Newspaper Page Text
WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 6, 18M. LOCAL MATTERS. . The Adams Express Company places us dally under obligations to it for the very latest Ppe from the eastorn cities. The American Express Company has Our thanks lor it dally favor In the shape of the eery latest eastern papers. irs The AiuaiCAN Almanac rot 1861. Thla valuable "Repository of Useful Knowledge,' ,.T' published by Caesar, Nichols, Lii k Co., Bos- . ,. ton, i for sale at Randall it Aston ', in thla city. Every mau ueedi an Almanac, and Juat " tuch a manual of information aa the American . Almanao it BtiTde the Astronomical Department, the Almanac for thii year has an interesting paper upon Meteorology. It hag also an elaborate and valuable article upon Fleuro Pneumonia ' la the Second Part, it hag a full liat of the Executive and Judiciary of the General Gov- ernmeut, including the chief offloers and clerkg of the several Department, and the Court of " Claims; of the Collectors of Customs, of Poet '.' toasters in the principal plaoes, of Army and Navy Peneion Agents, and of the Indian Su perlutendents and Agents; of our Minlatera and Consuls in Foreign Countries, and of Foreign Ministers and Consuls in the United States. '.'.The titles, ' Commerce and Navigation, and Revenue and Expenditure, with those of the Pot ?ffice; Mint, and Public Lands, show the receipts and expenditures of the Govern- meet under tbelr several beads, the publio debt, the Imports, exports, tonnage, coin age, sales of land, and the operations of the Post Office Department for eaohyear, einoe the adoption of tbo Federal Constitution. Tables .. are given of the Fineness, Weight and Value of foreign gold and silver coins; of the Railroads in this country; of Telegraphs and Submarine Tel cgraphsj of Colleges and Professional School in the United States; of the Population of the ever! States at the decennial periods, inclu .alng the census of 1860; of tho Debts, Property ..and Expenses of the States; and of the Times of the State Election, and the Meetings of the State Legislatures. '".'" The European part of the work gives the sev eral States in Europe, with their forms of gov ernment, tho names, titles, and dates of acces sion of the reigning sovereigns, and the area and populations of the several countries. It also gives tho Royal Family, the Ministry and Ju- . dietary of England, and the Ministry of France. We have only given a meagre outline of some . of theprinsiple features of the American Alma nao for 1861. It contains a mass of informa tion which can hardly be obtained In any other eroik in 60 condensed and cheap a form: Arrivals at ths 0. P. In addition to the convict already mentioned as having arrived at the Penitentiary, we report the following: llattias Andersn, Mahoning Arson.... Sreerel Bylvanns Waneetier, " urana Larceny.. 1 Wa. Harris, Jefferson Burglary and Larceny.. 3 James Lee, Highland Horsestealing..... 3 Beverly Drain, " Assault with Intent ' to oomnit rape .....4 Mary Young, aliat Cable, Olerment Arson.... 8 ilenry Smith, Clermont Stabbing with Intent to wound 1 year Benjamin Blockwell, Olermont Arson 3 years re'.er Bonn, Vultoa tioree stealing a HtMlLTOI couimt. Wn, Abley, Grand Laroeny Caroline Ashley, " 6eo. W. Hichards, Aurglary , George Retae, ...... i Wn. Johnson, " David Wright' - " .8 years. 1 1 1 3 3 Jaaei Stanley, Grand Laroeny. Patrick Bmlth.ntterinx and nubllshlnt oountarfelt ' hank notes. q 3 years. Jameo Hampton, attempting to pass eouateneu coin .-3 years. Bayard ReevM, Qrand Laroeny : " Ohas. Beilker, " , . 4 Hannah Reilker, " " 4 " Wa. a. Drake, having In possession and secretly ' keeping Instruments for counterfeiting gold , coin S tears. One of the above female convicts from Ham ilton oounty bas with ber an Infant about three moctbJ old. Here surely is aa Instanoe where I . the Innocent la made to suffer with the guilty. PaostTE Cooat Criminal Tesm. The fol lowing petit larcenycaseo hare been disposed of as follows: ,c I State r. Samcil Bocua Plea, not guilty Sentenced to a floe of tea dollars and costs, and fifteen days In dungeon. ' State v. John Hislie Plea, not guilty I tlentensed to a fine of twenty dollars and costs, and twenty days la dungeon. i iStatit. John Coyest Plea, guilty Sen- ionced to a flue of ten dollars and oosts. ! ' '.; S)tati r. Goerdon Follik Plea, not guilty , 'ltrf trial fRxutr for prosecution, and Wasson for defendant'. Verdict, guilty Defendant's counsel filed a motion fcr a new trial. I " : i 1 :1T Motes' Ni r System or Cotting Gasments This invention, by means of varied lines op en hart or cuts, is adapted to euttlng ladies' dresses, basques, children's dresses, boys' coats, pants, and shirts, and in fact, to all kinds of 'garments. It simple. that even a child, can learn to use it in a few minutes, and so acoarate rXhat any garment may be made to ft with neat ness and dispatch. 1 This Is said open aotuat examination and trial. The charts for cutting jgarmrnts by this; system may be obtained of Jdr. and Miss Nsipi.Es, at the United Slates Hotel." ': - ' '"''j I Tat Ohio Educational Monthly ros Maech 1 ' 7 contains number of brief but good articles, bith original and -selected.' The artiol on . "Newepjpers And Education" sets forth the value of the newspaper . as an educator iwitb tact and ability. 'The "Monthly" is published nosTT ftCo., of . this city, st $1 a i-. ',jejr. v urn -. h;hi, -' - ' em i i . I " Tab Weatheb. On Monday afternoon, Im mediately after the1 Inauguration of "Old A ax," I ' ' the weather, which bad been remarkably warm I and pleasant, suddenly changed, and has beea ged, ana bas been wriyAL by the. La- cold and blustering ever flnoe. - it a . , , i i . CSocial . aim MpsICAL F W dies of the Second Presbyterian Church, on to morrow (Thursdaj) evenlne. See advertlee- nient. - : :-'Jvl C . i , . sea i , n Cobt .or Common Pleas. The Court and ' Jury were engaged this forenoon Id the trial of : w vsss or bajwewald t.;Boi, whicH was oommenoed yesterday morning. j ;"? .'CTMapasi Demoust's Spring Patterns, Juat . , k received by Miss C.' E Teed, No. 81. Jllgh - . : eitreeti also a new system ot areas euttlng taught, ' . iti warranted to give entire satisfaction. i Who will suffer from Foal Humors, Sores, or 1 '' '" Disease of the Skin, when such certain remldies as MoL,ati's 8rneriaTAiria Coedial and Blood ; . ,. PoEiriia, and McLean's Voloanio Oil Lini ment can bs so easily obtained. The Cordial will purify the blood thoroughly, and the Linl ment will cure any sore. See the advertise ment. ; ; ' j I . . ; : IaroaTANt to Mechanics. It Isluataslmpo -tent that yon have a bottle of Guernsey's Bain epoo your work' benoh, or ' some other conveit- t ' lent Place as it la to have an oil can. or any oth- . , , or neoeatary article.' If yoa get wounded, nse ue tsum. Arrivals and Departures of Mails. DEPARTURES. Malls for New York OUT. Boston. Albany, Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Slenbenvlllo way. Cleveland, Zanesvllle, Newark, Granville, Washington Oltj, Baltimore, Phila delphia and New Orleans, olose dally (Bandars except ed) at 7X o'clock p. m. A through nail (or New Tork and Cleveland eloaes asuy (Bandays excepted) at 1 o'oioek p. m. 0. 0. a 0. B. H. way atatl cloaas dally (Bandays ex- oepiea; ai 1 o'oioek p. m Central Ohio Way at 1 o'clock n. m. nail closet dally (Bandars actpttd) Cincinnati way Mall oloset dally (Bandays excepted) at j o 010c p. m. Chicago, Dubnque, Delaware, Marlon and Worthing, ton Mall eloeea dailv (Bandars excepted) at 1 o'clock p.m. Malli for Tenia. Rnrlnrfleld. Dayton, Toledo. Clnoln' natl. Indianapolis. Louisville, Bt. Louie, and Detroit, clows dally (Bundayi excepted) at 7K P- n A through mall to Xenla, Springfield and Cincinnati Closes dally (Sundays axoepted) at 1 o'clook p. m. Urbana, Pique, Tiffin and Union City mall closes dally (Bandays axoepted) at ?X o'clock p, m. Lancaster, Logan, Nolsonvlllo, Olrolevllla, Ohllllcothe, Portsmouth, Washington, 0. H-, Athens, Marietta and Blllsboronih, malls close dally (Sundays excepted) mita o'clock p. m. last way Mall by National Boad to Zanesvllle, olosos dally (Bandays excepted) at 11 o'clock a. ns. Ilarrlsburgh Malta eloee dally (Sundays excepted) at 1 o'oioek p.m. Mt. Vernon Mail. bv war of Westervllle and Sunbnrv. doses daily (Sundays excepted) at 1 o'clock p. m. Dublin Mail oloeea dally(Bundays exoepted)at 1 o'clock p. m. . ARRIVALS. naue irum new lora, 0USIOD, roiiaueipuw, Aiuauy, Pittsburgh. Cleveland. Barton. Toledo. Xenia. Detroit. Bpringfleld, Oinolnnatl, Ohlllloothe, Bt. Louis, and all Southern cities, arrlre between the hours of 80 clock p. m. and 4 0 clock a. m. Malls from Indlananollx. Ohlcaro and Dnbnnue. arrive at a:wa. m. Mails from Washington City, Baltimore, Wheeling, Zanesvllle, Newark, Bteubenville, Mt. Vernon, and the u. v. H. a. way Mail, arrive at o'clock p.m. Way Mall from Cincinnati, arrives at 8 o'clock p. m LanoasUir Mall arrives at 3 W o'clock D. m. last Way Mall over the National Koad. arrives at 11 0 ciocxa. m. Mt. vernon way Mall arrives at 11 :00 a. m. Mall from Dublin arrives at 9 o'clock p. m. Urbana Way Mall arrives at 8 o'clock D. m Hirrlsburgh Mail arrives at 11 o'clook a. m Offloe doltverr onen everv dav (axceot Bundav.) from "X o'clock a. m. to 8 o'clock p. m. Open on Sundays from 7X to 8 0 clock In the morning, and from a to 8 In JOSEPH DOWDALL. P. M. Rail Road Time Table. Lrrru Mum 4c Oolchsps It Xtifla B. K. Leaves. Arrives. Aooommodatloa 6.10 A. M. No. Six 8.30 P.M. Night Express 8.44 A.M. 0.15 P. M. 2 30 P.M. 9.49 A. M, OLxvnaas, Oolcvscs a CutcunuTi B. R. Express and Mall 3.00 P. M. Night Express 3:24 A. M. 1.40 P.M. 1:30 A. M. 8 30 A.M. S to P, M. CcmuLOaio B. R. ' Ixpress Train....-". .... 3.00 .. M Mail train. S.40 P. M. PlTTSlCEOH, GoLOMSCS fc OlKCIWIfATI B. K. Ixpress Train 3:00 A.M. Mall Train S.4UP.M. 8.30 P.M. S:M P.M. OotcusDa it 1uxikl E. R. lOolumbut, a Indiana B. . Ixpress Train 8:10 A.M. Ixpress Train 8:45 P. M. 11:10 A.M. 8:10 P.M. IirnsisTiNO. If housekeepers really under. stood the Rreat difference that exists between different brands of Saleratus, aa to quality, purity, and consequent reliability and healthful- ness, they would not long be without the best that la manufactured. Dx Land & Co.'s Sale- rtM 60818 TOn D0 mott tnan nJ f tne Werto' articles which are In market, He Is using a new process of refining Saleratus, by which all impurities are removed. This process is in nse i at no other establishment In this country. Tn quality of the Saleratus produced by this pro- cess Is very superior, and it Is fast becoming very pujjui.r wiui luwmigrut uuubcwiy. umisu Ot Co.'S Saleratus Ig for Sale by moat grocers and storekeepers. Manufactured and for sale at wuaiesaio, at surpurs, inuuruo county, new York. The principal grocers also wholesale it. IL7 See advertisement of Prof. Millie's Hair Invigorator In another column. I NEWARK MACHINE WORKS, MIWABKOniO, v Manafaelatere of sail kind ! Por table an Htotionarr steam ko Klaea, Haw nillsi, Urlat Wllla,; VcM ice, j LAMA SODZITSeaUnl B. d f. BLAND TBeaUnl .at. B. DVT ALL Statenllt C01UMBU3 UAOBIJTS CO. Beattnlllt BBAD10RD t CO. Btatmlllll I (W Portable Knwlna and Saw Hill Wu awarded Use first premium of 850 at the Indiana State lair for 1?C0 over Lane at Bodley's on aecotaat of Price, lightness, simplicity, economy .of fueli and superior charaoter of lumber sawed. Our Stationary Xnirlne was awardid at the same Fair the Bret premium of 8H00. Our Portable Mnglne was awarded the flret premium of f 100 at me ralr at Mempnie, xenn.. over tsianay s m rail's. Ooiambas Macbine Go's., and Bradford As Co's., by a eommlttee of practical Ballroad Bnglneers. j yor price ana terms aaareee - W1LLABD WABNXR, Treasurer, decS-dfcwlyeots. Newark, Ohio. PBICI8 REDUCED rl r l from the New YorkObaerver.1 ' " I As all nartlee manufaeturlet Sewln Machines are ob- llxed to nav Mr. Howe a lioense on each maohlne sold, and are a so compelled to make returns te him, under oath, as to the number sold, his books give aoorreetstatt aent. From this reliable source we have obtained the following statistics. Of the machlnos made In the year IB59, there were sold, . j By Wheeler a. Wilson .81,303 i ,. X. H. linger At Co 10,933 ! 'V . . " Graver Baker , 10,230 I-- ghowlne the ealea of Wheeler Wilson to he dovllt tnose or any outer vompany." i Awarded the highest premiums at the ' United States fairs of ISM. 18i8 and lS'iO; , e alsoat the I Ohio Hate Fairs of 1850 and 1810) - and at aeaily all sue Oounty Ifairs In the State. Our prices, at the lata redocUon. art at low at anv loot tiich machlae now sold, and bnl a trifle htshot than the Interim (wa Mrad etain iHc muuMnet, now forced upon the market. i . t the WHSBLia WILBOH MAOuINI Bakes the Lock Btiob the only one which oannot be raveled. It Is Aula on Born giro of the goods, leaving no rdg or eMinonOit under.tide. All maoMnt eorrMUa 3 year, owed iajfreicHo glren in their use. Tree or coarse. , , . WM. ITJMNBJfl at o5, dec3 aawrHmmwflm Pike's Opera House, Clectnnatl. OTTTflHWr MUOICI . AX.: ! HALF PRICE s ItnWdtf ' J. 0 WOODS. Diiiolation of Co-partnership mns firm or J. h. briith ti go X. la this day dlatolred by aotoal eonsent. , n. noa uu. feKrdlmo . - A. O. BKU8H. Flour I riourl rainiiv frntin irv nnnrrn U.X. age ,. Md aa. rrjk. 1 Ti UcKBl Is MBTIIAUX; 84 W. High street. G.m?EI ?"' StilSHTII. - t Allslsee tod daaliilesi ain nnva idtiti at supenormaae, tor tale by rath nnv. """ . No- 8e South High street. HUSkk AND t)0'l"sA MOII-fcej,,, 1 do .-a . i'wuee. . .i Bed OoTdtandOaBJle Wick, i. , I n tortale by M'SJtE It BlSTIBATji High Street Mi caAnV - TELEGRAPHIC! REPORTED FOR THE STATESMAN. From Washington—The Cabinet—Address of President Lincoln to the Delegates From Massachusetts, &c, &c. Senate chamber was densely crowded to day Before the members were called to order, the utmost anxiety was everywhere expressed to learn the lormation or the Cabinet, rue gai lerles were about two thirds filled. The Senate mot at 1 P. M. The prayer was made by the chaplain, especially In behalf of tne rresiaentor the united States. On motion of Mr. Hale, a Committee of two was appointed to wait on the President, and In form him that the Senate was ready to reoeive any communication he miebt be nieasea 10 make. Messrs. Hale and Douglas were appointed suoh Committee, and immediately prooeeded to perform their duty. i ne senate here took a recess tin :au r. m. On the Senate aeain comine to order, Mr, Hale reported that the Committee bad per formed tbeir doty, and the President Informed them that he would forthwith communicate in writing. After a short Interview , Mr. Nicollay, the private Secretary of the President, appeared with a message, when, on motion of Mr. Hale, the Senate went into executive session at half past 4. The following gentlemen were confirmed as members of Mr. Lincoln's Cabinet: Hon. Wiluam H. Siwaid, Secretary of Slat. Hon. Salmon P.Cbasi, S tertiary of the Treat- HON. Simon Camhon, Secretary of War, Hon. Gideon Willis, Secretary of the Navy. Hon. Montobmcst Bla, Pott Matter Otn- itrei. Hon. Calib B. Smith, Secretary of (As Inte rior. Hon. Edwaed Bates, Attormy General. The votes were unanimous lor all excent Bates and Blair, four or five votes being east against each of these gentlemen that many ch eating 10 tnem necause tney were unwiiiine tnat any one irons tne sieve states snould eo into tne anmei. A large orowd assembled around the doors. anxious to near tne result ot tne session . Several State delegations thla mornlmr. at dinerent times, pam tneir respects to President Lincoln ; prominent among tnem were those from Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. The latter, as did the former, assembled In the east room, wnen Mr. .Lincoln maKiog nis appearance, Air, Hanscom introduced Hon. Charles It. Train. who, In briefly addressing Mr. Lioooln, said : Massachusetts had read bis Inaugural, and would stand by it, and that from none would it meet with a more oordial support than the Old Bay State. Mr. Lincoln replying, said substantial! v: . I am thankful for this renewed assurance of kind feeling and confidence and support of the Old Bay State, in so fur as you, Mr. Chairman, have expressed, in behalf of those you represent, your sanction 01 wnat 1 nave enunoiatea 10 my in augural. This Is very grateful to my feelings. The object was one of great delicacy, in pre- .entino- mv viewaat the onenlnsr of an admlnia. tratlon under the peouliarcircnmstancee attend n mv entrance noon the official duties. Connected with the Government, I studied all the polntelwith great anxiety, and presented them wit0 whatever of ability and sense of justice I coma Dring to near, it it meet tne approbation of our rood friends in Mannhnitte. leti.ll ho exceedingly gratified, while I hope it will meet the approbation 01 our Irlends everywhere. 1 .m thankful for the expressions of those who have voted with us, and like every other man of you, I like them oertainly as I do others (bangbter.) As President, in the administration of the Government, I nope to be man enough not to know one citizen of the United States from the other, (cries of "good!") nor one section from the other. 1 shall be gratified to have the good friends of Massachusetts, and others who have thus far supported me in these material views. still support me In carrying them out. rar. Lincoln excused nimseit trom lurtber remarks, on account off pressing business, and tnerelore retired witnout further ceremonies than a farewell. Gen. Seott and Secretary Holt were also vis ited. . Geo. Scott made a brief patriotic and friend ly speech. Mr. Holt expressed himself honored by the visit, and his regret that the brief time he had oupied the War Department had not enabled him to do more for the country. Alaior Anderson up to the 4th ot March bas continued to speak of bis condition as safe, and to express his opinion that a reinforcement bad better not be seut to him. The point of diueronce between the two Houses on the bill reorganizing the Patent Of fice, was in reference to the extension of pat ents. The House bad amended it, providing that no patent should be re-issued whep the Commissioner was satisfied that both the In ventor and assignee had netted $100,000. The Senate amended the bill by confining that amount of profit to the Inventor alone. The committee 2 of conference consisted ot Messrs. Douglas, Cameron and Fitch, of the Senate, and Cox and Barr, of the House, who adopted, in place of what is above stated, the following: "All patents hereafter granted shall remain in force seventeen years from the date of issue, and are extensions of such patents Is bcreby prohibited." lot bill was tnus passed. It stops all the corruption and Intrigues as to present patents in Congress, and all patents granted after this passage cannot be renewed at the Patent Office. The drafts drawn by Ei-Secrctary Dix on the Assistant Treasury at New Orleans, to pay for work done on the Custom House, and also the drafts by Ex-Postmaster General King on the same offloe, in connection with the Ipoatol servioe, amounting to between $300,000 and $auu,uuu, nave been returned unpaid. The resignations to alt. Buchanan or bis uab- inet olBoers were to take effect on the 4th of March or not until their successors were ap pointed. Consequently they have been attend ing to the business until the closing hours of their respective department nere touay, uen erai Dix will return to New Tork on Thursday. Judge Black will not leave Washington for the present. He remains on private andprofesslon al business, and will probably continue to prac tice the law here. , ;.- .,,.. .-5 . , t Ex-President Buohanan departed on his jour ney to Wheatland this P. M. He was escorted to the railroad depot by two mounted and two intantry companies, together with the commit tee from that locality, and prominent citisens of Washington. He exchanged many farewell hand-ehakings, and appeared to be deeply af fected by the manifestations of friendship! and when he bowed adieu to the large erowds as the train was about to start, tbey lurther testified their respect by Vigorous cheers. ' ' The resignation of Mr. Preston, Minister to Spain, was this morning filed in the State De partment. - . a . . . . . uepi. L.ay, or Virginia, py local rang a nrevet Lieutenant Co lonel, as an aid to Lieutenant General Scott, has resigned. 1 ;r , , i The Republican senators held a cauous this morning to arrange the standing committees. A large number of citizens ot Kentucky and Indiana are here, urging the promotion of Ma jor Robt. Anderson aa Brigadier General, vice uew i wiggs stricken irora the roll, ss recent. ly published officially for treachery. . . State delegations have all day been calling on the President, and Gen. Scott and other distin guished gentlemen. Gen. Scott, In addressing one of the Illinolelans, this P. M., exhorted them te stand by the Union and to cherish feelings of fraternity towards all citisens,r .. i . The newly confirmed Cabinet are overcrowd ed with visitors to-night. ' Martin U. Urawiord, one oilthe Commission' era from the Southern Confederacy, accredited to negotiate with the Administration, has ar rived here. , . , , .. . ' j ; t-r Greoley and Senator Grimes had a long Inter view with Lincoln to-day, during which Greeley pressed Fremont for the French Mission, and received assurance there would be no trouble on that mint. " - : , Illinois citlseni called to day on Mr. Seward Who, among other matters, said, "Gentlemenjlf 1 7on w,nl 10 ,D Aaministration, and nave i snooessiui ana profitable to the ooirotry, I iinpiurw juu tu rviuviuuwr tust eaej untune ioy freedom have been lougnt and won. Heioa forth forget that ireedom was ever In danrer. and exert your best influence now to save the Union. Let it not be said that the Republican party won Its first, last and only victory over tbo dlrsolntlon of the Union. - Remember that the way to maintain the Integrity of the Republican party is to maintain the Union. The point at whioh tbo enemy strikes la always the point it to It you should defend. Freedom is always within the union." t . . It la asserted, bat doubtfully, that John Bell nronounoes the Inaugural a declaration of war, and declares he will urge Tennessee to prepare lor tne ocnntci. 1 . While the objectionable portions of the ad dress were being delivered, several Southern gentlemen telegraphed to Governor Pickens not to attack rort aumter until aiter tne action oi the confederate States. Mr. Seward, In reply to the Mass. delegation said he hoped and believed that before the close of tne present Administration Massachusetts aad South Carolina would again grasp hands 01 leuowsmp. The Treasury will net mt anything until JMr, Chase assumes bis position. A large amount of claims have passed since i nday, when Mr. JJlx aecunea paying any more. Mr. Lincoln requests Cameron to apnoint uoi. uiiswortn unlet uierx ot tne war Ue partment. An animated discussion took place at the White House to-day on the propriety of trans ferring Bates to the Supreme Court, and putting N. C. Gilmer in the Cabinet. Mr. Seward was summoned to the White House late last night. The Impression la the call related to news from Tort enmter. Mr. Buchanan yesterday ordered prooeedlnes tor tne court-martial oi v-api. rope to oe aiscon tinned. . . .. . ; Official dispatches from Mexloo announce the appointment or uenerai uraga as Envoy to Washington. The difficulties between r ranee and Mexioo bad been satisfactorily arranged, but that with Spain, touching the expulsion of Seoor Fachico, rem el nea unsettled. It is understood that Mr. Lincoln will decline holding any conference with the Commissioners from the Southern confederacy, on the ground that ne regards the Union. thasnoedinr States aa still In Washington, March !6 The delegations from Indiana and Maine paid their respeots to the President this morning. In response to tbeir greeting, he made brief but evidently satiafae tory addresses. The commissions of the new Cabinet officers have been signed. Mr. Seward was the first to enter upon the duties of his office, at the State Department. It was expected that Secretary Dix would va cate his office to-day, but at the request of his successor, Gov. Chase, be holds over till to morrow. .. . When Mr. Dix entered upon his duties, tho treasury was literally bankrupt. There were re quisltions on the table from the Departments, wnicn tnere were no means or paying, exceed ing tl, 900.000: fishing boontiesunDaid amount ing to nearly $450,000; and treasury notes'ovetdue amounting to anout JJOU.UUU; in all, SZ.VUU, 000. These baveall been paid. Yesterday the accounts were stated, in expectation of Mr. Chase's entranoe on his duties, and they show balances in the hands of the treasurer and dis bursing officers, applicable to the current expen ses of the Government, exceeding $600,000. These, with the current reoeipts from the cus toms, amounting to about 460.000 per day in coin, it is believed, will enable the Incoming Administration to sustain itseic witnout calling for further loans for a considerable length of nme. From the South. Raleigh, N. C. Maroh 4.-63 counties have been heard from 65 Unionists and 33 Secession ists have been elected. The vote on holding a Convention will require the official returns to deoide It. Raleioh, March 5. The Inaugural was received favorably by the unionists. Tbey think does wen lor Lincoln, though they don't ap prove of all of it. The disunlonists are satisfied with it. Moktoomeev. Ala., March 4. The Sonthern Congress re-assembled to day. The flag for the Confederate States was un animously determined upon. The design orig mated with the Committee having the matter charge, and waa not taken from any of the models presented, me Bag was boisted over the Capitol at 4 o'clock this afternoon. , Mr. Mallory bos been confirmed as Secretary of the Navy, a 1 he Congress is In secret session to-night. MontqomeeT, Ala.. Maroh 5. The Southern Congress re-assemblcd to-day. The opening roceeoicgs were unimportant. The congress as oeen is secret session most or tne dav. and to.mgm is again in secret session. Mr. Lincoln's Inaugural address ia rerardad here as a virtual declaration of war against the seceded States. New Oeleans, March 5 Gen. Twlggawas enthuaias tically received here this e venin g. A salute was fired, and he was escorted to his res idence by the military, members of the Conven tion, &o. Immense erowds lined the streets through which the procession passed. The revenue cutter Dodge was seized bv the authorities of Texas, in Galveston Bay, en the 9d Inst.- Tho officer in command resigned and tendered his services to the Governor j The commanding officer at Fort Browne, con trary to the order of Gen. Twiggs, is preparing for defensive operations. State troops are con centratingln the neighborhood, preparing for aitacex. . Fort Cooper bas surrendered to the State. Richmond, March 5. The Wkia (conserva tive) says the policy Indicated toward the sece-' ding States will meet with the stern and un yielding resistance of the united South, 1 he Lnqturer (secessionist) savs no action of our Convention can. now maintain peace. Vir ginia must fight- " - t ne uitpatc says every Border State ought go out of the Union In 24 hours. LMspatcbes from Stanton state that the Inau gural was read with universal dissatisfaction. Resistance to ooeroion is the f eeling.of all par ties. The Inaugural creates intense exalte- ment. The secessionists regard It aa a declara tion of war: - The Union men say bnt little, but enucutij srw euoappuiuwu. .... ALtXANpafA, Va., March 5. The Qautti (Union) says tba Inaugural is not such a one as wished, nor auoh aa will eonolllato or satisfy tnose wnom rar. Lincoln speass or ae dissatis fied In the South. . --.- The Sentinel (secession) savs the Positions taken are a declaration of war, laying down doc trines wnicn would reouoe toe southern section to the unquestioned dominion of the North as a section. .... , ... Peteessueo, March 6. There w as intense excitement on the reception of the Inaugural. uundieds hitherto for the Union avowed openly for revolution. If the Convention does not imme- ..f-.-t , - oiateij pass a secession ordinance. , ., , Chaelbstok, South Carolina, March 6. Our community has exhibited very little feeling on tne suoieoi oz tne loaugurau i bev are eootent to leave Mr. Lincoln and the Inaugural in the bands or Jeff, Davis and the Confederate states. Lodisville, March 5. -The Arkansas. State Convention met yesterday. Union offioers were elected Dy six majority. w-i Golds bobo, N. C, March 6 The Inaugural was received at this place and throughout this section wita indignation, a :- i Missouri Convention. Bt.Loois, March 6, Tba Conveottoa net st 10 o'clock, and opened with prayer. . Kesolu tions were readmoviog that the protest of St. Lonis against ooercloa by the Federal Govern, meet be reduced to writing- and a oopv : tent to the President of the United Statee Resoln. tions were Also adopted providing for the ap pointment of t eonmittee to wait- upon the Commisaioner rrons weorgia, ana (nrorn Dim that Migsourl dissented from the position taken by that States snd very kindly, bnt emphatical ly declined to snare tne honors oi eeceeeloo with her. '"" Gcnerars Cbnltef and PoniphaO", Cotamia tiontrstothe Feaee Congress, addreeeed the Conventioo, by(invitatlon,ofiho 9ta(eof the oonnn-y. i : n The invention aoiDumea tiu iu: a; ni. to morror. ".'. f. -tt:r i 1 St. tot i, March 6. The Conventloa met at 10 O'clook.. i) 5 : c. .( - -j 0 v I Varloo rssolntlons deolinins oooperation with Georgia were relerred. to tne committee ofSev en, appointed yeeteraay to report upon Com- nunleatioD to Commlesiooer ttleocu v o I Resolutions in reference to coercion, secession and co operation of the border free and slave States, were referred to the oomsnittee on Feder tl Relatlorjs. --. - - " : Amone the feaolallong was one bv ex-Gov. Stewart, deelarlnc that no overt act haa been aeamltted by the Federal Government, to jot- tifv eitberBuiiineatioo, teeesstOK or revelation alio, one by Judge Orr declaring toaS we bare the best Uorerrjmeni in tne world, and intend "Jtv 4&lCrtO j. A resolution looking to the amendment of the Constitution was tabled. t ; A resolution to refer the) President's Inaug ural to committee pf the whole, after debate, was withdrawn. The Convention has adjourned till 10 o'clock to-morrow. RocHERTva, March 5. John C. Nash, Re- pucllcan, has about 600 majority for Mayor All the Republican ticket is eleoted. except Police Justice. The itepubiioans eleot 8 Aldermen and the Democrats 4, which makes the Com mon Council 15 Republicans and 9 Democrats. The city Supervisors will stand about the same as the Aldermen probably 5 Democrats to 7 Republicans. Philadelphia, March 6. A full pardon was not granted to Judge Vondersmltb. His term of imprisonment was commuted from twenty to three years. His fine was not remitted. Tsar, March 6. George B. Warren, ir.. Un ion candidate, was elected Mayor of this city to-day. The Union men also elect Asseisor, Justice, and a majority of the Conncil. PotraHKEErsiE, March 5. James Browne. R. publican, was elected Mavorof Poutrhkeonale to day.' ' - THE MARKETS. New York Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN] NEW YORK, March 6. receipts of 8ti6 bblsi ealee of 8000 hhl.-.t.1. ana western ami ana neavy; supernne slate 855I0, ex tra state 85,15.V3. Bound Boon Ohio as .10 .... perflne western 8395,10, common to good extra western f5,3(K33.40: eonthern dull anil nnchni- 4 fin m.i. italxed to Rood 85.30(35.60: fancr and tra an tar&nn uananiau uuu ana aroopiog; sates or im DDIs at S3 SO fXA 71. 1 WHEAT dall; 1500 baih Chicago sprint; at 91,17 de- iiTereu. wmier rra western BLeu dellremrl: whit n-. nadlan 81,331,60, Canadian Club 81,10. iiuun witnout important ohenre; 53 0C0 bush, old mixea nesiern mi me in store; atjitf for new do at B a. vvpot ana aenrerea. BBKV uncbanired: sales Small; tit on. aiacvnio - ' r-- LARD dull; small tales; 8XS10 per lb. WHISK Y-dall at 17X; sales !1L0 bble. SUQABS nnchansed bnt dull! 3nn hkJ. r..v i (85)1-. n MOLA88B8 eteady but wlthous actlrllyj eales SO hhds Cuba Unscovado at 22 23; ti hbds Porto Rico at 3334. BTOCKr dull and decided! Uwri i. demand at 67 per cent on otll. O Ac K I 603:0 Ac 0 BK;M B quoted) at 33; NYC 75; Hudson e3V(: O k I 33; Rearllo 39, III O scrip 10X ; Pacific Mall 82; Erie 30; Har 38; M O. S4X; Oh B It Q 893f; U 8 8'sRl, Cou pons 91 X, UB5's74; RegWered 84f. N 8 5's 74; Cou pons 85; Treasnry Id's 103, Ohio 6'e 1WV; Tcnn 6's7f i, Va 74, Ho 0's 61, Brooklyn water loan 100. Cincinnati Market. FLOUB market drees without mt vltilitt n mr. 4 50 for superfine la neither easily bad nor readily tak en. The huh trades have no sale, eioent far anii n. ders or a domestic null trade. Prloes ranire from (4 65 for extra to 85 35 for best trades of extra family. W11BHT li but little icneht for hi ..a hu no sale of consequence for shipment. At 08981 the market for red la lnacUre. Whlto Is nominal at 8103 103. OORH In the ear is steadily ouoted at 33ft34. ikmii. now at the inside Sgure. Shelled le In only moderate reqnest at 34X3Go for mixed. White la liaiSn mr hn.i,. el higher. . OATB are lower than for some days quoted, and sales hare been made at 26J(o for a fair article for feed. Seed oats of course are worth t3c per bushel higher. BABLET le taken oulte nromntl br hnth knnn and those who are making malt, at 7o for prime tall; sprint commandt 60(3)63. ni K is held at 60c, but Is not firm. WHISKY has euddenl fallen In b.Im Inm h. tire Southern demand waa met. and wa. t.A mt t decline of Xo. . Ommtroial, March 9. Cleveland Market. March, 5. tales are SO Mill eanarSna at ei . sn m.i. w -i-i,w uu lii. mim iiu aoaoie extra at 85,00. 1. .. -i m . ,r,. . '. . T Tr'. HEAL lower. Bales 1 car red at ai OS n tn- a. .. . wr wuii. , ei,i, , ; . , ittlM mwA 1 I. J a. i 1 tuiw-can eieso. - ; HIOHWINES-eteedv. at 15o. OATS ealee of 1 oar at S3j. SEEDS there haa been an acHta demand tnr nin- with salM to the anount of 300 to 400 hn.h at mi nn some small lots prima eeed at 84,15eH2a. Timothy w " ' we insiae uzures BUTTBB unlet: tales 4 bba at 11a. .. BCKJ8 ealee 1 bble at 10 DBIED APPLBi are dull: a tale of a few hn.h i. uaiBine have declined aad arttelllngat 88,5nft3. 68 for Mr. R., and 83.8&S8.75 for layer. vua; sales email lot at BXc. Baltimore Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] BALTIMORE, March 6. IXO0B dull and heavy: Ohio and Bowani SI. I.I K. aosaJee for City Hill. Wsut-Aran; red stl,25-a 1,30; white 8 1,401.65. Coat active and Arm; yellow at 58960c white at 6366. Paovtaiom-dull and un ehanted. Oorras flrsa at 3Xttl3i. WitifXT firm atSUo. . r- . Philadelphia Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] PHILADELPHIA, March 6. daollneil 4as- aiM of l am bush red at 81.8531 30: white at Bl.35iai.4S. riei dun. Covrts at llX(S13o. Wauaar nrm at IIX E. M. WILLIAMS & C0J i Front Street, Between State and Town. THE OLD CARRIAGE X SHOP la still running, and although I the pressure of late years nae set heavily V Boon her running gear, the is still turn-- Bg out loose splendid rtlAtTONS, HOOKA WATS, and P&INCI ALBERT'S SHUTTING TOPS and NO-TOP BUOOIBS, OABBIAQBB, BXPBB8S, SKELETON, DBMO0BAT and GROCERY WAOON8, SMALL OMNI BUSES and HACKS. Twenty years iteady manufac turing has given oar work a wido-spend reputation through the South and West. - -We therefore deem It unnecessary to say any thing more In regard to the quality ef our work. We wairaxt tvxav VtmcLi. We can tell oe Tor Booaitt from lii5 to ttiO. Dealers oan bt tomlshedT with any amount of work at short notice, and at prices lower than can be bought any where In the West. Second hand Buggies taken la ex chanje for new work. ' Uj3 Re pal ring done neatly and at short notice. Fan tory on front, between Slate and Town streets, Colum bus, Ohio. . . . EAII eoauaualeatlong will reoeive prompt attention. , 31-wly ... . J. M, WILLIAMS Jr. CO Law Notice. T ETITABLER WILE TAKE NOTICE XJ that he hat been sued with other la the Superior Court of Franklin county, Ohio, by Oeorge A. Btloh. The petition aaaa uai tne loiiowtng deecnoed real esUte. elt uate In Franklin county, Ohio, to wit: In tbt teoond aeo Hon, seoond township and seventeenth range, United States mimry lanaa. Beginning ia tne oenter or the State road from Westervllle to Oalena, on William Bleuuhtar'a south line; thence eeet 80S rods and SO links to a ttoa on H. Dixon t line; thence south along aald lioe,M rods and 8 links to a stone (witness -tree, surer.) S tnchee In dia meter, II. 88 deg. I. distance in links and thorn bush 8 inches la diameter, loath 68 deg. vest I links); thence west $88 rods to a stone In the centra of said But road; thence north IB deg west x rode; thence north 83 rode and i linkt to the place of beginning, containing one huadred anditwo acres and 93 13-1UU rodt of (round, mav be told for the pay meet of Fourteen Hundred Dollars whlcbls a lien there-on. In eaet of failure to answer or demurrer on or before the 80th day (3d Saturday) of April, A.D. iooi, piamun e pennon win te laxea as mt ana luug- raeuiRnwmifKvoraisgi. uv, o. wnvansw. i - .. Aify tor plaintiff. Celumbut, Ohio, feb 18,1881. feblKwflW Land for Sale. THATE ABOUT 820 AOBE3 Or .A X nsw Vara eltuated In the eoantv of Ilarion ai.i State of Ohio, an the big SctoM River, tU miles rest of the town of Marlon It is all fenoed In, about 300 acres daadned from four to eight year. , A good new frame House on it, atwnt au acre t cleared) w good 0g stable; about ISO yonng frail trees; a Bnt rate well of water; the daadlnt well let la to tame cease, and the hi 9 Bcioto for atockwater. And I will make 100 sores more reedy lot the plow, take of all the timber, under BReen Inches, so sa to mate iju acres or plow land. The . land to of the very beet quality, and I will take 838 per acre for K. I OODtMer It worth at least thirty three pet tore with 100 acre mora cleared, but I mutt tell It, there fore I will put It down ten dollars below what I think It Worth If I were not obliged to tell. I have alt another half section ror saie, lying m tne tame section, ana half deadened, which I offer for 8 18 per tore- Reference oan be baa by ceiling oa jotepn uenica wno knows all about tbt land, on on the proprietor in ajarion. rebiv-wtw - vAvm sfLEB Ma C. LI L LEY i :oxs?xiiixi. Ud Bktik-Book MsUiu&ritarsTe bTOKTB BIQH BXSXR, COLTOSrl, DHI0 Starll-dly , . OTJNBRlESt kJ haitpetre, Mailt, Indigo, 'r K" , ; ; Extract lofwood, ' SKU H,0IMH,VOI1r4 , Herring, Dried Fruit, McKlE At BE8TIBAUX. v,.-. . Worth, High attaet. lor tale by mhl. TtnE I7BJORIBEB IS DEBlRor OT closing ap hit aid bustnaea at wme, and bone that ail persons havlnrf Antettled aoeountf eq hit keoe will give then inmeaiwo attesuon, " - - - reblO t.MJJSk r - Dr. J.H. McLEAK'3 Stresgthening Cordial and BIoo FU1UFIER. : rate e.reateet lfenaedr In The World ADD TBI MOST DEUCIOUI - AND DELIQHTFTJI . -COBDIAL - EVER TAKEN. IT 18 STRICT ly a eolentiae and Vegetable Oompound, procured by the distil lation of Boole. Herbs and Barks, Xellow Dork, Blood' Boot, Earsanertlla. Wild Cherry Bark and Dan dfllnn enters into itsi--.i Before TaWnsoropotiw nat' After Taking. principle of each Inirredlent Is thoroughly extracted by my new method of dlsUlline;, prodnrlngia delloloua, ex hlleratlnt spirit, and the moat 1NVALLIBLK remedy for renovaUnt the ditesued sntem. and restoring the sick. suffering and debilitoted INVALID to HEALTH end BlttJINUlil. . DIAL . " WU1 effectually cure V LIVBft COMPLAINT, DTHPEPSIA, JAOMDIUB Chronic or Hervons Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys mna an aiieasea aming rrom e aisnraerei l ittt or atom aoh, Dyspepsia, Heartburn. Inward Piles, AddltrorBick- nest of the Btomaeh, Fullness of Blood to the Head, Dull pain or swimming in ice neaa, raiL.-tatlon or the Heart rutinest or Weight In the Stomach, Bonr ImctatJona OhnklngorsuSocatintfeellDgwhen lying down, D repeat or leuowuessoi uio BUU ana Byes. Night Sweater In ward revere, Pain in the small ef the back, oteet or aide. Sudden tlnahet of Heat, Depression of Spirits, frightful Dreams, Laot-uor. Deenondenct oranv Nervosa Hlpu Bores or Blotcbee on the Bkln, and Vevrr and Ague (oi vuimua gmvmt.j Over sa million of neutlea Ilave been en Id during the laat alx months, and In no la. etanoe hat it failed iu tiring entire eatisfaetion. Who, then, will euSerfrum Weakoeee or Debility when Mo " iiaaiiuiniimi VUHUIAI. will cure your No language can convey an adequate idea of the imme diate and almoet miraculous change produced by taking this Cordial In the diseased, debilitated and shattered nerroue system, whether brokea down by exoeee, weak by nature, er impaired by slokneoe, the relaxed and unstrung VUHRIED PERSONS, Or others conscious of inability, from winterer cause, will Snd McLean a Strengthening Cordial a thorough regenerator of the system; and all who may have Injured themselves by improper Indulgences, will find In tbsCor dial a certain and speedy remedy. To the Ladle. McLean's Strengthening Cordial - Is a sovereign and speedy cure for INCIPrEmTCONSCMPTIIt,WHITKS Obstructed or Difficult Menstruation, Incontinence of Crine or Involuntary Discharge thereof, Balling of the Womb, Giddiness, fainting and all Diseases iaohteat to remetes. ,-. There la no Mistake About it. Bufltr no longer. Take It accordlnt to Directions. It wlllstimulate, strengthen and invigorate yoa andoauee ine uioomoi nee i in to mount your cheek again. at vary bottle ta warranted toglTe saturation. . FOU CillLJJHEN, If your children are sickly, puny, or affilcted, McLean 'e Cordial will make them healtl iiiy, fat and robuut. Delay not a moment, try II, and yon will be convinced. IT IS DELICIOUS TO TAKE. Cannon. Beware of Druggists or Sealers who may try to palm upon yea some Bitter or Sareaparllla tnah which they eaa boy cheap, bysaylnf ltie Jnstae good. Avoid such men. Ask lor McLean's Strengthening Cor dial, and take nothing else. It is tho only remedy that will purify the blood thoroughly and at the same time strengthen the system. One tabletpoonful takes every morning fasting. It a oertaln preventive of Cholera, Chills and fever, fellow fever, or any prevalent diseases. It Is pnt np In large bottles. Pric: oc'4 1 1 per bottle, or t bottles for 85. J.H.McLIAN, : Bole Proprietor of thla Cordial, Also HoLeans Volcanic Oil Liniment, prfedpal Depot on the corner of Third and Pine streets. Bt. Leutt. Mo. McLean's Voloanio Oil Liniment, i Tne beet Liniment in the World. The only safe tod oertaln cure for Canoere, Plica, Swelling! and Bron chitis, or Ooltre, Paralysis, Neuralgia, Weakness of the Muscles. Onroolo or Inflammatory Bhenmadam, gilf ness of the Jolnta, contracted Muscles or Ligament Earache or Toothache. Bruises. Snraina. Wouula. Inh Cute, Ulcers, Fever Bores, Caked Breasts Bore Nipples, Burns, Scalds, Sore Thoat. or any Inflammation or Pain, ne difference i n ow severe, or ho long the disease ma have existed McLean's Celebrated Liniment ts a oer tain remedy Thousand nds of human belni beings have been saved a lite ol by the net of this Invaluable tied- decrepitude and misery una. v McLEAN'9 VOLCANIC OIL LINIMENT ' Will relieve pain almost Instantaneously, aad It wll cleanse, purify and heal the foulest sores In aa I cored! ly short time. For nor sea and Otber Anlinale . McLean aoelebratad Linlmnt la th an! Mf nj . liable remedy for the cure of Spavin, Blng Bone, Wind galls, Splints, Unnatural Bumpa, Nodes or Swellings. It will never fall to eure Big Head, Poll Evil, Fistula, Old running Bores or Sweeny, It properly applied. For opniaa, urattev. Bcratcnes. cores or Wuanda. nnrkt Heels, Chafes, Saddle or Collar Galls It Is an infallible remedy. Apply it at directed, and a eure la certain in every invmnoe. Then trifle no longer with the many worth leoo Lin! mentt offered to yoa. Obtain a suoulv of Dr. McLaan'a eeieoraieu iiBimont. it win eure you. J. H. McLEAN, Bole Proprietor, ' Corner of Third andPlna fltFMla. at. tual U. for ttlebv all druggists. . For aale by ROBERTS Ac SAMTTIT,. ' augas-dtwlj ' ' Colambaa, 6hk. CANAUIA.5 & TTmiED STATES HAH STEAMERS TO AND 1'HOiU . LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW, Liverpool, Montreal, Quebec,1 i and . The Hontreal Ocean Steamship Oompany'a first -clats ii-powereuuiyoe-Dniit Bteamera sell every Rata rday from PORTLAND, carrying the Canadian and United States Uall and passengers. a MORWBQIAK.. I NORTH AMERICAN, BOHEMIAN, - ANGLO-SAXON, : HOBTH BRITOJfi ' " UIBEBNIAN, 'CANADIAN, r. r NOT A BOOTIAW. ' Shertrats Cbcapeat andQalckcatOe)n - vtyaaoe rrem - aiieeica to au pasts or SUSCPt- RatM of Faaaaaee to Europe, ; ...j'saoLseoLSso. 1 arm Kti fu.K V tvannonT . . n in hu uui. n mwu wry v eunesuari and from QUEUEO every Datarday , calling at LONDONDBHRY, to receive oa board and land Mailt and Paasraiere. to and from Inland and Hnntland. XO'Theee Bteamera are built of Iron, in water-light oompertmenta, carry each an experienced Burgeon, and every inissoa it pain so taa comfort and aooommoea- Men of passeogert. - Aa theypfooaaddlreot to LONDON DEBT, the great risk snd delay of calling it St. Joha't it avoweu. Olasfow pattengert art furnished with nnpatsege iicaeia w ana inma iionuonaorry. neium ttekeit enntwtat reduoed rates Otrtlficatee Issued for oarrrtot to and brintineout net- eengsrs from all the principal towns of Great Britain and Ireland, at reduced rates, bv tills una of eteamert. and by the WASHINGTON LINE 0B BAILING (AOKBTS, leaving uverpooi every weex. Sifht Draf le fa tl and apwarde par able laa Enarlaaeielrelandt Htimu t , t : 4 ii asaasei ww wsaiwa -. - rev naenew. annlV at Hut OIBm mm A It. WAY, rcw Vark. and, 19 WaTKH T Llverpaal, I , I iBABJl ft BXABU, etneral .rents, Or to-.' J. R. ARMSTRONC. nolo ljdkw . Btatetman Offloe, Columbus, Ohlou. GUERNSEY'S CALM REMOVE AMD PREVENTS 18 SammaUon And Pain, and heals tha worst bam. scald, bnl lee, sua, or fresh woant of any klcul, i reveals awelUnc and pata frosa be aalaa, Botaaita kites, and poHonoaa pianit, nenrairia, rneamauam, arna ta the breast, salt rhenra, et. When take Internally, tt will poelUvely core croup In children, and rives Immediota reuei sn ue worn oasa or wis wmolo easapmtnt; also, remove boartenee aad sore throat. Price, SS cents a bottle. Should be In every house. For tale by Drag. eUand Storekeeper. TRY IN BTONB, Bo:e rropnttor, no. nprnoeei., new lora ct4dkwlyla .i. .-. . ..r, Gonts' linen' Shirt -Collars, SVF SVPERIOB UtTALlTY.lm 6 AH. J BOTE, Slaadlnr, Biron. Peisiroav. Kenfraw and ether eew shape. . Hemmed Pocket Handkerchiefs. Nank Ties. Blocks. Street and Evenlm Slovaa. Hair ltnu r tveryaino, unaer varments ana all aina f Uanta'Far aithlai floods In (rent variety aad at moderate prtoea. . ... . .u naiN er. BOM, , 'M .,. -r: iro.WBoBUiBlghitreet. Aii nvrw treini SJ-,. r. , t, nniED PEACHES)!! Ia star for tal hj in e-.fcitoi c,' . 1 T f .,-1 ,,.) ' I.I ) UCKlt at BI8TIEACZ.' , 7 !;:" fcbT i M Statesman Bulldlnc; .Copartnership. I HAVE TI1IS DAT ADMITTED PIT oa JAatBS AtitimH BAIN -ae partner l,ybwet- aees, which will ha natter bs conduct antler the Bib Ol neln Bon. r. BA1A, 88 BoqUl ll(b St. ,!mili.Via. . . v ., rthifl - 0 1 ScrofUla; or King's Evil, " eoiistitationnl disease, a eorrtiptlon ef tlie blotid, ly .which tliia fltdd becomca vitiated weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it pervndea tlio whole body, and may burst out ui diaroae on any part of it. No organ ia free from iu attacks, nor ia there one which it may not destroy. The acrofuloua taint i various) y caused by mercurial disease, low liying, dia-ordi-r!d or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing yict ani) above all, by the venereal infection. What ever be its origin, it ia hereditary in the con stitution, descending from parenta to children unto the third ond fourth generation ," indeed, it aeerna to be tlio rod of llim who says, "I will visit tho ininuitiea of the fathers upon their children." . . . t . Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcoroua matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and oa tho surface, eruptions or sores. TJus foul cor ruption, which senders in the blood, dmmaaaa the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from acrofuloua pluinta, but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases!' conse quently vast numbers perish br disorders wiuvji, uiuiouga not acromions in tneir nature. ore still rendered fatal br thi taint in th lystem. Most of the consumutlon which de. curuites the human family has its origin directly in tliia scrofulous contarainatioa t and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the oreaas. arise from or are aggravated by tlie same cause. c - One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ; their persons are Invaded oy this lurking- in fection, and their health is undarmlnil l. it To cleanse it from the system we must renovate tlio blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in . AYER'S - 'oiiipound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which thu medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It ia com bined from the most active remedial that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from lie destructive consequence. Hence it should be employed for the cure of not only Scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as Eatrrnvn and Skih Diseases, St. Axthont's Fibe, Rose, or Erysipelas, Piuplbs, 'Pbstvlss. Blotches, Blains and Boils, Tumors, Tbttes and Salt Rnrtjx. Scald Head. Rinowoilv. Rhei'Uatism, Syphilitic and Mercurial Iis rASK.t, Dropsy. Dyspepsia. Debility, and. indeed, all Complaixts ariswo ritoM Vitia tid on IiiPtiiE Blood. The popular belief in " impurity of the blood " is founded in truth. for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtuo of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ague Cure, ro the speedy ccre o - Intermittent Fever, ne- Pivm anrf 1... Remittent Fewer, Chill Ferar, Duma Affae, Periodical Headache, ae Billono Haadache, and BUIona Fa ware, Sadaad for the whole claee of dleeaewa rialaat Ini in biliary deraacaaaamt, aaaaed by tha Malaria of Miaanvataa Caantrtes. We are enabled here to offer the community a remedy which, while it cures the above complaint with certainty, ia still perfectly harmltts tt any quantity. Such a remedy ia invaluable in districts where these afflicting disorders prevail. ThU "Cure" expels the miasmatic poison of Fetou and Aoi'E from the lystem, and prevents the de velopment of the diaease, if taken on the first ap proach of its premonitory symptoms. - It knot only tha best remedy aver yet discovered for this class of complaints, but also the cheapest. The large quantity we supply for a dollar brings It within the reach of every body j and in bilious districts, where l'EVER and Aoub prevails, every body should have it and use it freolv both for sura and nratac. tion. A treat superiority of this ramedv over ai.w othor ever discovered for the speedy and certain cure of Intermittent is that it contains no Quinine or mineral, consequently it produces no quinism or other injurious effect whatever upon the constitu tion. Ihose cured by it are left a healthy as if they had never had the disease. : Fever and Ague it not alone the consequence of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of disor der arise from it irritation, among which are Kew alqia, Rhtianatitrn, Gout, Headache, Blind ness, Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Atthma, Pal pitation, Painful Affectton oftlit Spleen, Uijiter tct, Pain in the Boweli, t'ofcc, Paralytit and De rangement of tht Stomach, all of which, when originating in thi cause, put on the intertnitteut type, or become periodical. Thi " Cube " expeh tne poison from the blood, and consequently cure them all alike. It ia an invaluable protection to immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residing in the malarious distrioU. . If taken occa sionally or daily while exposed to the infection, that will be excreted from the system, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into dis ease. Hence it is even more Valuable for protec tion thnn cure, and few will ever eiiffoi- r-nm Into.. mittents if they avail themselves of the protection this remedy afford. ' -...., t Prepared by Sr. J. C. ATEB & CO., lowell, Kass, K0BERTB a iAMrrnr,. rntn.h. An4 bvDrainrlste and Dealers every where. ..' Brvv:iyu,iww ,t ' - MHS, WINSLOW, An experienced Nam tad female Pari lefce, presents . to Ue attention of aether, hce SOO THING SYRUP. ; "'for children teething.; which neatly facilitate the nroeett of tea thin, hy eof i tnlng the rums, redoolnf all laAaavnation will allay ALL PAIN and spasmodlo aetloo, and it . ? t SORE TORESfJIiATB THH BOX tLSJ. Depend npoa It, Bothers, It Will rive rest to yoarietve aad . - BXIZSY AID PXAITH X0 T0TTB CTfAltH. W have pat an and sold this article tor ever nan. and OAS SAY, IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH, of it. what we have never been able to sty of any other medi cine NKVKR HAS IT FAILED, IN A SINGLE INST ANCE. TO EFFECT A CHUB, when llsaerraa. Kin. er did we kaow aa Instance of dlstatlafaetlon by any on wno iw ik vn ueoonirary, ell are delighted with la operaUont, and apeak In terms ot oomrsendatleei of la aaagloal adeots and medical We tpeak la tha utter WHAT Wl DO ENOW', afrer tea yvars' eipe rtenee.AND PLEDOB OUE EBPUTATrOIS FOETIUI FGLILLMBNT OF WflAI WE HEM DKOLAkA. In alaoet every Inetanot where the infant Is saffennf frot pain aaa oznaaauoa. relief will a man as aiteea or twenty nlnutei after theByrnp I administered. Thla valuable preparation It the prescription el on of the Boat BXPEBJINOEDand rttULFUL NGBns In Bsw Bnyland. and ha been ased with NsiVEfc SAIL INBDCOB8la ' ' - . - .- 'TllOVIIArTOS-er OASESv" ' It not only relieves the child frtHB pain, bnl Invigor ates tht stomach tnd koweft, enrreel acidity, and Rive tone aad eatery t lb whole trite. t wi) thnoat tn. Mantly relieve BBlPiatO IV TEX I0WX1S, AbTDWINO C0UC and overaesaeeonvalslont, which, If not speedily rroe died, end ta death. We believe It the SSnT and BL 8 EfT REMEDY IN THE WORLD, t. .11 rfVi ENTEBT aad S1AKB11SA IN CBILDBEM, whether tt arise from tetthUi(. or from any ether cause. We old say to every mother who haa a child mffr-iar from any of the foregolnt enmnlalnte DO NOT LST VOl'R PRBJUDICBS N04 TUB FRBJUPIURS Of OTHES stand between yoa and sour sufTericr child, and tiw te uei uaiwuiMBUHJi yes, A9tKii.uii,x cuke to follow the oat of UaMlyoaad.' Fell di rections for aslnr will aneompaoy each bottle. Hone souine us use me tao-elmiie er viiHTta ek F1KK1NS, ew Tork, It oa the oaleid wrapper. Bold by all Draigtet lortwAheat toe world. Principal amines IS Cedsu- Steet N.Y. PRICK ONIT 95 CKNT8 TtS. BOTTLE. oeTT-dfcsrty. ) ... . -. FOR-SALE OK EXCHANGE ItVILE. HEIL OK EXCSSAlfGt; lin a toed F ABU, the andlvidtd half of 8 Tons BL'iLD INd No. 8tt, North Uljh Street, Corner 1) tub Straet and Lyaa Alley. If not disposed ef by the lav 4 April, th Store will bt for rant. , ,-;.,,,. AtBO, ' ' ' o the Sam term, or for eVsiraMe OfTT PEOtKllTI. a well eslected stock of lAallLX (.BUuiUUij. . t ALSO, rereety vary desirable BOTLTra08 tOT8, situated oa Wa.Mnrton Avenue, North of Broad SlrveV 1 irr'iMmitosultpercWn. " fctSHMw THOMAS WAilM.