Newspaper Page Text
a. ltt t i! uw A ' .'''"''I L fir out 'Ji- i't ,1 V J',"ii !j .rrr rt ic lb ! An. Hint or ntilD, pu rattan! 10 tn -tta .wi.-. ai. inutkod-AB eel to recakt lcM jj iw i'miit. H9tllKry(MMkt9aM(aU'0l lit, jriw wuui ii"1U4lm(,iiEt V W fcamtai BiwV W.. ioo OM OAlV SlWut f !"e Stock paid a 1 WtH ,,a .14 ,,1..1M aanekat and to : ' ! LooJ.I J;r at Vii .unincumbered,, ,71 01 $10 Htli B2 4. 4m Bort tad ItockiownM by" K Li a xp a wn i I fllllalli" T.7 ..I I .,;.TJ .'HI ',-,,. I. 44.1.1 111. rata or In-. i. . .Jjirfak Vatwav !4M. .: Market Telae, .W fl iaaVi aa it&a BPle4llBltY a ' 1 ii.ut2MJiW. Market valie.,.,. S97.7W SO '!,.,uuuitii ceop.ojUn , if . 0 Oft lWl t. tor omni. ......-..P J . " " 8W S S9.77t -u vMiKlo.JuM4l't-i '.; -i. iv.f ti"'-j:,"" ', 't ,7n , 3 '. 1 j8tk.rl.HHt H.ld -49, Mm 0., . ,,: : ,. fer MlLif fMol.''.. ,S00W n, lMk. AU ttku laiat Malut f nil g-1 Ti iBlraa .rtnnfc InarfraA la UM. .... 4lytoHd..jr, j4WW M3lL? .la irwtMt tDoaat tllewnl kr U : I HVrd tl 'immm. m H I I ft,HHUill' ml ta mi fcOmt-'gMi iHi of ,H mUm w Mnlan topHittA T. w. ulu thu...i0i tbe wnooul ta. Hcb. ad XJ! T- irf B.-i ? H1 tof "bMlMM TTimi h,..iMHkHHtilHiH tr taut. ,: J5. IkvCkMMVMt at MMaUtiait 0tt- ,W1fni. ij! ru1.'".'. ' Aniok.,Wlftitt.nilIlrTr B. Brdle, ' fHHUwj of tk Otry tlr 1i.ocit 0Mkpay,or In U .t.-. n I MH HMHllTflTTIillll-r"T'rri U UuuWn ot V hW Coa-puy ut tM Hit Injur " tivjt Coii--ir Ir txnn & mint t-U tent Om r-fcJl-4 iOHUW'llHlH4llteiUpHM-taTH- anita dosbia tti MMDat tor which uw tarn H mm "ti..rd- Ut lhboT dfHrtl4 inmnmni. sor vu Salt fH. H d t fai MM t m taoMdou HMlilni ubt ty Ja MM auajMWl tun whpm7, hi ... i i..l laiiaif. IftHarar. Ulrecloi. at nUHiTaii ttaat th Mirt(affM abort dHerOwd kaf sat MlA Oamrvri M MM at laid luai Itad 1ktt tkpf Mk MOT tamltia offl- iMranoa owapatrr. WIUI 8OUIUW0BTH, Pmldrat, mm Ooatpairps y-v a-r !r- L I ariaiatdtwoa UoMava, M Jan LBTI B..BBADLI Y. iMnavf . faar aakA wuHiauiai, ilVt.J Jutlct at tka Pnca. JjI'II VJT " Silt T - , . Orrwa or Tan Aoarroa or tT.Ta, j ,'us b i 01ubM.4 Janaarp mL tt. 1 't '2i7lltl tarl.r.'iiUIto f Btata-haTrtr MP ' w v i , th. r jdUi.i f. a aorract cod of ma ttataaaat '.ic. .. iJiianof ttTltr lira iDanranot Ooaipanj, af i fan, Cfutlcut, J"'a' fa) Uit , afftca. for tba 7a.rj,. o i u' i,;; j;;; i j , la.,., , .j tuo of T,f of flat., s . : irUUcU r Atlaaltr. ... !? , .;i rT,e4Mtfc.U af Japaarp, l&.) , AnartwaaPi'aaw'a Omaa, ) Imoiumi AaraaTinaT -aa i.ia dl no BoiOMtwa, unia, wjr ta, , , I 'lhaaUlta CITY PIBB UIBCBANCB 00k?A i TT.limtii MlMvalaMB. Mtkalat. af CaanHlfnt, v Am n4 a MUtatM. atatMaaat of ita oondiUoa, , h MauivM VTliM nnt aKttos of lb. act -Townlal. IiniinmoaCompaalat IntWi pwatal bp '0i03."p4 AprUB.lbMjaaAWmaaaHStaaaaapiB, ' fcn. txtLi b aMaHHaat HlM.Mutp aaktMH tfaattt . : taatiH Iknanai Bdmhi at ii ui i.iaaH k. aaaai tt t I T 'n ' i i i in. aaiinaantil. lb aMHtath. whiok . ti mh m aMrtaajadi and, Waamaia, mii oMtpanp ah - ak'4 U lal aiaca a arluaa, lntmo.Dt uadar lu eorpa. aatlra ml. tiptml Up tfca pnaidaatand ttnuty thtta- . n- nuiaoniait aay aa o aKwii w wrw mm tiki Haw, ta aaaaHHadga Mrvlca af wmm, MT-and to aart af mmU aHmoa. iHaila. that aarm Mmav af . aiiKaHlfnllllTtr' a.u k. atrrad ipato.oipM.aMliU to tHkf tbavar aap . Blh.f puhj aa vatriap ai. aa w v . hmmb at aan aMaHilaitaaBt of HrtlH. r'- I Kow. tbantoM.ta partaanr. of tp. Bm atouow at !f"JaTt Bob.rt Tarlaf, indiHf a tfct. ah.aaaf Oliltokanri arwry tUt-'MlB Ott lira Lmumh Ohh.; -t Haw Ifay .tfHH.ttlaakl. (Intl.. HUaaHCi MaMuinajaaf Pka laMnwoe h ibH BHtaaaUt taa 4htarH-tiM MJf f Jaaaart, . ta taa paat HM IhoniaM aln, lanin n4 alaly " T- Vltoaa litraor. 1 aaVt' iiaantd wtterlbea mp "rlama and awt tka Hal of ar aM la ta '. 1 1'' afiaad tbdayaadarabrawrltlMi. ' : .lakaVll.TT . .....JUW.lAtlBB,-": . .. awMtf . r tw J 'W: cAValttK af Staati , ' V' 1 ' COLTJM5U8.OHI0. j ! f la iH Uifk Btrttt. Vkaltnlc.iad1 KetaU. Depot Ipt Ho. 10S Scrth Hhb -itreet .rllcOHALD, " DEALER, IN r 'TIM & STAPIE GROCERIES, , I U ii- AtL TflElR VARIETIES ( J i 1 Daily J Arrlrkl For the Fall end Winter Trade ,1 jji. ojjmtsl .;'Of .1860-61. nt in j - t TTPJlETCKSrWaa WWCEHK TIIAHk X XBM FVBt.10 far paat hrort and patron. .rVm.( i.e.-ft r-.i'T (IMWAl .I''" 'Ml ,, tm aad Mta PfiTEBlOUlEV t. itoal BoowJikaatt af waaky ybct- aitMauBt m L ttme, mU ripl,iurpy C, ,i JwaaiA) aaU Dm BMtI4 af Ik. pahlld t. da Bart that ' peflt Xap toklMUal Ittooli ta bini,K.lUtat OitoSit taoalpt tf IwoaVfraa fiatofar- tst 1 aatarayHlf laat lean tff m Ikaaltt- lmttfCAmU tt tetajrwh. BHpdarlrlortreM. . . m (aTlaa4 at artia4aaappartaialn( to UiaC&OCXaT iMa' t XEQTJALED ay aay han ka4k. aJrjr fna prlot and tallty af tbt faad. oOkrMV I fkkr . ; I tr ktttfeiiku- . , i awQTt 'A- j r . . m. McDonald: Edlfccrc.Cistkirg House. vi tr.. 3:;-'cOaXliat7aI, aajWrao-raaatl auk pTtoUaaU ihiim. B rrj)YIIADE CLOTIIIIZG, ... (I . - I ! i-1.l li .'UBTak1 UBkTt AJTB k0k4aJi': , ' . ... i ull.i.ll ,.,.. A Xarst 4ttoran$at ol Tlett and fvalialDi , .r.i, i : CosttaaU dm HA! . -rai-mioiaxa-JtJECJL. - icon::aHGLA:3.n store IteafftataeMf aad TWar, Bw. B3 tooth roortk St., rmrm kAt autf Chaakwl, Pnllaaalpkia. a w. ... f. , (-rrrrrv at' lot f Tn."y ot tooVmir Haaw,la '"( , i,-' X Vv .i .t fcrwea, Latga rraneo Flat. ' ' i . u ,,4 p,ctiiy 0rar.mlU)4, glut MM tfaaoj kuwt ui4itaa4 IVtar. Vibbm -' - I" -i "ttATTl BT TBI tor: - P-'i varied ta ta goaOMf, aai Xatarad .ts.ti.'MHrt. .;,, eatt - 1860-61, 1860-61. 1860-61, 1860-61. Winter Arrangement---Time Changed 1860-61, 1860-61. Winter Arrangement---Time Changed Great Northern and Eastern Route. Cleveland, Columbus & Cincinnati f"7r r- - .''!" m M.Jfcr- 4H .t l I I II in Ml ' a. vr i- Cleveland, Columbus & Cincinnati RAILROAD. For PitUburKb, Pbll4t(lptt 'nd Baltimore! Alto for pn wtmudUiotio.i Lako Shore Railroad ' KoVuoV. ' Bufftlo,' Albany, Botton and .j.n.u iom.,. , , ;, : ... .,( j rpWtV TBiHI DAI1.V ' (mp tuadaf X tnm Oolnnbiu,' in MasaoUoa wlta Inluaoa km Llttlt Miami ft CblamtmM ft Xtnk Railroad. llWt TRAIN. NIGHT KXBB8-1mtI Oofambot at lilt. Will u. Dunanra at all itaUncK. Katk of Sallloa atoaatDtlamn. Aahlay, Card lux ton. ttilead and at all Hfttuaa Mona oi tfaiuon amTina aiuwTuuia ai r.w a. at.. Vaaklrk 4:1 p. au, Buffalo O.DSp. m., Rtw Tor. U.W p. H. mih :3U p. at., rituoarD eta vrav Una tO a- a. PnUadnlyula 7M) a. at., Chicago m rafti 11:00 p. nu AIM oonnastlnl at thelb for all poind M la Haaduakp, auoaaald Htwau naiiroaa, . "a ' .! . BBOONV TJLAUI. KAIIi AITT) tXPKI8S-4avt Oolnmbat at 0p, at., aill itoo at all tUtloDl toata of Shall, aad at Bal- mm. Haw London. WslUniton, Oraftoa ant Barca, arrtv lor at Otmland 8:S0p. a.. Danalrk W a. .. Buffalo 4:iSa.H.. H.wTark 10:00 a. a.. BoatoalSMa, PittrtaKkaHjOratltaS:a. PhUarMphia S OU p OhioafO4aOrattoaatlO:SOa.Bt.. Alto oonnaottat Datlbf nt all polad oa aandaiky, lUtufloll it Nawark Patent Sleeping1 Cart' ire ran on all - - HlffQl aTaiOB U ViUOagO, JXBW 1 91 - ST Btsfrf Cktttt Tkrtmgh to iVttc Fori mnd Bute ClneUnd, ln tt An I Wit t( fXtUtM. ' maat BnraatantHiatOalWBMwat 1 30 a. at. -" CliaaMli BaMMantfaatCilaaaiat MO p. Fartu Lowubytfayothtf Route. " Atk Cor tlekttt tit OreAUM at Clara land. ' i ' m., I' B. B. PL 1ST. Bapar't, daraland, Ohio. . J AM M PA1HESOM, Afeat. T'Hr i " ! ' Wo. it Hi S3 CENTRAL OHIO R. CENTRAL OHIO R. BETWEEN CENTRAL OHIO R. BETWEEN COLUMBUS AND WHEELING. i u Thlt Utiit Onlj Routt offering ; Tarvwffhi Tloktt At BaBirao Cnaek a rW ASHHGTON CITY ; And I ftWp Ana. ptcMy to iV Panm? M 1 1 . . ZrrtoADW fiHfMtf O Cto B1 UJtlmrrBaia4tlkla!BpTi'k, At MwaMtafaTlakat tRia roA only ky otkar Uaal TWO TBilSt LB ATI 0OLDMBCB PAIXT '"' j . -,.i rd.'.8omATi ExotfTto. k ' kXPBBBB-' BP LOt a. at. Mooplnt ' ataU SuUaaa pan alanal bainf gl.ta, arrlrln. at Ballalr. at M a a., toaaanHni aaaailtialy aitk Uaia aa , Il JftUtlator Ofcl KallraaA fa? BallkaaM, Waahlerian Oltrand tb Soatk. and Pal adalpkkv Baa: fork, Boatoa, and tka Int.. AIM Willi tralntoa to. . lo rla Wkatllnf to PiUatiank B for PUkfeargh, Hu- Bmrn. IUIIWMifiia,IM. ivii,.wwd inq iw . Chla train al eonnactoat Nawark witk t. M. fcS.k. a.,andMZaAatrl.wlUk,0. W to I. &. B-forUnoaa- MAIL AT f.40 a. a..atoaa ataU Btatloa. ape a ir dMUftfMa. arrWtni atitauaia attkwp. mi 004 tctlat liaaalalaly alia train, aa , r t 'Tt ltliHr to om lltHa for Baltuaora. Waahlorton ClW and tka Bouts. uU Phil adalpkla, Maw Tort, Boitoa, and Ik. Bail. AIM witk rannaiuiania wniaui TtaWknll Ha. Hiu mnqi a a.- fur rnunril, tur laaatabia. Maw Tork. Bottoa, and tb. But. ItMana, Pkll XklalramalMMBoaMaanrnUUwltkO. W.tol a. tor UnHtert ti"1'1--1 TRAVELERS" TO THE EAST FROM ALL WESTERN POINTS, ,, ..itui.i..i. 'oajf bbpw Btoa - Quick Tiiae eiid Sare Ceiiiieetioos ...-. Ajtiu Tma Bawa AuwnrM ifaaia. ' f . iUXTlHQ CARS o ALL NIQHT TRAINS Ask for Tlekttt via Colnmboa and Wbttling. ' for farthar Informattoa and ThrovQX TUrala, apply toM.kIOBlRTI,TIaatArnt,UnloaSKt.' T . B. i. JBWBTT, PreiUwnt, lanetrllto. r ! , . , , - J0HS W. BUOWir, . ' aotSt v ' GantraT Tlckat Afant, Colombna. ) BALTIMORE AND OHIO BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. CRlSAVJri ATWNAL1 ROUTE,; rpSatlRINATlSkY AT "rTA9niTGT9l A and Baltilooraan tha Tut, ktiS Whtillug, Benwaod tad Patkanlwinr an tba Wen, at which plaoM It anllH wkk Baliroad, ktaaaaia, kafog and fnm Ml point. - l.n t Wkkdy kwitkwaat mvaA. Hartla.aMf " - THEES' TEAIS3 DAHT Toil 'Att, JSttt&: JASTEEX'.'.cmiiS. "" BM k lk akly raabt m WHMtah CNp. i ' f . PHaenrenibT thU roat aaa 'wltlt BnHh9or.,'PUlk dclpkla, fiew aad Boaton. at ta. ooat af a ticket to Beatan kton. ky ether Una.. -. ..-ii.i... Throoth tioket. to the kuterw aHIai aa. he prooered Tla Waaalaftaa City at an additional hargeot.twodal' Hktota ia lit. nttr, tntM :: ttJ r J ( i ii I BiamnM (Una Aruoana au. Biaar taaiwa. - laiwa) fymlttmnd far a Unuu mi any otkr laaaMaMtfaaato ahBatttatera Bad Ohfat Bidlrotd at any of th principal Bailtaad .m In the Wat, I ff cr or, iiviir n M w . . ,.iiW f r.i "r i BHniJiip, ; t.' aT'.-tfOtB.'OeAtrdl Ticket Agent, 1 " . ' W. P. BMITH,MHtnTraaifertBt7eB,l-'.j ...OetBWf,-",;' , - BaLTUtoEA ad. I - ' co a t a tstd -v:ooii ' - thi rcrracxxBix wiii dblitib in 1 J ' ' .BEST .QtlALlTY' r WOOD, SATO -AND SPLIT, or. i.'t Tdaar part af tiaitya, tU iim I (i H "' Akd 4 fcet 7oed (ot- i. . . . m m tl 42,50 PER'CORlX tit AIM fkf different Una. af Coal- aa low u 4nT otHer denier, tad; 'rtMnatklilaf with Is. paUle,) MlUac a iniT COAL Oil DIRT, FOR, 7;CT8. PER BUSHELl 1 JD Tard aaJaOoe, lit, toa tk Third ktiaet, near the Bm adPraetkHChrca.Or.i!i Oolaabaa, Jaa.81. ' ..... ,. ... . , ;, Aim . IMPORTED GOODS. JCTT BECEIVEIP t' PO aaeet Italian Oil, Bartow to C, fot table BM au - y-eacb MaftarU. farorite nranan . A . ' Bowed kardtne.. th. Bknl BardlnH top"td a - eitjepera aaa virrea. - - k " -TaMe geann "tea to Parrln ' Woreeeter- a, ablra," 'toyer'e Baltana," 'Voha Bull," ' -uarray," "aaadmg.r t m . en .a. w.iui ui ' 1 tot. am. to BiaekwaU't- eeWatag f inglleh , Plcaleaj, toseirtlii. or "Oaollfiowar," "PI- 5 MllH," eaw-hoa,'WaIot.', "Oa- loa," "CaMiaga,' -eani,'' 'PherkV MP1kW. " " . BO " toadaa Porter i lOO " CaaipWll'eHlaareleil Bimkik AU.- . ; 0 mem fwrmu - , , SOkoin liaiiaa ' uarenl and TcrWadUa. i ' 0 gmee Coi'e ttelaUDe. I Colrraaae wlebrated kuliAMajilaW,kkava,koaa, vA beuie. 11 1 - -i --,.'.. , I , BO-V7 - -.-WM. MeSONAU). TntK MTTTPBl TIOTOXINKB aadOVm are are I bow iil:lr,( atTerr low price) w .tidj ..uiorablt fore. ' " ' ' L Viani, dac.1., . " '-I t.WtMwlllaaBt, i X ,y. 5 O : eljr a d.. Vail a , HAL1DX7AI3IS STCDG i .o7 w.i I) I. .Tl Jt S ;t.'.-i5 'I; UiiH to e. 'c ii..'. ' ' ,:fl )i -Hft n..uim. nrntmrpn BW I. fb-JTii v ,VDA HMiHW.'t Mviftt.ia ,l.;:nj'9 n. il""'i P7 11 Vx.v .J.I l.W WliBWaW;,, mm i .k , n.Tlr- Ij ' ilit i as. I" 1 " I No. 30 N6WIIigli;GtreoV ... . . :l..M.l..i.Mi'" 0b f Ut Utrfait 8ftai tpiMwa i is t't : in.' - .oil ' BVBB OKPaaAB; M T8IB 0WTI , ,. r.a .lA K ii Id. ln!--T,4 urn i',l 0 BVIRT ITTH ABO ftUAJUTY.' '1 . .. t ci -il)' n .0 ill at-n t . French America . T..K-! V. 1 tAr1TB O ROUND in Oil,, .11 . V . , j -A . ... .! . A ' : J i ai put ap fa half poon cam fcr tolly ara, and Dry PalntilBbnlk. 1 1 ' I ' Brushes oi every variety & quality. : i, , -. - v, v.v .: ' -"--:. r' IX . i i:ai i ... A Splendid AMortmtot !' : '.' . , .... .1... . . , A In . . . I.. O ! .!. ' MACHINISTS TOOtlS. CARRIAGE 'MATERIAP3r' , n, 1 ..0.1 W:.l? ' .' il AXE8 GRINDSTONES, '&c Mv'l GUNS. PlbTQL8,SJI0T,'. 1 f 'U'.t 1'.' 'If; "'msWiOiTaCklb .I.-! n-t ml ( --n :-.( I ; I itM;T ".fl . " I - " ' b. 4 1 1 ROPE ft CORDAGE. LEATUEtt AND INDIA RUBBER v BELTING. WEDGES, MAULSS PUMPS, , ; ; ; " " ' ' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SCYTHES. AW ,r' ' I ' . !. .' " .-;.' AO f "u;: .m SCALES, BELLS, CHAINS1 ..".I 1 : .. If ' . - '-A ... . I'l Table an$ Pocket Ontlery. 1 npariaUy lnrlU th. attanUon of all tntamud f. took of Pookat and labia dntlary, and T 1LVB PLATED F0KKB, , Table; pesertp and Tea' Spoona, ?u..i.- at ! !.-, il : cii. id 'o. w ) aui r; Butter ICiv; Aca; 'i Of aOOBKBS to BK0T1. Jfaualic turf, trarraii tod kiW axtiabaaryi B iHiro-Platad, an aanalatAlkattai. Ooaatrp Merchant. Mtukulo and ofliara, an forltai to eatl vwl rtamlni my Stock, af t to praparad to atll f kakmk and MU. ...1;T. v7n. Aa Ulllul Oohuanu, Oklo, May , W60 J '-'.'''"' !' r.-yt a v. . d-ii".-ai-iu v ' 1 nriu-JL a i. I 'tof"!! t t- -b (..' J f it l-iC 'fil t: '',l iil.:.. n it nirn SEVING T MACHINES. PRICE'8iO, AND WARRANTED ' . , ' .. 1 J : .1 . .. . , . Equal to An yQ t hot Fka kll FkBki fkrpo.ea, BarldH being B.r. ikgplt, durable, .nd Mdly openteoj. vail ana Mei t, , u , , , u . ..s r. . j Offlot, Armory Vail, tvtr Bala's Btort. terwar '.':;"..-!;'... o.i. piowbrb. Amt UNIYERSAL' 1 . ii .1' jaw'aI lijaxtititiv a vif ' "' COUGH REMEDY, ... I . I I , J! r a trwltl Botail IkMat end Lna. Oaaalaakv anatadn.! Boetparfect -Weulu.. WaeoruM Canak, Onaexui ax Ooaraww VJoowaa, wtoannair aire Tnao.T uovnaorra elwaye foreennaera of CecamftlOB. ii a Heontue Btaoi H ba no eupet lor.. Vraad froa all Opiate or laetM proparnaa, aay mm aaaa 07. moot Milaee coolt( tuuont, ana wua penen Munaaaoe, . ,x ., .1. nl. . ii , GELEKtvATED ( Ki tl Jll Jy. 4..4-M VV( ' i .It. ,:n...') tolu anodyne. Tbi CuatBtr KattriiE OpuTi im offered to the world, aoBtalnlng set aartlol. of Opium, aor any rot Itasca bat Ita etrictly yefrelabl. and modloal propertlee, A rart BCBiedy ft NrDeaWli, JtaarltiTWB, Qoot, Toon Aat Baa Aon, 0Tait, Roll oa Hay tmi. Bad ailaalnor MerraaeCoaislainbu i M. I ;r" foaliOHor aarr, aad Udacha in ail ito aarlttlep, UkHnoaquaT,an4 tP fhkk nxekailubcd tcataeiil tUanaffered.. . , ... ., r ...j.,,, ,,, , , ........ j :o Dmi.ioM YuKnaj U la a aunt parfeet mnady . ' lot Bowu. OoMAaum, after remorlng tba pain It ack m apnyno, a ao uwponaat teatnat with tbaonniUpa- oryeneoia i upiem. .r-'i : jl To Phyaieiana. Poranla. and Trial Boltlai will aWi and to Dealer or Innlld t daasrlptiTe pamphlet withonl ' poeiaea wamp.-i - c ... , j- , Prepared under Ik. special Mperrlalon of o a.--i :! a,,.:il I .w .1 MB VOBUatrtlkl. V aart, BOttOB, To atua plane direct all bomunanlcetlona. L -' . grinH'-lary. OtBfk Bemedy, SO nnk par hotUt. "Tnln iaaAviia" '"M U oTail by .tb. tuual wnoleai. nl reaall'dHlera renrwhet.' 1 1 ..... w " .iBOBBBTBto B .KTXlv, '.Tl Mi B.-kfARPB,' . KB!il9eO.. 4u J.0HUia,BBtOB ,BTi(-wjy t c agaau loi tieMabai, Onto, :i '3I..J .e l. 4". ' . f t iil)i i WE" tmu TO CALL THE ATTF.S h-atf-- - 1 i to bra aaaoBTEBHT or fateheTpQls" aad , Materials rmpttM directly froa TA. Biaaniaatortet'af etngiant tnd BwltMrlaod, ind welch wa -will all a. Sow if .ot r. thai- war other loowartlag aooM a tba United MM ... ;..! . i ' ;'"',,.' i I'Wf ; J.. aiBBQUZEBUA k BOBB. ' 71 (. High Bt., Oolumboa, 0. decU-dt ..,!( MakUa Us.Mtw. piib I TTUBINA, -' .Ab?IOCO, naffo ' -. -.. arrow nooi. anveriooe tscoicn uat tieai t, Jaarfaarlry , . BplitPaH. ,.. -- 0. ' . Cracked Wheat .-,(, Xiioaclat. ., , . fleet;'"-.' ':',!. i; roeaa,etc. I , liraaat lartar, ,i. ooaa I r ,1 ; friwa - - - - Piuneo f Se Ian Batata. - I ' we Toeaatae. :t 1 PawIim Araea frank Oana'd Praltl of rrery deeeilp'tra JelllHof all kinde; Plarorinf ajttrack.f all .. - fc? ): . ; il v Qua brow.; Mixed OaadM.; . il. . Alraenaa, tilbarte. Peooa Nate, ., . Aacilah Walnata. Baill NuU.r'o. ,' B9T - WM, AtoDOSiAXD. COWKTliiJSit a. ki i ' " lie". " 1'iiH Tea i JinaB.y - m Bi"". i."ini mm n n. i a-i " '"j '''' .v .-oil Jj ' " '- WAV ' mw- :-. ,id ..t o - - I ' JWViifi.', ej atcKataj'KhliliBAlfX, - f 1 w be at., ' A iX ''eMVSalb. I ""'?. !' rr . .owjt ! at. op.rwr uoai.. v,,1,l, ,,j . RY VIHTBBOlr'JiOBBatHdJtllAI.H i.i, ... iiii..iifi ana U.a BuBarl.rtMut ot Mrank- lin eonnty, Ohio. I will otter lor to), at to. -doatof Ui. OotutBoaatnlaaonyoIOou.t'wl, (r, I Saturday tb ;9th; d,"pf ,Mrli,.A",l. . W --- v in .laliwO. a. jm.and 4 a'aloek o. at. tba fullowlnt daiorlbrd real Hlata.aituat. In th. ooanly a a..kiUi. iPMMtawaablavandaiAlaaf OKlo. to wit: Dtoi.. . ant ta tha eanu. ot tba Coliistiaa and OraaUaplHikraM.wbi.n.roaM tba,wat lln.. ot kaU atattan Ho. t, thtno. wlUt aaM half aoctiaa nth 1 dec. wait, 77111 poiH to a aoia, i au da and Mala. Hit 1B4 73.1U0 a poMl wane. mitb 1 day. M iw poiH wa; PH,f" "1",u Uaaaf mi totawrlr j awaad to O.or. Wltaon. thaaaa wtthaaloVjinanortk 68dag.Su toH-fSH WI-10I) POIM W B POH. aoaui Wmm winin w mm- . ..Ik.. af amid WUaaa'a Una'a BHtk 1 ! 8S an.rt 70 SaVlOO pala toa alona In ,IU oanttT at Maalal llalilMaaa awaal IJPaltWUIto. I LBLQBL ultllW ww 1 MI UiaMHraof aalA jtoad aoulk h. wut 003-100 nolai t taa plaoaaf Mtlauiar. aoQialS! 1 acre, and 67 pokwi aa tuaauM HOMoa taan. m;n r.i f ..ill 'fVVWtiwm Bk.'riff,1., ; .Hha-ltdkttw . . - -iTiaY. rMi Of PP to PrUttt'tiMt, $.. i4 n il':- ir ..' -m. a..W ' I-'"-' '" ' ' " 1 ' '" Sheriffs; .i .- f . "ii : ' , i; I I.- l nJ 'X lUat !. .'. '- -r '.'i.-n- i - ! .. j .. . ,.. ...t, ., I BtrpartoiOaart'' " ..i th- Bit K. Wllllan.. -H'aT TT VIHTUKtr A WHIT OP fl. I A. Ik mm-mmm diaarf fM tha Bnaarlor flaort of BiaokllB Oaaaty, 0., I will offw for aakMM lb. doar of tba Owatt HoaM,ai atattyat womaaaa, rann mi. -v. . n 9A fly of Mtroh, A-! 4861, taiwaMi tha hoar, of 10 o'clock A. M.. and 4 'iookS.' M.,tb. folloaiudHerlbad Mai Manritnat.ta th. Coun ty of Pranklln. and Btata-of Ohio, ta wlU Bnai part of a MrtMa traat ot land MBtaunnw ainaH-au aaa mvr UwaafH,(ij)Uttata ok Bit Walnat Ornk, Allfllln TowaaUpf In ran. 17, Tawaahtp s aaartar Towatblp 4 taataalna. ai a atoaa la tba Oalnmbaa and Johnitown Tnrnplk. road, tha aooth wastoornar ot Saald Balti'a hwtf acra tract. u4 north wt oorner to Mid MX acra tract, thenoa aonth thirty-two and on. half rod. to an aim iraa. Hian .ut fifty and 88-100 rodi. IhanM aorth tetyasl aaa half foda, (60H) IhanM wnttWMty fanr aad aO.lOO roda, tbaon aoatk .U and ill-lIM rod., tkeao. with laid Turnpike road to tka beginning, ooatauung ait kn acNa. aor or 1sm ' i to '' I AppralMdatt45.00prtor.' :':.- .,, -.1. i Prlatar'i fen t Ml.- a. W BVPFMAD. BbarlB, . L .a..... a- k. BP A .l. lY.aa . - ' y'SSL9mifc i6ale..-!i j PpKSTTAItT t AN OKlJB Of SALE Inutd from the Sucerlolr Court c l PraokllB coun ty, Ohio, to me directed 1o th. abort entitled action, I anau oner ror Hie et paDUo auction,.io tng nineetnia- v. .r nan Saturday, March 16, 18C1, w m , between the houn of 10 o'clock A. H.!tnd IS oofock M at the door ot the Court BonMornidwantyln thedtr of Oplnmbnt, the fallowing; dmribed premlect, fit: lot no. si, in Jonn norrieon'. adctiuon w me eity or tie latnbtn. Ohio, u per reoordrd olat of tald addition, alio 15 feet off tb. eait ilaaof lot flo. S of .tld Morrllon'i addlUon.'' ;". - ,';.,f . Lot NO. 3S anpnhed tt 300. ' ' " '' kiUimt..i .m.i.i n .l ain) I ';" " PBAN0I8 60UISS." 1 febt-dltawt. f ' : : " klMterOoamlialoner. Master Coiiiiiiisioker 8 Sale. Si- BnUlee to flomttork 6 i?-,wll'if tri i-ivl afalntt 7 4 , Common pltM Pmnklln yoahuiO.ReajoraeoTOtnan.J "'' - f o.anr.'f TatjRSC ANT TO AW OftDEB OF SALE 17 kened froaa tha Court of Ooamoa P leu ot Pranklln eoanty Ohio, to n. dlreoted la the tbm entitled action. I will offer for ale at public taction M th. klghMt bid- '.5VM O.-.W.--;... el. 1 - ( -i Oa Saturdty, MArch 1 6, 18CI ; between iMkaort f 10 eVlk A.M. tad U Retook. H. at the doar of tbe Ooart Boom of aaid caaatyyi ia ton city of OolaBkae. the follwut datoriMa petmleee. Tie: vLmtHrn. 4 al tbeeak-wi.leiao ef tha -WHt half of In- lotMa, 73.aodtba aoatk half af laiot Urn. TH.Ia the ity of Oolunibna. Franklla ooaoty Ohio, a. .kowa by th. larardadptat of aaU eubdlTltWa. , tl; ; .. ) . Appialatd ttBUO. . .--i- .....- -.ic-' ,. run, feMdlltowU:i re. w Maawr OonmlMiaaar. . I e.'. 3 .1 nt. i-.iii. .i i... ( 0 ie 1 1?. i I Sheriff .Sale;: . .1 ,uU.' : .' .i K .1' AbaerL ire.' " -Wm. Burdell " 1 'Bnpwlorpoflfj : :; ,'. U . .-1 i! .1: I ' .'. BW VIHTtHOr A WHITOr TKNDI ta ma dlreoted frSHlka-SnnariorOonrt of Pranklln ooanly Ohio. I will offer for Miat,le door of the Court ovttm u toe suy ot youwyuu on , ;: Satordayi ' Ith day f Marob, A D.,' 1861, between thekofre of 10 o'clock k. V. (kd I o'clock P. M., Die following rial Htatt tltuate In. the county of Jrtnklln and.Rtw of Ohio to wit: Beginning at the B.W. corner of lot Bo IS at WiBTThalant addition to th elty of OolBBbu: tbeoMWllh lb. a. Hoe of aetHr North 7SJkaettpaaUk.ia .Hia- Una, 3 04-100 feet dlatant rtoaU4H. . oorner at eaut lot to. ; laeoea mf agnt aaglee W waat Uaaot itaie aeeaae, Boatk 46M weat to auergln of Bcioto rtrer at low water mark: thence Bp the aaa rein of Mid Scioto rirer at low water mark to the be- atoning.- . ,l "-'----' ' ii vjaJ j AppialeedatBllSOOr -.'. - a t ' ...... J O W. lTUTPMAlf, gturtlT. febl-ltdkttw. v By Ba. CxTia, Dep'ty . Prtatet't(Ha, B4M,: ......Til ,j ..-ettM.'l 1 Master Ooiiinussiones Sale.--' ! ' . - L' ' I , . I i ; , , Tf ' Rlokley to Brother i) ' '"1 I 'i . Tt. Superior Court. i , Ptr Harrington, rt. tl. ) DTVIBTCBBPAN U to me ' directed, froa the Superior Court of Pranklln oounty, Otilo, I will offer for Hle.tth. door of the OoBTt atoaaa, In th. ettytl Columbus, on - ; SttardaT, ab 9i da af UmW A. D.18G1, between tbt hoar, of 10 t'olook A.M. and 4 o'clock P. M., the following AeeeriMdreal ntato, to wit: In lok Boa, v, au, aaa at, in tu town ot Altos, county of Pranklln, and Stat, af Ohio. -' Appralnd at, for lot No. 89, BM. i I ? I r ) 3 -JS! 1 ip, 1 J SiVjj; dA 'VP .OW.a0IAll,BharaT, , ' febt.ltdkttw and Muter Coamlaeioner. Printaie'a Vet. 3. ii." . r. i iii-,7 . i . , Master, CoiiimiQsioiier's . Sale. ! ,!"mUtitort-,''-b- :'-,J '"" J i - J ; ."r: J fiupcrtof ooatt. : , : - "Jamai Riley rt tl. - ' ' i T3T VIBTCEOF AW OBDEBOF BALK jL) to me directed froa the Superior Court of Pranklln aounty.Ohlo, I will offef lor mi. at'the door of toe art lleuM. In th. Oitrof fiolombue.'oa I -' Moodar, tho ltt i.y of April, A. D. 16C1, kttwwea tb. hoar, if IS o'olock a. Ik) and 4 o'clock p. a., the fcllewing den rl bed real enata, tltaat. la the oonnty or rraakii. and But. of Ohio, to wtt! -Lot No. twerre, (U).in SulllTant'e AddlUon to th. town ot Prank Union, , . ...f ' t Appralee4atJOO,00. J il.l!iH a. W BUrratAB.Bherlff febW-41tw4t.- -, :-; aadMainr OoaaUtioaer. frlalar t tok 11,00.1 i v. i.,j hsM-;;, i.. 't-v" SherbltrSaie. i!S I . Cherry, Onardkn, toa.,i 1.1 . i ...i.n ! ...i wa. r -. , t. .1 order of Haaet! n'Oldeaa TndMauk .laU'l' i. i i..- . - eivii., BT VTBTTJE FA- ORDER F S A tfe to a. dlreoted froa the Omrt of Common Plena of Praoilln oonnty. Utile, I will ofterfbr ate tt th. door of ui. voan awnas, mueetty at Oolttmbue, oa ,w ( rvM Stturcky, Mtxoh30th, A.D. IfiCiriV ! aevwam in ooart or iw t-eio t.'tBi aad f o'clock p. m., trie followlog deeerfbed real Htat., eltoate In the eoanty of Pranklln', Btaut of Ohloand city ot Oslttmbaa, and beanded and deaerlbed M follower- It-lot Ho . nrea hundred and aloety-clrlrt, 78e tltoatt oa tb. aorth tide of friend etraet, arid betmr th. eacoad lot wait of tilth atiMl, and frooting 0a Iiitod (treat, tla ty -two and . h t If reei oy on. aaaama aoa oignty-Btrea tnd a half Ie north to Cherry alley, being the fall lot of 0eJ fart by lb7.e tnru -Arpiaked at aJ,8. letnz-aiatwit W. w. nuFiJnAN, Bherlff. Trlntet'i fw. l 'ST" by Id. Batle, Deputy CUAIiSSl.erilt.'sSale.: A. i. Clark to 0. ' .r Ta, t S 1 OomauKi Utai. JohnMck.lnaey,et.i at. Tit TIHTGROf Alt ORDER OF BAg.R L earn, direeted. froa tha Coart of Oonaoa .ranaiinvoaatr, vuo,i wui Beriarnlavatlhadoor oi uw uourt uoom, ia wo miij 91 ueiBmoan, oa Sttutday, IhtSOth flty of March, A. D. 18C1, between rhetiont. of 10 o'eloek, A. M., aad 4 o'oloek, P. M., the followlog daeorlbed real erue,altaat In th. Ooantf of laakuo. and atata of Uhia. Ue t Lo Ho. a.M.dlTaieaa eat tat Do. 90, 1t tb city of Colum la. .-.".j ---.' ,. ' .... ;-r ita vri.a-. T.ii,,., it : ' Appralaadtt ISOpO - ..;V". C frtaSatiaw '- fi w. r. uuriua. taarts. . .y Aa, Daaia, Deputy, u Pi lata. lM .. . ,-. .1 aertVeJgandt-'i i u 1 ; t w.,,i i aain oBmoa jritttv it, viuxiiE 0P a writ of yen toisj to andlnetad. from II.. Court of Common PleateH kadlsoa eoanty, Ohio, I will oiler tor tale tt th. deor I tu aun tloaae, Inuiaeit tf Celiunhu, oa Friday tbt 8tb day of March, A. D. 1861, . twrtn ' tht boar, tflfj o'clock A. M. tad 4 o'eloek P tb. following described Real XsUt, eitMte In tb coaBiyoT.raakiia.aBdaiattaf ULto, U WlU i-ot Ut. ml.) la Gror. City. Apprwae. at 17t. - 1 : - t.W. nTJPTSAa, tM-titW' in r !.; I i:j a! . 4 v-41- Sbarlff.' i P Muter' fete BBtfc.uv:-,. j.4.1 .s,r i 1 " ,a''rV-', '- - "i .,- '1 '" LEXANDBFa BID-bOVE8 ' ' . AlitkaUe4oaijjto7it tkTH$, '.-, ttso.ii. i 4'-. -..-1 jr:;i a, yo.n) tilth neVj, N$wr pluo ;PnMisiiiit "Hcuss ! i v 'Mf 4a.w - - - . z, w A. pi a j '"colubus.;..;. pmo, NOW PUBLISH THX i OHUr.i- TANTJABD SCHOOL UBJXI1 ilo.J 'S I'i I :. ti The Paant, BIchMt, kcrt MdOkHpeel.-1: Ik. I -- .I'll, i;:.-- i .' r ! .ir i ..i-t- j spellingJaMdSnaijsis. U. I I ,I9(. .rl ,1 it .;T t.T .1 ,sVj r i,t'.:i ili 1 Ii0l' !fl Br 8 , Toa, L. L, D. V ! ioWB't JP"' yf:eayiko,il K.wAn'eyilt. I.J ' :M- ' .T it ,n i.i'd ; i!:;.. .' ..D.i.ur li?l' tl.-.V: ' . , . . , ""READING!" i B',Sr.;,; 6opikica, LlL. D. (Peter Patle'jO doadrtekt New let Beader. Ooodrlch'. New 4th Beader. Ooodrteh'. Now Sd Reader. Ooodrloh'e New ttk Baadai. iHOdrlek't Mew 3d Beader., oodrloh' Maw Otb Header. ''IVmaiMNiWa u -n r ... ... . m a a I -. - - IliuJ nJ. M art a atmua mprownmt on aa vku j iuto. -JUt. "T, &o.. i. JP., to am Chi- r.0M...'.V,.1".anV '.- --. '.": :', '"'! eawt." AM mtrtity MATHEMATICS-'.' . Oraenlcar. NUonl ArlthmeUoi ,' 1 ,,' OrMnleaf. TreatUe an AleebrA. " , , , GreenleaPa IbmenU of Geometry- rgtimdM'adlmpMUbabUwoilLaXOielrklndl the rlohHt and moat eeoprebeetTe,u aaertea, that bare appeared In UMnmntnln.lMthe.ntary."--vf'r.'eM. r, of AMmmoutn uamvm, i . v - J . j .' J ;lo " 'i . . tl ii I j l. i f . . . , -ill I : i.jvi . j.u GEOGRAPHY. tl" ,10.'.'. ! I'-'" .j'J iv. i ! .-ill 'tWfl. P.iCotllEU., Ooroell') PlntSUTie In Oeowraphy, Prettily lltattrated. Oorneiri Primary Geography, Beantlrolly Illnttrated,1, Cornell'. Intermediate fteorraphy, with New Mant. ; Oornell'i Onunmar-School Oeogrtpktv 1 rol. quarto. OoreaU'lBlgk School Oe-jgraphy and Atlae. 1 ' i "Much inperlor to any ,'otlier OeorrphlM witk Which I am Beaivainted-iiiM-. wlnaott Smyth, Suptrtol dent.Jntok,PAp.,1 a, I '1 t-f . J vm i ' w ,--,t .r.: rl V-.-r,... . ,i- . j,-,'.--- , i,r"S i I.i -. : il .' i i V '. ,. -h: .--...'l ' -t'-..X! ui j -IV -i- r - . . -ij j 7 "-'i l ' Br D. B. Towxb, A. andB. F.Twkd, A, M- , Tower aad Tweed' Blementa of Grammar. ' ... Tower and Tweed'e Common School Grammar, rj ; , . lower and Tweed'! Graacimar of OoBpoaltloo. ' , " Tower. Oommoa Bekoot Oram mar will Bll a poeltloB abeolutcly demanded by the Kdocatlanat wank of th. aeuntTy.' a. tv. tr"iwat"i, imywn vyi jjoaroi. . .-( - a - 'j ' hi., it, ; " ' :v.n - ..!,. 1.'. .iit, i .. i. :. It ' ' i ui i.i -.' r ' i it:: : . .1 .il J. . t ,,t .; ' " i I , J'."' . : tUTTE&'S HySlOLOGICAL, W 0RK3. Br SBNJAMIIf GkEBNLBAP, A. M."lr- ' Jbr JHttrid BJiOoU. ', , .'-'4" GrtenleartNew Primer Arlthmetle. . Oreenlnfe Intallectnal Arlthmetie. ; i.. , . ( Oreenleef'i Common School Arithmetic - . : :- i. r; lor Blah ScAooli and AoadtmUt 'i . ''j' '" '4. . , 1 . firet aaHotM in rnyeiotogy. liiuairawa, a niu..M . . ' j AnaUaiy andhyilology, llluitrated, 13 mo. j .'( Tl ','W '.'1 ?'', .Vj'.- il It. ! '. -f. r-t :r.-H-'-l ' '''' umini ":" ..-j - l ' ' a i Mhi'i im niJuT','i.i '.u i'! : .i.'-j i ?.; i! - ,J I . . j COPY BOOKS AND BOOK-KJEEflNflV j kPeyeM'a, lraktoa and BerHH.i'a Coaiplate terUa. . llaaaford and rayaan'. book Keeping, vonoie ana nm glelntry. H7Tenn( of lutroduotlaa the moat fayorable, Teaoher. and School ottcere ar reqneetad to enmmnnff catetllkai. , " . '..".' ' v BlngletpHlnun eorlei turnlihed t One half the tuual rain, J. II. HILEI tX T. 'fj, HUHLKIi MVt.U, wflm - , Publlihera. Oolnmbo. Ohio. .. ..... ,a BAOOkTintlrriRO- BT TTTB LATB ' r S I RASTtELY C O O PER, , a, , . vr AAikuuit, anw i Ti it: . V A T.T. w t t w v. iw n nr m mmw mmwm- w 4M hmh mm m aaaaW aa W mm m , - W TOM, ' ... . . ) rht axiksovUdged EMda of tha ProftMlon ia aMMt f -.. PHIIHpUW.' .A.: 4 ..... , j in Deet wnreno, iodio, una inrwirimt. " Th BTntt JtitTM.-t ,of Uie ITAXIAIT JUNina BaBT,, , To rnreta and Moet CotUy (Jin St- tank, , r, ... i.. u . .....t, ,.,.,. INDISPENSABLE TO FEMALES, ' ' ' i INVALUABLE TO THE SICK. Wii :t: INCOMPARABLE FOR THE AGED. 'tT1 THE SAFEST J AHD KOST ' i DELICIOUS BEVERAGE IN THE WORLD. Fox Bale,. Pinta;ntl Quarta, b yorr Drufglat; Orooar, ox Ccmntry MaroiiAnt.' .Ill ... .1. I L J ' .M4lMI4MMe3.!l t l.. .H , ,VAt L00X OUT FOB' B00TI J "vi j ti o n r o n ; o i n s. THA CKlI OBBJUINa ARTIOUI IB ! CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL QIN. Ttmtvitavci OI T Ik.. da i ... .. ""1 w UlUClJ. Otl.4' .!., . ;,..;'::-; mew vokk. ' JJM Ui'OoInibbut by '" "i"' ! ' "''"' " , "Mcrtiifc nuarmtnt, ' ,, ' wnotenla and Betal I Groeeri, Bwterman BuMcttng. '- ' , 0.-A; WAaNKR,nd.1her. rInCinclnntI,1iy. BUIBE, CCKSTXIN to 00. . 6c28-deodljW and othert.1 r.J ,! I NEW-TREATMBNT. Mi PtlrttttBa OMifideBtltl - - i-"' I MEDIO Alt ' A D VI O 23 -1 Bt'FFALO FBI VAT R HOSPITAL.; I Kttabll'hrd for th. ear of Bypkilit, cOwuW Wtatntrnt, and th Stent InJIrvwUiu of Youth and iiararttV fytpeptta, Ventral JkbUlty. bear mot Ant, Jk trmtfiai or HrmtA, uui4g; no. - ZDr". zrt.053i ty son Corner of Mala tnd Quay Bit.', Buffalo. n( I nc TFIB OMLT PHTSTCIAFta IN XX tha Ifate -rho art membere of th. aoyal Oollar. of Surgeon., London. May be eontulled from 8 o'eloek la tb morning anil 9 at night, In erery ttare and aymptoa of diawe. The treiitmeiit they adopt la tk. ratall ot Bpwardt of thirty yean tnlTpruttM Is Barop. and aaenca."- - - u. ........ i.- . Auort'BOitffrfpid'maittioif. ".' . An tDitmment for Ike ran of Nocturnal Bulmloai or. properly known HSemlnklneaknau, etc. Can be Emuaently eared froa fifteen day. to . twe monthi by eu. ettl44t Uulxument, When ued (onjoltj with T0DWJ MEM TAaB IkiTiSSlUt. KOTICB , Dr. AMOS to BON take oleunr la annoanclne that they har Inrante4 1' moat Important Inatrnmant tor the Loure of toe abort diauea. It hu bees lahlected to a ten by th. moit eminent phy.tclant In London, Parte, Phila delphia and New Yorkj U ha taen dec th. only Bar fnl Uutrument evei In rented for th. ear. of Seminal WeakneM, or kny dlMan oantrd In the tKlrt habit of room. rno. tiuoy mail orupren. , . M. B Dr. AM08 toSON.ln order to utUfy thekoei akestLal H th the merit of tblt instrument, pledge thaoielre tliat In any Inttano where It why nrcrre A. MUataetory,aiiar a utr trial, th. money win be refund by retarnljiit; tbelrutrumenilngood oiiet. , - " a. w.-rf- -. ioouxzkx mipaiiids,-;,';,' ', ; ' PereeM H anf pari of tho werMwjayk eaccearfally treated by forwardlsrtceTiwt detail their MM, with t reatiltanoa teraedietnea, rts, i -w , . -, ; , ,.. Add rem Dr. AMOS to BON, torktt tf Mats and uy aVdai . U.tT.i. tar -mr ... ' , ,. .... T CtAPr- aVWAiatV Bk . If 1111 w iiiimsa.. :mtX 0111 AGRICDlTimtW w ' Ath Seed fitbro. ' '' ' N WAVJs . " - v '; .' - BI1XIB Ik I . v.-i ,i..'.:t I GEHERAL HARDWARE,: HAirA.oUM, tita, !rsm, ; ooinvafii,; j OkBt.PltlkUta44c WIU'tr W, tt.theraa kubber Betais If o"Dether," Ho kid Paoatae. . 4 f'.. .. i- ; 1 ,41 Tj: . r. ' v,l)y ) f FEAKa4-aTAKCU.Kc-,j ., v. f. ..: 0 1 liMI kaj MattkoB. Watt to Cot pwM. aaakeal. aaled Pearl Bauea,aaipriar'afttolei-renerred at tttrt ft. Ml. .by' ' l'i 1,. -'. r.. Atottaji to RaiUikADX,' - wepai..., .? a iM Skiaatmfi Balldug - . 0 .s .-..-a ,T-.t - a7FEeitf.JtST. MwrB tfo'l f't-8 HfB. KENNEDY, n OF , IIOXBfJBYl lu ku dlteoTered In ope of our common puturo weed a iwneuy uholuh.'c'i - uiin i-r:i: ni' ,.t,4J. f ' Every Kind of Hiunox', .'jo ' 1 prom il t.ui lijiwii'i ;n Tba woitt Sorofnla itttt to a tommfik Putpla He ha tried His era elerm noadrad ceaee, aad atr. r tailed In two eaaea, (both thunder humor.) II. tut now In hit potteulon orar on. hundred Mrtlficateaof it ralna. til wltlila twentrmllMof BnteB.., .. ,..i i - Two bottle, are warranted to. our. a nqnlDg, tor month. .. -. . ' " , On to three bottlot tlUoare-lh. wont kind of Plraplet on th fao. . , , , i Two or three bottle will cletrth tytmf pile.. I Two bottiM are warranted to our the worst canker In the aoatk or ttomaek. . . i i n...,(i :- -,. ,, , - ThrM to fir bolllH an wamated to .or. th. won kind of rytlplM. . , ' T , One to two bottle, tr. warranted to ear. til humoHn tht Bytt.' 1 ".'Ivl ;.4i .k iu ':);.'. imi - , ri) r i T kottlM are warranted keura nine lna a tha ai4 and blotchet among tk hair.. . , . Poor to tlx botlet are warranted to car corrupt and tunning nlcar.. '"-" io i-i o'ivj . j. i tin oo til win en re acaly ompttta rt th. iklni i "i i I : Two or thra. botllM an warranted, to aura Ut. W4yt kind of ringworm. ,', , , '" 1 Two or thre bottlei art warraattj'to ear. th. meet deeperaU eat. of rheumatltm. : l . ' " ... f .. , . i Thrae to four bottlMar warrasted tQurtalt-Bham. Virt to lght tottie will our the wont can of, ne fola. . i " " ' , " j A benefit la alwart nperlenoed from the firet bottli, a perfect cur Ii wrrted when th. abort aanlty fc. HU.T.BUUT, MABB. Dtat Madm: The rermktlon of th. Medical Did corery. In earing all kind of hamora,' I eo well Htao- utbet by toe ananunou. roto ot an wot nTrer aaea It, that I need sot My anything oa th uMct, at tha mow aaitiiai pnystcian ana incmoncarejui u thenoantry tr ananimotult Ik BralHv 'I moatklIral phjilclan and themoit careful Di i .u "r.iTiT la preHullDB th Madloal Dtanrny toiyoar. nttloa. I do It with . fall knawlodn of luentatlre no war. la pa. lUTlrg all, and curing moit of. those diteaae to! whlok yon are unfortunately to lianl... That moat excruciating diteaM to an affoetlonat mother, .).-ii. I NtJBBINO OnE JIOTJTII, , ! I. eared u If by t miracle! 'your own tamper It retiorel to tm Batnral wMtnaa, aad yoar bat, boa. Bhert and fretful aapt to calm and aweet lnmher; and thaMedloal Dieeorery becomH a fountain of bleating to yoar hatband tnd booMheM. ll ., ay .,'. .r.-ii-; .3' .. I Iq the mora advanced .tag of ... ,4.i l i .- O ANKKti. -I jli..-.. .: ;i I It extendi to thtttomaoh panting . I ,,.',. . Ifk'SVtl'SllA, , --- I which It nothing kut canker on fit ptumachi.UKB to tht IDKBiUlC auu KIBIIBVkr ereatlng t linking, gone feellpg, and n (ndUTereno ertt to the caret of your family. ' .IoarnomacON ,i i t ' ' " ' RAW AND INFliAlSED,' yoar food diitrettet yonl arid yon can' only tak cufala klnda. and eren of that your ivBtem doe not get half th bonrlthmtnt It Contaltlt, it th. toiimonoo. fluid of the canker Hut It apt' then your complexion Ioko lit bloom and bMonw. tallow and grotnkh, and yoar beet day k gooo. for want or nooriibaeat yonr tyetaa ba eomtl Ioom and flabby, and th. flbrea of year body to! eom. relaxed Then follow a train ol dtaau Vhkh tht Medical Dkwyary k pcallarly adapled to. 1...1 .1 I i.,1,4 f) CT M B J ' ' ..-i'no I raipiiaiion 01 mw im ri, itm iu vue Blue. 1.1.4:10 If th. tpLn tod tmall or the lick, pain of tht hip Joint when you retire, irregularity Of the hottli, And lM. uw mot. cicruciauua- 01 uiavaoin., ium . . 1 , jt in 1 i i ail 6 ,i"....;l I.: JP H. E8 .i.l.'. . -,.i ):! V. J ' How many thoweand of poorwoasen wr roff-rttig froa thlt dleeanaad pining away imkwraM. Ilfa.-aod ttiek amrtdoot BeignbardoM.Bot knew the aaa. 5t wkk t. unpiwH oa your ana tnat gooa lid prorerts-ao eonot M piwreatioa Biaetiar cnana pounaor care,'-, ia 1114 raa bar. both tkDrTntatlr and th. can. with thi great ana good quality, mat u will Btm. ttwtf ant alrcumitanoe, doyoa tny Injury. ; . , ... . I . .. tiiu tivnim t. nnnnrcBv. ! It aepedaly Intended for dtaearel of ft. tdooU', hut itsot it iniroanciion in ui rjettern Ditteeit 11 Tanntxo .. alii j:.-A01J1' RkT?ft..V:-'- M thatwaearerherorethennlilla. "T-""""!'! il "il - No change of diet tt nwmryrls. the iwit 1 auiu ct w.ivugM vt r 1 ' DiarrrioKi roa c.a-Ada,hi .n.tlMi1 r"'onr:rD- day Children orer tea yean, d.eaert tpoooful Chllrtrep. from fire to eight yean, teatpoonful.- At" no'dlrecttoae. nn be applicable to all coniltutlonl, Mae inlfiCienr a, optrat on th bowel twice aday. ; T "Toun truly,1 ' I . ; 4..1...1.-. 1 . -t 1 DOSjlAttr RBSTtEDT! I Prte. Bl.Ot per bottle.' .ta'i TrTerT- dragyjrtlh th. United Itateti " ".. . ttpti-akwiy. us nn eMtr?'' t " 1 at mi "t r-r tr . : rnwr. l.. iviia.i.rir HAIR IMUinnRATiin wm m mm w iw v bTI lla An Effective, ". Baft' tnd Economical ... :ii r :!. i Ii fw tUi tj .I." j 1 FOR RE3TQRNJ pRA'Y. IlilR ft Ik riglnnl tolor witheat dyelngl and prerenllag th t e ' ii nairiroaa rarning grap.. ...Jf -1 ... FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS",0 ,' rf WM".MI''1- . '..Z ' lL 'y : lJ' i l r UK K CHlU V liTt Vr ecu tit ABU UANOUUrF ado mn oBiuooui auocuoDi oi ua MUp j a a a". . a . . I ' ' i rUK BlSAUTIirr 1NO THB HAIR; 1 . . ai-aa Ha . .. . -m. . g ImparUhg to It tn nneqaled glow and brlUUtcy, makbig It toft tod tllky la It . taxture, tad. Aualnt It to curl radlly. ' , ' ,'TT7... , . , f th great oelchrlty and Increasing demaad for thk aa- equaled preparation, oouvlnoe the proprietor that on trial b only necessary to Mtify a discerning pnblio a 1U uperlorqualltieeoveranyoUisrpreparaUonJa use. It cleanse, (behead and calp from dandruff tod other cnuinaona atseatea, causing ut nair to grow luxuriantly. living It a rich. aofL iloaar and fkrlhloatinaann.. mnA aiso, wuersuienair ii looMniagana winnuig, it villciwt strength and rigor to th rookand reator C;e growth to boM part, which have btcom. bald, causing to ,elda ....WIWIU4UIMH, , 4 There tr hnodred of lad lei and aentlamta ta. W.L 1 01a wno nave nau ineir nair rests rea by th om ot Oil Inrhrorator. when all other DreDaraUanibarafaiUd. 1, M. hu'ln bit potteulon letters Innumerable tetilfying to the abort facta, from pennto( the highett riKlaec la bility. It will effectually prevent th. hair froa turning anlll tb. latett period oi life): and Incase wheta'tha hair hu already changed ltt color, th ut of th. Inviaorater Willwlth certaiaty rt store It to It to lit original kut, gl tat it t dark, rlosir aoDcaxanoe A. t perfume for U toilet tod t Hair Seatoiatlre ll la particalarl reoont mended, hiring at agreeahleTragranca; tnd the treat fa- ellltlet it affords in dieaing Uie hair, which, whs mokt with th Inrlgorttor. cin be dressed ia ny ro.nird iura, aa luprDscrre lit piece, wnetner piaiuar incur k: bene tb groat demand tot It bj the ladle, m ttejidatd tollettrllcle which none ought te ba wllhouLM Ihc mice AftAiATcm .1M1111 vuB iwu uj ai, ceiiig : -37.41, : A i . Only Twenty-rivd Centi " i , perbottlt, to be, bad tt til respteteht; DmgrisU aad (It- ( Si 1 1 .11 a.47,4 41a, . . l.ia.lJ,. ,v.e..Ti J I I.. M1LLF.B would call the attention of Ptrentr'tid aardlant to tht bm of kit Invlgorator, In aeee where th children', hair incline to be weak. Tht use of dt lay th foundation for aoood Aaad efi nair.- u tt ia- ovh aay laparttk. that aay hart become eonneottd with tht tcalp. th removal of which It neeraame Inth fo. the health af tbe child, and the falara apoearanw of ttallalr. :.:.. - ., -. ..ii rf. . .,4 Ostr ow. Hon genkhit Without tht fac-ifmllt tOTTlS miuiinn. oaing on me outer wrapper: also. L, 1111. LEB'd BAItt l4NTI(K)RAI0R.,k. T.. blown in ,h. Wbolatalt DtpetSf Set tireet. and toll k .11 ti principal aiercnaot ana vruggui. Uirougtiom the wor Itbenl disoount to pnrcbaMn by tbe qntatlfy.0 ' l! 1 . ' I 'AAAA.UX I tlto detin to present to th. American Publlo my STWr AJtT) . IKPaOVED ZNSTAHlASXOiTi LIQUID HAIR DYE,:: which, after year, of tdenttfla experimeeUng, I bar. brought to perfection. It dyn Black or Brown instantly without Injury to th. Hair or Skin; Warranted U10 best .nmi. os in auiu inoxjatanc. t . " ' PRICE, ONLY 50 CENTS,-;,;, J I , Depot, : 56 .Dey .YStiitfew1 Tork tttl:dlw. '"' . ''.'' wii u 1 t: VHELO SHOULD USB ' M'" I v2xjHrrja4BiaB5.-vi''.;,' i IMPERIALv.WINE tTTTERM All wh art affllrM kith Iuelnlent 'O.BtaapNont or WetkLunp shoal, om them,' f - w n ... jf.jj ' Auwao Mtcr lna Weak Bhaateka Tnd MUmL Tm. Kuniuvnia iss uvmtf ' ' . ..'.n ,..i 4, ' All whan antfnr kow islam at an knr-, a..- -r"'--. I , I AH DancitaiM neaMleeiianati rmrAaikJ. eioKiiva Dauie new ma' ' -1 - ' .-...i rl 1. kl inkier t tka. Gosyat, Uiwyera, tert.fina, Bad al public ipeekara ahoaid us nheta. .,n .-. i.,t .ji Book Reepart, entail frton hadlBj tttdMkry If anwaMaaakHBtiiJiv u B-.-.r.ia. -Vi u"j u..: tw.Ji Iheasradtad nfknewtasltd bm) rhawa.. ol -.five a. I Allwu twqaln itlaiulant or torn tbtaid ate th.nv. All was r addicted la tha a of ardant mmw. .... wish to mfora.eaealdBM thetn-. r -ii .0,. T7 Tner are atadoaf a pur. tnerrw Wine, and kf th ha. att plant aad aerk af Ike toantrp. and rtoald b.. oauuenaeu oy Haperanck' anejetMa, tlergrrean, abyL lan,aaall frhmu of hBnity.' i . 1 .7T..rj" tart bm ore mi ad b aa asenknawt mmA aVlnn.1 kLu. leiao, and, aoldefroa thtlr medlolaal propertlea. er 1 1 B40tdsl(htrlkrTaa, aad nt,nsn4ii4tM VBAiiiU , WXMTIUJ) Ca. PmrTl6t0i.. It UlUlrnm at., Mew Yor. ? 0JKiaTa ft nAMUEIu A esntl. r - - J A ' J I t J I '1 ' (inlnmliail. ft kid r... ta rt t mar n a tt -;discoveii OF e THE ? AGE. I 1 1 ' p 4. art!dw1. J.M.AkoTft V . 1 misceluaneous;: "Pitt AMaaaatuiwia 0PaamDacma.Thart k 'a mr Ing tendency in thk arc to appropilata the meat xpr tlr word.otothH laapiagea, and after, while tola tmtMta Um lotoaar.owBt tbu. tka ward Oophallo, hick k from lh. Greek, tlgnlfj ln "forfli. head'i now becoming popnlarkad In connection with Mr. tpald Ing'. great keadach. remedy, bu it will toot bt aaed ta t more general way, tnd tha word Cephtlle will beooae a eommon M Bleotrotyp and aaay othert whoM dla UntUotiM (cnrtlfia Word, ba ku wont away by oaaaou aiaerantil Ih.y aeeoj "native and to tha manor born." flu tiu.i , Il lu tKJt.l -iii . 'attUy BHliitd-i, HI 'ad 'n orrlbl. 'etdeoht BiM haftcrnooa, hand I ttepped Into th. htpotheeary1, -hand avyt hi to the aan, u0aa poo, han me of a 'eadaohel''., "Jioe. It hash, 'ard?" aay. 'a. "Hexooedlngly," tay. oi, htcd upon that '. tart ma a Oenhallo Pill, hknd oon m Vnui It ouredme to quick tbttl, 'ardly.reallitd I 'ad'tdaa 'aad-' 0 fl;v.; -'fii ,1.. i' J;i4'.-i..t .;,Ki .u'-i.ius i,-i .i,;,,.-! ,-, ,Mr. ''lllrHaaBJcwttt th. rtTO-lby ttga ay whloh iatara UakH known any derUtlon whaterer from the natural itat ot th. brain, and, riwd in tht light, It may t Kokad ta tt aufegoard intended ta glr notlct of di au. which might tOiTwiM Heap. attentloB. till too ltt to b rameAkd) and lu k-dlcetlaBi thMld kerer b aaglMtad . . Heaaathe aay bt olMtlttd under two tawa,rlai Bymplomatio and Idiopathlt. Sympvomatle Headache It txceedlngly common, and It th pttconor Of t great tarlety of dleeuee, among which art Apo- fileiy.'Uoat, Rheamatli-D, and all- f etui I cUmim. Ia ta aarroaai term It ia ympthiio of dltou of the Itomach, ontlUitlnaict A.vul, of hepatic diteaM ootutltutlng Mliotu htatlacht, of worm., conttlpatton, and other dlenrder. of Iti bowelt, tt wail a. renal aad nurlt affeatlOM. DIhuh of tht heart art Tery tre 4uestlyaUmded with heailachHi anaemia tnd pUlhort art alio auaotlon which tieo.uently ocouioa headache. idiopatnio neadach. 11 alto Teircommo, being aiuauy dlitlntnkhed bt the nam of aaraoeta Aamta (MM tUMeoomlnroo Mddenlr la aetata of tnparently Mund tiealtb. aad proitratlng at no th. mental and physical ynerglee, and In other initancei It cornea on tiowly, her alded hy depretiloa of aplrit or acerbity of tamper. In moet InttanoM uhe path It la the front of th. head, orar on or both eyt, and tomtllxaet proroklng TomlUug; Onde thk elan may alao be named iVAntralgla. A Pet the treatment of either clatt or headache tht Ot Pllla hT been foand a .are anJ mm remedy, re-IlerK-g th. BMttaeatt paint la t few minute, tnd, by lltMb-k poorer, and loa: ing th. dlaeuel of which haad- aont !, in ODCrrlt.g index . ii k'jvla ii ! 7. L'rT a t. Ja tl.t.l ..;'f 1. - I .I.II-..I J 7-!', .- r Jfrttfo.. -.Milan want eon to land her a box of 0a- phalloUlue; to, t bottle ot Prepared Pill. bat I m tlilnklng lhai'inotjort rt nalthen bat perhape ya'U be tftherkaaa leg what tt I.. eh', nigh daadaed (Ob with ua tick Beadark, tod Want! asat aor. .f tblt Haw aa rt laired her before. . JJruavlti Ton muit mean Spaldlng'tCephallo PUt. Btidyti . Ooh I tur now and yBr ted It, Here' the qntrthar, and fir. tb. Pllla, tnd don't M all day about It, either. ,j. tlV,,., , ...... , ! ..:!.! ; al .i.:y Jl'; 11 il.''.' .11 (.(rOBtUpatioa or CotUvtntit. .... l"Nonaof the "atany UI. that fleah b hair to" tt to pre relent, to Utile understood, and to much neglected a CottlreneU) often originating In earelejaueu, ortadta tary habit. It II regardsd u t (light dkbrder, af ta llttie eonMqnence to excite anxiety, while In reality it k the praounor and companion of many ot tha moat fa tal and dangereu dlteaiea, tnd anlH early eradicated. It will bring the ufi'erer to an .ntlmely gran. Ajaong th Ught.r Tll. ot which CoillTenee it the utoal aUea dtnt are Eetdache, Oollo, Rheumatltm, Pool Braaih, Pilot) add outer of like nalor. while a long tiaia ef rightful dlaeatea, auoh a. Malignant Perera, A be i ate , Cyttntery, Diarrhoea, Dyipeytla, Apoplexy, Bpllepay, 1 Lijiwuicry, uiarriiuoa, iytpejiua, apopioxy, apm I Paralytlt, Ujiterla, Bypochendruuia, Malanckoly, Insanity, ftit Indicate their preMnoe In Iheaytu ana it item by thk alarming tymptoa.: - Not unfrequently the diataaH named original in UentUpatlon, but tana on tn mao pendent exktene. anlen the canM It eradicated In an Mrly tta,e. Proa all thu. eoneloaratlona, It follow, that the disorder ahoaid reeelT Immediate attanUon whenererlt oooun, and bo person ahoaid neglect to get a box of Cephalic Pllk 00 th firat appearance of tht com plaint, an their timely bm will expel the Inildlou. ap- E roaches ot diteu.. and destroy tbi. daoproul to to man Ufa. 'I i.,m .. ,- A Btal Bltttlcg. 1 ' yAptfotan.-l-VrcIl, Mr. Joan, how b that heaiPacteJ lln. one. Oonel Dootor. til iooI tht plil you sent cured me la Just twenty minute, tnd I with yoa won ia tend a. aor, to mat 1 caa hare tnea mtndy. I'hvtlcian You can ret thematanrUrurelita. Call for Oiphallo Pill. I find they nerer fall, tnd I recom mend them la til Bxet of -letdache. - Mrt.Jimet.-l .hall tetxl fur a box directly, and thall tell all my tufferinr friends, for ther are a real tlttt tatf.' (" . a. ' ... . .... 1 ... ...... . J ') .""ilj'K f -3 X ire..', .i.f-: Twunr MiU'OKtor Dotxta Sarao. Mr. Spalding bat sold two million, of botilet of hit celebrated Prapar adGlua, and Itl.HUmaUd that aaob belli mr. at least ten dollar' worth of broken furniture, that making an aggregato of twenty mlilloot of dollar racUlaing from totai loa by thk valoabl Inrentlon. Baring mad hit Glue t household Word, bt bow propotM to do tbt world still greater at rr Ice by earing til the aching htadt with hit Oephtllo Hill, and If they a. at good at hit I Olu.,Hectde.wlllioonrniihwylik.iBwlkjBly .ilk.. j c.... l V.... irT0t XIC1T.1..KT. and Uie menial car. and anal. tl2ldent to .Iom .Uantioa to butlntM or TtudyTare aeng th. anmerona eaneee of V.rroat Ueadaoba. Th I MftvkP Atala nf .itvd ami hititw lu ilanl ta tMtt A.m. k,VJ TiT I Li . ."T' 7-- g wsowilk vvuiuiaitltl m IMWtA VIVW Ultoll llCrKV BBI1 BIH' blUon." Saffertrt by thlt dltorder can al.ari obtain I 5Tr Xrtl!f ,'ro, ,the. itrMlog tttaok by wing one I Otpk11. Ple whenever the aymptomt appear. It ukk the overtasked brain, and soothe, the it rained tnd j-...B -. . -, . M vunu. 11 v.,. awreau44 thioh alwajt accempanlet and aggraratu tb disordered condition 01 in Drain. ,'4.4,4.1 , TII4. I. . -, , ; t J .1 irti ut 1. ..i.'j 'ii. Pact worth xhowiho. Spalding'. Cephalic Pilli are teerteln ear for tick Retdaehe, Billon Headache, Ntrroat Beadach, CotUMorta, aad G.teral Debility . 1 t '- n , ,, ., . UBIAT all ItcorrjtT. Amone th aal hnniuta.t af '.ll th great medical dkeororlH of thk age may be .oDtld ered the rystem of vscclnatlon for protection from Small Po, the Cephtlle PHI for relief of Beadaoka, and the On of Quinine far the nrarention of fetcra. althae of which k t sure specific whose benefit will be exnsrle ne ed by coffering humanity long after their ilitnere ra art forgoU u. , . ,. - .. . . -'. .'-... it HTPPliI pot .rer htre the Sick Beadach.) Do woo remember the thrombin j temple, the ferered brow, the loathing and tt tht Hint of toed. Bow totally "J1"1 " "? tor pleature, oonrenatioB.or ttadyl "S".01 b vepuaiw-rin weuiu aart reiteraa yea lira til tot suffering which yoa then experienced. ..For thlt and ether parpen yoa should tiwayl btrt tbcxof uaua oa nana t. an M oooaitoa Mquiret - i,,.,rf Br fbtkM of ttukt PlUt tbt Prtlodtoalawat iof -tUr osm tr Slot jAltadKAmHmtrrtrti,tmii aad If ktktn at th warnHncataent of u tttaok lmxatdlat nliaf from ptluand kokntu will, btobtaload. , .1( , , They Hldom fall la remorlng tbt Xtwtta and Emd- ocA to whloh tomaletar tabJot.' ;-; They tot gently tpsn tat bowelt remorlng QHv- ast. " ' - '- la. .4 for3 tUMvttrtr Mtn, ' Bitdmtt, Ptfeattf total, Mid tUitwDt rtVtnarp Aaittt, they krt-ytlatUt tt t Lomotil. Imprtrlnf tb. DptOU, glrtcg fc and ettfor tt tbt digest! r ofEtat, tnd reatoring tb. natural ATAyvr w uie 4"t.""' v4Kaaa, ana rwnoruig THB UPHAUQ PIIJ.B .rt tbt rtnUI tf tonf BlTtf ttgttlta ttd CrfBlly oondaottd txperlmenta, btrlag ta ajt many ycart, daring which timt they hare ran 11 sd aad relieved a ratt amount of pala tad tuffe leg final Uoadaob, wkCi orltuiitlrf ra tharoot ratlin or frta a dttaogtd state of Uw ttofMchr- qTxiytrt tntlraHi regxkbl. la their toaperltlni, tnd Cty M taken at all tlmtt with perfect iifely without toaklnr tn thangtof diet,, and th abemot of any ililirtaH, tatU rtndert taftomdminiitmrOitm to tUMXftn. ' '!.flA,.i,mnMVn..a(4 V I IjaWAftr.V" VVV114BI4BI . Th. renulne bare Are .IgnatnrHOf Dwtry 0. Rptlding , A Bo win M-mtnymai, pnptia, oa tertlpl af tba ?l!OOi a CJOXJLta. au . .hoaid b MdrHtet u '"'"li."' -lit , -I ytsunatH sj, Bt-Aa.a.lI.'Vtt, u a c ro.V WewVkrM,