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tea NOW READY, f TEE REVISED 81ATUTE3 Of TBI Hcnr Joseph IL Swan, 1 ill I i; tStMfi$nr. t K ZtlV (Contained I. twenty-Bio. - 01lto O"9 BOW fF"'' ' AND MKEESOrt TO PRIOR LAWS, 0,?JoAiw ,iUe4p$ia; 00. In fro' No cere or eirpona.has been spared lo "rt .. t In all HinfCll. - ItDOW th. LeBiatBtlVa'aBBOtlOB. haTteg l JP- m.TWbT ot'lr th.Bnanlmoul vol. of both """J Ed I to bt di.trlbuld to th. following But. Varies. lor sod Folio., Coaris, au.,, "- - OonrttUOKD vwuiv, --rr ..,. ,j . j ii RnMMDUUTfl " "i tho OoTernen of tni 7 JTH il of tho Statute ThU boo. ' .&& . tbsst MhT ii , tbVpYrfoi-Mo. of their dutie., O0U!TTOrn0M, j ' ' jUbticks or titb piaci, I0WNBHIFTBC8TBKS, CLSRKn or TOWNSHIPS, and j-.i.n'irt htT OIIIOEBS. .. ' f J ? 1" ""r..K w-Hii trl. I. the tbltuuTeux the publication of tho lait diilons, by re Sil aTtwaitonV end addition awl many Important. Jo eSoivebe givea bj th. Bnprcm. Court on con troverted pornra. ' -ATTOBNBTS AT LAW, BANKBRB. MiHCHANTS AND BUbIBBbB UBH OKNERALLY .a... A-alLt. .MlnhtaWarB. ''i "of, , la Strong Law Binding. Price IM.CO. ynb'khod bj - - -' ' unmmT CLABSXi &; CO., ra P.bIUber., BftokMlltri: BHUonon u4 Importer!. .1 ' I I So.51irt fouhk ttt.. tobisiiii I ' iOtaatanrt.0.' XsjTPlJHT jnLLXB, PuhlUheri. aB. W. MAWY-e?l?llf. Editor. coiitratiBTJe. ohio- WRDNEtJAt EVEKINO. MARCH 6, 1861. The Infatuation of President Lincoln and his Supporters. fcoiVne'.ixthdayoT laslNo last November,', m10r it. f th. rithens of the Notthwa Sttes of our fodoraev. by their vote for JVU wiiBwaju vwv- p.Mn(ial 1etoti. iencred to 'a material e .... .i. ....iiiniinn.l -rlphts. interest and aa aua iuu""- --o - -nof tha citizena of the fifteen Southern Stat-ivtwUhtabdlng these Soatheta SUte an4 eUtzena stood upon a perfect equality with the Northern States ana tneir iuien. relation to thefed! Union end Constitulioa. And by their ill advised, mistaken and nofor tunato action, a tht day, the majority of the citizens of one-half tho Union WtKnted a rev alutiosary policy in the General Government, which, if carried on o the practical fedminia; tratloo of itt aff.wt, would IneviUbly lead to lbs dismemberment of our great eoofederaey, and ' la fell probability to the terriole cocnioi oi b.b., between the dlaserored part. ; Th ,'.e of the Southern States had listen edlcng anil patiently to threat of the Inimical action that had now taken place, dm wmeu auc7 hardly believed their rational, Intelligent breth ' Wb af tbe Narta would ever 'actoallr bring to thadrtad teat cf performance. . Counter pro ctidings st oncebegsn to loom up throughont' the State which were thus placed mode the ban ol a fanatical proscription. And t we obvipM to every swe minded man in the who! bcantry that between tho ! two sections thero mart epeedlly either b an unicable set - ticmcsl of Berlooa difference end mleuoder tendinga, peaceable eparation, or civil war of ,th aioet revolting character. r. . v .: In thi condition of thing, the most worthy, tried atid true patriot and statesmen of all par- ' Us and all sections of th Union concerted to g ttber and devised eeveral though imilar bc eentiebi mean of fediustmenf, and need all their power aid Influence toward the adoption of any - -t i n.4i (a apmtnnliah th reato- one of them, In order to accomplish tho reto- ratfoa and proBWfetloa of th old ana eetao ilsbed reUtiooa hitherto subsisting between the State'of the Unldn, fend of the proper fraternal feeling and mutual Interest tht formerly ob A tfelatd bctweea tbt people respectivel of the tm Bfctlon. North and South. ! . Bat at every tep, In every effjrt, tbe good nd wiae'raen OTEaged Ja the ' laudable,- glorious K work of endeavoring to' effect fe peaceable et naaf hfevebeea soeered at, ducwitenanced and oooosed, and evea fa tome case abused, OMvlledaud lautJted, . aBdJtf tha end frustrated, Jh. tha ihlcanertof the hnBcropul6uB'Retmbli- ' nan" conscirfetora and 'dcmsgoglcal ' trailora aralast the Unlodi the peaie and prosperity tbt America people Thert wat ttill a HngerlDg hopt that the ma whom th revolutionary party had elevated to S thoCalet Mgicy of tn Generjtl Government would duly appreciate tbe position on aumtog Ita duties, and o ago 1 . mighty lnfl,.aonct, by thrtwlng It 14 the tcale vt pa trie tiaosun promise, a to avoid all danger of imminent hostile oolli- laternecinewar., r t i K TtHt9PJBt Bw en MWa The M President baa pokea from fhe exalted itand oa ' watch by accldeat a Btinorlty of tbt ptoplt have micoeed, tepIcig.ktonrtinleM w art happily mistaken, h( atters no uncertain sound, ' bat ne that give tb order for battiti He tell ;? X U peopie of tit entirt South," fifea State, and alto two-third of th people 6f Int wbolt eoan. try, that tbeyTmost aitber submit to be ruled . .Atrlct aacordaace, with the . pvllUcal , UnetJ the Chicago Platform, at h andorttande them, oeels "atof'th moiaDtots tkatatt of civil war.' Now, thote . partisaaa -who-' expect tbt Boutaera State to yield to a revolution 1a the theory-and practice of fbe- government inc ttt formation, ' b1.' which" (hey and their to D9 pfoecriDetx ana tramp fetereeta art p fedsoi in. eaietakea :tr : ' tloatt of the cSaiacter of the men whom, sectional tbeWT. tbey would, In It praou kl wortfakfl ibnW anJ 4egra3oS Of 't do Wot ..(-.. tn the ultra of the South. Between them n thtVlrr?sriibl!Rej)HblJcan7la ,ta V. . . t. -.1 " 1;nl. 1 .n. lorta tutrt is, ta vat wyunuu, .dtffCTOToe; but tbert i a yt body of men, lorg t and prpndrallng infloet, la all Rlava States, and la Tennessee add Iforih Carcllosa who are trat aua" loyal Union Ji! V. tf oonatituUoaal rithU 'art assured ax! iI11iiaa..d io tWia in atiolt TLlpaannef wUlenablttlitiaitTfeel Beast from aayBg- .a; ff-ilv'poi;;yoa lie part of- the NortS against ;; i ' an, lasCtcttoM..: Il.tK Mitt iWi. " and pitrloo cUsa- of our fellowitisent to uUU Buua aJvanoW fend' waMttaVaa would " not only disipato any fear they might enter- 4 tin, but cnablt them to compose tht rising nd gfowlDg disquietude d1 .pprebennioo Irhlcb, like ooohiglori, U now dolog lU work la fell the Border, nd uor conBerritWe Sltr Bute., and which, if not ioon, la tome conoll- ifetorr w.y, felUjed, will kflun. tit mM of (ht people to moh a pit oh to iodaoe tbe whole Boath to go Into the Southern Confeder- It la utfedoeM to Ulk of coercion uader the olrcumiUocea. Patriotiim, lore of oountry, fe mum of liMtiee. tbe Deaoe of the country, fell demand that luch acta of compromise and eon' oeasloa at mkj be occaeaarj and proper to secure the co operation of all the Border Slave State the effort to preaerTO the Union, ana to strengthen their handa and make then Influen tial and efficient In winning back the Cotton Statea, thoald at once be adopted, and Mr. Lin col ahould have reoognlaed and admitted the aeeeeaity of inch a policy in hia InangnraL He hai thought lit to do otherwise, and what is now before n no man can tell. Of one thing Mr. Lincoln and his frlendi may be assured, thai until hit Administration does offer tome evidence which will not admit of doubt, that it prepared to do justice to tbe South, rery large body at-men la all the free States will not consent to any harsh and violent measures being resorted to by tho Executive authority ' Chronology of Events Since the Presidential Election. It Is cow, March 6th, 1861, four month, cr one onarter of a year, elnot the last rresioenuai election. Event of the moat startling cnarao- ter have followed each other la rapid succession For th Information of our reader and for fa tart reference, wt present a brief summary of tho principal of these events : "., -. V. "OVBMMB, 1860. G The election for President and Vice Prcsl 9 Rea ie nation ot J ami tJBXSNtrr, oi soutn Carolina, United State Senator, and of Jams MaomTH, U. S, District Judge at tcanesion, 8. C. t -10 Nearly all tno U. o. uovernment oncers at Charleston, 8. C, resigned. , ' 13 Jambb H. Hammond, of soutn Carolina, U. S. Senator, resigned. 14 The South Carolina Legislature passed bu act calling a State Convention. S3 The Banks in Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wheeling, Norfolk, Augusta, Ga., Trenton, N. j., Pittsburgh, Pa., and in the District of Co lumbia, together with- the Farmer and Ex change Bank ill Charleston, S. C, suspended specie payments. ' 26 All the principal Banks of Tennessee, Including tbe State Bank,uipended rpeoiepay- DECEMBER, 1860. 6 la. acoordacce with the resolution of Mr. BoTiLBB, of Virginia, tbt Speaker of the S. House of Representatives appointed tbe mous Special Committee or Thirty tbree, oonaiatins- of ana member from each State, whom was referred that portion of the President's Mesaage relating to the perilous condition of the oountry. The people of South Carolina elected delegate to a State Convention. ' Every delegate chosen was In fa vor of secession. ,10 Tbe Legislature of Louisiana convened and passed aa act for a State Convention. . U . 8. five per cent, ttock sold for ".eighty nine cent on tbe dollar a tower price wan any a. .tnrka had brousht elnoe the laat war with England. . Howtll Cobb, of Georgia, Secretary of the U. 8. Treasury, resigned. 11 Paiur F. Thomas, of Maryland, (was appointed, by President Boot in an, Secretary theU.S. Treasury. - ' -14 President, Buchanan issued a proclama tion for a National Fast on January 4, 1861. . . .. Gbn. Cabs resigned hi position a Sec retary ol State. ' IT Smith Carolina State Convention met Columbia and adjourned to Charleston. . . A ttomev General Jbbbmiah . black, oi appointed by tb President Secretary of State. 18. Edwin M. Stanton, of Pa., appoint by the President U. B. Attorney uenerai, . 20 South Carolina State Convention pueed .1, wHlninc of aecaeaion dlseolvina- the con nection of that State with the Federal Govern . ' . The Vice President of the United States appointed the Senate Committee of thir teen on tat perilous oonaiuon u m cuuuwj. 24 The South Carolina member of .the U. 6. House of Representatives notified Speaker that, the secession ot their State dis solved their connection with that body. r . The South Carolina Convention, in tne name the people of that State, adopted a Declaration of Independence. . . Gov. ricxtN Issued a proclamation declaring. Sooth Carolina overelgn, free and Independent State.' ' 2b K. JtSABNWBLL, J . n. .AmaiiiiuBi j. Obb, Commissioners to th Federal Govern ment from Sonth Carolina, arrived in wasn Ington , . . Fort Moultrie,ta the harbor r.h..iaatnn. S. Bbandunsd by Major Amdbb- on and hi men, who repaired to Fort Sumter. - 28 The South Carolina authorities aelzed Fort Mouluit and Castle Plnckney, la Charles ton harbor, and took possession of th U. Houe,,Pot Offlee and Arsenal i . . 29 John Bdcbamam Flovd, U. S. Secretary JANUARY, 1861. in of by The Florida 8tate Convention met at tanaa.. ,:, . , ,.. . . ... . 3 rortB rulaalttaaa jaciucn, ta we oaroor of Savannah, taken iposseaaion of by the Georgia fltat troorai. The South Carolina Commia- slonera left Waahingtou for home, having anmnllahMl BOthlne. " 4 nBUOnai raa. rim iaiorgaa, ui auv bor of Mobile, token poteession.of by Alabama State troops, and also tne u . a. Anenai in . e-WAOOBTHMrsoi,tijataM(Bippi,V.9-et- Mtaryof tbe Interior, resiguwd. - .J. Johnson and Caswell seized by North Carolina Stat troop. '" ,t gLxamahiB Star of tht Weal, with and .nrmliea for J"art Sumter, fired into tht Soui Carolina batteries, at tbt entrance Charleston harbor, and ooapeuea rettra. , -. The Mississippi Bute Convention n in.nn of immaxlku secession. . . 10 Forte St. PblUip and Jackson, oa th balppl river, and Fori ttfce, on lmu rancnar- train and tbt U, a. Anenai m mwa ikuujo, seised by Louisiana State troope. ;. ; . " T - I t Alabama and Florida Stat Coavanttoni each passed an ordinance of teoeeeioa. " Pnur F. Thomas. U. S. becretary of Treaaury, resigned, and Jo A Dix.of York, appointed oy.tne rresiaeos w bb vBcant 12-Fprt Barinsa and o wavy iara Peosaoola, - r lorlda, atuea dv Aiaoama Florida tmoM. . v ' . Tb MiBsissippi mem bers of tht U. 8; Houit or.ltepre.maovM withdrew from that body. . . 17 The Georgia State Convention adapted an ordinance of secession. - , '. , ", t,5 - 21 Senator Davis, of Mississippi, tht Senators, and tht Florida Senators, drew from theU. 8. Senate. The Alabama member of the V . 8. Hons of Representative withdrew from that body. 2.1 Th Geonria member of tht U. Hanaa of ReDretentative withdrew from 26 The Louisiana oW tnrranon paaacu Ro-aaalna flrdlnanee. 31 U.S. Mint and Custom uouse at Orleans selrsd by tbt auutorrcn oi xouisi FEBRUARY, 1861. a as f J Ttnni tlon. i 1 Xbe- Texas Stat Convention passed Ordinance of neceseloQ. . t; r.n "4 A Peaot Conference met at Washington, and elected ex-Prtaldeat Jowji Tvlbb, President. . . ." A Congress of tbt Seceded Slates met Montgomery, Ala., and elected HowillCosb, President. .Delegate, elected In.Yirglaia La. a. SbatB CoBVOiittan. j J . J i 1 f" 1 - 6 Tbt Louisiana Senators and members tht House, with the exception of . F. Bodlio- v( Representative, withdrew from tbt U, CanaTfOH.. i I. ' : dr. ' -r-r- The U. 8. Artoeal at Little Rook lorretv dered to tbe State authorities of Arkansas U Ths Southern Cpogreaa elected Jgyvia soa -Davis. PrMldeot. and Alxxaudu H. ratns, Vice President, of tht Bon them Confad-' erate States, and .adopted tht Ifclted Ceostitatioa, with slight alteration..,. elected delegate to a atatt tonven- '1 11 The President elect, Mr." Lincoln, left his home at ByringrlcM. Illinois, for Washing ton. ., -' - ' . 13 The Virginia State Convectroa met. 22 Abbaboii Lincoln, President elect, broke p tbe programme of hla route to Washington, and left Harrisbtirg, Pa., secretly and In disguise, in a train tor the Federal Capital., if,' MARCH, 1861. 1 The U. S. Secretary of War published au official order, dismissing Geo. Twieos from the army, "for treachery to the flag of his oountry, In having surrendered, on the demand of the authorities of Texaa, the military posts of the U. 8. in his department and under his charge." 4 Tbe Alabama State Convention, which had sreviously adjourned, reassembled at Mont gomery . . , AiBAHait Lincoln Inaugu- ratea as rresmeut, anu iianniml iianun Vice President of the I', S. ; ' 5 The U. BvBeDte confirmed the following Cabinet appointments of President Lincoln) Secretary of State, Wk.H. Biwasd.oi new York! Secretary of the Treasury. .Salmon P. CHABi.of Ohio; Seeretaryof War, Simon Cam bon. of PeDnsylvanla; Secretary ef tho Navy, Gideon Willis, of Connecticut: Poet Master General, Muntoomikv Blaib, or Maryland; Seo pt.rv of the Interior. Cali B. Smith, of In diuia AUornev General. Edwaud IUtis, ol Missouri.' : ... -i. .i vi ..'. The Senatorship. The hotels of our city are becoming quite thronged What with the business which ordintr. Ily calls mto to the eapltal when the Legislature 1 in see loD,we have within a day or two an unex pected luhject thrown upon the General Assem bly a splendid prize to be gambled for which la now concentrating a boat of visitors here, even before tbe fact 1 officially announced that thi grand price will be at the disposal of the Gen eral Assembly. The trainers, keeper, backers, drinkers, googers and lobbyltes of all lort are cosing inj until thing look quite lively but there la still ample room, good cheer, and bad whltky In abundanoe; so we say to members of the Republican party who want to be the sue. cessor of Chub, one and all, como on and to the friends of all who desire to succeed him, we ay come without fall. Ik 1 true that, if Craib and tbe Stateman unite on Mr. Plant a the successor of the former, all is over "hut shout ing;" and we were inolined oa yesterday to go for the member from Melge, but the subject Is a grave one, and we must fc&ve time to' consider, We, therefore, give notice that wo are not so far committed in favor of Mr. Plants that we cannot, if it be deemed advisable, honorably withdraw our support from ' that most dUt!n gulshed man. TO EDITOR OF THE STATESMAN: PI aive tbe followinz renort. in relatiou to I tbe eligibility of Coshocton a a proper tight (or U. !... XT .. ' 1 AnA In .mi. mm. an1 tUB new ACUllcuurj, m pt.w i.jwut p i'c,l"u. COSHOCTON COUNTY Mach 5, 1861. REPORT, SHOWING THE ADVANTAGES OF COSHOCTON AS A SITE FOR THE PROPOSED NEW PENITENTIARY. . u. of at . ra., d . the . oi a of 8 Custom In Tal- ac um aio- torts " troops from of . petted i Mis , th New at ana . ' Ala bama with J 8 that b new an at ' tf ' ' 3 St- '.B.tatet ., Th tht legislature ofOi Stnt of Ohio: On tti. Mih of Janaarr, 11. an application wu mad by cltlieBa of Ooabocloa and vicinity, sad placed in lb. handa of lb. eommiulonora, II .tan. FrankUn.Spoon racd Jarrla. tn behalf of tbaeald towa and neighbor hood, as furnlihioj a lullable and, in the opinion of the applicant, th. beat tit. for th. looatton of th. contest plawd New Penitentiary. '-7.. It being bow undantood by at that th. OoBialaiioa mrm Vi... made their report, and that the matter It now before yoor Honorabe Bodlea, It teema to m expedient to sail your auewlon t tb. adrantace. which our loca tion preaeBla. Ana. ib no nni piwa, . yivyi w elate that, in caootlug a alt. for the location at Cmhoe ton, yoa will not be confined to a ilngle one. We be lieve that, btaidN thote designated In onr memorial to th. Oommlaaionen, then are others equally good, and perbapa better; aid w. offer yoa choice between several on ih aaat aide of the town, upon landa at present own- t hr nr. Samuel Lee. Bamnel B. Lee, John Burt, and A. O EitiDfhaoten. at welt al on ths Boko, tide of the river,BpoBthlaBdofA.MBdbtry. . A. IA aKMBBAL riTWIal orXOCATUN, .11 that QU DMB taid in favor oi ZanetyUl la eo.UAlly true in favor of Aooaaarattirr: The 8trabtavllle and InJUtna Railroad n... thron.h Ooahooton. and either of the litea Pro- poaed will be bat a abort dittanc from the depot 1b taid town, and are to allotted to taid road that twitoh'ea caa b. tmaCB BpoB ut gronna. 'int vara wiu pm tb. oppoeiM lid. of tb. Tntetrawttand M atklngaai rlr- an, through, the towa of Homo, where exttti .1 nn. water power, from the Canal and the Walhondiog Canal, which there bat Itt outlet Into the Ohio Canal, at any la iha atatt. 1 The Tntcarawaa and Wal hondiog rivers between th. towns of CoaboetoB and Kot os, are created by good bridge., n ' afanuAu: Stone ot the beat quality for ell building purposei k found IB th. gnttett abundance at varioua polatt, at abort distances on the line, of th. Ballroad and Canal. Tail itooe baa basn abandaatly tealed la th. building of Bridget, aqneouoie, raoaa, o., in ra perlahabl. under the action of froat or water. Clay for brick it fonnd almost evarywhere. To the fire brick clay, pottere" .lay, nod black marble, torn, ref.renc. will be tmr another head. Th timber of toll tteiioa Is Bt good and at abundant at any in th. Statt. . . Watib: Th. beet and water It obtained at a uniform depth, In our Weill la Ooebocton, In tnexhanitl ble auuolse M proved by our Bteaat Mill and Distill m. and by the Water Tank .rsctsd at their well by the a a. 1 an. ria.. at tht depot in Ooihooton: thlt tank It upon th. higneet lenmoe wnum uiaooiimnw ,iu.i.. T .. . m . a B.n In ,h. hill the town. Bpnuga . p " - " , , " wkieh forma th. eaat.ra boundary ef th. plain upon -hi. ik. tm and various proposed lit! are litnated. and coBld bebrooght In In plpet. . The riren, of ooorte. furniah a iwuree which, if utea, woald be Inexhauttl- bl!i...jTh adiaeent hill eontalni th workable eoal Ttla, aad the diataao. woald depend, of oouree, on the aits eboteu.' ue cui v v. .v, and It Mid to be the best that ii lold In either Newark or Oolumbot, and to wen in. uis" r DWirlBa At BVV BSIS B1AV SUBWB BBSSBVIUBB in detail ea thlt point, at will at for dttailt ta reference already menllonea bi naviug wcu iuau w w wwuwir MABKBTS-VBr Miw- w . I manufactured 1b a prUon, are th. aam. aa other towoi i a..,. h.Tlne railroad! and easala at a mtant of tranaoortaUoB. The manufactured article can bt taken ... i-t mrnrrad. either by canal er railroad, from Coihocton, with as much east amichaApneti at from toy Other plaos. - A-i.,.fc- uhor. bv Bartons ngwed ta maoufaeUuring. But th locating ot th. pritoa here, at at any other tlaoa, woald uraw 10 i. .wii w vuiyiu uwi. 1 . - Any branch 'of msoufaeturlng thai might bt tarried a la th, prt ton Will not oenfllot with any now carried bb ib this vmniiy, " " , "rrl ikaBaklntof coal oil, neltlier of which, k likelv. will bt Wanosd to bt carried on In the prtson by prison labor.1 In thlt connection it nay btataiei 2L. -1, ain iha oat tw. rare, utanslv. msaaftMUrlei froaB eanoal oaal, hare been .rtotod within nine milai of Ooehocton. which require many thousand bar rel! to son tain it, that could be made In the prison. It Ii also thought proper to suggeit that Br. brit clay sad Botttre' elay, or m. "","!"" w. . r iZri tha Ohio, a vein of which, tw. feet la thlcknea, 1 foun4 ,n c," Proxlmtly to on. of th. nrooosed Utsi, ijidnoth.r, two mile, off, not km thao PTT.r.TJ .M.wr....! and tkaA If IBs mannlte- . Zd..wana atarUd. wlthla th. uiImo. em- nlonMBt of a light, M well at of a laborious kind, wool rTflTTi.l,aa tV th. convict. Th. hl.tory of thli .a .nshobir.. both In friar aad Kugland u it know a to yoa, ta to eurlou ind iaUretUng at gir. rit. to the BalicipatloB that, from ia.h a begin ning Iher. would grow, io tla..M skill would be auirod ind at new ditcoverls! and lirtentloni would brought late uee,-lote lire , aad Bring a butinttt Ml Jtet imDortsat khaa I. BOW enjoyed by both tooss eoontriei. There it, tlso, on the Ua aeret ro nosed to be donated by mr. jotepya.. jonuaon, a quai rT,..L. u.rhi. ahnut three-fourthi of a mile from 3L alts, oa th railroad, of th kind with aamnto fumlihed to th. eommlttlonirt, capable of in, amnlond to Bumy uses, ornamental aud useful, upeoislly of being prspared la squar. plecse for Moea le floor! it to kind In tht Stat. Oapttol) bat much hand lomer. f ' - TT r" T V- -J ' ?T 1 u..t.,rhi,.(.ti.ttsa of mdriiutr of ilils tows and Beighborhood Ihow U to bo .spa of, th. hoalthlett In M!loBvi of th. Mut!- viC - ..1 ... .Lioh ta far wilier ind richer from D res- dan, la lJuktogum county, to Boar, tn TBtearawat cous trTthao It M below or abov. thos. pilntt, u well at th. WalhODUing VUWT, w anu.u - ----- 1. .a lumnt from aorlnt and autumn frotts, a sure guaranty that the euppltea (at prison use will be th. belt qoaiiiy asa wni ... i- ...i.i.,.in think It Drooev to deTol. a para k . .1.. mUHt farorcd br the eommiaaloneri who war here laat wlnter,.lo tb. eonvenatloni had with lliem, -It ii- marked on the plat icooiupanylng on ..plication to thorn, to black Bass, and is th. prop erty ef Bwbb.1 Lb. Doctor, Lee prrose. to 1I11I11 scrst, and to tell at much mote ai wonld be reqaired a fair price; in your mtmorlaUitl would undertali. ..I. i, ir it.honld ha nreferred a! a lite. Thli til 1 tot at th. foot of tht hill, about out mile from the de pot of th. B. fc I. B. B . Is th. town of Ooehooton. Ba- tm at th foot Of th. IS, 01 oouree, nearer eoal. and not mora than on. huodred yarda from where the mouth of th. bank would be, to that Ihe coal could be brought on th. gronod by rail. Sewerage would had into tb. Tlieerawai nr ou m nnr.u. .v, iundred yardj, f asaing Bnder th. railroad by t o.lT.rt tL.,1. hnlltT Aiwltch from the railroad can be brought on the ground on Ihe tame level, or thereabouti, with the track-of the railroad ae tt Bowh. .tartlng laid twltsb , ,u. . rj ths hill an th Bonk-aatt eorssr of site lot..' Thi. tit. Is Bis. nearest to the etone .uarriee nnnoeed to be donated by Mr. J. .. dobaaon.Bnd m.M lhaa thrss fsurlht of a mil frcaa tt. , Thi! Is tb. Oaarry soiiUaalag (baaldse Ihe building aad atone) tbs blsek BBUtois, sad also ooBsaislBgi aoaU bat tbs re u eoal to muoh nearer, u would not oe wsnisa w b""b "" "".'fi aoiiaa antirJt.dtrtlfloItdl Wttr,eall- ad the ttui. itooe spring, it iuet 0u tha Una. of this aMs lot ea ths east tide, sad rise a. ,k. fha laeal of the eraand. to be carried Into the epper atorict of a prisoa build ing. Other iprinpai abundant to th. bills elost by; 5?." f ' v. hnt na4 an tho alto Int. V.I.. I Inoxhuutlblt IUPPIT Ma to had, by digging at tbt deptk of fifty root or bna. oi in uatiiBTion. and nearer wo Bin, as wo urr... ten to twenty fc.t, ttriklnf tb. hill strata or bad rock at that dtpth aa It slop. n4r tb. allnvlon. W. therefor, pray your Uonorabl. Bodlea that tb. n.e Fetillenllary may be located at Coihocton. t Jtareh 1, leui. ; OHIO LEGISLATURE. ADJOURNED SESSION. IN SENATE. TUESDAY, March 5, 1861. AFTERNOON SESSION. After a call of tbe Senate tbt business pro ceeded. Mr. STANLEY, from a select committee, reported baokS. B. No To enable purchas er, cf landa in tha Bait Reserve to obtain teeus with a recommendation that It pass. Agreed to. and the bill naased yeaias, nays U Mr. KEYsava notice that ht would request the chairman ,of tho committee oa Federal Re lation to report back hi resolution relative to a National Convention on Tuesday morning The memorial of John W. Clark, of Ky., In reference to the Seneca County; Bank, was re- fnrrad ta tha coram It tea on Claim, i A message waa received from tbe House, statins that the House had receded from lta a greement with the Conference committee oa the bill concerning the Longview Asylum, and asked another Conference. Agreed to, and Messrs. Key, Ferguson and Cos wert appointed a committee from tbe Senate. Mr. STANLEYoffered the following ReHtvfd, That the committee oa Printing be instructed to take such measures a may seem to them practicable to expedite the printing of bills aud report for tb Uenerai Assembly Adopted. " w' Adjourned. - HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. AFTERNOON SESSION. . A call of the Hjune wa bad, when 60 mem bers answered to their name On motion of Mr. VOR1S, the Sergeant ate Arm wa dispatched for the absentees. Several members appearing at tbe bar 01 tbt Bouse, on motion of Mr. ANDREWS, all fur ther proceedings under the call were dispens ed with. Mr BROWNE, of Miami, moved to take from the table the motion to reconsider tbe vote whereby the House agreed to the renort of tbe committee ot conierence on a, u. do. ttsi alive to the Longview Asylum, to Hamilton. Oa wblcb motion tbe yeas and nsys were or dered and resulted, yeas 41. nays. 29, , e. .1 -11 ... . . 1 . 1 . ' - i t. table passed. Tbe question being on reconsidering, the yeaa ana nay were ordered and resulted, yeas So the vote wa reconsidered. . . Tbe question then being on agreeing to tho report of tbe committe of Conference, tbe same was not agreed to, yeas 'ii, nays M. . Ou motion of Mr. WRIGHT, of Hamilton, message wrs ordered to be tent to the Senate Informing that body of the action of tbe House on tbe Conference committee's report, and asK- lotr. for a secoud committee of Conference. . -T-i .... - . w n . mwtTnc.AT tr ... a Sollon of Mr PATTERSON, n. B. Wo. 326 -To protect agricultural fairs, with pend me; aoieuuiacuks, was iruw qb aaoio. Un motion or Mr. ecu n , ot Warren, said pending amendments were referred to th Judiciary Committee. .. . . .. , Mr. PARR offered tbe following resolution, which, on demand of Mr. Hitchcock, was laid over under tbe rule: 1 Rrsoleed, by th Otneral Atumblu 0 tht State tf Ohio, That this General Assembly adjourn iwA, an tna lunirni Anrti. lnrti. . On motion of Mr. HILLS, the House resolv ed Itself into Committee of the Whole upon the orders ot me day, Dir. Mills in tbe chair.. After some time spent in consideration Qert- of, tbe committee rose and reported back sun dry bills: a. a. bjs MaBioe tn appropriation to car- chase lands in the Lewistown reservoir. Referred to the committee on Finance. , H. B 356 -To amend section 60 of the act for the incorporation of cities snd incorporated vil lages. 'Ordered to bs engrossed . and read third time to morrow. 1 H. B.382 To prcveiit' Inconsiderate Sure tyship. Referred to Committee on Woman's Riehts. ' Message were received from tbe Senate, rel ative to tbe introduction of bills: - Acceding to the reqnrat of tbe Home for second Committee of Conference 'on 8. B. 35, nd notifying tb House of tbe appointment Messrs. &.ey and cox said committee on the part of the Senate; ,-j ; 1. .;.., ,i , enclosing tne louewing oiua tor tot concur rence of the House: .., S. B. 198 Authorizing the trustees of cer tain churches in Cincinnati to dispose of old cemetery grounds 1,,. .7-.- S. B. 24U To enable purchasers ol the Scioto salt reserve lands to receive deeds. , fi-.ji Said bills wert rtad tbt first time. - -' , Tht SPEAKER appointed Messrs. Wright, of Hamilton, Scott, of Warren, and Baldwin, as the committee of Conference, on tbt part tbt House, on 8. B. 35. ; On motion of Mr. ROBINSON, tho Uopae adiourned. ... ; .-,; ,,.j,t u..'..'.t-i - -.7 fv IN SENATE. Wednesday, March 6th. 1861—10 A. M. Prayer by the Rev. Dr. SMITH PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. or to Bv Mr." GLASS, from John F. Lewis 'and 7 others, of Richland County, asking thepassag of S.B. 209, " R. R. Committee. J"1 - ; '- -, Alto, a dmllar petition from Mr. flew mm and 83 others, of the earn county. R R. Com mittee.' -". ' .". -- J ; Bv Mr: ORK, from John Ibompson and Other, of Crawford County, Baking th passage ol a. B. No. Buy, ror tbe aie, sc., ot Kautoaas R. R. Committee. " Bv ' Mr. POTWIN Memorial from1 C. B, Goddard, and 64 other, of Muskingum County, asking an amendment to the law of April 12ib, 185, farther to provide for the better regula tion ef tbe receipt and disbursement endSafs keanincr of the nubile revenue. ' Judiciary.' - ' Br Mr. READY John C. Tidball, and 32 other citizens of Cothoo tot county, remonstra tins aeainst the1 leaee or sale of the Public Works Referred to - Committee on' Public Works; -;' '- v:.!t,:l Phllio Baker, and 123 other ciU'zen of Tat carawa county, remonstrating against the sal or lease of tbe rublto works. Keierrod to Committee on Publio Works. ' ': W. M. HemmcKer, sad 180 other citlsens of TuScaraas eomnty, remonstrating against 'tbt sale or leaee-of the Publio Works of the State of Ohio. Referred to tbe oommittee taPablic ' '' "-" i-u . THIRD READINGS. the a' ' ' S, B. No! 236: For :tbe retrieval, "of Dbstraei lions from turnpikes and' plank roads. .The bill passed, yeas 31, bays 0. - 4 ' I 8. B. lfo. 45: For the redemption of the notes of the Seneca County Bank, was referred to Mr. ' SPECIAL ORDER. ' of j Mr. SCHLEICH called up tbe. ppectai order, 3. B. No. 2U9 , To reguUte.thelf 0? Rail Roads."? : n .'.fAt Ji '. I Mr. JONES moved to postpone tbe order.! Mr. SCULEICH objected that tbe iroporUnce of th bill required It should not be so passed Sotb motions we withdrawn, and the Senate proceeded with tht regular order, j j,, j j , REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES. tt to ae I Mr. STANLEY, trom si majority of th Com mittee on Finance; recommended the Indefinite postponement "ot S. B. Nov 255i-Tt amend sections IS and 14 of the Independent Treasury Act.' - 1 "' ' '' -'!' " e'ta-i J :iwiT4 'Mr, STANLEY, however", hoped thtTeoom mendatlon of the Committee woald be voted down. ' l !' 01 "" ' The question being upon loaeflaltt postpone ment, it was lost, Tin "" 1 ''J ' 1 i ! , 'Those- who voted Iu' th aSlrmatlvt wdre Messr.: Eaeon, FergueoB; Foster, Harrison, Holmes, Key, McCall, Moore, Newman.'Orr, Parish, Perrill, Sohlelcb, Smith and Wbltt-a-15. Those who voted In th negatlvt wtrt M sears, Breck, Brewer, Bonar, Collin, Cox, Cuppy, Cummin, Fisher, Garfield, OUi Harsh, Jones, Leakey, Monroe, Mors, Pott, Potwln, Sprsgae and Stanley 19. t ''' ' -j Mr--JONES moved amend by striking tut tht clause relative to receiving in payment for publie' does - Specie and speota paying bank not: st that the effect of tbe bill would be to require tht Treasure to pay tmt gold and direr 1010 paying pant oi ww.- and th notes Of en tlratAi..m,hU,adln.'''iii.J io .- L i.ii ft 3i ri ' Mr. f tiKyuBurj moved to uut out oi in A bill that portion which proposed to amend eeo-1 . it ' f nn I tion i or toe act. Lost ayes iz, nays zu. , Those who voted in the affirmative were Messrs. Eason, Ferguson, Holme, Key. New Hmun, man, Urr, . rarisb. ferrill, ecbietcn, and White la. Thosa who voted In the neeallvfi ' were MassM. Brack. Brewer. Bonar. Collins. Cox, Cuppy. Cummin. Fisher,' Garflold, Glass, liar- rlaon, fiarsn, jones, Lifesasy, mouan. luonrou Mnnr. Pntta. Potwln and Htanl !iU. Mr. 8CHLEICH, offered the followlntt as an tn sMtlan 13 of tha lav as It atanda. vis: .rt t . . - -: - I Rn 15-Nn RtalB or Count ofUnnr aball receive In payment of taxes or other publio dues, or pay out in the disbursement of publio money, any other lunas tnan tne coin 01 tne finite Rt.tna ' -i .-.: ' .. I Mr, FISHER was la favor of a sub treasury law mir and aimnle. ' i i . ?- "- " I Mr. llUi.WS.3 was opponeu 10 any ouaugo iu Mr. CUMMINS regarded tbe sub treasury aa an Indirect stab at the banks or Uhio, bom- Ins- that tha Democratic Treasurers of Ublo dare not avow themselves bard money men, and carry the principle Into practice la their of- fiolal character. 1. K '"t Tha amendment of Mr. SCHLEICH was not ao-rd to. 0 . ..... m 'I'hn.A nhn wntsa in tne sinrmative were - Mura. F.iann. Ferirnson. Fisher. Foster, Holmes, Key, Orr, Porrll, Scbleloh and Wblte 1U, .. . ft Thona' whn voted In' thn negative Were M.r. Rpnk. Ri-aircF. Bnnar. f.nllina. Cox. rnnm. P.iimmlna. Oarflnld. Olasa. Harrison, Ilarsb,'Jones, Liasxey, mcuaii, monroe, moore, Morse.' Parish, Potts, Potwin, Ready, Smith, Snrauue. Stanley-24 nr. r A man opposeu tne auiBuuiueui, u. iur. Sohlelcb. but was opposed to interlerlng witn the law at tbe present time. lie wanted to test tht eystom thoroughly. It is a Democratic measure, they Bay, and If ultimately they can make capital out of it, tbey are welcome. The people bad not vet groaned under It, and when thevdo. he will be ready to vote for an amend-1 ment. Mr. MOORE concurred with air. rarisn 1 viflwi. He hated o much doctorlnir ot laws. When th people are badly anected by tbe law tbey will make it Known. The question recurring upon tne tmru renu- inef the bill, It was screed to. Ayes 20, Nays 15. . .' ' ? . . ' ) ' . The bill wa read a third time and it passed Thoaa who voted ' In the affirmative were Messrs. Breck, Brewer, Bonar,. Collins, Cox, Cuppy, Cummins, Fisher.Garfleld, Glass. Jones, LtBsBey, ractiau, monroe, morse, iuub, lumm, Rarl. Snratrue and Stanley'. 20. Those who voted in the negative were Messrs. Fareuson. . Foster. Harrison, . Harsh, Holmes, rtey, Moore, Newman, Orr, Parish, Perrill.Sohleich, Smith and White 15. Mr. HARSH said he was In favor of the orlnlnal bill, but with Mr. Jones' amendment be was opposed to It. - - , -Tha hill aa Dessed Is as follows, viz - A bill to amend sections thlrteoa (13) and fourteen (14) of an aot "to establish tbe lade nxndant Treasnrv of the State of Ohio." . w -. . j 1 a. DICTION 1, Dt tienacicB Bjwtonimii jii- b 0 mended as to read as follows: j sicnoit 13. No State or County offloer shall teen (13) and fourteen (14) of the above recit- 1 1 a ol 1 J 1 ' pay out, in tbe disbursement oi public money, anv other fnnds than cold and silver and notes of the snccie bavinir Banks of Ohio. ' 1 - . - . .. . . ,i. r-..i A oiOTlorf 14. . All payments out oi tne ouie treasury, of twenty dollars and under, shall be made in gold and silver snd all payments out of every oonntv treasury, oi ure uouars buu nnrlf r. ahull be made in sold ana silver. Sio. 3. Seotlone thirteen ana lourteenoi tot .him recited act are hereby repealed. Sic. 3. Tbis act shall take eirect irom oca aftjr the first dav of April next - am TT1H f - 1 JT !fti.. Mr. JUiNC.3, irom tne stauaiDg oobhhumib oa the Judiciary, reported back 8. B 239, by af, T k.,.1s 4V.b Klin BBv Uf. amflnimnnlal M, aJUUVSl VUtBWla. A MISS T ItU SJUICUWIHSUW ftDdTecommeaded ita engroasmeDta. The only material amendment it a proviso that money deooalted bv banks at clearing bouses for tbe redemption of their notes, under which no inter est la received, shall not be returned for taxa tion. .The bill proposes to tax banks on their capital, surplus tunds, and time deposits, Amena mania acreed to. . ' Mr. PARISH tnovcJ to" recommit tbe bill with instructions to report sa amendment which In effect omitted that portion of the bill wmoo proponed to tax aim depot iti. Lost ayes nayi S7.: Messrs only, voted aye, Breck, Moort ond Parish, The question recurring upon the passage the bill. It passed ayes 26, nays 6. Thnu hh. .nt.ii in rn. .iii.minTH w.rp Messrs. Breck, Brewer, Bonar, Collins, Cox, Cuppy, Fisher, Garfield, Glass,' Harrison, Harsh, Jones, ft.ey, iiasaeyf weuaii, monroe, Moore, Morse, Parish, Potts, Potwin, Ready Smith, Sprague, Stanley and White no. Those wbo voted in toe neeauve were Messrs. Eason, Foster, Holmes, Newman, Perrll 5. . The Seuata-thoa took a recces.- . - ; ? I ;. ...... . - ' HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. I j ' I Prave'r'bv RV. Mr: Trimble. I :! i u I Tbe following memorials were presented referred, j- - ';;, .- ; ji i ' . By wr- tynoi.,iraiu UUu lu""'" "uu 160 Others, of Stark ooanty, against the farther Immigration of colored people. R Mr. VORIS. from Peter Miller and others, for a feductton of Statt and emafwoffl- Cer- ' . . .-' ... j By Mr. tjHABB., irom reter riereoo ana other, ol Stark county, against the farther mlgratlonofcDlored people. ' 11 , ! tMW"?2 3talhaDrtw and 1 Otners, OI voiunjoinnB cjuuit, agaiuoti 20 others or ' morrow connry, tnat certain torn tnr mav be attached to Richland county. ' By Mr. ROSS, Irom Joseph Cable, of Van Wart: for in adlnstmtnt of hisclaim.; By Mr. JACOBS, from J. L. Hnghes, of Allen mnntv. for a revision tf the law regulating criminal Drooeedioes before' Justices of Peaeo:-,-' '; r-?. - Tt Mr'. REES.of Morrow, from Henry W Carll and 101 others of, Morrow county, for chanee of tbe boundary of that county. . Bv Air. CON VERSE, from Peter Ilaydea . . VS. ttf A A 28 Olberfl OI rraDKUD cdudvji vr impruTcmeui Mi r,sa UnnVlntt tliavmi. flMfcl.-V 7 Ut U17.Vs'av ' Bv Mr. PLANTS, from Thomas Mltchel J - m m, i c . .A I Soother oi Jeueraou Bauu.j, iur. .u w uuuu foot bridees n certain seuool districts. BrSSfZ;!: j.. tut m.9 o.l...UaA-i Af Atmstntv nflirorm. - c- Tr.Mi73 parn;iroe fwm TAfin Commissioner to- levy a tax I'sOTtrr pjjur. At,iAjw. w. wtiiKms.ivB. , a rift - l '. VatavMael In Inrlntv. Arralnaf ana Jaoiuer. iu.u ji b aale or lea ortaw run no " oraa. BvMr. NIGH, from Nathaniel Birchum, Lawrerjoe eobnty,; Asking nbat the vocation School Teacher shall be under an officer, with salary nxed Dy tne otate. v r l-. -. . . r I v t i Mv ulr. mcrntiivouw, i juuu , . uusu, Ir;. and 13 Ctbera aV Huron oouatv, asking hi notes ot the jSenec. County Bank shall The following Bills were rend a second snd referred. 1 II. B. 383 To incorparate tho Bank.of Ohio and other Banks. Select Committee oB Batik Currency.- . - : u 'y r"": . 1 H. b 338 To amend section twenty. four 'an --act crovldins for the appointment ofllotrt of tht Ohio Penitentiary, and the manner of working tho convicts," passed March , loou. remteuviary. 4 H, B. 893 To authorise the Commtfl! loners of Monroe county to borrow money to supply tht defisieucy occasioned by tht defalcation the county treasurerA select commute. 8 B. 193 To authorize tht Trustees of Wea ley Chapel, tbt Trustees ot Morris Cbapel,and thtTrustocsof'Trimty.M..E- Church, in city of Cincinnati, to dispose ot certain proper ty bolODglng to the same. Hamilton Delega .,S.B.' 204 Defining the lar.sdlo.ion of Probate Court of Shelby and Geauga counties, la criminal cases. ' ' ' - 1 8. B. 810 To enable purchasers of hod the 8o1oto Salt Reserve, In; Jacksoa county, Obtain deeds. ' 8, B.251-pRegolatIng the Coramerolsl. Hos pital of Cincinnati. Medical Schools. - S. 0. Sr.2-8oppIcmetiUry to "an, b msklur cerUIn InetrnmenU of writing,, negatlabl,", pasted February 85, 1820. Judiciary, d. ! f 8. BI 95-To amend lection thirty-one of aot entitled "an act to provide for tht rt-oganl- cation, supervision and maintenance of common . 1 . t 1 1 1 1 IDC) (3 .1 1 J scuoou, puisea marca iii" a.uouw bub Sohool Lands. y- . m 1 II. B 323; By Mr. COX--T0 lenoourago the organii.ttion oi are companies, was reau a tuuu time, wnen Mr; COX advocated the passage or lue Dili, Mr. VOBIS hoped the bill would not DaBS, as It did not make siifl'mleatly liberal provision for theflremeu. ;', I .? ?, f t , Mr. WOOD3 anuouueed that a mil was In pro crets moro liberal in its exemptions, and moved that the bill be laid on the table. v Mr, COX remarked that tne out in hs pres- nt form wsa amended In accordance wita tne instruction of tbe House. He would baye pre- ferted a more liberal form, but accepted mis bb an alternative. Mr. WOUD3 chant ed tht motion to a refer- enot ttf the Judiciary committee, wniou w an reed to - ilia nvuse tnon uiub b revueox ng.TH of a Fhintbb We rcerot to becanea UDon to announce the death of Btenben w Brown, a eentleman well known in tbis vicinity Us a printer and Inventor of several useful artl- tut. years 0les connected with tbe printing buslnces. Brown ha boeb out Of health for several naat. bnt haa nevertheless kept up androntin- ued to labor as much as was in bis power, lie I . . . 1 . r t 11 . t V. 1 ta Known aa tne inventor vi cruwu a ruivuuru matlo Press, for orlntinc! in various colors with one impression, and also for a new style of card press, ana a quica ioca gsuey, wuiuu.wu. ro- cnWcd with coniiderablC favor by printers. rt In tvlnta Ufa. ha was a ecnlal, kind hearted com nanlon and friend, and a most exemplary bus- band ana latner. , lie leaves b nun buu w children to mourn his loss, as well as a large irnla of acnuaintances and friends to whom Syracuse Standard, 25th ult. PoroLATiON and Extent of Paris. Tho Pro rant nf tha Mainfl tavfi. in D t annual rruun, thfit i,ni house have been demolished, these I D0U!(I contained 7,715 familieB.embracing.on an ,.. three nersona per family; that is, at leatt 22,145 person have been obliged to mov ,i,a nnnraa of tho vear. over and above tbt ,.i niimhr nf removals that annually take I Ditee. There have bean built in the oouree ot .be year, 3.9S6 houses, containing loagiogs lor 040 families. The population 01 ran now -nn.i.ta of 1.746.720 souls. He says the num. Iber of vacant lodgings IB Pts now is not above 10,998, whereas, In a normal situation of affairs, there should bs 25,000 or 30,000 lodging vacant to give tenants a sufficient liberty 01 selection. aire. RrcoMi A MiLLiowAiai RooerV J. Walker haaanddanlv heaome a millionaire, by tbe do nialnn mad fn the United StatesSupremo Court, tha tula to a Quicksilver mine in ifet- ifornla. estimated to be worth ten millions of dollars. Mr. Walker la proprietor of one fifth of thi valuable mine, and was offered, not inne- an. 2 OUU.O0U for it. provided tne court should give a favorable decision. That decis ion has now Deen Eiven, ana an " siacr, wuw i tn nan his own words, "a beggar In the morn nir." went home to BIS dinner a muiiou Tbe disastrous condition 01 me cuuau-y tlon of bis "expectations. GUERNSEY'S BALM! NEW ADVERTISEMENTS iw, , -r, - Xfl, TH. Thursday , EveiUBg, Marcn til " . :.7 ' "- 1 ..' ! ... .7? . jAVaJ A Social raid ; Musical Festival. Tmt LiDin br tbi ,.'".'. " second rutsuxxEBiAJi cntrpcu will hold a Social and M luteal Feitlral, at th. roomt attached to the Church, on Chapel ttreet, on 3, Th. nnhllc senarallw Ara.eotdlallv Invited lo attend Mualc in til. audience room, to commence at half pat sight. Doors open at faAlf uait lix.. Admission, cent!. Children hatf prlcer.. . m5-td. ' 1 'Sheriff's Sale' " Th. Blata of Ohln Tt. Union County Common Pleaj TV. H. Itarey, et. al.) v- V VIRTUS' OF A WRIT Or VEIfDI is to ma directed from ths Court of Common PI eat Union County, Ohio, I will offer for tile at the door th. Court Houte- tn-the city- of Oolumbot, Franklin paniitv. Ohln. hn . . i 1 . . - Saturday; the 6th" day. of Aprfl, AD1861 oft M the following det.rioed ml eetato, -situate In Count ot Franklin, and State of Ohio, to wit: Lott No two, ip) three. (3) and four, (f) la. the town ot urore perU i. , l 'h - - - - i ' ! , Apprsuea si loi no. a; e wi w " ..; ... . , 0. W. UUtfSMAH. Sberlff. rafcSltdltdtw. - ,,: By St. Davis, Deputy r rlnter't ices j,uo. ,..-.,-.( Sheriff's Salo.; ):.,( in ) t s - i 'n - 1 Rk-aley St Brother . i -. - - ts. i j - t Bopertor uoort. Thomat Shannon.- I i i . TiV D to me directed, from tbe SuMrtor Court of Freak I oounty, Ohio, I will offer for sale on the farm Of Triomai Shannon, ilx miles west oi-uolumbut, oath, national ana t0ad, 0n V .;n C'i I SaturdayMarch the 16th, A. D. 1861, tt 10 o'clock. A. M., th. following property, to wit: Mowing Machine, B Plowi, 3 Cultivator!, S Harrow!,' two hone IWagon. 1 Buggy, 1 Gray Mare, lBay,Man 46 Olwitnut Bomll Horn, and a.lotof -BlMlumlUh stools.. , ViaTSvi'tTO, onnl . "' uu Wrv VATT WT k TT WTTT017l?T)0? lm. U lUU WAlU VYlllOJiMlb sv . r wmR . 1 r - , - v V.T T i e 9 " , tbe a and .DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE? 4 , OBLKBHAT?!) .- - H .o :'- A v:!l For the WMskeri and Hair. ' 'i : -I M m, V M i VI 1 1 Tbe' subscriber! 'take pleasure fit anaounotag to Oltiitns o she United 8tats, that they, have obtained A a an.l ..a nnm ...u I .! ..1 fft nflAr In OlB AmeHflan asd publio, th. above juttly celebrated ami rerldj-renowned M .1 I artlnla. Tha . . i , --n .-,-; , . S, TIMULATINO , pNGUENT ) .? M I ( TTvnflred bv Dr. 0. P. DEXaLINQDAM. an cm.Dnt for , , or a Mnstaciie . lv.4l; , 'J tnttl r r-. -. . - , In from thrse to six weeks. Thli arflol. It the only . ( ,hj k)D4 b tnDQtl ancl , x.OI1don and of ,t i,ta uow-rmiute. . . ef It ii a iieaBtifui, sMnomlcl,oattinR, yet stimulating a beautiful growth of luKurlaut hair. If applied to anu came to ipnng up a . araln. It will cure baldhm. snd came .1, - . . - . t . place oiui. Data tpott a nne growm or now aair. restore gray hair to IU orlirlrjal color, amooth. and flexlblt. The -Cmorja-rr" an Indiipenubl. article In every gentleman, toilet, after on. week's aa. tbey would aot for any ontldtration bswitboatit. . ..jc The lubtcribensn the only Agents forth, article the United States, u-wkom all orden must be addressed. PrlnWlM TIaII.. KAjtfn. a&la hv all Drusiilett Dealere; or a box of the "Ouguent" twarranted to. hay the deeired effect) will bCKnt to any who deatn it, mall (direct;, seounly paoked. on reotlpt ef price pottage, Sl.lU. Apply to or auoiesa . . ,. i'v-.i -k nOBACB L. BKQSMAN 03., fcbSDJAvsflm '-- that piled according to bo MrpMn. timo . of of de termining ot the the In to an r rm li.,....-va , S4 William Btreet, Hew-Torki ;X change;. HAVING, Of TPHB fltlt INST., PTJRa chased of K. R. WKAVBK hl5 entire Block of Goods, at No. 103 Hifh St., with the view of changing my location, I wtlell ustU th. Bret day of April, with out neerve, , i i ; i'.'V" t T-OOSTOlw'OASn! '; Fancy Drest eilks, Prloesa, Buttona, Trimming), Alto figatee Mmlnol,D. Lalnat, and Cloaki, ''Hcgardlaisif; vf '.Cost! I fcaWslV . P.T.W00D. t r, k, itvt33 'aud - Embroideries,,-T i VAi.)EIVClEWl!S,iri4LTESB ek POINT .Xtce Collar! and Sells. Irench, Puihir and Thread Lao. Valla, (new pattarnt.) Talenol.nea, Thread Point Laoai, Kmbratdend Collars, Setts, Trimming Skirls, Laos Barsei and OouTuree, Plain Linen Gullara, Bttta and Cufft, Xmbroldend Collar! and Cunt in Setts. BAIN fc BON, feb52 Ho. S9, Bonth High Street. SPECIAL NOTICES. Editob Btathm a : Please aniounca tlit ntms of JOHN JA00B H0FIMANN as a candidate for the office of Towmhip Clerk, of Montgomary Townihlp. n&ytf. MANY SBU00RAT8. HTJ.NHEWEIX'8 tlip&ERSAL COUGH. HtramtBTEU's I. . - I , . ,TOLlT; For all TIIKOAT ftnel LUNG COiaPIiAlNTS, inciudlns; wiioopiwc OOtOHi ana every Complaint the foreran, nor and evtn actual CONSUMPTION, v : -) Tho r.reat NEVHAI.a GUI UKBIKDY and Nat ural UI'IA'I K, adapted to every spor.lcs ol Ner want Complaint., Ner out and (Jhrsnlo lleadach., utiesaia Usui, Catarrh. Tooth and ar Ace toss at Sleep, and Bowrl Com plaints. - No real Jaitlo can be don. the- above preparation! but by procuring and reading dcecrlptira pamptileti.d be found with all dealert, or will be eent by Proprietor on demand, formulae and Trial Bottle! tent to Phyii eiani, who Will find development! In both worthy their acceptance ana apprors . Oorreipendecce solicited from all whoa, necenttlci or cnrloiity prompts to a trial of the above reliable Heme lot rale by the atrial wnoieme ana retail doalor everywhere. ; JOHN L, lICNNEWEIil. Proprleto CHIMIST AND rHABMACIUTIBT, Vs. 0 Commercial Wharf, Boston, Mass. Roberts a: Barsual. N. B. Mamie. J. B. Cook, J. M lorColnmbut. Ohio. ANODYNE. Denl?, O. Denig a coni,A. J. Sshuellor k Bon, Agentt D1I.-UIJ 1 - - MOFFAT'S AilFE PIL1.8. Is a!) eases of coetlreneet, dyrpepila, blllloat aud lire' affeotlont, pllet, rheumatlta. fevers aud agues, obiti nat. head achet, and all general derangement! of health these PUlt bare Invadably proved a eerUIn and speedy remedy. A single trial will place the life PHI beyond ths reach of competition In the setlBwtion of every pa tient, Dr. Moffat's Phoenix Bitters will be found equally ef fieaciont In alleatet Of nervosa debility, dyspepsia, head ache, the eteknets Incident to females la delicate health, and every kind of weakneti of tbe digestive organt, lor tale by Dr. W. B. MOPTAT, 335, Broadway, N. I. endbyaHDraggurtt. . ; . BiAyZt-dkwly a ol of the i The following ii an extract from a letter written by the Key. J.. B. Ilolme, patter oi ths Plerrepolnt-Btreet Baptlit Church, Brooklyn, M. TV, to tbsojoarnal and Messenger," Cincinnati, O., and tpeaks volume! In favor of that world-renowned medicine, Mm WrxiLow's BooTrma Btbot roa CniLBira Tmamo: "We see an adrertlnment in your eolumna of Mat WimLOw'i Boer him Bvaor. Now w never mid a word In favor of a patent medicine before in onr lire, tut we feel compelled lo my to yoar readen that thi! It no hum bug wt bivb TKitn it, Aim Iiow it to bb au. it OLAiasi - It it probably one of the moat luroeaiful medi cine! of the day, because it Ii one ol the belt. And thote of your reaileri who have bablti can't do better thjn lay lna tuppiy." ocw;.rai HAIR ' DYE HAIIl DYE. ' Wn. A. Eatctalor's Hair Sycl Tht Original and Beet is - the World) All others an men Imitation!, and ahould be avoided Ifyoo wtih to escape ridicule. OBAT, BHD OB RTJBTT HAIR Dyed initantly to a beautiful aad Natural Brown or Black, without Injury to BalrorSkln. HJTBKN MEDALS AND DIPLOMAS have bee awarded to Wm. A, Balchelor lince 1839, and over 80,00 applications have been made to the Iltlr of bit patrons of Ml famous dyei WM. A. BATCHELOB'B IIAIB DTK produces a ecl or not to bs diitlngaiibed from nature, and Is warranted not to injure In the least, however long It may bs contin ued, and th 111 effects of Bad Dyes remedied; the Bali Invigorated for life by thin iplendld Dys. - gold In all cities and towns of the tlalt-d Statea DruKgliti and Fancy Goods Dealer!. . IQThe Oenuln. bat the name and addren upon a Steel plate engraving on fonr tides ot a&ch box, of WILLIAM A. BATCHBLOR, Aridrnea CUABLB3 BATOIIELOR, Picprletor, JyK wlv 1 Barclay itreett New York. Un 1 1 t j' 1 th. the i !t1?. on. Parli . Ihe in p- it ind In Bad by and T, CoBBttmptlTe. Tb Advertlttr, having been rtitored to health In a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after baring! offered! snl yean with a severe long affection, aad that dread dlieaie, ConiumpUon U acxlout to make known to bit fellow-iufftrert the meant of cure. ' Toallwhodeaire lt,he will tend a copy of theprescri tlon nted (free of charge), with the direction! for prepa Ing and using thi aame, which they will find it'll Qv for CoKicart ion, ArraMA. Brokcbitu, ate, Tht only object of the adrertlser 1b sending the Prescription Is to benefit the afflicted, end spread laformation which he con eel vet to be Invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try hb remedy, as It will sett tcsa nothing, and may prove a bleuing. Parties wiihing the prescription will please address ? - Bi. BDWABD A. WILBUN, . -, , . Willlainabnrgh, Klnrv Ocmnty, K.w York. oct3:wly .i .,!. -: . . i v r W. A.' Batchelor'i Hair Dye! ; , Thlt splendid Balr Dye hat no eqnal Initantaneoui In effect Beautiful Black or Natural Brown no staining the tkin erlujuilng tilt Hair rrmoaieitneaarar an ilfect of Bad Dyaa, and invigorates th hair, for life, irons' at genuine anlMiitgnad "W. A. Batchelor." Bold everywhere.""- -;-.--!;'. " 1 V:'-' CBA8. BATOQELOR, Proprietor, Jyl2:wly . ' 81 Barclay Stmt, New Tort. ' WM, KNACE & CO., ' A T THKIK NEW SALF..j---sa it ttVVXyZU. VHbALTOlOBXBT., ism NOB. 1, 3, S and 7 N. BUT AW BTI " Offer for sal. their oelebrate GOLt)EN MEDAL, '' i " V.n . ' v GRAND - : AND SQARE " PIANO-FORTES. ' -VJ' Being highly recommended by tb. first Profctson and Mualcal Amateurs of tbs Country, and KVJSBY - ISSTRUMBNT -' - WARRANTED FOR -iVIV. a I -. BTVXtCARB. Tbt- moat faiUdloas customer may rely upon being pleased m .very respect. I-Tarmi liberal. WM. KNABB h CO. 'I, - , BHLTZEB JaWEBBTIR, Agents, 't octSrl;lydw. t, Columboa Ohio. . J ADVBmi8EallT. v . 1 For th I5BTAUT RBLIIf v and PIBMANBKI 0UBJI of lb diltreailnj ooroplalnf Bit . , JEN DTB .;:.- da:. BS05CHI ALCIG ABSTTX8, UalebyO. B. BIYM0TTR fc CO., 107 Hauaa Bt,, If. T. - fries tl per box; tent free by pott.. POR BALI AT ALL-DBU tQ ISTB mayu-dctwlyn ,,.,:,,;:... ... ASTHMA . Alexandre's Kid GloVefV1? PLAIN AND EITIBROIOERED, BIOCB QUBTAIRB aad regBUrahap. Black Kid Olovet, embroidered in white, magenta, purple, fco. Undressed. , A eomp Kid Gloves, sf istei Kid Olo-et. aplett assortment of thea. celebrated Qlovei alwura for sals br BAiti at sun, i ft3 . r Ne.BSBouthBlghitimt. EiaplQyment.--- rriHE BDBSCKIBEHSf DBALINO IN A at Ktatpla AttlclB, will furniah .aploytaent lo a fsw acttva bmb to act a. agouti for thai! boast. A preference will be given to thos. who art well acquaint td In th. ddtrlot for which they tpply. , . . - for which sorvloes tbey are willing t- py salary of from . ci i .. -. ii ( r'.-,;ciup f.j $600 to $800 ptr year, r and jpsnts. Tor farther particulars addreas I . n. i. j j W. B. MOREHOUSE 9, .-; ; 1 ,-. .3 and 9, Xxchanse fjac, 1 )an30-d3m. '-"' JerseyJOIty, B. J. Notice. ' CITY BASK OF C0LTJKB?3t t Dry . Ate, " and and , THE FOLLOWING CIIANOES) WERE made hi the the omen of thlt Bank, January IrSth, 1861, to wit: Wa. A. Putt, Prealdeut, and Tbobab M oqbib. Oaihler. raalmd their offiM. David Tavlok. Riq., was then .looted President and WM. A. I'latt ap pointed OaiMeT, - - ny order or m Beard or rirojii. fob 9, KOl-dtf. ... -r W A. PL ATT, Csahlar. gnoaiNO TOBACCOS, , I BdnsrlorOrleotalf . .:.t'r r., f u. -. rise Kaaaietv, i.-v : i .-( , !..... yoar Aces, (extra) x t- -.i..n nt-if i) tif i Americaa Bhag, - - -Bird'i Bye, (Union) In nakaSeSI 'afaoKentacky Am cut in barrtii audhslf Barrets, in. store aad for sals by -, . . ftbll ,''u-' .BiMeamaa Building. Wanted: to bentno. 4ti, Bait Oav street, eta roosii, 1 100.- Also, No. I I'M 904, Oak street, tlx rooms, stable, fee, lt3..lcX There I a wall, 4U.VAnd cellar to .ach. . ilnaaira at the prsmlsrt. buu.jmi.