Newspaper Page Text
.t a.T V VPROF. L. MILLER'S J: n ai n ; inviGonATpn, Ah Effective, Bsia Mid Economical " .. Compound, . i - FOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR! i To Its ordinal color withoot dyeing, nd preventing the f.. j .....) -ilmlrlwm tainlnfgmj. 'it FOR PREVENTING BALDNE3S, ' - ' Aaacurlng tt, when there ! the least particle of Vitality f, k. -f or recoparatlv nncr remaining. FOR REMOVING SCURF AND DANDRUFF r ' : " AnAaiUneouaireeUoal of th Scalp. '.:; R BEAUTinriNd THE II AIR. fc " ! YmneHirig to It aa uneqaled glond brilliancy, making A ' "tteoft and llky U It tnten, and causing il to earl 1 (be great celebrity and Increasing demand for ihli an equaled preparation,, eonrtiicea the proprietor that one Mel I only necessary to satl.fy a dieoerntng publlo of it .raBparVorualUiaaoTaTaajrsUier preparation la naa. It .. anse tb boa aod acalp f roaa dandruff and other sutaneoua dfceases, canting the heir to grow luxuriantly, ' giving K a rich, aoft, glossy and nexible apiano. end ' 3 ease, aitare the hair la rooaening and thinning. It will gin . ttnaglband rigor to the seat and reatora the growth to , ' . hoTpSu wbTEhave fcssome bald, caoalng Itloylelda ' ieh covering of hair. ., , ftwre ere hiradrede of ladles na r"'"0 York, who hav. had their hair restore by In urn this fc to the anore rscis, from personi of the hr;-tet reoaacta . u wow. Iwilladeoalprrlrfroai tarelng ii lha latent acrlod ot We; ana onao. wo. " ' kin u wreeabla fraci ' , t alreadj changed a color, the aaa of the inrigorator ' J ' wui with Mrtal.ty U to it to Ita ongjnal bue, gi JWdr.!oarappearano. aperfonia for the J ' JSetawla HaiTtatoTmilTa tt ia parttoolarl reeo.. h..i. u wreeabla fracraaoe; and the great f- ,4'fl c'llties U affordi In drueing the hair, which, when Bioiat j. k TnvimiBtor. can ba dTeaaad in any nonired trrr aa proerw ita place, whether plaiaor In ourtaj teiaA ahaVnat deaiand for U by the ladles ae a itandard toilelartlcle which none ougnt w ea wiuiouw m nu Biwe ttwIlbLa tba reach otaii, neing Coli twenty-Five Cents i pwbMUaJ'to ba had at all weptetable BruggUta and i. vttt.ti im rail the aum uon or rarenia ana anardlant to the naa of hil Inrtgorator, In caaea where theehlldren'ihairlncllneito be weak. The naa of 11 Una the foundation for a good head of hair, aa it ra mores any tanparitlee that mag hare become connected ! . i .w. i. ij. mnmlnl which la aeeeaaarr both f'fortbe health 'of the thlld, and the fntnre appearance of - litaHair. , '-ri' ' . " pimo.-.NoDe genuine without the fce-almlle lOtJTB Mlttl5R being on Ihe ooter wrapper; alio, L hllL IBtt'B HalS WTIO5BAIOE, H. T. blown lu the , . Wholnale Depot, 5 Dew atreet, and aoll hg all the ; principal VsrchaoU ana uruKgnu mrouRuouv ui wW t ). fcjbera dleeeant to ptuctawn bj the quanutT. J Talee'deetrelb'preeet.'t tott Amtrirao Public my wrr J AST)7 'IMFEOVED nrsTASTAHEOUfl V-jUQUID HAIR DYE, r .vuk m. nf ariMtlfiii nerlaianth. t ' "r brought to perfection, ltdjee Black or Brown Initantly ' wlthoallnjury to the Hair or Bkini warranted the article of the una in exmance. ' price, oriLT.CO CENTS I'Ce'pot, 1 5G- pay - St, New York, -eeerwoaw;yi WHO SHOULD USE on f J,SB0VEE rDODS - TMPEHTAL - WINE BITTERS? All who are afflicted with Incipient Consumption Weak Lungs should use them. .... - All whe eager from Weak rUomaehe, IsdlgejUou. Pyt- -wepiaorrUeeshoaldnKtneai. v . 1 1 k.. .nb r.nm naoermt at MerToasXtil r Baatlcasneas at night. Want of Bleep, fcc, should ATrpersooewho are' conTalsscent after frrer or other .fcBshoaMeeetlB. " ' ' ' "' i r.: HiniaUM at the- oepcr, tewyert. Leetarara, mi al - imblle srjeakers saoeMase thorn. J. . ., iohKewrs,adall persons HiaelPg eeedentary If J-abouWaaatbea, " - ;"f-,'','-i' v i TaearaJao nr-i MraM oee ' ' - ' Alt who fcrrff a atlmulant ertonle ahouM as them. . All wb are addicted to the use of ardent spirits and :.They are me'deof a pora bhsrry Wine, hod ef the .- r - ttre plants and barbs ot the country, and ahould be - commended by temperance societies, clergymen, pays .; eiana, and all trieadaor naojaoiij. wdalHrie of humanity., ; , r aia prepared ty an experienced nd skillful phy. and, aJidetrcm their itedicial propsrtie. area eUnMfulbevcrerei r.ol jrst,M a medicine, are They aia ". stcian. and - rnwociitaDdbarmVeseBfhe deveof hearea . . gold by drutrww fearrauy. ' V . .OHAiiBi WEDiniXD CO., Pnrprietort, , r.i i... . ' ?8 Wllllain St. New TrU. ; -".; kE08E2,TS & SAMUEL, Agents, .! vw.i J OlanabTJ, Obl . actSSdAtwlw." : awa 'Wholesale and Retail Depot for :WiWVi CHOCEBIESe ko 10C Sonth High Street Wm; IIcDpNALD, . " ' DE ALEXIN ' ' ; " i iT E S ' - FINE & STAPLE GROCERIES, ', IN ALL'THEIR VARIETIES. . i .i:., Dally Arrlral f Geeda , Winter Trade For' tle'Fon'and V A Qf ;18GO Gl. HJ'BB'IJllIl,0 "SNCEHETIIAHKS T TUB PUBLIC for past farors end patron Me, and being DETEBailJIED to ITI t-BIX ' aooVtlnuance of .ame by atrlct attetl te traae. and prompt aellTery I Coeda, I would eall the notice of thepabuc to the fact that narlnf a fcarsie and well Selected "teels; on hand, aid being In'.dally receipt of good fxomUe differ rnt market, I Hatter myself that I can offer lo the titt ies of Colombo, ot to any who amy desire to parch, an assortment of articles appertaining to the GR0C1RT mt EQUALED by any house In the elty. 'ts. rtee and ouaUty of the good offered, I ffttau-e v r - . Goods Delivered Frea of Charge, nevf7. ...1 a V : wh. Mcdonald. Baltimore Clothing House. .-, auronrwasxi aimoueauiiaaiaaa m Vx READYrMADE CLOTHING, No. 308 W, Baltimore-street, -' r(rTwtx uarxTT Air owB.) " .". V.,;'-' BAETIMOBE, BS j, u-l t Si .'. A Larft Aaaortmaot of f lets sad 1 nraUhiog 'T. ' Goods Cmtutit t Hstr ' t' LOOKING GLASS STORE - - i ,ivi... . i . - -wtcjc ; i l- -j ... i JOSHUA JOWPI-AllD iUnufaeturer and Dealerl Hoi 63 South onrth St., between Market and Oheetnat, Phlladtlphla, :I'TBEHB, SIE OFFERS 'AT -LOW VV y,Zi exTendre Tariety ot Looking SUm la Ollt, hUHny sod Walnut Isame, Large French Plato . . MlmrvI'Uinaad Blchly Ornamanled, Gilt aad Taney .', Wood Poctsatasmd Cictos Inuaeev . .. . loornp Ass plates bt thk box. Ooods packed hi' the Safest manner, and rntured .' aJnt Breltg 'lOSBTIACOWTUro, ', , . S3 Booth Fourth B treat, Philadelphia. 1'.- r; -; 'fx il . , 'pgwXHO'Xa. -Ck.. drill C;. t . .1 ooiaVnBOS, OHIO) - ' ; . : AGRICULTURAL WHOUSE "J.J l: i AndSoed Store,. Mi-' i,.KUUi t", : t !;'; 'mt:GI.ERAL' HARDWARE, , HAILS, CltABS, SASH, PUTTT, TOHA, . ewsMt riefoie wviiiw Wre r.MJ.:..4 (mt Saian. lac Ietthsr. Bos and awiMwg !, w r - -. . K, j ,. 'I' Faoklr. f rt " " ' ! f ; " ni-1' 41 "" trnvi c? Tnn . o .viy B.a-s- i ."T" 1 ;. tiaaufacturerB nd WBoleealoDetlerU fa BOOTS AND1 SHO Ffmt.l Coreerof D'eh and O&rSie. , 1 t W"..a taut flanta flnAiU at-xe, V.a.sl1 W T 1 i 186061. 1860-61. 186061. 1860-61. Winter Arrangement---Time Changed. Great Northern and Eastern Route. Cleveland, Columbus & Cincinnati Cleveland, Columbus & Cincinnati RAILROAD CannKtlng ai Oraatllne with the ittsbargn, FrtTVayne & Chicago HAILROAD 1 For Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, and Baltimore; Alio for Fort Wayne and Chicago Connecting at (Mere land with the Lake Shore Railroad Dunkirk, For Buffalo. Albany, Bocton a&d New York. mwil rUAINS . StAlliV (exeepi ounaay; X tnnuOolumbna,Itnoonneclionwlth Tralnaou UM Little Miami & Columbus It Xeula Railroadi. ' JIBBT IEAIN. wrinv vydrvqo TjkavM Oolnmbni at 3:23 a. a. T." .11 .imtlona. aonth of Oalilon ",".T.,.'Zr. d.rrtinrum. Oilead and at all ataUona North of (JalUon. arriTing at Olerelaad at 8:40 ' ni.!.h i. tn.. Buffalo, New York li:U5 d. m.. JWaion a p- f - ; line :0 a. Philadelphia .7:W a. m., umcago via Braton 11 00 p. m. Alao oonnectlnJ at nieioy ior a point on the banduaay, aunaueia m newam hit UN U TBJLLH. mit. inn WTPHKRa f,eTrt Oolnmbni at S:00 p, m.. will etOB at all ftatlona eouth of Shelby, and at Ual- em, new bonaon, "wuoiii'""" Trr.. H .KIn. m.. Dunkirk 3:0U a. m., BalTalo 4:35 a.m., New York 10l p. ., Bton is . niaa-WHwhAkaliVITraiaiI.linaiX.JUBe Du IBIiauvwuww vv 1" nhete Grafton at 10:30 a. m- Alio connects ml Hhlh. for all oointa on Bandualiy, alanine Id . Newark p.tnt fiieeninflr Care are ran on all KAiiroaa. - KigM Train! to unicago,ew ior and Boston. ' 11 m-m cXtAtA Throuak to Nem York and Bono tttweiaaa, mm vi m "ir"i iVcte York W UreitUns. BBICEN1SQ. Might xpreei airrlTe at Oolumbui at U0 a. , m. OlndnnaU Kxpreai arrirea at Oolanbua at 1:40 p. n Fare at Low aa by any other Route. Ask for ticket via Crestline or Cleveland. X. 8. TLINT, Baser'U Olereland, Ohio. J4ME8 PATTBBS0N, Agent, JanelS Oolumbus, Ohio. CENTRAL OHIO R. BETWEEN COLUMBUS AND WHEELING. This la the Only Route offering a Tbrena-h Ticket Baggai Cbeck to WASHINGTON CITY; Amd only SouU giving to Os PaticnQW th . prinUtfn ofvUWnq tM vum or Baltimore, Pbilatel pkla t N ew rk or At the eost of a Ticket to For only by other line. an nv re- a TWO TBAINS 1SAV1 00LTJMBUB VhXVt Sundays ExcimD. TTl!gl AT 3:00 a. m.. Stopping atall EtsUons nn .imalbelnr rlttn.arrlTtngatBellalre at :50 a m., connecting immediately with trains on Tiie Baltimore at unto Etira for Baltimore, Washington City and the South, and rhi adelphia, New York, hoston, ana ine mi, amwai train on tn. . ...... PEN N 9 k LVAn I A CtllltAi., rla Wheeling A Pittsburgh B B., for Pittsburgh, IUr risbunch, Philadelphia, Mew fork, Boston and the Bast. IhUUaln auo connect at SewaVk with 8-II. N. B. b4 and at Zaaesrill with 0. W 1 1. i. B. tor Lane- toT Jt3 i . - - MAIL At 2:40 p. m., (topping atall Stations upon sig nal being giren, arriring at BsLuot at 9:40 p. m., con soting iaioedlaUly with trains on ' - Tne Baltimore ee vnio itauroaa n.nim. Wuhlnetfln Clbr and ths Booth, and Phil inhia. New York. Boston, and the East, Also with train on the iirnStl'I.VASIIl CENTBAL. ' . vhii.. mnh Vtttiharah B. B.. forPlttsberrfc, bu- rlsburgh, Philadelphia. Mew York. Boston, and the Baal. Thi train also eonneoti it Zuesvlltowlth 0. W.AZ. B.B., for Lancaster, o. - i TRAVELERS TO THE EAST FROM ALL WESTERN POINTS, . CAN DCrlKD VtOM ... , Qaick Time and Sure Connections. Aann Im Baana AtAowaaroa mxaxb. SLEEPING CARS o ALL NIGHT TBAINS Ask for Tickets via Cclumboa and Wheeling. for farther Information and Through TlcMt, apply to M. Ij. DOHKRTx, Ticket Agent, unloa vepoi. H, j, jar) Ail, rresuwni, JOHN Wi BEOWlf, dotSO fleneral Ticket Agent, Columbus. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. GREAT NATIONAL ROUTE. TEKBlIJf ATI-'.s 'AT 'lyASHIWGTOJI and BalUaor oa the Kat, and Wheeling, Benwoed ana raraenouix u " - , r - -- ; with Bailroada, Uamer, Ae.,for and front all potnls mine r . Weat, euU-weat ana Nortb-weaf TEEEE-XRAIU3 DAILY FOR ,'AtL r THE EASTERN CITIES. . .. Thla k tb only route to Wsahlagtoa City. Putengenbythie rout can YltU Baltimore, Phil lelphia, Mew Toik and Boston, at the coil of a ticket to Boston aione vj . ... . , A uruuiu uv . . . . -i. r,l. -Utnn.l Sim aT 1WA dal- T1B WHWDCWI VtJ --'---- " O Ian... i ,.; ; ; - i - ' BLBBrrm uaaa attchw iw oh . IlBtM ruiA and far atkne at via any othor Inqnlr fog act at Tta Baiaaore ana viaw mihwh any of to principal Railroad office In the Weet, - . ' . i j ' . " vutns,0bls I. Mr K)tW, funeral Tleket Agent, ;. 'ur m. SWITIX afaartii- V-mnflnArtallati. " . - , . oct3t-U. ' ...... Bavrnioai, Ha. COAL AJLSTD "WOOD! TiniiBtJBSOBIBIE WrilBBtrfBETni ' r BEST QUALITY ! i,: ,.'.oi . WOOD, SAWED AND; SPLIT, i kit: cf3,50 PER CORD, ,''An44lttWood tor),V.V i ,50PERCORD. Also ih different kinds of Oot as low as soy ether '.Tm oath lllna With lb public, I ellina p ,. - j c; ,rj ' J " 1 '2A3518VI1LE OS- MU8KIKQTTM I ;coAt for cts.; ANi;f j :' NTJT i CO ALT; OR ; DLUT, FOR 7 CTS. PER BUSHEL. Tard'and effloa, 111, Sooth Third Street, aear the Beg. ond Presbyterian Chareh. T,";". : - ;V A BAHLOW, Afent.,; Coloubus, Jsn.Sl. ? a,M IMPORTED. GOODS. ; JTJBT, KECEITEI v. , tO Se Italian Oil, Barton A 0., for table a. A u Boned Bardine. theBBBT Sardine imp'td ' 4 " of Capers andOllree, ' 5 " T.ble fmnra. "Lw h Perrtn' Woroerter " '' hrr," "Bayer's Bullana," "Jobb Bull," "Harrey," "Heading. lO Walnut ana Tomato ui Walnat and Tomato Oalsop. " ' TA do. Oraea A Blaskwtll' elebraate? Bnglisn Fickle, onteongi--uuiinewer, rt- eallll," OhowChow,'' "Walnut," "On Urn," Cabbage,' "Bean," "Oherk's" mix Pickle. 60 " lendoa Porter. . . ,, . 1UO " Campbsll's oslebraleS EeoteB AU. , . eGinW PreserT. .' fi box Italian kiacaronl.snd Termaellla. ' 2 gross Cox's Gelatine. . ' . ' "Coleman's celebrated KDgUih Hastard, la keg, boxes. mhi anil bottWf.T TZ TT ' -C oa7 WM. McCOXAI.9. aL 'J A- i - i h m rf.g vvmf 'TtCTOHIHES an Cnrrg w are U now lolling a) Tf prloes, .Mrti ;-t lWi uaaiooaoi " rr r-an ...l.u,.v dscSl. ..".-w-i--.,..,,, n i itt-i . ... .vf ' v. - JUST RECEIVED BY WT.I A. GILL, No. 30 North High. Street, One of tie Urgaat and Beat Selaeted Aaaar t SVBR 0PTB1!D IN THIS OlTYl , House ' BnildcrsV Furnishings Of IVJCBY BTYLI AND QUALITY. ' , t'rnikA0erlen ' '" XfTTHaicaLo-w Glass x FAINTS KOllfil IN OIL, and pnt cpln half pound cans fur .family on, and Pry , .. .. Paints tn bulk. Brushes ot every variety b quality. A Splendid Assortment of MACHINISTS TOOLS. CARRIAGE MATERIADS. , AXES GRINDSTONES, iut i -- , GUNS.VlbTOLS, SHOT, o. FISHING TACKLE. , ROPE CORDAGE, LEATHER AND INDIA RUBBER. BELTING. WEDGES, MAULS, PUMPS, - ... AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, scyTHEs, ate.;; ;. ,"' .' SCALES, BELLS, CHAINS Table andTocket Cntlory. 1 especially tnrlte Ihe atttnUon ef all Interested to my stockot Pocket and Table Cutlery, and .; MLVEB PLATED FORKS, , Table, Desert, and Tea Spoons, re- Butter Knives, &c., of K0QIHH8 t BRO'S. Slanufacture, warranted to he extra heary, Electro-Plated, on genuine Albatta, ' Country Uerchsnts,-Meharilcs, and ether, are lorlted to call and examine my Pt-wk, as I am trerarcil lo sell Wholesale and Batall. .. , Oolambus, Ohio, Hay , 18C0- , - i THE BEST AND CIIEAPliST PARKER SEWING MACHINES. PRICE '840, .; . AND WARRANTED ' Equal to Any Other For all Family Pnrpeaea, Besides being nor airpto, dnrable, aad easily operated. Call sod see! ; : -..-c ,-.' - OffloerAraary Hall, over Bain's Store. ect3-dtf, O.T. PLOWlRSt Agent. :- r COUGH EEMEDY. lor all Throat and Lang Oompltlnt, Ineladng, with mostperfect results, Wwoorna Oooea, Cirsoxio air Ooaaoa Oocwsa, Baowcwu am CaaoaT CosfrLanrra, m-M rarerannar ef Oennmptloe. Aa a, Boerataa Bracr K baa no sopor tor. . Frd frees all Opit or Kaeiic propertlas, may be nsee by most oeiieaw eonsn tutlons, and With priot eonfldenoe. " i . eiotewell's:: , .s - :v; CELEBRATED ; - "T0LU ANODYNE. Te-a OaaaTtsT HaTtraaL Ofuya erer offered te the world, containing not a particle or upturn, nor any sua .,Bnn. hnt Ita atrietl ventabl and medical arotMrtie. a mntm HmMff eov Hiosusu. liaBcwaTvai. uwr, leo-rn ana ) Aom, OaTaaaa, Hal Isrra, tnd ill minor ntmu wmpwinu. r Fob Low or Suarr and Beedack la all It rartetlce, U has ao equal, and to wit Kit moat anoouotea ushuodi 1, are offered. - - : ' " ' J' . " V,'! ' ' oa THTMim Ttrmrm KM most parfeet remedy . " Foa Bown, Cowrtaiirrs, after remortog the pal it acta a a physio, a most Important contrast wiin, tn eonup ijvrw -Wmatw af Orrlnm. ' ' ' . - . Vh-,ah-in. Varanu and Trial Bottle will assent. and to Dealer or Inralld a descrlptrr pvaphlet without postage-stamp. ' , . ' Prepared under th gpecfal tnperrltlun of J V 1 ',. ,. , JOMJf At. JM7WKETEI.I., , 1 j i ' . i I caasmrfaitp raijcsroTTr, Ho 0 CoBuaeroIal Vnsrf, Boa ton, Mar ' To'whom pi direct all eouanicatioae. i ('.' J Price 'teres Cough Bwnedy, BO ents per !. ; ' "Small " " , M "v ' tot sal by the usual wholesale snd retail dealers, "BBTS SaHJET.-," 1 - . StAltPl, inn H. OOOht. -v'!""J. Mr DKNIO, 0. PBHIOAS0H8, , A.J B0nUKLLgaBON, msyl7-wly Agent tor Columbaa, onto. . - a. . Ma.aa aftihTlgiai ' ova aseeaTiiswT or batches. Tools - fid Imported directly from fsnufctortoe aadVerland'end which we will toll ae tow, If lower, than any ether ImperUnf boos lo to Called DMK. e aanrreman. A iONB, ill 71 S. High St., Oolumbua, 0. S5 MaWenLan, New lork. eelS-41 SUNDIUEkr FARIKAa Sago Bice Flour Peart Barley Cracked Wheat Coco Cream Tartar, Figs , ... -:.JeedllBalltllt .li.. Bootob Oat Ife.l ' Bulit Peas Choeolat , . . v Bmms,10, Boda 1 Prunee Fresh Tomatoes readies Oicen Corn frm CHon'a Praltsof erery deKtlptlen; Jelllescf all kindst ' SlnTorlngBxtraetoofall klrH. Bum Vrens; 1d Cendles; irli-h Walnut, Braril Nuu.elc, . -t Vf liteey TeW - v-,. , jaxftRXUiAljX. ( .'OT.fft.1 Bnlfl - BUliip a JhAMV.,, , V , r j Windsor Atcheson ) ' :ix'! .' - . w. , S Soperier Oourt. ; , Thoma Brock way. J . BY VIKTYJIJOr AHOWi'-" to me directed from the Superior Court of frank lin county, Ohio, I will offer tor sala al the door of the Court Ooues, in th city of Oelnmkus, en Saturday the 9LH day ef Maroh, A. D. .18C1 bStweea the hoars ef 10 o'otook a. a. and 4 o'clock p.m. the following described real estate, situate In the county of franklin, Truro township, and Blateef Ohio, te wit: Beginning at a point In the centre of the Oolumbus and Oranrllle plunk road, where It eroaaes the wet line ot half section No. B, thence with aald half seeiloa senth 1 deg. west, i 77 100 poles to a pott, Ihenoe soulbBS deg . and Ml Bin. east 114 73-100 lo a poet: menee north Ideg.easiai oe-iuopoiee roa po. m u" lloe of land formerly owned by Oeorte Wilson, thence wllhaald Una north BBdeff.W mla. WesV 11 W-100 poles to a poet, south west comer to aald Witeou'i land, ik..M mith .nthr of amid Wilson's lloe S north 1 deg. IS mln., eut 70 28-100 poles to a stone In the centre of said Oolambus ana ureuvure riaua theoentreof said roadoulh7 dag. weet rJUlB-100 pole to the plao ol beginning, containing bl acres and 07 noles. be tb m more or less inkMiMj a!UflO nrcre. . rV o. W. ntJfPMAM, Sheriff. feh5-ltdw , . .11 Sd. Dana, Pepty. , Printer's feos, 13,00... . ... .... . , Sheriffs Sale. KUm Drake : ! Superior Court, TS. l( V Wllllini VIKI'UKOr A 'WRIT OP SVI. I'A. in m directed from the BuDOrior Court of Franklin s. County, 0., I will offer for salejat the door ef the Court Uonse, in ths city of Oolumbus, on , Saturday, the 9th day of March, A. P. 18CI, between the hoars ef 10 o'clock A. II.. and 4 o'clock P. U.,the following described rel estate situate In the Conn ly of Franklin, and Bute of Ohio, to wit: Being part of a oertalo tnctof land containing nlnety sli and one quar ter scree, (DW) sttnste on Big Walnut Creek, Mifflin Townahlp, In range 17, Township t, quarter Township 4 hiiinni,, t a itona in the Oolambus snd Johnstown Turnpike road, the south westoorner of Darld Bsllss three acre tract, and north weet corner to said 9fiX cre tract, thenee south thirty-two and one half rods to an in, in. ihmiM eait fiftT and 28-100 rods, the nc north slaty and one half rods, (110)4) thence weet twenty four and 30-100 rod, thence south six and (MUl rods, thence with said Turnpike road to the beginning, containing six teen acres, more or less. . . Appraised st 4.1,00 per acre. Printer's Pees $i SO. 0. W HTJIFMA5, Sheriff, febS:lUlfclw By AM. Darts, leputy. Sheriffs Sale, Abner L. Backus TS. Superior Court. -rsv VIUITTltiir A WHIT We' vtim ll to m dlreotnl froin ike t uDerior Court of Fisoklin county Ohio, 1 will offer fur sale t;thdoor of the Court Uoese In the city ot Oolumbui on Saturday, e 9th day of Maroh, A. D., lbl, Mrnn the koM of 10 o'clock A. If. Ud 4 0'clcok T. M., th following real estate sltuat In tn county 01 rrnninna1oiie ei,unio town: jeiuniun corner ol lot no i ei vt m. r neian souiuuu un t.t Onlunhai: thenca with the 8. line of said lot, Mortl 70X Bast to a stake In said line, 33 oe-100 feet distant from the n. corner 01 saia 101 no. 10, mnw ngu, ia met Una of Btata arenne. Bouth 4UM west to margin of Bcloto rirer at low water mark; thence up the margin of said Bcloto rirer at low water mark to th be ginning. Appraised at 1!S 0. ' . a. W.HTnrFMAN.8herUf febl-lt44tw. ' , , By Bo. Dati, Pep'ty Printer's fees, 4 SO. . .Master Commissioner's Sale. BIckley A Brother ) t. Superior Oourt. Peter Barrlngtoa, et. ti" - VVIIlTIJP.or AW ORDER OF SAEK JJ to me directed, . from . th Superior Court of Franklin, Ohio, I will offer for sal t th door cf the Oourt House, in th city of Oolambus, on . Saturday, the Bth day of March, A. D. 1861, Between the honrs of 10 o'clock A.M . snd 4 o'clock P. M., tbe.follewing described real stste, to wit: In lots No, S9, 30, and SI, In th town of Alton, county of Franklin, end Btal of Ohio. Appraised at, for )t. xv.e-Ai. . .! 30, J0 , . ... "' "31. SISOO. O. W. HUf IMAM, Sheriff, feb4.1tdfc4tnr - and Master Ooramltstoneri Frloters's Feel 3.r". , , . , i Master . Commissioner's. Sale. 1 1 , , 7 fleorg McDonald - l gnHor Court Charlei ffi. nd other.S "nkI1" Ooon"' ', OCBSTJANTTO AriOllDER OF SALE A. Issued fresa th Bupertor uoun il rrankiin oonn tr. Ohio, to me directed In the abort entitled action, 1 shall offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bid der, on .. . -'.'' Saturday. March 16, 1861, , - between ths hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 13 o'clock M, at lbs door of th Court Boas ofssid county, in tboclty or Oolumbus, the fallowing desert! premises, ris: im Mo. 33, In John Morrison's addition to the city of Oo lumbua, onto, aa per reseroea put or ia aainoo, biso IS feet off the east lid of lot Ho. Si of laid Morrlson'i addition. Lot No. 33 appraised at 9300. IS fast Off cut lid lot 3i, at B100. FRANCTS COLLINS, lebi-dllltwi L ' Muter Oommlsiloner. - Master Commissioner's Sale. Buttlst at Comstock j , - . ' suulnit Common Pleu Franklin Joshua 0 Keayon and ether.) 1 - County. PTJBSCANT TOAN ORDER OF SALE tamed fron th Court of Oommoa Pleas of Franklin county Ohio, to me directed in the above entitled action. I will oner for sale at public auction to th highsst tW- der ' ., ". . Oa Saturday, Maroh 16, 18W. . between thejhours of 10 o'clock A. M. end I! o'clock, M. at th door of th Oourt IIous of said county. In the elty ef Oolumbus. the following aescnuia premises, vis , Lai No. 4 of theenb-dlvleloB of tb weet half ot In- lot Ha. 73. and th Booth half of in lot Ho. 72, in the elty of Oolumbus, Franklin county Ohio, as showa by the recoraea plat or saia snoaivision. - . , , AffnrU9V3"' J PaANCIS : COLLINS, fobidllAwts . Mutsr Commiulonsr.; Master Commissioner's Sale,' ; . Bernard Sheridaa v. June Blley et al. Superior Court. n' . -TV VIRTfJ B OF Alf OR DER OF SALIl lk as m dincted frotaltha Baperier Court Prenkli county, Ohio, I will offer-for sal at tb door tta Oourt Hon, In Ui vuyoi uoiumouv.ou Monday, the lit day .of April, A. D. 1861, hatwani th hour of 48 o'clock a.. at and 4 o'clock p. m.. th following described real estate, tituite in county ef Franklin and Btato of Ohio. atOwit: tot Mo, twelve, (lX).tn Bullivanf aouiiiob so tne sown ei aran lintcn. '. .1., , 1 v... T'. ' - .. : ; Appraised at $300,00. feb-dltw4t. ' -; Printers fee S'.OO' Q. W HOFFMAN. Sheriff - and Muter Oommlssioner Ste'rifl'sSale: A. 1. dark k l Co. ) ,ot,al.) . va. Commea Plea., - -51 1 John KcKlnnsy, TV VIRTDEOF All ORDER OF BALE aD to me directed, from the Oourt of Common Pleas, Franklin Ooanty, Ohio, I will offer for !, t lb door of th Court Boo, ta u igr i uoioaaoat, oa Saturday, too duth day of, March, A. D. 1861, btwta fh hour ef IS o'clock, A. SI., aad 4 o'clock, P. H., th followlBg deacrlbed rekl estate, situat In th uounty el rranxun. ana bum vi vnio, u-wik joi no, 8, sub divlt'.on of oat Lot No. 39, la th city of Colum ba. . .' " I-.''. i ri.i i'f."" j.i i j ip .si no ' - eg, HtTrTMAN. Sheriff, i feb dtwdsr ' By Bb. Dart, Deputy, r,Prtator'fS5,- If". . : ,rv r ' f : SheriffXBalo. " John W. Baiter 0 ; ' '! - i i l,r. V I ouperior voort. .at !. . '- ; Joseph B. Stewert, tivriRTfJE OF A "WRIT OFTE1SDI Ik fa, -aa directed, from the Superior Court Franklla ooanty, Ohio, I will offer for sal at the door of th Court iiooss.u, the elty of uoiuanboa, a , i Saturday, the 30th day of March, A. D. 1861, between the hours ot M o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock t.,tb folio wing deeoriced real estate, ttuate ia th oanty of Franklin, aad State of Ohio, to wit: The undivided one-half of In -lot No. S33, In the city of Co lumbus, being the Interest of Nanry Ramey In Hid lot., ' Appraised It S1,K- O. W, HUFFMAN, Sheriff, feltS-dltw.. i ,i. -. ByM. Pavto, Depaty. Printer' f S3.00. , , . , ; Bherifl'a Sale.- 3., ' Janes Cherry, Guardian, tec, ' '( Sale by order of Court. al. , i ,i - ' v. Oldeen V tndetnark et v. v vinTrm nv it obdeh vr sau 13 to ae directed from the Court of Oommoa Plea Frentlteeounty.Onlo. I will offer for ar at th door ths Oourt Hon, In tn uty oi uoiamiw, - ; Batnrday, March 30th, AiD. 1861, ( between the Bonn of W o'clock . tf. and 4 o'clock a., th following described real seUte, situate in ounty of Franklin, Btato ef Ohio and city of Oolumbua, and bsaeded and dsscilbad as followsi In-lot No . seven hundred sod ninety-tight, (TO) situate on the north side ri trianfl atr-t ! hairie the aeeond lot east of Fifth slrest, and fronUng on Friend street, sixty -te snd a haH feet by one hundred and eighty-sevea and a slf feet aerth to Cherry sllry, being th full, lot of CStf feet M7J4 fret. Arpnised at S3,W0. . febS-dlftwte " Vy-HUFfMAH, Sheriff, ' Priatif' fee $1 60 i i i j by Sd. J)vla, Deputy; I ..'una i ' 'I I I ll I I I I I I II I' IttXAKFJRES KID CLOTEB. !f . All ariaxaalakfsnliMliaBtt t.lU ..W8f(hfljghjtrV,1 . , of of a . . f); of vC of p. . , of of i. tht by 1 i j ' il' :----rTHE-.GPIA1FST:':-- Tcsj.n.tin ,11 If ii i r!l ; ' . t i DISCOVERY OP THE AGE. Mil, KENNEDY, OF llOXBIByi hss dlscorered in one of our oonunon pasture weeds a remedy that cares ' . . Every Hind of Humor, -: FROM :I 1 ' Thi Wont Sorofula down to a common Pimple. rr. ku triad It In erer eleren hnndred case, and ney n-uvint In two oaaee. (both thunder humor.) lie ba now In his possession oyer one hundred certificate of it vain, all witnin twenty muee oi nosion. Two bottle an warranted to cure a nursing sore One to three bottles will cure th worst kind of Pimples on the face. " ' ' . Two or thre bottle win etetr in ysian oi one. Two bottle are warranted to oure the wont canker la the mouth or stomach. ' Three to lire bottle are warranted to cure the worst kind of Bryslpl. ' 'v , One to two bottle tr warranted to cure all humor In lh ft um. vt. , Two bottle are warranted to cur running o ' th cars and blotches among the nair. Four to six totles r warranted so euro corrupt sou running ulcer. f in hnttia will cure acaiv eroouon oi we sain. Two or three bodies an warranted to cure th werst Irlnit nf rlnrwAm. - ' Two or three bottles are warranted to cur th most deapemt eas of rl.sumatlam. Thm in fnnr hnttlr. are warranted tOCUreialt-RheUm. Fir to eight bottle will cure the worst ess oi tcro- fnt.. A benefit u always experienced rrom tne nrst noiue. a perfect cure la warranted when tne dot quanuiy u taken. ..... ' nUAUURI, BASS. but M.d.m: -The renutatloB of th Medical Dll eorery, in curing all kind of humors, Is so well estab- ii.hd hv thA nn.niraana Toice or an woo nare erer ox. It, that I seed not say anything on the auHeot, as the most skillful physicians and th most careful Druggists in lb country are ananimou in its pram. In presenting the Medical Discovery to your nolle, 1 An It lth a full knowledge of ItscuratlT power, in re. tiering all, and curing most of those diseases to which you are unfortunately so llahl. That moil excruciating disease to an affectionate mother, . nVHSOO MOKE MOUTH I cored a If by t miracles your own temper is restored to Its natural swsetness, and your babe from short and fretful naps to calm and sweet slumbers; and tb Medical Discovery becomes a fountain ofbleislng to your husband and household. In the more advanced atage or V A INK Ell It extendi to the stomach fusing DVbPEI'NIA,' which Is nothing but canker on the stomlch; thea to the Intestines no KIDNST8. cresting (inking, gun feeling, and an indifference eves to the ctres of your family. xoor stomscn is - , HAW AND INFLAMED, vonr food distresses von. and yon can only take certain kinds, ana oven oi met Toarsvsiem aoee not kci nan the nourishment it containa, aa tne aenmonoo nuia oi the canker eata it up: then your complexion loses its bloom snd becomes sallow and greenish, and your best day Is gone. For want of nourlanment your system ne noma, loose and flabb. and the fibres of your body be come relaxed Then follow a train of disease whioh th Medical Discovery I peculiarly adapteato : , , . cuuEj PaloltaUon of th heart, pain in the tide, weaknees o th spin and small of th back, pain of the hip joint when yoa retire, irregularity of tba bowels, ana site, that most ixcruclatlng ot a imams, tne PILES, ' How msnv thousand of rvoor women are suffering from this disease and pining away a miserable life, and their next door nelghbordoe not know tne causa, a wisu Impress on your mind that good old proverb, "An ounce . .1 i. ... .K.a. - MMnJ r.t .M " tr, that OI firCVCIlllVIa WIWI VUMW w. a., aa. . MEDICAL, DISCOVERT yoa have both ths preventative snd th curt, with this great and good quality, that It will never, tnder sny drcumslanc, do you any injury. . . . - THE MEDICAL, DISCOVERY ia etoedalv intended for diseases of the blood, but since itstatroduotwB In the Western States,. it it found to be th best ACTJE REtlEDIf lh..twa ever before the nubllo. No change ot diet ever necessary eat the best you can tnd get enougn oi it. DiaxcTiona roa era Adults on table spoonful pi day Children over ten years, dessert spoonful Children from five to eight years, tea spoonful. -As no directions eaa be applicable to all eonaltotlona, take sufficient to operate oa the Dowels twice a aay. , , '.. Your truly, Price 1.00 per bottlo. tb United States. For y every druggist In epxi-aawiy New Ohio Publishing House ! J. H. RILEY & T. C. BOWLES ' columbus, ;-; - ,- - omo, '" ' ' NOW PUBLISH ' I, .'-I.', XEX OHIO STAND ABD SCHOOL SEEIK3! 4 ' The Purest, Blehtst, Bert snd Cheapest. - ,... a. .1 I. ' SPELLING 'AND ANALYSIS. , Br. Saijem Town) L. L. D. jar To'm't Srellet'ana Definerl' Town'l New 'Antlysla. reading; i Br S. U. Goodrich, L. L. D. (Peter Parley.) ftoodrieh' Hew lit Reader. Ooodrlch' New 4th Header. ood rich's New 8d Reader. Ooodrlch' New 5th Beader. Goodrich' Hew 3d Beader. Goodrich's New Bth Reader. .."TJiey aradoidodimprovmmtonaUihatJhav4 m." tun. y. w.eoou, i. j.,umoj vtritty, Ohio. . , . 'i l, i' " 'mathematics. . ;i ij ' Oreenleafs National Arithmetlo. ' . .' .-, ; Oreenleaf Treatise oa Algebra. .; ; '; . : OrenleaPsIlementof Oeometry. " Btandard tnd im perishable work of their klnd; th richest and most comprehensive, as a aeries, that have appeared In the current ninetieth century." Prof. Pr ry, of Dartmouth QoUtq. . fc 'u '. j it I,-.' ,.t. .J1: i ; i'. :. f ."..- i ;:jI bvaS v.-' . , '.' t: ' ' '.!'. " 'vgeography. ; u i r... ; Br S.. Coiixl.. - Cornell's tint Step in Geography, Prettily Illustrated. Cornell' Primary Geography. Beautifully Illustrated, Cornell' Intermediate Geography, with New Maps, Cornells Grammar-School Geography, lvol. quarto. Cornell' High School Geography and Atla. , . ' " Much superior to any other Geographies Willi which I am acquainted.'' rnrt. Anton omyia, auptrtmen oVif fvUm Jnttrwtion, tAio, . ; . , , . , , , ; ? i i :", vrv . "''J.I ENGLISH GRAMMAR. . ' U Br L. B. Towcb, A. M., andB. F.TrviiD, A. M. 6 Tower and Tweed' Vlementaof Grammar . .. Tower tnd Tweed' Common School Grammar. Tower and Iwaod'a Grammar of Composition. " Tower's Common School Grammar will fill a position absolutely demanded by the Educational wants of the country .'"a. v. trwrrmtxjwot, imyvm mga ocaiw, ; - j . f ! it t-f -i ' CUTTER'S PHYSIOLOGICAL WORKS. Br figNJAMIN GkEINLIA.F, A. M. , ff., tor Dittrial moot. . ' ',' T. ; ! Oreenleaf'sNew Primer Arithmetic " ' " J ; '" Oreenleaf Intellectual Arithmetlo. , " (''-: GreenlearsOommoB School ArlthmeUoi ' - i- f ; s , i i for Sigh Bohool and Aca&mit. tint Lesson In Physiology, Illustrated, 13 ao. . Anatomy and Physiology, Illustrated, IS mo. I . (.. -. ii.-m ., - .?.'! ;..J ! "' - ' (. - "i .'- COPY B00K3 AND BOOK-KEEPING. Pivanfi'a. Tlnntnn and Bcrthner Complete Berie. " Hanaford and Peyton' Book Keeping, Double and 8h . gi Betty. , j ,. ... . . i ."! sjf . '. " ' -' ' ' 'i '- . i TTT Termt of IntroduetioB the most favorable. Teacher and School officers sre requested to eonunnnl- ' Mla uh aa. i ' i Single specimen copies furnished at one half th uul ' j.' II. RILEY tt T. C. BOWLES, . tept.12. wOm '. ' ' ." Publisher. Colombo Ohio. E. r r.VCOLL.QTER !,HVVUeleaale and Retail Dealer la TOBACCO,; SNUFF & CIGARS Keen i'OBMatstly oa liana all gSte Ci redmoi .rieae DktANUt el ,:w j ..... . ... I MA j : -; . ' ITflROP, 1UDINGT0NMQJ 23 ft 25 PAUK PLACE, f r-r ' j , f . 20 & 22 IIUEEAYSTEEET;- IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF .' Foreign ; and Domestic DR Y GOODS FOR CASII OR APPROVED CREDIT. : SPRiisra,' i8ci. w. .Mnnaninir. atnnramol wsrerooma, at tb above numbers, stocks of Goods In ach of th six departments of our business, superior to any;oug exhibited to the traae. " CLOTH DEPARTMENT. ITl.t. I,., .nva, in t. nr..i,nt inairnltnde under the thorough management of a buver of long experience and acknowldged good tasle. We keep exiensiv im i the finest tnd choicest Ibolcesi . . - I 'r.b i o I FANCY VESTWGS .r . AND;:;": ' i ". ; FANCY CASSIMERE'S To be found In the market, all selected with the nicest disortoisatlon. Also, all grsdot, colors and varloUe l BROADCLOTHS, SATINETS, v , .;i INDIES' CL0AINNG3, , ...... , TWEEDS, FARMKKS' and MERCHANTS' C ABSIMKKKB, KENTUCKY JEANS, from t to 12X cenU porytrd and npwardo; TWEEDS, 12). to 15 cent per yard last year sold tt .... , . 18 to 20; . . PRINTED 8ATINBT8, at 14 cent; AnJciAer t7ootI cormpondlngly Xo. Dress-Goods . Department. Manchester Da Lalnes, Hamilton do. , Psclfio do. Printed Ltwns, Printed Brillianles, . Fancy fllnghami, , Bombssines, BUck Bilks, ' Fancy Bilks, Piloted CbaUls, Manchester Oinnhamo Olargow do. Clinton do. Ottoman Cloths, Alpacas, Poplin, 1 - And tht Nu Stlect Style of FANCY SPRING GOODS, Menlmao Prints, Oocheco do. Psclfio do. Richmond' Prlnti, American - do. Dunnell's . do. "KngliU do. Bprsgu' do. Manchester, etc. Prints, ftc DCXMESTTO COTTONS, , I ' Lawrence 0. Btarlt Lsthrop Bliawmut Pocasset Bheetlnss Atlantic A. Sheeting, d. Amoskeag do. ' do". Applelon '" do. do.-- Srerett - do do. . . ; Utica,c, - dp. All Grade and Widlh$. . i , ' . r - : BLEAOITED SUIRTIN03 AND SDEBIINQ3. Wammtla.' ' Dwlrht. ; ' ' Lawrence, Lonsdale, ' ' Oreat Falls, . . ' lisumkeag. Hill, , . ., :; . Wallham, - Jlooti, l ' New York Mills, J.o.,o. ,. S1IAWLS AND MANTILLAS, v A LAkOC ANDBELICT 4M0HTMMT. 00TTONADES- great variety." ' .. ".' ORKOKB , -do. l TICKINGS all the leading brtad3. DENIMS do. do. , - . . . i BBIRTIrfO sriUPES-all tholeadliig brp.adt, , NANKKENB 1 do. - - do. ' 00R8RT JEANS -v- o do. ur,nv.rHR . An. lln. I ' DAMASKS, PAPBTl CAMBRICS. COLOJlElSy QAM- uniun, co., etc. - -- - j LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK3 OF WHITE GOOES, I HOSIERY, ! TA5EES NOTIONS, ' Gentlemen's Famishing Goods, UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, j ' CARPETS AND OIl,.CI.OTHS,f And a great variety of Ooods not enumerated ail which we pledge ourselves to sell at the lowest market Drfcestb larger portion at from 10 to 30 per cent, less than lestyear. . , T ITHDHD TTTnTXrilTAW Jtr TA UU.XUHVJ. JalUaUiaUAVll IV VVi) mars HEOOmfENDED BY THS IiATB , SIR ASTLEY COOPER. ev lowixtw. in . ... f DR. VALENTINE MOTT i the acknovr lodged Head of th Profession la ertbjt , , ttenuspner. ,. , The beet Dinretio, Tonio, and IiivWorant, ' Th Flneet Extract of the ITALIAN JUlMlFjBlB BEBBY. The roreit and Most Coetl; Gin INDISPENSABLE T6 FEMALES, ;a I ' .ill w ni-vnuva. w lib civrt 7 INCOMPARABLE FOR THE AGED, PVI V A I llADI C . Tfl TULT c rf " 1 ' DELICIOUS BEVERAGE IN THE WORLD. For Bala, Pints and Quarts, by ever? Druggist; Grocer, or Country Merchant LOOK OUT FOR BOGUS O N T) O'N- G I NS. THE ONLY OENTJINB AKT1CLH IB i CHARLES' LONDON CORDIAL 6IN. B. BALDWIN & CO., - I , , Importers, 01 Liberty St, . .-. NEW.YOHK. Sold in Colombut by " ' " 'lJ HcRXI k. RfiSTTB AU3, ': Wholettle and Ketall Grocers, Statesman Building, n'- 0. A. WAGNBIUand othera. In Cincinnati, by 8UIRE, ISCKSTKLNIt CO;, ocSfl-deodailyw . -I" ' ' -i - i and other. MEW T RE ATM E NT , Frlat ana Confidential MEDICAL ADVICE . w ' AT THI -. . -.;, -1 HVFFAIiO FU1VATE IIOSPITAt, BtUbllsoad for the core ef SyphUit, Seminal 'eanisl, and tit Heart InfirmUiet of Vmtk smol Maturity Dyepeptia, General Debility; fever and Jtyut, Jn Urmitiet of i'ovthi Old Age, eta., . .1; ; ... i j '' ' BO MXBWBTV8XB, Dr. Amos Jb Gbfi, Corner pf Main and Shi., Buffal R. T.j ARB TUB OMET PHYSICIAN"' I th Stat who are member of th Royal College Surgeon, London? May becoTiSultedfrcintio-eiook the morning anil 9 at night, ia every atuge nd symptom of disease. The treatment they adopt I the result upwards of thirty year ex tenth 0 practice la Burope and America. , - I A HOST S0I1STIFI0 INYIHTIOM. J An Instrument for the cure of Nocturnal Jtmlsslont more properly known as Seminal Weakness, etc Can permanently cured from fifteen day to two month the os ef this lnstruoent( when ataed cenJeixHj with Y0m3lBrAKl'prrmOT " Dr. AMOB At BOM tak plsasore In announcing that they have Invented a most Important instrument for core of theabove diseases. It has been subjected to a test by th most emlnenU physicians In Iondon, Pari, Phila delphia and Mew York) M be keen -declared the only use ful instrument ever tn vented for the ear of Seminal Weakness, or any disease caused In th secret habit youth. Price Slu by mall or express. ' iic r- M. B.-Dr AMOS DON, In order to taUsfy the most sksptlcal a to th merits of thl Instrument, lcdg Iheeteeivee that-ia any ttutaae where it say pirvenn aatlsfsetory,aftar a fair trial, tb money rriii bt refunded bynmrDingtbeltMtrojMntiDgoodpnlei.iv t ) i I ; , r COUNTBT IHVAUDS.i- i'l J ''''m' Person In any pari of th world may bt rucceesfelly' treated by forwarding a torreet detail el thai gas,- with a remltaanc for medicine, te. 1. I Add res Dr. AMOB t SOD, OOrner ef Main anr Ouay OlM -a.awia W V . , .aaa.lkwljea.t-i .nii.Havai.ij-. , m " - r I of x- . ' ; J " II of lo of be by of , i U CURE cure yQ KepvousHeadache CURE 1 3V ilrfci tUU. V-SB K By the use of thea Pills th periodic attack of Aer- or Stet Omdacht maybs prevented; nd If taken t tha . .....i, .li.f frn.u ..aww, v. URIW. UUHWUt.a. - psln tnd sickness will be obtained. They seldom fall in removing the Xavtea tnd ifeorf- acJiA to which ftmalea ar an .nhii(. ? tatT" tXt For lMtrary Sftn, HtudtnU, Delicate Females, 4 ,, or udtntary habit, they ar valuable ts a lamatltt. Improving the appetite, giving fort and vigor to Ihe digestive organs, eod restoring tht natural elasticity tnd strength of the whole ayatem. '- ' Tni OBPH ALIO PILLS re th result of long Inves tigation and carefully eonduoted experiments, having been in use many years, during which time tbeyhtvo prevented and relieved a vast amount of ptln and suffer ing from Headache, whether originating id the nereotti system or from deranged state of th Itomach. They srs entirely vegetable In their competition, and may bt taken; at all time with perfect safety without making any change of diet, and th abtme of any AUiagrttabl tattt rndrt tt taty to ecfmfnfefe? thorn to elitidrm, - BKWARBOFC0UNTIUFP.ITBI The genuine have five signatures of Henry 0. Spalding on each Box. Bold by Druggists and all other Dealer! In Medicines. A Box will be sent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of th Prioo, Q3 Oonta. All orders should be addressed to 11 EN It V t). oPALDlNU. 48 Codas: Street, Hew Verk. "TfIE POLLOWINQ ENDORSEMENTS OF. SPALDING'S CEPHALIC PILLS, Willi CONVINCE ALL WOO SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, THAT A SPEEDY ABD SURE JURE IS WITHIN THEIR REACH.. A thei Teillmonlal vert vntolicUtd byVn. trLB- mo, Vtty agora wtgvonumaoi proof vj .. , . . cacy of tM truly toitntiflo diioovery. MisoKvau, Cokk , Feb. S, 1ECI . lu'B, CFaLOIKO. Ria.' " T hv tried vour tlenhallo PHI, and Uh them o wtll that I wtntyou to send me two dollars worth more. Part of these are ror tne neignoors, to trnom a few out ot the first box I got from you. Bend the Pius by man, ana ositge -Your ob't Servant, i- - ? JAMS j RSSKIDT. .' HAVHtror.a, Va., Fef). 0, 1801. Ms, sAipiM. ...,.. .-, , ::,;; Bla; r t.v An to nd ma one more box of vour Cephalic Pills, Awcf ere. a great deal of benefilfrqm thm. lours, rcjpecuuny, MARY AlOf STOIKHOUBB. Bmcci Cscik, HcirriMOTOK C.,Pa., . . . r .. January 18, lcOL . , 1 IH. C. 8faldio. . . ... .... . . . ma: Yoa will pleue end me Iws boxes of your Cephalic Pills. Bend them Immediately. 1 , . lleipeotrully yours, . JNO.B. 8IMON8. P. B.Ihavmt4 one loa of vow J'Uit, and find them eascelitnl. ... Brttx Tkkkor, Omo, Jan. IS, 1BG1. Utmr 0. Srninino, Bsq. Plesse find enclosed twenty -nv cents, ror wnicn sena me soother bow of your Oepkatle Pill. They or truly the beet Pill I have vr tried. Direct - a.iTUVi,r.B.i ' Bell Vernon, Wyandot Co., 0. t . . . ..... . . i . . ' - " '' BivsaiT. Mass.. Bsc. 11,1800. H. 0. Bmnwo, Esq.' I with for some circulars er large showbills to bring yonr Cephalio Pills more particularly before my custo mers, ifyou hare anything ot the kind, please tend to me. One of my oustomers, who I subject to severe Kick Headache, (usually lutins two days,) was cured of an attach in on hour by your PVli, which I sent her. . Ateapecuuuy yours, W.B. WILKKS. llavsoUMBOto, FaaagtiN Co., Onto, ( January S, 1801. ( UuiRr 0. SraLOiMo, i . No. 4s Cedar St., n Y. '" " DuaBia: Inclosed find twenty five cents, ('.'3,1 for which send box of "Cephalic Pills." tend to addiets of Rev. Wat. 0. Filler, Reynoldsburg, Iranklln Co., Ohio. Tour Pill work lit a cAarm cur JJeadath at- most inttanter. Truly yonr, - ' WM.C.FILLIR. Yrtaim,Micn., Jan, 14, 16C1. llR, PALIHU. a,,. .. " 1 v . 1J1 Net lone since I sent to you for a box of Cephalic Pills for the cure of the Nervous ITeadache and Oostlvenest. snd received the (am, and t hry had o pvooi an effect MatJvattnaucea to tenaor mot. , - - . Please send by return mall. Direct to r . r A. B. WBKBLEB,- , YpillanU, Mich. j ! I-:':: From the Ixsmlner, Norfolk, Ya. 7- " Ospball FlULsj acrompIUh th object for which they were made, via.: Core of headache In all its form, : , From the Examiner, Norfolk, Va. .. .. I IMF uAI with entire They hav been tested In more than a thontatd cases, success, -. ., '' 1 From the Dsmocrat, St. Oloud, Minn.' 1 If you are; or hav been, troubled with th headache, tend for a box. (Cephalle Pills,) to that yoa, stay have them In case of an attack. . . , ; . .. i : 1 . . cn-tri "a , ; . Prom tha Advertiser, Providence, R.I,. . The Cephalic Pills are said lobe a remsikably effcctlvt remedy for the headache, and one of the very 'best for that very frequent complelnt.whlch ha ever been dis covered. ' From th Western B. B. Oaxttte, Chicago, III. W heartily endorse Mr. Spaaldlng, and his uorlvnlsl Oephallc fills. , . r . . ,. . - From th Kanawha Valley Star, Kanawha, Va. We are sure that persons suffering with the headache, Who try thea, will stlok to them. T ... . i,; -'.V.-ir.t. .. .. ' -,- .from the Boulbern Path Finder, New Orleans, La. Try theml yoa that are sCDlcted, and wt tr sure that your tettlmonycan be added to the already. numerous lilt that has received benefit that no other medicine can produce, . . , . .- , ... ... ; L;'-"t- From tb St. IiBl Democrat, t -.i; Th tremens demand for th article (Cephalic Pills) il rapidly Increasing. :t .:'' .'-'? 6n front tha Gaiette, Davenport- Iowt. Mr. Spalding would not connect hit name with an ar ticle he did not know to possess real merit., jnA tingle bottle ef BPALDINQ'B PBEPARED GLUM will lave ten timet Its cost tuinualiy.cfj; SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE ! ,SPALblNd'S teiiijjE 1 '"SPALDIITO'S PREPARED GLUE I .-. . " aaaaa - HffiVr, , SAVi IBB PIECES! 4 SC0N0MYI ,-. .,1 , . DISPATCni VOf'n Stitch tk Turn Savx Kntt." As accident will happen, even In well regnlated fam ine, it 1 very desirable to hav oobm cheap and con venient way for repairing Furniture. Toy, Crockery, ' ,TJtLTIT!f G'S PKIPABKD OLtJE meets all such eargesale, and no household eaa afford to be without It, It Is always ready, and up to the slick- If. Jl.A Brnsb' accompanlei' each bottle.' Price, S3 eettt. Aaurets,- , 3) i'.e , : .'' ' bhbi Vftrturiw, v.'.. , ,No-4aCax Street, Mew York. . PT10N, -.Ttn Al certain unprincipled persons are attempting to pilm off on the untuipectlng publlo, Imitation of my i'bBPARHB ftLUB, I would autlon all penen to tauaf before parahtulng, and ee that the fu li nan, ... iUBfAliDjUilU riUlr-AU.,Uai.Ul.,dLlI ' I ob tu outtld wrapper; all other ar twlndllngcoo - terfeit. - t - - - aovl je.a.w- 1 3r NT TT 4 I , Allium TtWWJ .. ' -THI ' ' Til'. .M m -mt' -a f"m WBaa. 'SW