Newspaper Page Text
tttaees browned by th ollmete, tooh as thoee U Af4bliaaootbMtof AiU aod Africa adjoining. ' - -. M.n. Itrend -ntlemeo. well me gen tleman from Lake, w. of opinion that tht ne- grot art dowendaot ot or from H w m what end 1 i & adeem to Investigate u que... i.aa th"wnw'ttd Tsropbceyof Noah, In jown of ibe pndntlf ol conduct, ot h e .yotngr ecu Ham, aad grands!! CaSa'an. I ' 1 tnote Ibe passage, and proceed to prove tho ful lient1f the eretibecj;! Cen.Chapt. 9, . 95. fig. 27a. r And hewaU, Coretd bt Canaan, a . ..., .v,u he be unto bU broth Pto." A4 Ht tald.bleseed bo tht Lord God bf Sbtm; and Canaan .belli hta servant. - 'Qod ibell tnlargt Japbtth end be shall dwell In ' tho UU tf Bboni ; and Canaan bll be bia ter Tent.!? Nttft wt wUUog to seaueeor pan- lab all Ham'i posterity, but singled out Canaan. Manv othor Reverend geoUemen and o.scien Unnm ahrlatlana have euDDosed thaVlba posleri" ty of CadaW weW tbe colored te, and that ...... m V -1 rtaitalrti they gradually be dime Meet, wow - bim fal. and the several brancata, Nice- .d;j.i..M' anit Tvrlanf. twert well known ianUtory a. whltb mon.t The Hyof Tyro tent colonise to Africa ana aeweo, war-, these, Utlet, nd other eiUee; and irrltoriee, tad front thenet. C.rtbtgt lent colonies, and both Carthagena, in Spain J and front thenet an' thai, treat General.' Hannibal, .waded and nearly :bertbrew. tbe Romin republic Tbe leraelllee eonqoertd ht laud ol CahaaB, and their cantivtf were mad "hewer of wood and drawers of wier--literJly slaves.! This was tho first part ol the fulfillment of the propheti ealenrtt. t 'u.'-d I ' "f ' Alexanderbo Gjeat, with Ws Grecian army, descended frtn Japbeth, conquered Tyre and Si don, and sold too inhabitants for slaves. !: Tbe Eoans,leoieeoendd&omJephetb,oooquered ' Carthage and all her Afrnwn and Spanish do miaior.1. and made elavesol all the inhabitants. ThL ra , the '. second fttlfillmeot. Rome, (Japhetb) , becomear wUrgtd, c(iaers whole of Aibjria, Jeraia. 8jrU, and 1 tint, w ith the cities of Tyre and Jerusalem, nnd ... -f mA "Canaan" iiiimi L n innirau ulvucuii - v becomei "bis servanti". so that tbe. propbotical enrse on Canaat endhU poetetiiy was complete. Ivfullllled.. ,. , ..-,.. m r: .1 1. v ) -r J" J I will now answer tbe gentleman from Huron, on his ertergejeeteiday of inconsistency. , The EtAueJ kbad decreed the Hegro serpent) into sltvery, witbont tbe power of tiding in the scale of nations; Ja .H iaoMjeietnt in me to have nothing to do with them? Tbo Deity euffered the oroohetiotl ourao of Noah to be fulfilled, and erttitted tht Iiraelitw to make slave of their cantivo Canaanites, aod .any other nation they might tako, captives from in war It was e mer ciful eostom in those daye, among tue nauone, to hold their oapUvea in war as eiaves, until re deemed by their friends. ..The Deity eermilffd slavery, but never commanded it.:: It was also tbe ttrKom among tbe Eastern natloze, to have snort ihaa enei wife. " The Deity permitted it, but never commanded if, but caused laws to be enforced, wtcuring tbe rights of the firet wife; and when tbe cu&tom'j of nations changed, tbe Jewish Rabbis withdrew tho permission of the Uw, and confined their communities to a single wife, and they all became more happy In domes tic life, being satisfied that one wife was enough for any man.'.' "o ii.i''i'i u.- Tbt gentlemen from Huroo, ssys, yon (I) haviur nrotesied agwnst . the Devil (Sitio) as being ta tvil epirit,-enquires what I will do with:- kill which is spoken of in mady passa- gee of tbt bible? , I answer tht gentleman in . tbt tamo -style. J eolemnly protest against the .belli of. our version, for in the Hebrew text there is no bell mentioned. The . IIe- hr. word . "Shonl." which . is . translated hell. rJ a grave, a plaet of deposit fort dead body,Tphit, tod tbe valley of Hinnon, were two Urge cemeteries in the vicinity of Jarus lem. Tbt (cntleman from. Lake enquires bow it was ibal tbt tv ly Cjiristians got the dootrint of tbt. Devil tnd hell from the .Jews? , I most agaUxbegjia protest; jt was not , Jwb.doc-; trine, tben pr, nowvU was an Invention otJ'Paul, hAptltf'lhtiButlltJ., He being an td otcdBanfc."b"gn:up at tbe feet of Gsma-. 1U1,'',wm teqaaioted with tbt mythology of tht Eastern nations, especially the doctrine of tht Persian Mgi, or fire-worshippers, institu ted by Zjroa3ter,s their greaf prophet. , It was this: Tbeit firet great canst was represented by oontinnal. burning flame; tbey state that in sold tht beginning he created two spirits, one tht Spirit of Light, the other tho Spirit of Darkness; that . tonUnual strnggle was going on between tht good and tvil principles, wblch.would bt do oidrj at tnt end of the world, when tht spirit of light will bo translated to ..Heaven with all. .his disciples, and tha spirit of darkness will bt cast Into . iakt of fire and brimstone with all bis dis ciples. This .greed somewhat tjitb the "hades" of tht Grcpiaii Mythology, and the Trinity, which Paul and Feter Introdnoed into the Church, also .greed with tbt Heathen Gods." - T& gentle man rota Haron, in bit speech yesterday, re-, ferrtd. t -slavery, among, the Romans, -and tald that, though their masters had tht. pow er of life and- death, ,they . aeldon: went, ta thit last txtramlty, and that their usage of them was by far snort humane than that of the slave owners of tbt South.,. Let nt examine this, tbe firf plant, our plare-holders have not tbt power of killing their slaves,, without .inourriog tht penalty tf tbt State law made for tbe pro. teotion ot tbt slave.. Doe tht gentleman know tny .hing of the .history of, tbt gladiators Rometj, Tbey, would place tbent in their, m phltktttrttl to entertain tbe Romans in fights with, flld beasts-oTboneands wert sacrifioed la this manner, said .Iter . glorious, despairing victory, hey were deolared freedmen. Bat they had more Infernal sport than this, ,,A hundred of them would be ogpised to eaeh other sep arat parties oa the. stage, to .mast these, Roman jnastera., ir.ft bavt descrlp- ' tioos , ot ihest horrid scenes in tht page Gibbon's Deoline and Fall of the, Roman Em pire' which would makf our civilized abolition friend shriek out with horror; but, probably they -wosld have no sympathy, for thera, for they w.ere white sUvves, ot tho.,am race, their brethren trem , Adam. Tht JKomanrt bad lso their black, slaves,- (eunuchs) whloh, kept guard i the) interior of the palaces of tht Ro sas opeort, it their harems,, or tht apart ments of their- women; but thee negroes were so desptSed by Ah ai,t M they, were not worthy to entertain those Roman tyrants. Tha gentleman .to stated -that when Christianity wu ifltrodsced t4 prevailed la tbe Roman Em- plrt, tltery was gradually abolihed History tell tht ceSne.j Tbt.ChrietltnswbtBJthey b tamtibt dam Lo ant party, woold not defend Emplrt i from b .Sarb.ri.nt : of tht.' Hortk.: They srera Cods tanUy afltiag tnd rying. tx ptotiti the .tewnd advent Saturday, which, was Bit EabbvJii wej.noti inJDckot for jtbem They lnstitnted tie Lord' day, tUo, XSnnday), tnd rent pre jlcg, fasting, .iKlmoflrniiig, tbey btoitst too co wardly for oldier; tonscquatly their tlarai became, freedmen tnd . "fit tht arsiiM, .nd in the eovrst of -time CJled WgheotoCoetia tbt Emplrt. f t ,,- , ltd p.; . Kow, Hr, I win refer to IsTaellJish sorvilnde -of ttri trl :ititlw ia ii.l ,! t!J. nsS andelevery, tod titer explaining, I " prove I assert by t short paitage from neuter- onorr;l There were three classes o lemmae amomi tbe' Israelites.' beside tbelr bond men bondwomen (slave), " The. first cUsecf nil aita llmia that ri anldY for debt af- .11 (haii mb i inn niHAni nrnivnT wii u h.BiU)i TUkd o ,,,,4!,.-th,B to gaol for debt, they were induoted Into some respectable famllv. and worked themselvee fret. Tbey were " a merely like apprentloesi could not bt bound or for more than six yeare. Tbe seventh year they were fret.", The eecond class were ptrsons convicted of orlmes.! such as larceny, and burg 'err. Instead of confiblng them in . convict gaols and ; penitentiaries, consorting in large gangs, and becoming worst from communion wit)i each other, tbey were oouna to reepeew ble masters, but must be freed In tbe year ol Jubilee. Tht third class were tbost who would not be fret tbt eeventh year, who had been eold or bound for six years, and refused to go free, because tbey loved their master and his family, found themselves happy and comfortable, and would not bt Tret until tht year of Jubilee. Tht cast might be, bis real property was sold until tht Jubilee., and he did not wish to txert himself for a Uvtng. The law-giver did not wish to encourage such servitude; consequently mark of disgrace followed such a decision. Tbe master took him to the gait of tht city be'ore tht Judges, where the servant made tht same statement; "be shall bring him to tbt doof or unto tht door post; and bit master shall bore bis ear through with an awl; and bt shall serve him for ever."(Hebrew Jubilee ) Tbe abovt laws wert for Israelites reduced to poverty; instead of going into the poor bouse) hospital, or being condned in Drlson for debt, be could sell or bind himself, or be sold with his family work out bla debt, gain their living, and return to their landed possessions, which returned them with their liberty at tht year .of Jubilee. But with' respect to bondmen and bond- maids, slaves, permit me to read the following from - Leviticus, chapter ,25, verses 44, 45, and 46: 1 "Both thy bondmen and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt bave, shall bt of tht heathen that are round about you; of then shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids." "Moreover, of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat In yonr land: and tbev shall be vour possession." "And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your chil dren after you, to inherit them for a possession they shall be your bondmen fcr ever; but over your brethren, the children of Israel, ye shall not rule out over another with rigor.1 Mr. Speaker, I will now call tht attention the House to tbe bill before na, (and against amendment.) The provisions of this law enable tht State to carry out the intentions the framers of the Fugitive Slave Law; it convince our Southern brethren that we are earnest to do them justice, by protecting personal property; and IoJ me again suggest that portion of the House who consider it their doty conscientiously to keep up agitation for abolition of slavery, If they may not be commit, ting a grievous sin.'. Suppose for . moment the theory I have introduced (which is main tained in full or in part by many of tht most talented and eminent men in tht world) should be true, tre yon not flying in tbe face of Provi dence, who hat for some grand purpose, known to ns, finite beings, condemned this to slavery 7 Especially do I call npon those Rev erend and spiritual gentlemen, members of Bouse, to preach, Instead of agitating to fanatical brethren, "peace and good, will men:" and Instead of .crying out coercion civil war, 'compromise," or giro np all of Dreludicea for the sake of tht Union. If cannot be preserved, then peaceable secession and negotiations for a fair and equal division of tbe publlo property, taking into view the debt, and how it was contracted. In conclusion, permit me to recitt the beauti ful passage from Jeremiah, 31 chapt. Ephraim bad been carried Into captivity, and their moth er Rachel, the favorite wlft'of Jacob, (who burled at Raman,) U supposed by the prophet to be mourning for them In the spiritual "A volet was heard in Rtmah, lamentation, and bitter weeping; Raohel, weeping for children, refused to bt comforted became were not." ."Thus with the Lord; refrain voice from weeping, and thine evee from for thy work shall be rewarded, saith tht and they shall come again from the land of enemy." , In tht tamt spirit, Mr. Speaker, mit me to .postrophltt tht fathers of Union, Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Madi son, Monroe and onr noblt Jackson, to for ns, their children, at tbe footstool of the Stpremt ruler of Heaven and Earth, that may fill tbt minds and hearts of our present rulers with that wisdom and knowledge that bring. about peaoe and -harmony in tbt State and, the preservation of onr glorious Union. la of -asta of tha to tht NOWREADY. TTHtf REVISED STATUTES '1.1 OF TBI Of AGINKBAL KATOBl, IX fOBOl JtVO, 1,18691 "!. ''a" COXOiATED 3T3Y'"'- 3 1 ' HoxiJoseph'lt Swan, xtitb i'OTEs or sex viojsioits or tes (Oontalntdin Iwenty-nlot volumes of tht Ohio tnd ,J-,- i, , Btat tnont.; ,, , , BTJLEAHDERJ.CBITCHJrEtb.ESo.- ' ' ' A6ii asb feonviiinT indix. In Two Royi 8ro Volumes. Price $10 , ,' , ' No cart or txpttnthat beta tptreil io tnake tht perfoet and reliable in ell reepecia. ; It hie now the Iitaiiiativt aanetion, bavin( been prorta bjr Dtariy tne wnaoiaont vow er aotn and wu ordered to bt tittribaUd to tht following and County offlcars: Governor. Attoraer Oeseral, Baprtne Jadtret, tary, o mptroller, Treatnrer and Auditor ot state, to the Probate Conrta, Ooarte of Common Fleet, and Poliot Coarta, Aoditort, and the Gierke of varlont Conrte In each eoonty, to the If ember, of Bentlt and lioaie of Bepreeentatlvat of ihit State, tbt Ooremart of thr tevtral States of tht Union. Thia book, eontalnloft, at It dots, all of tht Statatet tow la fore, and tht author! tatlrt eonetnotioa tf and of the New Ooattttatlon, will bt found to bt etpeclal If aeefol it tha perfomanot of their dntrtt, to all Tt . vuTicn8 or THa r"CB, ..! ' JOWN8HIPTttU8TEK, " h .i OIiBHES OP TOWNSHIPS, and : 'o;, - . en' opnosEs. ... , . Xnatmach as very manv ebanftet have been mailt in Statatet elect tht publication af tht tatt tdltlont, bp alttratiotMi and adiliUona. and nany Important hive been given by tht Suprtmt Court on tnverwa potnie. ail ' -j -i.-- I 4 ATTORNEY AT LAW. . . BANKKRJ MHHf-H AWTS J'Jl 1 v;-u.i0.198iJiXU MBS GpB4LI.r, .Win tad thlt aa '.Trainable Work. , Two Royml tvo. foliate of over Jltniteen Bwndrtd "' ' u ' :u Fab, 3 tu... ?! InBtroof U-PAndlat rPrlot 10.O8 Xw faUlthtr, toctMlleft; Bta tloatn tad Imatrten. t' WettPoorth ttreet, , Cincinnati, ftl,18:d2m:lt 12- "4 H ii; ,.' AT : " ' ... , -vh HlPM! ie-n! If .H'' C,W00M, ,q re ''- UASIYSSVT mUlLKS, IliUUiere. alii. W BlJJIlfHiWJiy Htt. COliUMBtJB. OHtoTN Tioy, i on Me day tfpubUcaUo- 1 t 1 ' 4 MONDAY EVENING MARCH il, 1861. ' The Southern Commissioners to the Republican Administration at Washington. to of the n Ma.. Fh. Q7 .'the Southern Conerees. at Montgomery, Alabama, confirmed the sp- - . . .a M.iK.naea polntment of tbt foUowing gentlemen a. m- mlssloners to Washington: A. B. Koitait, oi Louisiana; MaaTm J. CaawrosD, ot Georgia, and John Forsyth, of Alabama.. ' Mr. RoMan was formerly Governor of Lou Isiaoa. In tbe last Presidential contest, he sup. ported Mr. Bcll, and waa subsequently a Co operatlonist. . - , Mr. Caawroao was a member ot tht House of Representatives In tbt last Congress of tht United States, and on the secession of his btato frnm the Union, resiened. wltb the rest of tbe Georgia delegation, bis seat in that body.' Mr. FoasTTK , was Minister to Mexico during 1. T ,ue .rvatni.t-.tlnn RAOfmLiV M k.. k. (rn.n aa tha erlltnp of the MobilS Remitter. T Two of tbt three Commissioners art now In Washington, and tht tblrd hourly expectea. It Is reported that they will make known to President 'LiNoout tht object of their mission, nerhans to-morrow, March 12 ih. That object Is understood to be to negotiate with the new Administration in regard to the forts, arsenals, diatom houses, and other federal property. In j.i O...S.'' ' ' ". ' !j V.1 The Curiosity of the pub'lo is Intense to KOOW A , f t .1 OwlkM. now tnese uommissionere irum tu- OUUwuu Confederacy will be received by Mr. Lincoln " and bit Cabinet- According to tht Republican .. t,i.k ... ennnnaaJ tn r.flork tha tiawt ' 1 rr of the Administration, tnese men nave come to Washington as the sgente and representa tives of an organized band of rebels In the Cot ton States. If Mr , Lincoln receives them as ambassadors from another Government, and en. tore upon negotiations with them, it will be an aoknowledgment pf the authority Of the Gov ernment they represent and of the. validity of tht secession movement. On tbe other band, tf h. to receive them and neeotlate with then in tbelr capacity of Commissioners, as it ssld be will, On the ground that the seceded Sutes .re still in tht Union, then bt can regard will i them In no ether light than as rebels and trai bt will In tors, and, if he has any pluck, will bave them Immediately arrested. Indicted and tried. Will he do this 7 We shall see in a few days. President Lincoln on Slavery in the Territories. tbe that un race the their to and onr that na tional was world: her they thy tears; Lord; tht per. onr President Lincoln, in his Inaugural, though recardins the Chicago platform as . law untol Repnblioans and unto himself, says nothing about "tbt normal condition of tbt Territories" .1 nothing .bout tht duty of Congres to prevent tht extension ol slavery In discussing another point, ht asks ant an swers these questions: "May Congress prohib it slavery In the Territories? The Constitution does not expressly say. May Congress protect sl.verv in the Territories 7 , Tht Constitution does not exnrosslv sav." Bat what does Mr. Lincoln savT This I .ll he has to say: "One section cf the country be-1 n ,w .I.,, la ,lht. and ontht to ha tz. J rt . a . i i . i .1 i n . i . i . t tenaeu, wntlt tne outer Dciievtw toae u it wrung, and ooght not to be extended.". But bt does not tell the oountry what he believes, or whetb er he regard one section as right, or both as wrong, though be .firm that this question about slavery-extension "'is tht only substantial dispute." ,i i .: -, ; : H j ; :' Now, if this be "tbt only snbsUntial dispntt," It wu certainly of tho deepest Interest; to the whole country that tht new President, on being Installed into an offlot In which bt would have the destiny of tht Republic in bis bands, should bave boldly, emphatically, and unequivocally, told bis "fellow-cltliens of tht United States" how ht intended to decide Jh.t grtvt question, .nd settle that . "only substantial dispute," which baa rent onr Union in twain. Bat he fin lihed his Inaugural, and gavt no sign save that of tht Chicago Platform. ,. Dots this thow that Amaham Lincoln la a man equal to tht emer gency In which lie Is oalled to act T Letter of Gov. Houston to Gen. Twiggs. great bt may Tht following is .copy of tht letter address ed by Gov. Houston to Gen. Twieos, before tbe surrender, by the Utter, of tht torts, arsenals and other federal -property in Texas! EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, AUSTIN, TEXAS. January 20, 1861. bv- Ohio ; 1 00. work , HaJor-Gi. 0. 1. Twiooa, Oonmaadln Department of Texas My Door Voturai : TOt pratent prttiart or Important tvtntt nectttarlly Induces prompt action oa tha part ot all publlo functionaries. In thit view of tht matter, I tend to pen Otatral J. H. Smith, of this Bnttt, oa eons ilen tial mlaloa, ta know what, In tht pretent erielt, you eonelder It your dmtp to do, as to maintaining, la behalf of tht federal Government, r patting over to tht State, tht potettelon of tbt fortt, araenan, and pub llaMart erltkla thit Btatt. And ales, if a demand for tht pottetilon of .tht tamt It made by tht Sxetatlvt, if yen art fauthoriied, or It would be eom'onsablt to your stnaa of euty, io piaot w pueeaaaira n lae a- thoritlet of tht gtata, tbt fort, arms munltlone, and property of tht federal Oovtrnmtnt, oa tht inlav ul iha Xaaeutlvt to an affloer of tht Btatt tmotw- ered to receive and reecipt for tht sunt. Thlt ooant It taftated by the fact that taformatlea tat reached tht JtjecaUve that an effort will be made by an ananthtrlsed mob to Iakt foreibly and appropriate tht publlo ttoret and property to uee tf tDelr own, aatamiBf t aot on ot half of the State. Any arranstmentt made with you by Oen. Smith will be unetloned and approved by me. And thault yea nejulrt aey atelttanot to aid you In resittiof tht contemplated and unauthoriied attack npon tbe pub lie property, u. , and ta pilot the tamt ta poteemlon of the Btatt authorttiea. you an autharlted to call oa the Mayor and eitiaeot of San Antonio for tuch utittanct at yoataayattn, nettttary... j I will hoot to hear from ron. General, throuih my con fidential atnt, Oen. Smith, aa toon aifht can bavt tht honor of a tonfertooj with yoa oa mat tare am braced la tht prteent epoch of our national aflalrt. , . .. J -r 'jl. . i T .m AmM.I.Mflnlf.tNJ SAM HOUSTON. ep- " t. C-flPht leeltlaturi metis to morrow. I will, a. H. Decision in the Bonaparte—Patterson Case. and Strper lor tht tht and Una ', 1. hH the re peal, dt clsion, eon- .f.i 15 W Q !,-, . . . The- Civil Tribunal 6f the SiineY sUtlb; fat Ptrii, delivered judgment, on tbe 15th of Feb ruary, In tht east of Madame Euiatcrsi Pa Ttaseif and Jxaosia BonaPabti, ner eon, against Hit tmoerlal 1 'Htehne Prlnet NapoIioii; In fo of tht latter. - Tht Court grounded Its de cision ope its conclusion that tbt question of the. nulHtvof Xhe marrlace of His Imperial Hlghnes Prince Jxsxmi tBowAP4T,!( deceased, to Madame PtTTXaaow, on Deo. 24, ,803, wsi finally settled bj the Emperor's family councils In 185G and 1880. The Court abstained -from pronouncing 'anyopinion on the ' merits Oi tht cist, 'which, ft it" ald,' M.(' MxrvxiLtioX, the Crown Advocate,-admitted' fo 'bo entirely in favor of the Pattwson. Th latter. It is ex wt anrtrwl from thedeelalon. '-' r -rr Cabinet of the Confederate States. , O. f 1 "The Cabfoet Vf JfPPcasdw CaVis, President of tht "Confederate Sutes," as the Sonthertt tectded State designate their new Union, 1 At present constituted as follows: ' , .' ' ' Raerettr of State...!.'..'. Robert Toombe: of 3t. .' ' ttoretary at tht Treanry. C. L. kttmmrnaar, af t. C, learetary of War Leroy P. Walker, of Ala. eortrarytf tht Mary,.,.: tiepheaK. MalloryHa PoatmaetavSeDeral..... Jno. H.lmni of lena Attorney General JndihP. BeuJamln, o ta. S The New Patent Law. TV,nnDV .A .v..;. .if ..-lclrnl which may be fairly Ud to tht door of tht last session of tht Thirty-Sixth CongreM. J-one meaanra which waanaiail miIa taeetwlthl almost universal approbation. Wt tlludo to the bill "to promote tht progreet of tbe useful arts,'" Introduced into the Senate, by Mr.' M.t- war, os tht pi pf December, 1859.f ft f T; .Tha ! Uant.i.1 ....! .ltninf .Vila Mil' aa finally passed, le that all patents hertmfter grinU d shall remain In fores for ree(e years from tha data of taana. ailt all .rtanolAna it inch patent. art thereby problbltrf.' This h "trlgut and corruption Incident to attempts obulntht extension of val.ablt patents by innmiaamnaa (aula -n mi ar n ik niaaiBi r ""'m r"""""u"""ltMii,Myt46 uoto.iirr granwa, hs moral eneo wiu u w cnecx tnt demora zatlonof tbenationai i,egie-r . .l. I ' ... !,., hav. beta ."nnn.lly ,p.. In lobbying to extend the large patent monopolies. - - 1 Thia liniat t mi av.aMiiinv nut ant havond r . ... ..... r . seventeen years was tht last matter submitted to the Committee of Conference on tht bill, Messrs. Dootus, Camuon and Frrosi, of tht Senate, and Messrs. Cox, Faanx and Ba.a,' of the House, at tht Committee of Conference, In 'Mo n thl M reform, and It was passed TO J .aav a -ww, . F'""uu " u The other It orovldn. whtra cztniiloni art now appll.d for. In. caMior eiuiiDg, ror eonpnitory prootw ior wltosaKt, In order to Bake a thorough iovoitlgaUoa of tht menu or tot cats. It live, tht CommlMlomr of Patent! a largtr salary, It Imp pottt additional datlet and re.ponilbltle. It DroTidtt for oartaln additional anailDtra. It allows tht OomaUwIonar to rtfott to reoognii pat ent aatnta wbobavt Men fullty or Bltoonducl. Ituott notaltarlnt uwat to bannenl or reti. It tnlarfta tht rlaht to pattntt la itlatlon to moldlps, caelloff. tlectrotvDiDf. Sto. it cut, os au pattntt net proMCuna wiuuo iwojtara arttr niiog. it reauirea laiaii on nait&taa anieiei. It e oab lee tht Ooaatatlontr to diipoet of models of MlMt.rf .nnll.llnn. .nrf n IT........ .Iltl wh.n be think, tht dtalgntan Wtlifficieatljr reprtMnttd bj I QFawina. ' itniowstht Commlatlontr to rrqolrt the printing paper, la otrtain as. . I An Imnnvlanl ratavt nf (ha hill SMWieaSilti tkaa latwa nnvjr In f0K. fllln. u,. nUl at psMnt ootet to bt paid, and discriminating between tht Inhabitants of tht United I State, and Ihoet of other eoantrlee. Speech of Mr. Jonas. ' memoera, wnen requesting ePJ ' publication, as "learned, .bit tnd elo is " I P tereet by u' whether they accept hit views Tht reader will find in our 'column. toWay tbe speeeh of lion. Josim Jonas, of Hsm- uton county, oeuverea in tne uouse 01 itepre- sentttlves. on the 25th and 20th of February last, tbt bill to prevent clvlng aid to fugitive slaves, which is appropriately designated in or not, they will accord to Mr. Jonas great re search. Independence and abll ity. Speech of Mr. Jonas. OHIO LEGISLATURE. ADJOURNED SESSION. IN SENATE. SATURDAY, March 9, 1861. AFTERNOON SESSION. A call of tht Senate was demanded, and eigh teen Senators answered to their names, where-1 ,,r . j T I upon .11 further proceedings under the call were dispensed with COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE. On motion of Mr. GARFIELD, the Senate resolved itself Into committee of tbt Whole, Mr. MoCall in tbe chair, tnd considered - S. B. No 257 To amend section one of an aot entitled "an act fixing the salaries of cer tain State officers," passed May 1, 1852; which was referred to tbe Judiciary committee, Covington and Cincinnati Bridge Company, Also, S. B. 266-To amend the charter of the which was referred to the committee on Coroor- i . . .. ti... tVi . n hjfnnlwlnal. Also. H. B. 337r-8upplemenUry to an ct entitled "an tot for opening .nd regulating rodas ana nignways," passea January una, ioto. .ki.h KfmH tn tha nmii, nn Baada and Hlehwav. . , I; . iw --:: n u n .aT amon aaniUn r a. Mt entitled "n act to provide lor tbe settle- ment. of estates of deceased persons," passed m..mU 01 lHAn. hlAh wai vafareari' tn Iha In. diclarv eommltiee. Also, H. B. 393 To aithorixe the eommi tioners of Monroe connty to borrow money to supply tht deficiency- occasioned by the defalca tion ot tbt uounty treasurer, wnion was refer red to tht commltte on Mnniclpa 1 Corpor ationa. Also. a. d. aau ror opening and regulating; roada and highways; which was refersed to the committee on Roads and Highways. On motion, th senate adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. WRIGHT, of ilamilton, introdnced tbt following resolution: ' Kontvta, -mat tnt ttanaioe committee on tnt Penitentiary be and we hereby Inatrncted to as certain whether Pnt In-Bay Islnd,in Lake Erie, oan be purchased; and If so, at what price. That they be Instructed also to inquire into tbt expediency of tht State purchaeing that, or aomt other ieland, for the purpose of making; . prison establishment for tbt confinement thaVcIass of criminal that are now eent to the Penitentiary for . term not rears S.B. 245-For tht payment or Bartlett Smith 252 For the maintenance of insane W persons In the State of Ohio; and 260 Making partial appropriations for tbt year 1861, wert reid the first time. " ! v .;.'.' rf - i Tht House agreed to tbt Senate's amend ments to H. B. 282 Requiring county auditors to make return of the amount ot feet of county offleere ytits 73, nays 5. ' - Tbt Senate Joint Resolution to provide lor tht printing of , tht report of the Commissioner of Statistics wa taken np. , Mr. CONVERSE moved that 20,000 copie be printed in German. Mr. ROBINSON moved that tht rttolntion bt referred to the committee on Printing. '. Mr. ANDREWS said this wa . mere busi ne proposition, that required no reference. ' , Mr. VINCENT desired the reference.' He wished to set if tht report was worth publishing at .11.. . If it is no better than that of last year it is not worth publishing. ..-Mr. VORI3 concurred with Mr. Vincent ' ' Mr. HUGHES said ht bopsd it would be print, ed. : There wa no , document so much sought tfter as thi report. , ; , , -ii Mr. BURR laid of all the document printed by tbt legislature, this report tnd that on ag riculture wert about tbe- only ones tailed for, Mr.ANDREWS favored fine printing.. Tht report was a valuable on; and if ever , ; worth printing It I worth printing now. " ' '' '' , Mr. ANDREWS taid Jut hoped tht tmend ment would prevail, Wt bavt large number of German citizen in Ohio, most of them in telligent, valuable men, many of whom cannot read English. Having come to this country middle age, tbey cannot readily acquire . I.n guaga foreign to tbelr own.but (till show themsel ves attached to our Institutions fiunly at if at,-, tlrt born- Mr. A. taid b wa glad to ee gen tlemen take their true position on thlt (object. It waa, taid, that wt should make good Amer lean citizen of the German by compelling them to learn the English language. Mr. A. would aav that the German will mtke soch of them aelvte without toy assistance, and It is shallow ... i-i .i i i. "7. :CErh7 . . . . i . i ten, rot uerman it purer language man tht Eogliih, and it It Jut as well if it I spoken by half of tor people, ,Tht German pay larga taxes In Ohio, ,tnd otLerwise contribute mater ially to tbe pubiln good. It I a very little trib ute to tliem to prbt tbelr document in tbelr own language it ehonld btdsnt. '' o:;j ov-i JCht motion to refer wa disagreed to.., The question then turned on tbt -amendment pro viding for printing extra copie In German.' Mr. ANDREWS urged the adoption of tht amendment, In which Me. MYERS concurred. , Mr. PLANTS did not objeot to tbt German minting, but be (bowed that tbe number would bo small that his shart would not allow him Ot 0mau ma, uu tuaro wouiu uui auww uiui 10 Mbrli-M wrZitwlaSr , could be pHnted, ht . wonld vott for itg adly. ftHiS".fr t.a !' .t?-l wsse'nvv-'if' wu too 0 V5tl nrlntlnv. and ha tinned the House WQUld bt lib- " .. 7 J Mr. VINCENT boiwd the resolution would ftKgb Anlnultural renort. : - k - : M,. WEfH ohiafli.d ta iha amendment, at bis Gorman constituents usually preferred do- nmanta r"- ' -f Mr. BALDWIN moved to amend by prlnfr lns S50.00U copies in EnelUh and 60,000 In Ger man, that a copy could bt supplied to every ve-ter-rwhieh motion was disagreed to yeas 19, Mr. hi l (JULiuuh. movea to amena vn amendment so as to proportion tbe German cop lna tha lama as tht AerlOUltUral KeDOrtt. JSTlA . M Con(,rre - Mr. ROBINSON moved that the "solntlons aai.ll aiiiia iar Hincuuiutufw mw a wa w - PfDlDe, which was disagreed to Mr, HITCHCOCK'S wst agreeo to. Tht amendment ot nr. uuhvuhoi. I thnn aopaait tn 51). DSTS JO, TbtJ r.e.lution .. .mended was then .greed Tbe Senate Joint Resolution providing for r.dn nntitna mana of the State was read, wnen r.K . i - onn A Mr. JYlUHAtlAll moved ion ouu u i,iui In Kmin. vhlch vii diaaereed to. The resolution was then agreed to yeas 40, MM ftl. ' 8. B. 5136 To provide for the removal of ob structions from turnpikes or plank roads, was read the first time. - -- Tha House concurred in tht Senate .mend ment to H. B. 313 To compel osticea of the peace to hand over their deckete to tneir tuo cessors-veas 84, nays 9. ' - ' ; M. M6NAHAN moved that tho vote where h tha Hnnta refused to asree to the Senate resolution relative to proouring outline maps of the State be reconsiderea; wmoo motion wat agreed to yeas 58, nays 28. ilUUO : .. TYi . Man fullnn wan than ailonted, I S. B. 255 To amend sections 13 and 14 of tbe act establishing tbe independent treasury was read the first time. ' Also, 8. B. 239 To amend the general tax law In relation to tht taxation of banks. .. On motion, the House adjourned. -.. j IN SENATE. MONDAY, March 11, 1861. After reading tht minutes, a call of tht Sen- ata aa demanded, and nineteen Senators an swering to their names, all further proceedings nnrlar the eall were dlsntnsea witn. - A message from tbe House snnooncea ine adoDtion of the Senate joint resolution relative a .11 to SjJBOK (h. B.m. b, .,aairina. 3 noo conies printed in German, ana tnt aistriDuiion 01 me wuuio number of copies be made to each member, up on 5.5 J$ZS? s niHcriDULiun ui um ngi luuiturat ivcwt mi the . on motion, said resolution and amendment era mfmed to the Committee on Printing Mr. 8CULEICH presented a new bill S. B No. 270 To repeal certain acts therein named ; and Mr. FOSTER also presented . new bill 3 B.No. 271 SuDolementarv to an aot entiUed "an act to provide for tbe partition of real .es tate" passed February 13th, 1831, and tht sev eral acts amendatory thereof; both of which were read the first time." -. .' 'i " 't Mr. BREWER presented tht remonstrance of John Carnee and 87 others against the passage of Senate Bill No. 209, being . bill to reg the salt of railroad .nd for the reorgan isation of tbe same, which was referred to the committee on Railroads. Mr. HARSH presented the petition of James M. Brown and 11 other citisens of Massillon, Stark county, In reference to Seneca Connty I Dvara counvy, iu rwmunw muw vramj Notes; which waa relerred to .thejselect Commute on that subject. Mr. FISHFR offered the following resolution wtilch waa adotted: Rnolud, That tbt Board of Publlo Work bt required to report to tbt Senate wbat ha betn tbe amount received per annum from Public Works for the last ten years , the salaries of officer, exoente of collecting tolls, and mak ing repairs on tne same, ior tne same term jeftr8 including present Indebtedness for mate rials furnished to. and labor.nerformed on, such rawio works; .iso, toe preeena conuiuon oi I Pnhlin wnrka.aa ta the amount ot monev neaes, "'7 (if Pu then. n a gppd condition for travel or transportauon as tney were 7 "" ,.- ' .. I On motion, the Senate went into . Commit tot or tnt wnoie, nr. wnitt in toe vnair, considered ti. B. 166 further to amend ".n to provwe tor tne oreation ana regulation lucorporawu ugmpauwa ,u uio oh "". I OSSeea mav 1, loo.auuto rcKuiaw rauniau j companies, whloh, on being reported back, referred to tne committee on itauroaas. -A message waa received from tht Governor, transmitting; a communication from tne score tarv of the Senate of tbe United States, encloa ine n codv of . letter from Salmon P. Chase, resigning; tbe office of Senator of tht United State Irom tbe State of Ohio, whloh was read. On motion, the Senate took a rocess. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. MONDAY, March 11. it of Prayer by Rev, Mr. Brush. : . i ' o . The following memorials wert presented referred: . .. . , By. Mr. 8CHIFF, from tht school commis sioners of Delhi township, in Hamilton connty, for tbe saleof oertain school lands. . Bv Mr. HADDOW, from A. B. Ellis and others, of Washington, for n constitutions! amendment prohibiting persons ol any degree or color from voting. By Air. CHASfc, irom uenry siuaser and At at BvMr. MONAHAN, from W. M. Green 32 others of Athena county, for an Improvement tf the Hocking canal. ... . By Mr. BL AKESLEE, from Jaoob Schell 90 othen of Columbiana eounty, lor a Uw protect every citizen of Ohio and abolish kid napping. ' "" ' Also, from S. S. Blackford and 32 others Stark county, for the repeal of all taws making distinction on account of color. x ' " - AlsO, from Charles S. Royce and 44 others Stark County, for the same object. ., Alto, from D. C. Blood and tight others tbt stmt county, for tht same Object. . Also, from A. V. 8tannard and 82 others the came county, fur the eame object. " Also, from Win, K. Mendenhall. and 34 oth ers of tbt stmt county, for the same object. t -Alio, from A, Brooke tnd 26 otbtrt bf same county, fcr tht same objeot. ' ' Also, from Cheeseman Miller and 118 other of Cuyahoga county, for tbe same object. Also, from 36 othen of Breoksville, in tame county, for the same object. "- , ' ' . Also, from Enoch Clark and 40 other citizens of Ohio, for the eame object. . - . Alto, from Silas Roeton and 60 ethers of county ; for.'." constitutional amendment for the same object. V i'.,.' .,,';)", Tbt following bills wert read a aeoond fend referred:- ' ' " '1 ;" " " n ' i H, B 400 To amend the third teotion of "aot to provide for the aaleof Motion sixteen Delhi township, tn tht connty of Hamilton." Schools and Sohool Lands. J - ' " ' ' - ' . H B. 401 Prohibiting- tht commissioners oountiee (rem paying or allowing to be paid oertain stationery and blanks for connty officers. Fees sod Salaries. -tv-- T, , ur-" , ' H. B. 403 To amend aa aot for tho punish ment of tbe crime of maliciously destroying property. Judiciary. . H.B.403 To amend the .1st, 2nd .nd sections of "an act requiring annual settlements by eounty officers." Finance. v... "; -T.H. B. 404 To repeal certain eota therein named. Belect Committee of one. Mr. Vorls. hi. B. 405 To amend an act supplementary i "gnUt. tht contest of .loo . . tlon and the resignation of Justices of tht peace. Municipal Corporations. ' ' . ' H. B. 406 To amend tht act to amend an defining the powers and dutiee of justices of peace and tbe aot amendatory thereto." Judl . ' v '"' " " ' " ' ' " '' " ' ' 11. B. 407 To regulate tbe payments of coat on conviction for sniuo eriminal offense. -:-. i 11 B 408 To tbolisb the office of eounty director, and Invest the dutlet.nd ere of that office In tbe county . commissioners. Committee of the Whole. H.B. 409-Fixiug the time, of holding court of common pleat in Noblt eoonty, i0jjQi. ir r H. B. 410-To .mend section thret of -an to . . to ,n ct to -U '." n .1. -I'-eoteommonscnoois. oeicotvum. Uteo. Cc'ivtme, et al. II. B. 4il To establish and deDne tha an. (hority Of ,lirlee. Committee of the Whole.' S. B. S!J3 To provide lor tne mainienaiKw ndsopportof insane persons In tho state eft rjnlO. uenevoieni institutions.- -S. B.200-Makin. partial appropriations for tht year 18CL; Fiuauoe. '- S. . 245 Authorizing hc payment , o( the claim of Bartlett Smith. Finance. - S. B 255 TO amena seotions j j ana a Ml to establish the Independent Treaauryjof tht Bi.tanf tihin. uommuiea uu - S. B. 236 To provide for tho removal of ob structions from turnpikes and plank loads. Roada and Hlchw.ys. ' f V ( V ' ' ." u it aj-ju -i'a einiAiui tnn sin i. iur tuo mdvtdw- ment and taxation of property in this State, and for levvlng taxev thereon; urrency ' H.B.No. 3H i bv Mr. VINCENT Fixing the rate of Interest and repealing a certain aot twain named, waa made tne toeoiat oruer iui TrtM.v. at 11 A'nlnolr. A. M. - i ': t : ; . . ... . i Mr. SN XDEK eave notice ot a Dill to .menu to at the .ot regulating the practloe of Probate wuurn. , !.-,.( , 1 The following bills wert introduoea ana reao a first time; h n 413- hv Mr. wood To extena tne tlma of navment for section 16. In Erie and i-.i.v tAvnetiina. in utuiea conniT. . r. H. B 414; by Mr. PATTERSON To .mend sections S and o or toe act 10 proviao ; w ,u H. B. 415: bv Mr. WINNER To .mend aantinn nt the act for the better reirnlatlon of schools in towns and cities, passed February 21,1849.' . ' H R 41K-R Mr. REE3. of Franklin To amend the Inspection Laws, so as to provide for appointment Ot Deputies. , . . H. B. 417 By Mr. SHAW To .mend the act Ot Marco I, lOOJ, lor tun jjuuirmucu. v. oertain crimes. 11 n aihB Mr. PARR To repeal the t for tha o-narantea of United States Bonds. H. B 419-By Mr. SIIAWTo prevent giy tun M f A I'llrrtliVat, CilllVM. the act relating to Juries, passed February 9, . H. B 421 Br Mr. KUKE.wttUL 10 amend the laws regulating tbe duties Of Coun T.attaiiFara. ... m. MiiasON. from the Committee on Med tai r.niiairaa. ranorttd back 8. B. 251 Regu lating the Commercial uospitai or vincmunu; when the Dill was reaa a mira nmo, wucu M- Ff.Ann axnlalned tnt ODieot Ol tne Din and its provisions. The bill was then passed yeas 7H, nays . . '': Mr nAVia. from the Committee on Muni clpal Corporations, reported back H.B. 336 To amend tut general act ior tne ,uv,urjui3iuu cities and villages, in relation to Bewer aaaena menu when the bill was ordered to do en nwnmcaA and VAAfl t third time. When n. T- ti l 1 . V. At.tan, an Mr. ULiAivHiOijEiCi eaoiameu u provisions of tht bill, when it was passed yeas 69.nav15. Mr i;ill.l.l Mla. irom m juuiumrj tuuimi.-1 tP rnorted back II. B. 376: To protect , . ' M k. M..nlniF tha Immiffra. tee. reported beck a. a. aoo loamenu bwhuu 24 ot the act of March 24, 13W, regulating Intnreat of mechanic bv preventing the immigra tion of colored persons. Thi report not being .innih a maioritv of the committoe ' Mr. ROBINSON raised . question of order, .nd moved that the Judiciary committee ne Dis charged from further consideration or tne sud M whinh motion. - . . " ...Ttmnnn On motion or Mr. uunvrjriati.waBiBiu the table. - ' - .: - Tbe bill w.stberefort lelt wttu tnt commit- Mr. MoCUNE, from tne renitenuary commit- oi toe ten 01 was and 65 uo Penitentiary, when the bill was set for . tnira reading to-morrow. Me. Kuuinaun. irom mo cuwaiiuos Claims, reported in favor of the payment ol claim of William Reed, which was agreed to. The same committee reported back tne ciaim nf Jnhn L. Robinson, for salary aa uanai and and to of ' of of of . spector at Akron, and recommended that it not paid, wnicn was agreea to. Mr. ANDREWS, from tho committee Plnanne. renorted buck Senate joint resolu tion 99 Relative to tha payment of claim of the Commissioner on th site of ne Pnltntlarv the Committee having unanimously recommended that it bo indenmte- ly .postponed . . . . .. Mr. waiion tnougns it wgviuuw uuiug injustice :' to of . these Commissioners ; acrea to the. rDOrl. - toev expeouta - . . . . , same comoensation at memoera oi tne ucuerai Attemblv. and thev accepted the appointment with that understanding, and that the uovernor iutended that such would probably be tbelr com pensation say (4 .day .nd expenses; and thotittht it ooght to be paid them. Mr. ANDREWS replied that the appoint ment was made without any expectation thev wonld have been so long in session, that tne UOVernor, at we time uu tuggeaieu probable compensation, also intimated that were expectea to report at the commencement the last session of tbe Legislature,' whereas strung out the time, and did not report till the close of it. Mr. BALDWIN said, the Committee Finance at the last session reported wbat deemed a full compensation lor their service, and ha thought that compensation Is ample. Mr. PARSONS said be thought tht House about to do an act of great injustice to three honorable men aa there art in th State, adopting this report. Ut cited the faot the expenses of the Commissioner were i960, as thev stated in their reports and knew they would not report Improperly and of $1,200 it loft them a sum that it would be shame for this House to award them. - They made . most able report, and made It as aa nnaalhla.v It waa a most Valuable rerjort. showing the resource of the State to bt as we should rejoice to know them to be. aatd these men were not capable of stating a hood; and they had said )hey paid out $965 exoenses in their services. This Senate resolu tion only allows them thi bill of expenses $3. day, not $4,a Is supposed. ' Tbey entrased 112 dav. i i! ' '. V Mr. BALDWIN read from the report of committee last year, allowing them J .nd travelling expense, except ooara niiis -Thi. Mr. PARSONS, said, would, make lart-cr aum than that then allowed, nd what is recommended in tht Senate Bill. waa nnworthv of the Uonet to look Up tbt items o( this bill of expenses. If wt must them in detail, it Is the proper subject oft ference to a committee of investigation. : :. Mr. SCOTT, of Warren, moved that tht be referred to the committee on Jiim . . Pending which tbe House took .. recess. ' ' tbt Ful ton . time the In of for 3d ; GUERNSEY'S , BALM! aot tht ' Ju diciary. in firmsry pot, tbt act pro- ..jn -tr.voK.iu-vit'.l.M . NEW' ADVERTISEMENTS :V . TRAVELLERS! TtTnM .nn an tit We York . drirl direct to th VY , OMIXHSO! IAN HOUSE, BB0A9WAT, 0OBNER OP TI0U8T0M 8TZBT,. .... -j . . b ;.a f n if.. .. . . ::! nUBOPBAN PLAN. Seod Pare, Good Booms, Prompt Atiendance, and j.U-. ..j.,h- t-H "r.l:.i. SINGLE B00US SO CT8. 73 CT8. and tl PER DAT..,. , ' " B0UBLI ROOMS and PARLORS $1,80 to . Mealt a ordered. Thlt Hotel has all th appointments of the beet hotels, a moat centra) location, and It throughout by ateta. , .. BAUUJtli . ueau-r marchlM3m j - .i.e. - Proprietor. Court of Common Fleas, FranklUi Con!y, Airred Alaw..,.,, , , .) ... ... .. ,. . -. t, t. r. .-.'...j John Erawetal. ' . ., IN PDRStJ AKCIJ OF THE ORDEB iha flourL in thil caM, to mi iaiued, I will oiler alt, at tht door of tbt Oourt Houet, la the city of Ohio, beta-tenth honrt of 10 o'olook, and S o clock, p. M., ,r ,ijt f i,)-v , . Oa Thurtday, tht 11th day of April, 1861,'b the .following described real estate, 'sliuat In ToWrhlp, Pranklin county, Ohio, and Ih Tirglnl Surrey, No. 0115, bounded at follow! Brplnologata take and two bur oakt, toutheatt comer to lot No. 11, I. gmeed't imvey, No. 8115, running thenet wert poles to a stake and three whltt oak, north 10 degreea west MH polet to two whltt oaks black oak, theace taat 71 polet to a ttakt star whila oak, In tht tut lint of taid lot, thenet tonth degrees eatt 94, polet to tht beginning, oontaining acrta, mora or Itei. AppraiMd at tl,0 of tale out-third in hand, H In ont and In yean, with Intereit from day or tail, and. payments bt teenred by mortgage on jiremliei. -. march8:ltd-tw- O. W. DUffMAH, BherUT, H. O. NOBLE, Att'y. f, Diiwlution of Co-partnerBlup. t nrHBFIHMLOF'jT. 'H, BtUVtU I la, lila a1av rlltatnivdil h tntlintll nnsn SPECIAL NOTICES, 1 SPUING ELECTION. tMa. KiHtor: I have beta rtqnuted, by my frltnit, enaoanoe Bjetlf u a Candidate for the Haroraltr, tbt ensuing election, sutyeot la tht dec Lion of tht Democratic party. . A. I. 8IXTI&. Maroh8. lorro. gTA-rantaa Pie eat aanouaet the uae of . JOI1II JACOB HOFIMANN as a eandldaU for tht offlot ' of Township TJlerk, of Montgomery lotn.hlp. 't T-v ana try, s a i mawy democrats. ' f City and Township Bimoeratle Convention,. ... The Demoeralt of tht eltr of Colombo, and ktontgon- , try Towaahlps, are hereby aotined to atttln lhelr re- ; tptctlve Wards and Townihloa, on Baturdigr evenln, next, Marou 16th, at tht followtnf place.: , , t , . , lint Wart " . At the Oalt Hotuf ' " .- ' ; leoond Ward . At tht Bcnkeye Uou-t. " Third Watd fj 3 '' At tht United Btatet HottU loarth Ward .. . f At tbt Now Xngland Homt. , ; imn want At Ih. tniifh Vn.tna TTnnea. Uownthip At the old Moniioaury House. 1: xnt pom mine narat w 11 bt onen from 7 to I o'olooK. m4 XvnMp po, from 4 to 6 , , k iM mMt logs will appoint Delegates to On nominating Conven Hon as follows: ', i "' " First Wart " Beoond " Tourth".,- Fifth ; . I Township 7 Delegates. .8 ' - " 13 , meeting, will each aomlnalt aeandldalt for Councilman and Aueaeor, and the Townihlp aattlag will nominate a candidate for Attestor. . By order of tho Oily and Towchtp Ixeoutlve Oonmlt- tet. . Tht Delegate, so appointed will meet at the Olty Hall, on Monday evening, llareh 18, and Dominate candidates for Oltv offletrs. via: Mavor. Marshal. Olty solicitor. city Clerk, City Treasurer, and two School Dlreetorsialio, Town.hlp ticket, via: Thrtt Trntteta, thrtt Conitablet, Iown,hlp 01erk( Townihip inwturer. The Ward . BD. MVINQITOH, 1 juun siubiaan, PAT. DUNN. JOSEPH DOWDAIA, ' irtTTir BDiVIU VVUii nam n i JAOOB B. WINAN8. J Com. EWHKWELL'S UNIVERSAL COUGH, REMEDY. BTJirrTZWEIX'B TOLU : Foratll TIIKOAT an tuna COMPLAINTS, -Including; WHOOPING COUGH, and every Ctmplalnt tht forerun ner of, anal even actual CONSUMPTION, , .. - The Great nEUMAta GIC HKItlKDY and Nat ural OPIATE, adapted to every apeclet of fter Tout Complaint, Ner. vouo and Chronic Headache, Khenma tlnm. Catarrh, Tooth and Ear Ache, Iot of E.n. UMnrA. aAn.M AJSUiixa JS. no real luetic can na cone ui. anovt prenaraiioue the I but by procurlne; and readlnr detcrlptlvtpampbltterf. be found with all dealers, or will be tent by Proprietor nn demand. Formulae and Trial Bottle, eent to rnyti clan., who will And development in both worthy their - acceptance and approval. . Oorretpondtnce tollclted from all whott neotnltles or enrto.lty prompu to a trial oi ma aooTt iniiaoie . diet. . for tale by the nasal wholetalt and retail dealer everywhere. JOHN HCNNEWELL, Froprleto . cHtansT and rHauiaccrrriaT, . Ko. 9 Commercial Wharf, Boston, Host. ' Btberti A Samnel. K. B. Marple, J. B. Cook, J. at T.i- n n.t. a- b.m. A 3. ahn.llji. a. a... Avanta for (joiumbne, Ohio. nyi-diy tne u uu the in- No. 1. be I tient. on tbe a to tne i be -- that and tu they of they near on they .; was as by that over he ont a bad early such He false for and were the ad&y about It little havt re .' bill flOFFAT! LIF FILLS. In all oatet of eoitlventts, dyspepsia, bullous and liver affections, piles, rheuaatitxa, fere re and acuta, obstt nate head aches, and all general derangement of health them Pills have Invariably proved a oertain and speedy remedy. A tingle trial will plaet Ih lift Pills beyond the reach ofcompeUUon ta the estimation of tvery pa- ,.'. Mod-trattCharitt.- 3. healed Dr. Moffat', Phoenix Bitters will bt found equally ef flcaolous In all tatea of norvoua debility, dytpeptia, head acht.ihe steknacs IneMent to femalts lndelloate health, ' and every kind of weakness of the dlftiUvo organs. Por sale by Dr. W. B. MOfPAT, 335, Broadway, N. T. andby allCrnggUU. ' ' may23-dkwly - Tha following is an eztiact from a " letter written by tht Bev. J. B. Holme, patter ol the Plerrepolnt-Btreet Baptltt Church, Brooklyn, H. T.,to the "Journal and Messenger," Cincinnati, O., and speak ' f volumei la favor of that world-renowned medicine, Mat .1 , W'Riuw's BooTHina Braor ro CaiLnan Tbtbum: TT "We tee aa advertitment In your columns of Ma Wiiiilow's SooTBiito SrauF. Now wt never tald a word In favor of a petent medicine before tn our lift, butwt.,'. icoi oompeuea io pay io year ivauert wa, wit w m una burwi urt trio it, ann axow it to aa au. it .... cum,. It It probably ont of th most succettful niedl clnee of tht day. beeautt it it ont of tbt beet. And thott of your readers who have babies can't do better than lay lna supply.'- oozriiynaiw .Vol. i:1 j OUR PAPER,'? ; i A ! NEW LITERARY PAPER, For 'inarch lOth 1861, Now Beady For gale Everywhere Prlee Fivt I Cents t Copy, r , C0STMT8: .if "STILL WATBRB;" A Brilliant Story. ' , "THB OHEAP BXCUKBION;" A CompleW Btoryv '' ! "TUB KING AMD TUB BKQQARi" Complete in thit v. number BIOGRAPHICAL BKETOH OP EDGAR A. FOB. , , TBE DYING BOY'B REQUSST: by Maria Norrla. . TBE DUTY OP THE PRK8ENT HOUR. . . " " TBB P1IILOB0PHY OP BATUIKQ. LOVE: A Poem. . . - - MSB EVEKY WHERE. - ' ' RD8IIO 8IMPLIOIIK AND 8HBBWDNESS. : t ' TVIIATJ A Poem. - , ... a- -. - , TBE MOUTH OP LONDON. ' . t. -, HOW PEARLS ARB PORMED; TRUSTING TO . . LUOS; WHO WOULD BE A BACHELOR; OIVB THB ; , -CHILDRKN PRBSU AIR; ONE DROP AT A TIME; THB WAY TO DO GOOD: MORALINPLUENOE; RAIL WAY-AOCIDENTS IN PBOSTY WEATHER; UTIL- ,.. IZINO WASTE sTKAM; A NEW. MATERIAL BOB RIB8 0P UMBRELLAS: CEMENT POR HOLBB lit IRON CASTINGS; 8HELL-PI8H ROPB-MAKBBS; COINING BY AIR POWER: A CURIOUS BELIO: THB FOUR BWORD9 OP LONDON; PAOTS ABOUT CELEBRATED MEN; HISTORY OP THB PIANO PORTE; KISSING; THB DOK08 OP SOUTH APRICA. WIT AND HUMOR.- . . ' . NOriOES OP NEW BOOKS. Atd much other . Ioterrstlng and Iaetroctive . Reading Matter. , J . I Ou copy.. ........i 9 per annum. ! t !' HUNT & MINER, Publishert, . , , ,, , v J 71 nd 73 Fifth ttrtet,., ; next to thtPott-Offlot, Pltttburgh, Pa.1.4 t! ; R. KENNEDY, General Agent. - tec tt wi marehS. - ! '-' ' -''M ":-n'!' I BILL POSTING DISTRIBUTING BILLS! Ohio- - OF lor Co lumbal, A.M., Mill tnry In J. men-ty-tve thenet and three 10 forty-three -Terms two to . .' ' . CO, ' JOHN H. STEKLEY 'V: . . .'"will attend1 to tht ,m FOSTERQ AND DISTBIBmiSQ T BILLS Jlj'lTin.ii CTSY, 3 j All orders left at tht Office ef tht MaUman will peV promptly attended to. . ' . , . . jiu.ll-tf ' A CHANGE.' HAVING, ON THK Oth'IKfBT., PDHat ohawdof E. R. WEAVE Khli entire ttoek of lry Good,, at No. 103 High Bt., with the view of changing mr location, I Will tell until tht first day of April, with" outrettrvt, ' - .. -u J AT COSH iFOR CASH i . PaneyDreM Sirks, Fringes, Bottom, Trimmlngt, o.r."T Also Poured Mennot, St Lalnn, Bhawlsand Cloaks, -1 Mi ' ; febM,llm Kegardlen cf Cost I ? X. x.i ",.X ." i-iTft t. T. WOOB.'! . -iCmployriiQut a - . ; THE srjBsoniBKBs.'isEAILino iw aa Staple Article, will furalah employment to" rr few aotire men to act at agenta for their houtt. Aft prederenet wlirbe glvtn t those who aremtl acquaint ed in tbt dlttrlot for which they apply. -. Per which service they an willing to pay a talary.. , .; effrom. " '.'Am.ii.. . ' it ;M wt $800 ' to ' $804 ptt'.year tai. Jtxptnses..'!L. rtrurpwflcnlardrta .r t in irv ti, im , f- t W B. MOuinOUsE CO.' 4 V .1 io .: JanMdln. .'"I H3-T' " r , 3 and 5, Exchani riact', ;" ' ' ''' ' 1 Jef,fy"Ojty, M. J. ew