Newspaper Page Text
11 HMTI'I W1iHI II U1haiiUw.fc-a' - .-WMWfcWKwr .eaosvV . . .9T . T . y will. n.ujwMM J it .'l't ' im; ! .JOkJlOO. 243. NEW SERIES;" COLUMBUS. '.EVENING.' MARGE 19. 1861. ifii (,i . ''"u.',i .:...i. J. UfJliU -I j i u i in ii ir ij t pit n ii ii.1 li?- it ii ; ivji'f ii J ii -ii ii j ii,v.rT.y.,i. 11, iii-i r 11 .. 11 i mhi 1 n jMu...ii m v . " : C :ohio:tuesdiy DAILY. TM-WEEXXT AND WEEKLY MANYPENNY & MILLER, PBBII8B: Bg'.AlTD PE0PBIIT0B8. ;' 1 ' I i : c I.H.H 17 OfBcft Mm. 88, 88 and 40, VottB Eigfc 0t. I TSRMH IMVAHIAJJLT IK ADTAHCJI.-'O1-: Dally $6 00 pcrywr. ' ; iht Carrier, per week, 19)$ HIVI, i-, 0 pr tm. trl-WejUy Weekly 1 00 rriHo l AdTtrtlsIn br iur nt qaare t yaw..t20 00 One ' " ttmoLth 1H 00 ' 3n '" 8 month 15 00 Dn . J month 10 00 One 8 monlhj 8 00 One ' 1 month. :5 00 On iqsr S VMM. . (4 00 On twwkl.. 1 00 On " Iwwk... 175 On . " 3dr.. 100 On ," 3dyi... 71 On ' ' ' ' 1 lniertioa SO . Displayed tdtcrtlMmeat bilf more this the ebor .AdvaiUsemuu leaded and slued la th aolaauH Hsecial Notice, "aouou 104 ortunary ram. i ' All .ivtlcei required to be pnbllahedbr law, legal rats. i It ordered on the tmld exoiuaireiy alter me nmwsei , ptr cent, mora than tb abore rate; bat all inch wll intior In the Trl-Weeklv withont chare. liuilneiCard, not exceeding Ave line, per year, In i. ile, $a super line; onUidi, , ( NoticeiormeetlDgi,cbaritabliolU,ftrompnlM, ko., half price. All trantfmt aivtrtlummtt mutt M paid or in Jeonc ( KM rul will notDTrle4frB. v ' Weekly, asm prleath Daily, wberthadTrU ethe Weekly alone. Where Dally and Weekly . a both naed, then the charge tor the Weekly will b 0 ,11 Uie rauaoi ui uaiiy . No adTertliement taken exoept for a definite period. BUSINESS CARDS. E A OLE BR ASS WORKS, 1" Corner Sprlnjr c Water 8tt. w OolumbuiB. Olxleo- W. : B. ' POTTS. & . 00., MAOIHNIOTD, ; And Manufacturer of Braa and Uompoiltton OalUoga, . Flnlshtd Braea Work of all DoKrlptlon. Electro. PIatingand " Gliding ! t ' STENCIL CUTTINC, &C. ; r febl 'flO-dly ; y. l: 2. snooiia, ; " i Attorney At Xja.w! AMD NOTARY PUBLIC. , , OfBce Aoio,, BulMlsg, oppolt Capitol Iqoar. ' -- . ,. l-v -I -v.: u OOLUUBng, OHIO. ; Machine Manufacturing Company . i M&MDVAOTUBJCM O " STEAM ENGINES ; & BOILERS, ' " j Cwtlny, Klll-Otarisg, XMhlntry. ) ' " : -T Xlallroad Work ' ' ;' '" '6 m. DMCwmoai.'' i '" ;','" OOliUlBBCJS, OHIO, ; ' 0BA8 AHB08, Bep t. . P. AUBOSmTimi. j ' deoll, lH5H-tf tu '.1 , y7 a o e oeVe. w o . 'IhlP'icj ' ' ) . L.T i ill ii ' I I Winter Arrangement. Little Miami Columbus & Xenia. RAILROADS. For Cincinnati, Dayton 4 Indianapolii! Through to Indianapolis without Change of Cam ' and but One Change of Crs between I Columbua and St. Louis. THREE TRAINS DAILY FROM COLUM - BUS. . i r . . '"' - p FIRST TRAIN" ; i -HianT BXrUKSS, ia Dayton, at 8:45 a. , (top ping at London, Xnia, Dayton, mwaieiown ana Hamil ton? arriving at Cincinnati at 8:10 a. m.; Dayto at 5: a.m.,lndlanopollat 10:43 a. m.;et. loartat 11:50 . p;";. , ., . SECOND TRAIN. ,, r 8:10 a. a., all 8 tlon between Colombo! and Cincinnati and Dayton, a rlflng at Cincinnati 11:02 a. m., Dayton at :15a. m., IndlasopolUaf 8;S8 p. m. , t ... . 1 THIRD TRAIN. Xkt S:30p. topp!ng at Alloa, " Jetfeiaon, London, Charleton,' CedarTilUj,' XenUv Bprlng Valley, Corwin, Morrow, Deerfleld, foetor'a. LoTeland, Milltordand Plalnrill, arrlTlng at Cincin nati at 7:80 p. ra t 8t- Louie at 18 mi Dayton at 5:35 p. m.; IndlanopolU at 10:38 p.m. j Sleoplnar oniri i m all Nlarht Train t Cincinnati ana Indianapolis. :UjT.k - J.: ' i t BAGGAGE CHECKED ,THHOCOU. L . . ' -I L'.' W. i lor further Information and Through Tlcket apply to Ticket Agent, Union Depot, Colombo, Ohio. ''.' v - w- WOODWABIV 1 H -';; ? -i m ' Superintendent, Cincinnati, .U'i'iV "i - JNO. W. DOHHBT" jnis Agent, OolnmbBa, - HOLIDAYS. -,is ; .rAiyciES.. . 8oeh artlole aa yon itir tot yoor HD8BAND f Bncha you HMdfoi yoor fill - ' ,'. i?f '. BnchaareproprforyourDATJQIITBIt. Bach a your BIBTIB will pmttt yon for. Back u year BROTUKtt comm. rfwi . oen a yon traot for TBI ONB YOU LOVB BB8T.' Bach a will b good for th " BLIB8ID BABT." J i. 8aoh a allay fon t r ! v 5 si j . ' MaB found In Tarietr. In my new tock of ..,- I WATCHES CHAINS, JEWELHT, . , ,.... rtiATED GOODS, "fl ' . And general auortiMnt of c ' '" " ' " V 3. v-it - nii ti vntut AttMw.'' ,.,.WM. JOiJXAwAw, ... H. JO :. BucHeya, Block. DeVembr, 168b a. !..,;! yin. lit it: t hA 'nr. H GREEN and " BLACK XVf TEAS lOObag?"" B,V ' 1 fit POCKOI OlO Vnwn fWiuii,.T. ' ' SOObbl. Kandard Whit Bogare, eonihtlng of Po ' ' dred.Ohruahed, Granulated A and B Coffee', I " BO quintal Beorn Bank uoonao. -i-" f w sobbta. Ilea and Ko. 1 Mackerel.1 ' ,' fc.Ji 1 j (ea. Piok Balmon.'--; ; 10ObIytBaln. ' w V -"? ftObi. boade- ,10 ! ; w ' V - - lOOir.boado n d '-j 100 11 Oljan, different brand nd grade. '. " 1 WM. MoDONALD . I'.. l't M. C. LILLE Y. l. Mi Blank-Book 'Kanufanturer, n koaxa eiob irasxx, coLua3u, onio a aaarlliillr ' '' ''' " , ,., , rAMIIiT 1XOI7K. t ,; T1THITK WHEAT, BHANlTED 1 1 rt 4,t i" ?- a tf o was' i4 A it TBi t 3 1 from " Barntt Mllls,n 8prtngBId, 0.-4h tart brand of flour breath to oriri. paniiacnon pwm for l. only at , WM. MCDONALD'S, noTj7 1 1 1 10B Bonth High trt. ALICS. Det-AINES, - IflKRIIVOSd vlil(1T;r.S, DHKM aiLm, ana aui inf faahlonul -?--1 kind -Wlnt " ' Oooda. 'dtoSt. If I'V JTe, WBUlihtmt. j STON'8BAZAAR. No. 4 Ghvynno Block. ap1stonF& O'HARRA ABE NOW RECEITINGTHEIB WIN 1KB 600D8, and InriU lb publio to Inipect tbem. No auch atock of Good ha ever been brought to thli market. Th Boutn, In conaeqnence of th fallur of th grain crop, ha not been abl to purcha th na ual quantity of rich good, and toll faot haa forced th Importer to U tbem at pnblle auction. Onr buyer (Mr. Btone) being In New York at the larga aaie, took adrantag of them, and we can and will nil our good hare, at lea than any one who purchased two week alnoe, paid for tbem In New York. Onr atock Ii complete In rery department of : , ELEGANT DRESS SILKS, OTTOMAN VELOURS, BROCHE VALENCIAS, U i PRINTED MEBINOS? r PRINTED COBURGSj DYED COBUGS; BLACK ALPACAS, :.TJ.'. ORLEANS,' r i FANCY WOVEN FABRICS, ALL WOOL DELAINES,"' .,, - POPLINS, PRINTS, l " DELAINES. " "r-ir'-.Trr .u.a; fnj :..xn SHAWLS AND CLOAKS! Kre Thausand Dollars Worth Bought in One Day, " ; At n naif the Coat of Impoitation. i:LADIE$VF:URS,H In all Varieties, of the Celebrated Itlannfatnre of C. G. Onn there oV Son. , HOSIERY DEPARTMENT, Un't,Ladl aod Children' 0ndr Shift and Drawer; Ladle, Miate and Children' Hoalery of all kind, In Wool and Lamb'i Wool; fleecy Lined and Cotton Glove of tvery make. ALSO A complete assortment of all the usual varie ties of LADIES' CLOTHS, CASSIMERE3, , ... ... , , , OVERCOATINGS, , TWEEDS, FLANNELS, RIBBONS, DRESS TRIMMINGS, Ladiei and Gent's linen Cambrio Hand kerchief, 4c, &o. " T : ' " " " i "': - r ' ". ' i " ! ' To pron'a who call on o, we pledge oar word to how them the largeit, beat and ehoapeat atock of Good rrer aeen in thl market, or pay them one dollar per hour while looking. decl-dlyStawltw- ' "-a"! 8T0NB c O'HARRA. OHIO STATESMAN HOUSE, Nos.r 56, 38 & ONbrth High St, INCREASED FACILITIES I HAVING MOVED INTO MY 1 NEW BUILDING, 1 HAVE i O-rontly- JSxilajc&cxSl MY ! BOOK & JOB DEPARTMENT WHILE BOTH HAVE BEEN ; REPLENISHED THROUGHOUT : New Types, Borders, Ornaments, &c , fBOM IBB 0BLBBBATB9 fOUNDRY Of . C. T. WHITE A CO., NEW TOEI, ' THTJ8 MAKINO IT THB Moat Complete Xstablishment IN THE CITY. I am now prepared to Execute all Order for BOOK AND JOB PEINTING, WITH DISPATCH! And in the Kot Approved Style of th Art . PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO MERCANTILE AND RAILROAD pxuNTiiw-a. DIU of Lading, Circnlara, . XT' Mill Aieaia), uuiaai ueeui Certlfieatea, Receipts, Dray 'rickets, Registers, HOW CARDS & BILLS IN COLORS, CHXCKfl, X0TE8, VARUS, EHVKLOPES, , t HIATJrSGS, i rjivjti CONTRACTS. Illustrated Show Bills; FOR COUNTRY MERCHANTS, .1 . s .'I V Show Bills, Hand Bills, label, Concert Pro grammes, Sou ool and college Ben ernes, Ho tel Bills of Fare, Invitations, fte, aboii 77" o r is: OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Sohool and College CaUlognes, XisoeUaneons Famptusts, Conjtltntlons, Reports, Briefs, Iks Printing In Gold and Colors . P O S T E 3R. J3 Printed la Ivory Color on a Llammoth Hoe Cylinder, The only Press of th Und la Central Ohio. ' Me faeniua ror dolna anv and au or the ebon der1n- Uon of work, an now nnaarsand, and aattanctioB will beguanmteed In alleaM. - jjj-AU won lurnunra promptly cy uie im promieea. ,t (..r.. .f.r. BIOHARP NBVIMB. G'L 6LAt!i4 lilf L BiYkATS, ; G0I4Ktf BILL SHIRTS, - j - . ..'w.Tom.Diii HILL flHIRTSi hMHeni ef the hirliar w.. Th Rodle. Yoke. leere and bosom are formed to At th penon with a a and comfort, i n mars upon snonaeignaung in ta m be railed n a being sotreot, and eaohahlrt I uarantetd well mad. ,A ,hll atock of all qualltle oonatantly for al at u r , BnS4. Wo. W Bonth High street. ' v .Watches and Jewelry. a nwK AsaoHirtEiv "or watch !, 0 lock, Jewelry, Silverware, Ac., kept onstan,t yonnsnaat ik,f......'v. ........... ....... ..... S. KIRKPATRIOK'8, ' 4 Ho. 165, Bouth High Street, Columbus, 0. , ILT. Watohet and Jewelry repaired, Ueo4-d3tn ju.u.i 1 i'"" kilkb, '.'. e.uii'T Wear oswofMUig oui Imuiens atock of f aeew Ore ttikrwt prices lee. h ever W ewered In tills eity. ThetteuUon..of tl Uii i. or t'..ncn aud mlty sollcltfd, ts our uif t very t i4 cri' in graitt-soc gotKism wilt no. a i siAr.i, v4. " l -f r (Txtte(iuig)tref. sie irniNiiifi is U 1, -.- -1 S: r.a i :. S. ' ' I I 1,1 '.I .'gjlj.w 3- : cu " v g " ' ' 9;., B ' 2'1 '( - '",:'Bi !i : -'-.I,.! K '.:'. I I ' B 1-3 g g i : !'u.t; 'O K B ' 'E-iv,i- B''fcfg- Hi : g.'B - O if.- IHVITB ATTBNTIOS U nrn of th noit ex- inordinary cure by my ; , ,i,-i.;.ii j i -.c, : - .1 PECTORAL SYRUP. : They are at home, and any one who ha doubt can In quire of the penon who hav been eured by . It , DR. KBTBBR 18 PR1PARWD AT ART" TIHB TO XX.AMLNB LUNGS WITHOUT OHAROB, fOR ALL SBt8s WHO HMO. .BIB HBDIOiNBB.. : . , h.: ' ATTENtr TO YOTJRCOttDB -A "eia "of fire yean' tending eured by DR. KEYBHR'S PEOTOR AL 8YRUF. :,n I 1 1 . 1 1 ...... '-'.(1. !.!'. : FrrrnntsB, Jan. 11, 1880. Da. Emrn-Uy wife has been afflicted with a bad oough and difficulty of breathing, for fire or tlx yean, which, for ieyenl yean back, had gradually Increased In Tlolenc. The complaint ha been hereditary, and the had been treated by savcnl pbyaldana without sny re lief. ' In this atat of hr ease, I proonrad aom f yoor t eetoral Oough Byrup. I bonghV the tint time, a fifty cent bottle, Which relieved her rery much ; I then flailed and get s dollar bottle, which eared her entirely, and ah has now no trao of th former diaeaee, exoept weak n.i I wonld le (tats that I need tb medieln sty le If to a cold and cough. , The medicine cured me by Uk log one dole ' fexpreaanry entln utlif action with the medicine, and you era at liberty to publfih thl If yoo dealr to do to. ri . WU. WILBON, . 1 I. . Alderman fifth Ward. ; " " PrrmuaoR, Nov. 18, 1858. Da. KxTtas I Although not an advocate of Patent Hedlclnea, In general, It afford m pleaaor tndeeeriba bl to recommand your Peotoral Byrup. ., A a meoloine It I well worthy the attention of any peraon h may In any manner be afflicted with eougha, 00 Ida and hoarteneaa of any bind, and for the pecaliar qualtficatlone for r movlog til that disagreaabl aenaation attending a se vere cold. . ., . ...... ' I hare been, mora or leu, In my life, tffeoled with the evereat af cold and hoareenea. At time my throat would become aooloaed a to prevent my (peaking above a wnuper, ana oy isxing a nw ooae M ue aoore Byrup it would relieve me entirelv. In recommendln thl medldne, I moat anheiitetlngly tay that it is th beat remedy I svr found, purporting to cur th tbov, nor thonld any Dually bo withont thl remeoy tor aiseaseiio prevalent.. , . ! - .Yoiin, moat retpectfully, J , ' 1 .. , ' ' BDWARDJ. J0NB8, ' 1 ' Cuhter Oitlitnt'DepoaltBank.- .. i .,...(.; ;V V. ., i .- ' .11 1 ' BisuBMVittt, 0., starch 14, IP39 1 I hav uaed Dr. Keysnr' Cough Byrup for s bad cough of several yean (tending, and can cheerfully say It . la the beat medicine for the same that I have ever taken. ; ' J.W. PRICB. 00L. PRATT AND DR. KBYBRR'B PEOTORAL SYRUP. Da. Kirn-Desx Bin Jtxeuae tb delay of my acknowledging thoaxcellenc of your Peotonl Oough Byrap sooner. I take great pleasure In aaylng that It la all yon sty HI.. It knockd tkt 1U1U4 out oj mysswyA and th wont on I wa ever afflicted with; I have not need more than out-half of th bottl. and I can and do wish that all who are afflicted would give itaa fair trial as I hav done, and th.y will be prond to say, "It la no quack medicine." I would not aufler another auch an attack for any coniidenilonv or at any ooat. I am con fident I can breathe more freely than lev r did. I shall elwaya acknowledge s debt of gratitude for inventlngso excellent a remedy. You are at liberty to use my name In thl regard, aa yo thlDk proper B. f.PRaTT, stesaetHrer Osmmoa Qawutl Btltofcl, p. -' Httburgh,Mayll, 185. N. B I am no stranger to any fellow-elttseni, end 1 who entertain doubt can eonwlt me personally. 1 ,.v 1 1 " ' -1 i , P. ' ' '" " Prrnnonon, April 84, 1857. RBAD TUB TIHTTE. D. Krrau: I hav a daugh ter who has taken several medieln for s bad sough, without benefit among tnesa Ayer's Cherry Peetonl. I purchased from you s bottle of jflmr PROIORAL STROP, and before ahe had used half a bottle th wa relieved. - Th second bottl cured her entirely of her cough. .7 . t - ... JOHN DARIN, - ' Robinson (treat, Allegheny. PtrnsuKSR, December, 31, 1B53. ' A GREAT CURB BY DR, KBYSKR'S TROTORAL BYRUP. I live In Peebles township, Allegheny county. I bad seoughing and spitting, which eommCDoed aoout the 4th of February last, and oonllnued eigh: month. I employed 'th best physician in th country, and my oough oontinusd unabated us til early In October. At that tin I wa advised ts try your PIOTORAL COUGH BYRUP, which I did, and alter I had taken on bottl I wa entlnly fre from th coughing and (pitting. I had despaired of svsr getting well, as I think it ah. hould be knows that this it haa dons In my case. ; , , JOHN h LITTLE, Wltness-B. M. Eras. " L v Peebles townhlp. PATtOK tn April If, 1857. ' A WONDBRFUL CURB. Some tim ago, an old neighbor of mine wa very 111 with a bad cough which every on supposed to bo consumption. His nlatlve told me that be had taken every nmcdy they heard of without benefit; hi brother cam to ee him die, and all wen eonflrmed In the belief that as could not live. I had about th third of a bottle of your Peotoral Byrup, which I gave him. audit entirely cured him, to theaston iahment of all. What makes tb case mor remarkable, Is th extreme sge of tb man, ha being about Ighlyyesn old. I have no doubt the Peetonl saved his lire. - JOHMN'QINNIS. n-r;'.--rv'CrTrj . i ,-;.,, DR. tCXYBER'S PEOTORAL BYRUP IrT'SLAIRS. TILLB. Please send m saothsr supply of your valu able "Peetonl Byrup." Almee everybody around as has thecold and an Inquiring' for "Dr. Reyser' Peotoral Byrup.' We hare sold sixteen bottlei last week, and are now entlnly out. Mr, A, Alterand Mr. P. Maber, both of Blalrsvlils, Ps , tell us they would not berwtthout It In their famille. 1 In fact, all who us it one want It again. " Youn, respectfully, 1 j. p. nAiisKoun bokb. January M, I860. ANOTHBR NETf OERTIf IOaTE DEI KEYBBR'B PEOTORAL BYRUP. I had been troubled wlthacough and cold f or atvenl week sebad was U that I could not sleep, 1 had th advlo and prescription frosa thrs of the beat physicians in th city, whom 1 oould name, but do not do so. I finally procured bottl of your Pastoral Byrup, which cund me entlnly. , Signed, 1 . J. W. BialUNION, 23 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pt , Jan. 0, 1860. "STOP THATXJOUOHING." -How cant do Itr "Go to Keyser'son Wood street and get a bottl of hi Oough Pectoial, and If that don't ears you, your case mast be desperate Indeed" ' tbls Is a specimen of the oolloquy on hean sin oat .very day In sold catching periods ef ins yesxt sa w osn, sron swiusi experiment, oDesr fullr ooncnr In the adviser' admonition asabev. forw hav tried th "Paotonl." la assort stubborn ess, with en tin snoots. Near two weeks ago wt went to Pittsburgh, witn on 01 ins mosi aiaireaaing, ooninry, muiun, on. tubduabl oough wa ever experienoed (Ino our advent upon this mundanS aphen. We soughed steadily and laboriously for on whole week, In hope ef tiring it tut, but It was no go. In fact It sstmtd nthsr to bars Un proved by practice, and to have acquired tnngth,poten ey and ilUruibiiUy by th opentlon. In this sugeof thealra, w son jhsd our way to Keyaar's, 140 Wood Bt. procured fifty osnt bottl of th "Pectoral;" took It according to direction, and in forty -eight houn we were of tb field, th enemy bavins nneonditlonallv surrendered, after a brief but unequal oonfliotwttb, so formidable an adversary aa Keyter't famous ."Cough Peetonl." Drwntvili CHpptr, Vtc. 14, 1850, DR. RUBER'S PECTORAL BYRUP Is prenand and sold by Dr GKOKQB H. EJCYBER. 140 Wood street. Pltttburgh.Pa. y' ' l" " UJ- Bold tn Columbttt by KOBIBTB BAMUIL. rpOOTHACHE REMEDT.' lllf I. -14 Hi. A BTJRJFC (CUKE." .1 ) Prepared and sold by M .;. ..I; ,i 1 , Da. 0E0. D. KEY8BB, .f 1.. . ,.. ,. 1 -140 Wood at., Pttteburgh, Ps Price, 5 cents; KT Sold In Oolumbui bj ROBSBId tV JAVUEL. oottl7:litwdum. JA8. li. si'KJtB. , ,, , WM. H. ABBUBAUX M'KEE & RESTIEAUX, GEOOERS 4, ,Jl )!. 'j ii 1 'J , -.v. j-.t.. ,,., sf -i . f -IiABP!,,,,...,!, , PItODTJOE ' DEALERS, " : 84 Merit, High Street, . . . - eflrtT TTU llTf SB A1TTA rr , . 1. s VIVJJsJJBKgSIVgJ VH1V TTAVE ON HAMB AT WHOLIMf E AS. aoi atniii m"i niArbsi unuusuiKS, PLOCR, f ALT, TBA,, OOfPEB, BUOAR, TOBACCO, BBOARB, Bra . Etc.' Our Block has been purchased la (astern Ottte. during th Panic, - - , ; - .MFOIl'' OAOXZf"i'r end rrrfrwiilrl fradesvor Will b to sffsv rndueenen ta fh OASU VYSRS which r net exetled by any Hs ts tnf Vityi ' " . sews uki i,iaik' ea '-TVT.B'JCI. ' " '"''-'' -bp.rXu;.:.;.i....;.oo- TrlWeokly,perfa.....'',,!",.. y" Wkly. psf ysv-.t. 1 10 [From Chambers' (Edinburgh) Journal] An Elevated City. - - fl The vit snaoe of the-Untted Statcn of Amer let, and the prodiglon bnmarj force provoked everywhere into exercise by the almost indefi nite capabilities of the eonntry, have caused many things which are bete seen on a small scale, to assume, in me psn ui vuo worm, gi gantlc proportions 1 Another ooDsrqaence Is, an audacity in grappling with physical difficulties each e the generality ef Brltteh eoglneers wonld shrink from, even if supplied with ample fund, to be nsed at dlsetetion. ;An American is so much acenstomed to see wonderful things aoootnDlished. that be becomes prepared lnste.ii tanaouBly to enter upon n wnconrage projeota whioh w should feel to be a huodred years ahead of our present powers. " ; - There is a city in the Weet nhlch even Amer ican will sometimes advert to as something of a wonder; and that la unicago, on L.ase micdi gan. Yon enter, by a oapltal railway, an ag- eiomeration of streete and squares, which p pears not muoh lets in extent than the oily of Dublin, and you are told that it all came into existence since the uritian neiorm acc was passed. ' '' : ' " V'- ' It is no rude collection of wigwams or log houses, bat a city bi lofty and elegant struct ures, with churohee, ' state-houee, and all other suitable pnblle building'. Lone terraces Of hand some mansions, iooklDg ont upon the lake, attest tbtrpresenee of a Wealthy and luxnrioos class of Inhabitant.' 1 Well, there was nothing of the kind there in 1830. When the history of the spot is traced fifteen or eighteen years further back, yon And that it then boasted of nothing but a trading station with a small fort. The writer was introduced to a middle aged citizen, and learned that bis wife has written an Inter esting book on the romantio peril which she vnderwent'iB ber girlhood, a daughter of the sole merchant here trsfflcing with the Indians. More marvelous still, there is now a university far to the west of Chicago one graced by ttany accomplished professors among the rest, by Dr. D B. Reid, long known in this country as a teaober of chemistry, and as the superintendent of the operations for regulating the tempera ture of the House of Parliament. ' " This city had grown up (0 be the dwelling place of 100,000 inhabitants, before the people had well become aware of a radical fault in its construction namely, that it had been built upon the surface of a plain so little elevated above the lake, that there was no proper out fall for drainage. , Inconveniences were ex perienced, and groaned over mildly, as usually happens when Inconveniences appear irremedi. able; but they were inoonveoienoei, nay, dan gers to health and life, for all that, and when 1 at last some one said they might be remedied, the sense of their Importance was freely ex pressed. To cut short a long tale -the muni cipality gave ear to a scheme for elevating the olty through vertical space to the extent of from four to ten feet, acoordiag to the seeds of va rious districts, by which it was shown that good drainage might be secured Her he would be a bold engineer Indeed who should bethink him of such a process aa possible) but it does not appear that the man who proposed to hoist np Chicago was looked upon there as any thing ex traordinary. The' writer, when at Chicago, in October, 1860, conldugather little more than that be waa aversunot the ore of-Brown. ,Tbe business was quick set about, for the Americans do not, like us, consider ana tain 01 in one eeu tury what their descendants are ; to accom plish In the next. Unco sa tuned that it was the right thing to do, they to use one of their favorite (hrases went ahead, and did it: I should rather say, they began to do it; they began, and are now going on with it; lor as Rome was not built, so neither could Chicago be hoisted np, all in one day. The stranger visiting Chicago at present finds himself moving along streets of different levels; sometimes has to as cend, sometimes to descend, a trap-ladder of a few steps which strangely interrupts the pave ment.' Nor may it be for a year or two to come that all will be adjusted according to the plan. ,. v v.-1. i . , ,- , But tne process: now is a neavy nunaine fa good sized bouse will be as much as 4,000 ton in weight) to be lifted? bow, if there be means of merely lifting, is the rise to be kept so equable that the walls will nci rend and crack in . abort, go more or less to,, ruin? Strange to , say, - the lifting is not only done with ease, but Is done bo equably that no such thing as a crack results, nor even so much aa a flake of plaster falls from the walla. . And it is not merely a single bouse whiqh. is so dealt with, but whole blocks of houses, masses like a side of Belgrave square or a section of Regent street,. th faot, being that individual houses are In general so oonnected with others, that It is seldom or never tney can be elevated sing ly. . : ... , ,.. . 1 To give some idea of the "boose raising busi ness," t a local journal styles It, let at note a few particulars ot what' was done with a block of buildings so lately as April, I860; Belt premised, this block extended im feet in length, with a breadth of -front 140 td ninety, ' and an average height' Of seventy feet. . It Included a large bank, and eight other massive structures, the basement story of which was divided into thirteen shops. " The entire weight was esti mated at 35,000 tons. Three firms contracted for the, work at $18,000, or about 3.500, engag ing that for any damage that might arise, they slant would be responsible. -' It was also ar rangedand this is perhaps tbelnost surprising feature of the undertaking that there should be no interruption to the business of the various concerns accommodated in the building, ' L The first step is to scarify away all the ground, or fabrio of any kind around the base of the building; supplying, however, provisional gal leries and gangways for the uso of the' public during the process 'of elevation.' .; Then the earth is dog out from ' under a portion of the foundations, and strpng beams inserted,; sup ported by rows of jack-screws set together as olosely a "possible. ' When this Is properly ar ranged, another of the foundations Is removed in like maimer, ana so on tin beams witn lack- screws are under every wan or the mas of buildings.' In ease of the block la question, there were In all 6,000 sorews employed,"",', ' . The next is to arrange tor putting the screws into sctlonJ To every ten a man it assisned. furnished with a crow-bar. At the signal of a whistle, he turns a screw one fourth round, goes 00 to another, whioh he turns in like manner, and so on till all are turned. 1 ne screw having a thread of three-eighths of an Inch, the build ing bat been raised jt fourth part of that Space throughout, or exaotly 3-321 part of an inch. The wnistie again sounqs; eacn crow-bar is aeain applied to its series of ton; 'screw, and a similar amount of vertical movement for the whole building 1 accomplished. Ana this op. eration Is repeated till the whole required ele vation Is accomplished. I have a laree litho graphed print before me, In which wa sea the block in question, with its base laid bare', ko as to show the range of workmen operating upon the screws, while the shops above are all in full business, and the oarriage way displays Its or. dlnary crowd or coaches, wagons and foot pas nencer. if there were nothing; nartionlar do. Iniron. When the desired elevation ii attained. the beams are one by one replaced, with a sub structure " of masonry, and the lavement Is restored on the new level, in this .case, the elevation of four feet tight Inches" was ac complished In five days, and It Is stated that the ooat of new foundations and pavements was for. ty to fifty thousand dollars. . The. block, whioh wsa full of inhabitants, contained much plate- glass, elegantly painted walls,- and . many dell rata thlncs: but not a cane was broken, a eartl- cle of plaster or -paint displaced, nor piece of furniture iniurea. 1 oe wrueraeems 11 not eu- Derfluout to My, that be saw and partly Inspect ed this mass of building, ' and certainly found rmthlnf that Could have led him to surmise that it had originally rested on a plain nearly fits fuikmlAs itm nramt 1av1:-'-'-'-' 1. : ' ' . Let ss English people ponder on these heroic undertakings of our Amerioan cousins. They are well worthy of Imitation. ' It Is the misfor tune of many of onr oities that large portions of tnem are omit on ground so little above toe lev. el of an-adjtcent riven as to be imperfectly arainaDi .- eoutnwark is a notable example, and Bclgravla, with finer buildings, is ho belt off in this important repeek-, Sanitary eoaald- vation point ont bow desirable In these eases It Is that the bulldlnc should bs a. fear feet. , Chloago, a town of yesterday, scarcely yet 10 oe neara 01 in .geogrepnioai gazetteers, aas snowo mat ic can oe none, ana, compsra lively speaking, at no great expense, ; A Great Railway Swindle—The Case of the Great Western of Canada—Astounding disclosures. 1 Clotures. l.v. svt-... - v.v. .-. From the' repoit of the Committee' of the Ureat western,. Lanada Kailway, we make lewextraota 1 1 -.-.- 1; t- The transactions detailed by the Committed are in some instances of sb unquestionable a nature that it is recommended that "the best legal advice be at once bad as to the proper pro ceedings to be Instituted against the persons concerned." -.' - .. ; '' ' Among the persons whose conduct is serious ly impugned Is Mr Samuel JUlog, late Secre tary to the Treasury of England. The commit tee refer to the "extraordinary faot," admit ted by Mr. Laing himself, that upon the 000a sion of the issuing of the prospectus of the Hamilton and Toronto: Railway, in 1852, that gentleman, while acting as one of the Trus tees, bad a partnership agreement with Mr. Wytbes, the contractor, by whioh the profit or loss upon the contract was to be shared between them. With regard to the issue of freeland shares of the Detroit and Milwaukee Railroad, (in 1856,) through the aeencv of the Great West- era Directors, tho report states that the sob soribers to the shares hav been grossly deceiv ed by the Detroit Company, "the land promised never having been legally at the disposal of the company." With regard to the loans of 150,000 and 100,OQO made by the Great Western Company to the Detroit and Milwan. kee, the committee observe 1 "Mr. Bridges wrote a letter to Mr. Gill, the chairman, urging bis views, aud intimating there were a few matters Mr. Gill and his colleagues ought to know, 'hardly worthy of being officially alluded to,' hoping the director would like the arrangements for the outlay of the loan, and staling that the Detroit and Milwaukee directors bad authorized payment of sgency expenses in London to the extent of 2.000. to be naid out of the loan, and of $400 to the office, as sug- a.,tj k M n 1 1 .1 1 ; uir, vureu, iuu mumming nis expec tation that Mr. Gill would shortly be able to ob tain for the Detroit and Milwaukee Company another loan of $100,000 from the Great West em shareholders- This letter appears to have had the desired effect, for on the 26:h of Janu ary, 1858, the directors met and resolved that the arrangement made by Messrs. Brydges and Reynolds was the best that could be made, ars quite satisfactory to the Board, and fulfilled the requirements of the resolution of the share holders, and that the same be confirmed, and Messrs. Brydges and Reynolds thanked for their exertions and abilities. The day following the director met again, and resolved that the out lay of the loan bavins; been tatisfnctoril ar ranged, Mr. Brydee' letter to the chairman be taken into consideration, and that the sum nf JM,4UU voted by the Detroit and Milwaukee di rectors out of the loan to their oompany, be ap- prupnatea 10 remuneration to tne members of the Loodon Board and the staff at the office for past services in conducting th final business of the Detroit and Milwaukee Company, sod ta. vsrtuus dckmuuohb relating to it; ana Sir. Uill received 71Q; Mr. Govan. Mr. Cullen. and Admiral Laws, 430 eaob, the Secretary 250, unuiuon.egiBierjr.iJU. . ; ,: "With the exception of the interest on the bonds, these douceurs would appear to have oeen me nrsr, payment made by toe Great West ern directors out of the loan. If further appears that oo hundred shares, fully paid up, were transferred by the .Detroit and Milwaukee di rectors into tbe names of each of the six Great Western direolors. (Four London and two Ca nadian.) It would also appear that the neces sary stimulus had been applied, by the Detroit and Milwaukee directors to the exertions of Mr. Brydees in obtaining; the loan, far nn th Qdth of Deoember (four days before tbe date of his eneotire letter to Mr. GUI) they voted that gen tleman 4,000 for bis post service; such sum was paid out of the loan, and, therefore, formed a portion of the 'satisfactory arrangements made y Messrs. uryoges ana Heyooids tor the outlay f the loan.' In January. 1858. the Detroit and Milwaukee Board was reconstructed in Canada, Mr. Brydges being made president, Mr. Rey nolds vice president, and the six Great Watrn directors (four London and two Canadian) being made directors.,,, The remuneration of the Lon don directors was fixed at 1,000 . per annum, and that of Messrs. Brydges and Reynolds at 5,000 per annum between them. .The London directors charged the loan account with two sums of 500 each, one in July, and the other in December, iKs,ior two half-yearly payments to themselves. . The loans bavins: been exhaust ed, they were unable to pay themselves in 1859, and Mr, Brydges says they asked him to remit their pay, apa found fault with him for not hav ing done SO. j ,-. . - ..:., , L., . "InUctober, 1B5H, twelve months after the date of the first loan, the Great Western Direc tor obtained from, their shareholders a second loan (filOO.OOO la amount) for the Detroit and Milwaukee Company, a conoern , which their own Secretary had long before described as 'helplessly insolvent;' and this time, it would appear, the Great Western Directors not only suppressed the knowledge they possessed of the real state of affairsbut they ventured to tell their shareholders they were happy in being able to state that all difficulties bad. been sur mounted by the energy and exertions ot tbe executive in Canada,?! . , , 1 , Another development is as follows: - "The committee also call attention to an ad vance of 7,900 made by Messrs, Brydges ii Reynolds to tbe Port Huron and Milwaukee Railway Company; tbe money waa naid out of the funds of the Great Western Company, and the London Secretary, In a letter to Meters. Brydges ec Keynolds, calls tbe advance 'unau thorized and unwarrantable.' The monev was paid in September, 1858, and the Great West ern Directors have ainoo that , time presented tbe bair yearly accounts to tbe shareholders in a shape so as to conoeal tbe transaction alto gether.',' , .ii. !- 9ii.;r .:'! ai -tin . it appears tnat tne total eost or tbe main line of the road has been 2,6v7,786 3a exceeding tbe estimates by about jEi.OOO.OQO, and of this outlay the amount expended before the opening: of the 241 miles was 1,359,628 5s. 9d,; and since the opening there has been expended tbe enormous sun of 1,878,147 17s. 3d.i t; Th following extract from the report shows oarions stata w faetBs .o.itj 'jo ii,. d, -it "The published accounts show a net nrofit from the opening of tbe line to the 31st of July, j.oou,oi jcoju.ou ii. oa., aiter oeauctingwotk log expenses, interest, on bond. Ao , and rex newal of rails, sleepers, bo., 82.847 4s 7d, snd compensation for accidents, 62,093 7s 3i. it would appear to have been oonaidered a very 5 real point to commence paying dividends In uly 1854. The proceedings of Mr. Brvdces and Air. Baker, in so making up the aownnta as to Justify a dividend of 6 net cent, at that time. are well worth the attentive consideration of the shareholders. . Ia the, same statement the accountants enter, into a detailed account of sums amounting to 321,071 lis 0J, Improperly treated as revenue ia . tbe different half-yearly accounts up to the 31st of July,, I860. - They also state that up to the same time, In addition to tbe amount expended ia renewals, tne turn ot 133,490 should hav been provided nodes thai head out of revenue. Tbe accounts prsented to the shareholders would therefore appear to bars been systematically fallacious." 'r medical Parcxswea.x ,-, PrjRK BRANDDIKb. WINES, COHDUtB, AND Bit Vint, from 'Bonded Warehouse " ' ' , . - ' ' '- '" ' 1 VS. McDOWAtD,' ' . aavST .i'.'M-.ii 'KMt South High ttreet. i AlA KSKi c TMtSKAO ft,AJt$ Mis TS of stossnl ewalitt lor Ladres.sieo, Klaeee' Mitt a treat variety t(I, i vy' j-:( aixiAIi'aV aairK3 . - GREAT SLAUGHTER! ! 1: .-, ( ..-. ,j ,ji i,t ... ; j . l - t i.-.. '.;"! . :t , 1,),, -, ;! Ii, 1 1. o-'.'v. w.i ,u?;v,. . it ( ! . ( IN. . i ! f ':, d;i .'.0 1.'! ; i r .! vn. -.,;!, '. 1 -v ; -DRY tie 'i:''i ' 1 J rys .)?"''' KN APP & CO.'S U ; i'r..,, ' ;.i' ;', ; :,i. i, -'; ; v.',V; NEW STORE. ';. ' From and after this data we shall , REDUCE THE PRICE OF OUR WINTER GOODS TWENTYFIVE PER CENT, IN ORDia TO H4XI KO0H V0S OUS . SPUING STOCK. IWISTlilfiTOfilY. Our assortment ia still good, ... : ... - -.'..IV'.-'.- . and it is known to every one that our TP O G : CONSISTS Of." ' FIRST CLASS GOODS. WE ARE DETERMINED TO SELL, ' .'SO DO NOT FORGET . THE . ; CHEAP STORE Or" ! KNAP P & O O . , NO. 119 SOUTH -HIGH STREET, COXjTT3VrX3TTE, , , : , u n i o . S Ton of Featlier and 60 Ton f " ' . Bsigre Wanted. octSJ-Sawd-iatw-dra . THE , '.,.-,' WEEKLY OHIO 1 STATESMAN - HAVINa A CIRCULATION LARQER BT ' SSTEB&L TE0TJ8ABDB Than sny other paper In Ohio, ouUlde of Clndnnsti Offers Facilities for Advertising a ,i ; : Whioh CANNOT UTi to brlnr Speedy, and Remnneratlre Bettsras t To IhoN who tak advaatag f tbsas. . : . '; THB . WMILY STATESMAN". Slttriboted u ft Is through every Post Office In Ohio, ' Reaches a Large Class of Readers Who patronag It valuable, and who seldom e the - Sally Edition of eity Journal; and at only A Limited Homier of Advertisements Am inserted In It columns, nppoprlaUly and HAI50$0MEtV DISPLAYED! ' . , . . THstT OAJtttOT FALL TO .ttxAo jQk.tton.tlon . .:..-'4..-J ludf. All, I - U :;i ' . WHOLESALE DEALERS AdverUitng in the WEEIUy STATESMAN will 1st ., ,., - it advsntagout la . r THE INCREASE OF TRADE Which ts almost certain to follow an extensive dltsemlsi ' ' atlon ' knowledge of their business . AMOUO COUUTEY DEAIEE3! ADTERTIBEMENtS INTENDED tX)R The Weekly Statesman . Should be handed In before yrldav noon. BILL POSTING , -. . '. ..!! .. AND .-1 DISTRIBUTING BILLS! ;dOHN H..STEKLEV' ;,..-, .; .. 1 .:,H jtj attend to th ' '" "; '" ';v POSTIKO AND n&TBIBUTIHQ ' ... ... ,1. i 4 -. - - -.- ' i.-..5 ......-.-O r ti74 l laV'1" f BILLS IN THIB CITY. 1 - ; AU orders left at th 901c, ot th StaUtnw, will be protsptljr attended to. - anl 1-tf :J V.. . . ' , ; , . . johii n WHKKijnts .. ,; ? : r A C T FOB nOITIE, COmTIN EN TAlt xs. MASSiTTn, esx uarrv, sr irvihs rrss is, vo. New Toaa Usneauwrc' and Omfouw lUaTroaa Nsw t ose Lmand Oona. Motua Lira , , 1 Office, 81 Hltk Hi., Saraire' VI SMls H ' -' 1 " "' : Z't C'-AIexahOri)' Kid GloTes, , tLAIN AND KMBBOIDEnr D, mOtJS. OUKTAIBB sad re alar sliape Black Kid Glove, abroidsrsd In whits. Ma irtnta, purple, As. Undressed Kid Gloves. Misses Kid Gloves. A complet ssaortsnsnt o( these celebrated i loves always tor sal try . baib at BOW, fobS? - . . -. v. '. ' t Oo-Pattaership.; I BATE THIS DAT 4DHI1TTED Wf toa JANES ADOSR BAIN aa partner In my busl teat, which will htnafter be conducted anderth arm of Bain Boa. " P, BAIN, 39 south Ulu Ht. . Columbu,fbtll86V.:,,, ., , , ,,'; , . fsbltt., HEtTIS? AND COXtom HPEH ' -do. , - do Twiasa, ':.i ' Bod Oordiand Candle Wick, for sal by , . H'.tX NESTIEATJE. ct7 , ,, ' ' - . MN.HlghStsaot. HEHRINOI WEKBINOIf-SO ltbl. Mo. 1 Pick ted Harries, In store, for ml by . . I NcKBB fc RE8T1BATJX. I ttVSJ 34, North High street. WOROESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO DICTION iPX the latest-Tie UrffistTait. Tbe nat Bailable, ktasilLwA Ass. thorltf f tbe EasleikLK0oM , Stm Mu4UrXmiHtUmuaef' CltlX J'IHE BEST INaHSH PWlpS'SMr?-' "II. or. anwards of a fiiud'iweV Tiwui whots iBnlUfsriotts.assoit ad sWlvatanaav tSfreaMr win was, sense spaiunf ,as prenuneuuucv as Urtmlf set befor the y.v it -.. ... r.r r".r.ivn !.';' ,' V ' ' '. toetoap;GMiri)l&. Stad th Ztecliloni of tht Umtitft of Oiii'Aiit Skachtfi Auoetatton. .-. .-nr-rr The nnderdrned, member of rh Ohio 8W oi3hevs issoel atlon, adopt and aim i as la tea.J. ins;, writing and speaking, th rhotTapy a 'prosuaelatloa f Woroester' Itoaal Qaarto Dlotlowrf. a4 ws saost oer dMry reaoatsiinS tbe saM relleble tas4aria thorily of th English language It is now writle nd tpoktd. I.-,"-', r )..,. ..,) Losrs Airrjaxws, Presldsn Ktuyos Oslkgav. 1. -., M. D. JLauocrr, Snpsistendni Baa lile Scbsal. Thos. W. Ussvit. Snp't Haadloa tlBiou 8. ble.-,( M. I. Oowbest. Snp't PsbHo Schools, Saodutxl. . Jons Ltisoh, sup'l r-sollo Sohools, Clrolsvill. 8. N. Aroao, J? rind pel Ciersiasxi tsaaii gsnuw ry. .. , ... , ,., . .... War. Mrrctrnx, Snp't Publio Schools, Ht.TJnto.' Jobs Owns. PrlneiDst SMts Norsssl SehooL Mlnne. . sots. -. ' ' Orani Nasabt. Prlnefn.! VanptSi TnSMnMjIats Rv-bnAl Olncinnati. . H. 8. MatTis, Snp't Canton tjnion Schools'. Kowm HrsAL, Principal KcHealy Norntsl Sckesl. Bu T. Taftar, Prof. Hsthematies, Ohio Cnlrrlty.' Wa. W. BnwAans, Inp'tTroy Union BohMk.. 1 -v. I A. a. Boraws. Priasteal West Hlsh School, flier. Und. . 8. A. Nostos, Associate TrlnclMl BIsbBcbooL Cleva laod ' . . - . H . a t.-.. ..-v-a IirroDoas Btiili.o, Prlnelpal High School, Olevs, lad. . . ...r '- ...lis r. Don trros, Principal Cleveland Iuatllulo, v J. A. GAaritLD, President of KhaoUs Isstitu:, Hi- im. W. I IIaR(is. Prof, of Chemtttrr. Ohio Wealtvsn Univsrtlty. . - 1 - : it : r, H. H. BsraniY, Ms-Csinilsslonsr of Costsao) Schools. Ohio. ...... " Jakbs Hosraot, Prof. Rhetoric, Oberlln Collsgs. Tho. IIill, Presidtnt Antioeh College. 0. W. 11. Cathcast. Prof. !. n BM, School, Dayton. 8. 0. CacMSADsa. Prof. L an ma re. Blab SVLool. Daytea. . - . - -.-i s, ; B. M. BAastst.Bup'i Union Bcbsola, Ashloed, ' 7 t Mor than Sim Htmdrid tr JVvMtfswtt f CblU- gtt, Proftuort, Author and Jitingulk4i Sduea tor,Kcn idord th abotmttmmU t ; -' PRESIDENTS OF COLLEGES W OHIO. Naiiitta Coixan "It It truly a marnificent work. an honor to th. author, tb. publishers, snd th whole country." President Andrews. .. Oaio WtsuTA Umvasslrr It sxecsda s sxneela- tlons. It will b my guide In rtbogrphy and nronas elation, and will often b- sonraltsd by sm for lis seat and accurals definitions.!'- I'rotldetit Thosspson. W. B. IcLicno Coiunt. "Hevir bar naed Webster's orthography, at a ssoeat saostlog of ear wa decided to ebaare It to eonform so that of Worcester' Royal Quarto DicUosorv." Presideet Oarfleld. . :v.' .', ., Wtrrsss Rxnavs CotLtot. ! ' And it worthy ol eordlal approbaUon . "President Hitchcock. ' Ostauit Cou.10 "It nor than meet sav expecta tions. I recommend it as tb standard authority la orthoepy to my children sod my pupils." rreaideot Morgan. , ., ,' As-noca Coixaas. "I adopt ar.d airs to tse in teseh- Ins. wrltlns and sooakljur. Uie orthosrranh snd aruBsew elation ot Worcester's aoyal Qiarto lilctlooary." President Hill. "In all my Wrltlns. tneetlat-. and leschlns. X hav en deavored to conform to the rules tor orthocrsohy sad . pronunclalion u eoataieed in Worcester's Dictionary.'' Horse Mann, In tcsidsnt. ., , .. p Kosvoa Ootisos, Saism-I ttrdisll txocen- mond It as th most roliabl ttandord satborlty of tb gngllsh lanruaeeas it It sow written and spoken." Piealdent AndiwS. v SCHOOL COMMISSIONERS OF OHIO. - From En. Anton Smyth, Commluiontr 0 Cbmmon aeaoot ta vniOm "Th Dlctlonarr la aa ImDerlshabt aaoaauaoot (o llio laarning snd Industry of its author, sad aa asaor ts tb world of letter. The mechanical execution Is far supe rior to that of snr othtr Lei icon with which I ara ac- analnlad." -5 qualnled. From Son, IT. P. XdmtyV tOomimtonT ef tkXooU tn Ohio. "The most reliable rtoaOard authority of lb bui- WBAI TBI Iiestdins; Newlapera of ObiO . From tin Cltfiani Btrald f Month 88., au Th orthography of th Worcester Drctloasrr Is that Ku ujr wusw 11 uvi oil luuiur, 01 OISIUICUOB IB UlS sonatry sad Cngland, and conform to tb snorsl tangs of ordinary writers snd speakers. . . . , Whatever prejudice may bars (states' previously, saraful ttndy of thl volume will invariably a sallowed by s warm appreciation of Its gnat merit, sod a deslr add It to th well sshwisS library, bs it large or arnli, It is a library In Itself, and Will remain aa. Imosvisha.- bl record of tbs learning of Its sompiltr. ' " from tie Onetmaa Commercial f AprU to? Bemsrsorrsnrdsof shundrod .i1.i.iiiI bid and indifferent whose Bnltifarioaa meanlon on derivation, together with their correct spelling and prs- uurjoiauou, oro set eiesriy serors us sys gb work M nqnestlonably tb g rtet Thesaorns of Knglish Words svsr published. . -J.. 1 C i..-w.i is Evidently Wosumts' Rovai, Qua- lrxrriasub ti not only th tost, oaf Vi nrrwrk of tte kind Mur it mud, snd can by no possibility suSr by cosipariooa or eontroverty i:, ... .3 )ii:i;;.'-t siBtiued SJl ..;-.;, a .from thJlaiaf Jioyta.: ,b As to raoaawaiATioM. Woactsrva is ni Iturui followed by our bast authorst in deflnlUOns bs leases othlnf te be erslred, and In OtraooiLArai H Is suakKal to say tnat woecsTsa ao bt safe. y followed. .- . , , IrTfiHAlfg jr RRsnh. PnMlken,Bk(eIlerscVStaUwtierar Htf. 1V1 BUf Jkttlvn BT., CLEVELAND, OHIO. ' ' ..ssatB i'-' .v-'' J.'-' . t-l r.-.-!r ,MrjrxCC Our OmohTCbtS, Bttrtmtt, In flu. oassj, any motion or&rmu bm Jhroat JUUet th Hawktmg Oough . QtntumpUon MrvnhHti, atstViW sno, and WiovTArt'f)oii4 ffss ttrtmfflh to th voie of visaviv t.rBArtEnsvf'tii .. stud SINWEUH. ... ., Pew are aware of th importance of check In t Couih. er "Commoa CoMn In it Srrtsojgej that wttich in tb1 bstlnnlos would yield to a mild rerawdy. If aeglttteaU aoonsttscks tb lung. "BroKn't Bronchial Truclu oentslnlnf dcmnloant ingndlecuv allay JPulaiotiary sad' DroBobiaiirrtuuoB. ; . , ,,, 9 m BROWN'S I That troubl in my Throat, (fir. which' th 'Iroch are a spool no) baviag sasd are- JBOCHJIB often a sstre whisrcret tyftfofjili BROlTl'S "I recommend their Bsc i Pcswc sscajs !t." . . BROWN'S HoAkirf." j SUeV. HERAT W1KU VltdHIS." TBOOHESl 'Almost instant relief ia the dlsuresinti SRQWN'I .-. 1. . BKF-A. O. EGJLarON.j,'d "Contain no Oplura or. anything Inlurl. foa" . - 11 ... V fR, A AiliAifc. -'' TROCHES BROWN'S A slmnle ani bleaasnt eomblnaUoa for ICoosas. As.'t' i: .-ut ! .i.-. ant TROCHES ., pa, . a. gtlfjKLOW, BROWN'S "Bene&clsl la BsoscwmS.". - 3 , ' , re 1R. I. V. W'.lANB, . io-ijiKsi i rc.i.i,iut '- josfsar -I hsv prond them xrlnt far Waosrk tEOCITES IBOWN'B mo Oocam" ........ 1 1 r. , ) Mid, RET. ft. W WAESEir, 1 - .'.' ' - totton "Benelolal wheS eoBDellfd fe speak, uf TROCHES BttOWS'B fering from Coin." .,,... !, v.-w , , hbv. a. r. t. rur.nm', , . .-'..!.... i ,.; . .. .. at UuiA Errtt-TUAt In removing Hoarsanea aod TR0CHE8I BROWN'S IrrllAtlonof thsthnat, so eoauaoa wl b 8TSAkssssndBios., TROCHE .1 iK1;-A0T-JOHHS05 , L Vnme. Sa., Teacher of Music, Soulhar ) .. 1. v..rtBlliGll:g-" 'j t- . .'-.i-.." J i. IMiV ) Oreat bentftt when taken sod after BROWN'S TROCHES BROWN'S preschlsg, s thayaaevoat sleararaesst En) ineir pasituect, 1 mins iney wiu so 01 per raanent dvant( to me," " ' '' TROOSEB raanent RKVi a. ROWLET. A.H... . BBOWN'S ' . ol Athens College, Tenn, TROOBES jnfgoid by sll Druggist at TWENTY f IVE CSSTB A BOX.J2 " ' H ROBERTS BAMOBli. ' I' -n-M .11 Droevist. B4 Hoith BlgbstrstV ivu ' " S. E. SAUUKL fc CO.. ..,.,1 .,. tttBonth UIib eliest, Artaattd, 9M mar7-dodlm, , . t rfvi ni, --B,,J NOTICE! fflat 8t7Sj0lRH 1 ttV-MV H'1 V X alosingnp bW old buii..K at once, ri u..t sll rwrson having ansettl-.l aeeountg en his taut arte glv tham bamedlatestteation. febW . . t. BAIS.