Newspaper Page Text
(Th (Ohio Statesman MONDAY '.EVENING, MARCH 11, 1861 LOCAL MATTERS. Tlie Adams Express Company plaoes nil daily under obligations to It for the very latest papers Irom the eastern clues. f ho American. Express Company has our tbauki for ft daily favors In the shape of the f ery latest eastern papers. . .. ' t i ni Dntwmpr.ES . AND PRACTICE; Of IAND DEAINACiS: Embraelcga brlf Iliitory ' Under-draining; a detailed examination of itt Operation and Advantage!; a Description of varloui klndi of Drains, with Practical Directions for their Construction, the Manuiaoture of Drain Ilia, ats., ate. Illustrated by nearly One Hundred Engravings. By Joiia H. Kur-. at. Author of the "Wheat Plant;" Corresponding ' Secretary of the Ohio Bute Board of Airlcultore, ate. ' Cincinnati: RoaasTCuau Oo Publiahers and . Booksellers, lbGl. i . Thla important agricultural work forma a handsome volume of about fonr hundred and fifty pages.'' The lubject of Land Drainage, which has of late been ' thoroughly studied io Europe, particularly in Great Britain, with great advantage Is yet but Imperfectly under stood In the United States. The object of this work of Mr. Klippa is to supply the needed information in a'plaln, practical way, easily come prehended by any Intelligent farmer. , , . In the Introduction, a history of Drainage among the ancients is given, together with an aocountof Its progress in England, r ranee ana the United States. The body of the work is dl Tided into two parts in the first, the Theory of Drainage is disoussed in eighteen chapters; and io the second part.the Practice of Drainage is eluoldated In thirteen chapters. An appendix gives the laws of Ohio relating to Drainage, fol- ' lowed by a copious Index to tbe entire wore We have space to notice specifically only few ' characteristics of this valuable work. In tbe first part, some of the advantages of under- draining are summed up and thoroughly ex plained tinder the' following heads: Litre moves staenant waters from tbe surface. 2, It removes surplus waters from nnder the surface 3 It lenettaeos the working season 4. It deepens the Soil."' 5. It warms the undersoil C. It equalizes the. temperature of the soil dur log the season of growth. ,7, It carries down soluble jubilances to tbe roots of the plants. 8. It prevents "'freezing out," "heaving out," or "winter killing." 9. It prevents injury from drought 10. It improves the quantity abd qual ity of1 crop) it increaaes the effect of manures. 11. It prevents rust In . wheat, and rot In pota toes. These advantages are not suppositions, but are proved by tbe sotual experience of in. telllgent men, which Is given in detail. , In the second part of the book are given prac tical directions for tbe location, cutting and lay ing of the various kind) of drains, according to the position and quality of the land; modes of preventing and removing obstructions In drains; descriptions of the tools, the various improved plows, and other inventions nsed in the opera tions; and of the several kinds of tile, their re spective advantages, and minute directions for their manufacture, including the selection and working of the materials,- molding, drying and biking of the tile, etc., etc For $1,25, tbe price of tbe work, the publish ers will send a copy by mail, pre-paid, to any AiWnam - ......''. " ' of of the ed of was joot Const of Common Pleas. In the case of William M. Gsat v. Alfred Gaav, an action for slander, the Jury rendered a verdict In favor of plaintiff for seven hundred and fifty dollars damages.. OaiN SrRAfloi, indicted at the last term of the Court for arson, in setting fire to a barn near Reynoldsbilrg, Is on trial to-day Reahet and Our nwv for the nrosecntlon, and Rankin and Olds for defendant Spragde. ... The Neil Hoose to be Re-Bout. It Is stated that the contraot for re-building the Nell House waa taken, on Saturday last, by Messrs, Aulb &l Miller of Mt. Gilead. It is said they are to take forty-five thousand dollars in real estate In part payment, lne new Duua ing is to be constructed after a plan furnished by Mr. Wist, the State House Arohitect. at tbe Rail Road Time Table. tiiTTis Mum s OotoNBoali Xxm B B; L-eavea. Arrives. oi ammnJatlnn S.tO A. M. ' 9.1S P. U. u or, 8.30 P.M. J 30 P.M. MiffM Bxnren . A.M.-' ' S.4S A. M. CLXVaLAXD, Cowaioi k Ciaouwait B. H. . " ? Xtpreaj and Mall 3.00 t. M. -I, , 1.40 P, Might Biprem.. .3:25 A. 11. 1J0A, CaHTRALOBloB. R. Bxprem Tnlo... Hail Train , 3.00 .M S.40 t, H. t 30 A.M. S'XO F. M. Prrroaoaan, Ooumaoi k Cikcikkati B. K Bxpresa Train 3:00 A. M. . Mall Train .. S.40P. M.. 9.30 P.M. g:2tr.M. Ootnwane fc IrourureLn E. B. '""'' ' 1 ' Oalumbui, Ptqaa Indiana B. B.J - - Kxprea Train...',..... 8:10 A.M. . 11:10 A.M. Ixvreu Trains :45P.M. 8:10 P.M. i i .i i the .,- Conoui. Th e sudden changes of our climat are sources of Pulmonary, Bronchial and Asth- matio Affeottons. ' Experience having proved that olmnln remedies often act sneedily and ceruinly, when taken in the early stages of the diaaaaa. recourse should at once be had to Brown's Bronchial TVocAea,"., or Loxsngea.let tbe Cold, Cough, or Irritation of the Throat be ever so slight, as by this precaution a more se rious attack may be effectually warded off. Public Speakers and Singers will find them ef fectual for clearing and strengthening the voice.. See advertisement. For sale wholesale and retail, by Roberts & Samuel, No. 94 North Hleh street. 8.- Samuel Co. No. 85 South High ttrwfc'tV;:.' : ; or ing of no it iNTEiiESTHto. If housekeepers really under- Kent brands of Saleratus, as to quality, . .nd nonseouent reliability and healthful- xtess, they would not long be without the beet . l . r.A.. A Tim Cji ' SU1a (bat la manufactured. Dc Land & Co.'s Sale ratua eoata vou no more than any of the Inferior artioles which are In market. He is using a naw DTOcesa of reflnins? Saleratus. by which all impurities are removed. Tbis prooess la In use at no other establishment In this country.' ' Tbo quality of the Saleratus produced by this pro cess la yery superior, and It is faat becoming very nnnniav with intelligent housewives. . Db Land r- oAin..,,. la f'r oala Kw mnat orvnnava and at vvi a a v "j o" storekeepers. Manufactured and for sale at wnoiaaaie. aa a-airuurw . iuuuiuv vuuu.j, . York The ptinolpal grocers also wholesale It ' ' Who will suffer from Foul Humors, 8ores, or Disease of the Skin, when such certain remldles as MoLiAN'a Stbenotainc; CoaniAb AND Blood PvatrtEa, and McLean's Volcanic Oil Lini ment can be so easily obtained. The Cordial will purify the blood thoroughly, and the Linl ment will. cure. any sore,- See the advertise- ment. ."1 UTR. KmxrATEioi, No,' 164 South High 8treet, has a very choice assortment of Gold and Silver 7 Watches, fine Jewelry, Clonks, Silver Ind Plated Ware,' at prices to Suit the times. .GoEBNsrr'i. Balk. There Is no ether exter nal remedy as good or M oheap. -: Try It j ut try It once and believe what we say.' S5oU '.V , t U t . . C 1 W . . . i v'i'.t It Ml a Dottle. O" So advertisement of Prof. Milub! Hair Invlgorator In another column. UnUI Ia.4EUl.EB, riant of Phalnn'a BitablUhmena, B. T.,) Pjoprtetore tna Mew York laahLonable Bhavtng, Hair Oattina SMumpoonlrig, Curling and Dmeiog oalooa. But Btate . atreet, over tbe poet Offloa, where laUafaotloa will be given In all th various branchee.- ladles sad - Children's Ualr Vraslnt dona la tb beat Style. JytlMlf..-. m.-,. -v ,-v,-. - . TELEGRAPHIC. REPORTED FOR THE STATESMAN. Latest from Washington. Washington, March 9. Mr. Chase, Secreta ry of the Treasury, Informed a Senator, to day, that the colleotorablp for New York bad been decided. Hiram Barney is the lucky man. Tbe other New York appointment will be made early next week. Wakefield will be Purveyor; Webb, Naval Offloer; and Hot, Postmaster The others hava not been settled. It is be lieved that General Nye fill get the Marshal shin. I ."ft' 4 There Is no truth whatever in the statement that orellmlnarv steps have been taken for an interview between the Commissioners of tbe Southern Confederacy and President Lincoln, The latter will bold no counsel with these gentle men. nor will be recognize them, except as vlo latorsoftneiawoi tbe land. - New York, March ll.-Tbe Herald' Wash Inffton correspondence states that political clr cles were feverishly excited yesterday, by the report tnat the evaouatlon ot Ports aumter and rickens was determined upon in Cabinet coua cil, on Saturday night. It is now certain that their stock of provisions is almost exhausted several republican senators repeatedly declar ed that soon policy was decided upon, while isaaing ooutnern Democrats call it a master Stroke of policy. The leading appointments for New York, are said to be decided noon. Hiram Barney la said to be Collector; Wakeman, Surveyor; Webb, xiavai uuicer; noxv, rostmaster, ana Wye, iuarrwai. ueianeia csmitn, it is said, stands i fair cbanoe to be appointed Distrlot Attorney. The Timet' correaDondent aavai I heard din tingulsbed secessionists' confess to night, that if wir. Liincoin does withdraw the troops Irom fort oumier. secession la dead, and cvar InarlAr In the'movemtnt mined. - ueo. U. t ogg, late Secretary of tbe National nepnoiican Central committee, has been ten. dered the position of Commissioner of Patents. llllnotsao say that Mr. Lincoln's intimate friend, Col. Lamon, is certain to be Marshal of tms district. Hon. Ell Thayer Is ureed to accent the Got ernorsblp of New Mexico. John J. Defrees, of loaiana, win probably be Superintendent of the publio printing office, in this city. Secretary Wellea contamnlato rliannal.u. nf , --- 1 w me patronage oi nis department at an early day. Tbe Michigan delegation have agreed to recommend tbe following annointmenta in that State: N. G. label, for collector of Detroit: Hon. W. A. Howard, Posmaster of Detroit; Hon. D. C. Leaoh. Iodian Azent: Col. Dicknv. Calhoun. Marshal: Mr. Stniiphtnn. nf Rt Joseph, for District Attorney. ien, incuiioen and nis followers are organ Ixloe for a descent noon the northern nrrwinco. New Mexico, with the expectation of uniting them to Texas by conquest, and setting np an Independent Government detached from the cotton' confederacy. This schema has haAit planned for some time. An animated contest occurred veaterrli nvar District Attorneyship for Northern Ohio. Robert Paine, of Cleveland, waa flnallv eri.nt. tbrcngh the decided influence of Senator wade. Mr. Ballard will ba Cnlleotnp. nrl Ml. P.nlaa Postmaster of the same piece. Washihoto, March 11. The Criminal Court to day discharged Wm. H. Russell, who Indloted In connection with the abstraction Indian Trust Bonds. This Judicial course in accordance with tbe law of 1857, wbioh exempts witnesses before investigating com mittees from trial Mr. Russell having appear ed as such before that of the House on the anb. of these bonds. bx-Becretary Hovd to day rave tlO.000 aa. curlty for his appearance at Court. An omeiai dispatch was received from Mont gomery this morning, idstructing Messrs Crawford and ForByth to at once enter upon the business of negotiating with tbe Administra tion without waiting for their co-Commissioner, cowman. Missouri Convention. St. Louis, March 10. After soma unimDor- tant proceedings in the Convention yesterday, Judge Gamble, chairman of the committee on Federal Relations, presented and read the re port of that committee. The report Is long and carefully written. It makes a faithful exposi. lion of all tbe circumstances surroundins: the position and affecting tbe interests of Missouri, recounts the evils of whioh the South may rightfully complain, admonlshae the North that tbe hostile and fanatical feelings toward Southern institutions, manifested by large num bera of the people of that section, are nroduotive only of evil, and expresses a hope tbat a better knowledge of bte subject will remove their we- Judioes. it aoes not assume a tbrealening attitude towards either seotion of tbe country, but points tbe errors of both, and conclude with the following resolutions, which are a reduction cf main features of the roport: Kaoivea, That at present there is no ade quate cause to compel Missouri to dissolve her connection with the Federal Union, but on the contrary, she will labor for such an adjustment the existing troubles as may secure peace the right of equality to all the States. Reiolvti, Tbat the people of this Stato are devotedly attached to the Institutions of our country, and earnestly desire that bya fair and amicable adjustment, present causes of disa greement may be removed, the Union perpetu ated, and peace and haraony restored between North and South. Rttoltti, That the people of Missouri believe that the peace and quiet of the oountry will be promoted by a convention to propose amend ments to tne uonatituuon or tne United States, and this Convention urges the Legislature of this State to take steps for calllns such a Con vention. ; 1 " 'v V . k Retolvtd, Tbat in the opinion of the Conven tion, the employment of a military force, by the Federal Government, to coerce seceding Stales, tbe employment of a military force, by seced states, to assail tbe government or tbe Uni ted States, will Inevitably plunge the country into civil war, and thereby extinguish all hopes an amioable settlement of tbo Issues now pending. We, therefore, earnestly entreat the Federal Government, as well aa the seceding States, to stay the arm of military power, and on pretense whatever bring upon tbe nation the Horrors oi civil war. :. i - i Ktiolved, That when this Convention adlonrn. adjourn to meet at Jefferson City, on, the 3d Monday in Jjecemoer. : ' - Kuolvtt, That a Committee be elected, a ma- lorlty of whlcUshall have the power to convene tuts convention, as suen time ana pieeei prior X&"W'M m V m 'X . The Senate passed resolutions yesterday that our Sonators ba instructed and our Represents Uvea De requested to oppose tbe passage or all aots granting supplies or men or money to oo rce seceding States into submission or subjoga tlon. mat sbouid sucn acta be passed by Uon gress our Senators be instructed and onr Repre sentatlyes be requested to return from the Halls or Uoogresa, - ? : : -: - . - i Tbe report was ordered to be printed and made the special order for Monday. i iur.' Kedd, wbliat earnestly approving tbe temper and spirit of the report, dissented from the plan of adjustment laid down, and asked leave to present a minority report on Monday wnton was granted, and tbe report was ordered tooepriniea. Aojourneo. . - , pm. From Fort Kearney. Fost EeiiniY. March 11. The C.'O.'C Express coach, with two passengers and $3,500 In ' treasure, passed nere at u:ju, a. M., y terday. ' 1 , " : i Denvxb Crrr, Alarcb 7, Hundreds are pros- neotins In the Golden City dissinKS. Mil la are reaummg operations pretty generally inrougnout the Uregory mines, and In soma casei large yields are being; made, partly on account of tb new patent for saving gold being successiuuy Operated.- Hall uepeyster, or the uoia Die blow last weeK, erusneo thirteen cords Of py rites or Iron, from wbiph they got a little over $a,uuu. r Koot & Kendaii'a mm, in- oiounuin City. whloh yielded $13 per oord last week. yielded yesterday, by tbe new gold saving process,, over, $C0 per cord from . the same quarts.. , - - . . n t. i j a atan named Jit T. Shelter was lost in an avalanche, In the moantains, near tbe North Ford of tbe South Platta laat aradk." . Nothlna new from San Juan or New Meiloo was neeivea yesterday by the Military E prve. - - - BSSTOrf, March .11. The Ml! tn wheal the personal liberty aot, haa parsed the Senate rieine,py nTowoi a to iu, , ;- ls Virginia Convention. The malorltv resort recommends i',he Deopl of her sister States to respond at their earliest convenience to Its positions, anl amendment! to tne constitution to be proposed nereauer. in case Virginia fails to obtain satisfactory re sponses from non-siavenoiaiug Btates, sn will feel compelled to resume sovereign powers and threw herself on ber reserved right. , It Is made an Indispensable oonditlon that a pacifio policy be adopted towards tne seceding Btates; tbat no attempt be made to reinforoe or recap ture the forts, or exact payment of Imposts up on commerce, or any other measure calculated to provoke hostilities; that Virginia will regard any hostile aotlon by either side as hurtful and unfriendly, and as leaving Virginia free to de termine ner future policy. . . .... -t. : The report recommends a Conference of the uorder States at Frankfort, Ky., the last ftlon day In Mav. . v- The foregolug will probably not fully meet the approval of the Union members, because it apparently recognizes tbe legal right or seces sion. . The minority renort reaffirms the doctrine of oiaies' riehts. and declares interference with . c - . . slavery by the Federal or other authorities, or the people, contrary to the Constitution, offen sive and dangerous; condemns the formation of geograonloal or sectional narties: demands a fair partition of tbe Territories, or equal pro tection therein; deolares it la unwise, impolitio and offensive to accumulate within the limits of btate interested in the irritated bending questions or deepest Importance an un usual number ol . troops and . munitions of wart indulges In tbe hone of a resto ration of tbe Union and fraternal feelings; recommends the repeal of utiiriandlv. unconsti tutional legislation, and tbe sdootion of nronar amendments of the Constitution; concedes the right of States to withdraw fop hut ludoe to the noaition of th federal rovernment. aiaciaiming power under tbe Constitution to re cognize withrawalwithout expressing an opinion on tbe question of power, it desires to confer upon tne government powers necessary, to deal peaceably with the questions involved, and if necessary, recognize tbe separate Independence Off tbe aecedlnff Statea. make traatiea. and naaa uuu iiwi aa separation may make proper. Latest From California. Fort Kiaknit. March. 9 Th with San Franciico dateito the 23d tilt.. Daased 1. ... e.on .it . r uerv at u;iu mie evening. The Union celebration at San Frendur nn the 22d absorbed all attention. The day was universally observed bv abstaining from hnai. neas. It is estimated that 30,000 people attend ed the Union meeting. Speeches were made by Edward Stanley, Eugene Cisserly, Col. Crokett, and others. Reoaluliooe were unani mously sdonted. declaring tbe unalterable at. tachmentot California to tbe Union: that there exists no power under the Constitution for a State to secede; tbat California will cheerful ly acquiesce In any favorable nlan for the ad justment of the existing difficulties so as to se cure me rignts of all States, and that California repudiates tbe project of a Pacifio Republic. James A. McDoueall waa nominated aa a candidate for tbe United States Senate by a cau cus of 38 Douglas Democrats on the 30th. Latest by the Prince Albert. St. Johns, jM. F.. March 9 The followlnw are the very latest advices by thesteamer Prince Albert: . , The Emoerorof Franca had aninlnarl Prtnra Napoleon to remain at Paris, as a visit to Italy at this time might be regarded aa an intention to Influence the question of tbe Pope's temporal sovereignty. -. -i, : .!.- ' , Kouc, t eb. 24. The order of the day of Gen. censures the demonstration made b tha national committee, and regrets tne address of congratulation which tbe latter extended to tne f rencn, and also recommends soldiers of his command to avoid, in future, all popular assem blies. . , - -, , Naples, Feb. 26. The suppression of con vents has given rise to several popular disturb ances; the rioters attacked several convents, but were diepersed by the national guard. The Emperor of Austria has signed the new Constitution, which, among other things, grants legislative power to the Diet. News From Texas. Galveston, March 8 On (he 4ih Inst, the Convention declared Texas out of the Union, end Governor Houston issued a proclamation to tuni tuecs. . . , Incomplote returns show a majority of 28.000 to vote oi oi.ouu. - ,-. i -. An ordinance was passed authorizing tbe ap pointment of delegates to represent Texas In the rrovieionai Lrovernment at Montgomery. governor nouBton, it is said, will not resign nor take the oath of allegiance. Tbe Convention is discussing an ordinance aenning treaaon. General McCulloch bad sent a detachment to guard tbe upper torts. Latest from Havana. i New Yok, March 10. The steamshln Qua ker City, from Havana on the 6th Inst., arrived nere last evening. Great preparations were beloe made for the reception ot rnnce Aiired.of England. i ne sugar market Had revived under tbe de mand by speculators, while regular quotations remain unchanged. Tbe stock on hand at Ha- vana amounted to 19,000 boxes and 13,000 hhds. against 11,500 boxes and 3,500 hhds. for the same time last year. During last week, 33,500 boxes and 192,000 hhds. had been shipped, three- eighths of which waa for the United States. ! Freights very active, at Improved rates; to New York, 17 per bhd, Exobanee on New York quoted at par to 3 premium. - Relief Bill in Missouri. ¬ ed the Relief Bill, passed by the Legislature a few day'sslnce. The law extends tbe time for the return or executions issued by tbe Court of Re cord to the second term after the date of tbe execution, and extends the time for the return ot executions Issued by Justices of the Peace to one year alter tne date thereof. Fatetteville, March 9. On the reception of I president Lincoln s inangaral,tbe seoesaionlsts, la consequence of some accessions to their rinks, called a meeting of the citizens of the county i to-day, to Instruct the delegates to the Convention. It proved, however, that the Union sentiment prevailed, and the meeting adjourned without action, amid mncn-eoionsiasm ior toe stars and stripes. , a - New Ohleans. Maroh 8. The Convention adopted an ordinance to transfer certain funds to tbe government of tbe Confederate Btates, now in tne hands or tne Bute. - A private telegram from Montgomerr says rVi a rnvanna lawa hava kan adinatarl h a vairti latlon of the Treasury department so aa to void any prejudice to the steamboat Interest. Chicago, : March 9. Ths Tribune, of this morning, publishes an elaborate railway article, showing that the earnings of all the railroads centering at cnicagoifor lsou.wers sib.bJU.uuu. Tbe earnings or tbe ten trunk roads enow an increase over low or l',bJU,uuu. Tbe article exhibits a very encouraging degree of prosper' Uy at the West. i . ,.--.. i ,.. Large Fire at Cincinnati. I Cincinnati, Maroh 10. The extensive lard, oil and candle works of Thomas Emery ft Sons, corner of Vine and Water streets, was entirely destroyed by nre tms morning. Loss Bl&U.WU. Insured for 1112,500. It was tbe woik ot an Incendiary. j Nxw Yoax, March 11. Advices from Mont.-' gomery ' annonnce that tne Constitution of tbe now confederacy has been ordered to be en grossed.'. It is extremely conservative. -Five millions ot tbe loan nave been taken at par Jtnd no doubt the, remainder will be take at tbe same figure, ilLJLJ .1 BurrALO, Maroh. 11 Toe atatement of the losses of life and property a tbe Lakes, durlnjt the year 1860, published this morning, shows total loss oj aiean anv il veaaeia ot aA,viv,- 100. beltit: an Incroase over the previous loos year $135,915, . Loss Of Ufa lb 18G0-578, an In- crease over leas oi rT . , , n of DrrnoiT. Match 11. After an animated de- . l .a . w V I 1 -al-f A. J U vui ih us uiu vi mi.iiy.ii erty Uw, 3 sgslnst 84, r JTI r XtX-- THE MARKETS. New York Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] NEW YORK, March 11. OOTTON-varv flna at 11X11V mkUllna uplands t. I - - ..UUI 1 1 ... , mi. qmaii paieo oi uv Mm. ABHBB ateadyandanenanMaiaaitor aiobu. , FLOOR raoelnti of 7 oi bblit market doll, and ahade lower; ealee 7,000 bole at. $5,WKa5.1S lorinper-i Una ittte, 5 S5S 30 for extra state, 5,003i5.)0 for auperflne, f 5, 155,30 oornmon toaMalum eitrt weitern: a5.403S.Sfi for ehlDoln brand! extra Koand Hood Ohio . Oanadlu flour dull and drooplntl ealee of SOS bbla at WHMAT reoelDte none: market leea active and a, ahade eaaler; ealee 39,000. both at 1,1B 1.17 for Cbloaro Spring; $1 IB for choice north weieern clob; 1,311,4 lorMiiciuD; fi.ju tor wiour reo weeiern. EYl-qalet t05)49o. BARLBY ateadv. at 70(3800. OOKN reoeipta 1S.J00 huh. market ball for old and a lhada better for new; aalea of 33,000 buih. at G667 rorold mixed weetara in elore ana aeiiTered; 58X0661 for new do. at B. B. depot and delivered. OATS dull at 3!S35o for Weatera. Canadian and Bute. PORK oolet and ancBanndi-salea of 100 bbla at f 17 i for meea, and V m oo for prime. hbev iuii ana anonangea. . , -. , CUT MBATB-ateady. U t v - -I LARD doll: aalea of 100 bbla at 9K&WH. BUTIBB In fall reaoeel at 10314s for Ohio, and 14 m i o ror Btate. CHKS8H oteadretsauutt. WHI8KT without material chasM; aalea of 60O at 17Kl8o, chiefly at lha tnalde price. 8TUUKS active and higher, money on call at Smr nt. wim a aooa euppiy onenna ior nreioiaia MDerai u'. tieriioa exenanee qniet nt ancnannM. unto. R IMKSN IO 1 IS, 0 It T 84i, 0 00 (MX, 111. 0 oonpivotti uoaaoK! iter do prer sy; M o Sex MO UX; do oooted Ml Paa Mall BSX: Brie 33V: lUd tXi H X U IV; O Sc p BO, Ual Sc Ohio 71. Cleveland Market. March 9. 7LOUR quiet and Keadv at B4 75(?15 5i for aziru io aouoie extrae. ana U3 ouato uu ror wnite u. Back wheat la very heavy and acaroely aaleable. wubat km at B1U3 ror red on track, and fl 16 ior wniio. CORN-dnll at 31o. " r OATS very Utile demand. ' nominal at23S4c. BARLBY worth OOo for nrlme. BDTTBR aelle eteadlly In email loti for twitw trtA. at llo for good Central to 1314 for prima Weitern Ba aerve. SSBD8 Clover le oalet at 14 00. and Tlmnih. in ,nA I.AHD qalet at e9Ho. -BOOB eteady at lie. OUBESE-quiet, at ft8l0. Cincinnati Market. ILOTJB la about aa renorterl of balDi In moderate reqneet at 94 SO to (4,60, and very little diitirctlon made between low extra and but to perflne. WHBAT la taken by local (raven at no i it iriiua a ,ii,ic nore promptly, ine amount on the market li not large. CORN eelli alowly at 31o for ear, and 34c for abetted wniia worm per busn nuner. . . OAT8 weradull at 98 He for feed. mis li inaotiva at ovaraiLi. BARLEY la itlll taken readilvit 70c.and haldfiAV per oum nigner. vm. uom. jtartAlUt, , . Philadelphia Market. [TELEGRAPHED FOR THE OHIO STATESMAN.] PHILADELPHIA, March 11. XLOtta dull, little Inquiry and nrlcei weak. Wm.-r active ana aavanaea to wnite 1 35150. Bed! S&S uoi-oia aecuntng oo, new on. WnuntT da ollced, lb'XIU. a ot agent ibbona.ia S'wl vaimtyai"'- itiee, rUat7; - - -7 No. OT, BifUstmt, Curt Oovoh. Cold. Boartenut. Jnita. rua, aa v Iritation or Sormtt of th IKroal. RtMtxn th Southing Oaugk 4n Vmtumptlon, BrmktiUt, AttAa ma, and Vatarrh, CUar and giv wnui w nm wvro or Plf8L.IV MPEAKEHS, " and SINttEtSS. - Few are aware of the Importance of checking a Cough r "Common Cold" in Itt Sratitaire; that which In the befrtnnina woold yield to a mild remedy. If neglected, aoon attack! the lunge. "Brwn'i Bronchial Trodm," containing demulcent Ingredients, allay Pulmonary and Bronchial Irritation. BROWN'S f 'That trouble In my Throat, (for which the ' Trochtt' are a ipeciflo) having made me TROCHES often a mere vhiiperer." n . r. willis. "I recommend their tu to Puiuc gtcas- BBOWN'8 wa." TBO0HB3 KBV. E. OITAPIN. "Have proved extremely aervioeabla far BROwil'B IIoaltRma." REV. HENRY WARD BEEOuIB. "Almoit Initant relief In the dlitrteiinir TfiOcrjES1 labor of breathlnc peculiar to Arrnm." BROTH'S KBV. A. U. JCUUbESTOFT. "Contain no Opium or anything Injur! troches: 0UI." ,, DR. A. A. HAYES. ChtmM, Bolton. "A limcle and' Dleannt eombinatinn tnr BROWN'S CoDoru, dec." TROCHES! DB. Q. I. BIOELOW, Botton. "Beneficial In Bitonctrme." DB. J. P.W.tANB, Boston. BROWN'S TR0CI1K9 "I have proved them excellent for Whoop. BOWN'B uta uoi-au." ... BEV. H. W. WARREN, "Beneflclil when aomnellrd to iMk. m. TBOOHBB BROWN'S firing fnm Cold." ; JIBV. B. X. AHUEHSON, . St. Louit. "BrracrOAL In rentovln Hannta uii TROCHES BROWN'S TROOHBs Irritation of the Threat, io eomaon with Snaxxaa and Swam." Prof. BIAOT JOHNSON La Qrunqt, da., '' Teacher of Uuiic, Southern ' female College, O rcat benefit when taken before and after BROWN'S TBOOHBB BROWN'S preachlnf , aa they prevent Hoananen. from their Mil iffect. I think thev will be of oar. TROOHBS, manent advantitte to me." BEV. B. ROWLEY, A.M., . Preeldentof Athene College, Tenn. BROWN'S TBOOHBB TXJ6old by all Ini(rgIiH at TWINTT- ROBERTS 8AMOBL. . - - DrenrUta, 94 aTorth niah street. B. B. BAMUBIi CO.. .'. - I . . 8S South High atreet, Ooluabai.O. mirv-deodlm ,; r: ADTIBT1SBJ1ENT. !R1 for the INSTANT BBLTJf and PERMANENT CURB of tb dletreeaing complaint ua . ENDTI9 ' :'; BE05CHIAL CIQAIIETTE8, Hade by 0. B. BBTM0UB k CO.,' 107 Naaaaa St., If. T. price ai per poxi atnt tree by poet. -f OR B ALB AT ALL DBOOfllSTS . raavS-dSiwlyle 1 Irish Linen 'Goods. ' -TTTARBANTED FABRIC I ,l - . '1 'i " T T Linen Shirt Bciomi Plana and fane ruining ana uoiom L,ineni. 7 -Linen Bheetlnga and Pillow Caitngi. ' Llaen Cambrlce and Long Lawna. ' t. !!; Linen Pocket-handk'fe, all itcea. Linen Towellingi and Diapers, i. -a Linen Napktai and D'Oyllei. ' Linen Table Olothiand Satin Damaiki. ' ' - . Linea Toweli with colored bordera. 1 " r Linen Btalr Oorerlngi and Oraah.' ' 1 ' i '- formleat lowprieea. ' -' ' ! 1 : - BAIT c SOW. feb?S " '. ". Wo.SS South High atreet ' - - ladies' linea; Pocket-Ha&dk'fs." rjEiriMEP8TITOnEDfaiBai HAND AA kerchieft, very wide bemi. , - - , Embroidered Linen uandk'a all prion- r' 1 Hemmed Stitched and plain do, do. do do -eolered bordera. j Mourning do ' ii, ' blaok borders i S . r7 I do - do i.i aewitywareesatltches." nneappieao i . r newpattens. - -' Plain aad Hammad Stitched do all price. Comprising th most seleot assortasenlln th olty and at lowest prices. r , BAIN ek BON, , ku.1 ....... no, xv Boutn xiign street. , i. c - , J01TJI H WAtuUTS.' -1 v V A GENT FOB nONEt CONTINENTAL, XX siajiiuttaji, BKoais-v, and lavnt vrae ma. uo.' Hsw Voaw; llatcitAim' and crry Fiaa orgABTroao Haw Toal Lira and Coup. ajoTOAt Lirs. Office. 81 JUIgB BUr BTsarera Btl s7-dly ; -is g.g x kt: .V f ' t f . Alexandra's Kid. tIiA1N AND ElrlBROIDERKP, WIor. I ODITAIBB aad reanlarshar Blsok Kid Gloves. embroidered In whit, msgenta. purple, Jto. Undressed- Kid Olovee. siiiiei Kid u loves, a complete sasortment of these celebrated Ulore, always lor iaie oy . .. I - . l .'..:. i ut.. ; - . . . i ........ I -nn ' (r i: a. Mir. IfebSS Wo. 59 South nigh street. TTEKBINOI HEUISINOII-BO ! H ,W. 1 ftckleeUIaiTlog in store.' for sale hy, . i -i. atoiuta at tiKBTiBAUA. 1 n i fabS7 ,,,-im ty-n.i li 3i,.Krth High at i ' iivar M-irBl tWIll BKAWDBntS. WTNI9, COKDIALS, ATO ft? fTUBa IIUUB 0VUur wv WM. UtDONALB, frJ Ir , ! novS7 108 South High street. rai.TESE TIIUE AD LACK RI1TT8 1M of elegant qualities for Ladies; a u, aUsee' Ultra a great variety BAIM'B. tEARIi ITABCtf. 1.500 lbs. Wsdison, Watt Sc Co'i pure, nnoheml- a,rni. hy - gjlll RUnTlKAUX. KialllAUA. . M Stateamaa Baikltaf ! I actai r ill) " 1 n OLDKN HIS-,! IHIBTS,' ii..i Of All sun sad qualltr; also BO If 8' SHIKT8 of same luperlot mate, ior saw oy .M1"""i. I fW9 - - W. 9 South High street. mm. to It to "WOIQESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO DICTIONARY- The Lateit The LargestThe Beit. Tne Cheapest Became tbe Best, s "Tha ffloat Heliable ttandard Acta tltarltr of the EntllshliaaiKVSife." ' 'sit, ffundrtd Emintni Xiueatori of Ohio, THE BEST BNOLISH DICTIONARY IXTAXT." ! ' S ' . " Library Men Eeerywhtrt "Hera are upwardi of a Hundred Tbouiand Worii. whme mnltifarioui meaning a and derivation!, toyether with thelrcorrect rwlllog, and pronunciation are clearly let before the eje." Cincinnati Commercial. Bead the Decisions of th Member of th Ohio Slate r i leaawrs AssooMtum. The anderalcned, membera of the Ohio State Teaohen1 Anoclatlon, adopt and aim touieln teachina. wrltlnc ana ipoaiine, me orinogranny ana pronunciation Woreeeter'a Koval Quarto Dictionary, and era moat cor dially recommend It aa the moot reliable atandard aa uorlty or the annua language, u It la now written ana poaen. - Loam Ajtnaewi. Preildent Kenvon Oollere. at. D. Ltoairrr, Superintendent Zaneevllle Sclooli Tooa. w. ttiavcr, aup-t aiuiuon union Ucnooii H. f. Oownaav, Sup't Publio Schoola, Banduaky Joaa LraoH. Sup't Fnblio Schoola. Clrelavilto. - 8. N. Sxaroao, Principal Oliveland female Semloa' ry. . , . r . . . . WM. MiTCHitL. Sun't Fubl o Schoola. Mt. Union. Joaa Oaoui, Principal Btate Korual School. Ulooe aou. Z Craci NaaoR, Principal fourth Intermediate School vincinnati. H. S. MaaTia, Sup't Canton Union Schooli. Bowm ttntiu Principal KcNealy Boimal School. Su T. TarrAN, Prof, tfathematica, Ohio Unlvenlty, Wit. W. KomiDt, Bup't Troy Union School. A. O. HorkMi, Principal West High School, Oleva land. - . S. A. Hoitom, Anoclaw Principal High School. Oleva land THtoDoac Snausa, Principal High school, Cleve, land. , B. f nrjHiiToa, Principal Cleveland Ioititule. J. A. OaaruiD, Preildent of B lectio Initltnle, Hi ram. W. L. Haitaia. f rof. of Chemlitrv. Ohio Weilevan Cnlveralty. H, H. BAXNaY, Bx-Oomminloner of Oommon Schools, unio. Jttut Moiraoa, Prof. Bhetorla, Oberlln College. Taoe. HiAL, Pmldent Antloch College. O. W. II. OlTHCAKT. Prof. Mathematira. ITIirh dcoooi, Aay ton. . B. O. CaoHBAVOH. Prof. Iiinanace. n th School, Dayton. - - 8. M. BAaia,Bop't Colon Bchoola, Aihlaod. iter than Site Hundred other Preeidentt of Oolle. dee. Professors. Author and DlstlnaxUhtd Educa tors, stave tnaorua in aoooe sentiment. ' PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGES IN OHIO. Sf asictta Cotxtoi "It li trulv a mavnlfloent work. an honor to the author, the nnbliiheri. and the whole country.- rroiinent Anarewi. Onto Wm.(VAatJivtaaiTY."'It exceed! my exoecta- tloae. It will be my guide In orthography and pronnn- olatlon. and will often ba eonnlted hy ma for ita neat ana accurate oennitioni." rreildent Thompion. W. B. BcLtonoOoixtoa. "Heretofore wa hevenud Webeter a orthography. At a recent meetina of onr faculty, It waa decided to change it to conform to that of Woroeitsr'i Royal Quarto Dictionary." President uarneia. . Wirratw Bneava Cot not. "I find It worthv of ooruiat approoauon." rretiaeni tiitcnoock. Oiiaua Oolmoi "It more then meeta mv exsecta- Uom. I recommend It ai the itandard auihorltvln orthoepy to my children and my puplla." Preildent Uorgan. Amoca Cotxtor. "I adopt and aim to naa In teach- Idi. writing and ipeaklng. theorthoxraohv and nronun. elation of Woreeiter'a itoyal Ouarto Dictionary." Preildent Bill. "In all my writing, ipaaklng.and teachini. I have en deavored to conform to the rnlea for orthography and pronunciation ai contained In Woreeiter'a Cictionarr." Horace Mann, late Preildent. EurroH CoLUoa.GaMaini. "I moit cordially recom- mond It aa the moit reliable itandard authority pf the Bogllih language ai It li sow written and ipoken." Preildent Andiewi. SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS OF OHIO. From Hev Anton Smyth, Commissioner of Common . School in Ohio. "The Dictionary la an Imperishable monnment to the learning and Indnilryof 111 author, and an honor to tbe world of lettera. Tbe mechanical execution la far lope rlor to that of any other Lexicon with which I am ac quainted." .1 From Bon. U. B. Barney. Fj- Commissioner of actum in vmo. . The moit reliable atandard authority of the Iaa- guage." WHAT TBI Leading NwwepaperB or Ohio Say. From th Cleveland Herald of March 38. The orthography of tbe Worceiter Dictionary la that aaedby moit. if not all. author! of distinction In till country and England, and conform! to the general usage or orainary wnterv ana ipaiKere. Whitever preiudlcee may hava exiited nreviouiiv. a careful itudy of thli volume will Invariably be followed by a warm appreciation of III great me rite, and a detlre add 11 to tne well leieotad library, be It larva or amalL If a library Initeelf, and will remain aa Impeiiaha ble record of the learning of ita oompller. From th Oindnnati Commercial of Apr a 80. Here are nsSrardi of a hundred thousand worda good. bad and Indifferent wbow multifartoaa meaning! and deriratloai, together with their correct ipelllng and pro nunciation, are aei cieariy nerore tne aye. lne work le nnoueitionably the greatest Sheianrui of Engllih Word! ever published. From the Cleveland FkUndtaltr of Sept. SO, IS80. Evidently Woacnrat'e Royal QtuaTo Dictiorait ie not only th last, out th weneoork of th kind merit sued, andean by no penibllity mller by eompariaon or. controvert. From Vie Toledo Blade of May 23. - , -At to raoHoirciATioH. WoacnTta ra m StAirsASo followed by onr beit anthon; In deflnttlona ba leaves nothing to be deiired. and in OaTHooaArar it la samclent say that WoRcaaraa can b ufely followed. 1 ' INGHAM BRAGG, Pn bllaliers, Beeksellera tc Statlonera, B0. 191 SUPERIOR ST., CLEVELAND, OHIO. mai9 ... )0 YOU WANT WHISKERS? DO YOU WANT WHE3KERST ; v DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE, , , ,DO YOU WANT A MU3TACHE7 1 BELLINOEAK'S ' L ': '. ..: CELEBRATED ' '. StimiilatiiisODinient, For the Whiskers and Hairr The subscriber) take pleasure In announcing' to the Oitliens ol the United States, that they have obtained the Agency for, and are bow enabled to offer to tbe American publio, the above Justly celebrated and world-renowned article, -in STIMULATING ONGUENT prepared by Da. 0. P. BELLINQHAM, an eminent physician of London, and Is warranted to bring out a unca as. oi Whiskers or a Mustache In from three to etz weeki. Thla article la the only one of the kind used by the French, and In London aod Pari Is la universal use. - -. . - It Is a beauuruL economloal, soothing, yet stimulating aompundi acting as M by angle wpen M root, eaasleg abeaumul grown or lumnani nair. u appiwa to ine snip, it will ear ALDWe and eaus to spring up tu else of the bald ipooraBne growth of new hair. Ap plied acooraing toireonons,wiu turn ara wTowr hair Sauk, ana restore gray nair 10 11 onsinas aoior, leavlna It loft, smooth, and flexible. Th Kiawumrr" li an tndlipensable articl In every gentleman's toilet, and after oo week' us they would aot for any consideration bawlthoutlt. r" . ' Tb&uhscrlberssr th anly Agenta forth article In the Unl.ed State, to whom all order muit be addressed. ' Prl'wOiiDollsrabo-fof sal by all Druggists and Dealer; or a boa of th "ungoen t" (warranted to have the deeired effect) will be sent to any who desir It, by mall (direct), securely packed, on netipt f prle and postage, 1. IB. Apply to or addr : . , ; BQRACI Ir. HS0KMAN ft 00., ) ' paoeeiaT, e., .. . fcb30dfc6m 94 William Btre, Bow-York. -4 SOMETHING NEW - HOWARD & OO'O AMERICAF, WATCHES.' ' CALL AT NO. 3, SOUTH IIIG1X BT and aamme oar new make of . v t , ;-. i, , ' I AMERICAN WATCHCSg nannfartured bv X. HOW ABD tt CO . Boston, llasf, Thee Wamhea atw far superior to anything ever offered to tb publio, Mmwrotat na-nng in miusiv agency, t can aell them at prion to nit lb limn. X have Just reoeired a large etook of - . " AMERICAU WATCHES, manataotarvd by APPUT0X, TA AOT, JiCQ l also, a d aaeortmentof v i . -i nis r i J. i ENOtlSn Ai(D SWISS WATCHES, In Gold and SUvtr Oaata, at Panle prion. 1 JejrW nij-.n:vi ff. J. SATAOI, Ol . V ' Dr, J.TL V tIcLEAN'3 Strengtbenic' C ordial md Blood PUItXPIEir. fhstireatest Bess flaTiia Wrl4 ak! rai HOST URtJaODI DELIQH.TFUL' . COBAU.', EVER TAKEN. ITISSTHIOT. ly ecientlflo. and Vegetable Oompoai'd, Procured by the diatti itlon of Boon. Herba ill Barka, Yellow Sock, Blood Boot, Banaparllla, Wild O berry Bark and Dan- eellon enters into lu '-Aa Hcfore Takin jtira active wmediairieriiLKin. AnBtniKltinn. n n. An. ... m. a principle of each Ingredient Is thoroughly extracted by my new method of dualling, producing i deUeioua, ex- nuerallng spirit, and tne moot uwauioba remeay ior renovaung (he dlieeaea system, ana rcaioring tne sioz, faltering and debilitated INVALID to HEALTH and STRENGTH. "IcLEAN'S 8TBENGTHENING COR DtAfa Will effectually aara LITIS COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, JACNDIOB Ohronle or Nervona Debility, Dlieuei of the Kidneys and all dlseaeea arlflng from a ditorderei Liver or atom ecu, DyipepaU, Heartburn, Inward Pllea, Acullty or Bioa nesa of lha Btomach, f nllneea of Blood to the Head, Dull pain or swimming In the head, FilL-tatton or the Heart f ullnesf or Weiubt In the Btomach, Sour Bructatloni Choking or auffocating feeling when lying down, Drvneej or Yellowneaeof tbe Htm and eyes, mignt BweataTin ward f even, Pain in the small of the back, chest or aide. Sudden Fluabet of Heat, Depression of Spirt ta. Frightful Dreams. Lanraor. Despondency or any Nervoua Disease. oree or siotenea on tne pun, ana yever ana Ague (oi uniiu ana yever.) , Over a jniuiem of Uottlea Have been sold during the last six months, and in no In stance haa It failed in giving entire satisfaction. Who, wen, win sunerirom weaaaess or uebii tv wnen alr LEAN'S BTBENOTHENINO CORDIAL will cure you? No language ean convey aa adequate Idea of the Imme diate and almost miraculous change produoed by taking thla Cordial in the diseased, debilitated and shattered norvous system, whether broken down by excess, weak by nature, or unpaireaoy siciness, uieretazea ana unstrung organisation is reswreu so ita pristine nemiiu ana vigor. "IARHIED PERSONS, Or others con scions of Inability, from whatever causa, will find McLean a Strengthening Cordial a thorough regenerator of the system; and all who may have Injured inemseives oy improper indulgences, will and in the Cor- oiai a certain ana speeay remedy. To tbe likdlea. McLean's Strengthening Cordial If a sovereign and speedy cure for INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, WHITES Obstructed or DilBoult Menstruation, incontinence of Urine or Involuntary Discharge thereof, falling of the womb, aiddinen, ralnling and ail Vlseaeee incident to remaies. There is bo Mistake About It. Suffer no longer. Take it according to Direction!. It wlllitlmulate, itrengthen and Invigorate you and cauie tne Dioom oi neaitn to mount your cneea again . avery bottle la warranted to give aatiataotloa. FOH CniliDREN. If your children are sickly, pnny.or afflicted. HcLean'a Uordial win make tbem nealtny, rat and robuit. Delay not a moment, try it, ana you win ne convineca. IT IS DELICIOUS TO TAKE. Oaftioh.- Beware of Drunliti or Dealer! who mav try to pains upon yon some sitter or Bareapaniia trasn, which they can buy cheap, bysayini it is just as good. Avoid such men. Ask tor HcLean'i Strengthening Cor. dial, and take nothing else. It la the only remedv that will purify the blood thoroughly and at the same time lirengmmj tne system. una taoieipoonrul taken every morning rastlnr. la a eertain preventive or Uboiera, uniiu and fever. Yellow fever, or any prevalent dieeaset It la put bp In lam POHiea. Prior only 1 per bottle, or S bottles for (5. J.H. AfcLBAIf, , Bole Proprietor of this Cordial, Also McLean i Volcanic Oil Liniment Principal Depot on the comer of Third and Pine streets. St. Loaia, llo. McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniment. The beat Liniment In the World. The only safe and eertain cure for Canoe ra, Pllea, Swellings and Bron chitis, or Goitre, Paralysis, Neuralgia, Weakneea of the aiusciea, unronio or innammatory tweumausm, nun ness of the joints, contracted Muscles or Llvamenta Earache or Toothache, Bruises, Sprains, Wounds, fresh unit, ulcere, fever noree, uaiea Breasai ro re hippies, Bumf, BcAlua, Bore Thoat, or any Inflammation or Fain. no difference how severe, or ho long the disease may have existed, McLean's Celebrated Liniment la a eer tain remedy. Thousands of human being! have been saved a Ufa of decrepitude and misery by the use of this invaluable med elne. McLEAN'S VOLCANIC OIL LINIMENT Will relieve pain almost instantaneously, and It wtl cleanse, purify and heal the fouieit sores in an lnoredl ly short time. ' For Horn cs and Other Animal. McLean s celebrated Liniment Is the only safe and re liable remedy for theoure of Spavin, Ring Bona, Wind galls, Bpllnts, Unnatural Bumps, Nodes or Swelling. It will never fall to cure Big Head, Poll Bvil, fistula, Old running Bore or Sweeny, If properly applied, for Sprains, Bruise, Scratches, Bona or Wounds, Cracked Heels, Chares, Caddis or Collar Oalla It Is an Infallible remedy. Apply It aa directed, and a cur la certain la every Instance. Then trifle ne longer with the many worthies Lint ment offered to you. Obtain a supply of Dr. McLean's lebrated Liniment. It will care you. J. II. McLEAN, Solo Proprietor, Corner of Third and Pine Btreete, St. Louis, Ho. for sale by all druggists. if or sake by ROBERTS A SAHTJBL, augSo-dJtwly 1 ' Oolosabaa, Ohle. CAHADIAJT & USTIED STATES SAIL . STTHAMERS TO ANB FRO At LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW LiYerpool, Montreal, Quebec, tvnd Th Montreal Ocean Steamship Company's first -claw falMwweredOlyda-knllt Steamer eat I every Sat. Drday from PORTLAND, earrylntha Canadian and United Btates Man ana passengers. NORWIOIAlt. NORTH AMERICAN, BOHRHIAN, . , ANOLO-BAiON, NORTH BRITON, . . HIBERNIAN, CANADIAN, NOVA 8COTIAN. 8hrteatt Ckeapaat atnelQalckcatCan veyaace irons AKESICA 10 ALL PASTS Ol" STJB0FS. Kats) of PstasaAte) to Kuxopea, . $30l see. 8so. Will sail from LIVIRPOOL every Wedneiaay, and from QDBBKO erory batarday, calling at LUNOUHAijctuix, to receive on aoaraana lane nana ana Paisenver. to and from Ireland and Bootland. I mThes Sleamera are built of Iron, In water-tight eompanmenis, cariy eaca an expenenoea nureeon, ana vry attention la paid to th comfort and accommoda tion or Dsseenaars. as tnsy proceed aireet to Lunuu.i- DSRT, th great risk and delay of calling at St. John's is avoiaea. - - Glasgow paatenrera are famished with ranpsawage Bcaeta to ana rrom ionaonarry. Reiurn tickeii (ranted at redneed rates. . Certificates issued for carrrrnr to and brlcrlnaont na- sengers from all the principal town! of Great Britain and Inland, at reduced rates, by thla line of iteamers, and by th WA8IIINOT0N LIN 8 Of SAILING PACK ITS leaving Mverpool vry wees. !-. - , light Di-afta far t and upward pay aaiet am acsssj sassui arvtaaa, owe land ar Wales I lor passage, apply at tha Offlo. 3 BIIOAP WAY, Naw 1 rK, and 19 WaTKB X., A-lrerpaai, I BABEL k KSABLX, Qeneral Agenta, Orto-f r ;J, R: ARMSTRONG, ! aolo-lydetw Statesman Olllce, Oolumbas.Ohlo - WM, KNABE 4 CO- - A T THEIH f.W JlJsf;(a.11jai is,,.,. i. ROOM, SO. l.VI BAMrjMOXSOT&fY KOS. 1, 3, 5 and 7 N. aTTJTAW BTEKT, Offer fpr sale their celebrated , GOLDEN MEDAL, .v - AND SQ ARE PIANO-FORTES. - ; Being highly raeommanded by th flnt Profeeaorl and Musical Amateur of tn country, ana , BVBBT . - INSTRUMENT -r . I ' WAMuKTE1,0E,rTiiAM. 1 Tb most fastMloaa ewvteeaer may rely mftn being leesed In every reipot. f: , Terms liberal. - WH . KNAB1 ts CO. I SELTZER tt WIB8TIR, Ageet,-! ; t ' otarJ:lydw. . , - -r. - Oolambn. Ohl. 1 Lid . . . Notice. ! ' CITY BAUX 07; COLUMBUS, ' rpHEFOLLOTSinOOHArlOES WEHE A mad In the the officers of this Bank, January Slrth, 1861, to wit: Wa. A. Purr, President, aod Tbohaj Mood 1 a. Ca.hler, resigned their oftor. David Tavuib, Bsq., wa 1 hen elected President and W. A. 1'latt p- Mlniad cashier. .. fsbi, 1881-dtf., W. A. PL1TT. Omhter. NOTICE. a i.e. pKnsnNs Btwoirfivn IifFiflt A. reVvwitob Indebted to th let flna of DOO DR1DOB as WHITE will please eall aadastUe their sooant,and tharehy (avteoat. All n n , m mS mwauMi Mmsinlnt anr4!d en ins Tint of April will be pbtoed Id th hand! of WM. t. HBXJ,,,fTreollotlua.'A K x , sat7-AatfT , ;..r w"jtbi( j ii i - Ayer s Sarsapariila A comnoun mm a A w. . .1.. , . t effrhT.i in :' "'J tlte mat.t eneotual AUtrattv that can lie mad It is etjooentrated extract of Pure Kr.0. .." greater alterative m a. - .-.j r reputtd to cure, it t. v-i: j aa ? remedy !, wanted 8trous complaints, and that one whkh wiQ nccomphsh their cure muat prove of immense mice to this large dan of ourafflicteST Citlgeng . How Pnmr,lotM ,!. r7' ,i. . . . - rv mm tuuipouna will do it has been proven by experiment on many JScHOFULA ivn finnr..n.n..'. 1 n: ' 1 a71v UOetFLilMTa P.r.7,T V" DiaSASEs, Vumut, OIPUILIS AND SvPMltlTlO Aj FECTIONS, MeUCUWAL DBa.. Tl ""1 Vr kaloia on Tie DouioDMx, DewuTT.' Drs PEPSIA AND iTOIOESTtnw iYV? OB ST. AtfTlIONY. Finn. LI ZaIVT class of comulainU arisinw Am, r . the Blood. " - ?T This compound will be found a' (rraa Ska. moter of health, when taken in the spring ta expel the foul humora which fcatar lu the blood at that season of tho vn Tii,.: ly expulsion of them many rankling diaorOar are niDDed in tha hurl. - M, the aid of this remedy, spare themselves froij the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strtvo to ritt itself of corruptions, if not assisted-to da this through the natural channels of fialodr by an alterative moiliclno n,., .ul vitiated blood whenever you find lUlmpiiritica bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions.' or sores; cleanse it when you. find it is ob structed and alupffkh In tl, vain a a Alnak 1. whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder i felt, people enjoy better health, end live longer, for cleansing the Wood. , Keep the blood healtliv. nnrl nil ! wall !,.. :A. pabulura of life disordered, there can be no' lasting health. Sooner or later somethic must co wronc. and the emi tnnl,tn J life is disordered or overthrown. '. ' barsepanlla has. and deserve mur. reputation of accomplishing these ends. But1 the world has been egrcgioualy deceived byr preparations of it, partly because the drug mum, ma n on me virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to bo concentrated extracts of it,' contain but little of the virtue of Sampajilla, or any thing else. ,.,.'. Dunne Into vears the nublie lmvo Tvwn snl. led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilht for one dollar. Moat of these liavo been frauds upon the sick, for-' they not only contain little, if any, Sarsopa rilla, but often no curative properties wbatcr-i er. IIkiico, bitter and painful disappointment' has followed the use of the varioua extracts of ' Sarsnpavilla which flood the market, until tho name itself is justly despised, and has become . n, iuiiiiiuus witu imposiuon ana encac stilt . tvo call this compound Sarsaparilla. and Intend to supply Rticli a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests J upon it. And we think wo have ground for believing it lms virtues which aro imsiatibls by the ordinary run of the diseases It is Intend ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should -be judiciously taken according to tlireotiana on the bottle. rncPAHED or DR. J. C. AVER etc CO. LOWELL. MASS. Price, $ 1 per Bottle Sis Dotal ft $3. Ayer's Cheny Pectoral ;. ha won for Itself such a renown for the cure cf every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that " it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the ' evidence of its virtue, nlicrerer it has been em ployed. As it ha long been in constant use throughout tliia section, ire need not do mom than assure the people its quality is kept np to tho best -it ever has been, and tlmt it mny be relied on to do for their relief all it haa ver been found to do. ' Ayer's Cathartic Pills,' FOB THS CUES OF Catlivmcu, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Fotd Hlomach, liryttptlat, Headache, j Vila, Rheumatism, Emptiunt and Sim Diseases, ' Liver Complaint, Dropsy, 'letter, 2wwor and Salt Rtetm, Worms, Gout, Xetiralijia, at Dinner I'M, and for Pwifjina the Blood. They arc sugar-coated, so that the most seuai. i 1 five can take them pleaantlr, and they are tli best aperient iu the tvorid for all the purpose of family physic. v . . f. v Prise SS cents per BoifTive boxes for flOtX Greatnumbers of Clergymen, Phvsiciuns. States men, and eminent pcrsonaRot, have Uut their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of tt.u,e rwraeuies, out our space ncro win not permtt tho insertion of them. The A raits below named ffir nish gratis our American Almanac in which tliey are given ; Willi also full descriptions of the nWo complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Do not be nut off bv unnrineinled dealer -tviili - 1 other preparations tliey mako more profit on Demand Ayek's. and taka no ot hers. lh i-W want the best aid there is for them, and they alioiiM have it. ........ Ail our remedies are for sale by , B0BIRT8 nt RAMtmil flalnsahu " And bv Draityjsta and Dealer everywhere. Dof;ifa,iwaw MBS, WI1IOLOW, An aiperieDoed Nun and rmM PhyaWaa, prewaui to the attention of mother, bar SOOTH I N O S YRUPi- rOR CHILDREN TEETH1NO, which greatly faollltataa th erooss of taethtog, hy soft ening the gams, reducing all Inflammation wU allay ALU rain ana spaamoojoaoaoa, anal f SCHE.TOHEOCLATB THE BOWELS. Depend Boon It, mothers. 1 1 will glv rest to yarlvs and : . . -..-,,(."! "J BXUZr AID HEALTH SO TOtTl tXtiMst. ' W have not np and sold this article far er tea yean. and CAN BAT, ID CONflDBNCJI AKD TROTH, at It, what w hav never been able to say of any ether mertl oln NBTBR HAS IT FA1LBP, IN A BINfilJI INST ANOB, TO BPFBOT A CURB, when t laxly urd. Hv r did w know an tastaaa f daa"1'"" in by any u whoosedlU Oa sh aontnuy , all an delishted with It optrallona, aad speak In term at oommeodaikia of tta magical efteets and medleal virtue. W (paak la asla A matter '-WHAT WB DO KNOW ;" after tea yean erjmy rienoe.AND PLKDfJB OUR BBPUTAT1UN FORTH! lULILLUBNT Of WHAT WB HERB DB0LARB. I . almost every lustaoc whar tb In taut la eaflerio from pain ana exhaustion, reiier win M roana in biib er twenty mlaatas altar UMgyrap 1 admlnlattrad. 1 1 i ' I Tbis valuable prenaratlo la the pmerfpttoa ef one 6f tb most RXPRRIBNOBDaod 8K1LLPUL NCR9BS la Hew Bnsland. and haa been wed with HBVBB f AJfc IN8 SUCCESS In "rliiio. TUOVSANDSJ OfClWtV-ir Itmttuly relieve the 1M from pain, wt lavlgaiv. ataa the itomaoh and bowela. eerreots aeldity, and glv -Son and energy t th whole system, jit WUI aisaoat to. 0, wantly relieve - ' 6K:P.B& XX THZ S0WXUS, AID WIN D COLIC r and orarooaM eonnlW aa, which, if awfadlly miia.-. died, end la death. We believe It the B Est and 80R--BrVT REMBDT IN THE WORLD, Is all ease ef UTS EN TERT aad DIARRUOIA M CHILD RB At, wWthee It arises from teething, or from any othew aaaaa. Ua, would uy to avy meOaerwhohse ehlld snffertne from any of th foieagoli' ompntnt DO NOT LET TOIIE PREJUDICE ml THB PRBJUDICBSOI OTUBRS Stand between yoa and jaar MCartog ehtld, and tha re Kef that win beau . AaeouuraLi aona 1- ollow the se of Ihtamtdtetna, If tlmly ased. tall di rection for ulna will osompaiy air battle, poa geoi ties ulu ularn th fko-auBlle of CURTIS PERKINS, Vark. la oa tha aataUa wrennee. . .1-4 ' J R HnM k. all TjrrUta Ihmuhiisl lb WSTld. ' " Prl clpalOtric, IS Cedar Btrwaire.v. PRICE ONLY S5 CENTS PER BOTTLE. (MrrTTkwly. ' ' ' ' GUEnrJSEV'S 1-lSinOf'Er1 APID PHEVEITJ IB" AV a.-n.rina and naln. and heal tu wont bars, A soald, braise, sat, or fresh wownd of any kind, r-iwveata swelling end pala tram be alln, masqail bltta, and . I uonooe slanta. srtaralrie, rbeomatlua, aew ta ti l areut, eall rheum, t. Wbea taaea tetemally, tt will ; positively cat nnp biehlMren,and fire imawllsta relief In the worst rase of thle tarrlbl eomplalnt; iv removes koarsenem ad sera threat. Prtecs SS fi bottla. tboaldbiavry bms. yor saler-v iftuf- gists aad BoflMira. iavis tn.- Pel Propritf, If. 1 IpvwM at., t tci 1' urk; atMrlAalvai W1 Ull'ai 1A AiAAiai AA-a J WEW BO. 1 WTTITI ma, frem las Buron, fa -1 I? - SJ ttiM., Half and UiartatBbL P.k. la cm -'.. tta. aaa HoAKdAKioTIbAt-A, rf.v .'.. " M, Krta t-ijli sitl'' ... ... vt .: