Newspaper Page Text
SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 8, 1861. LOCAL MATTERS. :"" Tbs Adams Eiprow Comrmny plaev oa dally under obligations to It for ths Tery latest papers from the eastern cities. - The American Eipress Company has our thanks for H dally farors In the shape of ths , very latest eastern papers. . .. Tub MiunBr Taslbaox at Awioir Hall 1 Tie Tableaux of ths Feaclbles at Armory ' Hall, last erenlngv attraoted a large aodienoe, mho manifested the highest gratification at the display. The muite and the light! made the exhibition one of the moat fascinating we srer -attended The Tableaux will bare-produced at the Armory of the Fenoibles for tho last tymothls erening, and those who wish to behold ' novel and entertaining sights, and, at the same ' time, show tbelr good will towards gallant military company of their fellowcltlsens, should not fall to attend,,'..' ',""' '...Such living representation as the Goddess of " Liberty presenting Washington whh the Decla ration of Iudependonce, the Constitution and the Flag ot the Union; the Field of Monmouth, representing Capt. Mour Pitch loading the catmon; Raising the Stars and Stripes at Fort Snmteri Massacre at Wyoming; the Death of HVarrem the Fight for the Standard, and Wash lugton crossing the Delaware, will richly repay aay one for a visit oi an hour or two, at Armory ' Hall, this erening. STTbe weather Is delightful. What oould he a finer opening for the genial Spring than the first two days of March hare been this year? It has been warm and pleasant more like the bright days of the leafy June than the cold and boisterous ones of Maroh, of which we bare so often heard and read. On the whole, though we are prepared to feel some eold snaps and see some rough days, in the month that has Just greeted us so smilingly, we' beliere there Is more nonsense uttered in silly complaints and fvll prognostications about the weather than on almost any other subject. The weather, take it all In all, like most things that Ood sends us, lsgood, rcry good. . ...-"ia- Nov is' Nivr Syitm or Cutting Gabmimts. ;. This Invention, by means of rarled Uses up on charts or outs, Is adapted to outtlag ladles' dresses, bacqnes, children's dresses, boys' eoats, pants and shirts, and In fact, to all kinds of garments. It it so simple that even a child can learn to use It In a few minutes, and so accurate 1 that any garmeut may be made to fit with neat jtss and despatch, This Is said upon actual eismlnstlcm aod trial. The charts for cutting garments by this system maybe obtained of . Mr. and.Mlee Nkdlii, at the American Hotel tH " " ' I . . Cotrrr or Common PlIas. The engaged yesterday afternoon and eourt was until ttlne o'clock in the erening. In bearing the testimony In the cise of Morrill r. Gtoraand others. .This forenoon was oocupled by counsel In their srguments to tbo Jnry. -"rj ' RilwioW Nortel. Rer. Thomas Gormah . witt deliver a discourse In. the Universalis. Church, Sunday erening, 31 Inst-. ""Upon, (he Best Mode of Getting up Revivals of Religion." Services at seven o'clock. . Rathi Ominous. The Cleveland Herald n cords that the fiihlng schooner Abe Lincoln, which left that port on Thursday morning, for Blvk Rivrcipalzed,when fire or sU miles out. This, the Herald adds, is the first clear ance aod the first disaster of the season. 1 - XT Mahoning Oil Rfttrkr Is the name of a neat little paper just started at Youngstown. Twelve Reasons Why You Should Go to No. 121, South High Street. Because you oan bay the beet Clothing there. Because you can purchase without bantering. ' Beeauso you can buy oheaper than at any oth I er Store. . Y ' Beeauso you can buy better made garments. ' - Because you can certainly expsot fair and hon ' orable dealing. Because you oan trade pleasantly and without rsxation. " : Because you can Unci a better assortment of Cloths, Cassisseres and Vestlngs. : -BecaulTyou can get your Clothing cut by an experienced and fashionable cutter. r Because yon can buy more and better goods for the same amuont of money. . i. Because yoa can buy at Caaba's Nsw York Clothing Store, No. 131 South High Street. . j Becauseevervbody goes there. ' , , Rail Road Time Table. Ltm . . 3, Leaves. AocotsaodtUon. ...... (.10 A. II.. 1 ,. No. a a s.sop.m. , Night axpiets 9.45 A.M. ClBVSLAJCB, OOUMSOS St CUKMMT1 R. R Kxpnai and Mall 3.00 P.M. "-' Hlght Bxpreta... ...... .35 A. Mvx OraTau.0moB. K. " Irpreot Train.......... 3.u K, U Mail Srala 9.40 P. M. ArrivM. 9.15 P. M. J 30 P.M. 9.45 A. U. 1.40 P.M. t JO A.M. . I . 9 30 A. M. 9 90 P. M. Pittsbomu, Ooumus OlROUnfATI B. B. ! iprMtTrala. 300 A.M. 9.30 P. U. '" Mall Xfalo 9.40 P. M, '. 1:90 P. M. CoLtiaagffclireujuroLrtB.B. j itjfllumbm, Plqoa St Indiana B. B.J ' IxprauTraln ,8:10 A.M. 11:10A.M. Hipton Train.... 9:45P.M. 8J0P.M. Intibistino. If housekeepers really under stood the great difference that exists between . different brands of Salerarus, at'to quality, purity, and consequent reliability and healthful ness, they would not long be without the beat that U manufactured. ' Dc Land & Ca's Sale ratus costs rou do more then any of the Inferior articles which are In market. Ha is using a new process of rsflnlng Saleratus, by whlohall impurities are removed. - This process Is In use at no other establishment In this country. Th quality oi the Saleratus produced by this pro cess la very superior, and It la fast becoming very ' popular with Intelligent housewives. Da Lard '' "' & Co.'s Saleratus Is for sale by most trocars and "''storekeepers.1 Manufactured and for sale at 'c "wholesale, at Fairport, Monroe oounty, New York. The principal grocers also wholesale it " ' '''V r " - 1 ...... Abb all Miw Ewal-AU bn are equal In 1 ' natural rights but not Id Intellect and Invent ,, iva genius. Thousands of Saleratus makers (k hate tried In. vain to make a first rate artlolel f... James Fyle has surpassed them all, ami his Diet etlo Silaratus la the perfection el the art. De pot, 343 Washington Street,' New York. Sold Y, k?y grocers ererywbere: ;.. Y i a," J Y . ! t -,..1 V ": - ' '.' i tiucBNUtr's BlLM-WlIl , as "oertalnlr as ron ,..o' apply it, cure NeuralglaKheumatUm, Ague In the Breast, Burns, Scalds, Fresh Wounds of any 4crlptlon, Bites of venomous Reptiles and Ih,r .wots, Salt Rheum, c. ' nice rco.t bottlf ' Who w)U suffer from Fool Humors, Sores, or Disease of the Skin, when such certain remldiee , aa MoLiaa'a Strenotaino CoBPIAL AND BioOn PtnuriBB, and McLban'b Voloahio Oil Ltm t; MCirr ean be so easily obtained. The Cordial will purify the blood thoroughly, and the Llni ' ment will cure any sore. See the adrertlse- msnt. t 4..t r'"'rS",i'-.x i-iiiiiaHi 1 1. I i HT 8e' Wvertliemftit of Prof. Maui's x Hair Invlgorator la another eolumn. ra TELEGRAPHIC! REPORTED FOR THE STATESMAN. CONGRESSIONAL. SENATE. WASHINGTON, March 1. j A resolution allowing Commodore Paulding w receive a grant or land and sworotrom nioa ragua, wu tsken up. The grant of land was stricken out, snd then passed.- ' . A bill tat rAlmhiinlnv Commodore 'Pauldlnsr for his expenses In defending a suit brought by one of Walker's men, was passed. , . The renort of the select commltteo on the Peaoe Conference and the Crittenden proposi tions was taken up. ' , Mr. Doua-Us asked that the resolutions from the House be also taken up. . Agreed to. , , Mr. Mason said thev ousht to be sent to the committee to be made Intelligible. . - - . . - Objection was made to taking up the resolu tlons. ' Mr. Seward offered his joint resolution ss a suDeiuute. Mr. Hunter mored to strike out the first ar ticle of the Peace Conference proposition, and Insert the first of the Crittenden resolutions. Mr. Cllngmsn raised a point of order against any amendment. Mr. Seward claimed that tho amendment, of Mr. Hunter would change the character of tho proposition, which would not be the recommen datton of the Peace Conference, but of Con gress. - Considerable debate followed. Mr. Clark suggested to Mr. Hunter to offer the Crittenden resolutions as a whole, sot as a series. Mr. Hunter opened against the Dronosltidn arguing that If It was adopted the South would loose tne advantages or the Dred Scott Ueul lion. Mr. Crittenden wu willing to sacrifice his own views for the cood of the. country, and would rote against hia own and In in favor of inese, in nopes or a pacmo settlement. 1 Mr. Mason did not faror amending the Con stltutlon, nor sanctioning the plan proposed by me reaoe uonrentioo. tie denounced it as subversive of what rights (the South already naa. A lone disoussion ensued. Mr. Baker argued In faror of submitting the queetion to the people, saying, If events change so muob, he wss willing to violate the Chicago piatrorm, was wining to give up a great deal to the Border States, but nothing to secession. Mr. Green said the propositions of the Coo ference were the merest twsddle, but the Crit tenden Resolutions have some sense. The right of property must be settled beyond a doubt everywhere. The resolutions of ths House were made the special order for to-morrow at 13 o'clock. , Air. Lane spoke In fsvor of the Crittenden Resolutions: nendlnsr whioh the Senate ad journed. HOUSE. The report of the committee of thirtr three was taken up. Mr. Loveiov mored to oostnone till thu fourth of July. ine Speaker quoted the rule that a member reporting a measure msy open and close the de bate, and gave the floor to Mr. Cor win . I Air.jjoveioy appealed, and the Home sua- talned the iisnair. - -i " - " The pending proposition was an act admit ting New Mexico into the Union. Mr. Hickman moved to 1st it on the table: carried 114 against 17. The next was an act for the rendition of fu gitives. Mr. Hickman mored to postpone till Moo- The Speaker ruled the motion out of order. The bill was passed 91 sgainst 83 The bill to amend the sot for the rendition of fngitlrea from justice, wss taken up. - j Mr. Corwin explained its provisions. It wis to avoid contradictory decisions made by Gov ernors of States, which are not constitutional law. The bill was rejected 47 stralcet 126. . Mr. Grow asked to nroceed to the considera tion of territorial business. 1 The Speaker asked leare to present the pro ceedings of the Peace Congress. Mr. mociernand mored to suspend the rules. Great confusion. Some said they wanted to consider more Important business. Mr. Boteier loudly asked what could be more Important than the peace of the country, Mr. Grow contended that the territorial bus iness was set for consideration after Mr. Cor win'e report, and was now up. - ; The speaker orerruied the point. 1 Mr. Grow appealed from the decision. A motion wae made to table the appeal. Mr. Burnett aald, as the effect of the vote was to prevent a rote on the peaoe proposition, be demanded the yeas and nays Usre the Speaker deoiared a reoess till 7 o'clock, In accordance with previous order. On re-assemblmg, the Speaker stated the question pending. Mr. Hickman mored a call of tbo House. , Mr. MoClernand proposed that the report of the Peaoe Conference be taken op. , : : , Mr. iiOrejoy ODjeoted. During a call of the House, Mr. Hushes ask ed that the Sergeant-at Arms might bring the seceding members before the bar of the House, as they had been absent since December 30. Mr. Stanton hoped not, as the public business had not Buffered the least detriment. Mr. Stevenson reported resolutions sdverse to tbeolalmof Mr. Conway, of Kansas, to lull pay for the session, '(allowing him only from the time he wu sworn In. Mr. Sherman mored to suspend the rules re quiring that no bill be sont from one bouse to the other within the last three days of the ses sion, for concurrence; and no bill bs presented to the President on the Isst dsy ef the session. . Mr. McClemsnd proposed to take a rota at 11 o'clook to-morrow on the Peace Cooferenoe proposition. ' v . 1 The speaker reviewed his former decision. and said the territorial business wss in order. Mr. Grow, being wllllne.that a vote be taken on the suspension of the rules for the reoeptlon of the Peace Conference proposition, a motion wu made accordingly, nut the House decided not to auspend the rules 93 against 65. -1 The resolution passed navlne Williamson one thousand dollars, expenses for oontesting Sickles' ssat. '- The Nersda Territorial bill passed: also, the Daootah bill. 1 The joint rule waa suspended, and the Sen ate's amendment to the Postoffice bill was msde the special order for to-morrow at 13. - ., After much squabbling, the volunteer bill wu taken up. John uoohrane opposed It. ' ' Adjourned. : ...... -v u;?.-' , WASHiNereif , Mar. 9 The Speaker laid be fore the House a letter from Thomas H. Ford, resigning his offlos u Printer. The occasional struggle for a recognition by the Speaker occasioned the greatest possible confusion 1 twenty or more members rigorously springing to tbelr feet, holding In their out stretched hands the propositions they severally tmva in attar. -Tha nhnrm. Mf. , finaiker." was deafening. That officer bore this Infliction with beeomlnc reels nation Mr. Haakln, from ths Committee on Printing, reported resolutions, which were passed, to print xu.uvhi copies 01 tne abstracted bonds Investiga tion; also, the same number of Mordooal & Del afield's report on military operations In the Crimea j also, 3,000 eopies of the Morrill amend ed tariff bill. ' -'' The House Proceeded to the Benata'a amend. Stents to the Postoffice bill. , 1 , . , , , j o 1 Latest From California. ' Fobt Kiabiiit. March 1 .The Pony Express. with San Francisco dates to Feb. 16th, passed here this morning, several hours ahead of time. ' ' 1 Lady Franklin sailed on tbS 15th for British Columbia jj 1 ... .;,':' I The Ponr Express, with Atlantic dates to Feb. 3d, had arrived, bringing the -news of the passage of the raclno Kail Road bill by the Sen' aWr Wnioa wujoyiuiiy reowvea, ju, Tf ra ITawc. Warrh bntlas in tha amn Uotory ei Whitney t Alms & Co. exploded at noon, demolishing the machinery In the east snd of the building, and Injuring some twenty per sons. . niai. niorton and Mr. uuvet wsre blown across the street; Paul Savage, eneineer, was eerloualy Injnredi E. R. Farmer, W. S. Rich ards, Sam'l Hall. Labant jOIItm and son. we're badly seiMed; nine others were injured by he log burled In the mina.- a ti .m ..nHnnv.ti. reoover., PhysioUus aud engineari went out to the scene, bus the latter were not needed. Tne vans a. tut eijuwoB is SRjwovm. . : v From Washington. - Washington, March 1 .Lieutenants Hayes and Holmes have resigned from the Marine Corps, and Are going South." Lieutenants Bailey and Montgomery, of the Army, have resigned and are going South. The Republican members of the Ohio Senate unanimously recommend Mr, Coltax Tor fcs masier uenerai. - The steamer Pawnee arrived to-day. ' The Marine Corps paid a farewell visit to Mr. Buchanan to-day. 1 be formation or Mr. Linoolo'a cabinet is not settled, excopt by rumors, which are confliot- Washington, March 1 .The following Is an abstract of the amendment to the aot lor the rendition of fugitives from labor, which passed the House to day: Every person arrested shall oe produced before tne Uourt, judge or Um- mlssloner for the State or Territory when the arrest la made; such Court to proceed to bear and consider the same publicly; and if such Court, &c, is of the opinion that the person erreetedj owes labor or servioe to claimant, ac cording to the laws of the Stats or Territory, and hu escaped therefrom, the Court, esc, shall deliver to claimant or agent a certificate of such facts; and if such fugitive avers that he Is free, such averment shall be entered on the certificate, and the fugitive shall be delivered to the Marshal of the Stato from which the fu gitlve is ascertained to have fled, who shall Sroduce the said fugitive before ono of the udges of the Circuit Court for the last men tioned State, who shall cause a jury to be em paonelled to try whether such fugitive owes la bor or service, the fugitive being entitled to the aid of connsel and to process for proouring evi dence at the cost of the United States. And upon auch finding, the Judge shall render judg ment, causing the fugitive to be delivered to the claimant or returned to the place where arrest ed, at the expense of the Government. If tbo Judge ls;not satisfied with the verdict, he may oause another jury to try forthwith, whose rsr aioi snail ne snai, A section , also, imposes a uue 01 tiuw on ine lusrsnai 11 no does not ful nil the duty assigned to him by this aet. See tion two enaots that no oitisen shall be com polled to aid the Marshal or owner Inthann. ture, unless force la employed for capture from tue uiarsoai; siso, nxing tne lee to the Commis sioner at 110. Senators Wigfall and ; Hemphill gave notloe tut7 win wunuraw trom tne senate to-morrow, they being oonvinced that the Texas aanAuim, oruioance is ratified by the people. - B1L m 1 1 ... . iuo 1 nunn correeponueni says Lincoln re quested sn interview with Ca mmnn. Aft.. explanations, the latter was offered a seat in the Cabinet, to whioh he replied he could ac cept no otner Department than the Treasury. Mr. Purvlance. Attorney General nf Pnn..i. vania, waited on Mr. Lincoln, and In the name of the State government protested against vuana Bppu.uimeoi, anu insisted upon Came ron for the Treasurv. Later advlnaa lint it u definitely determined that Chase shall have the x reasury department. . At a second Interview with Cameron, be was offered the War Depart ment. All Invitations for the Ch!nt win t,. nueu ramorrow. There is a great run to day on the Garern. ment funds. Several bureaus, Including the nsvy sgency, have paid their last dollar, Advices from San Antonio Intimate that the Government dispatch ordering Col.-White to Bupcrgeuu ueu. iwiggs wss intercepted be tween San Antonio and Camn Vrrf. ,'. . , The House commltteo on ways and means have rejected the Senate amendment to the roBivmce appropriation bill, transferring the Butterfield orerland Mail Co. to the Central route. ' Great consternation was created yesterday among the northern conservatives and border Diaie men, ny an untounoed report that Seward had declined a position in the Cabinet. certain Border State men dnlua iw if Chase goes Into the Cabinet, they cannot sus tain f.lnMAln'a imlhl.t...! ' Despatches from Rlohmond announoe that the secession ordinsnce Is drafted. Jnhn t.u. i. .UB ""'"'' Virginia from the Union, and it is believed he will succeed, in cao Lincoln's inaugural suggests a coercive policy. " ASHiNOTori, aiarcn a. Tho Secretary of r naa puuu.aea an omoiat order dismissing Gen. Twiggs from the irnr fnr tfsa.rv. the flag of his country, in having surrendered, wU -vu..uu vi iun Binuwiwes ot l exss, the u,wrj Pue.a anu oiner property of the United BtnvcB, ui urn aeDsrimen: ana in hia h... Forty-three army effioera hava ka La v'uvw wasw uwdomko ui IUD fJOUin IJIFfl n am i ItltAti thA wtSlaaatawA L. CI " . . nance of secession; sereral of them without reioreuce w mai BUOject. "N ' The recently passed noat mntA hin svfif a ina m section requiring ten cents prepaid letter post ege tojand from the Pacifio Coast, without re- Bmu ui uuwoce. ah arop letters are hereafter to be prepaid with postage stamps. The formation of the Chinot .ti.w tr jLMe'imt0re lntDM ,nlwet than heretofore; inuig uu wuuiBstoo as yei as to toe saver al gentlemen who have been prominently nam ed In that connection. ThairrMiaUv ri-Unrf. are still vigorously engaged to secure their sp polntment. Mr. Llnculn was eouased until two clock this morning, hearing what ardent pol itlciana had to say upon this subject. , Missouri Convention. Louis. March. 1. Tha Jefferson city, st 10 o'olock a. m. Judge Gam ble In the chair. The report of the committee on resolutions and offloers was adopted unani mously. This report Included a resolution re quiring officers and delegates to the Convention w uu uis oau to support the Constitution of the United States snd the Stete of Missouri. A motion to go into secret session waa almost unanimously defeated. A long and quite warm discussion ensued on a motion to reconsider the rote on adopting a rule to tab tha .Ka.. ..k. after whioh the Coarentlon adjourned to meet al St. Louis on Monday next. - St. Louis, Mo.,Mar.a.-IntheConrention yesterday, the motion to table the motiou to re consider the rots by which the resolution re quiring the members to take sn oath to support the Constitution of the United States and State Missouri, as adopted, was lost-sixty firs to thlKta Maltltaa al. - . Sin la.. ..v una men quanneo in tne afternoon. he Conrentlon permanently organised by the election of Ex-Gorernor Sterling Price, Presi dent, and S . L. Lowe, Secretary, The President am oeiore tne convention a communication from Luther J. Glenn, announcing himself a commissioner from Georgia. On motion, the wU,uiuuicuon was laid on the table. Adjourn. North Carolina Convention Election. WaSBINOTOX. March l.Rahina 4mm Vn.ll Carolina are as followai For Union. Wake oonntv, VJW; Kowan, 400: Davidson. 1200: UUlirord. S.U00: Alabama. I.arv.. Hnnoa Johnson, and Taiewell gave large majorities for eourauiun. oronswior. aevr Ilanovar. Wana. Mecklenbnre, Cabbraa. Nash. Ed!nbnr. Sn- ner, Duplin, aod Craven, majorities noascer- wiueu.mosuy urge, l oe results ror or against Convention are Indefinite. ' . GotBesoao, N. C, March 1. Wayne county, official, gives 1,008 majority for a conrentlon; secessionists ars elected Waahlnotnn winntT elects a secessionist br 919 malorltv. and cirea 86 majority for a conrentlon. Lake county, se cessionists elected for a oorfventloa b 160 ma jority. Warren oounty elects secessionists, and largely tor convention. PairaAn onnnt nn. lonists elected; the convention bssa large ma- juruj. iiormampion county, one unionist and one secessionist; a large majority ror aoonren Hon. 1 i ' . j i RaLvioh, March 1. The mails, and talavranh report 37 countiesi 91 for compromise, 13 for secession, and S Divided- Ths Stats hu prob ably gone against a Convention br a small roa jority. Many Union counties give majorities io uonrenuon. . .. , - . , , Affairs in Texas. - Orisans. Maroh 1 Galveston advloes stats mat Cant Hill. In renlr to the Taxaa Com misaioners, refused to svaouats i'ort Brown or snrrenaer government Droperty.' h , '. 1 it ib aiatea mat mil ordered reinforcements from Kinggoid Barracks to retake the nmnari on Brazos Island. . . v . . A Collision between the Gorernment and State troops was imminent. Harrison county voted 866 for secession and 44 against. Caas, Marlon, Rusk and Cherokee so unties reported almost an salmons for it. t u St. Joans, N. P., March 1. Tht Exoc-tlrs Conooll war dlamiaaed b tha Oatanni tn.Ha owing, II Is said, to the Colonial , eetary obarBlDg thsOortraor wUl ajststlng tho ni norit to defeat tho currency. whi snoru aieoiioi. - Rnihmono, Va., Mar. 1-In the Conrentioa ! aha raanlntlnn tA Snhmlt tha nnaatlnn a the rote or tne people, wnewer to remain with the North or to secede-was referred. Tha speeches asada to-day, ladioate that the: peaoe DrotmaiLioca were aooeptaoia m we . Unlonlata but are denovnoed by the Secessionists. ! The Peace Commissioners were invited to seats In the Convention, as a substitute to a resolution inviting them to address it CiKoiNHATi, Marsh 3. Yesterday slternoan the liquor establishment of Uoft'heimer Broth era, was aeetroyeA- byflre. with most of the stock . In store. , L, -L, , Harding. Commission House ablolning, wai damaged to ths amount oi proDaoiy i.,tuu. .. The aggregate lose hi about fu,uu, Which Is fully covered by In sursncs.;,.;,,- ',;-,..,, ,.;.,.,; ' . ), M.ii ; m " 'i ' -' . Gen. Cass at Detroit. Ditboit, Maroh 1. Gen. Cass arrived tiers this evening, and wu reeeired br a larva ann, oourse of friends and neighbors, who welcomed him to his old horns in a hearty and gratifying maimer. . . i 'i Ft. Smith, March 1. Another orerland coach passed today confirms the report of tbo Inter ception at Apache Pass by Indians." The route is strictly guarded oy troops, and no interrup tlon Is anticipated in the future, ' miure, - i , , , , : MONToOMrar, March 1 Congress was in secret session all day. - Peter - G . Beauregard waa uuuurintu urigaaier uenerai oi the fro visional army. . i : i i PaiLADCLrRiA, Mar. 2 A special despatch received in this city says, the President has signsdtbe tariff bill, .... .... NEWARK MACHINE WORKS, . NIWABB. OHIO, - ' I- nannfaclnrers f all kind of For tavble and Mtationary steam En Cissca, siaw inula, urlst mills, &c, ice. lAJfXdb BObLSTBtaimt S. t F. BLAST) TBtattnl J. &J. B. DUTALL Sitttmlll COLVUBVB u MACmmS CO. BeaUnUll BRADORB ; A CO. RtatmllUI ' Our Portable Engine and Siw Kill . ; Was awarded tas first prenina of $50 at tha Indian State Fair for IfOO nvtr Lane at Bodley's on aceonnt of Price, lightness, simplicity, economy of fuel and superior character of lumber sawed. Our Stationary Inrlne waa awaMni at Oia ma r.i tbs first premium of iO0. , Our PorUUs Bngloa was eward4 th fiist premium of 100 at tho fair at HetSDhla. Tanii.. aar nunrf.'a r,m. Tall'a, Colombaj ktaohin Cos., and Bntdford Al Co'., by a eommltkM of practical Railroad Ingloters., m wi ycv anu larma aaama . - WILLABD WARNER, Treasurer, ' decS-dawljeols. Newark, Ohio., THE WEEKLY, OHIO STATESMAN- ...... . k, t Ha VINO A CIRCULATION j LASQXB BY OTERol THOTJBAHDi ' Than any otLtr paper la Ohio, ontalde of Cincinnati Offers Faciliticg for Advertising Which CANKOT rAIt to brtn' i speear and Hemaaerallww Oclarns To those who take ad no tag f Um. .' .'' I TIIK "WTEKTCIiY BTATEaMAN. Olstrtbutcd u It U through every Post Office la Ohio, Reaches a Large Class of Readers Whose patronage is valuable, and, who seldom see the Dailj Editions of city Journal,; and as only A Limited Vunbsr of Adrertisenients An lnaertad la Its oolumns, appoprlater and HAP$0MEtV WSPUVEO! Tmrr CAnoT raa to Attract Attoxitloxi Of AUI . WHOLESALE DEALERS Advertising la the WIEKLT STATESMAN will la . It aJrantafons In THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which Is almost certain to follow a estasslrsdlnenia SHOD " AMOKQ . . . ' ' 7 .; knowledfs of their business . COUUTllT DEALERS ! ADTJRTISEMalTTS INTBNDBD FOR . htf WeoHv! Siatinan -' Bhouldbs handodln beforo Prtdar noen. ... s psicii aiDtioip, . . 4 . Inmtballew.trkObaorTer.l , ,J As all nartiea maatfUtnrlae Bawlaa Afahhnea ui nh. lired to pay aire Bnwaa Ucanaa an each maohlaa aald. and are to ooapelled to make rotarns to hia, under aiu ea 10 armauauioTaoiu, auaaoaai grraaoerreetetatt moat, rrena this seliabie aoarat wa bare obtained the rouowtng rata aet. . m ui aMOAlaoa made la to year wnra, ainn inrnw aoiu,w.9 IK r. p n L:.'lflJ e -i V . V ,J 9t Wheeler Wlloa,'...V...;.l,W5 " I. M. Sinter At Oo.... W.ftil " " Storer at Baker ,A .. A .r0,2a j Showing tht tales of Wheeler at Wilton to ha: JmMa mote of any ouivr i.oa7pany. " 11 Awarded the htgheet triolnmi at th United Butes Fairs of 1858, lrU sad 18S0; aiaoattha . - , , 1 Ohls ItaU lairs of 1830 and IfloSj ' A . and at all the Oeunty fairs In the PtaaiJ Our nrloea at tha lata red notion, or aw lota au av lock aticA machine bow told, and out a tilai higher than uo inieiwe m tnrtau enam mcA macA, now forced upon the market. . .. 1 The WnBKLBA St WILBOtf alAOHTNB makes tht boose BTioit the only one whiebcannot be raveled, It mauBBowanrniBiMBOf taesooda, Maytag tat two or B&aiH on (Ae emcjar . tiJa. Ml tatwAanee mmr'amttA 1 veort.i and iaaVanUM given la their use, free of enarto. : r "m" . jj a. mgn it.,uoiambaa.o.-.. vfM. BUMNBBfcCO- -decS-Sawd3aiwO lke's Opera Uouat, Cioolnnatt. JAB. M. M'KIl. JfM. H. R18TIRA0X. M'KEEoV RESTIEAUX, GROCERS ' . .'.. rr:i t. -urnvn'ii i PIIODUCIJ i.DBiAtEIlS, . ' . , No. 84 NortU Ulc'ta Street ! U..rf i r -I Ol v. . COLUMBUS, OHIO, ttAVE OTI H AND AT WnbITJ ATE X-a. ann neuiii, rinatr eiarts KOCSHIB FLOTJB, SALT, TIA, COFFEE, BUUAfc, TOBACCO, g R 4AB8, 1 to , Etc. Our Stock hat bete porohittd la AA. aaaiwni vi.aai aariug nua aaio. , tdeavot"viii v, ffattoireiitsvs Jt,,theOlJ.;J,W.0.l etS8.; ..n P . a a V ' THE MARKETS. York Cattle REPORT. FOR THE WEEK ENDING WEDNESDAY, Feb. 27, 1861. TOTAL RECEIPTS OF CATTLE OF ALL KINDS, FOR THE WEEK. According to the report frum the sereral market place! In the city, lliers IwVS been rtceiTad tulswees i.i . Bben and n'trel. Cowl. Vests. Lamba Baioa. Total. At Allerton'i, 3,H 2U S'.7 Wi v ...uini a, .., i. i i. M t-s IS S.IT7U 31 . Sff 1914 O'Brlea's,.:.., Ohamborllo'i.. S4 ; SB gnndayaalea... .. Bold bu'rt, bn. 418 ToUI 3,831 T'lpr'sweek 3,7tii 84 W 5S7 S.4II1 4fi0 8.1SJH 4,710 14.010 7,010 0,0U7 Ayrnf no, BEEVES FROM THE DIFFERENT STATES. A. M. A Her ton It Co.. ProDrieton of the Waahlnataa linre-varas, win it, wort tho QaUla la Market from in, rniinwifi, .- . u the following Btates: KTewTont 433Toa.. 490 Iowa........... rennaviTania. Connecticut'.!. Ohio Indiana Illlnola... KeutUL'kjr . ... . 706 New Jtrtey HuaaohUMtts Uliaonrl 10V 4"!ichlfnn. tttlOaoads.. 64 Virginia S2l0aoada SO BEEVES FROM THE DIFFERENT STATES. BEEF CATTLE. Number reported for this market at VarU fniirtti irnei, ,,juj. Tiie prices to-aararn quoted ai follow. Quality. Pries. Oualiu. 'w,- litre, If ewt. 9 10 0OS00 00 Ordinary. . . SJ7 OW7 50 irm quailiy o jwj) .HI medium 7 UX&B SO ine anerai average or inemarnetat mil.Kc Tho miiat of the s.lea ranie from 8 to Us. ' Total number ot Beerea ruoeirerl In Ilia eltn thl wv 3.M3. xn:s is 3SJ nean less man laatwesk, and 1,131 loss than me average oi nut year. Tne arrraira number at each Wednesday market Iwt rear waa 3.4U1 head, whiia iha number to day being 2,005, ahowe 7311 heail lew than the average, ana tan neaa wes man inn day week. Tdoday. lb. IW At laat we are able to report ono cattle market that gives almoet unlrereal eatlitaction to the drorers. It il to mneh better than thev hva of late accuitomed to, and to much better than generally expected, tnat the drover, are eenerallylolly it It altogether the beat market they havamat with in many week,, jet not a rery high one, tho prloet rantins irnm 7 loOcenis net a noundfortha hair nf me came, eents tor in rery good ones, and 10 cent, lorcxtrat, with a much more lluiral dltpotition on 'he part of boyen In estimating weigh!,, to that tht market la fairly half a cent not a pound better lor tellers linn It waa mil aav week. un a fa r nnuneet of iha n.i holding ont to the olott, at tbe number on sale to-day it only about 2 000 head, and we cannot learn that anv an- slderablo addition, will be made to-morrow, certainly not enough to mate Up 3 000 heal; and as the ealtt at Ber gtn and the down towa ttablet dortng the week bavt not beta large, the weekly supply will prove to light that It wu, kivv me uuicmra an ODDOriuniLr u work off all tha i on nana, ana oa role to abtorb about 4 000 head next Tueaday and WednVtday, wlthont any falling off from prlcet current to-dav. Should tha annnla a, " viui, uw Mixer tuio Kn-iui. we aniicinala ,nn ha. advance equal to that of this market as compared with Tht quality of itock todavla onl vavaraaa falpf lhM il not at larga a proportion of Unt-clati bullock, at then we, laat week, but at many at will aell at iha d V..M mm butthera art generally eonUnt to rlik tht chancel, well knowing that a full lupply will bring the price down agato at low at It bai been in any of tbt paat weeka. The weather to-day It ezlremele hvanhia. hin. i ' yarue. lor once, qnita fret of wane oi ina nrorning WU qUItt bl,, until tht arai-caea Duicnera naa meat their dwi.jihil ,h i. lacked off, and continued only moderate through the day, and will elote probably at dutk with anlv half the tuca. aoiu, ai oanert art noiaing pretty itiff for tht ad vance, aod tbt wholeealt butchert preferring to truat to thtlr chancel to morrow, rather than pay tht prlcet to day. Tht market oloeei with a decided good feellna nn Ih. nn, nf . V. r,. J 11 , , , a CLOSE OF THE MARKET. Falfnetdav, feb. 87. Tht market ananarf in. mornlDg with about 100 betd of bullocka added to the ,ww on nana jmeraav. nut inat rtan nn tnatn.i.i on uw pneee, wnico are tbt tame at yttttrday. The ,raua, uoweTer, in ino lorenooo, wat very ilow, the brokers holding hard for tho rate, of yeiterday. aod la tome eatet a little higher, and butcher buldlnr off eonii. ly herd to force a reduction. But tbe small number of bollock! on ealt to dav watranta hMrfin. ,hn ... k. uu n, oi jvrvra.y, wnicn jney will nndoabttdly bring refore night, nn lets it maf be for a lot of tat du- uiiert irom aiixnr. wn en arrivari ihia n,i.. nu um iwTs an nanny oa Tuetday at Sc. t?, but do aot find ready bnyera at thatto-da-. Th.r.n.. erwas more beautiful weather In February than I, UiH day. and. bat for the fact that a re rj body antielpatet a fuller tuppiy ot cattle next week, tht would have been mach gieater, I be weataer being to Cot tht t rauF . SVuu away w Gvcae our, ina tuoir attendance they do not buy largely. We notice more country boy. trt than heretofore, and tblt thowi that the aupply from aeixhborlng fanatra la netrly exhauatad, and thltwiU ira Huia Beiwrocmana ror VYMternatotk. COWS AND CALVES. Tne market for freah Hiioh rinin.n..i.. i. . .1 I WW" w aaannaaaaf iu SB trVilUr Uon vtrynnittlifactorytotht cow merchants, somt of whom have had thti r goods on hand ever a week, wl thout any better prospect of tales than when they tint arrived. The average price of good fair-looking UikU Oowi, with Calves, It about 140. . . Veal Oalvwe art not much advanced In price, but tht mirket It muck more Urtly, and good one art telling quicker at 7o. t, Hre weight, thaa they did laat week, -i cviaa(uinor or uie au ranee upon mut ton, tht demand for cheap tall meal It better than it was a wcii ago. working Oxen are In good demand, there being seve ral buyer. In market who want Oxen to take Into the ror eait, ana wno art willing to pty mora than ,...w.,, , iWDm, ine pnee 01 tome tart ported at Soenta a pound on thaanlM. Vnn..d f"rMgingrromSlto4)175a pair. The demand for Tork that there la every prospect thtt the price will eon llnnt tuoh at to toconraMall whnhnvan... Un t u 1 m 1 11 . vara u ao larva in an ,nn nnnn, . 1 bring them in during the month. Alter that the demand 111 noi dcd gooa. THE SHEEP MARKET. Receipts Ihia week, 5.405. That priCtS trt lOICmed hw tha annnln I. n.l,..ll provtd thii week, for they bare gone up equal to a cent ooonn ror ut net weight or meat. There teemt to be f,: l,Jl,lrV,,!diB!,,beoolr0T,Ulthey are Juat like the animal, they deal In. They always come In droves. Borne fltyi the market-placet are all full, aad othera all empty. On Tnearfa- wa fnnnj pnin.'. pent entirely empty, except halfadoten heavy aheep. .7," j Tr , rraynw VOUBiy. . ltd by Alfred Hall, which were anld at Alhanaat T. a nM wtlght, ayeraging about a 13. . u , reported- that the feeder sold 20 of them at 15 each. They were sold here. 10 of the but at 1 16, and IB at $11,75, and tht balance would not aell at over t7 or t each. Another lot or 61) long wooled, fat Bheep fed by 8 . W. Oedy, Tompklnt Countv. N. Y.. wen haaaht hv a. wn. liima, at 5o V Jb grots, and sold htrs st an averagio 7, Theee dretted 80 to 115 each. In both of the above eatet, the Sheep were too fat for tMOteotoo, when heavy Bheep do not aell at well In pro portion to the home ettlmation ol their value, at sood, Sheep of 40 toW net each. THE HOG MARKET. , . RecelDtilhliweekSJio. . ... Prlcet at onotod bv nTanr B. rimnt a.,n..i,..j... r wenua,.?,, an lor corn ren nog,, grass welrhl. 8Ka.0c. . BlttllleryHogi,sV5o.- ' -- The lUDDlV UlhL and IIo. anld faat aa Ih.. ink. edit the above quotations. No stock oa hand this Dom ing, and very little k 1.0m to be on the way hither. : THE HOG MARKET. New York Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO NEW YORK, March 2. Eecelplt of 45C9 obit, market dull, and nrlrea wtthoat material change ; talet of 150 bbls BS,0S5. 15 for suptrflne) 8tattl5XaV5 30forextraetaf S.ri5S40 or oommon unman extra western; 95.40 for hipping brandi tatra Round Hoop Ohio. Canadian flour dull and uneb anted; aalet of 350 bbh) at a3.Sufak1.75. RYK FLOCB-tteady at S3 SlKas.lO. . .... , . WU8AT-Eecelpm B,OM kuh; market rather more steady, with moderate export Inquiry; aalet of 4 500 in. unioago spring dollvertd, SI Win uon, ,j ueuraraa ror miiwaotea uiah; Sl.xJ atuv trod for Canada Olubi $1,40 tor white western. RYB quiet at 67910. , . ' BARLkV Arm at70dl80o. - i CO N reeeipts none 1 market without aia'erial rhaagt ; talet of 40.000 both at 568c for old aaixtd we. tern Tin tore and delivered; 59OS00 for new doataOoatand do- nrereo. OATS-dull st34K3Jo far western Canadian and State. PORK quiet and unchanged, sales of 100 bbls st t IT 25 ror nucaa, aao 9 1 ou ror prime, BKRr dull and unchanged. CUT al!ATHl..,l LARDquiet and steady! sales of 100 bbls at OJfto BUTTER In fair request; 104l4e for Ohio, 144119c lor OVBT. 1 - - . CHBEKE Stetdvat DiatiOHe. ; 'i'3 1 WHIBKT-flrra and demand fair; tales of 450bble at too. - COFFEE firm! aalaa 450 hat rla at It u. 8DOAhBmlt Srm with fair inquiry; aaltlSlO hhdt Cuba at 4k5 Vo, 80 hhdi Porto Rleo at 4 W . HOtjA83s 4olet tales lle of Now Orleans at BTOCE8 astlre, bat lower.'' Honey In good demand at tkal7 per otat. oa call. Sterlloy Kxchante Arm at 100 for Backer,' Ulli; Chit 4t R I tgV; Mil 4t all it IS; O B at Q 73 ! larl 15; do preferre4 at 40; Del St una ju, r to van no; neaatng foi ss oik; ill twndt to; DSH W lit 311 V; Trtatary It per oent iinv; oo kk 100; Ohio S'lOi, 90; Ttnn 61 75; Vn )8S; HoUXl Bnd let bonds 105H. Cleveland Market. March 1. FLOCR quitt aad steady al onr qnotatlo as. WBEAT-talttefS oan red atSI 07: Ideal El 00: ear led and while at 1 OR and 1 1 IS respectively, and white en track al St 17. , OORN-heavyal S4iS9Se, 1 vTo ouuai bjov , 1 1 HIOHWIHKS taletof Mbbliat 15o. . , BEEDB-mylesaf 100 bnahelt Clever at gl OS, and rskejebelsdoablllO. . timothy It In demand atStf SSf IW. "'1 ....- . - BUTTER eal at In barrel lota, at lOMtSllo ', EOdS-etUins at 10Ko. . I FRCIT Dried Apples remain Inactive at 3, and Feachis al lWauo, , , . . ... ' Cincinnati Market. FLOUR It stilt oatta nttltettd bvaceldentsl adren rurert, and as tbe Inquiry from ihtpptri It light, the market continual doll at S4 SOS4 60 for taptrfine, 4, 7uo4 00 for extra, and B5(S5Jk9 (or family. WHnlAX eott not vary, intrge nayere imn tnmham when any doeaand aboae k tor prime mad.. Holdeax, however, gwoerlly aak SIM. fa nominally held al B1,0 to SI. IS for Stir prti WHS AT does not vary. Lane buyers restnet tnsir nme fed it White rtma O iILN on ibe ear la eonrce and Arm t 34a. lor ahtl. ed there hi but a moderate dtmaad at J5o, for mixed, 30 Saw ror white. OaT8-art itsady at VtHt. , BARLEY It taken men read fly alTOe. til prime mils soring is nominal wjnum;.. - , ... RYB oomawodtM - - . . -, ' - ,T I , . WHISKY-wae kepi at 15 Ve. A fuxlher advance AfttaijtvA aswkja, fhmmtrtjM, tiirMU- .t, Tir J TT TTrtT.T fjttr 1 '-11 ws mmm st-w inini iwr Strengtlenixg Cordial and Blood PUllIFIEIl. 'Tlsa Greatest fteaaedr im Tha tAarlw AND TBI i host Muaom DELIGHT FUL CORDIAL tVER TaREN. 1TI8ST1IICT ly a scientl&o and Vegetable Oomponnd, procured by tht d la til tation of Hoots, llerla t n A Btrkt, Yellow Dock,: Blood Boot, Baraaparllla, Sf H d Cherry Bark and Dan delion enters Into lit flcfore l!uiii'rs"pecUM' reoeiiSiirtfr Taking. prluclple of each Ingredient Is thoroughly extracted by my new method of dietllltng, proauclnt a dtlleioua, ox hileratlng tpirlt, and tht moat INfALLIBLB remedy for renovatioK the dieeated system, ana renonng ne tux, suffering and debilitated INVALID to UKALTIi and BTBINOTH. . . ' i mcIEAN' rritENGTlTENINO COU. Will tffoetaally core utbu ouupurei. ETarirsiA, jadndiob Ohranle or Herrond Debility, Dltuaotol the Kidnevs ana an aiatatei aruiog iron aiaorarrtj Lirei or Rtoo aoh, Pyanornrla. Heartburn, Inward file. Audit or Sick leae Of the Stomach, a uiineaa or iliood to the Heed, Dull aln or swimming in tht head. rt!t..lattoji 01 tut Heart rullneeaor Welirlil In the btouacii. Bour Kructatluna Choking or tuffiwating feeling wlitn lying down, Lrvueee or leiiownettoi tne b a in ana a yea. nigut sweau,; la ward Fevert, Pain in tilt nutll of tht back, ehttt or tide Sudden Iluahet of Beat, DepneeicB of Bplritt, rrlgbtfal Dreamt, Lanirnor. Detpondeney or any Norvout Diaeate. Boret or Blotchei on the Skin, and S'tvar and Ante (or owns and rover.) . Over a million ot sf otttes ' -,' ; Hare been told daring the lait tlx moathi. and in no In. tanct iiai It failed in giving entire tatiafaotien. Who, then, will anflerfrom VVeakoeet or Debility when Ali LB AN '8 BTKKNGTlIENlNa CORDIAL will euie youl No lanruate oan eonve an adeaaatt Idea of tht anna dlatt and almott miraculons ehaogo produead by taking uit uoruiai in uie aieeaaed, aentiitttea ana mattered nerrout tyitem, eihethor broken down by txceat, weak by nature, or Impaired by ticknett, the relaxed and nnttrnng Digaoiaanon it reeiorea 10 lie pruune neaiuieoa vifror. RIAHUIED PEHSONS, Or others eontdoas of InaMMty, from whatevtr ranae. will Snd McLean t Strengthening Cordial a thoroueh regenerator of tht ayitem; and all who may hart Injured tnemseiTes ny imnrover tad u lattices, will and In Hit Cur dial a certain and ipeedy remedy. To the EacTleai. lu'u Streiiglheuhig Cordiiil It a aovereUrn and ipeedy cure for McL INCIPlliNTCONStVraFTlON.WHI'l'KS Obstructed or Difficult Uenatruatlon, ineoatiaenoe of Urine or Involuntarv D aeharet thereof, ralline of the n uu.., aiiuuiuvaii aaiuima mliu all vamw uwmni, 10 femalei. There Is bo H istaks About It. ' Buffer no looser. Take It according to Directions. It wtlltilmulate.itrtngthtn and invigorate yoa and cause int bloom or nealln. to mount your cheek again. rery bottle u warranted to give aattaraetioa foh cuildken; If your children are sickly, pany.or afflicted. McLean's Cordial will make them healthy, fat and robutt. Delay not a moment, try It, and yon will bs convinced. - T IS DELICIOUS - TO - TAKE. Oaotiob. Beware of DrocvHta or Dealers who am try to paun upon yon soma Bitter or Banaparilla trath which they ean buy cheap, by aayinf It is Juat at good. Avoid inch men. Aak for McLean'i Btrongthenlng Cor dial, and take nothing else It is tbe only remedy that will purify the blood thamnzhly and at the tame time strengthen thetyetea. one table tnoourui taken every morning futini. la a certain preventive of Cholera, Chilli and fever. Yellow Fever, or Any prevalent ditettei. It It put an In larva ooiiiet- 1 Prire only fl per bottle, er S bottles for 95. ' J. H. HcLBAH, 1 . Bole Proprietor of tbit Cordial, AJao UcLean a Volcanlo Oil LlnlmenL Prtr Hral Denot on the comer of Third and Pint itreeta. St. Loeii. Ms. McLuan's Volcanic Oil Llaiment- Trte beat Liniment In the World. Tbe only tats and certain euro for Oanotrt. Plica. BwtUines and Bran chiae, or Goitre, Paralytit, Neuralgia, Weakneas of tha muaoret, unronw er innammatory a US- neat of the Jointa, contracted llaicies or Llgameutt Earache or Toothache, Bruitea, 8p rains, Woundi, Freah Outs, Ulcere, Fever Boret, Caked Breaats Bore Nipples, Burnt, Bcaldi, Bore Thoat, or any Inflammation or raia, no difference bow severe, or hjr long the diteaaeauy bare exitted. McLean's Celebrated Liniment it a ear taln nmedy. Thonaands of human beings hare been aaved a Ufa ef decrepitude and mleery by the net of this InvalaaUe mea- aine. - . , , McLEAN'S VOLCANI0 OIL LINIMENT i Will relieve pain almost Inttantaneonily, and It wll cleanse, purify and heal thy foalett sons in aa Incredl ly soon time. , , . , For Horace and Other Animals. ' UcLean 1 celebrated Liniment It the onlv aafa anil ra liable remedy for tht euro of Spavin. Kine Bone. Wind galla, Bpllnui, Uonatoral Bumpc, Nodes or Bwelllora. It 111 never fail to cure Bis liead. roll Ami, Httula, Old running Borei or Bweeny, If properly applied. For oraina, Bruises, ncrausftei, Boret or Wunnds, cracked oela, Obates, Saddle or Collar Gall, It la an Infallible remedy. Apply It at directed, and a care It certain In every intranet. Then tribe no longer with tht many worthiett Llnl- ments offered to yoa. Obtain a tuppiy of Dr. McLean's celebrated Liniment. It will cure you. J. II. incljE AN, Bole Proprietor, . Corner of Third and Pins Streets, St. Louis, Ho. For aala by all drajrilta. For tale br I . . ROBERTS At gAMTJIL aa o Amu aii, Oolnmbns, Ohio. augas-datirly " CANADIANS & UNITED STATES MAIL 'TipAriiScsm .ONDONDERRY, " GLASGOW, Liverpool, Montreal, Quebec, -' - 'and' - !' W YORK. ( The Aloatreal Ocean Bteamihip Comt'aiiT's flrit elttt fall powered Oljde-bollt Bteamera sail orerjr Hat urday front PORTLAND, carrying the Canadian and Cnlttd States Mall and pataingers, ' - t KORWiaiArT. J . - : .- NORTH AMERI0AN, , BOHIMIAN. ... ANGLO-SAXON, 1, NORTH BRITON. . ' HIBERNIAN, CANADIAN, . ;,:,:.N0VA8C0IIA21. Shorteat, Chnapean anAQnickcatCon AKSBXCA X0 AX1 PA2TS Of STBOFB. . Rates of PaswaK to Europe, j . , . S3o, oa, eso. ; Will tail bom LIVERPOOL every Wednesday, and from hlbheu eyery saiaraay, eaiitng at LONDONDERRY, to receive on board and land alalia and PAeernnrt. to and from Ireland and Scotland. irrThcat Bteamera art built of Iron, In water-tight oouparlmtott, carry each an experienced Burgeon, and every attention it paid to tnt comrort and accommoda tion of paatenyers. At tiny nroceed direct to LONDON- DKRY, the (teat flit and demy of calling at SU John's liavouwa. - - - ' w . Ultagow patttngars are furnished with ran paaaage nneu loanairom iionnonaerry." 1 Return Uckolt (ranted at reduced ratal. OertlScatea huued forearrymg to aad bringing ont pat- sengars from all the principal townt of Great Britain and Ireland, at reduced ratei, by this line of steamere, and by the WASHINGTON LINB OF BAILING PACKBIA, leaving Liverpool every ween, . - . Slg-iat Drafts lor i and upwards pay,- land or Wale. ' For oattut. ami at Uie Office. 63 R ROA Da WAY. Ntar Voa-lc. and 1A XV AT S'.IS. NT.. s.iverpooi, - - - BABEL k IEASIX, General ijents, rw tr, 1 l ' s n 'SBSseTBAkir r- - e 1 wa tea aatvtv 1 nwnw, nolo-lyd Aw " Btatenian Office, Oolusabut, Ohio. GUERNSEY'S BALM i TlEfflOrEfl AN D -PREVENTS IN XV flemmiUon and pain, fend -treala the wont barn tcald. bra lee, eat, er I rath wound of anv kind. 1 raven ta swelling and pain from bet ttingS, taotqulto bltea, and poworwit pwrna, neuraifria. tneainaiirai, agnt in tnt breaat, talt rhtaat, eto. 5. Waea takaa Inieraally, 11 will poeiuvel cart eroup laoniidren, ana glvet Immediate reiienn int wonteaee 01 urn samnie complaint; aiao. removet hoaneneat aad tore throat. Price, SS eemtt 1 bottle. Shealdetlneverr heatt. for aak hy Drug- glitaand Btorekeepert. IB.VIN HrOMaV BOie rroprtetor, no. 1 spruce n., new iovs aattdttoljiiS i;t s . ; M. C.ILI-CY '. JlIJUSI JL3XJX1 h Aad Ilgiii-Boolc! KawifantntfrJ v 1 ... iTOKTir hiob msitr, cotumm, omo Copartnership. 1 T I HAVE Tills DsT ADlnlTtEn Mf tao J AMIS ADOBK BAlS at partner la dt butl- Met, which will hereafter he enndneted Bnder the firm tt Bam at Son. - . .. r, bain, xa soa h UUh Bt. Columboa, feb 15, 1SQI, M , feblS BLACK ITHAWiBOSiKETSAnUe egant Rlbboaa, la great variety at BAIN,.. SatS I-:.. .. .- ..No. M. Hleh ttret, W1ISB MANTLB UAKACCStJlOTn Whllt and Black, just received at , t , . '"" rySB , aans's. CVANOY 'XlSCr"AJaT"LK"T:rfrj 'tH X: new IVylesi u. Ittlbtoa toaaa, amnrn'r noa dlaarntai"Vl '.' "".'Bii' I BovBd. Htentl.." nod In- .. .,.1 t' naii..a , ,- .soay3 . Ho. SS rteata Hlga ttrwtt W is a eonsUtiUioiial disease, corruption of the blood, by which tliis fluid becomes vitiated, weak, snd Boor. Being ia the circubiiiori, h pervades tho whole body, and may burst out in disease on any part of it, ) No organ is tree from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is varioual y caused by mercurial disease, low living, die ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing- rices, and, ohovo all by tho venereal infection. What- nvat 1,a Ifa rin-i, tr tm J : . - . . . Mm acinuurruiuil con stitution, descending from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ; " Indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who says, "I vj-ilf visit the iniquities of the lathers upon their children." ' - It" 'effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt Or ulcerous matter, which, ia the lungs, liver, snd internal organs, is termed tubercles s in tho glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cot. ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous eotistitu. tions not only suffer ftoro scrofulous com plaints, but they have fiir less power to with stand the. attacks of other diseases conse- quently vast numbers Tjeriah hw riiannW. which, although not scrofulous in their nature. are still rendered total, by this taint in the system. Most of the consumntion which do. cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our neonle am acrnfuloua their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health ia undermined by it. To cletnse It from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food end exercise. Such a medicine we supply inn.t- t . .. . AYEIt'S : ' Compoiind Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which ths medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevail inn: and fntnl maladr. It la mm. bined from the most active rsmediala that hin been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of tho system trom . its destructive consequences. Hence it tliould bs employed for the cure of not only Scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as Euuptivi ana nEiw uiaEAuisa. t. avtvAwy, Rose, or EaYsir-EiAS, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, TJlains and Boils, Tumors, Tetter and Salt Kiieuk, Scald Head, Hutowow, Rheumatism, Syphilitic and MExctrniAx Dis eases, Dnopsr. Dyspepsia. Debility, and. indeed, all Complaints arisixo tbou Vitia ted or Inurtn Blood, Tho popular belief in " impurity of the blood" is founded in truth. for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose end virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purifv and reecnerato thin vital fluid. without which sound health is impossible in wuiaiitumbvu cunauiuuous. ....... . ... . .......... .1 .fit . Ague Cure, ' rOR THE SPEEDY CURB Or ' Intermittent Ferrer, or aVerrcr ami A a.- Remittent Fewer, Cbtll Fewer. Dune if, Periodical Iteeularlia. ear fill Inna Hoadache. aad Aallloma Fnv.rn. lnAl for the who claea of dltenaoa or Iff Ina t Iner In biliary rltrangemtat, canaad by the Malaria of AUaaanatU Cemnules. "We are enabled here to offer the Mmrnrmltv a remedy which, while it cures the above compUints vntn certainty, is still perfectly harmless in any quantity. Such a remedy Is invaluable in districts wtjerc tneso aiiuctiug Unorders prevail. This "Cike" expels the miaimatio Doiaon of Fever and Aors from the system, and prevents the de velopment of the disease, if taken on the flrat ao. proach of its premonitory symptoms. It is not only the best remedy ever vet discorcrerl for th rlaaa of complaints, but also the cheapest, The larga quantity we supply fur a dollar brines It within tht reach of every body ; and in bilious districts, where Fevwr Aim Ague prevails, every body should have it and nse it freely both for core and protec tion. A (Treat superiority of this remedy over any other ever discovered for the speedy and certain curt of Intcrmittcnta is that it contains no Quinine or mineral, consequently it produces no quinism or other injurious euects whatever upon the constitu -tion. - 'lliose en red by it are left as healthy aa it they had never had the disease. I ever and Ague is not alone the consequence of ' the miasmatic poison. A great variety of disor ders arise from its irritation, among which are Neurahin, Jihtumaiitm, Govt, Headache, Blind aass, 'loothaehe, Earache, Catarrh, Aithma, Pal pitation, Painful Affection of the Spleen, Uytttr ics, Pam in the Bowels, Coke, Paralytit and De rangement of the Stomach, all of which, when originating ui mis cause, put on the tnfeTmirretif time, or become periodical. This CtrRB " expel. me pouion iroru ine uiooq, ana consequently cures them all alike. It ia an invaluable nrotoetian immigrants and parsons travelling or temporarily residing in the malarious districts. If taken occa sionally or daily while exposed to the infection, that will be excreted from the system, and titnnot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into dis ease. lience it is even morerraluabte for protec tion than cure, and few will ever suffer from Inter. mittents if thev avail thcmselvpa nf tha this remedy affords. . Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYIB & CO., Lowoil, Mass. ! BOBIHT8 As lAMTTltTOomiEtini. And bvfiraggltti and Dealers everywhere. noTv:iyaitwtw MRS. WINSLOW, An experienced Kan aad female Phrtlelaa, prestcts , to that ttenttoA of mother, her , SOO T H I N Cr-S YRUP. FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, which grtatlf facilitate! thi nroceaaef teething, bj'eoft tnlng (lit gutna, reducing all Inflammation wll I almy AVLi, rAIN aad Spatmodlo action, and is , , 8TJHE TOHEGTJI.ATE THE BOWKLS. Depend open K, mothers, at wHI give rut te vonrMlvea and - J. a BZUET 110 HIAITH TO T0TJB tSFAMH. We have pat op and told thh artlrle far ever tea veara. and OAN SAT, IN OONFIDANOl AHD TBTJCB, of it , what we have never been able to amv of an other modi- tine MBVSR HAS IT FAILED, IN A BINQLB INhT- AriUE, iu A'rraux a oukh, waea timely nardj Nev er did we know aa Inttauee of dlaaaatlaegoo bg mvf ont who aatd it. Oa tiM tontrary, all are eke Lighted with Its opormUoca, and apeak la tarmt ol cosomeadaUon of its magical eUeeti and medical virtues." Ww ipeak la thii matter "what wu do know;" after ten reare" nrpt rieiwt. AND PLKDOB OUR RCPUTATION FOR TUB FUULLelKNT Of TV BAT WI BBRB DBOLARet. In almott every inttane where the taraat ia tnftring tram aaia aad exhaattloa. relief will at foand la fiiwea or ' taenlf mlnatea after thtayrup la admuilittred. thii valnable preparation Is the preMripuW of ont of the mott BXPCRIBWOBDasd SKILLFUL "URi.Slo New Ingland. aad hat beta BMd with HSVAA SU1L N8 8CC08S8 Id ' - ,-, 'THOUSANDS fASK4U - It aot only relievat the child from aaia, -tnt Id vigor. atea tht itomach and bewem, toevtola aotdlty, aad gives toae and energy it the whole tyttcm, U Will almott la ttantry raliivt . . J ' . c t i I i t , ob' nr tsz iovxus, abtj wino couo and overcome oonvaliloni, whioh, tt sottrietdlly reete died, red la death. We believe H tbe BEST and BUB 1ST KKUCDV IN TUB WORLD, in allcaaea of DY8 KNTKar and DIAKRHCBA IM OIIILD&IM, whether k) arratt (rtta troth log, at front any other eaata. Wt any of UieToiegolrg enmpltlntt D6 NOT LET TOUR rKKJUDIOBS rlOrt TUB FKgJUDIC130OTHIdk llacd between yow and your uffeTinf ohikl, and the rt nei vnat wm be burs jet. abdolu raLr bURSJ to follow tht an ol thiamodielc, if timely aatd. full di rections tor Being will accompany oarh bottle. Nnnt gen alrx anleaa Ilia facMlm i la of CUBUS FBREINS, New York, is on tbe outeidt wrapper. Bold; by all DrngglaU throughont tht World. Prt-iclpai vines, is cetratr tveAtN.V. PRICE ONLY 26 CENTS PER BOTTLK. . oartT-dfewly. .. ..... . ":.r nab natv ok cxciiAm or riM a gotd FARM, tbe nndlvidtd bait of grOHli Bt lLl, SO So. 9, North 1IU r rreet. Comer High Street aad Lynn Alley. If not dinpowd, of by tut in af Ipr!!, thy 8toitwtllbtror renS,; . -t X :.:' .s'-i-LBo,,.;.:;'. : en the earae tenoa, or far deairnblt CUT PTIOriUTI , a Well selected Stock of f AM ILK OUOOtttlai. AtSO. - ' ' Twenry vtry dtslrabit B0ILDTKOS I0t, iltuatadeu WaMfa Avenno, Worth of Broad Street. - ir,'.pm.,A.nllt.w-h..M&. -j kbMi - fflOMAI WALUJl. "I.