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NOW REJAX)Y. TOE REVISED 'slATUTESj OfTHl TTon. Joseph IL Swan, wvrff W3 W fiJCOJSlOM Ot. TUSSU "". .fUSilE OOVBT, (Contalnd l lwWaUe ' 0hl Wd 0W0 AKD RKMRRNC" ' rRl0R tAW8, BY I.K AN IKM J .,' I rCII I F etJ,F.Sq AND A FOIX M COMVMIMT lNDrX. f, f,o RojaJ 8vo- Volumes. P.ici tJO 00. Brov.7by" r U.;.n.l.o.. row of both Houses, LTwasoXed !. hi dittributd t. lhefoll..og ad County mcon-. - -' ' . inLdi. Sscre tor iw Folk - uBlh,not Ih . AUm ol the BUM of W -ta .. Thabook, to,0;"1";itD,irtooU now in fore, and W!rifa and of tb. Hew P"!?1'., "all V If UKtul la tha pfrfomane f their .hU'es, V . r . . citv orriou8. . ...., "i.k .... uu change have oe BMi J" th -SMJwKtoTa th.Ut kUUom. I J.- iioi addition, and ..baWbeea given b, ih Court m cob- If in lau Mi - .-- , ., .Jeeusoa aw biuiiim. .-- .m Uw PabrUhitr, ' Bookseller" pmtloners nd Iapctm - . .1 .ii.. u IT ml Fourth tret. , ,,. ts ' i ' ' "" ' TlTTD W erVXf- SATURDAY EVENING. MARCH S;18CI. The Republican Fugelman—Seward and Chase in the Cabinet. fho Ni York TTerU fcoDierTaiivo Repub lican thus ooea leading; editorial: "When th rtctOU bea and the manual exereisebe. m.u tha win of the soMwrs, nsnape irV . .Pwhom.ltJ. exp...-. diraeted, ana wnoee sutoe 'rrr - , T mast follow, ine fccrmana, w. "V"v"" - King Irrferlck; they aali him arJler. f rtamax mrmary. aeanght the whim that k maat be th fagelaaa of lb K pnoiioaa pany. asa SaTf "mTumT bla beat la ttajl Un bat Zl . .Ti . . M.i all dlaccnrwed. a ha eevnsteate Washing tew eee whM JJ Abtahjun Lincoln and hte awkward eqnad; aappose there ta. la all tlthea day, than onr trim friend with the military Bat tie) TTerM ii werj Bnglne that the aew AdainletraUon will not put Itoelf woder Oau- tn't tfaialiif t TbU point wUJ, bovcrer, M aademoch clearer after tht Inaogflral Ude- Uvered. and the new Cabin le duly ImataUeeJ. The sntcial aim of the white-eoaUd phllowpher of the JViiaee and hie-eqaad of coereion eoo toiratore "ba been to keep Mr. Siwaan oot of the Cabinet, and get Mn Ciutt bt the plaoe eaid to be aMigned te Mr. Sswaid; o "that failing, to eeonre Chi, at art erentt, a Cabinet ap cointmeot. The lateet newe indicate that Gil. tif hat been tuccessiul In tbi Utter alternative, and that Cmea uttobe Secretary of the Treatn r j ' ThU will, probably console the irrepree- a)Iee" whom GLr heedi, for therr dieap- pointnwnt at Lwoowt'l determination fa retain Sgvau in the Cabinet."' . ' ; ' :; iTbe point that GanLii hae aisle agaloat SAan U. that be wont ewsrlflse the Chicago ni.tfnM for th gke of Baeing the Union, hila LwoM.a and Chji wonld be disposed to sare the platform and "Ut the Union Blide." The ratrofJon of Seward in the Cabinet mint, I mime derreo. dampen the' confidence of the krepreeniHee',In .''Old Abe.", ;Bat it they tfaoald be unable to force the new Adminlatra- Uoette enter heartily into their Coercion and diwnlon tchemeai tbey may count, npon having, throng CuB, an antagonidtie pover whieh may enable them to counteract toy compromise and union teodenciee In -Sr. wain and other nemberB of the Cabinet. : I Bat the diBeppelntment and f cxation of the raaaarrative and Unioo-Wviug men In the Re- r.nfcrican and other oarttet, who bate looked forward with ctmftdeaoe and hope to the advent of thewew AdminletMiion, at the triumph of the varltnal GaxiLiT faction In the eeleotlon of Cauei.mnBtbe nimoefiaendurable.j, a Liwoou), in tbi matter , if ibe report be trne, hoi glr.en an muneat that hi aJmlnUlratlon Win lack that rmltr to essential to noceee, and be weak and vaeUlatiDgABat lie hee been twayed by hie strong sympathy for the 'lrrepreeelble" radical, which, it U toJt feared, will prove the blight and eureeof hie AdmlnUtntloni Of this, bower, he has M smple w?nf Pr- oept upon jjrecept and line epoo line" be hag been f oteearaed that to earn the title lie "cor.U, of fa second Wubihqtoh," and to da nnjthiojr efCectrjal towards reooostrecting and maintain iDg theUnioorOceven keeping the Border Slave States from seceding, he mast keep himself and bie Cabinet clear of the iaflnasce of the mad cap eoerciohistSr The World sail the other day; in the article from which we have already quo ltd J. I . V - . .,1 ' vr..i . ' "Mothlng eeold mora snraly break ap th Cnloa be h,a DinnM tha bud iota the bo rears at atvU war, and make Ua name of Abratmm Lincola caissd thraugh all htitorr. than th pnrmtt of a radical eat aUvery policy, and the aadwrganoe of aaeroe. In tolerant Mirtuaueheewenwaait the editor of the TNfrwn. ' ),; 1 ' i ' i ai i't Compromises. A writer In ths in'esvtlle Ceurirr '(W. a conservative Republican) lectures the editors of that paper In very effective and decided way, because they do not second aome reasonable propositions, or plans for compromise. He is by no means satisfied with their course, and thinks1 that 'fbic preservation of our Colon and Oararanutni is a atattor of greet moment, not only to us but to mankind. He closes his com. mnnioation thus; ' . . ,. tniar Is tha nmtrv to reeclT fress a eoainra. miss settlement of ar ditUcnlUeaf What results ate fallow that an to b weighed In a kalno with disunion Liii ate II war. ba!tlie. blnoiliihed aaS ttaentionsa", tea- ' ! frosin'tion eoii bHckruUy if knslnemf WlMlare 4 Ja K MAfaiiw by jpourrefuwlaocomiaTsmls with which you will eomnanml the wWoW for herwseua, th chlld- oontravrrm frlli tha Ohio Biatt Jeymml, that pjd rnv tneir orpnoar.ei nw yw wnow in moes wtce at-a an)nnii,ii putr, w mmrn j9mt fltteoc in a are wlutary, patrlosic, UaaralanS Chi istiaa direction: - Oar nc'liiOis of Bid Joanttl liars flittered themselves that they .were paragons of piety, " 3csrl!f J to fta Divine law as it evntea from Oiwrlin. and may therefore be surprised , Lsarn thst a Republican In tb Mivklognm Val ky thinks they are "wicked sod aopriLi-ii.led, How opinions vary I A Letter from Texas. j An lutolUewt youiljt fcotitUoian- native Of th ! a Citj who emigrated to Tsx since lbs Ut PresideulUl ttctiou. bu wrlt'ea 4 Ur to k frUnd, which hts beeu hmded to nt to 'make uuli'eitrwiit Trust tlor pltItottoa'U adg proper. The ltttw tu not deeded for (be pre, nd ou that tocount may bgritU ai tb moro valutbU. Ii li dated atOalreitoo, Texai, February 8, 18CI Wo exrac from it "I hT mo4 the tnUMiu pl Tory klendly, nl kT wot with U klndfst treiitmral whorortr I " bad aoj Ibiog to do wllb tbtm. 1 am latUAed that Iti reorU circuUlod Q ib oorlh about awn belog abaMd la Uio south, aro fab. I bare aotirod aanoa regUtfrad at evtrf bolel froa Northern SUtca, aid hire not seen or brard of any on. btlog ditturbed, or troa quoatioaed. "Krorf mihi hora that talkt is for aNesston, and I hare o doabt the Ordinance wiU be to ted tor by the peo la. IUuakrl wilt barea largo nuJoriV. TH P"P' hare lo and feel tha Unportaaoe of the Unloa. thsy know thty derlra a gnat auuiy baneBts from it, and they areuld really Ilka to eonlloua in it. But they bay been so sbsmifully abutd aod mitr)yrnttd by the Blwk Ktpnblioaa parly that Ihey dwi't want to IWa under Uis suae roof wlih tbea. and profoal filondihlp, when there li none eiUtlug. They bars bora told Ibat It Is a crime to hold tlsres and a sut r if ore God, and ttey do not want to appesr mutnal before Uis world with a people who eon Ida them urimlnala to say nothing of submitting to an .in.inumtion vhuee elomenta are atitatonlslio to erery feeling and interest w'thin their Hails, except so far es the rereaue dertred from dutiea at Boulbarn ports will servo to gratify their hungry appetiln for the i polls or oolce. ' ti it. . , -1 belleTS the extra aw bouu do aoi warn a eumpni Vhae want to eat rid of that nurltanical feeling , that has kept them In a disturbed stale so long and they think there le no other remedy than getting into another QoTernHsnt. They wonld rather pay a double lax to support a Southern Confederacy than to be trout-led longer witn tnai people, i aey wouiu vmtw ! " It, If ths North had made the slavery question one of policy father then of moral. 1 think that it would be inaane noea for the administration to (arer ooercloa. Vol these aeoala will Bint to the iastmaa; ana anas a. eenrse would only Involve tha country In a civil war. Vm aanaaar these oeoola Thev do not know how te submit to a policy that oonnicis wtin wna iney oonnuer and have been taught te believe their legitimate Interest. "I suDDoaa If there le nothing done in uongress av fore the th of March, that the country Is gone. 1 don t tapneso anything can be done nnder Lincoln's adminis tration, v ' ' i- V ,:..;"' It U too bad to neeaeountry Uka Ui 'all fertteh rraaoa nothing bat a political humbug. The tact Is, the only people that I have earn einoe the eleoUon who appear contented and happy are theNe froee. They are always la a good humor, have every thin the vuiL and do not care what the nrlee of corn is. It may be la their case taattmoranc it tUn; bat what arc we te do with thamf They are not capable of self- government. History baa proven that if yon leare teem to themtelvte they degenerate. - : 1- The Cause of the Escapade. 1 The Wsahlngton correspondent of the Cla elnnad OtulU professes to have reliable iofor mitlon that Mr.' tiittotw made his preclpllst retreat from Harriebnrg to Waeblogton on the argent representatioa that his tmniediate' pres ence in the National Capital was vital to the Peace Conference, ' This gives, the assassina tion conspiracy th goby. Bat that such a conspiracy was d laborer ed, it seems, is now set tled beyond dispute. The New York Herald tells the wey in which the startling discovery wis made: It appears that there ware two eats of most effective detectives sent to work upon the maitsr, Mr. Fonche Kennedy, of New fork at th Instance of Thnrlow Weed, despatched oa band of detective police to Baltimoraaad the latea-laylng paints bsureta that piece ana nsrostmrg, to ferret out the plot, end the Mdocij of Baltimore had snotber band aaployed la the same localities, neither ehiaf being aware ef the actioa of thaother. Ifthne.wsa anything to be aiacoverea uue emeieai comoinauoaor detective talent would be ear to find It oat; and so It did. for it hsppencd list the detectives fiom New York came Into frequent eesnannioa with the detectives froa Baltimore, and not knowing one aaower, eaca suppose that ha bad found a conspirator in tha other party, and forthwith nomas ended Is sympathise with the plot and draw hlsaomaaaicatlve eomnanioa eat, for the purpose of getting Information, a these wlee officials are wont to do; and so between them tbey unravel led. If tbey did not eeneoat, the whole terrible conspiracy against the life of Mr. Lincoln, which eoapeiiea hue to reeort to tne Scotch cap of the Camcrona and th long military cloak, la which undignified disguise he reached the federal capital with a whole skia. Ko sooner did Mr. Vooche Slennedv oneoeed la dteeOTeTtng this aural conspiracy than ha tamed no at Washmrton, la search of an office. we suppose, to which he Is undoubtedly entitled at the bands of Sir. Lincoln, who 111 he so miraculously preserved. . . . -. j .-.-. w v.v 17 That Bplendld swindle, the Oregon and Waablegton Indian War claim, has" at length gone through Congress, seduced in amount, but yet taking several millions, from the treasury already depicted, to fill the pockets of the Washington Lobby." 7 We said some' two yean ago, in the 5efcsmsa, that although this claim was bogus, It would still pass Congress, ths only ancstlonbewar one of time.' .If some member In the next Congrees wonld muster up courage enough to raise a Committee to ascertain, the final disposition of this money, and to whom it baa really been paid, some men wonld figure in it who are not. suspected of dealing in irauda lent claims, and the country might derive some benefit bom fta nponir.' ; , . ' " The faoillty with which dishonest and corrupt claims are put through the National Legislature is one of the worst features of the times, devel oping, ss it does, a degree of demoralisation among the representative of the people of the most alarming character. - ' ' - ''- O" Th rumor thst Senator Chshs was so tually going roto the Cabinet, Which reached hereyeateTdyrUrteJ' the fjoetIon at once among Uib"irrepres3lLlSsMkt td who should be hie suoceabr. During We afternoon and .even ing, active" canvas was carried so, the friends of Qor . DnwrnosT and Jean SkxsuiM taking the lead.p The friends pf sereral other aspirants ware alio pressing their views, while there wss 'respectable minority of 'ths domlnsnt party in the General Assembly, who were very in dignant at the idea that Chasi should have a seat in the Cabinet tendered to him. -- Mr. Lincoln's Cabinet. tu -..-'nil l:'".'..'.pi i ' 'V:.. ;m ?.! .. -.'i From the best information ws can obtain, the following i jths Calinetdetetmlnedtipoa' by Mr.LisuLM;. Secretary efBtaU.. ...... ..Ur. Bwara,of NswYork. Secretary of Treasury., -,. -air. Chase, of Ohio, aeorataryof War ....Mt, Cameron, of Pa. SecMary of Ue Navy Moalfeaaery Blair, of lid. ' Secretary of the Interior... Caleb B. Smith, of Indiana. Postmaster Genera! ..Gideon Welles, of Oonn. attorney General Edmund BsKa, of Mo. t Mr. Blaib may not go into the Navy Depart ment, bat la bis stead Wiima Davis", of Mary land, or Mr. Etrssidoc , of Tennessee J may take that place. V Vr'V-";1 American Enterprise not to be Checked. to Tha Dry-Goods Trade will pWeive, by the advertisement of LiTHsbr, LtmiNa-row 4 Co., of New York, that Amsrioaa enterprise is not likely to be crippled by sectional strife. .This extensive Housej with their ample means, have token advantage of the lata dull market in tills country aid Europe", 'aad, "by theft long exper ience, being perfectly eouvsreent with '.the tastes and wants of the" .country, bSve seleoted, and are now opening, one of the largest aid choic est stocli ' of ; Dry Goods ever offered to, the Amerloai trade. It will be seen t bat the prl- eest too are i suited to the times. ; The high commercial standing of" the Hon, their honor- able saetbod ef business, .nave, la jearepsst, given them an extensive trade throughout the Northern Stale; and, we doubt not, their pres. eat anoonnoemeut will attract ', rast number ot buyers for the Spring of 18G1. -1"ir uoaaacnow biuce the publication of last week's taper, we learn that Mr. Caeuv bu not been appointed Postmaster, that be Is only hold log that since as a deputy. . Ue is cooiidered tne uisca uepurmcao heir simarent te the hon. Holmes Co. Farmer, Feb. 28. Dr. Hall's Balsam. to Th!i tafe, pleashtit, and hlRhiy tfucaclous med icine has been fairly tested by our earn ctCssns, who do B" htnttate t pronounce is tupedov to all other Iltpeciorantt, for any wpaknees of the Respiratory Organs. The seersf CtU$ are cored by it in two or three days. Dr. Hall's Balsam. OHIO LEGISLATURE. Dr. Hall's Balsam. OHIO LEGISLATURE. ADJOURNED SESSION. Dr. Hall's Balsam. OHIO LEGISLATURE. ADJOURNED SESSION. IN SENATE. FRIDAY, March 1, 1861. FuMooii irjaiolf 1' nee"r .artt I . VVhe;the SJenste look recces this morning. of the Whole, was pending -the question bring on Its third reading, vlzt ...... - 3. B. 251 To regulate ilie commercial hoe pltal of Cincinnati. - '" k :.c iii ,l Mr. FI3H ER said that when he was at Cin cinnati, ha inquired Into the subject of this bill, and he was satisfied that the iaterests ef the col lege, sod all the parties involved, would be pro moted by the pnaeageof this bill.' .: u The question recarvingi the Dill -was pass, ed rf a nnanimotis voce yeas e, naysu; ar sent 10, ' 1 - '.:?. s !) i ;.n..ej , t .i.j.:; S B. 233--To sraentl the homestead exenip-4 tion act' Keieered to we Judiciary commit- S. li Por the renuval of obaH-uctlufas on turnpikes siut plank roail, with an .4aeu4 meet. Comuitteeou Road and Highways. . S. B. S3U TO amend the tax art or April 6, 1859. ' Judiciary.- .t a .! r i. 9. B 3tO-i-Te enable pnrohaeera v of - iauds in the - Scioto salt reserve, in Jsokson county, to obtain deed. Referred - to the, Jsuliciary committee,' :!'- :';'!. r,: Ui On motion of-Mr. STANLEY, the BetnUe resolved Itself into oommitteeof the- Whole on the orders of the day,; Mr. Cuppy in the chair, and after some time spent therein, reus aud re ported back the following bills, eoms with and some without smvodment, vist 'i , i . .i S. B. S4iJ To pwvidelorthe payWent of the State debt. , .vt:; n v.t ..n . -a Mr. 8MIT11 wished ' Ueiorsss Lis. opinion thsl the bill ought to pes. Us thousht it was time that the people of Ohio were beginning to realise that their public aeou were to do peia. There seemsd to be an opiuion entertained very generally that all a etate, county; city or village hag to do, when It has any scheme that require ths expenditure sf money, la to go Into the man ev market and Ret the neeessary money, and draw upon "potterlty for its payment' lie wae n ofooudly convinced that the greatest evil oi modern dvilisMioa I the system of publio funded debts Ine nation ot r.urope aresreaa iog nnder debts long since eoolraaied. . England owes an immense debt, aod tbere I no expecta tion that it will over be paid. Millions of her children are impoverished by the ornshiog tax eaeecessarv to pay the latereeC . i e - i . l.i'j i The Senate this morning passed a bill te al low the city of Clevelsnd to fund a debt or a hundred thousand dollars. : About a year ago wb Dsssed a bill to allow the same oity to hoe-: row hundred and eerentyflve thoussnd doU lsrs, for sewerage purposes Anotnerblll was Introduced this aaorulna to allow .Toledo to bor row a large sum to pay debt. ., Now ought not some stop be put to thia wholesale plunging In debt? Are we going to get deeper and deeper in debt for everT - - ...(; . . , . , . , ,' The Constitutton provide for a sinking fund to pay off the State debt It wis. a wise pro vision, and this is simply an txteujlon rf the seme principle., lie t bought the peopled Ubio would approve a slight increase of taxes to pay the tnbiro debt. Oar tubl.o debt will bs en hanced If this bill sl,ou!4 pass. - It would beau Indication tnst -uio mean, w paj oer otots. at might bs that Ohio will, herealler gsed money for her defence, and if so, the fact that the State is tree from such debts would enable ber to bor row money more readily. The history of fund ed debts, both in Europe and America, proves that it la much easier to con ti act than to de crease suea -debts. He believed Ibat heavy tax es are greatly to be deplored, but the beet way to ret along without heavy taxatiou is to keep out of debt, and be thought that it wsuldbs a first rate cximple f a the State to begin to pay her debts a little more rapidly. It would tend to lessen local taxation. .. -. " t He, la conclusion, earnestly btpeJ the bill would pass-. It would only increase the taxa tion about one-third of a mill on the dollar. And every cent of it would be used to pay the boaest debts of the State, aod would uphold ths State credit, which the State miy hereafter find very nseful. ' . Mr. HARRISON held that the Couitltutloa prescribe (Art. 5'Ji) the mode, in which the State debt shall be discharged The quest Ion i. BOt whether the credit of the State U eood or I bad..' A man may offer this bill, aod yet bs in favor of sustaining public credit. Tbe question is whether we shall depart rrom tbe constitu tional mode of discharging' our indebtsdness, or adhere to it- The people Bow complain of the enormous burthens or taxation, inere is a gloomy financial future before them, and this bill wilitoperats heavily upon tbem. : Ths 8th article of the Constitution directs tbe manner in which tbe debt shall be paid, so that it shall not bear heavily upon the people, and he,' Mr. H., was not willing to depart irom mat mode. The money which the people wontd be required to pay nnder this bill is worth more to thorn than the interest they would hive to pay on ths publio debt. Y ' . .Mr. SMITH contended that this principle carried ont would justify remiiUtlon. He thought that unless some mode of paying the publio debt is devised, more rspid in its opera tion than that prescribed in tbe Constitution, the debt never will bo paid. It Is wise to pay off tbe debt as fast as we csn, that we may be prepared for any emergency that may arise In the future. Mr. HOLME9 wss opposed to any measure that would increase public burthens at ibis time. He Was satisfied with the mods prescribed by the Constitution; nor did he perceive soy ad vantage to be derived from a more speedy mode of oavintc it. This bill involves i anew principle. When tbe new Constitution was formed the Publio Works were a source of revenue, but now they are a source of expense, bo thst tbere la more reaibn why tbe 'conitltutlonal mode of extinguishing tho public Indebtedness should be adhered to. " " Mr. STANLEY" said IfTrererenc to the con stitutional questlosi, the made of taxation de pend entirely npon the legislature. The qenewi tion is merely one or .expediency;" n-ac. - The bill wss reported bsck with a recom mendation to strike ont all after the enacting clause. Ksrerrod to tne r inance ttttnmittee 8. B. Ne. 247 To repeal the act of 1800 to enable tbe city of Hamilton te borrow money with a recommendation to strike mt all after the enacting elan ; Report agreed to ayes 17, nays lb. ids rresioent voted ayj ixii.,n - B. B. ' No.' 248-To ksep the nevlftatrfc streams of Ohio clear of floodwood without amendment. Referred to the Judiciary Com mittee. ' ' ; ' " ;!;;, e ; , i.-t ve '. 'srrosTS or staroino ooamrrriUii ' Mr. HARRISON, from the Judiciary Coat- mlttee. reported amendments to S. B. No. 304 Defining ths jurisdiction of the Probsts Conrt of Shelby county,' In criminal enses, lamrHo Geauga county and recommended eugrussmeot of the bill. Agreed to, and till read a third time and passed yeas 31, nays 1 . L 'J . Mr. ii AKKUJUN, from the Btme committee, recommended the engrossmentof S. B. No. 353 Supplementary to an aot making certain in struments of writing negotiable, passed Feb. 85, ltKU. Agreed to, ana oraered to .ne read tns third time tomotraw, .- ,.- V f;ll'i- - SILL IIITS0Dl)Ctp.,.1);Bt"f, . By MrSCHLEICIt S. B. 259TT'anvenl section A of tha bomeetssd exemption act, , r JL'f 'tWeWaei'e ajOHT').; Si'i gtW f ! j ;. 1 , On motion of Mr. kEYi the Woman's Rights bill was tsken from the table;" : M. MONROE said, for the sake of explain ing hte wotei he would any that what was said against the biUyssterday on the cubjeot of the headship" of. the family,! generally, met but hlswiswsj Hsbetiered. lt was ths Christian -view i " Tbe husband le tb hsad of the family. Not weeaseerlly Superior, because that ain't the question.. But bs did not think -aha bill Would haw a indenoy to induce women to set tnemr eelves p against the husband.' If he supposed wives would ge te setting themselves op against ths wishes of the husband, this ought te be fatal to tbe bill' But natare b) strong.. Be thought StfectioB would regulate this matter Nature i strong, and will tak ware-ot .liseltU This bill, therefor, he thought wonld elv opporta- 'nlty la extreme esses, in an abnormal state- of things, to women tonsaisuisiriamuisa la ex tria:d easea. w tie inongns uwc is a class er eases where each a law snay bs neefnland very few where it might prove prejudicial, 4Ie was not willing to do anything that would esese iav barsaeny us famili.' lie eould ?not perceive thw bill would have snob an effects t-xo .i-u m i Mr. HOLMES admitted this bill important, He could not -understand why It should be-eall-ed at by the author noon, the faeela v the even ing.'' Many 'adiee had cjcpresssd a desire to heat tbe- discussion, atti he was sorry it bad been called np at tun time. Mr. BREWER said portion of this bllUtruuk blm favoiitbly.but ho obje :;ei;.j part of the seo ond sod the ttiird and fourth otlona,1 becaute thev gave women the right of setting up1u baslDess in oppoaltion to their butbands, TUis seems to be icgtslatiDs; In advance of the wants of ths community. He therefore proposed the following amendmente wise ... Suike oat section 2 alter the word "labor" In Spe loar, ths following words si f n j 1"ijf Dsve Dsen requtref ui say trsae or hast, ness Carried on In her own nsme.'-" And also, to strike out of the same section all after the word "property" In the 7th line; also, BeotionB j(,enaoor ine Din. ., ,-!.,' ; v , " Mr X30I said J the adoDtion of tbasft'wauld destroy the bill. i Mn Kb, Y toped they would be withdrawn, as wo question was simply to engross. Amend' vents might be made on third reading. This amendment strikes out so much of tha bill as authorizes women- to earrw on a senarate trade ur ousiuca. , The question being op the amendment It pro railed yets 17, nsys H.' 'l ''J "' -J t Those who voted in the afflrmiUve were: -Messrs. Brack, Brewer, Cummin, Eason. Fer guson, Foster, Harsh, Holmss, Harrison, Jones, Leakey, Nswman, Orr, Perrlll, Bphleicb, White and President 17.,.;:;'" J;;- " Those who voted La tha noVatUe wore: . , . Messrs. Bonar, Ces,J'ieher, (aat&eid, Class, Key, Mcbaii, Monroe, Alorss.'rarish, f olwjn, 3mitn, Hprsgne, aod Stanley u. J laweiuu) wiaaj MiU UUUDUUncuW W In V I ff ferred to Mr. Kev. fin m rtf Inn k A ktll awil a en aarln.ania Messrs. BONAR end GARFIELD hallos ve oi absence until Tuesday next,- fvii.-Mit Adjourneu. . "; HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. AsTUaNOOIf IKSfllOnT, I On motion or Mr. ROBINSON, Mmnre- Rob lnson, BrnO, Olueeer and MoClung were added to the select committee ' to whom wss referred IL B 91 Relstive to the independent treasury. 3 Mr. STEDMAN introduced Hi B.'402-fo punish malicious damage to 'property; which was read the first time " " ? ' " ' ' '- Mr. MONAIIAN offered a resolution, which was laid on the table, providing that no bill should be Introduced after the 10th Inst , unless by a two thirds vote, or frsm a ommlUee. Mr. HERR1CK gave notion of a bill To exempt from taxes stocks deposited by Indepen dent banks, to secure the circulation;1- '- ' Oa motion of Mr. PARR, his resolution of yesterday, relative to repairs on the Miami ca usls, was taken from she table and adopted. Mr. VINCENT, from the Judiciary commit tee, reported back S. B. 225 To pnnlsh adulter ous elopements, and mommended its indefinite postponement. . . j v, . . -jnox-a ' Mr. VINCENT explained that the bill was in fsct a bill to punish the tbpement by Imprison ment in the penitentiary, while the crime of prime magnitude Is only punished In the county jail, which Is unequal and nnnecesssrily severe, in view or tne lact mat our present Statutes pun lsh thst and kindred crime.? n z ., Mr. VOR13 defended the bill, aud eald that he was surprised that he was alone id Its sup port, He thought it necessary to check crime. Mr. WOODS supported. the reoommendatlon of the committee, and concurred with Mrs Vin- eetit. Mr. BRUFr moved to amend by making the ptmlshment depend npon both, the. elopemennt and tbe adultry. Mr. ANDREWS thought the bill was mainly objectionable because Its penalties ere so over severe that It would be inopsative, and of no ma. "r i Mr BRCFf contended that if the bill were smeoded at he proposed, it would provide for many casee that should be punished, and that promptly. " " ' :- '!- Mr. VORI3 further advocated the bill, and contended that the provisions of .it are ; worthy of the consideration of the Haute. -- Mr. BROWNE, of Miami, slso supported the report of the committee. : ,"", " Mr. ROBINSON objected to the ameodment as unoscesssry te this bill, end,ahould be sp plied to tbe statute nowinJoree. Mr. BLAKE9LEE moved to amend, so as to make it apply only to married pereons, which wm agreed to ' The amsadment of Mr. Bruff mm HiUk W9AmA ta i The bill was then Indefialtely nostpooed yess M, nays 10. , , f ' , ' . .., ., " Mr.- DICKEY moved that B.'302-To amend the act relating to chattel mortgages- be tsken from tbe table, which was agreed to. , The bill was then read, when .Mr. DICKEY explained tbe objects of , the bill as since amended by new bill, . when the bill wss referred .to the Judiciary . commit- '.On motion of Mr. WRIdHTof iiamllton, Senate bill 348 To amend the acta to regulate the sale of school lands, was taken from the ta ble, and read a third time, when the bill was passed yeas C5, nys 0. Oa motion of Mr. HITCHCOCK, the House resolved itself into committee of the Whole, Mr, Viula in tha ohalr. After soms tims spent in the consideration of , orders, the committee rose and repoit ed backU. B. 381 To prevent tbe nse of camphenease burning fluid with an amend ment, when ' i , ., ' ' ',.".' Mr. BALDWIN moved tbs bilj be referred to a select committee. , . Mr. STEDMAN moved thst the committee be instructed to amend so ss to prohibit the sale of tbe article. . ., , Mr.ViNCENT moved tlat' the bill be re ferred to the oommittce 03 Fedtrtl Rehtioni arMj-H area ao-VAad to. , H, B. 380 For the preserration of human life was relerred to the committee on Ban roads sod Turnpikes. , On, motion of Mr. BROWNE, of Miami, Messrs., Plants, Farrott.t Andrews and Stout were temporarily added 16. the committee on Public Woiks. . . ." , . . , , Messrs. Stedman and Nigh fere added to the select .committee to which wis referred H, B. ninRalatlntrtoancloanraa. '" . ' J" ' v& B, 353 Relating to the "pdsaeSslon rof property, by eourwey--wa taxenjirom tnetaoie. Mr. BLAKESLEE moved1 that' tbe bill be raferrtd to a select committee of one, end sup ported tbe.motjoQ with an argument favor of toe out., , i . . ., Mr. ROBINSON opposed ths motion, and ar gned that the bill ought to pome to a rote at this time. He did not object to amendment, but desired thst the bill should, be actad npon with; out lunuer oeiay. , , t ,.(,,., ... Mr.UA.i-uwiH lnttsted on tne motion to re fee, and argued that the bill is meritcrloul, and nou.d bs smsnded, u need ne, ana passed. The motion to refer the bill was agreed and referred to Mr.Blakeslee. The Home- then, 4djournod ' till Tuesday mornlDkrat 10 o'clock.- -1 IN SENATE. IN SENATE. FRIDAY, March 2, 1861—10 A. M. - Prayer by , Rev- Dr. Hoge, a j k)i tlk!j t'-1 (;i;ri iri i emsa avinuiai : id fc.ia .,n 3, &. B. S12a Sflpplementafy to'hn act making instruments ot wnung negotiaois," passea renruary 85th, 1820, Fassed-yese 27, nsys 0.: as hts, v.i, V -Z i4 i "0"-)!, U sdi l.i .o 8. J. R No. 105 RelaUve to the claims Bartlett stSmlth, eame back Irons .-the Houae trltb-'wa amendmeotv and ton : motion of Me. Harth, was referred to tbe committee on claims, u H.B. 183; by Mr. BLAKESLEE-Suppiemen. tsry to an act to provide for the creation and reg ulation of incorporated companies hv the Sta of Ohio, passed may Iv loJa.- Readme Art time. .,- 's-., n " H.B, Nf. 313; By Mr. OGLE Te .amend' section S06 of the act entitled "an aot of tbeju rUdletioa and Droeadure btfore laatlcaaof tha eaCe, and of the duties ef constables id .civil courts," psssed niarcn , icujj r&eaa U first time. "1 'J, '" ns-v ' -i -r, h ' BS34 ' By .' Ms; 1 BLAKESLEE-r To amend ad act therein named. Read . the first time.' 'VLy -''-j '- ':i.ii,Mo,'lt:CCSCi --i atroats lansi wvairbiaa cjiiwittici. Works: recommended the adoption 'of sundry amendments to 8. B. 231 To let the repairs of Piihllo Works on contracts.1 ' Agreed to. and the bli an amended was laid on the table to be print- J1 - ... . .....a J'..'v)j o UJul Air. I V A r A' irom laceummiiwv on ciuiius, reported unaulmomly from the committee ad- . ..... , . . . r, . . VtrfiCi 10 tne caira ot n.oee, neiii a, jyimon, iur eompansatton .fof the loss suttalned by them on contrast lc '-sjlng the mwble floors of the Rotunda- 'Agreed to.' fc ; 1 6 1 ,'"' '. Mr, STANLEY, from thsFIhahee Commit1- tseTreoorted S. B.. SGO-MildnJ psrUal ap proprlation for the Jew 1801.' J- J ' Mi. MONROE, from rthe Committee on BchooJa, ?BHAJfj tne uaetipite poairxHw meat vf li U. ho. SAutUxU'mg tht iv of a speoial sohool tax for the distrlot of the incorporated village ot Kaveona. , Agreed to, Mr MONROE, from the same Committee, reported back 6 B. No. 24-To amend seotlon 49 of the Sohool act of March' 1st, 1853, with two amendments and n, reoommendatlon that it pats. Agreed to, aud bill ordered to be read Uie third ume next Tuesday. BAILkOAb BSrOlrT." Mr, COLLINS, the Standing Commit tee on Railroads.! submitted an elaborate re port, in accordance with the resolutions of the btnate, passsd marcn such, i860, calling lor certain information upon whloh to base railroad legislation. The Committee reported that re ports had been received from but font R. R Companies, and that sufficient data have not been reoelved to justify the objeot contempla ted. The Committee recommended the print ing of i the reports from said roadsi On motion of Mr. Schlolch, the report of Mr. Collins was ordered to be printed (500 extra copies) and that the recommendation ef the Committee be sdpptad j.AgreediO,y 1. sf.i A U I osDiss or THE OAV On motion of Mr. MONROE, tlio Senate resolved itself into Committee of the Whole, on the orders of the day, Mr. Glass in the chair, and after some time spent therein, rose and re ported bsck the following bills, some with and some without amendments, viz; S. B. No. 349; To amend an act relating to roads and bridges, passed April 13, 1858. Roads sndHighwsys. r, S. B. No. 350; To amend au act entitled an act further to - prescribe the duties of county commissioners, pawed April 8, 185G,snd amend ed February 26, 1857. Judloiary. a. u. no. Vjo; to amend sections u ana n of an act to establish the Independent Treasu ry of the State of Ohio. Referred to the ti- nanoe Committee.?. ?' ;V M "F--" Mr. I10LME9 moved to adjourn till Monday afternoon at 3 o'olock Lost yeas 34, nsys 4. .- The Senate then took a recess. An Acorn from the Tomb of Washington Planted in Russia by the Emperor. On tbs 22J of February, Gov. Pickens,' of South Csrollna, (who was recently. minister to Russia,) made a short address to a military company In Charleston; in the course or wnicb bemsde the following bappy allusion to the universal respeot for Gen. Washington: I remember while In a distant court of Europe, and at ths most despotic ef all govcrnaeents, that oa a me morable occasion I v.sltad the maznlucent garden, that surrounded Peterhoff, near St. Petersburg. Ih gar dens and grounaa war dedicatee, to ui enjoyment ana peaceful pursuit, of th greatest aqd most brilliant of courts On a remote Islsnd of thee taagnlflornt ground!, that bad been set aside for th private enjoy-1 mcnt and'prlvata walks of tha,Empror and Kmpress, I e trt was polo ted out to m In that garden, culUvsted by particular and devoted hands, surrounded by wire wlckst work, and flower flourlthing all around it. There stood on oa brenon or the tree a larg brass plat, and on on sld of that plate, la German, and on tha other in Sclavonic, waa written, 'this tree ws planted In 1839, by Mcbolas, rrom an acorn that grew near tbe tomb of Washington.' - Ihia was th inscription npon that tree, placsd then by on of the most absolute reler iht aver awsved th eeptr of empire. . And vet. la his private, aeoluded gardens, he paid this it-epaaJ heartfelt triDut w we memory oi iue gmiesi anu purest man tha world vr aw. a- "He did not tak an aoorn from near th tomb of th great Blisttieui; nor am ne iste n rrom ins garatn oi ins Tullerles, grown in th time of Louis th XIV.; sordid h tak it from the tomb of the great .Napoleon; nor did he tak It from th garden of the 0 wears, near Bom; bat he took tn acorn from th tomb of a pur and mighty man, In the wllda of America, who hid planted the seed of a government oao sec rated -the freedom and inde pendence or nations, wnoso every principle wssuircouj as war witn Vlw pr-uviyivs vi uvym-ivmunvaii eiiu yet so great ware the virtues 'and Integrity of Washing ton, that even this mighty monarch, In private and In st em, paid to him fata heartfelt and deep tribute Tbe tree waa watered and cultivated with more care than any of the tree In that garden. It waa floniithing and men. and I trust In God It will continue to flourlih green and fresh until its b ranch ea shall overspread th drill red world. - " " -J "I have also n th CoseacK ot in von ana the Vol ga; 1 havsen th Lancers ot Kucsia, ana i nave teen the Tartar and the Arab ta th Wilds of th Interior, and yet, notwithstanding their avmt-terbarlaa Ufa. avea they converse of th mighty Washington in their tents at night. There I no portion, oi in woria taxi nss noi heard of his name, and lor end admire his great and manly trathfulnes and virtus." r . .., A Georgia View of Lincoln's Speeches. The Augusta ChronicU ssd Sentinel says of Lincoln's speeohos: . . i W have, had a dim idea, that Lincoln, des pite his -objectionable polities, was an able and shrewd mans but we have been convinced by tbe reports of his speeches, madelon bis way to Washlni'ton.-tbat he Is not "smart."-" Nothing oan be lound in all the heterogeneous mass of American Uea'yv-moro inisne or looliaa Mian some of his speeches reported by telegraph. Tbey remind us of the spseshet of that interest ing individual, Mr. Merryman, at a circus, when abont to Jump on his high-mettled, raw boned courser. . Think' of the President elect declaring, while tbe Union Is being rent to frag ments, that "nothing is going wrong," that while every interest of thecouutry Is suffering, and there la not a' man In it who is not poorer this day than he was four months ago, Lincoln should tell tbe crowds who assemble to greet him, tha tj there Is nothing that "really hurts snybody, nobody is suffering." Why, ths man Is a fool.or worse he la a knave and thinks his auditors are fools. ,: . . . ' -' - 1 - Hunnawell's Universal Cough Remedy. ' So petfeotly adapted, to "alL Lung and Bron chial Complaints, Common and Inflammatory Sore Throat, Whooping Cough, Common- and Spasmodic Coughs, even to Aotual Consump tion, owes its most perfect results by being con fined to thst law of simples which makes re sults perfect. Its opposite to most preparations Ib that it may be taken, without the least re straint, - every boar in tbe day If necewery, without producing nausea, or prostration. In its preparation neither opiates nor expectorants are slowed, to disturb the natural law, and as soon as its work is done on the Throat and Lungs, it then becomes a beautiful and perfeot. Tonic. If our friends will accept our declarations, that we prefer to Teat on tbe true character of both tbe Universal Cough Remedy, snd Tolu Anodyne, by actual results of fair trials, using all care to purchase the genuine of both, and reed tbe pam phlets to be found with all dealers, in place of sweeping declarations, - we will abide their de cision. Sold by al,l dealers in town- Sea ad vertisement. 71 r,1 T-"?" "J-t? 1-A British officer writing from Teheran; Per sla, to tbe Londtn 2Vm remarks: "A Cathar tic PHI, manufactured by an Amsrioan Chemist, (Dr. J. C. AY,-of irowell) Mass.,) has cured tbe Sbah of Liver Complaint that threatened his life. Tbls simple fact, as might be expect ed, renders the Americans immensely popular here, while we English are overlooked. Doubt lees out' own scholars made the discoveries which be employs, aud thus it is lu. everything; we do the labor,. then tne .mousing American put thi mark on It, aud take the reward. Doctor Ayer is Idolized by the Court and Its retainers here, which' wilt doubtless be reflected to him on a gold enuff-boxrOtiesaoud-hilted sword, while wot the nsme even Of Davy,Cbristlson or he Brodleu-the greet lights bywblcb shines, known." Veto Yer Sundry Papett. 7 . Caution. te ' ' . .This ) V very important trait, in person's v v ohsrsetert but prejudice Is often tsken for oau-tlea,-' rersooB are introduced to nti we take a dielike to them wishout any reason whatever, and do not court their acquaintance. This is not beoause we are cautions, but because we are prejudiced against them. So It is with some ar. ticle that may be presented to ne as a cure for - r, , . . . . ! j I- eomeojecue. do naa it uvea in rearu hi lieu- nedy's Medical: Dlseovetys but. the 'prejudice that at first appeared has vanished, for the most skeptieal OAild not withstand, the, evidence of thoussnd that , tne. discovery ourea tnem or r. . i m . I .. . . - 1 J 1 - - 1BUKer, riDeniiiabiaui, ui;., ana ito grenteat up pogerf have; .become Its warmest adherents. 1 DIED. Inthlielly, on Thursday. Fttruarj 'CTtb, Cn&RLSI, only ton of Jaaab and Darotheli Ltndenniaar, aged two year and a In Stouths. -:;-: 1 Thnnial Will lake placrt'oWrToW SfternooD, St 9 oVkKkv Mm th residwice ef th piiants, on Bouih 8 treet, between -Fourth and Filth street. - au i " ill I eMMsaMjaieia WANTED TO HENT.-NO.411i EastOay (treet, ht rooms, B 100. AIM. No. IhM. 0k street, elx rooms, stsbl. Ac. ilill. Thar la a Well, cistern and cellar to each. Inquire at the rnealats. .Oi.lJ rionrlTlottf ! I "j fax A ag and Cack, tot wl by J a, ' ' ' A I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS LATHROP, LUMGTON & CO. I 23 & 25 TASK PIACE,. U : 22 MOKSAYTEEEET, ' IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OFi Foreign and Domestic; D E !Yl L G O O D S "for cash or Approved credit. SPRING, 1861. Vearw ownioir. atouremnle wsK-rooms.'at th lOva numbers, stools of Goods In each of tbe six depaitmrnts of our business, supsrlor to anything we have heretofore exhibited te the trad. , , (. i ) CLOTH DEPARTMENT. v This hassrown tn lit nr.nt maenltud under th thorous-h manaffment of e huvi-r nf lunff exosrlcnc nd acknowlidged good last. We ksep exleuilva lines of insnnest and choicest -) v- v t r FANCY VE$TINC5 AND FANCY vOASSIMERES To be found In th market, all aei'ecM with the niesst discrimination.: Also, all grade,, color! aud varieties el BROADCLOTHS, SATINETS, T ( - "0 vJiADIE3; CL0AINNC3, TWEEDS T I'ARMSRa'and MER0HANT3' CABSIHKMb, KENTU0ET JE AN3, from 'J to 18 J cents per yard ' T I"! 'i and upwards; TWEEDS, 1S, to 15 cents per yard Isst year sold at ', . V, W to CO; i mHTD BATINBTB, at M ni; K, J And other Good corretpondingty Low. .Dress-Goods : Department. Manchsstel be Lalnet, - r Fancy Bilks. ' ) Uamiltoa d.4 j J , Vrlated OhaUlt, , t ? . Ptclflo do, Manchester Ginghams, ' ' Printed Lawns, , , Glasgow do.. . Printed Btillisnlet, : - Ollnton' ''do. . i Vaacy dinghams, . . Ottoman (Jlpths, I)ombszlnta, J , , Alpacas, .. Bl.ckBllks,' " Poplini,"-' 'v Anilhi NmStUci StyU of FANCY SPRING GOODS. -., ,-; ..I v ,-. MerrTmilCrlnU),',"' " BlchmoniTl Prints; -Cocheoe, do. 1 I ..- . American do. Pacific ' do. Dannell's do. t Bpragos1-, do. ' - Eoglltb . do. Manchester, w. Prints, Ire. '' ' DOME3TIP COTTONS.'? "iawrenc 0. Bheetlngs,' . " Atlantic A: heeUjr, ' BtarU do. '. Aooskeag ' do. Lsthrop ' ': do. " " :' ) Appletaa ' , doir iii .t Bhawmut i ...,do. , ' ... Uverett yit ,. do. v Y Pocasse, ', do. Otlca, c7 do. ' : "All fyrerfe ond rrtdlA. r i ,-is - '1 ;'; JiLKAOITKD BlItatlNQa AND BUEITINQa. Wansutta,'. .jCi Dwight, .1. "i Xawrancs, Lonjdsle, Great Falls, Nsumkesg, Hill, fJ - i -Walthanv ' : -a r Doott, , r u'j w ' -r a Terk Ultls, ., 'As.-1 ' 5HAWLS AND'MANTILLAiT A LABOE ANDSSLBOT A8SOBTMSNT.! i 1 i )" :.'-.': ot "' f.i-'in ' ' i.r- nriTTONATISR mt vnrietv. OHK0KB ' do. . -; i A T1CK1N(J3 all th leading brands. DINIMB " -d. - t -do. . BBIRTING SrKlPES-all tha leading brands. .... ,. NANKEENS .' do. . ' . do. ', . J OOKRET JBAN3 ; ' do. Ir' - ' do. ' MOB.BENS -'--'-,.-.-.. do. ' DAXAn&a, PAPaa oahbricb, colored cam- BBI08, to., to. - LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCKS OF warn aooDs,'' j ' -nx- e-AiTa ' "("'! ' ' HOSIERT,"-: .f-it - ,). V-ut o'i'w . !', 7AKKEB H0II0B8,' i j Gentlemen's Famishing Goods, -UMBRELLAaAKJGL PA RASQL3, OABPETS ANO OIL-CLOTUS, And. - " ni. not enumerated 11 of Which we pledg ourselves to sell at th Iwtut market priettVbt larger portion at frem 19 to 30 pe.( cant., kit inaa last year. , LATHHOP, LUl)JNGTOr& co; f V fJEW YORK, i mar? GRAND MILITARY TABLEAUX ". ' ' THE RATE FIHCIBLE8, In compliance with the request of many cltiitns, Will repeat their exhibition of.Katlonal Military, Tableaux (Introdnemg several aew en) at their . - .,, xl ak pjksTi 0a Saturday jTrealift'-Ktjmiiijvii ' Having procured burning" lights, which they hav lett ed and know to be free from any offensive smsll or tmoks they hope to see all of their friend, present. PROGRAMME. PART FIRST. .- ' V," 1. O.ravuns. ' .";,,' aoboHss'a sasb. " TiSLtaox Dim, representing the God dens of Liberty presenting Washington with tha Declaration of Independsncs, th Constitution snd Fag of th Union j - A '""ho-"'' ' :'- f 3. TisiiaCx Firm of Moauot'TH, epr- ." i seutlng Oapt. at oily Pitcher loading tbe Uannon.... - "M'CcI.m,a "t ' 4. TiSi iina Balsini th Stars aid-.Blrlps at soriaaaiia(............s... atusic. lil I'.r.,' -ii ti TAai.Ilox-msaacT or nyouung. ft .' 1 1 TiattAt' veath or warrian.iiuTa r.n n .it ) .it . ."ititto5-. u tr l ar - 8. Tasliicx Fight for th'Btandaril. wmir. S, TAWiuijj-i-yfMhUigeonoTOiiiog lbs DilkOi Tickets ( Admlsalen, 85 Cent;. ,--,; Door Open at 1 e'ctockV -Tableaux B i ',,., "'''"' ' ' - f s I'NDRlES, , , niitpetre, " Natl, Indigo,' Kxtract i.ogwood, ' -mi Buckets. Brooms. Cforde'ge, Ilerrine, I)rted Froit. T For sals by ""-; I ;i CT':-. 31, North High (treet. A CHANGE. v;aj Havinui arn chased of B. R. ON THE flth INST.e PUB I. R.WBAV IR his entire stock of Dry Ooods, at No. 103 High St., with tha view of changing my location, I will ell until tn urst day otapru, with cut reserve, -, i , i-"-, , tf-:AT;cO'ST.F0RCAsni,(f : Fancy Dres'i Bilks, Fringes, Button, Trimming, Ah. Also Figured Merinos, De Lain, Shawls and Oioak, - i w:;t Eegardleii of Cost UX'iZ," febSGdlm , .,7r x'TVtrOoV T. AF nrPKRtOR ODALITir. IN AiAVHa J B0TB, Btandltir,-Byroa, Fwrslrnsy, Aenfrew and other new shapes. Hemmed Pocket HandMrehters, steok Ties, Btockr, Btreet and Bvanlng Olovee, Half Hos or very kind, Under Garment and all hand of Qoahf Far aUhlog Ooodllp great varjejyjindat merateriee. febMJ7ii iJJato.:Bmliihtret. - "" 'Lace5 and Embrolderiet, L VALEW11IENF.S, MALTESE POiJTT LaoeOellaraarid Botlir French, tnthu and Thread Lao Veil, tnew pttrn.J vaiancisnes. aaa i-V. Embroidered ColUrs, Belt, TrlmmlMts and gklrts. Lac Barbsraud .Ootffavee, Ftoia Linen Oollars, BetU and guns, mrowerwi yoi" 'g - , ftWlJ Wo.9,V)UthHlghBtret.' lwtlVll''. !, r i ... . ' -. r -., - , a a-,i,r . ... . .jj , t,v ,' r- J ii", .In. i DRIED PEAjCIIESII ia ii.:i':i tiirij? fla Intortfoslyii1 iK-otr. mi., " " r.i,? ..',-."' ' M Statesman Building. aO.VF.N FULL BHIRTB, All and qonliltni alM BUFB iebVU Ho.Boul BIITRTS efrme BAIN BuH. No. W Bouth High stwt ! SPECIAL NOTICES. BuTc:.wru'i for aali TsitiOAvr X,CRO COmPLAINTa, lue!ulr WIIOOPINU OOTJOHt siDd ewerr Camplalnt tbe forerun er (, and ewen actual consririPTiow. : r - ' - .- UNIVERSAL COUGH nr;f. m HTJVNXBrELL'l 1 The 11 rent NEtlHAl tilV HKHICDY asset Nat. N .at OPIAXK, adapted te ewery species ! Nar vus (Joiuplainta, Ner vsut and Ohrsnlc : Headache, sheuina 1 tlsni, Catarrh, Xaotu ' ' and Ear Ache, I.aae mi Sleep, and Mo are I Cause -plaints. ANODYNE. Mo real jasUc caa be don th above arerjaratlon, but by procuring and reading descripUv pamphlets,-, s be found with all deals re, or will be sent by Proprietor on demand. Formulae and Trial Bottle sent to Physl clans, who will find development In both worthy their acceptance ana approval. Oorresponaence solicited rrom all Who nwessllles or curiosity prompts to a trial of tha above reliable Rem dies. . . . - tor ml by Ih usual wlnlesals and retail dsalsr - everywhere. JOIIH I. HUNNEWEIX. Preprleto CHBIftST ANO VHASlf AOBUTIBT, : .Ne. a Commercial Wharf, Boston, Uai koberts t Baauel, N. B. Harpla, J. B. Cook. J . St Danle. 0. Dealt Jc Hons, A. J. Schusller a Bon. Annts for Oolumbua, Ohio. mjl-dlr OlUf s7AX' LUfi PILLS. , A bum of oosUvens, dyspepsia, billions and llvsr - in'all affection, pile, rhanmallsra, fevers snd agues, obstl nets head aches, and all general derangements of health these Pills hav Invariably proved a certain and speedy remedy. ' A rtagl Mai will place the Lit Fill bayood the reach ofoompttltloa In the estimation of every pa tient. ... Dr. If offal' rbanlx Bitters will be found equally si fiaaclous In U cases of nervou debility, dyspepsia, head ache, Ui slcknes Incident to femsle to delicate health, and vry kind ef weakness of th digestive organs. For sal by Dr. W. B. MOFFAT, 83J, Broadway', N. T. od by all Drugglsta. ,'. may23-dkwly The following ii an extract from a latter written by th Kev. 3. B. Holme, paster ot th Flarrepolot-Btreat Baptist Church, Brooklyn, M. T.,to the "Journal and ileesenger," Olnolnnatl, O., snd (peaks volumes In favor of that world-renowned medicine, Has . Wimtow's Boo-rnma grace roa Oanuam Tsxnmsa: "Weseesn tdvertlsment tn yoar columns of If as Wihlo w ' Boothimo St nr. Now w never eald a word id favor of a patent medicine before in our life, bntw foal eoasptlled to say to your readers that this Is no hue . bag w aavs tsiid it, amb khw it to ss au. it caaiw. It Is probably one of the most successful medi cines of the day, because it is on of th best. And thosa , of your readers who have babie can't do better than lay In a supply." ocY7:lydfcw PO YOU WANT WHISKERS? j " DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? I DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? BELLINOHAH'8 CltKBBATED StimulatiDgOiisaeiita For "the Whiskers and Hair. The subscriber tak nleaiur tn annonneln to the Oitlrens of the United States, that they have obtained th Agency for, and ar now enabled to offer to the American public, tha above Justly celebrated and world-recowned article- Tb STIMULATING ONGUENT Is prepared by Da. 0. P. BELLINODAH, as eminent physician of London, and It warranted to brine eat a thick attor - ; j Whiskers or a Mustache i In from three to Hi weeks. Tht article 1 th only en ef th kind aed by tha French, snd la London and farts t Is in universal nse. It U a beauUfnl, ooenomioal, soothing, yet stlmolstlng Compound, acUng as If by msglc npon tha roots, ceasing Sbesullful growth of luxuriant hair. If applied to th scalp, It will cure auirsn, and cam to spring up la plac of tb bald spots a fin growth of aew hair. Ap plied according t Sireotiona, It will tare la or voarv hair dasi, and restore gray balrto-lts atiginal color, leaving It soil, smooth, aod flexible. Tb "Oitoonrr" Is n Indispensable artlc I tn every gentleman's toilet, and alter one week' us they would not &ranyoBsklraUo& bs without it. , Ths subscribers ar Ih only Agent forth artUlsln Ih United Bute, to whom all orders must be addressed. . Price On Dollar a box for sal by all Druggists aad Dealers; or a box ef tbe "Onguent" (warranted to have -the desired effect) will be sent to any who desire 11, by ' nail (direct), ascarely packed, oa receipt of prise and portage, 1. 18. Apply to or address - . - 1 . . . ITORACE I.. TIBaiatAN A Q0., ' '" ' " ntoaaisTs, Ac., ; (eHOdtaGm ' -. ul 34 William Street, lew Tork . ;WM, KNAQE & CO, AT TIIF1H NEW SaLFS. .w. .. J. X. At BOOM, XO mAL7TMOJlSST., K0B. 1, 3, S asd 1 n. ICTAW STE ANB Offer (or sals thstr edebrated GOLDEN MEDAL,- ' . ; , r .CRANl) ' J..I i ; ANPSQARIt PIANO-KORTES. . ,, Being highly neoauatnled by tha ftrtt Protestors and) Mnsiml AmsMunaf ths country, and . , aiVRY ., , . ; ' ' ,a ,. IRSTRTJalKNT . ' ' - ' WARRANTED FOR .'') i - ' FIVE F (AKB. i Th most fastidlooi euttoaar may rely npon being pleased 1 svery rsepeot. . T I Terms liberal. - V7U KNAB1 A 00 8BLTZE1 A WIBBTIR, Agenta, 'Oct98:lydw. ' 1.-: .i . .... . ,. Columbus, Olio, i 1 ADTIRTIBKMINT. ' ' ' For th INSTANT RIUAF aad FIRM AJmrr OUU ef Ih distressing complaint Bs ENSTta B50NCHIAL CIQARZTTII, tfad by O. B. BBTtlOUR A CO., 107 Haasaa St., H, J. .' I -i i Frle SI par box: sent fre by post. FOR BALI AT AIL DRUOaiSTB. jSJ-dkwly1s Alexandre's Itid Gloves. PLAIN AND EiriBBOIDERBD, nOUS QUETAIBB and regular shape Black Kid Glove, embroidered In whit, magenta, purple, Ae, Uodreeeed Kid Gloves. Mlssss Eld Olove. A eomptete assortment ot tnese raMccawa uiove aiway lor sale by BAIN ft Ecrfv-' feia-2 No. 99 South High tin!, j Employment. I lv "JibuS rpiIR aiBSCRIBERS, DEALING IN A a etaipi Article, win rornish mpioymnt to a few aouv men to act a agent for their boas. A preference will be riven so shoes who ar will acquaint ed In th distrlot for which they apply. , , , For which ksrvic they era willing to ttf k altr of from - .....u I. i .. , $800 tqfaoaTpsrT yesr, an'd-'faptnsse-For further partlcutan address Wt B. MORIHOUBsl A OO.-i ! ' f ? ' .-. 3 snd J, Jxchang Place, ! jAB3o.d3ta.h"-j t ".J i :r tierseyOlty, 9 Notice, CITY BANK OF COLUMBUS. TnE FOLLOWING CIIANGE9 WERE and tn the th office r ef this Bank, January S9th, IbOl, to wit! Wat. A. Putt. President, and Taoau Moosia, OashUr, neigned their offices. David Tavub, Bsq., was thee elected President and W. . Piatt ap pointed Cashier. I ' , . '1 'By wrderef the Board of Director.. ' I -feb , Ibol-dHV-- --W. . PLATlVOilblet.. tU., i, i J. .' ' .. "' ' '. Vi i 'i.' ' I ' SBXOKING TOB ACOOS, Boperlor Oriental, Fine Kanaster. r ... .'t - r Four Aoea,(ftra) -''JJCII.lA, VO-.AI i American box, ..MH wri-i,,,,., .Blrt Cfu'oa) la packaaes: also, Kentaoky line cut in barrels gad naif barrete, lattaiiS fw sal by , ' . . ..'.- kloKIl A RERTIBAtTX, febll , . , .( a,flUteaasaa BuUding. ""' 'Ml U i. :- AT Jin ga-AI r. - -v . T i--r, ! J: 0. WOODS" ' DJssolutioit 'of CoaTtaerlililiJ.-" rpiiE riRW or J. II. b.tiitu A. i thl asv dissolvsd l B Ktoal. sontSB t. . ,. J. JI, SMITH. febSidlmoj.jT.j'.t iJjill U. i' t -r. S At 0.'BaUBH 1 .rti