, and aorott Etntneky direst to Mtmphli. Advloelirom Oharletton ititt that ehortly after tbe tr rival ( Jeff. Davla at that ally, h paid a visit to tort SasBterandhadaloae latrvlw wltb ilsjor Andnson. It wtt if ttrwtrde girenoutai Chrlste that.thsrs Wouldbtnoflhtt Sunittr. . , to Virginia Oommlaaloner left ranch dlssstlsllsdwlth Ih tesnlt ot their labor atr. Ihey maintain, boaev- tr, that Vlrgltla will not tend .unites cetrclon be tt ttmottd b th administration. -' Amewiber of General Swires' ttaff now htrettvl Twlirg had deellned to tnttr Us terries of Georgia, and win alto aetiin rvie ta me soninera conreoeroey. Ihe rvmored death of Twuisa wu received ten treat teveral sources. Thtttorr It that Governor Houston tent his tld toTwIggt sad Xwlg g, remonstiated agauiit tne meaitaiea ireacnery, nen an atttroauon aneaea. wnicn reaitea ia u awi snooting tnt utntral data The rumor ttlll laoka ccn&rmatl on. , The Senate to-day woe In txecntlv tssslon Upon tht omtptnuino Between in unllM ll ana ureal Britain, aouctming w eat of Um fagltlv ilav Andr swa - m , " I ' I'l I. ..! ,1 .11 - , , Jlspiiblioin. State Convention La Conneetlout. Kow Bavbi, leb. ST. Tbe Sepabltooa State Co van iron met In this olty to-day. and waa- ssrrsly attwded Oen. Taylor, of Brooklta, waa ebowtn Preeldaai. Tb aalommltttwr appointed. . X. totter, at Htw slxven. blse B reposed for Oovamor. handseesely eolln ed, ana rwcoBtDMBded tb nmniotUon of the pneeat uov nor. T hereupon, Crev. Wat, A, Buckingham was ansa bneoily B9nlMtd. ' ARRIVAL OF THE CANADIAN. FoTtAkD, Feb. fiS. Th Ittamehtp Canadian, frem Liverpool ontMitta wai,, v i.cuonaerry tnia uts, baa arrived- ' . . . ' ' Th Bteamihlp Forth BrltoB, from Fortand avrtved A LondoaderryoB thMl.- Miin r r I Th Btaaouhlp Tititonl, from Stew Yotkvanlvtl gt noatnimptea en tn iota.' 1 ' .,-- i GaiAT Batvaiw. A LondM letter In th Favs Moa. tsur asserts that a Bumbee 4 Bngllsh aurehanU ar about to present an address to tb Queen, prarlng that a negotiation wepeaM with rrone loramuioaitaauwutn f exls'lngarmeoienU. i "" 't I Pai!li.4nUry yroKadlngf U iliiporttlit. In tht Boost of Comment, Lord John Rum.I1 said th Ban Jnan question wltb Amerlea Waa still pen.tmt ng land had made a proposition bt S fair spirit and hoped It would be acceded to. ' ..i - With rnrd to tbefoiltrv ! (Adrson) tie snly eerrecnondepc had been demand f ma America for hit extradition, end a timpl oeknoWledgtMntof th demand, Th Great Eaatoru will b agal" rdy for sea In M.rch. liar reported destination M Now York. , Tbe Bonanartt-PatMraon wat again Mfor th Frwnoh eourlon Ihe Btbi; The Imperial attorney explain- ed II leading btsrlngsj and said the only anwtlon was, lath marriage null for wont f publication la Franc? and h argued Ihat this had bt decided tfe the am nat ure. The eouri oaiournea ns inagmwnt eigne oaya. Lord John Busssllwlil shortly ooeept th peerag and eat In the Honss of Lords. - A break-oat of the weaver In Blaekbam and vicinity was considered Imminent. -' Th cotton snlnaan and manufaotarsrs In th dlttriet hold a large meeting, and resolved to resist the dictatori al demands of the operative, who, ia their turn, main tained their position wltn frrmneas. -Fxanci Another pamphlet n titled "Fnaee, Bom and Italy," by I Gurrontre, was announced for pub lication on tn loin. : , Ih Fatrit iavl It will aive A titer Insight Into th Im perial nolle and tnabl Barope I Judge. Theeemlom- eial pamphlet oa the same subject already publlahed stjs' in tn Tntorth Freneh troop aeovug aunt, n otb r for elan nower wtll k. allowed at tnonls their Dl.ce. The Bonna on tht 13th oneutd firm and closed flat, at oar. uo. ,.. .. t .. it . .. Italy A Turin tle ram of FekTbtry 11th loyi, G- ta will eapltulats to-morrow mortriag. . Ololdinl wtll oeeanv MotmtOnaad and all th fortlfl catlo, and after th d .parte reri th suy family, be will ocoupy th Olty, tn twrrltoa iwmalnlng prtenn of War, until Mtiilna and Olrltsll dot Treat thsll bt sur rendered - w -t S. i . Th King and Quem. with ohttf mitevwlll depart on board the If reneh ehlp Hutte. i i ' Bespatehaa from Oseto, prior to the etrrltulatloa, tay, a Oapuch In monk left there with th mlattta of raiting ta Insurrection In Calabria, and wa arrested near Oosvnta, ana important papers loanu on nan. - r. . in city oi rium ana tn tutronnding dlittlot had ottn aeeiarea in ttare oi titge. - 1 . o Aoerau. Itlsssld tn (ubxilftlta to th nw loan txceeat thirty silllneitflorlot. Th Commltat of Psith had voted aa adiress In the Imparor of Auitrla, King of Hungary, declaring that me reoesn rtorsi rescript! ears ceitrored rheeonndeno enatod by Ihe Imperial diploma of October lest. The law prohibits th psyont of taxes bp the Cut, and fore alone oould remove th eltlsent from Ihe lawful ground taey nan mien, ana unreterrea renra waaontutailon al life can alone tare the King tod country. Ih Com mltat of Odenburg hire rasolrsd to pay tatei at htrtto fort till the Diet shall hart taken l'a resolution. . SwmxxLAkn.f-A Berne telsgnm of the 18ih sars. It wa inroogn tnt meaium or tne ewiat eonsuiate at Alge ria that Mr. Cobden proposed that Swltterland should medial between the OO' undine state of America. The Federal Ooanall had declined th propotlUon, oa Iht ground that it wat not qualified for rach an ofhoe, bat at in asm urn xpreaaea lasoss to air. uooaen. - i Livirarcou Feb. 14. breadstuffs per Suenoa at Co.. and Wakefield, Jlash, Co., report flour dull, and qpo- UUona of barley malnloloed; extra State. WMWM: wntat quiet, out itetrjy; red I is tJdJSl J,; wmu lxtOd. uorn quitt; mixea at ua; wnite JdtwiNtw. ,- , rxovmoKt Beer quiet. Fork dull. Bacon aulet tnd easier, bntquotatlont unchanged. Lard dull at 68s S8s Sd. Tallow quotations barely maintained, bat butchers assrt It st Ms 6dg)S7s. Fot asbe etcady at S8 BdOSSSs. Pearls tteadyat 89t SddBIM Sd. Sugar tttaoy. vonttauu. niot ami. . LATEST VIA LONDONDERRY. BaeastTom dull with S destining ttedtnoy owing I an advana In bank rattt. Provisions quiet. Lomdon. Fridsv noon. Consols B1K(S99; th bullion In th Bsok of Franoe boa lncrsoaad during lb menth 45 mion rrsncs. American stock, ill. v. . KWaYitB; dis count: JCrltxVKttlMlK: M. x. u. r-'XTt. . . . . Proceedings of the Confederate States' Congress. : 1 . s'tsss. . HoaTaow ar. Fsh. S9-Mr. Wrleht't resolution for dlteuMlosi on peimanen Oonttltaiion will b op for puoiio eonsioention imorrw; Mr. Chilton's resolution. InstruotlDg tn Ifsral Cowm li te to Inquire Into tbe propil.ty of ooostructlng twnral run ptewu sioope, wms aaoptea. Tb act to raise provisional fore of Con fed rate States. and for other purposes, direct, amoog oibtr prorislons, that lb President shall tak eharge of all the military op eration between thi Confederacy tad other peweri. An act wot passea to raise money to support th Gov rnnwnt. Itauthoriita tlx Pre Ident to borrow flrttm million dollars, psyabl In ton yearn with Interest at 8 per cent. The last section direct th lavylog of on export amy or ti Pr cent per g on eotian exported slier th Jstot August to oreat fund to Uquidal tb princi pal and Interest of the loan. ( . r,' The Commutes tn flop bavoraot reporttd. f , Ktw Tola. Feb. 7. There area" rrt nnmharaf Boutnern mercnanu in tne city, making purenaae eanv. with a view of availing themeclvee of the ordinance ad mitting gpoot to tpe conrtatrate state ftf duly, up to a certain date. Tbe goods business il unuiualTy 0 Mre, uuwti ,or eaiu. . . B.LTiMoai. Feb.BB. A battalion of the Cllv Guard design thowlng their rtpott for Pmldtnt Bacbanan.on bit retlracy from ofllc, by giving him so ort with ran rasas irom tnis city to nts aom in tnnty ivonu. i Sawnr Hook. Feb. 87. P. M. There are n'a aten f in (laamsnip. jeuinourtn or Aoatraiaaian. aota aa oi till point, with ItM Barapean advloet Hinatsaoto, Feb. 97. Tht Bout ntietd a Joint solution giving I30.0C0 to th rllf of Bantu. , DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? - DO YOU. WANT WHISKERS?' - ; DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? :. ' ' DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? BEtLIHGHAM'S r "' ; 6lLKDUtK . ' ''' ' '...', ' e i. . Id t - . . . StimiilatinOnsucnt. For the Whiskers and Hair. Th lubecriberi tak laara'ln' anoonnelna to the Cltltsns ol Ih United States, that they have obuiped the Agency ror, ana are now enabled to offer to tht American publlo, the above Justly celebrated and world-renowned artlcl. Th . .. ' STIMULATING; ONGUENTj It prepared by Da. 0. P. BBLLINOHAM, an emiaeat pnyttciaa oi i,onun. ana le warranttl to krlog out a lhlOk,IOI , . -J . - . . t j . t v..- Whiskers or a Alnstaciie In from three to week. This trtlsl It th only oat of the kind uasd by th French, aad in London and Paris it is in universal use. .. It Is a beautiful, economical, nothing, yet stimulating compound, ao'ing as If by magi upon th root, causing abaauiiful growth of luxuriant hair. If applied to the scalp, It will cure iiinrims, and osars to sprint! p In place of th bald spots a fin growth of new hair. Ap- Elled oooording to direction, It will turn a is or towv air Dana, and restore gray bair to lie .i!,tnal eelor, leaving It loft, smooth, and flexible. " Tb 'OKeuent" hi an Ind I, pen table article In every gentleman's toilet, and alter one wecxi at tny wcuianot ror any oontlderalion kastlhnnltt. Thssnbscrlbensr the only Agent (or the artleleln Ih United Stat, to whom all enters mutt be addrsissd. Prlr On Dollar a box tot sol by all Druggltt and Daln; or a box of th "Onguent" (warranted tq htve the dtsiredffoO will b Mat to any who dslr It, by mail (direct), accurely pckJ, on receipt of prlo and pottage, i.u. ; appiy woraoareas . . ,-,.) UOBACB k BSQBMAB St 00. ( I ,.l i., .-. . . vv taoowtm, ska.," V, i ' hbS0dsV8m "" S4rrUlUtaBtrtt,BwTerk, I '" JAS. M. M'KKB.V WM. BI8XIE itlX. M'KEE L RESTIEAUX, WA. W WeSwVw.SwT : ' ' ; ir -1 J.. r A WD PRODUCE :7 DEALEItO, No, 34 Nortb nifh Streets uj i'l, X - "J 1 -cowfMiiijBfc.bniOj HAVH Olf HAND AT WHOLESATE and ReUll, VINBHT STAPLE. wnOOEKIIS, VbOUK, SALT, TBA, UUrrBBI, BUttAO, TWtJAOUO, BK9ARB, Kto . Etc. Oar Stock bat been purchased In Eattern unlet oaring in ranio, andoarmtln endeavor will bt ta .'offer lodaoemints to CASH EX'JSlijiMcA arenotexceieaby any Honie In we uity. - aeon 1 ' Gents' Linen Shirt, Collars,. ; STjPEBIOh UVAuITit llri OAK. J ROTE. Steading, Byron, Ptrirnay, Renfrew and Mhernew shinee.' Itcmmed Pocket ltsndltemhlere lieck Ties. Stocks, Street tnd Evening Stores, Half Hon ot rry kind, urmeruannenssana aii una or Went' Far nlthlng Good, ta great variety and at moderate prior. , fh81t r y k . v.aa.89 8ottthaigfatrt. E01ICEI TnE SliBSCniBEIl IS PES1ROCS OF eloaint ap hi old ba tines at one, and hope that til person, baring unsettled aosouat on hit books WU1 gir inem uBinwiie iiiniuvu. ftblS " " ".".T'T".. "---; t. BATE?. WIfB riAITLK 4tiAEII, IIOTQ Yi Wte and Blaek, Jutt received at Ijqs BAnri, THE MARKETS. THE MARKETS. New York Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] NEW YORK, Feb. 28. FLOUE receipts of SfJ33 kbit, and St Uwtrj ante os v,ouv Dots a. tj3,iu .i.tru loreupernot Btatt; Bo,vv fortaperSot wetltan) i.45H3 43 for common to medi um extra wnterol S.VXSM tat shipping kranda extra stouaa nonnunio. uanaa an nous dull ana droonine live Wf -ww nvmm ej.l,sJV,o. ' v ... i . l ! i . r a. ... n. avi vluubv steuir .i as WES in. . is. i WIISAT-Reoelpt 4.857 misb! market dall'and hoar and I (B 'Jo lower; sale of S0.0OO bath at 8 l.SS for Canada uiqd;! sjior Milwaukee ctubdelirered; f rwrwniwwwttern. . .,.: . . , , i nx w quiet, eeiee oi iwnasu at 010. BABLBY-tttady tt 7r60c. CORir-rtcelpt of 1,3114 busbtll mtrketduH hearr andlowtr;talttof40 000busheltat taxmiWi tor old mlxtd wttlsrn In store and delivered: SUHlUOo for n.w do. OATa-dull at for sraatorn, Canadian and tatoM. st- -' i. ;...v PORK quiet tnd unchanged, 100 bblt at 81755 for meae, ana is aoxvia ia lot prim. .:... ssr-quit, aaa uncnengea. CUT MBATS-stesdr l LARD aulet and steads! aalee of 100 hhl. at Qui lOXe- - i . . ... BUTTin In fair reaneal: r0dB14n fn. Ohio ' liimirs. ior Date. CHKBflS-sUady atftBlOKo. ' ' ' ,i WHIBKIf firm with an active demand: aslea of 90 fjfjft DDIS ina,,, f , . ( . . , STOCKS quite active and decidedly higher; Honey tn demand at 7 peroent. on call. Sterling Exchange quiet and eteady.i 0. At B. I. 811 0.. P. ft A. 180; 0. at Tol.57; III. 0. crlp84X: M. 8. lStji do. quoted ; M.O.OOWI Bar. 17; N.F.O. SOR: Pa. 78: P.c. U.ll Brl 3S; Oal. k. Ch. HM B. A-0 74U: Brl. xd dobob we, arieetn uonoa ro; uoi. I I on Alo. a a 7UU, M. O.HSXI Tenn. S t 70X; Va. 80; Treaa'y 19' 103, IT D BU tr J Dl ' V. . V ,-m, 9lA ..... g Cincinnati Market. FtOUB In imtll Ion, ihtrt wtt a considerable trade, partly for shipment and malaty for th local retail mar let. Tbe last quoted nor of price prevail. WBBAU wae (Old little mer.Mall,lu. .lit. . ur inra. i.i suipmeot. : toot miller who are rua nmg. round it very diffloul to pnrchat anything at 8 1.0S, and In moat instanoss. prim red brought (l,t 1,03. Bomtwssiold at 81,01. Whit It quoted at CORN on tb r, was In rf onset beyond 4he sunalr. and 34o waa attainable. Bhalled It neglected, though In OATS eommand 9tXt but not readll BaBLIY-flndsa ready market at 70o bat anythlok HTS le Quoted at 48 tn AOs: mm SO ! n.t M.ll. Wai!GT-Medanred to Ueand the opndgnmeuU lib ifSl promptly aupotea er.tfi, Ovm Cleveland Market. February, 27. . WHEAT .teutv. with rnpMntin- a . ."J red at 81,(17; 1 tan white at 8 1,17, and 1 car do at OOBN-lowtr. Sale of tear it 34Kc, OATS sties 1 car at i. . . : : , BARLBT ssls of 1 ear fair onllll51u mrA I ...,.o. .. : ' HIOHWIKBS-! of JO bbls at 15e. 8SKUB tslsof llUbtuh Timothy at 83 81. .," ' . BUTTBB-talet 3 bblt it Uc; 1 do at 1S!. Land foi- Sale THAVE ABOUT 620 ACRES) OP A J. atw Firm atUated in th. .. u. Stat of Ohio, en the big Scioto Blver, tlx mllet west ef . . . . """""i " an lanoea in, about S00 acres deadoed from four to eight years. A good new Frame Uimee on it, abont 0 acres cleared; good log BUbla about 150 yonng fralt trret; a Srtt rat well of water; the deeding n wtll set In to Urns grata, snd Iht big Scioto foratockwater. - And I will make 100 acres mors ready for the plow, tak off all tb Umbo-, under alten Inch, so is to make I W aom of plow land Th lend le ot th vsry beet quality, tnd I will take (28 per acre for it. I eoasider H worth at leaat thirty three per ten with 100 aorta more cleared, bull moat tell li, there fore I will put It down ton dollan below what I think It worth If I weroaotobllrad ta Mil. I h. . ,k.. half taction for sal, lrlng la Ih tarn oectloa, -on Self deadened, which I offer for 8 13 per acre. Beferenoe oan be bad by alllng on Joseph Benlck who koowt all about tht land, or on the proprietor In Marion ftblw4w e Mx BAf DATID XPLIB. Employment. fllE CnSCRIBtM, DEALIKIO lit I at Btaplw Article, will furateh employment to afewactirementoact aa agent foe their house. A preference will be rlren to those who are well aooualnt. tu in tbe district for which thsy apply. . . Fof which ssrvite Ihey era wllllug to tray a etUrv effrom , tf w " iouu: per year, Baa xxpsnsss.; war rurtntr ptrucaian iddresi s (f ' I W. B. MOBBHOUsl It CO. i'Ti J and Bxeaani Place, If Joo30-d3al -vianey:Olly, N. J. ; ra. DOYLE CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In B.00TS ;and:;shoes, . oouuieart uorner of High and Oa Sts., llVOeBO. COLVMBtn,:.: OHIO. "A Urge Stock of lice and Staple Goods on hand." i fy31-dtf;'-, fv . ; c . f . , Ti Irish Linen Goods. WABRATED rABRIO ' " Linen Shirt Bceome mnA 1 --! ...,..t: Bhlrtlog and Bosom Linens. , 'j . , . . ,, . Lioen Bhettlngs and Pillow Casing. ' ' L'nen Oambrlet and Long Ltwnt. ! Linen Pockat.handk7a, all altes. I r, . llan ewelllngaandDltper. Lintn Napkins and D'Oyllea. , Linen Table Olothtood Satia Damaakt. Linen Towels with colored border. Linen B'alr Ooveringa and Crash. Fortalt at lew pricee. BAIK at BOB, ' tto7 No. St South High ttmW ladiet' linen Pooket-Handk'& J, J UEItllrlEDBTITOHQDLINEni HAND kerchiefs, rery wide hems. - Embroidered Linen Handk'i all prices. - - - tsemmed o inched and plain do, do. ' - o do oolored borders. Mourning do black bordera ' ''i1!1 do do nawiiylteroeitUlch!. 1 Pin Apple do. new patters., I Mlaaei' Plata and Ii.mmM aiibh.j . .u , Comprising the most (elect aaaortmantl. in. .ml f fwrrc. BAIn At SON, nsci ' ... mo. S South lllgh Street. CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS. T1TE FOLLOWING CRAMOEI WERE ad In the th effleert of thlt Bank, January Sttth, lesi, to wit- Ww. A. Platt, President, and Taoaut MooDit, Ooihltr, resigned their offloet. - DaVTD TaVLoa, Btq., wat Ihtn elected President tnd Wit. A. PLa-rr ap pointed Cashier. - - 1 i. . . ay emer or tn Board ef rrtrectors. feb s, teeiiitr, W. A. PLATT, CasLter. Alexandre's Kid Gloves.' PLAIN AND EltlBROIOERKD, IHOVS QUEIAIRE aad rtgnlar thtp Black Kid Olorss. tmbroidtrad In white, aiaitnta, narpla. eta . Csdressed. Kid 0 lore. Aliases BldQIores. A eootpMU tssortmsnt ti intceDrttta uioru always tor sal oy . " BAlrf St loir, febSs -1 i i - Ko.MSonUl HlgkMtMt. CINCINNATI TIMES. THB UTTLB RIIAm tt OOLTJITIBCa At Xenla R. R. Newsboy would be e leased tt Inform th rwMIe that Ih OlneiontU Ersnlng Ttan b) received rata tar lyerwr, aiy, a wana ja, r. at. rtrsoss can proour theoi by ealllof en - - ... . WItilAM I0IID. 1 ftb. 19 dlw-d. a. : Vv Deaf Mute. . Laces and. Embroideries, trALEHCIEIfEB, II AliTBRE POINT V Lao Collars and Sett. Irenes, Pahtr and Thread Lao Tellt, (new pattttaO Valenclenta, Thread aad Point Loot, krabroluered Collar, Setts, Trunmlng and Skirt, Ma nana ana uoiaare, riaia bioen Dollars, Btttt tad Cuff, Embroidered Collar and Oafft In (ttlt. .. r ..(. . , - BAIN At BON, rtb39 --o.M, South High Street. IIaiJitjfJLTCr03D. t , tt I0HK B WfliLSB, , , . i - GENT FOR HOME, CONTINENTAL, Xa. auwu-rran, owcrmiTT, ana lavixw am ur. uo.' Ft its Toaa) MBtcsurtv act om rutaer tuavroaa Naw You Liraaud Oom. Hvtvai. hn. . .. Office, 81 Hit-It St., aawaKev B. Sb7-d1v - '" glttOKItlQ TOBACCOS, Baperlor Oriental, t r . cj FlaKnatr,- ' I ItttKAcet, (extra) : wtMjrj 1 t . 1 1 1 American tthag, t . i ... Bird's Kye, (UaionJ I In packosei; tin, Kentucky fin out In barret and hejf barrels, in store an, rorsais rry ... ..i xtcnaw as nssxiasuA, -tebll ' 34, Btateamaa Bonding. piiOVBB EKkwD! . ' ... ' j.j ;:i -,ji';- Ia store for ttl by : --; .-.:.. ..'i , i MCEIB At &18XIIATJX, . feb7 ' M Sbsreaman Building. GOLiiEit HiiititiiiKTv. -; . All slaw and qualities; alts BOYS' SHIRTS ef asm nportotaustjlei ait try bain a sun, So. Boat High ttiwtt. - ... Tlt .T TT t fffVTVPA fJ'.l I i j.l l."" .... .. w Sft et. '."i , n 1 1 'w.e- PtJTalTTEll. T'mw sresitea- Ktmtt ? 1st Tha 1t r'li AMDTB i'j jfon'TjsircipuB AND ' f , . U , 1 EVEfcV TARErf. V TTIS STBICT' J. ly tckntlB tnd U J.Tagetabte CepUDd.;f procured try tne aisui Utton of Booj. Uerb . aad Btrlrs, . Ttllow '' Dock,1 -Blood Boot, ' j waatapaniiey er i ia .a ., Clwrry .Bark and uan- aeuon enters mwr its principle of each twredieot I thoroughly extracted by my new mttbod of dlauiung. producing delicious, ex hlleratlnt suirluand the mow) INFALLIBLE lemedt foi renoeatlng the dlamaed system, and restoring the sick, suffering end debilitated INVALID to, lilt ALT II and B1BE.1UTU. . .e-.tfj,,. ... , . . -, f jneL.BANM BTKEJTIIF.IVIN .COR. r, DIAL. W1U efltumtotmre , LITE 0 COMPLAINT, BT8PBPBIA. 'jAUNClOB . Ohronle or Rervont DeHllty, Dlteaae ef the BMny and all diseeaei arising from a dlaordoved l.leet or Stoav och, Pyspeptli, Heartburn, IPward Pile, Aesdltre Slck nes of the Stomach, Fullness of Blood to tn Heed, Bull pain or awimming In the head, Palp.tatton f the Heart Fullness or Weight In the Stomach,' Star BiwetaUoa Choking or tnffocatlng feeling when lying down, Drrneet or Yellowness of ttwBklnand Bye. Might Sweats! In ward Ferers, Pain In the email ef Ihe book, cheat or aid Sodden Fiuohe of Heat, Depreasioa of Bplrlte, Frlghtftl Dreaano. Looauon Dttvondcnci or any Nervout Dlseaea. Bore or Blotehe oa th Skin, and Fever and Ague (or unuiaano rcrr,j , , A , , ' - - Ovtr a nilllost sUl ; Have been told during tht lost sW months and In nd la llano hut It felled In giving entire eaUefaetloa. Who, then, will srHTer from Weakness or Debility wbea tlo LKAM'8 BTBBNOTlLBNItIO CORDIAL will eaie yoal No language oan conrey an adequate Idea of the fmroe dlato and almeet mlraeuloat hutn e reduced " br taklns Ihla Cordial In the dlaeasedt debilitated and shattered ntrvoui iyttem, whether broken down by excess, weak by nature, or Impaired by olckneta, th relaxed and tnatrang orgMiaatton ia roatoreu w!ta pnsun ncmiuiua rigor. KIAKBIEO PEBSONS),, , ' Or olhan eonadou of Inability, from whatevtr con, will find McLean t Strengthening Cordial a thorough it-generator of the (yttem: and all wht may lure Inland themnlT by Improper isdclgenr, will And la th Car dial a certain and speedy remedy. : u. . . t i t- ... To the Lanio.. , 1 1; McLean V Strengthening Cordial. h II I sovereign tnd speedy rare for t I.tfJIPIEWTCONSTJWIPTIOn, WHITES Obstructed or Difficult Menstruation, Incontinence' of Urine or Involuntary Dlsohsrg thsreof, Falling of th nomn, utaainess, yainting ana an vise as ee inenem to rtmai,.,. 'i,i.J5 1 ffTMl S3 : ; . ' 1 ner la as MUtaU About Suffer no longer. Take It according to Directions, tt will stimulate, strengtlien and Invigorate you andcanat tat oionmof nsaitn to mount yourcnetk ogam, i i 1 1 ! Evtry kottl t watranaM to give twaraetsDav . ' FOU CHILDREN. i If your children ire rickhf, van, or afflletod, McLean' com las will make mat beailhy, latand-nbust.. ,Dtlty not a moment, try u, ana you win ot convinced. . IT iSfeLIClOiJ TO 'TAKE. OiCTHia -Beware of D rural, tt or Sealer who mat trr to ialm nnon vori aioma Hitter or BsreaDarllla tni which they can bey cheap, by tajrint It k Jet a good. stTOHt wu on men. as io moiiaa atrengineninguor- dial, and take nothing els. It I th only remedy thai will purify th blood thoroughly and at th aom Urn strengthen tht system. Une tableepooorai taken rrery morning laatlne. U a certain preventive of Cholera, Chill ud Fever, fellow rarer, or any prevaiant aistaatt. . it It pot op Inlara Price only 81 per fcottlo, or 8 bottle for IS. .. .; ., J.H. McLEAH, ' ; ' Sole Proprietor of tMt Cordtal, ii -t ... Also McLean's Voloanle Oil Liniment. Principal Depot on the comet of Third and Pint ttreets. St. Louie, Mo. McLean's Volcanic 011 LInlmecL j Th belt liniment In tbe World. ' Th only sat and certain en re for Canoe re, Pile. Bwtlltngi and Bron chitis, or Qotlre, Paralysis, neuralgia, wealrnctaof th Mucia, Chrome or u9immatory Bhaumatttm, Stiff- a. v, ui. juuiw. wuimm M..vte vi uiHDe Earache r Toothache, Bruises, Bprtln. Weonds. Freeh Outs, Dleert, Fever Borne, Caked Breasts BoreNtpples, Bam, Bcalds, Bore Thoat, or aay Infleeiimatliiii or fain. DeUaertne aowatvere, or hoe long the diet ats may oar txistea. atubean a utitbraiea litnimenr. w a ear lain remedy. . " ' ' Thonaondi of human being! hare been tared a HI ef aeerapiiuu ana misery oy in as oi tnti invaiaaonme' da.,.. . .... . . ., .... f McLEAN'S . VOLCANIC OH - " - LINIMENT,': .: Will relieve pals almost mstairtarnMualy, and t wll eleaste, purify and heal tht foulest sore in an Inertdl ly abort time. j i : j I'ttr Ilwrsee anal Otber Animals. , McLean I celebrated Liniment I the only safe and re- nobie remedy lor the cure of Spavin, King none, wind galls, Splints, Unnatural Bumps. Nodes or Swelling.- It will newer fail to our Big Head, Poll Bril, Fistula, Old rolng Bora ar Sweeny, -If properly applied- Far Bpraui, Bruise. Scratches, Bore or Wound, Cracked Heels, Chafe, Saddle or Collar Oallait aa Infallible remedy. Apply It at directed, and a cure It certain hi every inttanoe. ' 1 Then trifle no longer with th many worm teat Ltd men to offered to you. Obtain a supply of Dr. McLean'i celebrated Liniment. It will cur you. i J. H. McLEANe Sole Proprietor,' " Corner of Third and Pin Streets, Bt. Louis, Me. j Psroale by el druggists. .(..; , For .ale by K0BEBT8 At BAETUBL, . AuiiO-dfcwly, . . . Oolumtms. Ohio, j i.. et. 1 ' .. ' '' : . : CANADIAN ft UNITED STATES M AH T- STEAJCERS " TO AND FHOII " - LONDONDERRY, s GLASGOW, ' Liverpool, Montreal, ; Qaebed, : CUld Tb Montreal Ocean Steamship Oompany't first else. raU.noweredOijde-rrallt Btsoaert tall tjvery Matt. rtlaw frota PORTLAND, carryln(tha Canadian and Doited BtaUt Mttl and ptlttngeri,. . ., ) M; NORWEOIAItV a. ' NORTot AMKRIQAU,1 BOHEMIAN, .-,,ti ANGLO-SAXON, jvjNORTH BHITON. g s J HIBERNIAN, , . CANADIAN, ii: ,.un fVOVABCOIIAK., . ' Shortest, Cbeatpwet andQnlckcatCwn. . rtyaaet f rwtaa vv ..- - AMERICA TO All, TABTS Of ITOOrK. I ' ' Betea of Fsag;e to EuropeV i' - - -. j3o, sjao, ao. j Will soil from LIVERPOOL every Wednesday, tnd from QDBBBO every Eatarday , calling at LONDONDERRY , to receive on board and Ucd tlalltaad Paaaeneert, to tnd from Inland tnd Scotland. . t . JXyihe Steamers ar built of Iron. In wtteMlght compartments, oarry each an expnnod BargeonToad every attention .la paid to tha comfort aad aecommoda tlon of oaatenier. - At thtyproeeeddlnet bt LONDON. vtai, tn gieat sua ina atiay or oatung at bi. jon t li avoided. J- Olaaxow nsenir ar fdrnlsbed with ran rttae ucteta to ana irom uinunnaerry. - H.inra Ib-k.t. mrmtttma .t radnaMI ran.. Certificate Issued foroarryln to and bringing out pe senrrrs from all tht principal town, of Great Britain and Ireland, at redneed rate, by thlt line of (teament.and by the w abulnutuh yr bajliu rAt.r' leaving Liverpool are rr week. ' " Slgtit Draft tor l aad wpwrarda pay' aois tti .naj,na, sroieimo, ecet i ,.,,. land or Waiet, , . I for nsxstste. soiily'at tn Offloe! S BROAD. WAT. Newieik, and 1U WATER sT.t aiiverpwwt, I . SleerN .lbt A.-. : a-.. j dmu ,wri,nii.s,, vsBsrat agvaus, Or to- J. R. ARMSTRONG. BolO-lydAw , Butaaa Ofllc, Oolambatphto AT THrilS NS!" t!AS,E.--wa . BOOM, NO. UO BAlTIMQRMljT.X i - ana - J II V I gi ,JI08. 1,1, 9 and 1, BUT AW BTEETT, , A 0.4. Offer for aUU4UwlTattU J ij GOLDEN MEDAL, - , . -n' , ii5 a i .i.'i -..'ANDBQARE PIANO-FORTES: i Bdna hiahly reonmndtd by the first Professors and HasloateJtuitearwvf thexoaatry, and BvEttx :...i.i,.Jli i i I3BTRUMEKT " v. . WAtBATrrrproit ' ' 'ItM.t' u.-;u ii.' tvnt tears. Tb moat futidlotuautosato: may rely apo .being .verympeot. .,, , fc ' xtratt noer.1. j .' ri , BBLT2B A WEBSTER, Agenta, '. ' bctSSilydw. . ,i o a r - Colambea, Ohio, i -ui i f v ItlV Cr L f L L C Y - ''And-Elriaki'fiook Hauufanturer, . XOBTB UlaH miK, COXTjBlBCa, OHld II ll in i i m. II, I.i, .li, ... ) , ,. Co-Partacrtliip! 1 w HHD ADJIIlfCB ADGERBAIS I to1'" i '1 T HATE TH X on JAMES I whleh win 1 aT Hala Oaf, uuinmK it. it. iwi. m -1 v ." .- t ' ,1 A ' ' ' . . . Ti LdACK STRAW BONNKTB Alt f F.I..rV-",.,,''i,e X egant Klbbons, In great variety at BAIN'S, oetS ho. B9, High 1 Ires t. ytrwryivery dtaSrr.i:'e BUILPrS03 LOX,?, ltuated.ea Anua, iorth of Brood Street. is a cpnitltntlonBl disease;: a ebrnintlon of the blood, b, wrhich thi. fltud WPTiS weak, sndpooF.i 2jau la theuW.Ji Pmdes the whole bodr, and may bunt ouc m disease on any part of Jt,r ,Korn u fro, from it alt.oV. i. .1. ,lt , hbt desfroy:" The scrofulous taint is Ttmi, caused by toercuriol dioease, low -livings tlis- T$rt Fir iP watr, filth and filthy habits, the deprewW-wkeiV and, above all, by tlw venereal WectiorTwhat; ever be to origin, it is hereditary intfu ooa stituUon, descending ' from partkU to MUm unto the tlurd and fourth cmeratioa ; indeed, it seems to be .the rod of Him who gaysT"! will .nut tJi iniquities of the ttha uooa tlieir children." r , ... . ,. . . . , i j1'4.6" eowmenee' by depowitiom frota the blood of corrupt or uleerous matter, whidvin the limp, liver, and internal Oirhs, I termed tubercles; in the elnnrl. .,if;n. the surhicc, cruDtiona or . q f.i.,i roption, which genders in the blood, depresses tlie energies of life, so that scroluloug Coaatitu ttons not only auffiar fnn..eA,r,.w. plaints, but they have far lea power to with stand the attacks of other duatisea; 'onta. quently vast numbers nerUh . H. A..a which, although not sorofulona in their naturw, pre still wndewd fetal by tht tafnt in ths System. Most of the consumntion Whlr-h a. cunates tne human family baa it enrigin directly : In this scrofulous ontaminhtion j and many destructive diseases of tha liver, kirlnpva. fcr.ln and, indeed, of oil the organs, aria ftora or are aggravated by the same cause. Ono quarter of all our pecpl are scroftJetij ; their persons are invaded Vf this lurking in- fection, and their health fa unrlnrm'tuul h (e To cleanse it fronj the system we must leporato tho blood by an alterativw m4ieinvraid in vigornte1 it by hedlthy food nBerisi. uch medigine we nupply,"-4 AYER'S-- impound Extract of Sw toilk the most effectual remedy which- tho medical skill of our times ctm'derw 'for tWa? every where nrevaHinw and fatal mokdv.' It 1. bined from tht) most activw rwmsxiiala that hav been dijeovered for the exptirgn0on of thi foul disordor from the blood, and tow nmfue of tha system . from ite deebruetivo conat-quenots. Hence it should be employed for the cure of not.only' Scrofula, but also those other afZae- . tions which aria from it, auch as EKCVTrra and 'Swit Diseases, St. Aktrowt's Jan., XVOSE, or i-RTSIPILAS, flMPlIS, - JfOtTVLgS, Blotches, Olains and Boir., Tovors; TxtTaa and Salt RiiEtjjr. Scald Head.' RiNOwonaL UiTBDHATiait, Syfhiutio and MEuetiuUiDis BAwsitr Dnorwr. - DrsnraiA. DxBu.iTr. oud. indeed, aU Cootlaints Antsntrj noi VirtA TBO.04 IuriinB Blood. The popular" belief in. impaiitf of th blood " ia founded in Uuth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood.' The particular purpose and 'virtao of tliis Barsttpa rilla is to Durifvand revenarara thia vital fluirl. without which sound health a impooaibl in contaminated constirotions, oaix .- ' a ' ion ymrmt. it.-jttto p-tv. ,t ,,,t.c t'U rrMa S Ague OTire, FOB TBB SPEEDY CCBE Or " -'' '4. -1- Intermltttmt Fevex, ov Fwvar and A wae, Remittent Fewer, Chill Fvr, Dwxnb Ague, Periodical ileadaehe, or Billows Headache, And Billons Fevers, Indeed for th whole claaa ofdieea orlajinat lngr 1st biliary derangement, caused fcjr tha Malaria of Sllaaniatla Coantri We are ena'blod here to offer the eommunity a remedy which, while it cure the above complaints with certainty, is still perfectly harmless la any quantity: Such a remedy is invaluable hi diatrictt where these afflictiag disorder piwvaiU This " Cues " expels -the miatmatic poison of Favaa and Aotra from' the system, and prevent the de velopment of the disease, if taken on the first ap proach of its premonitory symptom.. Iti not only the best remedy ever yet discovered lor this claaa .of complaints, but also the cheapest. 'The Urge quantity we supply for a dollar brings ft within the reach of every body and in billotu districts, where Fbvbp. .and .Aaun pravaUa, very bodr .should have tt aad use it froaly both Car cure and protec tion. v" A great superiority ef this remedy oval any other-ever discovered for the speedy and oartain cure of InternrittenU is that it eonttins na Qnicina or mineral, consequently it produces no quinism or ether injurious effects whatever upon the constitu tion. - Those cured by it are left as healthy as if they had never had the disease. -:. , , " Fever and Ague ia not alone the eonteqaencef the miasmttie poison. A great vwriety of dieor ders arise from its irritation, among which are Neuralgia, Bheumatirm, Gout, Headache, HUnd ntu, toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Atthma, 'fU fritaiion. Painful Affection oftlie Spleen Uyitar. ice. Pain in the Bowie, Coke, Pat alytit and De rangement of the Stomach, all of , whith,. osAm originating in this cause, put on tht intermittent type, or become periodical,' This " Cows 'Mpsis the poison from the blood, and consequently cure them all alike. It is an invaluable prottction tu immigrant and person travelling or temporarily residing in the malarious districts. Iftakewocca sionally or doily while exposed to the infection, that will be excreted frotavthe system, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into disease.-- ia eve more valuable for protec tion than cure, and few will ever surfer from Inter mittent! if they avail themaelves of the protection this remedy aflordav : . Prepared by Dr. J. C. ATX&4, Ca, IawoIL 'kW I - r v 1 BOBIBTS k. PAHTJIt, OalhtnrJulf And bv BrurfltUand Dealers everywhere, nov:lyd.twtw . MR3, JWINOLOW. Aa xperleftctd Hurt snl 'Tenia! Phytlcbm, preesal U thaatteollan sf. utthsrs,ber. , t, j j SOO T H I NG -S, y R U P , f OR .CHJLPytgSN, TEETHINa, which greatly facilitate thtproceet of tf thing, by cft olng the gams, reducing all uflammaUtowtl 1 allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, and It " ' SUKAE TOHEOCJLiATE'TlaC BOWELS. Depend upon It, mothersr willkreiest to yoursslrss ted , ' " BEtiir ahd; mars pi fotmi mum. .'. W have pat hp and ao'ld thi article for overmen years, tnd OAN llAY, IN UtrNFIDEMOB AND IRDTBv ef It, what haveDeVwd eea obi to aayoi any other medl- law NEVER HAS IT JAILED, IN A 8ISULR l.SH. ANCE, TO EVP EOT A CURE, when tlmly asrd. Nsv tr did we know aa Instance ef dlesattsfactkm ky otryn wb aoed It. . Ow th eoattam litre Aellchted with Its eparaUona. and speak In ttrmi of commendation of Its magical enron tnd medical virtue, -wt a perns la-thlt mUer-WHAT WB DO KNOW;" after ten yeW rape- Meae AND PLEDGE OUB REPUTATION (OR THE IULILLHEMT Of WB AT WB HERE DECLARE la almost every taetanc where thktfasHIaArlng)aa Iota oal wttutttoa, rltf wtll be feand la aijeea or woati mlnal after theeyrap It admuilttercd, , , This valuable preparation It tht nreterlption or ent ef th moat. KXPkiUKNOKDand SK.ILLP0L M ll'aSU NtWKnidKid. sad ha been wsodwltli Kicyii I AIL- . INd BUOOBilg In " ' r . - THOnSAWDS oroiSEOee It not only rellerea tl.t child from psior rat Invfgoi. ate Unatemaab and bowers, (wmetj Mlill'v, and tire ton and energy to thewnele rsteta. It wtttadmost lor (Uotly relitr , OSJ.BO IV TEX JOWIiS,AirD WIN U cOtlO and enreoai eonvalstsnsr -Which. If aol Speedily sen, died, end In death. - W be 11, re It the BEttf and SUR EST RKMBDT IN THE WORLD, In all ease ef DTS ENTEiiV lad DIAKRIMIA IN niLDBKM,-whiher It arlsea f ma ttothiog, ot tram on ether eause. I W would say to every mother who hss (hlld surring rrom anyof thforeptegeotmlelnt DO r0T IRT TOUR PREJUDICES N0i TUB PREJTJDIOKS Ot OTBERS atand between yon and your (offering child, and tb re- Iter tnot will be eu Hxt-yee, ABsOLUCBLi BUBS to follow th as ot thlt medicine, tf timely ased. fall di rection for nslsg- will weoompany mrh kettle. Noii genaui wnistt tat at ilmitt-t AlbAtnia r-an-atns, New Tork, It en Ui euulde wrapper. . , , . M A aoia by ail Draggiate truoognout uis woria. Prl tclaal off IS it Cedar Street Sl.T. . PBICilDNIsllJaliSISitll FERTOTTLB. eetW-dfcwly-r r-t ' f .? r r-t FOR'SALE -OR1 EXCHAKGE J 4 j5- IlWtLIi HRLbOHtM 1I mid t ABM. ih undisidnl 1 :i of i 1 i. iLD- INU Win BA,lorUi Uth stie.-t, Corner ; "t-toa Lyon Alley. . U att dlsnwKd uf by Ui 3. i A; : , J, tb Btor will b lor a-, ... . . . J w j T(n T, ..,., AUO,- -, f"r lV,e tlTY tMSUVtl ,wUesl6ctditockf IAa,lLk Ght0KltIt,3. " - " -'TT ' I a . 7 A TuAiiB MtMfST-' a. tld 1 .. . - . ,. i 'i t to iait purehater. XHOllia rV . 'J .....'! J I .,' ..'.it. .".'. M