Newspaper Page Text
. . fci ' ' . v"V -4-f 'a . .TCLtyZ ITV - iiiiflUoiiUt II.!, 't I J li"V. IVi tfj y i, r 51 .Ml'ioQit m .,(.( ,( .!.?..:. 1 1 'i i a . , i , . nil Fi i : , , fc. r -, i.i i ,i -..i F" I'l'l P I. i . rr ay. -., ,y n P ' 1 1 1 70L. .VII. NO. 229. : NEW: SERIES. COLUMBUS. OHIO. SATURDAY EVENINGi 'MABCIt 2. 18G1. !' i S 'il..: I " 1 . -J' I ,l.r - -'i " f . , i BIX DOIIABJ FH TUB laroriablj ia AirwlH -i 1 in 1 l'. it 0 A1LT.T2I.WE2XLY AM) WEEKLY MANYPEriNY & MILLER, , ' I UBUSft'l fel : AHP, ?B0?BIgI0BB. ID- Offle JlOf. 86, SB nd 40, lortk Hlgk It . TBHMB INVAKIABLY IN ADTAMC1. tfkily , . 1 8 00 pr jMr. " ij ib Carrlor, per week, U) amta. WwWy. . . . 1 00.,, ft rui At AdrertUtnf bf tk MnuN 1 en...W 00 One " 1) motthi 18 (JO One ' nonlM IS 00 3ne " 3 month! 10 00 One tt monlhl 8 00 One . 1 month. 00 One iqati t wwki. .4 00 On " 1 ikU.. 8 00 On " 1 tMk. 1 75 On " Sdtyf ... 1 00 On " ' ld ... 75 On . . " .. 1 InMrtion .60 Dliplkjrel adrertlMment UU nor thM tb abor Adreitlaomente letdM and placed In the eolmnaof Siwlnl Uotlcee," double t ordinary rattt. All uutlcei reqntrto. to be pnbllihedby Uw, leffjnta. If orilered on tue Inuae exciimveiy um us onitHi pec cent, more thkn the abor ratei; bat all iooa wll in the Tri.Weekli without ehirz. BaihMCardi, notexoeedlug Ite line, per year, ln itile, t'i SUpor line; ontalde B'i Noticesof meeting", chart 1 tabic Lie ooletiei.flr eompaatw, o., naif prtre. J U transient adttrtUmMia mW t paid or in tlvanct isrnlwlllotbearldfrn. Weekly, nni price m the Dally, wher the adrertlaer Me the Weekly alone. Wher h Bally and Weekly a re both need, then Ui eharg lcr th Weekly Will b otir thentu of tha Daily i i IS. No adTertleement taken uoept fork deflnlt prlM. BUSINESS CARDS. E AGL K B RASS WOR K S, i . Corner Spirt r dc Water iU. OolTTrtOLloxxja , Olilo W. B. POTTS & da, MAOniXISTS, " AslMitnaracturen of Until and Oompotitlon Oaatlnre, ( f Inijbtd Brut Work of kit DeacrlpUon. ; , Electro Plating and Gilding!! STENCIL CUTTING, &C. febl 0-dly F. A.' B. - 8IMKUJ8, ' Attornoy nt law AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Office AiuiMt Building, oppoelt Capitol Bqnar. 1 -ooxjXJaiaxTo k a Machine Manufacturing Company lv 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 K 8 0 w 0 0 a V c .i 1 STE Ail ENGINES & BOILERS, .. .Lit 'mi' - - - -1 -..! - : ; t.' e tT ryiir BMOkirno.' - ' 0UAS. KHOI.' fcHrp' ' " ' F. AMBOBT hfrfl'--'-.' ; 1 Winter Arrangement. Little Miami, Columbus & Xenia RAILROADS. For Cincinnati. Dayton 4 Indianapoliit Througli to lntlianooli withont Change of Cra . and bat One Change of Can between fiflipmhru tod SL Loula. .... THREiS' TRAIN? DAILY FROM Ct)LUM . . ... BUS.. '', J . FIRST' TRAIN. " ' (Dally, Monday otd. ' NIOBT IXfKK.88, via Dayton, t 8: a. m.,ttep Dini at London, Xouia, Dayttn, Ulddletown and Hamil ton. arrlTthi: at Cincinnati at 8:20 a. m.lDayton tS:4S m.. Indianopolli at 10:8 a.B.lkt. Louie at 11.J0 p.m. l .t SECOND TRAIN., A0001IMODATIOW,at :10a.m.,itopptnraall hv Horn between Oolnmbo and Cincinnati and Dayton, ar rlTinir at Cincinnati 11:03 a. in., Dayton at B: U a. at., IndianopolU at 2;S8 p. tn. j ,r , ; , THIRD TRAIN. , DAT SXPB48,at :30 p. m., itopplnn at Alton, Jefl.raoa, Loadon, Charleeton, OeUrill, Xenta. Bprlni Valley. Oorwln, Mono. Derald, ffoeMr's. Lonland. Uillfordand rlalnill. arrlTlng at Cincin nati at 7:S0 p. m.l Bt. Louie at 18 m; Dayton at i:3i p. St.; IndlanopolUat 10:3B p. mv ; f leeplnar Citra mm mil Nlfrht Tralna f tJAnclHttaU and IndlanapoHa. f ; UACGAGe' cnECKED THHOVOU, For mrthay Inlormatlon and Thrwih TiekJ papply to 13 Agent, Oolnmha. lift I I r a V C fX U Ju 1 V A I.k3aV ' FANCIES. " fut'b a 74 tf foryoor fJtTSBAND '. '! Bank uysneiMd for jooi Wi iiri. ; Bock as art Jopr ' '' D AU0HT1B.. Bach a yor SISTBB will pratt yoa tor. ,1 :Jn ; 8nh tt roar BROTHS a mM. -Bnon as m wan fbr-IHB ONI T0U L0VB BEST.' Bach as will be flooa for them,KB3I BABT." Bneh a all tl for. "7 4 ' . h fnnnd Iri Varletv. In o new stock of . f nrA.TCHtB. , chain.' :3uxrr.hnj, -.tL!-. i. '.MjATEIk GOODS. , .r-i-l- .AnKentral awortinentor'?' ;' $ 4 Fancy and Uisful Articles. OT, , i N. 10 Boekero Bleak. Dtrenbte. 1680. tr . . -; .ci.'jjuit Beoelvedl Krtl hp: Oil 6BEGH and BLACK 1UU TBA tOO bag. prim Blo Obne. tftO pockeUold Dntoh SaTemment JaraOoffe ttrJfy!ll?iA!Jl it MObbl.. Ue.e and WOj M&okere ? ' 1.4? V . .... P ...4t..v " IpT O ,;L'. I UU O. , JiO hf, bodo " oo 'lOOarifc do11 'd I'll kB '-.iT iWI ill" inn ii'ninr.. AtfTerant bnndi and trsd.;? ! boVJ, . 7 ' ' WM. McDOWAtP. LL 1.1 POWER3 dialim in mroaras and dohcstio CIOAKS, .'-)- lOBAOCO '" i - i - BjrrJir. t fw'-Ti 1 ' l " awa ..Ho. lltata Street, between H1(rhad , r .... . i, . n m . hhs . n.y,. V. Ihe Poit-omc , wui.vmi ' it- . bob:owi .".JA .il..-VAMlliV ifLOUH. -tifiiiiilwiuBAIiJBnAHDEn I'M 4 , abzfe a 3- afxanEwnyj; ; from Barnett MUH," Bprlnitteld, th bett brand ttoor broaiht to oar o..i..... i., -iiJSMidav Presents." a i .xna. n.l.tMFS. mKRINOB J t ,j.i l '.KS lUiie Sll.l.,-n4 all kind f fcii.lonabl ..( . I. fl I'lHI .'(ill .1 W art aow,r5riutTerj lowprlo. piTin BAIK-' R. WMimUitmt. dSl. AOTTTJAL -PROSPECTUS f . I . ' ft .. t . 5 . t i -. i .!'... .... ,, ,.. M !,, ONE DOLIiAR PREMIUMS'; TfftV WEEKLY OHIO STATESMAN IS PRINTED ON A. ' 3VC -A. 3VE M OT H S 123 T7, I . V AT THE LOW RATE 0FJ ! "' : "n;' , v : ONE DOLLAR PER":YEAR! ! ' PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. . "" ,,, , , . . It ia an old and reliable Demoararie o Snpcrlor in Ohio n addition to it politioal oharooter, it U a first GENERAL NEWS OF THE DAY, ; An epitome of the etirring erenta oomtantly occurring at home and abroad, and ehoiee miaeel i laneona leleotiona. It also gives the latest and moat reliable ' From all the principal marts of Trade and Commerce. ; The Business Man, the Mechanic, the Farmer and the Laborer Will each find their taste and interest consulted and attended to in the columns of -TJJLA2I "WJnTmZLTaSr OT.T3ESQ3MCja.N". ! Daring the session of Congress and the Ohio Legislature, the readers of the Wiisxt Statks mar wilfbe furnished with a ooneise report of the aoingsof each of those bodies. "' ,'; :. - Daring the past year, the circulation of the Wbuly Statesman has increased very rapidly, being now more than double what it was twelve months ago. It is our desire to extend it eir oulation, not only in Ohio, : ; ' :r : ;.. . But in all the States and Territories West of TJs! . In proportion as it ia diffused among the people, it usefulness will be increased; and we Invite our political and personal friends to aid us in giving to the Wsmclt 9tatsmai The i Largest. Possible Circulation Among the people. The price of the paper is so low that no Democrat need be without it. As an inducement to friend to aid us in increasing the circulation of the: Wuslt Statssxait,' we will Eire i .: ''-; -i A PREMIUM OF THIRTY DOLLARS 1 T To the person who will, by, the' 1st day of ' January, 1861. send us the largest Club of yearly .' aubscribers, with the eaah for the same; TWENTY DOLLAR to the person who sends us the second largest Club of subscribers aa aforesaid; TEN DOLLARS to the person who sends as ths third largest Olub of subscribers aa aforesaid; and to each person who sends us a Club of ten yearly aubscribers, with the eaah for the same,, we will send a copy of (he , , , ' Weekly Statesman One Year without -Charge! ILT Those who are willing to compete for . the Premiums, or solicit subscribers for the States man, ean out this Prospectus out of the paper and attach to it a strip of writing paper, on which to record the Barnes of all persona who may become subscribers. , -.'y'.. . X -. ... i. i if! til PER ANNUH ! FOIl - CLUBS ! ! t - . Journal, and, a a politieal paper, ha or any other State! olasa newipaper.fnroiabing iU readers with the MANYPEMY & MILLER..,. , '.rCBUBBUa OHIO trATl&BUf. - of .-UAMES.' STONE'SBAZAAR. : No. 4t t Gvynno Block. A. P. STONE & CHARRi ABENOW BECEITINOTHEIK H JBK GOODS, and loTlt lh public to Inepect tbem.l No inch etock of Oood bw ever been brougni to tbla markrt. Tb Booth, to oMea.ueac or in i.iiut of the grain crop, ha not ben abls to .pnrchaM th ne nal quantity of rich gooda, and this fact baa forced the Importer to nil them at publlo auction. Our buyer (Mr. Stone) being In New Toik at thet Urge sale, took adrantai of them, and w ean and will Mil oar gooda her, at lew than any oc who paraned two weeke ilnce, paid for them In New York. Our stock la complete In erery department of , 'J . ELEGANT PRESS SILKS,.. OTTOMAN VELOURS, -' BROCHE VALENCIA8, PRINTED MERINOS, PRINTED COBURGS, i DYED COBUGSs BLACK ALPACAS, ...... ORLEANS, FANCT WOVEN FABRICS, ALL WOOL DELAINES, , , POPLINS, PRINT3, :' y ,.;. ,. ; ; ,7.-,.delaine3. SHAWLS AND CLOAKS! Five Thausand bollars Worth Bought in' One Day, . , , At eme ttalf the Coat ( impoitatlon. ladies:; FURS, In all VarleUea )f tlia Celebrated BXauiaifatara C. o. oaw tuera ft Sob. , HOSIERY iFPARTMENT. Hen'a,IdM end 0Mldfs Under Bhlrta and Ptewen; Udles, Mia and Chlldiw's Hoatory of all klnda, In Wool and Lamb's Wool; I leocy Lined and Cotton Qlovei of erery make. ' 1 ALSO ; t ' !. , .. ..' f A oemolete assortment or an toe nsuat vane. ilaa nf .i. .r..l T.ADIES CLOTHS. CASSIMKKU9, OVERCOATINGS, ; . - TWEEDS, FLANNELS. ,n.AS )U , Iftdiet'aidaejit'BLliieuCambrlo Hand kercnieft, o., &c. ..- (tV. uu.a ia ' a If U 'aa. we otadc oar word to sha tbaa the laigMti beet and eheapeot ttook of Ooode mr ma ia thla sark er tJ then on dollar per boor while looking. ... . . , . dtel-dljlMawJtw ' ' i)eiunua' OiileW HllL Mil I HAS, : .1 QOLDBH HILL BH1HTB, - r GOLD N HILL BHIRTfl. Th pattern of thee Shirt are new.' - Tb Bodtos, Tokts, mww eo " vm pnw. ww ipob , each en detlgnaUog tk( ai ma b railed n atbtiag orrect,.and eacbthlHli raaraaiwad. w.11 mad.' A 7uU: stock of all qaalltles oaekantlgtoranlsat - : .v .jUIJ 8, ajawiiv:? '" -( " t" So. M Booth H:yn trt. . vatches and Jewelry, , , rlwiriiabB'rwBirror watch a. 0 lociSvJewtlty.tilTerwar, ku kJ. constant i'.?A5 V JT'JT.I A ru. KTBKPATBIOI'Br uri.iS ki- WoiTBS, Benfk High Btnek, 0iambas, 0 ' Trwtch And o lry repntrtd . . .. .j AAIk tl ' B " f-KJt. .1 .fAJtUlt tiajiBI Diuag, W. an now oferlni our Immene (took of raney vreaj !..r5T'riw tann ord la tblsoity. Ihi attrition of th. ladles this lt, and. rlclnlty olldted, a ouretoci n rery ? Madlcal Paraaa. - pTJPl PAITDTtTlS. WINBB. CORDIALS, AND BIT 7?. .; WM. McDOWAtB, now ton Booth High ! irSL'i V ti l ' ' . a. A i l.triE SllH of lgu uailU ferL4HWValn.lil)W.!,JtS a pin nwv w ; v talB . . .. - flllN'H Is -NAMES.: OHIO STATESMAN Nos. 36, 3S at 40, North High St. INCREASED FACILITIES! HAVING MOVED INTO MY NEW BUILDING, I HAVI I t Ga-rocitly TTn 1 qygoc3) : ..." MT . BOOK JOB DEPARTMENT! ' WELLE BOTH HAVE BEEN J - REPLENISHED THROUGHOUT 1 with r. ', v . ; - ':. New Types, Borders, Opaments, &e ,: VE0M TBI OBLTBBATId' TOTJNDBT Of "J C.-T. WHITE & CO., NEW Y0EZ, IHTJB atAsma IX XH1 Most Complete ' Establishment u..""; in'-.thk fjj"; CITY. ni mi ii I am now prepared to Execute all Orders for BOOK AND, JOB WTH? D IS PAT CHI w. And la tU Most Approtad Styiaol the Art..' i-, i" "' ' I . . ill i I I -'j t lu 1 . PABT10CXAB ATTENTION . PAD) 10 ' .' C .; MERCANTILE AND. RAILROAD 3P H. I NTI ST Or . Bill of liaalnri ' Circulars, BUI Honda, ' , Blank, Deads, ' Cartlfloalaa, ! v Hecelp. . .;. o .' : ? t . rar A ioKeMi (,,.,, uecistora, HOW CAKDS BILLS LN COLOJlS; 0HECT8, rr :'" CARDS,' ut ' i .. j t, iripaTirana. bTOTXbY ' :i ;1 ' ENTKOPEB, "i ' "' W 7 C0STRACTI. ; i Illustrated Show Bills, FOR COUNTRY MERCHANTS, Show Bills, Hand BUI,' tahels, Coaesrt Pro grammes, Benool ana College schemes, bo , tel Bills of Fare, InviUtiont, e. BbolsrWbrli OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Ichool and College CaUtlognesr, ,., , ... )" , MUaellaneoat Pamphlets.. , Conttltntlons, Reports, Briefs, s Painting - In Gold -MmCbvin ' 1. ii" ! ' " ) ? r'rtleif ,t'-ny atei'lir' Every Coec on Vr'a" f Ilaiiimoth Hop Cylinder The only;Pree of the klni In Central Ohio, . Hp fkdlltiM tot doing any and all of the above descrip tions of work, are now nnturaaatsd, and satiafaotton will be ruMdnteed In all om. - y -. 1 - JV I&AU work furDlab4 promptly by th tta Bnmltsd, ill ntflit Dly"4k--"-,! Wkly, pr yea i 1M RAILROADS. [From the Louisville Courier.] A Ballad of the Day. AIR—YAHWEH DOODLE. , CmI' Abe had ion to bed , Th night waadajk and rainy- A laurelled algh-p hi head, " - ' ' 'WaadowalaiFsaaSylaanr. . ' i ; , ATaVa-Unky Mfla i earn to town, ' Ianigbiand irlod and rain, sir, Wrapped ap tn a military cloak, Vjfoa apaciai, au AndtbrhUy,fntaietfor; ' Not apprttandln' danger. When Kur el Sumnor ope'd tbtdoor, And uanered In a Mranger. Lanky Llneota, c. i . i i .. t i. .it ' i ' ' In strngr winked on of hit cyei, fays be, 'I'm a trar lln' prophet; I torn toil aoa.Boddtlo, . ; i. '. i . , '"Jeff! DaH behaa Met a trap, ' ' ,'i - And If It don't aalaawry, ;. loiteadof goto' to Pool Bam, , Be'lleendjoa to Old Harry. 5. , , Lanky Ltowln, c,7 . . ,1 . . .7 ,.( . . I few .J.-" ... , t. i h Vpoetomorro'm!n ' put . . ', Abomb-ihtll and torpedo, i Likewlt aiMBiloe, eight or feb, . As many aeysuoeed . obi '', .. Lanky Lincoln,. 1 . f i-c . , "Bfildee. he's tied upon the traok , A roarln'ball of Vaaban, '"' And when th train roni orr him, ) l kty yl won't tier be imea : lanky Llaooln, Ac. "And then they'r got torn cannon there, And 'II blase away Ilk thunder, - And spll yonr whole tea party, and . i. Llkewlie your let of plunder." , Lanky Linooln, ft. , . . , , , The stranger ceated', Ihe itranget doped, ' And up epake Mr. Judd, alrt Jth SlT Power'ealuryou. Old Ab Tkey Bao to bar your blood, air"', . ... r , Lanky Lincoln, ft. ' Then Knrnel Sumner np and spoke-. ' To tear run from hit y. air. "Take a roldler'a advlct," aaid he, " 'I think yon'd better fly. ilrl" - Lanky Linooln, ko. '' '! They went and t a epeclal train, . ; At midnlgbt'e lolejin hour, And In cloak and Scotch plaid ihael, He dodged from th blare-Power. , Lanky Lincoln, ate. Thai Ab dodged Into Waiblngton , ' ' lor bli Inauguration, Inamillurycloakandahswt, ' " Becoming to hit atatloo. ! 'I Lanky Lincoln, Ac. Now when th Wide Awakes go Booth, -(I make yoa a assertion J I only atk If Lincoln leads - .1 Tb army of Coercion? . , : , 3 lanky Llnouln, ko. - , Will he bring Judd and Bnmaer, too, (I atk for Information.) Andsomaapooatpecial train, - , -, . To whip the Southern Natlonf ' " Lanky Lincoln, ftc' American Antiquities. i From unanswerable fact and -etatlst'os, 'It Is erident that tbe great Tallejs of the Ohio and Mississippi were one tbe abode of a migh ty nation clvilixed.rcfloed, warlike and bra re descendants of those might? natijtn to whom we bare alluded, and who settled i0 this cann try long before the appearance of the iariour apoo the earth.' ' " V ' " " " , Near Leslogtoa, Eentacky, art the remains of an ancient catacomb TWined In the Solid rock of limestone. This cariosity was discov ered In tbe year 1776, by the early settlers Of that conutry, in montn oi in carein wa Carefully concealed trittt stoaei, whiott.on beinf; removed, opened into ear Of immense mag nitude.-. ' v- r ' 1 ' " j The tides of this ipscioug apartment were (oiidd, upon examination, to be cat Into utcbes or compartments, occupied by figures represent lng men. Bj lunner inresttgaiiou tnese neare were discovered to be mummies persons pre- terred by the art of embalming, and exhibited a state ot Derfection equal to that known at any time among the Egyptians; you will bear io mind that tbla art waa practised by that people, three) thousand four' hundred and seventy five yeara oreviona to Ibis discovery in Kentucky,' The catacomb was Capable of holding two thousand subjects. ' v.'' Again, there Is foucdon tbe Ohio, near twenty miles below Wabash river, another remarkable work of antiquity. It ia a very large eave, With smooth perpendicular walls, and a level floor. The walls are coverea witn nierogijpnto n gures, cut ia solid stone, and are well executed. Among them : are representations of animals unknown to the present generation. This cave ia one of tbe greatest curiosities on the Ohio, and Id connected. wUb a dark, dismal cavern, nearly the same site, which is located directly above It, and which ' ia accessible through a chimney-like aperture. When we view me ancient mounas ana toman of the West, we are lost in wonder, Id view of the number, magnitude and obscurity of their origin.' There are several ' hundred of these works In thevallejsol the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, and some of them are found to be filled with thousands or human ekeietons, Indicating that they were places of deposit of the dead. Thev also bear tbe appearance of having been contiguous to some large and populous city. . many strange ana cunou antiquities nave been, from time to time, exbaned from these moupds, and it ts most significant, thai, in a great majority of laatances there exists a remarkable resemblance between these relict, found in tbe nineteenth century, and articles ' which are known to bare been need among the Romans, Grecians, and Egyptians, before tbe days of . Cleveland Plaindealer. How Much Money There is in Great Britain. Aa so much interest exists at present In re gard to to the eoioeKO of tbe British empire, WW navel uccu a, auma yam. iu uuium relia ble data aa to tbe quantity or gold, sliver, cop per and bronse coin at present in circulation throughout Ocet .Britain and Ireland. Tht facts na ngure .resulting i.ora our inquiries 11 Is our purpose no to give 10 par resaeis, in 1816-17 a complete re c .linage of the silver ear retior of the United Kingdom took place, and as meet of the gold eoina of a date anterior to that period have become or Jignt weight, aud found tbelr way oaca to tne oruciwoa : 01 in npyai Mint. II will be well to commence oat sobrl statement' tVoaatlSl&A.It appears, then, from cflclal oeooniBtbat there aave been usued from thenfltlsk ' Mint tlsc that year, and np to tht pKSent uomtnt-.s.n tn 0fi o Donbla eorerelrnl.... 18,119 SoTrtgo- & .... Ua,. 4,136,071,696 Half srslgTs......... ...,,,. 8d,oyJ,voj By far tha largest proportion of the two last named 1 denominations of money double sot arelgne have long slnoe become obtolete were coined during the reign of her present Majesty. The yeara IBM ana 100a, looted, were pre em. ineati nroiinn. in tne nret. no less tnaa avii. S53 391 in sovereigns were pressed into being; and the eecoiidyefrl855, nearly. aO.OOO.OOU came forth, from tbe mint in the abape of sold coins. 7 Tbs united productions .of ' toeat two veaR tnua garo lywii nuu io rmuoc oiurv tbas one-fevauia 01 uiw ounru gum ouiniga v ine wnoie attj iuur tu ,uv.uuu . . . Taking Into account the Continual Influx of light gold coin on the bankr and tta subsequent transference for re coinage trj (he sister estab- ,lihmeot ,on Tower Hill, and allowing for the ffii Iran uia nana: ni irota cam nn ilb war lu tha eont nent and other Datta or tbe worm, it may bo inferred that the boniber'of, piece of gold bearing tbe "Image and supsracrlptIoa"of royalty, ana cireuiaiitiK ib idii idobbouu vna of 1861 among her Mejestj'B, tlegee In Great Britain and Ireland, amount to at least 100,. nod 00a . Taking the. bonutatlon of the Islands buted, the gold coinsge would be oi sufflolent magnitude to supply every Inhabitant, young or old, with the s im of 3 6t. 8d; , ..,..;. Of tbe silver coinage oi tbe realm, results from tha testimony of official documents, and from evidence adduced by Dr.- Graham, F. R. B. r master. -of the mint, before the Dsolmal Coinage Commlsaioo. show that there are also In circulation among tne subjects ol tbe Quito, of .... .r ' . , Crowas... i,3ot7 Half crowns .... tlorlna. ,... - lO.VI'U.OllO Bhillllit 118.109 Sixpence 7tt.l4K.a78 tottroeiMes. 80.l4k.(r3d thmptpca 7,47407 In all forming a total of 5208,227.625 pleoe of silver money. The coinsge ol crowns, half orowns and fonrpenoea baa been auspended for many yearei and it ia more than doubtiul wheth er any more of either denomination of cola will ever again be attack at tbe Royal Mint. Coming now to the Inferior metallic currency, that of copper, and drawing from the same un impeachable aonrceeoi information, we find that there are do lesa than fire hundred millions of amoog os. Their total oarrenl value reaches perjoe.jtiall f e jceand farthlogt doing attire doty to a million and a quarter sterling, and thair weight avoirdopoia la 6,000 tons! . mi.,: Of tbe new broose money there have been is sued several hundred tons, or perhaps twenty millions of noin, and in time the entire copper coinage, battered, worn, unsightly and heavy as It ts, will be superseded by its moiegraoelul and omvenlent rival. If aix thousand tons of thaCjnixed metal", be converted Into pence, halfpence and farthings, of 40, 80 and 160 to the pound weight, tbe proportions of the new money, instead of coins weighing 24, 38 and 86 to tbe pound, tbe proportions of tbe old, why it is evident that the publlo will get nearly donble tbe Domber of coins, of a current value, from the-eame weight of metal, of two and a half millions of pounds sterling, iostsad of ooe mil lion and a quarter sterling. . From these statistics we deduce the fact that the grand total Dumber of coins of gold, silver and bronze, now la circulation throughout the British Itles, leaving the colonic out of tbe question, is undoubtedly not much less than nine nunorea million or aimoet one coin to each inhabitant of tbe globe. BaofisA Ptptr- Stray Money Letters. money, received at the Dead Letter Office durlDg the past year: -" ' Quarend'g Slat March, I860, 9,403 let. con'g B 13, 120 B7 - ouioune, irwi, x.nj't lei. coo g 10,177 4 1 30th Sept., 18bU,S.IP3 let. coa'g 10,97S 88 , " Slat Do , . ItOo, 8.33 let. con'g 11 660 70 Total for th year 1EC0, 8,790 let. con'g (33 1st 8S Are rage amount of money to each letter, 1 3fi, More than nine-tenths of the above letters and money bare been sent ont and delivered to th. writeis thereof. Those letters containing mooey, tbe owners of which cannot be found, are Died, to await tbe application or tbe owners. If not called for before June next, the bank notes contained in the letters will be sold for specie, and tbe spocie deposited in Ihe U. S. Treasury. But the letter and draft for the amount contain ed in it (lets the discount) may be obtained on proper application at any lime thereafter. Persons making application fcr micsicg valu able letters, supposed to have been sent to the Dead Letter Office, should address "Third As sistant Postmaster General, Dead Letter Office," ana state correctly tne address or the letter in quired for, the name of the writer thereof, des eription of its contents or incloture, the date when It was originally nulled, the amount of postage, and whether paid or unpaid, If reg's. wreu, toe registry oumoer, na 11 tne letter IS supposed to bsve been returned to the Dead Letter Office, the date when It was to returned should be stated. '. t Dead letters not containing tncloeurrs of val- pe are destroy ed aa soon as opened.M-ifoforeer tv. e. 0111, Courtships. i Courtships are the sweet and dreamy tbreshulds of unseen Edeus, where half tbe world baa passed in couple, and talked in whispers under the moon and passed on, and never returned. One of the saddett and most suggestive sight We ever saw, waa the worn threshold at the end of tbe grass-growing path, with neither house nor hearth beyond. Nature had done what She could to make that threshold beautiful; ahe had perinadtd a strsggliog viue, but till! it was a sad thing to look at. Tnere was no shelter bejondj no resting place for love and Lope; the root bad gone down In fierce surge or red flame, and so on one side as on the other, it wse a wide, wide world.' , That old threshold seems to us a dial upon which human sunshine came until the day grew dark and cloudy. We thought of the feet tbe little feet in red ahoes; thought of tbe couples that, perhaps, stood there, when there were door posts beside the thresholds stood in llhs mild moonlight when hand stole into band one strong tbe other plump and fair'. And we tbougbt or tbe cheerful errands that bad been borne over It, when glad feet cleared it at a bouud.or but Just touched it and glided Into tbe small summer day of home. And that worn threshold it like the days of courtship. there is a paradise Taylor. -HaHOBitTs. Great bumortat have genera Uy been rerv earnest men, very grave at heart, and much that they bave written is tragedy. In tht gnitt of irony All readeta cannot find this OUt . - :i 1 .. They cannot tee tha grief of life beneath Ite grim they oaonot detect the acorn or the pity that ia bidden la the joke or banter 1 neither oan they always nod out the Joke or banter that ie covered by a solemn lace; ana many a aiocero believer baa been deemed an atheist, because ha burlesqued Christians witq their own grav ity. : , .' it . , v.- n ambers ludse only by toe outside, and nev er reach tbe spirit of writing or of man. They laugh at the eoatorilone ot grimaoe, but or tbe my.teriee or mina or plans 01 neart wnicn un file tht eootortiont.tbry Know notnin.g They snatch their rapid pleasure, and leave unvalued the worth of him who gives it; and when they bave bad tbelr transient Indulgence trey have had all they sought and all that they oculd ealov. . .',' .' ".' , The relation ol many to tbe bumotittg it ih lustrated oy that or tbe doctor, on a certain 00 casioa, to Lietoa, tbe celebrated oomedian. Lis too waa aubjsct to constitutional melancholy! and In a severe attack of It he consulted a ia nous pbysicleo. ' '' " ' ' - :. ' "Urand aee Liistoo," tarn tbt doctor. "I am Liaton." replied he. : And thus the inner soul of a sreat humorist It often as nureoocntied by those woo reaa nine ts was the natural peraahality of L'ston by the dootor. flrarw Wttrs ta 4tUntie mntM). , v . ) m 11 c Faskiomaslb PABTtu.ft-Ia the good old dayt of tor grandmother) when soirees and eoqrer- satlones wouldi have soondedlike the dialect of Tlmoaetoo, and had aa mach meaning; at an Egyptloa hieroglyphic, ptrtlea and balls were given tor eomfort,- chat, and friendly inter course) a robber of -whist and a eootra-ilaBOe ware the order at tha e renins', a hearty tapper crowned the festivities of -the night, tod tbe eompeoy vera eband aaleep by . the time when the balls os the present aenerauan are oom- menoiDg Jd.n;0 f.A .L.,i0. -1 ..i.-i V) irlj " in those days ten or' a doseo ooupiee were looked npoa ta a goodly eompuiy. i-At preeent thev wouio be eooaioaraa as , aomparauvt eoi itndo, People then died oi old age, or tht doc tor at tht vosati consumption, dyspepaia, and Wghtfnl caUlogneief rnieaaaea,' only, known within the last half oentnry, new .dlmate ao dety. "Different manners produce different mal adies and eonsnmption arnee lesa . irom ou mataahaa irem habit. ;!j v-i - r r. iiiw :-.c No earthly possssslobs,-no . men tat eadow mento, oan aopply the place of religion) bttanit that alone brings sairattoa to man v 11 . 1 if. HBttRsne t h seem inc. i-jo btua, K. lPkkltdHerrlnn In tr, tor eaM :: ... ; 1 .... kiaaiRJ.8rriiAUX..'!, hW Jt Horn jlijh street: a GREAT SLAUGHTER!;.' IN DRY 00DS AT 1 1... . 1 K NAPP'l & GO 'S NEW STOEK From and after this datt we shall - REDUCE: THE; FRIGE OF OUR WINTER GOODS TWENTY FIVE PEn CElVTr '.' i ORDKI TO MAKl KO0V fOj OC7t t. "f . f i. - V I , : ', C. f3'; SPRIKG.ST0CK. Our assortment is still good, and it is known to every f '1 r. i 1 1 bis : . ' one that our :. , TOOK , 1 OON8IBT8 Of . -tl FIRST CLASS GOODS. WE ARE DETERMINED TO SELL, SO DO NOT FORGET - THE " V CflEAP STORE OK 7 ' K N A P P & , O O . , . .;7.'.noii9;:;:. . SOUTH HIGH 8TBEET, : ; CJOXjTJUIIITJJS, ' oiiio. .. -i u S'Tentef Featntr and GO Taa at l ' " '; Bag Wanted ,J t ; octSJ-Cawd-ekw-Cni ' . :r" : ) - SOMETHING NEW, HOWARD & GO'S. amebic an: watches;- CAIX AT NO. 83, BOTJTII IIIG1T ST., and examine our new make f ,..-r . ,,,.,,1, AMERICAN WATCHES, - Dtburactured by E. HOW ABO CO , Ooetna. Hat. Theae Wau-he ar far tupeiior to anything ever offered 10 me puono, nereioiore. uaviog me Mctutive eienrv. I can Mil ittem at price to auit tha times. I have luat receiTca a largo atoca 01 . . . , " 7 . AMERICAN WATCHES, ., Btnufactand by APPLE ION, TRACT, Ac 00 ; alto, a fine aiaortment of . ,,.,,,,'. ENGLISH AND SWISS WATCHES, in Gold and BUrer Cat,, at Panic prices. JinSS W. J. BAY API. E. M'COLLISTER, . Wholesale and Ketall Sealer la , TOBACCO, SNUFF & CIGARS, . I '. t . . I ' A. . . .' J . ... j L r .. . No, 83 JrTiftra Street,; , . . PIT' ' SBURGH,' PaV Keep oatataatly liana all tha rm- nent HHAflbS I Xrb.-rpoxrtb3. Ols:ax0. Oct. MO , , S. DOYLE & CO. :(atM.-U , -viU-4, . 5 Mtnufacturera and Wholesale Dealers ia BOOTS AND SHOES, i Southeast Corner of High and Gay Bis'., . ' N"t3B BO,1; r'i'l'l ; coiitunncsto, ,,..MM...opibi '"A larg Btock of tine and Staple floods on hujl.'' y31-dtf : . .'! ' -v 1.. . . . .' ... -., ' Irih. Linen; Goods.':;;:::, WAKHAVtED FABKIO V." llnew BbUrtBt torn "Praia and fancy v' ' -'--- Bhlrtlog and Botom Linen. . - 1 , Linen rheetlng and Pillow Ctllngi. " " Linen Cambric and Long Lawnt. ! ;,'.; 1 i 1 Lln focketdiaada'fa, all tiats Linen Towelling and Diaptrs. llnn Napkin and DOy Ilea. , " ' Linen Table Cloth and tatla Damaaks. l ' ,,, , ; v Una Towel with colored Don! art. . ... .' Linen Bialr OoTerlngt and Oraah. ' ' t .1 , '. iV.rt: for sal at law riot. ..V ,r km '" Ko.BathHlghrm. ' rr- . .:. lad.'. Linea Pocket-HAadk'X. i . rrEninED STITCHED LINtiN HAND ll sercnMit, very wa oem. . kerchlefa. verv wd heme. mbreldered Linw Haadk't all price. -. (I ;.'i 'l lUmeud gtltohedand plain a. do. do "do colored border It, lloarolng do i.i black border ,1 m i, d , do nwlyl.rotatltchd. ; Mir .' Pfcln aed Hamd BUtehed de all pries ' Oomprltlng th mott aeleot ateortsentln the city and atlnMt Drioeav.'-.' vi" r BAIM toM, u Um -, . : ) r Mo, ft toath, Ug Street,, rm -;" 'i - wiWw w tunoijfw' re'.-J4 Dv,.-r lUAia a v, 11 nniirarai A OENT'FORnorai,,CONT1NKNTAi. V MainiaT Bacirnrrv. ar I Inrrm f ra la. Oo;' New Toaa; If ncMawrat and Orr fiaa a lUa-rroaa Haw Toaa Lira and Com. M0T011. Lira. ' Office, 81 High Kt.f Ravage' HI - u, ..... ! tsi'J 'u i.jiTlitjiSt-rj in if ' II I. Ml, .1. !!, I, , C vl'ij t HENHV K (Ell LEU, a ftale f Fhaloa'e tttmhll.hmont, H..1..J T'Oprtetor tn new i.ra vaeaioaaiu ananaa. uair uiuw 8bamponlngt Curling and Dreeaing Balonn, EaatBtai street, over in run utnc. wner eattarncrron wii b at ven In all tb various branch.- Ladle aai Children's Patr Prwewhrg datta to the Hot etyl. )y9l-dly -777 riMtK RTJBaCRIRKK IS fJEttlBOUtJ 4 ' A aloataw ak bla ab) btnrlnM at -nea, and bl Unt 111 perannt having unaettl'-d account on-Ul, booa W rJOwIS THETir.IETOBUY .t(.by:ij ie tt3 ar .7 r.'i ' , I j iA il ri isvrrn ATTiirrrnit ak. Inordinary cure by my , j PECT0RAI. STKUP. ' ' They ar at home. And an An. riifift.a AmkfM mh In. ealrtof tbeperaonwhohaTbeeneardby l TB. KBTBEK Tg PRVfPtnwT) ifV iv mru-m m. iuwus WITHOUT OHARQJ3, V0H Al TUOSB WHO NEED nra uinrnmn '. "rl lATTBND TO YOUR 00LDB A 'eats of nre"y.tra' Aandlng cured by DK. KEVSCU'g PBoIORaL SThCf . "''' ' PrrTtoa: Jan. ll, IfBt. ' Da. EtrarJt : Mr wife haa been afflicted with cough and difficulty of breathing, for tr or au yeara, which, for several yeara back, had gradually Inoreaaad lu ' violence. 1 b oomplalnt haa been hereditary, and th ' had bean treated by tevwel phytielana wttbaat any rr lief. Ia thl (tat of ber eaa. I procured soma of vonr Pectoral Cough Byrup. I bouchl. th flnt time, a flftv ' cent bottle, which relieved hr very much ; I then called and got a dollar bottle, which cured bar eatlmly, en ab hataM H Iran of lb former dlaraae, xoept weak neai. I would aleo ttat that I need tb medlcin any u .cuiubuq eoagu. in meaicin eurea m by tak on uoe ( a nree a etillr aatlratlM wlih awsKia, ana yon are at ubtxty to publlah this dwaire to do so. WM. WILSOK lUbllah this It son ) taa alia a I Alderman fifth Ward. ' ' Prrmmaa, Hov. Ifl, 1P58. Krrua: Although not an advocate 0f Patent Da. Medlcin,, la general. It affords m pleatnra Indeaerlba bla to recommend your Pectoral Bvruo. Aa a midu It u wall worthy tb attantlon of any person ho mav in any manner bt afflioted with 000, ha, cold, and boartenea 01 any una, ana lor tne peculiar quallflcation for r aoring all that disagree til aentatlon attending a sa ver cold. I 1 bare been, more tr lest. In my llf. affee'ed with th tevarest of ooldt and hoaneneea. At timet my throat Would become eocl. aed aa to prevent my epeakiag abor wnwprr. ana bj uuing a lew ooaea 01 vn abov Ryrnu wonldraller ma entirely. . . , .. . In rnommendint thl md!cln, I aabt anbeeibiUMl say thatlt la aha beat remedy t avar found, purporting to euro tb above, nor thould any family be withont this remeoy loraittaeei to prevaataa. . 1 .1 1...... ,,,1 Tourt, moet retpectfhlly, ID WARD J. JONES, Oaahler Citizen' Depotit Bank. 1 " ' i f I i.i 1 - tniimiua,0 Mawh 14, 1WB -I hart nted Dr. R jter'i Cough Byrup for a bad cough Of teveral yeara (tandiug. and can cheerfully aay It u th beat medicine for the ttmt that I bar ever torn. ' :U , . ; , ., . . ,;, . J. W. PRICS.1, V OOL. PRATT AND DR. KBTSES'B PECTORAL ' BVHUP.Da. Knaaa Dear Bin Xxcum tb delar of my acknowledgiag tbscllono of your Pectoral Cough . Byrnpaoonar. 1 tak gnat sleaaur in. atyiag that it la ' all yoa aay It a. Itkuocktdti noU out vj my cogA , and tb wont on lwaaaver afilicud ailh; I Lava uot tttt more thaa on-half of tha bottla. and I ean and do -With that atl who ar afflicted wotaid giv It at fair a trial a I bar dona, ana tb will be proud to aay.-'Ii ia t, quack medicine " 1 would not suffer another nch an attack for any eoniidcratlon, or at au coau I am coo ' fideot I ean breathe mora freely than 1 ev r did - I thall alwayacknoldg a debt of gratltud for inventing o. excellent a remedy. . You are at liberty to uae my nun In thia regard, a yoa tbmkpropotr JC. f . RTT 1 1 . . ' tleaaenger Common Council. fitUburiilu Pa, Pltttbnrgh, May II, 18SB. --' " K. a I mat aa unaar to iny fallow-ert&eoe, and - - ; who enteitaU deubu can cottault mt pcraonaily. .j .7 ( :; ," J ... - . Pirtoaeii. April 84, 1857. MAD TTTE TBUTH.lin. Kjrraax: (kavadaagh ter woo ha tatea (tyera) aatin. for a bad cou&h, withont benefit amoo 4 tbta Ayer't Cherry r-ectoral I iurcbatd from yott a twUI of yonr PBUTO.AL BVEUr.aud before tbe had need half a oottlo the we raliercd. Ihe Mound bottle cured ber entirely of her ' ceaitw . ...,- .-. oasotUM, 1 .. .-)... ,,! i BoWnson street, Allegheny. ' ''' rrmacaaa D tiembtr, 91, 18S3. A ORE AT CUBE BY Da, laklijKH'd TaCXORAl BTRUP. I lir In Peeblertowttthlp, Allegheny county. ' 1 had eeoaiihtn and toittlna. which Mwurodtl ut th 4th of fabruary but, and continued iirh! mostlia. 1 1 employed tha beat pbyaictan to ta ewuotrtv and soy cough eouttnued ana bated until early In October. Al " thai Urn I w adviaed u try your PK.CTOHAL COUGH ontttjr, wnicn 1 ma, anaaiur 1 bad taken oaa bottla I waetntjrol fro from th eouahlni and antttin.. I had deipaired of aver getting well, and I iblnt U thewM b known ut una -valuable reaedy will dj rot othera what . it haa don In my cat. JOuM 0. LITTLE, ' Wltneat JB. At. Ataa . i. . Peabla townhlp. 1. Patto Tr., AprU 14, 1857. A WONDIKfUti CURB Some ttin ago, an old neighbor of mine waa vary IU with a bad eoagk which every an aaupoaed to baooacumpiion. Bit relative told me that he bad taten every remedy they heard of without benefit; hi brother came to eee hmdi. and all were confirmed In the bel cf that he could not lira. I had about the third of a bottle af year Pcettml Syrup,, which i gtva him, and It entirely cared him, (0 the aatoo Ithment of all. What make th eaa more remarkable. I ih extra age of th man, ha being abuuulhty years old. I bay ao doubt the Pectoral saved bla lire. , - 'iauieiiriB;f. DR. KEYgIR'8 FEOTORAL BTRTJP IV BLATRrt- VILLB. Pleaaa tend m another to pply of your vala--able "Pectoral Byrup." aimoet vnbody aroaad ot haa the cold and are inquiring for "Dr. Keyaer't Pectoral Byrup."- We hare eoldalxtna brttlet lattweak.tuelav now entirely opt, Mr. A, Alter and Mr. P. Maher, both of Blalravl le, Pa , tell aa they would not be withont It la their families. Ia fact, all whs oit eoae want it. again. . Xonrs, ntpectfully, J. 8. WATTERBON h SOUS JanttatjJO.lSM. ;l Hiya,, 1, ANOTHER KEW OXRTIf I0ATS DB. KflYEBU't PlOIQUALSritUP-I had baea troubled with aooh aad cold lor atveral week o bad was it that I could not Deep. " 1 had 1 head Tie aad praavrlptioa from three 4 thktphjrlclnUi thedty. whom looaldnam,butd not do o. I finally procured a bottle of your Pectoral ' Byrap, which oured m anllrely . , tiiroed,. ; i. W. BlUONTOrT, . 836 Liberty street, Plttsharga, Pa , Jan. , J i '..vj, . ,.-. 'i '.i ' , 1 , BTor THAroorjaHiao."-'now i go itr "aa, to Xyet'on Wood ttreat and get bottla of hit Cough Pectoial, aod tf that don't ear yw, rarsaeiaat be daaaerata Indeed." thl It aspeeiaea of th colloquy on bear aim oat every day la cold catching period, of' tb year. - Aad waa. from actual uperiaMnt, , I- U th- .,Mur'..,ln.nnil. W . - .u 1 1 m. wa.w. wu ...v. IU II have tried tha Pectoral." tn a moet rtnbborn , with cnttrtataeoaM. Near two weeks ago we want ,) Pltiebargtj,. with nof th moet diatraealng. contrary, mullah, ua ubdttaW oough w rrer cjeeeion ataa Mtadvaati upon tbi mundane tphera. ., W eoughed ateadily aod laborloualy for one whole week, In hope of tiring it ont, bat It waa aa go Ia hot It aerated rather , bar kai proved by practio, and to have acquired ttrength, poten cy and dUtrmtbUity by th-opratlon I tht eugaof lhaMg, aaoaMd ear way M Kayarr'a, 140 Wood 8U procured fifty oent bottle of th "Pectoral;" took It aocordlog to direction, and In forty -eight hoar w ware) mttlnr nf 1ht f 'Ii. tT y h'-g uncindltioaally turreader. after a hrlaf but unequal conflict with ao fonatdabl an, advertary at Kejuer't faniou, "Oough Pttol.:V9rvw CHjyr, ft?,. It, ,85?.,' DR. KETiR'B PB0T0BAL BTRTTP le prepared aad cold ny Dr eKOKQ 2. jXaXU, 140 Wood ttmt, Pittsburgh, Pa. JTJ hold in OolantButbjrBiOBXRTI BAUTJIL, rpOOTHACHE KEBIEDT. 1 - .1 ', ' .-...J M-i-....., i) . .1 U-'itj 11:!) f v- ! ;.. 'l . , k9 ' ' . ; r . .t tut 1,1 Prepared and so id by -.mi , j it v...j:.t,.iio rn DE;.i();If.tir8tS,; I- IrMltl iJl !l-r 1 1 M urrle,eenta, k, t, UO.Wr tPUtatarlr ' ITT Sold tn Ooluabat by B0FBRT BAHTJILP , 4Ui3iawutrm.ri . , . ,. rBiLiv.posTiiia ! h n .1.; ijlall.r.'i)M IW ' WSTRIBUXKJd Bllilf?! rtj :'J .' .tW tl'rf v 1 r t'lfl tJ 'ft Vfltflf 1 K JOHiV H.' STEKLEY; ( wiiiattchd'to'ib;''1'-,":;'TV P08TK0 AKtt DKTi I2T?IIS0 k)-.t.:i Itrarro-r-.ttT r :s o r -'l' tJalt t.thtir.tlt mxL3 tiK7 Tins 2 cirr. cd .a I'd ,tt .,-..'0 "ff 'orders lift, tire BlUee' of (1 .WaW.r'b matlf ttttwaal lot, .-'' " ' f II -raalM - e -8-.,...ri,.,. .; , ... 'rj r m " b - p - i 2 , a " hi 3 o n r 2 S B S .H i'r. :-.'--Bi".---.-.'.?-'.-.;;Si;: :q.....:;.h::-;::::1;': " " " ,'V tr.