Newspaper Page Text
it , f f ... ' ", - - ' Jt i. tic or tih cosirrton of thi. Cit ro j;; 1 ns cran cCompaiif! -,.1 . r.r r, i ii i! Y ,N TUB 81 r;"" B. VjF WJ, lb Auditor at Ohio, pursuant telh Btatuw of (Hat State, entilled vAn Ml la M'0npnM. aol Inrnrp Mated by iht "late oft,' titaa,Wja. '; ii u.i . -. jt;HV .11' UAH! AND lOOAlIHO-" w.- Thi seme at th Company toft '2": 4th.. , ,,,-M A8SKS. . '1 C..h lnih'hatdsof r.d du . a.. -iu'i - t, -j(,Ui.,.vmiiBenwbe. ;J 7J1 4,.Ih,B0ndaildltucklOWU4lby, ' " J 'I :.' t. 0ComplruP'nucl1-,; j ,r j arV aa th rata ef Uv I V !' - r twit tbro.toi wWn wii J it CiK Vlna Jlt.iMU.l erai- f "T" i di.i .in. th. Cumrany, secur . J.. ' d by O.WW. 86 nleom' , j ... . r . of Iterft, Lotsten wlU, ; - : (,3US 50 , , . . r BUS itS M.77J 34 ,.iiid una. ..:.",, ' B3,PJS 11 .p.,l.j,,vr.vJH-MfWTWS., ' Jtt Ili..ooia.of l.bliluc.;rtoo , in: : 1- '.S 4. tot urthr proof wi 10lh.AU oltar toi " . .iv HTlCELLlNEOUi j Tllf,i t ItoW...... ; i lM. Th. rrnlM llri 0 b " 1 Amount ot Uta.pluJM Mfalop. I , . i TJ.i laml or luln. BOH. . S.v. nr Vet of taeorpoutlon of Mid Con.' iMttuf of ft City. ir Immbc Oooipny,of New H """""r.1 i ...niiton. devote udwj, r;K.rto.?a,..o.d .Ul, a,. i,m the kawant to utaiob Ui bub H Btort Stiw.f..r. for. to toioeflt of Kjr todWdnjl Kid Company an " w 'k fNT 5T " i.nii b. I1HADLKT. BecreUry. V . V JoaUce ol UM reaee IITft!, Ocmwetieot, ta .fti efflo. (or the i!l"-V -jt :(.: :-5 :i . ... Auditor ef UU. ni cfs.jr. 1 7.--.,.:j-.:.- j! -j fr-rtlilcale )I AlbrilT. :' ' fta expire. 4,4 ib ?d.y of. Jaim try. le6J . k . - AoDiTOoBTTt'e Orrai, j " .CtlurJbaj, OWo, Jsnmuy S8, 1HII. k i Tl,. PTTT FIB ISBCBaNCI COMFA- JLi huvZit th!t o a aworo atatemeBt of Ue oonditioB, nat njq . w " , ..-f: 'T raralate Ml.rl 1! 3CTHl'.l 7 ' ?Sf "' bwrpoaata by IhaKlaiaaf T ijiTyTS iM-MWuma..liaampany .UmHl thasdeialATi aaUtlactory .tidano that It ; toamaaflJ ImttonV huadted ihooiand dollar! of T a Paae ..Br lB bonda. or In mort- ' Torib to the amount for which 'mer; and, Waaaaai, -id eampaay baa '' AM Ttatttt omTwHtteB 4n-Bt uadar im eorpa nttrrTaeal t7i by th PraHdaatand Secretary Ihara- "anaTaLVa lab a. Taad"rTd " Spapany.aocortogW thaUwiof ' o5rBtai. awaiTlngallelilmrrtihlof error.hy rjwmi of iKhackaowleJiriaeBl or atrrtw. ftaSSa of OUoTttotereby eartlfy that aald City Lire iMOraac Canpaay at Baweo, Coieetlcot, U I ito trn.ict the bu.ln) oTVira Inioranoo ainora thlrtr BTit day ot January, t? ' ' .. : t h . . (.uanaM WslWRrlhtd mi In Wllnti CB) rw, a .-T . pam aadaaaata tna aoai ai w"""- I I affixed tha day aoayaaaaooj. .-'f :if L. ,: ;k-"- '. . Auditor of But;. II., WJIEELEE, Agent, . COLUMBUS, OHIO. ; H. 81t St! Mir Street. Wholesale and Retail Depot for no. ICS South ' High Street. t Tf f. 7 'i DEALER IN , a.,-.!,.,!- -..TEAS,...,, iFMfcSllFLEPOCCTIES, r, , IN ALV THEW YABJETip. !,yv-riivMr , Atrlral ml 3ei - .Fnr, the "Fall andWtotef 'Trade ... of '1860-61:1 1 -; J j TnTOETDRNliSG SINCERE TIIANlM ;,Lio THI PUBLIC for Pt faron tu3 rtron- ''- aca. tDAteml DETERMINED B1. aettonei of PMa by MM ,tthtl e (MtalevaaA elt 'fUtYT 3V '"'iwrt'S eiTl tb nattca at thepabll to th. Uat that f.V! kaTta, 'alAiK a wU ?! n ' band, aJ betog ta duly receipt it goooa iia tha differ J."' ant aarti I Satur nryteU that I can offr to the dtt- ''aaneaf Ootafca. e teany who may dMlr4 to purekaai.' an aartartt at irtM appwtalatog t. th.GJWCIBY trade, UNEQTJAIiED br anybonla tha dty. 1 ,F The price aad joailty of ft good! offeraS; 'I guar. -J.'mattM t grtrej atielvcta. .'V.,','.,; Goodi J)eliTered rreo cf Charee. ..... BWB7.. ? : .1 '.i- ;: ..Y. McPOnALD. " ' Baltimore Clothing House. ,; ywrnirairrFaaa aa waouauiA piAtm v EEADYJliVDE CLOTHIUG, ii til'' 1 No'UOS "V7; Baltimore-street, - 147V i ' i:ir nALTIBMIHK, . I A. lit J Ationtment pi Pleoa aad fwiilablD ' J : i ' J i Cocoa Coaitaatly tm E4J h i . j w OoWSdly -. iosnVA cowpiiAnd, !uer-tfirr nd Dealer, Ho. 6S Booth f oarth St.. iiarket and Cbeatont, Philadelphia, - t'Tirr.ilK US 'OFFEBII AT lOOTJ '., ii 4"ua,anmlTVriotyf tookin( Olaua to " 'Ollfc, Auwctuai id Via.atl .wnf. lK l"iuch Plata Kltront, Plain and Richly Omaiwnled, tlllt and fancy Wood Portrait and Pictaia frame. s tc-czcta cuts, ;riAirf it "Trrs 4box,' CkxXln pe- 10!.th Baftrt maoper, aa , Wy a.aiit iitiklihga.. ;I0S3trAcsT:'rIl3n),"", S3 CoaUtfrth B tract,., fhiLadelphla. ng3MCa. 1860-61, 1860- 1860-61, 1860-61. Winter Arrangement---Time Changed Great Northern and Eastern Route. Cleveland, Columbus & Cincinnati RAILROAD Cosrseettog ' For ittsbnrgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago V RAILROAD, Fittoburirh, Philadelphia tnd Bttltlmorej AIM for fort Wayne nd Chicago.--, . OouMcUnf at OlertUnd with the Lake Dunkirk. Shore Railroad Buffalo. Albany, " Boetoa and New York, a ..- - rrtuil TUAINJ UAILI (exoepi I rm CoiBKbae.! la oonneotlon with Traini oa tM Miami & ColumbuB B leni Kaiiroaaa. flEST THAIS. .,niii .vDQTna titm Cnlnmbm at 3:25 a. I Will toata paawmpn at all fttlor, icaUi of Oalltoa itopatDelawara. AeWey, laatoa. mw ",'" . 1 1I .!... tit fllMAlUld Bt Kill - Bomb 4.3U D. .. Uttabarili ato Oreet- Hn. 3-46 a. s.. PbUadelphia 7KW a. B.,ObioaKO flnftoB n Mp.'iB. AtoomaeotliJ at Shelby for all L"uooiialuak,, MaBafteld v Neward JUllroad. M ATX AND MPEI88 Laarea Colombo at J:0O p. rT .. .11 ....ion. uDth (if goelbr. aod at 8al- ZT lew London. WalUoitoB, flraftoa and Berea, arrir E3!fi2& Mp,-ankirk kO a. awl taW. 4:35 a. m . P- m Shelby for all poind oa Sandniky, Maaaneld Newark flkU.M aWAUMflM U UTJU B. all AB1BTV Patant ftlMninff Cat! tit TTLH Oil all Bight TraiM to cnioago,ew xo . t -., and Boston. 1 - rrv nl'rU-U 7anwoa to A Tori -aw -JF-Jf- 7 ;,.. di;.J,I.W- iVn Far ma CrettUne. . . . : i !. m -r MrtJUKisa.'. t . Klahl Iwreal antral at Oolnmbai at 1:30 a.m. 1 OiodnaaU Bzpran arrlrat at Colnmboa at 1 'M p. m Fare aa Low aa by any other Route. . Aah for Ucketo via Oraitllne or Clateland. , i' ... ' I. B. I1I5I - Boper't, Olereland. Ohio. ' JAM1B PATTIB80H, Agent, JunelS ' . ' 1 ' . j Ooloabaa, Ohio. CENTRAL OHIO R. CENTRAL OHIO R. BETWEEN COLUMBUS AND WHEELING. ' ' This Ii the Only Route offering a . TttrogBi Ticket 4. BagRage Check t ; "A . .WASHINGTON CITY; And M- elf Sottt giving to U faumv th - prMgt of 9ttmg ilu OUmof BaHlm)re,PhtlalolphlalwYrk At th aoat of a Ticket to Xm Tort only by other tins! " TWO TRAINS 1.IATI OUtCKBUS VAXL1 t ., SCKD.T8 ExramtD. , . ; '' arena Da' AT 3.00 a. m. .loDnlnif atall Btatlooj upon iliraal being gim, arrrrlog at Bellaira at a m., owinarHnc lauaadiately with train! on Th Baltlmvr at Obi waiirano 9nw n.ltltMir. Waahlnaton Oltrand th Booth, and Phi adelphla, New York, Voaton, and tha Int. Alto wilt train! ob tha rU Wheellog Uttabargh R It., for Pittabarth, Bar- rlaborgn, rniiaaeipnia, www . un, ovmtuu may Ihla train alaoooancotaat Kewark with S. at. At K.B. S., and at Zaneirille with 0. W I. E. B. forUnoaf tor, As. . i MAIL AT 2:W P- m., itopplogat all BUUoni apoa ilg- aal betna giren, arrirhpg at HrLLUX at 9:40 p. m cca aeeUng iaunediaUly with traini on The BaUtlanoro Ac Ohla) Ballroam for Baltimore, Waahlngton City and the Booth, aad Phil adelphia, w York, Bottoa, and tha Bant.' Atoo with train aa tha . PENJISTIiVAHHA CENTBAL, : .VhulinaaiidPlUakitrihB. R.. forPlttabnrth, Hsr- riehargh, Philadelphia. New York, Boeton, and the Satt. Thia train also connecla at bnarllle with 0. W.t. R. for Laacaitar, aut TRAVELERS TO THE EAST FROM ALL WESTERN POINTS, ; , ' ! fJAK Dirw oto - i Qnick Time and Sure Connections: ' Aarta tna Baaa Atumsroa Maua.' ' SLEEPING CARS ow ALL NIGHT TRAIN3 Aak for Ticket via Cclombu and Wheeling. Tor further teformation and Through noMa, apply to 11 . L. DOH1BTY, Ticket Agent, Union Depot. , H. I. JRWSTI, Praatdant, laneanile. ' ' ; ' JOHN W. BROWN, J j notSO ' XJanaral Ticket Agent, Colombof. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. CHEAT; NATIONAL ROUTE ewtERiniFfATEs ATT WASHINGTON 1 .nil Raiuinoraon Hw Eaat, and Wbaelina, Benwood and Parkarabarg on the Welt, at which placea It nnlta with Tr"'"! Btaamcn, ate, tor an inna an ptnau in ahe -t. w . . ,x i Weat, thxret a4 Nertb-if et ' n THEEE ISAIKS . DAILY ;', i j FOR "ALL ;THS EASTERNl CITIES.' A' TTiiB ii fht eoly ronta to Wuhlngton Oity. r iniii ltirffili rout can ThH Balllmara, Phila delphta, hi aw York and Doe tan, at th ,eoat of a ticket ta Boeton alone by athar Unea , whM.h mam aa tha Aaatara aitlai aaa be oraeared 1a Waahlngtoa City ataa addiOonal aUarg ot two dol lar. -' ' - TT ri . a. ma. r... kfritmtn ta aia Han Taanai. ' Jjraaoa aton ara oio areia any otksr font. fvnt '.f i s Inquire foi'tlcneti rlaBalthnor aod Ohio Rillroad at at A- DUiilT'aMvuf nvf.a i.. r . ,...4.. Baxtama, Ohio, '- ?:t 1. al culh, vencrai ti iuaw roni. - i V. H M T T II. Hum TranmoTtatioa. 1UOI i ootM-fr . COAIi AJSTD WOQPl -,;-r;BES.toTT:HlJ s i. I r i I i "" la .1 :. t ' l WO OD, SAWED i' MD SPLIT, to aay vert at th city for 8H.50 PER GORD,' ' 1 ;.f .. '. i . is. (J And feet Wood ft; 3 :?i WORKER pm!J Ann th ditrerrnt klndacd wl aa low aa any other dealer, aad, 'ryapaihiibf with the pobllc,"!! now ZA3TESV1XII! 02 HTJSXHSGjrsi " i, rcoAtroa ;cts., and;,; NTJT COAL OR ' DUTT, i . fOR 'i CTB; PER BUSHEL. Yard acd offloa, Hi, tc-th Third 8trt, near the Sea oodPTartiyterUnChBrcb.., - ';',;: l'- i ' A. B ARL0WL Agent,r , Anlmltaa I ' " T T! - -aiIF0STEDXt00I)a.T ! JV9X BKCeiYEBW..';T j. '! to eaK Italian Oil, Barton A Oa.,i4r labia aa. ' A - Boiwd Sardlnea. tha Bhdl ParcUne la? 4 of Caoera anaOlire. ' " '.' ' ft Table Baaeea "Lea fc Pwto'a WorcaaUrj intra. Boyeraaaitaoa," ji i- lO , ' : Walnaiana lomaio vaurap. , Walnut and Tomato Caump Tided. On At ,Blacwii,i - eelabratee angnin .i Plrtiea, eon.i.iingor-uanMaewee, ri ealill, C bow-Chow," W. lIIM. VUt71TVU(fWl ' TTrrtDUt, K'VI- L U7.1 a a 4-w It's fkrklete- 1 SO 'aiua'il fi.nnfa.1 1. arotehAUT - , CHW u inrxr fl i.i ubi -.j.i- Jl , C ti boxM Italinn ktmroul.and YinuaclUa. 9 tdmOoi'i Oelatlri. - ' ' Ooleroao'l celebrated Kegllah afaetard, In kagf, bona, cant end bottle. r- . nm. mouuoAiiv. 11 ftSK JlOi'FSf TIOTOBISRS an4Crra ww are 1 Jl awlllni at ery low prtcea, aii u oti-wklzid t td t It :'l'ai i-t K ',.'!-.. - .'1 at lil .fe'I-Sflti , ; .. liUST.. RECEIVED BY ;: MTTL Ai HIJj,' No. 30 Horth High Street, . 1 -IV . . . 1 . .! i On at thi targwt and Beat Beleoted J , IVIR OfTlRKD IN IHIB OtTW;'.1 ' , . .... - 4H 'IV '11 ' Honse Bniiders Fwnishingi OP KYBBY fTYLl AND 0.UAMTY . . . . ... ).,:, rt ;,!' . i I . i ' I r ranch & America i ; rAINTN OBOIJNU IN Oil,, : and pl ap In haU pound cana for family ate, and Dry Falotalabolk.i ".;.. Brushes oi every vanety & qualify. ,"A Splendid ''Aesoi'iaifjBt, of ' , MACHINISTS jOOLS. CARRIAGE MATERIAD8' ) VAXES' GRINDSTONl.'W.. -I . '.'11 i- ' , ' ' . . JT r , GUNS, PISTOLS, SHOT, 4o ' , . 12 - u ' i I.' ' . tiBBtS6 TACKLE. ; " 'v : , V ' ROPE CORDAGE, 'w LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER, v WEDGES,' MAULS, PUMPS, , ' " ; AGRICUtTURAL1 IMPLEMENTS, SCYTHES, oto.i '3 ; :v.; : '; SCALES, BELLS, CHAINS j Table and Pockot Cutlery. I wpaetally Incite tha attention of all Intaraitcd to my took of Pocket and Tabl! Cutlery , and j SILVER PLATED f OHSak, '. r . -i . :j I Table, Desert, and Tea Spoons, , Butter Knives, &c, cA HOtHCRRg A BRO'B. Manufacture, warranted tote axtraheaTy, Xlectro-Plated.on genolat Albatta, ' i Coantry Hnohanta, fcleohanlca, and other, are tarlted to eall and etamln my Stock, aa I am prepared to eell WTiofcaIeaidBlaIl., .V '? v wJ- A. G1.I i Ooloaabua, Ohio. May f,lr n - . b.-i THE "'.BEST? AND CHEAPEST :':V,pARICER':r:;:?i SE7I!J8 MACIIIIJES. PRICE 10, . AND WARRANTED , -.1 n Equal ib , Any O th or Par till Famllf Pntpoeee, " BeiUei btlnc mora ilmpk, dnrable, aad eaaiiy operated. Call aad nil (-'i; ' - ' ' , I Office, .Arasr' Hall, otw Bala's Store. octS-dn? '. .. ' i :' : ' O. T. Pt0WBH3, Aranty hunnewell's;;.;: v-: x 1 TJNiyEIlSAL:! -;,r' .f V-, 7 ' COtjGH RE3IEDT. Wnr .11 Throat and tnt.i ifcomntalnta, '.''be'tadBi. with raoit perfect reeulta, . Waoorme Cooou, CBomc Ooaaon conena, sboscbui. uv iocih vvnii, lvaa torarnnner ol Consumption. . I BuoTHrna Braorlt baa no anperlor. " freed 'from all Opiate luetic properttea, may DC' aata or bob aencat otmin tntlona, and with perfect aenadeBoe.' ' i HUNNEWELL'S ?X:A?".t'4 -TJOLTJNODYNE Tm OauTtaT ATtnua OruT erer offered 16 arorld. eontalotnff oat a particle or upturn, nor any aao Mm. ant itaatriatir aeaetaDBt aoa meaiai vropanie. A aura emedy Jot Naoaaiiaiavr BaaskUTnuti fleer, loo-THAim Saa A cat, Ciiuita, Jloaa aa hat faraa, till all nlm Mrnni4omDlinta3 11 , - o i -ft t foa 4M or kktET, and Headache In all Me anrtrtle, Uhaa pa eqnaL aod to akich moat asdoubtld tattaonl all are offered, i ?.:;"? ..:-.. t.. -i .' i . in. TjBUBina TaBKratlt be mo4erToct remedy. '. loa Bowri CeartMirra, after remoriu the pala U aa a phyeie, a moat Important oontraai vita tna eaaaupe- inr .fleoia at Oolnm. -;i" t:.i 't-i' '. ij t . To Phyatciana, formulas and Trial Bottle wtH be tent, and to Dealer or Inralld a daanlptlra pempalet without "poetate-.tamp." .). at it -i . .t -rrepartd aadar 4b ipaetal anparrlitoB at .. t .,.- JOHN 1.. HTJNNEWEIX, "-' ''"' ' ' " ' '' 'oBianrr am yHiaaUoavtieT, .. -. Ho B ComsurelAl Wharf, Botttn, Kass , To whom pilau direct all eommuolcatlonirr, - ' " PrlceaIiarga Cough Ramady, 50 atuty car battle. Small ;,, - , TolaAnodma. SO.". t: lor Mil by tua uutl wholtaw and tatall Sealer, arerywhere. . f BOBRitTS A B4MCKW ,!t F HARM, JOBM R. COOK. J. M. DKNlfl. a. DENI0 SONS, ! r A.J. BOHDILLEBAH33I, v nayl- iy, i .t . , . . Afanta ie uofoneua, vow 7 - a arm aaaoaTaawr or Imported directly and S witter land, frM.'ahA Maaafaetorla e logland and whioh we wtll ull-M low, If lowae. than an other Importing keuaa-la itbe United t Jl ,.,"!. ft Sv tiKSQlTBRltUA SONS. I nn!i i4i ' 1 ) t!il S.HighBtColimbaa.0. toig-al Maiden Use, Ma York. i.s r ... ! -ilJ.M TSARINA. ..... TAPIOUO, J? Ban " Arrow Boot, Bice fW'i U i J. i .Boatch Oat Mail . j Hartarle,.i,.;,;6pUt.Pea-f,y ,MlCracl!d Wheat V vhoeoht , ,.v Brrma.etc. . '"' "Oreaa.1TrUr,c.';J..'-3 SOUZjit'-j i C' ' 'I ; Puahea, Ornt'0,j .et a Uaco a irwia " rf' j', -fTr 1.1 , elllaaof All WkU'-i.rul,'! l n4 ..arf Pwa- (jam Drop; MixM tvanaiei, .,TF-(JJ a 1 1- STiituMtai Paw-rVtlfff.-. ' 1 ..?f'i.tWAL 111 . . . j 1 mi ,an31, - .JSaBMfclUeAiAAIJXr4 .. .1 -... it-II . -V It '.fit 'i'As?15 t -.".a. i kla . rev" i tub wisri TOlPAii ay w .1.. f E? or the acta net tCiWw sit c .I rKif-rsui) etf i nriwwv.. a etom&i Brnckaway. J BY YX.i i l r- :. raajK. ta mo 1 (reeked from aba upartor Oaartaf traak lis muv; OMa.X wUlaffanfaraataa ihai Castor UM OannHKi'tt01,Btt' di. -l Satunlay the 9th 4ay 1 JUAroii A D. 1361 betweea th honn ot 10 aW aril a.. Bad 4 edoek p. m. the followln daiBilhtd rati aiiala. Htuata to th connty of fmnkUoT tW". and Buie of Ohio, to wit Beirlnnlnir at a point la tha wtr of th Oolnmbai and 0r?lU . road, ha Uamara aba Mat linear BlfaaotloBllo..fteaeaH aM half aeoUon aih 1 dec. weel,B5 77 1W) pole o pot. ihenoa eonih 88 dei and SO mlB. 01 IM 73 100 to a poitf thenca Borth 1 aaetdl 4-10B polee ta a Pt a the aoutti Una of land formarly owned by Owrge WllaoB, thaea Wlihaald Una north 88 deg. SO aila.wei, lit 3H-1U0 pole, to a poet, tooth welt comer to tald Wllton'i land, faeoo wlih another of aald Wllton'i lloa'i north 1 deg. SSmin..aat70S8-100pele toationetn the centra of aald Colombo! and eraorllla Plaek Hoad. ihenoe with th centra of aald rood aooih,7 deg. wt 80 98-100 ml., u tha Blaeaal Btwlaamrl omiauuag oi awn am 7plra,b ibaaimaawcaorHaiwUii ,.... ' ' '"ww?mtproAN,:8b'.W;-1 : fcWltd4tW ByRd. Darn, Dep'ty. Printer', feat, $5,00. J jiaat Drake. .a; si'.iH :'." -'yi- 1 , a. J Superior Court.- - u ' I11K. Wllllami. 'V . i.'i'- BY VIRTIIBOF A tWBIT OP I I. PA. to ue directed from th Superior Onort of Vmnkllo Connty. O., I will offer for eaKat the door of the Court Bona. la the dlr of Colombo. on . , ... - 8aturday, the ?tb day of,. -March,. A. p., 1661, between th boon of 10 o'olock A. M., and 4 o'clock P. M .the followlngdMCrlbed real eitataaituate In tha Coun ty of franklin, and Bute of Ohio, to wit: Being part of a eertaia tract ot land eaatalntng Blnty.lx and one quar ter aom, (96X) altaata ob Dig Walnut unaa, miuun Townthip, in range 17, Towruhlp , quarter Township hMinnin. .t . .ton. in tha Oolombui and Johmtown Tanpika road, tha tooih wetarer of DbtM BalU'a urea acre tract, ana norm wen wiuur .w wtiu ImtI th.nn. aonth thlrtr-two and one half rode to an .1- h. ihnnn. .ut flftTand 88-100 rodt. thenoa north ulztyand one naif roo,(ou,t) tnence wmi tweuvjr mm and 30-100 rod, ihenoe aonth tlx and SI-1U0 rodt, thenoe with aald Turnpike road to the beginning, containing us teen acre, more or leu. Appraiaed at 45,00 per acre. Printer'! Feet St SO. O. W BUTPMAN, Sheriff, fbS:lld4.w, :, vyaa. vaTU,4wpoiy. Master Commissioner's Sale. Qeorge McDonald tl sunarior Court ' Charle. ffi otbere.S "- PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OP SALE litued from tha Buparlor Court vf franklin coun t. Ohio. t. m. dinoted in th abor entitled action, I aliall oner lor taieaipnouc auction, to iu mprav m der, on i .-. " , ., , i - " Saturday, March 16, 18G1, ' h.'tw.m lh hcur ot 10 o'clock A. M. and IS a'olook M. at the door of th Court Home of aald oounty, In the city ot Oolumbui. the followlna deierlbed premiiel, rU: Lot Nn. .11 I. John Marrlaon'a addition to the CltT of Co lamhu. Ohio, aa uer reoorded slat ot laid addliian, alto IS feet off tht caat ildeof let No. W ot laid Morriion'i addition.' - - - - , j Lot No. 33 apprilied at $300. . r ....,. ' 13 feet of( eait lid lot 3, at 100. J ' ' " ' -f RAN0I8 COLtlNB, febt-dl ttwli ' v. , : i 1 .1 .-. V. . Hutar OommiMlonir. Master Commissioiiefs Sale. DkIHm A nnmafattli 'ia' tViTl'. '. J T- , , agalnM i Common Pli Pranklin Jojhni 0. B.anyonaDdothn.J , - uounty. -rtTrRMTTAlf T TO AN ORDER OP SALE JT Ueued from tb Oourt of Common Pleai of franklin county Ohio, to ma directed la too aDOTeenuura bcuob I will offer for tale at publlo auction to the hlgheit bid' der l ; , U: ii tta..:;:i KVH4,rn-... :.f .a' Orl flatwdhy, March 1C 1861 u.. ikhi .r 10 a'claek A. at. and IS o'clock. M at lh door of tha Court Bouae of tald county, in the city or OotaBboi. ts roiiewtog oetcriBia premwea, tb: i.nt Nn. a of th. iub-dlvialon of th welt half of In- t.t h.. n. .nd th. Boom half or lniot no. i. in tne eltr of Oolombui, franklin county. VUlo, aa boxtl trj Appraueu af'tMtomti,', ' feMJltfcwti ' Mfhati nnTtimlertrttiP. Sheriffs Sale; lli Abner L vs. Backui Superior Court .. BV VlltTUKOF A -la HIT r VtiBUI to m directed from th SuperiorOourt of franklin connty Ohio, I will offer for tela at. the door of the Court Uoeie In the city o( Oolumbui on Saturday, 'e 9ih day of March, A. D.,' 1661, h.twH th hn.ra at 10 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M., the following real eaute iltuate In the oounty ef fr.nklln and BUto of Ohio to wit: Beginning at the e.W. corner of lot' No IS of Win. Phelani addition to the !ltv cf Oolumbui; thenoe with th S. line of aaid lot, North TO Bait toa.tkta aald llae, 83 64-100 feet dUtaat from the B. 1. comer of aaid lot No. IS; thenoe at right anglea ta- watt I to at State eaaoae. Booth 46X weat to margin of Scioto rirer at lowwator mark; thenca np tha margin or aim bciow nrer a iw .. ginning. , . , rirTt :aX pprairaati. w. --v,- - ( . V; Iff AAlfTAJaUl3iAeyaaai febt-ltdk4tw. 1 Printer' Me., $4 50. I. -. U l.f '''If Ry Bd. Darn, Dep'ty t. I .1 J . .... ' Master Comrnissioner's Sale. ' Rlckley t Brother'" ' ' . . , -. . .ii. ; h T v: J Sanrtor!0onrt. I .. !terltarrlngton,at. al. I T-W VIRTUE OP AN ORDER OP SAL.. la In AlraetMl. from tha Bnnertor Coort of franklin connty, Ohio, j will dffer for al at th door of the Court lie, an tne eity or uoiumoua, on Saturday, the 9th day of Maroh, A. D. 1861, batmen th Lenn of 10 o'clock A. Id. . and 4 o'clock P. at., th to lowinr aeacriMC real eiiate, to wn: in 10m Ho. Si. 30. and 31. In the town of Alton, oounty franklin, aca Btate ei unie . AppralMd at, for lot No. , 50. . ; i'iJ-li I i " S1.S1S00: 1 1 O. W. HOI FMAN, BherUT, ' and Mailer Ooannkaloner.i f teb4.1tdk4tW ' Printer. . Fefl 1 3. fa il Master CommisaonrV Sale. 'BernarJ BhefMail : . ... n.... . Jamea Riley et al onpenor voan. TiY YtRTCEOP ANilBDERorSALE IJ ta ma directed from the Superior Court franklin county, Ohio, I will offer for tale at the door tni Utmrt tioaM, m uil V19 of vioimacuion MocdaT, the is. dai .Qt Aprlly A. Df 1861, between ftaioWef" 10 oVloek A. m' W 4 o'clock m., the following Aeacribed real ettata. altaata In Bounty or rrankiia ana Bute or uaio. w wiu not no. twelve, (IS) In SolUrant'i Addition to th towa of frank llnton. ;;; . , Appralied it 1300,00. ' O. W TITJrTMAN, Sheriff I ' febS6-aitw4C ' -' - and Maitar, Oommluloner. Prlnterl feai S3.00.J r,:.. -,.4 j JamN Cherry, Guardian, ate.,) v Z' .''t K d Yf. - I eaie ay uroer 01 vouri. ' Gideon Tandeaarketal. " , ' . BT VIRTUE OP AN ORDER OP BALK, to me directed from tha Court of Common Pita franiltn oounty, Oolo, I will offer for tal at th door tb Oourt tioa, at taa-einr 01 vauuBDUi, on .. Saturdayi Matuh'9(hhj A.D. 18GI, batween the fconr of 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'olock at., the following dtanlbad real Mtata, iltaata In eeaaty ef Prankliay Staaavf Ohio aad city ot Oorumbaa, n4 btaadedaod deeerlbed aafollowai lalo4 ho .eeres handree aad alnety-eight, (708) altnata aa tha aortk lid t triand itnN, aad aelmr the aeeaad tot eut'af fifth treat, aad f rod ting oa f riead atraaa, .Ixtytwo aod a feet by one bondrea ana eigniyame aaa a nan garth to Cbarry alley, beta the fall tot ef 03 feet 187X r-et. , Afpraiiwl at aapfuo-. febSS-dikwU , i aOV.HtTffMArT, Sheriff, 1 . Prlntor'i hai 4 50 . . v by Bd. Davit, Deputy, i " . 1 : 1 1 I .' 1 ., I: SherSale;t;; A. J. Clark Ooj .- ' ' 1 OemmeaPlaBl. loll. MeSi.e.4t. al.y- TY VIHTUEOP AN ORDER OP RALE 1) tome directed, from th Court otOotnmen Plea, franklin Ooanty, Ohio, 1 will etrer tor aale, attue of th Oourt Hoom, la tne eugr er uoiumsue, en - Sktutday, las 30th day of 'Miarch,' A. D. 1881 aetweealbeboarlof 10 b'eloek,-' aV. at .y"" 4 'clock, P. M., the following deacrtbed real attaw, altaata In Ooanty ef franklin, aad State of Ohio, Mrii) lot 8. luhdlvlilon ol eat no. 1, ta me city or uoiaau lea.-'- v " ''? u- - Aprrauid at 91800,00. 1... . .. ...i , ' a. W. attTf fMAKv Sherfff. I febSS4tw4w BfMn. Dato, Deputy. "Pilntei'i feei"$3,00r "'" 1 f. . m , 11 in t UAHlTBiVIiSWI ;' OaorgaVtjgaBdtl :" ". - 1 tatwn .ri." S ' BV VIRTUE OP A WHIT OP VENDI, to ma directed, from iheOonrtof Common Plana Aiadlaoa aoonty. Ohio, I will after for ale at the door of the Court Uouie, lath edty of Oolumbui, on Friday the 8th day Of Match, A. D. 18C1, tMtweeh th hoar at 10 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock y-tlM following euoritwd Baal Palate, .Unato to county off rank lias aad Statoot Ohio,. tal! oi piriKu aiav 1U1, tr-T."" .Wnfeelr lJoO. r t - mi a - - - A-t-VX ANTf?r ' KIT (PI.trTX" 2 i ii.- All Ksesaad eoloctjusl ope two a - t AIWS.T. T dea.ll. No. S South Kith atraab of of of the ' 4 of of p. tha half reet by of the No. ol P. the BO. . New Ohio sMIisMss House ! i lWMtfS. BOWLES, IBX OHIO , iTASDABD BCHOOt teBlISI h i.; ) 'ThePure.t.'Wcna tat, Bert and Chetpeit. . : -JJ .... '! . : "jn.,u:.j a'liin .... i lit 7'! :.:,! . ,1. .f l j SPELLLN6 r AND a : ANALYSIS. i.'.;e l. oaiJiai iowa, a., ij. w,,- ...t Towrl'i Bpelter mil Deflner; Town')1 New Analyila. i cy ! . iir - w-:(;i j irt f. h-5.-s it; ol a:- . t) na ;lf .n t, l "' : :r. .1 ; !' : READING.1' " ' ! ... o.!; .'i n i .. M.,i i , ':M i i.- ' Br 8. G. Goooaica, L. L. D. (Peter Parley.) Ooodrtco'i Kew Jit Reader, flood rich 'i Ne 4th Reader. Ooodrioh'i Mew 8d Baadar. Oooarich'i New Sth Reader. Oaodrtsh's New 3d header. -oodrich'l Nw Sth Beadar. u TkM rnrlmidiitHmvretimisniMaUUat I hart tm."Jln. W. Beott, J), J)., fasM.o Miami Mir , .! . ! i' . i(iVtiS'. ).': MATHEMATICS. ' sv.f.-.'.j I (Ireenteafe NaUooal Arithmetic-. ' ; i. SraanleaTa TraatlM an Algebra. : Qreanleaf'aBlamentiof Geometry. Standard and bnneiUhable work! of their kind; the i.hat .nd mn.t linmnri-h.niiv.. .a a Mrlel. that DSlT appeared In thecnrrentnlneteethcentury.'' Prof.Ptr r, of I?ortmcmth Oolltg, .!',.."..:. Cl t "J': )'J f1 VI b ' . ...ii tn. .'' i i.'t' I ri 1 1 1 1 CJ-Wpftoo .!'' 1 '' ''''' J nx c :.: '.:t t' VOaNBU.. ,-iO. , Oomell'i f IntStapt la OaoRrapby, Prettily Illuttrated. Oornell'i Primary ueagrapny, rieauiKuiiy iim.iraicu, Cornell'! Intermediate Geography, with New Map. ., Oornell'i Orammtr-Bchool Geography, 1 rol. quarto.' OornelPt High School Geography and Ailai. ' '' Mocb wparler to airy other flecfrapblei frtlh whlob am aeaoalnteoV' ifoa. tatpa timutA, SuptrMea- dmtPubHoJmirvetton, Ohio, - . u; ..i U?A ENGLISH GRAMMAR. ...V ' By D. B.Towib.A. M., and B. F.Twtti), A.M. Tower and Tweed' Xlamenta of flrammar . Tower and Tweed'! Common School Grammar. 1 ' , Tower and Tweed's Orammar ol CompoatUon. -' ' Tower'i Common School Grammar will fill a position ahiolutely demanded by th Educational wanU of th! country." i'. 0. Gummbavgh, Dayton Bigh Sohoci. a -. '. .: . T ' ' .' 1'" 1 f!H V:. . A . U'l !.'' i ' "' ' CUTTER'S PHYSIOLOGICAL WORKS. -I ' ' ' ' Tt RrMTiMiM nsxcHT.Ir,. A. M. .1 : Jbr JHttrkt School . . i OreenleaTi New Primer Arithmetic. . , ; Oreenleafl Intellectual Arithmetic ' areenleaTiCommon School Arithmetic f ' ";:... i lor High SJteolt and Atadtmit. ' firat Lettoni In Phyttology, Illnitntefl, U no. : ' , : AaatamyandPbyalology, llluitrated, Una, . '.. COPY :BO0!k3 'AND BOOK-KEEPING. .im. Ktmtnn and Seribnar'i Ooonlete Serle. ' - Haoaford aad Paym'a Book-Keeprng, Doobla and Bis. gintry., i.? .-.-,nrv!-.3 . u 'r:.' 7f : v;f!rie (: .''' 4 i" ' - - 1 ' TtPTrn,i nf Intrndnctlan the molt taroraM Teaohertand School ofCceri are requeited to eoajmunl MMetlkH.. r . .,,,..--. , . Blogleipecimen coplej furnlihed at one half fha waul) i .jr. H. RILEY T.' C. BOWLES, "l ent. 12. w6m ,1 - r toblintwra, Oelombai Ohto. TiT ITT RBOOMJfEHDID BT TBI UTI , , SIFL ASTLEY COOPER; DE. VALENTINE M0TT ,. - or bow roue-,- i i i The acknowledged Head of th Profession fa allhai ' ' i Bemltphere. , . The Ijent Dfoictio. Tonio, and Inrigorant. ' Fined' tJrtniot 'or tne xxajjiajv tvsirmi BSlRBiYf The Purent nd Moat Costly Gin Kx- INDISPENSABLE TO FEMALES, INVALUABLE' TO rTHE SICK INCOMPARABLE FOR THE AGED THE SAFEST. AND HOST DELICIOUS BEVERAGE IN THE WORLD For Balo, Pints and Quart, by evert urofjgiax, vrrocer, or tyountry Baexonaai. 100K OTTT FOB BOOWl ' U O N D O N , Or INS tub onxT oiirnnrE article is EHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL GIN d. Baldwin & co; ';v i;: 1 Importers. 91Xiberty Bt; . .SoUtaOotaBbB by f.l S'l'fwa (' 'n'-,l ... Waojetale and Retail Grocera, Stateunan Building. ! i ' ' 0, A. WA0NEU.and other. 'IaOlnciueaH, V" BOIRB, B0K8IE1N A CO., I i ocSfl-dtodAly w ,i:i.u-.,.a ,. andother. . : . " ' "I.l ..II'.. v : . " ' .i:N EW.TREATM E N TV MDDlOAIi ADVIOB Xiirj'-t i. AT 'TBI "' I . BUFFALO PRIVATE HOSPITAL,' litabiithid for tb ear of BvpMti, Seminal Weahutl, and Hi caoraf Injirmitiet of I'm and Maturity Jhtptptia, Qmeral Debility, Jfevtr and Agnt, J frmitlf of SbmthiOUAgt, tie.-- " ij-.x t jro mxBcexT vsid. k 1 Ty. JX.Xxa.oa & Son, ' ' CtrrnMf Main and Quay Bti., Buffalo I. Y. ' j k KB THE OKtt FHTSICIANS; iV. the Btatawbo are member, of the Boyal Oollog Bargaosa, London v . May be oonaulted frora B o'clock th morning null Bat night, in every itage and eymptom ef diieate. The treatment they adopt ia tha roault bpwardt of thirty yean extsnilre praetloe to Europe America. ",-- ."'.-- ' -IJ ...... : t. .0 A V08T BOtlNTIf tO rSVlHtiOTf.'1' : : ! An Initrument for the ear f Nacwrnal BmlMloni Bore properly known aa Semlaal Waknet,ctor I Can permwently cured from fifteen day! to two month! tha uh af thi initrument, when nted eohJoU'dy medlcieei. - ' .-. ..- ...-U-. - , YOUNJMKSTJJtlPARKJLARHOTIOB. Dr. AU08 A SON take pleaaura la annoancinf they have invented a moit important Initrument for cure of theabovediteaaea. It hai been lubjected to a by tha mottemtnent pbyrdolaol la London, Paris, Phila delphia and New York! U baa barn declared the only initmment ever in vac tod for tba our of Seminal Weakneea, or any diaean canted In tb tecret habita youth. "Price SlOby mail oreipreii.- - .j : . D-Dr. AMOS A BON, ta order to eatltfy th Bkeptlcal a to th meritt of thi, Initrument, pledge theajtelve that In any Inatanee where It may prove after a fair trial, thi moniy will be refunded by ntar7gtimhi.trttmeatmt oroVsr.; i- ri ; fa .1 Hl'e COUNTRY . H 1 1 : i Penos In any part er tba wend may n ncaearruii treated ay forwarding acorrant 411) of (hell a, wit ta a-eorreo. detail .or inau oaaa, a remittance for medlcini i remittance tor meuictne, em. , . , - Address Dr. AMOB A BON, eoraei of Mala and Quay St. Buffalo N.Y.- marll-dkwly l u?, i :t i OOtiVnOVtt OBIDj i "':!, j AGRIllULTmitWAREHOtJSS lAiid Seed Sore, .1 a BIALEB 01 J i j A 2 GENERAL HARpWAREr ,5(: lAttStflTMSS, SABU, PUTTY, OOBDAfl), euttov Pliil) WidW!Hw ware) tliher aad habbejr BeUIng, toot Lanikar, -Boai Packlnr.71 " 4 71 . - - -1 knl-dly. a0 'n '. ' ii" j hi 1 i' i. tii'j i i . l.Sirti Ua. Maulion. Watt k Co pur. uncewnv- cinw fntLeairca, a nperi"r nniom, mrrea m reif for aale by i , . aicii-Afc BBBTIEAUX,' "- eitsi .et?.aitiwteAJwudjog : . , . ; ' IN of la of and ?i be by with . that the teat of , meat nn aatialactory. with J 1 Bin f aid I . n-ninrnrir. mmmu J J..J.I 1 4 b.i.ii Li , ' 0E1.THE'.PAGK; MR; " KENNED, , OP ItOXBUHV) bai dleoorered In one of our Common paitura weede remedy that aural 1 0 " ' 'Jv, Every Kind of Hrunofa-, ' .. fROMq i . .. . ) util j The went Sorofnla down to aommcs pimple. lie ha! tried It In over eleven hundred eaie, and nev ' failid aoiDt In io aaaei. (both thunder humor.) He haa now In hii poieeanon erer one hundred eertiaceteaof in ratua, all wlUiln twenty mile, of Boitun. . Two bottlet are Warranlld to aura a nunlnf lore mouth. ' One to three bottlea will cure tha wont kind at Pimple on the face. ...,.,.. ,i Two or three bottlei will dear tbi ryitern of bile. Two bottlei ire warranted to cure tha wont ankn In the mouth or itomiich." ' ' i . :. - .j. i Three to Are bottle are warranted to ear the went kind of Bryilpilaa. , . , , , . . - j ,i; One to two bottlei are warranted to euro all buisor In the Byei. ', , ' Two bottlei are warranted to cure raneliur o the earn and eietcbti amung ttahalr. t i . ,, i,. ' , roar to ill bollee are warranted to aura eorropt and running ulcer,. una oottie win cure acaty erannon or tne Ik it: Two or three boftlei are warranted to euro the w.r.t kind of ringworm. ..,, -. I - Two or three bottlei are warranted to cure the mot Three to lour nottiee are warrantee as aura aaii-itneara. five to iliht bottlei will oure tha wont oaaa et aoro- fula. - . r i i A benefit 1 ilwayl txMrlenrcd from tha flnt bottll. erfect cure II warranted when the abor quantity a tea. ' , -. i. . ROXBCRY. MASS. Daaa MiDiB The reputation af tha Medical Dll eovery, In curing all klndi of bumon, u to well eatau- llidied by the unanlmeui voloo of all who have aver Died It. that I need not ear anything en the euMeoVae the moat aUillful phytioiaui and the moatearetul Drugglitl In in country are unanioouiin lie praiw..r . . I In nreientinr the Medical Dlwovery to yrmr nolloe, I do It with a full kaorlJgof Itiaoratlva nowerr In -rat tiering all, and oaring moat or inna dkMaee It WMch yea are anfortunately io liable. That won ezcruciatlop; diaeaM to an affectionate motner, NUH8INO BOHE 7IOUTII, Ii cured u If by a miracle; your own temper la ratio red to Iti natural iweetnen, and your babe from ahort and fretful nape to calm and tweet .lumber! and the Medical Dieeovery buome a fountain of bleating to your hatband. and booaenoid. - , .in In themoreadvanijjo ... M It extendi to th itomach .onualDir n . '. . u which I nothing but canker on ibe ttcmach; than to tna Utta.une.and .KIJNEY creating a linking, gone feeling, and an Indlfferrru CVaa to tne caree or your many. ; . . .: . ; ' Tonrttomiohii ti, j. ,...,t ,i . . -, , jltAW AND IMXAIBEIr, ronr food dlitretiei you. and vou can only take oerltln kiada. and even oi thai your intern aoet not set nan tha nonrtihment It coctalna, aa th acrimonoui fluid ef tha canker eati It opt then your eomplexion loaea III bloom aod beeomea tallow and greentab, and yonr belt day ll gone, for want of nonriibment your lyitcm be come! looie and flabby, and th fibre! of your body be oom relaxid Tbin follow a train of diieaiei whlob the Medical Dttcovery ii peculiarly adapted to j I ., . i; ODHE , h . IT Paloltatlon ot the heart, wrtn In the ltd, weaknear 4 the iplna ana imair oi uia oxca, paiB ai u.a nip joiai when you reure, irregularity oi the luwcu, ana aiie, that moit excruciating of dlaeuea, tb , piiiESi -y-' " Tf aw man thonaand cf noor women fire fniicrlnf from thi dlaeau and plniDeawiry a mlterabl life, and their next door naichbordoe not know the oanm. I with Impreat on your mind that goad old prvrro,"nnauaoe BIEDICAIi DISCO VEUT.,.., i yea btvehcth tha preventative and the ura, with thk great and good quality, that It will neier, nnder any olrctucitancea, do yen any injury. , 1! - THE MEDICAL D I SUOVEit V Ii atnectaiV Intended for diieaeei of the'blood, bat lir.te tulntroduetlbn In the VTeatern Stain, U la fonad to be tha belt a at2 'j " . : ,vi . rt ic .. .. . AUUK i'KinJE.yS , . 'f (h.lwu'everbefore tha nnhlle. ir' " " Hoohaete or dtei aver necetgairtat'tire aett yoa can and get enough of aV.i i' 7 ,. - '. j t . DigaoTioMroa nia Adulti on tabl . irMouful per day Children over ten yean, deatert apoonfui Ohililrin from five to eight yeara, teaipoonful. Al bo dlrectioni can be applicable to all eoB.ltuliont, lake auffliient to opirall oath bowel! take day. i.- I; t y: , ? awutv w uiri i - - i . "f D0SWATJ) KRNNEDtJ Price tl.00 bar bottle.' Tor revery drunrtit In diaTJnlted Statei v. i j - '.'l .1" aepSldAwlyi PROF. L; MILLER'S H Al flu iin B.vii. An Effective, Safe "and Eaonomical Compound, ':i:y;-' j FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR I To It original color wllheut dyeing, and prevailing f.e . uainrom lurauig gray. i FOR PREVENTING BALDNESS, ,L ' And curing it, whan there II th laaet partlckaf vital or reeupereur erjerrvijamainicg, FORREMOVINGSCURFAND DANDRUFF And all cutaneouaalToctloni et tb Scalp; " ! ' " FOR BEAUTIFYING THE HAIR; Imparting to It an uneqated gfon andbrrtliancy, makint It aoft and illky in lti - texture, and earning It to carl readily. . .. t lb great celebrity and Inereaiiog demand for Ihla on equaled preparation, oonvlncei the prouriclor that one trial ii only necessary to aati iy a dlernlug public of Iti upenof quantiei over any otner preparation ib aie. It eteantto th bead and acalp from dandruff aad other eotaneona dinaaea, eao.iog the balr to grow loxorlantly, .1. lni it a rich, aoft, glotay and flexible appearwee, and alio, when the hair ll looaenlngand thinning, It will give turenglb and vtgoi' to the root and roe lore ot growth to hoaa para which have baooer bald, aaaiint1 It to yiel a reib covering of hair. - . . : - , c I There are buodradi of ladle and gentlemen In New fork whe have had ihelr hair nttered by the use of thi Invirorator, when all other preparation, have failed. It. M. hi in hb) poarenioa letteti luoumerable teatifybig to the above facta, from peraont ot the higheit t ooatcta blllty. It will effectually prevent the hair from turning until the latest period of life; and tootle where' the hair kal already changed in color, the ue of tba Invtgorator will with oerteinlj mtore tt to it te iu ong'iai aaa, giv ing it a dark, glossy appearance. A e perfume for thi toilet and Balr. Reitoiative It ii panicolarlv recom- mended, having an agreeabl trarrancar aad tlw great fa eilltlet tt afford! In dieaalng thi hair, which, when xaoiit with thi lovlgorater, can be dreed la any required form io aa to preserve it place, whether plalnjor in curia) hence the great demand for It by the ladlet a a standard tolletartlcl which eon aeght to be wltnaatiiA the price pieoMltwtta4atM ieaen.iau,oama.'n'ti '' " Only Twenty-PiTO' Cents perboitle, to be bad at 'all reipecuble Drngidrl '.. ci ' Perfuni.' i ' ', "T ' t.mi,IIR would cull 'the attention of Pireeti and Guard lani to th eee of bis Iavigerator, la aaua where tba children'! hair Incline to be weak.-. Than of It layi the foundation for aocotl Aead vf Amr, it re moves any Impurltlei that may have become connected with the scalp, the removal of which il Beeeeaarv both for th health of the child, and the future .appearance of ioiaatr.;1j.'ioii.,ie!!i 'I ; "i a - ' Oarmor.-Non renaln without th fao-llmlle LOTJTg MILLKB being on the oater wrapper; alio, I, Mlb LEB'd BAIB 1WVI0OBAT0R, N, Yi, b)osrn:fn th .laai. v Whol.rali Depot,S8 Dey itreet, andioliby all the principal atsrchaoti and vruggiita throughout the world , inwraldlicounttopurchijertby th! qoaa Bty.V ,v I 1m desire to present to tba American Phbliff my' HEW. ASS : IMPROVED WSTAlsTAJTEOTTB LIQUID HAIR DYE, which; attar yean ot acieritlflo experimentlni;, I have breoght to perfectloo. ' 1 1 dj to Black o Brown Instantly without Injury to tha Hair. or Bklal warranted the beat artiei oi in aina in exuiaaev, ,i .0r, RJy i PRICE, ONLY 60 CENT8 ri i n Depot, ; 66; ,Doy ;;St.; qt "j jar WHO BH0TJID TJSB J.i :'J w DRi- J; : BO V tE-f ROBS! .... .-.,,,.- ySX3-STTJhJBLJ3i:i ..V" j4' IMPERIAL "IrVINE1 6 BITTERS? an wno are tiuictea witq incipient voniui Weak Lunn ahouid as them, -t ft x . All who eufler from Weak BUnsachj, JedigMtlpn. ttyav aenalaor PilMihhnld nse them. 'j r -I T r- .All wh . Buffer fiora General 6ti aTarvftnsliWl' RMtlctaaaaiat BighV Wanl ef tilwt, fca.) ahoukl ae them. Km r - ..All peraom who are Taletcent after frier of ether Ikkness should use them. - - 1 -ll.a I Mlnbtan of th Gospel, Lawyers, Irfntarart, ahl at pnbli ipeakar ibould oa them, f v-, . n- P I -, Book Kieparxsand all, pertoBi lead In. atedentary if ihoulduiaOiem. .: ",. ' '" ' V ' -- f'" xmageaana ronrm mouia me mem, ' vnr.rr : fm Ail wno raqatnaitimojamertonlo tncaudaietcero, All wbajaddictee,.to th nat at ardent ipirita and wwd wuiinu,iuouia aa meai. . . .. The are mad of a bur Sherv WfaiA. and nf th. Ave plabta aadaarW ottol country, aad ihowiif be ra- aaauaiaaea rr setapeaance Mcteuei, aiefgymeB, jByn. alan..and all friandi ol hnaasmty. ,' ,' ,a 1 They are prapan-d by tn experienced inrfilrtllftil r.h.. Ilcian, and, asine from their medicinal pronertier are iuhiudii,iiiiui wnn,., K014 pea, aa a msaKura. Ire ai IsaocentandharmlasiMUi .awaef heaven, i f I i . ..Bold by drufyiatf renerauy, t t2IAia,,DlTllttI)i ' jPrtrprfete; 'eth - I "w"aiB ai., iteir.i ora, .bitted loa an KttU uaiamrmat HI'" otSWemiwi, J tl Mto.vSr- tni III WO ' - A i:ua 1 ..... ' MISCELLANEOUS.. f-T-n i ,t ....... .-.i t,r - Tna Aa.LoM.Tioa or Lmocioai. There a a grow ing leodeocy In th an to ipproprlaio the moat axprea. in wordt of other language, and after a while to lor eorpoiato thua' Into our owo; ikul a wer Oauballa, - a men leirom tnaure, el!olflug "for the bead," I now becooilng popularhed In connection with Mr. Spald ing great renady, but It will aooa fraotad In a moia general way, and the word Oepnalla Will beooaae at common ai Blaelraiypa and many oihenahoM dia unction aa roreign went na aaen worn away by eommoo uaaga, until they teen native aod to lh manor born." 1 i' ,.u J lo t. irJs s,.'j .ardly RMllsed. , Ui HI 'ad n orrlhle 'eadach fhli hafternoon. band I ttepped into the bapotheoary'i, hand eayi hi to the man, "Can yon beam me of aa 'eadnokel'! 'Doel thach 'ardl'' aayi'a. ."Ileiceedicgly," tayi hi, hand upon that 'a ear meaOetihall Pill, hand 'pon roe 'oner it our 4 at tu iufck that I 'truly riallaed I 'ad 'ad an 'aad ache. . " ' ...... 11' r HaanaCBB I tha favorila . elm bv which aatura nuko. known any deviation whatever from the nat oral tateof the brain, and, vlewid la thi light, II may be rooiea on aa a aaiag oara tnteadsa to give nolle or an en to which might ninrwLe eecap attention, till too lata to be tamed lad; aad tu Indloattont thould never be neglected. . lisadtrnet may be claMlaed under twe naiuet, via: cymptoiuaiic ana la'.optuiic. eymptomauo Heedaeb la exceedingly common, and la tba pifcunor of a graat variety of di.ea.ea, among which are Apo- filexy, Ooot, Bheomatl.m, and all febrile dlaeaaei. In ta nervout form it Ii lympaibella of dlaeaa ot th tomach, conitltulinr Itct Aeaatoc, ot hapatlo diaeaia eonaUiating biliou Ktadach, ot werma, renillpailon, and other ditordcra of tliebowele, ai well renal and oterlta affect Ion. Dlienei of the heart are vary fre- qutotly aiteneed With heedachec; laaemia and plethora are alio auectloni which irequentiy cocaiioa neeoacn. Idiapatbleheadaobaaalaoveryoammen, being unally dUllafUialwd by tb nam of nereoui kadaa4 aom time, coming on auddenly In a itaia of apparently Bound health: and prottrating at onoa tha mental and pbyaloal energlea, and In other untancei II com, on itowly, her alded ey depreeaton of tpiiita or acerbity of temper. In meat tnitu:ei th pala i In tb I rout of tha bead, over one of both ejo, and .ometlmea provoking vomiting; anoeriniaoiaii may alio ue named ivwra0u. ,. for the treatment of either olaai ot beaiacn th Ce phalle Filli have been found a aor and aaf remedy, ra lieving tha moat acuta palni In a few minutet, and, by tu auntie power, eradicating tna aiacaaei ot wukb ncaa aclie lithe unerring bidex. , qiVi-r-!.:.,;, :,,:.', ui-. I ni :: -tj... : I-., r :, . i .! ,i ,ilr4I(7e..UIiU!wantaioato landhar a box of Oe- phallc Ulue; iq. a bottle of Prepared Pilli bat I'm tuinaing tiiai'a tt iu.t ic nutter; but peine y u dc af ther knowing what It ii. Ya tea ibe'a nigh dead and gor.e with th Sick Iltadarhe, and Want torn mora of that earn m nlaived her belore. . Jjrvggm -Yoo muit mean Bpaldlng'i Cephalic Pule. - itrtopel.Ooh I eure new and yoa'va led 11 - Here'i tha qnarther, and give th PUla, and don't ta all day about It, either. .'. , u. : T. . I'.'-'. ): i .. ,-, Constipation or Costlventi. ' ' No one of the "miny llli that Beth Ii hair to" Ii a prevalent, io little undentood, and to mocb nfgleetetru OcitlveaoflenarlglDaUog In eartlennett, oraedeo Ury bablta. It la regarded al a lllgbt dltorder. of to little eonieqnenca to excite anxiety, while In reality It ii the preeareoT and companion of many of the moit fa tal and daogeren, and unleu early eradicated. It will brio th inffemr to an untimely grave. the Uf nter , vua ot whien uottiveneu it toe oioai aiien d.nt ai lTeailache, Oolio, Bhiumatlam, foal Breath, Pile., aadothera at Ilk nature, while a totg train of frightful dlteaaei. inch ai Malignant fever., Abroad, Dyaenlery, Dlarrnou. DyapeyiU, Apoplexy, Bpllepay, ParaJyili, Byiterla, ilrpochendrlaala. Melancholy, aad In.anity, fiiet indicate their preaenoe In the ay.tem by thii alarming aymploa.1 Not nnlrequently the du named erVcinate In Genttipalion, but ta.a on an lode pendent extttence nnleai the caute ll eradicated In aa .rl, Umm. .from all theae eoaatoerailona, It fotlowi that.ih dliordtr ibould receive Immediate attention whenever It ocean, and nopenon ihoold neglect to gt a box of Cephihe fill on theSnlappcarano of tha oom plaint, aa their timely at will expel' tha laaldlon p proachei ot diiena, end de.troy Ihli dangeroni foa to Laman life. ' - : -'- . ' r;'r':1 j ..,-' ' ' " - Uo f ." " 1 " , i :. 1 . ' -. A Real ,BlailEg. . " J'hytMan. Well, Mn. Jonei, how li that headacba? Jrs. Jones. Oonel Doctor, all tonel the Dill you ratedted m la nit twenty lootea.nd I wiatt you would send me mora, to mat I oan nave tnem nanaj. rkvHoian a-You can get Ibamat aoy trmmttsu uaii for Cspbala: Pilli. I find they never fail, and I recom mend them in ell cases of Headache. Mr. Jonas. I Hull rend tor a box direotiy.and (ball tell all my lufTiring friends, fcr they ar a real nett ing. 1 1 tt 1 " . .-. : : . .i 1.1 ' i - . . . . Twxkty Kituosior Dollaii 'Pavio. Mr. Spaldtnc haa acid twe million of pottle of hlseelebraud Vrapar- dGln and - it Ii eatlmatad . that each bottle sans al least tea dollars' worth of broken furniture, tbnl making aa' aggregate f twenty mlilloni of dollars reclaiming rrom total loss or inn vainaui invennon. uavingmaa hi Glue a household word, b now proposes to do the world nil! greater service by curing all th aching bead with hit Cephallo Pille, and tf tbty ate ai good ai hi! Glee, Haaaache win aooa van lab away Ilka tnoW 1A July. 1 i. " I i. V .V t i ' .'. .': -. T, 'rjrjy'Ovia ixcitkHixt, and the mental can and anxl ty incident io closa aitentloa to baslnesior ttudy, an among tba numerous eausi of Mervou Uaadaeb. Tb dttonlered state ol mind and body Incident tothlidli tresslng complaint, is a fatal blow to all energy and na tation. .' BuSrrtnby this disorder oan al.ay obtain tpeedy relief from these dittreuiog attacks by using on of lb Cephalic Pills whenever the symptoms appear. It quiet tb!vrtaaked brslu, aodaoothci the strained and Jarring nervee, and reloxea th tension of the stomach which alwa) i aecompanwi and aggravate tb diiordercd condition of the brain. .... ; , 1 t .: . Paen woktn ehowtho. ?paldlng'i Cephalic Tlltl ar a nrtalB enrti for ftck Rtadaob.' Billon lieadacho. Nervcas Headache, Costlveness, antbeneral Debility. i ' 1 " 1 . r . J -' GataT Dwxmritv. Among the meat Important of all th gnat nrdlcal ditoovarle of thia age may be conald ered tbe ay.tem of vaednallon tor protection front Small Pox, the Cephali Pill for nlief at., Headache,, and the ase of OyUlolne for the prevention of f even, either ot which It a rare specific, whosi evneSta Will be experienc ed by eulfcrlng humanity lopg afar their disco rarer an forgotten. .. , ITrDid roo ever have th Sick Headachet. So yon nmember the throbbing templee, the feverrd brow, th loathing and disgust at tba light of focdt Bow totally unfit yon were for pleaaura, conversation, or itodyl Oct of the Cephalic Pills would have relieved foa from all th suffering which you then experienced, for toll tnd other pnrpctei you ihould arwtyf have a box ot them on band to aaa a oocasioB require .,-..,. .'J "t- i n .1 r ,-. i , CURE fig. . . m. .i i . , i . i ' . vm aa a, aueaq.xiiM iwt gmwuiaia aufKia Ow ar4?iilJoBiybpnvenUdiiid lf taken t,lfaeeamajM7BU)ht of an attack mmdJat rettf from iXataaadalelaleaiwUlHohtaln .V'-V They aalilem fill la laaamlng the Savtta and Bead acto towhlshfclnileaAn aq Ipbjart. i ..Thyf ct ! tip V the )wejriBOTias ,(bUot- 'eat.rj..,fffl ,.. . .j . .. ,, f or Xiilerofy Men, Slvdtntt, Dsllcat1 TemalH, and allpendni of iJnfiiry Aabitt, they "are Valuable a a Xwl'lmprirJjif tb mppdtki, jfabttton and ettor tkd drxeitlr ertaaa, end mtartoji U aatoral elaetioiraad strength of th wholl svetant. - ,r,. TBI CXPH ALIO PILLS ar the result ot loaf tev tlatlon,!!! oonduoled experiment,' navlsg baaain nsl .miny yean, during which Urn tbey have prevented and nlleyed a Tut amount of pain and (offer. rngfrbnineixlMB,wIiethar erigtnaUng al abeaMrtwtM intent eVfro a deraogeS itata ol tte xo4) 3 Chly ar nUnty vegetabl In their oe at poal tlqn, and jBAf Pelakflt,' at elf tlmaa with pe-feol, eafety without miking iny -h""f nt i"tlAf4..f h abttne. of arty totovtocibl fdfttrtAm to Sold b lirtutaliti and U ptbarDealeri fa Meaidnei. , A Box.wlll b amby mail, prepaid, on eteipof tba All eroet n.M -4reasd to-. r.'C aoi t hi UE3RT f 0PAEDTNO, novis '4 CdB afreet, Neear York.